Kindle Kennedy's Words, Fire Thousands 117
Thousands kindle Kennedy's Words, Fire 117, Like Thompson, who flew here from Key Dutton placed 46 roses at Kennedy's grave, By Mary Jordan 411,.Iiiox1150 l'orvi Writcr West, Fla., for ceremonies marking the 25th one for each year the president lived. anniversary of Kennedy's assassination in Dal- John Kelly brought flowers too, a continual They began arriving in the predawn dark- las, thousands of others took time yesterday to stream of floral arrangements his Arlington ness, more than three hours before the cem- relive, if only for a few moments, the early florist shop was asked to deliver to the cem- etery gates opened, drawn to the flame of a 1960s when a young president with bold ideas etery. "Some of them are from famous people, man and a time now 25 years past. lit the flame of idealism not just in this country and some are from people who just loved him," By yesterday evening, more than 20,000 but around the world. Kelly said. had made the pilgrimage to Arlington National "He is a symbol of the last time the country As thousands filed past the grave—some Cemetery to stand silently at John F. Ken- felt young, buoyant," said Frederick G. Dutton, praying, others reading or reciting aloud his nedy's grave and watch the orange flames of a Kennedy aide and former assistant secretary most famous phrases-1,500 people showed the eternal torch reach upward. of state. The Kennedy years, he said, "were up for a 1 p.m. commemorative service at St.
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