Congratulations FORECAST Partly cloudy and continlMd w.rm ."d humid toct.y ",rough S.turday with Graduates chMce of showe" or thu,\CMr,tornu. High ail Iowan tocillY in upper 80s to lower 90s. Serving the University of Iowa and t1le People of Iowa Citl/ EatablJshed In 1868 10 centl a copy ASIOCiated Presa Leased Wire and WirE'ohni n 10 City. Iowa S2240-Friday. June 7. 1968 Enemy Keeps Up LBJ Sends Congratulations Kennedy Comes Home Rocket Attack To University Graduates In Saigon Area TO THE 1968 GRADUATING CLASS As The Nation Mourns See Rel.ted Storie, P.,e • state today. A requiem m Arab world, but ther v.a bitterne ..• too. SAIGON IA'I - Viet Cong rockets hit UNIVERSITY OF IOWA NEW YORK I.f\ - Robert F. Kennedy there Saturday. "Sen. Kennedy has been dbtined 10 pay near the residence of Gen. William C. came home Thursday to New York, his Westmoreland early Friday and 0 n e Then a trllin will carry the body to the price for eagernes of American polio blew up in a hospital. killing two South Few moments equal the joy, the satisfaction, and adopled state where he found political WlIshinglon for burial Saturday at Atl· ticians 10 eek the "Ole» of AmerIcan haven in the doleful aItl rmath of his Vielnamese women. in,ton NlItionll Cemetery, probably o~ Jews," wrote the Beirut new paper Ai the fulfillment of graduation. It is a personal and brother's assas ination. Bayrak U.S. Headquarters said t3 Soviet·made the grassy knoll resting place of the u· rockets hit the capital in the latest bar­ permanent victory, an honor to last a lifetime. To A four-engined presidential jetliner land· ,a.. lnated John F. Kennedy. rage of an enemy campaign apparently ed with the senator's body at LaGuardia Robert Kennedy clug tenuously to life * * * designed to enhance the North Vietnam· each of you I extend my sincere congratulations. Airport al 8:58 p.m. for more than 25 hours after a gunm;):! ese position at the preliminary peace talks The plane arrlvoci .fter a 4V2-hour emptied aD eighl·shot ..22 caliber revolver Unitarians Plan in Paris. It was the 19th shelling in the flight from Los Angel". Thore en a'­ al him in a kitchen corridor of the AmtlUs· past 34 days. The time is past when our national interests could's bullet to the brllin clalmoci Rob· sador Hotel. ert Kennociy', life early In the d,y, be served by a few who elected to make their 11 happened momenl~ alter he had !lro­ Allied planes and helicopters swarmed IUlt as anolher hullet hed clai' ··d John Memorial Service into the air in a f1are·lit hunt for enemy F. Ke ,"ociy', Ie .. than Ii". yean .go. claimed his most important wiD in t'le firing positions north and east of Saigon. country's affairs their own. The complexity of our Democratic pre idental nomination ':'am· The silver, blue and white jet y,as a paign. victory over Sen. Eugene J. ~f,· An army guard It the houlll of West· age and the particular burden history has thrust companion aircraft 10 Ihe one Ulat brought morelllnd, top U.S. military commander Carthy in the California primary. upon us - to preserve freedom where it exists and the late President's body home to Wash· For RFK Sunday in Vietnam, Slid thr" or four rounds ington from Dallas Nov. 22, 1963. He died at 3:44 a,m lIowa time) Thurs­ landoci nearby, the c\ose51 about 100 dav . A memorial M for Sen. Robert F. y.rds away. He Slid there were no In· to foster it where it does not - demands every The mahogany casket was removed Haggard and pale. Frank Manklewicz. Kennedy will be held .t 11 a.m. Sunday juries It the house. Westmoreland w" from Ihe plane and placed on a lift. Kennedy's press secretary. a mounced the at the Unitarlan·Unlversalisl Church at American hand and every American heart. The 10 S. Gilbert St. reported en route to Saigon after II ahort Behind it walked the senator's widow, death. Elhel. mother of 10 children. expecting "i,lt to Washington, where he I. loon to greatest responsibility falls to those who have the " en. Robert Francis Kennedy died al Spoaktra will Include V.nct BourlaUy, take o"er as ,ecretary of the Army. 1 44 a.m. today. June 6. 1968," he said. well.known novellil and ..,ocl .. le pro­ most to give. flnor of Engli.h; John R. 5chmldhaul­ The shelling louched off at least two "With Sen. Kennedv a the Ume of his neath were his wirE' Ethel. his sl!llers, er, professor of political Kienct and fires, one near the big Tan Son Nhut air· Tentative Schedule former congressma", .nd the R.v . Will · Mr~. steohl'1l Smith nnd Mrs. Peter Law. base on the capital·s nulskirts. Several I cannot tell you the extent of America's influence lam mlnl of the church. houses were reported destroyed. For The Final Rites ford. and hi, slsfpr·i.,·IAW. 'r~. John F. One of the tOO· pound rockets exploded in shaping the new order of world affairs - though Kennedy. He was 42 years old." Bourlaily i, the author of the novel in Binh Dan Hospital, where civilian cas.. FRIDAY President J"h",,,n we. Iwakened at "The Man Who Knlw Kennedy" which • a.m. to 10 p.m. - The body lies In duls with the r.. ctlons of person, to ualties of previous fig~ting were being I believe it will be great. 5 :01. a.m. (eDT!. .. lid told of KeMociV'S treated. Military spokesmen two ,tat. It St. Patrick's Cathedral in New de .. th. He Immocilalelv Droclalmed Sun. the a ..a ..lnalion of Presld.nt John F. women were killed at the hospital and at York . Kennociy. The book has recelvoci much SATURDAY d~v a d8" of national mournl"g for critical pul.e. least 15 civilians wounded arou.'ld the cap· I cannot measure our national ability to abolish Kennedv. "Thi. Is II time of tragedy .nd ital. 10 I.m. - Requl.m mass .t St. P.t· loss," he .. Id. Schmldhau"r hal aDplied for a le""e ignorance and sickness and injustice wherever ricks Cath,dral. of .bsence effectl"e this monlh 10 cam· There were no reports of new street Vice Pre~ident Hullert H. Humohr(>y, fighting but a Viet Cong regimental doct· these ancient enemies degrade humanity - though 12:30 p.m. - The body is plaeed In • paign for the Democratic nomination for Ir~ln for the journey to WUhinqton . \Vho hl'td been a Kennedy rival tnr the the First District Congre"lonal ,tit or surrendered to South Vietnamese mao .:40 p.m. - The train arrl".s in Wesh. Democratic nr(> itlenllal nomination. elt· rines in the city's northern suburbs. I believe it is limitless. which hi held from 19'4 to 1'''. H. we, Inllto", the bod v to be taken In a funeral pre-sed "profound personal los . • of KtnnedY .1 the Unlvers· Across South Vietnam, flags flew at courtege put the Senate OHice Building, half staff on battlefields. ships. camps "WI' have aU lol'! II greal Am"rlcan." Ity of Viralnl. and wa' • Kennedy po· I cannot predict that America's future will match where Kenn4dy worked, .~d the Depart· h~ said litical a"oclat• . and U.S. government buildings in memo ment of JUllice, where h. ,e ..ed liS al· ory of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. who died and exceed the brilliance of her past - though I torney general. McCarlhy. another pre Idential conte~· Weir Slid Thursd.y the m.mnrial .er· , early Thursday of an assassin's bullets. 5:30 p.m. Buri.1 at Arlington Natlonel anI and Ihe man Kennl'dv defeated in the "ice will be non-demoninatlonal and thet They were to remain at half staff until I believe it will. Cemet ...., probably al the plat ov.rlook. California primary, spoke of Ihe ~i('vi:lg one other 'peaker may be .dded I.ter. Kennedy's burial Saturday. ing Washlnqton where John Kennedy Is Camlly. "Let us seek 10 comfort them hy The University High School Choir will The casual tics in Thursday's shelling burl-d, Md where an .ternal flame burns our auiel mournin/(." he said, "aur reje('· sing. raised the civilian toIr in Saigon to 74 The answers will not come in my lifetime, but in In his memory. lion of violence and reorisa!." and by new Tht ,e.. lee will be bro dCllt It 1:30 killed and 340 wounded since the latest dedication to the Kennedy goals of peaee a.m. Mondlv over the University radio enemy campaign against the capital was the future - your future. I am confident that you and reconcilalion. ,t.tion, WSUI. an 11th. She had cradled her husband's launched May 5. who have proved your ability to achieve, to en­ head in her arms in the tumulluous mo· Kennedy won 172 nomlnatin,! votes ill One rocket In Ihe latest . 'rrage blew the California primary. Bul the bullets up the front gate at thlt rtsidonce of ments after a gunman shot him down dure, and to win, will serve that future with dis­ early Wednesdav in the Ambassador Holel thal cut him dOwn cancelled the errcct of Rea, Adm. K.l. Veth, U.S. n.. ,1 chief in Los Angeles. She had be<>n besido him Ihe 1.4 million votes he received Tuesday.
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