Fernilee Statement (draft)

Within the parish of is Fernilee, a small settlement which is partly within the National Park. It is located north of the Goyt Valley, less than 2 miles south of Whaley Bridge and approximately 4 miles northwest of . To the southwest is Fernilee Reservoir. The areas around Fernilee are very popular with walkers. The focus of this report is on Fernilee and the surrounding area within the National Park. The census data is captured at output area level to align it as closely to the settlement of Fernilee and the farmsteads and properties in the surrounding National park area. Photo of Fernilee Reservoir Fernilee is located within two landscape character areas; the slopes and valleys with woodland and the reservoir valleys with woodland character areas of the South West Peak (LSAP 2009). Fernilee Statement (draft)

Community Aspirations …. Fernilee Statement (draft)

Population and Demographics

Population Age Range Children, Adults and Working and Non Working Older People Adult Population (18+ years) Older 85 to 89 Retired People Children 65 to 74 20% 17% 18% 45 to 59 Economically 25 to 29 inactive 7% 18 to 19 15 Adults Economically Active 8 to 9 62% 76% 0 to 4 0 20 40 60 80 KEY Children 0-17 years Number of Residents Adults18-64 years Older People 65 years +

Source: Census 2011

Fernilee census output area (ref E00099732) has a population of 246 residents (2011 census). Fernilee Statement (draft)


Housing Type Housing Tenure

Other Living rent free

Flat Private rented

Terrace Social rented

Semi detached Shared ownership

Detached Owned

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 20 40 60 80 100 Number of Properties Number of Properties

Source: Census 2011 Fernilee Statement (draft)

Residency Employment Car/ Van Ownership

Occupancy of Occupations of Working Adults Households with a Car/Van Properties Elementary occupations Process plant and machine… No No Usual Sales and customer service… Car/Van Residents Households 6 Caring, leisure and other service with a 7 Skilled trades occupations Car/Van Administrative and secretarial… 89 Usual Associate professional and… Residents Professional occupations 95 Managers, directors and seniors 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Number of Working Residents

Source: Census 2011 Fernilee Statement (draft)

Settlement Amenities Co Post Office School Primary Hall Community Playground PlayingField Industrial (miles Practice Distance to Ge Road Within Route (5+ services a day) GoodPublicTransport PublicHouse Post Box Church Car Conservation Area Website/Newsletter Groups Events/Traditions Accommodation nvenience Food Shop parking 1 Mile 1 Mile o Units Key f an AB or neral ) Is present Is not present


Public Transport Service Route Bus company Days Frequency

Mon-Fri: 06:54– 17:35 Approx. hourly service.

Buxton— Sat:08:14-17:34 Approx. hourly service. 61 High Peak Mon-Sun Sun: 10:14, 12:14, 15:14, 17:14 Source: https://www.derbysbus.info/times/timetables/ Fernilee Statement (draft)

Access to Essential Services

Service Time in Minutes

General Practice Community 40-50 Pharmacy General 40-50 Post Office 40-50 Events/ Traditions Primary School

Walking 40-50 Secondary School 60+ Source: Parish Council Shop 40-50 General Practice 10-20 Planning Pharmacy Over the last 5 years 10 planning applications have been approved in Tintwistle 10-20 parish (within the national park). Post Office 10-20 Digital Presence Primary School 10-20 tbc Secondary School Public Transport Transport Public 20-30 Affordable Housing Supermarket There are no plans for affordable housing in the parish at present. 10-20 Fernilee Statement (draft)

Key Fernilee and its Services Fernilee Statement (draft)

Whaley Bridge Parish Boundary (national park boundary shown by yellow/blue line)

FERNILEE Fernilee Statement (draft)

Fernilee Census Output Area Fernilee Statement (draft)

Data sources National Park Landscape Strategy Action Plan 2009 Ordnance survey maps www.nomisweb.co.uk Accessibility Assessment 2016, Derbyshire County Council https://www.nhs.uk/Service-Search/GP/LocationSearch/4 http://www.highpeakbuses.com/