Focus on Niles June - August 2010 Village of Niles, Illinois A Message From Mayor Robert M. Callero As I mentioned one year ago, in my fi rst pursuing the development of a Village-wide message as Mayor of Niles, the economy is comprehensive plan that will create a road Mayor Robert M. Callero our number one challenge. A weak econ- map for the Village’s future.
[email protected] omy brings lesser receipts for businesses, lower sales tax receipts for our budget, more The Milwaukee Avenue Redevelopment citizens out of work and less money to meet Program should have its fi rst phase fi nished daily needs. We have all had to make some by July 1. This fi rst phase was a combina- Trustees hard decisions, and more will have to be tion of road reconstruction from Albion Chris Hanusiak made before the economy recovers, but we to Neva and beautifi cation at the intersec-
[email protected] can see a light at the end of the economic tion of Milwaukee and Touhy. The Village tunnel. The Niles Board of Trustees and I received additional state and federal grant James T. Hynes have one goal - to retain as many Village funds to continue with beautifi cation, which
[email protected] services for you with as few fee increases is less intrusive to business and traffi c, at as possible. We are all working together to the intersection of Milwaukee and Oakton Joe LoVerde
[email protected] accomplish this goal. in 2011. In addition, PACE is initiating a study to improve transit and traffi c along Louella B.