Rod Hall’s President Calendar of Events History Slice. report PAGE 3 PAGE 16 PAGE 10 WHAT’S INSIDE: WHAT’S May 2012 TheBulletin Ballarat Light Car Club Th e Offi cial Publication of the Ballarat Light Car Club inc 2012 @BallaratLightCC 27th of July 2012 News in Brief Jim Reark Passing Winter Classic $35.5 Million movement or recognition of this The Maserati Club announced Get excited, the Winter Classic is This Federal Government fact from the council nor has there this week that their President Jim coming up and my sources tell as provide $35.5 MILLION to been any fresh communication. Reark passed away. We were told me that there will be an overnight construct 4.2 kilometres along the Somewhere, I am guessing there is that Jim was a person well known stay AND it has been combined Ballarat Western Link Road. This a secret squirrel that might know to BLCC members. with the South West Classic sure means that the possible demise of more about what is going on with sounds exciting!!. our track draws ever closer. There in the walls of the big sandstone does not seem to have been any building in Sturt St maybe they Continued page 9 Committee 2011 - 12 President - Rod Hall Phone: 5331 3546 Mob: 0438 313 546
[email protected] Events Secretary
[email protected] Vice - President - Noel Peers AH: 5341 8124 Mob: 0408 033 895 (Minutes taker - Property / Equipment Offi cer) Treasurer - Clare Bennett AH: 5330 2295 Mob: 0439 652 325
[email protected] Secretary - Wayne Sanders Mob: 0412 713023 AH: 5334 2330
[email protected] TheBulletin A monthly newsletter of the Membership Secretary Stacey Noonan Ballarat Light Car Club Mob: 0417 163 193
[email protected] Editor: Steve Ezzy E-Mail:
[email protected] Mob: 0400 160 158 House Chairman - Steve Ezzy Contribute: Contributions Mob: 0400 160 158 AH: 5339 4821
[email protected] can be e-mailed or posted to 1014 Ring Road Ballarat Deadline: 7 pm Th ursday, 8 days prior to monthly club Media Liason - Les Noonan meeting.