AVEBAGB DAILS OIBCULATION THE WBATHEB for the Moo^ el January, 1M4 of 0 . A Weather 5,367 Bartford Member of the Audit Fair and mneh eoMer toolfhtj Boreao e t Gbtmlatlona. V I m t l b Satorday fair and eonthioed cold.

VOL. UIL, NO. 123. (daealfled Adrertlslnf on Page U.) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1934. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS

PU6UC SCHOOLS L C. C. ORDERS Succeeds Father As King Of The Belgians, COSTHEREDROPS INVESTIGATION LEOPOLD IS ENTHRONED BELOWJITHERS OF N . ^ ROADS KING OF THE BELGIANS Drastic Reduction in Ex­ Wants to Know What Influ­ penses in Past Five Years ence Com­ 36 Hour Cold Snap Brilliant Array of Foreign — Supt. Verplanck Offers panies Have in Lessening In State Predicted Representatives and Dip­ Some Comparisons. Competition in This Area. lomats Witness Taking of By Associated Presa 4pendlture of CWA funds for snow the Oath hy the New Mon­ A most Informative statement on , Feb. 23.—(AP) — Freezing temperatures and a rul­ removal. From Washington, how­ the cost of public schools in Man­ Investigation of the holdings of the ing from the CWA that It will not ever, came an order today rescind­ Pennsylvania railroad company and ing the ruling. a rch -T h o u sa n d s Cheer chester was obtained today from pay wages of men employed to re­ New Haven was forced to cut its Superintendent of School F. A. Ver­ the Pennroad Corporation in New move snow hampered Connecticut snow removal gang from 1,600 men planck, pointing out that the ex­ England railroads was ordered by today In its effort to restore the to 125. In New Britain, where 800 as King Emerges from the Interstate Commerce Commis­ pense of elementary and high school blizzard-stricken highways to nor­ to 1,000 men had been emploj..d. sion today on compladnt of six New education in this town is well below malcy. Mayor George A Quigley conferred Parliament Building After the average cost throughout the England governors. '■ To add to the state’s dlfll<'ultles, with William H. Judd, chairman of Complaint was filed with the com­ the New Haven brsincb of the U. S. the Board oi Finance imd Taxation, mission by Governors Wilbur L. Weather Bureau predicted a 36- to consider the new difficulty. the Ceremony. Cros of Connecticut, Louis J. Brann hour cold snap beginning tonight Miss Eleanor H. Little, state of Maine, Joseph B. Ely of Massa­ with the mercury dropping to ten CWA administrator, expressed the chusetts, John G. Wlnant of New above


Laakea and began Ita winding eoume School Costs For Pupils in TOWN PLOWS COVER LEOPOLD IS ENTHRONED through the city. OFFICIALS DISCUSS Bareml platoona of mounted TDWN Plow Alts OBITUARY tnx^ rode before and after toe Average Daily Attendance 160 KING OF THE BELGIANS King. \*niey carried epears, topped STREET MILES TAXATION APPEALS with small pennants of the B ^ a n STOtK (Hl'VISIT 1982-1988. (Oontinned from Page One) colors. FUNERALS The elroultoua route thken enabled (Dost 0>et ed upon a special tribune facing the toe crowds to see Leopold several OharlM P. Jehnseo times as thsy ran along toe street per pupil per pupil Memories of 24 Years Ago The Emanuel Lutheran church Confer eo Reqnests of Two senators and deputies. Elementary High School The King, in taking toe oath, eaid: to take up new places. Gears Road So Car Can was filled to capacity this afternoon The cavalcade entered toe city by Population Education Education at the funeral of Charles F. John­ ”I swear to observe the Constitu­ Town 1930 1982-1933 Revived by Snow Storm a quaint old stone onnal bridge on 1932-1988 son of 41 HoU street and floral Finns for Redncdbn m tion and toe laws o^ the Belgian Take Backland Sireet I • • • toe Rue de la Stem. Wlndhsm w . 13,773 $ 74.95 1 81.87 tributes testifying to the eatsem fn peoplr and to maintain toe national Wallingford ...... 14,278 70.37 98.28 Independence and Int-igrlty of toe There the grey-bearded burgomas­ This Week. which the deceased was held were ter rode ahead in a UmouslDe. Naugatuck ...... 14,815 69.33 89.80 numerous and beautiful. The pub­ Assessments. Belgian people and toe Integrity of Woman to HospHaL East Hartford ...... 17,125 78.89 109.73 toe territory.” Blaok Orene DteaDoeara lic service was held at 2:30 o’clock, Leopold beddleearded tem^rarily Fairfield ...... 17,218 70.66 122.31 preceded by a short private lervloe The King read the traditional ad­ Ansonla ...... 19,898 68.98 ' 109.83 an|p: dress, sitting on bis throne behind toe black band of mourning. at the home at 2 o'clock. A joint meeting of the Board of All over toe olty blaok orepe had MANCHESTER . . . . 21,973 64.28 79.18 Manchester was made a^ tal of 128 which—lettered In gold— was toe While it la not generally imown, The moumen included nearly g Assessors, Board of Rslltf, Town dliMpeared from the Belgian flags. one of toe town’s enow plowi aa- Middletown, City .. 24,554 72.91 100.77 ^les within the town limits was hundred employeea of the printing Trsasursr Ooorge H. Waddell and phrase: pven. It was just about this period Eleotrle lights were strung up in Blated toe etork on a visit to Ifan- Middletown, Town • e 76.40 96./1 Aaron Conk, chairman of toe Board “Union Makes Force.” that real estate developments were department of Cheney ^thera, toe streets. They will flash tonight chester this week. West Hartford ... .. 34,941 88.81 121.44 where Mr. Johnson was employed, of Selootmen, was held toll afUr- His address was Interrupted fre­ Torrington started in Manchester and today, toe common cry, “Le Rol Leopold.” Notice waz received that Mrs. .. 26,040 63.67 103.40 who attended the church servlM and noon In the municipal building to quently by enthusiastic obsering, A new bronze inelgnlA bearing toe Danbury .. .. 26,955 87.21 according to the records of Town James Healey, of 120 Buckland 107.i5 marched In the funeral procession dlsouM toe applioaUon of Cbene^Cheney especially when he said: Initial ”L”_ and___surrounoed by laurel Bristol ... .. 28,451 60.59 91.34 Engineer J. Frank Bowen, there are "Our constitution Is wide and street, expected to give birth to a now 160 miles of streets here. In a body. Rev. K. E. Briokson, Brotoers------and— the — ------Manoheaterir ElecElec­ leaves, was posted all over the city. child. The winds had piled up drifts Greenwich .. 83,112 139.78 149.34 supple enough to adapt itself to the The last big snow storm in Man­ pastor of the church, offlolated. G* tric Company for reductions in toe Orchestras In toe oafes— silent for and toe automobiles of nelgbbdn chester that ued up the town, dates Albert Pearson sang a Swedish se­ varying necessities of toe present the last six days—struck up brisk could not get through. It was near than Manchester. It will also be back to November 1898, and Febru- lection, "Kllppa du Som Bract For with respect to order and legality." tunes as the crowds poured in after midnight when an appeal was sent seen that there is no town in the 1899. There were few automo- Mlg", and Mrs. Allen WablqulMt ta When be alluded to toe Queen watching tbs parade. to toe town’s highway department PUBUC SCHOOLS list that has a lower cost of high S m in Manchester at that time and West Hartford, a relative of Mr. asked for a reduction of $831,898 on Mother, usoclattng her with his Night resorts prepared to make for assistance. A plo^ w u sent out school education than Manchester." horses broke out the roads. Two Johnson, sang "Going Home." Helge machinery and real eatate and other own Queen, toe former Princess A s- merry in a way belgium has not in a hurry. buildings. * / snow plows owned by,the Hartford, E. Psarson at the organ played trld of Sweden, toe whole assembly done elnoe toe 'World War. Restau­ Roads had been partly opened on Manchester and Rockville ’Tramway Beethoven's Fimeral ^daroh. The Manchester Electric Company rose cheering several minutes for rants and hotels reported toe big­ the main highway so toere was no COSTHEREDROPS company opened trolley lines be­ At the East cemetery, where recently aaked fer time to file data Elisabeth. gest buslneSh they ever enjoyed. plowing done by toe plow until toe ABOUT TOWN tween Manchester and Burnside and burial took place, a quartet consist­ on its 1984 awessment, claiming street on whfch toe call came from that an Iniuffiolent rate of depreda­ into Talcottvllle and Rockville. This ing of Albert Pearson, Helge Pear­ INAUGURAL BEGINS was reached. A drift 50 feet long Mrs. Leila Scranton of 29 Strant tion bad been allowed by toe Board BELOOTHERS helped relieve the traffic situation. son, Ounnar Johnson and Phllmors Brussels, Feb. 38 — (AP) — a ATTEMPTS TO BREAK and five feet high was encountered. street has in her TOssesslon a news­ of AsMBBon on Iti-equipment In the developments that have Gustafson, sang “Stllla Skuggor.'' medley of church bells merrily ring, The plow opened toe road and when paper printed in Southington under It Is the contention of toe latter (OonttBoed from Page One) taken place since 1910 it is recalled Rev. Erickson also led the service ing heralded toe inauguration of a Mr. Stork arrived toe way was the heading of “Southington Phs- that there were large farms provid­ at the grave. company that in addition to the new king today. Public mourning OUT OF COUNTY JAIL clear. M^-s. Healey w m taken- to toe nix” printed on March 13, 1888. "^ts The bearers were: S. Emil John­ greater depraoiatlon asked, toe ex­ cost of elementary education than ing local milk supply. The develop­ for toe deed Albert I., was suspend­ Manchester Memorial hospital Manchester. description of the night of the blie- ment of Orford Park, or the Foley son, Carl KJellson, Henning John­ pense of pole erection should not be ed for two days and toe bells pealed zard when the wind raged at 40 farm, took away a good grass farm. son, August Carlson, Albert Hem­ Included in toe taxable valuation. for his son, Leopold III. Prisoner Says He Wanted to where yesterday ahe gave birth to High School Costs. a daughter. The average cost of high school miles an hour is very interesting. Frank Merkel, a milk dealer, peis- ingway and John Kletale. The Board Asaeaeors a year Leopold, tracing toe same route Go to State’s Prison and the education per pupil in average daily Many were compelled to stay in tured his cows on farm land now ago raised the valuation of toe Man­ he followed yesterday In toe funeral Judge Accommodated Him. known as St. John street, Edmund procession of his royal father, be- PRESIDENT MEETS MASONS attendance throughout the state for schools, shops and stores. It was Bennett H. Spencer chester Electric boldinn 40 per cent especiallj noted that the weather street and Falrvlew street. The The funeral o f Bennett H. Spen­ using fif^ires presented at a hearing gim his triumphant entry Into Brus­ Hartford, Feb. 23— (AP) — An the school year 1932-1933 was Maguire property off Oak Grove sels to be enthroned promptly at Washington, Feb. 23.—*(A P )— 194.27; the median, 898.61. The bureau didn’t hit very correctly on cer, for sixteen years an employee before toe Public Utilities (Commis­ attempt to break from toe Hartford the prophecy of the weather, as it and Porter streets was a big dairy of the Aetna Life Insurance Com­ sion in toe rate case. 9:80 o’clock. President Roosevelt today received average cost for the town of Man­ county jail and to take other prison­ and shook hands vlto 140 Grand had promised a warm wave. farm and Michael Maguire, the pany, and a resident of Manchester He was mounted on his favorite ers with him was revealed in Su­ chester was $76.18 and here the owner, was a milk dealer. Keeney charter. MMtara of Masonry meeting here. table shows that no town in the list Green, making bis home at 68 Jen­ perior Court this morning, when The paeeting of the Taxpayers’ street gave up dairy/arm s and the sen street, was held at his home A salute of 101 guns announced Fred Nordford, of Hartford, was ar­ had a lower cost of high school ed­ Alliance scheduled for tomorrow af­ building of the golf links on South SAYS SECRETARY toe departure from the royal castle ucation than Manchester. yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock. rested on a bench warrant charging ternoon at 2:15 in Tinker Hall has Main street eliminated some dairy The services were conducted by at suburban Laeken of toe 83-year- him with attempt to escape. It is interesting to note the dras­ been postponed until March 24 in farms. old prince Belgium hailed as her tic reduction in high school costs in Rev. John N. Lackey, pastor of new Monarch. Nordford’s attempt to get out Tinker Hall. The postponement was All these changes helped to build BURNED HIS HLES was in protest against conditions at Manchester over the last five years. Central Baptist church, Hr rtford, Hundreds of persons gathered due to the current bad traveling. up the grand list of the town of assisted by Rev. C. B. Jensen, of toe the jail, his counsel. Public Defend­ The cost of high school education Manchester. The changes were along toe broad elplanadeln front same church. Wher the body was (Continued Prom Page One) er Reinhardt L. Gideon, told Judge per pupil in average daily attend­ More than 60 attended the bridge brought home in a forcible manner of the castle grounds. Most of them, Edwin C. Dickenson. Mr. Gideon ance for 1928-29 was $127.61; for being carried from the home to toe residents of toe district, regarded and food sale of the Memorial Hos­ during the past week. The dairy tive day, Brown previously bad ex­ did not go into detail as to toe con­ 1929-30, $13230; for 1930-31, $119.- farms were further removed, the hearse by the bearers, Charles Leopold as a neighbor. pital Auxiliary ytsterday afternoon Lyons. Griswold Chappell, Howard panded details of toe award of air- ditions against which Nordford re­ 17; for 1931-32, $114.68; for 1932- at the Masonic Temple. Prizes were need of milk was increased by the In affectionate woros toe burgo­ belled, but said that his client want­ Rey, Robert Latorop, John Jensen ma.. contracts during bis adminis­ master Interpreted to Leopold the 33. $79.18. awarded at each of the 15 tables. additional number of people in Man­ tration. ed very much to go to State’s prison Superlnteiident's Statement. chester and in opening up the roads and Raymond George, Scoutmaster sentiment of toe populace. 'Then the rather than remain In the H a rtffd The food sale was also a success, Arvld Seaburg and the Manchester "I told my secretary, Kenneth Mc­ young ruler shook hands with toe Mr. Verplanck declined comment and the supply was soon exhausted. the plows had over 30 miles more to Pherson,” Brown said,' “I’d Uks for jail. on the statement, believing it to be cover. Green Troop of Boy Scouts formed burgomaster and other dlgnltanes Judge Dickenson accommodated a double line and served as a guard him to go over my personal corres­ gathered to wish him we»l. self-explantory. Statement in full, St. Margaret's Clrole, Daughters Today it was reported that every pondence and use his own judgment toe man, sentencing him to serve with the table included, follows: road on which houses are located of h oroi. The body was placed In Along the three mile route were one to two yeari In State’s prison. of Isabella will meet ’Tuesday eve­ the receiving vault In Buckland in sorting out papers that might he jammed the same thousands who 'The General Assembly, at its ning of next week at 7:30 in the K. has been cleared of snow. of value to me and to dispose of the session in 1933, made some changes and will be later burled In the South flocked to the curbs in moumlna of C. club rooms. A public bridge part that had no value. I had no Thursday. BURNED BY BLAST in the law regarding the annual re­ Glastonbury cemetery. party will follow. place to store it without a good Instead of sobs there were chAers turns to be made by the towns of the deal of expense.” New Britain, Feb. 22.— (AP) ~ State relative to the cost of schools. Frank Streng, Sr. and expressions of love and awe. Dewey Good, a partner In toe Ball Group 4 of the Memorial Linen L C C ORDERS Brown said emphatically, how- Extra Precautions Now the fiscal years ends June 30 Funeral services for Frank Tire (jbmpany 338 Park street, was Auxiliary will postpone its meeting ever, that he told McPherson to sort Extraordinary precautions wsre alike for all the towns. The re­ from Monday to Friday afternoon Streng, Sr., were held this morning burned about the face, three em­ at 8:30 at the home, 358 Hartford over only bis personal papers. taken against disturbances by (Com­ turns made to the State Board of next week. Never Saw His Files munists or Separatists. ployes were knocked down but not INVESTIGATION road, and 9 o’clock at St. James’s Iniured and toe windows of the ei Education are made on a blank fur­ He said he never saw his office Two Communist deputies, in a church where the requiem high tabllshment blown out today when nished by the State Board. The John Dilworth, proprietor of the mass was celebrated by the Rev. files while postmaster general, leav­ secret session of Parliament late procedure being the same for all the oil burner in the basement ex­ Depot Square barber shop, is ill and William P. Reldy. At the offertory," ing that to subordinates. Thursday had hinted that the of­ towns it is possible to make accu­ confined to his home. The shop is OF N. E. ROADS Department employes have told ficial verdict that King Albart died ploded. The burner had been turned Mrs. Margaret Sullivan sang “0 off and cleaned. When It was re­ rate comparisons as to the cost of closed. (Oonttnoad from Page One) Salutaris” and at the close of the the committee that official cor­ of an accidental fall, while mounUin schools. A report giving the total respondence was put into the fur­ climbing, was unjustified. lighted, fumes which had accu­ service, “ Some Sweet Day." mulated exploded. cost of education in each town, with William H. Burke, of Spruce tlon service within the New Eng­ The bearers were Egnotz Reizer, nace at toe direction of Brown’s Amid toe ensuing uproar, they / detailed statement in regard to the secretary ^t toe end of the Hoover streeet, who Injured his knee a few land states all in violation of Sec­ John Martzer, Stephen Pongratz, all taunted "Socialists, who had pledg­ PLUS cost of various items, has recently years ago, is again being bothered tion 7 of the Clayton Anti-Trust of Manchester; George Heim and administration. ed themselves to support toe “King been made available for .school au­ by the injury and ' confined to bed. Act. John Ertle of East Hartford and A few days after that testimony, and Constitution,” as being "Royal- “Branded A Thief” thorities and others. “Whether the holding directly or Louis Whitner of Addison. The bod^ Bro|^ turned over a sheaf of letters Ists rather toan^Socialists. The Captains of “In the table below appear the to l^stmaster General Farley, gay- Ushers had to restore order when This Straight Sheetin' Son of Two bids for the Main street con* indirectly at such stock of the Bos­ was placed In the receiving vault the West Takes the Law In HIS names of the six towns next lowest at St. James’s cemetery, Ing he had found them unexpectedly some Socialists exchanged blows tract post office were received by ton and Maine and the New Haven Laughter Are Back Hands. in population to Manchester and Postmaster Frank Crocker Wednes­ or of either of them by the Pennsyl­ In a chest of personal correspond­ with the Communists. also the names of the six towns* day evening and were forwarded to vania Railroad Company and the Napoleon Chicolne ence and odds and ends left over Police took special precautions to- Again! having the next highest population the Post Office Department, Wash­ Pennroad Corporation or by either The funeral of Napoleon Chicolne from bis days in office. day in the vicinity of the Flemish Buck Jones to Manchester according to the cen­ weus held this forenoon at 10 o’clock He said at the time the letters theater—an anti-Loyallst strong­ ington, as per instructions. The bid­ of them has the effect (1) Of sub­ hold. sus of 1930. Necessarily towns ders and the amounts were not jecting the Bortoti and Maine and frorr the Funeral Home of W. P. were those which toe department Flemish Separatists, who now only have been selected which main­ disclosed. the New Haven or of either of them Qulsh, 225 Main street, and 10:80 at employes had testified were burned. Brown testified today that the hold only seven seats in Parliament tain high schools and elementary to the control of the Pennsylvania St. James’s church, "rhe requiem SUNDOWN schools at public expense. high mass was celebrated by Rev. first time he gave a thought to were reported to have encouraged Railroad Company or to common the Communists. Below Average in Costs. P. F. Killeen. Mrs. Margaret Sul­ the contents of ae box was on HOSPITAL NOTES control with one another and (2) Of January I2, 1984. RIDER "The average cost of education in livan sang "Ave Maria” at toe of­ 'The departure from the castle preventing or hindering the carry­ fertory and at the dose of toe ser- Speaks With Qlover was a spectacle of regal grandeur. SERIAL: “8 MUI3KBTEE116” the elementary grades throughout ing out of any part of this commis­ the State per pupil in average daily Betty Ginofli of 48 Bissell street vice” Softly and Tenderly Jetus Is "Mr. Glover was in New York,” Behind Leopold rode his younger sion’s final plan of railway consoli­ Calling.” The bearers were Harold he said, “and ray attention had been brother. Prince Charles, and toe attendance for the school year 1932- was admltteo yesterday and Mrs. dation or of impairing the inde­ SAT. . 1933 was $81.02; the median, $74.67. Helen Lennon of 30 Bank street was Jesanls, Alex Cole, Francis O’Keefe directed to testimony In this investl- chiefs of staff of the Army, Air pendence one of another of any of of Manchester; Hector Hebert of (atlon. We, Glover and I, were try- 'The cost for the town of Manches­ admitted today. Force and Navy. SUN. the systems provided for In said Southbrldge, Mass., J. H. Graveline fng to fix the date when N. A. T. be- Circle ter was $64.23. Regiment after regiment of modified plan all In violation of of West Warren, Mass., and Peter ban passenger operations — they be­ “The average cost of high school troops and mounted gendarmes Paragraph eleven of Section five of J. Pare of East Hartford. ing the most stubborn about It. swung by. education per pupil in average dally NEW WAGE SCHEDULE the Interstate Commerce Act as “I said to him that a compilation Leopold showeff signs of strain attendance throughout the state for amended.” of mall contracts we made about a the school year 1932-1933 was . UNDJR_NRA CODES and his bowed head turned slightly The holdings of the Pennsylvania couple of years ago might show toward Albert’s resting place In toe $94.27; the median $98.61. The and the Pennroad Corporation In the that.” THE PKTUREIHAT TOP! average cost for the town of Man­ Hartford, Feb. 23.— (A P I— Any UNITS ORGANIZED In the little grey church person whose earning capacity is two New England roads figured Brown then said hs asked his wife chester was $79.18. largely last year In the commis­ as they passed this spot Trumpets limited because of age, physical or to have the hotel porter send the blared a salute to the late Monarch TRADER HORN “It will be seen that there are but sion’s Investigation of the four mental handicap, or other Infirmity TO B A n i i FIRES box to their library. as the procession moved slowly by, two towns in the list that have a party arrangement, shelving Its “That was on Friday,” he said, Dense Crowds lower cost of elementary education may be employed on light work at orl^nal plan for five i.ystems. It di­ adding that for one reason or an­ wages below the minimum establish­ rected that the Pennsylvania must (Continued rrem Page One) other, partly because of disturbance Crowds pressed densely almost ed by various NRA codes, it w m an­ trustee Its holdings In New England over “ the publicity” at their mail up to toe colorful line of march. nounced today by William S. railroads before the four party plan state and E. M. C. Eddy of Torring­ hearing, he did not open toe box un­ Some spectators climbed to roof­ COSMETICS Meany, state director of the Na­ could be put Into operation. ton in too western district and each til the following Tuesday, tops. Women waved flags and hand­ GIFTS FOR BIRTHDAYS tional Emergency Council, following This was for a time a stumbling squadron will be composed of 20 "Then,” he seid, “1 said to Mrs. kerchiefs from the windows. a communication from Washington. block in efforts to bring about the men. Brown, ’Let’s open that box.’ We The new Queen, former sPrlncess Astrtd of Sweden, with 'toe Queen The executive order was similar in consolidation but It was understood Anewor All AlamM did and there tied up near toe top I mother, toe widowed Elizabeth, anreats, Mr. Hawes governess when their parents left ters written by him were scheduled poration and the Pennsylvania Com­ said. Switzerland where they were vaca­ Younger Style pany were ordered to divest them­ to be filed in bis office, toe chief MORAL CODE To B« Near Phones clerk’s office, and In toe bureau un­ tioning when Informed of toe late Half Size selves of their holdings In the It Is toe purpose to have all mem­ King’s death Sunday. Wabash railroad and the Lehigh der whose jurisdiction too subject bers of toe flying squadron when came. All of toe foreign Kings and ON EARTH! Valley railroad. This matter Is now working In the woods to be near princes and most other visiting dig­ being fought before the Supreme ‘T never saw toe files,” he said. these telephones and to have their Took No Part nitaries remained for the corona­ Where MEN Dressy Dresses Court although the commission In tion. President Albert Lebrun re­ the four party plan waived the anti­ fire fighting truck nearby. It Is not “Did you personally make any se­ ihere their turned to Paris last night. trust act and authorized the Penn­ unusual, Mr. Hawes said, “to have lection as to papers taken away?” w i V e I with for women ' sylvania to Include the Wabash In as many sw a hundred different fires Austin asked. Most of those who came to pay a final tribute to Albert T and remain­ their friends 18 its system when the consolidation break out during toe course of a "I took no part whatever.” who wear sizes V-> to 261/2 ed for the enthronement ceremonies willingly, but becomes effective. week in toe forest fire season and "Would toe removal of those two with these squadrons properly equip­ files of papers from your office pre­ plan to begin their trips homeward KILL ... if one You will adore these New tomorrow. ped and organized, it is thought vent toe ascertainment of those WYNNE GIBSON is betreyedl that much can be accomplished In Some, however, will attend toe • Sheers files?” was Austin’s next question. Te Deum mass to bles.s the reign of preventing the spread of fires Brown said It would not. ONSLOW STEVENS THE GREATEST MOTION through these companies.” Leopold which will be held at toe • Rachis Cottage Street "Of course I never went tq toe St. Qudule Cathedral Saturdav. in PICTURE EVER MADE • Prints files myself.” A cavalry band led the procession Senator McCarran asked what in­ as It moved along the route from “The Crosby Case” structions were given McPherson. Featuring lingerie touches and the wind blown Package Store frills. “I told him to be very carefUl,” Open Until 6 P. M. COTTON INDUSTRY Brown said and then asked, “Do you “MICKEY MOUSE” All in our Perfect-fitting sizes. mean did I say anything about offl- and ENJOYING A BOOM olal correspondence?” “PERILS OF PAULINE” “Yes,” McCarran said. Week-End Specials "My recollection,” Brown said. (Continued from Page One) Fred £• ON TtlE STAGE STATE Jr. League G in ...... $1.00 “Is that I said that letters relating $ $ Marlowe's Gin ...... $1,15 to postal haatten were to be left In SATURDAY ONLY 5.95 16.75 ever, dropped to toe lowest In a toe files. But I’m not very clear Sun. long time, as that branch of toe tex­ about that. Mr. McPherson was a Manchester Snug Harbor tile Industry became embroiled In trained secretary, a man of very W erner labor troubles, and production was Mon. 90 Proof Whiskey ----- $1.85 high charactor.” Instmetor Juvenile Follies virtually suspended for three Brown said that most of toe let­ Capt Kidd months. ters found In the )two packages'were 50— ENTERTAINERS—50 Tubs. 90 Proof Whiskey ----- $1.8.5 Regarding toe NRA codes, Stsind- copies of originals. PIANO and ORGAN SONGS — DANCE MUSIC ard states that while toe codes "So toere should have been other studio: 128 West Street are still under revision, ‘it may be copies of these letters at toe de­ Ebling’s Extra Beer stated positively that toe position Special After School partment?” Austin asked. Phone: 3333 3 Dottles 25c. of toe industry is being vastly Im­ ‘7 know there should have been S T A T E iJ r Matinee Mcmdar At 1:45. proved by these measures.” two others,” Brown said. I I < j « 9 PAGE'THRCdC MANCHE&TTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEHTBR, CONN^ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1984,

their place Eeklmoe refuse to SECOND POPULAR PANTRY pv than that tbay may have i\ifn- work at all, however, when they MISS GRACE ROOSEVET SEMINARY SOLON clent enduranca '.o Ue for years on FRED WERNER RECITAL WHALE DEPICTED have a hundred dollars or so. With TO EREn STATVE spiked beds, or that they may touch more money in their pockets than SALE AT EVERYBODY^ high heaven by drinking amd bath­ AT WATKINS’ MONDAY they know what to do ^ th , they will TO MARRY ON MARCHS LENT^SPEAKER ing In the filthy, sacred Ganges CAPjl^G BOAT then go down to Nome, bilre taxli OF NATHAN HALE river. and drive around all day. This was Why have we been all these years their greatest pleasure. One native Granddaughter of the Late Entire Stock of Market's Fresh saving our pennies In mite boxes to Professor George F. Hedley Mrs. Arlyne Garrity and ran up a bill of nine dollars, told Theodore Roosevelt to Wed Fruits and Vegetables to Bo ship to those Orientals? Was it Arthur Stein Will Be Assist­ Trials Film Unit Had to Con­ the driver to stop, tendered him a Clarence Wickham, of Man­ to teach them of "life more abun- William McMiUan of Balti­ Marked Down. ing Artists in Program. ten dollar bill and loncbalantly told Will Describe Holy Land dant"? "Life more abundant" is quer Shooting ^Eskimo’’ the backman to '*eep the change." more. chester, Discovers $3,000 the call to Christians. Everybody's Market, at the cor­ It seems to me we would do well Fred Werner, Instructor on the at Center Chnrdi Sonday. to grasp our own opportunity for New York, Feb. 28.—(AP)— ner of Main and Park streets. Is organ and piano, will present a Scenes Described. having another Pantry Sale this Bequest for Thb Purpose. "life more abundant" right here and group of his advanced pupils In a SALVATION ARMY SONG Plans have been completed for the now in America. One of those op­ wedding of Miss Grace Green week-end. This is the second sale recital Monday evening, February Professor George F, Hedley, who of this type that the store has portunities Is the right, guaranteed 26 at 8 o’clock In Watkins Brothers’ A man who traveled 18,000 miles SERVICE HERE SUNDAY Roosevelt, granddaughter of the Dlfcorery by Clarence H. Wick­ by the N. R. A. to Industrial work' music room, 11 Oak street, A few late Theodore Roosevelt, and daugh­ on January 1 became a member of conducted. Louis L. Foster, mana­ to co-operate In the filming of his the faculty of the Hartford Semi­ ger of the store, announced that the ham of "The Plnea" In Mancheeter, ers to form tbenrselves into unions of Mr, Werner’s pupils in Rockville ter of Colonel and Mrs. 'Theodore uncontrolled by Individual or associ­ will also have a part In the program, story of Arctic life Is one of the Major Fred Malpass of Hart Roosevelt, to William McMillan of nary Foundation, will be the guest last sale proved so popular that he of an old Hartford newepaper cllp- roost Interesting personalities con­ speakei at the second of the Lenten plans to make them a regular fea­ ated industrialists. and will play classics from the old ford to Deliver Principal Baltimore, son of the late Hugh MC' lnf which dlicloaed that Mlw If labor does not appreciate this masters. nected with the making • of Millan of Detroit. services at the Center Congrega' ture of the store at five week inter­ Sianotta Boone, of Syracuee, N. Y„ unusual chance to organise In Its Assisting artists will be Mrs. "Eskimo,” Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s Talk at Inspirational Meet tlonal church Sunday evening at 6 vals. The entire stock of the store’s unusual adventure picture, which It will take place March 8 in who died May 18, 1918, bad left In own interest, it may before long lose Arlyne Garrity, soprano, and Arthur ing. Christ Episcopal church, Oyster o'clock. fresh fruits, vegetables and gro­ her will a bequeet of 18,000 to per­ that chance. It Is being handed Stein of Rockville, violinist. Decora­ will be shown next Sunday at the Professor Hedley was formerly on ceries has been remarked at special petuate the memory of Nathan Hale, State ’Theater, _ ,. Bay, Ix>ng IslanC.. A wedding break­ almost on a sliver platter. It may tions will be arranged by the Park fast and reception at Sagamore the staff of the Divinity School of prices. Due to the Irregular weather whom ihe eaid 'llled a place In her mean a little work, a little strug­ Hill Flower Shop, He Is Capt. Peter Freucher Danish Major Fred Malpa^e of the Hart­ the Pacific. He has bad considerable conditions Mr. Foster urges all cus­ life, reaulted In the preeentatlon of Mr. Werner has mailed Invitations explorer and author, who helped in Hill, the home of the late Presi­ gle, but It is a prise worth gaining ford Salvation Army corps will be dent’s widow, will follow the cere­ experience as a member of research tomers who wish to have their a check for tbla amount to the Con' Organized labor can bring Itself to to a large number, but anyone Inter­ the filming of his novel, "Eskimo.” chairman of the Inspirational meet­ and archaeological expeditions to nectlcut Society, Sone of the Amer ested In good music will be welcome even to playing a role in the picture mony. orders delivered to call the store a status of self respecting workmen ing at the local corps Sunday after­ More than 2,500 Invitations have the Holy Land, and bis topic, "Un­ this evening. The store will remain lean Revolution, at the eoclety^e and not be driven more and more as to attend the recital. himself. On the return of noon at 3 o’clock, and will ^ve the der the Soli of Palestine," means 44th annual banquet In Bridgeport the photoplay expedition to principal address. He is an able been sent out for the wedding, In­ open until nine o’clock for this ser­ possessed cattle. cluding President Roosevelt, whose just tnat and Is sure to prove Inter­ Organized labor means political Hollywood, Captain Freueben was speaker and an experienced Salva­ esting and enlightening to all who vice. ^*8tate*^retldent Charlee B, Whlt- induced to relate some of the ex­ tion Army officer, having seen ser­ wife is a second cousin of the bride- liberty for workmen which they can elect, and to dignitaries In the Unit­ hear him. Since coming to Hartford telaey, of Hartford, revealed that never hope to have unorganized periences of the traveling company vice In many cities Including Boston his services as n speaker have been Mr. Wickham had brought his at­ JUVENILE CHORUS and to describe the thrills, handicaps and New York, where he was gen­ ed States and foreign countries. tention to the clipping telling of the Labor has a champion In the Fed and disappointments the picture unit much in demand. eral Labor Department, md In Con­ eral secretary for the Salvation Paulina Longworth, the 9-year- Raymonu St. Laurent will be the bequest. Communication was es­ had to overcome. Army Training College. old daughter of Alice Roosevelt (BitweeHS^ncie^f^ tablished ,wlth the executor of Miss necticut It has a champion In Com­ CAST JOUNCED The First Handicap leader. There will be special music missioner Tone, The Salvation Army band under Longworth, will be flower girl for by the choir, and the Lenten Insti­ Freshena the mouth Boone's estate, It^ wa* learned that 'The company, under direction of the leadership of David Addy, will her cousin. the woman actually had left 13,000 Legislation Is now In progress to W. 8, Van Dyke, who made "Trader tute supper this coming Sunday ..Soothes the throat makS permanent what advantages play the march, "Mercy" by Smith, ’The reception will be the first will be in charge of Inasmuch Circle to the memory of the Connecticut Horn,” "White Shadows In the also Haydn’s "Creation," and will time Sagamore Hill has been for­ patriot who was hanged by the may come out of the N. R, A. But Stellar Program of Enter­ South Seas’’ and other location films of Junior King’s Daughters and the the President cannot be expected to lead the congregation in singing mally opened since the late Presi­ British as a spy. for Metro-Ooldwyn-Mayer, origin­ the hymn, "Jesus 'Thy Blood and dent’s death, and will be the second young people of the CYP club. The will directed that the sum of stand too long a time dangling ally was scheduled to begin shooting prizes. His enemies are already be­ tainment at State Theater Righteousness." wedding reception there. 'The first 13,000 be given to the state society scenes at Point Barrow, Alaska. Bandmaster Addy will recite ‘"The for the placing of a replica of the ginning to send out the war-whoops, "Formation of Ice did not permit was that oi Miss Roosevelt's aunt, within his party—and without. Burial of Moses", and will also give Ethel Roosevelt, to Dr Richard McMonnles statue of Nathan Hale Tomorrow. us to reach there until later, so we a euphonium solo, "Land Beyond Derby before the World War. In "some school, library, park or He’ll soon need to go out for their went Instead to Teller, Our party the Blue.” Adjutant Sylvanus Nlcol public square," The will also stated scalps. consisted of thirty-five white men will play a saxapbone solo and Mrs. that, "Nathan Hale has been one of Organized labor can make de­ 'The State theater offers a real and more than one hundred Eskimos, Nlcol the accordeon. 'The Songsters DIES AT AGE OF 94 the Inspirations, soul companions mands for social Insurance, old age bargain In entertainment for Satu- brought mostly from King Island, Brigade will sing, "Lift up the and Ideals of my life, taking the pensions, unemploymen' Insurance day. 'The program for the day Is so Cape Prince of Wales and places In Flag,” and the male chorua will sing New Britain, Peb. 23 —(AP) — place of the little brother whom in a way It never could or would do long that it will be necessary to land. We built a number of snow a Negro spiritual, "Ezekiel Saw de Clean-up Sale One of New Britain’s oldest resi­ death stole from my childhood," unorganized. Labof has a right to eliminate one entire show. 'This houses and began work. And then Wheel." 'The comet quartet will play dents, Mrs. Hannah Person, died Mr, Whlttelsey announced that those things. It is labor which means there will be two shows in­ the sun came out strongly and the "In the Gloaming." last night at the age of 94. She was the provision In the will for the creates real wealth. It i' organized stead of the regular three. Here is Igloos melted over the very heads of A cordial, standing invitation is a native of Sweden. Her husband, of Men’s and Young Men’s erection of the monument would be labor, “workers of hand and brain," the list of features, which sounds the natives. Money and time were given to all to attend these Sunday Niles Person may be unable to at­ carried out, Mr, Wickham was which can guarantee democracy to more like a program for the week wasted, but I am very happy to say afternoon meetings at the citadel. tend her funeral because of ill named chairman of a committee to future America, If anything can. thnn one show—Wheeler and Vool- that in the end we achieved marvel­ health. proceed with the matter. The We are in the new, though peaceful, sey in tlieir new comedy, "Hips, ous results.” McGRAW RECOVERING Nathan Hale tablet, mswie possible American Revolution. Are we sol­ Hipf Hooray”: Wynne Gibson and The “Eskimo” unit spent four­ through contributions from the diers or serfs. Come, let us look Onslow Stevens in "The Crosby teen months making the picture. New Rochelle, N. Y., Feb. 23.— OVERCOATS state societies of the SAR Euid DAR, up, not down, head high, and for­ Case”; an episode of the serial Capt. Freuchen, who has spent more (AP)—So rapidly waa John J. Me will be unveiled at South Coventry, ward! Let us organize! “Perils of Pauline”; a Mickey Mouse than twenty-seven years of his life Graw recovering from a serious at­ June 6, Caroline Komer Britton. cartoon and on the stage "■!"he in the Arctic, exploring, surveying tack of uremic poisoning today that Manchester Juvenile Follies,” a real and trading with natives, made his physicians announced no further musical review with an mtire cast many airplane trips over Alaska, bulletins as to his condition would $ 4 5 C O A T S now OPENJORUM of youngsters. seeing as much of the country as be issued. THIS VERNON PROPERH Collin Drlggs will assist the "Fol­ possible, since this was his first vist Dr. L. B. Chapman said McGraw there. Editor,, The Herald, lies” at the organ. Besides a list of had passed the crisis and, for the clever specia'ty numbers the “Fol­ In connection with flying, the ex­ time being at least, was no longer REAL ESTATE FOOTBALL lies” has three well trained special plorer-author told of one of the in danger. $ 4 0 C O A T S now THE WORLD DEPRESSION more perilous moments encountered. Yes, this world is full of sorrow. choruses as well as the regrular line The veteran baseball leader was "There were thrills enough to last taken to the hospital last Friday And there’s lots of grief in sight. Leslie Dotchin and Howard R. of seven girls. The following girls the ordinary man a lifetime,” he Things will be the same tomorrow, are in the line: Frances Wandych, and remained in a critical condition Hastings of Manchester said. "Once we had occasion to for several days. now ’Though we try with all our might. Helen Adamson, Dorothy Gray, land our plane along the Yukon in a $ 3 5 C O A T S Among Buyers and Sellers. Bernice Taggert, Acquilla Petratis, desolate stretch. Imagine our plight To relieve this world depression Doris Gray and Alice Bonezek. when the plane sank belly-deep into With Its economic blight. The special choruses of the "Man­ soft snow. We had a long, hard pull And the heartfelt, sad expression Although real estate transactions chester Juvenile Follies” are as fol­ 666 now ’Cause of things that are not right. getting the machine to a spot hard UQUID, TABLETS, SALVE $ 3 0 C O A T S in this town and surrounding c lows: "Petting ir the Park,” Astrid enough to make a take-off.” munities have been at low ebt dur­ Skoog, Wanda Tyrk, Isabel Zuraws- NOSE DROPS If we still continue doing During the filming of sequencas Checks Colds first day. Headaches ing the past two years, there is kas, Lorraine Delahy, Evelyn there were more thrills, Dr. Freu­ That which causes all this wrong. Prless, Anna Ackerman, Mary or Neuralgia In SO minutes, Malaria We can hope for no renewing one piece oi property in Vernon chen revealed. Simler, Julia Gleason, Caroline Whale Capsizes Boat in 3 days. $25 and $22.50 Of good times which seems are which seems to have become a foot­ Fine Laxative and Tonic gone. Hamilton, Julia Bulchunas, Beverly "We filmed the harpooning of a ball for buyers and sellers. It has Belknap. whale at a distance of just a few Must Speedy Remedies Known- now changed hands no less than three COATS For there are certain laws of life “I Gotcha,” Marie Warren. Pat feet from the giant mammal. Then times since September, 1932. Dowd, Marian Selwitz, Lillian Tur­ a boat was capsized by a whale, the That we must pay attention to. On that date Laura Clark, of Ver­ Or we’ll have this endless strife. ner, Anna Della Fera, E’eanor little kyak, with a native in it, act­ I'A- Till we all feel mighty blue. non, sold a piece of land, 100 by 150 Struff, Hazel Saminak, Marian Spil- ually resting on the whale’s back MONEY IN feet, to Stella Quick of Thompson- lane, Elda Beletti, Dorothy Bennett before the camera.” $20 COATS now ville. Nine months ago she con­ With lots of money in the banks. "Jimmy Had a Nickel,” John There were humorous moments as 24 HOURS V.V3 And lota of needful things on hand. structed a house on the land. Morsek, Amerigo Eccellente, Nicho­ well. In July. 1933 the property was "One evening we had to cut a , . . and If you naod a loon for For both of which we should give las Langano, Wiliam Taggart, Joe torn* ipoelal omorgoncy, wo o ' thanks sold to L. W. Dotchin, of Manches­ Muldoon, Michael Gonfll, Francis scene short because of approaching eon eomplotoollarrangomont* darkness," the explorer began. "We to T'm e» . Boys’ Zipper Wool And use these things as God has ter, who, last month, transferred it Toman, Joe Toman, Bruno Allcizi. in a fow houni Any amount planned. to Howard R. Hastings, also of this cautioned all the natives to dress up to $300 . . . ond 1,2, 3, 6, town. Deeds were filed at the town eractly as they were and to remem­ '0 months or longor to ropoy. But lots or money in the banks clerk’s office in Vernon this week ber just where they had been Jackets $2.95 But none in father’s jeans. WALL ST. BRIEFS standing, so that no time would be Our charg;e« are as low an for the transfer of the property to :m 7 obtainable for thia Means deprivation in the ranks Mrs. Ruth E. Robinson, of Hartford. lost next morning. :Tpe of fnll loan aervlce. Of those who need these means. New York, Feb. 23.—The Chicago "The Eskimo had other ideas. Mrs. Robinson, who formerly lived Coma In, writn or 'phono. u* in Ellington, will occupy the dwell­ steel scrap market is reported to Knowing that they were Important Men’s Zipper Wool To buy the where-withal to live ing March 1. be stro.iger. A few sales, involving to the scene, they decided to .strike Personal Finance Co. a t And furnish all their needs. small tonnages, have been made re­ for higher wages. The walk-out itooni 2, State Theater thO'J To parents and the children give cently at $11.25 a ton, up 25 cents. wasn’t very effective for there were Oolldlnff, V5S Main Street, $ A life worthwhile indeed. many other actors ready to take Mnncheater, Phone 3430 Jackets 3.95 r.-- The only ebarse la Three To get this coin that’s in the banks The Alabama Great Southern rail­ Percent Per Month on na- Into the people’s hands. Iuotattons— road had net Income of $484,466 In pnlil Amount of Loan So that the folks in labors ranks. 1933, contrasting with loss of $408,- Can have their just demands. The police, the state’s attorney, 499 in 1933. MIDLAND C. E. HOUSE & SON, Inc. and the United States attorney United Air Lines, Inc., transport Seems very different to plan. would do nothing for us, so we Yet surely must be done. unit of United Aircraft & Transport B z p r c a a To give this help to every man called on a man who could protect Corp., carried 8,546 passengers in Package Store Uaioiialnea ta BOSTON Ere peace on earth can come. us—A1 Capone. January against 5,027 in the same • Tiipa Dally —Morris Becker, Chicago cleaner Moand Trip tS .e O SY INORTON’S month of 1933, an increase of 70 Dial 8500 Loarea Ceafor To starve to death with food in sight and dyer. per cent. Trarel Bnreaa Does not look good to us. 48S Mala St Good men would rather work than If ever a woman justly was exe­ Haneheator Directors of Hiram Walker, Good- TeL TOOT fight. cuted according to the rules of war­ erham & Worts, Ltd., state that al­ Week-End Specials SA TURD A Y SPECIAL Or at the system cuss. fare, Nurse Edith Cavell was. though earnings justify a dividend mtAItJdItfidiiiLLinfi _Alfred Duff Cooper, financial sec­ on the common stock, they have de­ Perfection G in ...... $1.00 That keeps them idle day by day. retary to British war office. When they would gladly toil. ferred action because of heavy ex­ Peter Stuyvesant Gin. $1.00 penditures on the company’s Ameri­ To get the coin so they could pay. It is natural that a diplomat in For grub that else would spoil. Germany may talk like a German can plant. • A Special Announcement FOR MEN 124 Kentucky Maid Straight PAIRS in a few years, but when an Amer­ With all the brains of all the world I The National Coal Association Whiskey ...... $2.00 If we can’t solve this mess. ican in China talks British, some­ estimates bituminous production in NORTON’S Is Now A Member Of Tbe We’d better turn to God’s own thing is wrong. the United States for the week end­ Shipping Port Straight WORD, • —U. S. Oongrreesman Britten. ed Feb. 17 at approximately 8,100,- Whiskey ...... $2.25 SHOE OF OUR NEWERT SPRING And there learn righteousness. We are constantly on the alert 000 net tons compared with 7,250,- 000 tons in the corresponding week CORP. A. E. Fish, for the persons who perpetrated the WINES .. .75c bottle and up A. S. BECK of 1933. STYLES IN SPORT OXFORDS Manchester, Conn., R. F. D. No. 2. Lindbergh kidnaping and murder. ALL SIZES Feb. 20, 1934. J. Edward Hoover, chief of Bu­ Demand for women’s wear fabrics A. S. BECK reau of Investigation, U. S. De­ ORGANIZED LABOR, continued active in wool goods mar­ SHOES OF STRAPS AND PUMPS partment of Justice. kets this week, says the New York Editor of The Herald: ' QUALITY ALL WIDTHS Wool Top Exchsmge Service, but i ^ i o ^ s o o It was interesting to read in the The Roosevelt opera is all over­ AND FIT AAA TO EEE past week the gentle advice given ture; it Is time for the curtain to men’s wear cloths were rather slow. by Mr. William E. Keith and J. The market took a stronger statis­ go up. tical position when It was learned ALL Evelyn Stanley to the silk mill —Congressman Louis T. McFadden. NORTON MEN’S SHOES, $3.00. PUMPS SIZES workers. It was restful to get that stocks of fabrics at mills were lighter than had been believed and STRAPS IN ALL such backward looking viewpoints F. P. LATIMEE DIES PRICE Saturday when the whole country is so spirit­ that stocks of spring goods had be­ LOANS STYLE NORTON’S OXFORDS Only STYLES edly looking forward. Even timid Torring(ton, Feb. 23 — (AP) — come scarce. Most of these goods and obedient Manchester is catching Frederick P. Latimer, 63 for many have gone into consumption. ★ When money h 847 Main Street Rubinow Building the sparks. It was comforting as years engaged In the laundry busi needed;. remem­ a caress on the back of a cat to ness here, died early today at the BUSINESS INCREASED hear Mr. Keith’s soft words imlock Charlotte Hungerford hospital ber our service. the door to kingdom come in the where he had been a patient for New London, Feb. 23— (AP)—In- heavens. about a week. He was one of the c) eased business for the Palmer Use our Penonai Note But a great many of us have be­ most prominent businessmen of the Brothers Company here, will bring plan that requires no se­ city and was former president of the about the addition of 300 employes gun to bang our heads against the curity for amounts up to wall and wonder what we mean Torrington Rod and Gun Club and to the company’s working force it NORTON’S WEEK-END SPECIALS Rubinow Building when we say, “Thy Kingdom come former President of the Greenwoods was announced today by the com­ $100. Other plans and 847 Main Street in earth as it is in heaven.” It Country (Jlub. He was a native pany. The Palmer Brothers activi­ tenns to suit circumstances. lifelong resident of Torrington. ties include the manufacturing of Peter Stuyvesant G in ...... $1.00 lN a . S. b e c k STORE was pleasant to be reminded, too, of comfortables, spreads and draperies. those delightful self abnegating peo­ Cost is moderate, For Cavalier Gin ...... $1.15 DROPS DEAD AT WORK Dixie BeU, quarts ...... $1.75 ple who live in Japan—those who example a $50 loan re- Kentucky Triumph W hiskey...... $2.60 qt live in rice boats, feed on the whiffs paid in 5 months costs only of cherry blossoms, drink in the Waterbury, Feb. 23 — (AP) — Sweepstakes W hiskey...... $1.40 bottle Charles Nugent, 54, of 115 Wood $4 50. This is based on a Shipping Port Straight W hiskey...... $2.25 qt. overpowering draughts of appalling street, dropped dead of heart failure CENTER sunsets. monthly charge of three Maple Grove, 100 proof, Straight W hiskey...... at 8:45 o’clock this morning, while ...... $2.50 qt. RANGE & FUEL OILS It seems to me they have a cus at his work In the factory of the per cent on the unpaid tom, too, of carrying about in their W in es...... 75c and up Waterbury Manufacturing Com Package Store balance. We Handle Only The Best! neckbands small packages of paper- pany. He was dead when co-work­ thin wood, tightly boimd, which they ers reached his prostrate form. Mr 455 Vi Main Street When In Need Of Range Or Fuel Oil put to use when they want to fly, Nugent was a bachelor and lived WEEK-END SPECIALS or take shelter for the night, or with his brother, Michael. He has ^ IDEAL Farr’s Package Store 646 Main Street Next to Lunch Cart PHONE 5293 swiftly sail down the river. ’They worked for the Chase (Companies, of Financing Asaociatioii,/»K. simply place a package in a pan of which Waterbury Manufacturing WHISKEY «4t-l9iMu*si tadflooi DIAL 8214 — WE DELIVER water, and lo, like magic, they are Company Is a unit, for 16 years. off and away. But who can deny WINES MANCHESTER The Bandy OU Co. they are a superior people? The Bessemer process of steel J. Elvel3m Stanley might also have manufacture is considered one cf GIN CALL FINE WINES AND LIQUEUDf 155 Center Street ManeliestcfL- spoken of those Orientals who ask the epoch-making industrial dlscov PHONE for nothi^ig more to make them hap- eries of the last century. T WRITE


ADV1»T1SKMKNT— ADVEftTlMBOBNT— club and British War VetaraiM uniti UNUSUALLY LARGE Manchester EDITORIAL WRITER Overnight A. P. VETERANS TO PIT will participate in the aiwmal servios men’s night’’ a t 7;Jt this Date Book News evening at the Beheol Street Recrb EXPRESS SHIPMENT DIES IN NEWARK SKLL IN SPORTS ation Dulldlng. THE Tonlglit Woods Hole, Mass.—Coa^t Guard VoUay baU, bowling, pool, darts, Pridsy—-M. H. S.-Msrldec game Patrol Boat 147 sights seboonsr fly­ cards, checkers, "wtipming will ue at State Armory. ing distross Bigni^ while towing enjoyed by leams ard individual BARGAIN HOUND Manchester and RockviOe Also Ex-Service Men’s Night at Eugene K. Herrick Was Bom Gloucester schooner Hope Leslie to Volley Ball Bowling, PooL groups during the evening. Follow­ School Street Reo. New Bedford for repairs; the 147 ing the contests an entertainment Residents Get Oranges Nest W e^ in Danbury — Was 54 took both disabled ships in tow. will be held and lunch served in the February 28—97th annlversjury of Willimantic, Conn. — (Captain Cards and Checkers Will main gym. You’re never going to stop hear­ Have your own personal fever Linne Lodge, No. 72, Kmghts of James B. Fullerton, prominent dry AU ex-servloe units plan to have ing about prints! Fashion can’t thermometer; a reliable thermono- Pythias, at Orange ball. goods merchant dies. He was 64. their supporters in the gym to en­ ter is offered at the Center Phar­ from Friends in Florida. March 2 — Play "Here Comes Years of Age. Be Played Tonight get them out o( sight and mind, and Springfield, Mass— Five persons courage their members on to vic- who can blame her ? You can have macy for one dollar. Charlie” by Epworth League of South Methodise church. Injured a Provldence-Sprmgfleld to’7 Participants in the various the gayest drees for such a tiny bit Ths Boston train from Watsrbury Coming EvMits Newark, N. J., Feb. 28—(AP) — bus crashes into snow plow and Members of the Legion, Veterans event‘d 00*6 requTiip Coodllana...... 89e Reliable prescription dispensing Is laide Conklin, surviving executrices ALL ITEMS 0 0 ^ the motto of the Center (formerly (XXtCVKUlt. with only six cars standing ot the 01 Brigham’s will. 2 mlnutM to thoatr** and Aep*. NOW A T ...... 60c Camphorated Oii ...... 87c Packard’s) Pharmacy. tracks in the vicinity of the freight R. R MrialnoU and ttoamshlp pIm* station and the Orford Soap Com­ LECTURE ON THE ORIENT qoickly roechad. pany, there was no necessity of get­ ting empty cars out of the way l eWai and Sowpla Roan AvoiloMa 4 9 Charles H. Crossland of 127 Sko- "Temples In 'The Orient” will be Voriad PecOHiaa fa r M aatinss. korat street, was found dead in her oroperly to spot the cars on sidings the subject of an address Iw Prof, JUNIOR PROMENADE where they belonged. George R. Wells of the Hartford Sonqvats ead Convantions 'home late yesterday. 'The blizzard Seminary Foundation to be given PRESCRIPTIONS made It impossible to reach the dead MOTION DISMISSED before the Tricoimty (Christian AT YAIi^TONIGHT woman im til, shortly before noon Union, Sunday evening, Feb, 25, in today, when Dr. E. R. Harvey, medi­ • Bridgeport, Feb. 23 — (AP) — the Columbia (Congregational All Doctors^ Prescriptions Filled Here! cal examiner and an undertaker Judge John Richards Booth in Su­ church. Professor Wells has just Historic Wooden Spoon to with a sleigh managed to reach the perior Court today dismissed the returned from months of travel in Quality Drugs—Fair Prices. place. Mrs. Crosslands body was motion to remove (3arl Slemon as the Orient. From bis new study of receiver for the Cornwall and Pat­ the life and religion of the peoples 25c found lying on the floor. Entrance terson Company of this city. Compounding by Registered Experts. , Be Presented as One of to the house, the doors of which of China, India, and Japan be wUl The removal of Slemon has been discuss the life of the people and Sist STREET were locked, was made by opening sought bv Attorney Howard Sbaaf I ROUGE INCARNAT...... 59c FLETCHER CASTORIA...... 25c how human need has influenced the AT 7th AVENUE. NEW YORK Traditional Events. a window. Mrs. Crossland who lived on behalf of several creditors of the sacred buildings of the Far East. alone, was a heart disease victim. company. The meeting is called for 7:30. Fol­ ROY MOULTON lowing it there will be a social hour baewf/va Vlca-Praddant and Managing Dir. Health Needs REMEDIES New Haven, Feb, 23.—(AP)— which will be held in Yeomans Hall. Debutantes and college girls held •way on the historic Yale campus BAD KIDNEYS STOP TAKING today as they converged on New Haven for the junior promenade, Gaoee baokaebe, nervoos head­ SODA outstanding social event of the col­ ache, lose of appetite and nnm- lege year. eroos other ills. Flueh the kid­ Many Manchester people have The prort, begins at ten o’clock neys by taking Gibson’s Back­ found great relief by using tonight, with President and Mrs, ache Pills. A famous forpmia 60c ZONIi’E Udga Tablets. Used for indi­ James Rowland Angell heading the West Side that relieves quickly. Made' gestion, gas, add, nausea. Ask list of patrons and patronesses. from herbs—no opiates. for a sample. One of the traditional events on Box ...... 45c 43c Box of 20 $1.00 the program will be the presenta­ Package Store tion of the historic wooden spoon to NEW INVENTION Charles Dunbar ol Plainfield, N. J., 331 Center Street THERMOS Tel. 6757. We Deliver. m ID SE FAT Changes any hot water chairman of the prom committee, BOTTLES 69c NO ITARVINO DICT bottle Into a beating pad. by his predecessor Charles WnUam- Fits any electric socket. Bon, of Glen Cove, N. Y. RALPH F. KING NO HARD EXERCISE NO DRUOS Small stopper screws into Originally the spoon was present­ Proprietor $2.00 PEN AND PEN- neck of bottle In place of> ed to the student with the lowest KISlTtlN regular stopper. Thermo­ 79 c scholastic rating, but later It be­ JAMES MOYNIHAN .CIL SETS, 2-Piece r-OAYf tr static control. came a token for the most popular Assistant NO DOST 4-ft. cord. Only man in the class. Guaran­ The spoon ceremony dates back teed ...... 69c NEW to the middle of the last century. SAFE Observing a practice established PETER STUYVESANT G IN ...... $1.00 ITEHED EAT 110 during the depression years, escorts Children who are Always Catching Cold DEAF? DON’T LOSE HOPE will not be permitted to give flow­ Or. SdwaM Kalu U.D.. m a MEAU ers to their feminine guests. But A boyI y or girl may be warmly cclad, Here’s the plan many mothers use "Onrtnt arlcM o«*a I oas Uaisd ituc ents attend*ng the prom will GLEE CLUB A W M Am m A ana os u aopeiew 4 miy dry shod, and ever so careful, yet to protect their children from a WINSTON W U I 9 * 0 3 rranitablt save some compensating privlle'-es. catch one cold after another. Do cold all through the cold season. Lsm tram t la ■ All students in the Sheffield Sclentl- you know what’s to blame? Lotu No Iha, bnl«tM ofty fsl 5c school will be excused from vUalitu. A sluggish system makes Instead of waiting for biliousness CANADA DRY GIN ...... $1.75 onfBO ot nramiisn, ut • tka SrtI T Says with to strike, they ward it off in this rta orap* STRAIGHT WHISKEYS...... $2.25—$2.50 nfi nr> 'Han nw 'IokimS SLEEPY SALTS R at«ia | ilso be permitted to drive automo- 09 n n i aottia. , (te a to a tm y««thf«L sH«rfai«. A fvra tkla i riles in the city today and tomor­ cold quicker than the one who has Syrup of Figs. No violent purge! No I «aa ae« aaai or n tes nOk DM? way. Dr. ClarMea W. row, a privilege ordinarily denied forgotten his rubbers. A powerful laxative of adiilt strength! Just this Tod a, ira> Ui< 'In t tlB * I PUal, wt& a««a« at SSOY W. _ ^ _____ rKa“ S them. cathartic that opens the child’s natural, fruity syrup containing Also Bonded Whiskey, Champagne and Wines. Heard th t ebOKS DaU rUM


w Otherwise Trolley Service to I ^ D a y Hartford This Morning FURNITURE SALE Was Practically Normal

The Connecticut company was providing good service to Manches­ ter patrons this morning. The early cars got away on schedule and cars coming from Hartford to Manches­ Tomorram ter to take back to the city work­ ers in that place were on time. Not only was the company sending larg­ Double Deck er cars to Manchester than usual, but on many of the trips they were running an extra car. Coil Spring Trouble At Switch At 7:37 this morning two cars Sale Special! 99 headed for Manchester met with deep coils for com- S ^ .8 8 trouble at the Woodland switch. The switch is low ^ d the water in it fort. Angle frame ^ m froze during the night. In order to base prevents tom * overcome the trouble and to keep bedding. Save! Sat. Only the cars rolling passengers west bound transferred to the east bound and the paissengers east bound to First Time In Manchester! the west bound cars. Trolley poles were reversed and each car started back in the direction from which “Century of Progress” 4-Piece it came. Rock salt and pick axes were used and the trouble overcome before other cars arrived at the Bedroom Suite switch. SIMMONS ' Bucklaod Road Open Designed in Chicago dur­ The poor condition of the road Last Day Price from Love lane to the Buckland ing the World Fair. AU underpass at Adams street -was opened up last night and buses to matched woods. Dust- Innerspring and from Rockville were able to J/»A.9S proof construction. Draw­ make their trips over the regular $7.00 9x12 ft. Rugs routes this morning. er guides. Solid Oak in­ Monthly Privately owned automobiles, Last Day Price Mattress which had been kept in garages, teriors. See it today. 2nd Regular $39.50 List w>re dug out yesterday aind an in­ creased number were noticed head­ floor. For S Pieces ed for Hartford this morning. In S 1 9 .SS nearly every case those driving Watch these Oriental de­ their own oars to work did not wait 11J I HI sign nigs speed out at until a later hour to get started, but this Sale price! All seam- w'ero on the road from 15 to 30 min­ utes earlier than usual. It was flg- ,_ured by the drivers that there would be places where the road conditions SUPER-SERVICE RUGS $8.00 Monthly, plus carrying charge would not allow for the regular Enjoy big savings at this low price! Enjoy real rate of speed. The slippery condi­ Last chance for introduc­ rest on this mattress. Inside, the soiftest felted tion of some of the hills’ also had tory price on our S. S. cotton and flne deep coil springs. Outside, a something to do with the early Wardoleum Rugs. $6.95 heavy damask ticking and deep buttoned tufts! starts made by the automobile drivers.



AIDED BY RIGHT FOOD \ \ Z ______T ______^

h - ' ~ t . . ______1 State Bureau Director Expl^ns s Use of Diet Elements in a 1 1 _rw w w i~ rt . Avoiding Infection. Burl Walnut Veneers I Persons who have been fortunate Pull-Up Choir 3-Pc. Suite Special! enough to avoid catching cold thus far this winter wall probably, ly the Save at this Look! Three big pieces 4-Pc. Suite low price. In $F.88 law of averages, become infected T a p ^ r y o r at special savings in the with one before spring arrives un­ velour. Only, Sale! Covered all over in less they ir.ake it a point to build L.ast Day up their resistance by eating proper $ l ? 0 . 9 5 rayon frieze. Low-priced. foods and b> getting plenty of sleep. Dr. Millard Knowltcn, director of $7 monthly, plus carrying cAorye*69 “ the Bureau of Preventable Diseases of the State Dcpaiimem of Health, declared in the department’s weekly broadcast today. Dr. Knowlton also For 3 Pieces urged thos*. afflicted with colds to take precaution against spreading $6.00 Monthly, plus carrying charge germs to others. You’ll be as proud of this beautiful suite, as Possibly food is even more impor­ we are of its low price! Fine burl walnut tant than avoiding overfatigue, veneers, richly finished. Oak interiors, fully avoiding exposure to excessive dustproof! changes in temperature without proper changes of clothing and Simmons maintenance of proper temperature Studio Couch indoors, although the others are Opens to Last Day very essential. Dr. Knowlton said. double 0 Recent investigations, he said, indi­ twin beds. $ cate that Vitamin A (present in 3 pUlows. cod liver oil, milk cream, butter, eggs, carrots, and other common Inner Springs. 3-Pc. Suite Special! foods) probably exerts an anti-in- fective influence by keeping intact $4.00 Monthly, An outstanding value! plus carrying charge the muscous membrane of the respir­ Two wing-back chairs atory tract so that germs cannot pass through it so readily. and davenport — all in Mineral salts in various foods help rich tapestry. Special at to keep an alkaline balance in the ‘ 8 9 ^ .^'1 blood, which while . normally al­ kaline cannot keep that quality $8.00 Monthly, plus carrying charge without aid o* the proper chemicals. 4-Pc. Colonial Suite 3Alcium is one of the greatest helps These suits will race away at Last Day Price n preserving alkalinity and its best ind cheapest source is milk. Chil­ this Sale price! Quaint de dren need at least a quart of milk daily and adults at least a pint. sign In mahogany veneers. Dther sources of these chemicals ire fruits and vegetables. Too much $6.00 Monthly, plus carrying heavy foods, rich puddings and oth- For S Pieces charge. sr heat producing foods may over­ tax the body’s power to maintain proper alkali-acid balance and ihould be avoided Likewise, over­ Lounge Chair sating should be avoided, B i g, easy Last Day S'eep is the next best defense BED OUTFIT chair cov­ igainst colds. Fatigue reduces re­ ered in tap- $ sistance. so that plenty of sleep is estry. Non, 1 7 . 8 8 .leeded at this time of year. 9-Pc. Dining Suite If, in spite of all efforts, one still $1 0 .5 0 Well worth owning at satches cold Dr. Knowlton urged, 3 Pieces this low Sale price. Built le should stay home, go to bed and af Oriental wood and $Q Q .50 Fainous sail the doctor. Prompt treatment walnut veneers. Save vill minimize the danger’ of pneu- “SLEEPY HOLLOW” nonia, middk ear disease and other Fine spring. Heavy Tubular metal bed. 55-pound ^ow! Last Day Price serious compllcatlcms. Don't give cotton mattress. 'erms to qthers by coughing, sneez- Lounge $8.50 Monthly, phis carrying charge ng or handshaking: and. if well, tvoid those who have colds and Chair vlviv.'/.v.vv.v.v/ lon't shake hands with them, was Poster Bed Felt CHEST . , Mattress R egular $2ZJiO. L A S T D A T he director's advice. of Drawers $7.88 m February Sale 1' S' $7.88 $7.88 AIRMAIL LEGISLATION Full or twin p Special 1 Full size only. '14-** size. Walnut, Super value. 4 Designed to fit your back by Washington, Fe'b. 28,— (AP)— Heavy tick. 10 10th Century New England Each item can be purchased separately. Maple or Ma- drawers. Wal­ ^airman Mead, Democrat, New layers of cotton deisigner. Assorted cover­ i 5 - S h e l f bogaay. fork, of the, House postoffice com- $4.88. fe lt. nut, Maple. ings. Dittee, said' today the committee ■ I ■■ ras “anxious to give consideration’’ C a b in e t ; vv O tWIWIII 1 0 permanent airmail legislation - 5 bat would permit air lines which »st their contracts to bid on new Toposals, I 1 Mead's statement came during 29* running foot I , ^ 1 uestioning of Thomas B. Doe, MONTGOMERY H In tbs Sals 1 E x - S lastem Air Transport official, at a 6 ft. width wm tta storage apse*- fi earing on permanent air mail leg* Save! Cover your I p ;Handjr 5-shslf M slation. 1824-828 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 51HI floors BOW with stain- ro eabliiat o f stiainp - Doe Mid be sat in on meetingsmgs OPEN TILL 9 P. M. m wof. waterproof m elad hardwood. ^ L— L ailed by Walter Brown when the W a rteleu m ! itter was postm postmaster ai general, but lid he hadd no personal nei knowledge f “alleged resultant collusion/' FACIE sn e MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1984. .-A'- ■■■ ' " -4 Hatiri)Mt»r •m AMOdattoe la just oaa of the WOU14 ba tba daptha af dagradatlcm aganelM amployad. iadaad ilBca Sacasa and Saodloo Much o l tbe argumant emplpyed were political partners from years HEALTH- DIET ADVICE Eonting Rmid against tba payment of tba bonus is ago. gimi.iMumn I'MJU BY DU. FRANK MclX)Y m n x L D rtturriM a o o m p a m i. imc. good so long as It Is not required to Perhaps we shall learn what group QuestloiiB to rogard to Uaattli and Diet la B i ^ j stTMt fit In with tba facts. “Wa do not in Nicaragua—or in the United MMvtiMUr, Qona. will b« aoawartid by Ur. McCoy wbo cao THOMAS rSHdUSON believe,” saya Klnsolvlng, “tha( any States—bad most to gain by the be addresaad lo care ol this paper. Bo- 0«nM«J Mansc«r truly patriotic veteran wants addi­ death of this fighting, indefatigable eloM stamped. seU-addreaaad anvalope, Pooadad Oet»b«f i, itsi tional compensation for his services patriot; whose especial interesis (or reply. PabUsl)*d lOrary ^ « n tn g iOxoapt Suodvp «aa Boiidgyt. BetarM »t tb« to his country during any war unless were best served by his shameful Po*t One* at MMobMtar. Ceaa. aa he waa In some way rendered in­ murder. Perhaps not. A BAD BREA’TH ,I advise that 3rou use one of them SaeoBd CUM Mall Mattar. juBt prior to the time that you jofa 8LBSUR1PT10N HATB8 capable of earning a living aa the As you are often told in adver­ any sodaJ gathering. 'This Is a Oa« Xaar. t ‘ awl) ...... fAM direct result of such services.” tisements, a bad breath is a social courteous, considerate thing for you Par Moath, by bm II ...... • >1 AO JAPAN IN THE AIR Siaala ooplaa ...... t AI That, by itself, is good American­ and business handicap. A breath to do and the precaution will take Dallvarad. oaa yaar ...... ao-Oo A dispatch from Tokyo casts con­ only a few seconds of ySur time. ism. But it can’t be considered with an unpleasant odor stretches I strongly urge, if you have hali­ MSMBBR o r rUK aSSUClATBO wholly by Itself. It must be viewed siderable illumination on the sub­ the ties of friendship to the break­ tosis, that you begin as soon as pos­ PHBse ject of the tremendously increased ing point. While we may hesitate sible, the treatment which will cor­ TU* Aaaoolatad PraM la azcluai^ly in its relation to the fact that the about offending others whom we •Dtltlad to'tha oaa for rapoblloatloa military budget of Japan. The rect the underlsring condition. A bad 9f all aawa dtapatotiaa oraditad to it •men who served in the war came meet in society or in business by an breath Is a warning signal that tells or not otbarwiaa oraditad Is tbia back to find those who did not serve army and navy, it appears, really unpleasant breath, it is likewise im­ you trouble lies ahead. Heed the papar and alao tba local aawt pob> portant that we try to avoid this warning now while this symptom ilahaa hareln. grown fat on the profits of the war, need the money. symptom even while at home when All licb ta ot rapublloaUOD oi Is easily corrected. apeotaJ diapatebaa aaralr ara alao ra* a country full of war-made million­ On Feb. 6, a pucsuit plane belong­ we are apt to be near the other aarrad. aires and their well cared for satel­ ing to the Tachlkawa corps crashed members of the family. I have no QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS way of knowing how many mar­ Pull aarrloa ollaat of N B A dar< lites—and practically all of the jobs and the pilot was killed. On the riages have been strained because vice. too. filled. They themselves were broke. 12th a plane of an aviation school either the husband or the wife had “Flying File*” or Floating Specka Question: From Duluth, Minn.: Publiabar'a KapraaaataUva: Tba All question u to whether the na­ went down, killing the pilot. On halitosis, but it is probably true Jullua Matbawa Soaolal Agaocy—'Now that if we are really trying to retain “At times I notice that I am both­ York Chloago. Detroit and BoatoB. tion owed them something besides the 16th 8 bomber crashed in night the affection of those for whom we ered with black specks which float their pay was settled long ago. It fiying, with five diaths The next care, that it is worthwhile to keep before the eyes.” MlSMBlCli AUDIT BURBa O OF Answer: Black specks which float CII!




.v-sHfa 1-; ■■■ ? - . ■•-; V -•■■,■ • •* :;.v _ ......

PAGEETQHV MANCHESTER EVENING RERAID, MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRH)AY, FEBRUARY 28.198^ ■ - W " day because of Washington’s birth­ thur Snow of Boston. Little Miim request that feeding be done at ert W. Bingham, United States am­ day. On Wednesday some left-over Dorothy Luetjen was the flower ever^ opportunity. mail and local mail was delivered by girl. Sim WIDE APPEAL bassador to Great Britain, will sail ROCKVILLE the local carriers. No rural service Clark said the situation has be­ at midnight tonight on the S. S The bride and her attendants come especiaUy serious, ice has rob­ has yet been given. presented a beautiful picture. ’The TO SAVE WILD LIFE Majestic to return to his post. Every effort is being made today bridesmaids were gowned in vari- bed thousands of ducks, which nest He and Mrs. Bingham will be to open all suburban roads leading <^lored crepe, peach, green, biue and in Connecticut waters of feeding guests of honor this afternoon at a Nation-Wide into Rockville so that the student yellow with hats and accessories to New Haven, Feb. 23.— (A P )—Co­ grounds. Heavy snows are prevent­ tea and reception given by Dr. and WVILLE CONDITIONS at the Rockville High school can be match. operation of sporting and bird clubs ing other birds and many animnia Mrs. George Bolling Lee to the di­ from getting at their natural sourc­ rectors and advisory board members brought in Monday morning. More A social followed in the church of the state in feeding programs to CASH th w 360 tuition students attend the es of food supplies. Dead ducks and of the General Robert Lee Memorial parlors after which the guests, 110 save wild life, was asked today by APPROACHING NORMAL Rockville High school from adjoin­ squirrels nave been freely found Foundation Inc. in number, were entertained at a Arthur L. Clark state superinten­ ing towns. All are transported by turkey dinner with John Bonan of about the state, reports from towns SPECIALS buses. dent of fisheries and game. have shown. mow Being Removed from the Rockville Diner, catering. Widespread loss of wild life is Living tortoises, with colored lOOtfa Birthday Anniversary FANCY MILK-FED Downtown Streets and Late in the afternoon Mr. and feared by game wardens and the precious stones set in their pbells, Mrs. Mary Brigham of Brooklyn Mrs. Elnglert left for a wedding trip, U. S. ENVOY 'TO SAIL are ousting Alasatian dogs as pets FO W L, lb...... Dumped Into the Hockanum storm of Tuesday already has taken 19c street was the guest of honor in the which was unannounced, and upop a heavy toll, in ducks and other New York, Feb. 23.— (A P )—Rob­ among the “smart set.” River. G. A. R. ball yesterday afternoon at their return will reside at 3 Rheel migratory game birds which have street. Land O’Lakes Nation-Wide Jello, a reception held from 4 to 5 p. m., been wintering along the shore of in honor of her 100th anniversary of Mrs. Elnglert is a teacher at the Butter, 2 IbsJ . pkg...... O C Conditions in Rockville ap­ Long Inland Sound or at ponds. proached being normal yesterday her birth. Northeast school while Mr. Englert The event was arranged by Bur­ is associated with his father in the Clubs, like the New Haven bird Nati(m-Wide Hi-Test Rasp­ with bus service resumed between pee Post, Woman’s Relief Corps and provision business. Both Mr. and club, have been feeding birds all Butter, 2 lbs. . berries ...... Rockville and Hartford. The was largely attended by officers and Mrs. Englert are very popular in winter and many game clubs have service of the Connecticut com­ members of the corps of which Mrs. Rockville. been aiding wardens. Superinten­ KLEIN’S MARKET Country Roll Sliced DiU dent Clark’s renewed appeal is for pany was somewhat irregular yes; Brigham was a member. Rockville Briefs Butter, 2 lbs. . Pickles ...... a general response of citizens to the terday but was operated from Hart­ The "A'nnual Veterans’ Night” Mr. and Mrs. William Howe have AND DELICATESSEN ford as far as the center of Rock­ program was enjoyed last evening returned to their home in New York 161 Center Street in the G. A. R. hall at which Mrs. ^ te r a short visit with the latter’s Hamburg, Nation-Wide f ville. No attempt was made to Dial 3256 for Free Delivery. reach the east end of the city, near Brigham was also a guest of honor. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. 2 lbs...... Coffee, lb...... the town farm, early yesterday Leverett N. Charter, Rockville’s Howe of Talcott avenue. Quality At Fair Prices.______Chase & Sanborn only Civil War veteran, was, also HOLLYWOOD Frankfurts, morning because of the conditions Mrs. John C. Whittlesey will en­ Coffee, lb...... ^ # of the roads. The buses turned an honored guest. This event was tertain" the Cornelia Circle ’Tuesday 2 lbs...... C around in the center for their return originally planned for Wednesday afternoon. The program will in­ MARKET SA T U R D A Y CASH SPEC1AT.S Nation-Wide trip to Hartford. night and had to be postponed be­ clude patriotic selections. S&i East Center St. Sausages, Pure Cocoa, cause of the weather. The rain late S m ^ Lean Lamb Land O’Lakes Batter, Bus riding was below normal yes­ The joint Washington-Lincoln Dial 3804 Legs, lb...... 2 lbs...... lb...... 2-lb. c a n ----- terday as many people did not have yesterday afternoon and last eve­ program planneo by Alden Skinner 23c 59c 23c to work because of Washington’s ning also seriously handicapped the Camp, Sons of Veterans, which was Tender Pot Boast, lb. attendance. Best Shoulder Steak Granulated Sugar, birthday. Many of the local mills scheduled for last evening, was in­ 10 lbs...... 49c remained in operation yesterday to “ Old District School” Play definitely postponed because of the Cut From Best Heavy Beef! _____ 15c. 18c make up the time lost Tuesday. The "The Old District School” a stormy weather. Purasnow Flour, A 1 A A Nation-wide Bread CW’A help were put to work in the comedy in three acts, was presented Kiowa Council, Degree of Poca­ Oven Boast, Ib. 241/2-lb. b a g ...... U y Memorial building yesterday, also in tile auditorium of the George hontas, will hold a meeting this eve­ Boneless Gold Medal Softasilk to make up a lost day, although the Sykes Memorial school last evening Blue Dot Peas, ning in Red Men’s hall. A social 18c 20c Oven or Pot Roast Oake Floor, pkg...... men working on the roads could not under the sponsorship of the Tolland hour will follow the meeting. lb. 2 cans ...... STEAK SALE 25c Salmon, Fancy Bed go to work as the roads were cov­ Coimty Y. M. C. A. The Rockville National bank and Chuck Roast, Short, Sirloin, Royal Scarlet Pork & Alaska, 2 taU cans.. ered with snow. Those taking part in the presenta­ the Rockville Public library as well lb...... Superintendent ol PuDlic Works 45/2-Ib. Native Fowl . . . .98c ea. lb...... Beans, large t i n ...... 19c Pineapple, Dele’s Sliced, No. 1, tion were as follows. Herbert as all schools, were closed yesterday 25c 10c Rump Roast, George B. Milne succeeded in open­ Scheiner, Matthew Allen, Stanley in observance of Washing^ton’s Tender Rib R o a sts...... 19c lb. 2 large ing the last of the snow blocked Porterhouse, Land OXakes Milk, lb...... cans ...... Flower, Ra5Tnond Niese, Henry birthday. No mail was delivered al­ Shoulder Pot R oast ----- 15c ib. lb...... S f o r ...... 24c streets of Rockville late yesterday Raczkowski, James Turner, Robert 35c 17c Mildly Cured Cornedled Beef, Peaches, Yellow Cling, afternoon. The trucks were then though the office was open from 9 Neff, Mitchell Deptula, A1 Ciechow- Spring I^ g s L a m b ...... 19c Ib. Jack Frost Confec­ Middle Ribs, No. 21/2 c a n ...... put to work carting away the snow to 10 o’clock in the morning and For Sunday Meat Loaf ski, 'Theodore Hirth, Ralph Little, from 5 to 6 o’clock in the afternoon. Rump R o a s t...... 15c lb. Fresh Ground O C tioner’s Sugar, 8 fo r .. 19c lb...... Grape-Nuts, from the center of the city and Luther Trouton, George ■ Lennon, 10c dumping it into the Hockanum Victory Assembly, Catholic La­ Hamburg, 2 lb s .___ ^ O C Hamburg, pkg...... Warren Francis, Sterling Little, dles of Columbus^ held a public mili­ Extra Special! Jack Frost Tablet Wheaties, river. Many extra men and trucks Stephen Kayan, Robert Nutland, Fores of Lamb, Sugar, 2-lb. b o x ...... 2 lbs...... were again put to work this morn­ tary whist in their rooms in the 19c 25c 2 pkgs...... Carlisle Teabo, Douglas Keeping, Prescott block last evening. A social Large Strictly Fresh Eggs . . H)...... 15c Smoked Liverwurst. HormeTs Vegetable ing removing the large banks of Stuart Neff, Arthur Schmalz. Special! snow from the main thoroughfares hour followed the whist and re­ ...... 29c doz. PORK BOASTS Bitter’s Tomato Soup, Native Veal. Soup, 2 cans ...... < adjoining the business blocks. Englert-Kuhnly Wedding freshments were served. Miss Myrtle Arlene Kuhnly, Small White Beans ...... 4c lb. Shoulder Find, 5 t in s ...... 25c The Boston and New York bus lb...... service through Rockville was not daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'The largest meteor on record wsis Large Florida Oranges, 23c doz. 18c Extra Special! SIMPLY FOR NAMING Kuhnly of Talcott Avenue, and Her­ that of August 18, 1783, which Silverware Ulnstrated on resumed until late yesterday be­ Swift’s B a c o n ...... 18c !b. Loin End, Heinz’ Soaps, cause the outlying sections were bert Charles Englert, son of Mr. and traversed Europe from Shetland to Ib...... 20c Variety, 2 fo r ...... 25c Coupons in any size sack blocked with snow. Mrs. Corbin K. Englert of Rheel Italy at 30 miles a second. Silver Lane Pickles...... 17c Mayor George C. Scheets and street, were united in marriage at a other city officials paid high tribute very pretty wedding at the Union SIMPLY FOR NAMING Gold Medal Flour to Superintfendent George B. Milne Congregational church 'Thursday af­ SUverware illnstrated on “Kitchen-tested” and his men for their efforts in ternoon. The ceremony was per­ Coupons in any size sack opening the streets of Rockville to formed by the Rev. George S. traffic. While several of the out­ Brookes, pastor, at 4 o’clock before When QUALITY Is 5 Lbs...... 29c lying streets were not opened until a large gathering of relatives and ssfisssaaaasK Gold Medal Flour friends. The single ring service was 1 I . 0 0 0 < ^ H 24«/2 L b s ...... Thursday afternoon, the main Desired "Kitchen-tested” thoroughfares leading from Hart­ used. One Large Package of Bisquick...... 33c ford and Stafford Springs were open The church was attractively dec­ At Reasonable Price •■•''=7 A utomobilesr within a short time after the snow orated for the occasion. The bride 5 Lbs. ... 29c One Package of Softasilk— the cake flour ...... 31c BUY stopped falling. was attired in a beautiful wedding 24>/2 Lbs...... $1.19 A shortage of coal was in evidence gown of white crepe, with a flowing Here comes the new bride size package of Bisquick. .21c in Rockville yesterday, compelling veil caught up with orange blos­ One Large Package of Bisquick...... 33c the James J„ Regan Manufacturing som. . Robertson’s Soap company to close its plant on Brook­ She was attended by four brides­ One Package of Softasilk— the cake flo u r...... 31c PATRONIZE THESE NATION-WIDE STORES: lyn street for a few days awaiting maids, Miss Harriet Richards of Especially Made for Here comes the new bride size package of Bisquick .21c a shipment which arrived yester­ South Manchester, Miss Connie day. Laundry, Toilet and Bath George England KittePs Market Brookes, Miss Natalie Ide and Miss 252 Spruce St. Tel. 3855 18 BisseU St. Tel. 4266 The first regular delivery of mail Gladys Nettleton, all of Rockville. Also Robertson’s White Sudsy Soap Please Phone Orders Friday Night for Early Satur- In Rockville since Monday took The best man was Walter Ebersold Chips— White Floating Soap and day Delivery.______place this morning when all of the of Hartford, while the ushers were Bursack Bros. W. Harry England Garden Bouquet. 470 Hartford Road Tel. 8532 carriers went out with an over sup­ Ferdinand Eckhardt and Robert No Credit— All Cash Sales. Manchester Green TeL S451 ply. No mail was delivered yester­ Gregus, both of Rockville, and Ar­ b.

Jnce Again We Top Off Everything Yet Attempted D A IV T T D V C A T X ' . WITH ANOTHER GALA X A I N l K l l^ A L iS L i So enthusiastic were the comments on our last Pantry Sale, that it is the management’s pleasure to announce that we intend to run one of these bargain events every five or six weeks!

Clear Your Shelves! Stock Up on these Values! Shrewd, careful buying, with 100% co-operation from all connections, enable us to offer you the most exceptional savings yeti

BIGGER! BETTER! GIGANTIC! COLOSSAL! When you compare today’s prices on the items we are about to list, you will realize why we are raving sol Everybody Saves - EVERYBODY’S MARKET ^ ^ CORNER MAIN AND PARK STREETS TELEPHONE 3919

jn e r c h a n d is e ^ ff^ ^ qu^titTes la st!^ ^*^re^s^e^^he r ^ l ^ f a ifm ^ t^ n H ^ ^ ^ !^ ^ o deaLTJsoldl^*^ Phoned In On Friday Night Only! Help us with our deliveries! CaU tonight, please, and give us a chance to make your order up! AQ

Land O’Lakes Land O’Lakes strictly FYesh, Local, Large Sweet Cream Land O’Lakes Fancy Ripe Yellow Delicious Juicy Fine Sweet Evaporated Bed or White BUTTER! MILK! CHEESE! EGGS! BANANAS! ORANGES TANGERINES! 2 8 ^ e lb. cans 2 5 « 2 9 ^ doz. doz. t o ® doz. 1 0 ® doz. Webster’s Eax'ly June B. & M. Cooked Baby Bed Letter Fine Vacht Clab Fine Finest Brand "inest Brand Delicious Yellow PEAS! LIMA BEANS! TOMATOES! Yellow Corn! PINEAPPLE TUNA FISH! PEACHES! Ic no. 2 can Ic no. 2 can Ic no. 2 can ■ jKc S k 2

CampbeU’s or Phillip’s Phillip’s Fine ^ ^ ^ ^ Phillip’s Fine ■ Finest Brand Comet Brand Graham or Saltine Betty Crocker Pork^k Beans. I Tomato Soup! I Vegetable Soup I Tomato Paste! Peanut Butter! CHACKERS ! ANGEL CAKE! |C can \C can can )C can 2 2 ^ ® 2-lb. box 2 g ® large loaf Hammer Brand Safety Swan Diamond 8 Variety Assorted Fresh Applesauce Del Moote Bed Pore Egg Fine CaUfomla Bartfett MATCHES MATCHES! COOKIES! CAKES! Penny SALMON! NOODLES! PEARS! boxes 6 X X I ^ for 2 5 « Lg. i-n>. can 3 _ p h g 8 . 25 * c ^ Flavorlte Fine Creosole Fine Baker’s Fine Brand Fine Sweet Mixed Fine Brand Vanilla Extract I bisentectant! Fancy Texas New Method MUSTARD! PICKLES! DILL PICKLES SPINACH Bleacli WatMf ! ottle I 10«^*^ 1 9 « qt- jar jar 1 P « qt. 1 5 * ***• t P c peck I 2 3 ® gal MAMUHESl’ER KVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. ERmAY. FEBRUARY 28,1984 FAOl

separate payroll, and local office Herman Langer of New York, who workers were engaged until nearly she declared deserted her a month TO PROTEST SNOW midnight last night making up the after marriage. two payrolls for the week. Due to Queer Twiate the Instructions received this morn­ f/R§r l^Anomi Sronti B R U lt e S j REMOVAL EXPENSE ing, however, only the regular pay­ R.AIL SERVICE NORMAL In Day’s News roll will be sent through. Conse­ quently, the CWA snow removal Bridgeport, Feb. 23— (A P I—Rail­ payroll will be held up pending re­ road passenger service on the New MARKET CWA Administrator Conn- ceipt of a definite decision. Haven lines is back to normal to­ Homestead, Pa.—Borough offi­ SURPRIgE TONIGHT Mrt Waddell stated this morning day, officials said after a late morn­ cials took action after vandals DIAL 5191______that he Intends to take the matter ing check up. Freight is being mov­ chopped up four two story.dwellings termands Order Authoriz- up with the Civil Works Adminis­ ed at somewhat reduced order, but for fire wood during the cold spell. Rojral Desserts, 1 o tration, inasmuch as the enow re­ normal operation is expected before They arrested five men on charges ot violating a borough ordinance. 4 Dkgfc...... 1 9 c moval by CWA men was done in the day ends. Bus service, however, Muller’s Maearoni, Speirlietti ing Use of Workers. accordance with the previous In­ re still crippled. Denver— When the CWA quota was ordered cut from 7,763 workers or Egg Noodles, structions, and in his opinion the Buses of the New England Trans­ work should be paid for by the to 5,844 Capt. C. D, Sbawyer, state 2 f o r ...... portation Company, a subsidiary of CWA worker, decided to let chance 19c 6. H. Waddell, certifying officer CWA. the New Haven railroad, are run­ Camay Soap, of the local CWA board, received a A large number of CWA workers decide who will be removed from ning regular service between Boston payrolls. He placed the names of 4 fo r ...... telepmro from Miss E. H. Little, were out early this morning clear­ and New York, but practically all 19c ing gutters and storm drains. all the workew in the county Jury Krasdale Coffee, acttof administrator of the State ether routes are still blocked. v/heel, whieb looks like a lottery lb. tin ...... Civil Works Administration, c o u a - Efforts to break through from machine, and pulled out those to be 24c termandln; a telegram sent previ­ South Norwalk to Danbury, have Chase A Sanborn ASKS MORE WmrESSES dropped. o u s l y wh’ ch had authorized the use been unavailing. There is still no bus Dated Coffee, lb. . . 29c of CWA workers on snow removal. lines open between Now Haven and Hamilton, Mont.—Lester Antoine, Sunrise Bakt^ 28. apparently came too close to the 9 The telegram Indicated that this Bridgeport, Fen. 23.— (A P )— A Hartford: New Haven to Water- wood ticks that the Public Health Beans, tall, 2 for . . cost w o u l d D o t be met by the gov- warning that counsel cannot expect bury: New Haven to Danbury. Bon«lc*i licsvy b«cl— Tender end delieieut 25c emmest. by the presentation of but two wit­ Bervlce laboratory keep here. The Sunrise Tuna Fish, Acting immediately upon receipt nesses to secure divorces for their laboratory manufactures vaccine lb 2 for...... 29c of the telegram from the state clients was sounded in the Superior NOTED CLERGYMAN DIES used as a preventive of Rocky FACE RUMP Land O’Lakes moimtaln spotted fever. Antoine Turkeys office, which permitted use of Civil Court today by Judge Carl Foster Boneless even or pet reest Butter, 2 lbs...... Works Administration workers, Baltimore, Feb, 23— (AP) —The was helping to Install a refrigerat­ 59c as he reviewed the petition brought FANCY NORTHERN ever 128 workers were given jobs on in behalf of Zulene Barrett Ellis ot Rev. Peter Ainslle, internationally ing system In the laboratory and lb knowTj for his work In the interest Wednesday and Thursday, at a cost Georgetown against Raymond T. became ill. His case was diagnosed PLUMP and TENDER CHUCK ROAST of church tmlty, and world friend­ as spotted fever. of $800. EUls alao of Georgetown. The ease ship through the churches, died ALL NEW ARRIVALS Mildly Cured Corned leef Instructions from the Hartford was continued for a week. WolfvUle, N. 8.—It was below early today In a hospital here fol­ n> office at first demanded that the Ruth Tunlck Langer of Green­ lowing two operations since January zero when Dr. M. R. Elliott started MIDDLE RIBS cost of snow removal be kept on a wich was granted a divorce from 7, He was 68 years old. out from WolfvUle on an emergency 8-11 lb caU from a young expectant mother. Fency Milk-fed avg lb Hit progress was slow and be bad lb Large covered scarcely half the distance when a horse and sleigh appeared VEAL LEGS through the swirling Hakes. RINSO Limit 4. In it sat a mas and a woman, and FANCY TEXAS cucidled warmly In blankets lay an GRAPEFRUIT Spinach eignt pqund boy—bom In the bliz­ 2 Popular Market zard as the father and mother strug­ O nions NATIVE Packagea gled to reach a hospital. The child 3 r 15* 4 I5< 855 MAIN STREET RUBINOW BUILDING and his mother are doing nicely. Seattle— "You never can tell when FANCY there’ll be elephants around," the 4 15* A p p le s BALDWIN 5 ^ VH Phone Service boys said. , Till 8:.S0. Armed with shovels, picks and CALIFORNIA SUNKIST NAVELS OR FLORIDA other implemente, they dug lustily Where Service, Quality and medium for hours on an “elephant trap” and bad a hole eight feet deep, six feet ORANGES : r 2 --3 9 ^ size 1 - ■ 33* H.-O. Oats, 1 r \ Economy Unite long and four feet wide when two ------BROOKSIDE pkg...... l O C policemen, summoned by neighbors, One Preserves, 1 ^ arrived. The big game hunters were FRESH 'Pound 1-lb. j a r ...... X 13 C We have Just received a'fresh sblpnirat of Rea) QuaUty stopped right there. CREAMERY Vick’s Cough Birds for Saturda3r*s Feature. Philadelphia—An Idcle saved the Rolls BUTTER Drops, 3 pkgs...... m OC li{e of (Seorge W. Zibbell. R^)airlng FRESH KH.LED MARYLAND a leak on the roof of a club, he Washington Flour, ever the counter ’’■lipped and slid over the edge, only Brookside to grab a huge icicle. Then he pulled V2 pint jars 4 himself up. Medium .. $1.09 Fresh Cream eentenls Hanging like the sword of Damocles, a 20-pound icicle In a coal mine at Tower City dropped LAHD O'LAKES on the head of Mark W. Lenker. The U. S. Gov’t Certified One miner was dead when friends picked TURKEYS him up. Pound 93 Score Sweet Cream Chicago—That old goat that BUTTER Rolls smiles on the picture* is back- U d U . . LEGS back to advertise the fact that bock ALASKA RED FANCY IMPORTED FINAST 1 Large Blsqoick ...... S3c beer—after sixteen years, may be 1 Package Sofasilk—The Cake J| ^ MILK-FED legally quaffed once more. Flour ...... glo V E A L 1 2 ^ « » ReidsvUle. N. C.—Every Presi­ SPA GH Eni Here comes the new Bride Size dent of the United States baa serv­ SALMON Crab Meat MACARONI Package Bisqnick ...... 21o BONELESS ed within the life-time of two gen­ FLOUR, 241/2-lb. b a g ...... S1.19 MILK-FED erations of the Jordan family of FANCY QUALITY G EISH A , N AM CO or CH A TK A or ELBO W S Rockingham county. RIB R O A ST Notely Jordan was bom a year size before Washington’s term expired, R O A ST V E A L tins and his son, J. S. Jordan, of Halifax 2 county, Virginia, who was Bom C pound when his father was 65, may yet see 19 Franklin D. Roosevelt’s sucoessor. ^ pound Fruit Salad — Pears — Pineapple Cut from Prime Steer Beef. Apricots — Peaches — Cherries , Ward’s The California condor is rivaled Buffet Fruits Grapefruit Cracked In size only by the South Amen- can condor and some species of ie Wheat SUGAR CURED albatross. SELECTED — HenField Brand doz Bread EGGS Large Loaf Smoked H AM S 8 c BEST CUTS Surprise QUALITY NATIVE 15 ib 4 Tonight! POTATOES GROWN peck Shoulder ROAST GROCERIES SPECIALS Cottd9^ Cheese w o o K siD i 2’ri 5f A t Popular Bvtf th« Mmitf if mm , Oval Creams Heavy Cream PINT JAR 1 / C MIDCO eenttnb 1 1 ~ 1 A c Ik PORTERHOUSE Prices Specially Priced A A i l l f f BROOKSIDE •vtr lh« coMrtcf 4 , This Week b'uV 2 $ ^ Frtth Dilly q u a r t 1 l i d ICE-BOX FREEZE A SIRLOIN S te a k lp « lb. •STRAWBBRBY Granulated Sugar, 10-pound •VANILLA Snowflake W afers Gold Medal Flour •CHOCOLATE ”^“ 1.25 •COFFEE COUNTRY ROLL CREAMERY sick...... 48c Dclieious, Crisp SELECTED, TESTED, Chase & Sanborn Coffee •ORANGE Sugar Creek Cream- q f \ Seled Crackers i9 < ' 25* •PINEAPPLE ery Butter, lb...... OUC BUTTER WESTERN FRESH EGGS Jell*0 ASSORTED PURE FLAVORS Regular Advertised Price 2 for;' Ralston Breakfast r% ^ 5* 25c. BRUNNER’S EVERYDAY GINGER ALE LOW PRICE Food, pkg...... i b l C P&C SOAP C d oz. Royal Baking Powder, Q Q Millbrook Club 9 ^ 25^ 2 large 12-oz. c a n ...... OOC RINSO 4 9 PALE DRY s * . ' can q 2 37* Ovaltine, m The price is reduced for the 50c s iz e ...... ^ / C entire week LIFEBUOY SOAP FRESH SLICED 3 - 17* Brightwood Pork Crtrate Magnesia, i ^ 12 oz bottle SILVER DUST Daisy H a m s...... lb. 25^ ^ C lb . lb. bottle*...... X O C 2 23^ Rib Roast B e e f...... lb. 25tS [ eef iv e r Baker’s Cocoa, n carton B L IQ c >4l|t Block Roast...... lb. 19* 40/50 2 Vo-lb. c a n s ...... 1 v C Santa Clara Prunes ill* Ground Beef . . .2 lbs. 39< Krasdale Fresh Prunes, largest ntents only FRESH MADE Price Slyt« ECKONUT-NUT cans, c% ^ Maraschino Cherries 2 f o r ...... ZDC C L U B S O D A COTTACB Doggie Dinner tini MARGARINE Cream of Wheat, O O MILLBROOK CHEESE pkg...... Z u C 6 4S< Red Cap Ammonia Land O’Lakes Butter,. BANQUET pound Price for contents only CMIt Campbell’s Dill Pickles BRAND Tomato Churned from Pure Nut Oils. pound Sunsweet Prunes, O A 2-lb. pkg...... ZUC Soup Lakeside Tomatoes, b a k e r y SUGGESTIONS SUGAR CURED HI-GRADE 4 cans Pure Print Armour’s Star No. 1 size c a n ...... / C SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK ONLY CORNED Krasdale Catsup, i Q Raisin Rings " I8< Frankfurts large 14-oz. bottle . . . X O C HOCKS LARD PAN ROLLS DLAL 5191 Land O’Lakes Milk, c% ^ Finast Cookies 225^ •■^risp T o n ig h t: 4 tall c a n s ...... ZOC ^ lbs. 2 lbs. 2 5 ^ ^ c l b . Tomato Paste, O C SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK ONLY 4 c a n s ...... ^ O C 16 oz Sirloin S tea k ...... lb. 39c; ^ Sweet Rye Bread !oal Yellow Split Peas, ^ g 7^ Short Steak ...... Ib. 39c; in ^EAI^AVD )^ OUR FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPT. 2 lbs. f o r ...... X O C WHITE Sausage Meat ...... Ib. 25c; HetCrossBuns Prize Bread SUCED «t Native Potatoes, Q Fj UNSLICED Fresh Calves’ Liver . .lb. 4 3 c* Sweet, Juicy Florida Crisp Green Extra Fine 15-lb. peck ...... o O C WHITE 2 25< Belmont Bread SLICED ONLY ORANGES SPINACH Grapefruit Krasdale White Meat ^ ^ Sliced B a con ...... lb. I9c I'una, c a n ...... X / C i 10c dozen 1 5 c peck 3 fo r t O c Cookies, Popular Mix, i Swift’s Premium Ham ' lb...... xyc S lices...... 39c Gotham Toilet Tissue, i ^ Butt E n d ...... 2;lc.< YOl^qLOIEE^ErONOMYIN^HR’BAKER^^EPTT 4 r o lls ...... X # C Old Brewster KING'S ■ 'ink E n d...... L>c R U PPER T’SU S^ ) Coffee Rings...... 12c each I Variety of BREW FIDELIO BOTTLES FRESH FRUITS AND MAHIEU'S eentents Crumb Cakes...... 12c each DOUGHNUTS bottles RHEINGOLD VEGETABLES contents Raisin Bread...... 8c loaf GROCERY A E T N A (nt.'Se^L.) 18e dozen 183 Spruce Street This edvertlfcment is not Intended to offer alcoholic beverages for sale or delivery in any state wkertin the sale or use thereof is unlewfuL “ ALWAYS LteSS’^ MANCHESTEB SVENIIfG HBKAED, MAIfOmmiDK, OUIfR^ FRraAT, ^CTRUART S8,19M,

wtn b t filed in the personal tax trial la aat for Saturday. Tba luck oamad *'Tb« OwT* in honor of hia CAMERA FILMS MANCHESTER PYTHIANS boxes in order and when the bills TOUHEY GANGSTERS which carried Roger 'rouhy, the Ulnking manner and bla huge heart are mailed, which will be Just before curly-headed leader of the Touhy April 1, all will be ready so the ■baped face, who accused Factor of Battles Snow 49 Hour'^ GOING TO WATERTOWN ^ames can be properly foimd when GET PRISON TERMS gang, through two other kidnaping s t a ^ g bis own abduction to avoid IN BIG DEMAND the bins are presented for payment. trials, went steadily from bad to extradition to England, where he is As the bills come ir for pa3rment worse dumlg thp seven days of his wanted in connection with a stock To Reach Work in Officers, Delegates and Mem­ and are presented, Mr. Howe will (Oeattoned from Page Oae) second trlaL deal. bers Invited to Make Trip be able to take from the files, his The day before it opened, two Guards were thrown about the copy and stamp the original and the diet. A previous trial ended in a Touhy followers were seized in court room for the trial, and floors Joseph Grabowski of Andover, C m ira l and Storm Scenes March 1 to Attend Meeting. duplicate paid. The duplicate will Jury disagreement. Before that, in Baltimore. In the middle of the trial .^Wednesday and on T hursd^ atorn- above and below the court room employed in the Cheney mills, start­ I ing Grabowski again stnrtad^out be kept for bis files in a second fil­ St. Paul, Minn., Touhy was acquitted one of them—Isaac Costner, a Ten­ were patrolled as the Jury deliberat­ Members of Memorial Lodge, K. ing box. In this way there will be of a Federal charge of kidnaping nessee bad man who was imported ed from his home at 10 o’clock afoot, reaching hia work «t. 11 Spar Amateur Photo- of P., are looking forward to im­ ed. Touhy slipped far dowm in his o’hlock, after being on the taken from the files all paid bills, William Hamm, .r. for the kidnaping—confessed and chair at the Jury's news. Tuesday morning and reached his proved conditions of the roads, for ,and in the second billing it will be 'The verdict marked one of the implicated the others. Next day hours. The sentence wound up one of the work yesterday morning at 11 graidiers to Snap Pictures on March 1 they have been invited only necessary to look in the live few victories in state courts for another—Walter A. Hetudehsen- o'clock after a terrific battle with to attend a meeting in Watertown. file to determine those who have not the prosecution of major kldnap- followed his example and admitted famous kidnapings of the 1930-33 An Invitation has been extended to Ings. kidnaping wave. Factor, a wealthy the snow. paid their tax on time. The delin­ collecting the suitcase full of cash— Grabowski, a former resident of LENTIN SERVICES the local lodge not only to send their quents will be assessed an extra dol­ The conviction of the Touhy S70,000 in ten and twenty dollar stock speculator was seized last Dealers in films for cameru all officers and a delegation, but to lar.. July 1, as he left a roadhouse with a this town, then living at 16 Edward gangsters came after a seven dav bills—which Factor paid for his re street, turned farmer when he report that there b u been a big de­ have the members also make the To those who pay their taxes on trial. The first ballot resulted in a lease. party of friends and held for 12 IN CATHOUC C H U R C ^ trip. time the charge will be |2 each. days in a farm house, being released bought a small place on the Skinner mand and as a result stocks have unanimous verdict of guilty, 'The How They Were Osaght HIU road, near Wright’s Mills and The invitation has been accepted There are 9,651 of these bills. Fail­ second was taken after arguments after payment of the 370,000 ran­ been used up. The calls for films ure to pay on time will mean that the Coventry line. He has commut­ Lenten services In St Bridget's started Saturday when many ap­ and a general exodus of members between Jurors as to what the sen­ The downfall of the Touhy gang som. from Depot Square is being .planned. those billed in May will have to pay was accomplished in two playful ed from Andover to his work in the church tonight at 7:30 will be the plied for new films to take pictures $3. Further failure will mean the tence would be. One halt of them After his release the gang de­ local mills. of the skating carnival. The snow A check is now being made'of road were reported to have held out for siaps from the proverbial loug au-m manded payment of an additional Stations of the Cross and Benedic­ conditions and with good weather issuing of an alias tax warrant, to or coincidence.- .'Toitoy and Gustav Grabowski left his home Tuesday tion. storm brought a further demand be served by a constable or a deputy the death penalty. A second vote, 350,000. Factor informed police who In St James’s church there will and this has continued, as the snow and proper roads on which to travel however, resulted in a unanimous "Gloomy Gus’’ Schaefer, two of the set a trap for the kidnapers, which morning in an attempt to batter his sheriff. This will add an additional way through the drifts to Manches­ also be the Stations of the Cross and has presented many sights in the a big crowd will be present in charge of $6 over the $3 charge. verdict of 99 years in prison. defendants were captured in Ellk- they eluded. different parts of the town worth re­ Watertown from Manchester on hom, Wls., after the kidnaping, be ter. In many spots he had to leave Benediction at 7:30. cording in pictures. Amateur cam­ that date. Asked Death Penalty cause they bumped over a telephone the road and take to the fields. The Tomorrow afternoon and evening era operators have seized this The state had asked for the death pole wdth their car, and so en snow was so deep that he wtis forc­ at St. James's church there will be chance to snap unusual storm penalty "or at least 99 years,’’ and coimtered the local police. Costner “WRECK” POSTPONED ed to lie down and roll across the an out of town priest who speaits scenes. unless the sentence Is made invalid deeper drifts. and caff imderstand the Polish lan­ WAPPING —with Basil Banghart, another one guage. He will hear confessions of Many of the dealers, realizing BILLS FOR PERSONAL by a new trial or a reversal by the still to go on trial for the kidnaping Norwalk, Feb. 23—(AP) —It was At nightfall he had only reached that there was going to be a con­ Miss Carolyn M. Berger was giv­ Supreme Court the Touhy gangsters —was picked up in Baltimore be­ announced today that the “wreck” part way to the Notch at Bolton, Polish residents both in the after­ tinued demand for films, either en a rjrprlse birthday party Mon­ will go to prison to remain for at noon and evening. cause he failed to leave his automo­ scheduled to be held here tomorrow and obtained food and a bed for the Saturday is an Ember day. mailed or telephoned for an addi­ TAXES ARE PREPARED day evening at che home of her sis­ least 33 years—the required time bile tail light on. night by the Forty-Ajid-Eight night with friends along the way. tional stock. There is now on hand ter, Mrs, Irving W. Taylor, of Man­ before they would be eligible for branch of the American Legion, and The Jury grinned when the three Wednesday he started out again, The loving cup of today is merely in Manchester enough films to take Collector George H. Howe chester, Carolyn received many parole. Touhy gangsters offered their de to which visitors from all parts of only to fall short of his objective as care of future needs under ordinary beautiful gifts. the state were expected, has been he had the day before. an inverted descendant of the silver conditions. Hearing on a motion for a new fense. It came from Banghart, nick- bells given as prizes in ancient Making Out 400 Daily for Indefinitely postponed. The road was cleared out late The rain yesterday gave food for Payment April 1— 9,651 of tournaments. thought for rubber and boot dealers. With a sudden thaw or warm rain Them. they recognized a demand for rub­ ber boots. Rubber boots have not Tax Collector George H. Howe is been sought much in recent years busy making out the personal tax because of the mild winters and im­ bills. He finds that he is able to proved sidewalks. This year’s sup­ write about 400 a day, a carbon ply has practically been exhausted copy being taken of each bill writ The Manchester Public Market and dealers are arranging to have ten. This, he figures will average their stocks of rubber boots re­ 2,000 a week and at the rate in placed. which they are being prepared it will take about a month to get all Happy Camp, Cal., has what is be­ the bills made out. FOR SATURDAY lieved to be the only “log cabin’’ These bills are to be placed in WE ARE FEATURING TENDER high school in the country, • Resi­ outlook envelopes to save one addi dents built the structure. tlonal writing. 'The bills as made out ROAST VEAL HTAI Boned and Rolled for Pot Roast or to Roast in the Oven. lb . All Lean Meat, At WHERE ECONOMY RUin* 'ORK PINEHURST Native Fresh Shoulders, Boneless lb...... Rolled D IA L 4 1 5 1 Native Fresh Bacon, Unsmoked, lb...... POT We know you will realize Just how hard our boys have worked Native Fresh Ham, whole or half. this week to get food orders delivered to you. Tuesday afternoon and Wednesda.v they walked miles through the drifts. The lb...... ROAST traveling is still bad, and It will help with the Saturday rush If you Native Pork to Roast, Rib or Ib. ’phone your orders tonight—for early Saturday delivery. Phone Loin, lb...... BEEP Haddock Service Until 8:30. Home Made Sausage Meat Ib. from native por£ lb...... o o Swordfish Ib. Vegetables We offer you very fine quality, 3 to 3 H Ib. Sizes milk-fed | AGAIN THIS WEEK! Cauliflower Other Meat Suggestions Fresh Peas FOWL Fancy BONELESS SIRLOIN ROAST PRIME RIB ROAST Green Beans Fresh Boneless Rolled Oven Roast Beef, H Cranberries $ 1 *2 9 to $ 1 *6 9 ea. cut from Premium Beef, lb. ... C PORK LOINS f o w l The poultry is plump breasted and Golden Westi, Parsnips, lb...... 5c especially selected for tenderness. The Small Forequarters of Lamb, FOW L ^ ^ $1.29 average are large and the $l.b9 »# lb...... 15c Spinach average very large size. Cut up for Nice Lamb for Stgwing, cut up, W hite Carrots Chickens — Turkeys a nice chick­ Soft LB. Beets en broth. lb...... 10c LAMB LEGS RReeted Iceberg Lettuce Cello n j k Morris On Sale At ON SALE I Lean Rib Corned Beef, Celery 24c lb. » A W n 32c lb. , lb...... Tomatoes 7c Salt Spareribs, rj p? WHITE med. IT HOUSE cans 69c p o ll 3 lbs...... ZOC Evap. Milk Ivory Soap here Turnips, lb. 5c P O T R O A S T S AS SWjFT each Salt Pigs’ Feet, c \ ^ BLUE Are much in detnand at this time, and PETER cans when they are cut from Plnehurst qual­ 5 lbs...... ZOC Sardines P & G Soap White Onions ity beef you are sure of their tenderness. Try Our Fresh Ground Hamburg Steak 1-lb. Block Chucks will be Q O 2 $1.35 Mason *nn 3 lbs. 25c for a nice meat loaf. ^ Peanut Butter Jars Page 5 lbs. f o r ...... O a / C Swift’s Premium Chickens to roast or to Preserves Pure \Ve also have Rumps, Sirloin Tips and fry. On sale at 15c lb. 2 lbs...... ZOC New Cabbage Del No. Boneless Juicy Chuck Pot Roasts. Monte Del Each, o for Fancy, Fresh Young Turkeys and Large oana Monte 69c Pineapple Crushed Pineapple Siloed Florida Large Link Sausage 2'“ $1.35 Chickens to Roast. Oranges lb. 18c 2 doz. 47c GROCERY ITEMS AT SPECIAL PRICES 24c dozen Best Macaroni, Spaghetti, or Fels-Naptha Soap, YUKON Good size. R O A S T B E E F Elbow Macaroni in bulk, 3 lbs. OLUB 28-oz. 25c 5 cakes for .... (Contents) Always a favorite with the men. Try Snowdrift in bulk, 24c GINGER ALE bote. it cut short—old butchers always con­ lb...... Butter tend the flavor Is better when you roast 15c Land O’Lakes Butter, beef with the bone in It. Royal Scarlet Chocolate Pudding, lb...... 2 lbs. 59c Pkg...... LB Scotch TTam lb 51Rc Campfire Marshmallows, Brookfield Roll Butter, BUTTER large package...... 21c lb...... Yellow Onions Dried Beef, V ^ l h ...... 19c Land O’Lakes Mild Cheese, Silver Swan Toilet Tissue, lb...... 6 rolls fo r ...... MAINE 6 lbs. 25c 19c OREEN IB-lb. LAMB Young American Cheese, POTATOES MOUNTAIN peok Pears lb...... Hormel Vegetable Soup, Legs of Lamb — Very Nice Rib Lamb Brownie Apricots, 19c 3 cans fo r ...... Chops — Shoulders of Lamb. 39c Indian River large size ^an ...... 17c And One Can of Onion Soup Free. Royal Scarlet Salt, Strawberries 2 BSKTS. 29( Sponge Cake Grapefruit PORK 2 round boxes...... 15( 15c College Inn Soups, all varieties, O O 3 for 33c Center Boasts of Sperry St Barnes or Baker’s Unsweetened Chocolate, Spinach rawH 3 IbB. I 5c Honey Pork, 80c to 34c lb. Regular Vi-lb...... 19c 2 tall cans...... Biscuits doi. lie Sealdsweet Pork, 22c to 26c lb. Spareribs. Kraut. Royal Scarlet Coffee, Royal Scarlet Golden Bantam Q H Grapefruit lb. ca n ...... 29c Corn, 2 cans f o r ...... Lettuce lO IB IIM 2 hdB. I 7c Buns oRott doz. 15( Old Fashioned Country Style Nathan Hale Coffee in bean Extra Fancy Telephone Peas, 5 for 25c Sausage Meat, lb. ... .28c or ground, lb...... 29c 19c can. 2 cans fo r ...... Deerfoot, Stahl Meyer, Brookfield and 35c New Cabbage 4 IbB. ] 7c Three Layer Cake ••• 23( Rye Bread Brightwood Sausage. AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT Hot Cross Buns Carrots pmtH bch. ^ Doughnuts <*<«• I7 t Pinehurst Ground Beef Home Made Hot X Buns, Home Made Chicken Pies, Assorted Rolls For meat loaf or meat balls. Chopped dozen...... each...... 10c 20c doz. so that all the Juice Is retained. Home Baked Beans, Home Made Coffee Rings, At From quart...... Raised and Plain Sugar Frosted, 2 fo r ...... 25c WILDMERE Donuts, 25c doz. 19« and 25c lb. Our Delicious Home Made Home Made Corned Beef Hash, DOZ. Layer Cakes, ea ch ...... 15c lb. 2 lbs. .'...... 25c EGGS AT PINEHURST DIAL 4151 Home Made Brown H 1 Cream Cottage Cheese, Bread, lo a f...... lU C fresh made, 15c Ib. 2 lbs. ... GRANDMOTHERS large Pine Knob Orchard Home Made Assorted Cookies, 25c tO -^ Birdseye Home Made Cracked Whole SLICED or UNSLICED loaf Baldwin Apples dozen 10c Wheat Bread, loaf...... 10c BREAD 2 '4-inch Apples, Pg&s • • *•* • • 23c 16-quart basket ...... C Spinach ^ .21c Largest Baldwins, AT OUR VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT t-lb . 16 quarts ...•••• 95c Limas ««>« «2Tc Fancy Hand Picked Baldwin -i q Fancy California Carrots, UneedaSpecialoS^ORAOKERS P***’ 35. Gold Medal Flour~»k"' M 2$ Apples, 5 lbs. for ...... 1 ^ C large bunches, 2 fo r ___ HSRSHBY !/a-lb. I C , SIMPLY FOR NAMING Fancy Blue Goose Oranges Q Tender Beets, Chocolate BAKINQ Pk0< I Ocean Spray *"JIKr''2 2 5 t Silverware Illustrated on for Juice, 19c doz., 2 doz. for.. FREE i Coupons in any size sack 2 bunches for ...... '...... Fancy Green String Beans. Native Parsnips, Gold Medal Flour Fresh Green Peas. Sweet Potatoes. lb...... ^n.ooOc^^H Solid Ripe Tomatoes. BOKAR COFFEE . ib. 25< , “Kitchen-tested” Green Peppers. Parsley. Spanish Oniims, CAMPBELL'S _ Lll!^AUTOMQe"fS Large Heads of Solid Iceberg Lettuce. lb...... RED CIRCLE COFFEE ib. 21< TOMATO 0 C , 5 Lbs. • • •’• .«« • • #r. A FuU Details At ’This Store 29c Fancy Sealdsweet Grapefruit, c % H Nice White Boiling Onions, 24 ^ Lbs. M . . $1.19 6c each, 5 fo r ...... ^ O C 10c lb., 3 lb s...... Eight o'clock COFFEE ib. 19c SOUP 4 Z Ont Large Package of Bisqnick...... 33c FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS. One Package of Softasilk—the cake flour...... 31c ^2?? STORES OF NEW ENGLAND Here comes the new bride size package df Bisquick. -21c COME TO THE STORE OR PHO NE—DIAL 5111. 1859 Th« Crsst ATLANTIC & PACIFIC Tsa Company

r I .. . A f '


- • ••- flilW MARKET PAGE L ^u»2» ■hlppifig department employees who they reosive only the minimum rate hours, but not more than 480 hours the basis at thair regular hourly STOBM WARNINa work more than forty hours per CONNEtnClTT COllEGE MUST PAY SILK MILL (82Vi cents an hour) for that time. In 12 weeks, for all but supervisors, rate. , Washington, Feb. 28.»—(A P )—^The Deaths Last Night week must be paid overtime at their The Code .Authority statement shippers and watching crews. Records, available to the Code Weather Buruu today IsMMd regular hourly rate. follows: GETS RARE DOCUMENT WATCHMEN OVERTIME This means that all employees, Authority, showing actual bcurs following storm warning: St. Petersburg, Fla.— Eben B. A number of the complaints While the C3ode Authority la except the three classes exempted, worked and pay received, must be “ Advisory 8:80 a. m. northweat Clarke, 85, of Pittsburgh, Pa., re­ which have recently come before the drawing up rules and regulations as can work only an average of 40 kept for all employees. storm warnings hoisted Palawars Original Deed to Bolleswood, tired steel company executive. Code Authority of Silk Textile Code authority have been from to minimum wages and maximum hours pel week. Attention Is called to the fact Breakwater to Bostport. Disturb­ Washington— Rep. Joseph L. Industry Emphasizes This shippers and watchmen whose hours applicable to sales and execu­ Where shipping and watching that only employees devoting the ance off southern I^ew Elng land Part of Arboretum, Will Be Hooper of Michigan. weekly wage excet,ded the minimum tive offices, attention is called to the crews work more than 40 hours per greater part of tbeir day to ship­ coast Increasing in intensity mov­ Shown This Week-End. Washington— J. Mahlon Barnes, Point in Statement. of 113 a week or 82^ cents an hour. Code which only allows a maximum week they must be paid for every ping come under the class of ship­ ing north-northeastward will arise 68, Labor and Socialist leader. When they work overtime, however, working time In any week ol 48 hour worked above the 40 hours on ping crews. strong northwest winds and gales.” Coocectlcut College hae Just come Oklahoma City, Okla.—Ledru The Code Authority for the Silk into poMfiseloD of a rare document. Guthrie, 80, an aslstant attorney Textile Industry at Its' regular general In the administration of meeting yesterday afternoon. Issued It ie the original deed to Bolles­ President Harlson. a statement warning sales and exec­ wood, which Is part of the Connecti­ New York— William ShRw-Thom- utive offices against abuses of the cut Arboretum at Connecticut Col­ son, 47. well known advertising overtime provisions for supervisors, lege, and bears the signature of the man. shippers and watching crews. Mohegan sachem Owaneco, who Hot Springs, Ark.—Edgar B. Sher­ In a formal statemeqt Issued aft­ R a t a l ! sold the property to Thomas Bolles idan, 73, veteran member of the er the meeting, the Code Authority Preferred: of New London In 1693. Chicago Tribune editorial staff. emphasized that watchmen and Booleswood w'is given to Connec­ ticut College by Miss Anna Hemp­ IT P A Y S BY OVER A QUARTER MILLION stead Branch of New London, a di­ rect descendant of Thomas Bolles. The deed, which was In the posses­ TO VyAIT ON sion of the late Dr. William P. __ m M CUSTOMERS YEARLY Bolles of Boston, a cousin of Miss Branch, waa willed to the New Eng­ mMl§|LF The “ Self-Serve” Grocery Department has become a Manchester institution. A name that stands for the best of land Historic Genealogical society ■ « DIAMOND GINGER ALE « of Boston of which he was a mem­ foods— at prices within the means of all families. Over a quarter million customers a year prefer to trade in this mar­ ber. ^ “ 77i(' Supreme Mixer” velous grocery department. Fresh foods can be found here at all times as the stock is turned over approximately every The society has presented It as a thirty days to assure customers of fresh foods at all times. Get the habit of trading at Hale’s. Remember— “ IT permanent deposit with the Connec­ ffldl Since lSt)5 f J in PAYS TO WAIT ON YOURSELF”. ticut Arboretum at Connecticut Col­ lege, at the request of Dr. George S. Avery, director ot the arboretum. The deed will be placed In the Palm­ Pale Dry or Golden ^ Armour’s Star “ Fixed Flavor” er Memorial library. It will be **Health Market** phown for the first time at college I ’llls during alumnae weekend which will (Whole or begin tomorrow. Large bottle C MiiminM Week End Specials Bolleswood has remained practi­ 5 20 Shank Half) cally untouched from the days when the tribal councils of the Mohegan braves were held within Its boun­ “ Plymouth” Milk Fed Pound daries. It has been handed down “The bam what am!” Truly a delicious tasty dish for a hot dinner or for sand­ from generation to generation by wiches. Or you can have slices cut from either end you buy for frying or for casserole /^ED /TiAVORj members of the Bolles family. W ith­ dishes. Really! Armour’s Star “Fixed FLivor” ham Is distinctly deUghtfully different in Its borders Is a grove of ancient FOWL It’s aU In the “patented process” of curing. Tender.. .mild.. .tasty! hemlocks some of which are as PATTERSON’S MARKET much as 450 years old. Telephone 3386 101 Center Street The Place Where You Get Quality Supreme I Jack Frost CANE )clb. pound PORK ROASTS—Center Cuts. SUGAR bag YOUR GROCER HAS America reflned su gar.. .help keep our men at work.. Sweeter than most 2 Lbs. Ground Lower Round, Fresh milk-fed fowl for fricassee. Great for salads, imported sugars, hence more economical. THIS SUNNY WAY B e e f...... 38c lb...... 25c sandwiches and creamed dishes, too! Ground Steak, Corned Beef, Boneless Hale’s Famous “Red Bag” lb...... 25c Brisket, TO BETTER HEALTH Scotch Ham, lb...... 20c VEAL Land O’Lakes COFFEE 3 lbs. Whole Loins Yb lb...... 32c Fresh ground or in bean. The famous “Bed Bag” quality coffee. Check Common Constipation Legs Lamb Lamb, Ib...... 28c with & Delicious Cereal ROAST BUTTER Better-Than-Chlcken White' Rib Roasts, lb. Pot Roasts, Ib. Tender veal roast. Boneless—no waste.

Food has a lot to do with how 19c, 21c, 23c 18c>20c pound TUNA White meat, fancy tuna! cans 7 0 U fe d and how you look. For in­ Top Round, stance, you need plenty of “bulk” LEGS of with your meals to avoid the risk lb...... 28c 22c)25c lb Sunshine Canned Assorted of common constipation. High score butter with a uni­ This ailment frequently causes Oysters. Fresh Smoked Filets. Canned Crab. LAMB Best quality prime lamb. headaches, loss of appetite and en­ Salmon, Etc. form fine flavor. FRUITS ^ cans ergy. Yet, in most cases, it can be Crushed aod tid-bit pineapple, fruits for salad, pears, peaches, apricots. overcome pleasantiy and safely by Our usual GooS Y^oiUtry. Fowl are 23c lb.‘ Chick­ eating a delicious cereal. ens, 28c lb. Large Kellogg’s A l l -Bran furnishes Sirloin Armour’s Dexter “bulk” in convenient and concen­ Hecker’s trated form. Laboratory tests show Veal. Veal Roasts, 18c Ib. Boneless Veal, 22c Ib. Bacon pkg. 10c Rinso pkg. 17c the “ bulk” in A l l -Bran is safe and Veal Cutlets, 35c lb. Veal Chops. Veal Shanks, 10c lb. Limited. effective. In fact, it is much like Sliced. Rindless. Sugar cured. FLOUR that found in leafy vegetables. ' We want to thank everyone who gave us their con­ STEAK Blue Star Within the body, the fiber of A l l - sideration; it was tough indeed, going through so much 24'/2-pound ^ Br an absorbs moisture, and forms snow. But we managed it. When it came to night, our bag • a soft mass. Gently, thia clears out Mince Meat Molasses .mecS, the intestinal wastes. boys were tired indeed. ,c Ib. In addition, A l I/-Bran provides 2 pkgs. 23c vitamin. B aqd iron. We have a great selection of Good Coffees. Sanka, 2 tins 23c Household variety! Isn’t this sunny way better than 49c lb. Nation-Wide, 25c lb. King Arthur, 36c ^b. Cut from heavy steer beef Non-Such— known for generations! » l . i i taking patent medicines — so often White House, 28c lb. Arbuckle, 28c lb. Maxwell House, harmful? Two tablespoonfuls of — best quality. Will broil Chase & Sanborn; all good! Used for gt-n- A l l -Bran daily are usually suffi­ tender and ta.sty! NEW GREEN CABBAGE, 2c a poun d w ith cient Chronic cases with each meal. orations by tic Armour’s Melrose SMOKED I f seriously ill, see your doctor. King Arthur Flour, Occident Flour, Pastry Flour, best of cooks A ll -Br a n makes no claim to be a Health Flour, Rye Flour. everywhere. Used “cure-all.” for bread or pastries— It never ROAST SHOULDERS fails to give the finest results. The Enjoy A l l -Bran as a cereal, or We are prepared for your order. We invite you to l b lb. I jO ® Small. . .lean. . .shankless! 5-potind bag, 29c. cook into appetizing recipes. Be try us. Free Delivery. • sure you get Kellogg’s A l l -Br an . BEEF It contains much more needed Tender shoulder roast beef. Heavy prime beef. “bulk” than part-bran products. In Pork Sausage. 20c lb. Beef Sausage, 20c lb. the red-and-green package. Made Sliced Sausage, 20c lb. Popular ^*Self-Serve*' Sellers by Kellogg in Battle C re ^ . Burt Olney’s APPLESAUCE ...... 3 cans .S4c SAUSAGE Burt Olney’s CORN ...... 2 cans 21K' lb (Gulden Bantam). MEAT Burt Olney’ s SAU ER K RAU T ...... 2 large cans 2.5c Hormel Theater Package Fresh pure pork sausage meat. Great with pancakes ANDERSON &N0REN Contains 2 Cans Vegetable Soup, for Sunday’s breakfast. Mascot PEAS ...... 2 cans 33c Meats, Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables 1 Can Pea Soup, A Q Burt Olney’s PUMPKIN SQUASH ...... 2 cans 20c Special ...... C 361 Center Street Phone 4076 Hale’s Strictly Sunbeam Sliced P IN E .\ P P L E ...... 3 cans 55c PORK (8 perfect halves). lb Fresh Large R. S. Peas, Natural Garden, f g Flako Pie Crust, No. 2 cans, S f o r ...... OOC 8-or. pkg...... S h o u l d e r s Fresh lean shoulders of pork. LOCAL “ Sunshine." Chocolate Covered R. S. Corn, \ATiole Kernel, a q K. S. Corn Starch, / Kraft Cheeses No. 2 oans, 3 f o r ...... t S/C 1-lb. pkg...... Campfire Marshmallows, In 4-ounce cocktail glasses. BOSTON STYLE FIG BARS R. S. Lima Beans, Small, n« 1-Ib. pkg...... EGGS R. S. LentllB, 1-lb. pkg...... glass l 6 c R. S. Carrots and Peas, f Pineapple cream, pimento cream lb. 2 S c No. 2 oans, 3 f o r ...... OOC R. S. Chocolate Pudding, ROAST BEEF dozen 3 1 « 4-07,. pkg...... and Old English spread. Great! Grown-ups and children Never a dlstreMed one In all the love them! Conn. Valley Cut Green String Beans, O C R. S. Apricots, hundreds ot dozens we sell every No. 2 cans, 3 for ...... 4m OC 12-oz. pkg...... Roquefort .. glass 21c pound week. Remember, our guarantee— Newton Robettson s Specials we will gladly replace every egg Extra Fancy Small, Tender, Milk-Fed Extra Fancy that proves unsatisfactory, on your Blue Ribbon Hot Cross Buns ... .doz. 18c Special seUing of fancy, fine verbal statement, with two others. M AYO NN AISE, pint ROASTING FOWL FOWL quality Boston style roast beet That’s how confident we are In Prune B read...... loaf 14c A ll solid meat—no waste. their quality and freehness. 8 oz„ 14c. qt., 44c. CHICKENS About 3 Lbs. Average Each 5-Lb. Average 5— 5Vj-Lb. A\-erage. 30c, 59c 2'* $1.15 25c COFFEE R, S. Sliced Mushrooms, 2-oz. c a n ...... l i e Fancy Fresh Fruits and Vegetables R. S. Ultra Vacuum, l-Ib. c a n ...... 29c R. 8. Grape Jelly, g la s s ...... lOe Brownie Coffee, 1-lb. pkg...... 23c R. S. Strawberry or Raspberry Preserves, Florida Square Deal Coffee, 1-lb. pkg...... 21c 82-oz; Jar ...... jgc Exti^a Large! Florida Snow-White Iceberg Chase & Sanborn’s Coffee, 1-lb. c a n ...... 29c R. S. Tomato Juice or Cocktail, 16-oz. bottle. ,10o Nathan Hale Coffee, ground or bean, R. S. Pineapple Juice, No. 2 cans, 8 f o r ...... 42c Grapefruit 6 for 19 * 1-lb. pkg...... 85c R, 8. Cooked Spaghetti, 18-oz. oans, 2 for . .. .17o Russet or plain skin varieties. They’re both sweet and R. 8. Cocoa, 1-lb. c a n ...... jgo ORANGES LETTUCE We recommend these coffees to be good. Juicy! ______t^rrots ...... So bun«« Sunkist Oranges, dozen ...... v.85c Sunkist Parsnips ...... |b. doz. 3 S ^ Florida Oranges for Juice ...... 19c dozen New Cabbage...... g© lb. 2 13® Fancy Grapefruit, 4 fo r ...... 23c This size haa been our beet As sound and as solid as old oah- Rock Tumlps...... h». Baldwin Apples, 4 q u a rts ...... 25c ooneletent seller this eeaaoB! doz. 2 1 bage! Spinach ...... pack Lemons « Fresh Tomatoes. Iceberg Lettuce — Celery — Soup Bunohea. Sound, Juicy, sour lemons! Florida “Morjuce” New Green Top At the time of this wrltlntr we do not know whether or not there will be any Brtrhtwood Pork a va ^ le, bat If they can get through from Springfield ws will have a full line of Frert Brightwood products forvBaturday. • OrangGs 2 doz. . Cabbage 2 ibs. Carrots 2 buhqbM Fancy Legs of Lam b ...... 25o Ib. 25 SnMksd Shoulders. Sobd green cabbage. About 760 bunohes eoM lest week. Fancy Rib Boast B eef...... 26c Ib. There Is health In the juloe of every orange! •''•esc' Pressed Ham. Mlneed Bain. Fancy Pot Roast Beef -...... 26clb. Sunkist — Fancy Hearts of Scotch B a m ...... S6e

i . \ A .4

-'■■H * ‘ . r-'-t ■/ i' PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONNm i *’K1d a i , rjyRKUAi^r 28,1834. \ Kl-


LOST AND POUND MOVING—TRUCKING^ not to hear from her in a day or pered a little; he was tired after LOST— FEB. 18TH, between Center STORAGE 20 two. When he tried to get the apart­ the trip. Gypsy gave him some ment- by long distance the o p ^ t o r Springs, Main street and Delmont zwieback and heated ^he ipffk she PERRETT A QLEaW BY IN C local Jnem rie^ said they did not answer. He knew had brought Presently he fell street, gold locket. Reward. Cali WTiC DAILY RADIO P R 0(»A M and long distance moving. Dally her family was going to be away so 6842. asleep and she tried to plan. What Hartford, Coon. express to Hartford. Overnight he didn’t even try the house in Blue FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23 (Central and Eastern Standard Time) was she to do? She wouldn’t go 50,000 W ., 1060 fL IL, 282-8 M service to and from New York. Hills but sent a telegram, instead. FOUND—CARTON OF foodstuff. IWEL back to her father’s house, that was Travelers Broadcaadna Service Note; All programe to key and basic chains or groups tberof unleaa aueel- Owner may have same by proving Tel. 3063—8880 or 8864. Qilrh It wasn’t like Gypsy to ignore all certain. A beetle-browed young man fled; coast to coast (e to c) designation includes all avallr.bie stations. Propi'imt subjfct to chang* P. M. property. Call at 5 South Main McELUOfT these, but she did and he was rather who looked like a reporter had been Cant Eaat. street. Telephone 8020. OifClNiASsnlcakK. alarmed. He searched the-New York paymg off a taxi just she’d rush­ Friday, February 28, 1934 NBC-WEAF NETWORK 7:00— Myrt A Marge— east only; PUBUC PASSENGER i i u papers for comment on Derek’s ac­ BASIC — Eaat! weaf wlw wee! wtic ^M la^tileo Orchaatra-midwest ed away. Easterii Standard -Time wjar wtag wcab wfl wilt wfbr wre wgy 6 :1 ^ 7:15— Just Plain Bill — east: SERVICE 20A GYPSY MOBELL and TOM cident but found none. Well, there was one thing ahe P. M. when wcae wtarn wwj wsal; Mid; ksd Texas Rangera— west; Panleo Or.— AU'l'UMUBlLES i^UK SALE 4 W’E A V E B are married on the same He was very busy in Cleveland could do— one place she could go, 4:00—Walter Dawley, Organist. wmaq wofl woc-who wow wdaf wkbf . Orehea.— Dixie IN ADDITION TO Silver Lane Bus NORTHVt/EST 41 CANADIAN — wtmj 7:30— Music on tho Air— east: day as LILA HOT AU N G and but he had time to worry about taking David with her! The thought 4:30— Norman Cloutier, and Mod­ wiba kstp webc wday kfyr cret cfcf Showmen— Dixie; Orchestra-weat FOR SALE— 1928 REO 3 ton dump Line, De Luxe Bus for lodge, party ®:45— 7:45— Boaka Carter, Talk— ba­ TO2BEK BLISS, but while LUa lives his wife and child, to feel complete­ frightened her but .'^he beat it down. ern Dance Orchestra. SOUTH — wrva wptf wwpc wls wjax truck, 1932 Ford canopy pick up or team trips, we also offer 7 pas­ wfla-wsqn wlod wsro wmo wsb wapi sic; The Three, of Us— west lu luxury Gypsy has to struggle to ly cut off . from them. He didn’t When he woke she picked him up 5:00—Mabel F. Armstrong, con­ .Happy Bakara— basic 1-2 ton truck, 1938 Chevrolet senger sedan livery. Phone 3068, wjdjt wsnqb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre keep expenses within Tom’s income. blame Gypsy for sulking. He’d act­ and changed him amd held him tralto; Mrs. Charles Beckley, ac­ woai ktba ktha waoc wave ,7:15—■ 8:15— Edwin C. Hill — basic Towne sedan. Riley Chevrolet, 60 8860, 8864. ed like a complete ass. But when he companist; MOUNTAIN—Voa kdyl kglr kgbl . Dunafatltar Orchestra— west Wells street. Telephone 6874. Alter Gypsy’s son Is bom her clase. ’They were going away and PACIFIC COAST — kgo kfl kgw komo 7:80— 8:30—The March of Tima— to o days become a dreary rofmd of explained all the circumstances of maybe they wouldn’t come back. ■9:15--Studlo Program. 'khq kfsd ktar kgu kpo 8:00— 9:00—Stokowski Orchaa.— also c the evening she would understand. 5:30— Tom Mix. 8:15— 9:15—Ruth Etting, Songe— to o COURSES AND CLASSES 27 caring for him ano for her ^ m e . Tom rushed up the steps of the Cent. Eaat. 8:30— 9:30— Jack Whiting Ravua— to o She suspects Tom is interested in He was in a fever of impatience to shabby mansarded and gabled 5:45— Wizard of Oz. 4:30— 5:30— Tom Mix’a Sketch— east — Olaan A Johnson— c to cat BEAUTY CULTURE— Earn while be beck. 6:00— W/lghtville Clarion. 4:45-- 6:4fr—The Wizard ot Oz, Drama 9:30—10:30—CBS Broadcast-^ to cst Waat A« V E IU GRAY who works in the house. Beatrice said afterward he 5:00— 6:00— Olnnar Concert— also csi 9:45—10:45— Mary Eastman, Songs— learning. Detailx free. Hartford same office. This njoming, after turning in looked like a wild man. 6:30— Irene Beasley. 6:45— Your Folks and Mine. 6:30— 6:20— Irene Beasley, Songs— .Oaslc; Myrt and Marge— w repeat Academy of Hairdressing, 693 Mam Lila dlvon%e Derek. Vera finds his reports at the office, he barged “Where’s Gypsy?’’ eaat; Tom Mix— repeat to midwest cat M anchester street, Hartford, up to the apartment. Had Mrs. “I don’t know.’’ 7:00— Morton Bowe, tenor. 8:45— 6:46— Protection of Child, Talk 10:30— 11:30— Isham Jonas Oreh.— c to c excuses to see Tom often and one 7:15— Ray and Ernie. 6:00— 7:00— Morton Bowe, Tenor Solo 11:00— 12:00— Don Redman Or.— c to c Weaver returned? ’The hallboy 6:15— . :1S— Billy Bachelor’s Sketch Evening Herald night, after tricking him Into tak­ “Why don’t you know? What’s 7:30— Studio Program. 11:30— 12:30— Loon Belaaeo and Louis didn’t- know. But he buzzed the happened?” 6i30— 7:30— To Be Announced Panleo Orchestras— coast to coast ing her home, suggests they run 7:45— “Dramatized Coins.” 6:45— 7:45— The Qoldbarga, Serial Act 12:00— 1:00— Dance Hour— wabo only POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 43 f.partment and no one answered. CLASSIFIED away together. Tom leaves hastily. Beatrice untangled her long legs 8:00 — Jessica Dragonette and 7:00— 8:00— Orch. A Cavaliera— c to c NBC-WJZ NETWORK Derek, leamiqg LUa divorced him No, there wasn’t any mail; at least from the arm of the wicker chair 8:00— 9:0<^Waltzing by Ab# Lyman ADVERTISEMENTS Quartet 8 :3 (^ 9:30— Maude Adams In Drama BASIC — Eaat: wjs wba-wbia wbal FOR SALE—NEW 300 egg incu­ to marry MARKO BROUGHTON, he hadn’t seen any about. Well, over which they had been draped, 9:00 — Famous Favorites— Chris­ 9:00— 10:0

Arlaosa and Haw ICaxiao did not i antar tba Union until 1913, two H Benid iUri. j^ a bdfera tba outbreak of the «l^iB. ! i U /J 1 HAMCHEffTER EVENING HERALD, UANOUESIER, CONN., FRIDAY, FBKtOART 28,1W4, FAoa'm w f W

The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All Trains By Fontaine Fox OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Ahem THE SKIPPER HATES TO BE KIPPED ABOUT 0ETTIN6 OFF AND SENSE and NONSENSE WAtKlNO UP SOAT HILL SO THAT THE CAR CAN MAKE THE BRAPE. TH ’ OWLS CLUB \S Vou RN6W MWnOBPRMP TR' OEIW \N A^PEECR THE raiN TER’S 8T<»T IPriend— Everything is g^ing up. TrrCkA\t4 A ■PA'PCTV TOfAOPROW ♦ Poet— Yes; only yesterday a lady N16KT TOR TU'GOAL BABCbt WELCOME 9-*.TW06E KfeS The typographical arror If offered me a nickle for one of my AN' CHOWDER BC^S ARE slippery thing and sly, thoughts. KE<3 AN' CWOyWDBB C lU B - You can hunt until Jibti are dizsy, FAMOUS'ra^THHR 30HaE - but it somehow will ^ by, / a n ' W t WANT NOU,fAA3^, First Shoplifter— Does your sister Till the forms are oft the presses, iPART\E& UP AY GOOSE YSLAHt:^; still go in for shoplifting now she’s ,TD UANX3LETR' i certain well-known local company. Flapper Fa n n y Sa y & "The man who wrote that,” he faid, SEO. U. t. SAT. orf. ______O "reminds me of a window cleaner le jiih who was doing his work when a very loud crash brought the owner of the office into ,the room. S( ()R( HY SMITH Delayed By John C. Terry "W hat was that?” he asked. "Ladder slipped, boss!” HOLP gVBRVTf^l^O / So r r y -T H IS plane w ill be HOW SERIOUS "Have you broken the window?” DELAVeD - I'M I30IN& TO SEE IF I IS THE STOR/V1 ? "No, not all of i t ” - JUST S o t t h is flash from CAN tEARN How LON© - ANY chance Of TH6 WEATHER BUREAU ! "There was a time when, if a boy (JOIN© THR0U6I kissed a girl she stayed kissed— but To NIGHT ? now he’s lucky if she stays married after be marries her.” A

W e may feel sorry for the man who loaned more money on a piece of property than it would or could ever pay . . . But that’s about as far as we can go.

A lady entered a train and sat in a car containing a solitary man. The Man (politely) — Pardon me, miss— The Lady— If you speak or annoy me. I’ll pull the train cord. • UM Tk« A. P . All IU«kU IUmtv«4 Elvery time he attempted to speak he met the same rebuff. A t last the By WillianivS train slowed to a stop, and the v\ s h i n (;t () n tubs ii By ( rane OUT OUR WAY T polite man arose to bis feet: FBAOY? i r n i R PROP. AMHICHCVSR «W ELLt O -O -O O ! WHY DID YOU The Man—I doa’t care whether OlRSCTlON THE LEATHER 1 WAC AFRAID ■ou like it or not, but I want that WHY m T POit>fTS, 'AT'S th e wav IT'D POINT LEAVE TH' CAR hiag of strawberries you’ve been sit­ TOWARD 7 A hot sketch often has good we'uL 60. TH E WORLD DOOR O PEN ? ting on for the last twelve miles. Unoa. ALASKA. DIP YOU g o s h ! I C A N T T TU R N HIM HOLD HIM. WHEN =l 7 L O O S E HE AIN’T SEEN PET SH 1 ? YOU FER A . COUPLE DAYS.



1P.V. hCA 3> wc.nct. >J fi PAT. Off. s a le s m a n SAM Hard To Take! By Stiih'' OUWNO tOHATS *tU' t^ATTeR. LOlTU MC^ LOELL, I TH iNK H«R.ea A TbNic — 6tiT f r a n k l y , s ir ., ^ o u < »n d o a n ', AAOVe ALL, 03H€N YER ft CONCRe.T& A T L0OR.K^ DON'T TUiNK OF WS>TfeC.I C A N 'T KEEP M\Y rMNO ON f-V/ I «:a n h e l p Ya - tAOKE. FCR Yo u r s e l f *t\iAM a n Y f-\eoiciNe c a n I hjhen M I X E R 1 OJO(2.K - GAvN'T SLEEP -MicS-HTS - AN' iTfe JesT Y£R YA g o T o 0eo^ t a k e a p a d AN'* PeNCIL uJlTH YATb count a n YTU in o eLse.- 3e.aT , C A N 'T -STAV AttJAKe. DAYS— I'c^ FULL,A^ N E R v e a l SHs e p ON I AN'y OUR-lNtf- T U ’ OAY^ tOHISTLe.1 ©tiR.V YeR EELF \N Yer. 30S] TH' •GiTrep-slv 3L I'S OH-k p h I i'LLTRY DONT FIRE UNTIL >itoU SEE THE DRUcs- RHEUMaTSM TiT To n i c , b u t t h ' HECK OHTH Yeft. O e P Y * CURK t « ALSO WHITES OF THEIR EYES....SQUEEZE ^ooD For THE ^iTH oTVaes A O Y IC «. — A MESSAGE O y r OF A TOOTH PASTE ARMSaM0LJ6«» OF FDOMlTbRe TUBE, ONTO A STtVE LID, AND □/ MAIL IT Tb Your Co n g r e s s i r MAN...WHOOP8, MY D EA R !' m j



4 ...1 1 . V':

&.1/ Jn FOURTJSElf tfmirlrtBtnr fvntftto FRIDAY/mRUAKT^gK; susmilmfr MODERN AND Ice coated and slippery this morn­ easy courses for the water to flow less the guttsrs are open and the DANCE POSTPONED ing. With but one. exception resi­ through and when it Arose over later catch basins mads free to handle OLD FASHIONED DANCE PUBUC SEIBACK STREET GUTTERS dents of tbe street from the Center in tbe n^hr it bad left both sides tbe flow, there Is certain to be to New street on tbe south and to ot the street covered .with ice. All floods that In low places might In­ Window Shades r n * ilUfcly dBaee •* tte Jarvlt Keeney Stzeet, Saturday Nlfbt Edgerton street on the north aide street comers today are water undate cellars. Fine qualify of Hdlland Ton­ K^V99 Duiee HaU hi^ been post­ TONIGHT BE0MCANAI3 had shoveled out the walks in front pools. Wehr's Orchestra. Orange Hall Pedestrians experienced difficul­ tine, aoeolutdy washable, tn- a‘l poned doe to weather oonditioiis. of their property. Anticipating more rain or a period ty this morning crossing from one colors, made to order and hung Bofnlar danoes win be resumed James Rhodes, Prompter. Cash Prizes; Refreshments There is a Storm water sewer In of warm weather that will convert side of the street to the other on on your windows, 45c. New nest Stanrday nlfbt, Blareh Srd. Center street that takes care of tbe the streets into canals, the street ucceunt of deep pools of water roUers, 10c. Samples furnished Rain and Thaw Melt Snow water that flows down the street Rev. J. S. Neill of St. Mary's Epis­ department today bad a large force sround the street comers. Only on -eqnest. X meettnf of the Junior Sons of and empties into the lot in tbe rear of men Clearing snow from the those with rubber bqots escaped get­ Italy Is called for this evening at copal church will give the third in of tbe Eldgewood House. 'There are bis series of lectures on “What a Rapidly r-C a tch R a ^ s catch basins and opening up the ting their feet wet- With a warm ABOUTTOWN 6:45 at the School Street Recrea­ several side streets also drained by gutters. 'The pondition of the streets sun today, street-conditions are ex­ tion Center. All members, are urged Churchman Ought to Know,’’ at the Capitol Window church this evening at 7:30 sharp. Cleared Today. this system. Ail are blocked up and last night and this morning foUow- pected to become worse by tonight. Hrf. Emma C. Bancroft, who has to be present. the rain yesterday started tbe water ing the rain gave some indication Shade Co. spent several mcmths in Newport Setback players who regularly at­ flowing. of what it will be like if heavy rains 46 Cspen St. Hartford and Providence, R. I., has returned The American Legion Drum Corps tend tbe Manchester Green Com­ Sidewalks on both the north and Not being able to get into, the set in or a warm sun thaws tbe to the home of her daugrbter, Mrs. will omit Its regular rehearsal to­ munity club’s Friday evening so­ south sides of Center street were catch basins the sidewalks proved snow to a considerable extent. Un­ Read The Herald Advs. Harry S. Gaboon, of 13 Summit night because of the ex-service cials, are reminded that tbe session street. men’s activities at the Rec. tonight wrlll be omitted out of re­ spect for B. H. Spencer, a member of the committee, whose death oc­ curred this week, with fimeral yes­ terday. Doctors' Circulating Prescriptions There will be a special showing of Library "Eskimo” for school children at the Are carefully filled by regis­ State theater at 3:45 Monday aft­ tered pharmacists at our Drug Read the new books at Hals’s ThflJWHAUco popular Circulating Library. 2c ernoon. This will hr the only special Department. (Main Floor, showing. right). M a n c h e t t e b Co n n -. a day. (Main Floor, front).

Philip Shaw, Jr., of this town, was / elected second vice-president of the Connecticut State Federation of Post Office Clerks at the thirteenth Dark Frocks with A Success! Hale’s Great Warning! Buy for your furture as well annual convention held In Green­ wich yesterday. Mr. Shaw lives on as your immediate needs, in our Anniver­ Hackmatack street. • A Touch of White— Nutmeg Forest, No. 116, Tall M. K. M. sary Sale, for we are once again demon- Cedars of Lebanon, will hold an im­ portant meeting tonight at the Ma­ Fashion’s Newest sonic Temple. Tills will Include an stating our mastery, with the opening of inspection of all uniforms and dur­ Toe Guard ing the evenini: motion pictures will Style Featured In These our be shown through the courtesy of the U. S. Navy department. A full attendance is requested. A 'The usual Saturday evening dance will be held tomorrow night at the SILK Highland Park Community club, 68th and the attic party will be post­ poned until Saturday evening, Silk Hose March 3. Wilmer Keeney of Keeney street, proprietor of the City View dMce FROCKS hail, advertises the usual dance for tomorrow evening from 8 to 12 'Chiffon ANNIVERSARY o’clock. James Rhodes of Tolland Also; will announce the old-fashioned 'Service dances and Wehr’s orchestra will play. Mr. Keeney has had a force Prints ' Regular of men clearing off the snow .o $ r . 9 5 provide plenty of parking space on Combinations 79c Grade the grounds surrounding the ball on SALE Keeney street. Pastels Tbe regular Saturday night dance Select one of these held at Jarvis Grove dance hall has new Spring frocks Women were picking these up all day long on Thursday. This been postponed for tomorrow night and rest assured and Is our regular 79c M.K.M. silk hose. Heavy twist, high grade on account of the weather condi­ ou're wearing the tions and parking ' facilities. Tbe stockings. Smart and thrifty women will not let this sale dances will be resumed the follow­ ateet, moat popular begins tomorrow dress fashion. Here pass by without indulging In several .lalrs. ing Saturday, March 8. are the much talked about navy and black frocks with a touch of white, .gay S ^ .9 5 UeJWHALECc all-over prints.', QUALITY— STYLES— COLORS— at 9:20 A. M. prints with plain *

traOXAL Wood- N0W ShipmtntI Kotex b u r /i LAMPS (Bkstebed) BEAUTILYNE of flesh brocads with soft Soap swam! top. 15. Extra ^jeciflll •B rld ft UmM of hand ham— rod and fwodiab hammarad iron. Parebmant abadea. Ski Pants, A new shipment for late mow •Alao regular |4.M bridge and Junior fleer lamp# redueedf Face, aklB and scalp soap. 8 stornul OorduRW in wanted Others $6,50 and $8.50 pkgs. cakss for 26o. oolors. GMrla' and mlases' sIz m . Ski Pants—Main Floor, cantor. Foundations—Main Floo^, rear. Twelve Bakins In each paduf*. Main Floor, right. (Main Floor, M t).