Robinson Huron WAAWIINDAMAAGEWIN Tr e at y Tr ac k s Dream of 10 year old SHINGWAUKONSE When Shingwaukonse looked over the hill into a valley, A voice said to him that he, too, would he saw a Council of Chiefs and Kings in a circle around a sit in that Council, one day. sacred fire. The Council was in deep discussion. The voice continued to say to remember the Great Spirit and the Great Spirit would remember him. Page 2 | RHW Treaty Tracks Email:
[email protected] | Website: Wa m p u m TR E ATIES In a report of William Johnson, he stated that after several days, on August 1, 1764 there was renewal of the Covenant Chain for peace, friendship and support for one another. The 1764 Wampum Treaty with 24 Nations was presented by the British. The Bowiting Ojibwe/Chippewa nation was present. Shingwaukonse carried the legacy of the nation to nation relationship between the Ojibwe at Bowiting and the British Crown. TWO ROW WAMPUM TREATY 1764 WAMPUM TREATY with 2 4 NATIONS ONE DISH ONE SPOON WAMPUM 1764 TREATY OF NIAGARA WAR OF 1812 BELT/CLAUS WAMPUM Create your own Wampum Belt: Email:
[email protected] | Website: RHW Treaty Tracks | Page 3 Our Signatories Find all the names of the Ogimaak who signed our Treaty in 1850. M W Y V P P N Z I K T D K Q L P N M S B K F W O E U L I W L H P S C S C C Y L V A G H S W R A Q W S Pamequonaishcung C P A N I D E O I A D I D Z G Y A A P J B X E H U K V D P D O G K G E C S H E O W H W N E N E S W O Wa g em a ke