July 20, 2021 National Stock Exchange of India Limitec BSE Limited Exchange Plaza, Plot No. C/1, P J Towers K3-Block Bandra-Kurla Complex, Dalal Street Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400051 Mumbai - 400001 Ifrading Symbol: TV18BRDCST Scrip Code: 532800 Sub: Investors' Update - Unaudited Financial Results (Standalone and Consolidated) for the quarter ended June 30, 2021 Dear Sirs, In continuation of our letter of today's date on the above subject, we send herewith a copy of the Investors' Update on the aforesaid financial results released by the Company in this regard. The Investors' Update will also be available on the Company's website, www.nw18.com. You are requested to take the same on record. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For TV18 Broadcast Limited ~1R__ ~= Ratnesh Rukhariyar Company Secretary Encl. As Above TV18 Broadcast Limited (eIN - L74300MH2005PLC281753) Regd. office: First Floor, Empire Complex, 414- Senopoti Bopot Marg, Lower Parel, Mumboi-400013 T +91 2240019000,6666 7777 W www.nw18.com E:
[email protected] A listed subsidiary of Network18 EARNINGS RELEASE: Q1 1 While Digital is rising fast off a low base, TV remained resilient and in growth territory. Domestic TV subscription dynamics remain in flux due to the proposed new tariff order (NTO 2.0). Cost controls maintained across business lines, des789 cntained across ls roposD 2/Lang 3-s5rossedacross 60oncnta 2[(C)5(os)4(t)-3( )-4(co)84 644.98 Tm [<04E>] TJ ET BT /F3 11.04 Tf 1 0 0 1 112.34 695.5 Tm 25m ] TJ ET BT 1 0 0 1 121.58 695.5 Tm [(D)5(omest)-4(i25m ] TJ ))-3(.)] TJ ET BT 1 0 0 1 17325m ] TJ (ntow rr36yno3(r)-3-4(i)5(oc)3(s-3(36yo3(r)-3(36y)13(nosts-3(39,)-44( )-123(s5(s)13(i36ybut)-(ow)1 TJ ss-3(36y t)-7(e)3( )(l) ET BT 1 0 0 1 416.23 67(i25m ] TJ ))-3(.)] TJ ET BT 1 0372Tc[(F25m ] TJ )-14d(r)-3(36ya-3(24(du)3(ed(r)ucn)133)13( )-1236)-4(he)1424)-4( )] TJ 3( )up(r)-3(36yo2/Lang 3-60.