WITH ;Hc Wallaby of Australian
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PAGE 18 THE SPOKANE PRESS, SUNDAY, APRIL 3,1910. Copyright, 1910, by Great Britain nig-hta liceerveft? Hippopotami Steaks, Odd Lizard Entrees, Willthe Hashes of Horse and Dog, Bat Pot-Pie, Roasti Meat of the Queer Bounding Wallaby of Australian Trust Wilds--Men Eat Them All! colli storage as nro the egg's and meat In tho cold storage warehouses of the modern food trusts. Despite Its great age. the meat of the mammoth must have tasted fresher than Hippopotamus- that supplied to the White House during The tho past Administration, according to the testimony of Food Inspector Dodge, steak Party May of the District Health Department, be- fore the Moore special committee of the Logical Sue- House Investigating the food cost ques- Be the tion It appeared that while Mr. Roose- velt was President the steward of the cessor of the Beef- Executive Mansion was Instructed to hang up his beet and keep It there until It was so ripe that lie could stick his ?teak Party, When finder Into It. Not until it was ready ;hc price of meat going to fall to pieces was It taken down and THislisteadily upward day by day so- Price of Beef served, and a similar practice was said the WITHcial philosophers and science are to obtain In many wealthy homes. turning their attention to What can la Prohibi- Butchers who cater to a fashionable substituted for trie things that aro Becomes trade wero said to keep old meat on under tho control of the Beef Trust. hand because their customers would take Of course It might seem to some that tive. no other, and In many of the shops a more simple method of dealing with the Visited by the Inspectors the meat kept question would be to force the Beef for such purposes was so putrid that It Trust to dial justly with the consumer? wa3 promptly condemned as unfit for but be that as It may. as our friend human consumption George B. Monroe snys. hero are some To Individuals with such tastes,mam- Of the substitutes which have been sug- gested for the exclusive pork chop, the popotnmus la one of the purest animal Intensely aristocratic chop and the well fats known and Is In great demand nigh unapproachable steak whom all of among the Cape colonists At tho which formed the piece de resistance us Knew and loved befjre they got so Capo of Good Hope, hippopotamus melt at a banquet given at St. Petersburg a high In the world. Is salted and cured and Is known as few years ago by Prof. Herz. of the Tlie phllos iphcrs say we be- Cow Bacon," the Imperial Academy Sciences. that have "Lake and from na- down to a horseflesh dinner at the only question Involved Is a. sanitary one. of come so to eating only beef standpoint Is superior to The carcass of the had usid and tive's it far Palala Royal, In commemoration of the Dr. Alnnzq D. Mel.ln, chief of the Bu- mammoth mutton and pork that we do not anything been found in the Ice In the far North realize t lie Beef Trust could offer. "two Sieges" of Parte, of which they were reau of industry In Washington, how many other meats there arc which Another very cheap form of meat Is Anirtttl. and when removed was found to be heroes and heroines. The banquet w-as declares thaH-dog-meat would not be en- make Just as goo 3 eating and which that of the white At the up by In excellent condition, having been per- rhinoceros. gotten v committee of veteran sur- joyable for 4rie-simple reason most could be obtained more cheaply a present Hits species is to be be- that fectly preserved by the Ice In which it once time said vivors of 1870, who invited any and people woulaf'bp prejudiced against the general demand were created for them. coming extinct, but there Is plenty of every passed through was Imbedded. one who had the food, and antagonistic frame of By way of Illustration, there Is the loom |n our Southern States where It days th*| Jhe It was cut up into huge portions and horrors of those to join In the cele- mind would affect the diges- odd and bounding Australian wal- could be stocked and propagated. Only pecessarlly preserved In salicylic acid. When bration. Three hundred at once re- tion. A. of laby. This animal Is a species tile coarsest and most unpromising prov- sponded Dr. Vif Evans, Commissioner cooked and eaten It was found to be to the call, and ate horseflesh Clilcago, han.l, of small kangaroo and Is twice ender i.s required to maintain It and It With enthusiasm. Health of on the other remarkably tender, resembling venison sees no reason y dog-meat not as large as a hare. It looks like furnishes an enormous quantity of excel- Though the diners attended the ban- sv> should of a superior quality and Just gamy amntng viands of civilized a cross between a rat and an opossum lent meat. The white rhinoceros is a quet more out of a spirit of sacrifice be Included the enough to suit the most epicurean people, apart* from the question of sen'.l- taste. on that occa- It has long been regarded as nn enjoy- comparatively mild creature and could be than of pleasure, men who went to suf- Tho carcass eaten man sees nothing by only one to able, economical dish by the Australians, raised without danger. fer remained to enjoy. Prepared a ment. "To the who sion Is no means the In eating but only recently has made lis debut out- From the Orient has Just arrived a skillful It tasted very dif- disgusting In canine flesh," he de- be found In Northern Asia. In tho lce- manner. good eat- line of tho antipodes. In England, where shipment of dried llgarde. In China the ferent to the meat they had been claied, "It should prove Just as fllled caverns of Siberia hundreds of It was first in reduced, It made a decided flesh of the slimy creature Is considered forced to cat In the tragic days of tho ing as other £orjns of r ' " thousands of these relics of the Stone hit and is now found on every first-class a luxury, and large consignments are Mege. From the humanitarian's standpoint, Age are undoubtedly Imbedded and club and hotel menu. "Jugged wallaby" annually shipped to this country for the While horseflesh is not generally eaten eating dogs seems must unnatural, and might furnish food for tho civilized Is the form in which the dish Is most delectation of tho pig-tailed contingent In France, a proposition was recently yet, If the meat trust raises Its prices world for hundreds of years If they frequently seen on the English menus, hero. It doesn't sound very savory, but made In l'arls to establish canine butch- much hlghsav we may eventually be could only be made available. It Is to but In Austral.a the creature Is prepared nevertheless the tlesh Is Very tasty and er :-l'.ops where dog meat would be sold obliged to add English bulldog chops be feared, however, that they are as in half a dozen different ways and really when properly prepared makes as dainty for human consumption. The idea ha» French poodle soup, and dachshund pie useless to mankind In their natural makes very good eating. There they a dish us rte would care to eat been widely discussed, not only iv France to our menus. It beat as a roast tor the purpose of exportation* Hi2 I.ut in thi* country, from the standpoints Perhaps the best Ideas for new meat The Wallaby, a Fa- of health and Odd Now sen- dishes, however, are to be derived from mous timent. On the the tropics, where tho natives have come Australian Dish. one hand it has to regard nearly all animal (lesh as been claimed that edible meat. the eating of dog- They know no greater delicacy than men: could be de- monkey flesh, and most of principal only the fended on the dishes at their gala feasts are garnished \u25a0cors of dhe nec- monkey heads. essity, such as an with The think that lion's flesh Is. Arctic exploier Boers eating yet devised, and s tmetlmes races, about the best .u;d that the idea the flesh of the elephant Is a favorite with them, to the of gutting Kido on dish although Euro- tiie regular bill of pean taste It resembles soft leather and mucilage. fare bonier j on cannibalism, while Antelope, which tastes not unlike venl- on the other hand, son, Is eaten by the colonists, and the it has been stoutly flesh of the itebra is very delicate and contended that the dainty. In the Philippines, bats are not looked upon with the repulsion they arouse In this country. On the contrary, they are eaten and enjoyed The native Filipinos delight In baked grasshoppers and there are numerous species of Inserts which are considered edible by the Chinese and other Oriental nations, as well as by the natives of Mexico and South America. Dried Chinese Lizards, a Fa- In India, the tiger Is eaten not only for Us edible qualities but also be- mous Chinese Delicacy, of cause It Is believed to Impart strength Which Thousands Are Im- and cunning. In upper Egypt and in Siam crocodile flesh Is publicly sold as ported Yearly to America.