CITY OF FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2013-2017 In keeping with the City’s sustainability efforts, this book has been printed on recycled paper. CITY OF LAS VEGAS FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVeMENTIMPROVMENT PLAN PLAN FYFY 2009-20132013-2017

PreparedPrepared by by the Department Department of of Finance Finance Candaceand Business Falder, Services Director Mark Vincent, CPA , Director introductory section Introductory CITY OF LAS VEGAS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FISCAL YEAR 2013



Table of Contents 1 Transmittal Letter 3 Table of Organization by Department 5 City of Las Vegas Officials 6 General Overview 7 Project Expenditures and Funding Sources - Fiscal Years 2013 - 2017 11 Graph - Project Expenditures by Function - Fiscal Years 2013 - 2017 12 Capital Project Expenditures by Fund – Fiscal Years 2013 - 2017 13


Capital Improvement Budget Summary 21 Graph - Project Expenditures by Fund 22 Graph - Total Funding Sources 23 Graph - Project Expenditures by Function 24


Capital Improvement Projects Alpha Reference 25

General Government 29 Other 30

Public Safety 43 Corrections 44 Fire 47 Protective Services 59

Sanitation 85 Sewage Collection 86 Sewage Treatment Plants 118

Public Works 145 Paved Streets 146 Storm Drainage 189

Culture and Recreation 215 Parks 216 Recreation 250 Special Facilities 256




Economic Development and Assistance 259 Urban Redevelopment 260


FY 2013 Capital Improvement Plan and Final Budget Reconciliation 263 Schedule of Indebtedness - Fiscal Year 2013 264 Capital Improvement Expenditures by Function - Last Ten Fiscal Years 266

- 2 - July 30, 2012

Honorable Mayor, Members of the City Council, and Citizens of Las Vegas:

I am pleased to present the city of Las Vegas Five-Year Capital lmprovement Plan LAS VEGAS for fiscal years 2013-2017 (clP). The clP is intended to provide a summary of the CITY COUNCIL city's capital investment for the next five years. lt is also intended to stimulate a thought process to determine (a) how the City can use capital and technology to CAROLYN G. GOODMAN MAYOR become more efficient, (b) if it is making the best use of limited resources in designating capital funding and (c) how the city can take advantage of more grant STAVROS S. ANTHONY and partnership funding for capital projects (i.e., Regional Transportation MAYOR PRO TEM Commission, Clark County Road and Flood, Special lmprovement Districts, etc). LOIS TARKANIAN The local economy continues STEVEN D. ROSS to experience significant economic distress as a result of the recent recession, but growing levels RICKIY. BABLOW employment and sustained improvement in tourism and gaming sectors offer signs recovery. 11.6 percent BOB COFFIN of The unemployment rate for Clark County in April 2012 remained well above the national BOB BEERS average of 8.1 percent, but was considerably improved from a rate of 13.6 percent one year earlier. ELIZABETH N. FRETWELL CITY MANAGER Employment growth has been supported by a slow, but steady, recovery in tourism, with a four percent increase in visitor volume 'lrom 2011. Gaming revenues, hotel occupancy, and taxable sales have seen similar improvements, resulting in growing revenues. Consolidated tax revenues, made up primarily of sales tax, increased by three percent in fiscal 2011 and appear likely to increase by a further five percent in 2012. While tourism and gaming remain vulnerable to reductions in consumer spending, this positive trend in the region's dominant industry is encouraging.

During these challenging times, the city has steadily made progress in our CIP priorities by thoughtful planning. Focus was kept on financial integrity and providing necessary projects critical to support municipal services for our citizens. This CIP contemplates reallocating approximately 922 million of reserves toward one-time projects to address needed investment and repairs of infrastructure in this CIP plan. These reserves were originally created by delaying or cancelling capital projects and reallocating those funds into the Revenue Stabilization Fund. Under the new GASB 54 accounting rules for reporting fund balances, our balances for the last three years of the recession have been hovering very close to 30 percent of operating expenses. Returning those fund balances to the capital project fund should be viewed as a healthy sign.

The city's CIP represents a compilation and analysis of capital needs we anticipate over the next five years. This plan includes construction of new facilities and renovation of existing facilities, parks, and transportation infrastructure and flood control. For example:

o Arterial reconstruction projects for the design and construction of arterial roadway infrastructure improvements within the city right-of-ways. lmprovement projects include improve ADA accessibility, surface drainage, CITY OF LAS VEGAS traffic capacity, traffic delineations, asphalt pavement structures and 495 S. MAIN STREET streetlights. Contemplated projects will extend roadway service life and LAS VEGAS, 89101 improve public safety.

volcg 702.229.6011 TTY 702.386.9108 www.lasvegasnevada. gov -3- o Walkable community and pedestrian and bicycle safety improvement projects to construct missing sidewalks, mid-block crossings with pedestrian signals, widen existing sidewalks, install bike lanes, install needed streetlights, and upgrades to signage and markings where appropriate.

o Parks and recreation projects to improve neighborhood parks including artificial turf replacement where needed and replacing up to five football fields natural turf with artificial turf to facilitate maintenance savings, renovate several community and regional parks, recreation centers, youth facilities and athletic fields.

. Road and flood projects to construct infrastructure including roadways, storm/sewer collection systems, water distribution systems, landscape enhancements, curb and gutter improvements, improvements to paving, pavement re-surfacing, lane line configurations and traffic control systems as warranted.

o Sustainability projects are undenruay to ensure that current and future generations will enjoy the quality of life we have all worked so hard to achieve.

The CIP Plan is a guide. Numerous projects were submitted during the budget process. The Mayor and Council have prioritized these projects and only those with probable funding are reflected in the plan As such, it is subject to change and revision as various Council initiatives change.

The items in the first year of the plan (2013) are those anticipated to incur spending and have, accordingly, been funded in the budget submitted to the Council at the May 15, 2012, Budget Hearing for the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget. Years two through five represent the opinions of department heads and city management in determining identifiable long-term needs of the city. ltems in the ensuing years do not have specific appropriations, although many, such as road improvements funded from the Regional Transportation Commission, have dedicated funding sources.

I am proud of the work we have accomplished and feel our efforts are positioning the city to reemerge from the economic malaise more determined than ever before to increase the quality of life for the residents who live in the city.

Sincerely, tytJ,í,r-/,L /,rÁ,1 Elizabeth N. Fretwell City Manager


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Mayor CAROLYN G. GOODMAN Elected At Large

Councilmember Mayor Pro-Tem STAVROS S. ANTHONY WARD 4

Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember LOIS TARKANIAN STEVEN D. ROSS RICKI Y. BARLOW BOB COFFIN BOB BEERS WARD 1 WARD 6 WARD 5 WARD 3 WARD 2


CITY OF LAS VEGAS ALL DEPARTMENTS Monday–Thursday: 7:00 A.M to 5:30 P.M. (702) 229-6011 -6- General Overview

General Overview



The city has operated under a "Council-Manager" form of government since January 1, 1944. The citizens elect six City Council members and a Mayor who comprise the "City Council." Each member is elected to a four-year term. The Mayor is elected "at large" by all the voters of the City. Each Council member is elected from one of six wards within the City. The City Manager, appointed by the Council, is responsible for day-to-day operations along with the Deputy City Manager and three Chief positions that oversee a super department of interrelated disciplines. The purpose is to get departments that have a natural nexus working together to improve synergy and the way the city does business. Departments are further divided into divisions to facilitate unique functions.

The vision of the City of Las Vegas is to be a world-class, vibrant, affordable, economically and ethically diverse, progressive city where citizens feel safe, enjoy their neighborhoods and access their city government. Its mission is to provide residents, visitors and the business community with the highest quality municipal services in an efficient, courteous manner and to enhance the quality of life thorough planning and visionary leadership. As the city continues to develop into a “World Class City,” part of the ongoing planning process includes the preparation of the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).

The CIP is a multi-year plan that forecasts the capital needs of the City of Las Vegas over a five- year period. The plan allows for a systematic evaluation of all potential capital projects and possible funding sources. It is a forward-looking document to organize project priorities. Despite the slowdown in development, the city continues to be confronted with the formidable task of delivering public services to a diverse population, as well as maintaining the city’s infrastructure. The burden placed on public services, facilities and systems is staggering. Revitalizing downtown, maintaining the integrity of the older neighborhoods, addressing homelessness, responding to basic human needs and improving the overall quality of life are some of the major issues confronting local government. Additionally, public safety, upkeep and building of roads, streets and byways, parks, recreation and cultural amenities are other items to be addressed.

The CIP identifies individual project scopes, schedules and funding. More specifically, it is a process that provides order and continuity to the repair, replacement, construction or expansion of the city's capital assets. Revenue sources include reimbursements from other governments, bond issues, charges for services, and transfers from other city funds. The limitation and variability of these resources makes major capital projects difficult to fund exclusively in any one fiscal year. The CIP is revised annually to include new projects, reflect changes in priorities, and extend the plan an additional year. The first year of the plan is included in the city’s current fiscal year budget and is approved by Council as part of the budget process. Adjustment and updates may be made throughout the year as needs dictate or when changes are made to the existing approved projects.

The CIP document is divided into four sections. The introductory section includes the table of organization, City Officials, the City Manager's transmittal letter, the general overview and five- year summaries of expenditures and funding sources. The capital improvement budget section details the portion of the CIP adopted by City Council for fiscal year 2013. The projects section is categorized in six major expenditure functions: general government, public safety, sanitation, public works, culture and recreation, and economic development and assistance. All capital improvement projects are classified within one of these functions. Each function is outlined in a five-year summary detailed within an activity category. Following the list, capital project detail

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forms are presented for each individual project. The statistical section includes additional financial information.

A capital improvement project is defined as a building, structure, facility or physical improvement to any land, apparatus, or equipment for such an improvement; or any undertaking to construct, renovate, improve, equip, furnish, or acquire any of the foregoing, provided the title will rest with the City of Las Vegas. Improvements to existing structures are considered capital projects when there is an extension of useful life or change in the function of the structure.

The CIP process begins early in the year when each department submits individual project requests to the Public Works Department. These detailed forms include the following information about the proposed project: description, justification, estimated cost and the impact (if any) the project will have on the annual operating budget of the city. The Public Works Department develops a comprehensive list of projects and prepares estimates. Public Works also indicates the priority of each project to be considered. The submittals are reviewed and balanced to the Finance Department-Financial Services Division’s five-year funding forecast. Numerous meetings are held with the City Manager, Chiefs and senior staff to determine the final priority of projects. Projects are aligned within the five-year revenue plan.

Public Works department prepares final project estimates for those projects falling within the budget appropriation year. Current work-in-progress projects are incorporated into the CIP with updated cost, scope and schedule. The Financial Services Division reviews each project sheet for and accuracy and completeness, evaluates fiscal impact, identifies available funding sources, and proposes future funding sources. Fiscal impact analysis, for example, involves determining the effect of the project on the city's cash flow, operating costs and debt burden. The CIP is then aligned with the city’s Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is the primary growth management tool and policy document used to guide future growth and development. The Financial Services Division compiles a preliminary document and presents the funding recommendations to the City Manager for approval. Year one of the plan is submitted to the City Council for its acceptance and approval in the operating budget.

Major Initiatives

The Las Vegas City Council created priorities that provide a vision for the entire city including residents, businesses, visitors and employees. These priorities are wide reaching and include those things contributing to make Las Vegas a world-class city. Projects in the CIP contribute greatly to these priorities. The priorities that are impacted by the CIP are:

 Thriving & Sustainable Business Community – Create a compelling vision attractive to business nationally and internationally, focus on public and private investment, and maintain the momentum of downtown development.

 Safe & Healthy City – Provide for a clean, well planned, structurally sound community, improve the safety of our streets through targeted engineering and infrastructure investment, and preserve the integrity and continued functionality of aging infrastructure through predictive and preventative maintenance. Improve long-term public health by creating and promoting accessible and affordable healthy activities for youth as well as adopt “Walkable Communities” plans in every Council Ward.

 Comprehensive Fiscal Stewardship – Fund infrastructure replacement and future capital infrastructure.

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 Community Pride – Offer public art & cultural opportunities, nice parks and recreational opportunities, physically attractive areas, enhance residents’ quality of life though planning and visionary leadership, sustainable neighborhoods, create a city where people want to live, work and play.

Revenue Summary

The funding of capital improvements is a challenging process for any entity since most resources generated are utilized for operations. In Nevada, government revenue sources are limited due to lack of home rule. Utilization of ad valorem taxes for capital improvements requires legislative action, approval of the Nevada Tax Commission or voter approval.

In the five-year cycle encompassed by this CIP, the city intends to utilize a variety of resources to fund its capital needs. They include:

 Bonds - General obligation bonds or revenue bonds already issued or to be issued which are used for parks and recreation projects, public safety facilities and city facility projects. New Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (NCREB) and Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECB) are bonds issued in conjunction with installment-purchase agreements for energy conservation and renewable energy projects to be secured by a security interest in the property.

 Contributions - Businesses or individuals who either wish to fund special projects or want a particular benefit (e.g., road surfacing and drainage projects) may in whole or in part be funded with contributions.

 Clark County Regional Flood Control District (CCRFCD) - Reimbursement received from CCRFCD, funded from a voter approved 1/4 cent increase in Sales Tax to repay bonds issued to design and construct flood control projects.

 Fund Balance (FB) - Reserve monies accumulated from prior years’ appropriations for work-in-progress projects.

 Grants - Grants and Federal monies received from (1) Community Development Block Grant programs, (2) HOME Grant programs and (3) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Grants

 Impact Fees – Fees imposed on new development to finance costs for constructing capital improvements or facility expansions necessitated by new development.

 Local Governments (GOVTS) - Reimbursements from other governmental entities per interlocal agreements.

 Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) - Reimbursements received from NDOT paid from tax revenue for traffic safety programs.

 Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) - Reimbursements for street construction and flood control projects received from RTC bond proceeds. The debt is repaid with gasoline taxes.

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 Residential Construction Tax (RCT) - Imposed on the construction of new apartment houses and residential dwelling units to pay for constructing capital improvements in particular park districts.

 Room Tax - Monies received from the State of Nevada for a legislatively imposed 1% motel/hotel room tax to be used exclusively for transportation projects

 Service Fees - Charges to individuals based on their usage of special services.

 Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act (SNPLMA) – Public land sales to fund the development of parks, trails and natural areas.

 Special Assessments (Assessments) - Amounts received from certain property owners to defray all or part of the cost of capital improvement projects deemed to benefit those owners' properties.

For the city to fund the necessary expansion of facilities over the next several years, management will need to consider future bond issues. The city has a legal debt limitation not to exceed 20% of the total assessed valuation of the taxable property within the city boundaries. Currently, the city general obligation debt approximates 2.70% of assessed valuation. Bond issues can go to the vote of the people and, therefore, be repaid by an increase to property taxes or repaid by a designated revenue or user fee.

Due to the current economic environment, revenue projections will remain conservative. This creates a difficult management situation because many major capital improvement projects are necessary in the mature areas of our community as well as those with newer growth. However, the city has limited available revenue to fund such projects. Those improvements that are considered the most urgent or have an existing funding source are being pursued. Possible solutions to advancing other projects are narrowing the scope of the project or phasing the project over a multiyear period. These options and many more will be considered as revenues become available.


What follows is a detailed listing of each project. These projects are needed if the city is to continue to provide the highest quality of life and meet the ever-increasing demands of the community. The CIP is a guide to better serve Las Vegas residents and must be given proper focus and attention. If Las Vegas is to continue to meet the current demands, revenue problems must not be allowed to deter necessary capital improvements.

The continuing process of developing and updating the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan reflects the city's priorities and commitments to efficiently and effectively provide services to the community as a whole.


Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Year Year Year Year Year PROGRAM 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 TOTAL

General Government$ 39,369,440 $ 3,203,401 $ $ $$ 42,572,841 Public Safety 34,225,970 17,515,018 5,020,180 1,216,000 1,000,000 58,977,168 Sanitation 132,774,985 60,847,098 33,719,187 21,566,077 19,283,740 268,191,087 Public Works 111,167,391 53,839,668 14,750,534 3,612,629 6,271,984 189,642,206 Culture and Recreation 66,854,132 10,044,589 2,448,334 3,772,000 3,070,000 86,189,055 Economic Development 3,687,797 3,687,797 and Assistance

Total$ 388,079,715 $ 145,449,774 $ 55,938,235 $ 30,166,706 $ 29,625,724 $ 649,260,154


Bonds$ 5,863,024 $ 7,195,582 $ 3,326,014 $ $$ 16,384,620 CCRFCD 34,952,431 32,804,824 10,725,534 3,071,984 81,554,773 Contributions 11,703,092 11,703,092 Fund Balance 75,679,387 13,719,048 2,353,000 741,000 665,000 93,157,435 Grants 37,324,820 1,270,076 38,594,896 Impact Fees 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 2,000,000 NDOT 13,524,753 11,292,984 550,000 25,367,737 Residential Construction Tax 3,486,291 3,486,291 Room Tax 7,843,254 1,057,129 870,000 819,629 130,000 10,720,012 RTC 26,481,500 3,233,835 5,000 5,000 5,000 29,730,335 Service Fees 132,774,985 60,847,098 33,719,187 21,566,077 19,283,740 268,191,087 SNPLMA 33,413,128 5,529,384 38,942,512 Special Assessments 4,633,050 3,073,814 2,675,000 2,863,000 3,000,000 16,244,864 Unfunded 5,026,000 1,314,500 3,772,000 3,070,000 13,182,500

Total$ 388,079,715 $ 145,449,774 $ 55,938,235 $ 30,166,706 $ 29,625,724 $ 649,260,154


Public Safety$ 55,000 $ 55,000 $ 55,000 $ 55,000 $ 55,000 $ 275,000 Sanitation 64,870 74,916 82,999 88,085 93,295 404,165 Public Works 2,181 2,246 2,313 2,383 9,123 Culture and Recreation 654,000 1,354,500 285,000 285,000 285,000 2,863,500

Total$ 773,870 $ 1,486,597 $ 425,245 $ 430,398 $ 435,678 $ 3,551,788


Economic General Government Development $3.69 $42.57

Public Safety $58.98 Sanitation $268.19

Culture and Recreation $86.19

Public Works $189.64



Fund/Project Title Funding Source 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

GENERAL CPF: Conservation Energy Projects Various $$ 3,203,401 $ $ $$ 3,203,401 Renewable Energy Projects Various 16,679,556 16,679,556 Symphony Park Infrastructure Various 3,687,797 3,687,797

General CPF 20,367,353 3,203,401 0 0 0 23,570,754

CITY FACILITIES CPF: 500 South Main Street Garage Fund Balance 810,179 810,179 Atrium (Bonanza-Dike) Parking Lot Fund Balance 1,372,150 1,372,150 Atrium Building Tenant Improvements Fund Balance 3,857,339 3,857,339 Civic Center Plaza Fund Balance 3,784,083 3,784,083 - 13 Land Assemblage Fund Balance 37,797 37,797 Land for Business Park Fund Balance 9,000,000 9,000,000 Land Purchase Fund Balance 1,800,000 1,800,000 Symphony Park Pedestrian Bridge Various 1,988,336 1,988,336 - City Hall Pre Project Costs Fund Balance 40,000 40,000

City Facilities CPF 22,689,884 0 0 0 0 22,689,884

FIRE SERVICES CPF: Emergency Power Backup Systems Fund Balance 791,326 791,326 Fire CPF Apparatus/Equipment 2012 Bonds Bonds 2,137,315 2,192,181 2,192,180 6,521,676 Fire CPF Fire Equipment Fund Balance 2,390,022 2,390,022 Fire Station #103 (was 6) Renovation Fund Balance 484,945 484,945 Fire Station #106 (was 103) Stella Lake & Mt. Mariah Bonds 2,556,018 2,556,018 Fire Station #107 Del Webb & Sundial Fund Balance 2,420,327 2,420,327 Fire Station #108 Bonanza & Page Various 3,250,000 2,133,397 5,383,397 Fire Station #141 - (Phase 2) Fund Balance 505,315 505,315 Fire Station #6/CSN Instructional Center Fund Balance 384,217 384,217 Las Vegas Emergency Management Center Various 1,250,031 1,250,031 Regional Public Safety Complex - Building One Fund Balance 1,800,000 6,700,651 8,500,651

Fire Services CPF 17,969,516 11,026,229 2,192,180 0 0 31,187,925 CITY OF LAS VEGAS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EXPENDITURES BY FUND FISCAL YEARS 2013 - 2017

Fund/Project Title Funding Source 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

PUBLIC WORKS CPF: ADA Accessibility & Pedestrian Pathway Rehab Room Tax 600,000 600,000 600,000 549,629 2,349,629 Arterial Reconstruction Projects Various 5,832,506 5,832,506 Cheyenne Channel Common Lot Improvements Fund Balance 100,000 100,000 Concord Storm Drain Various 481,311 481,311 Charleston Boulevard Median Improvements Various 784,934 784,934 D Street Enhancement Various 2,000,000 534,665 2,534,665 Nominal Drainage Projects - Unallocated Fund Balance 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Downtown Core Signage Program Room Tax 150,000 150,000 Drainage Contribution Projects Fund Balance 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Harris/Manning Parking Lot Fund Balance 125,000 125,000 Huntridge Phase 6 Various 2,325,080 2,325,080 - 14 Sawtooth Roadway Improvements Fund Balance 589,374 589,374 Sidewalk Infill Project, Areas 1 & 6 Various 6,099,499 6,099,499 Meadows Walkable Community Fund Balance 750,000 750,000 Sahara West Walkable Community Fund Balance 850,000 850,000 Stewart_Ogden Streetscape Enhancements Fund Balance 3,422,175 3,422,175 Street Rehabilitation Projects Contributions 1,383,266 1,383,266

Public Works CPF 25,693,145 1,334,665 800,000 749,629 200,000 28,777,439

TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS CPF: Automated Traffic Counting Program Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 Bicycle Safety Program Fund Balance 63,000 63,000 63,000 61,000 250,000 Bus Stop Sign Installation RTC 2,516 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 22,516 Charleston @ Durango/Rancho Intersection Improvements NDOT 300,000 2,684,000 2,984,000 Charleston @ Durango/Rancho Intersection Improvements RTC 157,895 157,895 Conflict Monitor Replacement Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 Controller Replacement Upgrade Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 Decatur Charleston Intersection Widening Fund Balance 50,000 1,250,000 550,000 1,850,000 Fiber Optic Connection Fund Balance 54,571 54,571 Arterial Interconnect Conduit Program FY 2005 RTC 300,000 118,894 418,894 ITS Communication Infrastructure RTC 537,874 537,874 ITS Communication Infrastructure Phase 2 NDOT 5,344,133 5,344,133


Fund/Project Title Funding Source 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS CPF: cont'd Neighborhood Traffic Control Measures Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 275,000 Non-signal Intersection Improvements Fund Balance 259,970 50,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 484,970 Pedestrian Safety Upgrade Program Fund Balance 165,000 165,000 165,000 105,000 600,000 Roadway Lighting Asset Identification Program Fund Balance 163,524 163,524 Safe Route to School Grants NDOT 1,689,198 1,689,198 School Sign Upgrade Various 40,030 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 200,030 Street Lighting Upgrade Various 1,071,557 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,371,557 Street Sign Upgrade Room Tax 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 150,000 Traffic Improvement Program RTC 1,060,081 1,060,081 Traffic Signal Cabinet Replacement Various 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Traffic Signal LED Replacement Program Fund Balance 800,000 800,000 - 15 Traffic Signals Various 800,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 2,400,000 Uninterruptible Power Supply Fund Balance 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 Video Detection Systems Fund Balance 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000

Traffic Improvements CPF 13,156,454 5,488,789 1,828,000 1,216,000 1,000,000 22,689,243

PARKS & LEISURE ACTIVITIES CPF: All-American Park Artificial Turf Fund Balance 2,000,000 2,000,000 All-American Park Artificial Turf Unfunded 1,000,000 1,000,000 Bonanza Trail SNPLMA 2,398,925 2,398,925 Charleston Median Island (Durango Drive to Hualapai Road) Room Tax 370,002 370,002 Construction Bid Reserve Fund Balance 2,639,553 2,639,553 Doolittle Park Renovation Phase 1 & 2 SNPLMA 510,000 1,098,963 1,608,963 Floyd Lamb Visitor's Center Grants 188,088 188,088 Garside Pool/Bathhouse Improvements Grants 8,094,304 8,094,304 Gilmore/Cliff Shadows Park Fund Balance 444,998 444,998 Hills Park Residential Const. Tax 80,000 80,000 I-215 Beltway Trail Segments SNPLMA 4,030,000 1,823,205 5,853,205 Jaycee Park Renovations Phase 2 SNPLMA 1,400,000 235,649 1,635,649 Las Vegas Arts District Gateway Various 64,240 64,240 Las Vegas Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement Fund Balance 4,244,118 4,244,118 Las Vegas Phase 2 SNPLMA 8,500,000 8,500,000 Las Vegas Wash Trail Phase 1 and 2 SNPLMA 2,010,000 1,086,092 3,096,092


Fund/Project Title Funding Source 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

PARKS & LEISURE ACTIVITIES CPF: cont'd. Las Vegas Wash Trailhead Bridge SNPLMA 2,207,097 2,207,097 Lone Mountain Trail System Phase 2 SNPLMA 920,915 920,915 Lorenzi Park Renovation Phase 2 Various 9,224,960 9,224,960 Median Enhancements (O&M) Various 1,099,998 1,099,998 Neighborhood Park Improvements Residential Const. Tax 382,891 382,891 Neon Boneyard Park SNPLMA 459,751 200,000 659,751 Visitor's Center Grants 1,040,000 410,076 1,450,076 Park Amenity Replacements Fund Balance 258,000 232,000 490,000 Park Amenity Replacements Unfunded 26,000 314,500 272,000 570,000 1,182,500 Pedestrian Bridge - Cultural Corridor Trail SNPLMA 286,790 286,790 Pedestrian Bridge - Las Vegas Wash SNPLMA 1,740,000 856,116 2,596,116 - 16 Pedestrian Bridge - Lone Mountain Trail SNPLMA 433,969 433,969 Performing Arts Center and Parking Lot Contributions 5,146,840 5,146,840 Rampart Median Island Landscaping Room Tax 3,407 3,407 Rancho Median Island Improvements Fund Balance 105,766 105,766 Rose Warren Park Upgrades Residential Const. Tax 329,878 329,878 Sandhill/Owens Park Phase 1 SNPLMA 530,000 135,027 665,027 Sandhill/Owens Trailhead SNPLMA 260,000 94,332 354,332 Stupak Park Grants 2,040,227 860,000 2,900,227 Teton Trails Park Phase 4 Residential Const. Tax 367,126 367,126 Tropical/Durango Park Phase 2 Residential Const. Tax 1,227,117 1,227,117 Tropical Overpass Landscaping Various 277,555 277,555 Turf Replacement Program Fund Balance 1,000,000 1,000,000 Turf Replacement Program Unfunded 3,500,000 2,500,000 6,000,000 Urban Pathways - Las Vegas Arts District (18B) Banners and Streetlights Room Tax 237,617 187,129 424,746 West Side School Remodel Various 1,300,000 1,800,000 1,133,834 4,233,834

Parks & Leisure Activities CPF 66,854,132 10,044,589 2,448,334 3,772,000 3,070,000 86,189,055 CITY OF LAS VEGAS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EXPENDITURES BY FUND FISCAL YEARS 2013 - 2017

Fund/Project Title Funding Source 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

ROAD & FLOOD CPF: Angel Park North - Detention Basin CCRFCD 6,087,349 3,134,203 9,221,552 Ann Road Channel West - Rainbow Blvd. CCRFCD 4,000,000 1,290,000 5,290,000 Bonneville/Clark One-Way Couplet Phase I RTC 704,290 704,290 Bonneville/Clark One-Way Couplet Phase II Various 3,968,930 3,968,930 Boulder Highway Sahara Avenue - Eastern to Mojave CCRFCD 818,282 818,282 Brent Drainage System - Durango Drive to El Capitan CCRFCD 461,044 461,044 Brent Drainage System - Floyd Lamb Park to Durango CCRFCD 318,840 318,840 Bus Turn-Out Program FY 2011 RTC 570,000 570,000 Bus Turn-Out Program FY 2012 Room Tax 800,000 800,000 Centennial-Sky Pointe @ US 95 Various 1,880,000 1,880,000 Charleston/Lamb Intersection Improvements Various 3,350,000 2,795,725 6,145,725 - 17 Decatur Boulevard - Meadows/Sahara RTC 251,595 251,595 Decatur Boulevard / Charleston Intersection Widening Fund Balance 1,900,000 1,900,000 Downtown Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements Fund Balance 11,599,667 11,599,667 Downtown Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements Unfunded 3,000,000 3,000,000 Flamingo Wash - Boulder Highway North - Main Street CCRFCD 300,000 4,500,000 3,130,000 7,930,000 Freeway Channel-Washington-MLK to Rancho CCRFCD 798,510 5,000,000 2,568,071 8,366,581 Gowan Outfall - Lone Mountain (Rancho to Decatur) CCRFCD 953,966 953,966 Horse Drive @ US 95 Interchange RTC 616,289 616,289 Jones Boulevard - Elkhorn/Horse RTC 45,491 45,491 Jones Boulevard/Valley View Boulevard Couplet System RTC 8,197,589 8,197,589 Las Vegas Blvd Widening - I-515 to Owens Various 724,981 724,981 Las Vegas Wash - Decatur & Elkhorn CCRFCD 2,100,000 2,100,000 Las Vegas Wash - Grand Teton System CCRFCD 5,100,000 4,992,621 10,092,621 Las Vegas Wash - Rancho Dr. System (Carey/Lake Mead Det. Basin-Peak) CCRFCD 83,960 83,960 Las Vegas Wash-Bonanza-Las Vegas Wash to Lamb CCRFCD 745,897 745,897 Main Street - US 95 to Owens Various 398,770 398,770 Main Street/Commerce One-Way Couplet Various 1,631,081 2,600,000 4,231,081 Martin Luther King Boulevard - Palomino/Carey RTC 2,925,971 2,925,971 Martin Luther King Boulevard/Industrial Road Connector RTC 2,349,582 2,000,000 4,349,582 Meadow Detention Basin Upgrade CCRFCD 200,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 3,700,000 Oakey - Meadows Storm Drain Design CCRFCD 566,635 566,635 Oakey - Meadows Storm Drain Phase 2 CCRFCD 3,471,746 3,471,746 Oakey Storm Drain - Cahlan to Barnard CCRFCD 1,137,753 1,137,753


Fund/Project Title Funding Source 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

ROAD & FLOOD CPF: cont'd Owens Avenue East - Mojave to Eastern CCRFCD 522,684 522,684 Owens System (Vegas Dr. Storm Drain) - Shadow Mtn. (Michael)/Rancho) CCRFCD 9,000,000 3,888,000 12,888,000 Rainbow Boulevard - Westcliff/Sahara NDOT 152,631 5,492,419 550,000 6,195,050 Rancho Drive US 95 to Ann Road RTC 2,500,000 540,690 3,040,690 Rancho System - Beltway to Elkhorn CCRFCD 421,193 6,000,000 2,424,471 8,845,664 Rancho System - Fort Apache and Grand Canyon CCRFCD 300,000 2,000,000 1,102,992 3,402,992 Sahara Avenue-Eastern Lateral CCRFCD 205,237 205,237 Sheep Mountain Parkway EIS Study RTC 800,000 197,531 997,531 Summerlin Parkway - I-215 Beltway/US 95 RTC 453,217 453,217 Transportation Enhancement Grant Match Fund Balance 500,000 500,000

- 18 Road & Flood CPF 80,841,196 49,431,189 11,275,534 0 3,071,984 144,619,903

Detention & Enforcement CPF: Animal Shelter Retrofit Phase 1 Fund Balance 1,000,000 1,000,000 Animal Shelter Retrofit Phase 1 Unfunded 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 D&E Control System Retrofit Fund Balance 2,100,000 2,100,000

Detention & Enforcement CPF 3,100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 5,100,000

Special Assessments CPF: Ann Road (Cimarron to Leggett) - Special Improvement District 1514 Special Assessments 1,000 1,000 Cliff Shadows Parkway - Buckskin/Lone Mtn Special Improvement Dist 1510 Special Assessments 340,212 340,212 Providence - Special Improvement District 607 Special Assessments 304,550 63,000 367,550 Sidewalk Infill - Special Improvement District 1519 Special Assessments 500 500 Summerlin Ph 1 - Special Improvement District 404 Special Assessments 1,200,000 1,200,000 Summerlin Ph 2 - Special Improvement District 707 Special Assessments 380,000 314,782 694,782 Summerlin Ph 3 - Special Improvement District 808 Special Assessments 587,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 6,587,000 Summerlin Ph 4 - Special Improvement District 809 Special Assessments 1,600,000 80,820 1,680,820 Summerlin Village 23B Special Improvement District 810 Special Assessments 500,000 700,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,500,000 4,900,000 Various Roadway Special Improvement Districts Special Assessments 60,000 75,000 175,000 163,000 473,000

Special Assessments CPF 4,633,050 3,073,814 2,675,000 2,863,000 3,000,000 16,244,864 CITY OF LAS VEGAS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EXPENDITURES BY FUND FISCAL YEARS 2013 - 2017

Fund/Project Title Funding Source 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Sanitation EF: Antelope - Westcliff Relief Sewer Service Fees 623,439 623,439 Bonanza-Mojave WRC SCADA/Control System Service Fees 400,000 400,000 Bonneville Underpass Rehabilitation Service Fees 600,000 600,000 600,000 1,800,000 Charleston Boulevard Repair/Replacement Service Fees 2,680,682 2,680,682 CLV-CCWRD Sludge Project Service Fees 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 CLV-CNLV Flow Control Gate Service Fees 500,000 500,000 Compliance Directed Projects Service Fees 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000 Dewatering Building Equipment Rehabilitation Service Fees 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 Downtown Interceptor Phase 2 Rehabilitation Service Fees 540,500 4,864,500 5,405,000 Durango Hill WRC Relief Sewer Service Fees 658,553 658,553 Hutridge Sewer Rehabilitation Service Fees 142,500 142,500 - 19 Main Street Commerce Couplet Service Fees 30,714 30,714 Minor Sewer Modifications Related to RTC Projects Service Fees 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,000 Oakey Meadows Phase 2B Service Fees 242,500 242,500 Rampart Boulevard Diversion - Alta/Cheyenne Service Fees 330,400 2,973,600 3,304,000 Reuse Facility Plan Projects Service Fees 15,450,000 15,450,000 Sahara - Arden Sewer Repair/Replacement Service Fees 880,000 7,920,000 8,800,000 Sahara Oakey Interceptor Phase 3 Rehab - Oakey, Valley View-Westwood Service Fees 313,300 2,819,700 3,133,000 Sandhill Relief Sewer - Owens Ave Interceptor Rehabilitation Service Fees 544,700 4,902,300 5,447,000 SCADA/Control System Upgrades Service Fees 7,000,000 3,000,000 10,000,000 Sewer Oversizing and Extension Agreements Service Fees 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000 Sewer Rehabilitation Service Fees 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 4,000,000 Sewer Rehabilitation Group A - Sandhill, Lamb Service Fees 539,500 4,855,500 5,395,000 Sewer Rehabilitation Group B - Grd Cen., Main, Carson, Ogden, Cedar, Alleys Service Fees 321,917 2,897,255 3,219,172 Sewer Rehabilitation Group C - Foremaster, Charleston, 25th, 15th Service Fees 2,864,274 2,864,274 Sewer Rehabilitation Group E - Alta-Valley View, Rancho-Tonopah Service Fees 168,500 1,516,500 1,685,000 Sewer Rehabilitation Group F - Rancho, Smoke Ranch, Gowan, Craig, Alex. Service Fees 207,473 1,867,256 2,074,729 Sewer Rehabilitation Group H - Lake Mead, Rancho to Rampart Service Fees 8,732,000 8,732,000 Sewer Rehabilitation Group I - Oakey, Peccole, Summerlin Service Fees 712,875 6,415,879 7,128,754 Sewer Rehabilitation Group J - Ann, Rio Vista, Bradley, Jones, Elkhorn Service Fees 209,227 1,883,038 2,092,265 Sewer Rehabilitation Group K - Arville Street Relief Sewer Service Fees 242,360 2,181,240 2,423,600 Sewer Rehabilitation Group L - Sahara, Durango, Peccole Ranch, Charleston Service Fees 628,400 5,655,600 6,284,000


Fund/Project Title Funding Source 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Sanitation EF: cont'd Sewer Rehabilitation Group M - Desert Inn, The Lakes, Durango, Sahara Service Fees 180,800 1,627,200 1,808,000 Sewer Rehabilitation Group N - Cheyenne, Buffalo, Sun City Service Fees 455,639 4,100,753 4,556,392 Valley View Sewer Rehabilitation Service Fees 510,597 510,597 Vegas Drive - Rancho/I-15 Repair/Replacement Service Fees 5,469,219 5,469,219 Vegas Drive Relief Sewer Phase I - Shadow Mountain to Parkchester Service Fees 2,112,217 2,112,217 Vegas Drive Relief Sewer Phase II/Rehabilitation Group G Service Fees 536,848 4,831,632 5,368,480 WPCF BNR Rehabilitation Service Fees 1,000,000 1,000,000 WPCF Compressor Building Service Fees 1,500,000 1,500,000 WPCF Corrosion Control Service Fees 8,000,000 8,000,000 WPCF Digester Rehabilitation Service Fees 500,000 5,000,000 5,500,000 - 20 WPCF Electrical Upgrades & Headworks Bypass Service Fees 5,500,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 25,500,000 WPCF Energy Efficiency & Equipment Replacements Service Fees 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 WPCF Flare Service Fees 3,000,000 3,000,000 WPCF Gas Scrubbing Project Service Fees 3,200,000 3,200,000 WPCF MC-CER Service Fees 9,000,000 9,000,000 WPCF Nitrification Dewatering Wells Service Fees 2,000,000 2,000,000 WPCF NTP Modifications Service Fees 1,000,000 1,000,000 WPCF Odor Control Project Service Fees 20,100,000 20,100,000 WPCF Plants 3 & 4 Primaries & Secondaries Rehabilitation Service Fees 1,000,000 1,000,000 WPCF Plants 5 & 6 Primary Rehabilitation Service Fees 1,000,000 1,000,000 WPCF Receiving Area Update Service Fees 900,000 900,000 WPCF Reduced Loading Service Fees 5,000,000 13,600,000 18,600,000 WPCF Sludge Blending and Pumping Service Fees 2,650,000 2,650,000 WPCF Solar Power Service Fees 6,900,000 6,900,000 WPCF TWAS Rehabilitation Service Fees 5,000,000 5,000,000

Sanitation EF 132,774,985 60,847,098 33,719,187 21,566,077 19,283,740 268,191,087

Total Capital Projects $ 388,079,715 $ 145,449,774 $ 55,938,235 $ 30,166,706 $ 29,625,724 $ 649,260,154 capital improvement Capital Improvement Budget budget fy 2013 CITY OF LAS VEGAS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2013


General $ 20,367,353 City Facilities 22,689,884 Fire Services 17,969,516 Public Works 25,693,145 Traffic Improvements 13,156,454 Parks and Leisure Activities 66,854,132 Road and Flood 80,841,196 Detention & Enforcement 3,100,000 Special Assessments 4,633,050

Subtotal Capital Projects Funds 255,304,730

Sanitation 132,774,985

Subtotal Enterprise Funds 132,774,985

Total All Funds $ 388,079,715


General Government $ 39,369,440 Public Safety 34,225,970 Public Works 111,167,391 Sanitation 132,774,985 Culture and Recreation 66,854,132 Economic Development and Assistance 3,687,797

Total $ 388,079,715


$132.78 Sanitation

$80.83 Road and Flood

$66.85 Parks and Leisure Activities

$25.69 Public Works

$22.69 City Facilities

$20.37 General

$17.97 Fire Services

$13.16 Traffic Improvements

$4.63 Special Assessments

$3.10 Detention

$0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250



$132.78 Service Fees $75.68 Fund Balance $37.33 Grants $34.95 CCRFCD $33.41 SNPLMA $26.48 RTC $13.53 NDOT $11. 70 Contributions $7.84 Room Tax $5.86 Bonds $4.63 Special Assessments $3.49 Residential Construction Tax $0.40 Impact Fees

$0 $25 $50 $75 $100 $125 $150 $175



Economic Development 0.95% Public Safety Sanitation 8.82% 17.23% General Government 10.14%

Public Works Culture and 28.65% Recreation 34.21%

- 24 - projects section Projects


Project Section Sub Section Project Title (Function) (Activity) 500 South Main Street Garage General Government Other ADA Accessibility & Pedestrian Pathway Rehab Public Works Paved Streets All-American Park Artificial Turf Culture & Recreation Parks Angel Park North - Detention Basin Public Works Storm Drainage Animal Shelter Retrofit Phase 1 Public Safety Corrections Ann Road Channel West - Rainbow Blvd. Public Works Storm Drainage Arterial Interconnect Conduit Program FY 2005 Public Safety Protective Services Arterial Reconstruction Projects Public Works Paved Streets Atrium (Bonanza-Dike) Parking Lot General Government Other Atrium Building Tenant Improvements General Government Other Automated Traffic Counting Program Public Safety Protective Services Bicycle Safety Program Public Safety Protective Services Bonanza Trail Culture & Recreation Parks Bonneville/Clark One-Way Couplet Phase I Public Works Paved Streets Bonneville/Clark One-Way Couplet Phase II Public Works Paved Streets Boulder Highway Sahara Avenue - Eastern to Mojave Public Works Storm Drainage Brent Drainage System - Durango Drive to El Capitan Way Public Works Storm Drainage Brent Drainage System - Floyd Lamb Park to Durango Public Works Storm Drainage Bus Stop Sign Installation Public Safety Protective Services Bus Turn-Out Program FY 2011 Public Works Paved Streets Bus Turn-Out Program FY 2012 Public Works Paved Streets Centennial-Sky Pointe @ US 95 Public Works Paved Streets Charleston @ Durango/Rancho Intersection Improvements Public Safety Protective Services Charleston Boulevard Median Improvements Public Works Paved Streets Charleston Median Island (Durango Drive to Hualapai Road) Culture & Recreation Parks Charleston/Lamb Intersection Improvements Public Works Paved Streets Cheyenne Channel Common Lot Improvements Public Works Storm Drainage Civic Center Plaza General Government Other Cliff Shadows Parkway - Buckskin/Lone Mountain - SID 1510 Public Works Paved Streets Concord Storm Drain Public Works Storm Drainage Conflict Monitor Replacement Public Safety Protective Services Conservation Energy Projects General Government Other Construction Bid Reserve Culture & Recreation Parks Controller Replacement/Upgrade Public Safety Protective Services D Street Enhancement Public Works Paved Streets D&E Control System Retrofit Public Safety Corrections Decatur Boulevard - Charleston Widening Public Works Paved Streets Decatur Boulevard - Meadows/Sahara Public Works Paved Streets Decatur-Charleston Intersection Widening Public Safety Protective Services Doolittle Park Renovation Phase 1 & 2 Culture & Recreation Parks Downtown Core Signage Program Public Works Paved Streets Downtown Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements Public Works Paved Streets Drainage Contribution Projects Public Works Storm Drainage Emergency Power Backup Systems Public Safety Fire Fiber Optic Connection Public Safety Protective Services Fire CPF Apparatus/Equipment 2012 Bonds Public Safety Fire Fire CPF Fire Equipment Public Safety Fire Fire Station #103 (was 6) Renovation Public Safety Fire Fire Station #106 (was 103) Stella Lake & Mt. Mariah Public Safety Fire Fire Station #107 Del Webb & Sundial Public Safety Fire Fire Station #108 Bonanza & Page Public Safety Fire


Project Section Sub Section Project Title (Function) (Activity) Fire Station #141 - (Phase 2) Public Safety Fire Fire Station #6/CSN Instructional Center Public Safety Fire Flamingo Wash - Boulder Highway North - Main Street Public Works Storm Drainage Floyd Lamb Visitor's Center Culture & Recreation Recreation Freeway Channel - Washington - MLK to Rancho Public Works Storm Drainage Garside Pool/Bathhouse Improvements Culture & Recreation Recreation Gilmore/Cliff Shadows Park Culture & Recreation Parks Gowan Outfall - Lone Mountain - Rancho to Decatur Public Works Storm Drainage Harris/Manning Parking Lot Public Works Paved Streets Hills Park Culture & Recreation Parks Horse Drive @ US 95 Interchange Public Works Paved Streets Huntridge Phase 6 Public Works Paved Streets I-215 Beltway Trail Segments Culture & Recreation Parks ITS Communication Infrastructure Public Safety Protective Services ITS Communication Infrastructure Phase 2 Public Safety Protective Services Jaycee Park Renovations Phase 2 Culture & Recreation Parks Jones Boulevard - Elkhorn/Horse Public Works Paved Streets Jones Boulevard/Valley View Boulevard Couplet System Public Works Paved Streets Land Assemblage General Government Other Land for Business Park General Government Other Land Purchase General Government Other Las Vegas Arts District Gateway Culture & Recreation Parks Las Vegas Blvd Widening - I-515 to Owens Public Works Paved Streets Las Vegas Emergency Management Center Public Safety Fire Las Vegas Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement Culture & Recreation Recreation Las Vegas Springs Preserve Phase 2 Culture & Recreation Parks Las Vegas Wash - Bonanza - Las Vegas Wash to Lamb Public Works Storm Drainage Las Vegas Wash - Decatur & Elkhorn Public Works Storm Drainage Las Vegas Wash - Grand Teton System Public Works Storm Drainage Las Vegas Wash - Rancho Drive System Public Works Storm Drainage Las Vegas Wash Trail Phase 1 and 2 Culture & Recreation Parks Las Vegas Wash Trailhead Bridge Culture & Recreation Parks Lone Mountain Trail System Phase 2 Culture & Recreation Parks Lorenzi Park Renovation Phase 2 Culture & Recreation Parks Main Street - Commerce One-Way Couplet Public Works Paved Streets Main Street - US 95 to Owens Public Works Paved Streets Martin Luther King Boulevard - Industrial Road Connector Public Works Paved Streets Martin Luther King Boulevard - Palomino/Carey Public Works Paved Streets Meadows Detention Basin Upgrade Public Works Storm Drainage Meadows Walkable Community Public Works Paved Streets Median Enhancements (O&M) Culture & Recreation Parks Neighborhood Park Improvements Culture & Recreation Parks Neighborhood Traffic Control Measures Public Safety Protective Services Neon Boneyard Park Culture & Recreation Parks Neon Museum Visitor's Center Culture & Recreation Recreation Nominal Drainage - Unallocated Public Works Storm Drainage Non-signal Intersection Improvements Public Safety Protective Services Oakey - Meadows Storm Drain Design Public Works Storm Drainage Oakey - Meadows Storm Drain Phase 2 Public Works Storm Drainage Oakey Storm Drain - Cahlan to Barnard Public Works Storm Drainage Owens Avenue East - Mojave to Eastern Public Works Storm Drainage


Project Section Sub Section Project Title (Function) (Activity) Owens System (Vegas Dr. Storm Drain) - Michael/Rancho Public Works Storm Drainage Park Amenity Replacements Culture & Recreation Parks Pedestrian Bridge - Cultural Corridor Trail Culture & Recreation Parks Pedestrian Bridge - Las Vegas Wash Culture & Recreation Parks Pedestrian Bridge - Lone Mountain Trail Culture & Recreation Parks Pedestrian Safety Upgrade Program Public Safety Protective Services Performing Arts Center and Parking Lot Culture & Recreation Special Facilities Providence - Special Improvement District 607 Public Works Paved Streets Rainbow Boulevard - Westcliff/Sahara Public Works Paved Streets Rampart Median Island Landscaping Culture & Recreation Parks Rancho Drive US 95 to Ann Road Public Works Paved Streets Rancho Median Island Improvements Culture & Recreation Parks Rancho System - Beltway to Elkhorn Public Works Storm Drainage Rancho System - Fort Apache and Grand Canyon Public Works Storm Drainage Regional Public Safety Complex - Building One Public Safety Fire Renewable Energy Projects General Government Other Roadway Lighting Asset Identification Program Public Safety Protective Services Rose Warren Park Upgrades Culture & Recreation Parks Safe Route to School Grants Public Safety Protective Services Sahara Avenue - Eastern Lateral Public Works Storm Drainage Sahara West Walkable Community Public Works Paved Streets Sandhill/Owens Park Phase 1 Culture & Recreation Parks Sandhill/Owens Trailhead Culture & Recreation Parks Sawtooth Roadway Improvements Public Works Paved Streets School Sign Upgrade Public Safety Protective Services Sheep Mountain Parkway EIS Study Public Works Paved Streets Sidewalk Infill Project, Areas 1 & 6 Public Works Paved Streets Stewart - Ogden Streetscape Enhancements Public Works Paved Streets Street Lighting Upgrade Public Safety Protective Services Street Rehabilitation Projects Public Works Paved Streets Street Sign Upgrade Public Safety Protective Services Stupak Park Culture & Recreation Parks Summerlin Parkway - I-215 Beltway/US 95 Public Works Paved Streets Summerlin Ph 1 - Special Improvement District 404 Public Works Paved Streets Summerlin Ph 2 - Special Improvement District 707 Public Works Paved Streets Summerlin Ph 3 - Special Improvement District 808 Public Works Paved Streets Summerlin Ph 4 - Special Improvement District 809 Public Works Paved Streets Summerlin Village 23B Special Improvement District 810 Public Works Paved Streets Symphony Park Infrastructure Econ. Devel. & Assist. Urban Redevelopment Symphony Park Pedestrian Bridge General Government Other Teton Trails Park Phase 4 Culture & Recreation Parks Traffic Improvement Program Public Safety Protective Services Traffic Signal Cabinet Replacement Public Safety Protective Services Traffic Signal LED Replacement Program Public Safety Protective Services Traffic Signals Public Safety Protective Services Transportation Enhancement Grant Match Public Works Paved Streets Tropical/Durango Park Phase 2 Culture & Recreation Parks Tropical Overpass Landscaping Culture & Recreation Parks Turf Replacement Culture & Recreation Parks


Project Section Sub Section Project Title (Function) (Activity) Uninterruptible Power Supply Public Safety Protective Services Urban Pathways - LV Arts District (18B) Banners & Streetlights Culture & Recreation Parks Video Detection Systems Public Safety Protective Services West Side School Remodel Culture & Recreation Recreation Zappos - City Hall Pre Project Costs General Government Other

Sanitation Enterprise Fund Projects Sanitation Sewage Collection Sanitation Enterprise Fund Projects Sanitation Sewage Treatment Plants

- 28 - General Government

General Government General Government

Capital improvements associated with the legislative and administrative branches of City government are accounted for by this function. Projects include new facilities, major renovations and upgrades to existing city facilities.



2013$ 39,369,440 $ 39,369,440

2014 3,203,401 3,203,401




TOTAL$ 42,572,841 $ 42,572,841

- 29 - OTHER

Priority Project Title Page Number

500 South Main Street Garage31 Atrium (Bonanza-Dike) Parking Lot 32 Atrium Building Tenant Improvements 33 Civic Center Plaza 34 Conservation Energy Projects 35 Land Assemblage36 Land for Business Park 37 Land Purchase 38 Renewable Energy Projects 39 Symphony Park Pedestrian Bridge40 Zappos - City Hall Pre Project Costs 41

1 2 3 4



- 30 - 500 South Main Street Garage

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # 28435 Construct a new parking garage located at 500 South Main Street at Clark Avenue, adjacent to Symphony Park. This multi-level structure will contain approximately 750 parking spaces. It will be used by the Smith Center and other City properties.

Estimated Completion Date: 09/30/2012

Total Project Funding 25,955,607 Prior Years' Expenditures (12,804,180) Projected Current Year Expenditures (12,341,248) Project Balance 810,179

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 810,179 810,179 Equipment/Furnishings Total 810,179 810,179


Bonds Fund Balance 810,179 810,179 Grants Total 810,179 810,179

- 31 - Atrium (Bonanza-Dike) Parking Lot

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # Construct an overflow parking lot for the Development Services Center at Bonanza and Dike. The lot will be surrounded by six foot high tube steel fence and a masonry wall along Dike Lane. It will contain 117 parking spaces, be lighted and accessed by an automatic card reader gate system.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 1,400,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (27,850) Project Balance 1,372,150

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 50,000 50,000 Construction 1,322,150 1,322,150 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,372,150 1,372,150


Bonds Fund Balance 1,372,150 1,372,150 Grants Total 1,372,150 1,372,150

- 32 - Atrium Building Tenant Improvements

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # 28549 This project will provide the necessary tenant improvements for the Atrium Building at Rancho Drive and U.S. 95 to relocate the Development Services Center.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2012

Total Project Funding 15,800,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (9,942,661) Projected Current Year Expenditures (2,000,000) Project Balance 3,857,339

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 3,857,339 3,857,339 Equipment/Furnishings Total 3,857,339 3,857,339


Bonds Fund Balance 3,857,339 3,857,339 Grants Total 3,857,339 3,857,339

- 33 - Civic Center Plaza

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # 28435 A new 303,085 square foot building to replace the existing City Hall, located between Main and First Streets, and Lewis and Clark Avenues.

Estimated Completion Date: 09/30/2012

Total Project Funding 162,590,540 Prior Years' Expenditures (104,806,457) Projected Current Year Expenditures (54,000,000) Project Balance 3,784,083

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 3,784,083 3,784,083 Total 3,784,083 3,784,083


Bonds Fund Balance 3,784,083 3,784,083 Grants Total 3,784,083 3,784,083

- 34 - Conservation Energy Projects

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # Conservation energy projects may include, but are not limited to building retrofits and exterior lighting replacement with better energy efficient products.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 6,784,100 Prior Years' Expenditures (2,999,959) Projected Current Year Expenditures (580,740) Project Balance 3,203,401

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 3,203,401 3,203,401 Total 3,203,401 3,203,401


Bonds 3,203,401 3,203,401 Fund Balance Grants Total 3,203,401 3,203,401

- 35 - Land Assemblage


This project is to acquire contiguous parcels of land in the downtown area for possible use as an events center or arena site. The assemblage of these parcels will position the City of Las Vegas to be able to offer to a developer a site in order to build a cutting edge, more modern facility that will compete for prestigious shows and events with other cities across the country and provide millions of dollars to the local economy. It will also ensure that Las Vegas remains the world’s premier event destination location.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 19,391,385 Prior Years' Expenditures (17,587,648) Projected Current Year Expenditures (1,765,940) Project Balance 37,797

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' 37,797 37,797 Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 37,797 37,797


Bonds Fund Balance 37,797 37,797 Grants Total 37,797 37,797

- 36 - Land for Business Park

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # Acquire land for a business park.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 9,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 9,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' 9,000,000 9,000,000 Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 9,000,000 9,000,000


Bonds Fund Balance 9,000,000 9,000,000 Grants Total 9,000,000 9,000,000

- 37 - Land Purchase

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # To continue the land assemblage for the property east of the old city hall site. Location of the property is 405 N. 6th Street.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 1,800,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 1,800,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' 1,800,000 1,800,000 Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,800,000 1,800,000


Bonds Fund Balance 1,800,000 1,800,000 Grants Total 1,800,000 1,800,000

- 38 - Renewable Energy Projects

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # Renewable energy projects may include, but are not limited to solar covered parking areas, solar improvements at various city buildings, fire stations and west yard complex.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 35,931,235 Prior Years' Expenditures (12,060,988) Projected Current Year Expenditures (7,190,691) Project Balance 16,679,556

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 16,679,556 16,679,556 Total 16,679,556 16,679,556


Bonds Fund Balance Grants 16,679,556 16,679,556 Total 16,679,556 16,679,556

- 39 - Symphony Park Ped Bridge

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # Pedestrian bridge across the Union Pacific railroad tracks to connect the parking garage at 500 South Main Street to the Symphony Park development.

Estimated Completion Date; 12/31/2012

Total Project Funding 2,500,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (311,664) Projected Current Year Expenditures (200,000) Project Balance 1,988,336

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 1,988,336 1,988,336 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,988,336 1,988,336


Bonds Fund Balance 1,575,112 1,575,112 Grants 413,224 413,224 Total 1,988,336 1,988,336

- 40 - Zappos - City Hall Pre Project Costs

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # To cover miscellaneous expenses for Zappos - City Hall Project Costs.

Extimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 139,920 Prior Years' Expenditures (39,920) Projected Current Year Expenditures (60,000) Project Balance 40,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 40,000 40,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 40,000 40,000


Bonds Fund Balance 40,000 40,000 Grants Total 40,000 40,000

- 41 - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Public Safety Public Safety Public Safety

Capital improvements associated with the protection of life and property are accounted for by this function. Specific activities included are Corrections, Fire and Protective Services. Corrections accounts for the detention center which houses arrestees and sentenced misdemeanants. Fire accounts for the construction and acquisition of fire apparatus, training facilities and future fire stations. Protective Services accounts for expenditures associated with protection activities such as the installation of traffic control devices, street and curb markings and street signs. The City's main objectives are to protect people and property and alleviate traffic congestion.


FISCAL PROTECTIVE YEAR CORRECTIONS FIRE SERVICES TOTAL 2013$ 3,100,000 $ 17,969,516 $ 13,156,454 $ 34,225,970

2014 1,000,000 11,026,229 5,488,789 17,515,018

2015 1,000,000 2,192,180 1,828,000 5,020,180

2016 1,216,000 1,216,000

2017 1,000,000 1,000,000 TOTAL$ 5,100,000 $ 31,187,925 $ 22,689,243 $ 58,977,168


Priority Project Title Page Number

1 Animal Shelter Retrofit Phase 1 45 D&E Control System Retrofit 46


- 44 - Animal Shelter Retrofit Phase 1

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # The City of Las Vegas, in cooperation with other local agencies and a private vendor, operates a regional animal shelter, which is located on city-owned land. The long term master plan for the facility has identified a need for upgrades to maintain quality services while maximizing the life span of the existing buildings. Based on current formulas used to determine funding allocations from participating jurisdictions, the estimated CLV portion of the upgrades is $3 million. Recognizing current funding limitations, the project is being approached in phases. $1 million is being requested for FY13 with the intent to re-evaluate the feasibility of funding future phases in FY14 and FY15. The CLV funding would be used for phase 1 priority work. While priorities are not finalized at this time, an example of work to be completed includes the conversion from evaporative cooling to air conditioning in portions of the facility where a damp environment creates challenges in controlling infectious diseases. All work to be completed will be directed towards the long term goals of eliminating the use of temporary structures on site and integrating the current building into future expansion plans.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2015

Total Project Funding 3,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 3,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 FUNDING SOURCES

Fund Balance 1,000,000 1,000,000 Unfunded 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 Total 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000

- 45 - D&E Control System Retrofit

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # Prior to 2006, the need was identified to replace the video surveillance, video management, intercom and door control systems in the Detention Center. The existing components are not integrated into one cohesive system, parts are obsolete and legitimate concerns exist related to liability and compliance with NRS requirements. The project was envisioned to be completed in several phases, with previous general fund money being allocated to begin the process. Those funds were placed in an IT internal service fund, with approximately $195,000 remaining. Phase one of the project replaced the obsolete Oasis software a critical step in maintaining the existing system until further phases could be completed. Funding is now being requested for replacement of the following: • Video surveillance and video management system • Intercom and door control systems with graphic user interface • Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) system. The video components are essential to ensuring compliance with NRS regulations and to meet a City Attorney opinion on the duration of surveillance video storage. The intercom and door control systems will allow remote operation of access control points, a primary security feature in the facility. The UPS replacement is included as the current system is in year 12 of an anticipated 15 year lifecycle and it is experiencing age-related component failures.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 2,100,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 2,100,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 2,100,000 2,100,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,100,000 2,100,000 FUNDING SOURCES

Fund Balance 2,100,000 2,100,000 Unfunded Total 2,100,000 2,100,000

- 46 - FIRE

Priority Project Title Page Number

Emergency Power Backup Systems 48 Fire CPF Apparatus/Equipment 2012 Bonds 49 Fire CPF Fire Equipment 50 Fire Station #103 (was 6) Renovation 51 Fire Station #106 (was 103) Stella Lake & Mt. Mariah 52 Fire Station #107 Del Webb & Sundial 53 Fire Station #108 Bonanza & Page54 Fire Station #141 - (Phase 2) 55 Fire Station #6/CSN Instructional Center 56 Las Vegas Emergency Management Center 57 Regional Public Safety Complex - Building One 58

- 47 - Emergency Power Backup Systems


Purchase generators for emergency backup. In the event Nevada Energy fails, the fire station systems need to run independently without reduction of emergency services. Fire stations built after 1998 were automatically equipped with an emergency generator powering the entire building. Fire stations 2, 3, 4, 7, and 9 are equipped with small generators capable of powering only part of the fire station. Partial emergency power at the older stations has resulted in emergency response delays due to system failures. The loss of power to overhead doors and computer down time affect emergency operations.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2012

Total Project Funding 1,948,157 Prior Years' Expenditures (355,673) Projected Current Year Expenditures (801, 158) Project Balance 791,326

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 791,326 791,326 Equipment/Furnishings Total 791,326 791,326


Bonds Fund Balance 791,326 791,326 Grants Total 791,326 791,326

- 48 - Fire CPF Apparatus/Equipment 2012 Bonds


As part of the Fire Safety Initiative passed by the city voters in November 1999, our fire engines are going to be replaced every 7 years and our ladder trucks replaced every 10 years due to the wear and tear of our major apparatus responding to fire and medical calls. Various fire equipment may also be purchased from these bonds.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2015

Total Project Funding 10,664,228 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (4,142,552) Project Balance 6,521,676

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 2,137,315 2,192,181 2,192,180 6,521,676 Total 2,137,315 2,192,181 2,192,180 6,521,676


Bonds 2,137,315 2,192,181 2,192,180 6,521,676 Fund Balance Grants Total 2,137,315 2,192,181 2,192,180 6,521,676

- 49 - Fire CPF Fire Equipment


Purchase fire related equipment to include rescue units and staff vehicles.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 3,191,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (300,978) Projected Current Year Expenditures (500,000) Project Balance 2,390,022

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 2,390,022 2,390,022 Total 2,390,022 2,390,022


Bonds Fund Balance 2,390,022 2,390,022 Grants Total 2,390,022 2,390,022

- 50 - Fire Station #103 (was 6) Renovation


Once the crew from the original Fire Station #6 located at Upland Blvd. transferred to its new location at the College of Southern Nevada Charleston campus, the old building will be renovated and become the new Fire Station #103. It is tentatively scheduled to house EMS-1 and a new rescue unit (from current staffing). This facility will help us achieve our goal of arriving at life threatening medical incidents within the city within 6:05 minutes after going enroute (90% of the time).

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 926,993 Prior Years' Expenditures (440,939) Projected Current Year Expenditures (1,109) Project Balance 484,945

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities (already being charged) Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 484,945 484,945 Equipment/Furnishings Total 484,945 484,945


Bonds Fund Balance 484,945 484,945 Grants Total 484,945 484,945

- 51 - Fire Station #106 (was 103) Stella Lake & Mt. Mariah


To construct a new fire station at Mount Mariah Dr. and Stella Lake St. This 7,600 sq. ft. facility is a two-bay station configuration which will house Engine 203 (transfer) and Rescue 301 (transfer). This facility will help us achieve our goal of arriving at high-risk structure fire incidents within the city within 5:13 minutes; and arriving at life threatening medical incidents within 6:05 minutes after going enroute (90% of the time). Not only will this new fire station help protect the community in an emergency, but will also help our department meet the required resources necessary to maintain our ISO Class 1 rating and accreditation status.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2012

Total Project Funding 5,350,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (295,180) Projected Current Year Expenditures (2,498,802) Project Balance 2,556,018

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 2,256,018 2,256,018 Equipment/Furnishings 300,000 300,000 Total 2,556,018 2,556,018


Bonds 2,556,018 2,556,018 Fund Balance Grants Total 2,556,018 2,556,018

- 52 - Fire Station #107 Del Webb & Sundial


To construct a new fire station at the northeast corner of Del Webb and Sundial in Summerlin. This 7,700 sq. ft. facility is a two-bay station configuration which will house a new engine and rescue unit. This facility will help us achieve our goal of arriving at high-risk structure fire incidents within the city within 5:13 minutes; and arriving at life threatening medical incidents within 6:05 minutes after going enroute (90% of the time). Not only will this new fire station help protect the community in an emergency, but will also help our department meet the required resources necessary to maintain our ISO Class 1 rating and accreditation status.

Estimated completion date: 12/31/2012

Total Project Funding 6,307,230 Prior Years' Expenditures (420,135) Projected Current Year Expenditures (3,466,768) Project Balance 2,420,327

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 2,120,327 2,120,327 Equipment/Furnishings 300,000 300,000 Total 2,420,327 2,420,327


Bonds Fund Balance 2,420,327 2,420,327 Grants Total 2,420,327 2,420,327

- 53 - Fire Station #108 Bonanza & Page


To construct a new fire station on the southwest corner of Bonanza and Page. This 7,600 sq. ft. facility is a two-bay station, one of which is a rescue bay. It will house the transfer of CBRNE-8 and will transfer existing R-204 making a daily staff of six personnel. This facility will help us achieve our goal of arriving at high-risk structure fire incidents within the city within 5:13 minutes; and arriving at life threatening medical incidents within 6:05 minutes after going enroute (90% of the time). Not only will this new fire station help protect the community in an emergency, but will also help our department meet the required resources necessary to maintain our ISO Class 1 rating and accreditation status.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2013

Total Project Funding 6,783,518 Prior Years' Expenditures (1,181,571) Projected Current Year Expenditures (218,550) Project Balance 5,383,397

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 250,000 250,000 Construction 3,000,000 1,833,397 4,833,397 Equipment/Furnishings 300,000 300,000 Total 3,250,000 2,133,397 5,383,397


Bonds 717,570 717,570 Fund Balance 2,532,430 2,133,397 4,665,827 Grants Total 3,250,000 2,133,397 5,383,397

- 54 - Fire Station #141 - (Phase 2)


FS 141 was set up originally at 9043 Ackerman to serve as a temporary station in the northwest while the new fire stations were being built in that area. Once FS 48 was completed, we moved EMS-1 into FS141. Since then, we have reassigned EMS-1 to the old station 6 (Jones/Upland) and basically vacated FS 141 which is now being vandalized. This temporary trailer now needs to be moved to a permanent site in the central part of the city (Vegas Drive and Decatur area) where it can be more effective.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 995,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (489,685) Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 505,315

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 505,315 505,315 Equipment/Furnishings Total 505,315 505,315


Bonds Fund Balance 505,315 505,315 Grants Unfunded Total 505,315 505,315

- 55 - Fire Station #6/CSN Instructional Center (was 46) Torrey Pines & Oakey


Las Vegas Fire & Rescue will partner with the College of Southern Nevada to construct a 10,000 sq. ft. four-bay fire station facility at its Charleston Campus. This fire station will be one of the first in the country to be a teaching facility for the college’s fire science and EMT students. Las Vegas Fire & Rescue benefits by constructing a fire station that satisfies its needs in the area of high call volume without having to expend money on the purchase of property. The cost of the lease to the City of Las Vegas will be one dollar annually for the term of the lease. The existing staffing from Fire Station 6 will transfer over to this facility when completed.

Estimated Completion Date: 09/30/2012

Total Project Funding 7,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (6,615,546) Projected Current Year Expenditures (237) Project Balance 384,217

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 384,217 384,217 Equipment/Furnishings Total 384,217 384,217


Bonds Fund Balance 384,217 384,217 Grants Total 384,217 384,217

- 56 - Emergency Management Center


Remodel former Building and Safety building on Sauer Street for the Las Vegas Valley Emergency Management Center (AKA Regional Public Safety Complex Emergency Operations Center).

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 1,763,864 Prior Years' Expenditures (99,471) Projected Current Year Expenditures (414,362) Project Balance 1,250,031

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 1,250,031 1,250,031 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,250,031 1,250,031


Bonds Fund Balance Grants 1,250,031 1,250,031 Total 1,250,031 1,250,031

- 57 - Regional Public Safety Complex - Building One


Phase I Emergency Operations Center, Fire Alarm Office, MetroCom 911 Design and Construction. This project is in the master planning and construction phases under the direction of the Emergency Management Officer and includes Homeland Security facilities. Inter-agency development will include: 1) Combined emergency dispatch; 2) Intelligence fusion /Critical infrastructure protection; 3) Las Vegas emergency operations center management and additional phases

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 12,442,186 Prior Years' Expenditures (391,535) Projected Current Year Expenditures (3,550,000) Project Balance 8,500,651

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 800,000 200,000 1,000,000 Construction 1,000,000 6,500,651 7,500,651 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,800,000 6,700,651 8,500,651


Bonds Fund Balance 1,800,000 6,700,651 8,500,651 Grants Total 1,800,000 6,700,651 8,500,651


Priority Project Title Page Number

1 Arterial Interconnect Conduit Program FY 2005 60 2 Automated Traffic Counting Program 61 3 Bicycle Safety Program 62 4 Bus Stop Sign Installation 63 5 Charleston @ Durango/Rancho Intersection Improvements 64 6 Conflict Monitor Replacement 65 7 Controller Replacement/Upgrade 66 8 Decatur-Charleston Intersection Widening 67 9 Fiber Optic Connection 68 10 ITS Communication Infrastructure 69 11 ITS Communication Infrastructure Phase 2 70 12 Neighborhood Traffic Control Measures 71 13 Non-signal Intersection Improvements 72 14 Pedestrian Safety Upgrade Program 73 Roadway Lighting Asset Identification Program 74 Safe Route to School Grants 75 School Sign Upgrade 76 Street Lighting Upgrade 77 1 Street Sign Upgrade 78 2 Traffic Improvement Program 79 3 Traffic Signal Cabinet Replacement 80 4 Traffic Signal LED Replacement Program 81 Traffic Signals 82 Uninterruptible Power Supply 83 Video Detection Systems 84

1 2 3

1 2 3

1 2 3

- 59 - Arterial Interconnect Conduit Program FY 2005


Improve underground traffic conduit to support the ITS network.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 963,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (544,106) Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 418,894

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 300,000 118,894 418,894 Equipment/Furnishings Total 300,000 118,894 418,894


Impact Fees Fund Balance NDOT Room Tax RTC 300,000 118,894 418,894 Total 300,000 118,894 418,894

- 60 - Automated Traffic Counting Program


This project will develop a permanent traffic count system at high volume locations within the City of Las Vegas to automatically collect traffic data. This will include determining the technology to use for collecting and storing data, selecting the technology to be used to communicate remotely with the count stations, acquiring and testing the system, and constructing count stations at select locations. Traffic data will be collected for key roadway links and at major signalized intersections. The increased, continual availability of traffic data will be used for a variety of purposes. It will improve traffic modeling capabilities within the Transportation Planning Section and the Traffic Field Operations Section to better analyze proposed intersection and roadway improvements by providing improved data for input into the computer models.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 318,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (36,176) Projected Current Year Expenditures (31,824) Project Balance 250,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000


Impact Fees Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 NDOT Room Tax RTC Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000

- 61 - Bicycle Safety Program


This program will be used to meet the goals of the safe and healthy city priority by filling in gaps in the on-street bicycle lane network and providing upgrades to signage and marking where appropriate; it will be used to provide bicycle lane detectors at traffic signals where bike detection does not currently exist and where bikers have requested them.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2016

Total Project Funding 250,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 250,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 36,000 Construction 43,000 43,000 43,000 41,000 170,000 Equipment/Furnishings 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 44,000 Total 63,000 63,000 63,000 61,000 250,000


Impact Fees Fund Balance 63,000 63,000 63,000 61,000 250,000 NDOT Room Tax RTC Total 63,000 63,000 63,000 61,000 250,000

- 62 - Bus Stop Sign Installation


The Citizens Area Transit (CAT) System, a service of the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC), commenced operations on December 5, 1992. This is an on-going project to install and, as necessary, maintain or replace bus stop signs at locations within the City, mutually agreed upon by the City and RTC. An adequately signed bus route is necessary to provide safe and reliable transit service.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 153,795 Prior Years' Expenditures (128,279) Projected Current Year Expenditures (3,000) Project Balance 22,516

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 2,516 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 22,516 Total 2,516 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 22,516


Impact Fees Fund Balance NDOT Room Tax RTC 2,516 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 22,516 Total 2,516 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 22,516

- 63 - Charleston @ Durango/Rancho Intersection Improvements


Modify intersections to provide dual left turn lanes, exclusive right turn lanes, and other geometric improvements to improve traffic safety.

Estimated Completed Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 3,141,895 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 3,141,895

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 300,000 2,841,895 3,141,895 Equipment/Furnishings Total 300,000 2,841,895 3,141,895


Impact Fees Fund Balance NDOT 300,000 2,684,000 2,984,000 Room Tax RTC 157,895 157,895 Total 300,000 2,841,895 3,141,895

- 64 - Conflict Monitor Replacement


This program is for replacing older traffic signal conflict monitoring fail-safe devices in traffic signal cabinets throughout the City. The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) standards and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) National Traffic Control Internet Protocol (NTCIP) standards for fail-safe devices currently require in-depth monitoring and error checking. Many of the existing in our system conflict monitors do not provide this feature. New updated conflict monitors will eliminate serious operational malfunction conflicts by replacing signalized intersections into all red flash when an error has been detected, thereby protecting the public and reducing the City's liability.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 473,982 Prior Years' Expenditures (175,982) Projected Current Year Expenditures (48,000) Project Balance 250,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000


Impact Fees Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 NDOT Room Tax RTC Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000

- 65 - Controller Replacement Upgrade


This project replaces outdated existing National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) traffic signal controllers with those that are that are fully Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) National Traffic Control Internet Protocol (NTCIP) compliant used within the Freeway and Arterial System of Transportation (FAST) traffic signal system. All existing locations not equipped with the new controllers will be incompatible with the region's FAST system. This may cause traffic delays due to poor coordination of timing between intersections.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 790,023 Prior Years' Expenditures (490,022) Projected Current Year Expenditures (50,001) Project Balance 250,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000


Impact Fees Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 NDOT Room Tax RTC Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000

- 66 - Decatur-Charleston Intersection Widening


This project will install bus turnouts and exclusive right turn lanes to improve safety and capacity of the Charleston Boulevard and Decatur Boulevard intersection.

Estimated Completion Date: 6/30/2015

Total Project Funding 2,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (150,000) Project Balance 1,850,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' 50,000 50,000 Design Engineering Construction 1,250,000 550,000 1,800,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 50,000 1,250,000 550,000 1,850,000


Impact Fees Fund Balance 50,000 1,250,000 550,000 1,850,000 NDOT Room Tax RTC Total 50,000 1,250,000 550,000 1,850,000

- 67 - Fiber Optic Connection


Install fiber optic cable from the Freeway and Arterial System of Transportation (FAST) network to the new Development Service Center and CLV West Service Center to provide Traffic Engineering staff the communication capabilities needed to monitor all of the signalized intersections on the traffic signal system. Fiber optic cable, furniture, and equipment provides staff the ability to observe traffic at intersections via video images being sent over the fiber optic cable and make instant timing changes to the traffic signal controller if needed. With fiber optics in place, the Traffic Signal Engineer and his staff can call up the intersection on the computer system and view the location for problems, and repair them within minutes.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 138,210 Prior Years' Expenditures (73,639) Projected Current Year Expenditures (10,000) Project Balance 54,571

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 54,571 54,571 Total 54,571 54,571


Impact Fees Fund Balance 54,571 54,571 NDOT Room Tax RTC Total 54,571 54,571

- 68 - ITS Communication Infrastructure


This project will provide fiber optic interconnect conduit and fiber optic cable along: (1) Charleston Boulevard from Clark County 215 to Nellis Boulevard, (2) Rancho Road from Rainbow Boulevard to Sahara Avenue, (3) Cheyenne Avenue from Clark County 215 to Decatur Boulevard, (4) Rainbow Boulevard from Ann Road to Rancho Road, (5) Ann Road from Centennial Parkway to Rainbow Boulevard and (6) Centennial Parkway from Tropical Parkway to Ann Road. This project will provide fiber optic communication truck lines across the major corridors within the City of Las Vegas for Freeway and Arterial System of Transportation (FAST). These fiber optic lines will serve to provide the additional bandwidth required to transmit both data and video signals between the FAST Traffic Management Center and the various Intelligent Transport System (ITS) field devices including: traffic signal controllers, closed circuit television, and variable message signs. These ITS devices will reduce congestion by permitting enhanced traffic management through real-time traffic signal coordination based on video surveillance of existing traffic conditions.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 4,900,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (3,728,785) Projected Current Year Expenditures (633,341) Project Balance 537,874

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 537,874 537,874 Equipment/Furnishings Total 537,874 537,874


Impact Fees Fund Balance NDOT Room Tax RTC 537,874 537,874 Total 537,874 537,874

- 69 - ITS Communication Infrastructure Phase 2


Completion of Rancho Drive fiber optic interconnect conduit and fiber optic cable.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 5,480,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (102,668) Projected Current Year Expenditures (33,199) Project Balance 5,344,133

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 5,344,133 5,344,133 Equipment/Furnishings Total 5,344,133 5,344,133


Impact Fees Fund Balance NDOT 5,344,133 5,344,133 Room Tax RTC Total 5,344,133 5,344,133

- 70 - Neighborhood Traffic Control Measures


Identify locations to improve traffic safety within existing neighborhoods. Controls may include, but are not limited to, traffic mini-circles, full and partial street closures, speed bumps, and chokers. The Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) was adopted by City Council in 1995 to assist residents with traffic mitigation in their neighborhoods. In an effort to make streets safer and preserve livability of older neighborhoods, citizens are encouraged to meet and decide upon specific mitigation measures for which their streets may qualify.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 2,522,757 Prior Years' Expenditures (2,153,935) Projected Current Year Expenditures (93,822) Project Balance 275,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 275,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 275,000


Impact Fees Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 275,000 NDOT Room Tax RTC Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 275,000

- 71 - Non-signal Intersection Improvements


These are on-going projects to construct intersection improvements, other than signalization, at various locations throughout the City. Improvements may include, but are not limited to, delineation of approaches, addition of pedestrian crosswalk ramps, geometric modifications to intersections, and median modifications. There are intersections throughout the City that may meet signalization warrants; however, due to roadway geometry, intersection proximity to existing signals, and/or other engineering reasons, signalization is an undesirable solution. This program provides an avenue for alternative mitigation measures.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 1,492,735 Prior Years' Expenditures (857,803) Projected Current Year Expenditures (149,962) Project Balance 484,970

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 259,970 50,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 484,970 Equipment/Furnishings Total 259,970 50,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 484,970


Impact Fees Fund Balance 259,970 50,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 484,970 NDOT Room Tax RTC Total 259,970 50,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 484,970

- 72 - Pedestrian Safety Upgrade Program


This program will be used to meet the safe and healthy city priority goals by installing pedestrian safety upgrades at existing marked and unmarked crosswalks primarily along arterials and collectors as identified in pedestrian safety audits. The types of improvements may include the addition of refuge medians, curb extensions, warning beacons/flashers, and new ADA compliant pedestrian ramps; at school crossings already controlled by a school flasher we will upgrade some of them with "bi-modal" crosswalk warning flashers that can be activated outside school hours to provide a crosswalk warning message.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2016

Total Project Funding 600,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 600,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 35,000 35,000 35,000 105,000 Construction 100,000 100,000 100,000 75,000 375,000 Equipment/Furnishings 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 120,000 Total 165,000 165,000 165,000 105,000 600,000


Impact Fees Fund Balance 165,000 165,000 165,000 105,000 600,000 NDOT Room Tax RTC Total 165,000 165,000 165,000 105,000 600,000

- 73 - Roadway Lighting Asset Identification Program


Install identification numbers in a high-visibility location onto the poles for the approximate 50,000 street lights in the City of Las Vegas. By creating a unique number scheme for every street light, customers will be able to accurately identify problem locations. Customer service will be improved and the City will be more efficient in the use of labor by the identification of the correct location.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 200,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (11,476) Projected Current Year Expenditures (25,000) Project Balance 163,524

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 163,524 163,524 Total 163,524 163,524


Impact Fees Fund Balance 163,524 163,524 NDOT Room Tax RTC Total 163,524 163,524

- 74 - Safe Route to School Grants


Safe route to school upgrades for Hyde Park Middle School, Vegas Verde Elementary School and Wasden Elementary School including the installation of pedestrian and bicycle trails, curb extensions, medians, pavement markings, and signage.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 1,853,963 Prior Years' Expenditures (14,765) Projected Current Year Expenditures (150,000) Project Balance 1,689,198

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 1,689,198 1,689,198 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,689,198 1,689,198


Impact Fees Fund Balance NDOT 1,689,198 1,689,198 Room Tax RTC Total 1,689,198 1,689,198

- 75 - ` School Sign Upgrade


Program developed to upgrade and replace existing school signs to fluorescent yellow/green school signs. Signs and Markings staff are required to upgrade school zones and crossings within the City of Las Vegas jurisdiction, per the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The upgrade of the school signage will help improve pedestrian safety. The fluorescent yellow/green signs are 40% more visible during the day and 50% more visible at night. Advanced decision making and smoother vehicle operation from motorists will be achieved.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 469,208 Prior Years' Expenditures (234,323) Projected Current Year Expenditures (34,855) Project Balance 200,030

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 150,000 Supplies 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 15,000 Services Utilities Total 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 165,000


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 40,030 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 200,030 Total 40,030 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 200,030


Impact Fees Fund Balance 40,030 40,000 80,030 NDOT Room Tax 40,000 40,000 40,000 120,000 RTC Total 40,030 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 200,030

- 76 - Street Lighting Upgrade


Upgrade of street lighting circuits to more efficient and environmentally friendly lighting technologies. There are numerous lighting assets that need to be upgraded which will require new fixtures. Upgrading these facilities from the existing lighting systems will improve public safety and save in ongoing energy costs. Lighting improvements will provide better visibility for citizens and driving motorists. Significant energy savings will result from the upgrade to newer technologies. The project will replace existing street lights in the downtown area with Centennial standard poles, arms, and fixtures with a dual arm configuration for more effective pedestrian lighting.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2016

Total Project Funding 2,167,919 Prior Years' Expenditures (746,362) Projected Current Year Expenditures (50,000) Project Balance 1,371,557

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 150,000 150,000 Construction 850,000 850,000 Equipment/Furnishings 71,557 100,000 100,000 100,000 371,557 Total 1,071,557 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,371,557


Impact Fees Fund Balance 1,000,000 1,000,000 NDOT Room Tax 71,557 100,000 100,000 100,000 371,557 RTC Total 1,071,557 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,371,557

- 77 - Street Sign Upgrade


On-going program to upgrade all aging street name signs with the City's sign standard that requires block numbers and cardinal directions be incorporated into the overhead illuminated signs as well as the ground mounted signs. Every intersecting street will have street name signs installed per City standards. Initially the program was developed to replace only street name signs; however, the City has expanded the program to include replacement of all faded signs including stop signs and other regulatory signs in the upcoming years, as mandated by law in the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). This sign standard street signs will improve traffic flow and reduce delays for motorists along with providing safety to the public. Upgrading all signs provides better visibility, advance decision making and smoother traffic operations, thus providing greater safety for everyone.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 1,288,331 Prior Years' Expenditures (1,104,531) Projected Current Year Expenditures (33,800) Project Balance 150,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 Supplies 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 Services Utilities Total 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 110,000


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 150,000 Total 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 150,000


Impact Fees Fund Balance NDOT Room Tax 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 150,000 RTC Total 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 150,000

- 78 - Traffic Improvement Program


This is the 22nd year of an annual element of the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) funded Transportation Improvement Program to improve traffic flow at different locations within the City of Las Vegas by designing and constructing various capacity improvement projects. The program will improve the flow of traffic, allow significantly increased traffic capacity, reduce delays and enhance public safety. Total Project Funding includes Traffic 20th Yr $1,573,000, Traffic 21st Yr $1,537,000 and Traffic 22th Yr $1,481,000.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

TCIP 20th yr $1,573,000 TCIP 21st yr $1 537 000

Total Project Funding 4,591,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (3,232,034) Projected Current Year Expenditures (298,885) Project Balance 1,060,081

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 700,000 700,000 Construction 360,081 360,081 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,060,081 1,060,081


Impact Fees Fund Balance NDOT Room Tax RTC 1,060,081 1,060,081 Total 1,060,081 1,060,081

- 79 - Traffic Signal Cabinet Replacement


Replace existing traffic signal cabinets that are not equipped with the terminal facilities needed to interact with the region's traffic signal system. This program will replace the outdated National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) signal cabinets with those which are Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) National Traffic Control Internet Protocol (NTCIP) compliant. The installation of compatible cabinets will help expedite the regional Freeway and Arterial System of Transportation (FAST) traffic signal system. Using a single type of controller cabinet will enable the City to have a complete and compatible signal system.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 1,054,671 Prior Years' Expenditures (454,528) Projected Current Year Expenditures (100,143) Project Balance 500,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Total 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000


Impact Fees Fund Balance 100,000 100,000 NDOT Room Tax 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 400,000 RTC Total 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000

- 80 - Traffic Signal LED Replacement Program


This project replaces existing indications of Light Emitting Diodes (LED) at all traffic signal locations within the City. Effective 2013, the type T-12 fluorescent lamps currently used in all city traffic signals will no longer be manufactured and all light engines will need to be to retrofit. Numerous studies and local experience has shown that safety is increased and crashes are reduced with the use of LED Traffic Signal indications. The project is scheduled to complete the remaining 300 traffic signalized intersections LED replacements began in FY 12 and to convert all Illuminated Signalized Street Name Signs to LED. This project supports City Council Priority 7 by providing a safer environment for our residents, businesses, and visitors, and Priority 5 by making a more walkable community, which promotes a healthy lifestyles for all segments of the community. Additionally, it furthers the City's sustainability initiative by reducing power consumption, thus minimizing the carbon footprint associated with the operations and maintenance of the City's safe traffic signal systems.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 1,300,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (500,000) Project Balance 800,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 800,000 800,000 Total 800,000 800,000


Impact Fees Fund Balance 800,000 800,000 NDOT Room Tax RTC Total 800,000 800,000

- 81 - Traffic Signals


This ongoing project will design and construct new traffic signals at various locations throughout the City to maintain safe traffic flow. Traffic Signals are warranted in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices as required by law. Intersections meeting traffic signal warrants should be signalized to improve safety and/or reduce traffic delays.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 11,368,896 Prior Years' Expenditures (8,568,896) Projected Current Year Expenditures (400,000) Project Balance 2,400,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 800,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 2,400,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 800,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 2,400,000


Impact Fees 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 2,000,000 Fund Balance 400,000 400,000 NDOT Room Tax RTC Total 800,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 2,400,000

- 82 - Uninterruptible Power Supply


Installation of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) to provide reserve power to the traffic signal cabinets during flash operation when power failures occur. The power supplies will be installed at major signalized locations. This will help traffic flow safer during power failures as motorists often do not recognize a dark signal as a 4-way stop when these conditions exist. By providing a backup power source, the traffic signal will flash rather than be completely dark.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 170,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (20,700) Projected Current Year Expenditures (24,300) Project Balance 125,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 Total 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000


Impact Fees Fund Balance 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 NDOT Room Tax RTC Total 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000

- 83 - Video Detection Systems


Installation of new and replacement video detection systems and components to replace or upgrade nonoperational loop or video detection systems at the City's signalized intersections. Video equipment helps detect the presence of vehicles by non-intrusive techniques which lessens the impact on motorists when maintaining the detection systems.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 890,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (284,687) Projected Current Year Expenditures (105,313) Project Balance 500,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Total 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000


Impact Fees Fund Balance 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 NDOT Room Tax RTC Total 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000

- 84 - Sanitation Sanitation Sanitation

Capital improvements associated with the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) and the sanitary sewer collection system are accounted for by this function. The WPCF serves the residents of Las Vegas and North Las Vegas. The main projects for the next five years are plant upgrades and major sewer interceptor lines to accommodate the growth of the City. All costs associated with the sanitation operation, including debt service on bonds, are paid for through service fees and a portion of a voter-approved ¼ cent sales tax.



2013$ 28,074,985 $ 104,700,000 $ 132,774,985

2014 21,347,098 39,500,000 60,847,098

2015 22,219,187 11,500,000 33,719,187

2016 16,066,077 5,500,000 21,566,077

2017 13,783,740 5,500,000 19,283,740

TOTAL$ 101,491,087 $ 166,700,000 $ 268,191,087


Project Title Page Number

Antelope - Westcliff Relief Sewer 87 Bonneville Underpass Rehabilitation 88 Charleston Boulevard Repair/Replacement 89 Downtown Interceptor Phase 2 Rehabilitation 90 Durango Hill WRC Relief Sewer 91 Huntridge Sewer Rehabilitation 92 Main Street Commerce Couplet 93 Minor Sewer Modifications Related to RTC Projects 94 Oakey Meadows Phase 2B 95 Rampart Boulevard Diversion - Alta/Cheyenne 96 Sahara - Arden Sewer Repair/Replacement 97 Sahara Oakey Interceptor Ph 3 Rehab - Oakey, Valley View to Westwood 98 Sandhill Relief Sewer - Owens Ave Interceptor Rehabilitation 99 Sewer Oversizing and Extension Agreements 100 Sewer Rehabilitation 101 Sewer Rehabilitation Group - A - Sandhill, Lamb 102 B - Grand Central, Main, Carson, Ogden, Cedar, Alleyways 103 C - Foremaster, Charleston, 25th, 15th 104 E - Alta-Valley View, Rancho-Tonopah 105 F - Rancho, Smoke Ranch, Gowan, Craig, Alexander 106 H - Lake Mead, Rancho to Rampart 107 I - Oakey, Peccole, Summerlin 108 J - Ann, Rio Vista, Bradley, Jones, Elkhorn 109 K - Arville Street Relief Sewer 110 L - Sahara, Durango, Peccole Ranch, Charleston 111 M - Desert Inn, The Lakes, Durango, Sahara 112 N - Cheyenne, Buffalo, Sun City 113 Valley View Sewer Rehabilitation 114 Vegas Drive - Rancho/I-15 Repair/Replacement 115 Vegas Drive Relief Sewer Phase I - Shadow Mountain to Parkchester 116 Vegas Drive Relief Sewer Phase II/Rehabilitation Group G 117

- 86 - Antelope - Westcliff Relief Sewer


Design and construct up to 3,300 feet of 18-inch diameter sewer line and related connecting structures in Westcliff Drive and Antelope Way. This proposed relief sewer will provide needed capacity within this infill area servicing a portion of Summerlin and Peccole developments. The existing configuration of the sewers in this area has posed maintenance issues over the years. Previous diversions and small relief projects have not adequately resolved the issues in this area. The new relief sewer will provide additional capacity in the system to allow for more intense commercial connections as well as higher density residential development upstream.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 845,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (106,813) Projected Current Year Expenditures (114,748) Project Balance 623,439

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies 761 1,568 1,615 1,664 5,608 Services Utilities Total 761 1,568 1,615 1,664 5,608


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 623,439 623,439 Equipment/Furnishings Total 623,439 623,439


Service Fees 623,439 623,439

Total 623,439 623,439

- 87 - Bonneville Underpass Rehabilitation


Design and construct a rehabilitation package for the existing Bonneville Underpass west of Main Street. This utility corridor contains an existing sewer line, various dewatering pumps, and environmental monitoring. The ongoing maintenance costs of this site over the next few years will exceed the capital cost of rehabilitating this corridor.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2015

Total Project Funding 1,800,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 1,800,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 600,000 600,000 600,000 1,800,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 600,000 600,000 600,000 1,800,000


Service Fees 600,000 600,000 600,000 1,800,000

Total 600,000 600,000 600,000 1,800,000

- 88 - Charleston Boulevard Repair/Replacement


Design and construct approximately 1,400 feet of 27-inch and 5,200 feet of 30-inch sewer in Charleston Boulevard from to Sandhill Road. Repair/replacement of the sewer is necessary before crown failure occurs. Recent televising of older concrete sewer pipe has revealed significant damage to the crown of the old unlined reinforced concrete sewer pipe. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 3,721,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (136,983) Projected Current Year Expenditures (903,335) Project Balance 2,680,682

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies 1,522 3,135 3,229 3,326 3,426 14,638 Services Utilities Total 1,522 3,135 3,229 3,326 3,426 14,638


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 2,680,682 2,680,682 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,680,682 2,680,682


Service Fees 2,680,682 2,680,682

Total 2,680,682 2,680,682

- 89 - Downtown Interceptor Phase 2 Rehabilitation


Repair or replace approximately 6,700 feet of 30, 36, 48, and 54-inch inch sewer pipe and 2 manholes in portions of Glen Ave and Sahara Ave between Boulder Hwy and Arden St. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2015

Total Project Funding 5,405,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 5,405,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 540,500 540,500 Construction 4,864,500 4,864,500 Equipment/Furnishings Total 540,500 4,864,500 5,405,000


Service Fees 540,500 4,864,500 5,405,000

Total 540,500 4,864,500 5,405,000

- 90 - Durango Hill WRC Relief Sewer


Design and construct approximately 4,100 feet of 30-inch sewer in Cheyenne Avenue from Durango Drive to Cimarron Road. This new sewer is needed to provide additional capacity along this portion of the Cheyenne Avenue Sewer system and avoid repair of existing 21-inch sewer. This proposed line is needed due to the sewer flows being bypassed from the Durango Hills Water Resource Center (DHWRC) at times of low demand. The drainage basin for this area requires 10 million-gallon-per-day (mgd) capacity; the bypass that flows from the DHWRC requires an additional 10 mgd. Construction of this new line will increase this portion of the interceptor from 13 mgd to 21 mgd capacity.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 979,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (145,045) Projected Current Year Expenditures (175,402) Project Balance 658,553

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies 945 1,948 2,006 2,066 2,128 9,093 Services Utilities Total 945 1,948 2,006 2,066 2,128 9,093


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 658,553 658,553 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 658,553 658,553


Service Fees 658,553 658,553

Total 658,553 658,553

- 91 - Huntridge Sewer Rehabilitation


Design and construction of sewer line rehabilitation in conjunction with the Huntridge Phase 6 Street Rehabilitation project.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2012

Total Project Funding 306,020 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (163,520) Project Balance 142,500

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 142,500 142,500 Equipment/Furnishings Total 142,500 142,500


Service Fees 142,500 142,500

Total 142,500 142,500

- 92 - Main Street Commerce Couplet


Design and construction of sewer line improvements in conjunction with the Main Street-Commerce One-Way Couplet project which includes the conversion of Main Street and Commerce Street to one-way north and south respectively between Garces Avenue and Oakey Boulevard.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 48,488 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (17,774) Project Balance 30,714

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 30,714 30,714 Equipment/Furnishings Total 30,714 30,714


Service Fees 30,714 30,714

Total 30,714 30,714

- 93 - Minor Sewer Modifications Related to RTC Projects


There are several Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) road construction projects that may require sewer modification during FY 2013 through FY 2017. This provides a mechanism for construction of planned sewer facilities or modifications to existing facilities in conjunction with RTC funded road projects. Sewer facility construction and/or modification may consist of installing mains, manholes, lateral stubs, and pipe sleeves. Where major work is anticipated (over $200,000) they have been identified as new projects being constructed with RTC projects.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 1,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 1,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,000


Service Fees 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,000

Total 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,000

- 94 - Oakey Meadows Phase 2B


Design and construction of sewer line improvements in conjunction with the Oakey Meadows Storm Drain Phase 2B and Safe Route to School Upgrades project.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 275,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (32,500) Project Balance 242,500

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 242,500 242,500 Equipment/Furnishings Total 242,500 242,500


Service Fees 242,500 242,500

Total 242,500 242,500

- 95 - Rampart Boulevard Diversion - Alta/Cheyenne


Design and construct 12,500 feet of 18-inch sewer in Rampart Boulevard from Alta Drive to Lake Mead Boulevard. This sewer will divert flows from the Alta Drive Interceptor northward to the Durango Hills Water Reclamation Facility. The diversion will provide additional needed influent to operate the facility at the peak summer demand. The current system can only provide one million gallons per day from the Alta Drive Interceptor through a series of diversions with risk of sanitary sewer overflows. The proposed sewer line will be capable of diverting four to five million gallons per day along a direct path in Rampart Boulevard.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 3,304,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 3,304,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies 5,765 5,938 6,116 17,819 Services Utilities Total 5,765 5,938 6,116 17,819


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 330,400 2,973,600 3,304,000 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 330,400 2,973,600 3,304,000


Service Fees 330,400 2,973,600 3,304,000

Total 330,400 2,973,600 3,304,000

- 96 - Sahara - Arden Sewer Repair/Replacement


Repair or replace approximately 265 feet of 48-inch, 650 feet of 54-inch, 5,793 feet of 60-inch, and 2,875 feet of 72- inch sanitary sewer and one manhole between the intersection of Sahara Ave and Arden St and the intersection of Vegas Valley Dr and Sloan Lane, along the Flamingo Wash. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 8,800,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 8,800,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies 4,419 4,419 Services Utilities Total 4,419 4,419


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 880,000 880,000 Construction 7,920,000 7,920,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 880,000 7,920,000 8,800,000


Service Fees 880,000 7,920,000 8,800,000

Total 880,000 7,920,000 8,800,000

- 97 - Sahara Oakey Interceptor Phase 3 Rehab - Oakey, Valley View to Westwood


Repair or replace approximately 12,000 feet of 27, 30, 45, and 48-inch inch sewer pipe and 18 manholes in portions of Oakey Blvd, between Valley View Blvd and Westwood Dr, and Rancho Dr between Oakey Blvd and Pinto Ln. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 3,133,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 3,133,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 313,300 313,300 Construction 2,819,700 2,819,700 Equipment/Furnishings Total 313,300 2,819,700 3,133,000


Service Fees 313,300 2,819,700 3,133,000

Total 313,300 2,819,700 3,133,000

- 98 - Sandhill Relief Sewer - Owens Ave Interceptor Rehabilitation


Repair or replace approximately 8,300 feet of 36, 39, 42, 45, and 51-inch inch sewer pipe and 11 manholes in portions of Owens Ave between Eastern Ave and the Las Vegas Wash, Las Vegas Wash from Owens Ave to Charleston Blvd, and the siphon at Sloan Ln and Las Vegas Wash. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2016

Total Project Funding 5,447,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 5,447,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 544,700 544,700 Construction 4,902,300 4,902,300 Equipment/Furnishings Total 544,700 4,902,300 5,447,000


Service Fees 544,700 4,902,300 5,447,000

Total 544,700 4,902,300 5,447,000

- 99 - Sewer Oversizing and Extension Agreements


As a new development occurs in areas where a sewer collection system is not available, the City participates with developers in extending the sewer into these new areas by funding a portion of the costs associated with the sewer extension. In oversizing the collection system, the City pays only the additional construction cost for oversizing the sewer from a size the developer needs to the size the City needs to provide service to the entire interceptor basin. Survey, engineering design and construction mobilization costs are born by the developer.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 2,500,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 2,500,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000


Service Fees 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000

Total 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000

- 100 - Sewer Rehabilitation


Provides a funding mechanism for addressing collection system deficiencies. This includes the repair and replacement of failed sewers and augmentation as needed. Also included are programs to determine current system conditions to aid in the identification of deficient areas. It is estimated that at the end of FY 2010 there was 1,725 miles of sewer pipe within the City of Las Vegas. Much of this pipe is over 20 years old and may require repair and/or replacement during the next five years.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 4,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 4,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 4,000,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 4,000,000


Service Fees 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 4,000,000

Total 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 4,000,000

- 101 - Sewer Rehabilitation Group A - Sandhill, Lamb


Repair or replace approximately 7,400 feet of 33, 45, and 51-inch inch sewer pipe and 11 manholes in portions of Sandhill Rd, Charleston Blvd, Broadalbin Dr, Wyoming Ave, and Arden St between Bonanza Rd and Sahara Ave. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2015

Total Project Funding 5,395,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 5,395,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 539,500 539,500 Construction 4,855,500 4,855,500 Equipment/Furnishings Total 539,500 4,855,500 5,395,000


Service Fees 539,500 4,855,500 5,395,000

Total 539,500 4,855,500 5,395,000

- 102 - Sewer Rehabilitation Group B - Grand Central, Main, Carson, Ogden, Cedar, Alleyways


Miscellaneous repair or replacement of approximately 3,900 feet of 15, 18, and 20-inch sewer pipe and 51 manholes in portions of Grand Central Pkwy, Main St, Carson Ave, Ogden Blvd, Cedar Ave, and certain alleyways. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 3,219,172 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 3,219,172

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 321,917 321,917 Construction 2,897,255 2,897,255 Equipment/Furnishings Total 321,917 2,897,255 3,219,172


Service Fees 321,917 2,897,255 3,219,172

Total 321,917 2,897,255 3,219,172

- 103 - Sewer Rehabilitation Group C - Foremaster, Charleston, 25th, 15th


Miscellaneous repair or replacement of approximately 9,700 feet of 15, 18, 21, and 30-inch sewer and 34 manholes in portions of Foremaster Lane, Eastern Ave, 23rd St, Charleston Blvd, 25th St, and 15th St. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 2,864,274 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 2,864,274

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 2,864,274 2,864,274 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,864,274 2,864,274


Service Fees 2,864,274 2,864,274

Total 2,864,274 2,864,274

- 104 - Sewer Rehabilitation Group E - Alta-Valley View, Rancho- Tonopah


Miscellaneous repair or replacement of approximately 6,600 feet of 12 and 15-inch sewer and certain manholes in portions of Rancho Dr, Mayflower Lane, and Alta Dr. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 1,685,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 1,685,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 168,500 168,500 Construction 1,516,500 1,516,500 Equipment/Furnishings Total 168,500 1,516,500 1,685,000


Service Fees 168,500 1,516,500 1,685,000

Total 168,500 1,516,500 1,685,000

- 105 - Sewer Rehabilitation Group F - Rancho, Smoke Ranch, Gowan, Craig, Alexander


Miscellaneous repair or replacement of approximately 5,000 feet of 12 and 15-inch sewer and 65 manholes in portions of Rancho Dr, Decatur Blvd, Smoke Ranch Rd, Gowan Rd, Alexander Rd, and Craig Rd. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 2,074,729 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 2,074,729

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 207,473 207,473 Construction 1,867,256 1,867,256 Equipment/Furnishings Total 207,473 1,867,256 2,074,729


Service Fees 207,473 1,867,256 2,074,729

Total 207,473 1,867,256 2,074,729

- 106 - Sewer Rehabilitation Group H - Lake Mead, Rancho to Rampart


Miscellaneous repair or replacement of approximately 16,000 feet of 21 to 27 inch sewer and 43 manholes in Lake Mead Blvd from Rancho Dr to Rampart Blvd. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 8,732,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 8,732,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 8,732,000 8,732,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 8,732,000 8,732,000


Service Fees 8,732,000 8,732,000

Total 8,732,000 8,732,000

- 107 - Sewer Rehabilitation Group I - Oakey, Peccole, Summerlin


Miscellaneous repair or replacement of approximately 20 feet of 21 and 30-inch sewer and 70 manholes in portions of Oakey Blvd, Buffalo Dr, Alta Dr, and public sewer easements. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2016

Total Project Funding 7,128,754 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 7,128,754

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 712,875 712,875 Construction 6,415,879 6,415,879 Equipment/Furnishings Total 712,875 6,415,879 7,128,754


Service Fees 712,875 6,415,879 7,128,754

Total 712,875 6,415,879 7,128,754

- 108 - Sewer Rehabilitation Group J - Ann, Rio Vista, Bradley, Jones, Elkhorn


Miscellaneous repair or replacement of approximately 50 feet of 15, 21, 24, and 30 inch sanitary sewer and 86 manholes in portions of Elkhorn Rd, Rio Vista Dr, Ann Rd, Jones Blvd, and Lone Mountain Rd. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2016

Total Project Funding 2,092,265 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 2,092,265

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 209,227 209,227 Construction 1,883,038 1,883,038 Equipment/Furnishings Total 209,227 1,883,038 2,092,265


Service Fees 209,227 1,883,038 2,092,265

Total 209,227 1,883,038 2,092,265

- 109 - Sewer Rehabilitation Group K - Arville Street Relief Sewer


Design and construct approximately 3,500 feet of 24-inch diameter sewer in Arville Street from Charleston Boulevard to Oakey Boulevard to connect to the existing 24-inch diameter sewer in Arville Street. This sewer will provide additional capacity to the existing 24-inch sewer in Arville Street. Miscellaneous repair or replacement of approximately 3,000 feet of 12, 21, and 24-inch sewer and certain manholes in portions of Charleston Blvd, Arville St, and Sahara Ave. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 2,423,600 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 2,423,600

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 242,360 2,181,240 2,423,600 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 242,360 2,181,240 2,423,600


Service Fees 242,360 2,181,240 2,423,600

Total 242,360 2,181,240 2,423,600

- 110 - Sewer Rehabilitation Group L - Sahara, Durango, Peccole Ranch, Charleston


Miscellaneous repair or replacement of approximately 11,000 feet of 18, 21, 24, and 27- inch sanitary sewer and 49 manholes in portions of Sahara Ave, Durango Dr, Peccole Ranch subdivisions, and Charleston Blvd. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 6,284,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 6,284,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 628,400 628,400 Construction 5,655,600 5,655,600 Equipment/Furnishings Total 628,400 5,655,600 6,284,000


Service Fees 628,400 5,655,600 6,284,000

Total 628,400 5,655,600 6,284,000

- 111 - Sewer Rehabilitation Group M - Desert Inn, The Lakes, Durango, Sahara


Miscellaneous repair or replacement of approximately 8,000 feet of 18, 21, and 27- inch sanitary sewer and 37 manholes in portions of Desert Inn Rd, The Lakes community, Durango Dr, and Sahara Ave. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 1,808,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 1,808,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 180,800 180,800 Construction 1,627,200 1,627,200 Equipment/Furnishings Total 180,800 1,627,200 1,808,000


Service Fees 180,800 1,627,200 1,808,000

Total 180,800 1,627,200 1,808,000

- 112 - Sewer Rehabilitation Group N - Cheyenne, Buffalo, Sun City


Miscellaneous repair or replacement of approximately 7,000 feet of 15, 21, 24 and 27- inch sanitary sewer and 34 manholes in portions of Sun City subdivisions, Buffalo Dr, and Cheyenne Ave. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2015

Total Project Funding 4,556,392 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 4,556,392

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 455,639 455,639 Construction 4,100,753 4,100,753 Equipment/Furnishings Total 455,639 4,100,753 4,556,392


Service Fees 455,639 4,100,753 4,556,392

Total 455,639 4,100,753 4,556,392

- 113 - Valley View Sewer Rehabilitation


Design and construction of sewer line improvements in conjunction with the Jones and Valley View Corridor Improvements project including Jones Boulevard from US95 to Sahara Avenue and Valley View Boulevard from Desert Inn Road to US95.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2012

Total Project Funding 1,010,597 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (500,000) Project Balance 510,597

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 510,597 510,597 Equipment/Furnishings Total 510,597 510,597


Service Fees 510,597 510,597

Total 510,597 510,597

- 114 - Vegas Drive - Rancho/I-15 Repair/Replacement


Repair or replace approximately 12,020 feet of unlined reinforced concrete pipe consisting of 1,750 feet of 30-inch, 1,680 feet of 33-inch, 1,540 feet of 36-inch, and 7,050 feet of 39-inch sewer in Vegas Drive from Rancho Drive to I- 15. Repair/replacement of the sewer is necessary before crown failure occurs. Recent televising of older concrete sewer pipe has revealed significant damage to the crown of the old unlined reinforced concrete sewer pipe. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 5,611,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (98,265) Projected Current Year Expenditures (43,516) Project Balance 5,469,219

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies 5,543 5,710 5,881 6,049 23,183 Services Utilities Total 5,543 5,710 5,881 6,049 23,183


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 5,469,219 5,469,219 Equipment/Furnishings Total 5,469,219 5,469,219


Service Fees 5,469,219 5,469,219

Total 5,469,219 5,469,219

- 115 - Vegas Drive Relief Sewer Phase I - Shadow Mountain to Parkchester


Design and construct approximately 4,750 feet of 15-inch diameter sewer from Shadow Mountain Pl to Parkchester Drive to connect to the existing 21-inch diameter sewer in Vegas Drive. This relief sewer will provide additional capacity to the existing sewer in Vegas Drive. This relief sewer is being included in the CCRFD Owens Avenue System, Vegas Drive Storm Drain Project.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 2,269,740 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (157,523) Project Balance 2,112,217

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies 1,095 2,256 2,324 2,394 8,069 Services Utilities Total 1,095 2,256 2,324 2,394 8,069


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 2,112,217 2,112,217 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,112,217 2,112,217


Service Fees 2,112,217 2,112,217

Total 2,112,217 2,112,217

- 116 - Vegas Drive Relief Sewer Phase II/Rehabilitation Group G


Design and construct 4,650 feet of 12-inch diameter sewer in Vegas Drive from Wintergreen Drive to Torrey Pines Drive and 4,975 feet of 15-inch diameter sewer from Torrey Pines Drive to Shadow Mountain Pl to connect to the existing 18-inch diameter sewer in Vegas Drive. This relief sewer will provide additional capacity to the existing sewer in Vegas Drive. Miscellaneous repair or replacement of approximately 1,600 feet of 15 and 21-inch sewer and 17 manholes in portions of Vegas Dr and Tenaya Way. Recent televising of aging sewer has revealed structural defects which indicate a potential for failure. A program to televise conditions is necessary to avoid potential liabilities.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2015

Total Project Funding 5,368,480 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 5,368,480

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies 4,439 4,572 9,011 Services Utilities Total 4,439 4,572 9,011


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 536,848 536,848 Construction 4,831,632 4,831,632 Equipment/Furnishings Total 536,848 4,831,632 5,368,480


Service Fees 536,848 4,831,632 5,368,480

Total 536,848 4,831,632 5,368,480


Priority Project Title Page Number

Bonanza-Mojave WRC SCADA/Control System 119 CLV-CCWRD Sludge Project 120 CLV-CNLV Flow Control Gate 121 Compliance Directed Projects 122 Dewatering Building Equipment Rehabilitation 123 Reuse Facility Plan Projects 124 SCADA/Control System Upgrades 125 WPCF BNR Rehabilitation 126 WPCF Compressor Building 127 WPCF Corrosion Control 128 WPCF Digester Rehabilitation 129 WPCF Electrical Upgrades & Headworks Bypass 130 WPCF Energy Efficiency & Equipment Replacements 131 WPCF Flare 132 WPCF Gas Scrubbing Project 133 WPCF MC-CER 134 WPCF Nitrification Dewatering Wells 135 WPCF NTP Modifications 136 WPCF Odor Control Project 137 WPCF Plants 3 & 4 Primaries & Secondaries Rehabilitation 138 WPCF Plants 5 & 6 Primary Rehabilitation 139 WPCF Receiving Area Update 140 WPCF Reduced Loading 141 WPCF Sludge Blending and Pumping 142 WPCF Solar Power 143 WPCF TWAS Rehabilitation 144

- 118 - Bonanza-Mojave WRC SCADA/Control System


This project will analyze the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and control systems of the Bonanza-Mojave Water Resource Center for obsolescence and opportunity for improvement, recommend improvements and then implement plan. This project encompasses a control system facility plan with standardization of process control strategies and specifications. It includes upgrades for existing process instrumentation, programmable logic controllers and human machine interface.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 400,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 400,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 400,000 400,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 400,000 400,000


Service Fees 400,000 400,000

Total 400,000 400,000

- 119 - CLV-CCWRD Sludge Project


This project will investigate the feasibility of pumping primary and thickened waste activated sludge from the Clark County Water Reclamation Facility (CCWRD) for use at the City of Las Vegas Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF). The sludge from CCWRD will be used at the WPCF Digestion Complex to create additional methane gas for future beneficial use.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 10,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 10,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000


Service Fees 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000

Total 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000

- 120 - CLV-CNLV Flow Control Gate


The City of North Las Vegas (CNLV) has constructed a treatment plant and a collection system control gate to direct their wastewater flow to the CNLV treatment plant. The CNLV control gate, located in CNLV jurisdiction, is designed to be manually operated, and is located in the Sloan Flood Control Channel. If there was an obstruction in the CNLV collection system, very high wastewater flows, or if the CNLV influent pump station were to fail, that gate will bypass wastewater into the City of Las Vegas collection system putting the City of Las Vegas Treatment at risk from increased flows from CNLV.

This project will install a control gate within the City of Las Vegas Jurisdiction that is not susceptible to wastewater overflow to protect the treatment process at the Water Pollution Control Facility. This gate will be capable of manual operation at the site and remote operation by CLV WPCF Plant Operations Staff.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 500,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 500,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 500,000 500,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 500,000 500,000


Service Fees 500,000 500,000

Total 500,000 500,000

- 121 - Compliance Directed Projects


Construction of various structures and systems or modifications to existing treatment processes are required by various regulating agencies on a short notice. This project anticipates this need and allows funding without impacting other priority projects. Changes to regulations and encroachment by the community have caused many modifications to the process at the Water Pollution Control Facility. Examples are: odor control, air quality permitting, elimination of chlorine and sulfur dioxide (SO2) for disinfection. Prudent management requires funding for unforeseen requirements.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 2,500,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 2,500,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000


Service Fees 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000

Total 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000

- 122 - Dewatering Building Equipment Rehabilitation


This project is for rehabilitation of the equipment in the dewatering building at the Water Pollution Control Facility.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 10,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 10,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000


Service Fees 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000

Total 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000

- 123 - Reuse Facility Plan Projects


The scope of the project will be the implementation of desired recommendations to city-owned reuse water facilities. Recommendations include modifications to the Durango Hills Water Resource Center process for biological phosphorus removal, modifications to the effluent disinfection system and effluent diversion. Bonanza Mojave Water Resource Center recommendations include a reuse water delivery system or multiple facility process improvements.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 16,902,024 Prior Years' Expenditures (1,202,024) Projected Current Year Expenditures (250,000) Project Balance 15,450,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 1,150,000 1,150,000 Construction 14,300,000 14,300,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 15,450,000 15,450,000


Service Fees 15,450,000 15,450,000

Total 15,450,000 15,450,000

- 124 - SCADA/Control System Upgrades


This project is for the upgrade and replacement of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) related hardware, instrumentation and control systems for the Environmental Division SCADA system which have reached the end of their useful life.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 10,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 10,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 1,000,000 1,000,000 Construction 6,000,000 3,000,000 9,000,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 7,000,000 3,000,000 10,000,000


Service Fees 7,000,000 3,000,000 10,000,000

Total 7,000,000 3,000,000 10,000,000

- 125 - WPCF BNR Rehabilitation


This rehabilitation project is to replace failing equipment relating to the biological nutrient removal (BNR) process.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 1,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 1,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 100,000 100,000 Construction 900,000 900,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,000,000 1,000,000


Service Fees 1,000,000 1,000,000

Total 1,000,000 1,000,000

- 126 - WPCF Compressor Building


The Compressor Building Project will construct a new building at the Water Pollution Control Facility to install piping and equipment including digester gas compressors and instrument air compressors with access and lifting equipment for maintenance purposes.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 1,510,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (10,000) Project Balance 1,500,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 1,500,000 1,500,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,500,000 1,500,000


Service Fees 1,500,000 1,500,000

Total 1,500,000 1,500,000

- 127 - WPCF Corrosion Control


Improvements include design and construction for rehabilitation of the corrosion-related damage at the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF), as well as, changes or improvements to prevent corrosion damage in the future. Corrosion damage identified includes concrete degradation in junction structures, primary clarifiers, thickeners, trickling filters and product conveyance pipes throughout the facility.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 8,930,470 Prior Years' Expenditures (530,470) Projected Current Year Expenditures (400,000) Project Balance 8,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 8,000,000 8,000,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 8,000,000 8,000,000


Service Fees 8,000,000 8,000,000

Total 8,000,000 8,000,000

- 128 - WPCF Digester Rehabilitation


This rehabilitation project is to replace aging/failing equipment and infrastructure related to the Digestion Process at the WPCF.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 5,500,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 5,500,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 500,000 500,000 Construction 5,000,000 5,000,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 500,000 5,000,000 5,500,000


Service Fees 500,000 5,000,000 5,500,000

Total 500,000 5,000,000 5,500,000

- 129 - WPCF Electrical Upgrades & Headworks Bypass


This project will enhance the reliability of the electrical supply system to power the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF). Currently when the electrical feed to the WPCF fails the plant is reliant upon the operation of emergency generators which do not power the entire facility. This project greatly reduces the disruption in electrical service that may impact wastewater treatment quality by adding two additional power feeds and the equipment needed to automatically switch over in an emergency or disruption of power service situation.

The WPCF Headworks Bypass Project allows for the sewage influent flow to passively bypass the current Screenings Building in the event of a major process failure and allows for future connection of treatment capacity expansion.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2015

Total Project Funding 30,503,259 Prior Years' Expenditures (1,368,185) Projected Current Year Expenditures (3,635,074) Project Balance 25,500,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 5,500,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 25,500,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 5,500,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 25,500,000


Service Fees 5,500,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 25,500,000

Total 5,500,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 25,500,000

- 130 - WPCF Energy Efficiency & Equipment Replacements


To implement recommendations from an engineering study that will replace inefficient electrical equipment at the Water Pollution Control Facility that is at the end of useful service life with newer energy efficient equipment.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 2,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 2,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000


Service Fees 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000

Total 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000

- 131 - WPCF Flare


This project will add lower air emission flare to the WPCF to increase gas-handling reliability, reduce pollution and replace backup generator.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 3,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 3,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 3,000,000 3,000,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 3,000,000 3,000,000


Service Fees 3,000,000 3,000,000

Total 3,000,000 3,000,000

- 132 - WPCF Gas Scrubbing Project


This project, located at the Water Pollution Control Facility, will clean digester methane gas by removing pollutants to ensure reliable operation of our engine-driven blowers. Project aligns with the sustainability initiative and will assist in reducing air pollutants from the engine's exhaust.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 4,082,991 Prior Years' Expenditures (382,991) Projected Current Year Expenditures (500,000) Project Balance 3,200,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 3,200,000 3,200,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 3,200,000 3,200,000


Service Fees 3,200,000 3,200,000

Total 3,200,000 3,200,000

- 133 - WPCF MC-CER


This project replaces mechanical equipment at the end of its service life with newer, energy-efficient equipment and corrects code issues.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 9,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 9,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 9,000,000 9,000,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 9,000,000 9,000,000


Service Fees 9,000,000 9,000,000

Total 9,000,000 9,000,000

- 134 - WPCF Nitrification Dewatering Wells


This project will augment groundwater wells at the Water Pollution Control Facility Nitrification Complex to protect plant infrastructure and treatment tanks when taken out of service for maintenance purposes. The additional dewatering and monitoring wells are to be strategically installed to effectively draw down the surrounding groundwater to safe levels required while performing work on plant equipment.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 2,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 2,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 2,000,000 2,000,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,000,000 2,000,000


Service Fees 2,000,000 2,000,000

Total 2,000,000 2,000,000

- 135 - WPCF NTP Modifications


This major maintenance project located at the Water Pollution Control Facility will rebuild and replace Nitrification Treatment Plant RAS pump station isolation, check and flow control valves that are difficult to operate for the isolation of equipment. In addition to the replacement of failing assets, the project will replace manual operated valves with pneumatic operated valves that will be automated by the SCADA system.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 1,700,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (700,000) Project Balance 1,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 100,000 100,000 Construction 900,000 900,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,000,000 1,000,000


Service Fees 1,000,000 1,000,000

Total 1,000,000 1,000,000

- 136 - WPCF Odor Control Project


Enhancements to the Odor Control Systems at the WPCF. Project will replace current chemical scrubbers and failing biofilter scrubbers with a more reliable and effective scrubbing system. Improvements also include covering and scrubbing of additional odorous areas on the facility.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 40,634,713 Prior Years' Expenditures (6,630,121) Projected Current Year Expenditures (13,904,592) Project Balance 20,100,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 20,100,000 20,100,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 20,100,000 20,100,000


Service Fees 20,100,000 20,100,000

Total 20,100,000 20,100,000

- 137 - WPCF Plants 3 & 4 Primaries & Secondaries Rehabilitation


This rehabilitation project is to replace aging/failing equipment and infrastructure related to Plants 3 & 4 Primary and Secondary basins.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2015

Total Project Funding 1,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 1,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 100,000 100,000 Construction 900,000 900,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,000,000 1,000,000


Service Fees 1,000,000 1,000,000

Total 1,000,000 1,000,000

- 138 - WPCF Plants 5 & 6 Primary Rehabilitation


This project is to rehabilitate equipment and assets for the WPCF Plants 5 & 6 Primary process. Rehabilitation will increase process and equipment reliability in support of the Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) process.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 1,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 1,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 100,000 100,000 Construction 900,000 900,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,000,000 1,000,000


Service Fees 1,000,000 1,000,000

Total 1,000,000 1,000,000

- 139 - WPCF Receiving Area Update


This project will remodel the existing Water Pollution Control Facility Supply Warehouse Receiving Area to update it for improved parts distribution, personnel movement, and commercial deliveries. The receiving area will be enclosed separately from the warehouse. This will improve the energy efficiency by allowing the receiving area to be lit to an office area level and use air conditioning, while leaving the remainder of the warehouse lit at the existing lower level and evaporative cooled. This project will also include construction of a receiving dock for unloading commercial trucks with forklift.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 900,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 900,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 900,000 900,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 900,000 900,000


Service Fees 900,000 900,000

Total 900,000 900,000

- 140 - WPCF Reduced Loading


This project will modify the WPCF treatment process to address reduced wastewater flows from the City of North Las Vegas as it diverts flow into their facility and will allow the shutdown of plants 1 and 2 primary treatment facilities. This project will convert the nitrification facility to a nitrification/de-nitrification process, reroutes all process recycle streams from plants 1 and 2, create a bypass of plants 3 and 4 trickling filters and replace plants 3 and 4 outfall channel with outfall pipe.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 19,552,671 Prior Years' Expenditures (552,671) Projected Current Year Expenditures (400,000) Project Balance 18,600,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 1,000,000 1,000,000 Construction 4,000,000 13,600,000 17,600,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 5,000,000 13,600,000 18,600,000


Service Fees 5,000,000 13,600,000 18,600,000

Total 5,000,000 13,600,000 18,600,000

- 141 - WPCF Sludge Blending and Pumping


Design and construct a sludge mixing and pumping facility for the City of Las Vegas Water Pollution Control Facility. This facility will collect primary/thickened sludge and mix it to uniform consistency, then provide steady and reliable pumping for the feed of digesters as well as increase efficiency and methane yield from the digestion process.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 13,041,961 Prior Years' Expenditures (3,237,952) Projected Current Year Expenditures (7,154,009) Project Balance 2,650,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 2,650,000 2,650,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,650,000 2,650,000


Service Fees 2,650,000 2,650,000

Total 2,650,000 2,650,000

- 142 - WPCF Solar Power


This project will be for a 3 MW (megawatt) Photo Voltaic facility located on 25 acres to the east of the WPCF.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 24,131,262 Prior Years' Expenditures (7,726,266) Projected Current Year Expenditures (9,504,996) Project Balance 6,900,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 6,900,000 6,900,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 6,900,000 6,900,000


Service Fees 6,900,000 6,900,000

Total 6,900,000 6,900,000

- 143 - WPCF TWAS Rehabilitation


This rehabilitation project is to replace aging/failing equipment and infrastructure related to the Thickened Waste Activated Sludge (TWAS) Process.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 5,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 5,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 500,000 500,000 Construction 4,500,000 4,500,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 5,000,000 5,000,000


Service Fees 5,000,000 5,000,000

Total 5,000,000 5,000,000

- 144 - Public Works Public Works Public Works

Capital improvements associated with the planning, engineering and construction of infrastructure improvements to the City's arterial street system and flood water conveyance systems are accounted for by this function. Paved Street projects account for the full-width paving of roadways, creation of left turn pockets and installation of sidewalks, curbs and gutters. Storm Drainage projects account for detention basins as well as collection and run-off systems to alleviate and/or prevent localized flooding. The City's main objectives are to provide additional links to the arterial street and water conveyance systems, to increase vehicular capacity and to enhance the safety and convenience of the traveling public.



2013$ 75,864,968 $ 35,302,423 $ 111,167,391

2014 20,834,844 33,004,824 53,839,668

2015 3,825,000 10,925,534 14,750,534

2016 3,412,629 200,000 3,612,629

2017 3,000,000 3,271,984 6,271,984

TOTAL$ 106,937,441 $ 82,704,765 $ 189,642,206


Priority Project Title Page Number

ADA Accessibility & Pedestrian Pathway Rehab 147 Arterial Reconstruction Projects 148 Bonneville/Clark One-Way Couplet Phase I 149 Bonneville/Clark One-Way Couplet Phase II 150 Bus Turn-Out Program FY 2011 151 Bus Turn-Out Program FY 2012 152 Centennial-Sky Pointe @ US 95 153 Charleston Boulevard Median Improvements 154 Charleston/Lamb Intersection Improvements 155 Cliff Shadows Parkway - Buckskin/Lone Mountain - SID 1510 156 D Street Enhancement 157 Decatur Boulevard - Charleston Widening 158 Decatur Boulevard - Meadows/Sahara 159 Downtown Core Signage Program 160 Downtown Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements 161 Harris/Manning Parking Lot 162 Horse Drive @ US 95 Interchange 163 Huntridge Phase 6 164 Jones Boulevard - Elkhorn/Horse 165 Jones Boulevard/Valley View Boulevard Couplet System 166 Las Vegas Blvd Widening - I-515 to Owens 167 Main Street - Commerce One-Way Couplet 168 Main Street - US 95 to Owens 169 Martin Luther King Boulevard - Industrial Road Connector 170 Martin Luther King Boulevard - Palomino/Carey 171 Meadows Walkable Community 172 Providence - Special Improvement District 607 173 Rainbow Boulevard - Westcliff/Sahara 174 Rancho Drive US 95 to Ann Road 175 Sahara West Walkable Community 176 Sawtooth Roadway Improvements 177 Sheep Mountain Parkway EIS Study 178 Sidewalk Infill Project, Areas 1 & 6 179 Stewart - Ogden Streetscape Enhancements 180 Street Rehabilitation Projects 181 Summerlin Parkway - I-215 Beltway/US 95 182 Summerlin Ph 1 - Special Improvement District 404 183 Summerlin Ph 2 - Special Improvement District 707 184 Summerlin Ph 3 - Special Improvement District 808 185 Summerlin Ph 4 - Special Improvement District 809 186 Summerlin Village 23B Special Improvement District 810 187 Transportation Enhancement Grant Match 188

- 146 - ADA Accessibility & Pedestrian Pathway Rehab


Construct or retrofit pedestrian pathways and ramps within the public right of way.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2016

Total Project Funding 2,700,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (371) Projected Current Year Expenditures (350,000) Project Balance 2,349,629

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 600,000 600,000 600,000 549,629 2,349,629 Equipment/Furnishings Total 600,000 600,000 600,000 549,629 2,349,629


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax 600,000 600,000 600,000 549,629 2,349,629 RTC Special Assessments Unfunded Total 600,000 600,000 600,000 549,629 2,349,629

- 147 - Arterial Reconstruction Projects


Design and construct arterial roadway infrastructure improvements within the City of Las Vegas right-of-way. Projects to include and improve ADA accessibility, surface drainage, traffic capacity, traffic delineation and asphaltic pavement structure. Completed projects will extend roadway service life and improve public safety. Existing open contracts include FY08 $3,858,000, FY11 $4,545,000 and FY13 $5,627,000.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 14,030,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (5,197,494) Projected Current Year Expenditures (3,000,000) Project Balance 5,832,506

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 5,832,506 5,832,506 Equipment/Furnishings Total 5,832,506 5,832,506


Contributions Fund Balance 4,500,000 4,500,000 Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC 1,332,506 1,332,506 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 5,832,506 5,832,506

- 148 - Bonneville/Clark One-Way Couplet Phase I


Reconstruct the existing streets and convert Bonneville Avenue to a one-way eastbound couplet, with Clark Avenue as a one-way westbound street between Las Vegas Boulevard and Main Street. Improvements include sidewalks, L-curbs, full-width paving, improved street lighting, drainage facilities, landscaping and traffic signal systems, as warranted. Construction of this project will rehabilitate the existing roadway and provide for better traffic circulation in the downtown area. This project is part of the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. Construction will complete another vital link to the regional arterial street network. It will ease congestion in the project area, reduce travel times, and provide a higher level of service to citizens, visitors and businesses of Las Vegas.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 9,190,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (6,888,538) Projected Current Year Expenditures (1,597,172) Project Balance 704,290

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 704,290 704,290 Equipment/Furnishings Total 704,290 704,290


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC 704,290 704,290 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 704,290 704,290

- 149 - Bonneville/Clark One-Way Couplet Phase II


Rehabilitate the existing streets and convert Bonneville Avenue to a one-way eastbound couplet, with Clark Avenue as a one-way westbound street between Las Vegas Boulevard and Maryland Parkway. Improvements include sidewalks, L-curbs, pavement reconstruction, drainage facilities, and traffic signal systems, as warranted. Construction of this project will rehabilitate the existing roadway and provide for better traffic circulation in the downtown area. This project is part of the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. Construction will complete another vital link to the regional arterial street network. It will ease congestion in the project area, reduce travel times, and provide a higher level of service to citizens, visitors and businesses of Las Vegas. No additional roadway maintenance costs as project is on an existing roadway corridor.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 4,018,930 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (50,000) Project Balance 3,968,930

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 3,968,930 3,968,930 Equipment/Furnishings Total 3,968,930 3,968,930


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT 1,562,000 1,562,000 Room Tax 2,406,930 2,406,930 RTC Special Assessments Unfunded Total 3,968,930 3,968,930

- 150 - Bus Turn-Out Program FY 2011


All improvements associated with the installation of bus turnouts on Charleston Boulevard east of Rancho Drive, Pecos Road south of Bonanza Road and Rainbow Boulevard south of Lake Mead Drive at Pecos south of Bonanza, Rainbow south of Lake Mead where travel lanes are blocked when a bus is stopped to pick-up or drop- off. Locations were selected where the most benefit is obtained from the money spent and where properties are owned by governmental agencies. The project will include design and construction of the bus turnouts. This project will relieve congestion along those travel lanes that are blocked when a bus is stopped to pick-up or drop-off riders.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2012

Total Project Funding 660,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (24,924) Projected Current Year Expenditures (65,076) Project Balance 570,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 570,000 570,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 570,000 570,000


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC 570,000 570,000 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 570,000 570,000

- 151 - Bus Turn-Out Program FY 2012


Installation of bus turnouts on Jones Boulevard and Valley View Boulevard where travel lanes are blocked when a bus is stopped to pick-up or drop-off. Locations were selected where the most benefit is obtained from the money spent and where properties are owned by governmental agencies. The project will include design and construction of the bus turnouts. This project will relieve congestion along those travel lanes that are blocked when a bus is stopped to pick-up or drop-off riders.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 1,500,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (700,000) Project Balance 800,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 800,000 800,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 800,000 800,000


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax 800,000 800,000 RTC Special Assessments Unfunded Total 800,000 800,000

- 152 - Centennial-Sky Pointe @ US 95


Design improvements for local access within the system interchange at US 95 and CC 215. Improvements include elevated ramps, sidewalks, L-curbs, paving, improved street lighting, drainage facilities, and traffic signal systems as warranted. The improvements will be constructed with the proposed US 95/CC 215 System Interchange at a later date pending construction funding. This project will provide connectivity to local businesses and allow for higher mobility in the Northwest area.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 2,100,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (220,000) Project Balance 1,880,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' 500,000 500,000 Design Engineering 1,380,000 1,380,000 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,880,000 1,880,000


Contributions Fund Balance 450,000 450,000 Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC 1,430,000 1,430,000 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 1,880,000 1,880,000

- 153 - Charleston Boulevard Median Improvements


Construct median islands and landscaping on Charleston Boulevard between 6th Street and Maryland Parkway. The project is funded through the NDOT Matching Funds program for Landscape and Aesthetics at 50/50. This project is in support of the Downtown development plan and will enhance the visual continuity as envisioned in the “Las Vegas Downtown Centennial Plan.”

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 1,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (115,066) Projected Current Year Expenditures (100,000) Project Balance 784,934

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 784,934 784,934 Equipment/Furnishings Total 784,934 784,934


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT 392,467 392,467 Room Tax 392,467 392,467 RTC Special Assessments Unfunded Total 784,934 784,934

- 154 - Charleston/Lamb Intersection Improvements


Construct street improvements at Charleston Boulevard and Lamb Boulevard. Improvements include sidewalks, L- curbs, full-width paving, improved street lighting, drainage facilities, bus turnouts and traffic signal systems. The project will ease congestion in the area, reduce travel times and provide a higher level of service to citizens, visitors and businesses of Las Vegas.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 6,947,900 Prior Years' Expenditures (676,976) Projected Current Year Expenditures (125,199) Project Balance 6,145,725

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' 1,800,000 1,800,000 Design Engineering 50,000 50,000 100,000 Construction 1,500,000 2,745,725 4,245,725 Equipment/Furnishings Total 3,350,000 2,795,725 6,145,725


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT 2,500,000 2,581,900 5,081,900 Room Tax RTC 850,000 213,825 1,063,825 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 3,350,000 2,795,725 6,145,725

- 155 - Cliff Shadows Parkway - Buckskin/Lone Mountain - SID 1510


Complete roadway improvements on Cliff Shadows Parkway which will facilitate traffic flow between Buckskin and Lone Mountain. Construction will complete another vital link to the regional arterial street network. It will ease congestion in the northwest area, reduce travel times, and provide a higher level of service to the residents in the area.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 340,212 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 340,212

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 340,212 340,212 Equipment/Furnishings Total 340,212 340,212


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC Special Assessments 340,212 340,212 Unfunded Total 340,212 340,212

- 156 - D Street Enhancement


The project will construct widened sidewalks, bicycle lanes, street trees, landscaped median islands, and street lights along D Street between Washington Avenue and Harrison Avenue. The City of Las Vegas is currently underway with a redevelopment plan for which is bounded by H Street, I-15, Owens Avenue and Washington Avenue. The plan has identified the need to enhance D Street between Washington and Jefferson as it provides a direct connection to and the new Symphony Park project. This beautification project will act as a gateway into West Las Vegas and provide an important enhancement which could help spur redevelopment of the area.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2013

Total Project Funding 2,549,665 Prior Years' Expenditures (90) Projected Current Year Expenditures (14,910) Project Balance 2,534,665

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 2,000,000 534,665 2,534,665 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,000,000 534,665 2,534,665


Contributions 585,000 585,000 Fund Balance Grants NDOT 1,415,000 534,665 1,949,665 Room Tax RTC Special Assessments Unfunded Total 2,000,000 534,665 2,534,665

- 157 - Decatur Boulevard - Charleston Intersection Widening


Complete intersection improvements at Decatur Boulevard and Charleston Boulevard. Improvements include sidewalks, L-curbs, full-width paving, improved street lighting, and traffic signal systems as warranted. It will ease congestion in the project area, reduce travel times and provide a higher level of service to citizens, visitors, and businesses of Las Vegas. No additional maintenance funding was identified as this is a rehabilitation project and maintenance dollars are already being programmed. Additional monies required to complete design and construct.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 2,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (100,000) Project Balance 1,900,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 50,000 50,000 Construction 1,850,000 1,850,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,900,000 1,900,000


Contributions Fund Balance 1,900,000 1,900,000 Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC Special Assessments Unfunded Total 1,900,000 1,900,000

- 158 - Decatur Boulevard - Meadows/Sahara


Complete street improvements along Decatur Boulevard from Meadows Lane to Sahara Avenue. Improvements include sidewalks, L-curbs, full-width paving, improved street lighting, drainage facilities, and traffic signal systems as warranted. This project is part of the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. Construction will complete another vital link to the regional arterial street network. It will ease congestion in the project area, reduce travel times and provide a higher level of service to citizens, visitors, and businesses of Las Vegas. No additional maintenance funding was identified as this is a rehabilitation project and maintenance dollars are already being programmed. Additional monies required to complete design and construct. Presently seeking Federal Appropriations funding.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2012

Total Project Funding 3,646,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (3,389,131) Projected Current Year Expenditures (5,274) Project Balance 251,595

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 251,595 251,595 Equipment/Furnishings Total 251,595 251,595


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC 251,595 251,595 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 251,595 251,595

- 159 - Downtown Core Signage Program


Design and construct cultural destination guide signs on I-15 and US95 to identify new downtown Las Vegas destinations.

Estimated Completion Date: 9/30/2012

Total Project Funding 450,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (300,000) Project Balance 150,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 150,000 150,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 150,000 150,000


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax 150,000 150,000 RTC Special Assessments Unfunded Total 150,000 150,000

- 160 - Downtown Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements


The Downtown Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement project will provide new bicycle lanes, pedestrian improvements and enhancements within Downtown that lead into the newly constructed Bonneville Transit Center. Project includes widened sidewalks, bicycle lanes and signage, enhanced streetlights, street trees and ADA upgrades. Also, this project seeks to improve transportation accessibility and options within Downtown for all who live and work in the area. The implementation of these improvements will further bolster the City of Las Vegas' efforts to make the Downtown area more livable, sustainable and reduce emissions in the area. Funding is for the design only and construction will be funded and administered by RTC using FTA funds.

Estimated Completion Date: 03/31/2014

Total Project Funding 15,500,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (199,765) Projected Current Year Expenditures (700,568) Project Balance 14,599,667

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 449,667 449,667 Construction 11,150,000 3,000,000 14,150,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 11,599,667 3,000,000 14,599,667


Contributions Fund Balance 5,950,000 5,950,000 Grants 5,200,000 5,200,000 NDOT Room Tax RTC 449,667 449,667 Special Assessments Unfunded 3,000,000 3,000,000 Total 11,599,667 3,000,000 14,599,667

- 161 - Harris/Manning Parking Lot


Construct a parking lot on the corner of Harris Avenue and Manning Street to provide overflow parking for the Lied Animal Shelter and Freedom Park.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 125,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 125,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' 125,000 125,000 Design Engineering Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 125,000 125,000


Contributions Fund Balance 125,000 125,000 Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC Special Assessments Unfunded Total 125,000 125,000

- 162 - Horse Drive @ US 95 Interchange


Construct a new service interchange on US 95 at Horse Drive to serve Northwest Las Vegas. Improvements include sidewalk, L-curbs, full-width paving, improved street lighting, one hundred year drainage facilities, and traffic signal systems, as warranted. This project is part of the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. Construction will complete another vital link to the regional arterial street network. It will ease congestion in the project area, reduce travel times, and provide a higher level of service to citizens, visitors and businesses of Las Vegas.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2012

Total Project Funding 58,671,420 Prior Years' Expenditures (57,340,949) Projected Current Year Expenditures (714,182) Project Balance 616,289

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 616,289 616,289 Equipment/Furnishings Total 616,289 616,289


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC 616,289 616,289 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 616,289 616,289

- 163 - Huntridge Phase 6


Residential neighborhood in need of full and/or partial infrastructure replacement (roadway, curb, and gutter). No new maintenance costs are expected as this is a rehabilitation project.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2012

Total Project Funding 4,125,080 Prior Years' Expenditures (15,647) Projected Current Year Expenditures (1,784,353) Project Balance 2,325,080

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 2,325,080 2,325,080 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,325,080 2,325,080


Contributions 597,080 597,080 Fund Balance 485,000 485,000 Grants NDOT Room Tax 1,243,000 1,243,000 RTC Special Assessments Unfunded Total 2,325,080 2,325,080

- 164 - Jones Boulevard - Elkhorn/Horse


Complete street improvements along Jones Boulevard from Elkhorn Road to Horse Drive and along Grand Teton Drive from Decatur Boulevard to Maverick Drive. Improvements include sidewalks, L-curbs, full-width paving, improved street lighting, drainage facilities, and traffic signal systems as warranted. This project is part of the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. Construction will complete another vital link to the regional arterial street network. It will ease congestion in the project area, reduce travel times, and provide a higher level of service to citizens, visitors, and businesses of Las Vegas.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2012

Total Project Funding 7,250,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (7,164,509) Projected Current Year Expenditures (40,000) Project Balance 45,491

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 45,491 45,491 Equipment/Furnishings Total 45,491 45,491


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC 45,491 45,491 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 45,491 45,491

- 165 - Jones Boulevard/Valley View Boulevard Couplet System


A Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) project for a preferenced couplet system on Valley View Boulevard between US 95 and Desert Inn Road and Jones Boulevard between US 95 to Sahara Avenue approximately 16,000 lf. Improvements include sidewalks, L-curbs, full-width paving, improved street lighting, drainage facilities, landscaping, and traffic signal systems, as warranted. This project was identified in a planning study by the RTC. Valley View Boulevard will be constructed with 3 northbound lanes and 2 southbound lanes. Jones Boulevard will be constructed with 3 southbound lanes and 2 northbound lanes. This project will provide another vital link to the regional arterial street network. It will ease congestion within the City's core and provide a higher level of service to citizens, visitors, and businesses.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 22,250,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (2,313,142) Projected Current Year Expenditures (11,739,269) Project Balance 8,197,589

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 8,197,589 8,197,589 Equipment/Furnishings Total 8,197,589 8,197,589


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC 8,197,589 8,197,589 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 8,197,589 8,197,589

- 166 - Las Vegas Blvd Widening - I-515 to Owens


Design to widen street improvements along Las Vegas Boulevard between I-515 and Owens Avenue, approximately 5,400 lf. Improvements include sidewalks, L-curbs, full-width paving, improved street lighting, drainage facilities, and traffic signal systems as warranted. This project is part of the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. Construction will complete another vital link to the regional arterial street network. It will ease congestion in the Downtown North area, reduce travel times, and provide a higher level of service to citizens, visitors, and businesses of Las Vegas.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 1,615,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (373,291) Projected Current Year Expenditures (516,728) Project Balance 724,981

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' 350,000 350,000 Design Engineering 374,981 374,981 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 724,981 724,981


Contributions Fund Balance 350,000 350,000 Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC 374,981 374,981 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 724,981 724,981

- 167 - Main Street - Commerce One-Way Couplet


Design street improvements for a one-way couplet system for Main Street and Commerce Street between Bonneville Avenue and Las Vegas Boulevard, and roadway improvements on Main Street between Bonneville Avenue and I-515, approximately 8,200 lf. Improvements include sidewalks, L-curbs, full-width paving, improved street lighting, drainage facilities, landscaping, and traffic signal systems as warranted. This project will provide another vital link to the regional arterial street network. It will ease congestion in Downtown Las Vegas and provide a higher level of service to citizens, visitors, and businesses.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 5,750,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (772,673) Projected Current Year Expenditures (746,246) Project Balance 4,231,081

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 631,081 631,081 Construction 1,000,000 2,600,000 3,600,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,631,081 2,600,000 4,231,081


Contributions Fund Balance 1,000,000 2,600,000 3,600,000 Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC 631,081 631,081 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 1,631,081 2,600,000 4,231,081

- 168 - Main Street - US 95 to Owens


Design to widen street improvements along Main Street between US 95 and Owens Avenue, approximately 4,800 lf. Improvements include sidewalks, L-curbs, full-width paving, improved street lighting, drainage facilities, landscaping, and traffic signal systems, as warranted. This project is part of the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. Construction will complete another vital link to the regional arterial street network. It will ease congestion in the Downtown North area, reduce travel times, and provide a higher level of service to citizens, visitors, and businesses of Las Vegas.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 935,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (272,750) Projected Current Year Expenditures (263,480) Project Balance 398,770

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' 300,000 300,000 Design Engineering 98,770 98,770 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 398,770 398,770


Contributions Fund Balance 300,000 300,000 Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC 98,770 98,770 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 398,770 398,770

- 169 - Martin Luther King Boulevard - Industrial Road Connector


Provide a north-south connection between Industrial Road and Martin Luther King Boulevard. Construction will include, complete street improvements including sidewalks, L-curbs, full-width paving, improved street lighting, ten- year drainage facilities, and traffic signal systems as warranted. Once completed there will be six lanes of travel. This project is part of the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. Construction will complete another vital link to the regional arterial street network. It will ease congestion in the project area, reduce travel times, and provide a higher level of service to citizens, visitors and businesses of Las Vegas.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 7,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (1,828,743) Projected Current Year Expenditures (821,675) Project Balance 4,349,582

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 2,349,582 2,000,000 4,349,582 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,349,582 2,000,000 4,349,582


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC 2,349,582 2,000,000 4,349,582 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 2,349,582 2,000,000 4,349,582

- 170 - Martin Luther King Boulevard - Palomino/Carey


This project is part of the Industrial Road/Martin L. King Boulevard Arterial from North Las Vegas on the north to Clark County on the south. The project will widen Martin L. King Boulevard from four lanes to six lanes of travel and connect into the Martin L. King Boulevard/Industrial Road connector. Improvements include sidewalks, L- curbs, full-width paving, improved street lighting, ten-year drainage facilities and traffic signal systems as warranted. This project is part of the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. Construction will complete another vital link to the regional arterial street network. It will ease congestion in the project area, reduce travel times and provide a higher level of service to citizens, visitors and businesses of Las Vegas.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 46,745,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (43,519,093) Projected Current Year Expenditures (299,936) Project Balance 2,925,971

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 2,925,971 2,925,971 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,925,971 2,925,971


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC 2,925,971 2,925,971 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 2,925,971 2,925,971

- 171 - Meadows Walkable Community


Construct missing sidewalk on south side of Meadows Lane between Valley View and Decatur; remove block wall and create a pedestrian gate at Meadows and Essex per the Meadows Walkable Community Plan.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 750,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 750,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 100,000 100,000 Construction 650,000 650,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 750,000 750,000


Contributions Fund Balance 750,000 750,000 Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC Special Assessments Unfunded Total 750,000 750,000

- 172 - Providence - Special Improvement District 607


Construct infrastructure including roadways, storm/sewer collection systems, water distribution systems, streetlights, curb and gutter within the master planned community of Providence located north of Centennial Parkway, south of Grand Teton Drive, east of Puli Road, and west of Hualapai Way. The City of Las Vegas will provide assessment engineering services to acquire developer-completed subprojects within the development area. Payment will be made to the developer as the identified subprojects are completed and evaluated and transferred to the City's assets.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 493,050 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (125,500) Project Balance 367,550

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 304,550 63,000 367,550 Equipment/Furnishings Total 304,550 63,000 367,550


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC Special Assessments 304,550 63,000 367,550 Unfunded Total 304,550 63,000 367,550

- 173 - Rainbow Boulevard - Westcliff/Sahara


Modify roadway width and major intersections on Rainbow Boulevard between Westcliff Drive and Sahara Avenue. Improvements include sidewalks, L-curbs, and full-width paving. Construction of this project will provide for better traffic flow and safety along this busy corridor. This project is part of the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. It will ease congestion in the project area, reduce travel times, and provide a higher level of service to citizens, visitors and businesses of Las Vegas. There are no new maintenance costs for the project as it is an existing roadway. This funding is for right-of-way and construction only. (Requires CLV matching funding for $347,369)

Estimated completion date: 12/31/2014

Total Project Funding 6,195,050 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 6,195,050

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015201 2016 2017201 TotalTl

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' 152,631 152,631 Design Engineering 525,000 50,000 575,000 Construction 4,967,419 500,000 5,467,419 Equipment/Furnishings Total 152,631 5,492,419 550,000 6,195,050


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT 152,631 5,492,419 550,000 6,195,050 Room Tax RTC Special Assessments Unfunded Total 152,631 5,492,419 550,000 6,195,050

- 174 - Rancho Drive US 95 to Ann Road


Complete preliminary design and Right of Way acquisition for Rancho Drive from US 95 to Ann Road. The arterial roadway will consist of six general purpose lanes, dedicated transit lanes, and modifications at the major intersections. This facility will be designed to carry additional traffic from the northwest area to the central area of the valley without using the already congested US 95 and I-15 corridors.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 4,550,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (182) Projected Current Year Expenditures (1,509,128) Project Balance 3,040,690

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' 200,000 200,000 Design Engineering 2,300,000 540,690 2,840,690 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,500,000 540,690 3,040,690


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC 2,500,000 540,690 3,040,690 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 2,500,000 540,690 3,040,690

- 175 - Sahara West Walkable Community


Construct mid-block crossings with pedestrian signals, widen existing sidewalks, install bike lanes as proposed in the West Sahara Avenue Walkable Community Plan.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 850,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 850,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 100,000 100,000 Construction 750,000 750,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 850,000 850,000


Contributions Fund Balance 850,000 850,000 Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC Special Assessments Unfunded Total 850,000 850,000

- 176 - Sawtooth Roadway Improvements


Construction of roadway sawtooth improvements at varous locations.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 700,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (54,345) Projected Current Year Expenditures (56,281) Project Balance 589,374

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 589,374 589,374 Equipment/Furnishings Total 589,374 589,374


Contributions Fund Balance 589,374 589,374 Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC Special Assessments Unfunded Total 589,374 589,374

- 177 - Sheep Mountain Parkway EIS Study


The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) study for the Sheep Mountain Parkway will identify reasonable alignment alternatives, environmental impacts, mitigations and receive public comments for a limited access, multi- modal freeway facility between CC 215 and US 95 . This study will allow the City to secure BLM land for the right- of-way once it is completed at no cost to the public. The project was conceived in 2003 by a northwest roadway planning committee that identified the need to construct a parkway to prevent congestion due to the explosive growth in the northwest area of the City of Las Vegas.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2015

Total Project Funding 6,607,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (5,409,469) Projected Current Year Expenditures (200,000) Project Balance 997,531

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 800,000 197,531 997,531 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 800,000 197,531 997,531


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC 800,000 197,531 997,531 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 800,000 197,531 997,531

- 178 - Sidewalk Infill Project, Areas 1 & 6


Construct sidewalk and ADA ramps and install street lighting where there is currently none for the area 1 bound by Las Vegas, Charleston, Bruce and I-515, and Area 6 bound by Martin L. King, Bonanza, I-15,and Owens.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 6,600,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (250,501) Projected Current Year Expenditures (250,000) Project Balance 6,099,499

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 300,000 300,000 Construction 5,799,499 5,799,499 Equipment/Furnishings Total 6,099,499 6,099,499


Contributions Fund Balance 3,000,000 3,000,000 Grants 2,200,000 2,200,000 NDOT Room Tax 899,499 899,499 RTC Special Assessments Unfunded Total 6,099,499 6,099,499

- 179 - Stewart - Ogden Streetscape Enhancements


Streetscape improvements along Ogden and Stewart (south side) from Las Vegas Blvd. to Main St. Improvements include utility undergrounding, curb & gutter, sidewalks, street lights, and landscaping.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 3,500,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (77,825) Project Balance 3,422,175

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 80,050 80,050 Construction 3,342,125 3,342,125 Equipment/Furnishings Total 3,422,175 3,422,175


Contributions Fund Balance 3,422,175 3,422,175 Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC Special Assessments Unfunded Total 3,422,175 3,422,175

- 180 - Street Rehabilitation Projects


Miscellaneous street rehabilitation projects as needed. Improvements will include sidewalks, L-curbs, full-width paving, improved street lighting, drainage facilities, and traffic signal systems, as warranted. These improvements will ease congestion in the project areas, reduce travel times and provide a higher level of service to citizens, visitors, and businesses of Las Vegas. These projects are funded with developer and property-owner contributions and special assessments. Areas to be improved with special assessments include Ann Road (Cimarron to Leggett) SID 1514 and Sidewalk Infill along Oakey, west of Rancho Drive and 11th Street, between Charleston Boulevard & Bonneville Avenue.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 2,019,766 Prior Years' Expenditures (4,058) Projected Current Year Expenditures (157,942) Project Balance 1,857,766

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015201 2016 2017201 TotalTl

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 40,000 75,000 25,000 10,000 150,000 Construction 1,404,766 150,000 153,000 1,707,766 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,444,766 75,000 175,000 163,000 1,857,766


Contributions 1,383,266 1,383,266 Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC Special Assessments 61,500 75,000 175,000 163,000 474,500 Unfunded Total 1,444,766 75,000 175,000 163,000 1,857,766

- 181 - Summerlin Parkway - I-215 Beltway/US 95


Add an additional lane of travel in each direction to Summerlin Parkway between CC 215 to US 95. Improvements will include full lane-width paving, pavement re-surfacing as necessary, lane line configurations and traffic control systems, as warranted. This project is part of the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. Construction will complete another vital link to the regional arterial street network. It will ease congestion in the project area, reduce travel times, and provide a higher level of service to citizens, visitors and businesses of Las Vegas. Additional funding required for design and construction and will not be available until 2028.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 3,610,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (3,106,783) Projected Current Year Expenditures (50,000) Project Balance 453,217

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 453,217 453,217 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 453,217 453,217


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC 453,217 453,217 Special Assessments Unfunded Total 453,217 453,217

- 182 - Summerlin Ph 1 - Special Improvement District 404


Completion of traffic signals and missing sidewalk in this master planned community bounded approximately by Lake Mead Boulevard on the north, Buffalo Drive on the east, Vegas Drive on the south and Anasazi Boulevard on the west.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 1,200,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 1,200,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 180,000 180,000 Construction 1,020,000 1,020,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,200,000 1,200,000


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC Special Assessments 1,200,000 1,200,000 Unfunded Total 1,200,000 1,200,000

- 183 - Summerlin Ph 2 - Special Improvement District 707


The Summerlin project is generally located north of Charleston Boulevard and east of I-215 Beltway alignment. The project includes the construction of public works infrastructure including roadways, storm/sewer collection systems, water distribution systems, streetlights, and curb and gutters within a large master-planned community.

Estimated Completion Date: 04/01/2014

Total Project Funding 694,782 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 694,782

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 380,000 314,782 694,782 Equipment/Furnishings Total 380,000 314,782 694,782


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC Special Assessments 380,000 314,782 694,782 Unfunded Total 380,000 314,782 694,782

- 184 - Summerlin Ph 3 - Special Improvement District 808


The Summerlin project is generally located north of Charleston Boulevard and west of the I-215 Beltway alignment. The project includes the construction of public works infrastructure including roadways, storm/sewer collection systems, water distribution systems, streetlights, and curb and gutters within a large master-planned community. This project will continue past the scope of the Five Year CIP which would reflect an additional $2,649,782 in expenditures and funding sources.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 6,587,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 6,587,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 587,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 6,587,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 587,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 6,587,000


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC Special Assessments 587,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 6,587,000 Unfunded Total 587,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 6,587,000

- 185 - Summerlin Ph 4 - Special Improvement District 809


The Summerlin project is generally located north of Charleston Boulevard and west of Desert Foothills Drive. The project includes the construction of public works infrastructure including roadways, storm/sewer collection systems, water distribution systems, streetlights, and curb and gutters within a large master-planned community.

Estimated Completion Date: 04/01/2023

Total Project Funding 1,696,984 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (16,164) Project Balance 1,680,820

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 1,600,000 80,820 1,680,820 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,600,000 80,820 1,680,820


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC Special Assessments 1,600,000 80,820 1,680,820 Unfunded Total 1,600,000 80,820 1,680,820

- 186 - Summerlin Village 23B Special Improvement District 810


The Summerlin project is generally located north of Alta Drive and west of Desert Foothills Drive. The project includes the construction of public works infrastructure including roadways, storm/sewer collection systems, water distribution systems, streetlights, and curb and gutters within a large master-planned community. This project will continue past the scope of the Five Year CIP which would reflect an additional $3,827,389 in expenditures and funding sources.

Estimated Completion Date: 04/01/2017

Total Project Funding 4,900,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 4,900,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 500,000 700,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,500,000 4,900,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 500,000 700,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,500,000 4,900,000


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC Special Assessments 500,000 700,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,500,000 4,900,000 Unfunded Total 500,000 700,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,500,000 4,900,000

- 187 - Transportation Enhancement Grant Match


Local match for federal Transportation Enhancement Grant application. Total project cost is $1.5 million. Projects submitted include 3rd Street Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements; Oakey Bike Lines - Torrey Pines to Western; CC 215 Multi-use trails - Alexander to Hualapai. Only one project will be selected.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 500,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 500,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 500,000 500,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 500,000 500,000


Contributions Fund Balance 500,000 500,000 Grants NDOT Room Tax RTC Special Assessments Unfunded Total 500,000 500,000


Priority Project Title Page Number

Angel Park North - Detention Basin 190 Ann Road Channel West - Rainbow Blvd. 191 Boulder Highway Sahara Avenue - Eastern to Mojave 192 Brent Drainage System - Durango Drive to El Capitan Way 193 Brent Drainage System - Floyd Lamb Park to Durango 194 Cheyenne Channel Common Lot Improvements 195 Concord Storm Drain 196 Drainage Contribution Projects 197 Flamingo Wash - Boulder Highway North - Main Street 198 Freeway Channel - Washington - MLK to Rancho 199 Gowan Outfall - Lone Mountain - Rancho to Decatur 200 Las Vegas Wash - Bonanza - Las Vegas Wash to Lamb 201 Las Vegas Wash - Decatur & Elkhorn 202 Las Vegas Wash - Grand Teton System 203 Las Vegas Wash - Rancho Drive System (Carey/Lake Mead 204 Detention Basin/Peak) Meadows Detention Basin Upgrade 205 Nominal Drainage - Unallocated 206 Oakey - Meadows Storm Drain Design 207 Oakey - Meadows Storm Drain Phase 2 208 Oakey Storm Drain - Cahlan to Barnard 209 Owens Avenue East - Mojave to Eastern 210 Owens System (Vegas Dr. Storm Drain) - Michael/Rancho 211 Rancho System - Beltway to Elkhorn 212 Rancho System - Fort Apache and Grand Canyon 213 Sahara Avenue - Eastern Lateral 214

- 189 - Angel Park North - Detention Basin


Design and construction of approximately 112 ac-ft expansion to the existing Angel Park North - Detention Basin located at the southwest corner of Durango and Vegas. This will provide the needed flood control protection to the areas in the northwest.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 9,684,203 Prior Years' Expenditures (292,582) Projected Current Year Expenditures (170,069) Project Balance 9, 221, 552

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 87,349 87,349 Construction 6,000,000 3,134,203 9,134,203 Equipment/Furnishings Total 6,087,349 3,134,203 9,221,552


CCRFCD 6,087,349 3,134,203 9,221,552 Fund Balance Total 6,087,349 3,134,203 9,221,552

- 190 - Ann Road Channel West - Rainbow Blvd.


Design and construct approximately 2,500 lineal feet of a multiple sized reinforced concrete box (RCB) system within Rainbow Boulevard between Ann Road and Tropical Parkway. These facilities will reduce flooding along Rainbow Boulevard.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 5,690,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (268,635) Projected Current Year Expenditures (131,365) Project Balance 5, 290, 000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 4,000,000 1,290,000 5,290,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 4,000,000 1,290,000 5,290,000


CCRFCD 4,000,000 1,290,000 5,290,000 Fund Balance Total 4,000,000 1,290,000 5,290,000

- 191 - Boulder Highway Sahara Avenue - Eastern to Mojave


Design and construct the reinforced concrete box (RCB) needed for the Sahara Boulder Highway System within Sahara Avenue from Eastern Avenue to Mojave Road. This system will include 4,000 lineal feet of 14' x 11' reinforced concrete box within Sahara Avenue. This project will reduce flooding impacts to properties in the central Las Vegas area.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 818,282 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 818, 282

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 818,282 818,282 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 818,282 818,282


CCRFCD 818,282 818,282 Fund Balance Total 818,282 818,282

- 192 - Brent Drainage System - Durango Drive to El Capitan Way


Design and construct the reinforced concrete box (RCB) needed for the Brent Drainage System within Brent Lane from Durango Drive to El Capitan Way and within El Capitan Way from Brent Lane to Iron Mountain Road. This system will include 2,660 lineal feet of 8' x 6' reinforced concrete box within Brent Lane and 1,260 lineal feet of 12' x 6' reinforced concrete box within El Capitan Way. This project will reduce flooding impacts to properties in the northwest.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 461,044 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 461, 044

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 461,044 461,044 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 461,044 461,044


CCRFCD 461,044 461,044 Fund Balance Total 461,044 461,044

- 193 - Brent Drainage System - Floyd Lamb Park to Durango


Design and construct the reinforced concrete box (RCB) needed for the Brent Drainage System within Brent Lane from Floyd Lamb Park to Durango Drive. This system will include 2,920 lineal feet of 8' x 6' reinforced concrete box within Brent Lane. This project will reduce flooding impacts to properties in the northwest.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 318,840 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 318, 840

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 318,840 318,840 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 318,840 318,840


CCRFCD 318,840 318,840 Fund Balance Total 318,840 318,840

- 194 - Cheyenne Channel Common Lot Improvements


The Cheyenne drainage channel was constructed as part of the Sun City development approximately 20 years ago, with the channel being on the north boundary of the Sun City development. This is a major drainage structure, and is an open air trapezoidal channel. The design included a block screen wall on the north side of the channel, to eliminate the public view of the channel. The design also included a narrow common lot between the wall and the sidewalk along Cheyenne, with desert landscaping. The common lot was the maintenance responsibility of the HOA, but that responsibility has recently been transferred to the City. There is no irrigation currently available for the common lot, and the improvement project will eliminate the obstacle/expense of installing upgraded landscape rock, boulder placement with focus on locations with reoccurring block wall damages, and metal structures of local flora and fauna, in order to provide for beautification of this section of roadway The design and construction will be completed by in-house staff.

Estimated Completion Date: 08/31/2012

Total Project Funding 100,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 100, 000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 100,000 100,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 100,000 100,000


CCRFCD Fund Balance 100,000 100,000 Total 100,000 100,000

- 195 - Concord Storm Drain


This project includes 1,200 lineal feet of 36-inch storm drain in Concord Street. This facility will flow south in Concord Street from Balzar Avenue to the regional storm drain located within Lake Mead Boulevard. This project is needed to intercept flows that have historically impacted this existing neighborhood. This area is within a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Zone and this facility will help to reduce potential flooding problems. These flows cause frequent flooding, saturated ground and nuisance flow problems resulting in numerous citizen complaints.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 481,311 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 481, 311

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services 2,181 2,246 2,313 2,383 9,123 Utilities Total 2,181 2,246 2,313 2,383 9,123


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 481,311 481,311 Equipment/Furnishings Total 481,311 481,311


CCRFCD 431,319 431,319 Fund Balance 49,992 49,992 Total 481,311 481,311

- 196 - Drainage Contribution Projects


Miscellaneous storm drain projects conducted as needed to reduce frequent flooding, standing water, constant nuisance flow and odor problems resulting in numerous citizen complaints. These projects are funded with developer and property owner contributions.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 500,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 500, 000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000


CCRFCD Fund Balance 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Total 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000

- 197 - Flamingo Wash - Boulder Highway North - Main Street


Design of storm drain improvements that include 7’ x 4’ reinforced concrete box (RCB) and associated collection facilities in Main Street between Wyoming Avenue and Charleston Boulevard. This project will reduce flooding impacts to properties in the Downtown City of Las Vegas.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2015

Total Project Funding 8,180,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (250,000) Project Balance 7, 930, 000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 300,000 300,000 Construction 4,500,000 3,130,000 7,630,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 300,000 4,500,000 3,130,000 7,930,000


CCRFCD 300,000 4,500,000 3,130,000 7,930,000 Fund Balance Total 300,000 4,500,000 3,130,000 7,930,000

- 198 - Freeway Channel - Washington - MLK to Rancho


The proposed improvements include design and construction of an 8' x 6' reinforced concrete box, dual 66" reinforced concrete pipes and associated collection facilities along Washington Avenue from MLK Boulevard to Rancho Drive. This project will reduce flooding impacts to properties in the central Las Vegas area.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2015

Total Project Funding 8,566,581 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (200,000) Project Balance 8, 366, 581

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 798,510 798,510 Construction 5,000,000 2,568,071 7,568,071 Equipment/Furnishings Total 798,510 5,000,000 2,568,071 8,366,581


CCRFCD 798,510 5,000,000 2,568,071 8,366,581 Fund Balance Total 798,510 5,000,000 2,568,071 8,366,581

- 199 - Gowan Outfall - Lone Mountain - Rancho to Decatur


Design and construct 9,500 lineal feet of storm drain pipe and reinforced concrete box (RCB) system within Lone Mountain Road between Rancho Drive and Decatur Boulevard. This project will reduce flooding impacts to properties along Rancho Drive and Lone Mountain Road. This facility will provide the necessary infrastructure for the Gowan Outfall facilities in Lone Mountain Road.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 12,472,473 Prior Years' Expenditures (6,090,491) Projected Current Year Expenditures (5,428,016) Project Balance 953, 966

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 953,966 953,966 Equipment/Furnishings Total 953,966 953,966


CCRFCD 953,966 953,966 Fund Balance Total 953,966 953,966

- 200 - Las Vegas Wash - Bonanza - Las Vegas Wash to Lamb


Design and construct the reinforced concrete box (RCB) needed for the Sahara Boulder Highway System within Bonanza Road from Las Vegas Wash to Lamb Boulevard. This system will include 3,400 lineal feet of dual 12' x 7' reinforced concrete box within Bonanza Road. This project will reduce flooding impacts to properties in the central Las Vegas area.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 745,897 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 745, 897

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 745,897 745,897 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 745,897 745,897


CCRFCD 745,897 745,897 Fund Balance Total 745,897 745,897

- 201 - Las Vegas Wash - Decatur & Elkhorn


Design and construction of a storm drain pipe and reinforced concrete box (RCB) system needed for the Las Vegas Wash system within Decatur Boulevard and Elkhorn Road. The facility includes 5,300 lineal feet of triple 12' x 10' RCBs in Decatur Boulevard between Centennial Parkway and Elkhorn Road and 2,640 lineal feet of 96-inch storm drain between Farm Road and Elkhorn Road. Also included is 2,640 lineal feet of triple 12' x 9' RCBs in Elkhorn Road between Torrey Pines Drive and Jones Boulevard and 5,200 lineal feet of double 13' x 7' RCBs between Jones Boulevard and Decatur Boulevard. This project will reduce flooding impacts to properties in the northwest and provide the necessary infrastructure for the facilities in Decatur Boulevard between Centennial Parkway and Farm Road.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 31,843,912 Prior Years' Expenditures (8,375,593) Projected Current Year Expenditures (21,368,319) Project Balance 2, 100, 000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 100,000 100,000 Construction 2,000,000 2,000,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,100,000 2,100,000


CCRFCD 2,100,000 2,100,000 Fund Balance Total 2,100,000 2,100,000

- 202 - Las Vegas Wash - Grand Teton System


Design and construct the reinforced concrete box (RCB) and channel system needed for the Las Vegas Wash system within Grand Teton Drive. The Buffalo Drive to Rainbow Boulevard facility will include 5,280 lineal feet of 9' x 5' reinforced concrete box. The Mountain Spa to Buffalo Drive facility will include 2,640 lineal feet of 12' x 5' reinforced concrete box. This project will reduce flooding impacts to properties in the northwest.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 10,862,343 Prior Years' Expenditures (434,492) Projected Current Year Expenditures (335,230) Project Balance 10, 092, 621

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 100,000 100,000 Construction 5,000,000 4,992,621 9,992,621 Equipment/Furnishings Total 5,100,000 4,992,621 10,092,621


CCRFCD 5,100,000 4,992,621 10,092,621 Fund Balance Total 5,100,000 4,992,621 10,092,621

- 203 - Las Vegas Wash - Rancho Drive System (Carey/Lake Mead Detention Basin/Peak Drive)


Construct a reinforced concrete box (RCB) and channel system needed for the Las Vegas Wash system within Rancho Drive and Lake Mead Boulevard. This project will reduce flooding impacts to properties in the northwest.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 6,353,700 Prior Years' Expenditures (6,269,740) Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 83, 960

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 83,960 83,960 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 83,960 83,960


CCRFCD 83,960 83,960 Fund Balance Total 83,960 83,960

- 204 - Meadows Detention Basin Upgrade


Design and construction of approximately 22 ac-ft expansion to the existing Meadows Detention Basin located southeast corner of US95 and Valley View Boulevard, in Las Vegas Valley Water District property. This project will reduce flooding impacts to properties in the central Las Vegas area.

Facility is maintained by Las Vegas Valley Water District.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2015

Total Project Funding 3,700,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 3, 700, 000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 200,000 200,000 Construction 2,000,000 1,500,000 3,500,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 200,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 3,700,000


CCRFCD 200,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 3,700,000 Fund Balance Total 200,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 3,700,000

- 205 - Nominal Drainage - Unallocated


Miscellaneous storm drain projects conducted as needed to reduce frequent flooding, standing water, constant nuisance flow and odor problems resulting in numerous citizen complaints.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 500,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 500, 000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000


CCRFCD Fund Balance 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Total 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000

- 206 - Oakey - Meadows Storm Drain Design


Complete the design and construction of approximately 15,370 lineal feet of a multiple sized reinforced concrete box (RCB) systems between Alta Drive and Sahara Avenue and associated structures. This project will provide the necessary infrastructure for the Oakey - Meadows facilities between the Las Vegas Valley Water District (LVVWD) Springs Preserve site (Alta Drive) and Sahara Avenue. These facilities will reduce flooding along the Charleston corridor.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 5,020,354 Prior Years' Expenditures (4,404,770) Projected Current Year Expenditures (48,949) Project Balance 566, 635

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 566,635 566,635 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 566,635 566,635


CCRFCD 566,635 566,635 Fund Balance Total 566,635 566,635

- 207 - Oakey - Meadows Storm Drain Phase 2


Complete the design and construction of approximately 15,370 lineal feet of a multiple sized reinforced concrete box (RCB) systems between Alta Drive and Sahara Avenue and associated structures. This project will provide the necessary infrastructure for the Oakey - Meadows facilities between the Las Vegas Valley Water District (LVVWD) Springs Preserve site (Alta Drive) and Sahara Avenue. These facilities will reduce flooding along the Charleston corridor.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 10,057,760 Prior Years' Expenditures (975) Projected Current Year Expenditures (6,585,039) Project Balance 3, 471, 746

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 3,471,746 3,471,746 Equipment/Furnishings Total 3,471,746 3,471,746


CCRFCD 3,471,746 3,471,746 Fund Balance Total 3,471,746 3,471,746

- 208 - Oakey Storm Drain - Cahlan to Barnard


Design and construction of approximately 2,700 lineal feet of a 6'x6' reinforced concrete box (RCB) systems along Oakey Boulevard from Cahlan Drive to Barnard Drive. These facilities will reduce flooding along the Charleston corridor.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 5,997,300 Prior Years' Expenditures (328,711) Projected Current Year Expenditures (4,530,836) Project Balance 1, 137, 753

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 10,000 10,000 Construction 1,127,753 1,127,753 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,137,753 1,137,753


CCRFCD 1,137,753 1,137,753 Fund Balance Total 1,137,753 1,137,753

- 209 - Owens Avenue East - Mojave to Eastern


Design and construct the reinforced concrete box (RCB) needed for the Las Vegas Wash Central System within Owens Avenue from Mojave Road to Eastern Avenue. This system will include 2,540 lineal feet of 13' x 12' reinforced concrete box within Owens Avenue. This project will reduce flooding impacts to properties in the central Las Vegas area.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 522,684 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 522, 684

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 522,684 522,684 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 522,684 522,684


CCRFCD 522,684 522,684 Fund Balance Total 522,684 522,684

- 210 - Owens System (Vegas Dr. Storm Drain) - Michael/Rancho


Design and construct improvements that include storm drain facilities in varying sizes ranging from 7’x5’ reinforced conrete box (RCB) to 72" RCB with associated collection facilities along Vegas Drive between Michael Way and Rancho Drive. This system will provide protection to the older neighborhoods along Vegas Drive, which have been impacted by previous storm events.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 14,504,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (1,396,927) Projected Current Year Expenditures (219,073) Project Balance 12, 888, 000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 9,000,000 3,888,000 12,888,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 9,000,000 3,888,000 12,888,000


CCRFCD 9,000,000 3,888,000 12,888,000 Fund Balance Total 9,000,000 3,888,000 12,888,000

- 211 - Rancho System - Beltway to Elkhorn


Design and construct the reinforced concrete box (RCB) system within Fort Apache between the 215 Beltway and Elkhorn. The facility will include 1,850 lineal feet of 11' x 8' reinforced concrete box. This project will reduce flooding impacts to properties along Fort Apache Road.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2015

Total Project Funding 9,311,547 Prior Years' Expenditures (253,184) Projected Current Year Expenditures (212,699) Project Balance 8, 845, 664

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 421,193 421,193 Construction 6,000,000 2,424,471 8,424,471 Equipment/Furnishings Total 421,193 6,000,000 2,424,471 8,845,664


CCRFCD 421,193 6,000,000 2,424,471 8,845,664 Fund Balance Total 421,193 6,000,000 2,424,471 8,845,664

- 212 - Rancho System - Fort Apache and Grand Canyon


Design and construct the reinforced concrete box (RCB) needed for the Rancho Road System - Beltway system within Elkhorn Road from Fort Apache Road to Grand Canyon Drive. This facility will include 2,762 lineal feet of 7' x 6' reinforced concrete box. This project will reduce flooding impacts to properties in the northwest.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2015

Total Project Funding 3,502,992 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (100,000) Project Balance 3, 402, 992

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 300,000 300,000 Construction 2,000,000 1,102,992 3,102,992 Equipment/Furnishings Total 300,000 2,000,000 1,102,992 3,402,992


CCRFCD 300,000 2,000,000 1,102,992 3,402,992 Fund Balance Total 300,000 2,000,000 1,102,992 3,402,992

- 213 - Sahara Avenue - Eastern Lateral


Design and construct the reinforced concrete box (RCB) needed for the Sahara Boulder Highway System within Eastern Avenue from Sahara Avenue to St. Louis Avenue. This system will include 1,440 lineal feet of 10' x 8' reinforced concrete box within Eastern Avenue. This project will reduce flooding impacts to properties in the central Las Vegas area.

Facility is eligible for maintenance funding through the Clark County Regional Flood Control District's (CCRFCD) Annual Maintenance Work Program.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 205,237 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 205, 237

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 205,237 205,237 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 205,237 205,237


CCRFCD 205,237 205,237 Fund Balance Total 205,237 205,237

- 214 - Culture & Recreation

Culture and Recreation Culture and Recreation

Capital improvements associated with the cultural, recreational and senior citizen activities maintained for the benefit of residents and visitors are accounted for by this function. Specific activities include a comprehensive program to renovate existing facilities and construct additional parks and centers to meet the public's increasing demand for recreational services. The City utilizes a Residential Construction Tax to construct neighborhood parks in newly developed areas. This revenue can also be used to expand and/or develop existing parks. Currently, the City is divided into six park districts and the revenue collected in each district is restricted to use in that area.



2013$ 46,840,782 $ 14,866,510 $ 5,146,840 $ 66,854,132

2014 7,834,513 2,210,076 10,044,589

2015 1,314,500 1,133,834 2,448,334

2016 3,772,000 3,772,000

2017 3,070,000 3,070,000

TOTAL$ 62,831,795 $ 18,210,420 $ 5,146,840 $ 86,189,055

- 215 - PARKS

Priority Project Title Page Number

All-American Park Artificial Turf 217 Bonanza Trail 218 Charleston Median Island (Durango Drive to Hualapai Road) 219 Construction Bid Reserve 220 Doolittle Park Renovation Phase 1 & 2 221 Gilmore/Cliff Shadows Park 222 Hills Park 223 I-215 Beltway Trail Segments 224 Jaycee Park Renovations Phase 2 225 Las Vegas Arts District Gateway 226 Las Vegas Springs Preserve Phase 2 227 Las Vegas Wash Trail Phase 1 and 2 228 Las Vegas Wash Trailhead Bridge 229 Lone Mountain Trail System Phase 2 230 Lorenzi Park Renovation Phase 2 231 Median Enhancements 232 Neighborhood Park Improvements 233 Neon Boneyard Park 234 Park Amenity Replacements 235 Pedestrian Bridge - Cultural Corridor Trail 236 Pedestrian Bridge - Las Vegas Wash 237 Pedestrian Bridge - Lone Mountain Trail 238 Rampart Median Island Landscaping 239 Rancho Median Island Improvements 240 Rose Warren Park Upgrades 241 Sandhill/Owens Park Phase 1 242 Sandhill/Owens Trailhead 243 Stupak Park 244 Teton Trails Park Phase 4 245 Tropical/Durango Park Phase 2 246 Tropical Overpass Landscaping 247 Turf Replacement 248 Urban Pathways - LV Arts District (18B) Banners & Streetlights 249

- 216 - All-American Park Artificial Turf


Replace natural turf on 5 football fields with artificial turf at the All-American Park.

Estimated Completion Date: 03/30/2014

Total Project Funding 3,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 3,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 2,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000


Contributions Fund Balance 2,000,000 2,000,000 Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA Unfunded 1,000,000 1,000,000 Total 2,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000

- 217 - Bonanza Trail


Design and construct approximately four miles of enhanced trail system which follows the US 95 and Summerlin Parkway corridor from Valley View to Durango. This trail includes bikes lanes from Valley View to the downtown area along the US 95 corridor. This project will develop and support neighborhood integrity and livability and provide for additional recreation opportunities. Round 3 SNPLMA 3-7 LV03.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 14,060,940 Prior Years' Expenditures (9,262,015) Projected Current Year Expenditures (2,400,000) Project Balance 2,398,925

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 40,000 40,000 Construction 2,358,925 2,358,925 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,398,925 2,398,925


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA 2,398,925 2,398,925 Unfunded Total 2,398,925 2,398,925

- 218 - Charleston Median Island (Durango Drive to Hualapai Road)


Landscape five existing median islands that currently contain asphalt pavement. Landscaping to consist of decomposed granite, boulders, and metal plants.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 400,002 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (30,000) Project Balance 370,002

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 370,002 370,002 Equipment/Furnishings Total 370,002 370,002


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax 370,002 370,002 SNPLMA Unfunded Total 370,002 370,002

- 219 - Construction Bid Reserve


Reserve for future projects.

Estimated Completion Date: 07/31/2012

Total Project Funding 6,006,691 Prior Years' Expenditures (315,000) Projected Current Year Expenditures (3,052,138) Project Balance 2,639,553

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 2,639,553 2,639,553 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,639,553 2,639,553


Contributions Fund Balance 2,639,553 2,639,553 Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA Unfunded Total 2,639,553 2,639,553

- 220 - Doolittle Park Renovation Phase 1 & 2


The first two phases of this park renovation includes the removal of the west ballfield and the development of a family picnic area in its place. Amenities include a reservable group shade shelter for picnics and events, new walkways, area lighting, new turf, landscape and irrigation, and other amenities to the extent of the existing funding. Round 11 SNPLMA.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/30/2013

Total Project Funding 1,650,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (10,008) Projected Current Year Expenditures (31,029) Project Balance 1,608,963

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 90,000 80,000 170,000 Construction 420,000 1,018,963 1,438,963 Equipment/Furnishings Total 510,000 1,098,963 1,608,963


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA 510,000 1,098,963 1,608,963 Unfunded Total 510,000 1,098,963 1,608,963

- 221 - Gilmore/Cliff Shadows Park


Construct an eight acre park on the west side of Cliff Shadows near Gilmore Avenue, adjacent to the Gilmore/Cliff Shadows Trailhead. Park amenities include a restroom, children's play areas, open turf areas, walking paths, picnic shelters and shade shelters. Project is inactive awaiting additional funding.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 696,757 Prior Years' Expenditures (251,759) Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 444,998

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' 96,000 96,000 96,000 288,000 Supplies Services Utilities Total 96,000 96,000 96,000 288,000


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 444,998 444,998 Construction Equipment/Furnishings Total 444,998 444,998


Contributions Fund Balance 444,998 444,998 Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA Unfunded Total 444,998 444,998

- 222 - Hills Park


As a condition of the transfer agreement with Summerlin, the City will provide for repair of the retaining walls at the perimeter of the tennis courts and repair the drainage along the eastern edge of the park.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 80,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 80,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 80,000 80,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 80,000 80,000


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax 80,000 80,000 Room Tax SNPLMA Unfunded Total 80,000 80,000

- 223 - I-215 Beltway Trail Segments


The I-215 Beltway Trail Segments project is an inter-jurisdictional effort encompassing trail alignments within the entire extent of the beltway right-of-way. The entire length of the project, including the portion located within Clark County, is roughly 16 miles long. This project includes the first phase of the trail segment, approximately six miles long from Charleston Boulevard to Lone Mountain Road. The trail path will be a twelve-foot asphalt paved trail with two-foot graded (dirt) shoulders for a 16' overall width. The project also includes three pedestrian bridges at the Far Hills Avenue, Lake Mead Boulevard and Summerlin Parkway interchanges. Space for this facility is already provided for within the right-of-way, so no additional land is needed. This path will also provide access for maintenance. Round 6 SNPLMA. 6-36 LV29.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2013

Total Project Funding 6,773,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (419,795) Projected Current Year Expenditures (500,000) Project Balance 5,853,205

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies 15,000 15,000 15,000 45,000 Services Utilities Total 15,000 15,000 15,000 45,000


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 30,000 10,000 40,000 Construction 4,000,000 1,813,205 5,813,205 Equipment/Furnishings Total 4,030,000 1,823,205 5,853,205


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA 4,030,000 1,823,205 5,853,205 Unfunded Total 4,030,000 1,823,205 5,853,205

- 224 - Jaycee Park Renovations Phase 2


Phase 2 of park renovation includes new steel perimeter security fence, solar covered parking covers, skatepark, walking path modifications, lighting and fabric covers at the existing Bocce Courts.

Estimated Complete Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 10,090,097 Prior Years' Expenditures (8,354,448) Projected Current Year Expenditures (100,000) Project Balance 1,635,649

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 100,000 20,000 120,000 Construction 1,300,000 215,649 1,515,649 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,400,000 235,649 1,635,649


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA 1,400,000 235,649 1,635,649 Unfunded Total 1,400,000 235,649 1,635,649

- 225 - Las Vegas Arts District Gateway


The Las Vegas Arts District Gateway is located on Charleston Boulevard between Main Street and Las Vegas Boulevard. Improvements will include two artistic "paintbrushes" to identify the limits of the Arts District.

Estimated Completion Date: 07/31/2012

Total Project Funding 710,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (616,556) Projected Current Year Expenditures (29,204) Project Balance 64,240

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 64,240 64,240 Equipment/Furnishings Total 64,240 64,240


Contributions Fund Balance 33,694 33,694 Grants NDOT 30,546 30,546 Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA Unfunded Total 64,240 64,240

- 226 - Las Vegas Springs Preserve Phase 2


Construct walking trails and landscaping linking the railroad cottages, Nevada State Museum and the northern Preserve to the other projects at the Las Vegas Springs Preserve. Round 7 SNPLMA. LV31. This is pass thru funding to Las Vegas Valley Water District.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 12,100,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (600,000) Projected Current Year Expenditures (3,000,000) Project Balance 8,500,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015201 2016 2017201 TotalTl

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 8,500,000 8,500,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 8,500,000 8,500,000


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA 8,500,000 8,500,000 Unfunded Total 8,500,000 8,500,000

- 227 - Las Vegas Wash Trail Phase 1 and 2


Provide a 2.6 mile trail within the Las Vegas Wash System from Owens Avenue to Charleston Boulevard. This project will provide access to regional trails from the trail system in the City of Las Vegas and enhance recreational opportunities in the Las Vegas area. Round 3 balance $1,052,387, 3-12 LV05 and Round 6 balance $4,886,440, 6- 11 LV20 SNPLMA.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2013

Total Project Funding 8,077,348 Prior Years' Expenditures (4,881,256) Projected Current Year Expenditures (100,000) Project Balance 3,096,092

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 70,000 Services Utilities Total 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 70,000


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 10,000 10,000 Construction 2,000,000 1,086,092 3,086,092 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,010,000 1,086,092 3,096,092


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA 2,010,000 1,086,092 3,096,092 Unfunded Total 2,010,000 1,086,092 3,096,092

- 228 - Las Vegas Wash Trailhead Bridge


This project will provide a 200-foot pedestrian bridge to connect the Sandhill/Owens Park with the Sandhill/Owens Trailhead projects over the Las Vegas Wash at Sandhill Road. This project will be constructed in conjunction with the park and trailhead projects. Round 8 SNPLMA LV33. (a.k.a. Douglas A. Selby Park and Trailhead Pedestrian Bridge, a.k.a. Sandhill/Owens Bridge)

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 2,860,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (639,680) Projected Current Year Expenditures (13,223) Project Balance 2,207,097

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 2,207,097 2,207,097 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,207,097 2,207,097


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA 2,207,097 2,207,097 Unfunded Total 2,207,097 2,207,097

- 229 - Lone Mountain Trail System Phase 2


Design and construct an 8.7 mile multi-use trail system that will extend from Washington Avenue to Wayne Bunker Park. This project will develop and support neighborhood integrity and livability and provide additional recreational and leisure opportunities. SNPLMA 3-5 LV04 and SNPLMA 6-12 LV21.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 3,080,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (1,959,085) Projected Current Year Expenditures (200,000) Project Balance 920,915

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 Services Utilities Total 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 20,000 20,000 Construction 900,915 900,915 Equipment/Furnishings Total 920,915 920,915


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA 920,915 920,915 Unfunded Total 920,915 920,915

- 230 - Lorenzi Park Renovation Phase 2


This 24-acre portion of the park renovation includes reconfiguration of the lake and islands, pumps and liner for the lake, pump house and restrooms, bridges, picnic shelters, totlot, splashpad, basketball courts, parking lot and fire lane reconfiguration, historic interpretive trail and signage, landscaping, lighting, undergrounding overhead utility lines, and directional wayfinding signage. Funding and prior years' expenditures shown here includes both Phase 1 and 2. Round 6 SNPLMA 6-15 LV23.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 30,022,279 Prior Years' Expenditures (16,797,319) Projected Current Year Expenditures (4,000,000) Project Balance 9,224,960

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 400,000 400,000 Construction 8,824,960 8,824,960 Equipment/Furnishings Total 9,224,960 9,224,960


Contributions 400,000 400,000 Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax 1,099,279 1,099,279 Room Tax SNPLMA 7,725,681 7,725,681 Unfunded Total 9,224,960 9,224,960

- 231 - Median Enhancements (O&M)


Project at various locations with the City to retropfit and upgrade existing median islands for aesthetic enhancements utilizing low maintenance and no to low water improvements consisting of rock-scape and metal work installations.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 1,099,998 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 1,099,998

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 1,099,998 1,099,998 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,099,998 1,099,998


Contributions Fund Balance 600,000 600,000 Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax 499,998 499,998 SNPLMA Unfunded Total 1,099,998 1,099,998

- 232 - Neighborhood Park Improvements


Construct city parks improvements in various park districts. Projects may include but are not limited to ballfields, event areas, jogging tracks, playgrounds, landscaping and irrigation, lighting, off-site improvements, parking, picnic areas and restrooms.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 382,891 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 382,891

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 382,891 382,891 Equipment/Furnishings Total 382,891 382,891


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax 382,891 382,891 Room Tax SNPLMA Unfunded Total 382,891 382,891

- 233 - Neon Boneyard Park


This 2.53 acre park will contain historic neon signs provided by the Neon Museum. Approximately 0.3 acres of the site will contain a traditional park with enhanced landscaping, seating areas, a shade structure and a restroom. For a fee, visitors, schools and social groups can tour the larger facility that contains numerous neon signs, restoration facilities and a visitor's center. Round 5 SNPLMA 5-25 LV16.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2013

Total Project Funding 5,671,267 Prior Years' Expenditures (4,511,516) Projected Current Year Expenditures (500,000) Project Balance 659,751

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 Services Utilities Total 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 459,751 200,000 659,751 Equipment/Furnishings Total 459,751 200,000 659,751


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA 459,751 200,000 659,751 Unfunded Total 459,751 200,000 659,751

- 234 - Park Amenity Replacements


Reconstruction and/or resurfacing of tennis courts, and the replacement of existing playground structures, soft surface decking, and shades throughout city parks.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 1,672,500 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 1,672,500

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015201 2016 2017201 TotalTl

Personnel' Supplies 490,000 1,180,500 1,670,500 Services Utilities Total 490,000 1,180,500 1,670,500


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 258,000 258,000 314,500 272,000 570,000 1,672,500 Equipment/Furnishings Total 258,000 258,000 314,500 272,000 570,000 1,672,500


Contributions Fund Balance 258,000 232,000 490,000 Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA Unfunded 26,000 314,500 272,000 570,000 1,182,500 Total 258,000 258,000 314,500 272,000 570,000 1,672,500

- 235 - Pedestrian Bridge - Cultural Corridor Trail


Construction of a pedestrian overpass over Las Vegas Boulevard between Washington Avenue and Bonanza Road will connect elements of the Cultural Corridor Trail and allow for the uninterrupted flow of pedestrian and bicycle movement along recreational trails separate from the vehicle traffic. Round 6 SNPLMA 6-45 LV30.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2012

Total Project Funding 1,650,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (1,323,210) Projected Current Year Expenditures (40,000) Project Balance 286,790

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 286,790 286,790 Equipment/Furnishings Total 286,790 286,790


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA 286,790 286,790 Unfunded Total 286,790 286,790

- 236 - Pedestrian Bridge - Las Vegas Wash


Construction of a grade separation structure or a pedestrian overpass at Lamb Boulevard and Charleston Boulevard along the Las Vegas Wash Trail will allow for the uninterrupted flow of pedestrian and bicycle movement along the trail separate from the vehicle traffic. Round 6 SNPLMA 6-18 LV25.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2013

Total Project Funding 3,300,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (603,884) Projected Current Year Expenditures (100,000) Project Balance 2,596,116

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 Services Utilities Total 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 40,000 20,000 60,000 Construction 1,700,000 836,116 2,536,116 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,740,000 856,116 2,596,116


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA 1,740,000 856,116 2,596,116 Unfunded Total 1,740,000 856,116 2,596,116

- 237 - Pedestrian Bridge - Lone Mountain Trail


Construction of a pedestrian overpass over Lake Mead Boulevard and Cheyenne Avenue between Buffalo Drive and Tenaya Way will connect elements of the Lone Mountain Trail and allow for the uninterrupted flow of pedestrian and bicycle movement along the trail separate from the vehicle traffic. Round 6 SNPLMA 6-21 LV28.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2012

Total Project Funding 3,300,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (2,746,031) Projected Current Year Expenditures (120,000) Project Balance 433,969

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 Services Utilities Total 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 433,969 433,969 Equipment/Furnishings Total 433,969 433,969


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA 433,969 433,969 Unfunded Total 433,969 433,969

- 238 - Rampart Median Island Landscaping


Located at Cheyenne and Lake Mead. Enhance existing rock landscape, place landscape boulders, new rock and metal cacti structures.

Estimated Completion Date: 08/01/2012

Total Project Funding 100,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (96,125) Projected Current Year Expenditures (468) Project Balance 3,407

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 3,407 3,407 Equipment/Furnishings Total 3,407 3,407


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax 3,407 3,407 SNPLMA Unfunded Total 3,407 3,407

- 239 - Rancho Median Island Improvements


Project on Rancho from US95 to Charleston includes demolition of existing concrete and ashpalt within the median islands and installation of decomposed granite and landscaping.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2012

Total Project Funding 400,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (24,345) Projected Current Year Expenditures (269,889) Project Balance 105,766

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 Services Utilities Total 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 105,766 105,766 Equipment/Furnishings Total 105,766 105,766


Contributions Fund Balance 105,766 105,766 Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA Unfunded Total 105,766 105,766

- 240 - Rose Warren Park Upgrades


Park renovation and upgrades. Improvements will include installing a new chain link fence around existing ball field, construct a walking path with pathway lights, install exercise equipment and provide new picnic tables. The existing shade structures will be reused.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 412,506 Prior Years' Expenditures (32,628) Projected Current Year Expenditures (50,000) Project Balance 329,878

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 329,878 329,878 Equipment/Furnishings Total 329,878 329,878


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax 329,878 329,878 Room Tax SNPLMA Unfunded Total 329,878 329,878

- 241 - Sandhill/Owens Park Phase 1


This neighborhood park, built on 4.91 acres of acquired land, is located along the Las Vegas Wash at Sandhill Road. To the extent that funding will allow, the park amenities will include lighted walking paths, children's play equipment, soccer field, dog park, play area, restroom, parking lot, drinking fountains and shade structures. This project is adjacent to and will be constructed in conjunction with the Sandhill/Owens Trailhead and Las Vegas Wash Trailhead Bridge projects. Round 6 SNPLMA 6-16 LV24 (Official name "Douglas A. Selby Park and Trailhead", a.k.a. Private Land Sandhill Owens).

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2013

Total Project Funding 2,640,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (1,744,973) Projected Current Year Expenditures (230,000) Project Balance 665,027

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 Services Utilities Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 30,000 10,000 40,000 Construction 500,000 125,027 625,027 Equipment/Furnishings Total 530,000 135,027 665,027


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA 530,000 135,027 665,027 Unfunded Total 530,000 135,027 665,027

- 242 - Sandhill/Owens Trailhead


This trailhead project, built on 4.06 acres of city-owned land, is located along the Las Vegas Wash at Sandhill Road. The trailhead includes picnic areas, landscaping, seating areas, information kiosks including trail maps, parking and staging areas for cyclists, runners and other trail users. This project is adjacent to and will be constructed in conjunction with the Sandhill/Owens Park and Las Vegas Wash Trailhead Bridge projects. City Land Round 6 SNPLMA. 6-19 LV26 (Official name "Douglas A. Selby Park and Trailhead").

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2013

Total Project Funding 2,068,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (1,613,668) Projected Current Year Expenditures (100,000) Project Balance 354,332

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 200,000 Utilities Total 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 200,000


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 10,000 10,000 20,000 Construction 250,000 84,332 334,332 Equipment/Furnishings Total 260,000 94,332 354,332


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA 260,000 94,332 354,332 Unfunded Total 260,000 94,332 354,332

- 243 - Stupak Park


This relocated .6 acre park is being developed on the former site of the relocated Stupak Community Center. Park amenities include a synthetic turf area for unprogrammed soccer play and other sports activities, lighted half-court basketball court, shaded tot lot, splash pad and shaded picnic tables. This park will serve the local neighborhood needs and the new adjacent Stupak Community Center activities.

Estimated Completion Date: 03/31/2014

Total Project Funding 3,100,227 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (200,000) Project Balance 2,900,227

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015201 2016 2017201 TotalTl

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 140,227 60,000 200,227 Construction 1,900,000 800,000 2,700,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 2,040,227 860,000 2,900,227


Contributions Fund Balance Grants 2,040,227 860,000 2,900,227 NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA Unfunded Total 2,040,227 860,000 2,900,227

- 244 - Teton Trails Park Phase 4


This is the final phase of the park's development consisting of approximately 12.5 acres. Improvements include trailhead amenities, parking, one additional lighted synthetic turf lacrosse field, offsite street improvements, landscaping that was delayed from phase 2, restroom, equestrian trail improvements, and shade shelters. Teton Trails Park is located at the southeast corner of Grand Teton Drive and Bradley Avenue.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 870,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (4,516) Projected Current Year Expenditures (498,358) Project Balance 367,126

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 367,126 367,126 Equipment/Furnishings Total 367,126 367,126


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax 367,126 367,126 Room Tax SNPLMA Unfunded Total 367,126 367,126

- 245 - Tropical/Durango Park Phase 2


This will be the second phase of an 8.2 acre passive park on the northwest corner of Tropical Parkway and Durango Drive. This second phase continues the process from Phase 1 and contains graded planted berms, half street improvements to Tropical Parkway, tot lots, on-site parking, a shade ramada, walkways, sidewalk along Durango Drive and Raptor display area. (Official name "Raptor Play Park at The Thunderbird Family Sports Complex").

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 1,500,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (172,883) Projected Current Year Expenditures (100,000) Project Balance 1,227,117

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 90,000 90,000 Construction 1,137,117 1,137,117 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,227,117 1,227,117


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax 1,227,117 1,227,117 Room Tax SNPLMA Unfunded Total 1,227,117 1,227,117

- 246 - Tropical Overpass Landscaping


Landscaping in the infilled areas along US95 at Tropical Parkway.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 316,700 Prior Years' Expenditures (39,145) Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 277,555

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 277,555 277,555 Equipment/Furnishings Total 277,555 277,555


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT 138,778 138,778 Residential Construction Tax Room Tax 138,777 138,777 SNPLMA Unfunded Total 277,555 277,555

- 247 - Turf Replacement


Replace turf at various parks throughout the city.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2017

Total Project Funding 7,000,000 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures Project Balance 7,000,000

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 1,000,000 3,500,000 2,500,000 7,000,000 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,000,000 3,500,000 2,500,000 7,000,000


Contributions Fund Balance 1,000,000 1,000,000 Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax SNPLMA Unfunded 3,500,000 2,500,000 6,000,000 Total 1,000,000 3,500,000 2,500,000 7,000,000

- 248 - Urban Pathways - Las Vegas Arts District (18B) Banners and Streetlights


Remove and replace 8 to 16 streetlights with Centennial Standard poles along Charleston Boulevard from Commerce Street to Fourth Street. Fabricate and install 34 metal banner signs throughout the 18B Arts District.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 500,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (254) Projected Current Year Expenditures (75,000) Project Balance 424,746

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 237,617 187,129 424,746 Equipment/Furnishings Total 237,617 187,129 424,746


Contributions Fund Balance Grants NDOT Residential Construction Tax Room Tax 237,617 187,129 424,746 SNPLMA Unfunded Total 237,617 187,129 424,746


Priority Project Title Page Number

Floyd Lamb Visitor's Center 251 Garside Pool/Bathhouse Improvements 252 Las Vegas Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement 253 Neon Museum Visitor's Center 254 West Side School Remodel 255

- 250 - Floyd Lamb Visitor's Center

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # A Visitor's Center at Floyd Lamb Park.

Estimated Completion Date: 12/31/2012

Total Project Funding 478,877 Prior Years' Expenditures (286,321) Projected Current Year Expenditures (4,468) Project Balance 188,088

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 188,088 188,088 Equipment/Furnishings Total 188,088 188,088


Bonds Contributions Fund Balance Grants 188,088 188,088 Total 188,088 188,088

- 251 - Garside Pool/Bathhouse Improvements

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # Renovate existing swimming pool facility and related improvements.

Estimated Completion Date: 03/31/2013

Total Project Funding 8,194,500 Prior Years' Expenditures (196) Projected Current Year Expenditures (100,000) Project Balance 8,094,304

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 8,094,304 8,094,304 Equipment/Furnishings Total 8,094,304 8,094,304


Bonds Contributions Fund Balance Grants 8,094,304 8,094,304 Total 8,094,304 8,094,304

- 252 - Las Vegas Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # 26498 Rehabilitate the historical former downtown Post Office Building for use as a museum and cultural center. This project also includes the initial capital investment for exhibitions, galleries, office, gift shop and related museum interior adaptive use. Approximately 43,000 square feet. (a.k.a. "The ", a.k.a. The Post Modern, a.k.a. The Downtown Post Office)

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 45,520,646 Prior Years' Expenditures (33,459,106) Projected Current Year Expenditures (7,817,422) Project Balance 4,244,118

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 4,244,118 4,244,118 Equipment/Furnishings Total 4,244,118 4,244,118


Bonds Contributions Fund Balance 4,244,118 4,244,118 Grants Total 4,244,118 4,244,118

- 253 - Neon Museum Visitor's Center

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # 33264 This project will construct a visitor's center and entry gate into the Neon Museum utilizing the relocated historic LaConcha lobby roof shell and the construction of a building addition to the shell for offices, workrooms and restrooms. Although the complete scope of work has not been determined or cost estimated, additional funding will be required. The work will be phased as funding becomes available. The project is located at the southeast corner of McWilliams Avenue and Las Vegas Boulevard.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2014

Total Project Funding 1,457,039 Prior Years' Expenditures Projected Current Year Expenditures (6,963) Project Balance 1,450,076

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 40,000 40,000 Construction 1,000,000 410,076 1,410,076 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,040,000 410,076 1,450,076


Bonds Contributions Fund Balance Grants 1,040,000 410,076 1,450,076 Total 1,040,000 410,076 1,450,076

- 254 - West Side School Remodel

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # 207542 Master planning, design and construction for the Westside School and Variety Early Learning Center complex.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2015

Total Project Funding 4,650,000 Prior Years' Expenditures (146,316) Projected Current Year Expenditures (269,850) Project Balance 4,233,834

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering 1,300,000 300,000 1,600,000 Construction 1,500,000 1,133,834 2,633,834 Equipment/Furnishings Total 1,300,000 1,800,000 1,133,834 4,233,834


Bonds 180,610 1,800,000 1,133,834 3,114,444 Contributions 900,000 900,000 Fund Balance Grants 219,390 219,390 Total 1,300,000 1,800,000 1,133,834 4,233,834


Priority Project Title Page Number

Performing Arts Center and Parking Lot 257

- 256 - Performing Arts Center and Parking Lot

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # The Fred W. and Mary B. Smith Center for the Performing Arts will be a world-class facility where people in southern Nevada will be inspired, educated and enriched. The Center will have three performance venues: a large, multi-use theater with more than 2,000 seats, a medium-sized theater with approximately 800 seats, and a black box theater equipped for intimate performances, receptions and other events. This project fills a void and is intended to be one of the major icons of Symphony Park.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 285,627,328 Prior Years' Expenditures (253,431,205) Projected Current Year Expenditures (27,049,283) Project Balance 5,146,840

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 3,000,000 3,000,000 Equipment/Furnishings 2,146,840 2,146,840 Total 5,146,840 5,146,840


Contributions 5,146,840 5,146,840 Total 5,146,840 5,146,840

- 257 - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Economic Development Economic Development & Assistance and Assistance Economic Development and Assistance

Capital improvements associated with this function are to further the economic development of the City as well as to provide assistance and opportunity for people and businesses who are economically disadvantaged. Specific activities include Urban Redevelopment projects aimed at revitalizing specified areas of the City. The City is developing the infrastructure on 61 acres located in the downtown area which will encourage further growth and development of this area.



2013$ 3,687,797 $ 3,687,797





TOTAL$ 3,687,797 $ 3,687,797


Priority Project Title Page Number

1 Symphony Park Infrastructure 261

- 260 - Symphony Park Infrastructure

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION: Hansen # Symphony Park Infrastructure (aka Union Park Plaza) is a 61 acre site located east of Bonneville and south of Grand Central Parkway, in the heart of downtown. The site is currently being master planned as a mixed use project with intended uses including office space, retail space, hotels, a casino and over 2,600 residential units. In order to proceed with the development of the site, certain infrastructure improvements are required. The first phase of on-site infrastructure included streets, 2,100 temporary surface parking spaces, power, water, sewer and environmental remediation costs. Completed projects are: The Performing Arts Center, the "Keep Memory Alive" Lou Ruvo Alzheimer's Institute and a 1.3 million square foot World Jewelry Mart. The development will continue in phases.

Estimated Completion Date: 06/30/2013

Total Project Funding 53,111,701 Prior Years' Expenditures (41,527,883) Projected Current Year Expenditures (7,896,021) Project Balance 3,687,797

IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Personnel' Supplies Services Utilities Total


Land & ROW Acquisition' Design Engineering Construction 3,687,797 3,687,797 Equipment/Furnishings Total 3,687,797 3,687,797


Bonds 271,511 271,511 Contributions 2,690,906 2,690,906 Fund Balance 725,380 725,380 Future Bonds Land Sales Total 3,687,797 3,687,797


FY 2013 Final Budget

Adjust for Fund Schedule A-1 Operating Proprietary Adjusted Number Fund Name Capital Outlay Capital Funds Capital

100000 General Fund 5,000 (5,000) 0 201000 Multipurpose SRF 1,290,450 (1,290,450) 0 210000 Housing & Urban Development SRF 50,000 (50,000) 0 401000 General CPF 20,367,353 20,367,353 402000 City Facilities CPF 22,689,884 22,689,884 403000 Fire Services CPF 17,969,516 17,969,516 404000 Public Works CPF 25,693,145 25,693,145 405000 Traffic Improvements CPF 13,156,454 13,156,454 406000 Parks & Leisure Activities CPF 66,854,132 66,854,132 407000 Road & Flood CPF 80,841,196 80,841,196 408000 Detention & Enforcement CPF 3, 100, 000 3, 100, 000 409000 Special Assessments CPF 4,633,050 4,633,050 503000 Sanitation EF 132,774,985 132,774,985

Total 256,650,180 (1,345,450) 132,774,985 388,079,715



FREMONT STREET EXPERIENCE REFUNDING BONDS 2 13 YRS 12,535,000 02/06/03 07/01/12 2.75-4.95% 1,150,000 122,864 1,150,000 1,272,864 FREMONT STREET EXPERIENCE REFUNDING BONDS 2 4 YRS 4,020,000 05/01/12 07/01/15 2.00% 4,020,000 53,600 53,600 PARKING BONDS Series 2002A 2 30 YRS 25,000,000 12/01/02 06/30/13 3.00-5.25% 595,000 11,900 595,000 606,900 VARIOUS PURPOSE REFUNDING BONDS SERIES 2005B 2 14 YRS 21,295,000 07/01/05 06/01/19 3.00-5.00% 13,835,000 375,000 13,835,000 14,210,000 VARIOUS PURPOSE REFUNDING BONDS SERIES 2006A 2 18 YRS 18,000,000 05/01/06 05/01/24 5.625-5.90% 14,230,000 832,866 895,000 1,727,866 VARIOUS PURPOSE SERIES 2006B 2 30YRS 50,745,000 05/18/06 06/01/36 4.00-5.00% 50,745,000 2,425,563 2,425,563 VARIOUS PURPOSE SERIES 2006C (variable rate bonds) 2 30YRS 32,000,000 08/22/06 06/01/36 Daily Rate 30,715,000 75,000 690,000 765,000 PERFORMING ARTS CENTER BONDS Series 2009 2 30YRS 101,220,000 04/01/09 04/01/39 5.00-7.00% 99,660,000 5,788,919 1,635,000 7,423,919 - 264 RECREATION BONDS 5 10 YRS 20,000,000 12/09/03 11/01/13 2.00-3.60% 4,550,000 122,730 2,220,000 2,342,730 RECREATION BONDS SERIES 2004C 5 10 YRS 20,000,000 09/01/04 10/01/14 3.00-4.00% 6,640,000 217,563 2,135,000 2,352,563 CULTURAL / STUPAK COMMUNITY CENTER 5 10 YRS 12,500,000 11/01/07 11/01/17 4.00-4.25% 8,095,000 303,225 1,215,000 1,518,225 PUBLIC SAFETY BONDS 5 10 YRS 10,000,000 11/01/07 11/01/17 4.00-4.25% 6,470,000 242,275 975,000 1,217,275 MEDIUM TERM MAIN ST PARKING GARAGE BONDS 5 10 YRS 15,000,000 10/01/09 10/01/19 2.00-4.00% 13,520,000 447,500 1,505,000 1,952,500 MEDIUM TERM BONDS Series 2011A 5 10 YRS 27,590,000 12/01/11 12/01/21 2.00-5.00% 27,590,000 926,962 2,310,000 3,236,962 MEDIUM TERM BONDS Series 2011B (Taxable) Westside School 5 10 YRS 3,545,000 12/01/11 12/01/19 2.50-3.50% 3,545,000 99,185 400,000 499,185 MEDIUM TERM BONDS F STREET 5 10 YRS 8,115,000 05/01/12 05/01/22 2.00-3.00% 8,115,000 184,150 740,000 924,150

SANITARY SEWER REFUNDING BONDS 2004 2 14 YRS 21,050,000 09/09/04 11/01/17 3.00-4.00% 14,760,000 534,450 2,230,000 2,764,450 SANITARY SEWER REFUNDING BONDS 2006A 2 15 YRS 31,920,000 03/15/06 04/01/21 4.00-5.00% 29,310,000 1,312,725 2,710,000 4,022,725 SANITARY SEWER REFUNDING BONDS 2007 2 5 YRS 17,155,000 11/01/07 10/01/12 4.00% 4,550,000 91,000 4,550,000 4,641,000 SANITARY SEWER BONDS 11 20 YRS 50,000,000 01/01/13 01/01/33 3.00% 750,000 750,000

* - TYPE 6 - Medium-Term Financing-Lease Purchase 1 - General Obligation Bonds 7 - Capital Leases 2 - General Obligation Revenue Supported Bonds 8 - Special Assessment Bonds 3 - General Obligation Special Assessment Bonds 9 - Mortgages 4 - Revenue Bonds 10 - Other (Specify Type) 5 - Medium-Term Financing 11 - Proposed (Specify Type) CITY OF LAS VEGAS SCHEDULE OF INDEBTEDNESS FISCAL YEAR 2013


GOLF COURSE BONDS 2 10 YRS 8,230,000 05/01/12 06/01/22 2.00-3.250% 8,230,000 209,950 725,000 934,950

SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS 1463,1470, 1471 8 20 YRS 4,245,000 12/01/02 12/01/22 3.625-5.00% 2,145,000 94,395 280,000 374,395 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS 1481 8 20YRS 1,975,000 07/01/04 06/01/24 3.25-4.875% 1,180,000 52,495 100,000 152,495 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS 1474 & 1486 8 10YRS 452,000 06/01/04 06/01/14 4.26% 90,000 3,355 45,000 48,355 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BANK LOAN 1487 & 1503 8 10YRS 818,000 03/17/06 12/01/15 4.04% 363,000 12,928 86,000 98,928

- 265 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS 1506 8 10 YRS 1,724,000 06/01/07 06/01/27 4.32% 1,423,000 61,474 69,000 130,474 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BANK LOAN 1493 8 10 YRS 444,000 06/01/07 06/01/17 4.13% 240,000 8,994 44,000 52,994 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS 1490 8 10 YRS 320,000 07/01/07 06/01/17 4.53% 176,000 7,966 32,000 39,966 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS 1507 11 20 YRS 2,000,000 09/01/12 09/01/32 2.0-2.50% 37,500 50,000 87,500

NEW CLEAN RENEWABLE ENERGY SERIES 2010 10 15 YRS 4,974,000 05/01/11 05/01/26 6.00% 4,693,307 284,884 284,308 569,192 QUALIFIED ENERGY CONSERVATION SERIES 2010 10 15 YRS 5,874,300 05/01/11 05/01/26 6.00% 5,542,355 336,421 335,741 672,162

COP TAX-EXEMPT CITY HALL PROJECT SERIES 2009A 10 10 YRS 13,770,000 12/17/09 09/01/19 4.0-5.00% 13,770,000 688,200 688,200 COP TAXABLE CITY HALL PROJECT SERIES 2009A 10 30 YRS 174,500,000 12/17/09 09/01/39 6.084-7.050% 174,500,000 13,194,462 13,194,462

TOTAL 721,016,300 554,447,662 29,910,501 41,841,049 71,751,550

* - TYPE 6 - Medium-Term Financing-Lease Purchase 1 - General Obligation Bonds 7 - Capital Leases 2 - General Obligation Revenue Supported Bonds 8 - Special Assessment Bonds 3 - General Obligation Special Assessment Bonds 9 - Mortgages 4 - Revenue Bonds 10 - Other (Specify Type) 5 - Medium-Term Financing 11 - Proposed (Specify Type) CITY OF LAS VEGAS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS


2003 4,520,125 13,203,547 85,383,065 27,196,959 33,770,238 3,371,275 167,445,209

2004 8,246,880 12,083,961 53,777,872 18,400,348 23,688,708 1,970,508 118,168,277

2005 5,989,513 10,559,276 58,842,936 19,267,968 37,117,977 2,535,556 134,313,226

2006 11,542,599 8,220,177 52,815,873 15,287,210 35,439,897 1,999,505 125,305,261

2007 11,684,964 6,811,885 68,442,263 14,608,668 76,788,573 4,126,354 182,462,707 - 266 2008 32,814,072 11,694,781 62,790,051 19,885,808 49,493,893 8,198,502 184,877,107 - 2009 8,487,547 9,730,630 88,676,484 23,794,050 76,517,773 15,122,068 222,328,552

2010 29,045,085 7,427,693 101,775,080 16,457,248 185,076,711 7,855,446 347,637,263

2011 86,209,944 5,470,269 78,605,141 17,736,454 138,883,851 2,541,505 329,447,164

2012* 76,895,338 19,263,956 73,871,481 49,000,000 55,205,490 7,334,021 281,570,286

TOTAL 275,436,067 104,466,175 724,980,246 221,634,713 711,983,111 55,054,740 2,093,555,052

* Estimated