Alliance - Deepen Your Understanding (USYOGA0909A)

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CHRISTINE MARCELLA: Good afternoon, good morning, good evening wherever you are. Thank you for coming again today for our six and a seven part series of understanding the chakras. As you come and I want to have you take a look at the poll and answer where you are joining us from and let's just get this started. My name is Christine Marcella. And integrative yoga therapist and trauma therapist. I am also the corporate accounts manager here at Yoga Alliance. I will be the moderator today answering your questions and making sure they get queued up. Just for a little bit of housekeeping. As we go through this process you will not be able to answer questions in the chat but the FAQ will be open so please list your questions. If someone has already asked a question that you want to ask, give it a thumbs up so it moves it up into -- higher up in the hierarchy so I know there are a lot of you that when an answer to that question so we can get to that live rather than having it answered later in the text.

For today I want to introduce you to this amazing woman. If you have been following along in the -- since the beginning you know that shola is a leader in spirituality and wellness. She is an award-winning and internationally known series of books called, let me do this again. It is energy for life which is a website. She is the author of Opening To Spirit which is an amazing book. If you have not had a chance to get it, all the links you need for her website, books and courses on coaching for her courses with the chakras and for her Facebook group we are going to give you all that information in the chat. Look at those links and save those for yourself. As we get going today just enjoy, sit down, grab a cup of tea. This is a seven part series today. Today we are on the six part.

I want to introduce you again to this amazing woman. She has profound, profound knowledge to share on this series and I welcome her.

CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA: Hey there. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. So we made it to the inner eye. We have literally taken this amazing journey through the chakras and we have reached at the inner eye. I think the questions from last week most of them were answered. There is one, and went to address. Someone said how much they have been enjoying the series and the information that they wish that I had wore clothes that matched to the colors of the chakras. Which actually is a great idea and just to say I have really been trying to do that. What I found out as I do not have all those colors in my wardrobe. Particularly the yellow, the fire energy. I have plenty of fire energy but I only had one or two things that were a bit of yellow.

And a lot of the time it has been so hot I cannot wear those. So just to let you know that definitely the colors and not just wearing the clothes that match with the colors of the chakras but also thinking about having them in your environment, those colors, having the colors in your wardrobe, having the colors in your food and just being comfortable with those different colors does tell you a little something about what is happening in your energy. I did think that was a great comment. And, actually, I am in a past life a fashion designer so the whole thing around color and clothes and things is fully integrated into chakra work. Yoga Alliance - Deepen Your Understanding (USYOGA0909A)

So today we are going to be talking about the inner eye. Just to say as well somebody was asking perhaps why I do not use the Sanskrit terms. Obviously in my books I do use the Sanskrit turns. And I break them all down and say what they mean. But I just think in my general teaching and when I am speaking with people, people's main language is English. So I say brow chakra we are clear. If I say some people will be clear and some not. So I tend to be happy using English.

I have a meditation that I might share next week that actually does use all the Sanskrit for the chakras. Because of the vibration of the Sanskrit words it is a beautiful meditation. But something else I want to do today so I might do that with you next week for our finale. Today the inner eye I think of the inner eye color is a blue-black of midnight. It is the place of knowledge and wisdom and it is the place of inner vision. It is also the home of intuition. So intuition is the inner teacher. In tuition. That inner teacher. That is about coming into greater wisdom and knowledge. We come into this greater wisdom and knowledge through the different practices that yoga offers us.

We don't come into that knowledge through gaining more information. We come into it through the practice. So it really is from kind of sitting down, closing your eyes, going inside and just viewing this place which once you close your eyes it is a blue black. It is like a blank screen and it is from that space that everything comes into being. We become at this level a cocreator. We work together with the power that is greater than ours to bring everything into being. The throat chakra it's about words that we use. It's about mantras in Egyptian. The words that we use for creation to bring things into being.

In the beginning was the word. We sound that vibration, we sound that word. But prior to that we want to be able to vision. We want to be able to see clearly. I want to share a little bit of my own journey and how I have kind of worked with that energy as I have gone through my life and kind of tapped into something that was more than me. Kind of relied on something more than me and had that faith in something more than me.

So my own journey over here in the UK. I always say I grew up in York. Not New York, I grew up in the original York here in the north of England. My childhood was not very ideal. I had a lot of challenges as a child. It caused me from a young to go inside kind of seek something more than from very young.

Was there till I was around 17 when I made the decision to move south to London where there was going to be more people that actually look like me. One of the things I was really passionate about as a child had always been clothes and passion and I made clothes for myself and friends since I was about 13. By the time I moved to London I think I was 18 which was a passion business. That business was very much about, you know, change your clothes, getting a new frock, change your life.

I did that for 4-5 years and had a very successful fashion business but at some point I felt there must be something more to life. Can you think of a time we thought yourself there must be more to life? What I decided to do was leave everything behind. I told people I was going away for two weeks, two months or two years. I decided to make this journey. As it happened, this journey have been for 2 1/2 years.

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During that time I was already introduced to yoga so I started yoga before that. I had this small book that I had picked up in it was a tiny little thing that I had bought. I threw it in the bottom of my bag and I went off.

At one point I was in India and I had been going into this classroom. In every morning I had got up from early, walked down the hill, climbed over this massive gate and gone and set down from a meditation. This particular morning I had done exactly that. After the meditation I got asked to leave because I was climbing over this huge gate. And so I remembered that I had this book, I had this book in my bag.

I went to the book because in this particular book it had some practices in the back. So I went to the book, got the book, climbed up on the roof of where I lived and every morning I would do these practices. Literally going through meditation, mantras and practices. Somebody saw me and asked me what I was doing. They said what are you doing. Is that I'm practicing yoga. I'm using this book. They said to me did you know the ashram is down the road. I then found out that the ashram from this very book that I had bought was right next door to the want that I had got thrown out of. So it became quite obvious that I was in the wrong one. I needed to be in the one next-door.

... Became one of my main teachers so over these years I've had many different teachers. But that became a kind of mean path for me. Now when I came back to the UK after 2 1/2 years so much a change. In fact, everything had changed. My whole life had done this 360° turn. Everything had changed for me.

As a result of all these changes I kind of wanted to understand what exactly has happened. Here is somebody who in fashion I would never walk. It was just kind of like taxi. I would jump in a cab and get to where I was going. Now I was walking for 3-4 weeks in the Himalayas. That is how much things have changed.

And I wanted to understand this so that's why I became a psychologist. I studied psychology, really what was the workings of the mind. That is my main degree. I also wanted to understand what is going on in the body, the physical body. So not just doing but I also studied somatic therapy in different practices different ways of understanding what is going on in a physical level.

Was now making this journey. I had gone from changing your clothes fashion and moved inside what is going on with the mind. So I was doing all these things including sacred ritual. And every time someone said to me "shola, what do you do?" I kind of stumble because I did so many different things. Which thing did they mean? Did they mean I am a therapist? The naming of a yoga teacher? So I took one more step and that step took me to working with energy. Really working from the energetic perspective, understanding energy and understanding the chakras. What that allowed me to do is really bring together all those different areas that were really kind of interesting to me and all the different areas that I had studied.

So now in anything I do it doesn't matter what it is, that the red of energy and chakras always runs right through the middle of it. As a result of that I wrote Opening To Spirit. It is 21 years old. It took me seven years to read it as well. That is 28 years. But that book kind of brings together

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all of those things plus history. It has a lot of history particularly African history. I had a bit of an identity crisis and I was doing some kind of the seeking of who am I, how do I fit into all of this picture as well.

So that is also kind of woman into the book with lots and lots of mythology. So I felt on this journey for myself that I was guided all the way. When I came out of fashion I let go of everything and I made this big shift. I followed, my heart followed my passion even though it did not look at the time like it was a good move up. People thought I was cutting my lifeline.

I am saying this and I just want you all to think about where you are right now. Are you at a place where you're making changes in your life. Have you been in a place where you had to kind of change direction and how is that been for you? I know for myself being able to sit in stillness, silence and literally open to spirit has been a saving grace for me throughout my life. And that relates to the inner eye. That relates to being able to connect with and be guided by that which is greater than us. And that is really the Ajna chakra. It is in the middle of the centers. The throat below, Ajna and the ground. When I'm working with people I tend to work these two chakras at the same time. We want to be able to really enter that place in part of entering the place is being to say competent but being kind of OK with stepping into a place of unknown. You know, we are humans and we use the head a lot and we like to know everything but we don't.

Sometimes just being willing to step into that place of unknown. And allow ourselves to be guided. That is inner vision. That is really connecting with Ajna chocolate. It is sort of indigo. It is blue black of night. I think of it in terms of elements. Again it is not really have an element the throat has an element. This doesn't really have an element but I think about it as pure light. Sometimes the confusion between the pituitary gland at the ground and the pineal gland of the eye. You really have to have an understanding of anatomy and physiology in and know what the pineal gland does in the with the pituitary gland does to know which would relate where. So pituitary that is a master gland. It controls everything. The pineal gland is very different. We think of it as a calcified gland. We know it works with kind of extrasensory perception that is the pineal gland throughout the ages. Of course the third eye is about that. The third eye, the inner eye, so this is throughout time is being seen as a place of extrasensory awareness.

What else can I tell you? It also relates at this place you will see the symbol is generally a circle and then there are just the two petals and we know that those two petals are actually the sum of all the other petals. You take the petals from all the other chakras and multiply them by two you will end up with 96 and that relates to this chakras symbolized by just the two petals. Those two petals also relate to the autonomic nervous system. Those two kind of branches of the autonomic nervous system. So the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. When I think about those really simply I think about the accelerator and the brake. The sympathetic nervous system SNS is the accelerator. We use it to charge through life. It fuels us. We use it to give us the energy to get up and do what we need to get done. We also often have our foot on the accelerator just all of the time and that is what is causing fatigue, stress, we get it. Like this.

Putting your foot on the brake that is what good yoga supports us to do. It helps us to shift from being in sympathetic dominance over to parasympathetic dominance. What the parasympathetic nervous system is going to do is it's going to act as a gentle, cleanser on the

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system. It creates a whole different set of chemicals in those chemicals create healing, more balance, they kind of calm the system. In terms of trauma and kind of trauma that we might experience not necessarily as a sort of specific event although it could be that but sometimes it is the ongoing events that we meet on a daily basis.

So what happens with trauma in terms of the autonomic nervous system is a little bit like being kind of stuck on the accelerator. So we are on a constant alert. It is kind of fear-based. A lot of trauma. Something has happened and it has caused us to kind of be on alert. That creates what I call startle waste. Not just me but Stanley Kellerman calls it startle waste. That is a kind of chemical cocktail that keeps your body in this state of arousal. That is really what we're calling trauma. We are not safe. We are not comfortable. We cannot turn off. We cannot fully release, relax and get 100% over into parasympathetic dominance. So, of course, a good yoga class or teacher is really supporting you by the way they use their voice. By not using their voice sometimes. By creating space in the class, it gives you a chance to actually switch off and move into this place of parasympathetic dominance. That means the body will start to self regulate. It will start to cleanse and it will start to heal. That is why sometimes people may spontaneously cry or things will be released. I wanted to share that a little bit because I know people have lots of questions about it. I can't go into the whole thing around trauma at this time. I am going to be doing a spiritual coach training. One of the things I do is train coaches. I'm going to be doing a wellness coach training but I'm going to switch it up and it will be a spiritual coach training but one of the aspects of it will really look at how we can be trauma sensitive in the work that we do with people. Just work with people in a gentle kind of way. But just touching on that note that in your classes in teaching yoga that yoga the very nature of it is going to support that release, that letting go, and that healing. One of the things you need to know is if you do see things come up for people one of the first things we want to do is say to somebody how you feel. We want to be empathetic and let them know something is going on but it actually is the worst thing you can say. How do you feel? What you do not want to do is draw attention to emotions and reinforce the trauma, pain and going back into the kind of stories in the narrative that we have about her own traumas.

So you do not want to ask people how do you feel. You want to focus on the practice so you could say for example if there in fact was relaxation you could say how did you find that practice. How was that yoga for you? And then you could check in is that something you could use. Could you do that? Is that something you could build into your day so that you are actually resourcing somebody. So instead of just getting focus in the trauma you're looking at what is healing and what is supporting them. That is just one thing to think about.

I'm going to take questions today but I want to do a little practice. I want to do a little practice that is focused on the Aja chakra and that is relating to inner vision. Let me know if you would like to do a practice.

CHRISTINE MARCELLA: There seems to be lots of questions and everyone would love to do – we are getting lots of feedback of wanting to do a practice.

CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA: I am adapting this actually. It's a little ritual you can do but it has a visualization at the beginning so we are going to use that part of it. We have kind of journeyed. You have journeyed and arrived at the Ajna chocolate. Is the celestial realm. Is a gateway to the sacred sanctuary that is the crown chakra. Here you can create a vision of purpose that will

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connect you to spirit and carry you forward in your life. All ancient cultures recognize the power of the inner eye, third eye, first eye some people call it. It is a truck with a vision and also a creation. So what we see we can be. What we perceive we can achieve. We are creating at this level.

Suggest elevate your body to sitting comfortably and close your eyes. Just close your eyes and just raise your energy up to your chakras. Starting at your root chakra, that is your foundation for life. And then draw that energy up into your sacral chakra. And then continue bringing that energy up to the solar plexus, that is the seat. And let the energy come up. To the heart center. A place of balance and harmony. And just keep that energy ascending to your throat center. A place of communication with self and with others. With that which is greater than us. And we are going to just draw the energy up to your inner eye and focus the attention right there to the inner eye.

With your inner eye just envision a typical day in your life right now. So begin with waking and just kind of on fast track just see everything. See where you are, who is with you, what you do. And also what it means to you. Just think of 1-2 words that describe where you are right now in your life. Just 1-2 words that describe where you are. And if you do have a journal with you, just write down those words. And then again just refocus, just close your eyes and in your mind's eye just envision what you want to create in your life. Remember this is a place of creativity. So a visionary chakra. So in your minds eye think about what you want to create in your life and let your imagination run free. That is the magic of imagination. It can be as expansive and great is you want. Remember what you perceive you can achieve. So just seeing where you are, you know, just see yourself having creating what you want. To see yourself moving a different way. Just see what you are doing. Who is around you, what has changed? And just sense into this new place. Just pick up the energy, the vibration, the sensation just really get a blueprint, a sense of how this feels different and then see if you can find two words, two words that really sum up this experience.

And then if you do have a journal just write down those words. All just taking a breath. Taking a breath in feeling yourself expansive and working the energy with Ajna. The energy of light is expansive or pervading energy. So just feeling that sensation. And expansion. You might feel a tingling in your fingers, your breath may have changed. Just going to ground that energy. Breathing in through your nose. Breathing right down to your root chakra. Just grounding energy. Just taking a moment just to identify so making that journey from where you are right now to where you want to be in your life. What is the first thing that you need to do? What is the first step that you need to take?

You need to take a breath, open your eyes and write down that first step. It does not matter how big or how small. What is the first step that you need to take to really create and manifest where you want to be in your life and the life that you love. Just take a moment just to write that down.

As you write down that first step so now the coach in me is going to have you write down when you're going to begin. So just make a note of when you're going to begin. Is it something you would do immediately after our call? Is it something you will do in the next week? I call that a wow so within one week. Is it something you're going to do within a week? You really grounding that energy. The time you create anything at all. For example, I do not have a copy with me, but in Opening To Spirit in order for me to create and write that I had to see it here before anybody

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else could see it. So nobody else could see it. I had to see it first. So anytime you're creating anything in your life you must be able to visualize it first. That is the kind of power, that is the energy of this chakra.

Such as taking a deep breath, making any notes that you need and just releasing, you know, just take a moment. Just a second of space. And then we are going to open up for questions.

CHRISTINE MARCELLA: Thank you so much, Shola. That was such a beautiful and common practice. I'm sure everyone enjoyed it. I'm going to segue into one of the questions she says thank you so much for all the information. She wants to know more about the elements and if you have a text or website that you prefer that you could recommend for her to learn?

CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA: About the elements? Opening To Spirit. It has lots on the elements. Really in-depth sections on the elements. I don't think that is the person that has worked with me but if it is then, yeah. And after that seriously, after that, not even after that along side it is really being in nature. That is so people, that is how the ancients understood the kind of relationships with the elements because they lived at the mercy of the elements. So they had to understand the elements in their nature. And then really understanding the elements in their nature they came to understand how that relates to us and how that we have those elements inside. They understood the nature and the kind of wind and movement of the air and how it relates to the mind and the winds of change. They started to understand those things in the motions in the movement and flow of emotions and how they can become more turbulent or more wild. So that deepening of understanding of the elements is really get out there in the elements and learn their nature. Learn their nature.

CHRISTINE MARCELLA: Thank you. So we have a few comments based on the practice that we just did. But I want to cover one that is from the beginning that people are dying to know first of all, what is the little book that you throw in your bag to go to the ashram and then everyone wants to know what ashram it was?

CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA: The little book I threw in my bag and I will bring and show you. I still have it. It is not the same anymore. That book has grown into a bigger book. Some going right back to the 80s. It was called the complete book of yoga by either swami this new.-- Vishny. Is called the complete book of yoga.

CHRISTINE MARCELLA: I will type that into the chat for everyone. And then also everyone is very curious as to what ashram it was.

CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA: When I got thrown out of? (Laughs) I got thrown out of, would you believe it, yoga (unknown term) because I climbed the gate in the back and then I went to the ashram that was next-door. That was just meant to be. It was totally meant to be. But also just to say while I was in yoga (unknown term) I had the most amazing experience. We used to do the meditation in the morning, it was a one-hour practice so I would climb over the gate get that silly o'clock in the morning and then, no, I would get myself sat down like this and they told us do not move. Do not move. Do not scratch a head, do not clear your throat, do not make any noise stay put for an hour. If you do any of those things, we will throw you out. So of course I'm not going to scratch my head or any of those things. So literally because I was scared of all of those things I just had this most kind of amazing focus and meditation. It was very, very

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powerful actually. Because I definitely am not going to be the one that gets thrown out but I was in the end because I climbed the gate. What it was is they thought people were not serious. They did not like to many Westerners because they thought Westerners were not serious about yoga. I think for myself some 40 years later or whatever it is I have proved to be very serious.

CHRISTINE MARCELLA: Thank you so much. We have quite a few questions based on the practice. 1% has asked are we using the parasympathetic nervous system during our practice?

CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA: Not so much. You could be. It depends on how you teach. Anybody who teaches in a more calming way and if you're doing something like a (unknown term) it depends on where you kind of our. But if you can really take people inside, that's not what I see happening in yoga a lot these days. I even heard somebody say something about they had been taught to use their voice because the students listened to it. What you want students listening to us that own inside. What is going on for them as we want to build the awareness of and come to greater consciousness of. When I teach, particularly if I'm teaching Asana, I want people to focus on their breath. So I ask them to bring their attention back to the breath. And then you create space. Bring your attention back to your breath and then focus on your inner eye. If they are doing (unknown term) and while they are doing it you not talking and you invite them to focus on their breath and then have an a that is internal in the inner eye or a specific point then depending on how long it is held It means stay in the posture. Advanced Asana does not mean. Advanced Asana means be able to stay focused in a posture. If that is what you're doing then yes that will start to stimulate the parasympathetic. But otherwise it's more likely to be during the relaxation at the end any than you do at the beginning.

CHRISTINE MARCELLA: For the next question this is something that came early on. As we have been going through this series we talked about the various colors that are assigned to each of the chakras and they have said isn't it true that the colors assigned to the chakras or 19th century kind of ordination?

CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA: Is there a question with that?

CHRISTINE MARCELLA: Basically, I think she is looking for some substantiation that there is no origination of color to the chakras.

CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA: Is always been color to the chakras. They have always had colors, yes. The rainbow colors, the rainbow colors is a much kind of newer introduction. In fact, I can remember. If I go back just 30 years to when I started writing Opening To Spirit I can remember at that time to wonder what colors I would go with. Would I go with traditional colors or go with the rainbow colors. I am actually pleased I went to rainbow colored way and the way I think of it personally is as an inner rainbow. The root chakra, the red connecting you to the earth and the crown chakra, the violet, connecting you to the heavens and in between is your inner rainbow. You are quite right, it is very new, yes.

CHRISTINE MARCELLA: Another question is what is your take on the practice of kundalini yoga to effectively move energy through the chakras? They are also commenting on your lovely ring and want to know if it's a moonstone.

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CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA: That's a nice easy question. The ring is actually clear quartz. This is what we put on especially. Let's see. It's supposed to be like a little mini kind of Ajna chakra. What was the rest of the question?

CHRISTINE MARCELLA: Let me find it again. She was asking about the kundalini yoga.

CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA: It depends what you mean by kundalini yoga. And you might want to say what you mean by that. Do you mean kundalini yoga is in the practices that people do kundalini yoga? That is one way we think of kundalini. So, sure. Kundalini yoga will support an awareness a developed awareness with Chuck was for sure. Or is it kundalini yoga is in traditional kundalini yoga which is a get something different altogether. It depends on what you are referring to. Anything that is focusing attention on elevating consciousness. Kundalini is consciousness, awareness and elevating that energy from the root chakra, from the place of many from the earth, from the ground, from the everyday consciousness, from the Newtonian mechanistic worldview. From that space upwards and elevating your energy, your consciousness, your awareness, not just your information but the consciousness, your awareness up through those centers to your inner eye. Essentially traditional kundalini yoga is going to take us through that path. We want to cause energy to move into the central (unknown term).

CHRISTINE MARCELLA: We have lots of questions, as we do every week about the balancing of the chakras and what you need to do to keep them in balance. I'm going to let you go through that quickly now. It is in some of your other sessions also.

CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA: What you need to do to keep them in balance is to your spiritual practice. I call it a power half-hour, minimum. Have a daily practice. Encourage your students to have a daily practice. We seem to have steered away from this to you have to go be with the teacher. We don't. Ultimately what you want to do is create your own daily spiritual practice and start your day with it. If you can, you want to have it at the time of the day that is called (unknown term) and it's in the morning between six-8 a.m. every day. As you think about it is you're going through your day depending on where you eat for your day. As you approach the time you eat what is your breakfast, lunch or dinner you're going to start thinking because you are programmed to eat at those times. You want to do the same with our spiritual practice. You want to program your system to want to get on your mat into your practice. I know for myself, that is why I am still here after all these years of doing yoga because it yoga was one of the first things for me that I really felt like I really want to do this, I really want to get on my mat into this practice instead of what I used to do before some kind of, I can't remember what we called it but Jane Fonda used to do it, I can't remember. Whatever that was at the time, that felt like an effort. It was like I need to do my exercise. I need to get up and do this. It was always I had to push myself to do it. And now that I found something I did not need to do that. I was like wow I really want to do this. So something that elevates you enough to get on your mat and do the practice.

The other thing that has kept me practicing yoga for all these years is you will never reach. You can never get there. There is always so much more. It is so rich. There's so many different practices, there is so much in your experience that you will get from doing it but just do the practice.

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And I know a lot of people do I know a lot of people don't as well. You know, so if you really want to come to knowledge and understanding, do the practice.

CHRISTINE MARCELLA: Thank you for sharing that. I think that is true of anything that you want a deeper knowledge or deeper experience of you really have to immerse yourself in it and prepare yourself for that practice. David is asking do you have any input, I'm probably going to mess this name up (unknown term) which is forest bathing.

CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA: Forest bathing? I think that is a no. No, I don't.

CHRISTINE MARCELLA: I believe it is a Japanese practice and am not familiar with it. I'm sorry, David, that we don't have a better answer for you.

CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA: I don't know if he is talking about some of the real ancient yoga practices that kind of pre-Brahman kind of practices. I don't know if that's what you mean from the Shevites and visionites.

CHRISTINE MARCELLA: We are running close on time. A lot of people are concerned about the sensations they are feeling when they did the practice we did today. And other practices in relationship to the chakras. Sometimes their throats age or they get headaches. And then we have some questions about just becoming overwhelmed and getting teary-eyed what you did cover a bit. So I guess the basic question from all of these is when doing this practice, what are your thoughts when these energy shifts happen and also someone asked why they didn't continue to draw the energy all the way up to the crown in the practice today?

CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA: OK. You kind of doing another question at the end. That means you might need to remind me of the original question. I'm going to start with why we did not go right to the top. Particularly because the practice we did today was an Ajna chakra practice it was specifically for working this area. That is why I did that. But also there are some practices that will go up to the top but today I did it because I wanted to focus here but also there is a difference. This is about duality in this is about oneness and I will talk more about that next week. What was the other question again?

CHRISTINE MARCELLA: Just how to manage the shifts in energy. Several people mentioned they had a G-Code so they were getting headaches or their brain was feeling very expansive.

CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA: OK. What we have to remember, a couple different things. So all of those different things that might come up in might happen, let's not judge those things. So in some ways it doesn't really matter. I saw this color. I saw that color. What does it mean? Is this this? Something blocked? Is something not right? I tend to not judge all those things. I don't need to attach anything to them. They are all shifts in energy. What we are looking for is energy to be shifting. This is just me personally. I don't have to attach things, attach something to all of those shifts and changes. What we just want is we want to come to a place where the body, mind and spirit are aligned and at their optimum functioning. We know we are doing the practice we are moving towards that optimum function. If we are getting headaches we know we are cleansing the body. If we are getting other things probably the body is rebalancing, cleansing, realigning. All of those things is what is going on. For me the kind of welcome all of those things

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and I don't judge them and I don't necessarily need to know what they mean. That is because I can be comfortable in the unknown. That is what we want to do. We want to get comfortable in the unknown.

One of the things I wanted to share as well just before we finish. Around kind of all of this, around all of you know what is happening and how we understand it and how we come into greater awareness of course in this journey, and I think someone said it in the questions last week as well, although we are getting a deeper understanding on a personal level because we've got this sustain practice over these seven weeks. At the same time we are only kind of touching the surface. So I know in writing Opening To Spirit I saw it as an ongoing study. Something you will stay with, you will never exhaust, you know, we can learn in terms of energy and the chakras. So you want to commit to it as a kind of ongoing study. I know a lot of people... But stay with it. Don't have it is just a reading book. It's also a workbook. So do some of the practices. And also one of the things that I want to offer as well, I've kind of changed up some of the work I have been doing which is the wellness coach training. That is something that will support you to work with clients in a different way as well. You get to use your yoga knowledge but also apply that in a different way in terms of how you are working with clients. So some people might be interested to do that coach training. It's a spiritual coach training that would support you to work with clients not just from the yoga class but also kind of one to one clients and of course anything I do we use the Yogi philosophy and understanding. That underpins everything as does the energy and the chakras. So people are interested in doing that, I am right in the midst of bringing into being. So maybe just email is going to be the best for that so that you can let me know that you are interested and then as soon as I have all of the details for it I can let you know. Can we just pop my email into the comments so people have that as well?

CHRISTINE MARCELLA: Yes. Please everyone check the chat. We have listed all of shola's books, the wellness coach training links, the links to your website and the Facebook groups. You need to just copy that chat altogether so you have all the important links. Again we are out of time. There are so many questions remaining. Please make sure to come back for the final session. We can listen to Shola all day long. I know I could. And just ask so many questions but all the links you need are in the chat. Her book opening to spirit, energy for life, or website energy for life




CHRISTINE MARCELLA: If you joining us from overseas please check the chat for the accurate links. For trainings, sessions and coaching is available. Thank you everyone so much for joining us today for understanding the chakra series on the sixth part. Please join us next week and we will see you again.

CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA: Just to say as well all the questions that people put in there I do take time as soon as I get the questions and I kind of go through everything. If there is anything that is key I will kind of comment on that. Next week. And of course, where is it? We can kind of continue the conversation. Thank you. Thanks so much.

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CHRISTINE MARCELLA: Thanks everyone. Thank you, Shola for being here today. We will see you all next week.

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