Ali'rcan Proglanmre for Ouchocercrasis Control (APOC) Progranltre afrrcarn de lutte colttre I'onchocercose

JOINT ACTION FORUM JAT'-FAC FORUM D'ACTION COMNIUNE Office of the Charru-an Bureau dLr Prdsident

Tenth session of the Joint Actiort Forunt African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, 7_9 Decernber 2001


1' At the invitation of tlle GoYenment of the Denrocratic Republrc of congo (DRC), the teuth session of the Joirlt Action Forurr.r (JAF) rvas held at the Grand llotel of Dece,rber Iiour 7 to 9 2004.The rist of participarts is attacrred as Ar,ex l.

2' The meetingrvas opencctbyHis Excellency, MrArthurZAHIDI NGOMA, Vrce presrdent of tl-re Democratic Republic of congo in charge of the commission on Socral and cultural Alfarrs, rvhose opening remarks r,l'ere preceded b/statements of the Director-General of the world organization (wHo), Health read aloud by Dr claude Heuri Vrgnes, representrng the Legal office of wHo; of the chair of JA-F9, repreiented by Mr Stephen"RANDALL, chirg6 d,Affarres of t5e Embassy of canada to DRC; and of Dr Azocloga setetetr, Director ol Apod. All lbur speal

3 ' Dr s6k6tdli rvamed not all projects th3! would have benefited fiom the requrred 1ri,ir.,u,r of fir,e years funding from APOC Trust Fund by the year 20lO as sonre projects have strll uot yet started. It u,ould be necessary therefore to make arraugeutents rvith tfue donorc to authorize that the APOC Trust Fund for Phase II and Phasr,g out period be mai,tained b;;;;fii;';;r;;;,;. projects *,ithin such cDTr the budget of US$79,riliion forecasted fbr the period.

4' D| Seketeh also autrouttccd that he u'ill be retrring ll-om his position as Drr.ector. ot-Apo(. ilr September 2005.

5' Partictpants expressed their sincere gratitude to the gol'enlreut of the Democratrc Republrc of congo for hosting this tenth session and for the ri'anir hosfrtalrty afforded to thelr 6u,.q r.5err stay ln Krnshasa.

6' Tlte Forunl elected the Denrocratrc Repubhc o1'cougo as the charr.ol JAF10 hcld b1. IIer Excellency, Dr Atrastasie N{oLEKo I\'IOLIWA. N{iniste"r of Ilcalth of DRC, and lrrarrce as \,-rcc- chatr' lteld b1' D| CII'rstlan Br\lLL\', Coorcirnator o1'the CellLrle luter-Regronale cl'Eprtlclr.lrologrc (CIRE), Rennes. Fr.ancc.. 2

I The prol'istonal ' agertda attaclted as Annex 2 rvas adopted u,ithout anl.nrodrfications.

8 In his presentatton ol the reflections ' of thc committee of Sponsonng Agencies (csA), I\{r Bruce Bentoll, chatnnatr of the cotrlmtttee focused on the achieveurents of AFoc over the past t*,el'e t.nonths attd outhned tlte main acttvtties plarured for the next conring year. He rnfomed the Foruur of changes iI tlie leadership of the onchocercrasrs coordination unit at the world Bank r, relatton rvtth his recent retirement as Mauager of the unit. Mr Benton reassured JAF that hrs successor' Dr ousmane Battgoura as rvell as Dr Alexandre Abrantes, Sector N{auager, Huma, Development Depafimeut at the World Bank, wrll continue to provrde hrgh level suppoll to onchocerciasis control activities.

9' The discussions that lbllotred are summarized under the follou.,rr-rg agenda items. A full report of thrs meeting u,rll be made available at a later date.


10' The F-orunl congratulated the APOC Management, the Technical Colsultative Commrttee a,d the NGDo Group on their collecttve elTorts to suppoft the parlicipating countries that lecl to the iulpressive achievetneuts the of Programnre o,r". the puit y.ur. over 33 milliol people *,ere treated rn 2003 and 77 projects out of 1 06 approved projects ur" ,ror., berng implenrented. REN4o exercise had been conrpleted ttt ntost or tne apoc countries and the pof,rtriio, at rrsk rs uow estinlated at 87'7 millton people compared to the figure of 50 million'people me1tio1e6 rp the Progranune document.

I l' Th.e Forulll expressed its appreciation to Merck & co. Inc for therr pledge of an amoult of US $l million, to be paid over a period of fir'e years, to the NGDos rvorking on onchoccr-ciasrs rn Africa' coltrol N{erck & Co. Ittc' also pledged a simrlar amount to onchocerciasrs co,trol Alltencas. i, the


l2' Presentations lr"ere llade by Uganda, Tanzania, Cameroon, Ethiopra, Congo, DRC, Bur,rdi, Liberia, Sudan and CAR on their CDTI project actrvitres. l3' fhe Forut-t.t congratulated the countnes otl their achiet.eltlents ancl noted the drfflcultres and challenges etrcouuterc-d in the inrplenrentatron of CDTI. Nlost of the countnes reporled that CDTI \\'as successfully rDtegrated irlto other ltealtlt activrtres aud their govemr.neuts u,ere coptrrbuti,g financrally to CDTI actiYrties. u'as It hou'ever stressed that parricrpatu.lg couutles peedecl to allocate l.llore resources to healtlt, and particularly, to onchocerciasis control actrvrtres.

14. Tlie Foruur agreed that:

l coulltrles should specrfy tn ftttltre tlte uature of governnrent contrrbutrous (cash or kincl. salarres, capital equipr.re,t, irrrastructure and recurrent cost); 3

ll' countrles should also indicate tn firture, over a tnrnir.num ol- 3 years, the trerd o1' govemnlellt cotrtrtbutions (rvhether they are rncreasiug or decreasilg);

APOC ,l.ean.r lll' N{attagetlletrt should collate and ntake avarlable to the Exterual Evaluatron ttlforurattot.t oll go\/emllteut contributrons to enable Ihe Tear-n to easrly nrahe a comparatil'e assesstuettt of the contributions dunug the evaluatror.r,

ir" couutries be encouraged to adopt an integrated buclgeting systenr such as those reported by Uganda and Tauzania.

15. JAF rvas also infonned that:

l a sttrdy otr tlie ttllpact of the cost-shartng expenence in Congo Ilrazzaville is ougorlg aucl the resulrs *,rll be reporled at JAF1 I in becimber 2005;

ii' some studies ltave been doue on "uodding drsease" but appear to be inconclusrye as to its cause' Coutrtrtes rvhere the disease is present were requested to foru,ard details of therr studies to TCC for revierv and consideiation of the need for fufther research by TDR or other research iustitutions;

rii' Severe Adyerse Events (SAEs) occured lu areas u,here onchocerciasrs a,d lorasrs co- exist in Bas-Cotrgo and Tshopo CDTI pro;ects rn DRC. The cases \\,ere car.efirlll, matraged although deaths lvere repofted. Steps are berng taken by the hcalth althoritres and paftuers to ntinrrnise such events rn the future.


16' The Forut-n endorsed the prror approval by APoC Management of the contrnuation of 63 olgoing projccts as rvell as the itnplernentattou of I1 neu, cdtt prolect proposals r.ecouurercled tbr approval by TCC.

OPERATIONAL RESE.4RCH AND A|ACROFIL l7' RAPLOA valrdatiotl studies had been undertakeu in DRC and congo.'l-he validrty of the,rc.thod had been confimred and RAPLOA u'as uorv berng Lrsed by Apoc tbr mapping Lru loo. ta study Jtle^multt-country ot-t couu-uur.uty-directed inten'entror.rs (cDI) had beeu laulcheci APoc countries' coverltlg r,5 a total of 45 health districts. The }rorum expressed cousrdcrable ttlterest in the study and- noted tts sigrificance fbr the luture of rntegrated disease co,l.rol r, Afi'rca' The Forunl looked lbnvarcl to the first results of the study u,hich rvould becor1e ayarlable by mid 2005. l9' JAF u'as ltrfbnned,. an! noted u'tth gratitude, that the Brli ct Nlelincla Gates Fou,tjatr., h.d agteed to futrd, at a leYel ol$2 rtttlhon, the proposed studies on the fl'asrbrlrty of local elrr.r.rrpatrorr of transr.nrssion rvrth Ivenlcctut treatr.nent aIone. aI

20' Ihe Forut.u acknorvledged that the development of a macrofilaricide rernarned a high priorrty. The del'eloptnetlt of the use of moxtdectin for onchocercrasis has been suspended iue to a saf'ety collcenl $'ith otle of the veterittariau products containing moxidectrn. Furrher developmepl u rll be pursued tf the cottcems arc cleared (at the US FDA heanng on 3l January 2005).

2l Studies have ' det.ttottstrated the saf-ety and efficacy of the co-adprrlistratro, of alberclazole, t"'ertlectit.t artd praziquantel, attd tltis u'as operationally sigrrficant for the lntegratlou o1't5e treattrlent of ottchocerciasis, lyrphatrc lilariasis and other hellrinths.

22' other MACROFTI drug developntent and research actrvities rvere acklou,ledged and endor.sed by JAF. One key issue underscored rvas the need to create and sustain basic and clinrcal research capacity in developing countries.


23. Sustainability evaltrations ltave shou'n that CDTI rs very strong at the conllulrty le'el a,cl that the conlluuity is a key factor lor sustarnability of ivemrectut treatmeut. Tle sustarnlbrlrty itldicators shorv a less favourable prcture for the fomral health system, especrally the Frrst Lrue Health Facihty (FLHF) rvhich rvas considered u,eak.

24.In conclusion, the Forum notecl that:

r. GDTI $'as sustarnable at the conlnuuity but rveak at the FLHF leyel;

ll. there u'as a need to contiuue ntourtoring the inrplementation of sustainabilitl,plals especially during the post-ApOC era;

to euhauce iir' the sustainability of CDTI projects, it rvas ir-nportaut to streugtSen the lealtlr systents and enrpou'er the FLHF;

ir'. includrng oncltocerctasis in the esseutral health package would ellsure sustaipable govemtnetlt financial contrtbutton and could be a step torvards strengthening the FLFIIT rn the health systetr.

25' The Forutn stressed the importauce of identrlying rrsk factors early rn a proJr-'ct 1fe cycle i, or.cler to predict eventual sustatnability lssues.


26' JAF recognized the opporlunities and syrergies of integrating other health interventrons u1th CDTI such as Vitamin A supplernentation (VAS) and possrbly reproductrve health. It 1,,as also noted that integration entailed secunng addrtronal reiorr.er, parlicularly, adequately trarped hutnatl resources; and reqLrired expanding partnershrps and rncreased coordrnatron.

27 JAF tvirs ' rettttnded that APoC l'rust Fuud cor,rld be usecl to finance pilot str.rdrcs oliutegratrou. 5


28' JAF \l'as lnfon-lled that the findings of Phase II studres of the long-tenn rr.npact assessprelt of APOC operattotts u'ould be reported phase at JAFIl. The results o[ I *'rll be submittecl for publication tu sctenttfic joumals by May 2005. The Forum stressed the inrportance ot'prakrrq tltese results available to participating countnes and other partrers, and the rreed to publrsl the results as soon as possrble.

29'In socioecotlotl]ic terurs, stttcltes suggest that APOC operatious haye a rate olretur, of 179,..l.5rs rate of returtr may be eveu hrglier if the additronai benefits ol rnteg.ating othc.r Sealth rnter,eutior.rs i,to GDTI acti'rties are taken into consrderatror.r.


30' The Forutn noted the report the of External Audrtor confimlng the correctness of the accou.rts, receipts and expendttures, rvhich had been subnritted for his scrutrnv.


3l' ]'hc Fotuur approYed the Plan of Actron for 2005 of APoc and the corespondurg budget r, the anrount of US$ 13,54.1,000.

32' The Forum requested that the proportron of the reculreut cost actually attributed projcct to cou,try operatiotls sltould be clearly drstrnguished in future plans ot'Action.


33' The donor finatrctng requirements for APoc operations remaiued- at a totai o1'US $135 mrlhon. of uhich us $56 milrio, for phase I, had been ruily runded.

34' of the US$79 trlllion requtred for Phase phasrDg-out period, II and the us$66 urrllion had been lined up' The financing gap had been reducedby 50%o"..",11. past 1g uror.rths ard,o*.stood US$13 nrillion. at

35' ]'he Forut-u ltoted $'ith pleasure the tlnancial pleclgcs rnade by donors. It also ackro*,lcdgecl *,rtlr gratitude the contrtbuttot-ts of the NGDos and theiontinued cormlltr-neut of ll4erck & co. Inc. to supply tl'ertrlectitr lice of charge for as long as needed for the treatnreut of ouchocerclasls.

36' JAI'- noted that it nltght .l.rust beconre llecessary rn tlie future to consider extendrng thc Apoc Furtd beyottd 20101o allorv the full 5 years of financrng fbr prolects r,,,hose inrpleurentarro, ,ray have been delayed for Various reasous. It u'as understooo thoi any potentlal extcnsron u,ould orly. extend the ttllte rrr u'htch dtsbttrsenrents 'h.r,rst could be urade f}onr the F-Lrud and u,oulcl increase ,ot the budget recluirecl beyond the current fbrecast. 6


3 7 The Forum approved the Ternrs of Relerence (TOR) for the APOCI Extemal Er.aluation and u,as irlfornted that the Evaluatiott team had norv been constrtuted and u,rll rneet early r1 200-5 to deYelop a u'ork plan. The findings of the team rvill be repofted at JAFI l i1 Decenrber 2005.


38' The Forum rt'as ttlforttted tltat control activrties in the SIZ couutnes rvere o,goir-rg satrsfactorrly except ln Sierra Leoue rvltere gl'eat coucenr \\,as expressed for the .u,r.it ei,denuolog,.j situatiott. A joint nlission (SIZ management - Sight Savers Internatronal) lvill be going to Srerra Leoue in early2005 to reassess the situation and possrbilities of fullyresurnlngCD}I actryrtres.

39' JAF rvelcomed the possrbility of the world Bank financing onchocerclasrs and lynrphatrc filariasis activities-in Sierra Leoue together rvith other partners. The world Bank enphasrzed that such financtrlg will be in addition to rvhat it is alreaiy provrding to a number of other liealtS projects in the cour-rtry.

40 noted rvith pleasure ]1f tlte progress reports on onchocerciasis control activrties rp Gurpea alcl Mali presented by the uational teauls.

4l' JAF uuderscored the tmportance of the Multidrsease Surveillance Centre (MDSC) iu marptarlrpq the surveillance of onchocerciasis in the region thereby safeguarding the or,'er $600 rullio, inyestment rnade in OCp.

42'The Forum stressed tlte need to establish or maintain strong collaboratrve lrnks lvith patropal a1d other scientific rnstitutions aud reference laboratories; o,lito der.elop rts activitres gradually rp accordance rvith the priorities of the beneficrary countries.

43' The Forum also stressed that the Centre should have sorne autonomy ru its operations.

44'The Forum acknorvledged wrth gratitude the World Bank's cor.mrltrneut to parlicrpate ru the financing of the MDSC and strongly endorsed its plea to secure, as a r-patter of urgepcy,, 1ror.e donor support in order for the Centre to be fully functional as sool-r as possible.


45' on beltalf of Mr Jaures Wolfertsoltn, President of tlie world Bank, Ir4r ok panueuborg, Senror AdYtsor in the Africa Regton at the World Bank, paid tnbute to Mr Bruce Benton fbr hrs o.rtstanding cort'butro, to onchocercrasrs control in Africa.

46'Dr Luts Gomes Sambo, tlte Regional Drrector elect of wHo/AFRo expressecl his pleasu1e to bc presellt at the session and pledged the continuous supporl of WHo to onchocerciasrs coutrol ru Afi'ica; and particularly, to APOC activitres. Iu thrs r.lgard he anuounced that onchocercrasrs qrll be an itctn of drscusstort ott the ageuda of the nert Regional Conrurittcc n)eetl1gs. 7

47.Dr Sanlbo deplored tlte onchocerciasis situatrou in Sierra Leonc and assured the Fonrnr that all u'ill be done for control activrties to resunre as soon as possible.

'18' Dr Salrlbo ended by thanktng all the partne rs for therr ellbrts ln supporturg the NIDSC.


49. At the invitation of the goverumeut of France, the eleventh sesslou of JAF u,rll be held rn pa,s from 6-9 December 2005.


On behalf -50' of the pafitctpauts, Dr Charlotte Gokaba Okemba from Congo Brazzavrlle thanked lllost slllcerely parlners all for tlteir untiring suppo( to the Progranxle sluce rts launchrng. Slie relayed tlie hope of particrpants that a macrofilaricide drug would soon be ar,ailable to boost the light against ouchocerciasis, and she reassured the Forum that in ally case, the parlrcrpatrng couutries will be inlplementirtg rts decisions and conclusions in order to reinforce tneir capaUrtrt! of evolving torvards putting tn place sustainable CDTI rn all couutries, e\reu lu areas u.here onchocerciasis and lotasis co-exist. Dr Charlotte Gokaba Okernba finally expressed ouce urore the sr,ccre gratitude of particrpa,ts to the go'em*eut of DRC.

51' The chair paid a special tribute, and expressed the appreciatron and gratrtr,rde of the partrclpatlug countrles, to Dr Ole Wonn Christensen, consultant to OCP/APOC, and to Mr Bruce lJenton. recently retired Mattager of the Onchocerciasrs Coordrnatron Untt at the World Bauk, for. lherr dedication onchocerciasts to coutrol tn Afrrca. On behalf of Africa she rvrshed theur u,ell for the future.

52 Dr Sanrbo thanked ' the goventment of the Democratrc Republic of Congo and partrcularly salr.rted the presence of His Excellency, the Vice Presiclent iri cliarge of the Conr:.rrissrorr on Socriil Affairs, Mr Arthur ZAI{IDI NGOMA, at the openrng and closure of the session. l'hrs, 5e sard, rldicated the high-level commitment of the govenrnrent of Deurocratrc RepLrblic of Colgo to onchocerciasis control actlvttles in the country. Dr Sambo also thanked donors for therr sulport aud congratulated Christettseu Dr and Mr Beuton for therr rnvaluable contributrou to health rn Africa. I{e reassured the Foruur that onchocerciasis control u,ill be aruong hls prrontres. 53' In their respecttve closirtg renrarks, both the charr, Her Excellency, Dr Apastasre I\{OLEKO I\4OLIWA, Minister of Health of DRC, and Hrs Excellency, the Vrce presrdent of DRC rn clarge of the Cotturission on Socral Affarrs, Mr Arlhur zAHIDiNGOMA, thanked all the parlners for the hottour givetr to DRC by holding this tenth sesslon rn Krnshasa. The Vice presicle,t echoed tlte cotlt-nlitt-uent of the partictpating govemurents themsel.,'es as be ing of pnure nrporlapce fbr the sustatnabilityof CDTI. [Ie congratulatedthe Forunr forthe oLrtcor.nc of the sessro, ir,d *,rshed partrcipants a saf-e return to their honres.

5'1' The tetlth sesston ol'the Jortrt Actron Forunr u'as declarecl close by His Lixcellencl,, thc- \,'rce President in charge of the Cornmrssron on Socral Allairs, N4r Artlu-rr Z.AIIIDI NGONL.\.

I8.I2.200-+ 8


Afrrcan Programne lbr Onchocerciasis Control (APOC) Programme africain de lutte contre I'onchocercose

JOINT ACTION FORUM JAF-FAC FORUM D'ACTION COMMUNE Office olthe Charrman Bureau du Pr6srdent

JOINT ACTION FORUM FORUM D'ACTION COMMLTNE Tenth session Drxidnre sesslou a 7 Kinslrasa (RDC), 7-9 decembre 2001



l. M. Pierre LEBRUN Attachd/Chef de la Coop6ration a.r Belge, Ambassade de Belgique, Kinshasa, Republique Ddmocratique du Congo Tel.: (243) 89 3l 753 - E-rnail: [email protected]

2. Dr Urbarn MENASE Attache de Satrte, Cooperation Belge, Ambassacle de la Belgique i Kinshasa, RepublqLre Ddmocratique du Congo Tel.: 0893 1903 - E-nrarl; diplobel.krnshasa.cr(lrc.cd


3. Dr Libdre NDAYISENGA Coordotlnateur Nattoual du Prograrntre National de Iutte contre l,Onchocercose, B.p. 1g20, Bujumbura, Burundi Tel: 257 24 93 33 gt _ - Fax: 257 22 96 E_nrait: nclll tbct-crrr 0O.C()lll

4 Mr Hayatou ALIM Secretaire d'Etat d la pubhque, santi Ministdre de la Sante publique, B.p. 155 \,aounde, Canteroun

5. Dr Marcellure NTEp Coordontrateur National, Prograrrure Natronal de Lutte contre l,Onchocercose, Secretarre Exccuttf du GTNO, Mtnistere de la Sante publique s/c oMS Bp 155, \,aound6, ca,rerou, Tel: (237) 222 6910 - Fax : (237)222 69 io - E-nrail : nurnsanmrl0()l,.rl)rrholy[.; ) u()c ((.-!l-t I n rtr, t. r-rIl 9

6 Dr Arnadou FOPA Dcllegu6 Provinctalde la Sante Publique de l'ouest, B.p.47g,Bafoussanr, ca,erou, Tel: (237) 344 t4 1 7 - Fax : (237) 311 25 61


7. M. Stephen RANDALL charge d'Affarres, Ambassade pumbu, du canada, 19, Aveuue Krnshasa Gorrbe, Republrque Dentocratique du Congo Tel: 89 50 310 - Fax: 88 41 277 - \ E_mail tcl L',ll . l'Ltil llrrr rnlcnr alrorrii l ,L.l

8 Mlle Catherine BERARD Agent de Del'eloppelllellt, Progranure Panafricarn, Direction de l'Afrrque et du Mo1,e, Agence Canadienne orieut, de D6r'eloppement Internatronal (ACDI), 200 pronrenade du portage, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada KIA O-G4 Tel: 1 819 9914lg4 - Fax: gl ggg7 5453 - E_nrail: carher.r ne berard irr acr.lr -crtla. qc.ca 9. M. Luc ST-LAURENT Coopiratron Cauadienue Agence Canadienne cle Deve loppement httenratronal Pronteuade portage, (ACDI), 200 du Gatineau, Qu6bec, Canada KIA oG4 Tel: I 819 953 0140 - E-ntail: lLrc Utelltrrll


10. Dr Christophe NDOUA coordottuateur du Progralru.lle Natronal cle Lutte coutre l'onchocercose, B.p. 1777, Republique Centrafricaine BangLri, Tel : 236 61 6r r7 - Fax : 236 61 or 31 -E-,rair : udouacrrrist@)1,ahoo.ri


I l. Dr Damase BODZONGO Directeur Gdneral de la Sant6, President du GNTO, Directron Generale cle la Sant6, ts.p 78, Brazzavllle, R6publique du Congo Tel.: cel : (242) 536 4? 77, Rur : (242) 81 57 46 -Fax: 24281 04 8r 42 77 _.E_nrarr: bodzon go_d altas e(r_ryaho o. fr

12. Dr Charlofte GOKABA OKEMBA Directrrce de la Lutte contre la Maladre, Prentrer Vice-presrdent du GI'NO, Drrectron de la Lutte contre la Maladie, Minrstere de la Sant6 et de la Population, B.p 236, Brazzavrlle Conso Tel :242 551 52 0g - Fax : 2_l2 81 - 0181 - E-mail: clrar.r rkirka,rr,t r.tltori.1l' I3. Dr Frangors MISSAMOU Coordonnateur Natronal, Ivled,ecil-chef du Prograntme Natroual de Lutte contl.e I'Onchoccrcose. Directrou dc la Lutte contre la N{aladre, 'l'el B.P. 236 ou 10 66, Ilrazzat, rl le, Congo : +242 608 05 63 F'ax : +212810-1E1-E-nrarl - ()l)e cL)ll g() ( i \'.tlt,ro Ir l0

CD u

14. Dr Auastasie NIOLEKO MOLIWA Ministre de la Sant6, Bd du 30 juin, N'4310, B.P. 3088, Kinshasa I - Kinshasa/Gonrbe, R6pLrblique D6mocratique du Congo - Tel : (243) 12 332141991926g - Fax: (243) 139 88 73, E-mail : [email protected]

15. Dr Elodie NDELA BULISI conseilldre, Ministere de la Sa,t6, Republique Der-nocratique du congo Tel: (243) 89 29 gsl

16. Dr Constantin MIAKA-MIA-BILENGE Secretaire Gendral d la Sant6, Mtttistere de la Sante, Boulevard du 301uin, Krnshasa, Republrque Democratique du Congo Tel : (243) 99 04 291- E-mail : tshimbodi@1,ahoo.fr

17. Dr Ml,,'ana Jean TSHISUAKA Directeur de cabinet du Ministre de la Sant6, Ministdre de la Sante, Kinshasa, : I{epublrque Ddnrocratique du Congo Tel: (243) 99 3t 635. - E-mail : [email protected] 18. Dr Kalema WELO Conseiller du Ministre de la Sante, Mtnistdre de la Sant6, Kinshasa, Rdpubhque Democratrque du Cougo, Tel : (243) 98 47 49 62 - E-mail : [email protected]

19. M. Jacques BITIKA Dtrecteur de Cabrnet adloitlt, Mtntstere de la sante, Krnshasa, Republique Democratrque Congo du

20. M. Cl6menr LUFUA Chef dLr Protocole du Ministre de la sante, Mrnistdre de la sant6, Krnshasa, Republique Democratique du Congo Tel : (2.13) 99t4280

21. Dr Mane-France KIABILUA SLINDA Conseilldre en matidre de santd tnfantrle et dpid6rnre, Ministdre de la Saute, Avenue de la Justrce, Krnshasa/Gombe, Republique Democratrque du Corrgo Tel: (243) 081 52 62 237 - E-nrait : mfkribilua(lyatto.fr

22. Dr. Marcel Kupa MUKINGESHAYI Directeur du Programnte, Programlne Natronal de Lutte contre I'Onchocercose (pNLO), Boulevard du 30 Juin, no 36, Kinshas a 1, Repubhque Ddmocratlque du Congo Tel: +243 99 47138 Fax +243 - 12 33247 - E-marl : pnlo rdcfg))zahoo.fr et rnuklr hoo.1l 23. M. Danrase BANTUANGA I\'[enrbre du Groupe de Tral'arl Natronal de Lutte cor.rtr.e l'onchocercose, Boulevard du 3 Jur,. Salongo Sud, 1'el : (2.13) 08150949.11 11

21. Dr Floribert AKOTSHI DOWO OYEMA Dtrecteur Adjoint du Progranlne Nattonal de Lutte contre l'onchocercose, Al'euue N' 36' comrune cle la JLrstrce de ra Gombe, Kinshasa, R6pubrrque D6rnocratrque du corgo Tel : +243 BlBt27293 _ E_mail : akotshrdf(ri)yahoo.fr

25. Dr Opetha LOKADI Directeur des Sorus de Sante Printaires., Directron des sorns de Sante prrnrarres, 36, Ar.enue Justrce, cle la Kinshasa/G^ontbe, Republique Dentocratlque du Congo Tel: (243) 99 39 283 - E-mail : plokadr6,ryahoo.fi 26. Dr Bajay TCHUMA Prolect Mauager, Catholic Relref Sen,ices, 3531, av. Colonel Lrrkusa, Kiushasa-Gonrbe, Republrque D6rnocratique du Congo Tel : (243) 8l 88 46 792 - E-nrarl : btchunrah@)crsconso.orq; [email protected]

21. Prof. David LUBEJI KAYEMBE ophtalnrologiste/Membre de GTNO, chef d'equipe 4 Etudes d'hnpact des operatro,s cli,rques Unrversitarres, Apoc, B.p. 123, Ki,shasa, Repubhque Ddnrocratique du congo Tel: (243) 98 58 23 l8 - Fax : (243) 9g 58 23 tti- g-mail , p.olaou,[email protected]

28. Dr Srmon MBETE Prdsident de Zorrc de Kinshasa I, Lions_club Intemational, Distrrct 409, Burldrug Fla,rboy.ant, Kinshasa, R6publique Ddmocratique du Congo Tel : (243) 89 12 663

29. Dr Ondlo SHULLTNGU Metnbre de GTNO/SNEL, 18'1, At'etttte Petunras, cor.nnrune de Lrnulc. Krushasa, RelpublrqLre Dentocratrque du Congo Tel : 081 100 5472 - E_mail : [email protected]

30.Dr Brll William CLEMI\,{ER Representant SANRUi IMA, 75 A'enue de la Justrce, Krnshasa/Gombe, Repr"rblrclrre D6ntocratique du Congo Fax : (243) 993 9174 _ E_nrail : clemrnaqgsanrlr.org

3l . I\.{. Jean Jose NSALA LON4ANGA Dtrecteur d la Recherche screntrfique, Menrbre du GTNO, cor.n[Irne de Krnshasa Gonrbe, K*inshasa, Rdpublique Ddnrocratrque du Congo 'fel :(243) 0B r5 29 5g 73 -rax;12+:1 ggigll+-E-nrarr :[email protected] 32. Prof. Dintomfu LAPIKA Membre de GTNO, Ddpute, U,rversrtd de Kinsrrasa, B.p. .g36, Kirsrrasa XI Rdpublique Denrocratrque du Congo Tel : (243) 99 08 093 _ E_mail : ta[tmArqiryahoo.fr

33. Mr David LAW Admittistratetrr du PNl-o/cltnstoffel BlrudenN{rssrou (cBN,I). Kinshasa/Gonrbe., 36, Ave*rc- de la .lustrcc, Repub li que Dentocratr que clu Con go Tel: (243) 081 880 1974. _ E_nrarl : dlau,@rdc.nraf.riet t2

3-+. M. Kalundalunda NGOLASHANGA Admtttistrative Asststant, PNLO, 36, Avenue de la JLrstice, Krnshasa Gonrbe, Republrque Denrocratique du Congo Tel : (243) 99 99 Bl4 - E-mail : [email protected]_r

35. M. Mulut Jean TANKWEy Chef, Directron Administrative et Finauudre, PNLo, 17, Avenue cle la Justrce, Kinshasa Gourbe, R6publique D6mocratrque du Cougo Tel : 081511 6382 - E-rnarl : [email protected]

36. Dr Kapuku Didier BAKAJIKA Data Manager, PNLO, Al'enue de la Justice No 36, Conrmune de la Gombe, pr.ogr.arure National de Lutte colltre l'onchocercose (PNLO), Boulevard du 30 Juin, no.36, Krnshasa I, Rdpubhque Ddmocratique du Congo Tel +243 : 98 80 82 84 - E-mail : dbakajikafcDyahoo.fr or dbakajrkafnrhotmail.conr

37. Dr Virgile Madua KIKAYA Superviseur Bas ,TIDC Congo, 36, Avenue de la Justrce, Kinshasa Gonrbe Krnshasa, Republrc*re D6rnocratique du Congo Tel (243) : 08151 13760 - E-n.rail : r ki.l tl.corn

38. Dr Zawadi Artornerte BIFUKO Chargde de la Lutte anti-vectorre lle au PNLO, 36, Avenue de la Justice Kinshasa./Gontbe. Kinshasa, Rdpublique Dentocratique du Congo Fax : 0814 52 6575 - E-mail antab r{ukotrz' ro.1i

39. Dr Longo Parfait YOKA Supen,iseur Programne National de Lutte cotltre l'Onchocercose tr) Avenue de Ia Justrce, Kir-rshasa Gornbe , RdpLrblique D6mocratrque du Congo Tel : 0810386120 -E-mail : r,okult>rr r'\'uhtltt. ll'

40. Dr Mukiar Gabrn Blaise TEMOR Supen'tseur, PNLO, Avetlue de la Justice, No 36 , Gombe Kinshasa, Republique D6nrocratrclue du Congo Tel : 9949 397 - E-mail : {abalcnlrri(,vaht)o.li

41. Dr Justrn Kabasele KANDE Drrection d'Etudes planrficatron, et Mtnrstere de la sante, CAC L 88, 39, Avenue de la J ustlce Kinshasa/Gombe, RepubL que Ddntocratique du Congo Tel : (243) 081 51 I ts52 - E-mail : kunclc-krrrr vahoo. tl 42. Dr Mankierv Emile MAKWANGA lygcteur du Progranure Natio,ar Sante ocuraire et vision, pNsov CFOAC H6pital - Saint Joseph, Kinshasa, Comnrune de Lrmrte, Krnshasa, ltepr.rbhquc Ddmocratrque du Congo Tel : 9931 381 - E-mail : cfoac@,rc.crl, tnaku'lrrrqa ernr lc(rr) lalroo.l'r

.13. Dr l'edende Floribe( TEPAGE Coordonnateur du Pro.;ct TIDC Udld, 36, Avenue de la Justice, Krnshasa/Gonrbe, Re;pubhc*re D6ntocratique du Congo Tel : 0810 00 1479 - E-nrail : ilon1 cl)l,,ci(t \a oo ll' 13

-l-1. Dr Simuna KUYANGISA Coordotttlateur Projet Bandurtdu, N.{ission Protestante Moanza, pror.rnce Bandunclu Krnshasa, Repubhque Democratique du Cougo Tel : 98 534 103 - E-nrail : 41__Lrlaqr&4(Idqlalrpl

45. Dr Boenga Behgo LIKWELA Coordomateur Projet Tshopo/PO , Lrspection Medrcale, provrnce (Jrreutale, Kisanganr Republique D6rnocratrque du Col.lgo Tel ; (2-13) 98 60 24 3 t / 081 200 32 58 - E-marl : lhvel b(ir)hotrra il.conr -16. Dr Jean-PaulTAMBWE MANGALA coordonnateur Projet TIDC Bas-congo, Pro.;et TIDC Bas,congo-Krushasa Inga/Nlataclr, Republique Ddnrocratique du Congo Tel : (243) 0Bl 077 9l 60 _ E_marl : tl)runrlx\ c\(ryillrqq-|r

47. Dr Pierre Cdsar EDUMBADUMBA Coordonnateur Projet TIDC Mongala, Bdtinrent Sante, Republique D6mocratique du Congo Tel : (243) 0815081 179

-18. Dr Theo Barabutu BONG,U cloordonnateur Projet Nord ubangi, Gbadolrt6, R6publique Denrocratrq,e du congo Tel:00243 0gl 810 t27g - E_malt : 0S1i,10127,!itigncr.crl

.19. Mr Esumbu Sirnon BOLONDA coordotmateur du Projet Equateur Kiri, PNLO, 36, Avenue de la Justice, Kinshasa, Rdpublque Democratique du Congo Tel : (243) 08 15009024 E-mail : b.l.ndaessur.,tru,.(r - -r,ahotr.l'r 50. Dr Galaxy NGALAMULUME coordonnateur dupro.;e.t.TIDC pNLo, Katenga Nord, 36, Ayeuue de ra JLrsrrcc, Kutshasa/Gontbc-, R6pub I i q Lre Ddntoclat iqLre du Congo Tel : (243) 08 168 60 426 E-marl : rr)gcr gir - Iu\),t/ _\ al;oo. ti 51. Mme Elise MBUyU MBAYO BCECO, Assistante/chargee du Renforcement des capacites, Avenue des oasrs No l7l37g, can-rp Livulu, corlmune Lemba, Kinshasa, Repubhque Ddmocratrq,e du corgo Tel : (243) 98 86 32 88 - E_nrail : elrsenrbu).Llrt lqlroo. li

52. Dr Adrien LOKA WONGA WOTSHO pro.;et Coordonnateur TIDC Sa nkuru, Kasai-Orren tal - Distrrct Sankuru, Locl.;a, I\lrssron Catholique, Avenue cle la Re sellery No 8, Republ ique Delntocratlque tJu Congo 'tel : (243) 0816251600 - E-mail : aI* r lOtl,ll'\ itll( ro. fl' 53. Dr Euphrasie KIBOKO-FATUMA Conseilldre au Colldge Socral Culture l. Prdsrdenc e, Palais de la Natron Tel : (243) 9844 _ 9904 E-rnail : krbl a I Lllltcta )\ a roo.li

5,1. M. Polydor SANGWA Protocole d'Etat et uretrlbre clu Conlte d'organrsatron, I\{rnrstdr-e des Allnrr-cs Krnshasa, Etr.argi,r.cs. RepLrbIrc1ite Dintocratrque chr Congo Tc'l : (243) 98137207 1-+

55. Prof. D. TSIJOMBA I{ONDO Professeur de Pathologie Infectreuse parasr et tarre, Ecole de la Sante publique, Unrversrtci Lubunrbashi, de Kinshasa, Re:pubhque Democ rattque du Congo Tel: (243) 081 3331043 - E-nrarl : ttrllisl rorrrbaItonrlo(ri r, alto,r.ll 56. M. Venant TSHIELA Secretaire-Catssier, Projet TIDC Bas Congo, Kinshasa, pool de Krnshasa, R6publiqre Dentocratrque du Congo T€l : (243) 08151 70782 - E-mail : \,e nan t(r-lrrr lrotlla rl.cortr 57. Mlle Stephanre BINAMA Secretaire, Ave,ue de ra Justice No 36, cor.ur.ru,e de la Go,rbe Kurshasa, Republique Ddnrocratiqr"re du Congo Tdl : (243) 98G00296 - E-marl : brnarr asteph fr

58. Mme Nicole MPLINGA secr6taire, PNLO, Avenue de la Justice No 36, commune de la Gombe, progranule Natronal Lutte contre I'otlchocercose de (PNLO), Boulevard du 30 Juin, no. 36, Krnshasa 1, R6pubhclue Democratrque du Congo Tel: (243) 9999 507 - E-mail : rrrcolcnipungu(r,r,alrtro.ll.


59. Dr Seifu Solomon ALEMAYEHU Head, Disease Prevention and Control Department, Chaimran of NOTF, Ministry of FIealth, p.o Box 6238, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel:+251 1 l5 96 82-Fax: +251 l5l 9366_E_mail:4lq11ay!-1tU:.s,gJid1t! qqll 60. Dr Jrnta Wayessa DADDI Natronal Onchocerciasis Coordinator , Mrnistry of Health, p.O. Box 123.1, Addrs +251 Ababa , Ethropia Tel: 9 405722- Fax: +251 I 52 l0 33 E-nrail: - rualarra,iite lccont.ne r.ct ; clrrad r t(rrtt,alto .c()lI

61. Mr Batiso Gabore ESSAY Regional onchocerciasts Coordtnator, SNNP Regional Health Bureau, Au,assa, Ethropia Tel: +251 6 207306 - Fax: +251 6 205955 - E-rnarl: batlsstreia.r.alroo.ct>.uli


62. Dr Christran BAILLY Coordonnateur CIRE, Cellule hrter-Regronale d,Epid6uuologie Ouest, Expert pour la delegi.rtron frarrgaise, g.l22.l 20 rue d'Isly - CS - TOLZ Rerures Cedex, France, Tel : 02 99 35 29 60 - Fax : 02 99 35 29 6t E_mail : l s1 ralr r(1 sAn rr . Ii' -)


63. Dr Abdul Ridha BAHN4AN Agricultural Adl'isor, Kurvait Fund for Arab Econonuc Developmeut, p.o. Box 2921 I303O, KUWAIT sAFAT Tel: 965 2999186 _ - Fax: 965 2999190 E_nrarl hrrLrrr uurl lirr


64. Dr Humphrey TUDAE-TORBOH Natronal Coordinator, NOTF, Liberia, Ministryof Health and Social Welfare, Monrovra. Lrberra Tel: (231) 512 898/55tg4t - Fax: (231) _ 1 226 888 E_mart tolr 3,ri lttr rl crrnt htudae-turboh@yahoo. conr

Saud t Arabia/ bre Sa dite

65. Mr Hasan M. ALATTAS Director General, {rriga Pro.;ects Depaftnrent, Saudr Fund for Developrnent p.o. Box lggT Riyadh ll44l, Saudi Arabra Tel: + 96614611928 Fax: + - 96614647450_ E_mail: hallas,rr.c t'nar l. cortr 66. Mr Saud A. ALFANTOUKH Chref Interual Auditor, Controller General, Saudr Fund for Der.elopment, p.o. Box lgg7, Riyadh 11441, Saudi Arabra Tel: + 96611641928/96614640292 Fax: + 96614617450- - E-mair: rrrl!1ra.q\1.rr .r.rrroo e .rr Su anlS oudan

67. Dr Peter Adrvok OTTO Minlster of Health, coordinattng councrl lbr Southem States, Juba, c/o Acadeury of N{c.drcal Sciences and Technology Mobile: (249) 09 12l5 04 82 - Fax: (24g) 183 23 55 03 -- E-marl: srd.r()ncho,(1 Il.t.,tn 68. Ms Malri'al Aguer ALOKIER Advisor otl wot]len and Child Affairs, Coordrnatrng councrl fbr. Southelr Statcs, Juba, c/o Academy of Medical Sciences atrd Technology, FedJral ]\{inrsrer of Health, p.o. Box 12s10, Khaftoum, Sudan

E-marl: alokie t'2( )()-trrr . e ()llt

69. Mr John Angol KORODIT State Minister of H-ealth, Acaderny of Medrcal Sciences and -clo reclinology,, Federal I\{rnrster of Health, P.O. Box 12g10, Khartoum, iuclan Tel: (249) 0912133802/421942 - Fax: (2r()) 776775 - E-urarr: Li.qd_itg.hqlu.r!-.,:rrrrr 70. Prof. I\lamoun IIOI\4EIDA National coorcllnator, National otrcliocerctasis c'outrol Plogramr-nc, Presrclcpt ol-Acaclc,r. Medical Scie,ces p.o. .f and Tecr,rology, Box l2gl0, Krrartouri, Sudan Tel: (249) 183 22 47 62 nax (z+o; - : 1g3 22 47 99 - E-.rari: urrsr.r-r iirrrr_lrlul q(r!rl 16

71. IVIr Osnran Mohanured EI_-FAKI Councellor, Sudan Ernbassy, 2'l Boulevard du 30 juur, 1er Nrvc.au AF9RIA, Krrshasa. Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: 993 7396 - E-ntarl: rlsnrarrmclllki,g,ltotnturl.ct)n) 72. Mr Alhadr AL-JACK councellor, Sudan Embassy, Krrshasa, De,rocratrc Repubric of co,gcr E,-mar I :a lokrer2004@1'ahoo. cont

73. Dr Chor Malek TONG Asslstallt Nattonal Coordtuator, Senror Field officer, NOCP, Acaclenry of Medical Screrces & Technology, P.O. Box l28l0, Khartoum. Sudan Tel: +249 183 22 67 99 _ Fax: +219183 23 55 03 - E-mail: lons sclrcir rrSirlqllrotnrir] r.\,rp 74. Ms Gai Kok SAFA Member, c/o Academy of Medical Sciences & Technology, p.o.Box l2gl0, Khaftou,, Io:tJUOarl Tel: (249) 0918065251

75. IVIrs Agnes LUKUDU Anrbassador, Suda, Embassy, Krnshasa, R6pubhque D6,rocratrque du corgo

76. N[r Khalid Hassan AL-NAEIM Third Secretary, Sudan Embassy, Krnsrrasa, Republique Democratique du congo


77. Dr. Ali. A. MZIGE Drrector Of Preventive Sen,rces, Mrnistry of Health, P.o. Box.9083, Dar-es-Salaa,r. Tarzarra Tel: 255 222123676t 744 495 99 8- Fax; 255 21 22 38060 - E-marl: anr,/lse i(r lr t)tr11ar Lc()l r1

78. Dr. Grace E.B. SAGUTI Natronal Oncho and Eye Care Cotttrol Program Coordinator, Ministry of HealtS, p.O. Box.90B3 Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania Tel: 255 22130009 - Fax : 255 22130009 - E-.rarl : ,ec ocr),,rr ,\a ltotr.givl11 ga graet) enL{o(r,\ ahoo.co tLk


79. Dr. Alex KAMUGISHA Mirrister prirnary of state fbr Health care, p.o. Box 7272,Ka,rpala, Uganda Tel: 256 34 08 79 - Fax : 256 23 l5 g4 - E-marr: a_kamugrsrr@)irotrrarr.corr 80. Dr D.K.F. LWAMAFA Cot-ttt.t.ltsstotler for Health Servrce. Natronal Disease, P.O. Box: 7272,Kanr1-mla, Ugauda Tel: (256) 41 25 96 66 Fax 256 g-+ - : 23 l5 - E-marl: L, qrufur_lUUt r.t1..e14; or {s_-_Ng .r.lltlAl t I t C(r.U-C l7

81. Dr. R. NDYONIUGYENYI Natronal Coordinator, ottchocerctasis Control Plograuure, Vector Control Divrsron. IUrlrstr-r, o1' Health, P.O. Box 1661. Kampala, Uganda Tel: (256),11 3.+ 8332 Fax: (256).+l 3,1 83_19 - E-nrarl: nr)tl'r/ nrnrl u()nl

World l0ue ondrale

82. Dr Alexandre ABRANTES Sector Manager, Human DeYelopmeDt Department, The World Bank, l8l8 H Street, N.\\/., Washington D.C. 20433 USA Te[: + 1 202 473 0056 - Fax: + 1202 522 3157 - E-marl: !!!Lt]riur_r-$rr_\tidrlbnrrLlr_u

83. Dr Ousr.nane BANGOURA Ottchocerciasls Progralllme Coordtnator, Iluntan DeYelopureul Deparlurent, The \\rorltl Bank. 1818 H ST., N.W.; Washingron,20433, USA Tel: 202 373 4004 - Fax: 202 173 8216 - E-nrail: ()b.uiroirra.tr \\ ()r l(ll).url\.(rr.1, 84. Mr. Bruce BENTON Consultant, Human DeYelopment Department, l'he world Bank, l g lg H Street, N\\/, Washington, DC 20433, USA Tel: + 1 202 473 5031 - Fax: * I 202 522 3157 - E-nrarl: bl)cnr()n,(/ rr olltlbenL.tl g 85. Dr. Bc.mhard LIESE Consultatt' Htttllau Developntcnt Depaftntent, The World Bank, l g l g II Street, NW, Washrngton, DC 20433, USA l'el: + I (202) 458 1491- Fax: + 1 (202) 522 3t57 - E,-marl rr rtrir'ltlhlrr 86. Dr Charles PANNENBORG Seutor Adviser, Hunlan Development (Health, Nutrrtion & Populatrol). Afrrca Regrop (AI-l'llD) The world Bank, 1818 H Street, NW, MSN J10-1000, washington. DC 20433, uSA Tel: 1 202-47 3-4115 - E-marI: cpannenborg@u,orldbank.org

87. Dr Khanra ROGO 'fhe Lead Health Spccialist, World Bank, 1818 H Street, N\\/, Washrlglon. DC 20433, + USA Tel: 1202 473 6117 - Fax: * I 202 473 3000 - E_n.rail: krogo@)q,orlcibank.org

88. Mme Tshrya SUBAYI CUppEN Health Specrahst, l-he World Bank, Cotor.rou, B6nrn 'fel:(229)305849/305891130 1777-Fax:(229)301741 - E-rnarl :rsLrl5i1.4uorlJt1r1l.,ir.s

89. Dr Jesse BUMP Consultant, I-lutnan Development Deparlntent, The World Bank, lglg H Str-eet, NW, waslrrngtou pietraprana , DC 20433, uSA, r,ia 9 Florence, Italy 50r 21 Tel: + 39 333 186 5374 - E-r.nail:lbunrp@)u.orldbank.org 18


Chn IB Irndenn.rissron

90. Dr Adrian Hopkrns N'ledical advisor, cBM Regional office, p.o. Box -5g004, Narrobr, Keu1,a Tel:254 203751 6511735l17 655/993 1354 - Fax: 254 20 3740 305 --E-marl: irlrtlrtrrrr..r, e lrrirr- nirt'r. or g; adriandhopkr ns@aol. com

Helen Keller Worl dwide

91. Ms NancyHASELOW Director, Onchocerctasis Progrants, Helen Keller Worldrvrde (HKI), B.p. 14227, yaouude, Cameroon Tel: 237 770 9304 - Fax: 231 2210848 - E-mail: !rlr-rtlslou r'rr hlir.or-g

Ltor.rs Clubs Si t Frrst

92. Mme Dominique COSTE Prdsident Conunission LCIF/Siglitfirst Afique Central/Ocean Lrdren, Bp 4791, \,aouude Cameroun Tel: +237 220 50 07 - Fax: +237 2Zl 55 67 - E-marl: sruht.llrsr(ir car.illtc[. cl]t

Mecttzan Donatron Progl.anr

93. Dr Bjom THYLEFORS Director, Mectizan Donation Program, 750 Conu-nerce Drrve, Surte 400, Decatur, GA 30030, USA Tel: + 1404687 5616-Fax: I 40137t 113g-E-mail I e tir rs, Ias () l-

94 Dr Mary ALLEMAN Assoctate Dtrector, Mecttzatr Donatron Program, 750 Coulnerce Drive, Suite 400, Decatur. GA 30030, usA Tel: 1 404 687 5633 - Fax: I 401371 1138 - E-nrarl: nrallcnlurrrlrasl,lirlcc.or

sati C6ci

95. Dr Jean Frangois CECCON Dtrecteur des Progranunes, Organrsation pour la Pr6vention de la C6cit6, l7 Vrlla cl'Alesra, 75014 Paris Tel : 33 1 41 12 41 97 - Fax : 33 I 41 12 23 Ot - E-nraii ll,r/ ( )e.J\ 96. Dr Itoland RIZET Repr6sentant de l'OPC au C'or]go, Troisrdme Vrce-Presrdent du GI'NO, B.p. 130g9, tsr-azzar rlle , Republique du Congo Tel : 212 660 68 08/ 551 58 49 - Far : 212 g1 5g 95100112.il 39544 - E-nrarl: t olantil rzct(g.htitnrai l.eorrr, t'ola rttlr-rzr- Irrr vahott Ii 19

Sisht 'ers Lrtenr atroual

97. Ms Catherine CROSS Manager, I,temational Progranu,es, Sight Savers Interuational (SSI), Govemor Hall, Bohrore Road, Hayrvards Heath, RI-Il6 4BX, United Krn gdonr Tel: +-1.1 1111 q4 44 6600- Fax: +11 t1t1 6677 E-rnarl .'l ()s5' 1\l el-\-(

98. Mr Ronald GRAHAM Regronal Director, East Cetttral and Southem Afrrca, Srght Savers Lrtenrational, p.O. Box 3-l(r90, 00100 GPO, Nairobi, Keny Tel: +254 20 60 69 70160 12 0l Fax: +254 20 60 96 23_ E-rnail: rulirjrrrrrr,rr srrlrlsi.ri.rs (rr l\('

99. Mr Sinron BUSH Regroral Drrector, west Afrrca, p.o. Box KIA rgl90, Arrport, Ghana Tel: +233 21 77 42 10178 .,[r.uslr 17 02- Fax: +233 21 77 12 09- t-mail: rr .ruirr'ur e rs-.,]r ,,.ul.r

]'he M nutrient I tiative

100 Dr Julia MOORMAN Teclulrcal Coordinator, Africa Region, The Mrcronutrlent Inrtiatn,e, 95 Oxlord Roacl, Rosebank, Johannesbur g 2094,South Afrrca Tel:21 l1 321 6292 l3 - Fax: 327 6286 E-*ail: r,(x)r-,1rr,.1,r, e l-or)Utrrct U.9_lg1_.1 101. Mr Domrr.rrc SCHOFIELD Manager - Partnership & Business Developnrent, The Micronutrient Inrtiatrve, pO tsox 56127 250 Albert Street, Ottarva, Canada KlF.TZl Tel: +1 (613) 782-6830 - F +1 ax: (613) 782-6838 - \\ \\ \\. nuL.r-()nUrllr:r_lr.!! _!, E_ntarl cl sc hr I tl cl d ((r,nt r ct'rlntrtr.r cn t. rtr-g


102. Mrs Francrsca OLAMIJU Executive Director, MITO SATH, 6 Noad Avenue, Tekan Headquartc.rs, Behind Centr.al Bank, P.O. Box 205, Jos, Plateau State, Ntgerra Tel: 234 073 451014t13 080333 - Fax: 23-1 073 450153 - N{obrle: 0g0333 rg085 - E-,arr nlll0srrllt/g ltotltlllll.c()t I t, til U, I IllllL) or I lrlosirtlt, !{ !L.,lllLUL _c9rll


103. Mr CIaLrde I{enri VIGNES Olfice olthe I-egal Counsel, World I{ealth Orgaruzatrou, 20 AveuLrc Appra, CIli2l I Gelc'a 27, Su'rtzerland Tel1122 191 2638 - Irax: 4122 79r -l 15g - E-urarl: c/olr.rgsrptrtrr:tn.t .r * Irr,.rrrr 20

10-1. Dr Janrs K. LAZDINS-HELDS Coordonnator a.t. Product research and Er,'aluatron, TDR/WHO,20, Ar.snue Appra, CII-1211 Geneva 27, Srvitzerland Tel:4122 791 3818 Fax: 41227gl 4774 - - E-mail: laztirrrr;rrr ulrtr _Lr_r!

105. Dr Hans REMME Coordinator, Scietrce Strategy and Knorvledge (SSK), World Health Orgalrzatiol, WHO)/TDR, 20, A'e.ue Appia, CH-1211 Ge,e'a 27, Srvitzerla,d Tel: 4122 791 '\\ 3818 Fax: 4t22 791 4774 - E-urart )tc tl It() lr

106. Dr. Tony UKETY NGDO Coordinator fbr Onchocerciasis Control, World l{ealth Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, l2l I Genev a 27 , Switzerland Tel: 4122 7911450 - Fax; 4122 791 4772 - E-r-nail: uketr,lrrr)rvht:.rnr 107 Mr Abdulai DARIBI AFRO/APOC Ltaison Officer, World Health Organizatron, 20, Avenue Appia, Cfl-l2ll Geneva 27, Su,rrzerland, Tel 4122 : 7gl 3gg3 - Fax: 4122 7gl 4190 _ E_nrarl : dar-rbtrig rvlio.rut


1 08. Dr Lurs Gomes SAMBO DPM, B.P. 6,Brazzaville, Republique du Congo Tel: 41 241 39111 - Fax: 47 24139509- E-marl: saiirbol((atrlio.ulro,rrrr

109 Dr Sam BUGRI Director, ad Interirl, N1ultr Disease Surverllance Centre,01 Bp 549, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso, Tel: 226 50 34 38 l8 3 Fax: 226 34 28 75 - E-marl: bLrgnsl({roucho.orrr: [rl' 110 Dr Paul-Samson LUSAMBA-DIKASSA Regional Adviser, Conmuuicable Disease Sun,eillance and Response, WHO/AFRO, p.O. Box BE 773 Belvedere, Harare, Zimbabrve Tel. : 47 211 38264 - Fax : 47 24138004 - E-,rarl: lLrsanrbari.rr, a li'o. ir lro.Int WHO/KINSHASA

I I l. Dr Mosiana EKWANZALA DPC, Organisatton Mondtale de la Sante, Avenue des Clinrques No 42, Krnshasa, R6pubhque Delrocratique du Congo Tel: 08I700 6409 - E-nrail: ekx,[email protected]&o.int WHO/APOC

112 Dr Azodoga SEKIITELI Prograune Dtrector, Af}rcan Prograr.nnte fbr Onchocerciasis Control (APOC).01 Bl, -5-+9 Ouagadougou 01, Burkuta Iiaso Tel:226 31 22 Fax: 7l- 226 31.30.42 - E-nrarl: se ke lcln,rr on c ho. ort t..lr l 2t

113. Dr Ole W. CI{RISTENSEN wHO/ APoC cotrsultaut, Poppelhuset, Jespcrvej 274,DK- 3-180 Fredepsborg, Deulrark. Te[ :+45 48 2'+ 88 68 ;Fax :4823 2g 6g; e-r-,ail :o*crrr'ururr.tll,

114' Dr Eleuther Taritno, Consultaut, Medical Doctor, c/o WHO/fanzanra, p.O. Box 9292,Dar- es-Salaam, Tauzania Tel: (255) 22 277 58gt - E-marl: t.lcqrbe r.rr ud.co.1z.

I 15. Dr Laurent YAN{EOGO Coordirlator, Afrtcatl Progranurre lbr Onchocercrasis Control (ApOC) 0l Bp _5-19. Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso Tel: 226 34.29.53 Fax: 226 31 28 75 ' E-marl: - -\ !lr.rl-L^(ls()l.Jl.orrulrtr.rrrps [rt 116. Dr Uche AMAZIGO Chief, Sustainable Drug Distribution Untt, African Programme for Onchocerclasrs Control (APOC), 01 BP 549, Ouagadougou 01, Burkrna Faso Tel: 226 34.29.53 Fax: 226 34 28 7 - 5 - E-mail: alr.rirzr s()u\'(.rtgpc59.ep rs. [r l' 117. Dr Mounkaila NOMA Chref, Eprderniology and vector Ehmination U nit, Afrrcau Prograrnnte for Onchocerciasrs Control (APOC),01 BP 5-19, Ouagadou gou 01, Burkrna Faso Tel 226 31.29.53 Fax: * - 226 3q 28 75 E-rtrarl: uonlun,rio Ittr. ottrs. [r l ll8 M. Koffi AGBLEWONU Budget and Finance Officer, African Prograurnte for Onchocercrasis Control (APOC), 0l Bp 549, Ouagadougou 01, Burkrna Faso Tel:226 34.29.53 Fax: 226 3q 2915 't-rrt - - E-marl: lrcblc\.i uli,7r,o nclr o. onr:. [11' 119. M. Yaovi AHOLOU Adminrstrati'e offi cer', Afrrcau progranl,e for ouchocerciasis cortrol (APOC),01 BP -5,19, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso Tel:226 34.29.53 - Fax: 226 3128 75 - E-mail: 4[rtrlour,,rr'orrclr. .rrs,bt' 120 Mrs Agnes DRABO Secretary, African Progranrme for orchocercrasls control (Apoc),01 Bp 549, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso Tel: 226 34.29.53 - Fax: 226 34 28 75 - E-nrait: ctr.a (1'() rtclto onrs.lll 121 Ir,ls Jeanne LAWSON Secretary, Afi'ican Progr auutre for Onchocercrasrs Contlol (APOC),0l Bp -)+9, Ouagadougou 01, Brrrktna Faso Tel 226 34.29.53 - Fax: 226 34 28 75 - E-,rarl: [email protected] t22. N{r ODAME-BAMFO San.ruel Translator, African progranu.ne lbr Onchocercrasrs Contro[ (ApOC).0l Bp _5-+9. Ouagadougou 01, Burkrna Faso Tel: 226 34.29.53 - Fax: 226 34 28 75 - E-nrari: [email protected] 22

t23 Mrs Edith KABORE Secretary, Adurinistratr\re Assistant in charge of ureetings, African Prograrnnte for Onchocerciasis Control (APOC),01 BP 549, Ouagadougou 01, Burkrna Faso Tel: 226 34.29.53 Fax: 226 31 28 75 - - E-marl: kutror-cc,,r olt cll() - a)l lts, l) l


124. Dr Bernard PHILIPPON Chargd de mission Satrtd, Institut de Recherche pour le Developpenrent (lRD),213 Rue Lafayette, 7 5480- Paris-Cedexl0, France Tel/Fax: 33 I 40 44 04; 94 E-nrail : ablthtliplrtrn r{-r'ulroo li ; l;hrlrurron.rr rrrl.fi 125 Dr Mrchel BOUSSINESQ Directeur de Recherche, Metnbre du CCT d'APOC, Membre du Mectizau Exper-t Comllttttee, Institut de Recherche pour le Ddveloppement (IRD) - Departement Socretes et Sant6,2l3 Rue Lafayette, l54BO- paris-Cedexl0, France Tel : 33 1 42 49 38 15 Fax: (33) I 42 49 38 l5 - E-niail : [email protected]


t26. Pr Ekanenr BRAIDE Chair TCC, Vice Cltancellor, Cross Rrver Unrversrty of Technology, p.M.B. 3679, Calabar. Nigeria Tel:234 80 33 41 68 42 - E,-mail: ckancnr btrr h()lntuli c()ll


127. Mr. Christran STENERSEN Interprdte, Les Rossanets, F-01170 Segny, Gex, France Tel : 33 450 417 880 - E-rnail : stenersens(@u,anadoo.fr

128. Ms. Genevidve CLEMENT Interprdte, 80, rue de Mey.rn, F-01210 Femey-Voltarre, France Tel : 33 450 407 650

129 Mrne Isabelle POLNEAU Interprete, 08 B.P. 1517, Abidjan 08, C6te d'lvoire Tel : (225) 05 94 43 07 - Fax : (225) 20 86 63 - E-marl

I 30. Mnre Safiatou BARRY Interprdte, 09 B.P. 526 Ouagadougou 09, Burkrna Faso Tel: (226) 31 12 22 - Cell. : (226) 2t 4l t4 - E-nrail: safibar@)f35snet.bf 23



i3l. Dr. Erling M. PEDERSEN Danrda Tetnporary Advtsor, Daursh Brlharzrasrs Laboratory, .lacuersborg Alle lD DK-2920. Charlottenlund, Denurark Tel: +45 77327763 (direct) + 45 17 32 77 32 (Srvrss Boar

Gui Ulnee

t32 N{. Roger T. LAMA Entomologtste tlattottal, Prog'anjl]e de Lutte coutre l'Ouchocercose et la Cecrte, N,ftnrstere cle la Santd, BP 585, Conakry, Gurnee Tel:224ll29 69 78 E-ntail : roscr.lunral()() 2 rr r alrorl. li


133 Dr Mamadou Oumar TRAORE Coordounateur National du Prograr-mre de lutte contre I'Onchocercose, Drrectrou Natronale de la Sant6, BP : 233, Banrako, Malr Tel:223 222 6197 Tel/Portable - : 223 67t 1166 -Fax:223 222 36 7.t- E-,.rarl : tt-lLot cntoI rr r alroo. fi

134 N4. Moussa SOW Entornologiste National, Programne Natronal de Lutte contre I'Onchocercose (pNLO), Drrectron Nationale de la Sante, Bp : 233 Bamako, N{ali Tel : 223 222 64 97 - Fax :223 222 36 74- E-marl lllr)t ls s ul rl e trr

Uni Front A st River Bli ndness

135 Dr Danrel SHUNGU Chref Executrl'e place, Officer, l3 Camation Larvrencer.r lle, Nerv Jersey 08648. USA l'el: 609 771 3674 Tet/portable: 609 - 954 3398 - E_nrarl U t ;.ti,l !_\)ll I

Coopcratiou Italrenne

136. Dr Andrea CADELANO Coordirlateur de la Cooperatiou Italiennc', Avenue de la Mongala, 8, KrpsSasiv'Golrbe, Republique Denrocratique du Cougo Tel: (2-19) 081880-1302 ()975360 /0818816106 /08 t3 55 7l 22 F-ax: (2-13) _ E_rnarl: arnbrtalyc@)rc. cd 21

Cooperation Canadienne

137 Mure Mane-Jeanne BOKOKO Expert Sant6 d I'UAP, 17, Rue Purubu, Kinshasa/Gonrbe, Rdpubhque Denrocratrciue clu Cougo Tel: (243) 081 50 25 6671999 55 2r- E-marl: m.;ea,[email protected]

a 2_5


Afrrcan Prograrnme for Onchocerciasls Coutrol (ApOC) Progranlle africarn de lutte colttre I'onchocercose

JOINT ACTION FORUN{ JAF-FAC FORUN4 D'ACTION CON{]\ tLiNE Office of the Chaimran Bureau du Presrclent

JOINT ACTION FORUM JAFIO.2 Tenth session 7-9 2


I . Opening of the session

2. Electron of the Officers

3. Adoptron of the Agenda

1. Reflections of the Conrntittee of Sponsonng Agencies

5. Progress reporl of the World Health Orgarizatrou

6. Report of the Technrcal Consultatrve Comuttee (TCC)

7 ' Report of the NGD0 Coordinatton Group for onchocerciasis control rncluding the support o1- the Group to ApOC actrvities

8 Country reports: (t) (Cameroon, Nigeria, Tartzarna,CAR, Uganda, Mala$,i, Sudan, Iiquatonal Gu,,ea DRC, Libena, Congo, Chad, Erhiopra, Blurundi, Angola) (ii) (Gabon, Mozantbrque, Rwanda, Kenya)

9. Consrderatron of National plans and project proposals

l0 Operational Research and N{ACROFIL

l1 Sustainabrlrty of CDTI prolects a i) Outcome of the- special nteeting ou sustarnabihty De it) Yeloping and rnonitoring the"implenrentatrou"of sustarnabrlrty plans

12 a Additional health urten,entior.rs usiug CDTI as vehrcle

13 Phase II studies of the lo,g te.n i,rpact asscssure,t of AIro(. operatio,s 14 Audrt report

15. Plan of Actrolt and Bud,qet lor 2005

16. Ftnancrrg of the Afrrc,r, pLogra,ur.re lbr onclioccrclasls cortrol (Apo(.) (r) Report of the World Bank (rr) Pledging of Donor contrrbr"rtrons 26

t7 Tertns of Refelence for the Extental Evaluatrou of APOC for the perrod 2001-200.1

18 Lrfonnation on the acttvities in the Special Interventron Zones (SIZ) of the Ex-OCp, rn the countries/areas of the ex-OCP outsid-e the SIZ, and on the Multidrsease Surveillance (MDSC) Centre

a l9 Other matters

20. (r) Date aud place (tl) of the eleventh sesslol.r Consohdatton of JAF10 conclusions and decisions and preparatrou o1'the tlnal corllltlul-Ilque 2l Approval ofthe concluslons and decistons and adoptron ofthe final conununique

22. Closure of the teuth session

DIR/APOCz21.t0 04

