KEI ROTO: Te Awaawa Stream Project CHAIRMAN'S Te Huki Marae Blessing Whanganui Camp 2019 REPORT Lumino the Dentist Ma te huruhuru te manu ka rerere. A bird needs feathers to fly. Ngāti Pāhauwera has many inspiring business leaders. One of those is Ian Taylor who won this The Vision of the Ngāti Pāhauwera years Sanitarium Innovator of the Development Trust is “Te Oranganui o Ngāti Year Award. The work of his company Animation Pāhauwera” or the health and wellbeing of Research Ltd is familiar to us all. the Ngāti Pāhauwera people. This can be Ian is the son of Bernard and Rose Taylor. Both progressed by raising the income levels of our were longstanding teachers at the Raupunga School. They instilled in their children the members so they can afford good food, a good value of education of which have all done well house and a happy lifestyle. and contributed back to Ngāti Pāhauwera. In raising your income level the two options tend Wayne Taylor who still lives in Raupunga filed to be the pursuit of a successful career path or the original Takutaimoana Aplication for Ngāti you go into business. Pāhauwera and Guy Taylor was a member of


There are also the longstanding and successful Business is not without risk so just as a bird Ngāti Pāhauwera Shearing businesses led by needs feathers to fly make sure you have done members of the Culshaw, Lambert, Parata your homework and have a solid business and Hokianga Whānau. case so your business will take off and rise to We also have members who are owner profitable heights. Māori are said to be the operators of machines like Tom Heta, Willie most entrepreneurial ethnic group in the world Adsett and Brad Niblett. so maybe we have a headstart on others. Of course there are numerous Ngāti Pāhauwera business people spread throughout Aotearoa One of the events I would like to see is a where there is a larger scope of opportunity conference of Ngāti Pāhauwera Business people because of larger customer bases however the so we can develop a resource base of business business world has changed with information mentors for our members. technology meaning you can run a business So I suppose it's watch this space. from any location that has connectivity. - Toro Waaka As someone who has a couple of successful whānau businesses I would like to see more Ngāti Pāhauwera people move from the mindset of working for someone else to the Ngāti Pāhauwera Section 30 that progressed establishing their own independent enterprises. COMPANY UPDATE the Treaty Claim negotiations. He follows in his There are many fields to specialise in and it mothers footsteps specialising in the Information always pays to follow your passion as it does Technology space at College. Another not seem like work if you enjoy it. The Ngāti Pāhauwera Development brother Chris Taylor is a dentist who returned to Trust (NPDT) acknowledge the Raupunga to give free dental care. Their sister Stay away from those businesses where you services of Michael Chamberlain who Stephanie Bruce currently lives in Australia is also have to be looking over your shoulders for the in the health sector. The family is an example of submitted his resignation as the Ngāti law. A legal business is more sustainable long what can be achieved with parental support and Pāhauwera Commercial Development term. There are also a range of Government educational achievement. Ltd (NPCDL) Chairman and as an Agencies that can provide you with some independent director. Not everybody has the support or the skills to Above: Dino Biddle and fencing crew support and advice and don’t be afraid to ask handle the challenges of the current education other business people for advice as you can get Michael has provided exemplary advice system, but we all have our own special skills some good mentoring from those who have and support to NPCDL not only in the and gifts that we can build on to grow our own been there and done that. There will always be equities portfolio but across all the A good local example is Gene Waihape who investments of NPCDL. The trustees wish feathers and fly to new heights. Many successful the jealous knockers whose motivations will not is slowly building up her client base selling Michael and his whānau all the best in the entrepreneurs did not do well at school but Kawakawa soaps, ointments and honey products serve your interests so ignore them. You will future and reiterate the contribution to followed their natural passions and business under the Arakanihi Brand from Raupunga. make the odd mistake but make sure they are Ngāti Pāhauwera development. instincts to do very well. Bill Gates for example She has a quality product that has good not big and fatal mistakes. NPDT have already initiated a process could not pass the theory in the drivers customer feedback. to determine interest and seek new license tests. Passers by the Raupunga Toilets carpark now If you have to borrow any sizable amount money to get started forget it. Don’t mortgage directors from within Ngāti Pāhauwera have the chance to call into the new Kai Cart and a further process will be decided Do a feasibility study and make sure there is a your house or your land. Some start up cash established by Willie and Ngaire Culshaw. for the appointment of independent market for what you hope to sell. The important may be needed but look at something with low Other recent examples of Ngāti Pāhauwera directors. Tom Keefe (NPDT Trustee) has start up costs and be patient as it may take a thing is to base your business on a idea where members who have focused on local business been appointed Chairman of NPCDL. you can grow a customer base of people who opportunities include Dino Biddle and his few years to grow your client base. The average will pay you good money for your product Fencing Crew, Jim Lewis and his Pest Control business does not show profitability in the first or service. Crew, Dave Huata and his Forestry Crew. or second year.



The purpose of the project is to assess and hopefully improve the Te Awaawa catchment which includes Tawhirirangi.

The Te Awaawa Stream project is progressing well. As predicted, access to the stream is not the easiest and we need to make sure that it is safe for staff and contractors who are working there. NPDT has sprayed weeds, completed TAIAO 1.3km of stock exclusion fencing, started cutting and metalling access tracks. In the next phase – Environmental we are working towards a water testing regime Above: Te Heru o Tureia - and planting native plants this winter. On 1 February 2019 Helen Jonas Helen, Bonny, Theresa, Walker. (Wairoa DOC), Theresa Thornton, We are working NPDT members where possible Walker Gilbert and Bonny Hatami as well as HBRC, DOC and PanPac. Much of went up to Te Heru o Tureia to the catchment includes forestry land which is a challenge, alongside the soil type which is check on Ngutu Kaka (Kakabeak) easily erodible. enclosures. As well as environmental work, at the end of the 'The ‘Hawkes Bay’ population of wild Kakabeak three-year project, the vision is to encourage consists of about 15-25 wild plants located cultural connection, have pou, a shelter and around Boundary Stream Scenic Reserve, lookout so that our members can walk to the Te Heru O Tureia Conservation Area, Te Kooti's top of Tāwhirirangi safely. Lookout and Maungataniwha'. Normally the Above: Te Heru o Tureia - Ngutu Kaka thriving area next to the reserve is covered in pine so Below: Te Heru o Tureia - Bluffs this is the first time it has been seen with the trees cut down in a long time. We visited five enclosures (which have barbed wire to keep GET INVOLVED pests out) they are in variable condition, some are doing very well and others need to be revisited. There was some bush bashing to get This project will involve the community as to the enclosures and we got some scratches much as possible, if you own land in the catchment, or if you have any questions, but it was a great day (even though it was 33 Image 1: Te Awaawa Stream catchment degrees!) There are some wilding pines in the suggestions or comments please contact Image 2: Charlie and Kuki reserve that we would like removed but its not [email protected] Image 3: Gnarly terrain easy terrain. or the Wairoa office on 06 838 6869 Image 4: Tom Heta


AHUWHENUA FARMING AWARDS – Two Pāhauwera farms have been entered!

This year both Rawhiti and Pihanui have been put through their paces as part of their entry into the Ahuwhenua Sheep and Beef WHANGANUI CAMP Farming Awards. 2019 — Te Taitimu Trust The team of four judges grilled the farming team on all aspects of farming which included risk Ngāti Pāhauwera were very fortunate to have management, environmental plans, and how a group of 20 Rangatahi and 5 adult supports the farms fit into the community. Whilst it is just attend the 2019 Whanganui Camp which took one day of judging there is a lot of work behind Images: Farm judging taking place. the scenes to pull together all the documents to them from Whakahoro Campsite through to demonstrate that what the team are saying and Kaiwhaiki Marae Sunday 20th to Friday 25th. seeing is backed up with plans and numbers. Parliamentary announcement on 21-February with The team remark, the winner announced in Gisborne on 24-May. Each day stopping and setting up their camp site at different locations along the Awa Tupua O The wānanga was a partnership with Te Taitimu “We enter these competitions to Hemi Joe has entered the Ahuwhenua Young Whanganui. With this brought different wānanga Trust, Kimiora Trust and Nga Whenua Rahui, benchmark ourselves with the best in the Maori Farmer competition 2019 Sheep and through the evenings, korero of history, stories Hosting more than 100 rangatahi throughout industry. We want to learn, improve, and Beef. Hemi is currently on Kakariki Farm. His and workshops with our police, Ngā Whenua the motu. They experienced leadership, hoe waka, represent Pāhauwera with pride. aspirations are to advance his career in farming Rāhui Team, Water safety and waiata. Water safety, connection with Marae, tikanga and These competitions enable us to do that.” and to grow his skills around stock work and whakawhanaungatanga. management and to acquire qualifications over Rangatahi were also arranged into groups with Feedback from judges to this point has been the next 2 years. Being assessed through judging mentors which they had to come up with a The Rangatahi thoroughly enjoyed their week extremely positive and both farms are expected gives him feedback on areas that he is doing name for their group and a chant, and were long awa journey and have made many friends to place well. The finalists are advised via a well in and where to improve. involved in different duties during the week. for life.


Pictured: Jacob and Ocean Pictured: Edina and Marjorie

Interview with Rangatahi – Jacob King MANAAKI TE HUKI MARAE GRANTS OPEN BLESSING Above: Gene and Theresa "Well it was my first time going to a Te Taitimu On 6 January a church service camp, I didn’t go to the one at Mohaka. – Until 15 March '19 and blessing was held at Te Huki My Uncle Jay lives up at Whanganui, he runs For the sixth consecutive Marae, Raupunga. one of the camp sites there so I was excited to go see him. year funding for The blessing was to prepare for Education & Community I had a mean time from the beginning to the rebuild mahi which started the the end. It was good to go with my brother grants are now OPEN following day. Congratulations to Johnson (11) sister Karen (16) and cousins until the 15th March 2019 the Marae committee for the hard Avon, Elissa & Wiki, they had a good time too. for consideration by There were kids from everywhere, Dunedin, work fundraising. Pictured: Tiwana and Janet Christchurch, Palmerston North, Wellington the Manaaki Committee and Mohaka. of the Trust. So at the start of the camp Zack (Makoare, CEO TTT) said that there was a leadership Please go to the Trust website to award and I thought I would give it a go. download application forms or pop 2019 PREFECTS I actually thought you would get a greenstone in to the Wairoa or Napier offices. but it was a korowai which is even more A friendly reminder to all those that Congratulations to Karen awesome. It was pretty easy though I just received a Manaaki Committee grant King and Danielle Alo looked after everyone how I look after my in 2018 that you are required to provide for making prefect at St family. your accountability reports by 22 Joseph’s Maori Girls College. It was my first time on a canoe (usually we have March 2019. Marae are to provide a motor), there were heaps of people on the their Marae plans as well. They are previous recipients of Secondary river, it would be good to do that on our river, Failure to do so will result in your School Manaaki grants from NPDT. the Mohaka. The Monday was the longest row, applications not being considered Karen received a certificate for Academic we watched everyone fall out but we didn’t. by the Manaaki Committee. Excellence in 2018 and we have previously When I won the award they did a haka for me reported on Danielle’s sister Jessy-May Alo which felt great." who was Dux in 2017.


KŌRERO From the CEO ROBIN HAPE Kia ora Pahauwera whanau whanui. LUMINO The Trust has had another busy start extractions many are repeat members who are THE DENTIST to 2019 with our annual free dental simply checking and maintaining oral health. We acknowledge the support of Lumino, The free dentist clinic supported programme, the rangatahi Wananga Mainfreight and the HBDHB for supporting by Lumino the Dentist, NPDT and in Whanganui and opening the this initiative. Other similar activities are being Manaaki grants to support whanau planned for other communities where our Mainfreight came to Wairoa again Pahauwera people reside. development. this January. Lumino the Dentist The Manaaki Grants close on the 15th of March The rangatahi Wananga was run on the Awa 2019 so apply if you need to (see page 10). The was available for six days this year. Tupua a Whanganui, hosted by Te Taitimu Trust grants have provided support to the members (TTT), Kii Tai Tours and Kimiora Trust. Of the 108 patients that were seen: and the groups around the rohe. 74 were Ngāti Pāhauwera members Only 20 rangatahi and 5 adult positions were 34 were non-members The purchase of Waipapa land on Te Otane available to NPDT and priority was given to The total amount of work done Road by NPDT provides the platform for those that have been involved in Wananga was equal to $33,146.14 enhancing the Tawhirirangi range alongside the before and who could cope with the challenge. Te Awaawa stream project. The detail and success is in the newsletter but We had a waiting list of 146 names so that meant NPCDL trialed broccoli and maize is growing 38 were not able to be seen, these people’s the experience on being on another awa tipua on the flats with track enhancement to access names will go to the top of the waiting list for To get onto the waiting list for next year will last in the hearts and minds of all those that the top and stream. At the last Wānanga and 2020. At this stage we have 60+ names already please contact michelle.thompson@npdt. attended. hikoi up Tawhirirangi, people who have lived on the waiting list for next year 2020. co.nz or the Wairoa office on 06 838 6869 There was a slight mishap and lessons learnt in Mohaka for 60 years had never set foot on along the way but these Wananga are about Tawhirirangi. Those sharing of experiences along resilience when facing challenges. Through the with mahi on Rongomaiwahine, the blessing relationship with TTT, our staff better understand for mahi on the rebuild of Te Huki are positive UPDATING YOUR MEMBERSHIP DETAILS WITH THE TRUST the planning, logistics, the need for good efforts to develop Pāhauweratanga and this is agency support and relationships for everyone the start of good things to come. to be safe and enjoy the experience. We have a number of members who we do not have updated details for. NPDT accepted the resignation of Michael The rangatahi who attended the camp are Chamberlain as Chairman/ Independent There are a variety of reasons for this, it may be Please go to our website NPDG Registration form building leadership and many other skills that Director of NPCDL at their latest meeting, date of birth, address, phone, email address, if you http://ngatipahauwera.co.nz/rehitatanga/ acknowledging his significant contribution to have moved or married recently, if you have added they will stead them well when facing other to the whānau or if you have lost a loved one. This mahi is ongoing, we ask all registered challenges in life. Ngāti Pāhauwera Development. We wish he and members to update their details with us. his whanau the very best in the future. If you have not received AGM details, Voting Packs, This information would be very much appreciated. The popularity of the Free Dentist for the Manaaki Grants information – either you are not Please email your updated form to: Wairoa community has only grown, with Nga mihi, registered, or we do not have the correct details. [email protected] or drop it in to one of our offices. reports that while some still come for Robin Hape CEO


TAWHIRIRANGI TE MAUNGA TAPU • MOHAKA TE AWA • TANGITŪ KI TE MOANA • MAUNGAHARURU KI UTA • KO NGĀ TI PĀHAUWERA TE IWI NGĀTI PĀHAUWERA DEVELOPMENT GROUP CONTACT DETAILS: Wairoa Office: 74 Queen Street, Wairoa 4108 Napier Office: Gardiner Knobloch House, 15 Shakespeare Road, Napier 4140 Email: [email protected] Phone: 06 838 6869 Facebook: Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust www.ngatipahauwera.co.nz