VOLUME 96, NUMBERCAMPUS 33 ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, MEADVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1973 Sunday afternoon Touring company to perform As You Like It

The Oxford and Cambridge Shakespeare Company, in their fifth season of American university touring, will present As You Like It by William Shakespeare, at Allegheny on Sunday, January 14. The popular romantic comedy will be staged in the Campus Center auditorium at 2:30 p.m. Writing As You Like It around 1599 to please his large and diversified audience, Shakespeare developed the fashionable myths that rural living is superior to city dwelling, and lovers always fall in love at first sight and become miraculously eloquent about it. Taking the plot from the novel Rosaly-nde by Thomas Lodge, published in 1590 Shakespeare's story is much swifter and clearer for he takes it much less seriously than Lodge did. As the play opens, Duke Frederick has usurped the dukedom of his elder brother, Duke Senior, who is living in exile in the Forest of Arden. Frederick's daughter, Celia, and his brother's daughter, Rosalind, childhood friends, are living at Frederick's court along with Sir Rowland de Boys' sons, Oliver and Orlando. Following a quarrel between Oliver and Orlando, Orlando, who has fallen in love with Rosalind, has to flee for his life. Rosalind is also banished by Duke Frederick, Celia follows her, and all join Duke Senior in the Forest Arden. It is in the Forest that the main business of Rosie Kerslake as Rosalind, Andrew Whiffin as Jaques de Bols, Peter Wight as Oliver, and Sophie Cox as Celia are members of the Oxford the play, flirtations and mocking Cambridge Shakespeare Company that will present "As You Like It" in the Campus Center Auditorium at 2:30 on January 14. laughter, takes place. The plot is was founded to combine a with Richard Cottrell's although subject to controversy The director of As You Like It, wound up when Duke Frederick Elijah Moshinsky, was educated and Oliver repent their professional production team production of A Midsummer's among the critics for its original with the acting talents of Oxford Night Dream. The tour helped interpretation, was booked for a at Melbourne University. While wickedness, Duke Senior is studying there, Mr. Moshinsky restored to his dukedom, and the and Cambridge for the purpose of the OCSC establish a con- three week run at the Fortune touring American universities. siderable reputation and at- Theatre in the West End directed and designed Australian young people are all married. premieres fo The Trial, The In 1967, the Oxford and Cam- Their first tour was launched tracted the interests of Harold following a stormy tour of the East Coast. English and Caucasian Chalk Circle, and bridge Shakespeare Company during Christmas vacation in 1968 Shaw, one of America's leading agents. American audiences greeted the Mother Courage. As director of In their second season the fourth production, Julius Caesar, the Melbourne Youth Theater, Company presented Twelfth as a provocative and stimulating Mr. Moshinsky directed Three Night under the direction of approach to Shakespeare, and in Sisters and Hamlet. A senior College debaters Jonathan Miller who was both March, 1972, the Company teaching fellow at Monash criticized and praised for his returned to the West End to play University, he has also lectured highly original approach. While for two weeks at the New Theatre on Brecht and Political Theatre. Twelfth Night was playing to in St. Martin's Lane. Mr. Moshinsky is currently critical acclaim in Oxford and During the summer of this writing his doctoral dissertation Cambridge, Harold Shaw year, the OCSC presented its first on Russian political thought at take high honors secured bookings for the tour in non-Shakespearean production, Oxford. eighteen American universities, The Importance of Being Ear- Tickets for the Allegheny Expectations were fulfilled including Dartmouth, Harvard nest, by Oscar Wilde, which performance may be obtained at examination period was called and Yale. played in Oxford, Cambridge, the Campus Center box office at over semester break when the for. Said Bruce King, "We had Allegheny Debating Team Jonathan Miller's production of Bury St. Edmunds, and the prices of $2.00 for adults and $1.00 hoped the cross examination hamlet the following year, King's Lynn Festival. for non-Allegheny students. created another upset in forensic style would be to our advantage; circles by taking high honors at a as was seen, however, it hindered tournament hosted by Geneva Tom and I on the affirmative, College. The duo of Tom Perkoski though the other half of the team 120 cases in one day and Bruce King once again seemed to profit by it." captured distinction by placing The team will expand its second in team competition, horizon greatly in the next month losing the first place trophy by a by competing in a few larger Flu hits college community slim margin of three points competitions, and coming in (Perkoski and King took first in contact with a greater variety their last tournament). and certainly more formidable Mr. King led the team in point- opposition. On the ninth and tenth scoring once again, compiling of February, the team will travel but few cases found in city enough to attain third speaker to Kent State, and on the six- rating. Two Allegheny freshmen, teenth and seventeenth the Allegheny students, in addition seems to be "endemic to the Several deaths have been Jim Moore and Dave McQuiston, location will be Ohio University. reported in Crawford County, but rounded out the team with three Although expected to fare well, to facing the rigors of winter, are Allegheny student body." Ac- wins and one loss to give the the question does arise, how will now facing a flu epidemic. cording to a City Hospital official, these involve older people who gentlemen their best overall they do in light of the enhanced Wednesday, there were 120 cases there have been few cases in suffer from complications. As for record this year. skills and numbers of par- reported of "some kind of flu, " at Meadville itself. Dr. Dunn also students, such a possibility is This was a smaller tournament ticipants? Perkoski and than the last; the number of King will most likely split for at the infirmary. This is many stated that due to the complexity highly unlikely. Various symp- schools competing was fifteen. A least one of these tournaments in more than the number reported of culturing and isolating the toms, such as a high fever, sore wider range of colleges par- an effort to expand their own at this time last year, according strain, he has "no idea what kind throat, and headache, are ticipated, however, including ability as well as work with other to Dr. Dunn at the Winslow of flu it is." He said he knew reported. The illness usually Susquehanna and LaSalle from members of the team. Philadelphia, West Virginia The team has been guided Health Center. Rumors are nothing about canceling classes. lasts from 48-72 hours. The In- Wesleyan and several schools along its quickly successful path widespread about the possibility It may or may not be the London firmary is kept busy passing out from Ohio. The structure of by the Debate Club's coach, Mr. of temporarily closing the school. flu which has struck many major various medicines, but the usual debate differed slightly from the Gerald Lazzaro. last, too, in that a cross Dr. Dunn stated that the flu cities. treatment is bedrest and fluids. Page 2 CAMPUS Friday, January 12, 1973 The Death Pencl- Alumni Gift y Revisited

According to the latest edition of the Allegheny College Bulletin, a number of fiftieth-year alumni class gifts have been bestowed on Of Law and Order the college community. These golden anniversary gifts are "accomplishing some worthy...objectives" in the words of the anonymous author. The classes of 1917 and 1920 contributed a combined total of By ARBY SWIFT $3,376.69 towards a "Student Emergency Loan Fund to assist students who for some unforseen circumstances need financial Various spokesmen for the law and order assistance in order to make possible their continuation at crowd added their latest effusions to the public cacophony last week. In Washington, Attorney Allegheny." The class of 1921 provided a total of $1,170 for the General Richard Kleindienst announced at a recently completed radioactive isotope facility in Carnegie Hall. press conference that the Justice Department We congratulate these three classes on the worthwhile con- was drawing up legislation seeking a mandatory tributions they have made to Allegheny College, both past and death penalty for such crimes as skyjacking, present. bombing a public building, assassinating a However, we question the $6,378 contributed by the class of 1915 public official and killing a prison guard. The for the erection of a " 'Gateway to the New Campus' at the point above crimes of premeditation are ones that rate where the former George Street runs into the Campus Center as particularly offensive to human sensibilities. grounds." So, too, do we wonder at the $2,350 spent by the class Kleindienst's announcement marks a definite of 1919 for the ever popular "There is an Allegheny College retreat from the Justice Department's long stand Today..." plaque as well as the "white marble bench conforming in opposing the death penalty. The planned to the architecture of the (C.C.) lobby" which rests immediately legislation skirts around last June's Supreme below the plaque and the "two granite benches, conforming to the Court ruling that held the death penalty to be style of the Campus Center," in front of the C.C.'s main entrance. unconstitutional as cruel and unusual punish- In light of President Pelletier's recent statement that the ment if leveled arbitrarily and capriciously. labelled the Kleindienst and Rockefeller actions campaign to raise the funds for a new library "will be the most Governor Nelson Rockefeller complemented as "utter madness" and attacked "constant difficult that we have ever undertaken" and the need for eventual Kleindienst's actions in his State of the State violence and prison segregation as problem replacement of the aged IBM 1620 computer in Carr Hall, the address to the New York legislature. Speaking solvers." classes of Allegheny alumni contemplating class gifts are strongly before cheering legislators, Rockefeller called encouraged to think in more realistic terms. for a mandatory life sentence to be given sellers It appears that the above measures represent The usefulness of class gateways, plaques, benches, and rocks is of hard drugs (marijuana excepted) and addicts an attempt to turn the clock back and employ very limited from a student viewpoint. Most such monuments who commit violent crimes. He would offer no drastic measures of doubtful effect to halt serve only to preserve a class'a year-stamp, boasting "yes, we were chance of parole, suspended sentence or serious crimes. The fault with the Rockefeller and Kleindienst legislation is that it fails to draw here." But, we, the classes of '73, '74, '75, and '76, are here now probation for those convicted except for the distinctions that the Supreme Court found and would appreciate more living memorials and fewer useless possibility of parole after 15 years for defendant cruel and unusual in overturning the death monuments. under the age of 19. Marvin Mandel of penalty. There are also serious doubts as to the Maryland responded to his gubernatorial effectiveness of the programs. With Klein- colleague's actions be mentioning that he might dienst's proposals, the question must be asked ask the Maryland General Assembly for some whether the threat of a death penalty might mandatory death legislation. Reaction to this induce a hijacker in the midst of the crime to Trim the Fat tide of law and order proposals was swift from throw away his concern for the lives of the former Attorney General Ramsey Clark. He trapped passengers. Isn't it an arbitrary action One victim of the Nixon Administration's latest series of budget to assign the death penalty to both the criminal cuts and economy drives has been federal aid to education. whose ineffective bomb destroys an unoccupied Experts at the Office of Management and Budget are trying to public washrrom and his counterpart whose reduce next year's federal aid to education by 10 percent which bomb delivers mass death to the innocent? translates into '/4 billion dollars being cut from the present 5.7 Rockefeller's legislation confronts the student billion dollar budget. who gives (the law includes gifts in the crime of This news comes just months after last spring's Higher sale) his friend some hashish or LSD, the Education Act which offered a greatly expanded federal aid Vietnam War veteran who needs deals to program through such new measures as direct aid of up to $1,400 support the habit he picked up overseas and the a year for any needy and qualified student and direct federal big time trafficker of imported heroin with the operating subsidies to most colleges and universities. It is same mandatory life penalty. There is a definite probably that little of the act's authorized price tag of $20 billion need for a distinction to be drawn here. New over the next three years will be funded into federal aid programs Yorks Times columnist Tom Wicker called during the near future. President Nixon is expected to ask for no Rockefeller's proposal "unworkable unless new funds to aid colleges and universities in operating expenses. unaccompanied by unimaginable court and An uncertain future lies before an already existing program to aid prison reform." It has been estimated that college libraries. An increase in student aid will be balanced by another 240 New York judges would be needed cuts in other educational aid areas. Federal aid to an estimated to handle the 10,000 possible convictions that two million students will be spread around more as the new law could be expected. allows for aid to students in nonaccredited schools. These are the hard facts in federal aid to education that will pose new financial difficulties for college administrators, students and parents in the coming years ahead. In a time when the cries "cut to the bone" and "trim the fat" are accepted as dogma by many in authority, it is often forgotten that individuals and great in- stitutions are seriuosly and adversly affected by such bone paring operations.

CA Publirinq since 1876 h• the Students of Alleghenv College

Published every Tuesday and Friday throughout the JACK McCAIN - Editor academic year, except during examination periods. Editorial policy is determined by the Editorial Board. Opinions expressed editorially are the responsibility of the BILL CISSNA DIANA ROSS Editorial Board and are not necessarily those of the Managing Editor Ass't. Managing Editor Allegheny Student Government or of Allegheny College. Letters and signed articles are the opinions only of their authors. AMY HARRISON HENRY SILBERBLATT Members of the Editorial Board are Jack McCain (Chair Editorial Page Editor Photography Editor man), Bill Cissna, Amy Harrison, Pat Houston, Diana Ross, Jim Skees, Mary Sue Sweeney, and Arby Swift. Deadlines for Letters to the Editor, unsolicited columns, and articles are 2:30 pm Sunday and Wednesday. Deadlines JIM SKEES ARBY SWIFT Clearly the recent proposals by Richard Associate Editor Associate Editor for classifieds are 7:00 pm Monday and Wednesday. Kleindienst and Nelson Rockefeller represent Payment in advance must accompany all classifieds. Lost and found notices and announcements of a non- the unsatisfactory and ineffective way to combat PAT HOUSTON financial nature are published free of charge. serious crimes. These proposals move the tone Sports Editor National Advertising representative: National Educational of the law and order debate closer to the ab- Advertising Service. surdities of a Frank Rizzo who proclaims that MARY SUE SWEENEY JUDY BARABAS Subscriptions: $9.00 for the full academic year, $3.25 per what Philadelphia needs is a good electric chair Business Manager Advertising Manager term. and Police Chief Ed Davis who wishes to see Offices are located in Rooms U-202 and U-210 of the Campus JUDY KOPER Center-Fine Arts Building, Allegheny College, Meadville, gallows erected near the airport to Production Ass't. Pa. 16335. Mailing address: Campus, Box 12, Allegheny give a speedy judgment on apprehended College, Meadville, Pa. 16335. Telephones: (814) 724-5386, hijackers. PHOTOGRAPHY: Rachel Bryner, Bob Meyer, George Pierson 5387. JOSE M. NAHARRO and GEORGE NARUNS, Circulation Managers Friday, January 12, 1973 CAMPUS Page 3 Epistemology All Dial the Power no easy answer

By SCOTT McKNIGHT By FRANKLIN W. DIXON through the New York City Telephone Direc- tory. Were this not enough, does it not say in the Mr. Wauzzinski's article on God raised some important In this time of spiritual turmoil, there exists at Yellow Pages, "Let your fingers do the questions concerning the pRoblem of religious knowledge. Allegheny a religious community that has walking?" Unfortunately, those questions were never answered. Though he turned from liberal Protestantism and Further proof can be found in existence. As I says that "Starting with an infinite personal God, the question of Catholicism to a more satisfying creed. We see it, existence can only be explained three epistemology can be answered", he never shows how this is so. practice a faith that uplifts and gives direction, ways, posticouslly speaking of course. First, Instead he goes on to say that if one believes in such a God, one but is more dependable than liberal everything could have come from nothing. Now can rejoice "that there is a cause and effect in the univers", that Christianity: the worship of AT&T and the Bell by nothing, I mean nothing nothing, not one's life is given purpose, and that one's action has an "infinite System. Profound Questions such as "Who am effect", among other things. Now this may be so, but I cannot see see I?", "Where am I?", "Why am I whoever and ALL DIAL, page 4 that this is evidence for some kind of "true truth" (as opposed to wherever I am?", "Do Turns actually absorb 47 merely personal or relative truth). Far from being the answer to epistemological questions, it is at times their weight in excess stomach acid?" this point that the problem of religious knowledge presents itself. quadrogenarianly speaking, of course, must be How can one know if there is a God at all? And if there is a God, dealt with. Back of Yo-Yo and Da-Da lies the how can one know that one particular belief about Him is truer shadowy Poo-Poo. But what does this have to do than any other belief? These questions, though implicit in the with the Bell System? considerations of Mr. Wauzzinski's article, were never dealt with. The tenets of our faith are simple: we worship It seems to be a common assumption of evangelical Christianity, the Bell System as greater than mere mortal in its local manifestation at least, that unless something is ab- man and believe in the New York City solutely ture, it is not really true at all. Thus, the belief that there Telephone Directory as the living word handed is only "one way", only one truth. down from above. On the point of interpretation I think it must be recognized that there is more than one kind of of the Directory, our community splits into two knowledge and thus, more than one kind of truth. Two kinds of groups: those who take the New York City knowledge-truth that are commonly known are formal truth and Directory as literal truth and draw strength from empirical truth. Formal truth (for instance, in mathematics or a fundamental interpretation have formed logic) are true by definition. Empirical truths (found in the "Allegheny Directory Assistance," while those various sciences) are true by virtue of being conformable to who believe in the Directory's basic truth but certain rules, for instance, being publicly verifiable or falsifiable, take a more liberal stance have formed "0-Key- being open to public experimentation and-or observation, etc. Doe-Key," a name derived from the Greek Conservative and-or evangelical Christians seem to take attitudes words for "the line is busy." Whatever our suitable to these areas of knowledge and make them general. differences, however, both groups are united in Thus, a proposal must be either right or wrong. "There either is a the belief that cosmic truth and salvation can be God or there isn't a God." Thus, also, the positing of the found in the Directory and that after death the existence of or need for absolutes--"moral and metaphysical absolutes"; "absolute models of personalness". soul goes to a pay phone booth in . However, there remain other realms of knowledge. which, to As a community, the faithful meet once a abbreviate things, I shall lump together and call personal week and devote long hours of study to passages knowledge. This is knowledge which arises from the concrete in the Directory under the guidance of our experience of the individual, including knowledge of other spiritual adviser, a local telephone repair man. ("moral") selves, and a knowledge of his or her personal history. Later, in an effort to increase our feeling of one- It is within this realm that moral and religious knowledge are ness and harmony, we get on a party line and possible. And it is may this personal knowledge which can call long distance to Nairobi or Sydney, provide answers for religious or moral questions, for such Australia. This not only increases group unity questions are unavoidably of a personal nature. but is a form of missionary work that takes the I'm sure it will be recognized that the truths which arise from word of salvation to the heathen; our missionary personal knowledge are relativistic in nature. This, of course, (if motto is "dial direct and save." We then end our accepted), puts evangelsim in a rather poor light: how can anyone meetings with a few choruses of a favorite hymn justify converting comeone else to a personal belief (since one is like "Wichita Lineman," or "Beechwood 4- presumably as true as another)? This brings up the whole subject 5789" and go home. of what it means to believe. Rather than launch into a discussion of the dynamics of faith, I will simply say that, perSonally, I find it To those who object, saying this faith is possible to believe in a truth, without believing it to be the truth. absurd, we have the following logical scientific (All this is, of course, my opinion; but I think it is well founded. explanation: everything has to be taken on faith. If anyone is interestedin a more detailed discussion of this view, A scientist must take it on faith that what he see Ontology and the Possibility of Religious Knowledge by sees through the microscope is true; therefore Calvin Suhrag, in Religious Knowledge and the Problem of from this logical progression it should be ob- Religious Knowledge, Ronald E. Santoni, ed.) vious to anyone that the only way to salvation is

/g7.3 At( GIS taGiaz.1 Thank pAos- cr.07 GI ft' TAW-9 TtNt• - I You

To the Editor: I would like to express my appreciation to the Campus for its coverage in the final issue of the Fall term of the debate team's victory at the Thiel In- vitational Tournament. I am grateful, too, for the support demonstrated in the editorial which appeared in that same issue. Such recognition and support is important to any campus activity, but it is critically important to any ac- tivity still in its first year of operation. I would like to correct, however, one small error of fact which appeared in the editorial, a fact which, although small, might -7- ;jeer; .-.1;'1, ,, lead to mistaken inferences on tF; the part of readers (a sizeable number, I would guess) not familiar with debate activities at Allegheny. The Campus editorial 'TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH, WE CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE OF THAT BOMBING, EITHER!' see THANK YOU, page 4 Page 4 CAMPUS Friday, January 12, 1973 Galleries feature photo exhibits

These two photographs are from "Art of the Sixties," one of the two photographic exhibits presently showing in the art galleries of Allegheny College. The pictures, two contrasting poses of the same woman 6y Judy Dater, are entitled "Twinka - '70." The other exhibit is the photography of Richard Murphy, an Allegheny alumnus.

THANK YOU, from page 3 might not have had any debate ALL DIAL, from page 3 team this year, let alone a fairly stated that the Thiel Tournament successful one. something nothing or everything was the team's first in- Tournament debating is a passage: tercollegiate competition. Ac- nothing, but nothing nothing "Aulecimo, Antony 106 Atwood lonely activity and a victory at a nothing nothing nothing. If you tually, the Thiel Tournament was tournament is a great individual 461-4021 the team's third appearence can't imagine it simply think Aurednik, Frank 10 Kelly 731- accomplishment, but debate is about the contents of this column. overall, although it was the first itself a cooperative effort and an 0103 intercollegiate appearance of Now where was I...where am I, Auto Alignment Service 104 effort highly dependent on the who am I? Oh, yes, I was writing Tom Perkoski and Bruce King support of the academic com- Penn 371-3079" who took top honors in af- an article (You can see how these Not only did I derive great munity in which it takes place. In questions weigh on my mind.) firmative debating at the light of that fact, I believe the strength from this passage, but Tournament. The Bell System has often now I know where to get my front debate team's excellent showing proven its goodness by entering My concern over that small at the Thiel Tournament was not wheels re-aligned! Obviously this detail is a concern that the efforts the lives of those who have was a sign from above. just a victory for Tom and Bruce received the call. It has per- of other debaters during Fall or for the debate team only, but a All are welcomd to attend our term not go completely sonally affected mine. Once when meetings every Tuesday at 7:30 victory for the Allegheny College distraught and beset by the unacknowledged. As coach of the community. in the room next to the Brooks debate team, I would like to prolems of this vale of tears, I free phone. This week worship at acknowledge the efforts of all opened the Directory at random the booth of your choice. Gerald A Lazzaro and read this comforting those debaters who participated Instructor - during this crucial first term of Speech and Drama operations. Moreover, I am Debate Coach certain I speak for Tom and Bruce as well as myself when I extend appreciation to Jim Moore, Eric Bateman, Vik Noticed the Gosain, Nancy La Mont, Dave Mack, and Dan Templeton, all of COLD Weather whom debated intercollegiately last term, and whose ideas, ex- lately? periences and research con- tributed directly to that suc- We can't help that, cessful weekend at Thiel. While I am in the middle of but we can offer acknowledging the previously unacknowledged, I wish to take a SWEATERS at moment to publicly thank those members of ASG who supported HEART-WARMING our efforts to secure funds to finance a forensics program. Had Prices! it not been for the efforts of Dan Pride, Bruce Gavett, Bill Doernberger and others we SWEATERS T-NECK The birth, Cardigan arlilnals & flowers are dying to tell us... V-NECK "Give a hoot, don't polluter $6.88 and $9.88 Were up to $40.00

Thomas and Pierce, an acoustic duo presently from just outside Slippery Rock, as they looked last PSC p.m. to 11:30 p.m., night at the CC Coffeehouse. The pair will be performing tonight from 8:30 and Saturday night from 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the CC Activities Room. II F MEADVII-LE J.iliNNiogisv()%v1\ light againsl VO247 ChestnutN Friday, January 12, 1973 CAMPUS Page 5 Survey results bring New York Rock Ensemble back for third time

response against the lowest By BERNIE SCANLON price. The response in favor of the Rock Ensemble was about As everyone knows, a survey equal to that of the higher priced was taken last term of the whole groups. Hence the. students would Allegheny student body, to be hearing a group they wanted determine what musical groups to hear which would not cause a the students desired to have in financial loss to the Campus concert at the college. The Center as did the Commander Campus Center organization Cody concert. cabinet has examined the results In addition, plans for the third of this survey. The decision is term call for a concert by a high- that the New York Rock En- priced group. Among the major semble will appear during second possibilities are Procul Harum, term. tentatively on Saturday, Judy Collins, Arlo Guthrie, Leon February 24th. Russell, and . Meanwhile it The main reason for choosing is to be earnestly hoped that the this group, as explained by upcoming concert will prove a Campus Center cabinet member success in giving the students entertainment for which they Al Stewart, - was that it The New York Rock Ensemble, shown here in their 1970 performance at Allegheny, is scheduled for a represented the strongest have indicated a preference. repeat performance sometime second term, hopefully in late February.

Girls !

A Good Feeling to Know? Its not too late ! You bet! Pageant officials today an- Pageant Headquarters, 35 W. still does not quite The album ends with another Chestnut, Washington, Pa., 15301 By TOM CONLEE fit in well, as his songs are, well, Furay cut Sweet Lovin'. Starting nounced, Monday, January 22nd as the final deadline for ap- by January 22nd. Applications unsettling. Ride the Country and with a Rusty Young pedal steel should include a recent photo, a Poco's been around for some Keeper of the Fire are by and (sounding like Hammond organ) plications to the 1973 Miss Penn- time now. Critics have been both sylvania Pageant, which will brief biography and phone large ambitious (the former) or solo, Sweet Lovin' moves into a number. favorable and blasting of their just filler cuts (the latter). slow song of love toward a new again be stated at the Franklin country-Poco-rock style, which Mall, Washington, Pa., in mid- In 1971, beautiful 19 year old However, his third song Early born child. Rusty Young, Michele McDonald of Butler, Pa. was unique. And more im- Times shows promise, and is mentioned here, does a March. The Miss Pennsylvania portantly, sadly so. Poco had Pageant is an official Miss USA- not only won the state title, but another fine, fine song. None of phenomenal technical job on went on to become the national little recorded commercial Cotton's songs are bad, it's just pedal steel guitar throughout the Universe contest. success. For some unfathomable the company out classes him. album. reason, Poco's albums did not sell well; especially their last album From the Inside. (I realize now that I've not mentioned two cuts, both of which should be, in all fairness.) nis amum marked the debut, on vinyl, of Paul Cotton as lead guitarist, and vocalist with Poco. Bass player Timothy B. Schmit Replacing (who has is two for two on his con- gone on to Loggins & Messina ), tributions. I Can See Everything Cotton came from the ill-fated has got to have the best chorus Illinois Speed Press. From the I've heard in quite a while, Inside was not up to snuff for vocally this cut shines. Restrain Poco. The Poco-rock sound was is the most un-old-Poco song on strained, as if the band was the album and one of the three struggling for some new reaf- best songs on the album. There is firmation and direction. Steve a slight "hard rock" air to this Cropper's production of From the song and a good guitar--pedal Inside was poor to good and, in steel introduction. the end, the album was a minor let down. The last two unmentioned cuts are And Settlin' Down (Furay) Part of the problem must have and, in a tribute to Furay's days There is no "talent" winner. Michele was Miss USA. been Cotton's force in the group. in the Buffalo Springfield Go and requirement, all judging is on the This year it could happen He is basically a rock'n'roll type Say Goodbye by Stephen Stills. basis of poise, personality and again dude, and Poco had to find a new This song was on the first beauty of face and figure. Ap- In addition to winning a host of identity within a blended old Springfield album and, I think, on plicants must be between 18 and prizes, the girl chosen as Miss style--?style context. Retrospective. Here it is updated 28, never married and at least six Pennsylvania, will represent the In this case, the company is and, all in all, is a better than month residents of Pennsylvania- Keystone state in the Miss USA , who writes the best ever version. -thus college dorm students are Pageant on CBS-TV from San songs he has written in years. eligible. All girls interested in Juan, Puerto Rico in May. The band moved to Colorado, There you have it. A Good as the pressures of LA were competing for the title must Application deadline is Feeling to Know should be the apply to Miss Pennsylvania .January 22nd. becoming too much for the The title cut A Good Feeling to commercial success Poco richly members, and they hunted for a Know is just, one of those songs deserves. new, lively, happy, and that is meant to be heard going 80 For those of you who crave a (hopefully)) commercial style of mph on a sunny summer day with rating, I give A Good Feeling to Poco music. your radio at full volume. Know an A with a MacDonald's Everything is right on this song, gift certificate ( 50 cents) for the music, vocals, everything, the ittle booklet of pictures and And this brings me to A Good best cut. vords. Feeling to Know, Poco's reaf- firmation as a group worth All money moochers, loot reckoning. Things just really leechers, cash coppers, anc flow on this disc; the songs are theinusic better than ever and there is an aloums audible joy in the voices of Poco's change cheaters. Woulc you vocalists. I think that they are box tapes quite, quite happy with their new like to make your own money direction. They should be; this stereo equipment album is fine. for a change? musical instruments I don't know of many albums Then sell ads for us on that continually excite me on each listening. The Allman Bros. at commission, wig woncer'ul and the Dead can usually do it. A Good Feeling to Know is this type lowest prices of album. advancement °opal-Unities! It's easy, it's fun! A brief rundown on the choicer 309 Chestnut Street cuts (they are all extremely Across from Post Office good, so this is more a biased Mt IAA 11 view ). Page 6 CAMPUS Friday, January 12, 1973 Wrestlers battle WSJ, Have 3-1 record now By Keith Steiner The Allegheny wrestling team trouble making the transition the team, but so far he has not under the guidance of Coach from his high school wrestling competed up to that potential." Harold McElhaney will go after weight to the college weights. In Also at 167 is sophomore Bill its second straight PAC high school George competed at Pappas who posted a 1-1-1 record wrestling victory tomorrow 95 pounds. At 126 freshman Scott in the Allegheny Invitational and afternoon at 1:00 as they face a Donlon from Grand Island, N.Y. is rated by McElhaney as a tough veteran squad from has so far held back Dave Rosner strong threat to the elder Washington and Jefferson. The for the starting position. The 134 Hospidar's top position. At 177 Prexies have eight lettermen in weight class seems to be the most freshman Brad Chapman from starting spots and on paper ap- talent laden of all the teams Bear Lake, Pa. has so far posted pear to be the favorite but Coach classes with three good grapplers a 3-1 record and shows a lot of McElhaney is quick to point out vieing for spots. Boyd Bulger has talent and desire. At 190 Dan that, "matches are won on the gained the starting call thus far Slovik, another freshman, has mat, not on paper." At this point and has posted a fine 3-0-1 record been forced to move up from his in the season the Gators sport a in competition. Right behind him normal 177 class to the higher fine 3-1 record with wins over is former PAC champ Kevin class because there was no one Buffalo State, Behrend, and Donlon who has tried to knock else to fill the class. So far he has perennial power Thiel. These Bulger out of the top rank. made a credible effort losing a victories came as the Gators took Bulger is a hometown Meadville close match at Edinboro last the championship of the first boy and has quite a local Tuesday. At heavyweight senior Allegheny Invitational. The lone following. Also at 134 is Terry Giffen starts his forth year loss occurred last Tuesday when sophomore Larry Gilbert, who of competition as the Gator big the powerful Edinboro Scots saw action last year as a fresh- man. So far he has only posted a handed the grapplers a 33-4 set- man. At 142 another freshman, 1-3 record and has not pleased back. George Baacke from Coach McElhaney with his ef- Monroeville, holds down the forts. Hospidar lone victor Kevin Donlan, shown above, is one of the Gators' 134 pound weight starting spot and has thus far posted an outstanding 3-1 record. Carroll leads PAC class contenders. The Gator matmen have a 3-1 record so far this In the Edinboro match the lone season. Their only defeat came at the hands of a strong Edinboro Coach McElhaney has a lot of In PAC competition John team. Gator win came in the 158 pound praise for Baacke and is im- class as freshman Mark Carroll once again is head and pressed by his wrestling skill and shoulders above the rest of the Hospidar decisioned Edinboro's knowledge. At 150 freshman Al Sterns 5-2. Another freshman, converence with their out- standing wrestling team. The Campus Sports Views , Boyd Bulger managed to tie his Moon injured opponent at two apiece and rest of the conference is fairly George Baacke lost a very close Moon from Bear Lake, Pa. even with only Carnegie-Mellon 5-4 decision in the last five normallyholds the starting spot out of the running completely. slows action seconds of his match as most of but will not wrestle tomorrow Hiram has a very strong team Flu IFC the matches were rather lopsided because of a knee sprain. He is and looks now to he the favorite in the Scots favor. expected to be ready for the Thiel for second place honors. The By BILL KRZTON With eight freshmen in starting match on January 20. Also at 150 Gators upcoming match with slots at the present time the is junior Rodger Christian. At 158 W&J figures to be a very im- Second term, more snow, more work, more sports. Basketball tried to Gators have an extremely young freshman Marc Hospidar from portant contest with the Prexies get underway and the flu tried to stop it, so far the score is IFC team. Only three upperclassmen McDonald, Pa. has posted a fine fielding a team with eight let- basketball 5, flu 2. Two games have already been cancelled, and are among the starting squad. 3-1 record and has impressed his termen against the young Gators. Coach McElhaney sized things more scratches seem inevitable. It could be a strange season. But so far it has been these same coach as being a hard worker and freshmen that have accounted for fine competitor. At 167 brother up by saying, "We'll have to wrestle like we did against Thiel, Teams that did play showed the Phi Psis, Fijis, and three in- the majority of the teams suc- Mike Hospidar also draws a lot of a little over our heads, to win." If dependent teams up, and the Crows, Theta Cliis, ABC and the Sigs cess. In the 118 weight class comment from his coach. "Mike (twice) down. The best game to date was the Phi Psi 51-48 decision freshman George Pambacus is has a lot of potential probably the should be very interesting to see over the Crows. Charley Rosenthal led the way with 25 points as only 4 all alone. George is having some greatest amount of potential on whether this will happen. Phi Psis scored, but they scored more than all the Crows. Tank and Jones had 14 each for the losers. Lewis and Altman got 22 apiece as Ravine stomped a depleted Theta Chi team 54-39. Jeff Brandon got 1- in a losing effort. ABC managed only seven buckets in each half as they fell easy prey to the Phi Gams 40-28. Todd Mizik had a dozen for Roundballers lose to Hiram the winners, Allen Huff equaled that total for ABC. Caflisch, led by Dave Charleton's 25points, rolled to the biggest victory to date smothering the Sigs 74-37. Well balanced scoring helped the Indies hand the Sigs loss number two by a 50-28 margin. Pete Moss led the way with 12. By JOAN 1.EUTHNF,11. Intramural Basketball Schedule It is noted that after the first week of play, no Indie team ( except The Gators will be looking for ABC which is hard to classify ) has lost a game. However, one reporter Jan. 16 4:00 Phi Psis—ABCs their first win when they take on did not see fit to mention one Indie name in her article dealing with the Crows--Delts Washington and Jefferson hoop season...probably journalistic license. 9:15 10:30 Indies--Theta Chis tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. Allegheny dropped their PAC opener to Jan. 17 4:00 Phi Delts--Ravine IFC sports coming up...wrestling and paddleball the first week of undefeated Hiram last Tuesday February. Other sports notes...Co-Rec volleyball is on again at 12 : 30 Jan. 18 4:00 Caflisch--Crows night, 84-63. The Gators made Tuesday and Thursday; exercise and a good time are had by all. 9:15 Phi Gams--Sigs some costly turnovers and lost Coach Sundstrom's Gators have all the size in the world, all they ABCs—Delts two starters when they fouled out 10:30 of the game. The Terriers out- have to do is get in uniform. Unfortunately, we won't see Larry Sigs—Theta Chis Turnbaugh, John Reynders, and Jessee Johnston on the court together Jan. 23 4:00 rebounded Allegheny 60-44. "We for a long time, I'm afraid. 9:15 Crows--ABCs were just physically beaten, on 10:30 Caflisch—Phi Gams the boards," said Coach Norm Sundstrom. Jan. 24 4:00 Phi Psis--Ravine Hiram jumped off to a 12-1 lead Need something to do on these 7:00 Indies--Phi Delts in the first six and a half minutes 8:15 Delts--Caflisch of the contest. Allegheny did pull cold winter evenings? 9:30 Sigs—Chi Rhos within four points of the Terriers, 25-21, with five minutes left in the Jan. 25 4:00 ABCs—Ravine first half. But it was to be the 9:15 Phi Gams—Theta Chis closest the Gators would come in 10:30 Delts—Indies the game to taking the lead. By Go bowling Jan. 30 4:00 Indies--Phi Gams the end of the opening half, the Terriers had increased their 9:15 Ravine--Chi Rhos advantage to nine, 36-27. An at 10:30 Phi Delts--ABCs important difference in the first Jan. 31 4:00 Phi Psis—Caflisch was at the free throw line - Hiram connected on 8 out of 10 compared to Allegheny's 1 out of 7. Cebtpwc Bowe Seven minutes into the second ART'S RESTAURANT half, the Terrier's broke the 966 Park Ave. game wide open. With Gator Jim Saturday - 8 pm 'til midnight Hein on the bench nursing four personal fouls, Hiram reeled off Featuring: seven straight baskets to take a Sunday - 9 pm 'til midnight commanding 60-37 lead. Kentucky Fried Chicken Allegheny could not recover. 'h% Gator Joe Knap was the con- Open bowling afternoons! For take-out orders call 332-5023. test's leading scorer with twenty- six points. Knap also pulled down 143 Center Street eleven rebounds. High scorer for Ask us about our banquet room & catering service! the Terriers was Larry McCall 333-6313 with t wenty-two points. Friday, January 12, 1973 CAMPUS Page 7 New club Big sports bring s weekend sword play to college for Gator fans

In spite of the many student It will be Washington and McElhaney was not certain of critisisms accusing the college of Jefferson vs. Allegheny in three his starting lineup for Saturday's being a (yawn) hotbed of apathy, sports this Saturday as the match, but top probables would campus radicals and sport en- Gators play host to the invading be freshman Boyd Bulger at 134, thusiasts alike should be pleased Presidents in swimming,, freshman Al Moon at 150, fresh- to learn that Allegheny is now the wrestling and basketball. man Mark Hospodar at 158, and proud home of its very own The swimming and the freshman Brad Chapman at 177. MILITANT ORGANIZATION. It wrestling matches are both The Presidents will send out a doesn't matter that the militant scheduled for 1 pm starts while veteran team that has a let- weapons of this group are over the basketball game is listed for 8 terman at nearly every weight 400 years old in origin, or that pm with a freshman game to tip- class. they are only effective at a range off at 6 pm. Top performers for the Prexies of four feet, or even that they're Coach Sam Freas' swimmers have been senior Jake used in a spirit of fun and ad- dropped a 63-49 decision to Kasmersky at 134, Done Cole, a venture rAther than politicel Washington and Lee in a dual junior at 167, and Bruce King, a match held on Dec. 5. Since then, junior at 158. These three have take-over. What counts is the Two members of the Allegheny fencing club practice in Montgomery principle of the thing: we now gym. The club is a new addition to the college sports scene. the Gators have been sunning and each won two varsity letters at W have an armed student elite. swimming in Florida for a month & J. and Freas is hopeful that this will W & J started the season with a Club offers practice pay dividends now that the win over Grove City and a loss to league meets are starting. St. Francis. The Prexies For those who have never had Four of the Gator individual wrestled Muskingum Wed- Gator swimmers swimmers and one relay team nesday. an opportunity to see a foil, Coach Norm Sundstrom's ( translation, skinny sword) or to are currently ranked nationally for their performances during the Allegheny College basketball participate in the historical sport team will be looking to regain the of fencing, this article is an in- month of December. Pete Brunson, senior, ranked first in magic touch Saturday evening vitation for all interested against the Prexies. The Gators students to check out the to duel Prexies the 200-yard freestyle and second across the country in the 500 won their opener, but have since "Allegheny Fencing Club," a dropped five straight games, recently formed band of men and freestyle. Freshman Bob Seibert Allegheny College swimming Of particular interest will be the is seventh in the 50 free; senior including Tuesday night's PAC women who enjoy the exercise, opening event of the afternoon. opener to defending champion grace, and challenge of com- coach Sam Freas will be looking Bill Blank is ranked in both the Meyers will be swimming a leg 1,000 freestyle and the 200-yard Hiram, 84-63. batting an opponent with a foil. forward to Saturday's meet with of the medley relay against one of butterfly; freshman Kent Myers The Gators will again be Were we back in the 14th century, Washington and Jefferson and the expected fine performances the top butterflymen in the PAC is listed eighth in the 200-yard without the services of reboun- the object of the sport would be to in W&J's Pete Munger. Freas individual medley; and the ders Larry Turnbaugh and John kill whoever you were dueling; in particular of three of his swimmers. admits that Munger's times have Allegheny freestyle relay team Reynders. Turnbaugh has a but as nowdays this would result been better than Meyers', but he ranked third in the nation in dislocated thumb and ligament in a serious decline in club Freas will be watching sophomore Doug Stewart, fresh- feels that the freshman is such a December. damage in the hand, while membership, the purposes are fine competitor that he cannot be Freas is not taking Washington Reynders is recovering from a somewhat different. Allegheny man Kent Meyers and junior Mark Kelly with particular care ruled out. and Jefferson lightly since the broken ankle. Fencing Club can increase Through a self-assertive hard- Presidents did beat the Gators in Senior center Joe Knap has member's fencing knowledge and as the Gators open Presidents' Athletic Conference action work program, Meyers has dual action last year. The Gators been a bright light in the Gators skill, ( Would you like to learn how improved from just a mediocre did reverse that at the end of the last two games against Clarion to pull your opponent's foil out of against the Prexies in the Mellon Building pool at 1 pm. high school swimmer to the point year by placing second to and Hiram. In those two games, his hand in the true Errol Flynn where he draws tough assign- Bethany in the PAC cham- Knap has scored 20 and 21 points Tradition? ), offer chances for "This is the year for Doug Stewart," Freas said. Stewart is ments in his first collegiate pionship meet. and has hauled in 10 and 11 practice and competition, matches. Coach Harold McElhaney's rebounds respectively. ( perhaps with other schools), and off to his best academic year and is putting everything in per- Kelly, a junior transfer student wrestling team will be looking for Other probably starters for the create a comraderie that is from William and Mary, will be its first dual meet win of the Gators will be forwards Dave definitely out of the ordinary. spective. His big event Saturday will be the 200-yard freestyle. making his college dedut for the season against the Presidents at Malone, a freshman, and senior Fencing, as a further Gators. His objective is to win the David Mead Field House. Jim Henyey. The guards will be reassurance, is completely safe; Stewart, who set an Allegheny record for the 50 freestyle last three events in the PAC cham- The Gators picked up three wins sophomores Jim Hein and Mike while we don't use shields for pionship meet in early March. in the Allegheny Invitational held Malone. protection everyone wears a year has been boosted into the middle distance freestyles this Freas will be watching with in December. Victims were Washington and Jefferson has padded jacket and a head mask. interest to see if Kelly lost Behrend Campus of Penn State, had an even more difficult time The foils, to the dismay of 14th year. Stewart is one of the top anything in the year that he did Thiel and Buffalo State. The winning basketball games than century sportsmen, are rubber- not swim competitively. Kelly Gators dropped a lopsided the Gators. At last report, the tipped. swimmers to come out of the state of Connecticut. He placed will swim the backstroke and the decision to a strong Edinboro Prexies were 0-6. No experience needed in four events in the PAC meet IM. team on Tuesday. last year and according to his Kelly was a prep school All- American at Greenwich, Conn. So far, the only militant action coach is greatly improved this year. Stewart is also one of the He was the Virginia State of this club has been the seizure backstroke champion as a fresh- of Montgomery Gym for several team leaders. Meyers, a freshman from man at William and Mary. Freas THEODORE'S hours, an activity repeated every feels that Kelly's versatility will Monday at 7:00 when the club Mentor, Ohio, is expected to swim his best 200-yard butterfly be invaluable to the Gators as the Restaurant and Tavern meets for practice. Anyone in- season progresses. terested is welcome; previous of the year against the Prexies. experience is not required. Further information about the Featuring: fencing club can be obtained from either Jud Bennett, the President, or Chris Beck, the four different draft beers Vice-President. Their number is 724-5471; ask for Errol Flynn. or your favorite mixed drink pkis SWIMMING 1973 the best sandwiches in town,

Jan. 13 W&J Home served 'til 12 pm Jan. 17 Cleveland State Away Jan. 20 Thiel & Kenyon Home Jan. 27 Bethany Away Jan. 31 Hiram Away Feb. 3 Youngstown Take out available Away Feb. 7 Grove City Home "Go where friencs gcther" Feb. 10 Carnegie Mellon Home Feb. 17 CWR Home

Feb. 21 Westminster Home Open 10 am to 2 am Mar. 2 PAC Champs. CWR / Mar. 3 PAC Champs. CWR ..A_ Action in the Caflisch-SAE intramural game. The indie team won 284 North Street the fray 74-37. Page 8 CAMPUS Friday, January 12, 1973 College choir tours Europe during vacation The Allegheny College Choir has recently completed its second concert tour of parts of Europe and indications are that it was a great success. Leaving Meadville on December 1, the choir travelled east to sing for several American audiences as a prelude to their European concert schedule. The full choir of seventy-six voices performed before the congregation of the Hatboro Baptist Church in this suburb of Philadelphis. From Hatboro the choir crossed into northern New Jersey where, after spending a free day in New York City, they sang in the Community Church of Cedar Grove, New Jersey. Sunday, December 3, marked the clay of departure for the fifty- three voice European choir for London. After several days of rest, sighseeing, pubs, and concert the choir embarked on an overnight steamer to the Hook of Holland, where they were met by guide Mike Morris (an Ohio-bred Cornell graduate) and motor coach driver "Rudi." In the space of nineteen days the choir travelled to Amsterdam, Bremen, Kappaln, Buekeburg, East and West Berlin, Leipzig ( where the East Germans treated the choir to the Opera, Bach Archives, and the St. Thomas Boys Choir ), Munich, Biel, Zurich, Heidelberg, and Frankfurt, singing ten concerts before large, appreciative audiences. The concert in Kaiser-Wilhelm- Memorial Church in Berlin highlighted the busy per- formance schedule. The Kaiser-Wilhelm-Memorial is a monument dedicated to those who died in the second World War, a shrine to hopeful peace. It The Allegheny College Choir assembled for a group picture immediately before their departure for Europe. was fitting that the message the choir brought with them was one all the experiences of returning of lasting peace, performing as choir members in a single article, part of a Christmas program with or try to describe in words the Classifieds Lisa Otto of the Berlin Opera. To attachment each one developed this memorial, where all the for his or her companions and We make our milkshakes with THE John Fitzgerald Kennedy Allegheny Student Help Center. better visiting choirs try to hosts throughout the trip. Let it rich whole milk - $.40. School of Government of Harvard 724-4369. Mon Thurs Afternoons 1 - Our meatball sandwiches are ,University announces a new perform in Europe, Dr. W. S. suffice to say that for everyone ,1:30; Mon-Thurs Evenings 7 - 1:00 made with all beef hamburger on a graduate program in Public Policy. Wright North was already, involved, the three years of am; Weekends 1 pm Friday-1 am large sub roll - $.55. Ph.D., Master's or joint Master's- Monday. having directed the Allegheny preparation was a small price to COLLEGE LA ROMA PIZZA professional school degrees offered. pay for such a memorable three open 6 p.m. - 2 a.m. daily Applicants should be interested in College Choir there in 1967. To insure freshness we make our policy analysis and be at ease in It would be impossible to relate weeks. own pizza dough. We haven't raised All freshman or sophomore both the world of words and the our pizza prices in 3 years. students interested in spending world of numbers. Write Dean COLLEGE LA ROMA PIZZA their junior year at a school in a Harry Weiner, Littauer Center,, open 6 p.m. - 2 a.m. daily German-speaking country or who Harvard University, Cambridge, might be interested in spending a Massachusetts 02138 for catalog Rush week ends summer studying in Austria, WOULD the person who borrowed and application. Germany or Switzerland are in- "How To Pass the Miller Analogies By SUE OFFUTT vited to attend a meeting in 120 Test" and the "Pre-Law Hand- girls pledged Kappa Kappa Murray Hall on Wednesday, book" please return them to the Formal rush for Allegheny's Gamma, augmenting a group of January 17. 2 oz. all-beef U.S. inspected ham- Counseling Center, Bentley Hall. four sororities and seven 56 sisters. burger $.25 THE position of ASG assistant The seven fraternities finished Those sophomore and junior men Hot dogs - $.25 fraternities ended this week with interested in becoming student Subs on a large roll - $.60 treasurer is now open. Anyone the start of pledging activities. formal rush with "run-out" in counselors for the 1973-1974 school Large fresh pizza -$1.35 interested in applying for the The sororities culminated four Brooks Circle Monday afternoon. year may now obtain application COLLEGE LA ROMA PIZZA position may pick up an application nights of parties, which began Formal rush ran from Thursday, forms at the Counseling Center in open 6 p.m. - 2 a.m. daily in the ASG office, Room U-211, Wednesday, January 3, with January 4, to Sunday, January 7. Bentley Hall. Campus Center. "run-up" to the chapter rooms on Alpha Chi Rho received 13 These applications are to be returned by January 19, 1973. fourth floor Brooks Sunday af- pledges, Delta Tau Delta getting Applicants must have an adequate ternoon. At that time, the 32. Twenty men pledged Phi scholastic average and be willing to sororities extended bids to girls Delta Theta. Phi Gamma Delta place counseling above all other NOW YOU CAN ORDER who had indicated their had eight pledges. The Phi Kappa interests except studies. CAMPUS preferences on bid cards Psi house pledged six. Sigma The applications will be reviewed and the most likely candidates CLASSIFIEDS BY MAIL Saturday night. Over 150 girls Alpha Epsilon received 18 interviewed by the present coun- attended the first night of parties, pledges, and Theta Chi 15. selors. Final selections will then be please follow instructions carefully! with about 60 finally pledging. "Usually the fraternities pick made by the counselors and con- Alpha Chi Omega added seven up 25 to 30 more pledges second firmation of the selections will be 1. Rates: $1.G..) up to 25 words, 3c per word after that made by Dr. Wharton. pledges to bring their mem- and third term," said Bob Multiply cost of ad by number of days to be run. Training for those selected will 2. bership to fifteen. The Alpha Smolen, Inter-Fraternity Council begin third term. 3. Remit •payment with form below. (No classified will be Gamma Deltas, with 37 girls, president. Freshman who have run unless payment is included.) received 12 pledges. Kappa Alpha the required 2.0 average or who 4. The Campus reserves the right to reject any advertising con Theta had 20 pledges, joining the are undecided may wait until STUDENT aid applicants: sidered in bad taste. 43 present members. Twenty later terms to pledge. Financial aid applications for next year, 1973-74, have been received. DEADLINES: 6;00 pm Monday and Thursday You may pick up a copy at the New albums and tapes are arriving daily Student Aid Office in Bentley Hall MAIL TO: Classified, Campus. Box 12, Allegheny College after November fifteenth. Forms for a certified copy of your parents at income tax return are also Litt NAME PHONE• available. This is a necessary pre- requisite for aid. Remember, aid applications ADDRESS: , BOX No: must be submitted to the College Scholarship Service by February WORDING: LLLULIJ 1st.

3 for 511.00 to Allegheny 368 North St. STATE AID: PHEAA application deadline dates are as follows: April students with I,D.'sl Hours: 30, 1973--renewal applications (if M-F 10am-9pm you are receiving a PHEAA grant Free papers with each purchase. Saturday 10am-6pm this year, you will automatically be mailed an application on January 15, 1973). If you fail to receive a Big Steve is moving to his new location- form, come to the Student Aid Office prior to April 15th. May 31, cowntown nex- to Art's on ParK Avenue. 1973--Group III applications. (If you He anc WARC will ooen uo mere togener did not receive a PHEAA grant this academic year, you must pick up a Group III application at the Student on Monday, January 29n. Aid Office prior to May 1st.