World Mourns Loss of King of Belgians

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World Mourns Loss of King of Belgians ^ \ ; ' ' f •.) «» '» • ' AVERAGE DAILY OIRCULATIOM THE WEATHER for ttie Month of Jaannry, 1984 f^reoMt of 0. A Wenther H*rttord 5 , 3 6 7 Feir and much colder with a cold Member of the Audit wave tonlffat; Toeaday fair and Dureen of Ofrcoletlonei colder. VOL. LIIL, NO. 119. (daaalfled Advertlalng on Page 10.) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19,1934. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS 1286 RAISED Picture Higrhlights In Life of Belgian Ruler AS 7SOO SEE WORLD MOURNS LOSS ICE URNIVAL OF KING OF BELGIANS Smiling Skies Draw Large Mouarch Killed While Moun- Crowd as Skating Stars Wethersfield Warden taiu CIhubiug — Fuueral Perform on Smooth Ice at Knew Belgians * King services ou Thursday — Center Springs Park. Sou Leopold Will Be Hartford, Feb. 19.— (AP)—Ward-<^ "I was with the party for two en Cha-les S. Reed of the State days," the warden said, "and had a Perfect weather aided by the delightful time. The Prince was a Crowued ou Friday — Prison at Wethersfield is one of the largest and best cast of skating wonderful fellow, democratic and a talent ever to vlait a Msuichester few men in this country who had a delightful conversationalist. He was Flags All Oyer Europe Fly rink combined to produce the ban­ standing invitation to call upon a handsome fellow and one of the King Albert of Belgium at the most delightful companions one ner event in the history of the an­ Brussels palace. could hope to meet.” at Half Staff. nual outdoor sports in this town on The warden, today, recalled two Before the Prince, left the city, he Center Springs rink yesterday after­ pleasant days spent with the klz.g, gave Police Chief Reed his card and noon- then Prince Albert, when he came invited him to call upon nlm if you The weather was ideal for out­ to this country Incognito in 1898 ever come into my country,” re­ By Associated Press door activities and the ice was in and as a guest of the late railroad gardless ot the rank he might hold. All the world combined today in fine condition. The carnival pro­ magnate, James J. HIU, visited The Prince became king socn aft­ mourning for Albert I. King of the gram was opened by Chief An­ Seattle, Wash. The warden then erwards and a few years after their Belgians, killed Saturday night in a nouncer William Krah, who intro­ was chief of police. The period was meeting. Mi ano Mrs. Reed were in fall while mountain climbing. duced Chairman J. Andrew Holz- the iQondykc excitement. Belgium. They called at the Royal Belgium, bowed wdth grief, pre­ helmer, of the Permanent Armistice The Prince, the warden said, Palace where they were cordially pared to crown Albert’s elder son Day Committee, sponsors of the wanted to see “ everything” in that received. But ECing Albert happened as Leopold HI. carnival this year. Chairman Holz- city and Chief Reed was asked to to be at his summer palace far from Only the presence of Crown heimer appealed to the big crowd, serve as personal escort to the re­ Brussels and their second meeting Prince Leopold assuaged the little estimated at 7,500 people, to con­ gal visitor. never took place. nation’s grief, for the Belgian na­ tinue to make Manchester one of tion looks to Leopold, now 32 yesirs the leading winter sports towns in old, as a worthy successor to his New England each year. ' ' i beloved father. Cook Extends Greetings ' Leopold, like his father, served Aaron Cook, chairman of the FRANCE FEARS EFFECTS with the Belgian troops in the Manchester ^ard of Selectmen, World War and gives evidence of welcomed the gathering to Manches­ being as democratic as the late ter and said that he was Intensely Monarch. Interested in outdoor sports though OF KING ALBERT’S DEATH Love of . the dead king and confi­ having been denied this pleasure dence in the new appeared to have himself. The big crowd applauded united all the political factions of Selectman Cook at the conclusion Belgium in the hour of trial. of his welcoming address. Belginm Occupies Vital Posi­ Dlflermces Forgotten Activities started when Herbert DARROW, SEABURY Socialists. Liberals and Conserva­ and Marion Meyer of Springfield “These pictures of the late King Albert and his family recall some of the highlights in the life of Belgium’s beloved ruler. At upper left you see tives stood side by side in mourning. appeared in a double figure skating him in Brussels with the late President Wilson and Mrs. Wilson. At that time. King Albert was being hailed as one of the heroes ot tion in Lineup of Smaller Only the Communists expressed dis­ the World W ar...H e carefully trained his son for succession to the throne, and below are pictured Crown Prince Leopold, who now will become act at 2.50 p. m. Mrs. Meyer was FOR NRA POSITIONS satisfaction with the succession to King, and his wife. Princess Astrid of Sweden. .Next is an unusually fine character study of the dead ruler.. .Always daring and progressive, he the throne and their declaration, dressed in a red skating ensemble was the first crowned heat in the world to ride in an airplane, and the lower photo shows him In tin open cockpit craft. and her partner w£is striking in Nations in Germany’s Re­ calling on workers to refuse recog­ white blouse and dark blue suit. The nition to Leopold, wras ignored by Springfield couple presented an ex­ armament Demands. Gen. Johnson Asks Them to other political factions. cellent number, con-sistlng of spins, Sovereigns of other countries or long and sustained dips and intri­ their representatives, statesmen, PRESIDENT 0 . K.’S ADVISORY BOARD and delegations from all walks of cate whirls to the accompaniment CONNECTICUT COMPANY Paris, Feb. 19.— (AP) — Concern Serye to Look After Inter­ of the music. life prepared to go to Brussels for Wallet and Brown NEWSPAPER CODE was manifested in official quarters the funeral services Thursday and Wallett and Brown of this towp IN STATE QUITS today regarding the possible effects ests of Small Dealers. the coronation Friday. in a doubles figure number pleased RAISES WORKERS’ PAY of the death of King Albert I of Flags throughout most of EJurope flew at halfstaff. A special messen­ the crowd as also did Noval Bap- Belgium on Ftance’s lineup of ger service was established in Brus­ tie, the greatest judge of skating smaller nations against Chancellor Washington, Feb. 19.—(AP)—A sels to convey telegrams and cable- talent in this country. Mr. Baptie, Ask Tkat Big Publications Jjs Notified by Sec. Ickes to Hitler's rearmament demands. board to observe the effect of NRA Agreement Reached to In­ l;elgium occupies a vital position grames of condolences to the sor­ an interested spectator of this act, 3 AUTO DEATHS code^ upon smaD enterprises, nomi­ rowing royal family in the palace. In. this lineup. 'Th., French are nated by Senator Nye, (R., Nd , predicted a great future for Miss Place News Staffs on a 40 Belgium’" allies of the World War Dorothy Brown if she continues in Find Up Work; Many strengthening fortifications in the and including in its membershl crease Wages of Employ­ Rhineland region in the fear Bel­ Samuel Seabui’y, noted New Yor noted with satisfaction that the her art. military leaders of Germany, head­ Gabriel Trezeskie of New Britain, Hour Week. OVER THE WEEK END gium defenses are weak. Some investigator, and Clarence Darrow, Projects Approved. French statesmen even have pro­ the Chicago lawyer, was created to­ ed by President von Hindenburg gave the first single number of the ees Two Cents an Hour himself were among those who sent afternoon. Trezeskie was dressed in posed to extend a chain of steel and day by Hugh S. Johnson. concrete along the Belgian frontier. ■To be known officially as NRA’s messages telling of their grief. an all-black skating suit and was Washington, Feb. 19.— (AP) — for Period of One Year. Fourth Person Is Kille New Haven, Feb. 19.— (A P )—The With this situation obtaining, the “ Review Advisory Board” it meets easily seen to advantage during his Approving the newspaper publishers three highest ranking .members of Monday, February 26, to organize BELGIUM MOURNS act from any distance. Connecticut Advisory Board of the Brussels, Feb. 19.— (A P )—Bel­ code President Roosevelt made a re­ the Cabinet went to Brussels today in time for participation in the en­ Wallett and Foley of this town, Public Works Administration, one suing public hearings and code au- gium today mourned her hero-king New Haven, Feb. 19.— (A P )—An When His Gun Is Dis­ to bow at Albert’s bier as official followed with a men's double num­ quest that newspapers with more of the princlpeil links in the Nation­ envoys of sympathy to France’s and prepared for the coronation of ber, featuring whirls and spins and thar? 75,000 circulation in cities of increase of two cents an hour in the 1 al recovery system—winds up its closest edly. (Oontlooed 00 ?age Two.) his sorrowing son. long figures. The local pedr got a 750,000 or more place their news basic wage of Connecticut company | charged Accidentally. work February 28, after devoting Envoys from France Albert I. King, of the Belgians rousing welcome for their continued staffs immediately on a five day 40 employees was awarded today by a weeks to the consideration of proj­ They are Premier Doumergue and and the Commander-ln-Chlef of interest in the local rink when they hour week basis.
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