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f K. , hold's no particular interest for Mr, IWAYNE.-Jqsct- TUB 8PI HIT OF DEMOCIIACY JAMES POLK voted against it vote. I htve v .Mtfose, Srmornl Tir On to for any olhef honorable man, nf L'tii ftnitot the same day a motion was made postpone Archbold more than Drum Stephen Conger iti wuiftfuc xJUUUiy ETrtEL BY J. R. MORRIS. the consideration of the bill until the 3d of March All I wish to see is fair play snd no misrepresents "J ""uu jui VV ASllIJNLiTON.-Steph- fh llewtliorti, which. was to defeat it Shane, Vance, Vinton, tion. tf be has in trudiy been guilty of any thing Okioyfor 1844; 8 F L ) Oeorge liztktw JJIauY . n.i,WOOD iE Wright Sod BARTLEY voted that should render him repugnant to bis constitu . 1 he omces to be tilled this-- lull are eo f) eg e j o 5) 17, 1844. this motion.'1' A ' ents, let him stand or faH on bis o wn merits. 4 riDA.r, lot for "Let Representative in Congress llfrpresen JAMES K. POLK voted atainst itlb. id justice be dons though the Heavens fall." 167--8. ' ' tative in the State legislature Countv ten, pp. ALEXANDER SHAW. & ' f -- : In House ofRepresentatives, Wednesday, Feb. 28, July 16,1944. Auditor, County Commissioner and 5f JAMES K. POLKi , 5if; 1 1 M . : ; asm.. ., ;. , . Surveyor 1? 0 Tennessee. County The question being on the passage of s bill to Extractfront the Journal, page 52 By order of the Central Committee A SOB VIC PRESIDENT amend "an act p provide for certain persons en Saturday, Feb. 11, 1844. .. ALliAAJNUrjK fcHA VV, Sec y. 8 M. DALLAS, I NOTICE. GEORGE gaged In the land and naval service of the United House bill No. 135, to regulate the militia, was July 6, 1844. !. Pennsylvania. was read the third time, and the question being T,ie Treasurer will attend, either in Of States in the REVOLTTION ARY WAR; Shane, - e e" i. upon trie passage tnereot, 3.5?" ?i p 5. o deputy, in each township a the place of Vance, Vinton, and John Woods', voted against ' Mr. Archbold moved that said bill be laid upon Mr Editob: Townships. 3' c tions, to receive taxes, bo the day (neurit V I'e,k GOVERNOR OF OHIO,.. !,;;!., , i rt,and MORDECAI BARTLEY did not vote at die table; which motion nr. lost Announce thename ofJOSEPH MORRIS each township, as follows f in DAVID TOD'of Trumbull Coanty, The question recurred upon the passage" of the Ss s candidate fjr Representative Congress, sub ject to tne uectBiou ot toe convention. Adams ;. 70 30 10 15 25 20 1,70 Friday, September 20; JAMES K. POLK voted in favor of the bill. bill; upon that question The yeas and navs were demanded, and being MANY VOTERS. Bethel, 70 80 10 15 20 1,45 Friday is. ELECTORAL TICKET.; . ; See House Journal 2d sees. 20th C. p. 837. Centre, 70 80 10 15 SO 20 20 1,95 Saturday; 21. flji''"-.- BBATOBIAI. .... .,; ordered resuiiea as follows : In House Representatives Saturday Ftb. 28, Yeas 89. navs 23: QO-'r- art authorised to announce the name of Elk, 70 30 1b 15 20 1,45 Thursday 12. of Wayne, of' Jobsfu H. Labwill, 1829.. - Yeas. Messrs. Alexander, Atherton, Bennett, EDWARD candidate for Enoch, 70 30 1 9 15 10 20 1,55 Wednesday 11. " '. fn 15 3j 1.481 Dowtt Uttbbi of Clermont. jThe question being on ordering to s third read Brand, iiryson, Lassidy, fJIaypool, Cra.ghill, t iah the State Legislature; subject to the Franklin, 70 30 10 20 Saturday, u. ' decision ot the uounty convention. Greene, 70 80 10 15 20 ,45 Saturday r. CONGRESSIONAL. , er. Foote. Glmes Guiberson. Gunckle. Harsh v ,'.'..'. ing a bill to compensate Susan Decatur ,ihe widow Harvey, Hawkins Hewitt, Johns, Kaler, Kiler, Jackson, 70 30 10 15 3T 20 1,75 Thursday; 19--. , District Clayton Webb, of Hamilton, lit ttf CAPT. STEPHEN DECATUR, John Mcr- arlanu, Mr. Editor Please announce the name of Malaga, 70 80 19 15 16 20 1,60 Monday 2. Darke, Manning, Medberry, Morse, Mctieth, 2d James M. Dorset, of Shane, Joseph Vanee, :$amuel F. Vinton, and Mcllratn, McMillan, Parmelly, Phelps, Shane, WILLIAM JOHNSTON as a candidate for the Ohio, 70 30 10 15 20 20 1,65 Friday, 6. ; " State Lengilature, Subject to the decision of the 70 30 10 15 20 30 20 1,95 Wednesday) 18. 8d " R. D. Fobsmam, of Green,, , John C. Wright voted in the negative. MOR- Smith, Snyder, Toland, Vanmeter, Waggoner, Perry, ". " X v EiKB, 16 1,60 TAYLOR.of Champaign Wakefield, White of Brown, Willoz, and Speaker Uounty convention. MAIi u 1 Salerrt, 70 30 10 16 20 Thursday, fi. Judgk John DECAI BARTLEY did not vote at all!! . " SB. Seneca, 70 30 10 15 45 5140 2,15 Monday " 9-- , 6th David Higcins, of Lucas, in (H-W- e 15 JAMES K. POLK voted the affirmative Nays Messrs. ARCHBOLD, Carey, Carle, are authorised to announce the name of Susbury, 70 30 10 20 30 20 1,95 Tuesday, . " 8. ' 2(1 th Gilbert Beach, of Wood, &.;. 850. v.',-'- Clark, Coombs, Crum, Downing, Duncan, Dunn, JOHN M. KIRKBRIDE. as a candidate for re Switzerland, 70 30 10 15 30 20 1,95 Wednesday 4. election to the office of County Auditor, subject to Union, 70 30 10 15 20 20 20 1,85 Tuesday; 10; r''7th "John D, White, of Brown, But later, when most ot the bargainers of Mr. Johnson, Kilgore, Lawrence, Martin of CVqm-- 10 15 20 1,45 ; Mc-- tbe decision of tne county convention. Washington, 70 30 Tuesday, 17; 1: 80a . of Ross, btana, Martin of Fayette, Means, Myers, s " Thomas Megradt, Clay were diamissed by the people for their want 10 16 It) 20 1,65 Uleary.McMakeo, IN oble, Parsons, eprague. War, W ayne, 70 30 Monday) 16. flth KEtriR, of Pickaway fjCJ-- W natne ot " .Valentine of honesty and principle, viz; in 1832, JAMES K. ner, ana White, ot 23. are authorised to announce the A.wng his office in Woodsfield, 10th' " "James Parker of Licking, '.'. POLK succeeded in getting the law, the one un- So the bill was passed. WILLIAM UKAiu.asa candidate tor trie- omce The undersigned will also attend at during the mon tin of October and Nd: of County Auditor, suhject to the decision of the vember and until the 20th of December, for the purpose of receiving taxes. 11th " Gben ville P. Cheesy, of Marion der Which the old soldiers now receive their just THOMAS W. DORR A petition has been County Convention. JOHN KEKR, Treasurer of Monroe Co , 12th George Corwine, of8cfoto . reward.. ..' Woodsneld, presented to the Senate of Rhode Island, signed Treasurer's Otpice, 13th Cautious C. Covey, of Morgan, fO We are authorized to snnounce JOSEPH July 19, 1844. 21ff j by Sullivan Dorr, 14th ' Isaac M. Lannino, of Guernsey, praying that the general Assem CALDWELL, as s candidate for the office of ' bly now In session, will liberate his County Commissioner, subject to the decision of 15th Jamieson, of Harrison; of Representatives, Tuesday) May 1, son, Thomas Supervisors, throughout the county, will observe the following form of road receipt, as near J Walter .... .... ... ... 00 1832 W. Dorr, or if that can not be done, that the pun the county convention. as practicable : .1l6th " , Sebastian Brain ard, of Tusca's, Oil' s motion tp grant PENSIONS to those who ishment might be commuted to imprisonment in 0 Thi is to certify, that A. B. has performed labor on the public highway i Under my (trf-W-e are ol7th James Fobbes, sr. of Carroll,' authorised to announce Ihe name of direction in district No: a of township, Monroe county, Ohio, between the April defended our frontiers in the INDIAN WARS, the county jail in the county of Newport, instead JOHN A DAMS, as a candidate office first of McCoy, '' '( for the of 18th Neal of Wayne, " ' andfirst of October; 1844 j (0 tat amount of road tax. ' from 1776 up the in 1795, to to treaty of Greenville of the State prison. The petition was raid on the County Surveyor, subject the decision of the ; : V: '''l&th:"". Milo Stone, of Summit, ,, . D. SMpervAor. ' JAMES K. POLK voted in the affirmative table. Uounty Convention. 20th Benjamin Adams, of Lake, " " See House sess. 678. c H E A''P r BANKS NOTE LIST. Specie Standard: Medina. Journal, 1st lid C. p. Mr. Randolph, who presented the petition, said 2lst Stephen N. Sabgent, of m-W- e are authorised to announce the name o! In House of Representatives Thursday, May 24, that T. W. Dorr has no in its offer, BOOK. St Mr. part and JOHN B NOLL, as a candidate for the office of 'STATIONARY. Corrected Irom the Cincinnati Enquirer; : 1832. was desirous itiat effort fjO-T- not any of the kind should surveyor, to decision . Laws and Journals of the last Session of County subject the bf the ' The question being on ordering to a third read - OHTb; ' at be made in bis behalf; and Mr. Ballou said that county convention! STORE, the Ohio Legislature, have been received the the bill from to Ohio Life and. Trust Co--. On denraiid. par ing tlje Senate, supplementary the Mr. T. (n office of the Clerk of the Court of this County, and W. Dorr would not unite any petition UNION STREET WHEELLVQ, VA. Commercial Bank of Cincinnati. par for the SUftVlV-IN- G 1 act RELIEF OF CERTAIN that might offered. Cfri. are now ready for distribution.