CONTENTS Page Notices 2 Minutes 7 Review 9 Books and Publications 12 Conferences and Courses 13 Lectures and Events 15 Local Society Meetings 18 NOTICES Newsletter : Copy Dates The copy deadline for the following issue of the Newsletter is 3 August 2009 (for the September 2009 issue). Please send any items for inclusion to Meriel Jeater at Museum of London, London Wall, London EC2Y 5HN, or you can email me at
[email protected] **************** LAMAS Lecture Programme 2009 All meetings take place at the Museum of London on Thursday evenings at 6.30pm in the Terrace Room – refreshments from 6pm. Meetings are open to all; members may bring guests, and non-members are welcome. 14 May 2009 Islington’s Remembrance Project – Residents and Conflict in the 20 th Century , John Shepherd, Project Manager, Islington Book of Remembrance Project **************** Local History News Conference : This year’s Local History Conference will take place on 21 November, at the City of London School for Girls. The topic will be London’s Open Spaces , but the final title and contents have still to be decided. Tickets will be £8 for members of LAMAS and £10 for others, but Affiliated Societies will be able to send two delegates at the reduced price, as before. Workshops : The Local History Committee is considering setting up occasional workshops (on topics such as Enclosures, Hearth Tax, etc.) where delegates from Local History Societies doing research on such topics could benefit either from comparison with other areas, or where a unified approach to the methods used would improve the final results.