
Congratulations FORECAST Partly cloudy and continlMd w.rm ."d humid toct.y ",rough S.turday with Graduates chMce of showe" or thu,\CMr,tornu. High ail Iowan tocillY in upper 80s to lower 90s. Serving the University of Iowa and t1le People of Iowa Citl/

EatablJshed In 1868 10 centl a copy ASIOCiated Presa Leased Wire and WirE'ohni n 10 City. Iowa S2240-Friday. June 7. 1968 Enemy Keeps Up LBJ Sends Congratulations Comes Home Rocket Attack To University Graduates

In Saigon Area TO THE 1968 GRADUATING CLASS As Mourns See Rel.ted Storie, P.,e • state today. A requiem m Arab world, but ther v.a bitterne ..• too. SAIGON IA'I - Viet Cong rockets hit UNIVERSITY OF IOWA NEW YORK I.f\ - Robert F. Kennedy there Saturday. "Sen. Kennedy has been dbtined 10 pay near the residence of Gen. William C. came home Thursday to New York, his Westmoreland early Friday and 0 n e Then a trllin will carry the body to the price for eagernes of American polio blew up in a hospital. killing two South Few moments equal the joy, the satisfaction, and adopled state where he found political WlIshinglon for burial Saturday at Atl· ticians 10 eek the "Ole» of AmerIcan haven in the doleful aItl rmath of his Vielnamese women. in,ton NlItionll Cemetery, probably o~ Jews," wrote the Beirut new paper Ai the fulfillment of graduation. It is a personal and 's assas ination. Bayrak U.S. Headquarters said t3 Soviet·made the grassy knoll resting place of the u· rockets hit the capital in the latest bar­ permanent victory, an honor to last a lifetime. To A four-engined presidential jetliner land· ,a.. lnated John F. Kennedy. rage of an enemy campaign apparently ed with the senator's body at LaGuardia Robert Kennedy clug tenuously to life * * * designed to enhance the North Vietnam· each of you I extend my sincere congratulations. Airport al 8:58 p.m. for more than 25 hours after a gunm;):! ese position at the preliminary peace talks The plane arrlvoci .fter a 4V2-hour emptied aD eighl·shot ..22 caliber revolver Unitarians Plan in Paris. It was the 19th shelling in the flight from Los Angel". Thore en a'­ al him in a kitchen corridor of the AmtlUs· past 34 days. The time is past when our national interests could ....in's bullet to the brllin clalmoci Rob· sador Hotel. ert Kennociy', life early In the d,y, be served by a few who elected to make their 11 happened momenl~ alter he had !lro­ Allied planes and helicopters swarmed IUlt as anolher hullet hed clai' ··d John Memorial Service into the air in a f1are·lit hunt for enemy F. Ke ,"ociy', Ie .. than Ii". yean .go. claimed his most important wiD in t'le firing positions north and east of Saigon. country's affairs their own. The complexity of our Democratic pre idental nomination ':'am· The silver, blue and white jet y,as a paign. victory over Sen. Eugene J. ~f,· An army guard It the houlll of West· age and the particular burden history has thrust companion aircraft 10 Ihe one Ulat brought morelllnd, top U.S. military commander Carthy in the California primary. upon us - to preserve freedom where it exists and the late President's body home to Wash· For RFK Sunday in Vietnam, Slid thr" or four rounds ington from Dallas Nov. 22, 1963. He died at 3:44 a,m lIowa time) Thurs­ landoci nearby, the c\ose51 about 100 dav . A memorial M ..ice for Sen. Robert F. y.rds away. He Slid there were no In· to foster it where it does not - demands every The mahogany casket was removed Haggard and pale. Frank Manklewicz. Kennedy will be held .t 11 a.m. Sunday juries It the house. Westmoreland w" from Ihe plane and placed on a lift. Kennedy's press secretary. a mounced the at the Unitarlan·Unlversalisl Church at American hand and every American heart. The 10 S. Gilbert St. reported en route to Saigon after II ahort Behind it walked the senator's widow, death. Elhel. mother of 10 children. expecting "i,lt to Washington, where he I. loon to greatest responsibility falls to those who have the " en. Robert Francis Kennedy died al Spoaktra will Include V.nct BourlaUy, take o"er as ,ecretary of the Army. 1 44 a.m. today. June 6. 1968," he said. well.known novellil and ..,ocl .. le pro­ most to give. flnor of Engli.h; John R. 5chmldhaul­ The shelling louched off at least two "With Sen. Kennedv a the Ume of his neath were his wirE' Ethel. his sl!llers, er, professor of political Kienct and fires, one near the big Tan Son Nhut air· Tentative Schedule former congressma", .nd the R.v . Will · Mr~. steohl'1l Smith nnd Mrs. Peter Law. base on the capital·s nulskirts. Several I cannot tell you the extent of America's influence lam W.lr. mlnl ..er of the church. houses were reported destroyed. For The Final Rites ford. and hi, slsfpr·i.,·IAW. 'r~. John F. One of the tOO· pound rockets exploded in shaping the new order of world affairs - though Kennedy. He was 42 years old." Bourlaily i, the author of the novel in Binh Dan Hospital, where civilian cas.. FRIDAY President J"h",,,n we. Iwakened at "The Man Who Knlw Kennedy" which • a.m. to 10 p.m. - The body lies In duls with the r.. ctlons of person, to ualties of previous fig~ting were being I believe it will be great. 5 :01. a.m. (eDT!. .. lid told of KeMociV'S treated. Military spokesmen sr.id two ,tat. It St. Patrick's Cathedral in New de .. th. He Immocilalelv Droclalmed Sun. the a ..a ..lnalion of Presld.nt John F. women were killed at the hospital and at York . Kennociy. The book has recelvoci much SATURDAY d~v a d8" of national mournl"g for critical pul.e. least 15 civilians wounded arou.'ld the cap· I cannot measure our national ability to abolish Kennedv. "Thi. Is II time of tragedy .nd ital. 10 I.m. - Requl.m mass .t St. P.t· loss," he .. Id. Schmldhau"r hal aDplied for a le""e ignorance and sickness and injustice wherever ricks Cath,dral. of .bsence effectl"e this monlh 10 cam· There were no reports of new street Vice Pre~ident Hullert H. Humohr(>y, fighting but a Viet Cong regimental doct· these ancient enemies degrade humanity - though 12:30 p.m. - The body is plaeed In • paign for the Democratic nomination for Ir~ln for the journey to WUhinqton . \Vho hl'td been a Kennedy rival tnr the the First District Congre"lonal ,tit or surrendered to South Vietnamese mao .:40 p.m. - The train arrl".s in Wesh. Democratic nr(> itlenllal nomination. elt· rines in the city's northern suburbs. I believe it is limitless. which hi held from 19'4 to 1'''. H. we, Inllto", the bod v to be taken In a funeral pre-sed "profound personal los . • claum.tt of KtnnedY .1 the Unlvers· Across , flags flew at courtege put the Senate OHice Building, half staff on battlefields. ships. camps "WI' have aU lol'! II greal Am"rlcan." Ity of Viralnl. and wa' • Kennedy po· I cannot predict that America's future will match where Kenn4dy worked, .~d the Depart· h~ said litical a"oclat• . and U.S. government buildings in memo ment of JUllice, where h. ,e ..ed liS al· ory of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. who died and exceed the brilliance of her past - though I torney general. McCarlhy. another pre Idential conte~· Weir Slid Thursd.y the m.mnrial .er· , early Thursday of an assassin's bullets. 5:30 p.m. Buri.1 at Arlington Natlonel anI and Ihe man Kennl'dv defeated in the "ice will be non-demoninatlonal and thet They were to remain at half staff until I believe it will. Cemet ...., probably al the plat ov.rlook. California primary, spoke of Ihe ~i('vi:lg one other 'peaker may be .dded I.ter. Kennedy's burial Saturday. ing Washlnqton where John Kennedy Is Camlly. "Let us seek 10 comfort them hy The University High School Choir will The casual tics in Thursday's shelling burl-d, Md where an .ternal flame burns our auiel mournin/(." he said, "aur reje('· sing. raised the civilian toIr in Saigon to 74 The answers will not come in my lifetime, but in In his memory. lion of violence and reorisa!." and by new Tht ,e.. lee will be bro dCllt It 1:30 killed and 340 wounded since the latest dedication to the Kennedy goals of peaee a.m. Mondlv over the University radio enemy campaign against the capital was the future - your future. I am confident that you and reconcilalion. ,t.tion, WSUI. an 11th. She had cradled her husband's launched May 5. who have proved your ability to achieve, to en­ head in her arms in the tumulluous mo· Kennedy won 172 nomlnatin,! votes ill One rocket In Ihe latest . 'rrage blew the California primary. Bul the bullets up the front gate at thlt rtsidonce of ments after a gunman shot him down dure, and to win, will serve that future with dis­ early Wednesdav in the Ambassador Holel thal cut him dOwn cancelled the errcct of Rea, Adm. K.l. Veth, U.S. n.. ,1 chief in Los Angeles. She had be<>n besido him Ihe 1.4 million votes he received Tuesday. ~earing Slated 'In Vielnam, and dlma~ed th porch and tinction. in !he hospital when he aied. A ,poke.man for the Oemocretlc Na· lI"ing room of the houle. No one was Now, she was bringing him home. a lional Committee said California offl. hurt. Allother hit the compound of the widow, erecl, controlling her gricf. cials held Ihat the Kennedy.pltdgtd On Burtis Charge thrH.natlon Internationa! Control Com. Mrs. Ker:nedy's two eldest sons. Jos· olate of delegal.. eltcted in the prl. mission without causing damagt or In. eph, 15, and Robert Jr" 14 , helped lift the mllry was automatically rel •• soci by lury. caskel from the plane. the death of their candidate, and may U.S. headquarters also reported light Last oH the aircreft w", another wi . suoport whom they wl,h. Of sheDings in the northern suburb of Gia Manslaughter dow, Mra. John F. Ktnnociy, sister·in·law For th third time. word of the violent Dinh and at Bao Tri, 23 miles ''Jest of the Two count. of mon.lau~hler "'crc filed of the IInalor. For her it might have death of II on reached the home of Jo­ capital. Two civilians were killed at Gia against Greaory Ward Burt, 21 , of We t had the O"trtones of a nightmare. For seph P. Kennedy In Hyannis Port. Mass. Dinh. . Dcs Moines Thllrsday in Polite Court hpl'c on a ni"ht four ye,.. , and ",ven month. A niece. Mi s Ann Gargan. told Mrs. In Thursday's only significant ground ago. Jacqueline Ktnnedy had flown ea.t in connection with th dealh of Iwo Pm· action. U.S. marines reported killing 49 at 6 a.m. that Robert wa~ versity studenll.. from 0111111. with the body of her 0 w n dead . Mrs. Kennedy went to mass an North Vietnamese, about a third of a husband on the !Ilane with her. Judge Marion R. Neely set "ond al , force Ihat attacked near Khe Sanh in the hour later. Then she flew to New York $5.000 - $2.500 for each count - lo ne Sen. Edward Kennedy (O·Mass.l. last to join the rest of the . far north. The U.S. Command said the mao North Viet Statements of four Kennedy . was among the po ted within 24 hours rines lost 13 killed , 37 wounded. family group who stood in quiet compo­ Gov. declared a state Burt, a former University ·ludenl. was charged with the m~ru,lallghtl'r of t 1'0 In Saigon Thursday. six civilians were sure as Roman Catholic Archbishop Ter· of mourning in California. New York killed and at least six wounded in early renee J , Cooke led Ihem in three minutes Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller. who will ap.. Univer ity sludents, Mary Sue Miller, AS. Randolph and James Hoben \ a ek t •. morning nine·rocket shelling. Add To Talks Confusion of prayer beside the casket after it had point a Senate successor to Kennedy. or· dered nags on state buildings to half Denville. N.J. A preliminary hearing was been lowered from the plan '. sel for 9 a.m. June 17. PARIS IA'I - North Vietnam issued ity lo stop the bombardment of the North , About 1,000 persons looked on at t b e taff. * * * new statements Thursday on Its role in Ha'loi amended the word later to "de· A crowd of everal thousand people - According lo police, Burt's south hound airport. car struck and killed the lwo student . who termine," but nobody on the American side red WiI· the ViEtnamese war and is creating the The casket was plac:xi in a hearse. T:.e omber and silent - gath off were walking soulh on North Dubuque Senate Confi rms can say whether this falls short of a de­ hire Boulevard at th hospital where impression that it is trying to play a car· widow and Edward Kennedy accompanied Street. on the night of May 23 , He wa. rot·and·stick game in long drawn·out mand that the bombing be stopped with· Kennedy died. it. chareed May 24 with operating a motor Westmoreland peace talks in Paris. out any price to the North Vietnamese. Robert Kennedy's final destination is Many held red and black placards that vehicle while intoxicated and ha been free The statements, one a North Viet· What seems to be developing is a 10rt Arlington National Cemetery, where his read: "Pray for Bobby." ir8'~ o~ a l500 bond. namese army communique and the other a of "now you see il. now you don't" opera· brother. John. rests benea~h an eternal The.. were crowd., too, In Toyko, tion in Paris by the Hanoi delegation. It flame. But not u- til Saturday, after he is As Army Chief broadcast speech by Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, p~thered to read news bulletins. And the architect of the 1954 victory over the appears, if extremely vaguely, to be offer· eulogized in St. Patrick·s. the great, gray there were t .. rs in the eyes of a min Gothic cathedral on Manhattan's F i f t h WASHINGTON IA'I - The Senate con· French. edged close to admitting. for ex· ing something. only to snatch It .w., on a Moscow 'treet. firmed Thursday President Johnson's ap­ ample, that there are regular North Viet· again when the Americans reach for it. Avenue. There the 42-year-old senator 0[' There were expressions of regret in the pointment of Gen. William C. Westmore· namese troops in South Vietnam . But ten attended services. land, U. S. commander in Vietnam, as the Hanoi has not really admitted It. It wa. there that the hta~ pro­ new Army chief of stafL ceedod. It arrivoci a ':41 p.m., part of What Ippean to be emerging Is • P~or Ask Proiect I SO-car motorcede, that tra"eled Into Secret Service Action was by voice vote. North Vietnamese attempt to erode the Manhlttan bumper.to-bumper from the Westmoreland will succeed Gen. Harold patlenee of the American public and a ir'>Drt. K. Johnson in the Army's top staff job brln, the prellure of Its opinion to bear Since mid·afternoon, a crowd had been on Washington. What Hanoi has bHn To Stifle Hatred Gets Go-Ahead early in July. The Senate also approved buildin~ outside the cathedral. By Ihe Johnson's retirement with his present Opentv demanding is that the United WASHINGTON IA'I - Under the shock I ime the hearse arrived police estimated four·star rank. States surrender on the basic issue - II of Rohert F. Kennedy's death, the Poor thai 8.500 persons were outside the h.1t et all attack, on North Vietnam - People's Campaign shifted its focus church. curious, hushed but not demon­ From Congress Gen, Creighton Abrams will succeed which hal bogged down the Pari, peace , Westmoreland in the Vietnam pos\. Thursday and urged a vast national edu· strative. WASHINGTON IA'I - Legislation auth· talk' throulh It. llrat so"en ""Ions. cational program to end hatred and vio· Robert Kennedy was nearing the end orizing Secret Service protection for all From it statements, Hanoi aopears to lence in America. of a lo~q journey. major oresidential candidates perl believe that a great number of Americans Plans were annolVlced for a eries of II had begun in bril(ht sunlight in Los through Congress Thursday in the wake ,Avenger' Team, oppose the war and are anxious to get out prayer vigils in the area of the White AngelC'!, where an estimated 4,500 ver. ons of Sen, Robert F. Kennedy 's assasslna· at any price. Thus. the Hanoi aopn>ach House and the Capitol asking the admin· lined the streets near the hospital where tion. seems to be to ply on the impatience of he died. At least as many stood vigil at istration to stop the war in Vietnam and It was sent to President Johnson. who Americans. use the money being spent on it for the the airport there. Flowers were tossed at thp passing motorcade. promptly signed it. John on already had O'ut For Blood, For example, in his latp.sl statement. educational program. ordered the protection in anticipation of Giap, a power in the Hanoi Polit.buro, said The takeoff of the presidential 707 jet Hosea Williams, director of demonstra· was delayed for more than three hours the bill's passage. "our people are fighting on ~1l haltlp· tions, said lhe prayer vigils would consti· because an autopsy on the senator's body Secret Service allents have been as­ fields" from the southern tip of South tute the main activity of the campaign Reported In U.S. Vietnam to the demilitarized zone Ix!lween t()O~ 100l,('r than had been expected. signed to Richard M. Nixon. Gov. Nelson for the next day or two. The autopsy report said Kennedy's A. Rockefeller of New York. and former South and North." . An afternoon demonstration was called ALBANY, N.Y. I.., - State Police In death was due to "a l!U"shot wound of Minne uta Gov. Harold E. Stassen. Re· At first glance this would appear to be off after the marchers had waited In line Albai,) confirmed Thursday that they had the riaht mastoid penetratin~ the brain." publicans: Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy. received reports saying that eight "Que· an admission of Northern troops in the for an hour. The reason given was that Chipf M"dical Examiner Thomas T. No­ Democrat, and former Gov . George C. South. But Giap said "our people," and in the residents would have to see Ihat the ll« revolutionists" had left Montreal to ~uclri said fragments of the bullet "reach· Wallace of Alabama, American Indepen· avenge the death of Sen. Robert F. Ken. other statements Hanoi contends that all garbage in Resurrection City was col· ed about the center of the brain." dent. Other announced candidates. such nedy. the people in Vietnam, North and South. lected before they left. The nlane took off from Los AMPlE'S as Dick Gregory, have not been assigned are one. If he says that the army in the A visit to the camp by three U.S. sena· IntE'rnational Airoort at 4:211 n.m. (EDT1. any agents. The report said the eight were to travel North Is resisting the Americans. he d()('s tors was marred when one of the resi· At St. Patrick's Cathedral, th'l two Hubert H. Humphrey. a candidate for through New York State Thursday night not say it troops are dOing so in the South. dents. who appeared to' be drunk. lunged and then attempt to assassinate President Kennpdy sons and their uncle. Edward, the DemocraUc presidential nomination, The Americans are attacking the North at Sen. Edward Muskie (D·Malnel and took the casket up the front steps. Again JohnsOn , New York Gov . Nelson A. Roclu~ with bombardment. already had Secret Service guards 8S almost pushed him into an open trench. Arrhbishon Cooke said nrayers over it. vice president. feller and Vice President Hubert H. Hum· If Thursday's army communique say, The man. whose name was not learned, phrey. lit.. thA" ""0 months ..... the arch­ transportation .nd communication with was shouting incoherently when he at· hl'Me end tile .Iain senator moumocl The bill authorizes $400.000 to finance The alleged assassination plans were re­ the s.uth art IMln, auured, It simply lacked Muskie. He was quickly pulled to .. ~.r at til. funpral of _nother I .. the extra protection during June. The vealed Thursday aftemoon in an anony· back' up the Hanoi al'9ument that it I. [rom the sce ne by camp marshals, , ••-Ift·"o" "ictlm, the R.". Marti" Lu· lolal cost through the November election mous phone cali to the American Consulate entitled to holp I. own peojIl. with sup­ "Get that man's clothes and lake him t".r KI"e. Jr .. was put at $2 million. In Montreal, the report received here sald. ,lie, .g.ln.t tho Amerlc,n •• to the bus station." ordered a marshal. nw. followiDl! the casket. Into the ca · Additional financing beyond June 30 Confirmation of the message also was . IAmbasIador W. Avrell Harriman, the "We don't want him here." thedral. was Kin~'s widow. who traveled will be sought in the regular annual ap­ given at the Slate Police station at Ba· chief U. S. negotiator. has been unsuccess· The other visiting senators were Phil· e~"w.rd with Kennedy· .~ body. propriation bill for the Secret Service. lavla. ful up to now in his challenges to his op­ lip Hart. D·Mich .• and William Proxmire, WAilin!! inqtle the cathPdral was Mrs. The bill provides that the question of FACES NEW CHARGES - A solemn State Police headquartel'l In Albany llid poalte number, Xuan Thuy. to admit out· D·Wis. They are members of an informal JOSl'nh P. Kennedy. readv now to say what candidates are entiUed to protec· IooIdIll O,...ry Burt MilIv" PolIce Court that they had received the message from right that there are Northern troops in House·Senate committe Ihat is serving in pontlhye 10 a Ihird of her (onr sons. Her tion will be decided by a special com· ...... bel... clNrvod wit\! !we counts of the FBI and that they believed there was Souh Vietnam. a link between th campaign leaders and plO"st. .T".pnh Jr .. was killed in action mittee dominated by Congress members. ""nslaughter In ClHMMCtlon with tho action taken "all the way down the line." The U. S. negotiator also was unsuccess· Congress. MuSkie dismissed the incident d"';n" Worlt1 War IT. It will be composed of the speaker and dHth of two University ,tudent. last They did not elaborate. ful In an attempt to clear up a vague AS immaterial and expressed his support Wilh the last of Ih.. offidal mourning minority leader of the House. the major­ month. Police NY thet an automobile 'rile FBI office in Albany would neither Hanoi statement of last week in which the for the goals of the campaign. Camp offi· narty inside the cathedral. the huge doors ity and minority members of the Senate. lurt, a fwmor University student, wa. North Vletna~ demanded that the cials broa(icast an official apology over were slowly swung closed. and a fifth member to be aelected by tlml", hit IJId kiIlM. the !we student •. confirm nor deny thai the report had been these four. . Iseued, Am.lcaDi "aclmowledlle," a respo!IIlibil· the loudspeaker system as Muskie left. The body of Robert Kenuedy will Ut In - ...... by Oa". Luck ,The Daily Iowan Staff Congratulates Mlnn SC


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N.wl Edllor Co,v Id II, D••• Mar,.. II .. u••• ,. IV I,UI" MirY Cla,k Cllv IIIltor L nel. ",tllp .,.,1. Iclll' M kt 11I1I1n, 1"11.,1,1 'a,. 111110' IIoV ,.lIy ellitt '''''I.. D••• Luck "" II,nl NO W",n"I Idllo, Dnlly Don,.,n ""II,anl Unl.. "lly 11I1t .. lu. lanll,,, " ..lllanl Clly 11111 Or Ch"ll Tu,k "a.I.I,nl Iporll u"., Chuck 1IIIIt" '1I.1 ....pll .. lUck a ...n.w,1I '11110,1,1 Ad.II., L•• Wln'"y AII.a" , In, 0 ..cle, "'Y Dun,,., .. CI.ulft.1I All Ma ••,,, 1111 DICkl,." Circuli..... Mln,,'r J_. '111/In THE DA ILY IOWAN-Iowa City. I •.-Frlday. JUM 7, 'f6I-P.. e 3 University Of lowa "Graduates Of '6 8 Glenda Alma TlIIman, Bayou La B.tre. Ala. Patricia Ann Peterson, Mllon City Cary Lynn Hecke, Spencer BUSINUS AoMIII IIT."TION VlrfInIa WhItney J:GcII::burat, w. Bulb CleA Banton Wilton. 10,," C117 Helen Ellzabelh Toms. Wapello Bernheardt Carl Plautz, West Chicago, DL Pe ter Hobert Helnzetm'nn, SI. Louie. Ko. IACHILO. OF IUIIN ..S ADMINISTIIATION Suaan Carol Jubl, • WlJ. loTC CANDIDATES 'OR COMMIISIONS Stewart Roland Truelsen~ Park Rldae, lU. Pamela Ann Porler. Rock VaUey Peter Jan Holm Roe. llarIe LInIt, ParI< IlIdge. D1. Dlrd Doane1l1 JUl.. Hall\UtoD FeU. TUTl' Bonnie Marle Kramer ValUer, Geor•• Dean Lawrence Rosen, Des Moine. Jerry Allen Kreller, D.venport BeverlY Je.n Bln'etl. Noithbrooll, W. JutI\JM I:lIae !AmON Lockridge. Iowa C1tJ Roy model\, b .....u . '..... D TUl10n, Do ..ald Jean Ellen Vander Ploeg, Northbrook, DL Eula Mae Russell, Iowl City Wllllam Darrell Kunt•• OaJ De. Moine. KJc/lH1 DeDJlls McObon. Ke".,elb Carl JlU­ Renner E. lIalgrlm Ventllng~ Websler CII7. Martin McN.1I Schuchat. De. Moln .. William Wend.U Lu"ensmeyer{ liampton Mleb.el Thom," Ber,er, OelweIn SUlln Kay Plllo. McMonil, In...... lu Sc:otl Rirha.rd lIlW.r,. Slepbon Mlcbaet Douglas Silvio Vergamln!, I,;ounell Blull. J ames Amos Sevdy, Or.eUtn,er Gary Lee Lust. Anchor.... A .." a William Henry B~,.ne Newton Ann Loutae Meterkord. Waulton Jla'nln. Ilobert Joaepll No"",ol.!r, Dou,1aI l..lsa RumJ Vermedahl, vinton JuUe Ann Shadle. Iowa City Randall Roe M.harry Clearfield John Sebutler BlIhop. Davenport BetlY Joan Parker )(JIll, 10_ CIty Wa." JUgIaad, Staven Carl """..... b._. patricia Ann VesUe, Bettendorf Daniel Jooeph Shaller. Sprln.vIlIe Allen Jam.. M.rdOrl.... Wyomln, k.lth £Iray BloomqulJl. Boone Caro\71l Anne MueUer, OU Pull, m. David J...... St.oclt. naY1C\ Bruce Sutherlln. Mary Lee Vier kant Ames Roy Carl Shannon, Clarinda James Alan Matt..... ueeorah Robert Tr.ncl. Boeeun.. Jr.. rort Ila.u­ Vlcltl 1.11.... Neltoll 10_ CIty JlaIpII Il_ ThroUmorton. lUdIard .... 11 ... Danny Ross Volta, Wheatland NeU Shapiro, Englewood. N.J. Jam•• David M.tthl... CtarluYille Jete"y Scott BOIIU... AledO. m. IelUUM JUrllHt C)IcO".,.ll. 'ort Dodg. G_n Dean WUlJaau. Patrick Lynn Von Behren, Mechanlclvtu. Thomas John Shay. DeB MoLnes Charles Parler U.yhUih. Jr. • Hulall Thom.. Ivan Bolenb.u,h, Vinton Phyllis I!!Ueon Oll""r, Muon CIty Barbara rum Vonderhaar, Humboldt Donald Glenn Shun:. Pontiac, Ill. Gerald Ray McCold, Mason Clly W.... y James Boab.rt. WaYland SUlln Eunice Pete raon. l!Iol1Do. llL AlUlY Barbara Ann Voss Kansas City Mo. John Dean Smith, I,;edar Rapids Stephen John Mellon Jete• ....,n Vernon Keith Brandt. Jr' W.bner CIU' M.ry Sue Pieper. Dyllrt Rldlard Allan k.ver. Jeffrey Sent( 10'· Donald Heory Vyskoell. Cedar k.pldt Renle Harrison Sleven.. ArnolcIJ PatIt Steven Thomas Morehe.d, Des MDIn" Andrew Emert Breuer, l owa City Rita Rae Recllln.shafer, Elmwood. Ill. g..... Dean Artbur Burolb. Keoneth PaUl Dennis David Wagner, Spencer Rob.rt Lyle Morris. II. low. CIty SteveD Ray Brown, OaltalOOll Mar)' Mar' ....t Roelol.. SIoux Canter CoUa>&Jl, Jam. .... D.ubet.. JUtbaol Patrklt Linda Kay Strau.. De. Moines ThOlllU Larry Phillip Carlyle Wagoer, Chleag.~, W, Russell John Sumka" Chlc.,o. DL RIchard Dean Mulder. Ro

NIW YORK IA'l - Charlie Dud- SAN ~RANCISCO IA'l - .Jim Two Iowa track sial'S. Larry not been LImed over the 5,000- Ish , the schoolboy who Hart cracked 8 pair or three Wieczorek and Mike Mondane, meter distance. t88 yard more Is acclaimed as a foOlball run homers Thursday and .Iuan will compele In the National Col- Ihan three mile •• His beSl time coach's dream, was among Ihe Marichal became the major leglate championship meel al for three miles Is 13:34. He has hundreds 01 young athletes pick- leagues' Clrst JO-game winner Berkeley, CaUl.. June 13-15. won Big 10 cross counlry titles PRIVATE SUI E! ed Thursday in baseball's annual this season, leading the San Wieczorek wlll run the 5,()()().met- , with the league's record mark spring of free agents. Francisco Giants 10 a 7-2 Victory er event and Mondane the 400- Cor Cour and live miles lind plac­ Dudish, a pitcher-s hortslop-out- oVer the Philadelphia Phillies. meler race. ed lhll'd In an NCAA &-mlle fielder and power hiller as well Hart hammered a 425-loot Following the Berk~ley meet, cross country race. 88 8 quarlerback at Avondale home run In the first inning alt­ the two will travel to the Nation- With all utilities paid, furnished, carpeted, separate study High in Decaur _ Ga .. was draft- er Willie Mays singled and WlI­ al A.A.U. champion8hlp meet al Hill' ed lor San Franclsco '~ Phoenix lie McCovey walked with two Sacramento June 21 and 22. They farm oC the Pacific Coast out Then Hart greeteu reliev('r wiO both run the same events as Van,. lou,jolly League. The Giants are hop2ful Dick l"arre)) with D three-run In the previous meet. room, ceramic bath and kitchen, plenty of closets, all for, he will spurn a college loot bail shot In the s~venth after Frank John 5chmfdhClu •• r If eilher can place among the Devore career for baseball. Johneon singled and Mays walk- The New York Mets u ed their ed. top six In either meet. they wUI .nd c~t aliJ No. J olck of the ntlre Cree The two homers gave Hart the qualify lor the U.S. Olympic Wm. W.lr agent rleld lo lake 'rim Foli, a National League lead with II trials :n lhe ,..05 Angeles Coli­ 17-year-old shorts lop Irom Cano- and placed him anlong the seum June 29 and 30. Ind otherl tpelk " I 00 The nexl hurdle would then be t~ ga Park, Calil. The youngster league leaders with 29 runs $80 Per Month I who will be IIraduated 11'011'1 batted In . to place in the top three at Lo KENNEDY k, Notre Dame High School in Marlchal now 10-2. recorded Angeles . 1£ this happens, the y Sherman Oaks , Calil.. laler this his slxlh ~tralghl victory and would advance Sept. 14 to the MEMORIAL mOllth Is a 5-loot·11, 185-pounder snapped a three-game Glanle' high alLltude training camp at with power at bat. He also was losing streak. 1'wo errors and South Lake 'tahop, CallI.. for ad- 11 a.m., Sunday a quarterback and basketball slnqlcs by Coo~le Rojas. Johnny d ~ tlonal workouts and tests lead- player in school. arlglls and Tony Gonzalez ac- ing to selection of the U.S. leam Iowa Ave .•t Gilbert St. • Swimming pool • Snack bar A total or 641 player~ were counted ror the Phillies' runs - for the Olympic Games in Mex- Unl'lrla" drafted Thursdav in 28 rounds. onc of them unearned - In the Ico City In October. Un/yare"lI1t Stellty The drafting will resume again third Inning: Wieczorek has won m a J 0 r n In all thl~ morn Ing . • • • chamDionships in the ~o~ne~,~tw~0~1~!!3!!I!B!!I! IOC~kl~E.8.8l!!l!0~C.O~I~d !!l!c~a!!lp.llolI!l~ he Phy· • •• MOUSTON IA'l - Bob Gibson and three mile races but h II • • Off-street parking • Laundry facilities II.! nor· INDIANAPOLIS, Ind_ IA'\ - cut down Houston on three hils OVERSEAS DELIVERV AVAILABLE - -- cal pro- Australian Bruce Crampton ral- Thur8day nlgh~ , hurling the Na­ . tod .. uw ...... , '-'-"C', ..... lied with lour birdies on the tional League leading SI. Louis 4'() (01' I Pl p~t back nine ror a lour-under-par Cardinals past the Astl'os ectricily 6t\ Thursday and grabbed the their ninth straight viclory. • Large lounge • Basketball court e c.m· first-round lead in the ~t()(),()()O Gibson, squaring his record at y when Speedway Open Tournament. 5-5. struck out sh: and walked Se\'~n players tied lor runners- Iwo, and allowed only one Asll'o dam· n uP. at 70. including .John Uvely to get past iiI' t base. Run Davis outage who shot a hole-in-one on the opened the IOUl·th with a double No. 17. and took third on a ground oot, • Sauna baths • TV lounge for Ihe Billy Casper, the PGA's lead- but was stranded. k said. ing mOney winner and Iwice Orlando Cepeda and Tim Mc­ Unlvpr· winner 01 the Speedway loul'Ocy. Carver slammed consecutive ho­ 13 .000- alsO shot 70 despite a two-sll'Oke mel's in the sixth inning for lhe alit al· penalty on hie third hole when Cardinals and Cepeda drove in the Ur.i· hl8 caddy raked the sand trap anoth er run 0(( loser Don WIl­ will be berore Casper shot. son , 4-7, with a single In the leclrical Tied wllh them were "Master's third. Is Gas champion Bob Goa\by. Speedway The homers were Cepeda's PRIVATE BUS SERVICE y plant. defending tltllst Frank Beard, leventh and MCCarver's lourtn. Unlver. ~ DOll Falrlleld, and a pair of •• to draw newcomers - Bobby Cole 01 W~IHINOTON lA'\ - Home the city South Africa and Jim Grant oC l'Un! by Frank Howard and Ron It plant Connecticut. Hansen carried the Washington I capac· There also WAS 8 t1even-way Senator! to 8 4-3 vlclory over tie at 71 - veteran Sammy the Oakland Alhletics Thursday Snead , R. 1l. Sikes, Ken Still , ntghl. e TUes· Ken Fulton , Mike Hill, Dutch Howard's 22nd home run o( University of Iowa Off Campus Approved Housing cau!e