George Washington University Law School Scholarly Commons The Advocate, 1984 The Advocate, 1980s 9-24-1984 The Advocate, September 24, 1984 Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation George Washington University Law School, 15 The Advocate 1 (1984) This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The Advocate, 1980s at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Advocate, 1984 by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. - "<,:. ..:: ,. The"'GW' . ':~.~\ ".";; -. ,'"; , -' a NI.C G~tSf ••• ,;~.,">"$7 Million -..;......-;...-----~--:.....---~,_~. positions at theNLC. byJackF.'. Williams Mr. Alverson's wife, the late Freda N. In a speech': recently presented by NLC Alverson, has also left a bequest of nearly Dean Jerome' A. Barron' at the annual $700,000to establish a Freda N. Alverson faculty-alumni luncheon . held at the Chair. in ' unidentified legal field. National. Lawyers Club, Dean Barron . Another contribution in excess of $700,000 outlinedplans for expansion of the faculty by the late Theodore Rinehart will go at the NLC.The·· plans include the en- toward endowment of the Rinehart Chair dowment of' several chairs. These en-' in Business Law. In addition within a few dowments were made possible largely by. years, the Edward F. Howry Chair of trial contributions" from alumni across the advocacy will be fully endowed. ~ country. -he endowment of these chairs is Ii Among these ••coritributionS was': the ·•••··.rnuch . needed addition •to the NLC. .largestsitlgltrgift~istory:-of;the':NLG~:,,-,z""Presently,..tbe'«)nly ..-endowed.ehaiiat'the",!,"c~' and GWU.