THE SOCIETY LIBRARY CATALOGUE The BMS Council agreed, many years ago, to expand the Society's collection of books and develop it into a Library, in order to make it freely available to members. The books were originally housed at the (then) Commonwealth Mycological Institute and from 1990 - 2006 at the Herbarium, then in the Jodrell Laboratory,Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, by invitation of the Keeper. The Library now comprises over 1100 items. Development of the Library has depended largely on the generosity of members. Many offers of books and monographs, particularly important taxonomic works, and gifts of money to purchase items, are gratefully acknowledged. The rules for the loan of books are as follows: Books may be borrowed at the discretion of the Librarian and requests should be made, preferably by post or e-mail and stating whether a BMS member, to: The Librarian, British Mycological Society, Jodrell Laboratory Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB Email: <
[email protected]> No more than two volumes may be borrowed at one time, for a period of up to one month, by which time books must be returned or the loan renewed. The borrower will be held liable for the cost of replacement of books that are lost or not returned. BMS Members do not have to pay postage for the outward journey. For the return journey, books must be returned securely packed and postage paid. Non-members may be able to borrow books at the discretion of the Librarian, but all postage costs must be paid by the borrower.