European Data Portal, 2016, Open Data Maturity in Europe
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emini Consulting prepared this study as part of the European Data Portal project. The This report is the second in a series of annual studies and explores the level of Open Data Maturity in the EU28 and Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein – referred to as EU28+. The measurement is built on two key indicators Open Data Readiness and Portal Maturity, thereby covering the level of development of national activities promoting Open Data as well as the level of development of national portals. In 2016, with a 28.6% increase compared to 2015, the EU28+ countries completed over 55% of their Open Data journey showing that, by 2016, a majority of the EU28+ countries have successfully developed a basic approach to address Open Data. The Portal Maturity level increased by 22.6 percentage points from 41.7% to 64.3% thanks to the development of more advanced features on country data portals. The overall Open Data Maturity groups countries into different clusters: Beginners, Followers, Fast Trackers and Trend Setters. Barriers do remain to move Open Data forward. The report concludes on a series of recommendations, providing countries with guidance to further improve Open Data maturity. Countries need to raise more (political) awareness around Open Data, increase automated processes on their portals to increase usability and re-usability of data, and organise more events and trainings to support both local and national initiatives. Résumé Ce rapport est le second d’une série de rapports annuels et explore le niveau de maturité « Open Data » des 28 pays de l’UE ainsi que les pays de l’Association européenne de libre-échange (AELE), dénommés UE28+. Deux indicateurs clés sont utilisés. Ils couvrent à la fois la maturité des politiques nationales visant à promouvoir l’ouverture des données publiques ainsi que les fonctions disponibles sur les portails nationaux. En 2016, l’UE28+ a réalisé plus de 55% du chemin vers l’ouverture des données, ce qui représente une croissance de 28,6% par rapport à 2015. Ceci démontre que les pays ont réussi à établir les bases nécessaires à l’ouverture des données. Le niveau de maturité des portails nationaux a progressé de 22,6 points de pourcentage, passant de 41,7% à 64,3%, grâce notamment à la mise en place de fonctionnalités plus avancées. La maturité « Open Data» des différents pays s’établit désormais sur quatre niveaux : débutant, suiveur, accélérateur et précurseur. Un certain nombre d’obstacles demeure afin de poursuivre le chemin de l’ouverture des données. Une série de recommandations a été formulée de manière à guider les pays. Outre une stratégie soutenant l’ouverture des données, les pays ont besoin de plus de portage politique ; de communiquer davantage sur l’ouverture des données ; d’accroitre l’automatisation de certaines fonctions sur leurs portails pour en faciliter l’utilisation ; d’organiser plus d’événements et de formations en lien avec « l’Open Data » afin de soutenir les initiatives nationales et locales. 3 Table of Contents Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... 2 List of Figures ........................................................................................................................................... 5 Executive summary ................................................................................................................................. 6 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 10 2. Approach to assessing Open Data Maturity across Europe .......................................................... 12 2.1 Method to Assess Open Data Maturity ............................................................................. 13 2.2 The details of the Open Data Maturity Scoring ................................................................. 17 3. The current state of play ............................................................................................................... 19 3.1 Open Data Readiness ........................................................................................................ 19 3.1.1. Presence of Open Data policies ................................................................................ 19 3.1.2. Impact of Open Data ................................................................................................. 30 3.1.3. Overview of Open Data Readiness ............................................................................ 43 3.2 Portal Maturity .................................................................................................................. 47 3.2.1. Usability of the portal ............................................................................................... 47 3.2.2. Re-usability of data ................................................................................................... 48 3.2.3. Spread of data ........................................................................................................... 49 3.2.4. Overview of Portal Maturity ..................................................................................... 52 4. Barriers remain in reaching full Open Data maturity .................................................................... 54 4.1 Political barriers ................................................................................................................. 54 4.2 Legal barriers ..................................................................................................................... 54 4.3 Technical barriers .............................................................................................................. 55 4.4 Financial ............................................................................................................................. 56 4.5 Other barriers .................................................................................................................... 56 4.6 Progress on barriers .......................................................................................................... 56 5. Insights and recommendations ..................................................................................................... 58 5.1 Open Data Maturity ........................................................................................................... 58 5.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................................. 62 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 66 Annex I – Links to country factsheets .................................................................................................... 67 Annex II – Detailed scoring .................................................................................................................... 68 Annex III – Domains listed in the G8 Open Data Charter ...................................................................... 71 4 List of Figures Figure 1 - EU28+ average of Open Data Readiness in 2015 and 2016 .................................................... 7 Figure 2 - EU28+ average Open Data Readiness ..................................................................................... 8 Figure 3 - EU28+ Open Data Maturity clusters ........................................................................................ 9 Figure 4 - Benefits of Open Data ........................................................................................................... 10 Figure 5 - Screenshot of European Data Portal website ....................................................................... 12 Figure 6 - Screen shot of the European Data Portal landscaping dashboard........................................ 16 Figure 7 - Activities during Open Government week in Romania ......................................................... 21 Figure 8 - Coordination Structure by .......................................................................... 23 Figure 9 - organises a Webinar ............................................................................................. 24 Figure 10 - EU 28+ average of Presence of Open Data policies in 2015 and 2016 ............................... 27 Figure 11 - EU28+ countries with largest proportion of visitors per month on portal relative to country size. Absolute numbers of visitors per month is also given ..................................................... 28 Figure 12 - Score Use of Open Data per country in 2015 and 2016, with averages 2015 and 2016 .... 30 Figure 13 - EU28+ average of Impact of Open Data policies in 2015 and 2016 .................................... 31 Figure 14 - Council for Digitization of Sweden - screenshot of website ............................................... 32 Figure 15 - Screenshot of Austrian survey............................................................................................. 32 Figure 16 - Screenshot of Open Data France......................................................................................... 33 Figure 17 - Screenshot of Irish Realtime waterlevel website ................................................................ 33 Figure 18 - Screenshot of Splash – Ireland’s national ..........................................................................