Aspect of Moradin CR Rikka, Angelic Avenger of CR Level 16 ) Immortal 2 Level 8 ) Angel • Planar • Unique Level 17 ) Human • Arcane • Unique 2 Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 30 Warhammer: (reach 2) +23 vs. AC; 25 damage. 20 Sword: +12 vs. AC; 20 damage. 28 Longsword: +20 vs. AC; 15 + 10 thunder damage. r Returning Warhammer: (range 10) +21 vs. AC; r Mystra’s Curse: (sight) +19 vs. Will; Whenever FORT 25 damage. FORT FORT target makes a die roll, roll an extra die and ignore 28 22 29 the highest result (save ends).

REF REF REF a Scorching Burst: (radius 1 within 10) +19 vs. 28 General Powers 22 General Powers 29 Reex; 20 re damage. Giant Bane: +2 attack and +10 damage vs. Giants. Aggressive 5: +5 m damage while not bloodied. WILL Cleave: Use when this creature destroys an enemy with WILL Delayed Appearance: Starts o the battlemap. WILL General Powers 28 22 29 Anyspell: Attack action: Use one r , a or a m attack: Make 1 M attack as an immediate action. Cure Wounds: Minor action: This creature or c attack power of an adjacent Arcane ally as though an adjacent ally heals 20 HP. this creature had that attack power. Use an attack SPEED SPEED Waylay: Use before you roll for initiative on any SPEED of +17 instead of the rating listed in that attack. 6 Champion Powers F8 round after the rst: Place this creature in any 6 YUse when an enemy adjacent to a wall is hit by a victory area. m attack: +10 damage on that attack. Champion Powers HP Y Use at start of round: Enemy creatures can’t shift HP HP Y Use when an Arcane creature misses with an 95 this round. 75 95 attack: Reroll that attack. BLOOD Warband Building: (Non-Evil) Dwarves of any BLOOD BLOOD YUse at start of round: Arcane allies have 45 faction are legal in your warband. 35 45 +4 attack and +5 damage until end of round.

Y Use with Drums: Aspect of Moradin Y Use with : Rikka, Angelic Avenger Y Use with Underdark: Elminster of Shadowdale 93 31 100

©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 1/60 + L ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 2/60 + M ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 3/60 + M

Icon of the Allfather Defender Sword +5 Elminster’s Pipe For Use with Aspect of Moradin +6 For Use with Rikka, Angelic Avenger • Unique Item For Use with Elminster of Shadowdale • Unique Item Powers Powers Powers Miner’s Advance: Use at the start of this creature’s Defender’s Sword: Use at the start of this creature’s turn: Mage Pipe: Use at the start of this creature’s turn: If turn: Each Dwarf ally moves up to its speed with Until start of next turn, this creature has +5 attack or this creature is not bloodied, recover 1 use of this Phasing as an immediate action. +5 AC (choose one). creature’s Champion powers (uncheck one used box). Allfather: This creature gains the Dwarf Keyword. Pipe Smoke and Mirrors: (aura 6) Enemies within aura Moradin’s Thunder: Each Dwarf on the battlemap are not Invisible; Arcane allies within aura have has +10 thunder damage with M attacks. Conceal 6. +3+3 +3 +5+3 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 1/60 ©2019DDM Guild All Stars Release 2/60 ©2019DDM Guild All Stars Release 3/60

Large Silver Dragon CR Mounted Paladin Solar CR Level 13 ) Dragon 2 Level 16 ) Human • Divine • Mounted Level 15 ) Planar • Angel 2 Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 29 Bite: (reach 2) +21 vs. AC; 15 + 10 cold damage. 30 Bastard Sword: +21 vs. AC; 25 damage. 30 Greatsword: (reach 2) +22 vs. AC; 20 damage. c Cold Breath: (blast 5) +17 vs. Fortitude; r Slaying Arrow: (sight, bloodied target only) FORT 30 cold damage AND Immobilized (save ends). FORT FORT +18 vs. Fortitude; 100 damage. 26 On miss, 15 cold damage. 4 when rst bloodied. 28 26 r Longbow: (sight) +22 vs. AC; 15 damage

REF REF General Powers REF 26 General Powers 28 Immune Fear 26 WILL Resist 20 Cold WILL Divine Challenge: Use at end of turn: Choose an WILL 26 Double Attack: Attack action: Make 2 M attacks, 28 adjacent enemy. On its next turn, that enemy takes 26 10 radiant damage at end of its turn if it does not each against a di erent target. attack this creature. SPEED SPEED Lay on Hands 20: Minor action: An adjacent ally SPEED Champion Powers F8 Champion Powers 8 heals 20 HP. F6 YUse at start of round: If you win initiative, Good YUse with Cold Breath: Creatures in your warband Mounted Attack: Attack action: This creature moves creatures have +2 AC until end of round. If you score automatic hits and critical hits on attack rolls up to its speed and makes a m attack at any time lose initiative, Good creatures have +2 attack HP HP HP of 18, 19 or 20 vs. enemies targeted by Cold Breath. during its move. until end of round. 120 E ect lasts until end of round. 95 90 Powerful Charge 10: +10 damage while charging. YUse when an Evil enemy targets an ally: BLOOD YUse when this creature starts its turn in one of your BLOOD BLOOD That ally has +4 AC until end of round. 60 victory areas: Score +10 VP. 40 45

Y Use with Arch ends: Large Silver Dragon Y Use with Angel re: Mounted Paladin Y Use with Blood War: Solar 122 96 105

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Silver Guardian Defender of the Faith Angelic Resilience For use with Large Silver Dragon +6 For use with Mounted Paladin +6 For use with Solar +6 Powers Powers Powers Resist 20 Acid Zephyr Mount: Minor action: This creature has Flight Faith Provides: While a good ally is on the battlemap, Paralysis Breath: Minor action: An Immobilized until end of turn. this creature has Resist 5 All and causes critical hits on enemy within 2 is Helpless (save ends). Holy Sword: Minor action: +10 radiant damage until a natural attack roll of 11 or higher. Protective: This creature has +2 attack and +15 damage end of turn. Divine Intervention: Use when this creature is hit by vs. enemies within 5 of a Haling, or Human ally. Salvation in Battle: Use when this creature an attack: That attack misses, instead. 4 when this Polymorph Self: Use at setup: Invisible until the damages an enemy: Heal 20 HP. creature destroys an Evil enemy. end of the rst round of battle. +3+1 +3+2 +4+3 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 4/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 5/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 6/60 Champion of CR Couatl Drizzt, Ranger CR Level 11 ) Fey • Drow 2 Level 10 ) Planar Level 13 ) Drow • Martial • Unique 2 Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 25 Bastard Sword: +16 vs. AC; 20 damage. 22 Bite: +15 vs. AC; 5 + 10 poison damage. 26 Icingdeath: +17 vs. AC; 10 + 5 cold damage. c Repel Supernatural: (burst 2) +13 vs. Will; r Thunder Orb: (range 5) +14 vs. Re ex; M Twinkle: +17 vs. AC; 15 damage. FORT 15 radiant damage AND push 2 squares AND FORT 10 thunder damage. FORT 23 Undead or Shapeshifter targets are Immobilized. 24 24 General Powers

REF REF REF Scout 23 24 24 Dual Strike: Attack action: Make two dierent General Powers General Powers M attacks. 4 when this creature destroys an enemy. WILL WILL WILL Battledance: Use when this creature resolves Resist 10 Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder Defensive Mobility: +5 AC vs. opportunity attacks. 23 a M attack: This creature may Shift 1. 24 24 Aura of Protection: (aura 5) Use before rolling Multi-Activation 2: Takes 2 turns each round. initiative: Allies within aura have Resist 10 Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder until end of round. SPEED Champion Powers SPEED SPEED Champion Powers 6 F7 Snake’s Swiftness: Attack action: Nearest ally 4 YUse before taking your rst turn of a round: Martial makes an immediate M attack. YUse at start of round: Unique allies in your allies have +2 m attack and +2 AC until end of round. warband have +4 attack and +10 damage until Undeniable Gravity: (aura 5) Enemies starting their YUse when a Martial ally hits with a m attack: +10 end of round. HP HP turn within aura lose Flight until end of turn. HP damage on that attack, then that ally Shifts 1. YUse when a unique creature becomes bloodied: 70 65 95 It has +5 m damage until end of battle. BLOOD Warband Building: Non-Champion medium Drow BLOOD BLOOD creatures are legal in your warband. Warband Building: (Non-Evil) Unique creatures 35 30 45 are legal in your warband. Y Use with Arch ends: Champion of Elistraee Y Use with Deathknell: Couatl Y Use with Arch ends: Drizzt, Drow Ranger 48 42 87

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Gift of Eilistraee Sun God’s Messenger Hunter’s Instinct For Use with Champion of Eilistraee +6 For Use with Couatl +6 For Use with Drizzt, Drow Ranger • Unique Item +6 Powers Powers Powers Sublime Grace: Move action: This creature may shift Heal: Minor action: An adjacent ally heals 10 HP. Ambush: Minor action: Choose one enemy that does

up to its speed. 4 when Hypnotic Blade is used. Greater Orb: Use with r attack: Hit or miss, each not have line of sight to this creature; +10 damage vs. Hypnotic Blade: Move action: Shift 1, then this creature adjacent to target takes 10 thunder damage. that enemy until end of turn. creature has +4 attack until end of turn. 4 when Hide: Invisible to enemies from which it has ranged Augur: Gains a champion rating of 1 while there is no Sublime Grace is used. cover other than from intervening creatures. champion on the battlemap. +3+1 +3+1 +3 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 7/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 8/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 9/60

Storm Silverhand CR Balor CR Eye of Gruumsh CR Level 11 ) Human • Arcane • Unique 2 Level 16 ) Demon • Elemental 1 Level 11 ) • Martial Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 24 Longsword: +18 vs. AC; 20 damage. 27 Lightning Sword: (reach 2) +19 vs. AC; 17 Vicious Axe: +14 vs. AC; 20 damage AND this c Silver re: (line 5) Automatic hit vs. AC; 15 + 15 lightning damage. creature takes 5 damage. FORT 20 damage. FORT m Flaming Whip: (reach 4) +19 vs. AC; 15 +15 re FORT 23 a Confusion: (radius 2 within sight) +16 vs. Will; 25 damage AND Immobilized AND pull adjacent. 22

REF Confused (save ends). REF r Demonic Domination: (range 10, bloodied REF 23 General Powers 25 enemy only) +17 vs. Will; Dominated. 18 WILL Immune Lightning WILL General Powers WILL General Powers 23 Healing Wings: Attack action: One adjacent 25 Resist 20 Fire 18 Immune Flanking: Never considered to be anked. ally heals 10 HP and has Flight until end of its next Red Tide: While bloodied, this creature has a Double Attack: Attack action: Make 2 M attacks. turn. Champion rating of 4 when determiningipsum initiative. Inspiration of Gruumsh: (aura 10) While in aura, SPEED SPEED SPEED Champion Powers Death Throes: Whenever it is destroyed: Each Orc allies of level 10 or lower have +5 m damage. 6 F8 creature within 2 squares takes 20 re damage. 7 Y Use after an enemy within 5 uses a champion power: That enemy is Dazed. HP Y Use at start of round: Human allies and Elf allies HP Champion Powers HP 70 have +2 attack and +5 damage until end of round. 110 YUse when an ally’s m attack misses: Reroll with +5 120 BLOOD Warband Building: (Non-Evil) Human and (Non-Evil) BLOOD to the attack. BLOOD 35 Elf creatures of any faction are legal in your warband. 55 YUse at the beginning of an opponent’s turn: 60 Choose which creature that opponent activates. Y Use with Blood War: Storm Silverhand Y Use with Dragoneye: Eye of Gruumsh. Y Use with Underdark: Balor 57 95 44

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Agent of the Harpers Marshal of the Abyss Chosen of Gruumsh For Use with Storm Silverhand • Unique Item +6 For Use with Balor +6 For Use with Eye of Gruumsh +6 Powers Powers Powers Gather Lore: Use at end of round, only if this creature Oppressive Command: Use when this creature declares Chosen one: Use when this creature or an adjacent Orc occupies a victory area: Score +5 VP. the use of a Champion power: Expend a use of an ally’s ally declares a M attack: Roll 2d20 and use the higher Champion power, instead of this creature’s. result. Abyssal Step: Move action, once per turn: Teleport 6. Blood Bonus: Use when this creature is damaged: Quick Whip: Minor action, once per round: Make a Until end of round, Orc allies have +1 attack. +1+3 Flaming Whip attack. +3+1 +3+1 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 10/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 11/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 12/60 Githyanki Dragon Knight CR King Obould Many-Arrows CR King Snurre CR Level 16 ) Dragon • Githyanki • Mounted 1 Level 13 ) Orc • Primal • Unique 2 Level 19 ) Giant • Fire • Unique 3 Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 29 Greatsword: (reach 2) +22 vs. AC; 20 damage. 24 Flaming Greatsword: +16 vs. AC; 15 + 10 re 31 Greatsword: (reach 2) +25 vs. AC; 15 + 10 re c Fiery Breath: (blast 5) +20 vs. Re ex; 25 re damage. damage. FORT damage. On miss, 10 re damage. 4 when this FORT FORT 28 creature rst becomes bloodied. 24 28 General Powers REF REF General Powers REF Resist 30 Fire Immune Flanking: Is never considered to be anked. 28 General Powers 23 28 Sweeping Sword: Attack action: Make 2 M attacks, WILL Resist 5 Fire WILL Domineering: Your warband cannot include any WILL each against a dierent Medium or smaller target. 28 Crowd ghter: Attack action: Make 2 M attacks, 23 other champions. 28 Eyes on Me: Immediate action, when an adjacent Bloodrage: +10 m damage while bloodied. each against a dierent target. enemy shifts or attacks an ally: Make a M attack vs. Death Strike: Immediate action, when this that enemy. Cavalry 5: +5 m damage vs. non-Mounted targets. SPEED SPEED creature is destroyed: Make 1 M attack. SPEED F8 Champion Powers 8 6 Champion Powers YUse at start of round: Each Dragon ally and each Champion Powers YUse when an enemy is hit by a m attack: Githyanki ally has +4 attack and +10 Damage until YUse when an ally hits with a m attack on its +10 re damage AND the attacker pushes the end of round. HP HP turn: You may take an additional (extra) turn after HP target 1 square. 95 YUse before taking your rst turn of a round: At the 95 that creature’s turn ends. 125 Y Use at start of round: Fire creatures have +2 speed end of the round, the player whose warband YUse when an Orc ally shifts: That ally shifts one until end of round. BLOOD destroys the highest level enemy this round BLOOD BLOOD 45 60 additional square. 60 Warband Building: All Giants are legal in your scores +15 VP. warband Y Use with Blood War: Githyanki Dragon Knight Y Use with War Drums: King Obould Many-Arrows Y Use with Giants of Legend: King Snurre 98 65 150

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Dragon Guard Warchief Blade of Dis For Use with Githyanki Dragon Knight +6 For Use with King Obould Many-Arrows • Unique+6 Item For Use with King Snurre • Unique Item +6 Powers Powers Powers Blindsight: Ignores Conceal; Ignores Invisible. Zeal: While there are at least 3 on the battlemap, Rune-Scarred Blade: Use at start of round: This Threatening Reach: Enemies provoke opportunity Orcs have +2 attack and +2 speed. creature has Insubstantial until end of round. attacks from this creature when leaving any square Horde Reserve: Use when this creature ends a round c Brimstone Blast: Minor action, once per turn: (line 8) within this creature’s reach. in a victory area: Add up to 3 Orc allies worth a total of +18 vs. Re ex; 10 poison + 15 re damage. 24 VP or less to your start area. +3+1 +3+2 +3+2 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 13/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 14/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 15/60

Large Blue Dragon CR Large Red Dragon CR Mina, Dark Cleric CR Level 13 ) Dragon 2 Level 15 ) Dragon 2 Level 12 ) Human • Divine • Unique 2 Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 27 Gore: +18 vs. AC; 10 + 10 lightning damage. 29 Fiery Bite: (reach 2) +18 vs. AC; 10 +10 26 Mina’s Kiss: +19 vs. AC; 10 + 10 necrotic damage. c Lightning Breath: (line 10) +16 vs. Re ex; re damage. r Bestow Curse: (nearest) +17 vs. Will; 10 FORT 25 lightning damage. On miss, 10 lightning damage. FORT c Fiery Breath : (blast 5) +18 vs. Re ex; 30 re FORT damage AND -4 attack AND -4 to all defenses 26 4 when rst bloodied. 27 damage. On miss, 15 re damage. 4 when rst 24 (save ends both).

REF a Lightning Burst: (radius 1 within 10) +16 vs. REF bloodied. REF 26 Re ex; 20 lightning damage. 27 24 General Powers WILL WILL WILL Death Kiss: Use when this creature would destroy 26 27 24 a living target: Target has 10 HP remaining and is General Powers General Powers Dominated, instead. At end of its next turn, that Resist 20 Lightning Resist 15 Fire next turn, or if it takes 10 HP damage. Draconic Fury: Attack action: Make 2 M attacks. SPEED SPEED SPEED Champion Powers F8 F8 5 Y Use at start of round: Allies have +2 attack and Champion Powers Champion Powers +5 m damage vs. targets aected by Bestow Curse YUse when a creature takes lightning damage: YUse when an attack misses: Reroll the attack until end of battle. HP An enemy within 5 squares of that creature takes HP instead. HP Y Use when a Dragon ally destroys a creature: That 75 10 lightning damage. 90 YUse before taking your rst turn in a round: 75 ally heals 10 HP. Y a c The player whose warband destroys the most BLOOD Use when an ally is destroyed by an or attack BLOOD BLOOD Warband building: All Dragons are legal in your 35 that also destroys an enemy: Score +10 VP. 45 enemies this round scores 15 VP. 35 warband.

Y Use with Deathknell: Large Blue Dragon Y Use with Dragoneye: Large Red Dragon Y Use with Angel re: Mina, Dark Cleric 68 83 55

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Blue Dragon Lair Red Dragon Lair Dragon Queen’s Torc For Use with Large Blue Dragon +6 For Use with Large Red Dragon +6 For Use with Mina, Dark Cleric • Unique Item +6 Powers Powers Powers Lair Power: Use at start of round, if this creature Lair Power: Use at start of round: If this creature Chosen of Tiamat: Use when damaged by a Dragon: occupies a victory area: Until end of round, this occupies a victory area: 4 Fiery Breath, Heal 10 HP, Choose an ally or enemy within 5 squares; that creature gains Burrow and +10 lightning damage. then +10 re damage on its next attack. creature takes the damage, instead. Dragon’s Deathcurse: Use when a dragon ally is destroyed: This creature’s next attack is an automatic hit and a critical hit. +2+3 +3+2 +2+3 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 16/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 17/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 18/60 Vlaakith the Lich Queen CR Artemis Entreri CR Aspect of Bane Level 13 ) Undead • Githyanki • Unique 2 Level 14 ) Human • Martial • Unique 2 Level 17 ) Immortal 3 Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 27 Greatsword: +16 vs. AC; 20 damage. 27 Charon’s Claw: +19 vs. AC; 15 damage. 30 Morning Star: (reach 2) +22 vs. AC; 25 damage. m Doom Touch: +15 vs. Fortitude; 10 necrotic r Jeweled Dagger: (range 10) +19 vs. AC; c Wild Swing: (burst 2) +22 vs. AC; 25 damage FORT damage AND Helpless (save ends). FORT 10 + 10 necrotic damage. FORT AND push target up to 1 square. 25 25 29 r Disintegrate: (range 5) +15 vs. Fortitude: REF 25 damage AND 10 ongoing damage (save ends). REF REF 25 r Lightning Orb: (range 5) +15. vs Re ex: 25 General Powers 29 WILL 15 lightning damage. WILL Quick Step 2: Move action: Shift 2. WILL General Powers 25 25 Hide: Invisible to enemies from which it has ranged 29 Aura of Fear: While adjacent to this creature, General Powers cover other than from an intervening creature. enemies have -2 attack (Fear).

Immune Poison Multi-Activation 2: Takes two turns each round. SPEED SPEED SPEED Champion Powers Sneak Attack 5: +5 damage vs. targets granting it 6 4 combat advantage. 6 YUse at start of round: Each Dragon, Githyanki or Undead creature has +2 attack and +10 damage Backstab: Use when this creature causes Sneak 4 until end of round. Attack damage: +20 damage to that attack. at HP HP start of turn if no enemy is within 10. HP 80 YUse when a Githyanki or Dragon ally misses an 95 100 attack: Reroll that attack, instead. Legendary Assassin: Whenever this creature BLOOD BLOOD destroys a Unique enemy: Score +10 VP. BLOOD 40 40 50

YUse with Blood War: Vlaakith the Lich Queen Y Use with Underdark: Artemis Entreri Y Use with Arch ends: Aspect of Bane 79 89 106

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Vlaakith’s Phylactery Death Dealer Symbol of Tyranny For Use with Vlaakith the Lich Queen • Unique Item For Use with Artemis Entreri • Unique Item +6 For Use with Aspect of Bane +6 Powers Powers Powers Recompose: Use when this creature is destroyed: It is Recall Blade: Move action: 4 Jeweled Dagger. Ruthless Oppression: Use when you win initiative: not destroyed; instead, place this creature in its start Each Bane creature in your warband makes a M attack area with 20 HP remaining and 4 each attack power. as an Immediate action. All damage caused by attacks Fear: (aura 5) Enemies activating in aura take 10 damage. is psychic damage, instead. 4 when you lose initiative. All enemies in aura grant combat advantage (Fear). Followers: This creature and Zhent allies gain Project 5: Minor action: +5 range to r attacks the Bane Keyword. until end of turn. +3+1 +3+2 +3+1 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 19/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 20/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 21/60

Fire Giant Forgepriest CR Warduke CR Aspect of Hextor CR Level 15 ) Giant • Fire 2 Level 14 ) Human • Martial • Unique 2 Level 14 ) Immortal 2 Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 28 Maul: (reach 2) +20 vs. AC; 25 damage. 24 Bastard Sword: +17 vs. AC; 20 damage. 22 Feinting Strike: Roll 2d20 and use the highest c Wave of Flame: (burst 2) +18 vs. Re ex; r Intimidating Glare: Minor action: (nearest) result: (reach 2) +15 vs. AC; 25 damage. FORT 10 re damage AND 10 ongoing re damage (save FORT +17 vs. Will; -4 to all defenses until this creature FORT m Inevitable Assault: (reach 2) +15 vs. AC; 28 ends) AND push target 2 squares. 4 when this 20 takes damage. 22 20 damage AND this creature may Shift 1 AND

REF creature rst becomes bloodied. REF REF repeat this attack (maximum 6 attacks per turn). 24 20 22 WILL WILL WILL 24 General Powers 20 General Powers 22 General Powers Resist 30 Fire Blindsight: Ignores Invisible; ignores Conceal. Multiple Threats: Each enemy adjacent to this Hot Iron: Use when this creature hits with a m Cleave: Immediate action, when this creature creature grants Combat Advantage to all attackers. SPEED SPEED SPEED attack: Target also takes 10 ongoing re damage. destroys an enemy with a m attack : Make a M attack. 6 6 7 4 when this creature rst becomes bloodied. Methodical Killer: +20 damage vs. the lowest level enemy on the battlemap.

HP HP Bloodthirsty 5: +5 damage vs. bloodied targets. HP 95 100 110 BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD 45 50 55

Y Use with Blood War: Fire Giant Forge Priest Y Use with War Drums: Warduke Y Use with War Drums: Aspect of Hextor 84 70 75

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Armor of Surtur Warduke’s Helm Blessed Weapons of War For Use with Fire Giant Forgepriest +6 For Use with Warduke • Unique Item +6 For Use with Aspect of Hextor +6 Powers Powers Powers Burnt O ering: Use when an adjacent creature Devour the Soul: Use when this creature destroys a Faith Guides The Avatar: Use when this creature takes re damage: That creature takes +10 damage, living enemy: This creature gains +20 HP. This can misses with a m attack: Until end of battle, while then this creature heals 20 HP. increase this creature’s HP above its starting value. adjacent to a Martial or Rage ally, +2 attack. Bolster the Strong: While not bloodied, this creature However, it is still considered bloodied only at 50 HP Fending Flurry: Use at start of round: Until end of has +2 Fortitude, +2 Re ex and +2 Speed. or less. round, this creature and each adjacent medium ally Winged Helm: Ignores all additional MP costs has +4 AC vs. m and r attacks. +2+3 for entering terrain; Immune Slowed. +3+1 +2+3 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 22/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 23/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 24/60 Gauth Marilith Blackguard on Nightmare CR Level 10 ) Aberrant • Beholder Level 10 ) Demon • Martial Level 13 ) Human • Mounted • Divine 3 Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 22 Bite: +13 vs. AC; 10 damage. 24 Scimitar: (reach 2) +18 vs. AC; 15 damage. 27 Longsword: +20 vs. AC; 15 damage. R Fire Eyes: (nearest) +15 vs. Re ex; m Weapon Dance: (reach 2) +18 vs. AC; 10 damage FORT 15 re damage. FORT AND Shift 1 AND make this attack again (maximum 6 FORT General Powers 20 23 attacks per turn). 25 R Warding Eyes: (sight) +15 vs. Fortitude; Conceal 6 REF Immobilized. REF REF Cavalry 5: +5 damage vs. non-Mounted enemies. 20 c Stunning Gaze: (blast 3) +15 vs. Fortitude; 23 25 Mounted Attack: Attack action: This creature WILL Stunned. WILL WILL moves up to its speed, and makes a M attack at 20 23 25 any time during its movement. General Powers General Powers Powerful Charge 10: +10 damage while charging. Re exive Flame: Immediate action, when targeted Shroud of Steel: Attack action: Make 2 M attacks. Smoke: Conceal 11 vs. nonadjacent enemies. SPEED by an attack: Make a Fire Eyes attack with a range of SPEED Then, this creature has +4 AC until start of its SPEED F4 7 F7 sight against the attacker. next turn. Champion Powers Barrage: Use when this creature makes the Hacking Blades: Immediate action, when an enemy YUse when an ally becomes bloodied: That ally Fire Eyes attack power: Make 2 attacks instead of 1. misses this creature with a m attack: Make a M attack makes a M attack at +10 damage as an immediate HP HP against that enemy HP 40 100 80 action. On miss, that ally takes 15 damage. Y BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD Use when you win initiative: Each ally has 20 50 40 Conceal 6 until end of round. Y Use with War of the Dragon Queen: Blackguard on Nightmare Y Use with Arch ends: Gauth Y Use with Blood War: Marilith 39 73 68

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Too Many Eyes Demonic Heritage Dark Soul Cavalier For Use with Gauth +6 For Use with Marilith +6 For use with Blackguard on Nightmare +6 Powers Powers Powers Reactive Stun: Immediate action, when this creature is Resist 5 Cold, Fire, Lightning Ethereal Ride: Use at start of turn: This creature has damaged by an enemy within 3 squares of it: Use the Teleportation: Move action: Teleport 10. Phasing and Insubstantial until the end of its next Stunning Gaze attack power. turn. Dark Blessing 5: Minor action: +5 damage vs. Good r Draining Eye: Minor action, once per turn: (sight) enemies until end of turn. Billow Smoke: Use at start of turn: Until end of +15 vs. AC; 10 damage AND this creature heals 10 HP. round, allies have Smoke while adjacent to this creature. +3 +3+3 +4+3 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 25/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 26/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 27/60

Human Blackguard CR CR Pit Fiend CR Level 10 ) Human • Divine 3 Level 16 ) Undead • Unique 3 Level 16 ) Devil 3 Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 25 Longsword: +17 vs. AC; 15 damage. 29 Greatsword: +23 vs. AC; 20 + 5 necrotic damage. 28 Claw: (reach 2)+20 vs. AC; 10 + 10 re damage. a Unholy Flames: (radius 2 within 10) +21 vs. m Tail Sting: (reach 2) +20 vs. AC; 15 damage FORT FORT Fortitude; 30 necrotic OR 30 re damage. On hit, FORT AND Followup: +18 vs. AC; 10 ongoing poison 22 28 you choose which damage type aects that target. 27 damage (save ends).

REF REF REF 22 General Powers 28 General Powers 27 Tyrannical Rally: Bloodied allies within 5 squares Immune Poison, Vulnerable 10 Radiant General Powers WILL of this creature have +2 attack. WILL Aura of Fear: (aura 5) Enemies within aura have -2 WILL Resist 20 Fire 22 Sneak Attack 5: +5 damage vs. targets granting it 28 attack (Fear). 27 Aura of Fire 1: (aura 1) Enemies that start their combat advantage. Cleave: Immediate action, when this creature turn in aura take 10 re damage. destroys an enemy with a m attack: Make a M attack. SPEED SPEED SPEED 5 Champion Powers 5 Champion Powers F6 Champion Powers YUse when an ally becomes bloodied: That ally YUse with this creature’s M or a attack power: YUse on this creature’s turn: Slide 1 Devil ally up to makes a M attack at +10 damage as an immediate Hit or miss, target(s) may not activate until all other 5 squares. Then, creatures adjacent to it take 15 re creatures in their warband have activated. HP action. On miss, that ally takes 15 damage. HP HP damage, and it is destroyed. YUse when an adjacent enemy activates: That 70 YUse when an enemy attacks an ally: That enemy 100 enemy takes 10 damage and cannot move away 120 YUse when an ally is destroyed: That ally BLOOD has -4 to all defenses until the end of its next turn. BLOOD on its turn. BLOOD is not destroyed. It has 5 HP remaining, instead. 35 - Warband Building: All (non-Good) Undead 60 creatures are legal in your warband. Y Use with Harbinger: Human Blackguard Y Use with Blood War: Pit Fiend Y Use with Giants of Legend: Lord Soth 46 98 105

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The Dark Skull Black Rose General of Hell For Use with Human Blackguard +6 For Use with Lord Soth • Unique Item +6 For Use with Pit Fiend (Blood War) +6 Powers Powers Powers Trap the Soul: Attack action: Choose an enemy of Power Word, Kill: Attack action: Destroy an Infernal Tactics: Use at start of turn: Devils in your level 5 or less within 5 squares; that enemy is adjacent enemy with 35 HP or fewer. warband have +10 re damage until end of round. Stunned. 4 when no enemy is aected by this power. Regeneration: Immediate action, after taking Devil’s Own Luck: Use when an enemy succeeds on Dark Secrets: Treat the Champion Rating of each damage: Heal 20 HP. a saving throw: That roll fails, instead. 4 when this enemy as if it were one less whenever creature destroys an enemy. determining initiative. O Hand: Minor action, once per turn: +4+3 +3+1 Make a M attack. +3 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 28/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 29/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 30/60

a saving throw: That roll fails Rakshasa CR Red Wizard CR Horned Devil Level 10 ) Rakshasa • Arcane • Mastermind 2 Level 13 ) Human • Arcane 2 Level 11 ) Devil Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 24 Claw: +17 vs. AC; 15 damage. 25 Sta : +16 vs. AC; 10 damage. 27 Spiked Chain: (reach 4) +18 vs. AC; 20 damage rfBigby’s Slapping Hand: (nearest) +15 vs. a Fireball: (nearest, radius 2) +18 vs. Re ex; AND Dazed. FORT Re ex; target provokes opportunity attacks. FORT 20 re damage. On miss, 10 re damage. FORT m Ensnare: (reach 4) +16 vs. Re ex; 20 damage 20 r Hold Ray: (nearest) +15 vs. Re ex; 10 damage 23 a Scorching Burst: (radius 1 within 10) +18 vs. 25 AND Immobilized AND pull target adjacent to this

REF AND Immobilized. REF Re ex; 15 re damage. REF creature. 20 23 25 WILL WILL WILL 24 27 25 General Powers General Powers General Powers Slide: Attack action: 1 creature within 5 Sudden Empower: Use when this creature’s Resist 10 Fire SPEED Slides 3. (Line of sight not required) SPEED attack hits an enemy: +10 damage on that attack. SPEED Dimension Door: Move action: Teleport 10. 7 6 F6 4 when rst bloodied. Champion Powers Champion Powers HP YUse 1 Champion power of an enemy champion, HP Y Use at start of round: Arcane allies have +2 attack HP 55 as if this creature had that power. 50 and +10 damage until end of round. 90 YUse when an Arcane ally hits with an attack: That BLOOD BLOOD YUse when an Arcane creatyre misses with an attack: BLOOD ally is Invisible to each creature hit by attacks from Reroll that attack, instead. 25 that attack power until the end of its next turn. 25 45

Y Use with Giants of Legend: Rakshasa Y Use with Arch ends: Red Wizard Y Use with Blood War: Horned Devil 41 63 83

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Amulet of Mind Reading Combustion Laboratory Flaming Chain For Use with Rakshasa +6 For Use with Red Wizard +6 For Use with Horned Devil +6 Powers Powers Powers Enemy Plans Unveiled: Use when rolling initiative: Resist 15 Fire Chain React: Immediate action, at the start of a Roll an extra d20 for initiative this round. Concentrated Fire : Use at start of this creature’s turn: Dazed enemy’s turn: Make a M attack vs. that enemy. Predictable Threat: Minor action: +4 attack vs. the Expend (lose) a use of reball to gain +10 re damage Outrage: Use when rst bloodied: Each adjacent highest level enemy on the battlemap this turn. until end of battle. creature takes 10 re damage, then 4 Chain React. Mislead and Attack: Use with Slide: Take an Fire Shield: Use when this creature is damaged by a m Flick Flames: Minor action: An Immobilized enemy extra attack action this turn. attack: This creature takes half damage from within 4 takes 10 re damage. +3+2 that attack; the attacker takes 15 re damage. +3+1 +2+3 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 31/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 32/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 33/60

Beholder CR Black Dragon CR Drow Cleric of Lolth CR Level 11 ) Aberrant • Beholder Level 7 ) Dragon 1 Level 9 ) Drow • Divine 3 Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 29 Bite: +15 vs. AC; 10 damage. 25 Acid Bite: +16 vs. AC; 10 + 10 acid damage. 23 Dagger: +14 vs. AC; 10 damage. r Eye Rays: (range 10, can target allies) Roll1d20. c Corrosive Breath: (line 12) +14 vs. Re ex; r Eye of Fear: (range 6) +14 vs. Will; FORT Choose an eect of that number, or lower: FORT 30 acid damage. On miss, 15 acid damage. FORT 20 necrotic damage AND push target 6 squares. 27 (Choose target after determining eect.) 23 4 when rst bloodied. 21 r Slashing Darkness: (sight) +14 vs. Re ex; REF 1-4 Telekinesis: +18 vs. Fortitude (automatic hit REF REF 10 necrotic damage. 27 vs. Re ex against allies); Slide target 4. 23 21 General Powers WILL 5-8 Sear: +18 vs. Re ex; 15 radiant damage. WILL WILL Resist 10 Acid 27 9-12 Slow: +18 vs. Will; Slowed (save ends). 23 21 General Powers Delayed Appearance: Starts o the battlemap. Feyweave: +4 AC, Re ex, Fortitude and Will vs. 13-15 Terror: (Fear) +18 vs. Will; 15 psychic damage r attacks. AND target moves its speed. Each square Lurking Foe: Use at start of any round after the SPEED moved must be further from this creature. SPEED rst: Place this creature in your start area, or in any SPEED F3 F7 unoccupied victory area. 6 16-18 Petrify: +18 vs. Will; Slowed (save ends). Champion Powers A Slowed target is Petried, instead. Champion Powers Y m 19-20 Disintegrate: +18 vs. Fortitude; 40 damage Use when an ally makes a attack vs. a target YUse when an ally hits a bloodied enemy: +10 granting it combat advantage: +10 damage on that HP AND 20 ongoing damage. On miss, 20 damage. HP damage on that attack. HP 90 60 65 attack. YUse after rolling initiative: The player with the Y m BLOOD General Powers BLOOD BLOOD Use when a bloodied enemy misses with a or most creatures in their victory area(s) at the end r attack: That enemy takes 10 damage. 45 Multi-Activation 2: Takes 2 turns each round. 30 of round scores +10 VP. 30

Y Use with Deathknell: Beholder Y Use with Dragoneye: Black Dragon Y Use with Harbinger: Drow Cleric of Lolth 83 45 42

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Spectral Awareness Black Dragon Lair The Favors of Lolth For Use with Beholder +6 For Use with Black Dragon +6 For use with Drow Cleric of Lolth +6 Powers Powers Powers Arcing Rays: Immediate action: +10 range on r Lair Resources: Use at end of round: Spend 5 VP Cloaking Web: (aura 2) Enemies that start their turn in attacks this round . to heal 15 HP and slide up to 4 squares. aura are Immobilized. While a Spider ally is in aura, this Blindsight 10: Ignores Invisible; Ignores Conceal on River Ghost: Invisible to nonadjacent enemies while creature is invisible to nonadjacent enemies and has enemies within 10. it occupies river terrain. +2 attack and +10 poison damage. Drow Kiss: Use with a r attack vs. a living target: Eyebite: Does not provoke opportunity attacks. On a hit, target is also Helpless. Ethereal Rays: Ignores Insubstantial. +3 +3+1 +3+2 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 34/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 35/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 36/60

Duergar Champion Shuluth, Archvillain CR Orc Champion CR Level 9 ) Duergar Level 12 ) Mind Flayer • Psionic • Mastermind • Unique 2 Level 10 ) Orc • Martial 3 Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 24 Maul: +16 vs. AC; 15 damage. 23 Mindcrusher Longsword: +17 vs. AC; 10 + 10 21 Halberd: +13 vs. AC; 25 damage. r Beard Quills: (range 6) +15 vs. AC; 5 damage psychic damage. FORT AND 5 ongoing poison damage (save ends). FORT c Mindblast: (blast 5) +15 vs. Will; 20 psychic FORT 20 24 damage AND Stunned. 19

REF REF r Halt Mind: (sight) +15 vs. Will; 10 psychic REF 20 24 damage AND Dazed. 19 WILL WILL WILL 24 General Powers 28 General Powers 19 General Powers Brain Sucker: Use when this creature destroys an Bloodthirsty: +10 damage vs. bloodied targets. Conceal 6 Awareness: Can make opportunity attacks against enemy with a m attack: +4 attack until end of battle. Cleave: Immediate action, when this creature SPEED opponents that shift. SPEED SPEED destroys an enemy with a m attack: Make a M attack. 6 Cleave: Immediate action, when this creature destroys 6 8 an enemy with a m attack: Make a M attack. Champion Powers YUse when an enemy activates: That enemy takes HP HP 10 psychic damage when it attacks, unless it rst HP 55 75 moves at least 2 squares from its current location. 80 BLOOD BLOOD YUse when a critical hit is scored against an enemy: BLOOD 25 35 That enemy is also Stunned. 40

Y Use with Underdark: Duergar Champion Y Use with War Drums: Shuluth, Archvillain YUse with Arch ends: Orc Champion 33 59 39

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Infernal Ancestry Monster of Legacy Blood-Blessed Halberd For Use with Duergar Champion +6 For Use with Shuluth, Archvillain • Unique Item +6 For Use with Orc Champion Powers Powers Powers Devil: This creature gains the Devil keyword. Mirror Image: Use when this creature is hit by a Martial Rune: Use at the start of this creature’s Battle Born: Use at start of round: Choose 1 e ect: m or r attack: That attack misses, instead. turn: Reach 2, +3 attack and +3 to all defenses until end +2 attack and +10 damage until end of round, Githyanki Bane: +10 damage vs. Githyanki. of round. 4 when this creature destroys an enemy. or heal 10 HP. Cunning Trap: Minor action: Enemies that occupy In the Thick of It: Whenever this creature ends victory areas are Immobilized until end a turn with 2 or more active enemies adjacent: Heal of round. 20 HP. +3+2 +3 +3+1 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 37/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 38/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 39/60

Orc Wardrummer Steel Predator Marut CR Level 4 ) Orc Level 16 ) Planar Level 15 ) Immortal • Planar

Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 18 Club: +9 vs. AC; 10 damage. 29 Claw: +21 vs. AC; 20 damage. 29 Slam: (reach 2) +20 vs. AC; 10 + 10 thunder c Roar: (blast 5) +17 vs. Fortitude: 40 thunder damage. FORT FORT damage. On miss, 20 thunder damage. FORT a Mass In ict Light Wounds: (radius 1 19 General Powers 28 27 within 10) +18 vs. Reex; 15 necrotic damage. m Pin Down:+21 vs. AC; 15 damage AND REF Drumbeat: Attack action: Choose 1 e ect. The REF Immobilized. REF m Inevitable Push: (reach 2) +20 vs. AC; 15 + 19 e ect lasts until start of this creature’s next turn, 28 27 10 thunder damage AND push 2 squares AND or until this creature is destroyed. this creature may shift one square. WILL WILL WILL 19 Overwhelming Drumbeat: Champion enemies 28 27 within 10 squares of this creature cannot use General Powers

champion powers. Immune Thunder General Powers SPEED Resistance Drumbeat: Allies within 10 squares SPEED Aggressive 5: +5 damage while not bloodied. SPEED of this creature have +4 Fortitude, +4 Reex Resist 15 Thunder 6 8 Blind: Ignores attacks or powers with Gaze in their 6 and +4 Will. Blindsight: Ignores Invisible; Ignores Conceal. name. Frenzied Drumbeat: Allies within 10 squares of Single-Minded: While an enemy Champion is within Blindsight: Ignores Invisible; Ignores Conceal. HP this creature have +5 damage with m attacks HP HP reach, it cannot move or attack a non-Champion. 35 against bloodied targets. 95 Rake: +10 m damage vs. Immobilized targets. 85 BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD 15 45 40

Y Use with War Drums: Orc Wardrummer Y Use with Angel re: Steel Predator Y Use with Underdark: Marut 19 94 74

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Drums of War Acheron Stalker Inevitable For Use with Orc Wardrummer +6 For Use with Steel Predator +6 For Use with Marut +6 Powers Powers Powers Vanguard Drumbeat: Minor action, when an Orc ally Plane Stalker: Use at setup: Choose an enemy. Immune Dazed, Stunned, Helpless is adjacent to the highest level enemy on the battlemap: This creature has combat advantage vs. that enemy Predicts: Scores criticals on natural rolls of 17 or higher. That ally makes a M attack as an Immediate action. until end of battle. Gliding Movement: Has Flight while taking its turn. Back Beat: Minor action: Choose 1 Drumbeat e ect. Ripping Pounce: Use while charging: Make one Shield from Chaos: Use at start of round: Takes The e ect lasts until start of this creature’s next extra M attack against the target of that charge. half damage from r, c and a attacks until turn, or until this creature is destroyed. +3+1 +3+2 end of round. +3+1 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 40/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 41/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 42/60 the MageCR Tordek, Dwarf Champion Cadaver Collector CR Level 12 ) Human • Arcane • Unique 2 Level 13 ) Dwarf • Martial • Unique Level 16 ) Construct Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 25 Sta: +15 vs. AC; 10 damage. 26 War Axe: (ignores Insubstantial) +20 vs. AC; 27 Slam: (reach 2) +23 vs. AC; 25 damage. r Mordenkainen’s Knife: (range 10) Automatic 10 + 10 lightning damage. c Paralyzing Breath: (blast 3) +21 vs. FORT hit vs. AC; 10 ongoing damage until end of battle FORT r Thrown Warhammer: (range 10) +18 vs. AC; FORT Fortitude; Helpless (save ends). 23 or until this creature is destroyed. 26 15 damage and Stunned. 29

REF c Cone of Cold: (blast 5) +17 vs. Reex; 20 cold REF REF 23 damage AND Immobilized. On miss, 10 cold 22 25 damage AND Slowed. WILL WILL General PowersLorem ipsum WILL General Powers a Scorching Burst: (radius 1 within 10) 23 22 Awareness: Immediate action, when an adjacent 25 Immune Fear, Poison +17 vs. Reex; 15 re damage. enemy shifts: Make a M attack against that enemy. Bloodthirsty 10: +10 damage vs. bloodied targets. Cleave: Immediate action, when this creature destroys SPEED SPEED SPEED Corpse Collecting 1: Whenever an adjacent creature an enemy with a m attack: Make a M attack. is destroyed: Heal 10 HP and 4 Paralyzing Breath. 6 General Powers 6 6 Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound: Whenever an Dodge Giants: +4 AC vs. Giant enemies. enemy within 5 squares of this creature starts its HP turn: That enemy takes 5 damage. HP HP 65 Spell Penetration: Use after this creature misses 100 100 with an attack; Reroll the attack, instead. BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD

30 50 Y Use with War of the Dragon Queen: Tordek, Dwarf Champion 50 Y Use with Giants of Legend: Mordenkainen the Mage YUse with War of the Dragon Queen: Cadaver Collector 69 59 103

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Staff of Power Hammer of Thunder Spiked Carapace For Use with Mordenkainen the Mage • Unique Item For Use with Tordek, Dwarf Champion • Unique Item For Use with Cadaver Collector +6 Powers Powers Powers Calculating: Always has combat advantage. Recall Hammer: Move action: 4 Thrown Warhammer. Berserking: Attack action: Make one m attack Retributive Strike: Immediate action, when rst Slay Giant: Use when this creature attacks a Giant: vs. each enemy within reach. bloodied: All creatures within 4 squares take 20 damage. +50 damage on that attack. Corpse Collecting 2: (aura 2) Whenever a creature in Destroy this item and place this creature in its start area. Thunderclap: Use when this creature hits with a r aura is destroyed: If no active enemy is adjacent to Spell Storing: Minor action: Recharge one of attack: Each creature adjacent to the target is this creature, heal 10 HP. this creature’s non-rechargeable powers. +3+2 Stunned. +5+3 +3+1 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 43/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 44/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 45/60

Helmed Horror Chimera CR Frenzied Berserker Level 11 ) Construct Level 12 ) Magical Beast 2 Level 12 ) Human • Primal Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 27 Imbued Sword: +18 vs. AC; 10 + 10 re damage. 24 Bite: +15 vs. AC; 15 damage. 18 Greatsword: +15 vs. AC; 20 damage. r Crossbow: (nearest) +14 vs. AC; 15 damage. c Dragon’s Breath: (line 12) +13 vs. Reex; m Rolling Strike: +15 vs. AC; 30 damage FORT 4 as a move action. FORT 20 acid damage. On miss, 10 acid damage. FORT AND this creature may shift. 25 24 23 c Lion’s Roar: (blast 5, bloodied targets only) REF REF +13 vs. Will; Stunned (Fear, save ends). REF 25 22 19 WILL General Powers WILL General Powers WILL General Powers 25 Arcane Defense: +2 Reex, Fortitude and Will vs. 22 Ram’s Powerful Charge: Use while charging: 19 Bloodrage 5: +5 damage while bloodied attacks by Arcane enemies. +15 damage. Bloodthirsty 10: +10 damage vs. bloodied targets. Blindsight: Ignores Invisible; Ignores Conceal. Burnout: Whenever it ends its turn, if it did not SPEED SPEED SPEED make an attack on that turn: Take 10 damage.

F6 F6 8 Death Strike: Immediate action, when this creature is destroyed: Make a M attack.

HP HP HP 70 90 120 BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD 35 45 60

Y Use with Underdark: Helmed Horror. Y Use with Wardrums: Chimera Y Use with Aberrations: Frenzied Berserker 45 50 52

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Fortified Armor Heads of the Chimera Herbs: Amanita & Henbane For Use with Helmed Horror +6 For Use with Chimera +6 For Use with Frenzied Berserker +6 Powers Powers Powers Immune Dazed, Stunned, Helpless Immune Flanking: Never considered to be anked. Primal Anger: This creature gains the Rage keyword. Forti ed 15: Resist 15 All vs. critical hits. Many Bites: Minor action: Make a M attack. Henbane: Minor action, only while bloodied: Arcane Enhanced 10: +10 damage while within Quick Blast: Immediate action: Use a c attack power. +2 attack and Resist 5 All until end of battle. 5 squares of an Arcane ally. Multiple Threats: Use when only 1 enemy is adjacent: Amanita: Attack action: Make a M attack against That enemy grants combat advantage to each each adjacent enemy and each adjacent ally. creature attacking it. +3+1 +3+1 +3+2 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 46/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 47/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 48/60 Guenhwyvar CR Barbarian Archmage Level 9 ) Magical Beast • Planar • Unique 2 Level 12 ) Warforged • Primal Level 16 ) Human • Arcane Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 23 Claw: +14 vs. AC; 10 damage. 22 Greatsword: +15 vs. AC; 25 damage. 28 Sta: +19 vs. AC; 10 damage. r Acid Arrow: (sight) +19 vs. Re ex; FORT FORT FORT 10 ongoing acid damage AND 5 acid damage 21 24 29 to each creature adjacent to target.

REF General Powers REF General Powers REF r Banishment: (Demon, Devil or Planar 21 Delayed Appearance: Starts o the battlemap. 20 Immune Poison 29 targets only, range 5) +19 vs. Will; 35 damage Onyx Figurine: Use at start of any round after the Bladed Rage 5: Use at start of turn: One adjacent AND Stunned. On miss, 15 damage. WILL WILL WILL 21 rst: Place this creature in your start area, or 20 enemy takes 5 damage. 29 r Magic Missile: (sight, ignore insubstantial) adjacent to a champion ally. Fortied 10: Resist 10 All vs. critical hits. +19 vs. Re ex; 15 damage. Hide: Invisible vs. enemies from which it has ranged cover other than from intervening creatures SPEED SPEED SPEED 8 Momentum: After this creature moves on its turn, 6 F8 General Powers it has +5 m damage until end of turn. Conceal 6 Ripping Pounce: Use while charging: Make an Mordenkainen’s Sword: Use at start of turn: HP extra M attack vs. the target of that charge. HP HP Nearest enemy in line of sight takes 15 damage. 65 90 75 Dimension Door: Move action: Teleport 10. BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD 4 when rst bloodied. 30 45 35

Y Use with Underdark: Guenhwyvar Y Use with War Drums: Warforged Barbarian Y Use with Angel re: Archmage 33 49 98

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Wondrous Figurine Wanderer of the Mist Cloak of Wizardry For Use with Guenwhyvar • Unique Item +6 For Use with Warforged Barbarian +6 For Use with Archmage +6 Powers Powers Powers Figurine Form: Use at start of this creature’s turn: Adopted Culture: Use at setup: Choose one of Orc, Perpetual Sword: Use when an enemy takes damage Remove it from the battlemap, heal 20 HP and Construct, Demon, Gnoll,Rage. from Mordenkainen’s Sword: That enemy takes 15 4 Onyx Figurine. Then, your opponent scores 10 VP. This creature gains that keyword. ongoing damage until end of battle. Companion: +2 attack while within 5 squares Unrelenting Advance: Never pays additional MP cost Quicken Spell: Minor action: Make a r attack. to enter terrain; Immune Slowed. of a Unique ally. Blindsight: Ignores Invisible; Ignores Conceal. Juggernaut: +2 speed, +2 attack and +3+2 +5 damage while charging. +2+3 +3 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 49/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 50/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 51/60

Iron Golem Shadowdancer CR Elf Warmage Level 13 ) Construct Level 7 ) Human • Shadow Level 11 ) Elf • Arcane

Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 28 Iron Strike: (reach 2) +18 vs. AC; 20 Damage. 20 Short Swords: +12 vs. AC; 15 damage. 23 Shocking Grasp: +13 vs. AC or Re ex; 15 c Poison Cloud: (burst 2) +15 vs. Fortitude; lightning damage. FORT 10 ongoing poison damage AND Weakened FORT FORT c Acid Breath: (blast 5) +13 vs. Re ex; 27 (save ends both). 19 21 15 acid damage.

REF REF REF c Blast of Flame: (blast 5) +13 vs. Re ex; 23 19 21 15 re damage. r Thunder Lance: (range 10) +13 vs. Re ex; WILL General Powers WILL General Powers WILL 15 thunder damage. 23 Immune Fire, Poison 19 Hide: Invisible vs. enemies from which it has 21 Direct Orders: +5 damage while within 5 squares ranged cover other than from intervening creatures. of a champion ally. Sneak Attack 10: +10 damage vs. targets granting SPEED Inexorable: Can transit enemy-occupied squares. SPEED it combat advantage SPEED General Powers 5 Ponderous: Cannot shift. 7 Defensive Roll: Immediate action, when hit 6 Ring of Blades: Use at start of an adjacent Spell De ection: Immediate action, when hit by a m or r attack: The attack misses, instead. by an attack from an Arcane creature: That attack enemy’s turn: That enemy takes 10 damage. Shadow Jump: Minor action: Teleport 10, misses, instead. Sudden Empower: Use with a m, r or c power: HP HP ending adjacent to wall terrain. HP 80 50 45 +10 damage to each attack made with that power. BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD 40 25 20

Y Use with Underdark: Iron Golem Y Use with Blood War: Shadowdancer Y Use with Blood War: Elf Warmage 61 28 42

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Gem of Tactics Cloak of Shadow Goth Trenchcoat For use with Iron Golem +6 For Use with Shadowdancer +6 For Use with Elf Warmage +6 Powers Powers Powers Immune Dazed, Stunned Cloak: Gains the Stealth keyword. Fey Step: Immediate action, when this creature is Pinning Strike: Medium or smaller targets hit by Iron Shadowform: Use at start of turn: This creature targeted by an attack: Teleport 3. Strike are Immobilized. is invisible until end of turn. Deep Pockets: Attack action: 4 an attack power and Cleave: Immediate action, when this creature destroys Shadow Blade: m attacks ignore Insubstantial and 4 Sudden Empower. an enemy with a m attack: Make a M attack. may target Re ex instead of AC. Use the Weave: Use when making c attacks: Treats targets with Re ex of 25 or greater as 25. +3+1 +2+3 +3 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 52/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 53/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 54/60 Storm Archer CR Drider Sorcerer Ryld Argith CR Level 9  Elf • Martial 2 Level 9  Drow • Arcane • Spider Level 11  Drow • Martial • Unique Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC MLorem ipsum AC M 21 Short Sword: +14 vs. AC; 10 damage. 21 Dagger: +14 vs. AC; 10 damage. 27 Splitter: +17 vs. AC; 20 damage. r Longbow: (sight) +14 vs. AC; 15 lightning r Baleful Transposition: (range 5, placement) FORT damage. FORT +16 vs. Will; One ally within 5 squares of this FORT 20 23 creature switches position with target. 23 General Powers

REF REF c Lightning Bolt: (line 10) +14 vs. Re ex; REF Awareness: Immediate action, when an adjacent 20 23 20 lightning damage. On miss, 10 lightning damage. 23 enemy shifts: Make a M attack against that enemy. WILL WILL r Slashing Darkness: (sight) +14 vs. Re ex; WILL Commanding Presence: This creature is treated as 20 General Powers 23 10 necrotic damage. 23 having a Champion Rating of 4 for determining Hard Target: +4 to all defenses vs. enemies that intiative. are 10 or mores squares away. Inspire Allies: Evil allies score criticals on attack rolls of natural 19-20; Good allies have +2 attack. SPEED Disruptive Strike: Immediate action, when an SPEED SPEED enemy within line of sight targets an ally: Make a r General Powers Keen Critical 19: Scores criticals on attack rolls 7 7 6 attack vs. that enemy. On a hit, the enemy has Conceal 6 of natural 19-20. -4 on that (interrupted) attack. Dark re: Enemies within 2 squares do not benet Sneak Attack 5: +5 damage vs. targets granting HP HP from Conceal and are not Invisible. HP this creature combat advantage. 50 45 75 BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD 25 20 35

 Use with War of the Dragon Queen: Storm Archer  Use with Giants of Legend: Drider Sorcerer  Use with Aberrations: Ryld Argith 33 30 55

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Storm Bow Arachnomancy Expeditionary General For Use with Storm Archer +6 For Use with Drider Sorcerer +6 For Use with Ryld Argith • Unique Item +6 Powers Powers Powers ...Strikes Twice: Immediate action, after damaging r Web: Minor action: (range 3) +14 vs. Fortitude; Cohort: Use at setup: Add 1 Drow ally an enemy with a r attack: Repeat the attack. Immobilized (save ends). to your warband with cost of 14 VP or less. c Full Draw: (line 12) Full turn action: +14 vs. Re ex: Poison 5: +5 poison damage with m and r attacks. Elite Training: This creature and Drow allies with 20 lightning damage. Invisibility: Minor action: This creature is the same name as this creature’s Cohort (including Archer’s Mobility: Use after moving 4 or more Invisible until it resolves an attack. that creature) have +2 attack and +1 speed. squares from where this creatures started this turn: +2 attack until end of turn. +3+2 +3 +3+1 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 55/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 56/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 57/60

Centaur Hero Death CR Large Green Dragon CR Level 15  Fey • Centaur • Martial Level 12  Slaad • Chaos 2 Level 8  Dragon 1 Attack Powers Attack Powers Attack Powers AC M AC M AC M 26 Greatsword: (reach 2) +20 vs. AC; 20 damage. 25 Longsword: +17 vs. AC; 20 damage. 25 Bite: (reach 2) +15 vs. AC; 10 damage AND r Longbow: (sight) +20 vs. AC; 20 damage. m Stunning Rend: +17 vs. AC; 20 damage AND 10 ongoing poison damage (save ends). FORT FORT Followup: +15 vs. Fortitude; Stunned. FORT c Poison Breath: (blast 5) +14 vs. Fortitude; 26 24 22 15 poison damage AND 10 ongoing poison

REF REF REF damage. On miss, 10 poison damage. 26 24 22 Q when rst bloodied. General Powers General Powers WILL WILL WILL 26 Galloping Attack: This creature moves up to its 24 Chaos Storm: Use when you win initiative: 22 General Powers speed (minimum 1 square) and may make a M Q Stunning Rend and each enemy has -2 attack Resist 10 Poison attack at any time during that move. until end of round. Powerful Charge 10: +10 damage while charging. SPEED SPEED SPEED Champion Powers 8 F6 Champion Powers F9  Use at start of round: Allies have an extra +4  Use at start of round: Roll 1d20 and apply the m attack and +10 m damage vs. anked targets until end of round. eect shown until end of round: HP HP 1-10 Slaad allies have +2 Re ex, Fortitude HP 85 75 and Will, and +10 damage. 85 BLOOD BLOOD 11-20 Slaad allies have +2 AC and +4 attack. BLOOD 40 35 40  Use with War of the Dragon Queen: Large Green Dragon  Use with Deathknell: Centaur Hero  Use with Underdark: Death Slaad 78 53 51

©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 58/60  L ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 59/60  M ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 60/60  L

Knight of the Meadow Pandemonic Nature Illusionist’s Stone For Use with Centaur Hero +6 For Use with Death Slaad +6 For Use with Large Green Dragon +6 Powers Powers Powers Sword & Hoof: Use when it damages an enemy: Resist 10 Necrotic, Poison, Acid Deception: Use when opponent declares an attack: If enemy is adjacent, enemy is also Dazed (save ends). Regenerate the Flesh: Use at start of round: If bloodied, Slide an ally up to 5 squares. Pastoral Champion: Fey allies have +2 attack. heal 10 HP. Distraction: Use after rolling intitiative: Choose one Trample: This creature may transit one Medium or Blood Rock Frenzy: Use whenever a critical hit is scored: of your opponent’s initiative dice. They must reroll smaller enemy’s space when it moves. If it does, Slaad creatures have +5 damage (cumulative) that die, instead. that enemy takes 15 damage. until end of battle. +3+1 +3+1 +3+4 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 58/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 59/60 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 60/60 The DDM Sense Danger Allstars Level 6+ )Champion • Unique Item +6 Powers Design: L. Martineau with B Shugg , J. Prather. Recon gure: Use at the start of round 1: and A. Kostianen Slide each creature in your warband, of level 5 Development: D.G. Stupack, L. Martineau, J. Cook. or less, up to 4 squares. Graphic Art: J. Broveleit, K. Tatroe, D.G. Stupack

Thanks to our supporters at , and to all the DDM players world-wide that keep +3 the game vibrant. ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 61/60

Sky Scrapping Boots Level 8+ )Unique Creature +6 Copyright 2020 DDM Guild & Wizards of the Coast. Powers No part of this product is open content. Permission to Cloud Stride: Use at start of round: This creature has reproduce for personal use is granted. ight until end of round.

Elevate: Is considered to have ight when We are the determining if an enemy provokes opportunity attacks. Enemies with ight may not transit its space. +3+2 ©2019 DDM Guild All Stars Release 62/60

Both bonus items dedicated to LM. Thanks, Skyscraper!
