Sen. Bingham Asks Dry Act Showdown
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- r •••':<'• .-• - V :.> ' NET FBESS WIN I .',' .- ' ■ » ! I I") 1., I 1.1.J t. Iij n|.iii»i,Mf|;i liiT \ ^ 9BlB^WBA±BEIi^"' ' ' ' ‘ AVEBA6B BAELY CUSCUXjATION rmeeast of O. 8. WeaOiar Bdieiii, for ttie Month of October, 19S0 '. i -,. 'Hartford ....... 5 3 3 2 Caondy, occasional rain tonli^t Members of Oie Audit Bnreau and Tuesday, changing to snow of Orcolations fiorHes Tnesday, colder Tnesday. 1 Conn. State Library— Comp. yOL. XLV., NO. 47. (Classified Advertising on Page 12.) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOYEMBER 24, 1930. (FOUWTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS WETHERSHED J, Herbert Case Heads Youngest Army Chief Takes Office SEN. BINGHAM ASKS PRISON PROBE Billion Dollar Bank PTSPARIEY; STARTSTODAY S T A ^ H O M E DRY ACT SHOWDOWN New York, Nov. 24—AP—J. Her ,<^W. Davison, president of the Cen bert Case, chairman of board of di tral Hanover Bank and Trust Co., rectors of the New York Federal Walter E. Frew, chairman of the Will Sponsor Bill To Manu Goyernor’s Committee Be> Reserve Bank, is scheduled to head board of the Ctora Exchange Bank Rumor Says Unrest In Rus DISMEMBERED BODY the new oillion dollar bank to be Trust Co., Mortimer N. Buckner, formed through merger of the I chairman of the board of the New facture Four Per Cent gins Investigation of Chap Manufacturers Trust Co., the Public ! York Trust Co. sia Calls Him Back— DO-X OFMAfilSFOilND National Bank and Trust Co., the I Mr. Case would become chairman Bank of che United States, and the I of the board of directors of the new Beer — Also Wants Doc lain’s Charges That Con International Trust Co., it was , bank, and E. Chester Gersten, presi- Pictured As Terrible War learned today. ^ dent of the Public National Bank Legs Fonnd In Doorway of tors Allowed To Prescribe victs Are Treated Badly. A formal statement regarding the and Trust Company, would assume Weapon By Delegate. plan is expected later today. The the same executive position in the merger, which has been reported as new institution. Nathan S. Johas under negotiation for several weeks, Vacant Store — Torso Malt Liqnors— Says Bills and Henry C. von Elm, now chair A". Wethersfield, Nov. 24.—(AP.)— J is subJect to the approval of the di man and president respectively ot Geneva, Nov. 24.— (A P .)—A pic An inquiry into the management of j rectors Sind stockholders of the four Manufacturers Trust, would remain ture of the DO-X. huge 12-motored Fonnd In Tmnk In River. Will Help Temperance and institutions. The plan of merger is tlie Connecticut State prison re- ! in important positions. German • seaplane, armored and f understood to have taken definite Deposits of $700,(M)0,000 and re quested by the directors, was begim j form over the week-end. equipped as a bombing plane and a sources of nearly $1,000,000,000 Aid Employment. Mr. Case oecame chairman of the New York, Nov. 24.— (AP)—'The today by a committee appointed by j would give the bank ranking as the formidable weapon of war was Federal Reserve bank last spring, dismembered parts of a man’s body Governor John H. Trumbull. | fourth largest in New York. The drawn for the preparatory disarm succeeding Gates W. McCarrah, were foimd today in two widely Washington, Nov. 24.— (AP) — A The limitations of the inquiry will J who resigned to become president of Chase National is the largest; Na ament commissslon of the League of separated parts of the city. showdown in Congfress at this ses be those set by the committee itself. | the Bank of International Settle tional City, second, and Guaranty Nations today by Rene Massigli, Trust,* third. sion on prohibition modification Specifically the first phase which | ments. Mr. Case is expected to re French representative. The legs, amputated at the thighs was taken up today was to deter- It is planned to apply for mem and wrapped in white sheets, were measures was demanded today by sign from the Federa'. Reserve to The allusions to the DO-X were mine the basis of charges that in bership in the New York Clearing old ^suitcase in the } Senator Bingham, Republican, Con head the .lew institution. made before a gathering already mates of the prison, who for disci- Members of the board of directors House Association. doorway of a vacant store on the | startled by one sensation, the abrupt necticut. I plinary reasons had been placed in of the new bank, which would rank Mr. Case has devoted his entire lower east side. A few hours later | i solitary cells, had been inhumanely fourth in size among the New York departure of Maxim Litvinoff, So coal barge workers found the torso I sponsor a bill to permit viet commissar for foreign affairs, ; treated. The charges were made in banks, is expected to include George (Continued On Page 8.) Douglas MacArthur, the nation’,s youngest maJor general, here is of a man m, an old trunk floating in ' manufacture of four per cent beer. I a recent newspaper article by Rev. for Milan, Italy, from where after shown, right, as he took the oath as Chief of Staff of the United States the Hudson river at the foot of West ..m view of the interest manifest- I Dr. William Smith, a former chap conferring with the Russian ambas-* Army. / Fifty years old, and called “the D’Artagnan of the Army,” Gen 58th street. J . ... ......... i lain of the prison. • sador at Rome, he will proceed to eral MacArthur is famed for his war service, and the seven silver star Chief Medical Examiner Norris ™ country in prohibition,' Dr. Smith in his personal account Moscow,, abandoning his work with citations for bravery which adorn his dress tunic are said to outnumber declared ihey were parts of the Bingham, “the leaders ought to of his experiences at the prison, the disarmament commission. those of any other officer,: In the above picture the oath is being admin- i give us a chance to vote on this using numbers to denote certain in STORMS SWEEP EUROPE; Wild Reports istered by MaJ. Gen. Edward A. Kreger, Judge Advocate General of the ^ cep t lor a brass check from a : legislation at least.” mates, said that placing men in soli- His departure aroused speculation Army. ' laborers notel and a laundry' mark i ° on a shirt, found with the legs, ■ Senator will introduce legis- tary (which he called the “black as to a possible connection with re 'hole” ) was “heartlfess brutality.” ported subversive disturbances in — ' there was no clue to the identity of latioii to allow physicians to pre- NINE KILLED, MANY HURT Russia, but members of the Soviet <♦>- the man. ■ scribe malt as well as spiritous li- i He said of two inmates they were FINDS DIAMOND RING delegation remaining here declared ! Doctor’s Work : 1 “down in the black hole” several f - ON PHEASANT’S FOOT that the disturbances did not exist R. R. FREIGHT RATES The legs had been removed from ^ 1 days. These inmates. Dr. Smith the torso with a hacksaw and a skill | ^ believe these bills would pro I identified as those sentenced for life and that M. Litvinoff had left be Lyons, N. Y., Nov. 24.— (AP) comparable to that of a surgeon, Dr. | mote temperance,” he explained. “I for a murder committed in Florida, France, Belgium, Germany | BIG DOG FIGHTS cause he had done all that was pos —A solid gold ring set with bril returned here and given an addition sible in the commission and was dis Norris said. The possibility that the : believe they would promote the use UP FOR DISCUSSION liants was found by Helmuth limbs might have been discarded by ■ J t i. .• i.. al sentence for breaking Jail. These gusted with it^ record in drafting a Voight attached to the right foot and Australia Lashed By : disarmament treaty. a medicll student was disproved, | ^ ^hey ' men were Roland Lalone, who also 8 HOLD-UP MEN 'of a pheasant he shot during a police said, oy the fact they were ■ would aid employment. To say that M. Massagli's introduction of the ! had a life sentence here for his part hunt. partly clothed. ! one half of one per cent of alcohol is in slaying a State officer and W at Gales — Torrential Ram DO-X into the proceedings came 1 Roads Opposed To Reopen The bird’s left foot had been The medickl examiner said the , intoxicating is ridiculous, son Moulthrope, who was serving in the course of development of his amputated Just above the spur. man had been dead a very short. I time for robbery. storms Overflow Rivers. contention that a highly developed The hunter said he thought it tJJQg , In the days when the saloons ! Shackled to Bars Three Women Kflied In Pis civil aviation, arm constitutes a Key Rates In the East; File had been cut off in a steel trap. The trunk in which the torso was Nourished on so many busy comers ' Dr. Smith in the article said: powerful aggressive war menace. But he had no idea how the ring found, with '.he arms folded across large cities, the temptation “Why should these unfortunate tol Duel In Dark Road- He cited a recent interview with a got on the other foot. the muscular chest, was a wooden i encourage intemperance was very i wretches then suffer an additional By Associated Press member of the DO-X crew, who said Brief With I. C. C. one lined with white and blue check- ; &reat. The saloon was used as a J penalty at state prison? The Judge’.s that the giant plane could become a ered oil cloth.