Obtain Court Order Against Teachers Job a Ction Started) in Salary Dispute
Obtain Court Order Against Teachers ' ' O U T , C T . covicftiiviii THURSDAY dim MAIAW a N BOHOl/CH AND TH E' H o m e TOWNSHIPS OF . MATAWAN, MARLBORO, A ll Week a t a m a n mi iK H M M U . ami MADISON. Membor , . ’ M umber'■ 100th YEAR -- 25 Hi W EEK N-ltf.'nni N ew spaper- An5nciatMm MATAWAN, N. J.,' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1977968 ~ .r,% AsvceiaUua Single Copy Ten Cents Early Kopy, Piease D«;e Ic the Christmas fioililrfj, I Pay Talks Fail d e c d ttn e ! u f »efigi<>ui» page- e s p y **' ^ 1-ifUTiinnieiniBiiiiiimaiii— iiiiiMiiiiwwiiii i nm M«»mM«iMimii«niiiiii i iiemw - ' ' - - -• 1 . ■. ■ ■ . ' ' ' a n d f o r a l l other n«-*s and photoguiitw »M tw Moods', i’, 52 o'clock BMW. ■ I The desdliw [er display ad , i vtrtfsinK will be nt 1 p.iu. on Job A ction Started) iMoiKtay wtd for classified gdver- - ’ tiling Monday at J p.m. ’ This affive will b« clo'ifid all . day (,'hristmu. , In Salary Dispute Scholarship jl Superior Court Judge Merritt j .show- c»us<? before Judge Lan^ .lan.- true: but uncertified copies of th® { i Lane, Chunccry Division, ye.rst«*r- 3 whv nn interlocutory injunction m trainitiK order by.Dec.-2i, threa , I j day granted a restraining order ponding final he»arin(* snould not be days, from its data of issuances A 1 For Morrell j j against the Matawan - Regional issuod. Bul. the restraining order conri rulin.n Jan. 3 will decide t’i« v [! Teachers Association; John M'.^loy, niluws that the del'^ndants, on two tsstivs before the schools rttopor*,' \ 1 as representative of the Now Jer- days notice, may apply lo the court ; Matawan i’olicc Capt.
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