Oongressional Record-House. January 28;
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.I 1252 OONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 28; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the present CONSUL. consideration of the bill? · Frank Dyer Chester, of MaSilachusetts, to be consul of the United Mr. PLATT. It hardly seems to me that we ought to pass a States at Budapest, Hungary. bill appropriating for a claim of $81,000 which has been once ob jected to and has gone over into the Calendar of objected cases. PROMOTION IN THE NAVY. 1\fr. STEWART. I will not press the bill now, but I will say Capt. William T. Sampson, United States Navy', to be Chief of that the claim is a meritorious one. I have examined it with the Bureau of Ordnance, in the Department of the Navy. great care. The Senator from Indiana [Mr. VooRHEEs] asked me the other day to call the attention of the Senate to the bill, PROMOTIONS IN THE ARMY. and I told him I would do so if there was an opportunity. I do Infantry arm. not wish in a thin Senate to have the bill passed upon, but I give Second Lieut. Samuel Burkhardt, jr., Twenty-fifth Infantry to notice that if an opportunity shall present I shall call it up when be first lieutenant. ' there is a larger attendance. Second Lieut. JamesEdwardNormoyle, Twenty-third Infantry, MARITIME CANAL COMPANY OF NICARAGUA. to be first lieutenant. · Mr. CULLOM. I desire to move that the Senate adjourn, but Second Lieut. Robert Alexander, Seventh Infantry, to be first will withhold the motion until the unfinished business can be laid lieutenant. 'before the Senate, so that it will not lose its place. REGISTER OF THE LAND OFFICE. 1\Ir. COCKRELL. Let the unfinished business be laid before Patrick W. O'Sullivan, of Prescott, Ariz., to be register of the the Senate. land office at Prescott, Ariz. _ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair lays before the Sen POSTMASTERS. ate the unfinished business, being the bill (S. 3247) to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Maritime Canal Company of Charles C. Collier, to be postmaster at Blocton, in the county of Nicaragua," approved February 20, 1889. Bibb and State of Alabama. Mr. CULLOM. Now I move that the Senate adjourn. Virginia A. Williams, to be postmaster at Independence, in the The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 15 minutes county Qf Polk and State of Oregon. p.m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Friday, January 29, Peter A. Peterson, to be postmaster at Cannon Falls, in the 1897, at 12 o'cl'ock meridian. county of Goodhue and State of Minnesota. Miss Sebelle Knox, to be postmaster at Clinton, in the parish of East Feliciana and State of Louisiana,, NOMINATIONS. Mrs. Jennie Curtis, to be postmaster at Thibodeaux, in the par.. ish of Lafourche and State of Louisiana. Executive nominations received by the Senate January 28, 1897. George W. Clancy, to be postmaster at Darby, in the county of PROMOTIONS IN THE ARMY. Delawa1·e and State of Pennsylvania. Adjutant-Gene1·al's Department. Francis M. Mumford, to be postmaster at St. Francisville, in the parish of West Feliciana and State of Louisiana. Lieut. Col. Michael Vincent Sheridan, assistant adjutant-gen John Schmelz, to be postma.ster at Springfield, in the cotinty of eral, to be assistant adjutant-general with the rank of colonel, Brown and State of Minnesota. January 25, 1897, vice Greene, retired from active service. Henry L. Waite, to be postmaster at Omro, in the county of Maj. John Breckinridge Babcock, assistant adjutant-general, to Winnebago and State of Wisconsin. be assistant adjutant-general with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, Isaac G. Pfautz, to be postmaster at Lititz, in the county of January 25, 1897, vice Sheridan, promoted. Lancaster and State of Pennsylvania. Medical Depm·tment. Milton F. Moyer, to be postm~er at Lykens, in the county of Capt. John Monro Banister, assistant surgeon, to be surgeon Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania. with the rank of major, January 26, 1897, vice Ewen, retired from Charles H. Riley, to be postma.ster at Dedham, in the county of active service. Norfolk and State' of Massachusetts. COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE. Allen T. Hill, to be postmaster at Lyons, in the county of Burt and State of Nebraska. Wayman Crow McCreery, of Missouri, to be collector of inter John A. Isaacson, to be postmaster at South Superior, in the nal reyenue for the First district of Missouri, in place of Charles ~ounty of Douglas and State of Wisconsin. Speck, deceased. Mr. McCreery is now serving under a tempo rary commission issued during the recess of the Senate. This nomination is made to correct error in name of Mr. McCreery, - who was nominated as William Crow McG"Teery. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. POSTMASTERS. THURSDAY, January 28, 1897. D~ in H. Lafferty, jr., to be postmaster at Sanger, the county of The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Fresno and State of California, in the place of Lee McLaughlin, HENRY N. COUDEN. whose commission expired AprilS, 1896. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and ap Charles A. Huck, to be postmaster at North Bend, in the county of Dodge and State of Nebraska, in the place of Albert L. Nonis, proved. whose commission expired December 14, 1896. WEAR _eRA WFORD. T. W. Leeper, to be postmaster at Oakland, in the county of The SPEAKER laid before the House the Senate amendments Burt and State of Nebraska, in the place of William W. Hopkins, to the bill (H. R. 514) to remove the charge of desertion from t.he whose commission expired January 17, 1897. - military record of Wear Crawford. John M. Smith, to be postmaster at Cozad, in the 'county of . The amendments were read at length. Dawson and State of Neb:r:aska, in the place of Samuel Atkinson, The SPEAKER. The question is on concurring in the Senate whose commission expired December 14, 1896. amendments just read by the Clerk. John Alfred Potter, to be postmaster at Cran'ford, in the county Mr. STEELE. Is that motion privileged now?j of Union and State of New Jersey,in the place of John L. Derby, The SPEAKER. It is a House bill with Senate amendments, whose commission expired January 25, 1897. and is laid before the House under the rule. William E. Mills, to be ;postmaster at Rose Hill, in the county. Mr. STEELE. I move its reference to the Committee on Mill.. of Onondaga and State of New York, in the place of William E. tary Affairs. Mills, whose commission expired December 14; 1896. The motion was agreed to. William S. Harriss, to be postmaster at Wilson, in the county Subsequently, of Wilson and State of North Carolina, in the place of Edwin Mr. STEELE said: .Mr. Speaker, the bill which I asked to hav~ l3arnes, deceased. referred to the Committee on Military Affairs a little while ago is the bill of my colleague fMr. JOHNSON], and he is ill. Therefore I should like to have the 'bill remain on the Speaker's table until CONFffiMATIONS. he arrives, and to have my former motion reconsidered. The SPEAKER. That can only be done by unanimous consent. Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate January 28, 1897. Mr. STEELE. I ask unanimous consent. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Indiana [Mr. STEELEl William St. John Forman, of Dlinois, to be Commissioner of asks unanimous consent that the action of the House on the bill Internal Revenue. H. R. 514 be vacated, and that the bill return to the 8peaker's table until his colleague returns. JUDGE OF THE COURT OF OLADIS. Mr. McMILLIN. Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry. What Charles B. Howry, of Mississippi, to be judge, Court of Claims. was the action that is sought to be set aside? - 1897. CONGRESSIONA-L REOORD-HOUSE. -1253· The SPEAKER. The action was reference to a committee. If BRIDGE ACROSS SULPHUR RIVER, ARKANSAS. there be no objection, the request will be granted. The SPEAKER also laid before the House the bill (S. 1722) tQ There was no objection. approve and ratify the construction of a bridge across the Sulphur HOMER C. M'CUSKEY. River in the State of Arkansas by the Texarkana and Fort Smith, Railway Company, with an amendment of the House thereto, to The SPEAKER also laid before the House the amendments of which the Senate disagreed and asked a conference with the House the Senate to the bill (H. R. 4872) to correct the military record on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon. of Homer C. McCuskey. Mr. McRAE. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House insist upon. The Senate amendments were read at length. · its amendments and agree to the conference requested by the Mr. HAGER. :Mr. Speaker, I move that the House concur in Senate. the amendments of the Senate. The motion was agreed to; and the Speaker appointed as con.. The motion was agreed to. ferees on the part of the House Mr. HEPBURN, Mr. BARTLETT of PETER YOUNG. New York, and Mr. PRICE. ' The SPEAKER also laid before the House the amendments of ANNIE E. NOLAN. the Senate to the bill (H. R. 6143) for the relief of Peter Young. The amendments were read at length. The SPEAKER also laid before the House the bill (S. 2129) Mr. CROWTHER. I move that the House-concur in the Sen· granting an increase of pension to Annie E. Nolan, with a Hous~ amendment thereto, to which the Senate disagreed and asked~ ate amendments.