Church and community news from the Forest Edge Group of Churches serving the villages of Birdwood, Bulley, Churcham, Huntley, Longhope and May Hill

January 2013


Contents Page No.

Editorial ...... 3 What’s On ...... 4 Neighbourhood Watch Update...... 5 Postcard from the Post Master ...... 6-7 News from Village Agents ...... 8-9 Parish News ...... 10-16 Churcham & Bulley News ...... 17-19 Huntley News ...... 20-23 Longhope News ...... 24-35,38-39 May Hill News ...... 40-42

The adverts (plus bits and pieces) start— and the themes/categories are:

Care Home ...... 36-37,72 Post Office ...... 43 Builders/Decorators/Property Maintenance ...... 43-45 Garden Services ...... 45-48, 55 Satellite & Aerial Installation ...... 49 House Clearance ...... 49-50 Estate Agent ...... 50 Electrical/Plumbing/Boiler Services ...... 51-52 Carpentry/Chimney Sweep/Wood supplies ...... 53-54 Home Interiors, Cleaning Services ...... 55-58 Computer Services ...... 56 Financial ...... 59-60 Animal/Pet Services ...... 61 Hair & Beauty ...... 62 Leisure/Hobbies ...... 63 Craft/Stained Glass/Music ...... 63-64 Holidays ...... 64 Brewery/Catering/Public Houses/Tea Rooms ...... 65-67 Plant Hire/Agriculture & Car Services ...... 67-68 Education—pre-school ...... 69 Dental Services ...... 70 Funeral Services/Memorials ...... 69-71 Care Home ...... 72

2 Editorial

Dear Readers

What more can I say! I sincerely hope that 2013 will be a good year for everyone.

For some exciting FEN news please see pages 16,17,20 & 33.

Don’t forget to pay your sub for 2013 which is £5 for the year, or 50p a copy, if you buy your magazine from local businesses etc.

Enjoy January’s FEN. Keep warm and keep smiling.

Best wishes, Carole (Ed)

How to contact the Editor— How to place an advert How to pay for an advert— How much an advert costs

EDITOR: Carole Sleeman, 37 The Willows, Latchen Hill, Longhope, GL17 0QS. (Please send any items to Carole via email or typed script.) The DEADLINE for contributions for the next issue to the Editor is 5pm on the 15th of the current month. T: 01452 830069 E: [email protected] ASSISTANT: Monica Richardson, The Old Forge, Old Monmouth Road, Longhope, GL17 0NZ. T: 01452 831162. E: [email protected] (Please send all manuscript articles to Monica.) (The DEADLINE for copy to Monica is the 14th of the current month.) Entries for the magazine must have a signature which will normally be published with the article. Please include full contact details in case the Editors need to contact you. Anonymous articles will not be published. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISEMENT CO-ORDINATOR: Angela Pengelly, Woodbine Cottage, North Road, Huntley, GL19 3DU. T: 01452 830637. E: [email protected] As from January 2013 Commercial advertisements are charged as follows:

¼ page advert - £3.50 per month (£42.00 pa) 20% surcharge ½ page advert - £6.50 per month (£78.00 pa) for out-of-area Full page advert - £12.50 per month (£150.00 pa) advertisers Cheques to be payable to “Huntley PCC” please. The Proof Reader this month was Jean Walwin of Longhope. The Editor and Publishers of this magazine accept no responsibility and make no general endorsement for goods, services or opinions appearing on its pages. © Forest Edge News 2013. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced without prior consent from the Editor. [Printed by perpetua press of 20 Culver Street, Newent. T: 01531 820816]

3 What’s on in January 2013 Page No.

Thurs. 3rd noon Longhope Luncheon Club meet in the Latchen Room

Sat. 5th 10am-noon Café Bonnies at The Latchen Room, Longhope... 24,25,27,30,32

Weds. 2nd 7.30pm Huntley Garden Club meets at Huntley Village Hall ...... 23

Tues. 8th 7.30pm May Hill Gardening Club meet in the Methodist Chapel ...... 41

Thurs. 10th 7.30pm Longhope W I meets at The Latchen Room ...... 32

Mon. 14th 7.15pm Longhope Parish Council meet in the Latchen Room

Weds. 16th 7.30pm Longhope Gardening Club meet in the Latchen Room ..... 34,38

Thurs. 17th 10.30am Ann’s Coffee Morning at The Latchen Room ...... 30

Mon. 21st noon Hot Lunch at Huntley Village Hall ...... 20

Tues. 29th 10.30am Churcham Mothers’ Union meet at Garberry ...... 17

Weds.30th 10am-noon Country Dancing in May Hill Village Hall ...... 40

Sat. 26th 7.30pm Air in G concert with Opera Dudes at May Hill Village Hall .... 40

What’s on in February 2013 Sat. 2nd 10am—noon Saturday Mart at May Hill Village Hall

Price change for 2013 Forest Edge News by post: If you would like to receive this magazine monthly by post, please send full details of your name and address to the Editor (see page 3) plus your cheque payable to “Huntley PCC” for £14.28. This represents 12 issues of the 50p FEN, plus postage which is currently 69p per month. Forest Edge News on-line: If you would like to receive this magazine monthly on-line, please send full details of your name, address and email address to the Editor (see page 3) plus your cheque payable to “Huntley PCC” for £5.00 to cover the whole of 2013. Forest Edge News delivered to your door: Your local ‘delivery boy/girl’ will contact you shortly inviting you to renew your subscription for 2013. The cost for 12 months is £5.00. To keep up with inflation we have increased the cost of the paper magazine to 50p. And finally…. Forest Edge News for sale in local businesses—pay as you go at 50p per copy.

4 Neighbourhood Watch Update

Theft of Domestic Oil

The theft of heating and diesel oil has been a problem for many years and the police have always noticed an increase in this type of crime whenever the price of crude oil rises. A rise in the price of fuel at the petrol pump inevitably leads to a rise in the cost of heating oil. This makes oil a more attractive proposition for the thief and they are now actively targeting fuel tanks at farms, transport depots and domestic properties. The thief may be using the oil for their own central heating or selling it on at a handsome profit. Tanks may contain many thousands of pounds worth of oil and therefore it makes good sense to take a few precautions to protect them. The position of the tank can have a significant effect on how hard a target it is in the eyes of the thief. If the tank is close to the house, with one or more windows capable of giving a view of it, then the thief may consider the chances of being seen too high. If the tank is close to a road, path, drive or alleyway then it will be a far easier target. Hiding the tank behind the garage, shed or some other type of outbuilding is fairly commonplace, but it does give the thief the advantage. A good thief will come equipped with a limited range of tools to attack your tank so it’s worth spending a little more on good quality locks. Close shackle padlocks are the best as they offer most resistance to the most popular of burglar tools - the bolt cropper! Due to their design, close shackle padlocks have very little of the metal hoop (shackle) exposed and bolt croppers cannot get a good grip. Remember that buying a padlock is like buying a car the more you pay the better the quality you get and the longer it will last. Security lights can have a very positive effect and make any property a much harder target for the thief. It’s not always necessary to floodlight the area with high power beams, as a more subtle level of lighting may be all that is needed. Low energy “dusk tile’ dawn lights positioned close to the tank should, in most cases, provide sufficient light to illuminate any suspicious activity. This type of light can be both effective and inexpensive. High powered lights can be used but care should be taken not to cause any nuisance to neighbours or road users. Defensive planting is nature’s way of helping to reduce crime. Thieves will not wish to force their way through or over a prickly hedge. The smallest trace of blood or shred of ripped clothing could help the police identify the offender. These shrubs can, if planted around your tank, provide an effective and decorative thief proof barrier. Following on from the defensive planting tactic, fences and walls can also make life difficult for the thief. A wooden or metal fence, trellis or wall can give significant protection to the tank but it must be remembered that the oil tanker driver will need access to fill the tank! A metal grill or cage with a lockable access point across the top of this wall or fence can further improve security. There are numerous products available and it is worth researching the subject.

Fraser Gunn [email protected]

5 A Christmas Card from the



Well, two thousand and thirteen eh? Who’d have thought we would all have got this far? And, what is more, there are still post offices defying all the odds open throughout the land. Those of us who remain standing resemble plucky little boxing contestants with skinny ribs, enormous black eyes, gloves hanging down at the end of the limpest of limbs but still ready for a fight. Some have fallen of course. “Why, oh why do post offices have to close?” you may ask. You may also ask “Why, oh why are my car keys never in the place I left them and it is only my wife who knows where I did actually leave them?” But I’m not here to answer your general knowledge questions nor sort out your marital problems so I shall ignore your second enquiry and concentrate on the first. However before I embark on the voyage of enlightenment let me unload the cargo of history on the dockside of your expectation and tell you why post offices did not close in the good old days. It was because they were wanted, that’s why. They provided services not obtainable elsewhere and they were viable, profitable little enterprises; nice little earners which, when the current incumbent moved on, usually to the nearest churchyard, were snatched up by a bevy of potential buyers quicker than you could say “Would you like a rain-hat and galvanised bucket to go with your Cadbury Fry’s Cream bar Mrs Goggins or will you just make do with the gross of hair-nets and six pairs of wellington boots?” Sadly over the years, following the removal of, for want of a better word, stuff, from our metaphorical shelves and the tsunami of technology allowing people to purchase virtually everything the world has to offer without moving so much as a nanometre from their armchairs, we have become less attractive. Oh I know we now have, to use the modern jargon, ‘products’, available which we couldn’t possibly have dreamt of in the old days, with which to ensnare our punters and help us achieve our ‘targets’ but there are only so many occasions you can unleash your sales pitch before sounding a bit of a first class stamp short of a full book of twelve and sending your customers running for the hills with their hands over their ears:- “And there’s your second class stamp Mrs Goggins and have you thought about having a nice little mortgage to go with it?”

6 And next time “O.K. just come to pick up your prescription have we? But have you given any thought to that mortgage arrangement we were talking about last time?”

And finally. “Mrs G. Lovely to see you. I just want to say one word. One word beginning with the letter ‘M’. No. No. Only kidding Mrs G. It’s a ‘C’. Have you considered getting yet another credit card? No? Home Insurance? Pet Insurance? No? Mrs Goggins? Come back..... Mrs Goggins...... ” “Notwithstanding,” you may say, using a word that is as dated as the aforementioned plastic rain protectors, “Notwithstanding this, surely you guys must be paid a not inconsiderable sum to mess around in your goldfish bowls talking about the weather all day.” Well, yes, but the thing is, and this is a very important thing, when post offices change hands, or attempt to change hands, the contract the vendee would be offered would be considerably less than that presently being paid to the vendor. So it is very true that Ven Dee Red Red Robin comes bob, bob, bobbing along it is a lot less than 5p a hop.

So this is how it works:- 1. Postmaster wants to die or simply move on. 2. Property (which includes post office) placed on the market. 3. No-one wants to buy it. 4. Property taken off market. 5. Postmaster still no longer wants to run post office. 6. Postmaster signals intention to resign and (under rules pertaining at time of going to press) receives a redundancy payment (not a life changing event since you ask Missus). 7. Post Office (notice capital letters denoting Head Office) looks round neighbourhood and offers any retail outlet in the vicinity the chance of running business with reduced services and remuneration. 8. Outlets study the deal closely and turn up their communal noses. 9. Post office closes. 10. Postmaster dies anyway. 11. Ashes sent off through post to home town for scattering. 12. Royal Mail only goes and loses them! So you can see how important it is to keep post offices open at all costs. Richard Pett

7 Village & Community Agents

Providing older people in Gloucestershire with easier access to information and services


We often think of different things to try at the start of a new year – what about Fair Shares? Fair Shares is a community based project that uses two-way volunteering to reward people for the time and effort they put into their neighbourhood. Fair Shares allows individuals and organisations to swop their time and skills with other participants. For every hour of help someone gives, they get one Fair Shares credit. They can then use these credits to spend on things that they might need help with. There is no money involved – the only cost is your time. Everyone is welcome to join and everyone has something to offer. Age, lack of finance, or limited mobility are no bars to joining. For example, you might be able to help someone with their shopping, give lifts, help with gardening or sort out computer problems. When someone joins, they provide details of their skills, talents and experiences that they would like to share, and a record is kept at the Time Bank. All the information is kept confidential. Fair Shares gives you the opportunity to meet new people and make friends, use and develop you knowledge, skills and experiences. For more information you can contact the main office at City Works, Alfred Street, Gloucester on 01452 415900 [email protected] Fair Shares also meet every Tuesday 10 am – 12 noon at The Chill Out Zone, Newent. Teresa, Nikki & Josh are the Time Brokers for Newent and and would be delighted to meet you and give you more details. I pop in on the last Tuesday of each month, perhaps I will see you there!

Hilary Lyon, Village Agent for Churcham, Huntley, Rudford and Highleadon, Tibberton & Taynton. Tel. No. 07810 630254. Email: [email protected]

8 WANTED – UNWANTED GIFTS The Forest Sensory Services (based at The Forge Centre, Foxes Bridge, Valley Road, Cinderford) helps people who have sight problems and/or hearing problems. The Sensory Services don’t get an “official” income for this valuable work: they have to apply for grants and organise fund-raising activities themselves. One of these is selling items (in good condition) on eBay. If you have anything to donate – unwanted Christmas gifts, for example – you can drop them in to the centre during working hours or, if you bring them to your coffee morning, lunch club or friendship circle, you can give them to me as I pass the Sensory Services Centre several times a week. Help to keep this service locally accessible, within the Forest of Dean. REDUCING TRAFFIC SPEED The 'Community Approaches to Reducing Traffic Speed' toolkit, is now available. It has been produced by Gloucestershire Rural Community Council in association with the Gloucestershire Road Safety Partnership and contains a foreword from His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent. The toolkit features practical suggestions from Gloucestershire’s communities, plus links and examples to illustrate what can be done on a community level. FFI phone GRCC on 01452 528 491. This is a GRCC Accelerator Project initiative, funded through the Rural Development Programme for . ORDER YOUR GROCERIES BY PHONE Many supermarkets offer online ordering but this is not of interest if you are not on the internet. However, Sainsbury’s have a telephone ordering service where people can phone in their grocery order. The number to call is 0800 328 1700 from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. When asked, go for the extension ‘Option 1’. There is a delivery charge if your order is under £100.00 (over £120.00 in some very rural areas). Have your order list ready when you phone. FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR FLOOD VICTIMS Affected residents can request an application form by emailing gail.mattocks@edf- or calling 01452 656386 or 654834. Gloucestershire Community Foundation's (GCF) first priority is to get financial help swiftly to people whose homes have been flooded recently. These are called emergency relief grants and will take the form of a flat-rate payment of £250 to help with the most immediate needs. Subsequently GCF will launch further rounds of grants. In some cases these may be additional grants to the most vulnerable households that have been flooded – and those in receipt of an emergency relief grant. GCF is particularly keen to hear from local charities and community organisations/ facilities that are either helping people affected by the flooding or have themselves been damaged by floods. Helen Roberts, Village Agent for Awre, , Blakeney, Drybrook, Flaxley, Littledean, Longhope, , Newnham, Northwood Green, Ruardean, Westbury.

9 Bulley Churcham

Longhope May Hill Huntley

Forest Edge Group: Useful Contacts

PRIEST IN CHARGE: Rev Chris Sterry [email protected] 07855 607824 Readers: Monica Richardson 01452 831162 John Mitchell 01452 412840 Churchwardens: St. Michael and All Angels Church, Bulley Sue Read 01452 750695 Michael Robinson 01452 831690 St. Andrew’s Church, Churcham with Birdwood Don Rich 01452 831367 Peter Smart 01452 750204 St. John the Baptist Church, Huntley with All Saints Church May Hill Howard J Davies 01452 830597 Steve Fellowes 01452 830514 All Saints Church, Longhope Nick Richardson 01452 831162 Rosemary Mayer-Jones 01452 830450 LONGHOPE BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Barry Cocker 07940 977029

10 Forest Edge Group of Churches—January (see page 13 for details of readings)

Date Bulley Churcham Huntley Longhope May Hill

January 6 11am 9.30am 11am 8.00am 9.30am Epiphany Morning Holy Holy BCP Holy Morning Gold Worship Communion Communion Communion Worship JM CS CS/MR CS MR 9.30am People led Morning Worship NR January 13 11am 10.00am 11am 9.30 9.30am 2nd Sunday of Holy Family Service Holy Holy Morning Epiphany Communion RS Communion Communion Worship Baptism of CS/JM Worship to CS/NR JM Christ begin the year Gold marking 150 Anniversary of St John the Baptist Church Huntley The Bishop of Tewkesbury/ MR

January 16 10.00am BCP Holy Communion

January 20 11am 11am 11am 9.30am 9.30am 3rd Sunday of Morning Holy Holy Family Service Holy Epiphany Worship Communion Communion MR Communion Gold MR CS CP CP/CS

January 27 11.00am 11am 8am 9.30am 9.30am 4th Sunday of Holy Morning BCP Holy Holy Morning Epiphany Communion Worship Communion Communion Worship Gold CS/SR MR CS CE/NR JM 11am Morning Worship JM February 3 11am 9.30am 11am 8am 9.30am Candlemas Morning Holy Holy BCP Holy Morning Gold Worship Communion Communion Communion Worship JM CS CS/MR CS MR 9.30am Morning Worship JM

11 From Chris Sterry, Priest in Charge

“Wouldn’t it be lovely if...”. Do you ever start a thought like that? I certainly do. Many of my thoughts involve an escape to a fantasy world of perfect June weather and a cottage garden brimful of old roses... or perhaps an old house clinging to a cliff on the north coast of Tenerife, with Avocado and Lemon trees in the garden, and a spectacular collection of succulents. In 1993, in a speech to the Conservative Group for Europe, John Major said “Fifty years on from now, Britain will still be the country of long shadows on cricket grounds, warm beer, invincible green suburbs, dog lovers and pools fillers and, as George Orwell said, 'Old maids bicycling to holy communion through the morning mist' and, if we get our way, Shakespeare will still be read even in school.” Interestingly enough the quote is regularly misquoted. Warm beer is inevitably remembered, but old maids are believed to cycle to Evensong in the long shadows of the early evening—and there we have the most ecclesiastically nostalgic word of all—Evensong. Since John Major spoke, almost twenty years ago, some things are pretty much the same, but in other ways the world has changed almost beyond recognition. As a conservative (with both a large, and a small c) I want to preserve what is best about the past, and as a keen student of history, I want to learn from the lessons of the past. But what I know we cannot do is recreate it. The world moves on, and so, surprisingly enough, does the Church. At my interview I was asked to give a presentation on this subject: “What would you do, with the aid of local people, to draw up a plan for growth for these parishes over the next three years?” I clearly answered the question to the satisfaction of the twelve people drawn up in a terrifying semicircle in front of me, since the Bishop of Tewkesbury offered me the post, and here I am! The first part of my answer was that in the first six months I would change nothing. I would take that time to observe, to learn and to form relationships. That part has been enormous fun, and I am making many new friends already. Joanie and I have been welcomed with warmth and affection, and here already feels like ‘home’. There is still much to learn about this Benefice and its people—there always is—but the next stage is to look to the future. Over the next six months we will be meeting in various groups, at Benefice and Parish level, to do some SWOT analysis— Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats—and to draw up a Mission Action Plan for this Benefice. We will thank God for what is good—and there is an awful lot to be thankful for. I already thank God in my daily prayers for so many

12 faithful, loving, fun and talented people, and so many faithful forms of ministry. But we also need, with God’s guidance, to seek a way forward to strengthen our mission and ministry in this place, to consider humbly our weaknesses, to be aware of threats, and to engage imaginatively with our opportunities. Money in the plate and ‘bums on pews’ comes into this, of course, but the bottom line is the imperative to share God’s love with those around us. Each one of us has a gift, many different gifts, to build up God’s Church, serve God’s people, and proclaim God’s Kingdom. The option is not standing still or innovation. The option is death or life, responding creatively to the love of God, or looking backwards and muttering ‘Wasn’t it lovely when...” Look forward over the next few months to lots of fun and hard work as together we decide what in our Benefice needs to change for the better, for the future – for God’s kingdom here, as in heaven???

Readings for January/February

January 6 Isaiah 60 v 1 – 6 Epiphany Ephesians 3 v 1 – 12 Gold Matthew 2 v 1 - 12 January 13 Isaiah 43 v 1 - 7 2nd Sunday of Epiphany Acts 8 v 14 - 17 Baptism of Christ Luke 3 v 15 – 17 & 21 - 22 Gold January 20 Isaiah 62 v 1 - 5 3rd Sunday of Epiphany 1 Corinthians 12 v 1 - 11 Gold John 2 v 1 - 11 January 27 Nehemiah 8 v 1–3, 5–6 & 8-10 4th Sunday of Epiphany 1 Corinthians 12 v 12 – 31a Gold Luke 4 v 14 - 21 February 3 Malachi 3 v 1 – 5, Hebrews 2 v 14–end Candlemas Luke 2 v 22-40 Gold


Baptismal Birthdays in January

Churcham Huntley Longhope None this month Austen Huw Rebbeck Arthur James Ross-Collins Elliott Duncan King

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Role of Honour! Special Birthdays, Anniversaries, Congratulations, etc.,

Belated best wishes to Daisy and Frank Phillips of Huntley who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on the 26th December 2012

(Please let the Editor know of any special birthdays, anniversaries, exam successes, etc.— even if it’s yours!)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

From our Registers


On the 9th December - Myah Liberty Griffiths at Longhope


On the 26th November - Bryn Davis at Huntley On the 28th November - Peggy Orange at Longhope On the 7th December - John Watkins at Huntley


Each SUNDAY we pray for all in any kind of pain or distress and each SATURDAY we pray for the Worship Team as they prepare for the following days services and for all major items of news which have taken place during the week.

SUNDAY 6th For all who live in Orchard Way, Barrel Lane, Bathams Close and Chapel Lane. Monday: The people of Zimbabwe Tuesday: Christian Solidarity Worldwide Wednesday: The hungry around our world Thursday: Ourselves and our neighbours Friday: Victims of crime

SUNDAY 13th For all who live in Sunset Place, Chessgrove, Chessgrove Lane and Ganders Green Monday: Any awaiting transplants Tuesday: The bereaved in our Group Wednesday: The patients and staff at The Dilke Hospital Thursday: The Youth Café and supervisors Friday: Those suffering from stress SUNDAY 20th For all who live in Byfords Road, Church Road, Rectory Meadow and Brights Hill Monday: All who travel by air Tuesday: For the teachers and children of Churcham, Huntley and Hope Brook Schools Wednesday: The Prime Minister and the Government Thursday: For all accident victims Friday: For all Relief Organisations

SUNDAY 27th For all who live in Bramley Drive, Meadows End, School Lane and Folly Lane Monday: Those in Prison and Youth Detention Centres Tuesday: Those unable to find work Wednesday: For all seafarers Thursday: Those who serve on our various village committees Friday: All those who live their lives in fear

The Prayer Calendar is compiled by Russ Green. Please let Russ have any requests for the Prayer Calendar in plenty of time before the deadline date - Telephone 01452 830571.

15 Before the Village News pages begin I decided to pop this photo in which you may have seen recently in the local press!

In a recent magazine I hinted that I had some ‘news’ for you and this is it!

Pictured above is a group of happy people who successfully obtained community grants from the Council.

Three people are connected with this magazine and to read their individual stores please page through!

To guide you, far left is Sharon Cole, next is me - in the pink (if you are viewing this online that is!), then centre stage and holding tightly to the cheque for £35,000 is Joan Wood.

Didn’t we do well!


16 News from Churcham & Bulley

th Huntley and District Luncheon Club Lunch on Sunday, 18 November, will be enjoying their lunches on lovely 2012 in aid of funds for St. Andrew’s new tablecloths which we were able to Church, Churcham obtain with a grant of £207.31 from the The organisers, Martin and Sue Baber, Forest of Dean District Council. Donald and Ann Rich, Keith and Marlene If any one would like to come along to Smart would like to thank everyone who our Lunch Club first Monday in the kindly attended the lunch, those who month they would be made very generously donated raffle prizes, items welcome. for the hamper etc. etc. and were buyers Joan Wood for Huntley and District at the Auction. Luncheon Club. A magnificent profit of £2,087. 00 was raised. We all enjoyed the very happy and Churcham Mothers’ Union convivial atmosphere and delicious lunch We shall meet on Tuesday, 29th January prepared by Wendy Lewis. at 10.30am at Garberry. Marlene Smart (01452 750110) Please bring your overseas boxes. Also Judith will be glad to receive the balance of your subscriptions. Dates for your diary: Thursday, 10th Churcham & Bulley 200 Club January at 11am Commissioning Service The December winners were: for our new Diocesan President, Christmas Bonus £100 Elizabeth Reay, the Trustee Body and re- Mrs Morgan No 42 commissioning of our Diocesan Chaplain, 1st £50 Mr R Brookes No 142 Rev. Juliet Stephenson. nd th 2 £20 Mrs Bellwood No 151 Tuesday, 19 March – Barbara and John 3rd £10 Mrs Dixon No 135 Pope will be hoisting our annual Lent Lunch at Handlow Cottage. We would still like a few more Thursday, 6th June – Quiet Day. members. Mary Pitt (01452 7503430) Mrs M E Winstone

Some useful contacts for Churcham & Bulley

Chatterbox Ruth Snell 01452 750793 Gardening Club Frank Dummett 01452 750654 Mothers’ Union Mary Pitt 01452 750343

17 Churcham Parish Council to the next stage of getting affordable housing in this parish. The November Parish Council Meeting was held on the 20th at Churcham Councillors discussed the uneven road School. Those in attendance were the surface on part of Oakle Street where Chairman Councillor Newbery, water from a spring is undermining Councillors Freeman, Reeves, Brookes the base of the road. The Clerk will and Price along with the Clerk Marilyn report this to the Forest of Dean King. Also in attendance were District Highways for repair. Councillor Jones, County Councillor Hilary Lyon the Village Agent also McMillan and the Village Agent Hilary reminded senior citizens to keep Lyon. warm, safe and well this winter and to The Chairman asked everyone to have any electric blankets checked, stand and observe a one minutes she can organise this for residents, silence in memory of Mr Bryn Davis and also to have the free flu injections and Mr Tony Hall. They had both if offered. served Churcham Parish with great The chairman closed the meeting at dedication for many years. 8.20pm after thanking everyone for Councillors discussed setting the attending. precept request for 2013/14, this will Marilyn King, Clerk to Churcham PC be finalised at the January meeting. At this stage we do not know what implications from government decisions may be on the budget to be set. We will know after the Autumn th Statement on December 5 . Planning permission has been granted by the Forest of Dean District Council for extensions, at 2 Picked Acre, Bulley Lane, Churcham, and for an animal health building at Pigeon House Farm, Bulley Lane Churcham. Church Bazaar A response rate of 40% has been Many thanks to everyone who helped recorded by Gloucestershire Rural in any way to make this event most Community Council for the Housing enjoyable for everyone. The sum of Needs Survey that was delivered to £910 was raised for Church expenses. every household in the parish. Poppy Collection Mr Martin Hutchings the Rural The result of the collection from our Housing Enabler will attend the parishes was £469.22. Thank you once Parish Council meeting on the again to all our collectors. 15th January 2013 to discuss the survey and to explain how to proceed Mrs M E Winstone

18 Churcham Gardening Club I'm Fine Thank You! Our Chairman, Frank Dummett, opened There's nothing the matter with me, the meeting on a sombre note. He I'm as healthy as can be. reported we have lost two of our long- I have arthritis in both my knees time and faithful members of the Club, And when I talk, I talk with a wheeze. Tony Hall and Roger Dauncey. We shall My pulse is weak, and my blood is thin, miss them, and we send our But I'm awfully well for the shape that deepest condolences to both families. I'm in. Please note, we do not hold a meeting Arch supports I have for my feet, in January. Our next meeting will be on th Or I wouldn't be able to be on the Wednesday, February 6 , 2013. streets. Owing to the difficulties caused by the Sleep is denied me night after night, flood situation, our advertised speaker But every morning I find I'm all right. for the evening had to bow out. We My memory is failing; my head is in a were fortunate to secure Alwyn Page of spin Chepstow to demonstrate her talk But I'm awfully well for the shape that 'Bringing the Garden Into the House' I'm in. Mrs Page, a member of NAFAS (National Association of Flower Arranging How do I know my youth is all spent? Societies), a National Teacher, an Area Well my "Get up and go" has got up and Demonstrator and Judge, believes in went. using plant material and not too many But I really don't mind when I think with flowers, which Is ideal for this time of a grin, year. She showed us a 'Designer' piece Of all the grand places my "Get up has inspired by a branch of Weeping Larch, bin". then, before our eyes, made a wreath of Old age is golden I've heard it said vines; a table centre: a door wreath; But sometimes I wonder as I get into and, a swag. Simultaneously she bed, entertained us with amusing anecdotes, With my ears in the drawer, my teeth in flower arranging do's and don'ts, and a cup, excellent tips. At the finish she gave us My eyes on the table until I wake up. her handywork as raffle prizes for her As sleep overtakes me, I say to myself appreciative audience. Don Rich called "Is there anything else I could lay on the for a vote of thanks, saying even he was shelf?" inspired to try his hand at making an arrangement ! I get up each morning and dust off my We then enjoyed a festive spread wits provided by the Committee. The And pick up the paper and read the Competition was won by John Watts, "obits". 2nd was Ann Rich and Frank Dummett If my name is still missing I know I'm not was 3rd. A very happy and good dead, gardening year to you all! So I have a good breakfast and go back Sarah Jefferson T: 01452 790 238 to bed. 19 News from Huntley

It’s Curtains for Huntley Village Huntley & District Luncheon Club Hall! will be enjoying their lunches on lovely Seriously folks what the heading should new tablecloths which we were able to really say is “New Curtains for our obtain with a grant from FOD. Village Hall”! If any one would like to come along to Huntley & District Ladies Tuesday our Lunch Club first Monday in the Group, has been successful in obtaining month they would be made very a grant of £1,000.00 from the Forest of Dean District Council. The money is welcome. going towards some much needed new Joan Wood for Huntley and District curtains for our village Hall. Luncheon Club. The Tuesday Group Started up in 2007 when Huntley W I closed down. We have been running as an independent Ladies Group ever since. Our aim is to have a social evening once a month. We meet on the 2nd Tuesday in the month, at Huntley Village Hall.

We generally have a speaker to entertain us on many subjects, plus trips out. We also have social evenings over nibbles and a glass of wine. It’s the Bryn Davis chance to meet up with old friends and It is with much sadness that we report make new ones, which was so nice the death of one of our magazine when I came to Huntley 7 years ago & distributors. Bryn Davis has been knew no-one! delivering magazines in Solomon's Please come and join us. Everyone is Tump Lane and The Meadow for nearly Welcome! Call Sharon on 01452 40 years having taken delivery over 831366. after the death of his mother. Sharon Cole He was much respected and will be sorely missed. We send our condolences to his wife Rosemary and their family.

The Staff of Forest Edge News

20 150th Anniversary Celebrations the end of the evening. As most of you will be aware, Huntley Celebrations will be continuing Church was rebuilt in 1863 and it was throughout the year with a festival consecrated on St John the Baptist day weekend on 22nd/23rd June consisting of (24th June) that year. various displays in the Church and the We are starting the celebrations for its school and a local History weekend in 150th anniversary on Plough Sunday the village hall. If any of you have any 15th January when the Bishop of photographs or documents you think Tewkesbury will be preaching at the may be of interest please contact me. 11 o'clock service of Holy Communion. More details will be announced later. (Please note change of service - Angela Pengelly T: 01452 830637 nd 2 Sunday is usually Morning Worship.) It would be lovely to see as many people as possible at the service to get the celebrations off to a good start. HOT LUNCH In February Jenny Eastwood will be giving a talk on the History of Huntley in at Huntley Village Hall the Village Hall—full details next month. th On Saturday March 9 at 7pm, also in 12 noon the Village Hall, there will be a "Magic on Lantern Show". These shows were very st Monday 21 January popular in Victorian times and there will be a chance to see some of the equipment used as well as watching a Names please to: series of slides showing Victorian Angela (830637) or adverts, local views and scenes of the Wendy (830246) time. Refreshments will be served at

Useful contacts for Huntley

Contact for Bells Wendy Meadows 01452 830246 Huntley Tea & Chat Sharon Cole 01452 831366 Huntley with May Hill 200 Club Angela Pengelly 01452 830637 Huntley Mothers & Toddlers Ali Taylor 01452 831093 Huntley Playgroup Louise Pritchard 07890 624 213 Discoverers Adam Fellowes 01452 830514 Brownies June Rollinson 01452 830752 Huntley Garden Club Heather Smith 01452 830088 Autumn Leaves Grace Head 01452 831050 Mother’s Union Shirley Baldwin 01452 830931 Huntley & District Lunch Club Jenni Britton 01452 831079 Huntley Hall Booking person Joan Chew 01452 830028 Huntley Village Hall Management Pauline Rudkin 07954 600691 Committee Chair

21 Christmas Fair Huntley Mothers' Union We would like to thank everyone who There will not be a branch meeting in helped in any way to make the January. Instead, we will be joining Christmas Fair a success. branches from across the diocese at Although there weren't a great number the Cathedral. This is for the of people present the magnificent sum Commissioning Service of our new of £1,249.26 was raised. Diocesan President, Elizabeth Reay, and our new trustee body. Our Diocesan Thanks everybody. Chaplain, Rev Juliet Stephenson will Wendy and Angela also be re-commissioned. The service is on Thursday 10th January at 11am. If anyone would like to join us please let me know. Shirley Baldwin T: 01452 830931 Wendy & Les Meadows of Huntley would like to thank everyone who telephoned with offers of help and Autumn Leaves support following a recent burglary at It takes a lot of planning and research our home. to produce an history of a village and Wendy & Les T: 01452 830246 Steve Waters has done just that twice. The second Blaisdon book has just been published this volume covering 1964

when the Village School closed to 2012. The members were particularly interested in Steve Waters' slides. Huntley with May Hill 100 Club Some of the old photographs had been The December winners were: digitally enhanced but the overall

st picture was of a well loved village . 1 No. 105 Mrs Edna Carmichael nd There were memories of the Salesian 2 No. 43 Mr Rod Smart rd School and of well known families and 3 No. 55 Mrs Frances Rollinson of the Red Hart of course. The Subscriptions for 2013 need to be Steve and his team have compiled a paid before the January draw on 7th, so fascinating book and his talk was very

if I haven't already seen you I shall be well received. round shortly. The Annual Christmas lunch took place We have 124 members at present which st nd at Bell's Country Club. Our outings means the prizes are 1 £31, 2 £18.60 seem to be plagued by rain but we and 3rd £12.40. enjoyed an excellent festive meal and If anyone else would like to join please went on to do some early Christmas

contact me. shopping at Labels.

Angela Pengelly T: 01452 830637 Janet Turnbull

22 Huntley Garden Club Report taken sold for the highest price of the evening. at our meeting on Wednesday At the close of the evening we all rallied 24th December 2012 around tidying up before making our Once our village hall doors opened at way homewards. 7.30pm people entered carrying armfuls Despite it being our A.G.M. and not of edibles for our American Supper and being entertained by a Speaker we an array of interesting items for the thoroughly enjoyed the evening. We are Auction. Members were then kept busy all keen to organize a meal out to take either getting out tables and chairs or in place sometime in February. For the our new kitchen sorting out the food. year 2013 an array of Speakers and a Most importantly, Sharon stood over trip out have been arranged for our the cooker armed with a large spoon monthly meetings. Hopefully, they will stirring her delicious home-made be as successful as in previous years. mulled wine as it was warmed to the Our next meeting is on Wednesday, correct temperature. We were all given January 2nd 2013. If you would like to a glass to sample as we sat down for our join us please come along to Huntley Annual General Meeting. Village Hall at approximately 7.30pm. Howard, our Chairman thanked Our speaker for the evening will be everyone for their generous Catherine Williams on the subject of contributions which would help get the ‘Enjoy the Winter Colour.’ evening into the spirit of Christmas Merry Christmas and a healthy and before starting with the more serious happy New Year to you all. business of the A.G.M. Heather Smith Secretary The meeting took approximately one hour and by this time we were all ravenous and keen to start eating the food from the buffet and refill our glasses. While we sat relaxing and chatting our Auctioneer for the evening, Janet began with the Auction. Despite having to use a large spoon to signal the final bid for each item only a few pieces were left unsold. The items sold included a steamer, scarf, book, necklace, flower arranging figurine, puzzle, card organizer, picture, scrunchie, 2 boxes of biscuits. One of the last items sold was a bottle of wine. This turned out to be very popular. Bids came in thick and fast flavoured with good humoured banter before it was

23 News from Longhope

Café Bonnies Longhope 100 Club December’s Café Bonnies was extremely Registration. Number 07/00120/GALLOT busy and noisy. At 10.05am we had a The winners in December were: full house! Our profit was an amazing st £352.00. 1 No. 34 John Whitehouse 2nd No. 145 Isobel Daniels We have such a lot of people to thank. rd Firstly, the Café Bonnies staff (thank you 3 No. 19 Jennifer Williams Pete Histed for saying such nice things about us), Alice Stanton and friends for If you haven't paid your ‘sub’ yet running their Christmas Bring & Buy, Rita please do so asap. New members are and Jo for their lovely Craft Stall, the most welcome. Longhope Brownies for coming along Carole Sleeman & Margaret Willis with their hand made Christmas Gifts T: 01452 830069/01452 830023 and for singing Christmas Carols, to everyone who donated items for the Christmas Hampers and to everyone who purchased the table flowers supporting the Parkinson’s Charity. The new 2013 schedule is available for you to book your slot for a Bring & Buy Stall. Don’t forget - we just ask for a donation of 25% of your takings.

In January we’ll be running a stall for an “Unwanted/Unloved Christmas presents stall”. We plan to donate the proceeds A New Year Prayer to Great Oaks Hospice. Now’s your chance to donate that ’special’ present Dear God, to a very good cause. My prayer and wishes for 2013 are for a Please see a special article on the next fat bank account and a thin body. page. Please don't mix these up like you did Carole Sleeman, Margaret Willis last year. T: 01452 830069 T: 01452 830023 AMEN! and Café Bonnies staff

24 Congratulations and a big ‘THANK YOU’

to everyone, who over the last 6 years, has supported Latchen Room through attending Café Bonnies and All Saints Church, by being a member of ‘Longhope 100 Club’.

During the 6 years we have been running Café Bonnies, we have raised the huge sum of


for Latchen Room. In addition, we have donated money to several special causes. Longhope 100 Club has given a total of

£4,476-50 to Longhope PCC for on-going work in church.

The varied bring and buy sales have also raised funds for village clubs and good causes.

Please continue to support us as we start our 7th year. Where has the time gone to? Carole and Margaret

25 As part of their Crime Prevention Badge the 1st Longhope Brownies helped set up Business Watch on the Church Road Industrial Estate in Longhope

The group met with PCSO James Pearce and discussed stranger danger and security marking items at home. They also set up Business Watch (similar to Neighbourhood Watch) which enables the community to communicate with the police easily to report suspicious activity and for the Police to advise the businesses of crime trends in the surrounding area. PCSO Pearce said ' I was really impressed with the enthusiasm the Brownie group showed throughout and how clearly they explained the process to the unit holders' Signs can now be seen displayed on the entrances to the estate to warn criminals that they are being watched.

James Pearce Police Community Support Officer 9158 Forest Local Policing Area (Cinderford) Safer Communities Team Gloucestershire Constabulary

26 Bakery in Longhope - a step closer! Once again thanks for your continued support. So we will soon have a great place in which to bake! We are working closely Sue, Dede, Peter and Ciaran with our Landlord John Allen to turn a The Forest Bakehouse Team great space within Longhope Industrial estate into a Community Bakery. John has been extremely supportive and patient. It's been quite a journey getting to this stage what with obtaining planning permission and the necessary funding for the project etc. We are very grateful to the Forest of Dean Council, Parkinson's UK The Local Action Committee and to Rita and I would like to thank you, those members of the local community Margaret and Carole, for allowing us to who have generously invested in the collect monies at Cafe Bonnies for bakery project and helped us to get it Parkinson's UK during 2012. off the ground. We have donated £120 from the sale of flowers placed on the tables each month You may have seen local Builder Ian during 2012 and again would thank you James carrying out some great block for your provision of flowers on many of work at the premises over the last two the months. As well as yourselves we weeks. Longhope Welding will be gladly provided flowers ourselves and replacing an old leekie roof with a lovely we know of one other provider who insulated new one thanks to our volunteered to give flowers for one Landlord. Local Plumber Matt Brobyn month, and all this is so gratefully has been bringing a water supply into appreciated. the premises for us. Local Carpenter We would like to continue to provide and Joiner Malcolm Marshall will also flowers each month for 2013, gratefully now be starting work at The Forest accepting any offers from others for the Bakehouse helping us to make the provision of flowers through the building take on the shape of a bakery! year. Hopefully we can continue to We will then be busy painting and subscribe the takings to the worthwhile applying the finishing touches in Parkinson's UK, to help them fund their readiness for the bakery equipment to efforts to find a cure for this dreadful arrive. This month we have purchased a disease. Thank you all very much. large second hand bread oven which we Rita and Mike Anstey are very excited about. Please feel free to pop in and see us at the premises and P.S. Well done to you and all your find out how the project is progressing. helpers in creating and maintaining such We are eager to begin baking for you as a successful and fun loving monthly soon as the oven is installed! Watch this event in the village. It is always space for an opening date or just follow something to look forward to with your nose! excitement!

27 Curtains for the Longhope Experience!

Pictured above is Bob Harris and Beryl Griffiths with just a section of their final display (In colour they look dynamic—!)

At the end of November we said a fond farewell to the Longhope Experience, after eleven years of fun and fund-raising. It started life as a way of raising money for the first Benefice wide Flower Festival, using the floral talents of two local Flower Demonstrators, Beryl Griffiths and Bob Harris, as well as the culinary expertise of so many villagers, and aimed to bring in income from outside the Benefice, rather than from the regular benefactors. The first year saw just a couple of events as we learned the ropes. Bob and Beryl were able to tout for business as they went around the area demonstrating to Flower Clubs, Women’s Institutes etc, and so it turned out to be an excellent day out for a club’s outing. Often two or three coaches would arrive at the church, coming from as far afield as London, Southampton and Nottingham and we soon needed to limit our numbers to 100 a time, as space in the Latchen Room for lunch was limited. The latter years saw five or six events per year, and regularly donated over £6,000 a year to Church funds. Starting with coffee and home-made biscuits in Longhope Church, the visitors sat to watch Bob and Beryl’s floral magic, and lucky raffle winners were able to take an

28 arrangement home with them. Then a short walk or ride down to the Latchen Room where a group of helpers offered a three course meal with wine. Coach drivers were pointed to local Garden Centres if groups wanted a stop on the way home. The best part of the meal were the puddings – villagers outdid themselves with the variety and quality of their dishes, and enough for there to be at least two helpings for everyone! In fact they proved to be so popular that it spawned a whole new industry, thanks to Vicky Harper who organised a Longhope Cook Book, and then another, and finally a Just Desserts book with all recipes having been used at the Experience at one time or another. Statistics – over 5,000 people have come to our beautiful village, and gone away realising what a wonderful community we are. Over £50,000 has been raised for church funds within the benefice. Well over 40 people from all the various villages have been involved in helping in some way or other, and we thank every one of them. Some special thanks are due, of course. Firstly and especially to Beryl and Bob, not just for the flowers, but also their food and advertising, without which it would never have happened. On the food side, it is difficult to name some without leaving someone out and offending them – there are a few who have given over and above, and they know who they are, and we thank them. Thanks to those who made biscuits, gave out raffle tickets, made the coffee and washed up in church, and to those who helped with the staging and furniture removal. Thanks to waitresses and wine servers, cooks and servers, washers up, laid tables and all the other necessary jobs. Thanks to Kate and Sheila for doing the bookings and keeping track of the money. For everyone it was a huge commitment, and greatly appreciated. We went out on a high, the 2012 events were all fully booked at the end of 2011, and we have had so many requests for more that we have decided to do two afternoon teas with demonstrations, keeping it to the church buildings, next August, dates to be finalised. Bob Harris


The Friends of Longhope Church need your help! Since its inception in 2009, the group has had the objective to raise funds to assist in the costs of maintaining the Church’s fabric. The Friends of Longhope Church was formed with the main aim of fund raising for the major roof repairs that the church so desperately needed back in 2009. The re-roofing project was completed in the early part of 2011 at a total cost of over £250,000 – the money was raised by a combination of grants and other fund raising efforts including, in no small part, those of the Friends of Longhope Church.

29 With that initial goal achieved it was soon realised, by those involved, that such a group would be needed to assist the PCC in fund raising for future projects. And so it was decided that the Friends of Longhope Church would become a permanent fixture within the community. All Saint’s Church has been an integral part of the village of Longhope since the 13th Century, but is now far more than just a centre for Christian worship. It is also a hub for community, celebration, reflection and friendship. Alas, due to the age of the building and its facilities the running costs alone are high and there is always a large repair bill just around the corner. Since 2009, fund raising has assisted in the re-roofing of the church, re-ordering of the chancel, assisting in repairs of ancient and historic grave stones and the purchase of replacement chairs. In the coming months, it is aimed to assist with the funding of re-decoration of parts of the interior. It is expected that this project alone will cost in the region of £15,000. To the Friends of Longhope Church, fund raising is far more than just rattling tins throughout the village. The events laid on by the group have not only been successful financially, but have also achieved the feat of filling the church with audiences, both young and old, at numerous evenings. The key to such successful occasions has been to ensure that audiences feel that they have been entertained and got great value for money – no better example could be given than the recent ‘Movies and Musicals’ evening where a sell-out audience were treated to an evening of show tunes and movie themes performed by two professional singers and an accompanist who had all performed on London’s ‘West End’. So how can you help keep this historic building alive for the communities of today and tomorrow? Simply look out for future events in the local press or perhaps purchase some of the merchandising, including calendars, tea towels and mugs. Why not become a member of The Friends of Longhope Church? For a minimum donation of £5 a year you will be safe in the knowledge, that not only are you ‘doing your bit’, but you will receive regular newsletters where you will be kept up to date with all future events – and even be entitled to a 10% discount on tickets! You will also be kept aware of where the monies have gone and how projects are progressing. Although All Saint’s Church comes under the umbrella of the Gloucestershire Diocese, it is the responsibility of the parish, as with all parish churches, to raise funds to not only keep the doors open but also to keep the lights on and the welcome warm! Gone are the days of having rich benefactors, as was the case in years gone by, it is the responsibility of us all to ensure that this special building, and its grounds, are there for us when we need it and, indeed, want it. For more information about forthcoming events or details of how to become ‘A Friend of Longhope Church’ please contact a committee member: Tina 01452 831235 Liz 01452 830633 Vanessa 01452 830434

30 Patron Her Majesty The Queen Café Bonnies Ed says …. Thank you Mike—It’s our

pleasure to make this possible. In January we plan to run an “unloved

Christmas Present stall” so if anyone has anything suitable, please bring "Springfield" items along on Saturday 5th January Church Road 2013. The proceeds will be donated to Longhope Great Oaks Hospice. GL170LG The Longhope Royal British Legion would like to thank every one for their attendance at the Remembrance th service held on November 11 at Autumn Fayre Huntley Church and afterwards for the Saturday November 17th - the Latchen Wreath laying ceremonies at Huntley Room was a hive of activity with stalls and Longhope. full of handicraft work from bags, table Special thanks to our Priest in Charge, runners, Christmas stockings, aprons, the Reverend Chris Sterry, for knitted items for the tree, jewellery, conducting the service and all of the scarves, (a quilt won by Brenda Beard), Youth groups who took part in the Christmas cards. There were cakes, Service and Parades. It was lovely to surprise parcels, bottle stall, white see everyone taking part. elephant, books, children's games and a Thanks also go to the Police for keeping Grand Raffle. us safe and ensuring the Parade was a Refreshments were served by the success. 'Friends' of the Church. Les Meadows A grand total of £875 was raised in aid Hon Sec Longhope R. B. L. of All Saints Church.

Many thanks to all who provided things

for the stalls and other helpers and to

everyone who came and spent money. Parkinson's UK Ann Cinderey

“Dear Carole & Margaret and staff at Café Bonnies,

Thank you for letting Rita and Jo have a stall at 'Bonnies'. They were Ann’s Coffee Morning able to donate the proceeds of £100 My next coffee morning is on the to Parkinson’s UK. 17th January - see you there! Mike” (Anstey) Ann Cinderey

31 Longhope W.I. report for December

As this will be in January’s FEN, we would like to wish everyone, past, present and future members, a Very Happy New Year. Here’s hoping for lots of happiness and joy as in 2012, but perhaps less of the wet stuff! Our committee for this year is: President Carolyn McCoy; Secretary Jean Walwin; Treasurer Mary Wright; Vice President Jo Phelps; Committee Members Isobel Daniels, Margaret Jones, Hilary Kane and Carryl Phelps and Elizabeth Reay. Your New Year’s Resolution for this year may be to investigate membership of WI, in that case please do not hesitate to join us. We meet on the second Thursday of each month at the Latchen Rooms in Longhope at 7.30pm, and we would welcome you with open arms!! In December more than thirty of us enjoyed a festive meal at The Weston Cross pub; many of our members were entertained by Christmas music and songs by the WI Choir and Lesley Garret at Cheltenham Town Hall (love the frocks!), and our stalwart Walking Group circumnavigated (look it up!) May Hill on a frosty morning, arriving at the Glasshouse pub for a log fire and soup and crusty bread. More on the December meeting to come. This month please come prepared to talk about ‘What did we do before TV’ (steady on now!), bring ‘Your most useful gadget’ for the competition, also bring yummy stuff for the Larder Tombola at February’s stall at Café Bonnies. Finally, a poem to sum up January.

‘The Time I like best’ by Roger McGough (a fellow Liverpudlian)

The Time I like best is 6am When the snow is 6 inches deep Which I’m yet to discover ‘cause I’m under the covers Fast, fast asleep.

Jo Phelps

32 Forest of Dean District Council comes up trumps! I am delighted to tell you that FEN was recently successful in obtaining a Community Grant of £600.00 from the Forest of Dean District Council. This money is to be spent on a new lap top and various computer items to ensure the continuity of the magazine. I personally struggled with the magazine for a few months in 2012 and realised it was time to do something to make things easer. With the new lap top, loaded with Publisher and other ‘goodies’, it will be possible to pass the FEN office around a little. This equipment, together with the massive monitor donated by Churcham Parish Council, will be in the ownership of the current Editor (me at present”). I was asked to write an article to accompany a Press Release and here’s a copy of it. “Forest Edge News has been in existence for many many years. The job of Editor gets passed down and it’s been my job since the summer of 2005. The magazine, primarily a church magazine, is mainly referred to as “The Parish Mag”. It’s a monthly magazine covering the villages of Birdwood, Bulley, Churcham, Huntley, Longhope and May Hill. We also have a small data base and magazines are posted to subscribers all over the country. At the beginning of 2012 we set up an on-line version of the magazine. This was the brain child of Trevor Reynaert of Longhope and it is he who works really hard to get the magazine up and running for the 1st of each month so our on-line subscribers get to view the magazine. The on-line version of the magazine can be viewed on All the back numbers may be viewed free! To celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee this summer, we produced a free souvenir edition which was 100 pages long! This was delivered to everyone in the area. We obtained sponsorship to pay for this special edition. Readers may check it out if they go online. The magazine is made possible by volunteers. No one is paid. We have really wonderful people who write articles each month, critical proof readers and an amazing team who deliver the magazine each month. Local businesses also sell them for us. What everyone finds really useful are the “What’s On” pages. There’s no need to stay home watching the TV with so much going on in and around our local villages. The magazine advertises local events and there is always an element of fun. With the generosity of the Forest of Dean District Council we are now able to purchase a lap top and other ‘goodies’ and these will ensure the Editor’s job can be passed around when required without creating too many problems. I know that a great many people enjoy the magazine and I would like to ensure their enjoyment continues for many years to come. Finally, I should say without the magazine sales (going up to 50p in January!) and the fees paid by the commercial advertisers, Forest Edge News could not exist. Thanks to everyone concerned in any way with Forest Edge News. Best wishes. Carole Sleeman, Editor”

33 Longhope Baptist Church

We wish all readers a very happy New Year. At the beginning of a new year many predictions are made about what will happen. The matter of making predictions is nothing new. In 1983 the U.S. News And World Report magazine had a section headed "What the next 50 years will bring". It had the expected suggestions about the growing importance of computers, about new medical break-throughs, and about sleeker, faster ways of travelling around. The introduction said this: "Prediction is, at best, a risky business." Then it quoted Sir Francis Bacon, who said, "Dreams and predictions ought to serve but for winter talk by the fireside." That may be true of man's predictions, but not of God's prophecies. God shows us in the Bible that He knows the future. This truth is one reason we can have absolute confidence in the Book of books. The Old Testament contains many prophecies about people, events and nations that have already been fulfilled. The chance of so many prophecies coming true is astronomically high. Do you lack confidence in the Bible? If so, spend some time examining its many fulfilled prophecies. Look at some of the prophecies about the life of Christ, made hundreds of years before His birth. It was prophesied that He would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5 v 2), that He would be preceded by a messenger (Isaiah 40 v 3), that He would enter Jerusalem on a colt (Zechariah 9 v 9), that He would be betrayed by a friend (Psalm 41 v 9), that His hands and feet would be pierced (Psalm 22 v 16), that He would be wounded and whipped by enemies (Isaiah 53 v 5), that He would be sold for 30 pieces of silver (Zechariah 11 v 12), that He would be spat upon and beaten (Isaiah 50 v 6), that the money given for His betrayal would be thrown in the Temple and given for a potter's field (Zechariah 11 v 13), that He would be silent before His accusers (Isaiah 53 v 7), and that He would be crucified with thieves (Isaiah 53 v 12). It is good to recognise that God knows the future. Also He knows all about each one of us. He knows what problems and challenges we will meet this year. He has given us the Bible to help us in every aspect of our lives. In a changing world we can trust His unchanging Word. How about making a New Year's Resolution that you will read it each day this year? It will give you help and guidance.

Kathie Baker T: 01452 831200

34 Longhope Gardening Club recognised from trips to the Canary Islands. After reminding members of the forthcoming Christmas social evening It was felt that it was going to get more on 5th December 2012, the Chairman difficult to get the Isles in the future as welcomed Tony Titchin to tell us about there was talk of the helicopter service the Tresco Gardens on the Isles of Scilly. from Penzance being removed. This Tony passed around some leaflets of would leave just the rough sea crossing the Isles and the gardens before telling from Penzance for eager visitors. us that the Isles had been called the Tony finished with a beautiful slide of a Fortunate Isles before the Scilly Isles, sunset and our Chairman said he had located 30 miles west of Lands End in been many times to the Scilly Isles and Cornwall. this reflected the happy memories he He said life was tough initially, a very had of these beautiful gardens and the barren environment with no trees or Scilly Isles as a whole. gorse and a hiding place for ruthless The raffle was won by Joan Cross who pirates. again won the Flower of the Month He said the Gulf Stream warmed the with a Pensium and Betty Warren was Isles and over 70 years ships brought in second with a Warm Welcome. trees and plants from warmer climes Mike Anstey which continued to grow well in the pleasant environment.

Tony then showed us a series of slides of the gardens with their sub tropical arrangements, many of which were

Some useful contacts for Longhope Contact for Bells Wendy Meadows 01452 830246 Café Bonnies Carole & Margaret 830069/830023 1st Longhope Brownies Fiona Ross-Collins 01452 831319 Longhope Art Group Jackie Cox 07780 877 300 Longhope Bowling Club Roger Acland 01452 831083 L.A.D.S. Denise Williams 01452 830138 Chatterbox Bob Harris 01452 831620 Little Feet Toddler Group Helen / Katherine 830458 / 831564 Lunch Club Donna Bailey 01452 830543 Gardening Club Mike Anstey 01452 831054 Evergreens Sonnia Histed 01452 830924 Longhope W.I. Carryl Phelps 01452 830054 Longhope Youth Café Sue Bailey 01452 830348 British Legion Les Meadows 01452 830393 Amnesty International Pam Ingram 01452 831692 North Dean Walking Group David Bignell 01452 830491 Pippins Creative Childcare Centre Jane Seaborn 07511914155 Latchen Room (Village Hall) booking contact Mo Cameron 01452 831103


36 The main Georgian House on the Longhope Manor Estate provides a range of tailored care services for people typically of retirement age; including full nursing and palliative care, weekend stays, bookable respite and holiday breaks, day care and permanent residency in single, private room accommodation.

Our new spacious, homely and well equipped care apartments and care rooms, called Hope Brook Court, come with a kitchenette, walk-in shower room and large garden doors leading to small, private courtyard gardens.

Hope Brook Court offers a real alternative to the rather large ‘assisted living’ housing schemes to be found in our local towns; and our apartment Residents also receive all the nursing and care support they need 24 hours a day, without any delay or uncertainty.

Longhope Manor is owned and managed by two Registered Nurses and is the only care centre in England that has been awarded Associate Organisation status by The Queen’s Nursing Institute; a founding organisation of District Nursing. For impartial advice over tea or coffee and a tour of our facilities, please visit us at anytime.

Longhope Manor- your local centre of excellence.

37 Longhope Gardening Club The band played a second short session, ‘paying for their supper??’ The much awaited Christmas party came on Wednesday 5th December in They were again well received – a the Latchen Room. humorous group of players who obviously enjoyed what they did. Entering was like a fairy grotto with decorations, a Christmas tree with The evening ended with a large raffle lights and a morass of cables, speakers the first prize being won by Frank and microphones representing the Clayson. Lucky boy! ukulele band who were to entertain us. What a great way to start Christmas. What could we expect from the 7 Mike Anstey players, 5 men and 2 women. Further down the room spread a table full of finger food, provided by the members on a ‘select a named plate and provide it’. It seemed to have worked well. The band, called the ‘UKsanon’ struck up with a selection of well known tunes Life is too short to wake up with and songs which filled the room with an regrets enchanting sound. Each member So love the people who treat you right. proved very versatile, singing Forget about the ones who don't. individually and playing additional Believe everything happens for a banjos with songs from George Formby reason. days. It was a great sound. If you get a second chance, grab it with Soon the band asked for volunteers to both hands. If it changes your life, let it. supplement their sound. Up jumped Nobody said life would be easy, they Sonnia Histed, from the front row, and just promised it would be worth it. was presented with a Castanet of small bells. Off she rang to provide backing Friends are like balloons to the band. Unfortunately no one else Once you let them go, you might not emerged from the audience so Sonnia get them back. Sometimes we get so played a great solo performance, busy with our own lives and problems ringing the bells with gusto, well done that we may not even notice Sonnia! that we've let them fly away. Ultimately the urge for the food Sometimes we are so caught up in surfaced and the band joined us in who's right and who's wrong that we helping ourselves to the spread. It was forget what's right and wrong. as good as it looked and more than one Sometimes we just don't realise what helping was taken. However more to real friendship means until it is too follow as a selection of sweets with late. I don't want to let that happen so cream were brought out and again I'm going to tie you to my heart so I plenty for everyone. never lose you.


The Friends of Longhope Church “Chair Dedication Celebrations” Saturday 1st December 2012.

The Friends of Longhope Church purchased, on behalf of the P.C.C, 50 Rosehill Chairs. These were bought to replace the old retired choir pews.

Chairs were bought, not only by people from within the Longhope community, but from far and wide. Many of the chairs were purchased in the memory of a loved one or to commemorate a special event or date within their family.

We were pleased to welcome over forty people into the church, Rev Sterry led a short dedication service and the Chairman of the Friends of Longhope Church, Vanessa Martin, enlightened visitors on the purpose of this group. After the service, the visitors were served with mulled wine and other warm beverages along with various cakes and canapés.

May we, as a group, thank all those who attended the service and also those that bought a chair. Your continued support is, as always, much appreciated.

We still have a very limited number of chairs available for purchase. So if you would like to buy a chair then please contact Vanessa for an order form.

Tel: Vanessa 01452 830434

39 News from May Hill

Air-in-G Concert with Opera Dudes Happy New Year from Opera Dudes are coming again to May Ron & Mildred! Hill Village Hall on Saturday 26th January with their new gig. This show is set to be their wildest yet. What are the chances of finding grand opera, showstoppers, heart-rending ballads, classical piano, ridiculous impressions and slapstick humour all on the same bill? It is “Mission Improbable”. Music includes opera, Neapolitan songs, Ivor Novello, Rachmaninoff and Elvis Presley all given an operatic twist, as well as favourites from the worlds of Broadway and Swing. For tickets at £7.00 each - tel: 01452 835350/830454 or email: TODAY IS THE OLDEST [email protected] YOU'VE EVER BEEN, YET THE Jenny Grassam YOUNGEST YOU'LL EVER BE, SO ENJOY THIS DAY


May Hill Monthly Mart COUNTRY DANCING In the May Hill Village Hall st Meet on the 1 Saturday 2013 dates

Weds. 30th January in every month at the Village Hall Weds. 27th February th (occasionally at May Hill Weds. 27 March Methodist Chapel) 10am—12 noon 10.00—12.00 Contact: Anne Seymour (Cost £3.50 per person per session) (01452 830081) Contact Liz Cox (01452 830899) if you have a question

40 May Hill Gardening Club Chapel and visitors and New Members are always welcome to attend. – November 2012 David Cramp from Gloucestershire RSPB Jean Lockwood came to give us a Talk on “The Wild life of the Seychelles”. David always makes his Talks so interesting and full of information and this was no exception. David had been to the various islands of the Seychelles and made a particular point of seeing as much of the bird and animal population as was possible – only a few species of each are endemic to the Seychelles as most of the populations had been introduced over the centuries by Settlers and Traders. 40% of the May Hill Gardening Club land (and marine) areas of the islands - December 2012 were conservation areas in an attempt We held our AGM this month with 22 to save and re-introduce endemic members attending. Our Chairman populations – including giant tortoises Roger Cox welcomed everyone and the which the original settlers had killed as Secretary and Treasurer gave their food until they became almost extinct. reports. The committee were re- We also saw slides of many of the elected enbloc and thanked for their interesting bird populations including work during the year. After general the very beautiful Fairy Terns which are discussion on a number of topics the pure white with black beaks and eyes. meeting closed and was followed by an Our December Meeting is the FIRST American Supper. Tuesday of the month and is our Annual Our January meeting will be held on General Meeting and American Supper. Tuesday 8th January when Gail Plant will Members are invited to attend this give a talk on “Herbs”. We will be giving important meeting when next year’s out our 2013 programme at this programme will be discussed and meeting and members are reminded members are encouraged to put that their annual subscription of £10 forward suggestions and also vote for will be collected. next year’s Committee. New members are always welcome to The first Meeting of 2013 will be held th join us and more information about our on Tuesday 8 January when Gail Plant activities can be given by either Jean will give a Talk on “Herbs” and hopefully Lockwood (01452 831517) or Roger Cox (weather permitting) plants will also be (01452 830454). available to buy. This Meeting will commence at 7.30pm in the Methodist Jean Lockwood

41 May Hill Methodist Church Book of Carols. We now have a rich Preachers for January heritage for Christmas; many carols

6th January 11am Rev I. Yates which have come from other countries. (Epiphany - Covenant) There are dance carols from 13th January 11am Rev Keith Scandinavia, shepherd carols from the Munns (Holy Communion) Slavic countries, lullabys from Germany 20th January 11am Rev A. Pugh - to name a few of the sources. 27th January 11am Rev R. Riddell It was Rev H. R. Bramley, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford and Dr John Carols (cont) Stainer, Organist of the College at that It was Puritanism which gave the time who revived the interest in carols greatest opposition to the singing of with their publication of 'Christmas carols. In 1645 Cromwell's Parliament Carols new and old' in 1871. Early in the banned the observance of festival days, 20th Century came P. Dearmer, which continued for 12 years. Thus M. Shaw and R. Vaughan Williams to carols also vanished with the exception name but a few of the writers and of a few. Somehow 'The First Nowell' composers of carols. and 'The Boar's Head' managed to The Oxford Book of Carols tells us that survive. Even in countries not linked some of the English tunes were used by with the Reformation or Puritanism the 'the Excellent Methodists' to preach popularity of carols waned. The United their favourite doctrines. States at that time were very Puritanical Carols are always joyful. May 'love and and restricted themselves to hymns. joy come to you', as we sing one of the In recent times carols have become carol choruses, this Christmastide. more popular. We owe much to collections of carols such as the Oxford Miss J Morse

Some useful contacts for May Hill

May Hill W.I. Carol Hamlin 01452 831509 May Hill Players Richard Pett 01452 830201 May Hill Gardening Society Jean Lockwood 01452 831517 May Hill Line Dancing Jan Weeks 01452 831155 May Hill Whist Roger Cox 01452 830454 May Hill Monthly Mart Anne Seymour 01452 830081 May Hill Hall booking person Roger Cox 01452 830454



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COUNCIL APPROVED CONTRACTORS All our advertisers have Tree Services: Felling, Pollarding been contacted by email or Reductions, Stump letter inviting them to Grinding renew their advertisement Fencing: Steel Security, with us. Timber, Gates Landscaping: Patios, Planting, If you haven't already paid Turfing, Design, for your advert please Garden Maintenance contact Angela. Play Areas: Design & Planning, Construction, See her details on page 3. Safety Surfacing, Safety Inspection & Repairs Thank you. Ed Tel: 01452 790190 — Fax: 01452 790610 E: [email protected] website: ALL SEASONS FENCING AND GARDENING SERVICES Landscaping HEDGE LAYING Fencing Patios FARM, HORSE OR GARDEN FENCING Paving Decking CHAINSAW WORK, NPTC Turfing REGISTERED Tree work Hedges FREE ESTIMATES WITHOUT Lower Maintenance OBLIGATION Gardens FULLY INSURED All types of waste removed

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54 ABFAB FLOORING 19 Market Street, Cinderford, Glos. GL14 2RT Advertising Notice [email protected] Established 2004 Business award winner 2006, 2008, 2010. Here at ABFAB flooring we take pride in what we do We’ve a few spaces this month and we care what you think. We value old and new which have been filled with useful customers. information. We sell Carpets, Vinyls, Laminates and rugs.

We offer a free no obligation home selec- tion and quote service. You will have noticed that the We offer uplift of old floor coverings and Longhope Manor two page advert move of furniture if you need help (on has been moved back to the centre request). pages. Longhope Manor now also We offer a 10% discount for OAPs on all floor coverings. advertise on the back page. We offer a professional and friendly fitting service. SO PLEASE GIVE US A CALL ON 01594 827272 They have paid a special enhanced OPENING HOURS: MONDAY—FRIDAY 9AM—5PM fee for this privilege. SATURDAY 9AM—NOON SEE US ON THE BEST OF THE FORST OF DEAN WEBSITE AND LOOK AT OUR TESTIMONIALS Ed


Kitchens bathrooms studies

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Painting & Decorating PC or Laptop Repairs & Upgrades I offer a local and personal service, Floor and Wall tiling providing friendly, sensible and House Maintenance and affordable support for home and small Refurbishments office computer users. Carpentry services Services include:

IT support Computer repairs and upgrades 30 years in the trade Maintenance, 10% Discount with this Ad. Virus removal Data recovery and much more... I offer Competitive Rates, Wesley Bungalow CRB Checked Wesley Road Home Visits Available Ruardean Woodside CompTIA & A+ Certified Gloucester GL17 9XX Please phone Tel: 01594 541086 01594 829544 or 07748387664 Mob: 07770926242 Email: [email protected]



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We are able to provide independent, impartial legal advice on any scheme that has been recommended to you and provide a helping hand in order to settle any concerns you may have.

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We are delighted to announce the opening of our new office at Highnam Business Centre. As Independent Financial Advisers, we would love to get to know the local community better and we’d like to extend an invitation to Forest Edge news readers to join us at a free event on Wednesday 21st November.

The event will be held at the beautiful Three Choirs Vineyard & will include a wine tasting tour, a talk featuring a number of ideas on Investing & Inheritance tax mitigation, washed down by afternoon tea!

Please join us for what promises to be an enjoyable afternoon. To book, phone 01452 768138 or email [email protected]. Places are strictly limited. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Services Authority.



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Wedding Cakes of Gloucester

Cakes to Inspire You…

Wedding Cakes of Gloucester can offer you a range of designs to suit your event. We have made thousands of cakes since our cake business started in 2002. After careful consideration and personal discussion we can make you a unique wedding cake, or celebration cake, to be admired and remembered. Whether you are looking for a traditional, classic, elegant, modern or novelty cake, you will want it to look exceptional and taste delicious too. You can rest assured that from first contact to delivery and setup at your venue you will receive excellent service and attention. We look forward to hearing from you. We’re based in Churcham! 07849 243530 [email protected]

66 Stone End Kitchen Churcham Good quality, home prepared food for Hand crafted Real Ales from May Hill, all occasions at Gloucestershire using Spring Water from the farm, naturally conditioned in the affordable prices. bottle or cask. Also china, linen, May Hill Wellbrew Ale Summit 4.9% Dark, Malty Ale cutlery and 50 seat Legless Cow 4.8% Fruity Hop Finish party tent to hire. Legend 4.5% Pale Ale Admiral May 3.8% Amber Ale Wedding & party May Hill Wassail 3.8% Dark Rich Ale

Cakes to order. Produced in Bottles, 10L Beer Boxes and Casks. Enquiries to: All available to buy direct Wendy Lewis from the Brewery May Hill Brewery, Holly Bush Farm 01452 750156 Ross Road, Longhope, Glos, GL17 0NG 01452 830222

Motor services cars

67 Fund-raising while you shop! LAND DRAINAGE No Pain - We Gain

& DITCH CLEANING All Saints Church Longhope has so far received £578 towards its fund-raising from

Easy Fundraising, earned by 17 local people FLOOD PREVENTION SCHEMES who have done their shopping on the net, and nominated the church as the recipient of do- OVERGROWN HEDGES AND TREE nations made by the companies signed up to PRUNING WITH HYDRAULIC SHEAR the scheme. Argos, M & S, Expedia, Thomas Cook, Vodafone, John Lewis R.D. PEMBERTON and hundreds more suppliers who will 07889 194198 donate between 0.5% and 5% (sometimes more) of the amount you spend. Melbourne Villa So: step one - log on to Longhope Glos step two - register with All Saints Church Longhope step three – start shopping and see how Email: much you earn for the church! [email protected] Any queries to PCC Treasurer Sheila Harris 01452 831620

Agricultural Engineer


4x4 Land Rover Ifor Williams Trailer Service Hydraulic Hose Repair

(T/A: R J Smith Agricultural) Tyres/Puncture Repairs Call Out Service available Call Richard on 078790 73505


Acorns is a small

pre-school group at Churcham Primary School.

Open every morning for children from 2 years to school age.

We offer a safe and happy play environment where children can develop confidence, learn new skills and make friends.

Come and see for yourself!

For further details please phone 01452 750467

Maths and English Tuition TYLERS MEMORIALS

G.C.S.E. Maths and English (SM, SJ, & RJ Tyler)

A.S and A level Maths, English lan- Memorials guage supplied and fitted And English Literature

Hand carved/sandblasted Common Entrance Examinations lettering Primary school tuition Renovations undertaken

Please phone: FURNACE LANE

NEWENT Rhiannon Rhys-Jones 07957 419313 01531 820474



Dr David Barker Dr Bereket Ghebru Dr Mia Skive Dr Penni Adamou Dental Surgeons


Denplan & Dental Insurance welcome Independent Private Care Emergency Service Home Visits

High Street Westbury on Severn Gloucestershire GL14 1PA Tel: 01452-760662/760550 Email: [email protected]


Independent Family Funeral Directors 24 hour personal attention Home Visits Private Chapels of Rest in Newent & Gloucester Pre-payment Funeral Plans Advice on eco-friendly Funerals Memorials supplied and fitted FURNACE LANE, NEWENT, GLOS GL18 1DD 01531 820474



For a complete Funeral Service in any district

Private Chapels of Rest


01452 750489

For Prompt Attention Day or Night


The Manor House and Hope Brook Court part of the Longhope Manor Estate Church Road, Longhope. GL17 0LL

Your local care home can help in so many ways:

Nursing Care Palliative Care Respite Care Dementia Care Day Care

To discuss your requirements in complete confidence, please call us on:

01452 830291 or [email protected]

In an emergency/24 hours a day: 07874935201

Alternatively, please call in and meet our Registered Queen’s Nurse Michelle Jarvis.