REFERENCES 1. Ochir-Goryaeva M.A. 2008. Arkheologicheskie

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REFERENCES 1. Ochir-Goryaeva M.A. 2008. Arkheologicheskie REFERENCES 1. Ochir-Goryaeva M.A. 2008. Arkheologicheskie pamyatniki volgo-manychskikh stepey (svod pamyatnikov, issledovannykh na territorii Respubliki Kalmykiya v 1929–1997 gg.). [Archaeological monuments of the Volga-Manych steppes (the list of architectural monuments, explored on the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia in 1929–1997)]. Elista, Gerel Publishers: 298 p. (In Russian). 2. Zlatkin I.Ya. 1964. Istoriya Dzhungarskogo khanstva (1635–1758). [The history of the Dhungar khanate (1635–1758)]. Moscow, Nauka Publ.: 482 p. (In Russian). 3. Moiseev V.A. 1998. Rossiya i Dzhungarskoe khanstvo v XVIII veke (ocherk vneshnepoliticheskikh otnosheniy). [Russia and the Dzungar khanate in the 18th century (essay of foreign policy relations)]. Barnaul, Altai state University Publ.: 174 p. (In Russian). 4. Gurevich B.P. 1985. 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