AVEBAGB DAILS OIBCULATION THE WBATHEB for the Moo^ el January, 1M4 of 0 . A Weather 5,367 Bartford Member of the Audit Fair and mneh eoMer toolfhtj Boreao e t Gbtmlatlona. V I m t l b Satorday fair and eonthioed cold. VOL. UIL, NO. 123. (daealfled Adrertlslnf on Page U.) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1934. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS PU6UC SCHOOLS L C. C. ORDERS Succeeds Father As King Of The Belgians, COSTHEREDROPS INVESTIGATION LEOPOLD IS ENTHRONED BELOWJITHERS OF N . ^ ROADS KING OF THE BELGIANS Drastic Reduction in Ex­ Wants to Know What Influ­ penses in Past Five Years ence Pennsylvania Com­ 36 Hour Cold Snap Brilliant Array of Foreign — Supt. Verplanck Offers panies Have in Lessening In State Predicted Representatives and Dip­ Some Comparisons. Competition in This Area. lomats Witness Taking of By Associated Presa 4pendlture of CWA funds for snow the Oath hy the New Mon­ A most Informative statement on Washington, Feb. 23.—(AP) — Freezing temperatures and a rul­ removal. From Washington, how­ the cost of public schools in Man­ Investigation of the holdings of the ing from the CWA that It will not ever, came an order today rescind­ Pennsylvania railroad company and ing the ruling. a rch -T h o u sa n d s Cheer chester was obtained today from pay wages of men employed to re­ New Haven was forced to cut its Superintendent of School F. A. Ver­ the Pennroad Corporation in New move snow hampered Connecticut snow removal gang from 1,600 men planck, pointing out that the ex­ England railroads was ordered by today In its effort to restore the to 125. In New Britain, where 800 as King Emerges from the Interstate Commerce Commis­ pense of elementary and high school blizzard-stricken highways to nor­ to 1,000 men had been emploj..d. sion today on compladnt of six New education in this town is well below malcy. Mayor George A Quigley conferred Parliament Building After the average cost throughout the England governors. '■ To add to the state’s dlfll<'ultles, with William H. Judd, chairman of Complaint was filed with the com­ the New Haven brsincb of the U. S. the Board oi Finance imd Taxation, mission by Governors Wilbur L. Weather Bureau predicted a 36- to consider the new difficulty. the Ceremony. Cros of Connecticut, Louis J. Brann hour cold snap beginning tonight Miss Eleanor H. Little, state of Maine, Joseph B. Ely of Massa­ with the mercury dropping to ten CWA administrator, expressed the chusetts, John G. Wlnant of New above <n New Haven by morning opinion that Washington officials Brussels, Feb. 23.— (A P )— A new Hampshire, Theodore F. Green of and five above in the northern part wei*o uot aware of the serious plight Rhode Island, and Stanley C. Wilson of the state. confronting the state. She pointed King of the Belgians. Leopold IIL of Vermont. A piercing 24-mlle-an-hour north­ out that CWA workers would be waa enthroned today when the for­ They charged that the holdings west wind swept New Haven, send­ idle for two wjeks because of the mer Crown Prince took the oath to ing the temperature down to 26 of the Pennsylvania railroad and storm unless they were g<ven em­ defend the Constitution before both ts holding company, the Pennroad above at 8 a. m. ployment on opening snow choked Corporation, in the Boston & Maine The CWA ruling stunned munici­ highways. Houses of Parliament. railroad and the New York, New pal officials who had looked to the Meanwhile the state highway de­ He officially became King, suc­ Haven A Hartford railroad might administration for help in clearing partment reported virtually all ceeding his father the late Albert I, nave the effect directly or indirectly city streets of the heaviest snowfall main roads were open to one way at the conclusion of the reciting of ot substantially lessening competi­ since the blizzard of 1888. traffic at least, out a coating of ice the oath at 11 o ’clock this morning. tion. When the blizzard struck Con­ made travel hazardous. The 32-year-old Monarch spoke The city of Boston and the Boston *«■ necticut, state headquarters of the Officials also began to give some the brief oath In French and repeat­ Uort Authority expressed approval CWA ruled that an emergency had thought to measures for combatting ed It In Flemish before the legisla­ ot the complaint. been created and authorized the ex- the possibility of floods. tors and assembled dignitaries. The commission ordered a hear­ By the tra^c death of his father, the Duke of Brabant today became King Leopold i n of Belgium. He A splendid array of foreign repre­ ing on May 16 before Commissioner is shown with his wife, the former Princess Astrid of Sweden, and their children, Princess Josephine Char­ sentatives and diplomats in the lav­ Porter and Ehcimlner Koch in lotte and Prince Baudoin Albert. ishly decorated Chamber of Depu­ Washington. ties, cheered the new rufcr with the Reasons for Probe COnON INDUSTRY SAYS SECRETARY same enthusiasm as did thousands The commission ordered its in­ of people who watched him on his vestigation for the purpose of deter­ ride to Parliament from the royal mining: TWO KILLED, 12 INJURED HAN MEETS DEATH ENJOYING A BOOM BURNED HIS FILES castle at suburban Laeken. “V'liether the acquiring and hold­ Thousands of Belgians ecstactl- Fred A. Verplanck ing directly or indirectly of such cally shouting “'Vive Le Rol” and, stock of the Boston and Maine and IN BUS ACCIDENT waving flags and handkerchiefs, state for the school year of 19S2-33. the New Haven or of either of them BY THEATER EXPLOSION But Silk Consumption at Low­ Former Postmaster General hailed Leopold III on his triumph­ The statement is based on the an­ by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com­ ant ride. nual report of the" State Board of pany and the Pennroad Corporation f Some sections along the brilliant Eklucation and places Manchester or by either of them may have the Womao Critically Hurt When est Figure in Years, Na­ Declares He Left It to route showed less enthusiasm than very near the top of the list of the effect (1) O i substantially lessening Policeman Burned to Death UNITS ORGANIZED others, but there were no organized most economically operated schools competition batween the Boston and tional Survey Shows. Clerk What to Keep. counter manifestations. " ‘ in Connecticut. '' Maine and the New Haven or either Sand Truck Collides With Scattered Opposition. Other Places of them on the one hand and the Trying to R esale Man a Scattered antl-Royallst elements In order to make an accurate Pennsylvania Railroad Company on TO BATTLE FIRES among the crowds which pressed in comparison of the cost of schools, the other or (2) Of substantially Passenger Vehicle. New York, Feb. 28.— (AP)— The Washington. Fob. 28.— (AP) — a solid, cheering, pushing throng Mr. Verplanck has draws up a chart Cellar — Building Badly lesseniag competition b«-t>''een the textile- Industry, after a moderate Walter F. Brown, postmaster gen­ along the streets were drowned out on which appears the names of the Boston and Maine amd the New Ha­ eral uad4r" President Hoover, told In the roar of acclaim. six towns next lowest in population lull in the latter months of 1883/ ven or either of them actlfag co- Wrecked. Walpole. Mass., Feb. 23.— (A P)— senate tdrmall tnvestlgatora today For the most part Brussels was to Manchester and also the names jointly with the Pennsylvania Rail­ Flying Squadrons to Be has started 1934 with am outburst' that he had left to the Judgment of A Maine man was killed emd a in a merry mood. of the six towns having the next, road Company on the one hand and of activity. his secretary what of his personal Leopold, himself, was serious and highest population to Manchester, the sale Boston and Maine and New Formed in State Forests at Wilkesbarre, Pa., woman critically Operating conditions have been correspondence should be burned even grim as he saluted his sub­ according to the census of 1930. Haven or either of them acting co- Yonker, N. Y., Feb. 23.— (AP) — injured today as a New York to greatly Improved through elimina­ when he left office. jects. Necessarily towns only have been Jolntly with railroads in trunk line An explosion in the cellar of the Boston bus collided with a sand tion of cut-throat competition by On the stand for the fifth consecu- Dressed for the first time in the selected which maintain high schools territory other than the Pennsylva­ Proctor theater shortly before noon Each of the C. C. C. Camps. truck on the slippery road of the the N. R. A. codes. Standard Sta­ full regalia of a lieutensint general, and elementary schools at public ex­ nia Railroad Company on the other today killed two men and injured new Providence-Boston super-high­ tistics Co., in a new survey, says op­ (CooUnued on Paie Two) and wearing white gloves, he rode pense, which excludes Norwich and hand or (3) Of restraining com­ twelve persons, several of the latter way. erating conditions, largely due to a horse as old the entire gallant New London. the codes, “are now on the soundest merce within the New England so seriously they are expected to Hartford, Feb. 23.—(AP)—As a The dead man was C^orge W. company. The table, which is printed with states or (4) Of tending to create Hatto of Island Falls, Me.,; the most basis since before the war.” die.
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