United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) Contacts Directory Ampara District Funded through the generous support of: Version: 4.5 Date: 01/04/2007 UN OCHA, Ampara,# 01, 1st Avenue, Ampara Town, Ampara,Tel: +94 (63) 4890128, Fax: +94(63)4890128, Email:
[email protected] UN OCHA Sri Lanka, 202-204 Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 7, Tel. 011 2504434/ 5, Fax. 011 2504433, Email:
[email protected], Website: http://www.humanitarianinfo.org/srilanka Printed on 01/04/2007 Page 1 of 33 United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) Contact Directory Government of Sri Lanka Ampara District Organisation Contact Address Telephone FaxMobile E-Mail/Website Agrarian Development Department - North East Province (DOAD) www.humanitarianinfo.org Mrs. R U A Jaleel (Assistant Commissioner) Department of Agrarian Development, 063 2222472 063 2222472 Ampara Assistant Commissioner of Local Government Office (ACLG) Mr. A. Majeed (SCW) Kachcheri Road Ampara 063 2222687 063 2222216 071 4910230 Mr. Mohamed Thambi (ACLG) Kachcheri 063 2222687 063 2222216 Central Environmental Authority (CEA) Mr.M A C Najeeb (Assistant Director) 1st Avenue, Amapar Town 063 2222192 0776 719375 Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) Mr Upul Dissanayake (Area Engineer) CEB Area Office, Ampara 063 2222078 0773 237310 Department of Commissioners Land Mr. S. Weerabahu (Regional Officer) Deputy Land Commissioner, Ampara.063 2222523 063 2222523 Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources - North East Province Mr. A. A. Fareed (Fisheries Inspector) Al. Hilal Road, Sainthamaruthu 067 2223612 Mr. E M C Boyagoda (Fisheries Inspector - Panama Singapura School, Ullai, Pottuvil. Main Street, 067 2248176 0776 993994, &Ullai) Pottuvil 0776 234993 Mr.