Eastern Province
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Resettlement Due Diligence Report June 2017 SRI: Second Integrated Road Investment Program Eastern Province Prepared by Road Development Authority, Ministry of Higher Education and Highways for the Government of Sri Lanka and the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 30 May 2017) Currency unit – Sri Lanka Rupee (SLRl} SLR1.00 = $ 0.00655 $1.00 = Rs 152.63 ABBREVIATIONS ADB - Asian Development Bank DSD - Divisional Secretariat Division DS - Divisional Secretariat EP - Eastern Province EPL - Environmental Protection License DDR - Due Diligence Report FGD - Focus Group Discussion GDP - Gross Domestic Production GoSL - Government of Sri Lanka GN - Grama Niladari GND - Grama Niladari Division GRC - Grievance Redress Committee GSMB - Geological Survey and Mines Bureau HH - Household iRoad - Integrated Road Investment Program iRoad 2 - Second Integrated Road Investment Program IR - Involuntary Resettlement MoHEH - Ministry of Higher Education and Highways NWS&DB - National Water Supply and Drainage Board OFC - Other Field Crops PS - Pradeshiya Sabha PPE - Personal Protective Equipment’s RDA - Road Development Authority RF - Resettlement Framework ROW - Right of Way SAPE - Survey and Preliminary Engineering SLR - Sri Lankan Rupees This resettlement due diligence report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1 A. Project description ............................................................................................ 2 II. Involuntary Resettlement Due Diligence ......................................................................... 3 A. Methodology used to carry out the Due Diligence and transect surveys .............. 4 B. Summary of field observations and verification ................................................... 5 C. Other social impacts observed and mitigation measures ..................................... 9 III. Socioeconomic Assessment and Gender Participation Report ......................................20 A. Description of key physical and socioeconomic features of EP ..........................21 B. An analysis of the sample socioeconomic survey for EP ....................................24 C. Public consultation and information dissemination .............................................34 IV. Conclusion and Recommendations ...............................................................................39 Annexures Annexure 1: Key Maps & Road List -Eastern Province ..............................................................41 Annexure 2: Field observations, requirement of IR in rural roads and few file photographs of national roads ...........................................................................................................................67 Annexure 3: IR impact categorization checklist ....................................................................... 106 Annexure 4: Summary of One on One Interviews ................................................................... 108 Annexure 5: Attendance list of FGDs ...................................................................................... 133 List of Figures Figure 1: Location map of the three districts of EP ....................................................................... 3 Figure 2: A public notice referring to the meeting and transect walk survey in Sripura Bus Stand Road, Morawewa DSD, Trincomalee district. ............................................................................. 5 Figure 3: A Focus Group Discussion - Ganeshapuram housing scheme section 01 ................... 5 Figure 4: Over grown vegetation- Dambadeniya school road (concrete road) - Mahaoya DSD- Ampara district-0+600m ............................................................................................................. 6 Figure 5: A drainage channel with in ROW - Ahamod Hirashi Road, Semmanodai ...................10 Figure 6: An electricity pole with in ROW - Vaikal Kulathu Road sec. i - Manmunai South-West DSD - Batticaloa district- 0+100 m. ...........................................................................................10 Figure 7: A telecommunication pole with in ROW - Vissavaithiyar North Road Sammanthurai sec. I - Samanthurai DSD –Ampara district .....................................................................................11 Figure 8: An electricity pole with in ROW - Mawadichenai Road - Verugal/ Echchilampattai DSD - Trincomalee district- 0+50 m. ..................................................................................................11 Figure 9: An electricity pole with in ROW - Al Hambra School Road, Allai Nagar West, Allai Nagar East, Iqbal Nagar - Muttur DSD- Trincomalee district- 0+150m. ................................................11 Figure 10: A school is located very close to road section – Dambadeniya school road (concrete road) Mahaoya DSD- Ampara district-0+400m ..........................................................................13 Figure 11: A temple is located very close to road section - Internal road of Ampara Y.M.C.A. Sec.i- - Ampara DSD- Ampara district 0+10m .....................................................................................13 Figure 12:. Soil erosion in road section due to run off water - From Bodagolla MV Sangadasa's house to Ambagahawella Sec .I -Ampara DSD- Ampara district-0+900 m ................................15 Figure 13: An irrigation channel cross the road section- From Bodagolla MV Sangadasa's house to Ambagahawella Sec .I -Ampara DSD- Ampara district-0+800 m ...........................................16 Figure 14: Paddy fields are located close the road section- From Bodagolla MV Sangadasa's house to Ambagahawella Sec .I -Ampara DSD- Ampara district-0+200 m ................................16 Figure 15: Shiraj Nager Main Road crossed by railway line- Thambalagamuwa DSD -Trincomalee district .......................................................................................................................................17 Figure 16:. Potthanai Road crossed by railway line- Koralai Pattu South (Kiran) DSD -Batticaloa district .......................................................................................................................................18 Figure 17: Free movement of domestic cattle- Trincomalee district ...........................................19 Figure 18: Free movement of elephants in the Maduruoya Sanctuary .......................................19 List of Tables Table 1: DSDs in each district of EP in which the project will be implemented ........................... 2 Table 2: Field observations of national roads with respect to IR ................................................. 7 Table 3: Estimated No. of households and enumerated households in each district of EP .........20 Table 4: Number of households surveyed in each DS Division ..................................................20 Table 5: Details on land area, population, population density and poverty head count ratio (year 2012/2013) for the three districts of EP ......................................................................................23 Table 6: Population by ethnicity in each district ..........................................................................23 Table 7: Population by sex and age in each district ...................................................................24 Table 8: Labor force status of household population, 10 years of age over by district (Both sex)24 Table 9: Family size of households in each district of EP (percentage) .....................................25 Table 10: Age distribution of sample household members (percentage) ....................................25 Table 11: Educational attainment of each sample in each district (percentage) ..........................25 Table 12: Occupation of household head (percentage) ..............................................................26 Table 13: Average monthly income of sample households (percentage) ....................................26 Table 14: Average monthly expenditure of sample households (percentage) .............................27 Table 15: A summary of household assets ................................................................................27 Table 16 Details of type of housing structure (percentage) ........................................................28 Table 17: Details of sanitary facilities (percentage) ....................................................................28 Table 18: Availability of electricity (percentage) .........................................................................28 Table 19: Source of water (percentage) .....................................................................................29 Table 20: Details of vulnerable households ...............................................................................29 Table 21: Contribution of female members in family matters and community organizations – Batticaloa ..................................................................................................................................30