WORKING PAPER (&/&7" %&$-"3"5*0/ WORKING AGAINST VIOLENCE: PROMISING PRACTICES IN ARMED VIOLENCE REDUCTION AND PREVENTION By Paul Eavis working pAper GENEVA DECLARATION Working against ViolEncE: Promising PracticEs in armEd ViolEncE Reduction and Prevention By Paul Eavis 2 N copyright tio even d Pr an published in Switzerland by the geneva Declaration Secretariat N © geneva Declaration Secretariat, geneva 2011 ductio All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in Re a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the E c prior permission in writing of the geneva Declaration Secretariat, or as en expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the publications Manager d Viol E at the address below. Arm geneva Declaration Secretariat c/o Small Arms Survey 47 Avenue Blanc 1202 geneva Switzerland proofread by Donald Strachan Typeset in Meta by Frank Benno Junghanns (
[email protected]) Cartography by Jillian Luff, MApgrafix printed by nbmedia, geneva ISBN: 978-2-9700771-1-4 3 the geneva declaration N tio A r A cl De The geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development, endorsed by more than 100 countries, commits signatories to supporting initiatives eneva G intended to measure the human, social, and economic costs of armed E h vio lence, to assess risks and vulnerabilities, to evaluate the effectiveness of t armed violence reduction programmes, and to disseminate knowledge of best practices. The Declaration calls upon states to achieve measurable reductions in the global burden of armed violence and tangible improve- ments in human security by 2015.