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1 HENRIKKI TIKKANEN HENRIKKI TIKKANEN 50 1 HENRIKKI TIKKANEN – 50 ENSIMMÄINEN PAINOS / 1ST EDITION KUSTANTAJA / PUBLISHER: Nordic Institute of Business & Society Osuuskunta, Helsinki TOIMITTAJAT / EDITORS: Juho-Petteri Huhtala & Joel Hietanen SUUNNITTELIJA / DESIGNER: Krista Kärki PAINO / PRINT: Painotalo Trinket Oy COPYRIGHT © 2020 Nordic Institute of Business & Society Osuuskunta ISBN 978-952-94-3901-0 ISBN 978-952-94-3902-7 2 3 HENRIKKI TIKKANEN – 50 HENRIKKI TIKKANEN 50 4 5 HENRIKKI TIKKANEN – 50 140 149 KUVAT / IMAGES SISÄLLYS ↓ 152 155 9 HENRIKISTÄ KERTOVIA LAUSAHDUKSIA – JA FILOSOFIAA NIIDEN TAKANA P. Par v i nen 8 13 TO INNUMERABLE SHADES: 156 161 10 MONIPUOLINEN TIETEELLINEN DIMENSIONS OF PROFESSOR TUOTANTO SYSTEMAATTISENA LEIKKINÄ TIKKANEN AND HENKKA KIRJALLISUUSGENREILLÄ J. Hietanen & J-P. Huhtala J. Luoma 14 17 1 YSTÄVÄN MUOTOKUVA 162 175 11 LIVING PARALLEL LIVES:KARIN, I. Ambrosius & T. Kietäväinen HENRIKKI, ME AND THE OTHERS B. Cova 18 35 2 SPIRITUALITY, MANAGEMENT AND WISDOM – THE RELEVANCE OF PLATO 176 189 12 PROFESSOR TIKKANEN FLEW T. Peltonen OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST: SWEDISH FÖRETAGSEKONOMI ON 36 59 3 RESEARCH TRADITIONS IN MARKETING: THE COUCH THEORETICAL NOTES J. Ostberg K. Möller 190 197 13 TEACHER, SUPERVISOR, MENTOR, 60 81 4 ROUGHING OUT A SOBERING (?) BOSS AND FRIEND – PROFESSOR RESEARCH PARADIGMATIC SCHEMA HENRIKKI TIKKANEN FOR MARKETING AND OTHER SOCIAL J. Salo PHENOMENA STUDIES R. Olkkonen & H. Makkonen 198 211 14 THE EMERGING SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT IN BRAND MANAGEMENT 82 91 5 SCHOLARLY VIRTUES AS P. Tuominen PERFORMATIVE ROLES J-A. Lamberg 212 225 15 WHAT AILS CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS SCHOOLS? 92 117 6 YRITYSTASON STRATEGINEN K. Alajoutsijärvi, K. Juusola & K. Kettunen MARKKINOINTI LUKUISILLA KILPAILLUILLA 226 227 16 PROJEKTI MARKKINOINTIA JA YRITYSMARKKINOILLA PROJEKTI LIIKETOIMINTAA J. Aspara K. Artto 118 135 7 AN INTERPRETED REVIEW OF THE 228 229 JOHTOPÄÄTÖKSET / CONCLUSIONS HISTORY OF FINNISH MARKETING P. Mat t i la RESEARCH J. Frösén & M. Laukkanen 136 137 8 HENRIKKI P. Airaksinen-Aminoff ↑ CONTENT 6 7 HENRIKKI TIKKANEN – 50 TO INNUMERABLE SHADES: DIMENSIONS OF PROFESSOR TIKKANEN AND HENKKA To Innumerable Shades: Dimensions of Professor Tikkanen and Henk ka JOEL HIETANEN JUHO-PETTERI HUHTALA THIS FESTSCHRIFT is a celebratory book schrifts tend to be ‘serious’: straight and something always – if only slightly – beyond leagues has facilitated a wealth of concep- honouring the ongoing life and career of a narrow academic publications with little words, beyond mere description. While tual and empirical developments in various great Professor, Henrikki Tikkanen, on the personality. After all, is not the grandeur of overcoding may indeed be an inherent as- discourses. It is immediately evident that occasion of his 50th year occupying his cur- an academic discourse something that far pect of a profound academic persona, as there is something overwhelming about all rent form of Earthly existence. Contained exceeds a person, even in a work of com- is developed in Lamberg’s and Luoma’s his collaborations. How does one manage so within the following pages is a remarkably memoration? This book is in many regards respective chapters, there is, as Ostberg many? Indeed, Möller notes Professor Tik- rich collection of articles written by many col- remarkably different, almost as if writing to in turn notes, something about Henrikki’s kanen’s extraordinary academic versatility, leagues and friends of Professor Tikkanen Henrikki without deliberating on him as a presence that even radiates all the way to and Olkkonen and Makkonen marvel at his (or less formerly, Henkka, as we all know friend, character, and enigma was an insur- the surfaces and fixtures of entire academic persistent open-mindedness and non-dog- him). For us today, it certainly feels that we mountable task. Made manifest within this organizations. In addition to these examples matic approach to thought and academic have shared a life with Henkka for a small (ostensibly) rather conventional scholar of that have already laid out a challenging con- work. Frösén and Laukkanen discuss his eternity. We have worked together on myri- strategic marketing and business history, ceptual landscape, all the chapters in this national role as well, offering an account of ad projects and studies, travelled the world there is a restless and captivating excess book have risen to the occasion in diverse how Professor Tikkanen’s scholarly prolifica- together, laughed and rejoiced, felt the brush – an affective ‘unbearability’ that saturates fashion. The general theme is one of seri- cy has made an incalculably intensive mark of failure and sadness – a fantastic spectrum every event and moment that is spent in ously quirky awe – one that attempts to find on the Finnish context and the Finnish mar- of intensities – all together. And this is a book Henrikki’s vicinity. An intensity that cannot different ways to always return in wonder keting scene in particular. In his sweeping ac- of intensities, of intense friendships. be measured or accounted for. The chapters to ponder the question of who this Henkka count of the history of branding in marketing If one compares this Festschrift to in this book are a testament to this, and we character really is anyway. and consumer research, Tuominen is the first many others, one is immediately struck by wish to thank all the participants for their Professor Tikkanen is an eminent fig- to note how Henrikki has indeed become a its unorthodox nature. A teeming uneas- wonderful contributions! They come in var- ure in the international academic fields of brand in his own right – something that he is, iness, perhaps even an excited giddiness, ious forms, lengths, and styles, but there is marketing and consumer research – this is but which also semiotically ‘lives’ outside of seems to mark many of its pages. Fest- a common thread of an outside they seek, for sure. His research with his numerous col- what Henrikki as a person might be. 8 9 HENRIKKI TIKKANEN – 50 TO INNUMERABLE SHADES: DIMENSIONS OF PROFESSOR TIKKANEN AND HENKKA Henkka is always a simulation of a course of action, and it is often hard to keep up! This has nothing to do with consistency; never assume the stability of any structure, all scaffolds are phantasmatic. If one knows Henkka, one might be reminded of the style of some scheming philosophers (e.g., Feyer- abend and Baudrillard), the kind whose writ- ings are only sometimes sincerely entreating you, and more often provocatively express- ing excesses of what they know you need to know. To give the reader an example, we still wonder whether the following is an act of pure trickery. In what might seem sombre moments, nodding towards Herman Hesse’s Notably, Lamberg takes the idea of there be? As Parvinen poignantly points great novel, Henrikki often declares how all the appearance of Henrikki far further. As he out, Henrikki is a rhetorical gunslinger par this (academic work) is nothing more than "Henkka is always notes in his chapter, Henrikki can certainly excellence, creating events and eventifying an irredeemably meaningless game of glass be regarded as a ‘tough guy’ from many di- creation as he simply goes along. It should pearls. There is a nihilism to be sure, but a a simulation of a vergent perspectives. Simultaneously, and be noted that we, without hesitation, agree generative one perhaps? Firstly, if the state- thus strikingly without difference, he is also with all the above – simultaneously. This is ment would express ‘truth’ (which it affective- course of action, a ‘queen mother’, and an ‘academic sensei’ poststructural indeed – this what has to do ly no doubt does), then there would be no and ‘brother’, as related by Lamberg and As- with Henkka – a profoundly ‘contingent his- need to get excited about research, no need and it is often para. Alajoutsijärvi and colleagues chime in tory,’ as Deleuze and Guattari noted about to find new moments of intrigue to work on to add that Henkka is someone with whom to the prevalence of accident in all becoming. with new friends. Such deflation is the oppo- hard to keep up!" get massively excited and swept away with Without a doubt, the aforementioned quali- site of what happens around Henkka, how- in the moment (without help from Gadam- ties have contributed to making Henrikki Tik- ever, so the utterance cannot account for its er). Perhaps most notably, Henrikki is (if not kanen (or HT) both a successful professor content. What is it then? Perhaps (for you) it sometimes in a slightly veiled fashion) a lov- and a head of the Aalto University School of is intended to constitute the very opposite in ing friend, as brought to our attention most Business Department of MarketingTM depart- intensity. Henkka saying this – I reject this, prominently by Airaksinen-Aminoff, Salo and ment. These characteristics have also made and I will fight for this not to be the case! Artto. Beyond Henkka’s apparent, but nec- Henkka (or H) such a close colleague and Perhaps this surrender is indeed Henkka’s essary, matter-of-fact ‘brutishness’ he also friend to so many. For us, however, there are way of bringing about your revolutionary strikingly evokes many shades of the spiritu- even more dimensions to Henkka that might consciousness. This still feels unsatisfacto- al and the mythic. Ambrosius and Kietäväin- be slightly more cryptic, and perhaps in the ry, for there are still more options. Can we en and Peltonen provide vivid accounts of end hopelessly undecipherable. Let us elab- see a thirdness that calls to live, as Camus how the apparition of Henkka should by no orate. would have had it, through embracing a cer- means be approached solely as a worldly Interestingly, Lamberg is not done. tain absurdity of all human intent? Is this an being. This side of Henkka persistently inter- He takes his grand tour of exploring all of instance of nothing that actively nothings? rogates whether there is some firm ground the shades of Henkka even further still by We claim it is all of the above, at the same there to which one might return.