Dave Mckenna
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(k, L UNIV€RSITYOF NEW HAMPSHIRE OUR EIGHTEENTHPROGHAM ONEMORE TIME DAVEMcKENNA ALONEAT THE PIANO SPONSOREDBY THEDEPARTMENT OF MUSIC ANDTHE NEW HAMPSHIRE LIBRARYOF TRADITIONAL JAZZ 8 PM MONDAY NOVEMBER15, 1982 STRAFFORDROOM MEMORIALUNION DURHAM,NEW HAMPSHIRE THE ARTISTS DAVE MCKENNA Tonight marksa uniqueevent in our seriesol concertsbecause it is the first instance where an artist has been invitedto performfor a third time as a featuredsoloist, Dave certainlydeserves this honor,since it was his concertinaugurating the seriesin 1979 that set the standardof qualitythat we havestriven to maintainever since. As we havepointed out in previousyears, Dave is one ol a very tew pianistswho can successfullyplay alonewithout benetitoJ a supportingrhythm section.In his book "Eatly Jazz" GuntherSchuller describes the difficultythat just two hands havein projectinga melody line,the accompanyingharmonic foundation, and the underlying rhythmicalpulse. Dave is a prime exemplarof this rareart, and is constantlyachieving more and more acclaimlor his accomplishmentsin this area,as well as for his work with small groups,where he is also in greatdemand. Born in Woonsocket,Rhode lslandon May 30, 1930,Dave, like so many of us, received early piano instructionfrom local nuns; laterhe studiedin Bostonwith Sandy Sandiford.Although always one to explorejazz possibilitiesby ear, he also had classicaltraining with the noted composer/conductorC. AlexanderPeloquin, but insists he cannot play scalescorrectly, (again like so many of us!)After working in the 50's with CharlieVentura, woody Herman,Buddy Rich,Gene Krupa,and Jazzat the Philharmonic,he joinedthe houseband at EddieCondon's in NewYork, and latein the 60'sspent much time with PeanutsHucko at hisclub in Denver.Since 1971 Cape Cod has been his baseot operations,and he has sharedmany programswith Zoot Sims, Flip Phillips,the late Bobby Hackett,and our recentguest Red Norvo,and lastyear did a long stint at Boston'sCopley Plaza. Perhapswithout realizingit we haveall seenhim frequentlypromoting the arts on "Play Bostontelevision where he is askedto it again,Dave". We echo that requestas we welcomeDave McKenna back to UNH,one moretime. ONEMORE TIME DAVEMcKENNA ALONEAT THE PIANO THE PROGRAM Dave'susual approach is to remainat the pianoand letone selection blend into the nextunannounced. We arecertain most will be knownto you,and that in othercases Davewill satisfyyour curiosityat intermissionor afterthe concert. THE SERIES The UNHTraditional Jazz Series, now in its tourthyear, promotes the enjoymentand understandingof art throughconcerts including musicians of regional,national, and internationalprominence. The programis basedon thefundamental convictions that thereare no agebarriers in the perlormanceand appreciation ol thisidiom, and that its joyousnessand creativityare ever-renewable. Our combinedsponsorship unites students,faculty, and continually devoted enthusiasts in a uniqueendeavor to expand interest,and honoroutstanding talent and achievement. Manyof the artistspresented in our seriesare available only on privaterecordings not readilyfound in stores.For the benefitof the public,musicians wishing to do so are encouragedto offertheir recordings for saleor mailorder, at the backol the hall duringintermission. A briefannouncement may be made.The sponsorshave no financialinterest in suchsales beyond offering a courtesyservice to the artistand public. Camerasand tape recorders are not permitted.Your cooperation is requested.Films or recordingsby the sponsorsare for the benelitof students,who mayinquire about their availabilityat the DimondLibrary. ProgramNotes - PaulVerrette Production- DaveSeiler COMINGEVENTS December6 All StrungOut: Jack Bumer,plano, Gray Sargenl, guitar, Marshall lllood, bass,and FrankShea, drums February7 The BlueThree: Dlck Wellstood, plano, Kenny Dayern, clarlnet, and BobbyRosengarden, drums March14 Slrldlng:Don Ewell,piano Aprll 25 JlmmyMazzy's Jam Sesslon:Jlmmy Mazzy, banlo and yocals,Scotl Phllbrlck,cornet, Bob Pllsbury,plano, Hank Hanklnson.bass. and lke Roberls.allo sax.