Rod Hall’s President Calendar of Events History Slice. report PAGE 3 PAGE 16 PAGE 10 WHAT’S INSIDE: WHAT’S

May 2012 TheBulletin Ballarat Light Car Club Th e Offi cial Publication of the Ballarat Light Car Club inc 2012 @BallaratLightCC

27th of July 2012 News in Brief Jim Reark Passing Winter Classic $35.5 Million movement or recognition of this The Maserati Club announced Get excited, the Winter Classic is This Federal Government fact from the council nor has there this week that their President Jim coming up and my sources tell as provide $35.5 MILLION to been any fresh communication. Reark passed away. We were told me that there will be an overnight construct 4.2 kilometres along the Somewhere, I am guessing there is that Jim was a person well known stay AND it has been combined Ballarat Western Link Road. This a secret squirrel that might know to BLCC members. with the South West Classic sure means that the possible demise of more about what is going on with sounds exciting!!. our track draws ever closer. There in the walls of the big sandstone does not seem to have been any building in Sturt St maybe they Continued page 9 Committee 2011 - 12 President - Rod Hall Phone: 5331 3546 Mob: 0438 313 546 [email protected] Events Secretary [email protected] Vice - President - Noel Peers AH: 5341 8124 Mob: 0408 033 895 (Minutes taker - Property / Equipment Offi cer) Treasurer - Clare Bennett AH: 5330 2295 Mob: 0439 652 325 [email protected]

Secretary - Wayne Sanders Mob: 0412 713023 AH: 5334 2330 [email protected] TheBulletin A monthly newsletter of the Membership Secretary Stacey Noonan Ballarat Light Car Club Mob: 0417 163 193 [email protected] Editor: Steve Ezzy E-Mail: [email protected] Mob: 0400 160 158 House Chairman - Steve Ezzy Contribute: Contributions Mob: 0400 160 158 AH: 5339 4821 [email protected] can be e-mailed or posted to 1014 Ring Road Ballarat Deadline: 7 pm Th ursday, 8 days prior to monthly club Media Liason - Les Noonan meeting. Mob: 0410 524 139 AH: 5331 6148 [email protected]

Sports Sub Chair - Barney Haddon Mob: 0437 167 790 AH: 5335 5112 [email protected] (Hill Climb Panel - Motorsport Complex) Motorsport Complex -Shane Williams Website Info Mob: AH: Ben Davis - Committee Mob: 0411 366 153 Webmaster: Wayne Sleep Non Committee Positions AH: 5339 4890 Mobile: 0419 031 712 State Council - Ian Brain - 0418 518 088 E-Mail: [email protected] Offi cials Licences - Damien Faulkner 0458 566 619 CH Plates - AX Series - Chris Hall - 5342 4397 MK Series - Ben McKee - Keys Keeper - Rod Robson - VCRS - John Wellford CAMS - Permits Administrator - David Milne - 9593 7732

2 TheBulletin May 2012 Presidents Report May 2012

Rod Hall President when the infi eld is permanently manned so both of our clubs will benefi t. Gidday Folks As mentioned above June 2nd & 3rd will see another round of the Victorian It seems another month has slipped Hillclimb championship being run at One past, it only seems like yesterday when I Tree Hill in Ararat. Please note that this was writing my previous president’s report. is not a round of our CDC. Th e hillclimb to a Car Club Committee but has been on Once again and I truly hope and pray that components of our CDC both happened at similar committees with other organisa- this doesn’t become the norm; I have the Mt Leura at the end of March. tions. Th ank you to Michelle and Nigel solemn duty to inform you of another Mid June will see Round 4 of our CDC for being willing to come on board and death in our Motorsport fraternity. Over up at Winton on the 17th June. Th is once thank you to Clare for all the work she last weekend I was informed of the passing again is being run by the Maserati club has done and continues to do. Hopefully of Jim Reark the much loved President who I would assume will be madly doing elsewhere in you Bulletin you will have of the Maserati Club of Australia. For some reorganising due to the sad passing of noticed a Notice of our Annual General those who have done on of the many Meeting occurring on the 27th of Maserati sprint days in recent years July. Our 3 co-opted members on Jim was usually the man behind the committee Michelle Bailey, Nigel event. He will be sadly missed and Stevens and Ben Davis along with our condolences and sympathies go to 2 elected members Noel Peers and Jim’s family and the other member’s Wayne Sanders all fi nish their terms of the Maserati Club. on committee. All fi ve are eligible May has slipped past without for re-election to committee for much motorsport on the local front another 3 year term or new 3 year but that is all about to change. Next term in Michelle and Ben’s cases. weekend we all have the opportunity Nominations for committee are to return to our beloved Autocross now considered to be called for track for Round 2 of our Autocross and need to be in PO Box 400 or series and Round 3 of our CDC. Wayne Sanders’ possession 21 days Les and Stacey Noonan along with prior to the AGM. If we have more Damian Faulkner are the Directors nominations than the 5 required and Mark Bennett is our steward. If an election will occur at the AGM you can’t compete but can help please give Jim Reark. Please support this event again which we will notify you about in the July Les or myself a tingle or SMS. Last month in memory of the work that Jim has done Bulletin. I promoted this event as having a come for motorsport in the past. It was Jim that In closing this report I’d like to move a and try component which it seems I was kept us on the invite list to this event as Vote of Th anks to Noel Peers and his band too early as the July 8th Autocross Series well as the Sandown event in October. of helpers who recently delivered the phone Round 3 was the intended date. Please ac- Due to the clash with the Queens Birth- books. Th ank you also for attending the cept my humble apologies but I guess early day long weekend the Motorkhana down Fish and Chip night which was provided is better than late. We are also trying an- for the 10th of June has moved to the 24th to say thank you for your support. It was other initiative at this event next weekend. of June. Th is will be round 3 of the Mo- a great night with a great atmosphere, nice Th is initiative is where the Ararat Car Club torkhana series and is still shy of a Direc- food and good company. Th e comment will be helping with some of the infi eld tor as is round 4 so if you feel so inclined was that the club meeting that followed on and timing tower duties for us. Th is ar- please see Series director Ben McKee if you had a really nice feel to it. We as a commit- rangement is a tit for tat one or you scratch haven’t already. tee are trying to establish what members my back I’ll scratch yours basis. Ararat At our recent committee meeting we want the Friday monthly meeting to be or have off ered to help at our event on the have co-opted both Michelle Bailey and contain and ask that if you have any ideas understanding that we will help them run Nigel Stevens onto committee which or feelings that you please let one of us either of the 2 hillclimbs they have on the now means we have a full committee of know. Calendar this year. If you can help with the 12. Both Michelle and Nigel have both Hope to see you out at the Club in the Hillclimb at Ararat on the 2nd & 3rd June kindly put their hands up to assist with our near or distant future. please contact me ASAP so I can let them Treasurer’s position which Clare Bennett is Rod Hall know how many helpers we have. If any intending to vacate after many years in the BLCC President 2011-2012 one can help on either day or both days it job. Nigel has been on committee previ- will be much appreciated. It certainly al- ously whilst Michelle will be a newcomer lows our autocrosses to run more smoothly May 2012 | TheBulletin 3 Committee Meeting Summary May 2012 Attendees; Rod H, Barney H, Steve E, OHS. Gloves are being purchased. GENERAL BUSSINESS. Clare B, Stace N, Les N, Wayne S. SUB COMMITTEES. WCTT needs to move quickly, recce LATE, Noel P. APOLOGIES Ben D, Sports, is done. HRA South West Classic will be Shane W. Do members who are regularly absent incorporated into WCTT. GUESTS, Nigel Stevens, Michelle Bai- still want to be on committee. Jim Reark from the Maserati club has ley, AndrewBailey. Come and try day 8th JulyDirectors passed away. What do Members want at RH moved that’ Nigel and Michelle be needed for C&T and AX. C&T drivers can Monthly meetings seconded onto committee’, second CB, all use the club Camiras if they join the Club Nigel is working on the set up of MYOB in favour. on the day. accounting program and entering this years MINUTES were read. Some amend- Th e Winter Classic TT is gearing up accounts. ments were noted. now, volunteers required to help organise AGM is coming soon, notifi cations and ARISING, BBQ still coming, ra- and to run on the weekend. nominations are required. dios delivered and being modifi ed by Noel will bring Club logbooks to the One of the Club fl ags is missing. Murray RH,Negitiations at Camperdown are next event. Ballarat airstrip is now a CAMS Rogers has provided from 1983 onwards. ongong. licensed track there may be some possibili- Wendouree Rotary Club approached the TREASURER. Report tabled, Phone ties there. Club about having a meeting in the rooms books raised $3502, several thousand dol- NEW MEMBERS. Pat Moore, Bill Jub- and fi nding out about the Club. lars still to pay for the Begonia. ber, Jason Pallot, Damien Quirk.

new e-mail notifi cation system reminder to all email CAMS 2012 OFFICIALS TRANING CALENDAR MONTH TRAINING COURSE DATE & LOCATION has been implemented on our recipients of this JANUARY SCRUTINY COURSE – Geelong, Sat/Sun 21st/22nd Asite to simplify the process of Apublication, please keep COURSE PRESENTER MODULE - CAMS Offices, Sunday 5th REGIONAL TRAINING WEEKEND: CLUB CHIEF & SCRUITNY keeping members and other interested FEBRUARY your email address current with MODULES – Gippsland, Sat/Sun 18th/19th parties informed of goings on in the the membership secretary. EVENT COMMAND COURSE - CAMS Offices, Wednesday 22nd club. MARCH No course(s) scheduled EVENT ADMINSTRATION COURSE - CAMS Offices, Tuesday 3rd Sign up to receive event updates Stacey Noonan APRIL and announcements from Ballarat SILVER MODULE - CAMS Offices, Wednesday 18th STEWARDS MODULE- CAMS Offices, Thursday 10th Light Car Club about upcom- Email: MAY REGIONAL TRAINING WEEKEND: COURSE(S) TBA – Mildura, Sat/Sun 19th/20th ing events and activities. E-mail JUNE CLUB CHIEF COURSE - CAMS Offices, Tuesday 5th SCRUTINY COURSE – Dandenong, Date TBC announcements will be sent out JULY occasionally about website-related CIRCUIT OFFICIAL MODULE - CAMS Offices, Thursday 26th AUGUST RALLY OFFICIAL MODULE - CAMS Offices, Wednesday 22nd activities and new website features. SEPTEMBER EVENT ASSESSOR COURSE - CAMS Offices, Saturday 15th OCTOBER TIMING + SCORING COURSE - CAMS Offices, Wednesday 24th Note: this feature is not in place [email protected] NOVEMBER FIRE + RESCUE COURSE - CAMS Offices, Wednesday 7th DECEMBER No course(s) scheduled of the electronic send out of the Dates are subject to change. Please contact Lewis White at CAMS to enrol in a course on club newsletter. And all recipients of Phone: 1300 959 883 or [email protected] the bulletin should feel free to sign Mob: 0417 163 193 up for notifi cations. embers listed below have nominated themselves as being willing to Massist fellow members Peter Ellis (Driving Ambition) Driver Training Specialist to Individuals and Business - Mobile 0419 002 007 Tel. (03) 5334 3144

4 TheBulletin May 2012 I have been watching with some trepidation the news coming out of Editorial Canberra with regards funding for Hello and welcome to the Bulletin the ‘bi-pass’. Th is will of course mean editorial. that our competition area is drawing Well, as you know the weather closer to being lost. On a brighter is starting to close in and we are all note I would like to tell you that all starting to feel the cold. We wrapped of the whinging that I have done about up the phone book fl ing with a club needing a new treasurer has borne night fi sh and chip evening meal. It fruit with two members taking up the was lovely to see some of the faces that challenge. Whoo hoo excited!!. Please I normally don’t see much of normally. welcome Nigal Stevens and Michelle Th e best thing about having these folks Bailey there on a club night was the warm One other small note for the feeling of a family type of evening. observant, if you have seen one of our Th ere were a few watching a video and possible, instead providing a night club fl ags anywhere or you rescued many little groups sharing a table and of family friendly entertainment. If one from and event could please let a laugh and even more round the back you have an idea or you would like us know. having a game of pool and table tennis. to participate in a pool comp or run Th ere has been a few new members In short it was quite reminiscent of something let us know and bring the in the last month, we would like to the past when there were many more kids. welcome Pat Moore, Jason Pallot, Bill members at these things. One member You will of course be aware that the Jubber and Damian Quirk. of the committee noted at our last next AGM is coming up, this will occur Th e Ararat hill climb folks have meeting that one member, a new one, on the evening of the 27th of July 2012. made a little deal with us, they have was surprised that he could even bring Th e caterer will be the same as last year agreed to provide offi cials for our the kids. Th is prompted me to say to and I am told that the guest speaker Autocross if we send up a few to assist the general membership that we have will be good value. Th ere are also the with their next climb on the 2nd & agreed ‘as a committee’ to take away usual nomination forms for this year 3rd of June. If you can assist you need the meeting part of club nights where have been placed in the Bulletin. only do one day so lets us know. CARnival 2012

Northern Victoria will come alive Expressions of interest will in late 2012 when CARnival comes to soon be taken for a Show’nShine town on the 1st and 2nd of December. and cruise that would run in Echuca, Deniliquin and Shepparton conjunction with the rest of will play host to a range of motor the events across the CARnival sport events across the weekend. weekend. at Echuca Airport on Saturday and Competitors will have the chance to Th ese events will form the basis Sunday. Th ey are just one of many try their hand at Navigational Tours, of the CAMS CARnival Club clubs who will be involved, competing Motorkhana, Autocross and a variety Championship. Th is will be awarded and helping out elsewhere. of single car Speed events. to the most successful club over the CARnival will be a fantastic Echuca Airport will be transformed course of the weekend. celebration of motor sport and a fun into a motor sport haven, with Speed Competitors can choose to compete fi lled weekend for the whole family. events taking place on both days of in as many events as they wish, though In addition to the motor sport the CARnival weekend. the more events contested, the higher activities Saturday night will see a Competitors will be tested by a the likelihood of taking home the Club Dinner for competitors and family course that includes a Slalom, 400m Championship. with special guest speakers. Drag and Auto test. Th e involvement of car clubs is a CARnival is aimed at getting the A map of the Airport venue can be crucial part of the event, and as well as whole family involved in motor sport viewed by clicking this link. competitors, they will also be supplying and bringing together many diff erent Saturday will see Deniliquin host offi cials and recovery services. clubs to compete and socialise over the Motorkhana and Autocross events, An example of the invaluable course of the weekend. which will then transfer to Shepparton contribution of the car clubs comes in on Sunday. Th e Navigational Tour the form of the On Track 4WD club. will take place on both Saturday and Th e club will be providing recovery Sunday mornings. vehicles for all events taking place May 2012 | TheBulletin 5 Lightforce Lights from $359 Narva 225’s from $350

NEW 2011 Range of Bell Helmets from $499

NEW for 2011 Indy 3 Boots $199!

RPM Club Gloves $89 Mechanics Gloves from $29.95

Hydraulic Handbrake $249

Don’t forget Auto Parts Professionals gives discount to BLCC’s Members!

Call in and see Nathan and David, for there huge range of stock, 7 days a week, for friendly advise and great prices, supporting the Ballarat light car club for 15 years! Auto Parts Professionals, 9 Doveton St Nth, Ballarat, 53329333

6 TheBulletin May 2012 News in Brief continued

will lets us in on some of the secrets.

From the Committee Please be aware that the email address for the committee have changed bringing them in line with our new web media.

Direct Payments A Success Several members and hopefully many more have taken advantage of the method of paying directly into the BLCC account . So give it a go, and pay for membership or event payments and make everything simpler for you and for the treasurer.

Pay your membership from anywhere!! Ballarat Light Car Club banking details BSB No: 633-000 Account No: 141857458 Club Scrutineers

Notice to Bulletin Advertisers If you wish to place an advertisement, please consult the Treasurer, Clair Bennett (5330 2295 or 0439 Chris Hall Grade 2 5342 4397 0438 094 684 652 325) who will arrange an invoice and pass the request to the Editor, Steve Ezzy, for inclusion in the appropriate issues.

Please see the table below for the Annual Fee for Advertising Noel Peers Grade 3 5341 8124 Size Annual Fee ($) 1 Month Fee ($)

Full Page 220 22 Darren Wythe Grade 3 0448 417 506

Half Page 143 14.30 Third Page 119 11.90 Ben McKee Grade 3 5336 1172 0418 313 695 Quarter page 99 9.90

Sixth Page 89 8.90

Eighth page 79 7.90

Member Small adverts of the Buy, swap & Sell type will continue to be Free

Liability Disclaimer – All material in this magazine represents the opinions of the authors and does not carry any endorsement by the Editor or the Committee, Ballarat Light Car Club has no offi cial connection with any public or commercial organisation and it does not provide product recommendations. Names of commercial products mentioned in this magazine are registered names and trademarks of their owners. Copyright Notice – Material in this magazine may be copied by any other club without fee or written permission provided that the copyright rests with the Ballarat Light Car Club. Th e copies are not to be used for commercial advantage and the origins of the material and this permission to copy are acknowledged in the reprinted item. Th e Nissan Car Club-Australia is acknowledged as the source for the wording of this Disclaimer. May 2012 | TheBulletin 7

RIP Jim Reark

It is with great sadness that I have to report to you that our esteemed and much loved Club President, Jim Reark, has passed away overnight. Jim passed away peacefully in his sleep which is a blessing. He fought the good fight and in the end his creator needed him more than we did. He leaves a void that no one else can hope to fill. From the current Maserati Club Committee and all those involved in the wider Maserati Club community, we send our sincere condolences to the Reark and Williams families. As everyone is no doubt aware, Jim was a unique character that absolutely loved what he was doing. The Club itself and the way it is run is a reflection of his expansive personality. Everyone was equal in his eyes and if they were a member of his club all the better, they by association, became a part of his wider family. He will be sadly missed. This is all very sudden and the swiftness of it came as a shock. The Committee will be working with the family on arrangements and we will keep everyone informed on that in the next twenty four hours Rest in Peace Jimmy

8 TheBulletin May 2012 


May 2012 | TheBulletin 9 bandwagon to fi nish second. Andrew around the track in his special in a & Rohan fi nished 7th & 8th 0/R - not manner which reminded me of the History Slice bad in a Mini, considering there were famous Pikes Peak footage of Ari, to 14 specials running on the day. record the fastest time for Damian Faulkner held on for 3rd BLCC Bulletin June 1998 in the Escort to complete the BLCC each run. So quick was this vehicle whitewash in this class. Over 1600 that Keith McElroy who fi nished TRIANGLE Modifi ed was won by Rod Martin second in class & 2nd Outright was AUTOCROSS SERIES ROUND 3 in an XU1 (Bendigo) with Johnno almost 8 seconds behind, (and we all Ballarat Airport 31st May 1998 Leoncini only 1/10th behind in the know how quick Keith is!!). Murray “standardised” Colt. Geelong’s Doug McKenzie fi nished in third, less than Th e fi nal round of the Triangle Edwards in a 180B came third with 1/10th behind Keith, with Rod Robson Autocross series between Ballarat, Andrew McMaster in the straight & on a rapid learning curve with the STI Bendigo and Geelong was fi nishing 4th. held on Sunday 31st May Th e Junior Class was 1998. A large fi eld of 69 dominated by Marcus entries vied for the honours Lea (Bendigo) in the in the 6 classes which would 1600, with Nathan ultimately determine the Harris, Andrew Duggan- winning club for 1998 as Shevels and Chris well as class winners for Dellaca fi lling the next the series. three places respectfully. Op to the results:- 0-1600 Overall Ballarat won Standard was won by Mark the day from Geelong Blekic from Geelong in a and Bendigo, however Pulsar. Wayne Drew in the we did not accumulate Camira pushed him all day enough points to win to fi nish second, with Keith the series, with Geelong Eastwell close behind in holding on to win by 4th. In over 1600 Standard some 29 points from Ian McGinley, who in his Ballarat. own words said he drove For an event as big badly, won the class from as this it ran quite Ben McKee, also driving an Escort, shiny 180BSSS in 4th. smoothly, which must be attributed with Peter Buenen in 4th. Specials & 4WD was won by to the following people 0-1600 Modified was won by Barry Nowell (Geelong) in the most Andrew Dellaca in the fl ying Mini, impressive display I (and many others) with Rohan Allen getting on the Mini have seen on our track. Barry scorched

10 TheBulletin May 2012 Sport Sub Committee Barney Haddon (Chair), Ben McKee, Darren Wythe (Rally Liason), Damian Faulkner, Steven Richards, Wayne Sleep, David Marmo, Peter Marmo, Ben Davis. Meetings: Wednesday night immediately prior to monthly committee meeting. Leaving the complex after Scrutineering If a competition vehicle needs to leave the motor sport complex, you must remove your numbers so the Police or Vic Roads don’t nab you. Also the vehicle needs to be re-presented for scrutiny upon its return before continuing competition.

C.A.M.S Observed Licence Test Dates

June 15th – Friday, State Circuit Racing Series Round 2 – Sandown July 22nd – Friday, State Circuit Racing Series Round 3 – Sandown October 13 – Saturday, State Circuit Racing Series Round 4 – Phillip Island November 9th – Sandown Historic – Sandown

Club Driving Instructors

John Bourke Wayne Drew Rod Prosser

Richard Gay Gary Harrowfi eld Barney Haddon

Mick Goossens Engles Leoncini Peter Ellis

Les Listen Simon Ellis Darren Wythe

Darren Everett Ben McKee Steve Richards

Damian Faulkner Russell McKenzie Mark Fawcett

Ben Fawcett Steve Wilson Chris Hall

Keith McElroy Ben Davis Mark Hunter

May 2012 | TheBulletin 11 PIARC Deniliquin, NSW DSCC PIARC Sprint (G5 and Rd 1 of VSSC plus Karts on one day) Phillip Island PIARC Pakenham PAC Blue Range, Lake Eildon NCCA Broadford PIARC Broadford Yarra State ForestYarra CCRMIT Mt Clay SEAC Broadford CCC Sandown PCC Calder Park Rallycorp P/L Clipsal 500 Wombat BLCC Phillip Island VHRR/VMCL Eastern NSW Creek, Albert Park Powelltown HRA Mt Leura BLCC Mt Leura BLCC Kyneton KCC Macalister CCRMIT Symmons Plains, TAS Mallala Motor Sport Park, SA Sandown HSVCC Deniliquin, NSW DSCC Hamilton, NZ Baw PAC Victorian Motor Sport Calendar 2012 VCAS Round 1 Other Sprint events Victorian Super Sprint Championship Round 1 Victorian NGK VMC Round 1 Rally: Eildon 1600 Classic Rally Victorian Hillclimb Championship Round 2 Victorian Rally: Up the Yarra Sprint Rally: Up the Yarra Rally: Millard Memorial Trial Rally: Millard VCAS Round 2 Sprints: 6-Hour Relay Rally Calder - ARC Round 1 V8 Event 1 V8 Supercars Rally: VRC/VCRS Round 1 - Begonia Rally Shannons Classic Shannons Round 1 V8 Supercars Championship Event 2 V8 Supercars Australian Grand Prix Rally: VCRS Round 2 - Gill Davies Memorial Trial Victorian Hillclimb Championship Round 3 Victorian Victorian Hillclimb Championship Round 4 Victorian VCAS Round 3 Rally: VRC Round 2 - George Derrick Memorial Rally: VRC Round 2 - George V8 Supercars Championship Event 3 V8 Supercars Shannons Round 2 Victorian Super Sprint Championship Round 2 Victorian NGK VMC Round 2 V8 Supercars Championship Event 4 V8 Supercars Rally: VCRS Round 3 - Blue Rock VSCRS Round 1 Date EventFebruary 4 Venue Organiser 12 12 12 18 25 25 25 26 26 March 3 4 10 11 11 18 18 24 24 25 25 31 April 1 13 15 15 20 21 22 your club Find out more at Find out more Get involved in the CAMS JRace program create future champions future create the right road in motor sport the right road attract new young members to set your junior club members on A CAMS road safety initiative. A CAMS road For information call (03) 9593 7777 or e-mail [email protected]

12 TheBulletin May 2012 Sandown MGCC Bendigo BCC / Karts on one day) PIARC (familiarisation day Saturday 6-Hour Production Race, Phillip Island 6-Hour Production Hidden Valley Heathcote, Whroo HRA DECA, Shepparton (concrete) PCCV East Gippsland MUCC Heathcote, Rushtown NCCA PIARC (G5) (familiarisation day Saturday / Karts on one day) PIARC (G5) (familiarisation day Saturday Maffra PAC Rob Roy MGCC Winton Raceway Barbagallo, WA Koondrook, Pericoota, BarhamKoondrook, HRA Melton MMSC Pakenham PAC Wombat WDCC Phillip Island Phillip Island Mt Moornappa HRA Ararat (Tin Tops only) Ararat (Tin Tops ACC Maramingo Marmelang P/L Sealake Sandown FFCC Victorian Motor Sport Calendar 2012 VSCRS Round 2 VCAS Round 4 Other Sprint events Other Race meetings Championship Event 7 V8 Supercars Rally: Trail Blazer Rally: Trail NGK VMC Round 4 Rally: VRC Round 3 - East Gippsland Rally: VCRS Round 5 - Nissan Night Movers Other Sprint events VCAS Round 7 Victorian Hillclimb Championship Round 5 Victorian Shannons Round 4 V8 Supercars Championship Event 5 V8 Supercars Rally: Ready Plan Re-run VCAS Round 5 NGK VMC Round 3 Rally Sprint: VCRS Round 4 - Cooper Memorial Rallysprint V8 Supercars Championship Event 6 V8 Supercars Shannons Round 3 Rally: Moornappa Mountain Victorian Hillclimb Championship Round 6 Victorian Rally: VRC Round 4 - Bega Valley Rally Rally: VRC Round 4 - Bega Valley Rally: 2012 AORC Round 1 / VORC Victorian Super Sprint Championship Round 3 Victorian (cont...) Date EventApril 22 Venue17 17 Organiser 28 17 28 17 May 5 23 6 23 6 24 6 12 13 13 19 20 27 June 2 3 9 9-10 10 0427 502 414 mob: Ben Manning [email protected] CAMS is able to offer. CAMS is able to offer. secondary school competition. secondary service or product? 1300 883 959 | Find out more at e-mail: Australian motor sport community. Australian motor sport community. ph: Need to reach your target your target Need to reach which represents a significant portion of the which represents 111 Victorian-based CAMS-affiliated car clubs 111 Victorian-based CAMS-affiliated To book your space or find out more contact: book your space or find out more To No other organisation comes close to providing No other organisation comes close to providing This calendar is available to the members of advertisers with access to the niche market that CAMS Victorian Sport & Club Development Officer Sport & Club Development Officer CAMS Victorian Can your school or college make it? make school or college your Can audience for a motor sport-related audience for a motor sport-related Students build, compete and project manage their entry in a and projecttheir entry manage compete build, Students

May 2012 | TheBulletin 13 ASSA Townsville, QLD Townsville, Huntly Saleyards - bitumen (Saturday)Huntly Saleyards HSCCV Eastern NSW Creek, Heathcote, Whroo, RushtownHeathcote, Whroo, HRA Maffra MADCC Naracoorte, SA NCCA Sandown (G5) (John Mott) Murrindindi RSM Phillip Island PIARC Mount Gambier Saleyards - bitumenMount Gambier Saleyards SEAC , QLD Queensland Raceway, Queensland Raceway, QLD Queensland Raceway, Bagshot Midlands BLCC Broadford CCC Winton Sandown (G5) FFCC/HSCCV Huntly Saleyards (bitumen) - SaturdayHuntly Saleyards HAC/FFCC Bright NECC Winton WRXCC PIARC (G5) (familiarisation day Saturday / Karts on one day) PIARC (G5) (familiarisation day Saturday South West MidlandsSouth West HRA Black Range & Blue FFCC Yea Sandown 500 Heathcote, Whroo PCCV Huntly Saleyards - bitumen (Saturday)Huntly Saleyards BCC Maffra CCRMIT Phillip Island Victorian Motor Sport Calendar 2012 V8 Supercars Championship Event 8 V8 Supercars NGK VMC Round 5 Shannons Round 5 Rally: Experts VCAS Round 8 VSCRS Round 3 Rally: 2012 VORC Round 2 Other Sprint events Rally: RSM Baden Powell Intro Trial Rally: RSM Baden Powell Intro Victorian 6-Hour Relay Victorian NGK VMC Round 6 V8 Supercars Championship Event 9 V8 Supercars Shannons Round 6 Rally: 2012 VORC Round 3 Rally: Winter Classic Trial/Tour VCAS Round 9 V8 Supercars Championship Event 10 V8 Supercars Other Sprint events NGK VMC Round 7 Rally: Mt Porepunkah Sprint Rally: Mt Porepunkah Victorian Super Sprint Championship Round 4 Victorian Other Sprint events South West Classic South West Rally: VCRS Round 6 - Marysville Stages Rally: 2012 VORC Round 4 V8 Supercars Championship Event 11 V8 Supercars Rally: Ivans Folly NGK VMC Round 8 VCAS Round 10 Shannons Round 7 Date EventJuly 8 Venue Organiser 14 15 21 21 22 28-29 29 August 4 5 5 5 12 18-19 25 25 26 26 September 1 1 1 2 8 15 15-16 16 22 22 22 23 JOIN A CAR CLUB GET INVOLVED IN INVOLVED GET MOTOR SPORT

14 TheBulletin May 2012 VMCi VCRS - Victorian Club Rally VCRS - Victorian ies. Bathurst 1000, Bathurst, NSW Queensland Blue Range & Rubicon MUCC Wakefield Park, NSW Wakefield Mafeking Rover Park, Caveat RSM Gold Coast, QLD Bagshot HRA Abu Dhabi Bathurst, NSW Cup Day Sandown (G5) FFCC/HSCCV Powelltown, Warburton, NoojeePowelltown, Warburton, CCC PIARC (G5) (familiarisation day Saturday / Karts on one day) PIARC (G5) (familiarisation day Saturday TBA Sandown VHRR Bendigo (TBC) BCC (TBC) Werribee FFCC/TCCA Island Magic, Phillip Sandown Lardner Park, WarragulLardner HAC Mt Samaria, Strathbogies, Stirling NECC Echuca/Deniliquin/Shepparton CAMS Homebush, NSW Shepparton NCCA/SDCC Ararat Multi Club (date to be confirmed) DECA, Shepparton (TBC) SDCC Victorian Motor Sport Calendar 2012 V8 Supercars Championship Event 12 V8 Supercars Australian Motorkhana Championship Rally: VRC Round 5 - Akedemos Shannons Round 8 VSCRS Round 4 VCAS Round 11 V8 Supercars Championship Event 13 V8 Supercars Rally: Bagshot V8 Supercars Championship Event 14 V8 Supercars Australian Hillclimb Championship Other Sprint events Rally: ARC Round 6 & VRC - Rally Victoria Other Sprint events V8 Supercars Championship Event 15 V8 Supercars Sandown Historic VCAS Round 12 NGK VMC Round 9 Other Race meetings Shannons Round 9 HAC Interclub Motorkhana HAC Interclub Rally: VRC Round 7 - Bonnie Doon CAMS CARnival V8 Supercars Championship Event 16 V8 Supercars VCAS Round 13 (part of CAMS CARnival) Other Hillclimbs Victorian Hillclimb Championship Round 7 Victorian Date EventOctober 7 Venue Organiser 13/14 14 14 14 21 21 27 November 4 4 6 10 11 11 11 11 17/18 25 25 25 December 1 1-2 2 2 TBC 29 Legend: AMC - Australian Motorkhana Championship, ARC - Australian Rally Championship, VCAS - Victorian Club Autocross Series, Legend: AMC - Australian Motorkhana Championship, ARC Rally VCAS Victorian State Circuit Racing Ser Rally Championship, VSCRS - Victorian Motorkhana Championship, VRC - Victorian Series, VMC - Victorian BECOME A MOTOR SPORT OFFICIAL GET CLOSE TO TO CLOSE GET THE ACTION

May 2012 | TheBulletin 15 Event Calendar April Thursday 26th November C.A.M.S Offi cials Training Friday 27th Circuit offi cial module - CAMS Offi ces. Sat/Sun 10/11 BLCC Club Night Friday 27th Coghlan’s Carnival, Motorkhana, BLCC Club Night. Khanacross and Autocross. May Wednesday 7th August C.A.M.S Offi cials Training Sunday 6th Fire and Rescue Course - CAMS Offi ces. Victorian Hillclimb Championship Sunday 12th Friday 9th Round 5. Motorkhana Round 4 CDC6. C.A.M.S Observed Licence Test (OLT) Thursday 10th Wednesday 22nd Circuit racing observed licence test C.A.M.S Offi cials Training C.A.M.S Offi cials Training Sandown Historic – Sandown. Stewards Module - CAMS Offi ces. Rally offi cial module - CAMS Offi ces. Sunday 25th Saturday 19th Fri/Sat/Sun 24/25/26 Khanacross Cooper Memorial Sprint Rally CTC5. Winter Classic Trial and Tour Friday 30th C.A.M.S Offi cials Training Friday 31st BLCC Club Night. Regional training weekend: course(s) TBA BLCC Club Night. – Mildura. December Friday 25th September BLCC Club Night Sat/Sun 1/2 Sunday 27th Sunday 9th C.A.M.S CARnival Autocross Rnd 2 CDC4 Autocross Round 4 CDC7 Sunday 9th Saturday 15th Geordie Fawcett Memorial Autocross and June Marysville Stages CTC7. Christmas breakup with Santa visit C.A.M.S Offi cials Training Sat/Sun 2/3 Event assessor course - CAMS Offi ces. Victorian Hillclimb Championship Friday 28th Round 7. BLCC Club Night. Tuesday 5th C.A.M.S Offi cials Training October Club chief course - CAMS Offi ces. Friday 15th Sunday 7th C.A.M.S Observed Licence Test (OLT) Supercheap Bathurst 1000 Circuit racing observed licence test Saturday 13th State Circuit Racing Series Round 2 C.A.M.S Observed Licence Test (OLT) Sandown. Circuit racing observed licence test Sunday 17th State Circuit Racing Series Round 4 Maserati Sprint Day Winton CDC5 Phillip Island. Saturday 23rd Sunday 14th Nissan Nightmoves VCRS5 CTC6 Maserati Sprint Day Sandown Sunday 24th CDC8 Motorkhana Rnd 3 Wednesday 24th Friday 29th C.A.M.S Offi cials Training BLCC Club Night. Timing and Scoring Course - CAMS Offi ces. July October cont’ Sunday 8th Autocross Round 3 Friday 26th Sunday 22nd BLCC Club Night. Barney’s Double Banger Autocross or Saturday 27th Autocross Reserve date. Bagshot Rallysprint. C.A.M.S Observed Licence Test (OLT) Circuit racing observed licence test State Circuit Racing Series Round 3 Sandown. 16 TheBulletin May 2012 May 2012 | TheBulletin 17 18 TheBulletin May 2012 %DOODUDW/LJKW&DU&OXE ,QFRUSRUDWHG & HUWLILFDWHRI,QFRUSRUDWLRQ1XPEHU$9  $SSOLFDWLRQIRU0HPEHUVKLS 32%R[%DOODUDW9LF


Category Nomination Annual Ordinary $25.00 $90.00

Family $25.00 $120.00 (2 Adults, any number of own children up to 17y.o) *

Associate Family nil $83.00 (2 non-competing Adults, 1 competing child )

Associate Parent nil $58.00 (Parent/Guardian, 1 Child competing)

Associate Couple nil $50.00 (2 non competing adults)


May 2012 | TheBulletin 19

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Club Night Friday 25th