( 2018-2023) Lhuntse Dzongkhag Twelfth Five-Year Plan (Volume-III)

Twelfth Five Year Plan Document © Copyright Gross National Happiness Commission (2019) Published by: Gross National Happiness Commission Royal Government of .

ISBN: 978-99936-55-04-6 ISBN: 978-99936-55-05-3 Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag


Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

-v- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

-vi- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. Background...... 1

2. Dzongkhag Map...... 2

3. Dzongkhag at a Glance...... 3

4. Key strategies...... 7

5. Resource Allocation Formula (RAF) of Dzongkhag and Gewog...... 5 5.1 Dzongkhag- RAF criteria and weights...... 5 5.2 Gewogs- RAF criteria and weights...... 6

6. Rationale and expenditure objectives of capital grants allocated under each RAF criteria and sub-criteria for Lhuentse...... 7 6.1 Dzongkhag...... 7 6.2 Eight (8) Gewogs...... 10

7. Resource Allocation (Capital Grants share) of Dzongkhag and Gewogs...... 13

8. Local Government Key Result Areas (LGKRAs)...... 13

9. LGKRA 1: Gainful employment created and local economy enhanced (4 KPIs)...... 14 9.1 Program Summary and Strategies...... 16 9.2 Programme Output Matrix...... 18

10. LGKRA 2: Food and nutrition security enhanced (9 KPIs)...... 24 10.1 Programme Summary and Strategies...... 26 10.1 Programme Output Matrix...... 28

11. LGKRA 3: Community health enhanced and water security ensured ( 13 KPIs)...... 57 11.1 Programme Summary and Strategies...... 59 11.2 Programme Output Matrix...... 60

12. LGKRA 4: Quality of education & skills improved (9 KPIs)...... 72 12.1 Programme Summary and Strategies...... 74 12.2 Programme Output Matrix...... 75

-vii- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

13. LGKRA 5: Culture & Traditions preserved and promoted (6 KPIs)...... 88 13.1 Programme Summary and Strategies...... 90 13.2 Programme Output Matrix...... 91

14. LGKRA 6: Livability, safety and sustainability of human settlements improved (9KPIs)...... 107 14.1 Programme Summary and Strategies...... 109 14.2 Programme Output Matrix...... 111

15. LGKRA 7: Transparent, effective and efficient public service delivery enhanced (4 KPIs)...... 122 15.1 Programme Summary and Strategies...... 123 15.2 Programme Output Matrix...... 125

16. LGKRA 8: Democracy & decentralization strengthened (4 KPIs)...... 134 16.1 Programme Summary and Strategies...... 135 16.2 Programme Output Matrix...... 137

17. LGKRA 9: Carbon neutral, climate and disaster resilient development enhanced (5 KPIs)...... 147 17.1 Programme Summary and strategies...... 148 17.2 Programme Output Matrix...... 150

18. LGKRA 10: Gender equality promoted, women and girls empowered (5 KPIs)...... 160 18.1 Programme Summary and Strategies...... 162 18.2 Programme Output Matrix...... 163

19. LGKRA 11: Improved and sustained livelihood of the highlanders (3 KPIs)...... 174 19.1 Programme Summary and Strategies...... 175 19.2 Programme Output Matrix...... 176

20. Programme Monitoring and Evaluation Plan...... 178

21. Collaborating agencies and requirements...... 179

21. Common minimum infrastructure and Outlay...... 182

22. Central Agencies’ activities for Dzongkhag...... 183

-viii- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag


Lhuentse Dzongkhag has an area of approximately 2853 km2 with altitudes ranging from 600 to 5800 meters above sea level. With 61.48 per cent of the total land area under forest cover, it is home to various species of flora and fauna. The southern parts of Jarey and Maedtsho Gewogs falls under Phrumshingla National Park, while Khoma and some part of Minjey fall under the Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary. The northern part (Gangzur and Kurtoed) of the Dzongkhag falls under the Wangchuck Centennial Park region. Rest of the region serves as a good biological corridor.

-1- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag


-2- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - - - - - 1 1 4 1 23 931 479 1935 1004 89.72 124.27 Tsaenkhar - - - - - 1 3 12 7.9 714 716 304 43.5 1430 90.96 218.34 Minjey - - - - - 1 1 2 12 48 466 77.9 2341 1191 1150 88.68 Maenbi - - - - - 1 0 16 18 945 470 475 237 93.69 10.65 137.66 Maedtsho - - - - - 1 4 31 7.5 740 379 361 175 58.6 76.3 960.11 Status Status Kurtoed - - - - - 1 2 12 7.7 731 770 362 30.5 1501 73.01 652.75 Khoma - - - - - 1 3 6 14 494 514 228 7.18 1008 93.91 137.61 Jarey - - - - - 1 3 6 16 500 66.2 2262 1141 1121 89.15 534.15 Gangzur 8 64 17 6.7 4.5 109 1.0 7407 7030 3111 0.773 319.5 49.93 14437 2853.57 111,550 Dzongkhag Male Female DZONGKHAG AT A GLANCE A AT DZONGKHAG

Indicators Indicators Income Household Annual Mean (GNH Survey 2015) (Nu.) 2017) Rate (PAR Poverty 2017) (MPI MPI 2017) % (PHCB rate Unemployment GNHI (GNH Survey 2015) use land and Population populationTotal households of number Total 2015) km) (sq. (RNR Statistics Area (%)(RNR Statistics Cover Forest 2015) RNR Center Cooperatives Farmer’s of Number schemes Irrigation of number Total (Number) Schemes Irrigation of lengths Total (km) ElectricLength of fencing 3.

-3- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 1 1 3 0 0 0 3 7 0 0 7 0 16 97 28 100 99.4 Tsaenkhar 3 1 5 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 28 24 24 100 99.7 Minjey 1 0 0 0 2 4 1 0 4 0 13 20 30 3.7 162 100 99.4 Maenbi 4 1 3 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 43 60 27 100 98.3 Maedtsho 2 1 7 7 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 49 102 100 100 Status Status Kurtoed 5 1 6 2 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 3 0 50 103 100 100 Khoma 3 1 3 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 3 0 10 73 19 100 97.8 Jarey 1 1 6 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 4 1 24 43 99 148 98.4 Gangzur 8 0 1 0 1 0 1 62 14 31 24 134 769 270 799 22.7 99.2 Dzongkhag Indicators Indicators electric of fencing Number shop Farm of Number plants Bio-gas of Number tiller power of Number machinery (Grinding Agriculture rice mill thresher, huller, machine, etc.) POS account with People Hospitals of Number Grade Units Basic Health of Number I Grade Units Basic Health of Number II Reach Clinics Out of Number sub-post of Number nurses of Number HA of Number Doctors of Number access with households of Percentage drinking of sources improved to water Schemes Supply Water Rural Number Supply Water Rural Functional Schemes (Percentage)

-4- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - 0 2 3 0 0 0 4 1 5 1 1 39 49 47 56 467 68.9 1:14 Tsaenkhar - 1 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 5 0 0 31 26 17 28 271 66.5 1:16 Minjey - 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 5 1 2 16 42 46 40 440 70.6 1:17 Maenbi - 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 5 1 5 1 2 11 28 67 260 83.5 1:13 Maedtsho - 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 10 75 50 235 83.4 1:14 Status Status Kurtoed - 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 39 27 19 27 336 83.2 1:12 Khoma - 0 4 2 0 0 0 3 0 5 0 1 33 16 36 18 206 63.2 1:14 Jarey - 1 2 2 1 0 1 9 0 5 0 1 64 49 40 127 658 75.4 1:13 Gangzur 6 2 1 1 2 3 7 15 10 23 40 239 245 317 326 75.4 99.8 1:14 2873 Dzongkhag Indicators Indicators access with households of Percentage facilities sanitation improved to rate Enrolment Classrooms Extended ECCD Centre Primary schools secondaryLower schools secondaryMiddle schools secondaryHigher schools Education non-formal Number (NFE)Centers NFE Learners of Number teachers of Number per teacher students of Number Ratio) Teacher (Student Central Schools Chiwogs of Number Gungtongs Villages of Number members DT female of Number GT members female of Number electrified Households of Number

-5- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 1 0 1 4 1 3 0 2 1 0 56 95 10 22 135 93.7 Tsaenkhar 1 7 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 20 95 43 8.2 33.6 Minjey 3 7 1 8 8 2 3 1 1 1 1 76 98 10 67 58.2 Maenbi 6 6 0 4 7 2 1 0 1 0 0 27 95 22 21 33.03 Maedtsho 3 5 2 7 5 2 1 1 0 0 0 48 90 41 56 35.48 Status Status Kurtoed 3 8 4 3 1 1 1 0 0 15 85 17 11 5.6 119 63.7 Khoma 9 1 5 0 8 5 8 1 3 2 2 0 70 16 49 55.20 Jarey 5 1 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 29 85 10 12 10 64 85.4 Gangzur 9 4 2 3 97 23 60 63 63 35 16 10 280 554 112.8 457.32 Dzongkhag Indoor sports hall Indoor Football Basketball Badminton Others Indicators Indicators mobile villages with of Number coverage rate penetration Mobile Bridges Suspension of Number Gewog Connectivity Road (km) Road Farm of Number (km) road farm Length of owned government of Number lhakhangs/temples owned community of Number /temples lhakhangs owned privately of Number /temples lhakhangs chortens of Number sports facilities/ground of No.

-6- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag


The key strategies identified in the th12 FYP are:: 1. Enhance income and resilient capacities particularly of the poor and vulnerable in eradicating poverty in all its forms;

2. Develop and improve critical infrastructures and ensure standard and quality;

3. Provide effective, efficient and user-friendly public services and amenities;

4. Promote and strengthen entrepreneurship, enterprises and industries of all types;

5. Identify, build and strengthen critical HR capacity and skills and ensure their effective and efficient management and utilization;

6. Initiate Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement and hire experts for planning and implementation to offset lack of HR capacity and skills;

7. Increase contracting and outsourcing of works and services while ensuring quality and value for money;

8. Increase dialogue and collaboration with private sector, community and others in every value chain development of economy;

9. Identify issues, opportunities and mitigating interventions related to cross- cutting issues and themes such as gender, climate, environment, disaster, poverty, population and vulnerable and disabled people, etc. during plan and strategy formulation;

10. Tap incentives and sectoral support available through various policies such as EDP, Fiscal Incentives Policy, CSMI Policy, etc. for local development and economic/business growth; and

11. Ensure that the mandatory indicators related to corruption reduction namely, work, integrity, & leadership culture index; corruption, transparency & accountability index; and administrative sanction against public officials as KPIs in the Annual Performance Agreement, in addition to ensuring that measures to reduce corruption are strengthened and implemented.

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5.1 Dzongkhag- RAF criteria and weights

Criteria & Sub-Criteria & Description/Indicator Weight Weight Number of production & manufacturing Cottage & CSI (20%) Inverse Small Industries (CSI) to resident population in the Dzongkhag (CSI Report, 2018) Number of people unemployed (aged 15 years & above 1) Economy who during the reference period are without work, (40%) People unemployed (10%) currently available for work & seeking work) in the Dzongkhag (PHCB, 2017) Employed in Number of people( aged 15-64 years) employed in agriculture (10%) agriculture in the Dzongkhag (PHCB, 2017) 2) Health Crude Death Rate Number of deaths in a year per 1000 population the (10%) (10%) Dzongkhag (PHCB 2017) Student’s Pass percentage (40%) of students in class X in BCSE 3) Education performance (10%) in the Dzongkhag (Pupil Performance Report, 2018, (10%) Inverse BCSEA) Level of happiness & general wellbeing of the 4) GNH Index GNH index (15%) population in the Dzongkhag (GNH Survey Report, (15%) Inverse 2015) Cultural Average number of days of participation by people 6) Culture participation (10%) in socio-cultural activities in the Dzongkhag (GNH (10%) Inverse Survey Report, 2015) Waste disposal and Number of people affected by inadequate waste disposal 7) litter (10%) sites & littering in the Dzongkhag (PHCB, 2017) Environment (15%) Wildlife damages Number of people affected by wildlife in the Dzongkhag (5%) (PHCB, 2017)

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Gewogs- RAF criteria and weights

Criteria & Sub-Criteria& Description/Indicator Weight Weight 1) Population Resident Population Number of resident population of the Gewog (PHCB, (15%) (15%) 2017) 2) GNH Index GNH index (10%) Level of happiness & general wellbeing of the (10%) Inverse population in the Gewog. (GNH Survey Report, 2015) 3) Farming Kamzhing (5%) Area of Kamzhing (dry land) in acres owned by people (15%) in the Gewog (PHCB 2017) Chuzhing (5%) Area of Chhuzhing (wetland) in acres owned by people in the Gewog (PHCB 2017) Livestock (5%) Number of livestock (“Nor”) owned by people in the Gewog. (PHCB 2017) 4) Health (20%) U5MR (5%) Rate of U5 deaths in percentage in the last 12 months to total births in the last 12 months in the Gewog (PHCB 2017) Unreliable water Number of households without access to reliable water supply (10%) (unavailability of water at least during the critical time 5AM-8AM, 11AM-2 PM and 5PM-9PM & not adequate for washing/cooking) in the Gewog (PHCB 2017) Unhygienic Number of households without access to improved sanitation (5%) sanitation facilities (households without pour flush, ventilated improved pit, pit latrine with slab & composting toilet) in the Gewog (PHCB 2017) 5) Education School aged Number of school-age children (aged 6-14 years) out (5%) children of school in the Gewog (PHCB 2017) unschooled (aged 6-14 years) (5%) 6) Poverty Income Poverty Number of people below poverty line (< Nu 2195.95 (15%) (5%) per person per month) in the Gewog (BLSS 2012) Average HHs Mean per-capita household income (in Nu.) in the Income (10%) Gewog (BLSS, 2012) Inverse 7) Distance to road Number of households within walking distance of Transportation/ head (15%) more than 30 minutes from the nearest road head in Distance (20%) the Gewog (PHCB 2017) Transportation cost Per unit cost per metric ton per kilometer (distance) (5%) of Dzongkhag headquarter from Phuentsholing (Administrative Data, RSTA)

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6.1 Dzongkhag

Criteria, weightage and allocation for Dzongkhag

Sl. No. Criteria Weightage (%) Amount (Nu in million) 1 Economy 40 264.52 2 GNH index 15 118.93 3 Health 10 99.72 4 Education 10 87.87 5 Culture 10 79.59 6 Environment 15 50.53 Total 701.15

Figure 1- Allocation based on RAF criteria and Weightage for Dzongkhag

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1. The first criteria of economy is measured by three sub-criteria: 1. Number of cottage and small Industry (CSI) engaged in production and manufacturing to resident population, 2. Number of unemployed people, and 3. Number of people employed in the agriculture sector in the Dzongkhag.

The grant allocation under sub-criteria 1, 2 and 3 isNu.185.94.11 millionNu. 26.34 million and is Nu. 52.23millionrespectively. Resource allocation is made as inverse of per capita CSI, whereby more resource is allocated to Dzongkhags with less CSI (in production and manufacturing) per capita. So Dzongkhags receive higher resource allocation for higher number of unemployed people and people employed in agriculture in the Dzongkhag.

The grant is allocated to encourage and direct Dzongkhag to invest in priority interventions to promote cottage, small and medium industries, particularly in production and manufacturing. Focus will be on supporting CSI operations, building entrepreneurship and business skills, encouraging women participation, strengthening rural connectivity in transport and roads, enhancing product diversification and value addition, exploring new markets, and increasing sale of local products and exports to enhance local economy, rural and farm income and job creation, particularly for unemployed youth. Support will also be provided to build skills of farmers, make farming and farm employment attractive, intensify and maximize food production and variety from the limited arable land.

2. Health (Crude death rate-CDR) and education (Students’ performance in class X) is the second and third criteria, for which grant allocation under the sub-criteria, CDR and students’ performance is Nu. 99.72 million and Nu. 87.87 million respectively. Resource allocation for education is made as inverse of students’ performance, whereby more resource is allocated to Dzongkhags with low students’ performance. For health, higher the CDR Dzongkhag receives more resources.

The grant is allocated to encourage and direct the Dzongkhag to invest in priority interventions to enhance and achieve quality health and education services. Focus will be on improving services’ quality, professional development of teachers, nurses and doctors, infrastructure and services, student’s performance, and life skills for enhanced learning outcomes, and preparing students for jobs in future. Awareness and education, helpline services and other counselling support to reduce and prevent suicides, drugs and alcohol abuses, and joblessness will be carried out.

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3. The fourth criteria of GNH Index reflects the level of happiness and general wellbeing of the population from the lens of nine domains in the Dzongkhag.

The grant allocation under GNH Index isNu. 118.93 million. The inverse of GNH Index is used for resource allocation, whereby less happier Dzongkhags receive more resource. The grant is allocated to encourage and direct Dzongkhag to invest in priority interventions to enhance conducive conditions and provide holistic development support to improve well-being and happiness of the people. Focus will particularly be on less happier people such as women, rural residents, widowed, divorced or separated people, less educated, and farmers, and in improving psychological well-being (anger, frustration, and spirituality), community vitality (belonging), and cultural diversity (Driglam Namzha), which have suffered significant reduction in sufficiency in the Dzongkhag. Provision of 100% clean drinking water, steady water supply for sanitation and pour flush toilets to poorest households will also be a priority requiring attention,

4. Culture is the fifth criteria and the Dzongkhag receives, Nu.79.59million as grant allocation under the only sub-criteria ‘number of days of participation in socio-cultural activities by the people in the Dzongkhag’. The inverse of culture criteria is used for resource allocation, whereby Dzongkhags with lesser number of days engaged in cultural participation by the people will receive more resource.

This is to encourage and direct the Dzongkhag to invest in priority interventions towards promoting culture and tradition. Emphasis is placed on preservation, documentation, awareness and promotion of intangible culture and heritage such as songs, dances, folk stories, local festivals, our unique identity, and social and family cohesion. Improvement in psychological well-being (spirituality), community vitality (belonging), and cultural diversity (Driglam Namzha), which have suffered significant reduction in sufficiency so far will also be given importance under this criteria. Volunteerism, participation in socio-environment and cultural activities and programmes will also be promoted.

5. Environment is the last criteria and measured by two sub-criteria: 1. Number of people affected by waste disposal sites and litter, and 2. Number of people affected by wildlife damages. Lhuentse receives Nu. 17.71 million and Nu. 32.82 million under sub-criteria, 1 and 2 respectively. Under this Dzongkhags with more number of people affected by waste disposal sites, litter and wildlife damages receives more resource.

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The grant is allocated to encourage and direct Dzongkhag to invest in priority interventions to institute proper waste disposal and management system. In particular it will promote waste segregation, reduction, reusing, recycling, and make towns and settlements green, clean and beautiful through awareness and education. Proper green transportation facilities for reducing pollution will be promoted alongside management of human wildlife conflict and issues such as protecting and insuring farms and crops from wildlife damages through technologies and awareness creation.

6.2 Eight (8) Gewogs

Criteria, weightage and amount for Gewogs

Sl.No Criteria Weightage (%) Amount (Nu in million) 1 Resident Population 15 48.261 2 GNH Index 10 42.232 3 Farming 15 65.800 4 Health 20 13.657 5 Education 5 27.372 6 Poverty 15 82.346 7 Transportation cost/distance 20 96.970 Total 427.95

Figure 2- Allocation based on RAF criteria and Weightage for Gewogs

-13- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

1. The total grant allocation under resident population criteria for Gewogs is Nu. 48.261 million. Gewogs with larger size of resident population will receive more resource as it ensures best possible equal per capita resource allocation reflecting developmental issues and needs faced by the resident population.

The grant is allocated to encourage and direct Gewogs to invest in priority interventions to develop and improve infrastructure and facilities of primary schools, outreach clinics and outposts, create rural employment, improve quality of public service delivery and other amenities for the communities, and make rural settlements and living attractive and livable in order to reduce gungtongs and rural-urban migration. 2. The total grant allocation under GNH Index criteria for Gewogs is Nu.42.232 million. The inverse of GNH Index is used for resource allocation, which means less happier Gewogs receive higher resource share.

The grant is allocated to encourage and direct Gewogs to invest in priority interventions to foster conditions conducive for holistic development and improvement of well-being and happiness through awareness, education and other support. Focus will be on people, particularly those less happier such as women, rural residents, widowed, divorced or separated people, less educated and farmers. Psychological well-being (anger, frustration, and spirituality), community vitality (belonging), and cultural diversity (Driglam Namzha), which have suffered significant reduction in sufficiency so far in the Gewogs will also be a priority.

3. The total grant allocation under farming criteria isNu. 17.746 million, Nu.25.108 million and Nu. 22.946millionfor sub-criteria, area of Kamzhing (dry land),area of Chhuzhing (wetland) and number of livestock (nor) owned by people in the Gewog. Gewogs with larger land-holdings, of kamzhing and chuzhing, and more number of livestock receive more resource.

Agriculture and farming practice is the mainstay of rural population, and a key contributor to food sufficiency, poverty reduction, income generation, gross domestic product, better livelihood and a main source of rural employment. The grant is allocated to encourage and direct the Gewogs to invest in priority interventions to support farmers, intensify and maximize food production and variety from the limited arable land and livestock potential, and increase sale of agriculture and livestock produces.

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4. Health is the fourth criteria for resource allocation and is measured by three sub-criteria, 1. Under 5 mortality rate; 2. Number of households without access to reliable water for drinking, washing and cooking; and 3. Number of households without access to improved sanitation facilities.

The total grant allocation under sub-criteria 1, 2 and 3 isNu.28.761 million, Nu.22.550 million, and Nu. 13.657 million respectively. Higher the under 5 mortality rate, and higher the households without reliable water supply and improved sanitation facilities, greater the resource allocation to these Gewogs.

The grant is allocated to encourage and direct Gewogs to invest in priority interventions to promote healthy communities and reduce poverty in order to maintain health outposts and outreach clinics, ensure effective delivery of services and attendance by health personnel, access to facilities for mother and child to address mortality and other issues, awareness and education to prevent and reduce deaths due to other factors such as suicides. Provision of 100 percent 24x7 safe drinking water in dwellings, proper drains and drainage systems in the villages, and sanitation facilities especially supporting the poorest households to at least have a pour flush toilet will also be priorities.

5. Education is the fifth criteria with a weight of 5% for resource allocation and is measured through the sub-criteria, 1. Number of school-age children (6-14) out of school in the Gewog and total grant allocation is Nu.27.372 million. More resource is allocated to Gewogs with larger number of out-of- school children.

Education empowers people and society, is instrumental in reducing and eradicating poverty and preparing people for jobs. The grant is allocated to encourage and direct the Gewogs to invest in priority interventions to enhance and achieve education access and quality services for rural children and supporting out-of-school children to ensure their school attendance and completion.

6. Poverty is the sixth criteria for resource allocation and is measured by sub- criteria; 1.Number of people below poverty line (< Nu 2195.95 per person per month) in the Gewog and; 2. Mean per capita household income in the Gewog.

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The grant allocation for sub-criteria 1 and 2 is Nu. 23.195 million and Nu. 59.151 million respectively. For sub-criteria 1, Gewogs with larger number of poor people will receive greater resource share. For sub-criteria 2, Inverse of mean per capita household income is used, Gewogs with low mean per capita household income receives more resource.

Poverty is a rural phenomenon and reducing or eradicating it at the earliest is key to increased income, rural prosperity and sustainable communities. The grant is allocated to encourage and direct Gewogs to invest in priority interventions to support rural entrepreneurs and farmers on skills and knowledge, support creation and operation of rural enterprises, promote rural products, increase sale of rural products, and improve living standards of the people.

7. Transportation cost/distance is the seventh and last criteria used for resource allocation and is measured by two sub-criteria namely, 1. Distance to road head, and 2. Transportation cost index. The grant allocation under sub- criteria 1 and 2 is Nu.48.111 million and Nu. 48.858 million respectively. Greater the distance and higher the transportation cost for Gewogs, more resource is accordingly allocated.

The distance to road head and transportation cost index take into account geographical location, remoteness and spatial conditions of a Gewog or rural settlement, especially distance of gewog households from the main supply hub of Phuentsholing, for raw materials and utilities needed for development. The criteria is used to compensate for huge investment requirements and administrative costs arising from high transportation costs associated with the aforementioned conditions and rising fuel costs, to deliver raw materials and utilities for development and public services delivery.

The grant is allocated to encourage and direct Gewogs to invest in priority interventions to improve/strengthen rural connectivity, particularly roads, bridges, footpaths and tracks, encourage private entities to provide public transport services in remote areas, and meet the additional costs of providing quality rural infrastructures, facilities and services.

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Capital Grant Share (Nu. in Million) Sl. No. Dzongkhag/ Gewogs Total RAF CMI 1 Dzongkhag 701.155 221.260 922.415 2 Gangzur 74.707 19.800 94.507 3 Jarey 43.150 19.800 62.950 4 Khoma 62.382 19.800 82.182 5 Kurtoed 31.853 19.800 51.653 6 Maedtsho 39.909 19.800 59.709 7 Maenbi 60.361 21.000 81.361 8 Minjey 43.656 19.800 63.456 9 Tsaenkhar 71.932 19.800 91.732 Total 1129.1 380.860 1509.965

Note: 1. From the total RAF based grants allocation to the Dzongkhag, Nu. 10 Million per Year per Dzongkhag to be used as Dzongkhag Development Grant (DDG) under DDG Guideline. 2. All RAF based grants allocation to the Gewogs will be released as Annual Grant (AG) on a ‘Quarterly basis’ upon submission of the Budget Utilization Plan (BUP) under AG Guideline.

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1. LGKRA 1: Gainful employment created and local economy enhanced 2. LGKRA 2: Food and nutrition security enhanced 3. LGKRA 3: Community health enhanced and water security ensured 4. LGKRA 4: Quality of education and skills improved 5. LGKRA 5: Culture and traditions preserved and promoted 6. LGKRA 6: Livability, safety and sustainability of human settlements improved 7. LGKRA 7: Transparent, effective and efficient public service delivery enhanced 8. LGKRA 8: Democracy and decentralization strengthened 9. LGKRA 9: Carbon neutral, climate and disaster resilient development enhanced 10. LGKRA 10: Gender equality promoted, women and girls empowered 11. LGKRA 11: Improved and sustained livelihood of the highlander

-18- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Track Track Remarks Remarks Dzongkhag: Dzongkhag: 16 + Dzo Central Agencies: Track Private: Gewogs: 5 4 Dzongkhag: + Dzo Central Agencies: Track Private: Gewogs: 1 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) Collection Collection methodology Administrative Administrative record Administrative record/Record by maintained Trade Regional Office Data source Data Administrative Administrative Data, Dzongkhag RNR sectors Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Unit Planning NT: 5 NT: Target NT: 21 NT: 4 175 (2016) (2014) Baseline No. No. Unit Description This indicator indicator This of creation measures agro- as such CSMI and based, livestock fishery enterprises The businesses. and to CSMI number be to be created CSMI by distinguished by 1) solely created plan Dzongkhag’s 2) interventions, partnership through and Dzongkhag of 3) and agencies central with entities private by support/facilitation from Dzongkhag. indicator This creation measures non-farm of to related CSMIs and manufacturing services clothing like & textiles, handicrafts, KPI CSMIs CSMIs established (farm) CSMIs established (non-farm) ENHANCED (4 KPIS) (4 ENHANCED LGKRA 1: GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT CREATED AND LOCAL ECONOMY LOCAL AND ECONOMY CREATED EMPLOYMENT GAINFUL LGKRA 1: NKRA

1. Macroeconomic ensured stability 2. Economic and diversity productivity enhanced 3. Poverty eradicated inequality and reduced 10. Gender equality promoted and girls and women empowered 11. Productive gainful and employment created 9.

-19- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Track Remarks Remarks Dzongkhag: 4 Dzongkhag: + Dzo Central Agencies: Track Private: Gewogs: 1 1) 2) 3) 4) Collection Collection methodology Administrative Administrative record/Record by maintained Trade Regional Office Administrative record Data source Data Administrative Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Unit Planning Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Unit Planning NT: 5 NT: Target NT: 500 NT: 175 990 (2014) (2017) Baseline No. No. Unit Description furniture, minerals, minerals, furniture, IT& restaurant hotels, repairs, electronic dry & salon, cobbler tourism, cleaning, number The etc.) be to created CSMI beto distinguished 1) created CSMI by Dzongkhag’s by solely 2) interventions, plan partnership through and Dzongkhag of 3) and agencies central with entities private by support/facilitation from Dzongkhag. indicator The spent night measures in the a tourist by segregated Dzongkhag and domestic by international. KPI Tourist Tourist by arrivals bed nights NKRA 1. Macroeconomic ensured stability 2. Economic and diversity productivity enhanced 3. Poverty eradicated inequality and reduced 10. Gender equality promoted and girls and women empowered 11. Productive gainful and employment created

-20- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Track Remarks Remarks Dzongkhag: Dzongkhag: 100 + Dzo Central Agencies: Track Private: 1) 2) 3) Collection Collection methodology Administrative Administrative record Data source Data Administrative Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Unit Planning RNR and sectors Target NT: 100 NT: 16 (2015) Baseline No. Unit Description This indicator indicator This of number measures and jobs (farm paid in created non-farm) A the Dzongkhag. defined job is paid a or a profession as or cash earning work number The payment. created jobs paid of by beto distinguished 1) solely jobs created the Dzongkhag’s by 2) interventions, plan partnership through and Dzongkhag of 3) and agencies central with entities private by support/facilitation from Dzongkhag. KPI Jobs created created Jobs and (farm non-farm) NKRA

-21- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

9.1 Program Summary and Strategies

Programme Title: Economic Development and Employment Generation Objective: To enhance local economy and create gainful employment Collaborating Agencies: MoEA/MoLHR/MoF/MoAF/TCB

Programme Strategies: The Dzongkhag will focus on the following strategies: 1. The Dzongkhag in the second or third year of the 12th FYP, will form a Local Business Committee that will study and deliberate on the issues and opportunities that the Dzongkhag has, and come up with an economic growth plan and strategies to enhance the local economy. The committee will collaborate with relevant central agencies such as MoLHR, MoEA, BCCI, REDCL and other agencies for necessary support and guidance. This committee will re-visit Dzongkhag economic development plans drafted in the 11th FYP for pertinent issues, opportunities and strategies. Dzongkhag will also refer to the Dzongkhag economic opportunities study report done by erstwhile Business Opportunities and Information Centre, Dzongkhag Investment opportunities study report by MoEA, and also by BCCI for findings and recommendations, and guidance.

2. The Dzongkhag will establish 25 CSMIs (non-farm-5 and farm-20) in the Gewogs. The Kharang Processing and Product Diversification unit will be established at Jarey in order to supply maize by-end products to the people of the Dzongkhag and nearby Dzongkhag like . One of the most appealing aspects of culture of Lhuentse is the colorful attire of Kishuthara worn by women that Lhuentse is famous for. These weavers needs to be supported and encouraged to maintain the tradition. Cottage and small industries with special focus on promoting and strengthening Kishuthara; the iconic attire woven by women in Lhuentse, and worn by women all over Bhutan, is limited and needs to be strengthened. Hence, the Kishuthara Development Centre, which may be established in the form of Community Learning Centre (to cater multiple uses of the centre and reap maximum benefits) will be establish at Minjey/Tangmachu Gewog. The Centre may also explore to provide skills development training for the weavers and function as Kishuthara Display Centre in the Dzongkhag. The buyers could easily drop in to the centre for any information related to Kishuthara. The Shazo Development Centre will also be established in Gangzur to provide a platform for the Shazo lovers to practice their skills in Shazo and make their living productively.

3. The other CSMIs such as Milk Processing Units, Semi Commercial and Commercial Poultry Farms, Semi Commercial and Commercial Dairy

-22- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Farms, Carpet Production and Deshog Production Unit, Potato Chips, Chilli Pickle Production, Chilli Powder Centres and Agriculture Commercial Farm will be established in various locations across all eight gewogs of the Dzongkhag. These enterprises will be established by the Dzongkhag Administration with the technical support from the respective Departments, APIC, DCSI, MoLHR, BCCI, etc.

4. The Dzongkhag will also provide support to struggling CSMIs (non-farm) in terms of skills enhancement trainings, and other hand holding support such as leasing of vacant plots, water supply, electricity and access roads including the provision of other basic amenities and structures.

5. Facilitate and support new products development and marketing: Ÿ In tourism: Dzongkhag is well renowned for its weavers and their textiles, and its pottery. Therefore, focus will be on developing the skills of these artisans in Gangzur and Khoma gewog through professional development and over-seas exchange programmes. Dzongkhag will also explore cultural and eco sightseeing and events, community lodges, farm houses, campsites, bird and animal watching etc. Explore opportunities for development of agro-tourism such as farm stays, homestays and guest houses in Dungkar gewog and Singye Dzong which receives a lot of domestic tourists. Moreover, some significant places such as Bangtshoi Gyalpoi Phodrang at Wambur, Zhiwalsar Ney at Minjey, Obi Dzong in Maedtsho, Ney Tshachu and other places bearing historical significance shall also be developed in order to attract more local tourists.

Ÿ In farm: The Dzongkhag is one of the highest producers of maize. In 2016, Dzongkhag produced 1775 kgs of maize (Agriculture Statistics, 2016), which is one of the highest after and Dzongkhags. The Dzongkhag will focus product diversification such as cornflakes, and traditional Tengma etc.

-23- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 3 100 0.300 0.300 NT: 11 NT: NT: 100 NT: 500 NT: June 2020 June (semi- Plan Target NT: 16 NT: NT: 4 NT: 11 commercial) NA NA NA (Year) Baseline 4 (2016) 0 (2017) 1 (2017) 0 (2017) 0 (2016) 16 (2016) 175 (2014) 990 (2017) 7 7 8 7 7 7 7 15 10 10 15 Weight No No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Unit Date Nu (in Nu Million) (in Nu Million) (farm (farm (farm (farm (farm) (non-farm) supported and Output Indicator Number of new CSMIs new CSMIs of Number new CSMIs of Number plan and strategy Local job creation in place agriculture sale of from Income products Number of existing CSMIs CSMIs existing of Number non-farm) and strengthened added new/value of Number services and products-goods non-farm) and rural ncluding job seekers of Number nmarket on trained entrepreneurs skills/entrepreneurship relevant jobs created of Number developed routes trekking of Number bed nights arrival by Tourist livestock sale of from Income products 50 50 Weight Output Functional Functional productive and CSMIs established Gainful jobs tourism and services created income Annual householdsof increased Outcome Gainful employment and created local economy enhanced Programme Output Matrix Output Programme 1 2 Sl. No. 9.2 9.2.1 Dzongkhag targets and indicators output Programme

-24- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - - - 2 5 2 20 40 100 0.300 0.300 FY 2022-23 - 1 3 5 2 2 20 20 100 0.250 0.250 FY 2021-22 4 1 4 1 4 20 20 100 0.200 0.200 June 2020 June FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Target Annual Projected - 1 2 1 3 1 20 20 100 0.150 0.150 FY 2019-20 ------1 20 100 0.100 0.100 FY 2018-19 supported KPI (farm and non-farm) and (farm (farm) (non-farm) Local job creation strategy and plan in place plan and strategy Local job creation rural entreprenureship including job seekers of Number skills/entreprenureship relevant market on trained jobs created of Number developed routes trekking of Number bed nights arrival by Tourist Number of new CSMIs new CSMIs of Number new CSMIs of Number CSMIs existing of Number strengthened and services and added new/value products-goods of Number non-farm) and (farm products agriculture sale of from Income products livestock sale of from Income 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 10 11 Sl. No. Projected Annual Target Annual Projected

-25- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks 7.000 9.400 4.500 3.500 2.000 4.000 5.000 4.000 12.769 24.400 53.569 23.000 Outlay Indicative Plan Plan Indicative (Nu. in Million) (Nu. Gewogs Gewogs Gewogs Gewogs Activity Location Dzongkhag/ Gangzur, Gangzur, Tsaenkhar, Maedtsho Tangmachu/ Minjey Gangzur Gangzur Kurtoed and Dungkar Nagtshang Major sub activities sub Major Activity Grand Total Grand Support for development of farm-based enterprises, product product farm-based enterprises, of development for Support enhancement marketing and diversification product enterprises, non-farm of development for Support enhancement marketing and diversification diversification product and tourism of promotion for Support farmers/youths/ of development capacity and plans Management, people entrepreneurs/business Potato Chilli powder, enterprise( Agro-based of Development pickling) chips, Centre/ Development Kishuthara Lhuentse of Development Centre Weaving Tshachhu Ney of Development trek Jasabi-Khenpajong and Khenpajong Ney- of Maintenance - 3 nos) constructions bridge (including route Nagtshang of - renovation Centre Heritage Wangchuck Establish artifacts of & , procurement structures surrounding and etc. development, capacity equipments, and capacity management and business entrepreneurship, Develop youth) and village homestays skills (farmers, Total Output Gainful Jobs and and Gainful Jobs servicestourism created and Gainful Jobs servicestourism created Functional and and Functional CSMIs Productive established household Annual increased income and Functional CSMIs Productive established household Annual increased income 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sl. No. Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme

-26- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 1 - Plan Target Remarks Remarks FY 2022-23 - (Year) 0 (2017) Baseline 0.600 1.000 1.600 FY 2021-22 (Nu. in Million) (Nu. Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative 1 Weight annually To be decided To FY 2020-21 Ney Activity Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Chiwogs Location No. Unit - FY 2019-20 Output - Indicator CSMIs CSMIs established (farm) FY 208-19 Weight annually Activity Total To be decided To (farm) Output KPI Functional Functional productive and CSMIs established Establishment of sheep farm sheep of Establishment skills development entrepreneurship for Support materials of supply including programmes CSMIs established established CSMIs Outcome Gainful employment and created local economy enhanced Output Gewogs: Functional and and Functional CSMIs productive established 1. 1 1 2 Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl. No. 9.2.2 GewogGangzur Targets Annual Projected Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme

-27- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 1 Plan - Target Remarks Remarks FY 2022-23 0 (2017) Baseline 3 0.200 0.200 FY 2021-22 Weight annually (Nu. in Million) (Nu. To be decided To Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative - No. Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - Activity Location Ladrong/ Yumchey/ Yumchey/ Ladrong/ Changkharla FY 2019-20 Output Indicator Output CSMIs established established CSMIs (non-farm) - FY 208-19 Weight annually Activity To be decided To Establishment of potato chips chips potato of Establishment plant manufacturing Output KPI Functional and and Functional CSMIs productive established Total Output CSMIs established (farm) established CSMIs Outcome Gainful employment local and created enhanced economy Functional and productive productive and Functional established CSMIs 1. 1 1 Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl.No Sl.No Jarey Gewog Jarey Targets Annual Projected Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme Maenbi Gewog

-28- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - Remarks Remarks FY 2022-23 0.200 0.200 - FY 2021-22 (Nu. in Million) (Nu. Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative 1 FY 2020-21 Activity Location Kamdhar Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - FY 2019-20 - Activity FY 208-19 Formation of weaving group/centre weaving of Formation KPI Total Output CSMIs established (non-farm) established CSMIs Functional and productive CSMIs CSMIs productive and Functional established 1 Sl. No Sl. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme

-29- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks 11.00 Pork: 0.5 Fish: Collection Collection methodology Annual Household Survey Annual Household Survey Annual Household Survey Data source Data Administrative data, Dzongkhag Livestock Sector Administrative data, Dzongkhag Livestock Sector Administrative data, Dzongkhag Livestock Sector CT: CT: Target 2078.97 CT: 4.52 CT: CT: 11.50 CT: 2.39 8.82 (Year) (2016) (2016) (2016) 1447.23 Baseline MT MT MT Unit cludes average average cludes Description the measures indicator The the by milk productivity period. the plan of year last of FYP target end The increment average includes the annual 118.75 MT of of production willmeasure indicator This production the cumulative plan the entire egg for of of FYP period. end The in target of 0.07 million of increment production. the annual Million total the This willmeasure and (Pork meat of quantity the last by produced Fish) period. the plan of year of FYP target end The increment yearly includes the annual 0.50 MT of of production. KPI KPI Milk production Egg production Meat production LGKRA 2: FOOD AND NUTRITION SECURITY ENHANCED (9 KPIS) (9 SECURITY ENHANCED NUTRITION FOOD AND LGKRA 2:

NKRA 2. Economic and diversity productivity enhanced 3. Poverty eradicated inequality and reduced and 8. Food nutrition security ensured 10. Gender equality promoted women and girls and empowered and 14. Healthy societycaring enhanced 10.

-30- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Paddy: 3760 Maize: 4200 Collection Collection methodology Annual Household Survey Annual Household Survey Annual Household Survey Data source Data Administrative data, Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector Administrative data, Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector Administrative data, Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector Target CT: 338 CT: CT: 7960 CT: 4600 CT: 315 7533 3743 (Year) Baseline (2015-17) (2015-17) (2015-17) MT MT MT Unit Description total the This willmeasure (Paddy cereal of quantity the by produced maize) and period. the plan of year last of FYP target end The yearly average includes 85.5 MT of of increment production. the annual the This willmeasure different of quantity total potatoes, as such vegetables mushroom, chilies, cauliflower, beans, cabbage, vegetable, green broccoli/ the last by produced etc. period. the plan of year of FYP target end The increment yearly includes the annual 171.3MT of of production. measures indicator This different of production total nuts fruitstypes and of of year the last by produced of period. the plan end The yearly includes FYP target the 1 MT of of increment production. annual KPI KPI Cereal production Vegetable production Fruits nuts and production NKRA 2. Economic and diversity productivity enhanced 3. Poverty eradicated inequality and reduced and 8. Food nutrition security ensured 10. Gender equality promoted women and girls and empowered and 14. Healthy societycaring enhanced

-31- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Collection Collection methodology Record by maintained Agriculture Sector Record by maintained Agriculture Sector/ Livestock Sector/ Schools Record by maintained Agriculture Sector Data source Data Administrative data, Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector RNR Stats/ Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector/ Education Sector/ Livestock Sector Administrative data, Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector ≥ 30 89.13 CT: 2 CT: Target 5 1 68.63 (Year) (2017) (2017) (2016) Baseline % % Unit Acres Description measures indicator This organic under area use without agriculture pesticides, chemicals, of fertilizers, growth using instead hormones, natural and waste organic etc. manures measures indicator This of production total eggs, milk meat, vegetables, a percentage as schools by food total requirement to from feeding school for SAP the measures indicator This growing HHs of percentage of verities three least at the of point any at vegetable chili. excluding year KPI KPI under Area organic agriculture Food requirement from met School Agriculture Programme (SAP) for school feeding Households kitchen with having garden 3 least at varieties of vegetables NKRA

-32- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

10.1 Programme Summary and Strategies

Programme Title: Food production and food sufficiency Objective: To enhance food and nutrition security Collaborating Agencies: MoAF/RNR-RDC/MoE/MoH

Programme Strategies: Considering potentials and long term implications to the economy in terms of achieving our goal of food security and sufficiency, Dzongkhag has been focusing on conversion of agriculture land by providing assured irrigation water, addressing human-wildlife conflict through electric fencing, and minimizing the loss of land due to monsoon rain, climate change etc. In the 12th FYP, the Dzongkhag will, apart from the aforementioned conventional strategies focus on the following: Ø Dzongkhag will revert at least 100 acres of fallow wet land into cultivation in Minjey, Gangzur, Maenbi, Khoma, Kurtoed and Tsaenkhar Gewogs for enhancing agriculture production especially paddy.

Ø Dzongkhag will also convert at least 50 acres of land for organic agriculture farming especially cultivation of ginger, garlic, quinoa, rajma bean and asparagus in all the eight Gewog. Therefore, following interventions will be implementing for fallow land reversion and organic farming.

Ÿ Prepare plan for machineries, technical and financial resource, land use management plan, irrigation, seeds and seedlings, organic fertilizers/manures, production targets, etc. Ÿ For organic agriculture farming, Dzongkhag will facilitate certification arrangements; explore markets for organic products and pricing; Ÿ Irrigation facilities to be provided with various means of technologies. Ÿ Promote gender friendly farm machineries to mitigate labour shortage problems. Ÿ Capacity buildings and installation of HWC mitigating measures. Ÿ Implement and monitor progress and achievement of targets with the help of Gewog extension officers and RNR-RDC; Ÿ Will prepare verification action plan and facilitate timely verification of the organic produce Ÿ and certification by BAFRA; Ÿ Create better market linkages and destinations and ensure products are sold and income generated ; and Ÿ Will identify appropriate locations, plan and construct warehouse or cold storage/collection shed whichever is appropriate for storage and preservation of agriculture and livestock produces

-33- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Ø Large quantities of maize and paddy production (213 MT and 88 MT respectively) were lost to wild animals in 2016(Agri statistics, 2016). Human wild life conflict has become an increasing issue that will be addressed in the 12th FYP

Ø In a four-year trend analysis conducted by the BoIC, there has been a steady increase in dairy production (BoIC 2016). Milk production increased from 1445 MT in 2015 to 1447 MT in 2016. There is a strong potential for expansion in dairy farming, because the Dzongkhag has adequate pasture and dry land for growing fodder to rear cattle. Efforts such as Sourcing of high yielding cattle and improved AI services will be undertaken to improve production.

Ø Will focus and support increased intake of food variety and nutrition in schools and for children who are not in schools on the same. For that priority will be to diversify diet and grow different types of vegetables and fruits in the kitchen gardens or backyard farms in schools and at the household’s level. Demonstration for the selected households will be carried out and actual handholding technical support will be provided during establishment of kitchen gardens and backyard farms. Awareness and education will be provided to the parents on the importance of nutritional and varied food intake and requirements. Those members of the poorest households especially children who cannot afford minimum nutritional intake will be provided with multi vitamin supplements.

-34- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag CT: 4 CT: 4 CT: Track CT:12 CT: 20 CT: 81 CT: CT: 0.5 CT: CT: 5.0 CT: CT: 470 CT: 338 CT: CT: 4.52 CT: CT: 3760 CT: 4200 CT: 3031 CT: 1569 CT: CT: 11.00 CT: Plan Target Plan CT: 2078.97 CT: NA (Year) 2 (2017) 5 (2017) 3 (2016) Baseline 12 (2017) 65 (2017) 0.05 (2016) 2.39 (2016) 8.79 (2016) 0.03 (2016) 242(2015-17) 315 (2015-17) 2451(2015-17) 3606 (2015-17) 3927 (2015-17) 1292 (2015-17) 1447.23 (2016) 4 4 3 3 2 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 Weight MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT Unit Million Output Indicator Output Paddy production Paddy production Maize Quinoa production production Vegetable Mushroom production Citrus production Potato production pulses Legume and seeds Oil production nuts and Fruits MAPS (Cardamom) cereal other and Wheat Milk production Egg production productionPork production Fish Honey production 60 Weight Output Agriculture Agriculture livestock and production increased Outcome Food and and Food nutrition security enhanced Dzongkhag Programme Output Matrix Output Programme 1. Sl. No. 10.2 10.2.1 targets and indicators Output Programme

-35- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag ≥30 CT: 2 CT: NT: 2 NT: 2 NT: 2 NT: 5 NT: 5 NT: NT: 14 NT: 14 NT: (Agri: 2; (Agri: CT: 89.13 CT: Plan Target Plan Livestock: 3) Livestock: (Year) 1 (2017) 5 (2017) Baseline 67 (2016) 37 (2016) 14 (2016) 52 (2017) 10 (2017) 68.63 (2016) 422.9 (2016) 191.7 (2017) 2 2 2 5 6 5 6 5 6 7 Weight % % No. No. No. No. KM KM KM Unit acres Output Indicator Output Proportion of food requirement food requirement of Proportion feeding school SAP for from met agriculture organic under Area with households of Percentage 3 least at having garden kitchen vegetables varieties of maintained road farm Length of road farm of Number maintained channel irrigation Length of maintained channel irrigation of Number maintained electricLength of fencing constructed electric of fencings Number constructed livestock agriculture/ of Number infrastructures constructed 60 40 Weight Output Agriculture Agriculture livestock and production increased RNR Functional infrastructures developed Outcome Food and and Food nutrition security enhanced and Food nutrition security enhanced 1 2 Sl. No.

-36- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Target

Projected Annual Target Sl. Indicators No. 2018- 2019- 2020- 2021- 2022- 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 1 Paddy production 3637 3667 3698 3729 3760 2 Maize production 3981 4036 4091 4145 4200 3 Quinoa production 0.84 1.63 2.42 3.21 4.00 4 Vegetables production 2567 2683 2799 2915 3031 5 Mushroom production 3 3 4 4 5 6 Citrus production 287 333 378 424 470 7 Potato production 1348 1403.3 1458.6 1513.9 1569 8 Legume and pulses 8 11 14 17 20 9 Oil seeds - 12 12 12 12 Fruits and nuts 10 334 335 336 337 338 production 11 Wheat and other cereals 77 78 79 80 81 12 MAPS (Cardamom) 3 4 13 Milk production 1604.00 1700.97 1802.97 1907.17 2078.97 14 Egg production 4.21 4.37 4.47 4.51 4.52 15 Pork Production 9.40 9.80 10.20 10.60 11.00 16 Fish Production 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 17 Honey production Track Track Track Track Track Proportion of food 18 requirement met from 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 SAP for school feeding Area under organic 19 ≥30 ≥30 ≥30 ≥30 ≥30 agriculture Percentage of households with kitchen garden 20 72.75 76.88 81.25 85.00 89.13 having at least 3 varieties of vegetables Length of farm road 21 - 14 - - - maintained No. of farm road 22 - 2 - - - maintained Length of irrigation 23 - - 7 7 - channels maintained

-37- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Target Sl. Indicators No. 2018- 2019- 2020- 2021- 2022- 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 No. of irrigation channels 24 - - 1 1 - maintained Length of electric fencing 25 - 5 10 5 5 constructed No. of electric fencings 26 - 1 2 1 1 constructed No. of agriculture/ Agri: 1 Livestock: Livestock: 27 livestock infrastructures Agri: 1 Livestock: - 1 1 constructed 1

-38- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Programme activity and Outlay

Indicative Plan Sl. Activity Output Activity Outlay Remarks No Location (Nu. in Million) 1 Agriculture Support for Gewogs 36.500 and livestock agriculture production production increased 2 Support for Gewogs 20.25 livestock production Functional 3 RNR Capacity Dzongkhag/ 1.700 Agri: Nu. 1.200 m infrastructures development Gewogs Livestock: Nu. developed 5.000 m 4 Infrastructure Gewogs 45.927 Agri: Nu. 29.327 m development Livestock: Nu. 16.600 m

5 Supply of Dzongkhag/ 4.100 Agri: Nu. 1.800 m equipments and Gewogs Livestock: Nu. stationeries 2.300 m Grand Total 108.482 Major sub activities 1 Support for 1.500 construction of improved poultry coops for lower income households 2 Construction of 7.000 RNR Jarey Office 3 Construction of 6.000 farm road from Barab to Naling 4 Construction of 14.000 farm road from Nyalamdung under Khoma gewog to Chengling (5km)

-39- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Indicative Plan Sl. Activity Output Activity Outlay Remarks No Location (Nu. in Million) Construction 9.000 of Dzongkhag Veterinary Hospital (staff quarter in package) 5 Construction 5.000 of permanent works for Nongma Chorten to Jangchubling farm road(10km) Total 35.00

-40- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan CT: 3 CT: NT: 2 NT: 3 NT: CT: 33 CT: Target CT: 0.3 CT: 0.4 CT: 0.5 CT: NT: 0.5 NT: CT: 489 CT: 547 CT: 450 CT: 314 CT: 100 CT: CT: 1.29 CT: 7.00 CT: CT: 10.35 CT: 50.95 CT: CT: 276.27 CT: (Year) 6 (2017) 0 (2017) Baseline 95 (2017) 0.83 (2016) 5.96 (2016) 0.03 (2016) 8 (2015-17) 0 (2015-17) 2 (2015-17) 9 (2015-17) 0.5 (2015-17) 0.5 (2015-17) 206.51 (2016) 388 (2015-17) 276 (2015-17) 467 (2015-17) 512 (2015-17) 48.5 (2015-17) Weight To be decided To annually % No. MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT Unit Output Indicator Output Vegetable production Vegetable Potato production Citrus production Mushroom pulses Legumes and seeds Oil (Cardamom) MAPs cereal other and Wheat production nuts and Fruits with HHs of Percentage having garden kitchen varieties of three least at vegetables Milk production Egg production productionPork production Fish groups farmers of Number formed Paddy production Paddy production Maize Quinoa production Weight To be To decided annually Output Agriculture Agriculture production increased Livestock production increased Outcome Food and and Food nutrition security enhanced 2 1. Sl. No. 10.2.2 Gewogs GewogGangzur targets and indicators Output Programme

-41- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan NT: 3 NT: 7 NT: 4 NT: Target NT: 12 NT: 12 NT: 11 NT: NT: 42.2 NT: NT: 32.661 NT: (Year) 6 (2017) 1 (2017) 6 (2017) 8 (2017) Baseline 22 (2017) 40 (2017) 18 (2017) 24 (2017) Weight No. No. No. No. KM KM KM KM Unit Output Indicator Output Length of farm roads roads farm Length of constructed roads farm of Number constructed roads farm Length of maintained/renovated roads farm of Number maintained/renovated channels irrigation Length of maintained/renovated irrigation of Number maintained/ channels renovated electricLength of fencings constructed electric of fencings Number constructed Weight To be To decided annually Output Functional Functional RNR infrastructures developed Outcome 3 Sl. No.

-42- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Targets

Projected Annual Targets Sl. KPI No. FY 208- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2021- FY 2022- 19 20 21 22 23 1 Paddy production 471 475 479 484 489 2 Maize production 519 526 533 540 547 3 Quinoa production 0 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.3 4 Vegetable production 395 416 429 440 450 5 Potato production 285 292.3 300.3 307 314 6 Citrus production 16 20 25 30 33 7 Fruits and nuts production 50.83 50.84 50.84 50.94 50.95 8 Mushroom 0.06 0.06 0.2 0.2 0.4 9 Legumes and pulses 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 10 Oil seeds - 2 2 2 2 11 MAPs (Cardamom) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 12 Wheat and other cereal 10.35 10.35 10.35 10.35 10.35 13 Percentage of HHs with 96 97 98 99 100 kitchen garden having at least three varieties of vegetables 14 Milk production 226.27 236.27 246.27 256.27 276.27 15 Egg production 1.04 1.17 1.26 1.29 1.29 16 Pork production 6.20 6.40 6.60 6.80 7.00 17 Fish production 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 18 Number of farmers group - - 3 - - formed 19 Length of farm roads - 4 8 - - constructed 20 Number of farm roads - 1 2 - - constructed 21 Length of farm roads - 18.4 6.761 5 2.5 maintained/renovated 22 Number of farm roads - 2 3 1 1 maintained/renovated 23 Length of irrigation channels - 11 17.2 3 11 maintained/renovated 24 Number of irrigation channels - 3 4 1 4 maintained/renovated

-43- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Targets Sl. KPI No. FY 208- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2021- FY 2022- 19 20 21 22 23 25 Length of electric fencings - 11 - - - constructed 26 Number of electric fencings - 4 - - - constructed

Programme Activity and Outlay

Indicative Plan Sl. Activity Output Activity Outlay Remarks No Location (Nu. in Million) 1 Livestock production Support for Chiwogs 1.420 increased livestock production 2 Functional RNR Infrastructure Chiwogs 31.333 infrastructures development developed Total 32.753

-44- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag CT: CT: Plan CT: 2 CT: NT:≥5 111.26 CT: 84 CT: 32 CT: Target CT: 0.3 CT: 4.5 CT: NT: 1.5 NT: CT: 595 CT: 216 CT: 153 CT: 100 CT: CT: 0.22 CT: CT: 38.95 CT: 10.36 CT: NA (Year) 0 (2017) Baseline 100 (2017) 0.14 (2016) 4 (2015-17) 9 (2015-17) 85.41 (2016) 68 (2015-17) 1.5 (2015-17) 1.5 (2015-17) 1.5 (2015-17) 565(2015-17) 152 (2015-17) 118 (2015-17) 36.5 (2015-17) Weight To be To decided annually % MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT Unit Acres Output Indicator Output Paddy production Paddy production Maize Quinoa production production Vegetable Potato production Citrus production production nuts and Fruits pulses Legumes and seeds Oil cereal other and Wheat production) (Cardamom MAPs kitchen with HHs of Percentage varieties three least at having garden vegetables of agriculture organic under Area Milk production Egg production Weight To be To decided annually Output Agriculture Agriculture production increased Organic farming promoted Livestock production increased Outcome Food and and Food nutrition security enhanced 1 Sl. No. 2 3 Jarey Gewog Jarey targets and indicators Output Programme

-45- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan NT: 2 NT: 3 NT: 6 NT: 7 NT: 3 NT: 8 NT: Target NT: 35 NT: NT: 8.5 NT: 8.5 NT: 9.5 NT: (Year) 4 (2017) 3 (2017) 4 (2017) 0 (2017) 0 (2017) Baseline 76 (2017) 34 (2017) 10 (2017) 16 (2017) 92.61 (2017) Weight To be To decided annually No. No. No. No. No. KM KM KM KM KM Unit Output Indicator Output Length of farm roads constructed roads farm Length of constructed roads farm of Number / maintained roads farm Length of developed renovated/ maintained/ roads farm of Number developed renovated/ channels irrigation Length of maintained/renovated channels irrigation of Number maintained/renovated electricLength of fencings constructed electric of fencings Number constructed electricLength of fencings renovated maintained/ electric of fencings Number renovated maintained/ Weight To be To decided annually Output Functional Functional RNR infrastructures developed Outcome Food and and Food nutrition security enhanced Sl. No. 4

-46- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Targets

Projected Annual Targets Sl. KPI No. FY 208- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2021- FY 2022- 19 20 21 22 23 1 Paddy production 72 75 78 81 84 2 Maize production 570 576 582 588 595 3 Quinoa production 0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 4 Vegetable production 164 185 205 210 216 5 Potato production 128 133 139 146.6 153 6 Citrus production 9 15 21 27 32 7 Fruits and nuts production 38.80 38.84 38.84 38.92 38.95 8 Legumes and pulses 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 9 Oil seeds - 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 10 MAPs (cardamom) 1.5 2 2 2 2 11 Wheat and other cereal 10.36 10.36 10.36 10.36 10.36 Percentage of HHs with kitchen 12 garden having at least three 100 100 100 100 100 varieties of vegetables

13 Area under organic agriculture :≥5 :≥5 :≥5 :≥5 :≥5 14 Milk production 91.27 99.26 100.26 101.26 111.26 15 Egg production 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.22 Length of farm roads 16 - 5 3.5 - - constructed Number of farm roads 17 - 1 1 - - constructed Length of farm roads 18 maintained /renovated/ - 2.5 2 4 - developed Number of farm roads 19 maintained/ renovated/ - 1 1 1 - developed Length of irrigation channels 20 - 4 3.5 2 - maintained/renovated Number of irrigation channels 21 - 3 2 1 - maintained/renovated Length of electric fencings 22 - 3 2 2 - constructed

-47- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Targets Sl. KPI No. FY 208- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2021- FY 2022- 19 20 21 22 23 Number of electric fencings 23 - 1 1 1 - constructed Length of electric fencings 24 - 6 12 13 4 maintained/renovated Number of electric fencings 25 - 2 2 3 1 maintained/renovated

Programme Activity and Outlay

Indicative Plan Sl. Activity Output Activity Outlay Remarks No Location (Nu. in Million) 1 Agriculture Support for Chiwogs 0.150 production agriculture increased production 2 Livestock Support for livestock Chiwogs 0.280 production production increased 3 Functional RNR Infrastructure Chiwogs 14.750 infrastructures development developed Total 15.180

-48- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag CT: CT: Plan 319.88 CT: 29 CT: 73 CT: CT:7.5 Target CT: 0.2 CT: NT: 0.5 NT: 1.4 NT: CT: 575 CT: 382 CT: 381 CT: 123 CT: CT: 0.22 CT: CT:33.95 CT: 11.35 CT: 0 (Year) 0 (2017) Baseline 44 (2016) 1.5 (2017) 4 (2015-17) 0.20 (20176) 88 (2015-17) 10 (2015-17) 221.56 (2016) 560 (2015-17) 346 (2015-17) 281 (2015-17) 31.5 (2015-17) 1.40 (2015-17) Weight To be To decided annually % MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT Unit Acres Output Indicator Output Paddy production Paddy production Maize Quinoa production production Vegetable Potato production Citrus production production nuts and Fruits pulses Legumes and seeds Oil cereals other and Wheat development orchard of Acreage at having garden kitchen with HHs of Percentage vegetables varieties of three least Milk production Egg production Weight To be To decided annually Output Agriculture Agriculture production increased Livestock production increased Outcome Food and and Food nutrition security enhanced 1 3 Sl. No. Khoma Gewog targets and indicators Output Programme

-49- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 3 8.5 Plan NT:5 NT: 4 NT: 6 NT: Target NT: 10 NT: NT: 10.55 NT: 26.05 NT: (Year) 4 (2017) 4 (2017) 0 (2017) 0 (2017) 8 (2017) Baseline 52 (2017) 32 (2017) 9 (2015-17) Weight To be To decided annually No. No. No. No. KM KM KM KM Unit Output Indicator Output Length of farm roads constructed roads farm Length of constructed roads farm of Number maintained/renovated/ roads farm Length of developed renovated/ maintained/ roads farm of Number developed maintained/ channels irrigation Length of renovated maintained/ channels irrigation of Number renovated constructed electricLength of fencings constructed electric of fencings Number Weight To be To decided annually Output Functional Functional RNR infrastructures developed Outcome Food and and Food nutrition security enhanced 4 Sl. No.

-50- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Targets

Projected Annual Targets Sl. KPI No. FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2021- FY 2022- 19 20 21 22 23 1 Paddy production 563 566 569 572 575 2 Maize production 354 361 368 375 382 3 Quinoa production 0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 4 Vegetable production 299 325 350 375 381 5 Potato production 95 102 109 116 123 5 Citrus production 9 14 19 24 29 6 Fruits and nuts production 33.79 33.84 33.84 33.94 33.95 7 Legumes and pulses 0 0 0.2 0.3 0.5 8 Oil seeds - 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 9 Wheat and other cereals 11.35 11.35 11.35 11.35 11.35 Acreage of orchard 10 - 1.5 2 4 7.5 development Percentage of HHs with 11 kitchen garden having at least 50 55 60 65 73 three varieties of vegetables Area under organic 12 186 189 192 197 200 agriculture 13 Milk production 276.89 286.88 296.88 296.88 319.88 14 Egg production 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 Length of farm roads 15 4.3 6 0.25 - - constructed Number of farm roads 16 1 2 1 - - constructed Length of farm roads 17 maintained/renovated/ 6.6 6.2 6 3.25 4 developed Number of farm roads 18 maintained/renovated/ 1 1 1 1 2 developed Length of irrigation channels 19 - - - 5.5 3 maintained/renovated Number of irrigation channels 20 - - - 2 1 maintained/renovated Length of electric fencings 21 - - 10 - - constructed

-51- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Targets Sl. KPI No. FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2021- FY 2022- 19 20 21 22 23 Number of electric fencings 22 - - 5 - - constructed

Broad Program Activity and Outlay

Sl. Activity Indicative Plan Outlay Output Activity Remarks No Location (Nu. in Million) 1 Agriculture Support for Chiwogs 0.630 production agriculture increased production 2 Livestock Support for Chiwogs 0.350 production livestock increased production 3 Functional RNR Infrastructure Chiwogs 43.292 infrastructures development developed

Total 44.272

-52- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target Plan CT: 637 CT: 412 CT: 0.2 CT: 232 CT: 178 CT: 36.95 CT: 0.6 NT: 0.5 NT: 1.6 NT: 9.35 CT: 1 NT: 90 CT: ≥ 10 NT: 199.45 CT: 0.35 CT: (Year) Baseline 621 (2015-17) 377 (2015-17) 0 (2017) 167 (2015-17) 145 (2015-17) 34.5 (2015-17) 0 0 1.6 (2015-17) 8 (2015-17) 16.75 (2017) 70 (2017) NA 186.05 (2016) 0.21 (2016) Weight To be To decided annually % MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT Unit Acres Acres Output Indicator Output Paddy production Paddy production Maize Quinoa production production Vegetable Potato production production nuts and Fruits Mushroom pulses Legumes and seed Oil cereal other and Wheat development orchard of Acreage kitchen with HHs of Percentage varieties of three atleast having garden vegetables agriculture organic under Area Milk production Egg production Weight To be To decided annually Output Agriculture Agriculture production increased Organic farming promoted Livestock production increased Outcome Food and and Food nutrition security enhanced 1 2 3 Sl. No. Kurtoed GewogKurtoed targets and indicators Output Programme

-53- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target Plan NT: 20 NT: 5 NT: 12.375 NT: 8 NT: 7 NT: 7 NT: 27.5 NT: 11 NT: (Year) Baseline 37.7 (2017) 5 (2017) 10 (2017) 3 (2017) 8 (2017) 8 (2017) 24 (2017) 7 (2017) Weight To be To decided annually No. No. No. No. KM KM KM KM Unit Output Indicator Output Length of farm roads constructed roads farm Length of constructed roads farm of Number channels irrigation Length of constructed channels irrigation of Number constructed channels irrigation Length of renovated maintained/ channels irrigation of Number renovated maintained/ constructed electricLength of fencings constructed electric of fencings Number Weight To be To decided annually Output Functional RNR Functional infrastructures developed Outcome Food and and Food nutrition security enhanced 4 Sl. No.

-54- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Targets

Projected Annual Targets Sl. KPI No. FY 208- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2021- FY 2022- 19 20 21 22 23 1 Paddy production 625 628 631 634 637 2 Maize production 384 391 398 405 412 3 Quinoa production - 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 4 Vegetable production 183 183 200 220 232 5 Potato production 150 157 164 171.3 178 6 Fruits and nuts production 36.80 36.84 36.84 36.94 36.95 7 Mushroom 0.24 0.24 0.37 0.37 0.6 8 Legumes and pulses - - 0.3 0.4 0.5 9 Oil seed - 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 10 Wheat and other cereal 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 11 Acreage of orchard - 0.5 0.5 - - development 12 Percentage of HHs with 72 75 80 85 90 kitchen garden having at least three varieties of vegetables 13 Area under organic agriculture ≥ 10 ≥ 10 ≥ 10 ≥ 10 ≥ 10 14 Milk production 186.46 188.45 198.45 198.65 199.45 15 Egg production 0.34 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 16 Length of farm roads - 6 4 7 3 constructed 17 Number of farm roads - 1 2 1 1 constructed 18 Length of irrigation channels 1.625 9.75 - 1 - constructed 19 Number of irrigation channels 1 6 - 1 - constructed 20 Length of irrigation channels 1 3 3 - - maintained/renovated 21 Number of irrigation channels 1 4 2 - - maintained/renovated 22 Length of electric fencings - 2.5 15 10 - constructed 23 Number of electric fencings - 1 6 4 - constructed

-55- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Programme Activity and Outlay Sl. Activity Indicative Plan Outlay Output Activity Remarks No Location (Nu. in Million) 1 Livestock Support for Chiwogs 1.150 production livestock increased production 2 Functional RNR Infrastructures Chiwogs 16.677 infrastructures development developed TOTAL 17.827

-56- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 314 CT: 722 CT: 1.4 CT: 315 CT: 242 CT: 33 CT: 33.95 CT: 0.5 NT: 4.8 CT: 2 NT: 1.5 CT: 10.37 CT: 20 90 CT: ≥10 Baseline (Year) 295 (2015-17) 682 (2015-17) 0.05 (2015-16) 254 (2015-17) 207 (2015-17) 4 (2015-17) 31.5 (2015-17) 0 1.5 (2015-17) 2 (2015-17) 1 (2015-17) 9 (2015-17) 0 (2016) 30 (2016) 0 (2017) Weight be To decided annually % MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT Unit Acres Acres Output Indicator Output production Paddy production Maize Quinoa production production Vegetable Potato production Citrus production production nuts and Fruits Mushroom pulses Legumes and seeds Oil production) (cardamom MAPs cereal other and Wheat development orchard of Acreage garden kitchen with HHs of Percentage vegetables varieties of three least at having agriculture organic under Area Weight be To decided annually Output Agriculture production increased Organic farming promoted Outcome and Food nutrition security enhanced 1 2 Sl. No. Maedtsho GewogMaedtsho targets and indicators Output Programme

-57- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 269.73 CT: 0.15 CT: 4.00 CT: 3 NT: 1 NT: 16.3 NT: 4 NT: 5.5 NT: 2 NT: 10 NT: 1 NT: 17.5 NT: NT:10 1 NT: Baseline (Year) 180.50 (2016) 0.13 (2016) 2.83 (2016) 68 (2016) 4 (2016) 20 (2016) 2 (2016) 0 (2016) 0 (2016) 10 (2016) 9 (2016) 15 (2016) 9 (2016) NA Weight be To decided annually No. No. No. No. No. No. MT MT MT KM KM KM KM KM Unit Output Indicator Output Milk production Egg production productionPork constructed roads farm Length of constructed roads farm of Number maintained/ roads farm Length of renovated/developed maintained/ roads farm of Number developed renovated/ constructed channels irrigation Length of constructed channels irrigation of Number maintained/ channels irrigation Length of renovated channels irrigation of Number renovated maintained/ constructed electricLength of fencings constructed electric of fencings Number installed machines of Number Weight be To decided annually Output Livestock production increased Functional RNR infrastructures developed Outcome and Food nutrition security enhanced 3 4 Sl. No.

-58- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Targets

Projected Annual Targets Sl. KPI No. FY 208- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2021- FY 2022- 19 20 21 22 23 1 Paddy production 298 302 306 310 314 2 Maize production 690 698 706 714 722 3 Quinoa production 0.54 0.73 0.87 1.11 1.40 4 Vegetable production 265 277 285 295 315 5 Potato production 215 222 228.3 235 242 6 Citrus production 9 16 21 27 33 7 Fruits and nuts production 33.81 33.84 33.84 33.94 33.95 8 Mushroom 0.27 0.27 0.39 0.39 0.5 9 Legumes and pulses 2.5 3.5 4 4.3 4.8 10 Oil seeds - 2 2 2 2 MAPs (Cardamom 11 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 production) 12 Wheat and other cereal 10.37 10.37 10.37 10.37 10.37 Acreage of orchard 13 - 5 10 5 - development Percentage of HHs with 14 kitchen garden having at least 40 55 70 80 90 three varieties of vegetables 15 Area under organic agriculture ≥10 ≥10 ≥10 ≥10 ≥10 16 Milk production 191.73 201.73 221.73 251.73 269.73 17 Egg production 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 18 Pork production 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.00 Length of farm roads 19 - 3 - - - constructed Number of farm roads 20 - 1 - - - constructed Length of farm roads 21 maintained/renovated/ 7.5 1.5 1.5 5.8 - developed Number of farm roads 22 1 1 1 1 - maintained/renovated Length of irrigation channels 23 1.5 - - - 4 constructed

-59- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Targets Sl. KPI No. FY 208- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2021- FY 2022- 19 20 21 22 23 Number of irrigation channels 24 1 - - - 1 constructed Length of irrigation channels 25 - - 10 - - maintained/renovated Number of irrigation channels 26 - - 1 - - maintained/renovated Length of electric fencings 27 9 2 - 1 5.5 constructed Number of electric fencings 28 4 2 - 1 3 constructed 29 Number of machines installed 1 - - - -

Programme Activity and Outlay Sl. Activity Indicative Plan Outlay Output Activity Remarks No Location (Nu. in Million) 1 Agriculture Support for Chiwogs/ 0.825 production agriculture Oongar, increased production Gortshom 2 Functional RNR Infrastructure Chiwogs 16.334 infrastructures Development developed Total 17.159

-60- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 756 CT: 313 CT: 0.2 CT: 482 CT: 193 CT: 27 CT: 33.96 CT: 1.3 CT: 1 NT: 2 NT: 11.34 CT: 90 CT: CT: 259.04 0.46 CT: Baseline (Year) 735 (2015-17) 284 (2015-17) 0 (2017) 412 (2015-17) 158 (2015-17) 4 (2015-17) 31.5 (2015-17) 0.8 (2015-17) 0 2 (2015-17) 10 (2015-17) 80 (2017) 104.49 (2016) 0.37 (2016) Weight be To decided annually % MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT Unit Output Indicator Output production Paddy production Maize Quinoa production production Vegetable Potato production Citrus production production nuts and Fruits Mushroom pulses Legumes and seeds Oil cereal other and Wheat garden kitchen with HHs of Percentage vegetables varieties of three least at having Milk production Egg production Weight be To decided annually Output Agriculture production increased Livestock production increased Outcome and Food nutrition security enhanced 2 1. Sl. No. Maenbi Gewog targets and indicators Output Programme

-61- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 10.5 NT: 8 NT: 12.5 NT: 5 NT: 36 NT: 9 NT: 1 4.5 NT: 1 NT: 3.5 2 Baseline (Year) 11 (2017) 1 (2017) 35 (2017) 2 (2017) 2 (2017) 3 (2017) 0 (2017) 3.5 (2017) 2 (2017) 0 (2017) 0 (2017) Weight be To decided annually No. No. No. No. No. No. KM KM KM KM KM Unit Output Indicator Output constructed roads farm Length of constructed roads farm of Number maintained/renovated/ roads farm Length of developed maintained/ roads farm of Number developed renovated/ maintained/ channels irrigation Length of renovated maintained/ channels irrigation of Number renovated constructed reservoirs water of Number constructed electricLength of fencings constructed electric of fencings Number maintained electricLength of fencings maintained electric of fencings Number Weight be To decided annually Output Functional RNR infrastructures developed Outcome and Food nutrition security enhanced 3 Sl. No.

-62- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Targets

Projected Annual Targets Sl. KPI No. FY 208- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2021- FY 2022- 19 20 21 22 23 1 Paddy production 739 743 748 752 756 2 Maize production 289 295 301 307 313 3 Quinoa production - 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 4 Vegetable production 422 432 440 465 482 5 Potato production 165 172 179 186 193 6 Citrus production 10 14 18 22 27 7 Fruits and nuts production 33.81 33.85 33.90 33.94 33.96 8 Mushroom 0.94 0.94 1.3 1.3 1.3 9 Legumes and pulses 0 0 0.2 0.5 1 10 Oil seeds - 2 2 2 2 11 Wheat and other cereal 11.34 11.34 11.34 11.34 11.34 Percentage of HHs with 12 kitchen garden having at least 82 84 86 88 90 three varieties of vegetables 13 Milk production 126.04 156.04 186.04 209.04 259.04 14 Egg production 0.44 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.46 Length of farm roads 15 0 2.5 2 3 3 constructed Number of farm roads 16 0 2 1 3 2 constructed Length of farm roads 17 maintained/renovated/ 2 5 3.5 2 _ developed Number of farm roads 18 maintained/renovated/ 1 2 1 1 _ developed Length of irrigation channel 19 - 12 12.5 5.5 6 maintained/renovated Number of irrigation 20 channels maintained/ 0 2 3 2 2 renovated Number of water reservoirs 21 - - 1 - - constructed

-63- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Targets Sl. KPI No. FY 208- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2021- FY 2022- 19 20 21 22 23 Length of electric fencings 22 - 4.5 - - - constructed Number of electric fencings 23 - 1 - - - constructed Length of electric fencings 24 - 3.5 - - - maintained Number of electric fencings 25 - 2 - - - maintained

Programme Activity and Outlay Sl. Activity Indicative Plan Outlay Output Activity Remarks No. Location (Nu. in Million) 1 Agriculture Support for Chiwogs 2.700 production agriculture increased production 2 Livestock Support for Chiwogs 1.00 production livestock increased production 3 Functional RNR Infrastructure Chiwogs 25.685 infrastructures development developed Total 29.385

-64- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target Plan CT: 641 CT: 304 CT: 0.3 CT: 388 CT: 1.7 CT: 93 CT: 205 CT: 44.96 CT: 1 NT: 0.5 NT: 11.35 CT: 80 CT: ≥ 5 (Year) Baseline 5 (2017) 620 (2015-17) 274 (2015-17) 0 (2017) 313 (2015-17) 1.2 (2017) 60 (2015-17) 180 (2015-17) 42.5 (2015-17) 0 0.5 (2015-17) 10 (2015-17) 50 (2017) Weight To be To decided annually % MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT Unit Acres Output Indicator Output Paddy production Paddy production Maize Quinoa production production Vegetable Mushroom production Potato production Citrus production production nuts and Fruits pulses Legumes and seeds Oil cereal other and Wheat kitchen with HHs of Percentage varieties of three least at having garden vegetables agriculture organic under Area Weight To be To decided annually Output Organic farming farming Organic promoted Agriculture Agriculture production increased Outcome Food and and Food nutrition security enhanced 2 1 Sl. No. Minjey Gewog targets and indicators Output Programme

-65- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target Plan CT: 292.63 CT: 0.12 CT: 8.5 NT: 4 NT: 16.726 NT: 9 NT: 11 NT: 2 NT: 10.5 NT: 3 NT: (Year) Baseline 199.55 (2017) 0.10 (2017) 3 (2017) 1 (2017) 7 (2017) 3 (2017) 6 (2016) 1 (2016) 9.5 (2017) 2 (2017) Weight To be To decided annually No. No. No. No. MT KM KM KM KM Unit Million Output Indicator Output Milk production Egg production constructed roads farm Length of constructed roads farm of Number maintained/ roads farm Length of developed renovated/ maintained/ roads farm of Number developed renovated/ channels irrigation Length of renovated maintained/ channels irrigation of Number renovated maintained/ constructed electricLength of fencings constructed electric of fencings Number Weight To be To decided annually Output Livestock production increased RNR Functional infrastructures developed Outcome Food and and Food nutrition security enhanced 4 3 Sl. No.

-66- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Targets

Projected Annual Targets Sl. KPI No. FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2021- FY 2022- 19 20 21 22 23 1 Paddy production 625 629 633 637 641 2 Maize production 280 286 292 298 304 3 Quinoa production 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 4 Vegetable production 325 345 360 370 388 5 Mushroom production 1.34 1.34 1.45 1.45 1.7 6 Potato production 65 72 79 86 93 7 Citrus production 193 196 199 202 205 8 Fruits and nuts production 44.79 44.86 44.90 44.94 44.96 9 Legumes and pulses 0 0 0.3 0.5 1 10 Oil seeds - 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 11 Wheat and other cereals 11.34 11.34 11.34 11.35 11.35 Percentage of HHs with kitchen 12 garden having at least three 60 65 70 75 80 varieties of vegetables 13 Area under organic agriculture ≥ 5 ≥ 5 ≥ 5 ≥ 5 ≥ 5 14 Milk production 212.63 232.63 252.63 262.63 292.63 15 Egg production 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 Length of farm roads 16 3 - 5.5 - - constructed Number of farm roads 17 1 - 3 - - constructed Length of farm roads 18 maintained/renovated/ 4.213 3 1.5 4.213 3.8 developed Number of farm roads 19 maintained/renovated/ 2 2 1 2 2 developed Length of irrigation channels 20 - - 11 - - maintained/renovated Number of irrigation channels 21 - - 2 - - maintained/renovated Length of electric fencings 22 10.5 - - - - constructed Number of electric fencings 23 3 - - - - constructed

-67- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Programme Activity and Outlay Sl. Activity Indicative Plan Outlay Output Activity Remarks No Location (Nu. in Million) 1 Livestock Support for Chiwogs 0.500 production livestock increased production 2 Functional RNR Infrastructure Chiwogs 27.056 infrastructures development developed Total 27.556

-68- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target CT: 264 CT: 925 CT: 1.1 NT: 567 CT: 273 CT: 111 CT: 64.33 CT: 0.50 NT: 4.7 CT: 1 NT: 6.53 NT: 90 CT: 350.71 CT: 1.71 CT: (Year) Baseline 240 (2015-17) 887 (2015-17) 0 (2017) 484 (2015-17) 240 (2015-17) 38 (2015-17) 58.5 (2015-17) 0 1.5 (2015-17) 1 (2015-17) 0 80 (2017) 263.16 (2016) 0.41 (2016) Weight To be To decided annually % MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT Unit Output Indicator Output Paddy production Paddy production Maize Quinoa production production Vegetable Potato production Citrus production production nuts and Fruits Mushroom pulses Legumes and seeds Oil cereal other and Wheat garden kitchen with HHs of Percentage vegetables varieties of three least at having Milk production Egg production Weight To be To decided annually Output Agriculture Agriculture production increased Livestock production increased Outcome Food and and Food nutrition security enhanced 1 2 Sl. No. Tsaenkhar targets and indicators Output Programme

-69- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target NT: 20 NT: 5 NT: 32.2 NT: 10 NT: 7 NT: 1 NT: 8 NT: 2 NT: 76.8 NT: 14 NT: (Year) Baseline 84.4 (2017) 12 (2017) 10 (2017) 5 (2017) 30 (2017) 4 (2017) 21 (2017) 4 (2017) 7 (2017) 21 (2017) Weight To be To decided annually No. No. No. No. No. KM KM KM KM KM Unit Output Indicator Output Length of farm roads constructed roads farm Length of constructed roads farm of Number maintained/renovated/ roads farm Length of developed maintained/ roads farm of Number developed renovated/ constructed channels irrigation Length of constructed channels irrigation of Number maintained/ channels irrigation Length of renovated maintained/ channels irrigation of Number renovated constructed electricLength of fencings constructed electric of fencings Number Weight To be To decided annually Output Functional Functional RNR infrastructures developed Outcome Food and and Food nutrition security enhanced 3 Sl. No.

-70- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Targets

Projected Annual Targets Sl. KPI No. FY 208- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2021- FY 2022- 19 20 21 22 23 1 Paddy production 244 249 254 259 264 2 Maize production 895 903 911 918 925 3 Quinoa production 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.8 1.1 4 Vegetable production 514 520 530 540 567 5 Potato production 245 253 260 266 273 6 Citrus production 41 58 75 92 111 7 Fruits and nuts production 61.37 62.09 63.00 63.44 64.33 8 Mushroom 0.15 0.15 0.29 0.29 0.50 9 Legumes and pulses 2 3 3.5 4.5 4.7 10 Oil seeds - 1 1 1 1 11 Wheat and other cereal 2.54 3.54 4.54 5.53 6.53 Percentage of HHs with kitchen 12 garden having at least three 82 84 86 88 90 varieties of vegetables 13 Milk production 292.71 299.71 300.71 330.71 350.71 14 Egg production 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 Length of farm roads 15 6 8 6 - - constructed Number of farm roads 16 1 1 3 - - constructed Length of farm roads 17 maintained/renovated/ - 9.7 11.2 8.8 2.5 developed Number of farm roads 18 maintained/renovated/ - 2 3 3 2 developed Length of irrigation channels 19 - 7 - - - constructed Number of irrigation channels 20 - 1 - - - constructed Length of irrigation channels 21 - - - 7 1 maintained/renovated Number of irrigation channels 22 - - - 1 1 maintained/renovated

-71- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Targets Sl. KPI No. FY 208- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2021- FY 2022- 19 20 21 22 23 Length of electric fencings 23 - 26 24.5 24.8 1.5 constructed Number of electric fencings 24 - 3 4 6 1 constructed

Programme Activity and Outlay Sl. Activity Indicative Plan Outlay Output Activity Remarks No Location (Nu. in Million) 1 Agriculture Support for Wambur, 1.500 production agriculture Domkhar, increased production Tsenkhar and Yangla/ Chiwogs 2 Livestock Support for Chiwogs 0.500 production livestock increased production 3 Functional RNR Infrastructure Chiwogs 46.902 infrastructures developments developed Total 48.902

-72- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Remarks

Collection Collection Methodology Annual Annual household survey Annual household survey Annual household survey Annual household survey record Admin Data source Data Administrative Administrative Dzongkhag Data, Health Sector Administrative Dzongkhag Data, Health Sector Administrative Dzongkhag Data, Health Sector Administrative Dzongkhag Data, Health Sector data, Admin Dzongkhag Health Sector Target <9 ≤ 14 ≤ 1 Doctor: 2 3 Nurse: 100 (Year) Baseline 17 (2013- 2016) 22 (2013- 2016) 1 (2013- 2016) Doctor: 2 12 Nurse: NA % No. No. No. Unit Description No This indicator measures measures indicator This of number the total 1 (29 days- deaths infant the plan during year) period measures indicator This of number the total (1-5 years) deaths infant period the plan during measures indicator This of number the total maternal preventable the plan during deaths period measures indicator This of implementation the Dzongkhag’s mandated responsibilities this policyby KPI KPI Incidence of of Incidence mortality infant of Incidence 5 mortality under Incidence maternal of mortality types by health personnel of Number and of doctors number the measure indicators This in the Dzongkhag required Nurse Implement policy national strategic and to framework Harmful Reduce Alcohol of Use (2015-2020) ENSURED ( 13 KPIS) 13 ( ENSURED LGKRA 3: COMMUNITY HEALTH ENHANCED AND WATER SECURITY WATER AND ENHANCED COMMUNITYLGKRA 3: HEALTH

NKRA 3. Poverty 3. Poverty eradicated and inequality reduced and 8. Food Nutrition security ensured 10.Gender equality promoted, women girls and empowered 14. Healthy caring and society enhanced 17. Sustainable water ensured 11.

-73- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Remarks

Collection Collection Methodology Admin record Admin Annual Household Survey Annual household survey Annual household survey Administrative record Annual household survey Data source Data Admin data, data, Admin Dzongkhag Health Sector Administrative Dzongkhag Data, Health Sector Administrative Dzongkhag Data, Health Sector Administrative Dzongkhag Data, Health Sector Administrative Dzongkhag Data, Health Sector Administrative Dzongkhag Data, Health Sector Target 100 ≤97 ≤88 ≤10 114 NT: 95.18 CT: (Year) Baseline NA 97 (2016) 88 (2016) 10 (2016) 2886 (2016) 87.93 (2017) % % No. No. No. No. Unit Description This indicator measures measures indicator This of implementation the Dzongkhag’s mandated responsibilities Plan this Action by measures indicators This casesNCD in the Dzongkhag measures indicator This STI of the incidence the health at recorded facility measures indicator This of the incidence at recorded Tuberculosis the health facility ServicesSpecial Health specificas defined is targeted programmes particular Group towards children, youth, (Elder, Disability With People etc.) household of Percentage sanitation improved with toilet flush [pour facilities KPI KPI Implement Implement Suicide National Prevention Plan Action (2015-2018) CasesNCD incidences STI TB Incidence covered People Specialunder ServicesHealth with Households Pour least at toilet Flush NKRA 3. Poverty 3. Poverty eradicated and inequality reduced and 8. Food Nutrition security ensured 10.Gender equality promoted, women girls and empowered 14. Healthy caring and society enhanced 17. Sustainable water ensured

-74- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Remarks

Collection Collection Methodology Annual Annual household survey Administrative record Data source Data Administrative Administrative Dzongkhag Data, Health Sector Administrative Dzongkhag Data, Health Sector Target CT: 99.88 CT: 5 NT: (Year) Baseline 99.60 (2017) NA % No. Unit Description This indicator measures measures indicator This households of number 24X7 clean to access with door at drinking water whichever indoor or step feasible is measures indicator This promote to initiatives balanced and healthy healthy for diet/ nutrition population KPI KPI Households Households to access with water 24*7 clean supply Initiatives to promote healthy adequate, balanced diet and NKRA

-75- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

11.1 Programme Summary and Strategies

Programme Title: Quality Health enhancement Objective: To improve community health and water security Implementing Agency: Dzongkhag Administration and Gewog Administrations Collaborating Agency/ies: MoH/MoWHS/NEC/MoAF/NCWC/RBP/MoE/ MoEA

Programme Strategy: 1. Village of Ney under Gangzur Gewog and Zham under Minjey Gewog account to 0.4% of the households without 24X7 drinking water. To ensure 24X7 drinking water supply in the said gewogs and to others gewogs and urban towns, the Dzongkhag will carry out detailed study on identification of water sources, distribution and storage of water, and main causes behind drinking water shortage, including water budgeting and management plan. The Dzongkhag will seek technical backstopping support from relevant central ministries wherever required. Awareness programmes to educate communities on efficient and sustainable use of water will be undertaken by the Dzongkhags, besides formation and training of the community water-user groups. The water-user groups will conduct regular monitoring, undertake minor maintenance and promote water conservation and sustainable use.

2. To improve coverage and promote use of improved toilets, the Dzongkhag will work with the Gewogs to conduct advocacy on importance of sanitation, and effect of pour-flush toilets on health issues among people.For the poorer households, wherever the dwelling structure will allow, the Dzongkhag will provide the pour-flush toilet designs and materials such as cement and toilet pot, etc. for construction of toilets by themselves. Eligibility of households will be done through an objective criteria, specifying type and quantify of materials to be supplied.

3. The Dzongkhag will prepare comprehensive mapping of doctors, specialists, health assistants and nurses required for the various levels of health centers in the Dzongkhag, and pursue with Ministry of Health (MoH) for their strategic deployment.

-76- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

4. Dzongkhag will address the issue of incidences of alcohol deaths through implementation of the National Policy and Strategic Framework to Reduce Harmful Use of Alcohol, particularly the responsibilities assigned to the Dzongkhags, such as formation of the Alcohol Harm Reduction Committee at Dzongkhag and Gewog levels. Accordingly, public education and awareness on alcohol policies and harmful use of alcohol will be taken up in collaboration with the community health workers and religious figures, targeting both sellers and consumers.

5. Dzongkhag will plan and implement the National Suicide Prevention Action Plan in order to prevent suicides, particularly responsibilities assigned to the Dzongkhag. The Dzongkhag’s Suicide Prevention Response Team (DSPRT), with technical support from relevant central agencies, will plan and implement suicide prevention awareness and interventions in the Dzongkhags and Gewogs, as well as identify causes driving people to commit suicide.

-77- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target CT: 98 CT: ≤ 4 <9 ≤ 1 ≤14 95 CT: 70 CT: 80 CT: 60 CT: 90 CT: ≤97 ≤88 ≤10 100 (Year) Baseline 95(2016) 4 (2017) 17(2013-2016) 1 (2013-2016) 22(2013-2016) 93.75 (2017) 38.30(2016) 35(2016) 14.6 (2016) 71.6 (2016) 97 (2016) 88 (2016) 10 (2016) 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 2 4 3 Weight % % % % % % % No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Unit Output Indicator Output visit (3 times) visit st Incidence of neonatal mortality neonatal of Incidence mortality infant of Incidence mortality maternal of Incidence mortality under-5 of Incidence delivery Institutional 8 visit ANC PNC 1 U5 screened for of Proportion (disability) delay developmental pap screened by women of Proportion smear incidence STI TB incidence policy strategic and National Implement of Use Harmful Reduce to framework (2015-2020) Alcohol Immunization coverage Immunization incidence NCD 40 40 Weight Output Maternal child child Maternal reproductive and health services improved Disease prevention, and treatment management services improved Outcome Dzongkhag Programme Output Matrix Output Programme Community Community health and enhanced security water ensured Community health and enhanced security water ensured 1 2 Sl. No. 11.2 11.2.1 targets and indicators output Programme

-78- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 100 114 NT: 30 CT: 20 NT: ≥ 30 95.18 CT: 99.88 CT: 5 NT: Doctor: 2 3 Nurse: 8 15 NT: 10 NT: (Year) Baseline 0 2886 (2016) 20 (2016) 5 (2016) 30 (2016) 87.93 (2017) 99.60 (2017) NA Doctor: 2 12 Nurse: 0 (2017) 1 (2016) 1 (2016) 3 3 3 2 5 5 4 2 2 7 6 2 7 Weight % % % No No No No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Unit Output Indicator Output People covered under Special Health Special under Health covered People Services advocacy/awareness of Number conducted programmes conducted camps screening of Number functional VHWs of Number toilet flush pour least at with Households 24*7 clean to access with Households supply water promote to initiatives of Number diet balance and healthy adequate, required doctors of Number required nurses of Number health infrastructure of Number maintained/developed renovated/ with connected health centers of Number servicesinternet Implement National Suicide Prevention Prevention Suicide National Implement (2015-2018) Plan Action health infrastructures of Number constructed 20 Weight Output Disease prevention, and treatment management services improved health Functional infrastructures strengthened Outcome Community Community health and enhanced security water ensured Community health and enhanced security water ensured 2 3 Sl. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected

-79- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Target Sl. KPI No. 2018- 2019- 2020- 2021- 2022- 2019 20120 2021 2022 2023 1 Immunization coverage 95.5 96 96.5 97 98 2 Incidence of neonatal mortality ≤ 4 ≤ 4 ≤ 4 ≤ 4 ≤ 4 3 Incidence of infant mortality < 9 < 9 < 9 < 9 < 9 4 Incidence of maternal ≤ 1 ≤ 1 ≤ 1 ≤ 1 ≤ 1 mortality 5 Incidence of under-5 mortality ≤ 14 ≤ 14 ≤ 14 ≤ 14 ≤ 14 6 Institutional delivery 94 94.3 94.6 94.8 95 7 ANC 8 visit 45 50 55 60 70 8 PNC 1stvisit (3 times) 45 55 65 75 80 9 Proportion of U5 screened 20 30 40 50 60 for developmental delay (disability) 10 Proportion of women screened 75 80 84 87 90 by pap smear 11 NCD incidence ≤97 ≤97 ≤97 ≤97 ≤97 12 STI incidence ≤88 ≤88 ≤88 ≤88 ≤88 13 TB incidence ≤10 ≤10 ≤10 ≤10 ≤10 14 Implement National Policy and 40 50 60 80 100 Strategic Framework to Reduce Harmful Use of Alcohol (2015- 2020) 15 Implement National Suicide 40 50 60 80 100 Prevention Action Plan (2015- 2018) 16 Number of advocacy/ 4 6 6 7 7 awareness programmes conducted 17 People covered under Special 22 22 23 23 24 Health Services 18 Number of screening camps 4 4 4 4 4 conducted 19 Number of functional VHWs ≥ 30 ≥ 30 ≥ 30 ≥ 30 ≥ 30 20 Proportion of households with 89.38 90.95 92.50 93.98 95.18 at least pour flush toilet 21 Proportion of households with 99.66 99.75 99.81 99.88 99.88 access to 24*7 clean water supply

-80- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Projected Annual Target Sl. KPI No. 2018- 2019- 2020- 2021- 2022- 2019 20120 2021 2022 2023 22 Number of health - 2 2 3 1 infrastructure constructed 23 Number of health 1 5 4 2 1 infrastructure renovated/ maintained/ developed 24 Number of health centers 7 3 - - - connected with internet services 25 Number of initiatives to 1 1 1 1 1 promote adequate, healthy and balance diet 26 Number of doctors required - - - 1 1 27 Number of nurses required - - 1 1 1

-81- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Programme activity and Outlay

Indicative Plan Sl. Activity Output Activity Outlay Remarks No Location (Nu. in Million) 1 1. Maternal Child Training & skills Gewogs 5.750 and Reproductive development Health services 2 improved Screening, Gewogs 5.000 2. Functional health awareness infrastructures & education strengthened programmes 3. Disease 3 Infrastructure Gewogs 62.505 prevention, development treatment and and office management equipments services improved Grand Total 73.255 Major sub activities 1 BHU II up Autsho 29.500 gradation to BHU I 2 Relocation of Dungkar 10.000 BHU 4 Major Ganglakhama, 4.000 maintenance of Dangling, BHUs patpachu, Tsenkhar, Gortshum, Ladrong, Ney, Zangkhar & Tsaenkhar BHU 5 Blacktopping of Lhuentse 2.000 parking area hospital and staff colony Total 45.500

-82- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan - - 1 5 Target 93 CT: 93 CT: CT: 100 3 NT: 1 NT: 1 NT: 11 NT: 100 FY 2022-23 (Year) Baseline 85.31 (2017) 99.80 (2017) 5 (2017) 1 (2016) 5 (2017) 6 (2016) - - - 4 92 100 FY 2021-22 Weight To be To decided annually - - - - 90 100 % % No. No. No. No. Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - 1 1 2 88 100 FY 2019-20 - - 1 1 87 99.80 FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output Households with at least power flush toilets flush power least at with Households supply water 24*7 clean to access with Households health infrastructures/ancillary of facilities Number constructed health infrastructures/ancillary of facilities Number renovated/developed maintained/ constructed RWSS of Number maintained/renovated RWSS of Number Weight To be To decided annually KPI Output Functional Functional health infrastructures strengthened Outcome Community Community health enhanced water and security ensured Households with at least power flush toilets flush power least at with Households supply water 24*7 clean to access with Households health infrastructures/ancillary of constructed facilities Number health infrastructures/ancillary of maintained/ facilities Number renovated/developed constructed RWSS of Number maintained/renovated RWSS of Number 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sl. Sl. No. No. 11.2.2 Gewog GewogGangzur targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-83- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

- 4 98 100 Plan Target 98 CT: 100 4 NT: 26 NT: Remarks FY 2022-23 7.650 7.650 1 3 96 100 Baseline (Year) 78.39 (2017) 100 (2017) 3 (2017) 12 (2017) FY 2021-22 (Nu. in Millions) (Nu. 1 2 93 Weight be To decided annually 100 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative FY 2020-21 % % No. No. Unit Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 2 8 90 100 FY 2019-20 - 9 85 100 FY 208-19 Activity Location Thrima, Gama Korba, Tsholing, Shawa, Lekpa, Lekpa, Shawa, Tsholing, Korba, Thrima, Gama Tongling, & Zhisar, Ney Zhamling, Rotpa, Gewog Centre and Denkaling, Durdurla Nimshong, Output Indicator Output toilets flush power least at with Households water 24*7 clean to access with Households supply health infrastructures maintained/ of Number renovated/relocated maintained/renovated RWSS of Number Activity KPI Weight be To decided annually Infrastructure Infrastructure development Output Functional health infrastructures strengthened Total Output Outcome Community health enhanced water and security ensured Households with at least power flush toilets flush power least at with Households supply water 24*7 clean to access with Households health infrastructures maintained/renovated/relocated of Number maintained/renovated RWSS of Number Functional health Functional infrastructures strengthened 1 2 3 4 1. Sl. Sl. 1 No. No. Sl. No Programme activity and Outlay Outlay activity and Programme Gewog Jarey targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-84- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 100 Plan NT: 5 NT: 3 NT: CT: 94 CT: Target Remarks 1.850 0.100 1.950 (Year) 1 (2017) 1 (2017) Baseline 100 (2017) 89.71 (2017) (Nu. in Millions) (Nu. Weight To be To decided annually Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative % % No. No. Unit Activity Location All Chiwogs All Chiwogs Output Indicator Output Activity Total Households with at least power flush toilets flush power least at with Households water 24*7 clean to access with Households supply health infrastructures/ ancillary of Number maintained/renovated facilities maintained/renovated RWSS of Number Weight To be To decided annually Infrastructures development Infrastructures for tools of supply and development Capacity caretakers water Output Health Health infrastructures/ ancillary facilities strengthened Output Outcome Community Community health and enhanced security water ensured Functional health Functional infrastructures strengthened 1. 1 2 Sl. Sl. No. No Programme activity and Outlay Outlay activity and Programme Khoma Gewog targets and indicators output Programme

-85- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan 2 2 Target CT: 94 CT: 100 2 NT: 37 NT: 94 100 Remarks FY 2022-23 (Year) Baseline 2 1 93 100 89.94 (2017) 100 (2017) 2 (2017) 20 (2017) FY 2021-22 1.170 1.170 Weight (Nu. in Million) (Nu. To be To decided annually - - 92 100 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative % % No. No. FY 2020-21 Unit Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - - 91 100 FY 2019-20 - 1 90 100 Activity Location FY 2018-19 Output Indicator Output Namgong, Pangkhar Pam, Goenkar, Goenkar, Pam, Pangkhar Namgong, Nyalamdung, Tsango, Baptong, Pangkhar Households with at least power flush toilets flush power least at with Households water 24*7 clean to access with Households supply constructed RWSS of Number maintained/renovated RWSS of Number Activity Weight To be To decided annually Infrastructure Infrastructure development KPI Output Functional Functional health infrastructures strengthened Output Health infrastructures/ Health ancillary facilities strengthened Outcome Households with at least power flush toilets flush power least at with Households supply water 24*7 clean to access with Households Number of health infrastructures/ ancillary of facilities Number renovated maintained/ maintained/renovated RWSS of Number Community Community health and enhanced security water ensured 1 Sl. No 1 2 1. Sl. Sl. No. No. Total Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme GewogKurtoed targets and indicators output Programme

-86- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 100 Plan - NT: 1 NT: 2 NT: 8 NT: CT: 97 CT: Target 94 17 100 Remarks FY 2022-23 (Year) - 93 10 0 (2016) 2 (2016) Baseline 100 14 (2016) 100 (2016) 92.38 (2016) FY 2021-22 1.400 1.400 (Nu. in Million) (Nu. Weight - To be To decided annually 92 10 100 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative FY 2020-21 % % No. No. No. Unit Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - - 91 100 Activity Chiwogs Location FY 2019-20 - 2 90 100 FY 2018-19 Output Indicator Output Activity Infrastructures development Infrastructures Households with at least power flush toilets flush power least at with Households water 24*7 clean to access with Households supply health infrastructures/ancillary of Number constructed facilities health infrastructures/ancillary of Number renovated maintained/ facilities maintained/renovated RWSS of Number Total Weight To be To decided annually KPI Output Output Functional Functional health infrastructures strengthened Outcome Community Community health and enhanced security water ensured Functional health infrastructures strengthened Functional Households with atleast power flush toilets flush power atleast with Households supply water 24*7 clean to access with Households constructed RWSS of Number maintained/renovated RWSS of Number 1. Sl. 1 1 2 3 4 No. Sl. Sl. No No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay activity and Programme GewogMaedtsho targets and indicators output Programme

-87- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 1 1 1 97 100 Remarks FY 2022-23 - 1 1 96 100 FY 2021-22 1.700 1.700 - - - 95 100 (Nu. in Millions) (Nu. FY 2020-21 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - - 2

94 100 FY 2019-20 - - 4 93 100 Activity Location FY 208-19 Singyebi, Dhowashing Dhowashing Singyebi, Lhakhang/Chiwogs Activity Infrastructures Infrastructures development KPI Total Output Functional health infrastructures Functional strengthened Households with atleast power flush toilets flush power atleast with Households supply water 24*7 clean to access with Households Number of health infrastructures/ancillary of constructed facilities Number health infrastructures/ancillary of facilities Number renovated maintained/ maintained/renovated RWSS of Number 1 Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 Sl. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Programme activity and Outlay Outlay activity and Programme

-88- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - - Plan 95 100 Target CT: 95 CT: 100 3 9 NT: FY 2022-23 - - (Year) Baseline 100 94.5 92.7 (2017) 100 (2017) 0 (2017) 12 (2017) FY 2021-22 Weight 2 6 94 To be To decided annually 100 FY 2020-21 % % No. No. Unit Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 1 3 100 93.5 FY 2019-20 - - 93 100 FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output Households with at least pour flush flush pour least at with Households toilets 24*7 clean to access with Households supply water health infrastructures/ of Number ancillary maintained/ facilities renovated maintained/renovated RWSS of Number Weight To be To decided annually KPI Output Functional Functional health infrastructures strengthened Outcome Community Community health enhanced water and security ensured Households with atleast pour flush toilets flush pour atleast with Households supply water 24*7 clean to access with Households health infrastructures/ancillary of maintained/ facilities No. renovated maintained/renovated RWSS of No. 1. Sl. 1 2 3 4 No. Sl. No. Maenbi Gewog targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-89- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target CT: 97.40 CT: 99 CT: 6 NT: 2 NT: 2 NT: 9 NT: Remarks (Year) Baseline 96.22 (2017) 97 (2017) 6 (2017) 1 (2017) 1 (2017) 1 (2017) 5.000 5.000 Weight (Nu. in Million) (Nu. To be To decided annually Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative % % No. No. No. No. Unit Activity Chiwogs Location Output Indicator Output Activity Infrastructures development Infrastructures Households with at least power flush toilets flush power least at with Households water 24*7 clean to access with Households supply health infrastructures/ancillary of Number constructed facilities health infrastructures/ancillary of Number renovated/developed maintained/ facilities constructed RWSS of Number maintained/renovated/ RWSS of Number rehabilitated Weight To be To decided annually Total Output Output Functional health Functional infrastructures strengthened Outcome Functional health infrastructures Functional strengthened Community Community health enhanced water and security ensured 1 1. Sl. No. Sl.No Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme Minjey Gewog targets and indicators output Programme

-90- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - - 2 4 99.0 97.40 Remarks FY 2022-23 - - - 1 99.0 97.30 FY 2021-22 4.150 4.150 - - - - 98.5 (Nu. in Million) (Nu. 97.20 Indicative Plan Outlay Plan Indicative FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - - 1 1 98.0 97.10 FY 2019-20 Chiwogs Activity Location - 5 1 4 97 97.5 FY 208-19 Activity Infrastructure development Infrastructure KPI Total Output No. of health infrastructures/ancillary of constructed facilities No. health infrastructures/ancillary of maintained/ facilities No. renovated/developed constructed RWSS of Number rehabilitated maintained/renovated/ RWSS of Number Households with at least power flush toilets flush power least at with Households supply water 24*7 clean to access with Households 3 4 5 6 1 2 Sl. No. Functional health infrastructures Functional strengthened Programme activity and Outlay Outlay activity and Programme Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected

-91- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan - 2 93 Target 100 CT: 93 CT: 100 CT: 6 NT: 16 NT: Remarks FY 2022-23 10.180 (Year) Baseline 1 4 90 100 78.77 (2017) 100 (2017) 6 (2017) 20 (2017) FY 2021-22 10.180 (Nu. in Million) (Nu. Weight To be To decided annually 2 4 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative 100 86.8 % % No. No. Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Activity Chiwogs Location 2 4 83 100 FY 2019-20 1 2 80 100 FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output Activity Infrastructure development Infrastructure Households with at least power flush toilets flush power least at with Households water 24*7 clean to access with Households supply health infrastructures/ancillary of Number renovated maintained/ facilities maintained/renovated RWSS of Number Weight To be To decided annually KPI Output Total Output Functional Functional health infrastructures strengthened Outcome Community Community health enhanced water and security ensured Households with atleast power flush toilets flush power atleast with Households supply water clean 24*7 safe to access with Households Number of health infrastructures/ancillary of facilities Number renovated maintained/ maintained/renovated RWSS of Number Functional health infrastructures strengthened Functional 1 2 3 4 1. Sl. Sl. 1 No. No. Sl. No Tsaenkhar Gewog Tsaenkhar targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected Programme activity and Outlay Outlay activity and Programme

-92- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks

Collection Collection methodology Administrative Administrative record Administrative record Administrative record Administrative record Data source Data Administrative Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Education Sector. Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Education Sector. Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Education Sector. Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Education Sector. Target M: 0 F: 0 ≤ 5 Dzo: Gen: ≤ 2 98 CT: M: 55 55 F: (Year) Baseline M: 2 F: 1 (2017) 16 Dzo: Gen: 5 (2017) 95(2017) M: 49.1 50.6 F: (2016) % % No. No. Unit Description This indicator indicator This children measures 6-12 including aged special needs children school attending not resident total of out population indicator This number measures specific subject of required teachers measures indicator The proportion of schools 24 size of class with 30 in in primary and secondary schools measures indicator The of the percentage who score students in 60 percent least at Dzongkha, English, Science and Maths KPI Out of School of Out (including Children special needs) (aged by 6 - 12 years) gender specific of Number teachers subject required Schools class meeting size targets at scoring Students in 60% each least Maths Dzo, English, Science in Class and gender VI by LGKRA education & skills 4: Quality of (9 KPIs) improved NKRA 3. Poverty 3. Poverty eradicated inequality and reduced 7. Quality of and education improved skills 10.Gender equality promoted, girls and women empowered 11. Productive gainful and employment created 12.

-93- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks

Collection Collection methodology Assessment Assessment report Administrative record Administrative record Administrative record Data source Data Dzongkhag Report Education report Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Education Sector. Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Education Sector. Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Education Sector Target M: 30 30 F: M: 50 50 F: M: ≥70 ≥75 F: 90 CT: (Year) Baseline M: 15 15 F: (20167) M: 21.2 22.4 F: (2017) M: 48.2 51.7 F: (2016) 37.5 (2017) % % % % Unit Description This indicator indicator This students measures 60% above scoring subjects in STEM [Science, IT and Mathematics], English and Dzongkha in BCSE examination. measures indicator The of the participation children old 3-5 years total of in ECCD out old. 3-5 years resident will indicator The completion measure NFE learners. of rate indicator This percentage measures with schools of such clubs vocational agriculture, cultural, as arts horticulture, literary, crafts, and science and democracy, culinary technology, etc KPI Students scoring scoring Students 60% in least at subject each STEM Dzongkha including in BCSE English and gender (X) by for Rate Enrolment gender ECCD by rate NFE completion gender by schools of Proportion clubs vocational with NKRA 3. Poverty 3. Poverty eradicated inequality and reduced 7. Quality of and education improved skills 10.Gender equality promoted, girls and women empowered 11. Productive gainful and employment created

-94- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Baseline and targets based on severe disorders only. Collection Collection methodology Administrative Administrative record Data source Data Administrative Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Education Sector. Target F: ≥ 3 F: M: ≥6 (Year) Baseline F: 3 M: 6 (2016) No. Unit Description This indicator indicator This of number measures under covered people Special Education Services which is specificas defined targeted programmes particular towards youth, (Elder, Group With People children, etc.) Disability KPI People covered under under covered People Special Education Services gender by NKRA

-95- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

12.1 Programme Summary and Strategies

Programme Title: Quality education and skills enhancement Objective: To improve quality of education and skills Collaborating Agency/ies: MoE/BCSEA/MoLHR (Technical Training Institute)/RCSC/RUB/REC

Programme Strategies: Continuous progress has been made in education over the year in term of infrastructure, supplies, access, human resource and education quality. Currently Dzongkhag has two higher secondary school, two middle secondary School, ten primary school.With the aim to enhance the quality of education in the 12th Plan, the Dzongkhag will continue to promote the concept of consolidation with strengthening of central schools and making required resources and support available. The following interventions will be pursued to further enhance quality of education in the dzongkhag: i. Prepare comprehensive mapping of teachers required in schools and pursue with MoE and RCSC for their strategic deployment and management. Also, develop and enforce redressal mechanism for addressing issues and grievances on teacher’s deployment. ii. Develop and implement a mechanism to incentivise teachers serving in remote areas for long periods of time, through relevant trainings, certificates and awards. iii. Equip schools and learning centers with basic ICT infrastructure and facilities (overhead-projector for each classroom) and pprovide reliable internet connectivity, to promote e-learning and digitization in schools Also provide professional development programmes to teachers and support staff. iv. Equip libraries with relevant books and online resource materials for references, self-learning and online education. v. Regularly assess students’ strengths, weaknesses and learning needs for feedback especially focusing on improving those who are poor performers and slow learners. Provide life skills (communication, problem-solving, analytical skills, value education) through social interactions, clubs and educational trips for peer learning and enhance career mentorship in schools. vi. Engage parents through awareness programmes on child’s development needs, and in extra-curricular activities such as minor. maintenance and school greening vii. Strengthen professional development of teachers through a properly assessed PD plan.

-96- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Plan Target Plan M: ≥ 70 ≥ 75 F: 200 (M:100; BLC: F:100) 300 (M:150; PLC: (NT) F:150) M: 0 F: 0 ≤ 5 Dzo: Gen: ≤ 2 M: 50 50 F: ≥ 3 F: M: ≥ 6 M: 55 55 F:

(Year) Baseline M: 48.2 51.7(2016) F: 128 (M:60; F:68) BLC: 258 (M:123; PLC: F:135)(2017) M: 2 1(2017) F: 16 Dzo: Gen: 5(2017) M: 21.2 22.4 (2017) F: F: 3 M: 6(2016) M: 49.1 50.6 (2016) F: 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 Weight % % % No No No No. Unit Output Indicator Output NFE completion rate by by rate NFE completion gender NFE learners of Enrolment gender by PLC and in BLC School Children of Out special needs) (including gender by 6 - 14 years) (aged specificsubject of Number required teachers ECCD by for Rate Enrolment gender Special under covered People Services gender Education by 60% least at scoring Students Maths Dzo, each in English, Science VI by in Class and gender 5 50 Weight Output Adult learning learning Adult enhanced Quality primary secondaryand education improved Outcome Programme Output Matrix Output Programme Quality of Quality of education & skills improved 1 2 Sl. No. 12.2 12.2.1 Dzongkhag targets and indicators output Programme

-97- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target Plan M: 30 30 F: 65; Maths: Eng: 75 (CT) 65,Dzo: 65; Maths: Eng: 65,Sci: 65; Dzo: 75 70 60; Dzo: Eng: 55; Sci: 57 Maths: 1 NT: 20 NT: 100 CT: 10 NT: 90 CT: (Year) Baseline M: 15 15(20167) F: 60; Maths: Eng: 60,Dzo:70,(Midterm 2017) 60,Sci: 60; Maths: Eng: 70 (2017) 60; Dzo: 67 57; Dzo: Eng: 48; Sci: 52 Maths: -2017 2 (2017) 2 (2017) 50 (2016) 10 (2016) 37.5 (2017) 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 Weight % % % % % % No. No. No. Unit Output Indicator Output Students scoring at least least at scoring Students subject STEM 60% in each and Dzongkha including in BCSE (X) by English gender III in class Learning outcome VI in class Learning outcome X in class Learning outcome Central of Establishment Schools research Research/action Teachers by conducted teachers of Proportion PD of 80 hours availing Programme programs annual of Number enhance to implemented skills and life students competencies with schools of Proportion clubs vocational 50 Weight Output Quality primary secondaryand education improved Outcome Quality of Quality of education & skills improved 2 Sl. No.

-98- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target Plan NT: 5 NT: every of March year 5 NT: 100 CT: 98 CT: 16 CT: 42 NT: 24 NT: 2 NT: (Year) Baseline 2 (2016) NA NA 95 (2016) 95 (2017) 15 (2016) 20 (2017) 10 (2017) 0 (2017) 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 10 15 Weight % % No. No. No. No. No. Date Date Unit Output Indicator Output Number of new extra- of Number curricular in schools clubs requirement Teacher’s in plan action and mapping implemented and place activities Motivational being well teachers for implemented safely to access Schools with (Water, WASH managed Hygiene) and Sanitation facilities size Schools class meeting targets with schools of Number ratio computer ideal student 1:10 for primary, (1:30 for secondary schools) educational of Number infrastructures renovated/ maintained/developed educational of Number infrastructures/ ancillary constructed facilities supplied schools of Number newwith school busses 50 45 Weight Output Quality primary secondaryand education improved Functional education infrastructure/ facilities developed Outcome Quality of Quality of education & skills improved 2 3 Sl. No.

-99- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag FY 2022-2023 M: ≥ 70 ≥ 75 F: 40 BLC: 20) (M: 20; F: 60 PLC: 30) (M: 30; F: F: 0 M: 0 ≤ 5 Dzo: Gen: ≤ 2 M: 50 50 F: ≥ 3, M: 6 F: M-55 55 F: M: 30 130 F: 65Maths: Eng: 75 65Dzo: 65 Eng: 65 Maths: Sci: 65 75 Dzo: FY 2021-2022 M: ≥ 65 ≥ 70 F: 40 BLC: 20) (M: 20; F: 60 PLC: 30) (M: 30; F: F: 0 M: 0 ≤ 6 Dzo: Gen: ≤ 2 M: 43 43 F: ≥ 3, M: 6 F: M-54 F-54 M: 27 27 F: 64Maths: Eng: 74 64Dzo: 64 Eng: 64 Maths: Sci: 64 74 Dzo: FY 2020-2021 M: ≥ 60 ≥ 65 F: 40 BLC: 20) (M: 20; F: 60 PLC: 30) (M: 30; F: F: 0 M: 0 ≤ 8 Dzo: Gen: ≤ 2 M: 35 35 F: ≥ 3, M: 6 F: m-53 F-53 M: 24 24 F: 63Maths: Eng: 73 63Dzo: 63 Eng: 63 Maths: Sci: 63 73 Dzo: Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected FY 2019-2020 M: ≥ 55 ≥ 60 F: 40 BLC: 20) (M: 20; F: 60 PLC: 30) (M: 30; F: F: 0 M: 0 ≤ 11 Dzo: Gen: ≤ 3 M: 30 30 F: ≥ 3, M: 6 F: M-51 F-52 M: 21 21 F: 62, Maths: Eng: 72 62, Dzo: 62 Eng: 62 Maths: Sci: 62 72 Dzo: FY 2018-2019 M: ≥ 50 ≥ 55 F: 40 BLC: 20) (M: 20; F: 60 PLC: 30) (M: 30; F: F: 1 M: 1 ≤ 16 Dzo: Gen: ≤ 4 M: 25 25 F: ≥ 3, M: 6 F: M: 50 52 F: M: 18 18 F: 61,Maths: Eng: 71 61,Dzo: 61 Eng: 61 Maths: Sci: 61 71 Dzo: KPI gender by rate NFE completion by PLC and in BLC NFE learners of Enrolment gender special needs) School (including Children of Out gender by 6 - 12 years) (aged required teachers specificsubject of Number gender ECCD by for Rate Enrolment Services Special under Education covered People gender by Dzo, 60% in English, least at scoring Students gender Science VI by in Class and Maths subjects, 60% in STEM above scoring Students by in BCSE examination English and Dzongkha gender III in class Learning outcome VI in class Learning outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sl. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected

-100- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag FY 2022-2023 Eng: 60 Eng: 70 Dzo: 55 Maths: Sci: 57 - 4 100 2 90 1 2023 March 1 98 100 16 15 FY 2021-2022 Eng: 59 Eng: 69 Dzo: 53 Maths: Sci: 56 - 4 90 2 80 1 2022 March 1 97 98 16 10 FY 2020-2021 Eng: 58.5 Eng: 68.5 Dzo: 52 Maths: Sci: 55 - 4 80 2 70 1 2021 March 1 96 97 16 10 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected FY 2019-2020 Eng: 58 Eng: 68 Dzo: 49.5 Maths: Sci: 54 1 4 70 2 60 1 2020 March 1 95 96 15 7 FY 2018-2019 Eng: 57.5 Eng: 67.5 Dzo: 48 Maths: Sci: 53 - 4 60 2 40 1 2019 March 1 95 95 15 - KPI X in class Learning outcome Central Schools of Establishment Teachers by conducted research Research/action PD of 80 hours availing teachers of Proportion Programme enhance to implemented programs of Number competencies skills and life students clubs vocational with schools of Proportion new extracurricular in schools of clubs Number plan action and mapping requirement Teacher’s implemented and in place being well teachers activities for Motivational implemented size targets Schools class meeting WASH managed safely to access Schools with facilities Hygiene) and Sanitation (Water, computer ideal with schools student of Number secondary 1:10 for primary, (1:30 for ratio schools) infrastructures educational of Number developed maintained/renovated/ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Sl. No.

-101- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks FY 2022-2023 3 - 25.00 25.500 230.860 256.360 FY 2021-2022 (Nu. in Million) (Nu. 8 - Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative FY 2020-2021 8 2 Activity Location Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Schools/ Education Sector Schools/ Education Sector Higher Lhuentse Secondary School Grand Total Grand FY 2019-2020 4 - Activity Major sub activities sub Major Infrastructure Infrastructure and development office of supply equipments programmes/ PD Programmes/ Scouts sports and Games LHSS to of Upradation hostels CS (additional approach & classrooms, via Kakaling, road mattress, of supply uniforms blankets, basic of provision and services) FY 2018-2019 1 - Output Adult learning enhanced learning Adult Quality secondary primary and education improved infrastructures/ education Functional developed facilities enhanced learning Adult Quality secondary primary and education improved infrastructures/ education Functional developed facilities 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. KPI infrastructures/ ancillary educational of Number constructed facilities new with school supplied schools of Number buses 1 2 1 Sl. No 24 25 Sl. No. Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme

-102- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 24.00 10.00 16.00 95.00 (Nu. in Million) (Nu. Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative Activity Location Minjey Middle Minjey Secondary School Autsho Central Autsho School Tangmachu CS Tangmachu CS Tangmachu CS Tangmachu CS Tangmachu CS Tangmachu Total Total Activity Black topping of motor motor of topping Black Gewog from road Middle Minjey to Secondary School Major Maintenance Maintenance Major doors, buildings, of etc. corridors windows, Construction of Kitchen and store Construction of 1 No. 1 No. Construction of hostel 180 bedded girls’ 1 No. Construction of boys for toilet six unit six unit 1 No. and girls for toilets 3 Nos. Construction of quarter. staff unit four 1 No. Construction of library block Major renovation of old old of renovation Major block. classroom Output Adult learning enhanced learning Adult Quality secondary primary and education improved infrastructures/ education Functional developed facilities 1. 2. 3. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sl. No

-103- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan NT: 1 NT: 1 NT: - - Target Remarks FY 2022-23 (Year) 2 (2016) 3 (2016) Baseline - - FY 2021-22 0.150 0.267 0.417 Weight To be To decided annually (Nu. in Million) (Nu. - - No. No. Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - 1 Activity Chiwogs Chiwogs Location FY 2019-20 - 1 Output Indicator Output FY 208-19 Number of educational/ancillary educational/ancillary of Number infrastructures constructed educational/ancillary of Number infrastructures maintained Weight To be To decided annually Activity Total Output Infrastructure development Infrastructure stationeries/ equipments/ office of Supply materials KPI Educational Educational infrastructures developed Output Outcome Educational Educational infrastructures developed Number of educational/ancillary infrastructures constructed educational/ancillary of Number infrastructures maintained educational/ancillary of Number Quality of education education Quality of skills improved and 1 2 1. Sl. Sl. No. Sl. No No. 12.2.2 Gewog GewogGangzur targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected outlay activity and Programme

-104- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan - NT: 2 NT: Target Remarks FY 2022-23 0.400 0.400 (Year) 3 (2017) Baseline 1 FY 2021-22 Weight To be To decided annually (Nu. in Million) (Nu. Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative 1 No. Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - Activity Location Yumchey, Yumchey, Changkharla FY 2019-20 Output Indicator Output - Number of educational educational of Number strengthened centers FY 208-19 Activity Weight To be decided To annually Supply of furniture/ equipment furniture/ of Supply Output KPI Educational infrastructures Educational strengthened Total Output Outcome Number of educational centers strengthened centers educational of Number Educational infrastructures strengthened Educational Quality of education education Quality of skills improved and 1 1 1 Sl. No. Sl .No Sl Sl. No. Jarey Gewog Jarey targets and indicators output rogramme Targets Annual Projected Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme

-105- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - NT: 2 NT: Remarks Plan Target Plan FY 2022-23 2 (Year) 1 (2017) Baseline FY 2021-22 0.200 0.200 - (Nu. in Million) (Nu. Weight To be To decided annually Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Unit No. - FY 2019-20 Activity Location Gangla Khema Gangla - FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output Number of educational educational of Number infrastructures/ancillary strengthened facilities Weight Activity To be To decided annually Educational infrastructure Educational development Output KPI Educational Educational infrastructures developed Total Output Outcome Quality of education and and education Quality of improved skills Educational infrastructures Educational developed Number of educational infrastructures/ ancillary facilities educational of Number strengthened 1 1 1 Sl. Sl. No No. Sl. No. Khoma Gewog targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected Outlay activity and Programme

-106- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - Plan NT: 2 NT: Target Remarks FY 2022-23 (Year) 4 (2017) Baseline - FY 2021-22 0.700 0.700 Weight To be To decided annually (Nu. in Million) (Nu. 1 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative No. Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 1 Activity Location Thuenpey, Thuenpey, Chagzom FY 2019-20 - Output Indicator Output FY 208-19 Number of educational educational of Number infrastructures/ ancillary established facilities Activity Weight To be To decided annually Infrastructures development Infrastructures Output KPI Educational Educational infrastructures developed Total Output Outcome Educational infrastructures developed Educational Quality of education education Quality of skills improved and Number of educational infrastructures/ ancillary facilities educational of Number established 1 1 1 Sl. Sl. No. Sl.No No. Kurtoed GewogKurtoed targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected Outlay activity and Programme

-107- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan - - NT: 2 NT: 2 NT: Target Remarks FY 2022-23 (Year) 0(2016) 2 (2016) Baseline - 1 FY 2021-22 2.900 2.900 Weight To be To decided annually (Nu. in Million) (Nu. No. No. Unit - 2 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - 1 FY 2019-20 Activity Location Bamdhir, Gortshom Bamdhir, - - FY 2018-19 Output Indicator Output Activity Number of educational infrastructures/ ancillary educational of Number established facilities infrastructures/ educational existing of Number ancillary maintained/renovated facilities Infrastructures development Infrastructures Weight To be To decided annually KPI Output Total Educational Educational infrastructures developed Output Outcome Quality of Quality of education skillsand improved Educational infrastructures developed Educational Number of educational infrastructures/ ancillary facilities educational of Number established infrastructures/ ancillary educational existing of Number maintained/renovated facilities 1. Sl. 1 No. Sl. No Sl. No. Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme Maedtsho GewogMaedtsho targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-108- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan - - NT: 1 NT: 1 NT: Target Remarks FY 2022-23 (Year) 2 (2016) 3 (2016) Baseline - - FY 2021-22 0.701 0.500 1.201 Weight To be To decided annually (Nu. in Million) (Nu. 1 1 No. No. Unit Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative FY 2020-21

Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - - Activity Location Chiwogs Chiwogs FY 2019-20 - - FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output Number of educational/ancillary educational/ancillary of Number infrastructures constructed educational/ancillary of Number infrastructures maintained Weight To be To decided annually KPI Activity development Infrastructure materials stationeries/ equipments/ office of Supply Output Educational Educational infrastructures developed Outcome Number of educational/ancillary infrastructures constructed educational/ancillary of Number infrastructures maintained educational/ancillary of Number Output infrastructures Educational developed Total Quality of Quality of skills and education improved 1 2 1 2 Sl. No. 1. Sl. Sl. No No. Maenbi GewogMaenbi targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected outlay activity and Programme

-109- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan NT: 2 NT: 2 Target Remarks FY 2022-23 (Year) 2 (2017) Baseline - FY 2021-22 0.300 0.300 Weight To be To decided annually (Nu. in Million) (Nu. - Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative No. Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - FY 2019-20 Activity Location Zham Minjey, - Output Indicator Output FY 208-19 Number of educational educational of Number infrastructures/ ancillary established facilities Weight To be To decided annually Activity developments Infrastructure Output Educational Educational infrastructures developed Outcome Output infrastructures developed Educational Total KPI infrastructures/ ancillary facilities educational of Number established Quality of education and and education Quality of improved skills 1 1. 1. Sl. Sl.No Sl. No. No. Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme Minjey Gewog targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-110- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 4 Plan 1 Target Remarks FY 2022-23 (Year) 0 (2017) Baseline 1 FY 2021-22 1.500 1.500 Weight To be To decided annually (Nu. in Million) (Nu. 1 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative No. Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 1 FY 2019-20 Output Indicator Output - Number of educational educational of Number infrastructures/ ancillary facilities strengthened FY 208-19 Activity Location Kharphu, Tshochen, Wambur, Phawantoe Weight To be decided To annually Activity Infrastructure developments Output KPI Educational Educational infrastructures developed Outcome Number of educational infrastructures/ ancillary facilities educational of Number strengthened Quality of education and and education Quality of improved skills Output infrastructures Educational developed Total 1. 1. Sl. No. Sl. No. Sl.No 1 Tsenkhar Gewog Tsenkhar targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected Programme activity and Outlay Outlay activity and Programme

-111- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks 10 Dzo: Gewogs: 80 Repa Dala Chowla Dance, Puensum & Cham, Dance Prew Chha and various Festivals, dialects and history will be revived. Collection Collection methodology Administrative record Administrative record Administrative record Data source Data Administrative Data, Dzongkhag culture sector Administrative Data, Dzongkhag culture sector Administrative Data, Dzongkhag culture sector Target 100 NT: 90 NT: 10 NT: Baseline (Year) 1(2016) 24 (2016) 0 (2016) No. No. No. Unit Description indicator This number measures participants of and in Zhungdra Boedra Competition by organized or Dzongkhag Gewogs indicator This number measures activities taken of community through such volunteers road, farm as Lhakhangs, cleaning irrigation campaign, etc. indicator This number measures stories, folk of Oral histories, local dialects, local local songs/dances, and revived festivals documented KPI Participants in Zhungdra Boedraand in Competition level Dzongkhag competition Activities undertaken through community volunteers and cash (Without kind) Oral stories, Folk local histories, dances, and songs local local festivals, dialects revived documented and KPIS) LGKRA 5: CULTURE & TRADITIONS PRESERVED AND PROMOTED (6 (6 PROMOTED AND PRESERVED TRADITIONS & CULTURE LGKRA 5:

NKRA 2. Economic and diversity productivity enhanced & 4. Culture Traditions preserved and promoted 11. Productive gainful and employment created 15. Livability, safety and sustainability human of settlements improved 13.

-112- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Dzo: 12 Dzo: Gewogs: 101 20 Dzo: Gewogs: 78 Remarks MTNC/Renov: 1. 2. Construction: 1. 2. Collection Collection methodology Administrative record Administrative record Administrative record Data source Data Administrative Data, Dzongkhag culture sector Administrative Data, Dzongkhag culture sector Administrative Data, Dzongkhag culture sector Target 15 NT: 211 NT: 2 Baseline (Year) 2(2016) 79 (2017) 0(2016) No. No. No. Unit Description indicator The the number measures traditional of and initiated events the at conducted to level Dzongkhag promote preserve and games indigenous sports and indicator This number measures religious of infrastructure, ancillary facilities, heritage tangible infrastructures and or maintained or constructed renovated. indicator This the types measures of features unique of a village/settlement house as such patterns structure, preservedetc. and promoted KPI Initiatives safeguard to and promote games indigenous sports and Tangible Promote Heritage Cultural features Unique originality and settlements/ of villages preserved and promoted NKRA

-113- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

13.1 Programme Summary and Strategies

Programme Title: Traditional and culture development Objective: To promote and preserve culture & traditions of the Dzongkhag Collaborating Agency/ies: DratshangLhentshog/MoHCA/DDC

Programme strategies In addition to the conventional strategies to preserve and promote culture, Dzongkhag will particularly promote intangible culture by: Ÿ Conducting research on topics of cultural significance and Repa Dala & Chawla Puensum dance and Chha & Prew festival.

Ÿ Various local festival will be presented during the Dzongkhag Annual Tshechu.

Ÿ Develop concept note and Terms of References for research and documentation (print and video).

Ÿ Identify potential research institutes/researchers such as Music of Bhutan Research Centre and Ayang Lugar and finalize contract and implementation modalities.

Ÿ If private research institutes/researchers are not forthcoming, support will be sought from Department of Culture and CBS to undertake research and documentation

Ÿ The publication of research works will be archived in the Dzongkhag and distributed to schools and Department of Culture for reference and education especially for youth. Arrangements will be explored and attempts be made with book shops for possible markets and income generation

Ÿ Collaborate with College of Language and Culture Studies and private researchers on the research and documentation already conducted on songs, dances, festivals, dialects etc. of the Dzongkhag. Dzongkhag will use these products for preservation and promotion

Ÿ Will collaborate with BBS, print media and local cable operators for broadcasting documented products for sensitization and promotion to the general public.

-114- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Ÿ Unique dances and songs will be showcased during events (local and regional cultural events) and collaborate with TCB and private business to promote as tourism products in and other tourism hubs for income generation.

Ÿ Collaborate with interested artists to produce folklore based animation, documentaries, comic books, short stories that are unique to LhuentseDzongkhag

Ÿ Programmes will be organized in schools and Dzongkhag for local storytelling and showcase dances.

Ÿ Conduct inter gewog competition on local festivals, songs and dances, indigenous games and sports

1. Dzongkhag will promote DriglamNamzha by i. Creating community training of trainers on DriglamNamzhafor mass community sensitization and participation; and; ii. Providing mass education and awareness on DriglamNamzha to the community especially during public and community meetings and gathering.

-115- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 100 NT: 10 NT: 10 NT: 5 NT: 10 NT: 10 NT: 3 NT: (budget under (LGKRA 1) 20 NT: 12 NT: 2 NT: Baseline (Year) 1 (2016) 0 (2017) 0 (2017) 2 (2017) 1 (2017) 4 (2017) 2 (2017) 4 (2017) 0 (2017) 0 (2017) 7 7 7 7 6 6 5 20 20 15 Weight No No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Unit Initiatives to promote traditional songs and and songs traditional promote to Initiatives dances local Oral histories, stories, Folk of Number local local dances, festivals, dialects and songs documented or revived promote and safeguard to initiatives of Number sports and games indigenous Driglam Namzha on trainings of Number activities undertaken volunteer of Number kind) and cash (Without infrastructure/ ancillary new religious of Number developed constructed/ facilities infrastructures/ ancillary religious of Number strengthened maintained/renovated/ facilities unique with settlement/villages of Number promoted preserved and feature Output Indicator Output Boedra and in Zhungdra Participants competition level in Dzongkhag Competition places/ sites significant historically of Number revived/developed 40 60 Weight Output Intangible cultural heritage preserved and promoted Tangible cultural heritage preserved and promoted Dzongkhag Programme Output Matrix Output Programme Outcome and Culture preserved tradition and promoted 2 1. Sl. No. 13.2 12.2.1 targets and indicators output Programme

-116- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - - 2 2 1 2 2 4 2 25 FY 2022-2023 - 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 2 25 FY 2021-2022 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 3 1 25 FY 2020-2021 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 3 1 25 FY 2019-2020 - - - 2 2 1 2 2 4 2 FY 2018-2019 (Without Indicators Boedra and Competition in Zhungdra Participants competition level in Dzongkhag dances and songs traditional promote to Initiatives local Oral songs histories, stories, Folk of Number local local dances, festivals, dialectsand or revived documented promote and safeguard to initiatives of Number sports and games indigenous Driglam Namzha on trainings of Number activities undertaken volunteer of Number kind) and cash places/sites significant historically of Number revived/developed infrastructure/ancillary new religious of Number developed constructed/ facilities infrastructures/ancillary religious of Number strengthened maintained/renovated/ facilities feature unique with settlement/villages of Number promoted preserved and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sl. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected

-117- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks 6.800 3.500 4.500 14.800 7.330 40.400 47.730 (Nu. in Million) Indicative Plan Outlay Total Total Dzong Khoma Gewogs Gewogs Activity Location Tsaenkhar Dzongkhag & Dzongkhag & Major sub activities Major Activity Grand Total Support for preservation and promotion of intangible cultural heritage Support for preservation and promotion of tangible cultural heritage including infrastructure development Construction of lhakhang, Lamai Zimchung, Drasha, kitchen, toilet & house for aged people at Dorzhong (spillover) Major renovation of Sangwai Dadru Lhakhang Construction of resident for Lopens Residence for Dzong Dratshang Output Intangible cultural heritage preserved and promoted Tangible cultural heritage preserved and promoted 1 2 1 2 3 Sl. No Programme activity and Outlay Outlay activity and Programme

-118- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 5 NT: 1 NT: 1 NT: 10 NT: 15 NT: Baseline (Year) 2 (2016) 3 (2017) 3 (2016) 7 (2016) 2 (2016) Weight be To decided annually No. No. No. No. No. Unit (Without Output Indicator Output safeguard and promote to Initiatives sports and games indigenous preserved sites historical of Number and promoted infrastructure/ religious of Number ancillary constructed facilities religious existing of Number infrastructures/ ancillary facilities developed maintained/renovated/ undertaken through Activities volunteers community kind) and cash Weight be To decided annually Output culturalheritage Intangible promoted preserved and heritage cultural Tangible promoted preserved and Sense community of promoted volunteerism Outcome Culture and traditions preserved and promoted 1 2 3 Sl. No. 13.2.2 Gewogs Gangzur targets and indicators output Programme

-119- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - - 1 2 3 Remarks FY 2022-23 - - 1 2 3 FY 2021-22 0.100 7.000 7.100 - - 1 3 3 (Nu. in Million) (Nu. Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - 1 1 3 3 FY 2019-20 - - 1 1 3 Activity Location FY 208-19 Ney Shawa, Jang, Kilung, Samling, Zhamling, Chabi, Jangchubling, Gangzur, Tashi and Tongling Pemaling Activity Support for preservation and and preservation for Support cultural intangible of promotion heritage development Infrastructure Output Intangible cultural heritage heritage cultural Intangible promoted preserved and heritage cultural Tangible promoted preserved and Total KPI sports and games indigenous safeguard and promote to Initiatives promoted preserved and sites historical of Number infrastructure/ancillary constructed facilities religious of Number infrastructures/ ancillary facilities religious existing of Number developed maintained/renovated/ (Without volunteers community undertaken through Activities kind) and cash 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 Sl. Sl. No No. Annual Projected Target Projected Annual Target activity and Programme

-120- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - 2 2 1 3 Plan NT: 2 NT: 7 NT: 4 NT: Target NT: 10 NT: 15 NT: FY 2022-23 (Year) 0 (2017) 0 (2017) 7 (2017) 1 (2017) 2 (2017) Baseline 2 2 1 1 3 FY 2021-22 Weight To be To decided annually - 2 2 2 3 No. No. No. No. No. Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - - 2 2 3 FY 2019-20 (Without cash cash (Without - - - 2 3 FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output - (Without Number of initiatives undertaken to initiatives of Number local festivals promote preserve and safeguard and promote to Initiatives sports and games indigenous infrastructures/ religious of Number ancillary constructed facilities religious existing of Number infrastructures/ ancillary facilities developed maintained/renovated/ undertaken through Activities volunteers community kind) and Weight To be To decided annually KPI Output Intangible Intangible heritage cultural preserved and promoted Tangible heritage cultural preserved and promoted Sense of community volunteerism promoted Outcome Culture and and Culture traditions preserved and promoted No. of initiatives undertaken to preserve and promote local festivals promote undertaken preserve and to initiatives of No. sports and games indigenous safeguard and promote to Initiatives infrastructures/ ancillary constructed facilities religious of No. infrastructures/ ancillary main facilities religious existing of No. developed tained/renovated/ volunteers community undertaken through Activities kind) and cash 1 2 3 Sl. 1 2 3 4 5 No. Sl. No. Jarey Gewog Jarey targets and indicators output Programme Targets Projected Annual

-121- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 2 22 NT: 1 NT: 10 NT: Remarks (Year) Baseline 0 (2017) 4 (2017) 8 (2017) 2 (2017) Weight To be To decided annually Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. 1.000 0.100 16.765 17.865 No. No. No. No. Unit Activity Location Ngangey Ladrong, Gewog Lhakhang, Yumchey Jarey Lhakhang, Lhakhang, Yabi Langabi Lhakhang Output Indicator Output (without cash and kind) and cash (without Initiatives to promote and safeguard safeguard and promote to Initiatives sports and games indigenous infrastructure/ religious of Number ancillary constructed facilities religious existing of Number infrastructures ancillary facilities maintained/renovated community undertaken through Activities volunteers Weight To be To decided annually Activity and Chamgo of Procurement Bongho indigenous of Promotion sports and games infrastructures Religious development Output Intangible cultural cultural Intangible preserved heritage and promoted cultural Tangible preserved heritage and promoted Sense community of volunteerism promoted Outcome Culture and and Culture traditions preserved and promoted Output heritage cultural Intangible promoted preserved and heritage cultural Tangible promoted preserved and Total 2 3 1. Sl. 1 2 3 No. Sl. No Broad Program Activity and Outlay and Activity Program Broad Khoma Gewog targets and indicators output Programme

-122- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks FY 2022-23 - 12 - 2 FY 2021-22 - 2 - 2 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. 7.840 7.840 FY 2020-21 2 8 - 2 Activity Location Chiwogs Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected FY 2019-20 - - - 2 FY 2018-19 - - 1 2 Activity development Infrastructure KPI Initiatives to promote and safeguard indigenous games games indigenous safeguard and promote to Initiatives sports and infrastructure/ancillary facilities religious of Number constructed infrastructures/ancillary religious existing of Number maintained/renovated facilities volunteers community undertaken through Activities kind) and cash (without Output promoted preserved and heritage cultural Tangible Total 1 2 3 4 1 Sl. Sl. No No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay activity and Programme

-123- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - - - 1 Plan Target 3 NT: 1 NT: 10 NT: 5 CT: FY 2022-23 Baseline (Year) NA NA 5 (2017) 2 (2017) - - 2 1 FY 2021-22 Weight be To decided annually 1 1 4 1 No. No. No. No. Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - 1 4 1 FY 2019-20 (without cash cash (without - - 1 1 FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output undertaken to initiatives of Number local festivals promote preserve and sites historical/significant of Number promoted preserved and infrastructure/ religious of Number ancillary constructed facilities undertaken through Activities volunteers community kind) and (without Weight be To decided annually Output and culture Intangible preserved and traditions promoted cultural Tangible preserved and heritage promoted Sense community of promoted volunteerism Outcome and Culture traditions preserved and promoted KPI local promote undertaken preserve and to initiatives of No. festivals promoted preserved and sites historical/significant of No. infrastructure/ancillary constructed facilities religious of No. volunteers community undertaken through Activities kind) and cash 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 Sl. No. Sl. No Kurtoed GewogKurtoed targets and indicators output Programme Targets Projected Annual

-124- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 3 NT: 5 NT: 15 NT: 2 NT: 10 NT: Remarks Baseline (Year) 1 (2016) 1 (2016) 0(2016) 7(2016) 5 (2016) Weight be To decided annually No. No. No. No. No. Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. 5.631 0.500 6.131 Unit (Without cash and kind) and cash (Without Activity Location and Tergang Goshopang, Kunzangling, Barab Dungkar Chhusa, Jasabi, Output Indicator Output undertaken to initiatives of Number local festivals preserve/promote/revive safeguard and promote to Initiatives sports and games indigenous religious/traditional of Number infrastructure/ ancillary facilities constructed religious existing of Number infrastructures/ ancillary facilities maintained/renovated community undertaken through Activities volunteers Weight be To decided annually Activity Infrastructures development and revival for Support local of festivals promotion Output cultural Intangible preserved and heritage promoted cultural Tangible preserved and heritage promoted Sense community of volunteerism promoted Outcome and Culture traditions preserved and promoted Output cultural Tangible preserved and heritage promoted and culture Intangible preserved and traditions promoted Total 1 2 3 1 2 Sl. Sl. No No Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme GewogMaedtsho targets and indicators output Programme

-125- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - 2 3 2 1 Remarks FY 2022-23 - - 2 4 1 FY 2021-22 - - 2 3 1 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. 10.400 10.400 FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - 2 3 3 1 FY 2019-20 - - 2 2 1 FY 208-19 (Without Activity Location Zhongmaed, Oongar, Gortshom, Bamdhir, Yamalung, Silibi, Tongthro, Lhakhang, Gewog Centre Khenyel Activity Infrastructures development Output cultural Tangible preserved and heritage promoted Total Number of existing religious infrastructures/ ancillary facilities infrastructures/ ancillary facilities religious existing of Number maintained/renovated volunteers community undertaken through Activities kind) and cash Number of religious/traditional infrastructure/ancillary religious/traditional of Number constructed facilities KPI local undertaken preserve/promote/revive to initiatives of No. festivals and games indigenous safeguard and promote to Initiatives sports 1 Sl. No 4 5 3 1 2 Sl. No. Programme activity andOutlay activity andOutlay Programme Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected

-126- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 2 NT: 3 NT: 1 NT: 21 NT: 71 NT: 5 NT: 5 NT: NA Baseline (Year) 0 (2017) 0 (2017) 2 (2017) 3 (2017) 0 (2017) 2 (2017) Weight be To decided annually No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Unit (Without cash cash (Without Output Indicator Output Number of initiatives undertaken to initiatives of Number local festivals promote preserve and safeguard and promote to Initiatives sports and games indigenous training Driglam Namzha of Number farmers for infrastructure/ new religious of Number ancillary constructed/ facilities developed infrastructures/ religious existing of No. ancillary maintained/renovated facilities renovated/ grounds archery of No. developed undertaken through Activities volunteers community kind) and Weight To be To decided annually Intangible Intangible Output heritage cultural preserved and promoted cultural Tangible preserved heritage and promoted Sense of community volunteerism promoted Outcome and Culture traditions preserved and promoted 1 2 3 Sl. No Maenbi Gewog targets and indicators output Programme

-127- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks FY 2022-23 ------1 FY 2021-22 - 1 - 2 38 - 1 1.100 14.010 15.110 in Million) FY 2020-21 - 1 - 7 30 3 1 Indicative Plan Outlay (Nu. (Nu. Outlay Plan Indicative Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected FY 2019-20 2 1 1 10 1 2 1 Activity Chiwogs Chiwogs Location FY 208-19 - - - 2 2 - 1 (Without Activity Support for preservation and and preservation for Support cultural intangible of promotion heritage development Infrastructure KPI Total Output Intangible cultural heritage heritage cultural Intangible promoted preserved and heritage cultural Tangible promoted preserved and Number of initiatives undertaken to preserve and promote local promote undertaken preserve and to initiatives of Number festivals and games indigenous safeguard and promote to Initiatives sports farmers for training Driglam Namzha of Number infrastructure/ancillary facilities new religious of Number constructed/developed infrastructures/ancillary facilities religious existing of No. maintained/renovated renovated/developed grounds archery of No. volunteers community undertaken through Activities kind) and cash 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sl. Sl. No No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay activity and Programme

-128- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan - - NT: 4 NT: 6 NT: 3 NT: 1 Target NT: 60 NT: 12 FY 2022-23 NA NA NA (Year) 8 (2017) Baseline 1 3 3 12 FY 2021-22 Weight To be To decided annually - 1 3 12 No. No. No. No. Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - - 1 12 FY 2019-20 - - - 12 FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output (Without cash and kind) and cash (Without Initiatives to promote and safeguard safeguard and promote to Initiatives sports and games indigenous infrastructure/ religious of Number ancillary constructed facilities religious existing of Number infrastructures/ ancillary facilities maintained/renovated community undertaken through Activities volunteers Weight To be To decided annually KPI Output Intangible cultural cultural Intangible preserved and heritage promoted cultural Tangible preserved and heritage promoted Sense community of promoted volunteerism Initiatives to promote and safeguard indigenous games and and games indigenous safeguard and promote to Initiatives sports infrastructure/ancillary constructed facilities religious of No. infrastructures/ ancillary facilities religious existing of No. maintained/renovated volunteers community undertaken through Activities kind) and cash (Without Outcome Culture Culture and traditions preserved and promoted 1 2 3 4 Sl. 1 2 3 No. Sl. No. Minjey Gewog targets and indicators output Programme Targets Projected Annual

-129- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag NT; 1 NT; Remarks Plan Target Plan NT: 3 NT: 5 NT: Na (Year) Baseline 0 (2017) 0 (2017) 0.200 5.950 6.150 10 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. Weight 15 15 No. Unit No. No. Activity Location Chiwogs Lhakhang, Wangzhing Lhakhang, Sengling Chengling Goenpa Lhakhang, Tadongchen, Darchan Goenpa Output Indicator Output Number of initiatives initiatives of Number undertaken preserve and to local festivals promote Number of initiatives to to initiatives of Number safeguard and promote sports and games indigenous Driglam Namzha of Number the farmers for trainings conducted Weight To be To decided annually Activity indigenous of Promotion sports and games Infrastructure development Output Intangible cultural cultural Intangible preserved heritage and promoted Outcome Output heritage cultural Intangible promoted preserved and traditions and culture Tangible promoted preserved and Culture and and Culture traditions preserved and promoted 1 2 1 Sl. No. Sl. No. Total Programme activity and Outlay Outlay activity and Programme Gewog Tsaenkhar targets and indicators output Programme

-130- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - - - 1 Plan Target Plan FY 2022-23 NT: 2 NT: 6 NT: 10 NT: 1 2 - - - - (Year) Baseline FY 2021-22 0 (2017) 30 (2017) 3 (2017) 1 2 - - - 1 Weight FY 2020-21 20 20 20 1 2 Unit Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected No. No. No. 5 2 1 1 FY 2019-20 3 2 - - - - FY 208-19 - 2 Output Indicator Output Number of historical sites sites historical of Number promoted preserved and religious of Number infrastructure/ ancillary constructed/ facilities developed undertaken through Activities volunteers community kind) and cash (Without Weight Output Tangible cultural cultural Tangible preserved heritage and promoted Sense community of volunteerism promoted Outcome Number of historical sites preserved and promoted preserved and sites historical of Number infrastructure/ancillary facilities religious of Number constructed/developed volunteers community undertaken through Activities kind) and cash (Without KPI promote undertaken preserve and to initiatives of Number local festivals indigenous safeguard and promote to initiatives of Number sports and games the farmers for trainings Driglam Namzha of Number conducted 3 4 5 6 1 2 2 3 Sl. Sl. No. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected

-131- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks 0.300 4.650 4.950 (Nu. in Million) (Nu. Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative Activity Location Chiwogs Ney/ Drezampa Lhakhang, Dophulung Takchu Gamanang Kiphu Menchu, Tshothang, Phowan Menchu, Phuningla, Gedphoksum, Drakmar Activity preservation for Support intangible of promotion and heritage cultural development Infrastructures Output heritage cultural Intangible promoted preserved and heritage cultural Tangible promoted preserved and Total 1 2 Sl. No Programme activity and Outlay Outlay activity and Programme

-132- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Remarks Annually Phaling and Autsho Throm Collection Collection methodology Administrative Administrative Data Administrative Data Data source source Data Administrative Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Municipality Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Municipality Target Target 24 NT: 50 NT: Baseline 192(2016) 8(2016) MT % Unit Unit Description This indicator indicator This total measures waste of amount disposed landfill to segregation after indicator This percentage measures to connected HHs of and waste integrated sewer management infrastructure in Throm Dzongkhag YenlagThrom. and indicator This will also measure nos. of reduction sewer and raw of waste household or going water into directly spilling streams the river, water other any and bodies KPI KPI Amount of solid of Amount disposed to waste landfill to connected HHs waste/ integrated sewer management infrastructure and collection system in Dzongkhag Yenlag and Throm Throm (9KPIs) LGKRA 6: Livability, safety and sustainability of human settlements improved improved settlements human of sustainability and safety LGKRA 6: Livability, NKRA 2. Economic 2. Economic and diversity productivity enhanced 3. Poverty eradicated inequality and reduced 9. Infrastructure, communication public and services improved 10.Gender equality promoted, girls and women empowered 15. Livability, safety and sustainability human of settlements improved 17. Sustainable ensured water 14.

-133- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Remarks Against Against 408 total Acres. Phaling and Autsho Phaling Throm Phaling and Autsho Phaling Throm and Autsho Collection Collection methodology Administrative Administrative Data Administrative Data Administrative Data Administrative Data Administrative Data Data source source Data Administrative Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Municipality Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Municipality Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Municipality Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Municipality Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Municipality Target Target CT: 0.05 5 CT: 1.6 NT: 2 NT: 50 CT: Baseline 0.02(2016) 0(2016) 0.5 (2016) 0 (2017) 15 (2016) % No. No. Km Unit Unit % Description This indicator indicator This zebra measures traffic crossings, speedsigns, breakers etc indicator This length measures off and roadside of footpath street indictor This of number measures constructed toilets gender is and friendly indicator This percentage measures by covered area of against lights street of area the total Throm Dzongkhag YenlagThrom and KPI KPI Vehicle parking parking Vehicle developed indicator This the area measures parking vehicle of against developed as area identified LAP per approved traffic/ Proper and signage safety the on facilities road footpath Length of in Dzongkhag Throm&Yenlag Throm of Number friendly gender in toilets public Throm Dzongkhag Throm Yenlag and light Street in coverage Throm Dzongkhag Throm Yenlag and Area NKRA 2. Economic 2. Economic and diversity productivity enhanced 3. Poverty eradicated inequality and reduced 9. Infrastructure, communication public and services improved 10.Gender equality promoted, girls and women empowered 15. Livability, safety and sustainability human of settlements improved 17. Sustainable ensured water

-134- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Remarks CMI target Collection Collection methodology Administrative Administrative Data Data source source Data Administrative Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Municipality Target Target 28 NT: 4 NT: Baseline 2 (2017) NA No. KM Unit Unit Description This indicator indicator This of number measures proper villages with drainage footpath, of pavement and alleys stones, using bricks, concrete, etc. mud indicator This length measures road urban of or maintained in the constructed LAPs approved KPI KPI Villages with with Villages road/ improved footpath, proper and drainage of pavement alleysexisting urban Length of in the road LAPs approved NKRA

-135- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

14.1 Programme Summary and Strategies

Programme Title: Human Settlement Development Objective: To improve livability, safety and sustainability of human settlements Collaborating Agency (ies): MoWHS/Private/Business Communities

Programme Strategies: In order to improve human settlement in Lhuentse town, the Dzongkhag will: 1. Implement LAP for Autsho and Dzongkhag Throm. a. For LAP of Dzongkhag Throm, Dzongkhag will collaborate and work with land owners, residents, businesses and relevant central agencies to identify potentials, opportunities and requirements of infrastructures, facilities and public spaces within the 1st / 1nd Year of the Plan period. b. The Dzongkhag in collaboration with the Gewogs will develop infrastructures which are eligible under Common Minimum Infrastructure for Yenlag Throm and will be developed by i. Providing technical backstopping from the Dzongkhag and Dzongkhag will submit the list of activities for Dzongkhag Tshogdu’s approval and after approval by the DT will be implemented directly by Dzongkhag administration. The activities once approved for implementation will be intimated to GNHC for incorporation of the activities in the annual budget appropriation ii. Dzongkhag administration will carry out monitoring and review of the activities under the CMI; and; iii. The Dzongkhag administration will submit an annual progress report on utilization and status of the fund utilization for CMI to GNHC c. Activities beyond CMI will be budgeted and implemented from Dzongkhag’s capital grant for 12FYP

2. End to end waste management will be strengthened in towns of Autsho and Dzongkhag Throm, including Gorgan and Dungkar, where urbanization is happening rapidly: a. The Dzongkhag Environment Committee in consultation with Gup and Mangmi will develop guidelines and codes of best practices and plans for waste management within the Gewog and Chiwog level and Institutions. Also, the plan will include mechanisms to collect and dispose waste generated during community, religious or cultural events. Procure adequate number of garbage trucks and waste bins to prevent people from dumping waste everywhere, including awareness on waste segregation and recycling.

-136- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

b. Collaborate and liaise with private sectors to improve solid waste management. outsource recycling centers or compost plants. c. Identify waste disposal site for organic and inorganic waste collection in respective jurisdiction and organize periodic cleaning campaign to collect and dispose of wastes to a designated site d. Arrange transportation wastes from Chiwogs and Gewogs to a designated common site by the Dzongkhag administration; e. Involve community members, institutions, nature clubs, conservation related organizations and Non – Governmental Organizations undertaking such activities. f. Procure adequate number of garbage trucks and waste bins to prevent people from dumping waste everywhere, including awareness on waste segregation and the 3 Rs; reduce, reuse, and recycle

3. Collaborate and work with relevant central agencies in environmentally friendly and disable friendly planning and implementation of urban and rural infrastructures a. Scrutinize the drawings and designs and retrofit buildings, roads, drainage, footpaths, parking etc b. Monitor implementation and regulate as per the approved drawing and designs of infrastructures 4. Facilitate development of adequate and affordable housing for the public servants a. Prepare plan for implementation with housing gap, estimated costs and housing options b. Facilitate and encourage private individuals and private sector wherever feasible c. Collaborate with Government for use of underutilized land and also to support housing construction where private individuals and agencies are not interested and not forthcoming. 5. Programmes will be targeted towards ensuring availability of 24*7 clean water to urban households, and improving sanitation facilities, waste and sewerage management in both rural and urban areas.

6. Special focus will be on undertaking smart town initiatives through a PPP model. Initiatives such as developing parks and green spaces, sports center, MPH etc will be undertaken based on the availability of the budget or funding support.

7. Community and local institutional volunteerism and self-help culture will be promoted to manage waste and ensure cleanliness, carry out maintenances

-137- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

of local infrastructures, sustain common community activities and assets, and enhance community vitality/cooperation and social cohesion.

8. Focus and invest in improving culture (Lhakhangs, chortens) and environment (green area, open public space) urban/rural infrastructure and amenities, creating jobs, and address social ills such as crimes etc which are some of the important requirements for enhancing livable, safe, healthy and sustainable human settlements and communities.

-138- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 3 CT: 1 NT: 2 NT: 1 NT: 0.01 NT: 1 NT: 1.1 NT: 0.5 NT: 5 NT: 2 NT: 4 NT: 2.5 NT: 2 NT: 50 NT: 2 NT: 2 1 NT: 4 Baseline (Year) 2 (2016) 0 (2016) 1.22 (2016) 1 (2016) 0 (2016) 0 (2017) 0 (2016) 1.5 (2016) 0 (2017) 0 (2017) 9.27 (2016) 5 (2016) 2.8 (2016) 11 (2016) 3 (2016) 0 (2017) 0 (2017) NA 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 Weight % No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. KM KM KM KM KM KM Unit Output Indicator Output collection per week waste of Frequency plant/unit recycling of Number (CMI) constructed sewerLength drainage of developed parkings vehicle of Number area municipal within space green/public of Area (CMI) developed park children’s of Number road urban along footpath Length of footpath street off Length of and facilities signage traffic/safety proper of Number the road on in Dzongkhag toilets friendly public gender of Number Yenlag Throm and Throm (CMI) constructed road urban new internal Length of balcktopped/resurfaced road urban Length of maintained/renovated road urban Length of poles installed light new street of Number maintained/renovated light street of Number procured lift trucks vehicles/sky utility of Number (CMI) constructed parkings bus of Number constructed bridges of Number 100 Weight Output Functional infrastructure/ facilities developed Programme Output Matrix Output Programme Outcome Livability, safety and sustainability human of settlements improved 1. Sl. No. 14.2 14.2.1 Dzongkhag targets and indicators output Programme

-139- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag ------3 2 1 20 10 FY 2022-2023 ------3 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 15 40 0.1 0.5 FY 2021-2022 ------3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 15 FY 2020-2021 Projected Annual Target Annual Projected ------3 2 0.5 FY 2019-2020 ------2 1 2 FY 2018-2019 KPI Frequency of waste collection per week waste of Frequency plant/unit recycling of Number (CMI) constructed sewerLength drainage of developed parkings vehicle of Number area municipal within space green/public of Area (CMI) developed park children’s of Number road urban along footpath Length of footpath street off Length of Number of proper traffic/safety signage and signage traffic/safety proper of Number the road on facilities in toilets friendly public gender of Number Yenlag Throm and Throm Dzongkhag constructed road urban new internal Length of (CMI) maintained/renovated road urban Length of poles installed light new street of Number renovated maintained/ light street of Number procured lift trucks vehicles/sky utility of Number (CMI) constructed parkings bus of Number constructed bridges of Number resurfaced blacktopped/ roads urban Length of procured lift trucks vehicles/sky utility of Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Sl. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected

-140- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - Remarks FY 2022-2023 - 1.819 10.00 6.507 5.900 6.338 6.283 44.348 35.028 46. 167 FY 2021-2022 (Nu. in Million) (Nu. Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative 2 FY 2020-2021 Activity Location Dzongkhag & Gewog Dzongkhag & Gewog Phaling Throm Maedtsho Gewog Maenbi Gewog Gangzur Gewog Tsaenkhar Gewog Total Projected Annual Target Annual Projected 2 FY 2019-2020 - FY 2018-2019 Major sub-activities Major Activity KPI Infrastructure development Infrastructure equipments of supply and development Capacity Total Grand development Parking Nakeythang -100m span Chu Ungar Bailey over Construction of Bridge - 60m span Chu Baygang/Pam Bailey over Construction of Bridge Gewog Maenbi village under Zhungkhar at Thimyul for works permanent and baileyConstruction bridge of road approach Nagtshang 10m and Ralichu at bridge motorable RCC Construction of Gewog Tsaenkhar under Chhu Phawantoe 8m or Nakpachu Output Number of bridges constructed bridges of Number Functional Functional infrastructure/ facilities developed 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 20 Sl. Sl. No. No. Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme

-141- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - - 1 1 12 0.6 Plan Target 9 NT: 5 NT: 60 NT: 1 NT: 3.9 NT: 9 NT: FY 2022-23 Baseline (Year) 1 (2016) 6 (2017) 10 (2016) NA 1 (2016) 1 (2016) 2 5 1 2 12 0.8 FY 2021-22 Weight be To decided annually - - 3 3 12 1.4 No. No. No. No. No. KM Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - - 3 3 12 1.1 FY 2019-20 - - - - - 12 FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output footpath, proper villages with of Number alleys existing of pavement and drainage disposal pits waste of Number constructed campaigns cleaning of Number conducted constructed bailey bridges of Number constructed footpath Length of constructed footpath of Number Weight be To decided annually Output and safe Livable, human sustainable improved settlement public Functional infrastructures developed Outcome Livability, safety and sustainability human of settlements improved KPI pavement and drainage footpath, proper villages with of Number alleys existing of constructed disposal pits waste of Number conducted campaigns cleaning of Number constructed bailey bridges of Number constructed footpath Length of constructed footpath of Number 2 1. Sl. 1 2 3 4 5 6 No. Sl. No. 14.2.2 Gewogs GewogGangzur targets and indicators output Programme Targets Projected Annual

-142- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 1 0.3 1 5 NT: 60 NT: Remarks Baseline 0 (2017) 0 (2017) 0 (2017) 5 (2017) 12 (2017) 6.085 6.085 Weight be To decided annually (Nu. in Million) (Nu. No. No. No. No. KM Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative Unit Activity Location Output Indicator Output footpath, proper villages with of Number alleys existing of pavement and drainage constructed footpath Length of constructed footpath of Number collection points waste of Number conducted campaigns cleaning of Number Ney Zhisar, Shawa, Zhamling, Magar, Magar, Zhamling, Shawa, Zhisar, Ney Jang/Chiwogs Nimshong, Kilung, Samling, Weight be To decided annually Activity Public Public infrastructure development Output safe Livable, sustainable and human settlement improved Total Output Outcome safety Livability, sustainability and human of settlements improved Livable, safe and and safe Livable, human sustainable improved settlement 1. 1 Sl. No. Sl. No Programme activity and outlay activity and Programme Gewog Jarey targets and indicators output Programme

-143- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 1 1 5 12 0.3 Remarks FY 2022-23 - - - - 12 FY 2021-22 0.550 0.550 - - - - 12 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - - - - 12 Activity Location Chiwogs FY 2019-20 - - - - 12 FY 208-19 Activity infrastructure development Public Output human sustainable and safe Livable, improved settlement Total KPI of pavement and drainage footpath, proper villages with of Number alleysexisting constructed footpath Length of constructed footpath of Number collection points waste of Number conducted campaigns cleaning of Number 1 1 2 3 4 5 Sl. No Sl. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay activity and Programme

-144- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - - - Plan Target 60 NT: 3 NT: 1 NT: 51 NT: 1 NT: C Singye Dzong ) 12 FY 2022-23 Baseline (Year) 12 (2017) 0 (2017) 1 (2016) 51 (2017) 2 (2017) 3 1 12 11 FY 2021-22 Weight be To decided annually - - 1 12 10 No. No. No. No. KM Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - - 12 15 FY 2019-20 - - 12 15 FY 2018-19 Output Indicator Output campaign cleaning of Number conducted bridges suspension of Number constructed bridges suspension of Number renovated maintained/ maintained/ tracks mule Length of renovated maintained/ track mule of Number renovated Weight be To decided annually KPI Output sustainable and safe Livable, improved settlement human public Functional infrastructures developed Outcome Livability, safety and sustainability human of settlements improved Number of cleaning campaign conducted campaign cleaning of Number constructed bridges suspension of Number maintained/renovated bridges suspension of Number maintained/renovated tracks mule Length of maintained/renovated track mule of Number 2 1. 1 2 3 4 5 Sl. No. Sl. No. Khoma Gewog targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-145- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 60 NT: 1 NT: 1 12 Remarks FY 2022-23 Baseline (Year) 10 (2017) 0 (2017) - 1.850 1.850 12 Weight be To decided annually FY 2021-22 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. No. No. Unit - 12 FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - 12 Output Indicator Output cleaning of Number conducted campaign recreational of Number established facilities FY 2019-20 Weight be To decided annually Activity Location Memkhar, Kemtsong, Baptong, Tsango, Singyedzong Khoma/ Nyalamdung, - 12 FY 208-19 Activity infrastructures Public development Output sustainable and safe Livable, improved settlement human public Functional infrastructures developed Output public Functional infrastructures developed Total KPI conducted campaign cleaning of Number established facilities recreational of Number Outcome and safety Livability, human of sustainability improved settlements 1 1 2 Sl. 2 1. No. Sl.No Sl. No. Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme GewogKurtoed targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-146- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 6 5 NT: 60 NT: 5 6 1 Remarks Baseline (Year) 0 (2016) 0 (2016) 12 (2016) 0 (2016) 0(2016) 0(2016) 0.500 0.500 Weight be To decided annually No. No. No. No. No. KM Unit Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. Activity Location Chiwogs Output Indicator Output footpath, proper villages with of Number alleys existing of pavement and drainage constructed disposal pit waste of Number conducted campaign cleaning of Number constructed footpath Length of constructed footpath of Number developed areas recreational of Number Activity infrastructures development Public Weight be To decided annually Output and safe Livable, human sustainable improved settlement public Functional infrastructures developed Output infrastructures public Functional developed Total Outcome Livability, safety and sustainability human of settlements improved 1 2 1. Sl. No Sl. No. Program Activity and Outlay and Activity Program GewogMaedtsho targets and indicators output Programme

-147- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 2 5 1 2 1 12 Remarks FY 2022-23 - - - - - 12 FY 2021-22 3.570 3.570 - - - - - 12 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - - 3 3 12 1.4 Activity Location Chiwogs FY 2019-20 - - 1 1 12 0.6 FY 208-19 Activity infrastructures development Public KPI and drainage footpath, proper villages with of Number alleys existing of pavement constructed disposal pit waste of Number conducted campaign cleaning of Number constructed footpath Length of constructed footpath of Number developed areas recreational of Number Output infrastructures developed public Functional Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Sl.No Sl. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay and Activity Program

-148- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 11 NT: 1 NT: 60 NT: 4 1 9.45 NT: 12 NT: FY 2022-23 - - 12 - - - - Baseline 1 (2017) 1 (2017) 60 (2017) 0 (2017) 0 (2017) 2 (2017) 1 (2017) FY 2021-22 - - 12 - - - - Weight be To decided annually No. No. No. No. No. KM KM Unit FY 2020-21 9 - 12 4 1 6.25 10 FY 2019-20 2 1 12 - - 3.2 2 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected FY 208-19 - - 12 - - - - Output Indicator Output footpath, proper villages with of Number alleys existing of pavement and drainage constructed disposal pit waste of Number conducted campaign cleaning of Number maintained/renovated tracks mule Length of maintained/renovated track mule of Number constructed footpath Length of constructed footpath of Number Weight be To decided annually Output safe Livable, sustainable and settlement human improved public Functional infrastructures developed KPI and drainage footpath, proper villages with of Number alleys existing of pavement constructed disposal pit waste of Number conducted campaign cleaning of Number maintained/renovated tracks mule Length of maintained/renovated track mule of Number constructed footpath Length of constructed footpath of Number Outcome Livability, safety and sustainability human of settlements improved 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 1. Sl. Sl. No. No. Maenbi Gewog targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-149- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Plan Target 1 11 NT: 60 NT: 1.34 4 Baseline (Year) 0 (2017) 7 (2017) 12 (2017) 0 (2017) 0 (2017) 3.620 3.620 Weight be To decided annually No. No. No. No. KM Unit Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. Activity Location Khashaling, Takila, Murmo, Burwa, Sangimaed, Kusumphay, Rawabi Manjabi, Zhungkhar, Output Indicator Output footpath, proper villages with of Number alleys existing of pavement and drainage constructed disposal pit waste of Number conducted campaign cleaning of Number constructed footpath Length of constructed footpath of Number Weight be To decided annually Activity infrastructure Public Development Output safe Livable, sustainable and human settlement improved Functional public infrastructures developed Output public Functional infrastructures developed Total Outcome Livability, safety and sustainability human of settlements improved 1 2 1. Sl. No. Sl. No Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme Gewog Tsaenkhar targets and indicators output Programme

-150- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - 1 4 12 1.4 Remarks FY 2022-23 FY - - - 11 12 FY 2021-22 FY 1.100 1.100 - - - - 12 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. FY 2020-21 FY Projected Annual Projected Targets - - - - 12 Activity Location Chiwogs FY 2019-20 FY - - - - 12 FY 208-19 FY Activity infrastructures Development Public Output infrastructures public Functional developed Total KPI Number of villages with proper footpath, drainage and pavement of existing alleys Number of waste disposal pit constructed Number of cleaning campaign conducted Length of footpath constructed Number of footpath constructed 1 1 2 3 4 5 Sl. No. Sl. No Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay and Activity Programmme

-151- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Remarks HRO Env and officers Collection Collection methodology Administrative record Administrative record Administrative record Data source source Data Administrative Data, DzongkhagAFD Administrative Data, DzongkhagAFD Administrative Data, DzongkhagAFD Target Target 2019 0 CT: 100 Baseline (Year) 0 (2017) 2(2017) 85(2016) % No. Date Unit Unit Description indicator This the measures SDS of development fully and SOPs with in the operationalized organization indicator This staff measures approved positions filledor left not but transfer, to due empty superannuation, etc. studies long-term doctors, excludes It teachers and nurses annually indicator This the measures proportion of availed commonly services land as such census and record services per as the in the down laid TAT SDS KPI KPI Service Delivery SOPs with Standards public Dzongkhag for service delivery and developed operationalized Civil servant filled not positions Proportion of availed commonly services as delivered per TAT KPIs) LGKRA 7: Transparent, effective and efficient public efficient and effective service delivery enhanced (4 LGKRA7: Transparent, NKRA 2. Economic and diversity productivity enhanced 9. Infrastructure, communication public and services improved 13. Democracy &decentralization strengthened 14. Corruption reduced services16. Justice institution and strengthened 15.

-152- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Remarks Collection Collection methodology Administrative record Data source source Data Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Engineering Sector Target Target 2 NT: Baseline (Year) 0 (20160 No. Unit Unit Description indicator This number measures new public of infrastructures by types disabled with friendly facilities SEN ramp, as such separate blocks, disabled, for toilet lift footpath, proper is if lift (if affordable), service affordable not the be can on centers etc floor ground KPI KPI public New infrastructure with friendlydisabled facilities NKRA

-153- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

15.1 Programme Summary and Strategies

Programme title: Transparent, effective and efficient public service delivery Objective: To provide transparent, effective and efficient public services Implementing Agency: Dzongkhagand Gewog Administrations Collaborating Agency(ies): MoHCA, MoIC, MoEA, MoH, MoE, DLG

Programme Strategies: Given the importance of providing highly reliable and efficient public services to the public, the Dzongkhag will be focusing on the following during the 12FYP: 1. Collaborate with central agencies in ensuring adequate rationaldeployment of human resources in local government:

Ÿ Prepare comprehensive mapping of civil servants requirement (other than education and health) with DLG, MoHCA and RCSC for strategic deployment and management. Ÿ Prepare action plan for objective deployment with DLG, MoHCA and RCSC. Ÿ Develop incentives plan for civil servants serving in remote areas and incentivize those civil servants who have served in remote areas for longer years such as training packages and other non-monetary recognition like certificates and awards Ÿ Develop and implement redressal mechanism for addressing deployment issues and related grievances.

2. Focus will be on consolidating and improving the TAT of the current services provided online. For this Standard Delivery Standards (SDS) with Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) will be developed and operationalised for both Dzongkhags and Gewogs for timely delivery of public services. Continuous feedback from service recipients and citizens will be taken by engaging citizens, and undertake performance evaluation for further improving and enhancing performance and TATs of service providers and services.

3. Improve the reliability of internet services and information shared to the citizens in the Community Centres(CCs) and in various offices under Dzongkhag and Gewog administrations and ensure internet connectivity wherever lacking

4. Conduct awareness programme on the G2C services available at the CICs, and Dzongkhag Administration to the communities.

-154- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

5. Improve and strengthen capacity, efficiency and effectiveness of the frontline service provider staffs and desks in the CCs and sectoral offices under the administrations.

6. Focus and priority will be to given to regular updating and sharing of the following information to local communities: Ÿ Plan development and financial information such as annual plan and budget achievements, agenda and resolution of Dzongkhag Tshogdu and Gewog Tshogdes, Ÿ New bye-laws and national policies, area/settlement developmental plans etc for community engagement and feedback, sharing information etc.

7. Collaborate and coordinate with RSTA to introduce disabled-friendly public services such as bus terminals with wheel chair ramps, disabled friendly public toilets etc.

8. The Dzongkhag will collaborate with relevant central agencies and utility service providers such as Bhutan Power Corporation, Tashi Cell, and Bhutan Telecom to ensure that the remaining villages not connected with on-grid electricity and mobile services are connected.

9. The Dzongkhag and Gewogs will also ensure that the local communities are well informed on the annual plans and budget of the gewogs (including the Annual Performance Agreement), resolution of the Dzongkhag Tshogdus and Gewog Tshogdus, and any other projects in the gewogs.

10. Use of technology such as smart phones and mobile apps for real time information and services such as getting directions on parking availability, waste disposal, road blocks and traffic diversion, city social/entertainment events, free wi-fi locations etc.will be explored, tapped and developed

11. Collaborate with central agencies and private sector and explore alternate public transport and wherever feasible.

12. Quarterly APA review meetings will be conducted and rectification and follow-ups implemented.

-155- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 2019 0 100 3 5 NT: 2 NT: FY 2022-23 - - 100 - 1 - Baseline (Year) NA 2 85 0 (2016) 1 (2016) 2 (2017) FY 2021-22 - - 97 1 1 - 10 10 10 30 25 15 Weight % No No. No. No. Date Unit FY 2020-21 - - 94 1 2 1 FY 2019-20 Dec 2019 0 91 1 1 1 Projected Annual Target Annual Projected FY 2018-19 - 1 88 - - - Output Indicator Output Dzongkhag for SOPs with Delivery Standards operationalised and developed filled not Civil servant positions services as availed delivered commonly of Proportion per TAT new civil infrastructure constructed of Number civil infrastructure maintained of Number procured pool vehicles or machines of Number 30 70 Weight Output servicePublic delivery improved Functional public infrastructure developed Programme Output Matrix Output Programme Outcome Transparent, effective efficient and public service delivery enhanced KPI service public Dzongkhag for Service SOPs with Delivery Standards operationalized delivery and developed filled not Civil servant positions services per as availed TAT delivered commonly of Proportion new civil infrastructure constructed of Number civil infrastructure maintained of Number procured pool vehicles or machines of Number 1. Sl. 1 2 3 4 5 6 No. Sl. No. 15.2 15.2.1 Dzongkhag targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-156- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks 7.500 8.613 5.000 7.000 15.000 33.700 49.813 27.000 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. Activity Location Dzongkhag Dzongkhag/ Gewogs Dzongkhag Total Major sub-activities Major Activity Capacity Sensitization/Awareness/Advocacies/Campaigns/ programmes development development Infrastructure publications equipments/furniture/stationeries/ of Procurement Total Grand Tshompaling at House Guest Royal Construction of Over) (Spill Hall DT of Construction(re-modelling) members LG and Staff Dzongkhag/Gewog of development Capacity Output Public service delivery improved 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 Sl. No Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme

-157- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 100 4 NT: 3 NT: FY 2022-23 100 - - Baseline (Year) NA 1 (2016) 2 (2016) FY 2021-22 100 - 2 Weight be To decided annually % No. No. Unit FY 2020-21 100 3 - FY 2019-20 100 - - Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected FY 2018-19 100 1 1 Output Indicator Output availed commonly of Proportion services per as TAT delivered civil infrastructures and of Number ancillary constructed facilities civil infrastructures of Number ancillaryand maintained/ facilities renovated Weight be To decided annually Output effective Transparent, public efficient and service delivery enhanced civil Functional infrastructures and ancillary facilities improved Gewogs KPI services per as availed TAT delivered commonly of Proportion ancillary civil infrastructures and constructed facilities of Number ancillary civil infrastructures and facilities of Number maintained/renovated Outcome effective Transparent, public efficient and service delivery enhanced 1 2 3 2 1. Sl. Sl. No. No. 15.2.2 GewogGangzur targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-158- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 100 2 NT: 3 Remarks Baseline (Year) NA 2 (2016) 0 (2017) 1.750 10.904 12.654 Weight be To decided annually % No. No. Unit Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. Activity Location Gewog Centre Gewog Centre Output Indicator Output commonly of Proportion services as availed delivered per TAT civil of Number ancillaryinfrastructures and constructed facilities civil of Number ancillaryinfrastructures and maintained/ facilities renovated Weight be To decided annually Activity development Infrastructure furniture, items, chadri of Procurement and stationeries equipments office Output efficient and effective Transparent, servicepublic delivery enhanced civil infrastructures Functional ancillaryand improved facilities Outcome Transparent, and effective public efficient service delivery enhanced Output civil Functional ancillaryinfrastructures and improved facilities Total 2 1 2 1. Sl. No Sl. No. Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme Gewog Jarey targets and indicators output Programme

-159- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - - Plan Target 100 3 NT: 2 NT: 100 Remarks FY 2022-23 Baseline (Year) NA 0 (2017) 1 (2017) 1 2 100 FY 2021-22 4.755 1.150 5.905 Weight be To decided annually % - - No. No. Unit 100 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - 1 100 Activity Location Gewog Centre Gewog Centre FY 2019-20 - 1 100 FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output availed commonly of Proportion services per as TAT delivered civil infrastructures and of Number ancillary constructed facilities civil infrastructures and of Number ancillary maintained/renovated facilities Weight be To decided annually Activity development Infrastructures Supply of chadri items, furniture, office office furniture, items, chadri of Supply stationeries and equipments KPI Output and effective Transparent, public service efficient delivery enhanced civil Functional ancillaryinfrastructures and improved facilities Output civil infrastructures and Functional ancillary improved facilities Total Proportion of commonly availed services per as availed TAT delivered commonly of Proportion ancillary civil infrastructures and constructed facilities of Number ancillary civil infrastructures and maintained/ facilities of Number renovated Outcome Transparent, and effective public efficient service delivery enhanced 1 2 Sl. No 1 2 3 1 Sl. Sl. No. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay activity and Programme Khoma Gewog Indicators Output Plan

-160- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - 1 100 FY 2022-23 Remarks - 1 100 FY 2021-22 6.250 0.550 6.800 - - 100 FY 2020-21 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - - 100 FY 2019-20 Activity Location Gewog Centre Gewog Centre 1 2 100 FY 2018-19 Activity development Infrastructures equipments/ office of Procurement stationeries furniture/ Output civil infrastructures and Functional ancillary improved facilities KPI services per as availed TAT delivered commonly of Proportion ancillary civil infrastructures and constructed facilities of Number ancillary civil infrastructures and maintained/ facilities of Number renovated 1. 1 2 3 Sl. No. Sl. No. Total Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay and Activity Program Broad

-161- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan - - Target 100 2 NT: 3 NT: 100 Remarks FY 2022-23 (Year) Baseline NA 3 (2017) 0 (2017) 1 2 100 FY 2021-22 4.200 0.750 4.950 Weight To be To decided annually - - % 100 No. No. Unit Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - 1 100 FY 2019-20 Activity Location Gewog Centre Gewog Centre - 1 100 Output Indicator Output FY 208-19 Proportion of commonly availed availed commonly of Proportion services per as TAT delivered civil infrastructures of Number ancillaryand facilities constructed civil infrastructures of Number ancillaryand facilities maintained/renovated Weight To be To decided annually Activity development Infrastructures furniture, items, chadri of Supply and stationeries equipments office Output Transparent, effective and efficient efficient and effective Transparent, servicepublic delivery enhanced Functional civil infrastructures and civil infrastructures and Functional ancillary improved facilities KPI services per as availed TAT delivered commonly of Proportion ancillary civil infrastructures and facilities of Number constructed ancillary civil infrastructures and facilities of Number maintained/renovated Outcome Output civil infrastructures and Functional ancillary improved facilities Total Transparent, Transparent, effective efficient and public service delivery enhanced 1 2 3 1 2 Sl. 2 1. No. Sl. Sl. No No. Kurtoed GewogKurtoed targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected Outlay activity and Programme

-162- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - 1 Plan Target 100 1 NT: 1 NT: 100 Remarks FY 2022-23 Baseline (Year) NA 0 (2016) 1 (2016) - 1 100 FY 2021-22 3.800 0.250 4.050 Weight be To decided annually % - - No. No. Unit 100 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - - 100 FY 2019-20 - - 100 Gewog Centre, Gewog Centre, Centre Community Activity Location Gewog Centre FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output services availed commonly of Proportion per as TAT delivered ancillary civil infrastructures and of Number constructed facilities ancillary civil infrastructures and of Number maintained/renovated facilities Weight be To decided annually Procurement of office equipment office of Procurement Activity development Infrastructures Output and effective Transparent, public service efficient delivery enhanced civil Functional infrastructures and ancillary facilities improved Output civil infrastructures Functional ancillaryand improved facilities Total Outcome Transparent, effective efficient and public service delivery enhanced KPI services per as availed TAT delivered commonly of Proportion ancillary civil infrastructures and constructed facilities of Number ancillary civil infrastructures and maintained/ facilities of Number renovated 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 Sl. Sl. Sl. No. No. No. Maedtsho GewogMaedtsho targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected Outlay activity and Programme

-163- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag _ _ 100 Plan Target 100 3 NT: 1 NT: Remarks FY 2022-23 Baseline (Year) NA 4 (2017) 0 _ _ 95 FY 2021-22 3.745 1.000 4.745 Weight be To decided annually 2 _ 90 % No. No. Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 1 _ 85 FY 2019-20 1 _ 80 FY 208-19 Activity Location Thinleypang Gewog Centre, Gewog Centre Output Indicator Output services availed commonly of Proportion per as TAT delivered civil infrastructures and of Number ancillary constructed facilities civil infrastructures and of Number ancillary maintained/renovated facilities Weight be To decided annually Activity development Infrastructure items chadri of Procurement supplies office and Output and effective Transparent, public service efficient delivery enhanced civil Functional infrastructures and ancillary facilities improved Outcome Transparent, effective efficient and public service delivery enhanced Output civil infrastructures Functional ancillaryand improved facilities Total KPI services per as availed TAT delivered commonly of Proportion ancillary civil infrastructures and constructed facilities of Number ancillary civil infrastructures and maintained/ facilities of Number renovated 1 2 1 2 Sl. Sl. Sl. No No. No. Maenbi Gewog targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected Outlay and Activity Program

-164- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - 1 Plan Target 100 1 NT: 7 NT: 100 FY 2022-23 Baseline (Year) NA 3 (2017) 0 (2017) - - 100 FY 2021-22 Weight be To decided annually % - - No. No. 100 Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 1 6 100 FY 2019-20 - - 100 FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output availed commonly of Proportion services per as TAT delivered civil infrastructures and of Number ancillary constructed facilities civil infrastructures of Number ancillaryand maintained/ facilities renovated Weight be To decided annually Output and effective Transparent, public service delivery efficient enhanced civil infrastructures Functional ancillaryand improved facilities Proportion of commonly availed services per as availed TAT delivered commonly of Proportion ancillary civil infrastructures and constructed facilities of Number ancillary civil infrastructures and maintained/ facilities of Number renovated KPI Outcome Transparent, effective efficient and servicepublic delivery enhanced 1 2 3 1 2 Sl. Sl. No. No. Minjey Gewog targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-165- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - Plan Target 100 2 NT: 100 Remarks FY 2022-23 - Baseline (Year) NA 1 (2017) 90 FY 2021-22 4.600 1.600 5.200 Weight be To decided annually (Nu. in Million) (Nu. - 85 % Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative No. Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - 80 Activity Location Gewog Centre Gewog Centre FY 2019-20 2 70 FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output commonly of Proportion services as availed delivered per TAT civil infrastructures of Number ancillaryand facilities maintained/renovated Activity Weight be To decided annually Total Infrastructures Development Infrastructures equipment, office furniture, of Procurement items chadri and stationeries Output and effective Transparent, public service delivery efficient enhanced civil infrastructures Functional ancillaryand facilities improved Output Outcome Transparent, effective efficient and servicepublic delivery enhanced Functional civil infrastructures Functional ancillaryand improved facilities KPI services per as availed TAT delivered commonly of Proportion ancillary civil infrastructures and maintained/ facilities of No. renovated 1 2 1 2 1 2 Sl. Sl. No No. Sl. No. Program Activity and Outlay and Activity Program Gewog Tsaenkhar targets and indicators output Programme P Targets rojected Annual

-166- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks 1.500 2.000 3.500 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. Activity Location Gewog Centre Gewog Centre Activity equipments/ office of Procurement stationeries development Infrastructures Output civil Functional ancillaryinfrastructures and improved facilities Total 1 2 Sl. No Program Activity and Outlay and Activity Program

-167- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Remarks 30 Dzo: Gewogs: 29 RUG: WUG: 50 IUG: 8 EFUG: 10 Collection Collection methodology Administrative record Administrative record Administrative record Data source source Data Administrative GewogData, Administration Administrative RNR Data, sectors Administrative Data, Dzongkhag AFD Target Target M: 46.25 53.75 F: (CT) 127 NT: 2020 June Baseline M:32.13 67.88 F: 10(2016) NA % No. Date Unit Unit Description indicator This percentage measures attending people of meetings in any by conducted Gewog/ Dzongkhag by disaggregated gender indicator This number measures and groups of as such committees user groups, road farm user groups, water etc. CFMG irrigation, by disaggregated and groups indicator This by timeline measures which mechanisms complaints as such and redressal system, mechanisms response grievances citizen’s for and developed operationalized KPI KPI Zomdu by attendance gender of Number functional local user groups, groups, self-help local committees cooperatives and Grievances redressal mechanism and developed operationalized LGKRA 8: Democracy (4 KPIs) strengthened & decentralization NKRA 2. Economic and diversity productivity enhanced 10. Gender equality promoted, women empowered girls and 12. Corruption reduced 13. Democracy and decentralization strengthened services16. Justice institution and strengthened 16.

-168- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Remarks a Once year Collection Collection methodology Survey Data source source Data Administrative Data, Dzongkhag AFD Target Target 3 Baseline NA Unit Unit Score Description indicator This community’s measures LG’s on satisfaction service delivery using Report Community least at Tool Card which a year once the quality assess services public of agriculture, as such roads, livestock, sanitation, and water and etc education aspectsother from (people’s) the user’s perspectives. KPI KPI Community card score conducted NKRA

-169- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

16.1 Programme Summary and Strategies

Programme Title: Democracy & decentralization Objective: To strengthen democracy & decentralization Implementing Agency: Dzongkhag and Gewog Administrations Collaborating Agency/ies: MoHCA, DLG,ECB

Programme Strategy The Dzongkhag in its endeavour to strengthen democracy and decentralization aims to: 1. Collaborate with Department of Local Governance and other relevant central agencies to develop and implement proper procedures and mechanisms for functioning of Zomdus/community meetings: i. The date, time and agenda for the Zomdu will be notified to the citizens, at least three days prior to the convening Zomdu. The same notification should also be uploaded on the LG Web portal for public information. ii. The minutes of the Zomdu should be read out to the Zomdu participants for endorsement at the end of the Zomdu. Signatures should validate the endorsement of the letter. Any disagreement, if any, should be recorded against the particular matter. iii. A copy of the minutes, with specific actions to be taken/coordinated by the Dzongkhag, should be shared to the Dzongkhag Administration and the Dzongkhag should acknowledge receipt of the same. Similarly, a copy of the minutes of a Zomdu called by Dzongkhag should be shared to the Gewog with specific actions to be taken by the Gewog. iv. Attendance of the participants should be recorded in the Zomdhu register segregated by gender and age. v. The implementation status of the Zomdhu decisions will be reported back to the public through calling a Zomdhu. Justifications for non- implementation of or deviation from the decisions, if any, will be provided clearly.

2. Gewog level complaints/grievances i. The GAO will register the case (issue receipt to the complainant) and put it up the Gewog Grievance Committee. The Committee will comprise Gup, Mangmi, GAO, concerned Gewog sector officer, and concerned Chiwog Tshogpa.

-170- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

ii. If cases are within the purview of the Gewog level committee, it will be resolved within 10 days from the date of submission. iii. The action taken on the Grievance will be communicated to the aggrieved within 10 days from the date of submission. iv. In the event the scope of the grievance is beyond the purview of the Gewog level committee, it will be forwarded to the Dzongkhag within 10 days from the receipt of the Grievance. v. The case will be registered in a Grievance Register and a receipt issued to the Gewog. vi. The case will be put up to the Dzongkhag Grievance committee. vii. The action taken on the Grievance should be communicated to the Gewog within 10 days from the date of receipt of the grievance. viii. In the event the scope of the grievance is beyond the purview of the Dzongkhag level committee, it should be forwarded to the concerned central agency within 10 days.

3. Dzongkhag level Grievance i. The case received directly from an aggrieved person will be registered in a Grievance Register and a receipt issued to the person. ii. The Dzongkhag shall establish a point of contact to facilitate the aggrieved on status of his/her appeal. iii. The case will be put up to the Dzongkhag Grievance committee, which shall be appointed by Dzongdag. iv. The action taken on the Grievance should be communicated to the aggrieved person within 10 days from the date of receipt of the grievance. v. In the event the scope of the grievance is beyond the purview of the Dzongkhag level committee, it should be forwarded to the concerned central agency within 10 days. vi. The Dzongkhag should follow up and convey the decision of the concerned central agency to the aggrieved person.

4. The Dzongkhag and Gewog administrations will publish their approved budget, expenditure and any other projects in their respective gewogs, on their notice board, in both English and Dzongkha, for public reference and scrutiny. The Dzongkhag will also form Community user’s groups, and Community Monitoring and Assessment Committees (CMAC) in a democratic manner to ensure citizen’s participation and engagement in planning, decision-making and management of local development and

-171- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

economic growth. The CMAC Will: a Undertake regular field visits to monitor and assess the quality of the activities and services; b Provide feedback and recommendations to the contractor, Gewog, and Dzongkhag Administration; c Provide additional supervision and monitoring; d Be present during the handing-taking over of any development infrastructure/service; e Invite concerned Dzongkhag/Gewog field officials as and when needed; f May assess the impact and sustainability of activities and services.

5. Will support and enhance awareness and level of understanding of the local communities and citizens on LG Act, other relevant legislations, systems and procedures in place which impact as well as facilitate smooth functioning of local democracy, good governance, local development and economic growth.

6. Facilitate and support formation, capacity building and functioning of groups, cooperatives and committees as platforms for citizens to come together, share ideas, mobilize common resources, take initiatives, monitor developmental works, give solutions, foster community cooperation and mutual support. While facilitating formation of groups, cooperatives and committees, the Dzongkhag and Gewogs will ensure that women are well- represented and equally participate in identifying and sharing ideas to address issues and challenges.

7. Similar support will be given to ensure participation of disabled people in the communities. .

8. Citizens will be encouraged to participate in consultation process in national policy formulation, bye-laws etc. Dzongkhag and Gewogs will also ensure faster and effective redressal of developmental and social issues faced by the citizens and informing the citizens of the actions taken on their grievances submitted.

-172- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target Plan M: 46.25 53.75(CT) F: 15 NT: 10 NT: 3 10 NT: 10 NT: 2020 June 10 Baseline (Year) 67.88 F: M: 32.13 1 (2017) 10 (2016) NA 8 (2016) NA NA NA 10 10 10 10 20 20 10 10 Weight No No No. No. No. No. No. Date Unit Output Indicator Output gender by attendance Zomdu on forum Zomdus/public of Number organized plans development functional local of user groups Number conducted card score Community functional local of committees Number functional local group of farmers Number developed Redressed mechanism or sensitization and awareness of Number conducted programmes education 100 Weight Output Enabling environment created Programme Output Matrix Output Programme Outcome Democracy & decentralization strengthened 1. Sl. No. 16.2 16.2.1 Dzongkhag targets and indicators output Programme

-173- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - 3 2 2 2 2 F: 53.75 F: M: 46.25 Remarks FY 2022-2023 - 3 2 1 2 2 2 F: 55 F: M: 45 FY 2021-2022 0.350 0.366 0.716 - 3 2 1 2 2 2 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. F: 56.88 F: M: 43.13 FY 2020-2021 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 3 2 2 2 2 F: 59.50 F: Capacity Capacity June 2020 June M: 410.50 developen developen FY 2019-2020 Activity Location & Gewog Dzongkhag & Gewog Dzongkhag - 3 2 2 2 2 F: 64.88 F: M: 35.13 Planning Planning FY 2018-2019 Activity programmes & Education Awareness development/ Training/capacity meetings KPI gender by attendance Zomdu development on forum Zomdus/public of Number organized plans Number of functional local of user groups Number conducted card score Community functional local of committees Number functional local group of farmers Number developed Redressed mechanism or sensitization and awareness of Number conducted programmes education Output environment Enabling created Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sl. 1 2 No. Sl. No Projected Annual Target Annual Projected Programme activity and Outlay Outlay activity and Programme

-174- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

5 2

F: 60 F: M: 40

FY 2022-23 RUG: 1; RUG: WUG: 2; Plan Target Plan 25 NT: M: 40 60(CT) F: 10 NT: 9; RUG: WUG: 8; EFUG: 4 (NT)

5 2 F: 64 F: M: 36 FY 2021-22 RUG: 1; RUG: WUG: 1;

5 2 Baseline (Year) 5 M: 20 80 (2016) F: 3 (2016) 5; WUG: 2; RUG: IUG: 17; EFUG: 4 (2017) F: 68 F: M: 32 FY 2020-21 RUG: 1; RUG: WUG: 1 30 40 30 Weight

Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 5 2 F: 72 F: % M: 28 No. No. Unit FY 2019-20 RUG: 3; RUG: WUG: 2; EFUG: 4

5 2 F: 76 F: M: 24 FY 208-19 RUG: 3; RUG: WUG: 2 Output Indicator Output zomdus/public chiwog of Number by segregated conducted forums gender Gewog Tshogdus of Number conducted functional local of user Number local groups, self-help groups, cooperatives and committees Weight be To decided annually Output Community in participation making decision processes strengthened Gewogs Outcome Democracy & decentralization strengthened Number of chiwog zomdus/public forums conducted segregated by by segregated conducted forums zomdus/public chiwog of Number gender conducted Gewog Tshogdus of Number local groups, self-help functional local of user groups, Number cooperatives and committees KPI 1 1 2 3 Sl. No. Sl. No. 16.2.3 GewogGangzur targets and indicators output Programme Target Annual Projected

-175- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - 5 4 F: 50 F: M: 50 FY 2022-23 Plan Target Plan 25 NT: M: 50 50 F: (CT) 20 NT: 3; WUG: 5; RUG: IUG: 4 (NT) 5 4 F: 52 F: M: 48 IUG: 1 WUG: 1; FY 2021-22 5 4 Baseline (Year) 9 M: 30 70 (2017) F: 3 (2017) URS: 1; RUG: 6; WUG: 1; IUG: (2017) F: 55 F: M: 45 IUG: 1 RUG: 1; RUG: WUG: 1; FY 2020-21 Weight be To decided annually Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 5 4 F: 60 F: % M: 40 No. No. IUG: 1 Unit RUG: 2; RUG: WUG: 1; FY 2019-20 5 4 F: 65 F: M: 35 IUG: 1 RUG: 0 RUG: WUG: 2; FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output zomdus/public chiwog of No. by segregated conducted forums gender conducted Gewog Tshogdus of No. functional local of user groups, No. local committees groups, self-help cooperatives and Weight be To decided annually Output Community participation in decision making processes strengthened Outcome Democracy & decentralization strengthened KPI by segregated conducted forums zomdus/public chiwog of No. gender conducted Gewog Tshogdus of No. local groups, self-help functional local of user groups, No. cooperatives and committees 1 1 2 3 Sl. Sl. No. No. Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme allocation. budget No Gewog Jarey targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-176- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 2 2 Plan Target 10 NT: M: 50 50 F: (CT) 10 NT: F: 50 F: M: 50 FY 2022-23 Baseline (Year) M: 50 50 F: (2017) 2 (2017) 2 2 F: 50 F: M: 50 FY 2021-22 Weight be To decided annually % No. Unit 2 2 F: 50 F: M: 50 FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 2 2 F: 50 F: M: 50 FY 2019-20 2 2 Output Indicator Output zomdus/ chiwog of Number conducted forums public gender by segregated Gewog Tshogdus of Number conducted F: 50 F: M: 50 FY 208-19 Weight be To decided annually Output in participation Community processes making decision strengthened Outcome Democracy & decentralization strengthened KPI forums zomdus/public chiwog of Number gender by segregated conducted conducted Gewog Tshogdus of Number 1. 1 2 Sl. Sl. No. No. Khoma Gewog target and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-177- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 1 4 F: 60 F: Plan Target 5 NT: M: 40 60 F: (CT) 20 NT: 5 CT: 3 RUG: WUG: 2 (NT) M: 40 FY 2022-23 - Baseline (Year) 5 M:20 F:80 (2017) 3 (2017) 5 3 RUG: WUG: 2 (2017) 1 4 F: 63 F: M: 37 FY 2021-22 - Weight be To decided annually 1 4 F: 65 F: M: 35 % No. No. Unit FY 2020-21 - Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 1 4 F: 70 F: M: 30 FY 2019-20 WUG: 2 3 RUG: 1 4 F: 75 F: M: 25 FY 208-19 - Output Indicator Output zomdus/ chiwog of Number conducted forums public gender by segregated Gewog Tshogde of Number conducted functional of Number self-help local user groups, and local committees groups, cooperatives Weight be To decided annually Output in participation Community processes making decision strengthened KPI segregated conducted forums zomdus/public chiwog of Number gender by conducted Gewog Tshogde of Number local groups, self-help functional local of user groups, Number cooperatives and committees Outcome Democracy & decentralization strengthened 1 2 3 1. Sl. Sl. No. No. Kurtoed GewogKurtoed targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-178- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 1 3 F: 50 F: M: 50 IUG: 1; WUG: 2 FY 2022-23 Plan Target Plan 5 NT: M: 50 50 (CT) F: 15 NT: IUG: 2; RUG: 1; WUG: 9; (NT) 1 3 F: 50 F: M: 50 WUG: 2 FY 2021-22 Baseline 1 M: 47 53 F: (2017) 2 (2016) 0 (2016) 1 3 1 F: 50 F: M: 50 Weight be To decided annually FY 2020-21 % No. No. Unit Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 1 3 F: 50 F: M: 50 RUG: 1; RUG: WUG: 2 FY 2019-20 3 1 F: 52 F: M: 48 IUG: 1; WUG: 3 FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output zomdus/public chiwog of Number by segregated conducted forums gender on forum zomdus/public of Number in a year plan local development functional local of user Number local groups, self-help groups, cooperatives and committees Weight be To decided annually Output Community participation in decision making processes strengthened KPI segregated conducted forums zomdus/public chiwog of Number gender by in a plan local on development forum zomdus/public of No. year local groups, self-help functional local of user groups, No. cooperatives and committees Outcome Democracy & decentralization strengthened 1 2 3 1. Sl. No. Sl. No. Maedtsho GewogMaedtsho targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-179- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag FY 2022-23 4 50 F: M: 50 2 - Plan Target Plan 20 NT: M: 50 50(CT) F: 10 NT: 2 RUG: WUG: 2 (NT) FY 2021-22 4 47 F: M:53 2 - Baseline 5 M:40 60 F: (2017) 2 (2017) 12 (2017) Weight be To decided annually FY 2020-21 4 44 F: M: 56 2 1 RUG: WUG: 1 % No. No. Unit Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected FY 2019-20 4 42 F: M: 58 2 1 RUG: WUG: 1 FY 208-19 4 60 F: M: 40 2 - Output Indicator Output zomdus/ chiwog of Number conducted forums public gender by segregated Gewog Tshogdus of Number conducted functional local of user Number local groups, self-help groups, cooperatives and committees Weight be To decided annually KPI Output Community participation in decision processes making strengthened Number of chiwog zomdus/public forums conducted segregated segregated conducted forums zomdus/public chiwog of Number gender by conducted Gewog Tshogdus of Number local groups, self-help functional local of user groups, Number cooperatives and committees Outcome Democracy & decentralization strengthened 1 2 3 1. Sl. Sl. No. No. Maenbi Gewog targets and indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-180- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Remarks Plan Target 25 NT: M: 40 60 F: (CT) 10 NT: 4; RUG: WUG: 2; EFUG: 3 (NT)

Baseline 5 M: 20 80 F: (2016) 2 (2017) NA 0.300 0.300 Weight be To decided annually Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. % No. No. Unit Activity Location Chiwogs Output Indicator Output forums zomdus/public chiwog of Number gender by segregated conducted conducted Gewog Tshogdus of Number functional local of user groups, Number and local committees groups, self-help cooperatives To be To Weight decided annually Activity local user groups, farmers’ of Formation etc. cooperatives, committees, Output Community in participation making decision processes strengthened Outcome Democracy & decentralization strengthened Output in participation Community processes making decision strengthened Total 1 1 Sl. Sl. No. No Programme activity and Outlay activity and Programme Minjey Gewog targets and indicators output Programme

-181- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

- 5 2 F: 60 F: M: 40 Plan Target Plan 25 NT: M: 50 50 F: (CT) 20 NT: 5 RUG: WUG: 21 IUG: 2 (NT) FY 2022-23

- 5 2 F: 64 F: M: 36 Baseline 70; 8 (F: M: 30) (2017) 3 (2017) 6; RUG: WUG: 0; IUG: 1 (2017) FY 2021-22

5 2 Weight be To decided annually F: 68 F: M: 32 RUG: 3 RUG: FY 2020-21 % No. No. Unit

Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 5 2 F: 72 F: M: 28 WUG: 1 FY 2019-20

5 2 F: 76 F: M: 24 RUG: 1; RUG: EFUG: 3 WUG: 1; FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output forums zomdus/public chiwog of Number gender by segregated conducted conducted Gewog Tshogdus of Number functional local of user groups, Number and local committees groups, self-help cooperatives Weight be To decided annually Output Community participation in decision making processes strengthened Outcome Democracy & decentralization strengthened KPI by segregated conducted forums zomdus/public chiwog of Number gender conducted Gewog Tshogdus of Number local groups, self-help functional local of user groups, Number cooperatives and committees 1. 1 2 3 Sl. No. Sl. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Gewog Tsaenkhar targets and indicators output Programme

-182- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 5 4 F: 50 F: M: 50 FY 2022-23 - 5 4 F: 50 F: M: 50 FY 2021-22 - 5 4 F: 55 F: M: 45 FY 2020-21 RUG: 2 RUG: IUG: 1 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 5 4 F: 60 F: M: 40 FY 2019-20 WUG: 11 5 4 F: 65 F: M: 35 FY 208-19 RUG: 3 RUG: WUG: 10 IUG: 1 KPI conducted forums zomdus/public chiwog of Number gender by segregated conducted Gewog Tshogdus of Number local groups, self-help functional local of user groups, Number cooperatives and committees 1 2 3 Sl. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected

-183- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag and (Jarey) Dubrang Dubrang Remarks Remarks Roelmateng Roelmateng Collection Collection methodology Administrative Administrative records Administrative Administrative records Administrative records Administrative record Data source source Data Adm. Data, Data, Adm. Dzongkhag Livestock Sector Data, Adm. Gewog Administration Data, Adm. Gewog Administration Data, Adm. Dzongkhag Engineering sector 8 90 Target Target NT: 40 NT: NT:150 (Year) 8 (2017) Baseline 10 (2016) 50 (2016) 250 (2016) % % No No. Unit Unit Description This indicator indicator This percentage measures using households of renewable alternative energy –Biogas This indicator indicator This of number measures solar using households energy indicator This percentage measures householdsof cooking improved stove indicator The all critical measures infrastructures public hospitals/ (schools, are roads) and BHUs disaster and climate ensuring by proofed disaster and all climate engineering resilient components, KPI KPI HHs with biogas biogas with HHs plants HHs with solar solar with HHs energy with HHs improved stoves cooking Critical public infrastructure (schools, and hospitals climate/ roads) proofed disaster (5 KPIs) LGKRA 9: Carbon neutral, climate and disaster resilient development enhanced development resilient disaster and LGKRA 9: Carbon neutral, climate NKRA 1. Macroeconomic ensured stability 3. Poverty eradicated inequality and reduced 5. Healthy ecosystem services maintained 6. Carbon climate neutral, disaster and resilient development enhanced 9. Infrastructure, communication public and services improved 17.

-184- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Remarks Collection Collection methodology Administrative Administrative record Administrative Administrative record Data source source Data Adm. Data, Data, Adm. Dzongkhag Engineering sector Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Municipality 90 NT: 3 NT: Target Target (Year) 1(2016) Baseline 50 (2016) No. KM Unit Unit Description resilient engineering engineering resilient components, safeguards and and quality standards, included are strength in the respective designs and drawings and Dzongkhag by retrofitted This indicator indicator This incidences measures floodingand of logging due water storm improper to and drainage water necessaryother infrastructure KPI KPI Critical public Critical public infrastructure (schools, and hospitals climate/ roads) proofed disaster Length of Length of storm proper drainage water in Dzongkhag and Throm Throm Yenlag NKRA

-185- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

17.1 Programme Summary and strategies

Programme Title: Carbon neutral, climate and disaster resilient development Objective: To strengthen Carbon neutral, climate and disaster resilient development Implementing Agency: Dzongkhagand Gewog Administrations Collaborating Agency (ies): NEC/MoAF/MoEA/MoH/MoWHS/DDM

Programme Strategies In order to address the issues and challenges highlighted above, the Dzongkhag Administration, in the 12 FYP will: 1. In order to reduce the carbon footprint and pressure on the forest, the Dzongkhag will facilitate and support installation of energy efficient cooking stoves and solar lights at the household level where the incidence of wood usage is high. 2. Energy efficiency will be promoted such as installing energy efficient street lights, replacing inefficient lights with efficient ones, tapping solar energy to power streetlights and water heating to save energy and costs and to reduce emission of green house gases.

3. Procure fire-fighting equipment to combat forest fires. Besides that, a fire line will be constructed around the Dzong every year to protect the Dzong from the fire disasters.

4. Develop and implement community based forest fire management programmes/approaches as a strategy to address the recurrent phenomenon of forest fire using community structures and social mobilization mechanisms.

5. Improve waste management by introducing a waste segregation system and proper landfill management.

6. Procure garbage trucks and bins to improve waste collection. The Dzongkhag will increase the frequency of waste collected per week.

7. Increase awareness and sensitization programme on waste segregation, reuse and recyle of waste 8. Ensure that all developmental activities in the Dzongkhag are in line with GECDP guidelines. Dzongkhag will ensure that infrastructures are climate proofed and retrofitted to the universal standard to withstand earthquakes. 9. Use of biogas for cooking in rural areas will be supported and encouraged.

-186- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

10. In order to enhance disaster resilience of the community and local economy, will prioritize environment friendly development and construction, and particularly ensure climate proofing and adaptation quality of both new and existing critical infrastructures such as gewog center roads, irrigation channels, drainages, health and school infrastructures. 11. Dzongkhag will enhance engineering capacity as well as collaborate with relevant central agencies to improve technology and quality of climate proof and disaster resilient drawings, design and construction of related infrastructures. Future rainfall, snows and any extreme weather events will be considered and environmental governance enforced for planning, implementation and construction in collaboration with NEC and Meteorology Centre. 12. One school in each gewog will be retrofitted to the standards capable to withstand huge magnitude earthquake to serve as disaster relief center in the event of big earthquake. 13. In collaboration with relevant central agencies, critical watersheds, peat, marshland, wetland, trees, and other green and bio-diversity areas within Dzongkhag’s jurisdictional boundary will be protected, preserved and restored and enhance use of permeable surfaces e.g. permeable pavements to avoid flooding, landslides, to reduce intensity of rainwater run-off and to maintain as rainwater absorber and storage and carbon sink. 14. In order to sustain the livelihood and enhance resilience of the rural poor and vulnerable against unpredictable climate change and disaster threats, focus and support will be provided to alleviate hardships and reduce or eradicate rural poverty. Initiatives such as building skills, and strengthen smart, integrated and eco-friendly agriculture practices for sustainable and productive agriculture farming will be carried out to enhance income and food security for rural communities. Capacity and knowhow on climate/ weather forecasting and disease prevention and control will be enhanced for proper planning, secure and sustainable farming and food production. 15. Dzongkhag contingency plan with robust disaster related mechanism for information sourcing and sharing will be developed and capacity built for disaster preparedness, response and rehabilitation and to effectively deal with Climate Change impacts. 16. Awareness, monitoring and enforcement will be carried out and strengthened to ensure that disaster resilient and adaptation standards and quality is incorporated and adhered to in any development works and infrastructure constructions by both private and government entities.

-187- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 150 NT: 8 40 NT: Track 3 NT: 35 1 3 5 8 CT: 1 NT: 12 Baseline (Year) 250 (2016) 8 (2017) 10(2016) (2016) NA 1 (2016) NA 0 (2017) NA NA 0 (2016) 1 (2016) NA 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 15 10 Weight % % Set No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. KM Unit No. or or No. Output Indicator Output installed plants biogas of Number energy solar with HHs stoves cooking improved with HHs without infrastructures constructed of Number & standards designs proof disaster climate/ in Dzongkhag drainage water storm proper Length of Yenlag Throm and Throm for drills disaster carried & mock out of Number and management per as disaster & students public plan contingency established Centres Operating Emergency of Number other or equipments disaster sets of or Number procured machines initiatives agriculture smart climate of Number initiatives management land sustainable of Number eradicate to implemented initiatives of Number poverty awareness/sensitization/meetings/trainings of Number conducted 100 Weight Weight Output Disaster management adaptive and capacity improved Programme Output Matrix Output Programme Outcome Carbon neutral, and climate disaster resilient development enhanced 1. Sl. No. 17.2 17.2.1 Dzongkhag targets and Indicators output Programme

-188- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - - - - 1 1 2 8 80 10 Track FY 2022-2023 - - 2 3 2 8 1 1 1 70 10 Track FY 2021-2022 - - 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 8 20 Track FY 2020-2021 Projected Annual Target Annual Projected - - - - - 1 2 2 2 2 8 Track FY 2019-2020 ------1 2 1 1 3 Track FY 2018-2019 Number or sets of disaster equipments or other other or equipments disaster sets of or Number procured machines initiatives agriculture smart climate of Number initiatives management land sustainable of Number eradicate to implemented initiatives of Number poverty meetings/ awareness/sensitization/ of Number conducted trainings Indicators installed plant biogas Number energy solar with HHs stoves cooking improved with HHs climate/ without infrastructures constructed of No. & standards designs proof disaster in drainage water storm proper Length of Yenlag Throm and Throm Dzongkhag for drills disaster carried & mock out of No. and management per as disaster & students public plan contingency Centres Operating Emergency of Number established 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 Sl. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected

-189- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target NT: 10 NT: 23 NT: 3 NT: Remarks (Year) Baseline 10 (2016) 26 (2016) 1 (2016) Weight To be To decided annually Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. 1.550 6.589 8.139 No. No. No. Unit Activity Location Dzongkhag/ Gewogs Dzongkhag/ Gewogs Output Indicator Output No. of water sources/catchment areas areas sources/catchment water of No. protected plants biogas with HHs of No. installed infrastructures resilient disaster of No. constructed Weight To be To decided annually Output Activity developments capacity and meetings awareness, Sensitization, equipment/ of procurement and development Infrastructures stationeries Sustainable use of use of Sustainable natural/renewable enabled resources resilient Disaster infrastructures developed Outcome Output Disaster and management capacity adaptive improved Total Carbon neutral, neutral, Carbon and climate resilient disaster development enhanced 1 2 1 Sl. Sl. No 7.2.2 Gewogs No. Programme Activity and Outlay Outlay and Activity Programme 1 GewogGangzur targets and Indicators output Programme

-190- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 3 NT: 9 NT: Remarks FY 2022-23 10 4 - (Year) 3 (2017) Baseline 10 (2017) FY 2021-22 - 19 2 2.248 4.200 6.448 Weight be To decided annually No. No. Unit Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. FY 2020-21 - - - FY 2019-20 - - 1 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected FY 208-19 - - - Output Indicator Output sources/catchment water of No. areas protected plants biogas with HHs of No. installed Activity Location Zhamling, Shawa, Zhisar, Ney Ney, Tausing Nimshong, Tsholing, Lekpa, Goenpa, Amtse Denkaling Rongchu, Yangmaling, Weight be To decided annually Activity conservation for Support use of sustainable and resources natural Infrastructure development Output natural/ use of Sustainable resources renewable enabled Output natural/ use of Sustainable enabled resources renewable resilient Disaster infrastructures developed Total Outcome climate neutral, Carbon resilient disaster and enhanced development KPI protected areas sources/catchment water of No. installed plants biogas with HHs of No. infrastructures constructed resilient disaster of No. 1 2 1 1 2 3 Sl. Sl. No No. Sl. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay and Activity Program Gewog Jarey targets and Indicators output Programme

-191- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 1 1 Plan Target Remarks FY 2022-23 3 - 0(2016) 0 (2017) Baseline (Year) FY 2021-22 - 4 0.275 0.275 0.150 0.700 Weight be To decided annually No. No. Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. Unit FY 2020-21 - 5 FY 2019-20 - - Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected FY 208-19 - - Activity Location Chiwogs Output Indicator Output areas catchment sources/ water of No. protected public resilient disaster of No. infrastructures constructed Weight be To decided annually Activity protection source Water biogas of Installation plants programme Afforestation Output use of Sustainable natural/renewable enabled resources Output natural/ use of Sustainable enabled resources renewable Total Outcome climate neutral, Carbon resilient disaster and enhanced development KPI protected areas sources/catchment water of No. installed plants biogas with HHs of No. 1 2 3 1 1. 2. Sl. Sl. No Sl. No. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay and Activity Program Khoma Gewog targets and Indicators output Programme

-192- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - - Plan Target 33 NT: 20 NT: Remarks FY 2022-23 Baseline (Year) 2 (2017) 46 (2016) - 1 FY 2021-22 0.250 0.250 To be To Weight decided annually - - No No. Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. Unit FY 2020-21 - - FY 2019-20 Output Indicator Output drinking of Number sources water protected with HHs of Number plants biogas - 1 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected FY 2018-19 Weight be To decided annually Activity Location Panga Output natural/ use of Sustainable enabled resources renewable Activity source water Spring protection Output natural/ use of Sustainable enabled resources renewable Total KPI protected areas sources/catchment water of No. infrastructures constructed public resilient disaster of No. Outcome and climate neutral, Carbon development resilient disaster enhanced 1 1. 2. Sl. 1. Sl. No Sl. No. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected P Outlay and rogram Activity GewogKurtoed targets and Indicators output Programme

-193- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 4 NT: Remarks FY 2022-23 7 5 Baseline (Year) 1 (2016)

FY 2021-22 7 5 0.145 0.200 0.345 Weight be To decided annually No. Unit FY 2020-21 7 5 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. FY 2019-20 7 5 Activity Location Ghiwogs Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected FY 208-19 5 - Output Indicator Output sources/ water of No. catchment areas protected

Weight be To decided annually Activity management source Water plants biogas of Installation Output natural/ use of Sustainable resources renewable enabled Output natural/renewable use of Sustainable enabled resources Total KPI protected sources drinking water of Number installed plants biogas with HHs of No. Outcome climate neutral, Carbon resilient disaster and enhanced development 1 Sl. No 1. 1. Sl. Sl. No. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay and Activity Program Broad GewogMaedtsho targets and Indicators output Programme

-194- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target 330 CT: 3 NT: Remarks FY 2022-23 - Baseline 319 (2017) NA FY 2021-22 - 0.130 0.130 To be To Weight decided annually No. No. FY 2020-21 - Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. Unit FY 2019-20 4 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected FY 208-19 - Activity Location Balam, Obi Gortshom, &Tongthrom Output Indicator Output stoves improved with HHs of No. sources water of Number protected To be To Weight decided annually Activity Source Spring Protection Output use of Sustainable renewable natural/ enabled resources Output natural/renewable use of Sustainable enabled resources Total Outcome climate neutral, Carbon resilient disaster and enhanced development KPI protected areas sources/catchment water of No. 1 1 1. Sl. Sl. No Sl. No. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay and Activity Program Maenbi Gewog Indicators Output Plan

-195- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 1 Plan Target 330 8 Remarks FY 2022-23 (Year) Baseline 0 (2017) 1 328 FY 2021-22 0.800 0.800 Weight To be To decided annually 1 326 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. No. Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - 323 FY 2019-20 Activity Location Chiwogs - - Output Indicator Output No. of water sources/ sources/ water of No. catchment areas protected FY 208-19 Weight To be To decided annually Activity protection sources Water Output Sustainable use of natural/ use of Sustainable resources renewable enabled Outcome KPI stoves improved with HHs of No. protected sources water of Number Output renewable natural/ use of Sustainable enabled resources Total Carbon neutral, climate climate neutral, Carbon resilient disaster and enhanced development 1. 2. 1. Sl. 1. Sl. No Sl. No. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay and Activity Program Broad Minjey Gewog targets and Indicators output Programme

-196- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 8 Plan Target 8 NT: 10 NT: Remarks FY 2022-23 - Baseline 6 (2017) 13 (2017) FY 2021-22 0.300 0.300 Weight be To decided annually - No. No. Unit FY 2020-21 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected - FY 2019-20 - FY 208-19 Activity Location Chiwogs Output Indicator Output / catchment sources water of No. areas protected plants biogas with HHs of No. installed Weight be To decided annually Activity sources Water protection Output use of Sustainable renewable natural/ enabled resources KPI areas catchment (drinking/irrigation)/ sources water of No. protected Outcome climate neutral, Carbon resilient disaster and enhanced development Output natural/renewable use of Sustainable enabled resources Total 1. 1 1. Sl. Sl. Sl. No. No No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay and Activity Program Gewog Tsaenkhar targets and Indicators output Programme

-197- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - 2 Remarks FY 2022-23 - 2 FY 2021-22 1.800 1.800 - (Nu. in Million) (Nu. 2 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 8 2 FY 2019-20 - 2 FY 208-19 Activity Location Phawantoe, Barchu, Takchu Yanglong, Yanglong, Takchu Barchu, Phawantoe, Autsho, Dagarthang, Yangla, Chalibadeb/ Chiwogs Activity Infrastructures development Infrastructures Output Sustainable use of use of Sustainable natural/renewable enabled resources Total KPI protected areas sources/catchment water of No. installed plants biogas with HHs of No. 1 1 2 Sl. Sl. No No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay and Activity Program

-198- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Remarks Collection Collection methodology Administrative records Administrative records Administrative records Administrative records Data source source Data Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Education Sector Administrative Data, Dzongkhag RNR sectors Administrative D-khag, Data, AFD Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Education Sector Target Target 58.13 CT: 45.63 CT: ≥ 10 60 NT: Baseline (Year) 50.05 (2017) 30(2016) 0 (2016) 220(2017) % % % No. Unit Unit Description indicator This NFE female measures total against learners NFE learners indicator This the measures woman of percentage in office bearers and groups farmer’s cooperatives indicator This of proportion measures employee government access with (parents) care functional day to crèches indicator This number measures in leadership girls of in schools position extra-co- in various curricular activities, etc. clubs

KPI KPI Proportion of NFE female learners Women in representatives self- user groups, local groups, help and committees cooperatives Government employees (parents) to access with functional day crèches care in leadership Girls in position schools LGKRA 10: Gender equality promoted, women and girls empowered (5 KPIs) girls and empowered women LGKRA 10: Gender equality promoted, NKRA 3. Poverty eradicated inequality and reduced 10. Gender equality promoted, women girls and empowered 11. Productive gainful and employment created and 14. Healthy societycaring enhanced 18

-199- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Remarks Collection Collection methodology Administrative records Administrative records Data source source Data Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Unit Planning Administrative Data, Dzongkhag AFD Target Target 20 95 CT: Baseline (Year) 10(2016) 70(2016) % % Unit Unit Description indicator This of percentage measures skills/ availing female entrepreneurship for trainings livelihood, productive income and economic enhancement indicator This percentage measures and men women, of covered children sensitization/ by programmes awareness of elimination on and VAM VAW, disaggregated VAC and men women, by covered children KPI KPI female Women skills/ availing entrepreneurship trainings and men Women, covered children sensitization/ by awareness on programmes of elimination and VAM VAW, VAC NKRA

-200- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

18.1 Programme Summary and Strategies

Programme Title: Gender equality promotion and women & girls empowerment Objective: To promote gender equality and empower women and girls Implementing Agency: Dzongkhag and Gewog Administrations Collaborating Agency (ies): NCWC, MoE, RENEW, BENEW, BAOWE

Programme Strategies: In order to promote gender equality and empower women and girls, the Dzongkhag will focus on the following key strategies: 1. Create a policy environment within the Dzongkhag and Gewog for progressing the gender agenda. Develop and strengthen linkages with central agencies such as the NCWC, Ministry of Finance and GNHC for policy directives and support on mainstreaming gender planning and budgeting in local plans. Special focus on increasing gender representation in any kind of meetings at the Dzongkhag, Gewog and chiwog level; specifically target women for positions during Zomdus at the Gewog and chiwog level.

2. The Dzongkhag will ensure gender sensitive and responsive interventions for women and girls in the domains of good governance, employment, education and training, health, aging, mental health and disabilities, violence against women and all gender prejudices and stereotypes. In doing so, the Dzongkhag will ensure that women are also included in the discussion and decision making process affecting their choices and lives.

3. Strengthen gender planning and budgeting in all local plans and programmes.

4. The Dzongkhag will make available information on employment opportunities or any form of skills development training (entrepreneurships, leadership training, and public speaking). The Dzongkhag will also promote ideas such as women cooperatives, self-help groups, etc. among women as a means of uplifting women out of poverty and easing their financial difficulties.

5. Men play an important role in remedying gender inequality. Therefore, the Dzongkhag will ensure that during public awareness campaigns on the importance of empowering women, men are equally involved and informed.

6. Promotion of modern technologies (labour saving) and economic assets to ease women’s work burden.

-201- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target ≥ 250 CT: 58.13 CT: 45.08 CT: 46 CT: 45.8 CT: 60 CT: 20 CT: 1 NT: ≥ 10 40 NT: 8 5 4 20 Baseline (Year) 139 (2017) 50.05 (2017) 30 (2016) 40 (2016) 45 (2016) 220 (2017) 10 (2016) 0 (2017) 0 (2017) 8 (2016) 0 (2016) 0 (2016) 0 (2016) 0 (2016) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 Weight % % % % % %. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Unit Output Indicator Output NFE learners female of No. NFE learners female of Proportion in user groups representatives Women in local committees representatives Women groups in farmers representatives Women in schools position in leadership girls of Number skills/ availing female of Proportion trainings entrepreneurship infrastructures constructed of No. to access with (parents) employees Government crèches care functional day on programs sensitization/awareness of No. VAC and VAM VAW, of elimination for conducted trainings skills development of No. youth and children women, on programs sensitization and awareness of No. based right approach and equality gender girl friendly with schools facilities boarding of No. facility) menstrual hygiene toilets, (separate & trained entrepreneurs rural of women No. supported 100 Weight Output Mechanisms for participation women/ of children in decision making process improved Dzongkhag Programme Output Matrix Output Programme Outcome Gender equality promoted, women girls and empowered 1. Sl. No. 18.2 18.2.1 targets and Indicators output Programme

-202- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag - - 5 8 2 1 1 46 12 90 250 45.8 45.08 ≥ 58.13 FY 2022-23 - 5 1 8 2 1 1 42 45 12 87 200 45.7 ≥ 55.63 FY 2021-22 ≥ 10 - 5 8 2 1 1 39 44 12 82 20 150 45.6 ≥ 54 FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Target Annual Projected - - 5 8 2 1 1 36 43 12 77 100 45.4 ≥ 52.38 FY 2019-20 ------8 1 50 33 42 12 73 45.2 ≥ 49.50 FY 2018-19 KPI No. of female NFE learners female of No. NFE learners female of Proportion in user groups representatives Women in local committees representatives Women groups in farmers representatives Women in schools position in leadership girls of Number trainings skills/entrepreneurship availing female of Proportion infrastructures constructed of No. care functional day to access with employees(parents) Government crèches of elimination on programmes sensitization/awareness of No. VAC and VAM VAW, awareness sensitization/ by covered children and men Women, VAC and VAM VAW, of elimination on programmes children women, for conducted trainings skills development of No. and youth equality gender on programs sensitization and awareness of No. based right approach and toilets, girl friendly with schools facilities(separate boarding of No. facility) menstrual hygiene & supported trained entrepreneurs rural of women No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sl. No. Projected Annual Target Annual Projected

-203- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target ≥70 50 Remarks Baseline (Year) 70 (2017) 50 (2017) 2.040 2.800 4.840 Weight be To decided annually Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. % % Unit Activity Location Dzongkhag/ Gewogs Dzongkhag Output Indicator Output NFE female of Proportion learners representatives Women self-help in user groups, local committees groups, cooperatives and Weight be To decided annually Activity capacity and Advocacy of supply including development materials development Infrastructures Output skills and education to Access and women for development enhanced girls representation Women’s’ groups in community strengthened Output of participation for Mechanisms making in decision women/children improved process Total Outcome Gender equality promoted, women empowered girls and 1 2 1 2 Sl. No Sl. No. Programme Activity and Outlay Outlay and Activity Programme 18.2.2 Gewog GewogGangzur targets and Indicators output Programme

-204- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Plan Target ≥50 4 50 FY 2022-23 ≥70 50 Baseline (Year) 50 (2017) NA NA FY 2021-22 ≥70 50 Weight be To decided annually % % % Unit FY 2020-21 ≥70 50 FY 2019-20 ≥70 50 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected FY 208-19 ≥70 50 Output Indicator Output NFE learners female of Proportion skills/ availing female of Proportion trainings entrepreneurship in user representatives Women local groups, self-help groups, cooperatives and committees Weight be To decided annually Output education to Access skills development and girls and women for enhanced Women’s’ in representation groups community strengthened Outcome Gender equality promoted, girls and women empowered KPI NFE learners female of Proportion local groups, self-help in user groups, representatives Women cooperatives and committees 1. 1 2 Sl. Sl. No. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay and Activity Program allocation. budget No Gewog Jarey targets and Indicators output Programme

-205- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 4 50 Plan Target CT:40 CT:20 ≥50 Remarks FY 2022-23 3 Baseline (Year) 10(2016) 0(2017) 50 ≥50 FY 2021-22 0.400 0.400 Weight be To decided annually 2 50 ≥50 Indicative Plan Outlay Outlay Plan Indicative in Million) (Nu. % % Unit FY 2020-21 Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Activity Location Chiwogs 1 50 ≥50 FY 2019-20 - 50 ≥50 FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output NFE female of Proportion learners in user representatives Women local groups, self-help groups, cooperatives and committees Weight be To decided annually Activity Entrepreneurship skills development/ Entrepreneurship women for training Output education to Access skills development and girls and women for enhanced representation Womens’ groups in community strengthened Output skills development and education to Access enhanced girls and women for Total KPI NFE learners female of Proportion trainings skills/ entrepreneurship availing female of Proportion local groups, self-help in user groups, representatives Women cooperatives and committees Outcome Gender equality promoted, girls and women empowered 1 1 2 3 1 2 Sl. Sl. No. No. Sl.No Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Outlay and Activity Program Khoma Gewog targets and Indicators output Programme

-206- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 40 20 40 50 Plan Target 40 CT: 50 NT: FY 2022-23 FY 2022-23 31 15 39 50 Baseline (Year) 35 (2017) 0 (2017) FY 2021-22 FY 2021-22 Weight be To decided annually 24 10 38 50 % % FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 Unit Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected Targets Annual Projected 5 17 37 50 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 - - 36 50 FY 208-19 FY 2018-19 Output Indicator Output NFE learners female of Proportion in user representatives Women local groups, self-help groups, cooperatives and committees Weight be To decided annually Output and education to Access for skills development enhanced girls and women representation Womens’ groups in community strengthened Outcome Gender equality promoted, women girls and empowered KPI NFE learners female of Proportion local groups, self-help in user groups, representatives Women cooperatives and committees KPI NFE learners female of Proportion local groups, self-help in user groups, representatives Women cooperatives and committees 1 2 1 2 Sl. 1 2 Sl. No. Sl. No. No. Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected GewogKurtoed targets and Indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-207- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 45 ≥ 85 Plan Target ≥ 85 45 NT: FY 2022-23 36 Baseline (Year) 85 (2016) 0(2016) ≥ 85 FY 2021-22 Weight be To decided annually 27 ≥ 85 % % FY 2020-21 Unit Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 18 ≥ 85 FY 2019-20 9 ≥ 85 FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output NFE female of Proportion learners in user representatives Women local groups, self-help groups, cooperatives and committees Weight be To decided annually Output and education to Access for skills development enhanced girls and women representation Womens’ groups in community strengthened Proportion of female NFE learners NFE learners female of Proportion local groups, self-help in user groups, representatives Women cooperatives and committees KPI Outcome Gender equality promoted, girls and women empowered 1 2 1 2 Sl. No. Sl. No. Maedtsho GewogMaedtsho targets and Indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-208- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 50 50 Plan Target 50 CT: 50 CT: FY 2022-23 40 50 Baseline (Year) 20.37 (2017) 4 (2017) FY 2021-22 35 50 Weight be To decided annually FY 2020-21 % % Unit Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 30 50 FY 2019-20 25 50 FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output NFE female of Proportion learners representatives Women self-help in user groups, and local committees groups, cooperatives Weight be To decided annually Output education to Access skills development and girls and women for enhanced representation Womens’ groups in community strengthened Outcome Gender equality promoted, women girls and empowered KPI NFE learners female of Proportion local groups, self-help in user groups, representatives Women cooperatives and committees 1. 1 2 Sl. No. Sl. No. Program Activity and Outlay and Activity Program Maenbi Gewog targets and Indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-209- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 50 Plan ≥ 70 Target ≥ 70 50 FY 2022-23 (Year) Baseline 50 70 (2017) 50 (2017) ≥ 70 FY 2021-22 Weight To be To decided annually 50 ≥ 70 % % FY 2020-21 Unit Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 50 ≥ 70 FY 2019-20 50 ≥ 70 FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output Proportion of female NFE female of Proportion learners in user representatives Women local groups, self-help groups, cooperatives and committees Weight To be To decided annually KPI Output Access to education and skills and education to Access and women for development enhanced girls representation Womens’ groups in community strengthened Outcome Gender equality promoted, women girls and empowered Proportion of female NFE learners NFE learners female of Proportion local groups, self-help in user groups, representatives Women cooperatives and committees 1 2 1 2 Sl. No. Sl. No. Minjey Gewog targets and Indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-210- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag 50 ≥60 Plan Target ≥60 50 FY 2022-23 50 ≥60 Baseline (Year) 60 (2017) NA FY 2021-22 50 Weight be To decided annually ≥60 FY 2020-21 % % Unit Projected Annual Targets Annual Projected 50 ≥60 FY 2019-20 50 ≥60 FY 208-19 Output Indicator Output NFE female of Proportion learners representatives Women self-help in user groups, local committees groups, cooperatives and Weight be To decided annually Output skills and education to Access girls and women for development enhanced in representation Womens’ strengthened groups community Outcome Gender equality promoted, women girls and empowered KPI NFE learners female of Proportion local groups, self-help in user groups, representatives Women cooperatives and committees 1 2 1 2 Sl. No. Sl. No. Tsaenkhar Gewog Tsaenkhar targets and Indicators output Programme Target Annual Projected

-211- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks Remarks Data collectionData methodology Census Annual Census Annual Census Annual Data Source Data Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Administrative Data, Dzongkhag Target 1 NT: 1 NT: 1 Baseline (Year) 4 (2017) 4 (2017) 0 (2017) No. No. No. Unit Description indicator This the measures of number HHs domiciled yakwith population in theincreased Dzongkhag indicator This the measures domiciled number sheep HHS with indicator This number measures highland of related enterprises livestock to NWFPs products, etc. KPI Household yakswith Household with sheep of Number highland enterprise LGKRA 11: Improved and sustained livelihood sustained and the highlanders of (3 KPIs) LGKRA 11: Improved NKRA 2. Economic diversity and and diversity 2. Economic enhanced productivity and eradicated 3. Poverty reduced inequality and education 7. Quality of improved skills Nutrition and 8. Food security gainful and 11. Productive created employment caring and 14. Healthy society enhanced and safety 15. Livability, human of sustainability improved settlements 19.

-212- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

19.1 Programme Summary and Strategies

Programme Title: Improved and sustained livelihood of the highlanders Objective: Improve livelihood of the highlanders Collaborating Agency/ies: MoAF/MoF/BTFEC

Programme Strategies: The Dzongkhag will use the Highland strategy document as the basis to focus on the following strategies:

1. Strengthen the health and education facilities: All the highland gewogs have facilities which provide just basic health services. There is a need for specific and comprehensive health support package for highland areas, with trained people who can deliver the services to the communities without their need to travel to urban centers for availing the same.

2. Establish better agriculture and livestock services Highlanders engage in yak herding. There is reported decline in yak population and yak herding activities. In order to encourage the highland communities to uphold their lifestyle, livestock services will be improved. The Dzongkhag will also explore and introduce other alternatives for income generation.

-213- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag ------Plan Target 5 NT: 8 NT: 10 NT: 1 4 FY 2022-2023 Baseline (Year) 0 (2017) 4 (2017) 4 (2017) 0 (2017) 0 (2017) - - - - - 2 20 20 20 20 20 Weight FY 2021-2022 No. No. No. No. Acre Unit - - 4 1 1 4 i) FY 2020-2021 Bukhar Annual Projected Targets Projected Annual - - - 5 2 4 FY 2019-2020 - - - - - 4 FY 2018-2019 Output Indicator Output ( stoves heating using households of Number bull yak breeding of Number pasture improved of Acreage developed enterprises Number improved with supplied households of Number poly of construction for seeds materials and vegetable house 100 Weight Output Sustainable livelihood people of enhanced i) Programme Output Matrix Output Programme Bukhar Outcome Improved and sustained livelihood the of highlanders KPI stoves heating using households of Number ( bull yak breeding of Number sheep with households of Number pasture improved of Acreage developed enterprises Number improved with supplied households of Number of construction for seeds materials and vegetable poly house 1 2 3 4 5 1. Sl. Sl. No. No. 19.2 19.2.1 Dzongkhag targets and Indicators output Programme Targets Annual Projected

-214- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag Remarks 0.660 0.454 0.670 0.300 2.084 Indicative Budget Outlay Outlay Budget Indicative in Million) (Nu. Activity Location Rolmateng Rolmateng Rolmateng Rolmateng Activity production livestock for Support Support for agriculture production equipments of supply and development Infrastructure development capacity Farmers’ Sustainable Sustainable Output of livelihood enhanced people Total Program Activity and Outlay and Activity Program

-215- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

20. Programme Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Keeping in mind the importance of institutional efficiency and good governance, the 12th Five Year Plan shall be monitored using the Government Performance Management System (GPMS) with an objective to enhance accountability, transparency, and efficient utilization of resources. The Annual Performance Agreements (APA) will record understanding signed between the Prime Minister and the Dzongdag, and provide a summary of the most important objectives, actions and activities that the Dzongkhag expects to achieve in a financial year. It entails performance indicators and targets that will be reviewed quarterly, half- yearly and annually by the National Technical Committee (NTC) to measure the degree of progress made in implementing the annual activities. This will ensure that any issues affecting the implementation and progress of the planned activities are identified and addressed in a timely manner.

Additionally, the 12th Plan will also be monitored using the Multi Year Rolling Budget System (MYRB) of Department of National Budget, and the Public Expenditure Management System (PEMS) of Department of Public Accounts, Ministry of Finance. Both these systems are integrated with the GPMS on planning, budgeting and expenditure information for planning and monitoring purposes.

The Gross National Happiness Commission shall also conduct Quarterly and Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the 12th FYP. The results of the 12th FYP will be evaluated by GNHC at the end of the plan period. Evaluation of specific programmes/projects can be also be undertaken by concerned agencies, local governments and GNHC as guided by the National Evaluation Policy.

The LGs shall also be responsible for monitoring the activities within the scope of their mandate. It shall be the responsibility of the Dzongkhag to undertake overall monitoring of the activities within the respective Dzongkhag, and Gewogs within its jurisdiction, and to compile and provide annual update on the related plan activities and KPIs. Dzongkhags will accordingly report the the implementation status and progress to the GNHC.

The 12th FYP shall actively promote social accountability and therefore, encourage citizen monitoring of the development plans happening within their community, to ensure greater accountability and results of development programmes and interventions. The Dzongkhag will also form community user groups, and

-216- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

Community Monitoring and Assessment Committees (CMAC) in a democratic manner to ensure citizen participation and engagement in planning, decision- making and management of local development and economic growth.

-217- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

21. Collaborating agencies and requirements

KPI which need Specific support and interventions required from central strong/critical Agencies agencies central support CSMIs established MoEA, a) Support to start-ups & CSMIs establishment in order to (farm/non-farm) MoAF, expedite operationalization of industries/ enterprises RMA b) Access to finance c) Support in skills development on entrepreneurship, value chain & supply chain d) Branding and Marketing of products and services Jobs created (farm/ MoEA, a) Access to finance, b) Pitching business ideas for non-farm) MoLHR sourcing support, c) Support in specific training for local entrepreneurs and job seekers Tourist arrival by bed TCB a) Support upgradation of local hotels through nights provision of standards, certification and fiscal incentives, b) Marketing local products and destinations Agriculture, livestock MoAF a) Product branding and marketing, b) Identification of & fishery production new markets and exporting products to niche markets, c) Product diversification through value-addition Area under organic MoAF Support to farmers: agriculture a) To establish and partner with brands, b) how to manage soil nutrients & build other skills, c) certification of farms & produces, d) identify consumer demand & markets, e) offer measures against some of the associated risks Incidences of MoH, -support to a) transport patients to hospitals during Under-5, infant & BHSL, emergencies, b) provide doctors, nurses & other health maternal mortality RCSC professionals as per approved staffing pattern Incidence of drugs, MoH, -support to a) provide helpline services, b)provide substance abuse, DRA & psychotherapist & trained counsellors (based on HR-need) suicides, alcohol RBP deaths Households with MoH, -support to provide design, technology & products for eco- at least Pour Flush MoWHS friendly, pro-poor & cost effective toilet toilets Households with MoWHS, -support to provide design, technology & products for safe access to 24*7 safe MoH drinking water drinking water

-218- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

KPI which need Specific support and interventions required from central strong/critical Agencies agencies central support a) Students scoring MoE - provide subject-specific teachers as per approved staffing at least 60% in pattern each STEM subject including Dzongkha and English in BCSE (X) by gender, b) Students scoring at least 60% each in English, Dzongkha, Maths and Science in Class VI by gender Local songs, MoHCA, -support to a) provide technical support to research, dances, folk stories, MoWHS document & archive intangible culture and tradition, and local festivals and help of conservator for preserving unique heritage villages, heritage revived and houses & settlements documented Waste Recycled & NEC, -support to a) provide ideas & technology to recover waste disposal MoWHS waste & valuable raw materials, b) how to recycle, c) how to manage residual waste, d) what to do & where to sell products of recycled waste, & e) how to construct environment friendly & leachate proof disposal sites Commonly availed PSGRD, Support to simplify and enhance service delivery through services delivered as Office online platforms, and train personnel mandated to manage per TAT of PM & one window services Cabinet Civil servant position RCSC & Support to provide civil servants as per the approved not filled respective staffing pattern Central agencies Mobile Network MoIC Support infrastructure development and ensuring coverage connectivity of services a) Zomdu attendance DLG, Support to a) train LGs, and b) provide oversight and by gender, MoHCA enforcement of LG Act, rules and regulations periodically to ensuring people’s participation in decision-making b)Grievances and grievances submitted, and follow up on the Zomdu registered with resolutions in terms of actions & implementation Dzongkhag and Gewogs resolved Community GNHC Support to a) train planning officers, and b) provide score card tool oversight and monitoring of Community score card implemented implementation & follow up on improvement of LGs’ service delivery as per the report results

-219- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

KPI which need Specific support and interventions required from central strong/critical Agencies agencies central support Critical public MoWHS, support to a) train engineers on climate/disaster proofing infrastructure DDM engineering & designing, b) provide technology & (schools, hospitals (MoHCA) products to promote climate/proofed infrastructures and roads) climate/ &buildings/houses disaster proofed Women MoEA, Provide trainers and expertise for entrepreneurship entrepreneurship MoLHR training, business idea development, access to resources skills development (finance, land and ancillary support) and regulatory clearances in order to expedite operationalization of their business enterprises

-220- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

22. Common minimum infrastructure and Outlay

22.1 Dzongkhag CMI and Outlay Unit cost Sl. No Activity Requirements Cost Remarks (in Million) 1 Bus Terminal/Shed 10.00 1 10.000 2 Childern Parks 5.00 1 5.000 Total 15.000

22.2 Dzongkhag Throm CMI and Outlay Sl. Unit cost Length/ Amount Activity Remarks No. (in Million) Volume (Nu in million) 1 Internal Urban Road 15 2 KM 30.000 2 SW Drainage 24.2 1 KM 24.200 3 Street Light 0.03 40 Poles 1.200 4 Footpath 0.05 1000 m 50.00 Total 105.400

22.3 Yenlag Throm CMI and Outlay Unit cost Length/ Sl. No Activity Total Remarks (Nu. in Million) Volume 1 Internal Road 15 2 km 30.000 2 SW Drainage 16.13 1 km 16.130 3 Street Light 0.03 10 Poles 0.300 4 Footpath 0.05 100 m 5.000 5 Water Supply 9.43 9.430 6 Sewer 40 1km 40.000 Total 100.860

Gewog CMI and Outlay Sl. Unit cost Activity Requirement Amount Remarks No. (in Million) 1 Improvement of farm road/ 8 gewogs 158.400 all Gewogs improve soling 19.80 2 Construction of Helipad 1.2 1 1.2 Menbi Gewog Total 159.6 Note: 1. Specific activities under CMI of Dzongkhag and Gewogs shall be planned and budgeted under Dzongkhag administration, and shall be implemented by Dzongkhag administration 2. The modality for implementation of CMI will be similar to Small Development Projects (SDP)

-221- Twelfth Five Year Plan (2018-2023), Lhuntse Dzongkhag

23. Central Agencies’ activities for Dzongkhag

Sl. Capital Implementing Activity Remarks No. Budget Agency Construction of Trashiyangtse, Dongla - 1 700.000 MoWHS Menji, Lhuntse 2 Preparation of human settlement plans 25.000 3 Study of human settlements 0.625 Construction of Shingkhar-Gorgan road (37.6 4 300.00 MoWHS km) 5 Black Topping of Metsho GC road (spill over) 26.750 MoWHS Total 1052.375
