. of aspects

mensional (physical, mental and psycho-spiritual) psycho-spiritual) and mental (physical, mensional

Yoga Nidra, Pranayama Nidra, Yoga TO REGISTER: REGISTER: TO

y to explore the multidi- the explore to y abilit and humor intuition, • • Integrative Restorative (iRest), (iRest), Restorative Integrative Miller Richard

her empathy, empathy, her by complemented is anatomically

• • Yoga For the Heart the For Yoga Devi Joy Nischala

keen understanding of the body mechanically and and mechanically body the of understanding keen

Alameda the at 880 of off just District Garden Rose the in

Enlightenment unless otherwise noted. otherwise unless Enlightenment manual medicine and a hands-on approach. Joyce’s Joyce’s approach. hands-on a and medicine manual

• • Relax & Renew Teacher Training Training Teacher Renew & Relax Lasater Hanson Judith 1146 University Avenue—San Jose, CA 95126 95126 CA Jose, Avenue—San University 1146

decades of experience in body and energy work, and and work, energy and body in experience of decades All programs offered at the Center for Spiritual Spiritual for Center the at offered programs All

In her private practice and teaching, Joyce brings brings Joyce teaching, and practice private her In

Variable credit hours depending upon program. program. upon depending hours credit Variable

at the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment Enlightenment Spiritual for Center the at

course or the equivalent. equivalent. the or course training teacher yoga

ELECTIVES MORE with extended faculty: faculty: extended with (tentative)

offer the 2008 YES Yoga Teacher Training Training Teacher Yoga YES 2008 the offer invaluable in her understanding of yoga. yoga. of understanding her in invaluable

least four years and the completion of a 200 hour hour 200 a of completion the and years four least

her by Richard Miller and Gangaji have also been been also have Gangaji and Miller Richard by her

CSE, Center for Spiritual Enlightenment, Enlightenment, Spiritual for Center CSE,

A regular practice for at at for practice yoga hatha regular A Prerequisites: Carol Knight & Sundari Jensen with Joyce Anue Anue Joyce with Jensen Sundari & Knight Carol

integration of the nondual teachings as shared with with shared as teachings nondual the of integration

YES, Yoga Educational Seminars with with Seminars Educational Yoga YES,

Once a month: February—September, 2008 2008 February—September, month: a Once

teachers in the viniyoga tradition. The study and and study The tradition. viniyoga the in teachers

style. style.

Program Assistantship YTT

inspired by the work of TKV Desikachar and senior senior and Desikachar TKV of work the by inspired

serious commitment to the path of yoga as a life- a as yoga of path the to commitment serious hours credit 50 ELECTIVE:

Iyengar teaching certification in 1988. Joyce is further further is Joyce 1988. in certification teaching Iyengar

program, recognized by , requires a a requires Alliance, Yoga by recognized program,

—Joyce Anue Anue —Joyce

Judith Lasater and Kofi Busia), she received her her received she Busia), Kofi and Lasater Judith

with Rev. Ellen Grace O’Brian Grace Ellen Rev. with

This Level Two Teacher Training (500 hr) certificate certificate hr) (500 Training Teacher Two Level This

and several of his senior teachers, (Ramanand Patel, Patel, (Ramanand teachers, senior his of several and from an abstract mental concept of what yoga is or should be. be. should or is yoga what of concept mental abstract an from

5 Tuesdays: April 1-29, 7-9pm 7-9pm 1-29, April Tuesdays: 5

Strongly influenced by her studies with BKS Iyengar Iyengar BKS with studies her by influenced Strongly

Sutra Yoga the of Essence sees, hears, feels, intuits or senses from the student rather than than rather student the from senses or intuits feels, hears, sees, stress management or . yoga. restorative or management stress

hours credit 15 REQUIRED:

teaching yoga for cardiac health, chronic illness, illness, chronic health, cardiac for yoga teaching

applications of yoga . asana. yoga of applications Teaching then arises out of a natural response to what one one what to response natural a of out arises then Teaching

chosen area of focus like like focus of area chosen a in specialize to teachers

specializes in the therapeutic therapeutic the in specializes

adapting the practices of yoga asana for each individual. individual. each for asana yoga of practices the adapting

with Joyce Anue Anue Joyce with

our extended faculty allow allow faculty extended our with electives Additional years teaching yoga, Joyce Joyce yoga, teaching years

bruary-August, 6-9pm 6-9pm bruary-August, Fe Monthly: Mondays, 8 The ability to assess through observation becomes the basis for for basis the becomes observation through assess to ability The

practice, and almost as many many as almost and practice,

Monday Evening Intensives Intensives Evening Monday

yoga for therapeutic benefit. benefit. therapeutic for yoga

pist, with over 25 years of yoga yoga of years 25 over with pist,

hours credit 25 REQUIRED:

experience practicing and teaching techniques of of techniques teaching and practicing experience An orthopedic physical thera- physical orthopedic An

ogy, anatomy, kinesiology, and lots of hands-on hands-on of lots and kinesiology, anatomy, ogy, (Integrative Yoga Therapy). Therapy). Yoga (Integrative

with Joyce Anue and guest instructors instructors guest and Anue Joyce with

teacher education since 1996 1996 since education teacher strong grounding in the fundamentals of methodol- of fundamentals the in grounding strong

Yoga Therapy in Practice: Summer, 2009 2009 Summer, Practice: in Therapy Yoga

has been involved with yoga yoga with involved been has The six main required modules give the student a a student the give modules required main six The , , Module Residential 7-Day

, , Programs Training Teacher Yoga

hours credit 50 REQUIRED:

2009). YES YES the of director and founder

(summer (summer Practice in Therapy Yoga training, dential

with Joyce Anue and guest instructors instructors guest and Anue Joyce with


ested in teacher education) and a week long resi- long week a and education) teacher in ested Weekend Format: Friday-Sunday, 9am-6pm 9am-6pm Friday-Sunday, Format: Weekend

More about the Primary Teacher Teacher Primary the about More Required Modules I, II, III, IV and V V and IV III, II, I, Modules Required an eight month assistant program (for those inter- those (for program assistant month eight an

REQUIRED: 150 credit hours credit 150 REQUIRED: ongoing weekend intensives, monthly workshops, workshops, monthly intensives, weekend ongoing

gives the yoga professional choices to participate in in participate to choices professional yoga the gives

experience, and the following… following… the and experience, teaching of hours documented 100

curriculum comprehensive and stimulating Our

settings. settings. 500 hrs of yoga teacher training includes 200 hr 200 includes training teacher yoga of hrs 500 certification, certification,

working in the field with students individually or in group group in or individually students with field the in working PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: REQUIREMENTS: PROGRAM

and teaching of yoga from a therapeutic approach. approach. therapeutic a from yoga of teaching and

Teachers are expected to be concurrently concurrently be to expected are Teachers Prerequisite:

essential skills and are emphasized in the practice practice the in emphasized are and skills essential

palpate (feel), sense, analyze and extrapolate are all all are extrapolate and analyze sense, (feel), palpate 50 (REQUIRED for 500 hr) hr) 500 for (REQUIRED 50 Credits:

energetic anatomy, the ability to observe, listen, listen, observe, to ability the anatomy, energetic Joyce Anue (and guest instructors) instructors) guest (and Anue Joyce Instructor:

and teaching. An unders An teaching. and tanding of physical and and physical of tanding

TBD) Fee (Retreat Instruction for $900 Fee:

their relationship to yoga yoga to relationship their through personal practice practice personal through

teachers wishing to develop, explore or deepen deepen or explore develop, to wishing teachers

musculoskeletal injuries and stress reduction. reduction. stress and injuries musculoskeletal

A in-depth training, in a modular format, for yoga yoga for format, modular a in training, in-depth A

Level Two Teacher Training—500 hrs hrs Training—500 Teacher Two Level seniors, chronic illness, cardiac health, obesity, obesity, health, cardiac illness, chronic seniors,

and class sequences for back pain, pregnancy, pregnancy, pain, back for sequences class and

and pathology, hands-on experience, case studies studies case experience, hands-on pathology, and THERAPUETIC APPLICATIONS of YOGA YOGA of APPLICATIONS THERAPUETIC

yoga therapy. Topics in Topics therapy. yoga clude anatomy, physiology physiology anatomy, clude

YES Yoga Teacher Traini Teacher Yoga YES ng Level Two (500 hour) (500 Two Level ng

and guest instructors on the clinical applications of of applications clinical the on instructors guest and

THERAPEUTIC APPLICATIONS OF YOGA YOGA OF APPLICATIONS THERAPEUTIC A 7-day residential training with Joyce Anue Anue Joyce with training residential 7-day A MS, PT PT MS,

Seminars Summer, 2009 2009 Summer,

(Bay Area Location TBD) Location Area (Bay

Educational Educational

Seven-Day Residential Training Program Program Training Residential Seven-Day


Yoga Therapy in Practice Practice in Therapy Yoga

www.CSEcenter.org www.CSEcenter.org

Open to all teachers and serious practitioners with 2 yrs regular practice. practice. regular yrs 2 with practitioners serious and teachers all to Open

2009. in repeat to planned is program

• • Body & the Chakra System Chakra the & Body Energy the with Working

This This . permitting space door, the at $70 prior, days 14 least

those enrolling in the entire series. $60 pre-registered at at pre-registered $60 series. entire the in enrolling those

oueV coe,20 2009 October, V Module

ble but priority is given to to given is priority but ble availa be may sessions Individual

2008) 1, January by full in paid if $50 (save $500 Fee:

• • Therapeutic Asana: Head, Neck and Jaw Jaw and Neck Head, Asana: Therapeutic $900 (by Jan. 1, 2008); $1,200 after after $1,200 2008); 1, Jan. (by $900 Fee:

25 (REQUIRED for 500 hr) hr) 500 for (REQUIRED 25 Credits:

50 (ELECTIVE for 500 hr) hr) 500 for (ELECTIVE 50 Credits:

2009 April, IV Module Anue, Joyce Instructor: MS, PT PT MS,

2008 October, thru February Weekends: Nine Dates:

to teach these postures. postures. these teach to how teacher a you’re if and

Carol Knight & Sundari Jensen with Joyce Anue Anue Joyce with Jensen Sundari & Knight Carol Instructor:

how to build, sequence sequence build, to how of understanding better a gain

(shoulder, elbow, wrist and hands) hands) and wrist elbow, (shoulder,

onal practice as well as as well as practice onal pers own your in deepen you

• • Therapeutic Asana: Upper Extremity Extremity Upper Asana: Therapeutic

at approximately 2 pm. pm. 2 approximately at are largely experiential (90%) and are designed to help help to designed are and (90%) experiential largely are

Assistants depart after lunch and a brief meeting meeting brief a and lunch after depart Assistants a practice. These workshops workshops These practice. a asan our to tied inextricably

oueII aur,20 2009 January, III Module

sessions with the whole group from 9am-12(noon). 9am-12(noon). from group whole the with sessions each month, we will also see how yoga philosophy is is philosophy yoga how see also will we month, each

practice of the groups of postures that we are studying studying are we that postures of groups the of practice r the Sunday morning asana asana morning Sunday the r fo preparations in structors

In addition to learning and integrating principles of of principles integrating and learning to addition In

Assistants spend 1.5 hours Saturday afternoons with in- with afternoons Saturday hours 1.5 spend Assistants • • Therapeutic Asana: Spine and Rib Cage Cage Rib and Spine Asana: Therapeutic

408-283-0221 x27 ~ [email protected] [email protected] ~ x27 408-283-0221

Yin, Hip Openers & Chakra Psychology Chakra & Openers Hip Yin, Sept 8 Sept 2008 17-19, October II Module

www.CSEcenter.org / programs / hatha yoga yoga hatha / programs / www.CSEcenter.org

• • Boundaries in Teaching Teaching in Boundaries Healthy & Emotions Ethics,

Arm Balances and Core Stabilization Stabilization Core and Balances Arm Aug 4 Aug


• • July 7 Passive and Active Inversions Inversions Active and Passive 7 July Conscious Touch and Adjustments Adjustments and Touch Conscious

(feet, knees, hips and pelvis) pelvis) and hips knees, (feet,

• •

Extremity Lower Asana: Therapeutic

June 9 Restorative and Nidra Yoga and Restorative 9 June • • Observation and Posture Modification Modification Posture and Observation

• • Yoga Therapy: Classical & Contemporary Approaches Approaches Contemporary & Classical Therapy: Yoga

ing Oneself Around Around Oneself ing Turn Twists: 12 May

Asana, Pranayama and Bandha Bandha and Pranayama Asana, 2008 4-6, April I Module

April 14 Forward Bends: Surrender and Support Support and Surrender Bends: Forward 14 April and the means for transforming our personality & character. character. & personality our transforming for means the and • • Teaching Techniques of Yoga: Yoga: of Techniques Teaching

the soul, the human psyche, psyche, human the soul, the

enlightened understanding of of understanding enlightened

Topics Include: Include: Topics

March 3 Back Bends: Vulnerability and Strength Strength and Vulnerability Bends: Back 3 March

The goal of this practice is liberation of consciousness and an an and consciousness of liberation is practice this of goal The with the chakra model in greater depth. depth. greater in model chakra the with

energetic and emotional bodies. We will begin to work work to begin will We bodies. emotional and energetic to be an invaluable guide to happiness, freedom, and peace. peace. and freedom, happiness, to guide invaluable an be to

Stability & Spaciousness Spaciousness & Stability Poses: Standing 4 Feb

and pathology. In module V, our focus will be more in the the in more be will focus our V, module In pathology. and

tanjali's Yoga Sutra Sutra Yoga tanjali's Pa find will practice spiritual regarding

the yoga community. community. yoga the

Eight Mondays, 6-9 pm, Monthly Monthly pm, 6-9 Mondays, Eight joint analysis, history taking taking history analysis, joint and postural touch, conscious

direct teaching teaching direct concise, clear, a for yearn who Seekers

visioning and problem solving with peers and mentors in in mentors and peers with solving problem and visioning we will study anatomy, posture modification, adjusting and and adjusting modification, posture anatomy, study will we

, warm-ups and gentle range of motion exercises, exercises, motion of range gentle and warm-ups asanas, for individual and small group dialogue, networking, networking, dialogue, group small and individual for

to Psycho-spiritual Psycho-spiritual to

regions of the body. In addition to active and passive passive and active to addition In body. the of regions $300 (pre-registration by May 1, 2008) 2008) 1, May by (pre-registration $300 Fee: teacher trainees. This program provides the opportunity opportunity the provides program This trainees. teacher

Integration from Physical Physical from Integration

The first four weekend modules (I-IV) focus on specific specific on focus (I-IV) modules weekend four first The

Assistants spend six+ hours per weekend with level one one level with weekend per hours six+ spend Assistants 15 (REQUIRED for 500 hr) hr) 500 for (REQUIRED 15 Credits:

Five Tuesdays, April 1-29, 2008 1-29, April Tuesdays, Five Dates:

of Yoga Asana Asana Yoga of feedback for students. students. for feedback

Rev. Ellen Grace O’Brian O’Brian Grace Ellen Rev. Instructor: (save $50 thirty days in advance) in days thirty $50 (save Module per $500 Fee:

appropriate support and and support appropriate

In-Depth Exploration Exploration In-Depth how to provide effective and and effective provide to how Friday, Saturday & Sunday: 9am-5pm 9am-5pm Sunday: & Saturday Friday, Time: & Days

teachers hone their skills and learn learn and skills their hone teachers

25 each = 125 (REQUIRED for 500 hr) hr) 500 for (REQUIRED 125 = each 25 Credits:

-Yoga Sutras, Chapter 2. 16-17 16-17 2. Chapter Sutras, -Yoga

and YES faculty, assistantship assistantship faculty, YES and Joyce Anue (and guest instructors) instructors) guest (and Anue Joyce Instructor: The primary cause of suffering is mistaken Self-identity. Self-identity. mistaken is suffering of cause primary The

With supervision from the director director the from supervision With

Suffering which has not yet been is to be avoided. avoided. be to is been yet not has which Suffering

Joyce Anue—instructing 2007 YES group at CSE CSE at group YES 2007 Anue—instructing Joyce

Developing Skillful Means Means Skillful Developing

growth. growth.

Compassion in Action Action in Compassion Essence of the Yoga Sutra Sutra Yoga the of Essence continue their own professional professional own their continue

teacher education, mentoring and and mentoring education, teacher

teachers to be involved in yoga yoga in involved be to teachers

graduates and qualified yoga yoga qualified and graduates

An opportunity for YES Level One One Level YES for opportunity An

Begins February 23 & 24, 2008 2008 24, & 23 February Begins

YTT Assistantship Program Program Assistantship YTT