Draft Bon Air Special Area Plan Detailed Unedited Citizen Comments Compiled from community meetings, emails and internet form April/May 2015

Comment Response Raw Comment # # Unfortunately, I do not see much in this plan to address the traffic problems that exist along Buford Rd. For cars turning onto/off of Buford, the traffic can be horrendous. Particularly bad is the intersection of Rockaway & Buford but there are other problem spots as well. 1 There is nothing here to address that concern. I would have hoped to see possibly some talk 3 of adding traffic lights or turning some intersections into 4 way stops. Perhaps even banning left turns at certain intersections at certain times of day. In my mind, traffic is one of the biggest issues in this area. On the topic of sidewalks... I know it is a hot button issue. I was initially a huge supporter because it sounds like a great idea. Then I heard the amount of land it takes, and my 2 4, 17 goodness, it changed my mind. Can the trees that would have to be removed be flagged or marked in some way, so as people consider the issue they can SEE the impact? Thank you. As someone who owns property on Bannon Rd., I am not too pleased with this plan. One thing being overlooked is that there is a need for smaller one level single family residence. 3 5 Surely, someone could have developed a plan that did not destroy the established neighborhood that I reside in. I thought this plan was dedicated to preserving what we have. Instead it looks like a proposition to transform Bon Air into another Short Pump. re: Section 5. Sidewalks and 4 6, 7, 8 parks are welcomed, but condos and redesigned multi level shopping mall??? NOT HAPPY!!!!!

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 1

Comment Response Raw Comment # # I have read most of the PDF of the plan. It is so wrong on so many levels, that I am shocked this is even being presented. So many parts of it are not only wrong, they are just horrendous. I was a long-time resident of Bon Air and just this month sold my house on Tinsley Drive to a young couple with very young children. They bought the house largely because they attend Bon Air Baptist Church and wanted to live nearby. So now you are proposing to turn their street and home into commercial property? I have forwarded information on the plan to my realtor to give to their realtor. First - turning Bannon Road into commercial property and also Tinsley Drive. How are the people on Jefferson Drive and the remainder of Bon Oaks supposed to protect themselves from the 24-hour nighttime lights on Bannon? The parking lot behind? Am I the only one who thinks that this is an eyesore and knows that it is a thieves' delight? I watch the news and know that thieves want a quick in-and-out to hit a store. As in - the parking lot on Huguenot. And where is car traffic going to enter and exit? Not on Huguenot Road - too much traffic at high speeds. Too dangerous. So off of Bannon? Which will increase traffic on the edge of the remaining residential area. I wouldn't want to live on Jefferson after this. Would you? Second - turning all of Tinsley into commercial of any sort is just sad. One woman who bought her home 5, 6, 7, 8, 5 there several years ago wrote to me about this plan "I love my home". She doesn't want to 9, 10 move, but will if your plan succeeds. So your plan is to displace current residents. Third - the picture on p. 26 of the PDF of the intersection of Buford Road and Forest Hill is bizarre. In it, there is no sunlight on the streets - no homey atmosphere. It looks like The Brick Road in "Downtown Short Pump". Where is the Victorian feel of Bon Air? Or is this a deliberate attempt to destroy the current village feel? The current strip of stores on the east side of Buford north of Forest Hill is already an eyesore. I don't object to it being replaced. But how about with something BETTER - not worse. Fourth - the whole area that now houses Buford Road pharmacy, etc. What an awful plan for that area. High rise buildings in the Victorian village of Bon Air? Now - there's an oxymoron. Fifth - high rise buildings backing up on McRae Road? UGLY. Sixth - possibly closing off one of the streets at either end of Depot Lane? Not good, unless someone likes the idea of traffic jams on Rockaway Road. Seventh - on a better note - a park somewhere in Bon Air would be nice. Also walking trails. In sum, it looks to me like you are proposing bland, soul-less urban streetscapes in a suburban neighborhood. I am not against change. Some change is inevitable. But this? Please don't foist high-rise commercial development on Bon Air. Please don't tear up current residential neighborhoods. Please. The county should stop the use of the residential home at 2015 Buford Road for running a construction business. The Hodgins children started using this home for their business after the death of their parents two years ago. I have complained to the zoning board but 6 11 nothing has happened. The house is becoming an eyesore in the heart of "old Bon Air". They are storing equipment in the side yard and have about 10 trash containers in the driveway which are all visible from Buford Road. This area is currently zoned Residential. I love being able to drop my car at BP for work and walk home. Hope a garage stays. in the meantime I wonder if the shops near pizza hut could change their dumpster situation and use the in between area for parking. And if it will be a long time til changes are made if they could all paint the shops in pleasing colors. Am hoping the crepe myrtles will not be cut 7 1 back mid bloom this year. The land management company chose to murder them last year while blooming rather than Feb. (which shouldn't be done anyway) this is all very interesting. hope to see more on thurs. thanks for high level of communication, you all are doing a good job.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 2

Comment Response Raw Comment # # We need to prioritize pedestrian and bike routes, particularly paths separated from the main road, which will make the neighborhood more liveable and help to increase property 8 values. Also, we need to educate people about overuse of outdoor lighting which takes 6 away the stars, wastes electricity and is actually harmful to public safety (whereas motion- detecting lights improve safety). I reviewed the Bon Air Special Area Plan. Overall, it has many good ideas however, I have concerns and questions. I fully support enhancements to increase walking, adding trees and green spaces, and putting power lines underground. I have concerns about overall cost and "vertically integrated mixed use buildings". I question the logic in idea of tearing down the existing Bon Air Elementary School and building a new school. That seems to be an 9 unnecessary expense. Where exactly would a water treatment facility be located on the 6, 8,9, 12 school property? The design for the business district puts the buildings too close to the road and I could not support buildings higher than 2 stories. If new housing is going to be added there needs to be a mix of more affordable housing with more expensive housing. It sounds like a parking deck is part of the plan - where and how high? What happens after the comment period? Thank you. Please include waste water service and the funding to pursue waste water service for all 10 Bon Air homes. Having a strong infrastructure and basic utilities are critical to long term 13 success. Lots of exciting things in the plan! Had a few concerns/comments to add: 1. Light rail through Bon Air would increase train traffic for the many residents whose properties border the tracks. The tracks are very close to yards. 2. There isn't a light planned at Buford Road and Rockaway. This is currently a big traffic problem as there's only a two-way stop sign 11 1, 3, 5, 14 (cars get backed up on Rockaway trying to turn left onto Buford). Would be great if a light or four way stop were installed. 3. The added shops along Huguenot Road will dramaticaly change the nature of the road. Don't want Huguenot to turn into Midlothian Tpke. Maybe offices instead of a commercial strip? Hello, I'd like the county administrators to consider funding wastewater connections to the county sewer lines on my street , cherrytree lane, for houses like mine and several others 12 13 that are still on a septic system. This will help increase resale home values as well as keep the creeks and river cleaner. Thanks you for your consideration. We are very concerned about our neighbors and friends who are without access to the sewer lines and the enormous costs they must incur to connect to established lines. We 13 13 truly hope that the Bon Air plan includes the extension of sewer lines to more homes. This is impacting all of us, even those of us who are already hooked up to the sewer lines. 14 Please provide county sewer lines to all Bon Air homes. Thank you 13 1. Priority should be given to eliminating usage of aging private septic systems and connecting all Bon Air homes to County sewer. The homes in the Cambridge subdivision need to be connected to prevent pollution in the creeks that run through the 15 6, 7, 13 neighborhood. 2. As more and more families with young children move into the neighborhood, a park/playground would be ideal. 3. As many sidewalks and paths as possible to make the area safely walkable would be great.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 3

Comment Response Raw Comment # # There are many of us still on the spetic. Chesterfield should finish what it started and get everyone over to sewer. The neighborhoods could do with some little trails or cut throughs to make loops that the children can get to friend and generally make it more walkable. Sidewalks on Huguenot so people can walk. Longer green light when turning left onto 6, 13, 15, 16 Huguenot from Forrest hill face lift to shopping strip by pizza hut still another bar, 16 southbound didn't fill the gap its too fancy. Think Galley! Before and After school care program right at Bon Air school (look at Mary Mumford for a model). Better updated stock at Martins to match the younger clientele. Isn't 3 pharmacy's too much? What decisions have been made regarding: TRAFFIC LIGHT @ INTERSECTION OF BUFORD 17 RD/ROCKAWAY...there are 2 schools located in that area...traffic flow from 4 directions. 3 This is a SAFTEY MUST...... A huge flow comes thru there from #60 Thank You, I would like to recommend the extension of sidewalks along Huguenot Rd past Bon Oaks Ln to the entrance of "Oxford at Bon Air." Despite close proximity to the entrance of the village it would still not be possible to walk to the new development area other than a circuitous 18 route through the neighborhood since to the dangerous nature of walking along Huguenot 15 Rd. Since their are sidewalks along Forest Hill Avenue connecting the neighborhoods to the village I would think there should be something similar along Huguenot as it is much more dangerous to walk along than Forest Hill. Removing 50 year old trees and replacing them with crepe myrtle, as was done in Bon Air village a few years ago, does not "enhance the area" as your plan suggests. Replacing 50 year old trees with 5 year old trees is not appealing except to the very young who might live to see them mature. Re: picture on Page 26: What is the advantage of changing the village 19 of Bon Air to a downtown Main Street? Who wants that change? All the people who want 4, 8, 9, 17 sidewalks should be required to walk on them or face punishment, probably a small fine. I live in Bon Air and drive on Buford Rd. and Forest Hill quite often. In the years since those sidewalks were built I have counted 14 people walking on them. A very large expense and destruction of trees for very few citizens. I look forward to the future of Bon Air. I think the improvements to the school will be a 20 1, 6, 7 great addition along with the sidewalks. Leave the Buford Rd shopping center alone! I'm speaking of the one with the pharmacy and 21 8 Joe's. I attended the event @ Bon Air Baptist and found it to be a well thought out plan. The location of the trails & the sidewalks made good logical sense. I especially thought that the 1, 6, 18, 22 "tear down" of the rentals along Buford @ Huguenot Rd and the conversion to mixed use to 19 be creative and long overdue. Good job, staff! The plan outlined in this draft is an improvement to the area that is long overdue. More 23 access to safe walking and biking trails will be welcomed by most Bon Air residents. I hope 1, 6 this project starts as soon as possible.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 4

Comment Response Raw Comment # # The focus on making Bon Air more walkable and cyclable makes me feel very optimistic about it's future. I had tried to jog from the nursery at Bon Air Presbyterian Church to Larus Park prior to the arrival of the pedestrian cross walk lights on Huguenot Road and it was a terrifying experience that led me to drive my car a short distance to start. That improvement is significant but could do with additions like another crossing option at Buford & Huguenot and sidewalks on either side of Hugeonot that feel safe. My family been considering moving to the area and wanted to look at how realistic it would be to cycle or walk to school and this really proved not to be the case if one was located on the wrong side of any of the main arterial routes (i.e. Hugeonot or Buford). One option it seems to me, apart from the excellent introduction of pedestrian crossings, would be to create cycle routes on the quieter roads parallel to the main arteries, such as Mc Rae that tied in with 6, 15, 20, 24 crossings. I cycle with novice riders so a bike path on the main roads would not work for us 21 and we'd potential opt for wide side walks in other locations to prevent contact with over- trafficked and bike-unaware drivers. Lots of signage and traffic calming measures, focussing on making the area more bike and pedestrian friendly that cars can see as they enter the zone would also be a supporting bonus. We have not chosen to live here yet but if the above improves we'd reconsider and I still remain a weekly jogger in the quiet roads where the Bon Air 5K is run. Actually water fountains in the shopping zones is another feature that aids more physical use of the space and of course places to park your bikes. My very best wishes and grateful thanks for this promising document. Connecting to the Larus Park and Martins store area and where Joe's Inn is really could change the nature of the community, especially if they could enter from all directions.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 5

Comment Response Raw Comment # # As a resident who lives in the Bon Air area my comments are as follows: 1) The roundabout makes no sense. I expect cyclists and the elderly will also been running into each other. 2) I am strongly against the county mandating a civic association and even more so that the county would be administering it for at least a year. 3) Why expend cost to paint the water tower? The tower functions as a landmark and was painted blue to match the sky. It and the font used on it have been reproduced extensively and embraced as a welcoming mark Bon Air. I don't know who recmmended painting it, but that's a sure sign of wasteful spending. 4) The plan refers to a "village-style" draft standard, yet it looks like the planners just threw in graphics to make the area look dense, congested and underwhelming such as the area around VCU. A parking deck?? That should absolutely not be allowed. Just because there is not much s.f. in the commercial core does not give the planners the right to encourage extensive vertical building. The sense of scale and densitiy of the core would be out of place to the area that supports it. How would Buford road, already at capacity, accomodate such density? According to Chesterfield's 2014 Residential Design Standards Bon Air, Chester and Midlothian retain a resurgence due to the village-style design and their 4, 7, 8, 9, 25 sense of place. The plan reads as though the people asked for more businesses and the 22, 23, planners forgot this was Bon Air by just putting in as much as they would irrespective of the 24, 25 surrounding area. Fortunately, I doubt redevelopment will occur like this, but it certainly has upset a number of residents. 5) Walkability: Thankfully, there are no sidewalks down Buford. That idea made no sense. I have serious doubts the sidewalks down McRae will be used as the ones at the commercial area are never used. I wonder how often they will even be used to go to the private Bon Air Community Association pools and tennis courts where they lead. Or how long they will even be in business. 6) The linear trail is a good idea but believe that was already on the County's Park and Rec plan. I know a lot of us requested a tennis court for the park. The courts at BACA are private. Why was a tennis court not provided but a pickbleball (?) and 1/2 basketball court were? There is space to add a court and reconfigure parking. A dog park was added that could be eliminated to free up space for it. Is that such a wise idea to have a dog park right next to an elementary school and an unenclosed area where children would be playing? 7) Agree signage to Bon Air would be nice. Hopefully, it will be tasteful and rich in character like Bon Air is. Not a generic brick massing. First I think the best thing for Bon Air is to leave it alone! Bon Air is jewel in Chesterfield County if not in the whole Richmond area. It is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places and needs to be kept as it was to retain that designation. I am pleased that you have removed any plan for sidewalks or curbs and gutters in the historic district. We do not need anything that will disturb the beauty of Buford Rd. in that area. I also question the need for roundabouts. I know that is the "in" thing to do today, but I find them more dangerous than 4-way stops as people do not know how to enter or exit them. The water 8, 9, 22, 26 tower does not need to be repainted or the font changed. The Bon Air Historic Society 24 worked long and hard to get that painting done and it makes a statement for Bon Air. We do not need any more traffic lights or stop signs on Buford Rd. in the Historic area. In the commercial area any new buildings should not be more than 2 stories high and any new construction should be in keeping with historic nature of the area. It's sad that that wasn't done in the past. Bon Air does not need any multiuse development that will bring in more people and traffic. People want to move to Bon Air because of its unique neighborhoods and homes and that needs to be preserved.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 6

Comment Response Raw Comment # # We have lived in Bon Air for thirty years. We like our neighbourhood just as it is. We do not need or want roundabouts. Nor do we need or want sidewalks and bike paths. We are happy with our commercial area We do not want three stories or have a need for additional 4, 8, 9, 27 parking.We have parks and tennis courts close by and they are sufficient.The county could 22, 26 best use this money eleswhere. Look at the roads and schools. Please leave our neighbourhood as it is. Thank you for your hard work on the Bon Air Special Area Plan and the opportunity to offer comments. I like the overall concept and appreciate the sidewalks and planned roundabouts (although, I wish the roundabouts could be large enough to have low- plantings inside). I know that in the past, the planning department has sought to have colonial-style architecture for the commercial building development. I request that this be changed to meet the actual historic context of Bon Air; Victorian. Victorian architectural 6, 20, 27, 28 elements in the commercial development would not only enhance and recognize Bon Air's 28 unique history as a resort for Richmond during the Victorian period, but it would further build on the historical significance of the village. I would further request that an effort be made to return the "Bon Air" designation to our postal code. The generic "North Chesterfield" designation has no sense of place and degrades from the unique space that is Bon Air. Thank you once again for the opportunity to comment. Strongly consider and support the tree canopy in Bon Air. Many of the trees were lost with the incomplete VDOT project and they have not been replaced. Better planning could have eliminated this destruction as noted in the plan. Extend water and sewer service to 29 residential areas in and adjacent to the plan area (spec. Cherrytree Lane, Brookwood Road, 13, 17 J. Winters, etc.). This element is crucial for an expanded and successful plan. While the business consideration is important for the areas impacted, residential services must also be considered. I would like to see the sidewalk proposed along Huguenot Rd extend past Jimmy Winters Road, and beyond if possible. This would give those people who live in the adjacent 30 communities the ability to walk to the Bon Air area and enjoy the amenities without having 15 to drive. Currently, the walk to the neighborhood is too convoluted for most to undertake and it is not safe to walk on Huguenot. Thank you. While there are many good ideas presented, I believe too many of them do not address Bon Air itself. Underground utilities would make the area more attractive and pedestrian 8, 9, 12, 31 crosswalks would be great. However, roundabouts seem unnecessary and costly. Some of 22 the proposed development of multistory, multiuse buildings do not really fit with this small area. Overall there is good and not so good in every plan and idea.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 7

Comment Response Raw Comment # # Thank you for the hard work that is very evident in this proposal. Much of it I love! The hiking and biking trail, the community park, sidewalks..including a safe way (TBD) to cross Rockaway Rd, the roundabouts on McRae. A couple of thoughts about the "village" concept: putting brick buildings upfront, close to Buford Rd and Forest Hill Ave. does not look like a village to me, but more like an urban (city) setting. Picture , Bottom, and other such places. Like a brick tunnel, not a more spacious, natural (treed) village setting. Wish we could keep the smaller, natural village appearance and density. Apartments over businesses, and car decks certainly increase human density to a proportion that is, again, found in cities, rather than villages. The historic section of the 6, 7, 8, 9, 32 village of Midlothian has done a credible job of maintaining that "village" feeling. To borrow 20, 25 from the Ettrick (I think) plan for entrances,rather than looking at developing something that is unique and reflective of the soul of Bon Air, would certainly save money, but would create a uniformity in the county that would ultimately detract from each. Think LCBird HS, Midlothian HS, Monacan HS. Or Manchester HS vs James River High School. Nothing unique to any of the communites they serve. That DOES save money, and probably is not a concern of the students, parents, and school staff, but if you are wanting to save Bon Air for the future, it needs to retain its unique character, and improvements should reflect that difference. Please don't build in ways that say "city" and not "village"! Thank you for your consideration. I do hope I'm not just "whistling in the wind". I think that it is incredibly important for our communities to have areas for walking and 33 biking. Many studies have shown that communities that have access for walking and biking 6 are healthier communities. Please help to promote a healthy lifestyle for Bon Air residents. The only thing missing for my family in Old Bon Air are paths for walking and biking. The High School speciality centers use the BonAir Public Library and walking down Forest Hill is 34 simply not safe. Bon Air is not a walking community at this point. The shops and restaurants 6 would be better supported if there were better ways to access. I think this would add tremendous value to the community at large. As a long-time Bon Air resident and Chesterfield County resident, I agree with the need for infrastructure improvements that promote an active, healthy lifestyle. I believe that any 35 6 improvements toward making the community walkable and bikeable would increases quality of life for so many people - health, air quality, and much more!

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 8

Comment Response Raw Comment # # I came to the meeting at Bon Air Baptist, but would like to add some more comments. The traffic flow on McRae Rd would benefit from a traffic light at Buford and Rockaway. There is alot of traffic that cuts through from the apartments and condos, Robious Rd area to get to Huguenot/Forest Hill Ave. If there was a light at Rockaway I believe traffic would go to it instead of coming up McRae to Forest Hill, which causes a bottle neck. It is hard to see to get out onto Buford and Rockaway due to the hill coming from the RR bridge. Please consider a light there. Also, closing off the back entrance to the Library and forcing traffic back to Rattlesnake would help McRae or changing the entrance and exit to come in from Huguenot by the Presbyterian Church. Ideally the Library should not even be in that location but fronting on Huguenot. If plans are still to enlarge it I hope consideration will be given to moving it. This is a residential area and the library causes way too much traffic. There needs to be a way to slow traffic on Rattlesnake coming from the Library direction, either another round about by the library or a speed bump over by Jimmy Winters Rd. No 3, 6, 8, 9, 36 three story buildings in the area of Joes Inn. No condo's or apt. above the shops. Too much 29, 39 congestion and limited parking. Keep it a low village feel. We don't want a minnie Short Pump area. Consider an underground access under Huguenot Rd to StonyPoint Shopping Center like the one in Midlothian near the coal mines. Then there would be access to the Shopping Center and Laurus Park by bike or foot. The cross walk where it is now is an accident waiting to happen There needs to be signage facing traffic to warn motorists that there is a crosswalk there. Someone is going to get hit, especially when summer gets here. Like the idea of bike trails. Don't see the need for a dog park on the school property. Mixed feeling about the sidewalk. If it is done, please do not use the bright yellow for the exit areas, It Looks Awful what has already been done! Aggreggate for the exit areas would look so much better or bricks. Limit lighting. We don't need light every 20 feet! Save the environment, let it be dark at night!and save the county the money to light it. Thanks for all the hard work that has been put in to this and for allowing us to have input. As a long time resident and former Bon Air Baptist member, I am all for this pedestrian walk 37 6 and biking proposal! I am excited about the possibility of trails in my community. Would like to see trails along 38 6 Buford Road where it is life threatening to walk or bike. As a concerned citizen and advocate for the safety and the stability of our communities, I would like my support acknowledged for resources that will support safe biking and 39 6 walking, in the Bon Air community. I gladly welcome any questions or concerns regarding what I have expressed in this message. Please do all you can to make Bon Air a safe place to walk and bike for all and to connect it 40 6 to other bike lanes and trails. I attended the open house to review the Bon Air Special Area Plan and was very impressed with the Plan. Bon Air is the perfect location for accessibility to sidewalks for walking and 41 1, 6 trails for biking. Why a resident would be against such a plan is puzzling to me. Please consider these much needed improvements. I have been a resident of Bon Air since 1998. I am very much in favor of the proposed plan. I 42 strongly support more walk/bike friendly neighborhoods and villages such as Bon Air and 1, 6 this is long overdue. 43 I fully support the plan. 30 year resident. 1 I support a more walkable-bikeable Bon Air and Chesterfield County. Please ensure that the shared-use path and new sidewalks remain in the plan and consider adding additional 44 6 shared-use lanes. We need more interconnedtedness across the county for all biking/ walking paths and this plan is a good start to that.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 9

Comment Response Raw Comment # # As long as the build up and out doesn't take away from the "Mayberry/Small Town" feel of Bon Air, I think this is a wonderful proposal! As someone who runs a lot (1/2 marathon, 10K's and getting ready to start my first full marathon training), I think this is a wonderful idea! I live off Bayham Dr and running throughout my neighborhood as well as the neighborhoods of Settlers Landing and Greenfield, I cannot even begin to count the amount 45 of times I have had to jump off the road into someones front yard b/c a car came around 1, 6, 8, 9 the corner at too high a speed and almost hit me...... Or just people playing on cell phones or chatting and not paying any attention what so ever. More than myself, I sometimes have my 4yr old in the jogging stroller with me and that is a terrifying feeling that has made running in my neighborhood feel unsafe. I really hope this is something that can get done. It would be a wonderful asset to our community! I have reviewed the plan. I live in Oxford. I enjoy walking to the library and businesses but find it very difficult due to the lack of sidewalks and crosswalks. Therefore, I am very much in support of the sidewalks and crosswalks in the plan. I am very concerned about the plan to rezone the area along Huguenot, Buford, and Tinsely into commercial use. I feel that there is already ample commercial and office space in the area. The Stony Point Shopping center across Huguenot is not full. The various office complexes in the Bon Air area are also 5, 6, 8, 9, 46 not full. I do not see the need for additional corporate/office space. This will only increase 15 traffic to the area and make the area more dangerous for pedestrians. I am afraid that this would be particularly true for my neighborhood in Oxford, which many people already use as a cut-through. I am in support of increasing the ability for residents to walk to the business that are currently in existence, but I feel that the plan to turn the area between Buford, Tinsley, and Huguenot into retail/office space would only increase traffic and make it more unsafe for residents to walk. I am fully in support of the Bike Ways plan. I had written my representative years ago, when I first moved to Chesterfield, that we need safe walk and bike ways. It's ridiculous that a 47 person, or their children, cannot bike or walk safely in the county. We needed this ten years 6 ago! Time to start moving on it. I am willing to pay an extra penny in tax if that makes this area a safer and more inviting place for everyone. What an exciting plan. I love the multi use trails and the concept for the park at Bon Air elementary school. Anything to make Huguenot Road more bike friendly is great. I like the idea of McRae road becoming more pedestrian friendly…right now is a downright scary road to cross, on foot, bike and in the car. I'm also in favor of the mixed use development at 48 6, 7, 18 Forest hill and Buford Road. I hope the county will encourage more modern designs…matching the old is not the same as complementing the past. Also, please consider a bike connection from McRae road to Forest Hill Ave further south. Right now many runners and bikers cut thru the church parking lot. not sure if they like that or not. 49 This looks like a well thought out plan and I hope it comes to fruition. 1 Overall, I believe that the draft plan is excellent. With respect to the extension and creation of sidewalks, I would like to those on Buford Road extended to the south to encourage walking/biking from the norht side of Buford. Most pedestrian/bike traffic would be headed 50 1, 6, 30 toward the commercial area. Therefore, I do not see people crossing buford to get to McRae's proposed sidewalks and then coming back to the shops etc. that are on Buford. I think that they are more likely to walk/bike along Buford than cross it twice. I am in favor of the plan for 3 miles of bikeways and walkways in Bon Air. Please help 51 6 approve this plan!

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 10

Comment Response Raw Comment # # As a bike commuter who pedals to from The Robious/Huguenot area, Bon Air is a way point for me along Forest Hill road as it passes Stony Point into central Bon Air. It can be a hairy intersection most days and a buffer zone would put me - and I'm sure some of the drivers that I share the road with - at ease. While many folks have mentioned to me that commuting by bike is pretty "hard core" I think people would be surprised at how easy it is to get downtown in under an hour. But for the larger number of people who are likely 52 to use the buffered zones and trails for recreation or to visit the stores and shops of Bon 6 Air, it could take some of the cars off the road over time and drive more traffic to many of the locally owned businesses in that part of town. I'm a car owner too and would love to see less congestion in Bon Air when I stop off at the butcher or the sea food shop on sauturdays - but obviously want to see the store owners thrive. This plan could be a great way to make this happen. It might even encourage me to leave the car at home and make all my trips to Bon Air on two wheels! 53 Making Bon Air more walkable and bikeable means making Bon Air more liveable! 6 Please listen to your residents on this-- we need more safe places to walk and bike around 54 Bon Air and Forest Hill/Stratford Hills. Many roads are simply too dangerous for biking and 6 walking. Thank you!! I am a Bon Air resident and fully support the new bike plan. I use these streets to run and bike but they are very unsafe as they currently are. I would never let my children bike to the 55 pool or to friends homes. But with this plan that would be possible. I lived on McRae road 6 for four years and was not able to safely Walk or bike with my children. An active, healthy community would benefit so many people who want to get out but fear doing so safely. I am a 25 year Chesterfield County resident, and am seeking housing that reflects my retired and single status. A primary consideration is an ability to walk or bicycle to shopping, eating out, libraries and events. Bon Air proper offers many of these amenities. Dedicated pedestrian and/or bicycle byways will make a relocation decision much easier. I encourage 56 6 any allocation of funds for pedestrian and/or bicycling byways. Recently the Washington Post published an article about relocating retirees. It stated "...walking or bicycling to (food/entertainment/dining) area amenities is a top criteria for relocating retirees..." Thanks for your consideration. It is important to give active people a non-motorized method of transportation to access 57 Byrd Park and the City of Richmond to and from Bon Air in order to access the City's bike 6 and walkways. I support the plan. 58 I am in support of the bike and walking trails through Bon Air. Thanks 6 I think the plan is essential for the health and safety of the community. Every day I see kids and adults trying to walk, run or bike around the area. This is great. I think we could all improve our lives with some excersize. The problem is, with the way the community has been built, there is no room for anything other than automobile traffic. When the area was 59 6 first built this was ok because there was not the amount of traffic we have today and accidents could be easily avoided. People drove slower as well. But today there is 10 times the traffic driving twice as fast. PLEASE DON'T WAIT UNTIL A CHILD IS KILLED to make our neighborhood safe to live in again! A walkable/bikeable community benefits its citizens both as encouraging exercise and providing inexpensive alternatives for safe transportation. Using these alternatives also 60 6 makes for less congested travel for those who prefer motorized transportation. The downside? Beats me. I support the Pedestrian and Bicycling Network and Amenities section of the plan. I reside in 61 6 Midlothian, and as such, would be very supportive of similar amenities in Midlothian.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 11

Comment Response Raw Comment # # I appreciate the work that’s gone into this plan. I live in Crestwood Farms, just outside the plan’s geography. I do wish the sidewalks and trails came further down Buford to the Bon 62 Air Methodist Church area. However, I am excited about these improvements and believe 6, 30 this plan will improve our community. Thank you for making Bon Air more appealing and safe for walkers and bikers. I think it is important to have walking and biking options in Bon Air. The more people that 63 are able to get out and walk or get out and bike the better. It allows you to enjoy the area 6 as well as get exercise and make it safe while you do so. Thank you. A shared use path going through Bon Air would be a great advantage to both Bon Air 64 residents and those wanting to visit. I'm looking forward to Chesterfield being a multi-use 6 trail destination! Thank you for your commitment to this project! I am writing in support of a bike/ pedestrian friendly improvement in this area. Not only 65 does it promote a healthier lifestyle for our citizens but is a wise business move. Thank you 6 for considering my opinion. We believe the plan is good and important for a sustainable community. If you want to 66 create a bike walking path along old gun road we will grant an easement but we are on the 1 city side. Jim and Alison byerly. Thank you The creation of a walkable, bikeable community is EXACTLY what Chesterfield County needs. Once in place we will all be saying why did we wait so long to do this? Don't we want 67 to create a community that encourages folks to get and stay active? Studies show we live 6 longer! Or do we want to maintain the status quo and give folks who want to be healthier fewer options to walk or ride to work? As a 41-year resident of Soba (South of Bon Air), I fully support the plan to build public 68 6 paths for biking and walking in Bon Air and throughout the county. I would love the opportunity to bike or walk in the Bon Air area. At present I have to put my bike in my car and drive downtown to ride. I will not put my life in jeopardy riding on Forest 69 6 Hill at present. Drivers are not alert to those who enjoy biking in this area they are more or less annoyed. Bring on the trails please! 70 I am for the projects that will help make the Bon Air area safer & easier to walk & ride bikes. 6 71 Please support more bike and walk facilities in Bon Air and other Chesterfield communities. 6 I love it, particularly the dedicated bike/walk path, the roundabouts, and the park areas around the elementary school. I recently bought a house in Brighton green and used to bike 72 a lot at my old apartment and am looking forward to these improvements. I know they 6, 7, 20 won't happen right away but I plan to stay here for a while, especially if improvements like this are made! I am a relative newcomer to Bon Air and reside in the Bluffs Condominium community. As a senior citizen, I chose this area for its proximity to stores, medical offices and other essential services. I do not want to be car dependent. I would much prefer to be able to 73 incorporate exercise into my daily chores, ie grocery shopping. I support any plan that will 6 make walking/cycling to these resources more accessible. Healthy citizens make for less government healthcare expense. To further car dependence seems to be penny wise and pound foolish. Please, please proceed with the development of sidewalks and bike paths in the Bon Air area. As a long time Bon Air resident it has always been frustrating that neighborhood outings with my kids and pets end up being rather harrowing experiences. Particularly if we 74 6 are trying to walk to get food, go to the Bon Air pool or go shopping. As a jogger, it would also be nice to be able to run without frequently stepping into drainage ditches to avoid cars. Thank you!!

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 12

Comment Response Raw Comment # # I am Brian Henry M.D. resident of Bon air station. I am in full support of increasing bike 75 6 lanes and a future healthy lifestyle for Bon air residents. I am very interested in bicycling in Bon Air but McRae and Rockaway are too hilly. Need bike 76 6, 30 lanes on Buford or Logan and Jahnke. Chesterfield County has very few safe biking/walking areas. The addition this system will 77 enable Bon Air residents to choose to leave their cars at home and still access local 6 businesses. I am much in favor of the Special Area Plans implementation. I am completely in favor of incorporating walking/biking infrastructure into our community. We live in the historic district and in spite of being right in the middle of our community, we feel very isolated because of the traffic and lack of sidewalks and walking paths. It seems 78 absurd that I have to put my bike on a bike rack and drive my bicycle to safer communities 6 if I want to go for a ride. I hope that improving the walking and biking infrastructure would also attract more young families to our community. I look forward to being able to walk safely to the new coffee shop without having to dodge traffic. Thank you! I am 17 years old and have lived in Bon Air for 9 years. I like to walk up to the Bon Air Shopping Center to eat at Joe's Inn or get coffee at Perk. I also like to go to CVS to get snacks. My mom worries every time I go because Buford and McRae are both busy roads 79 6 and there are narrow shoulders. Crossing Buford road is a pain. Until I started driving, I had to cross Buford Road to get to my bus stop. A crosswalk by the Christian Church would help with that. 80 I am 100% in support of creating a more walkable and bike friendly community in Bon Air. 6 Hi! I live in Bon Air and I'm sorry I was not able to attend any recent meetings. Yay for sidewalks for walking and biking! I wish the people who oppose this could just bring themselves to realize...the historical aura they're trying to preserve isn't practical when it 81 comes to transportation. Shoot, they didn't have cars back then! Now we do, and we 6 walkers and bikers don't want to risk getting hit by a car. And hey, human habits like driving everywhere do contribute to global warming, and walking and biking are good for us. Let's do it! While I generally like many components of this plan, including an increase in sidewalks and improved park spaces at Bon Air Elementary. I am, however, concerned about the potential impacts of the recommended trail near or through Bon Air Presbyterian Church. As both a resident of Bon Air and a member of Bon Air Presbyterian Church, I do not feel that the benefits of such a trail terminating at Huguenot Road outweigh the impacts to the church 6, 7, 31, 82 grounds and/or the neighbors. A trail of this size would likely impair parking and possibly 32 hamper access for emergency vehicles to the rear of the church. I also do like the idea of light rail to the Bon Air community, but only if the costs would be reasonable for users and the other stops would be at appropriate locations for commuters. Thanks for the work on this plan, I am optimistic about the potential improvements. I highly support the Bon Air Special Area Plan. I live in am an avid cyclist. If the area were more pedestrian and cycle friendly, I would be able to safely cycle to work (I am a teacher at 83 1, 6 Crestwood Elementary). Please consider adopting the proposals put forth by the Bon Air Special Area Plan. Hello, I am a city of Richmond resident but consider myself a member of the Bon Air Community as I live across the street on the north side of Huguenot Road. The plan to build sidewalks is a must and should be done as soon as possible. I would ask that you please 84 work with the City of Richmond on improving pedestrian access on Huguenot Road itself. I 6, 15 would like to see these Bon Air sidewalks connected with a larger sidewalk network on Huguenot Road. It would help improve the community and make it a much healthier place to live. This is a good plan and needs to be done.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 13

Comment Response Raw Comment # # I think that the draft for the Bon Air area is positive move to a better,more connected;and 85 safer neighborhood.It would be hard to imagine someone thinking that getting around bon 6 air safetly would be a "bad" idea.Unless these individuals don't care to walk or ride ! I have some concern regarding the architecture of the proposed new developments. I think what makes Bon Air so memorable now is the charming "village" feel of buildings along Huguenot Rd. Those currently serve as the calling card of Bon Air. I feel the new commercial buildings should either mimic the feel of the Union Bank building or the Wells Fargo Bank building (Colonial), or in a nod to Bon Air's history, notable residence architecture and festivals skew more Victorian. This will help to differentiate the village from all the other "cookie cutter" walking villages that people are trying to develop across the area. I think it is 86 27 highly feasible to ask that the facades appear Victorian in nature whilst the interiors can be as open and modern as the developer likes. This would maintain the charm and history that draws everyone to Bon Air and will create a more pleasing environment for residents and visitors alike. A local example of using facades to help create a more pleasing exterior vision is the American Family building at Midlothian Turnpike and Woolridge Rd. In that location they could have just created a big box gym, but by using a false village façade they really creating a pleasing feel that was embraced by all area residents. In 2005, Wayne Goodman and myself, Bill Swann built North Bank Trail (then known as "Northtrail"). This trail created a complete trail loop in the James River Park downtown. During the time that we were reaching the western end of the trail near Park we began receiving resistance from the neighborhood residents. At the time, Texas Beach was well known as a area of crime and vagrancy. We worked our way through the opposition and even had to reroute our trail as residents were alleging an INCREASE in crime. We knew differently. We've seen this same issue across the country. As soon as trails are established and regular traffic begins, the criminals are forced out. Not only that, but property values increase and the residents have easy access to a much healthier and more 87 6 active lifestyle...and they DO USE THE TRAIL DESPITE THEIR PREVIOUS OPPOSITION. Trails, pedestrian and bike paths are a win-win for the community. Today - if you visit Texas Beach Park - any day of the week, you will see families and groups enjoying the river, the trails and the park...safely and without concern of criminal behavior. In fact, it is frequently difficult to find a parking place. Bon Air would be a perfect location for neighborhood trails! Bill Swann swanneext at Verizon dot net (PS: this trail provided the City of Richmond with a park double the size and at no cost to them. As you probably know, it was the catalyst for an exponential increase in park use (some even call it an explosion of use)bringing significant increases in revenue to local businesses). I think the plan is fantastic. Please keep the momentum going ! Chesterfield needs more 88 1 community plans like this. Bon Air Resident Please please please approve and support the plans for a more walkable and rideable Bon 89 Air! There is no better way to ensure quality of life for a community of citizens than to make 6 it easy and safe for walking, running and cycling. Let's make this happen, Bon Air! We are from Bon Air and would love to see plans to build bike and walking paths move forward at a rapid pace. Due to the absence of sidewalks or bike paths, we tend to drive to 90 6 the local businesses even though they are within a mile of our home. We feel our health would improve and feel the local children would benefit as well. I am very much in favor of this plan. Bon Air definitely needs something like this so people 91 1, 6 can get out and safely enjoy our beautiful community.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 14

Comment Response Raw Comment # # I attended the draft plan open house last week and was pleased with what was presented. The main issue that I want to support is the bike paths along main roads. We can navigate through the shopping areas on the current sidewalks. Our family can bike and walk safely along neighborhood streets without a designated bike lane. However, these neighborhood streets are not connected to the shopping, schools and library that we use in a logical way. To reach these areas, we need a safe biking path on Huguenot Rd. If the county created a 2 92 mile bike lane on Huguenot Rd. between Robious Rd. and Forest Hill Ave, hundreds of Bon 1, 6, 15 Air residents would be connected to the resources they use. Our family lives, learns, shops, and works within a 3 mile radius. We would like to be more active and make our commutes on bike. I see an excellent opportunity for the county to make this happen if the money is spent on projects that will effect the MOST people. Woodmont, Oxford, Scarsborough, Brookwood Estates neighborhoods would all be linked with bike/walking paths on Huguenot Rd. I was so pleased to see the wonderful work that the planning committee did. I am thrilled to see this beautiful neighborhood finally get the resources it so badly needed to become the walkable and bike able community it wants to be. As a 20 year resident of Bon Air, I have counted by blessings every day for avoiding a car related accident as I walked my dogs ( twice a day) and sent my kids out to walk or bike to school or their friends homes. The wonderful sidewalks built in the shopping area will finally make sense when they are connected to our residential areas. I can't think of a better way to use tax dollars than to put them toward something everyone can use on a daily basis toward the betterment of 93 1, 6 their health and their real estate value. I attended the meeting last week at the Bon Air Baptist Church. I was truly shocked to speak with people who are against building sidewalks and trails in our neighborhood. I heard that it will lead to widening the roads which will bring more traffic. I disagree as I firmly believe fewer cars will drive if there is a safe means of alternative transportation such as walking or biking. The national trend toward bicycle and pedestrian friendly cities is real. Lets not let Bon Air residents and businesses miss the boat on this wonderful opportunity to update our resources so that we can continue to be one of the more desirable neighborhoods in which to live in this region. I would like to express my support for the Bon Air Special Area plan. As a resident of Oxford, I regularly experience the need for improved pedestrian access to our local businesses in the Buford/Forest Hill area. Bon Air is fortunate to have local business and its residents will be much more likely to support them if they are easier to access. These business face growing competition from newer faclilites and will need steady local patronage to survive. Further, as more homebuyers seek more urban, less traditional suburbs Bon Air must 94 leverage it's close-in location and adapt to current preferences in order to stay competitive. 6 The vast majority of the housing in the developments surrounding Bon Air was built in the 1950's and 1960's. While the quality of the construction is good, the architectural styles are dated and difficult to adapt to what current buyers desire. Bon Air must maximize the potential its amenities to keep these neighborhoods attractive and the home values appreciating. Failure to develop and more walkable community through the implentation of the recommendations in this plan will promote further obsolecence.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 15

Comment Response Raw Comment # # As a family elementary-aged kids, we support the development of Bon Air as a pedestrian friendly neighborhood. We live on McRae and may possibly loose trees but we are willing to make that concession to improve the walkability of our neighborhood. We currently walk to the library, friends' house, and shops (like Perk, Buford Road Pharmacy, the Bon Air Butcher and Seafood, and the Dog Training Sirius. In the past we have walked to church and preschool. We also ride bikes all around Bon Air. The plans for the trails would give my 6, 7, 18, 95 older kids a chance to bike on their own more safely. Please proceed with the sidewalks and 20 bike paths. We like the development of the space at Bon Air but would like to see the basketball hoops stay. We support the zoning to better prepare for development in the future. We like the idea of the traffic circles but are unsure of whether they will work since they will be a low profile to allow trucks to drive over them. We love Bon Air and we believe this plan is forward thinking. Thanks for all your hard work. I see absolutely no reason why we would not enact this plan. I am in full support of a more 96 6 walking/biking-friendly community in the Bon Air area. I want to commend the County for taking the initiative to improve the quality of life of residents in Bon Air. I recently purchased a house in N. Chesterfield County and a major factor in my decision was the availability of existing and planned pedestrian infrastructure. My comments to the proposed plan: - The mini roundabout proposed for Rockway and McCrae Rds. This intersection receives a lot of traffic during peak hours and I am concerned that a mini roundabout at this location could create more conflicts and hazards between cars and cyclist when cyclist are trying to access the Linear Trail from points west Old Bon Air Rd.) Will dedicated bike lanes be installed within mini-roundabout? -Why limit bldg height to 2 stories along the Hugenot road gateway corridor (development standards Page 30)? Seems like a 3 or 4 story bldg wouldn't adversely affect the aesthetics and given the close proximity to what is referred to as the village core wouldn't be out of line with what is proposed for that area. Allowing more than 2 stories could give development options. - 3, 6, 18, 97 During peak traffic hours, making a left turn from RockWay Rd onto Buford Rd. can be a 22, 33 challenge. I've noticed many drivers instead turning left onto McCrae St to bypass this intersection. This has the obvious effect of increasing traffic along what is a planned pedestrian/cycling route. Could a study be performed to determine if installing a signalized intersection at Rockway and Buford would make it easier for cars turning onto Buford and perhaps eliminate some traffic on McCrae? - Pedestrian access from neighborhoods in the Southeast of the study area (south of railroad, east of Buford) to planned routes is not existent. During peak traffic hours Buford Rd. is not easy to cross. Can something be added to address the access issues for these residents? -This may or may not be relevant for this document... The land owned by the Commonwealth along Old Bon Air Rd seems like a great place to add hiking/biking trails. Why isn't this green space used for the benefit of the community? 98 Yes I would like to see more bike paths and walkways in Bon air. 6 99 I support the plans for implementing biking and walking in the Bon Air area. 6 I believe this is a great plan. I was just talking with one of my other friends in the Bon Air 100 area the other day and we were saying we wished there were more bike ways and walk 6 ways. I bike a lot in that area, and wish there was more bike ways other than huguenot rd. I saw a lot of good in the proposed plan. I was, however, a little disappointed at how constricted the entrance into the village from Huguenot Road appeared with the 2 story 101 1 buildings so close to Buford Road. I would hope that the buildings could sit back enough to have a more generous landscaped border.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 16

Comment Response Raw Comment # # The plan is exciting with its ideas of improving the look and feel and quality of life of the community. The mixed use designations would need to be controlled tightly to not increase 102 congestion in the area too much. In addition, the plan should not be implemented 1, 18 piecemeal with business interests getting what they desire while the community improvements go unfunded. I love this plan. The proposed improvements will make a material improvement in the overal attractivness and "live-ability" of the area, not to mention improving the saftey end 103 1, 6 encouraging the community to come outside, meet, and make is stronger. I can't wait long enough to see this plan become a reality. I am extremely disappointed at the reactions of the older folks in Bon Air. I have lived here for 49 years -- my whole life--and I feel like I have just as much say about wanting a more walkable and village like community. We have lived in big cities with much busier/high speed roads and walked on sidewalks without concern. They (or bike lane) should be on Buford-speed limit 35. Shops should probably be clapboard and more like Main St./VCU area than red brick. I LOVE the idea of living spaces above the shops especially for retirees. There are not enough places to downsize to. I had one old lady stick her finger in my face and ask if I knew Bon Air wasn't' walkable when I moved here. Well in the 1960s and 1970s 104 6, 18 it was walkable. I walked and biked all over Bon Air, but it is much more developed now and I wouldn't have my kids riding their bikes on Buford like I used to. the last two times I walked my kids to BAE we almost got run over on Buford due to folks driving fast and not paying attn. The 80 year olds may not realize that Bon Air has changed enormously in the past 10 years and we younger folks do want a village that we can walk in just like they did when their kids were young. Look at Bellevue, great neighborhood, lots of restaurants, and walkable. WE want farmers market food, market food, restaurants, local hardware, garage to fix the car, wine shop, .... I live on Buford Rd and ride the 64 Express bus from the Baptist Church. I have to drive to the church as there is not a safe way to bike, or even walk on Buford Rd. I ride my bike all the way to work at MCV in good weather. Janke Rd is treacherous, as is every other route 105 toward downtown. I am fully supportive of plan to add 3 miles of walking/biking ways in 6, 7 Bon Air. I support the park. ALso need to make it safe to cross the road at the intersection of Forest Hill and Buford. Needs crosswalk indicators and dedicated crossing lights Thank you for your efforts. I Love This Plan. It has foresight and vision. The community would benefit greatly from this plan. I support the plan! I have tried to walk or bike from Crestwood Farms along Buford Road before, but have been discouraged by the lack of such public access. Sidewalks would 1, 6, 12, 106 benefit businesses and the sense of community. Imagine walking to downtown BonAir in 21 the morning for coffee, library or church! Just like in Carytown! Imagine more trees and fewer power lines and fewer power outages. This is a comprehensive and thoughtful plan. I don't know why anyone would oppose it! Great work Please consider ways that vehicle traffic on Forest Hill can be reduced. Perhaps Traffic 107 Circles and 25 MPH speed limit and signage to encourage thru traffic to use other routes (i.e 34 Chippenham to Huguenot.)

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 17

Comment Response Raw Comment # # I love this plan! I grew-up in a suburb of Chicago. When I was in elementary school I could walk to school, the library, the drugstore, the grocery store and the ice cream store because we had sidewalks. I live a mile from all of these locations now and would welcome sidewalks and pedestrian crosswalks to make walking safer. I am currently the Bon Air Elementary School PTA President. We would like to request a sidewalk from Polk St. to the school. Right now people walk on the entrance road while cars are traveling in both directions. It's not particularly safe. We would also welcome streetlights along the entrance road to the school. The plan does not provide enough parking for when we have school events. During school events the parking lot and both sides of the entrance road plus the shoulders on Polk St. are filled with cars. This can happen during school hours, nights and Saturdays. During our really big events, such as the Village Fair in October and the 5K in April, cars are parked on the fields. I would welcome the development of park facilities near the school grounds and trails through the woods. I think you need a full basketball court with two goals at a minimum. This allows two half court games if there are players of 1, 6, 7, different age groups. Plus the 4th - 5th graders would use the court during the school day 18, 30, 108 and they like to play full court. I'm not sure about the dog park. Is this going to be in the 34, 35, woods? I would hate to see trees taken down to make a dog park. Plus dogs are not allowed 36, 38 on the land around the school during school hours. I'm not sure we want to encourage dog owners to bring their pets near school grounds. I think it makes more sense to have sidewalks on Buford Rd. I think a paved road is not in keeping with the historical character of the community and no one seems to be complaining about that. I don't think sidewalks will detract from the historical area. Making safer walkways and trails to the Bon Air Community Center is a great idea! Extending sidewalks and trails to Larus Park is also a great idea. Also extending the sidewalk on Forest Hill to the city limits is a good idea. I never realized how shabby the business area looks until I saw the pictures. Redeveloping the business community is a good idea. What are we going to do about the amount of traffic on Buford and Forest Hill? So many people are forced to take Forest Hill west, turn left at Bon Air Baptist Church and turn left again on Buford. They are not trying to get to the business center. They are heading east on Buford. It seems like there should be another route to get from Forest Hill to Buford. Thanks for taking so much time to gather community input. After reading over the proposed plan, I see Bon Air growing into an even better place to live, work, shop and go to school. As a Bon Air resident and local REALTOR, I welcome all these changes. I do think that if a residence is included in this wonderful plan to revitalize and renovate Bon Air, then the children in those homes should be able to attend Bon Air 109 1 Elem. Some of these homes, near Jahnke and Buford south of the railroad tracks currently attend Crestwood Elem. If your home is within the special plan boundaries and you have children in grades K-5 they should be able to attend Bon Air Elem. Thank you and I look forward to seeing the much needed, wonderful changes. parking at the school is already an issue before adding any community use areas as a parent of children at the school I also have concerns about who might be hanging out in the dog 110 36, 38 park and at the trail behind the school just steps away from the playground. To have those areas available to anyone to use during the school day is a huge safety concern. Love the addition of sidewalks and bike paths! While I like the idea of a park in Bon Air, I am concerned with how the proposed location will affect parking at Bon Air Elementary. 6, 7, 36, 111 Parking at the school is already limited and can be difficult at times. The park would greatly 38 impact available parking.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 18

Comment Response Raw Comment # # I am thrilled with the Bon Air Plan. I like the sidewalks down McCrae and like the connectivity to Bon Air School and the woods around it. I am a big fan of the sidewalks and the store fronts being closer to the street. I would like to see more emphasis on finding 6, 17, 18, 112 ways to decrease traffic on Buford and helping with biking and walking access from the 34 North side of Buford. Thank you so much for your time and attention to the wonderful area of Chesterfield county. I would like to see whatever can be done, to maintain any trees that we have. I don't think the roundabouts offer anything to Bon Air. I do agree it would be helpful to our 113 6, 22 community to have some walking and biking trails Please be strict enforcing the zoning for homes on Buford Road and in all our residential 114 11 areas. As you are aware there are violations at this time. The ideas sound good in writing. But I really don't like the drawings. Very un-village like. very boxy with lots of brick and normal city brick boxy feel. Would prefer village like feel with cute unique buildings and room in front for sidewalks and trees and planting and flowers. Drawings look like old downtowns from the 50s. Would like more feel like buildings in bon air square near the bank. Or feel like shops on Libby. Or if could take some of the feel of the historic area of Bon air for the store fronts. So feel more homey and village like rather than old straight lines with brick boxes crowding and overwhelming the street. I miss the green spaces and open community feel we have now in spaces like in the stony point 6, 8, 9, 115 shopping area with the green and trees. I feel we would lose our charm that is so attractive 21, 25, 27 and we would look like any downtown street. Similarly, the sign for bon air is very boxy, too much brick, straight lines, and unimaginative Feels heavy and definitely not a village feel. Suggest investing in creative architect. Like the idea that people are planning for bon air and its future. Thank you and thank you for welcoming community input. The main businesses I would entice would be good restaurants. We have lived in Bon air for 14 years and just moved to the bluffs. Many friends living north of the river are very interested in moving to the bluffs and Bon air because of its beautiful hills, trees, landscaping, and ability to walk so many places. However, their biggest barrier is not having great restaurants to walk to.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 19

Comment Response Raw Comment # # I live at 2233 Logan Street in the Grand Summit neighborhood. Accordingly, I live in the Study Area and am a heavy user of the streets and regularly frequent the businesses currently located in the area. Although I have been unable to attend the recent public events regarding the plan due to work commitments, I have reviewed the plan in detail and fully support it. I believe the plan, if implemented, will significantly improve the quality of life in the Bon Air area and will increase property values. I am especially excited about and fully support the sidewalks and trails in the plan. I have always been frustrated that I cannot walk or bike from my neighborhood to the stores and businesses in the core area without venturing onto a major roadway (Buford or Forest Hill). This plan would enable my neighborhood to use new sidewalks on Forest Hill to safely walk or bike to the stores and businesses. I would also like to see a sidewalk along Buford Road all the way from the core area to at least the Bon Air Christian Church or even Jahnke Road. (I suppose there is a reason for not including such a sidewalk in the plan and would appreciate understanding 1, 5, 6, 7, 116 the rationale used by the planners). The sidewalk on McRae is helpful. I strongly support the 18, 30 trail plan behind the elementary school. Keep in mind that the trail will need to be coordinated with St. Michael's School which has two fields and a gym behind the school. I strongly support the idea of a park at the elementary school. I recommend that at least one, and preferable two, of the baseball fields remain at the school as those are heavily used by Huguenot Little League in the spring and fall and one of the fields has been improved recently by HLL. Finally, I also strongly support the mixed use redevelopment described in the plan. I am thinking that a better use of the space fronting Huguenot would be similar mixed use development instead of neighborhood commercial. I recommend that the plan strongly encourage owner occupied condominium units in the second and third floors of the mixed use redevelopment with retail/restaurant/office on the ground floor. I like the idea of the buildings fronting on the road with parking behind and not visible from the road. Again, I believe the plan is a major step forward for Bon Air and encourage the county to implement it. Thank you. I believe the mixed use of commercial and residential on the Huegenot and Forest Hill area 117 5, 8, 9 is too extensive and takes from the small community feel.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 20

Comment Response Raw Comment # # I don't want sidewalkes along Buford or McRae Road and the roundabout at McRea and Rattlesnake is not needed, people have come use to slowing down and taking turns for on comming traffic. Don't take down the beautiful trees here in Bon air it took a long time to grow them and they give us the feeling of old Bon Air. I think the building you have proposed along Buford at Forest Hill are very ugle and are not in keeping with the Bon Air (which if you don't know means Good Air.) they would make everything look closed in and hiden not what we are all about. I like te way it is now with the shopping center and the small shops. You could put more sidewalks in the area between Forest and Huguenot and maybe one over to the Library along side the Dog Grooming shop and across McRea to the library. The roundabout at McRea and Rockaway would be ok if you put it west of the intersecting of these 2 roads so not to take away from the Old Bon Air Library property or the old post office area. While in that area leave the 2 crossing for the railroad tracks as the 4, 6, 8, 9, one at Rockcrest is used by a lot of people and is need as a detour when things happen on 10, 12, 118 Buford bridge or at one of the intersection at Buford at Rockaway or Larkspur and that is 17, 20, usally 5 or 6 times a year. It would be hard to detour traffic down to the 2nd crossing and 21, 22 back up to Rockcrest Road. You could put in another path right beside the crossing now for bike and pedisterian . Many of our childrn walk to the Community pool in the summer and this would help them and keep them out of the street and traffic. I like the trail along the creek area and have it come up the the community center. I agree to move the lines (both phone and whatever) underground would look better and that would make our sevice more secure. These are just a few of the ideas I like and don't. Callme if you have any question on what I said. Marie Quinn 807-272-0865 Home I live on the corner of Rockcrest and Larksur and know the pattern of traffic there. I have been in this house since 1964. Keep Old Bon Air in the manner it is now and has been for over 100 years. It isn't supposed to be a highway from Huguenot to RT 60, just a country road through a quaint old community. Thanks you for listening. I am in favor of adding bike/walkway within Bon Air to promote safe and healthy 119 6 transportation alternatives. As a 60 year resident of Bon Air, I truly resent your efforts to " Improve and Upscale " our wonderful village of Bon Air all " in the name of progress " ! KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF OUR 120 2 VILLAGE AND LEAVE US ALONE ! Anything else I might add might be considered unprintable ! I am concerned about the "mixed development" plan in the Bannon Road area. I was told that because some of the housing there (rental) is not in good shape, that this will be an improvement. I DISAGREE!! All you are going to do is to make the rest of the housing in that neighborhood worse! Those houses that are not going to be torn down will then be next to 121 a business area. That will not increase their value and fewer people will want to live there-- 5 thus MORE rental property!! This will ultimately affect those of us living in the Oxford subdivision as these rental areas will encroach more into our neighborhood. This is just a deal for the man who has been buying up properties along Bannon just waiting for a buyout. Why not make him clean up his act with those houses? The most significant infrastructure investment that will have positive long-term impacts on the real estate values, curb appeal, walkability, and getting the full community connected is 122 12, 30 to put the power lines underground and construct sidewalks on both sides of Buford Road from the village to the United Methodist Church. I believe we need more sidewalks so young mothers can walk their children in strollers in a 123 6 safer way.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 21

Comment Response Raw Comment # # It is obvious a lot of work went into this plan. I love the proposed recommendations surrounding Bon Air Elementary School. Most of the plan is well thought out. However, I am one of the 21 property owners that the plan proposes to eliminate. Here is the thing: I 124 worked 36 years for government and carefully planned for my senior years. This included 5, 7 purchasing a single story home and renovating to make it my permanent home. This I have done. I have no interest in selling my property at 8704 Bannon Rd. and will oppose any attempt to force me to move. Hello, I live in the Forest Hill neighborhood and cycle around or through Bon Air at least twice a week. The improvements described in this plan sound exciting not only for members of your community but for folks like me. Making the area easier to navigate, 125 6, 37 adding public spaces and generally encouraging alternatives to motorized vehicular travel would almost definitely increase the likelihood of my making the Bon Air a stopping point on my group rides. *It appears as though the goal is to model Bon Air after the village set-up in Short Pump. I'm strongly opposed to this idea. Bon Air is a historical community, and a -suburban- one at that. The area cannot support the increased traffic. Chesterfield residents are not city- dwellers. While we may take leisure walks or bike rides through our neighborhood, we do not use these methods as primary means of transportation. I would like to see DECREASED traffic flow. *Independant small businesses already struggle to survive in this area. The space next to Joe's Inn is a great example; none of the businesses ever last very long. I don't forsee the retail spaces you propose adding as having any different outcome. *Put a four- way stop at McRae, not a roundabout. The elderly population here (which is significant) will 5, 6, 8, 9, 126 struggle with navigating it. Traffic should SLOW on McRae, not speed up, as a roundabout 22, 34 would encourage. *Leave Bannon Road and Tinsley Drive alone. The houses on these roads may be small, and many are rentals. But there is already a significant shortage of affordable housing for middle class families in Chesterfield County. The neighborhood on Tinsley is occupied by elderly and families. WE MATTER. These houses were built in the late 1940's by Sam Wagstaff, the quality of which has simply disappeared from modern construction. We do not want to see commercial development on Bannon Road or anything further in our community. A safe method to walk our children to the library, however, would be appreciated. I have strong concerns about a public trail running alongside the school playgrounds of St. Michael's School, and Bon Air Elementary School. I believe increased foot traffic behind school playgrounds and between visible entry points would create a daily problem for teachers supervising students' safety. The south entry point designated at "Hazen" (Page 44 - which does not exist) or "Quaker Lane" would literally run alongside student classrooms and play areas of St. Michael's School. Similar walking trails are already available directly across Huguenot Road in Lewis Larus Park on a larger scale. Creating a safe crossing for 127 6, 36, 39 residents to access Lewis Larus park would provide the same community benefit without directly impacting the safety of existing (or proposed) play areas. Sidewalks along McCrae would connect community "Pedestrian Sheds" without impacting student safety. The Orange Loop Trail (Page 44) is a small wooded area directly between Bon Air Elementary School playground and St. Michaels play field would create unnecessary foot traffic in an area that should not be encouraged. I am very opposed to increased daily foot traffic between and directly along school playgrounds. I support the Bon Air Plan because it encourages safe pedestrian movement. In addition I 128 6 think it will improve the quality of life and thus increase property values.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 22

Comment Response Raw Comment # # First the good: • I like the idea of bike paths and the park area. Good to make use of bascially un used land for recreation. • Roundabouts: if the McRae and Rattlesnake roundabout would be safer and slow traffic down with minimal land usage that would be a good thing for the area. One should also be considered at Rattlesnake Rd and Pullam St at the Library entrance. Traffic moves way to fast going to and from the Bon Air Library. • Wastewater updates for those on septic tanks would be a welcome improvement to the possible contamination of the local creeks. The Bad: • The added future planed faux buildings and added businesses plans do not address the increased traffic that the new 4, 6, 7, 8, growth in businesses would cause. The main entrances to Bon Air (or North Chesterfield as 129 9, 13, 17, it has been changed to) Buford Rd and Forest Hill Ave are already overburdened with traffic. 20 The traffic implications would need to be address. • Sidewalks- No room on McRae or Rattlesnake for these additions. I currently like on Rattlesnake and the amount of trash thrown out by people traversing to the library is terrible. Sidewalks would just concentrate this on our side of the street. Also, to make room for these trees and foliage that make Bon Air what it is would have to be cut down and removed to make room for the sidewalks. The last sidewalks that were added in the shopping area have not been maintained. Grass grows up high in between the roadway and the sidewalks, which does not add to the Beauty of Bon Air but detracts from it. Please do not “pave paradise and put up another parking lot” I love the idea of sidewalks & parks in the community. However, taking down existing 130 buildings & houses in the community & putting more shopping centers along Buford & 5, 6, 7 Huguenot will only cause more traffic congestion & take away the charm of Bon Air. The number one priority should be the pedestrian network. The BA area is all ready pedestrian scaled but lacks a conective and coherent pedestrain network. A survey of the area will show that there are already goat paths worn into the roadway shoulders from the extenisive pedestrian usage. Get the pedestrian network fixed before anything else. The redevelopment plan seems awful aggressive and out of character with the area. I doubt the landlords of the commercial area at Forest Hill and Buford will be cooperative. You cannot even get them to comply with existing zoning much less buy into this plan. I am not sure 6, 8, 9, 131 that BAE will be happy with the Community Park proposal as they will lose a lot of ground 12, 36 currently utilized as playground/recess area. Also, a dog park in proximity to an elementary school might not be the best. Irresponsible dog owners who let their dogs run free would conflict with elementary school kids. Aside from the pedestrain network improvements, the best improvement to the Forest Hill/Buford Road commercial area would be the elimination of the overhead utilities. Most of the aesthetic gains from the project that improved the sidewalks and added the street lighting is lost in the spider web of OH lines and utilities. We would love a way to safely cross over Buford. Our daughter attends Bon Air Elementary and even though we only live 1/2 mile away, we don't feel comfortable with her being able 132 6 to walk or ride her bike to school. Sidewalks or even a flashing yellow to slow down cars on Buford would be great. I reside and own properties at 2520 & 2530 Buford Road. Your proposal includes construction of sidewalks along the front of my properties. Currently, there is sidewalks across the street from the Bank of America to Rattlesnake Road so I do not see the need to construct sidewalks on both sides of Buford Road on the 2500 block. Additionally, I feel the 133 County should extend sewer along Buford Road. The County has allowed the commercial 4, 13 development to route sewer to exclude the residences. It amazes me that this is still an issue that is not being addressed or included in any development/enhancement plan of the Bon Air Village. My house was built long before most of these houses and my tax assessment is on the same rates as the houses that are provided the public services.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 23

Comment Response Raw Comment # # We just moved to Bon Air from the city. We love the area but would love to see more sidewalks, more bike/walking trails, anything to increase the "walkability" of this beautiful community! As parents of three young children, we also see great opportunities to add a playground or simply an open play space that is safe from vehicular traffic. Bon Air boasts wonderful schools and we believe the future of the area will be partly determined by it's appeal to families. As such, any improvements to the grounds of Bon Air elementary would 134 6, 7, 20 be well-received as well. Sidewalks to/from the school, better or more clearly defined parking along McRae, and sidewalks and mini roundabouts along McRae would make walking or biking to school a safer and more viable option for many families. The public library is also a wonderful asset and could have sidewalks, outdoor space, and/or a small playground. Please help the community move toward a more sustainable, healthier, and prettier future with less traffic and more walking! Thank you. I am in TOTAL support of the park planning around Bon Air Elementary. Specifically the playground(s), dog park, sidewalks, walking and biking trails. These are the kind of 135 6, 7, 20 recreational infrastructure improvements we need. I also support roundabouts on McRae to slow traffic, and adding sidewalks there, too. Have read over the Bon Air Special Area Plan and am in agreement that the Huguenot/Buford Road Area is in need of a "Major Makeover". Currently, there is no atmosphere of History or Welcome to the Village Entrance/Corridor. Guessing that the majority of the homes along Huguenot Road in this area are rental. In my opinion they are a 136 blight to the Village Entrance. Would like to see a "go-to" place in this proposed 19, 25, 27 section,similar to Midlothian's Sycamore Square. I have lived in Bon Air since 1965 and am extremely sensitive to the continued preservation and fostering of The Historic Village Atmosphere. I am vehemently opposed to any Plan that does not encourage this. Please continue to keep me informed. I believe that the draft plan recommends infrastructure improvements promoting an active, healthy lifestyle in Bon Air that increases quality of life for everyone, and creates a walkable, bikeable community. The draft plan of new bikeways and walkways in Bon Air forms a more cohesive walking and bicycling network. If built, Bon Air residents will be able to safely and comfortably walk and bike to places they want to visit like the library, 137 6 shopping, schools, and churches. The almost two miles of new sidewalks along McRae Road, Forest Hill Ave, and several other streets, along with the proposed shared-use path is consistent with the current draft of the Bikeways and Trails Plan. So, if built, not only will walking and biking be easier within Bon Air, the community will be better connected to the rest of the county as well! - Add sidewalks on Buford rd. and add more crosswalks to safely cross Buford rd. - Where Sidewalks are proposed, why are they only on one side of the street? - Do more to connect 138 sidewalks into residential areas. - Add bike lanes on Forest Hill Ave., Buford Rd., Huguenot 6, 30, 39 Rd. and McRae Rd.Currently to dangerous to ride on any of these in this area. - Connect biking to existing bike lanes on Robious Rd. (by way of Rockaway/Old Bon Air Rd.) There should be more sidewalks on Buford Road with so many residential areas nearby to help connect them to the various shopping areas, schools, and libraries. Additional bike lanes should be installed on Forest Hill Avenue, Huguenot Road, Buford Road, and connecting to existing bike lanes on Robious Road. There also needs to be more 139 18, 19, 30 consideration of commercial development in Bon Air such as along Forest Hill Avenue to support more local jobs in the area. More housing and redevelopment would be nice too to draw more young professionals and families to the area who cannot afford to be homeowners currently. Redeveloping parts of Huguenot Road would be a good focus.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 24

Comment Response Raw Comment # # Hello, here are my thoughts. I have serious issues with the commercial zoning recommendation for Huguenot Rd. between Buford and Bon Oaks. I do not think this is in the best interests of our small Bon Air Heights neighborhood(I live on Bon Oaks Lane). Are there other options? Is there an option for homes and businesses on this 7 acre section? Or, if access by way of an alley parallel to Huguenot is added, then the existing homes on 140 5 Huguenot would have a safer option for parking, etc. It seems that commercial/office on the Buford/Huguenot corner would be OK, but the entire way to Bon Oaks Lane is too much. I shudder at the thought of taking my walks on Bannon and seeing the back end of a shopping center (dumpsters, electrical, noisy equipment, etc.). Even with buffering...not enough distance/separation. Please reconsider and offer alternatives. Thank you, I like the idea of sidewalks being included in the plan. It will make walking safer for the kids and adult. I approve of using the old Bon Air School grounds as an added park for the 141 6, 7 community to use. We have no place for the kids to expel their energy. The only park is Huguenot Park, and that is becoming over used. Parking deck in Bon Air? No thanks. After sitting on Buford Rd for over 15 mins yesterday when traffic was rerouted my thoughts turned to why the County thinks adding a heavy commercial area makes sense when Buford Rd is at capacity. The road is beautiful the way it is. At least the County didn't put sidewalks down it and raze trees. Those canopies provide shade and environmental benefits. The street is a symbol of Bon Air. Brandermill is allowed to have a tree-lined parkway,so I'm thankful the County allowed us to keep that. A shame 4, 7, 17, 142 the County will raze McRae canopies and put in sidewalks that will rarely be used. The 22, 24 sidewalks at the commercial area are almost never used. The water tower color and text style is a symbol of Bon Air. Why would the County change that? Wasteful spending. The roundabout makes no sense here. Plus, cyclists hate them. There was a lot of feedback to have a tennis court at the new park but one was not included even though there is space if other rec items were excluded. There are no public courts nearby.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 25

Comment Response Raw Comment # # As we all know Bon Air was founded around the RAILROAD. As the new plan states on page 3--"in 1889 the area began a transition from a vacation community to a COMMUTER village" Today commuting by GRTC bus is growing. The PARK AND RIDE lot at Bon Air Baptist Church has been enlarged and renewed interest for updating the RICHMOND REGIONAL COMMUTER RAIL STUDY, done by the MPO a dozen years ,has been expressed by two county business organizations: the Chesterfield Business Council and the Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce. The newly formed Richmond Metropolitan Transportation Authority could be requested to consider doing that update. I regret that the new plan is lacking in recognizing the increased traffic and congestion on Huguenot Road, Forest Hill , Buford and Jahnke. For instance a traffic projection by our own transportation department shows Buford Road to have, in the future, to have traffic equivalent to ten lanes of roadway. Of course we could never widen to that degree by why can't we PLAN to get some cars off the roads? REGIONAL COMMUTER RAIL on existing rail tracks should be further investigated as well as connectivity for the GRTC bus service to other bus lines in the county to develop a transportation system. Let's PLAN regional transportation for jobs and quality of life! AFFORDABLE HOUSING--huge issue and as a county we have been wiping it out over the years. In my time on the Bd.of Sup. we were transition to office or commercial and called it "the highest and best use". Please don't PLAN to do it again in Bannon and 143 5, 18, 31 Huguenot. Twenty-one houses, a community worth saving!. County Planner, the late, great Barbara Fassett knew how to help a community organize it's self, rehab., maintenance, helping each other, standards etc. If we PLAN to replace 21 affordable homes where will those families go? Why can't they remain and the children (note the toys in the front yards) go to "the best" elementary school--Bon Air The county has a new rehabilitation effort underway. Let's get busy here. Leave R-15 on the PLAN. The transition recommended in the PLAN will not fit. Bon Air commercial village escaped the 2008 recession (only one vacant store front in the village) while Stony Pointy Shopping center across Rt.147 is half empty. We escaped because we did not expand the commercial village in the last plan revision. The community does not "need" more retail or office space ( ask the existing office owner how long it take to rent now). THe recommended--housing over top of commercial--worked in the community where grew up in the 1930's. it is a good idea but not on Bannon or Huguenot Roads please! Huguenot has too much traffic--access/parking issues--same with rear parking. Also danger of domino effect for interior streets. Bad idea--don't do. REQUEST PLEASE--have a large public meeting where planners present entire plan and decision makers are present. Take questions and let people express themselves. You will get a wonderful sense of this community and all of the answers you need\. Thanks for your effort.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 26

Comment Response Raw Comment # # Thank you for all your efforts to create the new BASAP. The Bon Air Park with and the associated bike path is a fantastic idea. As the property is mostly already owned by the County, I hope that money could be quickly dedicated. With that in mind I do tend to take cost into consideration regarding further portions of the new Plan. The Forest Hill sidewalk seems like a necessary solution to provide safety in concurrence with the dangerous traffic situation along that road. My experience with Bon Air residents regarding a sidewalk along McRae and elsewhere has been highly contentious. However, everyone can come together on the fact that the speed must be calmed to allow a safer pathway for pedestrians and bikes. To put it briefly, I would like to see the existing vegetative culverts widened to allow for a dedicated bike lanes similar to the one proposed along Rockaway. For one, the costs of such a project would be much less than sidewalks. Because of that, hopefully the project could be more quickly funded and greenlighted. Any dedicated crosswalks will be an improvement. On McRae, by the Riverside School and St. Michaels, there should be a crosswalk (s) to allow for parents to pick up and drop off. It becomes quite hectic at times. With that in mind, a crosswalk at Hazen and Buford would be a better solution than having one in the middle of the block on Buford. The proposed roundabouts seem to be the best solution for calming traffic along McRae and Rockaway. I would like to add for consideration, another roundabout or two further along Rattlesnake Road. Considering the current utilities, it may be easier to create a roundabout at Lancraft and another at Jimmy Winters, rather than at the Pulliam intersection with the Library. I'm not sure if people would slow down along Rattlesnake with just one roundabout anyhow, but the "cut through" traffic is too fast currently and any efforts will be appreciated. The vertically integrated design plan of the commercial area as proposed, is out of scale and precedence. 6, 7, 8, 9, 144 Its urban nature is not in keeping with the small town effect of Bon Air. I would prefer to 11, 19, 20 see setbacks maintained and height retrictions of no more than 2 1/2 stories. For example, ,27, 39 a compromise was reached at Stony Point Shopping Center, where the island buildings (BB&T, McDonald's, ect) were given a design that would not be unusual for a Victorian era commercial building. They are clearly modern though, and do not diminish the fabric of the Historic District. I would hate to see attempts at fake Victorian or worse, fake Colonial architecture to be expanded upon. My experience with Historic Districts mandates Modern Design utilizing the existing scale of the historic neighborhood. The first shopping center in the County is in Bon Air. Although, meek in design, it has a small main street feel, one that is most certainly lost in the proposed drawings of a fake town center,"Anywhere, NC". The large mass of additional asphalt parking lots and offices abutting residential would not sit well with me if I were abutting the proposed design. Aesthetics aside, I recognize the fact that the County needs to compete with the City in terms of shared border commercial space. With that in mind, I can understand and support the desire to create more Commercial along Huguenot. Traffic can be directed and focused to Huguenot. But adding 5200(!) more trips along Forest Hill and Buford seems highly suspect and too much of burden for roads that are clearly recognized as at capacity. It seems more of an attempt to create and office park, rather than establishing a walkable Main Street, which would be my preference. I would like to see enforcement of current Code regarding the Pizza Hut dumpsters at the gateway corner of Buford and Forest Hill. I cringe to mention it, but a less commercial color for that could be enforced if there were standards established and enforced. Efforts are afoot to create a gateway at the rail crossing on Rockaway. I look forward to further discussions and am excited about the effort to improve the area. Kevin Badgett

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 27

Comment Response Raw Comment # # Please note that despite the vocal retirees, many people do walk and want to walk in Bon Air, particularly to the library, school and commercial area. Walking is a key component of 145 6 Village life. Biking would be even better and is it possible to tie in with Forest Hill park and the bike paths there? Good luck!! I have read through the Bon Air Special Area Plan and am very impressed and excited about the potential improvements suggested w/in the plan. I have been a resident of Bon Air since 2006. I especially like the ideas for walking and biking access within the community and a 146 neighborhood park adjacent to Bon Air Elementary School with connecting walkways to the 6, 7 commercial center, Bon Air Community Association, Public Library, etc. You have a vote of confidence here, great work to improve a very nice community and I look forward to progress. As a Bon Air resident, I hope to see a focus on developing the proposed Bon Air Park since there are many families in the area that ride bikes, walk their dogs; are generally active outdoors in the neighborhood. Currently there are not many safe areas for residents to "share the road" with the already heavy traffic in the Bon Air corridor. Increasing the traffic 147 6, 7, in that area is the last thing we need. Keeping the integrity of the historical design is great 20, 21 regarding the businesses & homes in the area, but don't lose site that we truly need safe crosswalks, sidewalks, bike paths/trails, etc. Lighting in the area would be an increased security measure as well as potential roundabouts to help decrease the speed of traffic. 148 Thank goodness no sidewalks down Buford 6 I am very interested in seeing these changes and improvements made in our Bon Air community. So many times I've been driving around wishing that ours was a more walkable community. So many places are so close and yet in order to get to them, we have to cross 4 lane roads or even two lane roads with no cross walk. We have a beautiful park with trails 149 6 on north side of Huguenot (Larus Park)which is close enough to walk to from our homes, but for many of us on the south side of Huguenot, that walk isn't safe because we have to cross Huguenot. Bon Air is the perfect community to become more walking and biking friendly. I hope these changes are accepted. I will look forward to them. Overall, ya'll have done a great job on this plan--I especially like connecting the residential areas to the "village" concept with sidewalks and mini-roundabouts on McRae Rd. I have walked the area many times and the lack of a sidewalk/pedestrian crosswalks is dangerous as vehicular traffic has no where to go if there is oncoming traffic. Being able to walk to the library and the stores more easily is great, and as people age in place, using a Segway, scooter, or other mobility device is easier if there's a sidewalk (5' wide) in place. I also like the trail concept for walkers/bikers to share on the back of Quaker Lane to get to the 6, 7, 20, 150 library. The neighborhood park is a nice idea; will the parking be more behind the Stony Pt. 36 Presbyterian Church or the side street where the recreation/kid's baseball games are now? That is one area to consider as those smaller homes do not need additional traffic (which happens during elementary school events such as little league baseball or other sports). Many thanks for your hard work, and also the details in the plan. It took me 30-45 min. to read it (for 52 pages, not bad) and I understood it; the visuals were especially helpful since I have zero background in planning and things like "pedestrian shelters". We need additional sidewalks and bike trails in the Bon Air Area - around Bon Air Elementary, connecting the neighborhoods to the school, including those neighborhoods up 151 Old Bon Air/Rockaway towards Robious. The lack of side walks prevents the ability of our 6, 36 children from safely getting to friend's houses or having the option to walk the the school for recreational use of fields. Need additional parking at the school.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 28

Comment Response Raw Comment # # As a resident of bon air heights, I strongly apposed any shopping center along Huguenot road backing to Bannon road. It would turn a quiet residential area into a commercial through way. Our neighborhood already faces challenges to safe streets due to commuters 152 using bon oaks lane as a cut through between Huguenot road and forest hill Avenue. I have 5 applied for assistance from the county for speed bumps and I have offered my drive way for police to use radar to reduce speeding on our street. Nothing has changed. Please do not approve the shopping center plan for the Huguenot /Bannon road area. I approve of making Bon Air more pedestrian and bicycle friendly. I would like to see more in the plan for connecting both sides of Buford Road in a safe fashion for walkers and bikers. I really support the trails, parks,village feel and please try to leave as many large trees as 153 6, 30 possible. I do realize sometimes they have to come down for construction. Please replant as many as possible. The plan is very exciting. I would love to see people get out of their cars and out walking and onto bikes. Let's get going and not sit on this for years. looks very good; definitely need the walking /biking paths and trails. Like the park idea 154 6, 7 around BA Elementary Please add bike lanes and sidewalks on major roads in Bon Air. Also please work with 155 Dominion Power to bury power lines and keep trees. Losing the trees at Buford and Forest 12, Hill was a tragedy! 17, 30 Since the goal is stated: Bon Air is a walkable village community where residents, businesses and the county work together to maintain and build upon its rich history, natural beauty and high quality of life. I wonder why the plan does not even attempt to BUILD upon its rich history; why some proposals will destroy "natural beauty" and I'm not sure how this plan will give "high quality of life"? Because the current area residential has deteriorated 156 2, 5 partially because of lackluster county control the solution ids to convert it to commercial? So Bon Air is being punished because of county employees and officials? This plan is a bad attempt to increase the commercial tax base and has nothing to do with the stated GOAL. Someone didn't do a good job. Who? I hoped this plan would be a step in the right direction. It's a death march for Bon Air.

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 29

Comment Response Raw Comment # # Thank you for letting the public comment on your Bon Air Special Area Plan. I live in Stratford Hills, right off of Cherokee Road, and work as a CPA in Midlothian, right at the corner of Midlothian Turnpike and Robious Road. Every Monday through Friday (and during tax season on Saturdays) I drive through the heart of Bon Air – Forest Hill Avenue, Buford, McRae, Old Bon Air and Rockaway – to get to work. I am also an avid cyclist, both on roads and rail-trails. I recently moved here from Pittsburgh, PA and witnessed first-hand what a wonderful opportunity it is for a community to have a dedicated walking path and trail system. I lived in an old neighborhood with sidewalks and people were always out (even in THAT cold weather!!!) walking, running, cycling, taking public transit and just enjoying the outdoors and their neighbors. My home was just a few miles from the Montour Trail, which connects to the Great Allegheny Passage. Back in the 1980s and 1990s communities just like Bon Air debated the value of a trail system in western Pennsylvania. Fortunately, they moved forward with developing one of the most well-known and well-loved trails in the United States. The best part is that all kinds of people can use these trails! You don’t have 157 to be an avid cyclist to enjoy them. You simply need to get outside! I am so happy to see 6 that Richmond is developing the Virginia Capital Trail and that it is well on its way to completion! I am an active volunteer for the Virginia Capital Trail Foundation. And last fall I invested my own time and money to start a business, Road-Tested Bike Tours, to plan personalized, self-guided and self-supported bike tours featuring historic rail-trails and roads including in central Virginia. I can personally attest that dedicated trails benefit a community, especially one like Bon Air where folks are already so active. Every day I see people in wheelchairs moving along Forest Hill Avenue, runners along Forest Hill and McRae, and kids walking along McRae and especially Rockaway. In the summer I’ve seen kids walking their bikes up the big hill on Rockaway and riding/walking by the railroad tracks. While I am thrilled to see people who love the outdoors like I do, I am even more thrilled to see that Bon Air wants to implement a plan to make it safer for them to do so. I am hoping that Bon Air will take advantage of this opportunity to do so. I know I would likely ride my trail bicycle to work if I knew that I had a protected area to do so. But more importantly, a dedicated trail would protect us all. Thank you! Obviously, much work has been put into this plan, but we believe that the proposed changes in the commercial core do not reflect the true flavor of Bon Air. The two-story buildings crowding the streets at the Forest Hill and Buford Rd. intersection would look more like Short Pump or structures. Three or more stories would change everything and destroy the look and feel of this quiet area! We also do not like the idea of mixed uses for the buildings, again trying to copy Short Pump and Rocketts Landing. It 158 would feel more like a city than our village. We are pleased that sidewalks will not be 4, 8, 9, 17 extended down Buford Road but question their placement along McRae. Would that not cause the loss of many trees and negatively affect those homeowners' neighborhoods? We also disagree with connecting this area with the city's Forest Hill sidewalks. You imply that one can only enjoy the greater area if there are sidewalks! Please do not try to make so many changes in the name of "progress" and lure others here that you ruin Bon Air for its current residents. Our family really supports the additional walk & bike pathways - thank you for the 159 6 possibility of making this a place where we can safely walk to/from restaurants and stores. I am in favor of this plan for Bon Air. Huguenot & Buford Rd is looking a little shabby, and we need to look to the future needs of residents which will certainly include more 6, 18, 19, 160 commercial space. Mixed use spaces are in keeping with a small town feel. Most exciting is 20 the McRae sidewalk concept and biking paths along with the roundabouts. I am a 25 year resident of Bon Air. Thank you for putting forth this well thought out plan.

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Comment Response Raw Comment # # I fully support this plan. Bon Air has a unique history and is a wonderful community to live in. Sidewalks are a must and I would encourage you to consider them on Buford as well, 161 making it easier to get to the commercial areas at Forest Hill and Buford. Please move 1, 6, 30 forward with this plan. I know of many families that would walk and bike in the area if sidewalks and/or bike paths were built. My family enjoys the Bon Air neighborhood but struggles with some very basic issues. There are tons of convenient destinations -- if we get in a car and drive. We want to be able to walk or ride bicycles to church, the library, Nuevo Mexico, CVS, Martin's, Joe's Inn, Perk, and Buford Road Pharmacy. Not to mention all the places on Midlothian Turnpike. For young kids, that means a good network of protected bicycle lanes. Even as an adult, I'd feel 162 much more comfortable with separated lanes or trails. My wife forbids me from riding on 6 Jahnke or Buford or Huguenot -- and I don't blame her. They all feel like death traps. We won't ever be able to get to that safe walkable, bike-friendly atmosphere we want unless we calm down the streets. I'd love to see more aggressive plans for sidewalk connectivity and bicycle paths. We don't need any more lanes for car travel. Thanks. PEDESTRIAN NETWORK • For the pedestrian network to safely connect people to public facilities, residential areas, businesses, and other destinations it should include sidewalks or walking paths that connect to major residential areas like Oxford, Highland Hills, Grand Summit, Brookwood Estates, and Crestwood Farms. • The plan should include sidewalks on both sides of the street in the more common public areas, especially near the school and library. • Kids should be able to safely walk to school. Walking encourages healthy living and reduces bus transportation costs. Public opinion polling repeatedly shows that the rising generation of homeowners and parents want walkable communities. • The plan should include sidewalks or walking paths on Buford Road, to connect the churches and businesses thereon. We have an annual festival and parade on Buford and it is a joke that we cannot even walk to the different activities within the so-called Bon Air village area. The popular phrase is, “It takes a village.” It is not, “The village forces you to take a car.” People who complain about the historic nature of walkability need to look further back than the mid- 1900s. Paved roads are not historic, walking is. • In addition to adding sidewalks on at least a few roads east of Buford Road, I request the addition of more crosswalks to safely cross 6, 7, 18, Buford. Under the draft plan, Buford will become a de facto wall that impedes pedestrians 19, 20, on the deprived east side from crossing over to the well-developed west side. Although we 163 30, 33, love history in Bon Air, we don’t need to create the Buford Berlin Wall. In the same manner, 34, 35, pedestrian and bicycling facilities should be built south of the railroad tracks and connect 38, 39, 40 across the tracks. Connect all of the community. • The plan should mention connecting the pedestrian network with the neighboring areas of the county and city (for example, connecting to the existing sidewalks on Robious Rd. by way of Rockaway/Old Bon Air). • I support for the overall concept of a bike and pedestrian route that connects from one end of Bon Air to the other. The Bon Air Linear Trail seems to take a big step towards that, but the loop trails (white blaze and orange blaze) don’t seem to have much of a purpose. The topography and heavy vegetation of that area may create concerns about loitering or destructive behavior. Efforts need to be included to • Hazen Street doesn’t exist west of McRae Road (as incorrectly shown in the plan’s map), so the trail would need to connect directly to Quaker Lane, just west of St. Michael’s. • I request the addition of sidewalk along Pulliam Street to connect the school and library. The school often sends classes to walk to the library. Supposedly, this was left off due to cost concerns, but as this is a visioning document, the plan that should not be constrained by the fairly basic cost of a sidewalk on one block. BICYCLING • Bicycling is not merely recreational, it is a mode of transportation that costs the taxpayers very little. People in Bon Air would bike more often in Bon Air, if we

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Comment Response Raw Comment # # had safer biking facilities. Don’t accept those who say, “Nobody bikes in Bon Air.” That is simply ignorant. • Kids should be able to safely bike to school. Biking encourages healthy living and reduces bus transportation costs. Public opinion polling repeatedly shows that the rising generation of homeowners and parents are driving less while biking more. • The plan should mention connecting the with the neighboring areas of the county and city (for example, connecting eastward to the new/planned facilities that will connect Huguenot Bridge with downtown Richmond. • The plan should include the addition of bike lanes on Forest Hill Ave., Huguenot Rd., Buford Rd., and McRae Rd. • The plan should include new bike lanes that connect to those existing on Robious Road by way of Rockaway/Old Bon Air Rd. • The plan should include new bike lanes that connect with bike lanes extending east on Jahnke Road and south on Buford Road. ROADS AND MINI ROUNDABOUTS • Buford Road should not be viewed as a highway for passers-through to use to avoid true state highways (Huguenot Rd, Midlothian Tpk, Chippenham Hwy). Traffic speeds on Buford Road should reflect the village concept to make it safer for those who live on/nearby, as well as the school-age children attending Bon Air Elementary on the next street over. • The mini roundabouts are a brilliant way to reduce speeds and increase safety without the need to take much – if any – adjacent land. They assuredly will generate opposition, but I’m confident that is due to a lack of knowledge or understanding. • The plan should include an additional mini roundabout at Rattlesnake Rd & Pulliam St (at library). • The plan should include an additional mini roundabout at McRae Rd & Polk St (possibly replacing the need for one at McRae and Rattlesnake). • Chesterfield County owns right-of-way property for the purpose of the common good of the people, not to extend the square footage of people’s yards. Letting the significant amount of unused right-of-way along McRae Road (or any other road) sit idle is wasteful. Adjacent land owners knew of the right-of-way when they purchased. To yield to an adjacent owner’s complaint against losing grass they want for their yard would be to endorse the use of public funds to benefit one individual. • Much of the pedestrian and bicycling transportation improvements would qualify for funding from the State and RRTPO under the Transportation Alternatives Program, which is significantly underutilized in the region.] TRANSIT • The plan should provide more information on the current level of bus service in Bon Air, as well as recommendations on that enhancing bus service, park and ride lots, and other transit and ridesharing options. • The plan should include the extension of bus service westward down Huguenot Road (maybe even as far as Chesterfield Town Center). • The plan should build upon the current bus service along Forest Hill Ave and Buford Road and extend it southward down Buford Road to connect to the newly approved service at Centura College at the intersection of Buford Road and Midlothian Turnpike. • The plan should extend bus transit down Buford Road and eastward on Jahnke Rd to connect to the existing service at Chippenham Hospital and tie in the offices along Boulders Parkway. BON AIR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • Enrollment at Bon Air Elementary is the highest in history and is expected to grow as Bon Air transitions to young families. But the school building is already at capacity. The plan should mention this conflict. • It is not apparent whether the plan was coordinated with the staff of CCPS. This type of intergovernmental collaboration is essential for planning for the future of Bon Air. NEIGHBORHOOD PARK • The plan should include the addition of sidewalks connecting the park areas to the school and school parking lot. • The plan should include the addition of sidewalks, lighting, and additional parking capacity along both sides of the entrance driveway to the school and in the existing school lots. (Expand the planned parking for the dog park.) • The school does not have an outdoor basketball court. The plan calls for eliminating two full courts in the park area and replacing it with one half court. I would prefer at least one full court be built near the school. INFILL AND REDEVELOPMENT • I

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Comment Response Raw Comment # # generally support the addition of jobs and places of employment in Bon Air. • I support the redevelopment of commercial areas near intersection of Buford and Forest Hill. • I support the redevelopment of housing along Huguenot Road into commercial area. The plan should also include redeveloping the houses on Huguenot Rd between Bon Oaks Ln and Richmond City into commercial areas. It is not safe to live on such a major road and we need the jobs in Bon Air. • The plan should include commercial redevelopment along the south side of Forest Hill Ave from Bon Air Baptist Church to the City of Richmond line. • I support the creation of design standards to protect the aesthetic character of Bon Air. THE PLAN IN GENERAL • Much of the transportation improvements would qualify for funding from the State and RRTPO under the Transportation Alternatives Program, CMAQ, or RSTP. • Please make the plan more easily-understood to the average citizen. Include a better justification for many of the changes, especially where such a justification has already been drafted in the previously-produced Background Information Report. • Please consider including one cohesive map of the study area at the beginning of the document. Please consider presenting the maps in a consistent manner, at a similar scale, on a full page, with parcel lines and road names. great idea, the bike and pedestrian trails especially. kids need a safe way to walk or ride to 164 6 and from school. Bon Air is one of the most unique parts of Richmond. Any architectural changes should reflect the historic and quaint nature of this area that you eloquently described in the beginning of the proposal. What you are proposing reminds us of the lastest fad in suburban architecture, seen in Short Pump and Rocketts Landing. There are no sentimental or unique histories behind these two planned communities, therefore, they are devoid of charm and character and could be anywhere in the country. This should be kept in mind for any signage as well as buildings. Bon Air is a Victorian village - everything should reflect that history. While a lot of time and planning went into this proposal, it does not represent our history or who we are - in fact, it almost errodes it. We like our size and don't feel we need more residents or unnecessary businesses. We don't want more traffic. We are not the West End. We are smart, diverse, eclectic people who like our unique way and area. If we 6, 8, 9, 165 wanted West End, would have moved there. Yes, we need help beautifying the current 25, 26, 27 Buford businesses so all of the properties attract viable tenants. Also, all of the grounds to the front of Bon Air Elementary along McRea and Polk are used daily by the school and area residents We like the idea of the land behind it being better utilized - especially the trails. The even bigger question to all of this is why is the county focusing on this already functioning and beloved area when there are so many areas in greater need of attention and redevelopment in Chesterfield. There is too much real poverty in the county, and areas that need redevelopment and revitalization-and places for their residents to work and congregate. Bon Air's cup truly runneth over. We do not need all of this. We need a little cleaning up and perfume, but we don't need plastic surgery. Thank you for listening. (residents in the planning zone).

Bon Air Special Area Plan Citizen Comments 33

Comment Response Raw Comment # # I regret that I was not aware of this until I opened an email from Sports Backers this evening. It is a very comprehensive proposal but frankly was overwhelming for one sitting. Notices should have been mailed to residents alerting us to this plan. Concerns: Affordable housing parallel to Huguenot Road would likely not be replaced by similarly affordable family units. We should stive for a population of mixed income residents. There is already 166 bike traffic up and down Buford Road - we need to make bike ways where people travel. 5, 8, 9, 30 And there should be sufficient lighting that they are visible at night. If all our old shopping centers are replaced with new structures, we will look like Short Pump. Our funky store fronts add character. Some are deteriorating - change will be necessary but the vision seems to eliminate most. We have too much unused commercial space in our area - not sure how much more is needed/sustainable. I loved the design and layout of the Bon Air area project . I would like to see how the project could be phased and what you think the over all timeline would be for completion. Speeding is a big concern for me on McRae road and I would like to see steps to slow the 167 1, 20 cars down asap! I am not having any luck with Chesterfield county police on the speeding issues so I believe my only option is to alter the drive pattern on McRae Rd. Thanks for all the hard work! This is exciting! I especially like the pedestrian and bicycle improvements and the passenger rail idea. Mini roundabouts are a good way to help move traffic without using lights. I like 6, 18, 20, 168 the idea of future development at the intersection of Buford and Forest Hill. Please make as 31 much of this happen as possible!

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Comment Response Raw Comment # # Thank you for the work you've put into this. I've been a resident of Bon Air since 1990, and I'm a Boy Scout leader of Troop 840 at St. Michael's in the heart of Bon Air. (If the parks go through, -please- get in touch with us about projects, our boys are always on the lookout for volunteer opportunities, we have ~5 who will need Eagle projects in the next 1-3 years www.BSATroop840.org) Woodmont: I would strongly encourage a plan for a pedestrian bridge to connect Woodmont Rd over the railroad, which would safely connect the Greenfield and Woodmont neighborhoods. Sidewalks: I am very much in favor of sidewalks linking neighborhoods to the McRae area, not just sidewalks in the main area. A sidewalk from Bon Air Elementary to the library would be nice. Also from the Elementary to the Bon Air Community Assoc (BACA). BACA to Rockcrest. Proposed Park at Bon Air Elementary: - Dog Park: I am against the dog park at Bon Air Elementary. They accumulate mountains of feces(literally) and are centers of disease. Dogs' health in Bon Air is best served by having no park. -Trails: There are already many trails in existence in the woods behind Bon Air Elementary and St. Michael's. There are many interesting tree carvings dating back to the 6, 7, 31, 169 1950's and I would ask that you stick to the existing trails and retain the rustic feel of the 36 area--no big tree clearing, please! I am happy to show you the existing trails (call Caleb at 690-6860) -Pollard Pond: This area was actually a gathering spot in the 1930s-50s with a pond, Pollard Pond, at the end of Quaker Lane, which has since silted in, but the dam is still there. I would encourage you to explore restoring the pond. You can view it on Google maps at https://www.google.com/maps/place/37%C2%B031%2728.9%22N+77%C2%B033%2751.0 %22W/@37.524696,-77.564164,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0 -Baseball diamonds: The graphic in the draft appears to move one of the existing diamonds onto the field created by the demolition of the CCPS admin building, and move the field where one of the diamonds is. I am against spending money to move diamonds around. -Basketball: There is already a basketball court, which graphic also appears to move a few hundred feet. I am against spending money to move around a basketball court. Light rail: Yes, yes, yes. Trails: There are many existing trails in the woods on the west bank of Powhite Creek (Chatsworth Ave area), I would highly encourage making these trails official. I love to see all the improvements that are being considered to make Bon air more beautiful and safe for our children. I definitely want to see more side walks and/ or bike paths . I think the new park would be a great addition to the community . I slso believe that Bon air 170 elementary could do with an expansion . My child eats lunch at 1030 in the morning and it 6, 7, 36 is a long day after that I would love to see a larger cafeteria so that more children can eat at one time. I also think that anything that can be done to make our children's school better should always be a YES when making decisions like this . Thank you for your time I don't see any need fro gateway signs, and I think the imagery for proposed development along Forest Hill, Buford, and Huguenot is not quite appropriate. However, I am in favor of 171 improving the biking and sidewalk paths in Bon Air, especially connections via Old Bon 6, 7, 8 Air/Rockaway and out to Jahnke Road, the trail along the library and Bon Air Elementary (can this extend to Quaker Lane?) We think all looks promising. Sidewalks & round abouts would be great. Any signage to 172 1, 6, 20 reduce speeding... Stop signs etc. Sidewalks to library would be of benefit. I was very disturbed when I saw the proposal using our land at Bon Air Presbyterian Church This proposal would disrupt our traffic flow, keep parents from easily picking up their children from pre-school. I would think the county has better planners than this. Similar 173 32 plans were discussed years ago with the Bon Air Historical society and found not to be very satisfactory to both parties. I am sure other options are available. This plan would also increase our liability exposure and invite more after hours security challenges.

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Comment Response Raw Comment # # More bike lanes and walkable roads, neighborhoods and shopping areas will only increase the attractiveness of Chesterfield for young professional families and retiring Boomers. All 174 6 the research on new urban planning supports this. It will encourage economic growth and lower crime rates. 175 I LOVE the roundabout idea! 20 176 And the neighborhood park! Yeah! 7 Love the marked crosswalks (SO needed to bring all the Bon Air neighborhoods together) 177 6 And the much needed sidewalks!!!! 178 Don’t agree with concept of 3 story buildings in commercial property. 8, 9 179 Limit lighting- too much on rt 60 in Midlothian- Do not want this not uniform and too much. Problem with library- to much traffic should be moved to Huguenot Rd. Do not expand it- 180 29 need to close off the back entrance and exist. Enter and exist on Rattlesnake only. Our family realy likes that we can walk to the library. Its great that its accessible to several 181 6 neighborhoods. 182 Need underground pedestrian walk/access from Bon Air to Stony Point (under Huguenot) 6, 39 183 Make crossing Buford safer 6, 39 As an older resident I cannot safely cross Buford @Forest Hill as I used to due to traffic. 184 6, 39 What about "bridge" walk over both of these roads. Do not remove our trees- or at least consult with an arborist to protect trees with mature 185 17 canopies due to env. Benefit 186 Need more sidewalks 6 Great job on no more sidewalks on Buford. Trail will be a nice addition. Can there be a 187 6, 7 tennis court instead of picklebal and/or basketball court in the park? 188 No roundabout! 22 We NEED sidewalks on Buford rd. it’s a thoroughfare. Some of us treat walking and biking as 189 a form of transportation. Not just out for an amble in the lucky areas that have sidewalks 6, 30 and bike paths. 190 Sidewalks and multi-use paths RAISE real estate values and improve safety for all. 6 Connect east and west neighborhoods south of the train tracks so those communities can 191 6, 33, 39 get to BA- McRae. 192 No sidewalks needed 4 193 Close Bullington Rd. to through traffic from the library! Street to narrow. 29 194 We want Bon Air as our mailing address. Not North Chesterfield We are Bon Air. 28 195 No roundabout! No one stops for stop sign now! 22 196 I love the roundabouts! Great for traffic flow! 20 197 I have one suggestion- Leave Bon Air Alone! 2 198 No roundabouts!! Confusing, take too much land! 22 199 No roundabouts! 22 200 Walking paths- no sidewalks! 6 201 No 3 story buildings- no apts above commercial buildings 8, 9 202 Future development on the line of Williamsburg style, not sleek modern. 27 Would like to limit residential mixed use to 2 stories- change to neighborhood business- 203 there are more houses impacted in this area than would be on Huguenot Rd where the 8, 9 neighborhood business is already. 204 1 to 2 story buildings in RMU 8, 9 205 Accessibility (ease of) from parking into building entrances. 206 Consider splitting Huguenot Block land use to protect homes on Bannon. 5 207 This is not short pump- don't make it look that way. 8, 9

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Comment Response Raw Comment # # 208 Use some $ for sewer extensions 13 209 Senior housing at intersection 18 210 Sewer extension as much as possible- resale/environment. 13 211 Safe, efficient way to make left turns @ Buford rd and Rockaway 3 212 Love all the sidewalks 6 213 Sidewalks put on Buford abt. 5 years ago rarely used 4 214 Turn lane onto Wyndham Drive from Eastbound Forest Hill Ave. 215 Stoplight for Buford Forest Hill for Pedestrians 6, 39 216 Need under road access to Stony Point 6, 39 217 Challenge of turning Left on McRae 218 Close off the back entrance to the library 29 219 Make traffic flow over to Buford to help with congestion at McRae and Forest Hill 34 220 Have no left turn on McRae and Forest Hill 221 No Roundabout 22 222 Yes Roundabouts! Please! 20 As a cyclists, I really don’t see how roundabouts help- they confuse everyone and cause 223 cyclists to take a blind sharp turn that often requires me to cross over trash and sand that I 22 can’t anticipate. 224 I think speed tables help better than roundabouts (big speed bumps) 20 225 Tie into Larus park, can walk from Bon Air 6, 39 226 I love the roundabouts! 20 227 Need more sidewalks 6 Need stoplight at Rattlesnake Road and Bon Air Baptist Church intersection with Buford 228 Road. (Entrance/Exit) I love the roundabouts because they will reduce accidents and speeders! Plus the sidewalks 229 6, 20 and crosswalks wil make it safe for our kids to actually walk to school and be healthy. 230 I hate the roundabouts- they really serve no purpose. 22 231 No more traffic lights on Buford Road 232 No Sidewalks 4 Family with kids LOVES the idea of being able to walk safely in our community. We walk to 233 school and the store and it is always a but harrowing with the kids so close to the traffic. 6, 20 Please go forward with the plans for sidewalks and roundabouts. 234 Yay for sidewalks! And Roundabouts :) 6, 20 235 Your kids will be in their 20s by the time any of these ideas are approved! 2 236 Roundabouts are great! So much faster than traffic lights! 20 237 No 3 story buildings at Buford and Forest Hill. No Parking decks! 8, 9 238 No residential on upper floors, keep buildings in Williamsburg style. 8, 9, 27 239 No west Chester commons or Short Pump in Bon Air. 8, 9 At the NE corner of Buford and Forest Hill, move the buildings back (to the water tower), 240 clean that area up and use the space better. Provide more parking to help businesses 18 thrive. OR provide more businesses that are good for walkers and Bikers. I like the plan for the shopping around the water tower (the place is blighted) Maybe limit 241 9, 18 building height to 2 floor. 242 Repaint water tower, replace font. 24 243 Love the water tower as painted 24 Don’t paint water tower it took Bon Air Historical Society years to get it done. It is a focal 244 24 point for Bon Air.

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Comment Response Raw Comment # # No parking decks! Graphics on page 26, 30 and 32 do not reflect a "village-style" design 245 standard. Commercial core needs to be sensitive to scale and character of surrounding 8, 9 area. Buford Rd. cant support overdevelopment in commercial core. 246 Need more sidewalks 6 247 Don't repaint water tower or change font. 24 248 Sign is a great idea, just not like graphic of the Ettrick Sign. 25 249 Green buffer on Huguenot. Leave trees. 250 Address impacts on Jeffers Dr. with cut thru traffic and commercial delivery 251 Allow access from Bon Oaks to Commercial 6 252 Replacing "quaint" with cheesy modern" may not be progress…Limit height to 2 stories 8, 9 253 No tall buildings! 8, 9 Bon Air shopping center currently has inadequate parking due to the great success of Joe's 254 8, 9 Inn. Four additional buildings and no additional parking is folly. 255 Any architecture on new buildings must reflect Victorian heritage. 27 Please no "canyon" effect on the streets, shade where there should be sunlight for 256 8, 9 pedestrians. Encourage builders on new construction to incorporate architectural interest- such as in 257 27 The Fan. Love the plan for more bike/mixed use trails! I used to bike to work in my previous city and 258 6 now I can't living in Chesterfield! This is the future! Love the idea of giving our kids safe places to play, ride and run. Please move forward on 259 6 the trails! 260 Can't wait for more bike paths- shared or separate! 6 Biking and mixed use pathways are much needed. Separate biking facilities would be 261 6 awesome. We want a walkable/bikable community. 262 Great ideas! Sidewalks are needed! 6 263 Free tennis courts 7 264 In favor of safer pedestrian corssings at Buford and Forest Hill. 6, 39 265 Extend sidewalk along Huguenot to Oxford (Scherer Dr) @ Bon Air entrance. 15 Connecting Hug. Neighborhoods- woodmont, etc. to the core of Bon Air with SAFE 266 15 bike/walk way. Current neighborhood rds do not link. 267 Consider Fairfax County Parkway as example of high quality Bike/Jogging Paths. 6 268 Mini-Roundabout Buford @ Rockaway 20 269 10' path seems so wide, maybe 5'? 6 270 Crosswalk at end of trail across Huguenot Road 6, 39 271 If you moved to Bon Air for the Village, why kill it? 2 No roundabout on McRae- no left turns on McRae and Forest Hill Ave. would eliminate 272 22 traffic and roundabouts put four way stops instead. 273 Sidewalks should be on Buford from Jahnke to commercial area- across to the city 30 274 Add southern crossing near Methodist church for pedestrians. 30, 39 275 Great job on not extending Buford Rd sidewalk further into residential area. 6 Neighbohood byway across Buford seems incredibly unsafe to encourage pedestrian 276 4 crossing. 277 No overkill with excess lighting 278 Minimal tree destruction, no trees cut 17 279 Use stones on sidewalk, not bright yellow that is presently on the current sidewalks. 6 280 Need more concrete sidewalks 6 281 As a Realtor, clients moving to Bon Air want sidewalks. 6

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Comment Response Raw Comment # # As another Realtor, my clients want a better HS district but like the streets and character 282 4 without sidewalks 283 Mark the crossalk at Huguenot and Forest Hill (so safer for kids) 6, 39 284 Against curbs- would destroy the rural village feel! 4 285 sidewalks would be huge benefit to our community- young and old! 6 Love the linear park and sidewalks connecting key parts of the community! (school, library, 286 shopping, churches). It would be even better if it tied in with more homes. Maybe Mohawk 6, 33 Dr? Burroughs St? Rockaway to Old Bon Air? Rattlesnake Rd into Woodmont? Very excited about all of these proposals/plans. Especially love the off road shared path and 287 6 sidewalks. McRae is already very bikable as is. Excellent proposals. Already use McRae as cycling route, so sidewalks will help with alt 288 modes of transit. Any possibility of connecting to forest Hill Ave/Stony Point Road/Down to 6 Cherokee? 289 We love sidewalks and biking! 6 290 Can traffic on Forest Hill be reduced? Re-routed, encouraged to other routes. 34 291 Put crosswalk at Huguenot and Buford Road 6, 39 292 Extend sidewalk from Bon Air Baptists Church east through to city line 6 293 Full court b-ball at park 7 294 Less brick canyon style development in commercial area 8, 9 Much work, thought and brainstorming is evident in this report and I appreciate it all. I love the village park plan and the walking trail behind the school. Also the roundabouts and sidewalks. Please don't change the present historical feel of the business/commercial area. Brick buildings close to the road will feel like a brick tunnel and very urban. I like/wish to keep the open spaces and trees present in a historically natural area. How I wish never to 6, 7, 8, 9, 295 see apartment buildings or over the store apartments in the heart of Bon Air. I love this 20 village. My g-grandmother and grandmother vactioned here, I went to girl scout camp here and have hoped to live here for much of my life. I have now called Bon Air home for 2 decades. I hope you won't make it into the bricked property such as they have on Broad- REI, Whole Foods, Trader Joes and such. It truly is not what the heart of Bon Air has always been! Bring this rural village into the 21st century without destroying its home. No parking decks @ Forest Hill and Buford. Keep 3 story building @Huguenot and Buford/Bannon. Only 1-2 sotry in existing village commercial. Leave the water tower as is. Chesterfield has plenty of empty commercial in Bon Air area. Thank you for no sidewalk in 8, 9, 19, 296 Victorian area on Buford. If people want sidewalks- realtors need to show them 24 neighborhoods that are planned that way. Don't move into an established neighborhood and try to redesign everyone's property. Thank you for your careful consideration- please please fo not destroy the village of Bon Air. I think that bike trails allow bikers to safely connect to the city particularly along 297 Rockaway/Old Bon Air should be the highest priority as it will save lives, improve the home 6 values in the in the community, reduce pollution and improve health. Sidewalks on Buford would destroy the historic character of the neighborhood. Bon Air is 298 too large for such a sidewalk to be practical. Leave Joe's Inn shopping center alone. 4, 8 Residents drive there. The people pushing sidewalks don’t necessarily live here. I don’t want to lose the woodsy area by the school to make way for a dog park. Also, a 10ft wide path seems insane. Perhaps less wide? Also, leave the Buford Road Shopping Center 299 as is. It was reedone recently and id hate to see it go. Id really hate to hurt the existing 7, 8, 36 businesses, specifically the pharmacy that Ive gone to for the past 30 years. The pizza hut strip- i understand changing that to something more attractive.

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Comment Response Raw Comment # # No parking deck. No 3 story buildings or higher. Avoid the contrived village look of short pump. Pedestrian/Bike accessibility across Huguenot to Stony Point. Southern crossing on 300 6, 8,9, 33 Buford for Bikes and pedestrians near Methodist church. Deal with L turns from Buford to McRae. Thank you for your work on this and for the level of community engagement. Great idea of sidewalk. Awful idea to build more commercial construction. Destroys historic 301 "Bon Air" Traffic is already awful on Buford and Huguenot. Alt would be a nightmare with 6, 8, 9 more stored etc. added. Houses in Bon Air should be upgraded to county sewer. Septic systems are failing and its an 302 environmental hazard. Too costly for average homeowner to either run main line and hook 13 up for $5,000. We need basic infrastructure/utilities before lights, sidewalks and trails. Call for the use of Bon Air as mailing address (we don’t view ourself as living in North 303 28 Chesterfield). RE: BON AIR HEIGHTS: • PLEASE consider with utmost interest and study the revitalization and sustainability of the Bon Air community section called Bon Air Heights which include the streets of Bannon, Tinsley, McCaw, Jeffers and Bon Oaks. I am aware that Chesterfield leaders have limited revitalization funds; however, these very funds could and should be considered to revitalize the aforementioned area of Cape Cod and ranch style affordable homes. • Studies indicate a lack of affordable housing in the Richmond area. The Bon Air Heights area has four bedroom homes and ranchers with basements that are affordable to many young, starter families as well as young retirees. Can not the Chesterfield County leaders not find another way to “save” and revitalize this area without disrupting these very homeowners by proposing a portion of these properties become commercial/business? • Chesterfield leaders should and can find an alternative plan for the Huguenot Road corridor that doesn’t directly impact this small community of Bon Air Heights, and it need not be another commercial battery. • As a resident who has lived in and maintained property in the Bon Air Heights cauldron (Bannon, Huguenot, Tinsley, Jeffers, Bon Oaks, McCaw), all property 5, 12, 17, 304 would be dramatically affected by any commercial/business structures on Bannon 22 and Tinsley. o The plan shows the entrances/exits to the proposed commercial block would be an extension of both Jeffers and Tinsley, thus dramatically increasing constant traffic along these streets. o Currently Bannon, Tinsley and Jeffers offer “cut through” shortcuts for drivers who want to avoid the traffic signals at Buford/Huguenot and Buford/Forest Hill. o The remaining properties in the Bon Air Heights area would decrease in value as property owners would change their status from resident to rental agent. I know of few families with children who would choose to live on a street that became a main access/egress for a commercial/business site. o It appears that all deliveries would come down Bannon Road for the proposed commercial/business block. o Three area school buses have stops on Bannon Road: elementary; middle; and high school. Traffic nightmares would only increase on this road during the time of day when the buses are picking children up and/or dropping them off, creating a major hazard to the children.

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Comment Response Raw Comment # # OTHER COMMENTS IN REGARD TO THE PROPOSED BON AIR PLAN: • ROUNDABOUTS “read” like a lovely idea for a “village” effect, however: They are problematic for older drivers who need defined STOP/GO or signal lights. Often these circles are removed as traffic flow changes and the roundabouts are no longer the “in” thing for planners. • TREES…Plans should be considered to do everything possible to leave the remaining tree canopies that exist in this entire Bon Air community. What a travesty occurred when sidewalks were put on Buford Road towards Forest Hill Avenue and beyond and the trees were removed…pole lights put in (who has time to even look up to recognize that these were put in (again to help establish a village effect…..and the ambiance of the “entrance” to the village of Bon Air was dramatically changed. As I understand it, the Board of Supervisors voted to put the sidewalks and lantern lights in fifteen years before this vote was actually executed. Wouldn’t it have been prudent for the supervisors to have taken another look at this strip (fifteen years later) to determine that the sidewalks were basically useless as they, in reality led to streets that were almost impassable by pedestrians? • DOMINON VIRGINIA POWER is currently investigating the placement of underground lines in several areas of Bon Air within the next year. The Bon Air Heights area of Chesterfield County is one of the areas being considered. When I talked with the representative from DVP this past week, I advised her of the proposed area plan, as I felt both parties (Chesterfield County leaders and DOMINON VIRGINIA POWER) would benefit with the knowledge of what was being considered by each enmity. • I look forward to another more formal Bon Air Area Plan meeting where the citizens can ask questions and hear the responses of those in attendance, both the Chesterfield leaders and planners and the property owners whose future is in these plans.

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Comment Response Raw Comment # # As a resident on Tinsley Drive, you can understand my family's concern over the possible future commercial development there and on Bannon. I realize that these families are a minority--about 15 out of the larger community of Bon Air. But this is our home, our neighborhood. When my husband and I looked for a home to buy, we chose this one because of the lovely neighborhood, the quality of the construction itself, and the quiet. We bought with the long-term in mind. At the meeting last Thursday, one of your co-workers said something to me that was deeply offensive. She pointed out that many of the houses on Bannon and Tinsely are rentals anyway and the properties were unattractive or unkempt. The context of her comments was justification of the commercial plans for Bannon. First of all, renters should not be treated as though they do not matter. Our next-door neighbors are renters. They have lived there for many years and are very attached to the house. Their disabled daughter died in that house. Their landscaping is the most attractive in the entire area. This blanket-statement generalization of renters was inappropriate and wrong. Secondly, I completely disagree with your associate's assesment of these houses' 305 appearance. The grass on two or three properties occassionally gets tall; that is hardly 5 reason to demolish the residence. Need I remind you that we are working, middle class families? We do not have the funds to spend thousands on landscaping or power-washing the roof every year. Our neighborhood is no different from any other middle class area in Chesterfield County, and it does not suffer from the crime sprees that others do. Take a drive around Glennwood or Creekwood; you will find much worse-looking houses. Yet they are safely tucked away in subdivisions where no one is interested in building a Walgreens. The county isn't proposing bulldozing those people's homes. Chesterfield has measures to enforce issues such as overgrown grass or unsightly vehicles on personal property if this is really an issue. I invite you to take a drive down our street, during a work day. Or better yet, go for a walk here. Really look at these homes. See the toys in the back yards. Look at the gorgeous maples and their new leaves. Listen. It is quiet. The traffic that so plagues us during rush hour is nonexistent during the day. I ask you to truly weigh the matter; families and their homes are at stake here. Thank you for your time.

I read with some interest the plan. One thing I found quite interesting. It stated: "On the south end of Pulliam Street, adjacent to Bon Air Elementary, there is an unimproved existing path through the woods that connects Bon Air Elementary School to the Bon Air Community Association, going behind Riverside School and St. Michael’s Episcopal Church. This path should be improved and incorporated into the design for the 306 Bon Air Neighborhood Park recommended within this plan and taken into the County’s trail 8, 9 system. Existing county owned right-of-way exists behind Riverside School and St. Michael’s Episcopal Church that could be used for a section of the trail." BTW, there is no reason that Bon Air Community Association really needs to be "connected" to the Elementary School - I know a bit about them since I went to both. Heck I remember BACA before they had a pool and BAES when it was heated by coal.

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Comment Response Raw Comment # # I'd love to know more about this "path". Maybe you'd like to show it to me. Since I've given a few tours in that area I have some familiarity with the terrain. Behind the school the terrain drops down to the creek. There is a remnant of a low dam down there (possibly dating to the time before Bon Air (NOT Pollard's Pond but above that) Where exactly is this "path." Even the path (partially paved by St. Michael's in the 1970's behind the gym) doesn't really go down to the flood plain. Maybe someone thinks the space where the sewer line cuts through is a path but even that is hard to locate. Any "path" near Pulliam probably only went to the creek and was part of the "Cogbill Compound" before the 1860's and maybe just a logging trail but I don't recall that either. The path would have been "nice" to use when I took some of the older members of BAHS out on a hike because I had them scrambling in that area. I do know that in the late 1940's a few residents did some sleigh riding back there, but then there was also ice skating on Pollard's Pond - until the county allowed construction up-stream to silt in the Pond. Hopefully if the county really wants to make that area accessible it will protect the little bit of history left in that specific area. They DESTROYED the old ice pit when the sewer line was built. Of course the OLD plan talked about a Park too- which NEVER happened. If nothing more - maybe the plan will wake up and galvanize the folks in Bon Air- it looks like a plan that seems to just want to change Bon Air to make commercial developers happy. Based one photo we might see the natural rolling valleys morph into brick canyons. If folks want that I understand New York City has that architectural feature. Luckily, I probably won't live long enough to see the travesty proposed in the recent proposal. The best I can say is you folks probably are meeting your deadlines. PEDESTRIAN NETWORK · For the pedestrian network to safely connect people to public facilities, residential areas, businesses, and other destinations it should include sidewalks or walking paths that connect to major residential areas like Oxford, Highland Hills, Grand Summit, Brookwood Estates, and Crestwood Farms. · The plan should include sidewalks on both sides of the street in the more common public areas, especially near the school and library. · Kids should be able to safely walk to school. Walking encourages healthy living and reduces bus transportation costs. Public opinion polling repeatedly shows that the rising generation of homeowners and parents want walkable communities. · The plan should include sidewalks or walking paths on Buford Road, to connect 6, 7, 18, the churches and businesses thereon. People who complain about the historic nature 19, 20, 307 30, 33, of walkability should remember that paved roads are not historic, but walking is. 34, 35, · In addition to adding sidewalks on at least a few roads east of Buford Road, I 38, 39, 40 request the addition of more crosswalks to safely cross Buford. Under the draft plan, Buford will become a wall that impedes pedestrians on the east side from crossing over to the west side. In the same manner, pedestrian and bicycling facilities should be built south of the railroad tracks and connect across the tracks. Connect all of the community. · The plan should mention connecting the pedestrian network with the neighboring areas of the county and city (for example, connecting to the existing sidewalks on Robious Rd. by way of Rockaway/Old Bon Air). · I support for the overall concept of a bike and pedestrian route that connects from one end of Bon Air to the other. The Bon Air Linear Trail seems to take a big step

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Comment Response Raw Comment # # towards that, but the loop trails (white blaze and orange blaze) don’t seem to have much of a purpose. The topography and heavy vegetation of that area may create concerns about loitering or destructive behavior. · Hazen Street doesn’t exist west of McRae Road (as incorrectly shown in the plan’s map), so the trail would need to connect directly to Quaker Lane, just west of St. Michael’s. · I request the addition of sidewalk along Pulliam Street to connect the school and library. The school often sends classes to walk to the library. BICYCLING · Bicycling is not merely recreational, it is a mode of transportation that costs the taxpayers very little. People in Bon Air would bike more often in Bon Air, if we had safer biking facilities. · Kids should be able to safely bike to school. Biking encourages healthy living and reduces bus transportation costs. · The plan should mention connecting the with the neighboring areas of the county and city (for example, connecting eastward to the new/planned facilities that will connect Huguenot Bridge with downtown Richmond. · The plan should include the addition of bike lanes on Forest Hill Ave., Huguenot Rd., Buford Rd., and McRae Rd. · The plan should include new bike lanes that connect to those existing on Robious Road by way of Rockaway/Old Bon Air Rd. · The plan should include new bike lanes that connect with bike lanes extending east on Jahnke Road and south on Buford Road. ROADS AND MINI ROUNDABOUTS · Buford Road should not be viewed as a highway for passers-through to use to avoid true state highways (Huguenot Rd, Midlothian Tpk, Chippenham Hwy). Traffic speeds on Buford Road should reflect the village concept to make it safer for those who live on/nearby, as well as the school-age children attending Bon Air Elementary on the next street over. · The mini roundabouts are a brilliant way to reduce speeds and increase safety without the need to take much – if any – adjacent land. · The plan should include an additional mini roundabout at Rattlesnake Rd & Pulliam St (at library). · The plan should include an additional mini roundabout at McRae Rd & Polk St (possibly replacing the need for one at McRae and Rattlesnake). TRANSIT · The plan should provide more information on the current level of bus service in Bon Air, as well as recommendations on that enhancing bus service, park and ride lots, and other transit and ridesharing options. · The plan should include the extension of bus service westward down Huguenot Road (maybe even as far as Chesterfield Town Center). · The plan should build upon the current bus service along Forest Hill Ave and Buford Road and extend it southward down Buford Road to connect to the newly

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Comment Response Raw Comment # # approved service at Centura College at the intersection of Buford Road and Midlothian Turnpike. · The plan should extend bus transit down Buford Road and eastward on Jahnke Rd to connect to the existing service at Chippenham Hospital and tie in the offices along Boulders Parkway. BON AIR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL · Enrollment at Bon Air Elementary is the highest in history and is expected to grow as Bon Air transitions to young families. But the school building is already at capacity. The plan should mention this conflict. NEIGHBORHOOD PARK · I love the idea of a park in Bon Air. I frequently use Huguenot Park, but my kids would enjoy an option next to their school. I strongly support the playground and picnic pavilion. · The plan should include the addition of sidewalks connecting the park areas to the school and school parking lot. · The plan should include the addition of sidewalks, lighting, and additional parking capacity along both sides of the entrance driveway to the school and in the existing school lots. (Expand the planned parking for the dog park.) · The school does not have an outdoor basketball court. The plan calls for eliminating two full courts in the park area and replacing it with one half court. I would prefer at least one full court be built near the school. INFILL AND REDEVELOPMENT · I generally support the addition of jobs and places of employment in Bon Air. · I support the redevelopment of commercial areas near intersection of Buford and Forest Hill. · I support the redevelopment of housing along Huguenot Road into commercial area. The plan should also include redeveloping the houses on Huguenot Rd between Bon Oaks Ln and Richmond City into commercial areas. It is not safe to live on such a major road and we need the jobs in Bon Air. · The plan should include commercial redevelopment along the south side of Forest Hill Ave from Bon Air Baptist Church to the City of Richmond line. · I support the creation of design standards to protect the aesthetic character of Bon Air.

I am a resident of Bon Air and have just reviewed the community plan. While I really like the ideas presented, I am wondering if the planning committee would consider use of the proposed commercial space along the Buford Rd/Forest Hill corridor for small restaurants, cafes, and coffee shops with outdoor patios? 308 I think that would be a major draw to the area if people could shop at quaint boutiques and 21 stop for lunch or cup of coffee/glass of wine. The way the commercial use is shown in the pictures, it looks very much like only office buildings would line these streets which I think would take away from the aesthetics of Bon Air if this is all this new section will offer. I hope you all will consider this suggestion as future planning gets underway.

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I just had a thought. I know part of the concept draft plan was for a small park at the corner of Polk Street and MacRae Rd. Well, I was at Byrd park this morning on the run/walk path and got a great strength training workout in along with cardio because of the workout stations set up along the path. I thought how awesome it would be to have a similar (though smaller scale, obviously : ) plan in Bon Air! Also, Bon Air Elementary hosted a “walk to school” day last week and, from what I could see, it was very successful. I live in the neighborhood that’s in between Forest Hill, Huguenot Rd, and the Richmond City line. At least 10 families took advantage of the event 6, 7, 30, 309 to walk in a group together and it was great fun. We were all disappointed (though not 39 surprised) that not one car stopped to let this big group of obviously kids and their parents cross either Forest Hill or Huguenot. We waited and waited until, finally, one of the dads stopped traffic so we could all cross. I know creating safe crosswalks over these roads from our neighborhood would be a challenge but it would be a fabulous way to, not only encourage exercise in a neighborhood that’s seeing a huge influx of families with young children and babies moving in, but also a great way to include our neighborhood into the community that exists closer to the school and library.

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