Ghristmas Comes but .Once a Year Shop at HALES for Your Gifts
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,r - • V !. / f. A FRIDAY, DECEMBER % 198R f4 ^ T w m m ATemge Dally Net Prew Ron ^HanrlrfOtMT Cvrnitis %ral^ Fbr Ute Week 064(6 The Weather Nev. se. less Pereeeet « f O. a Weather; Charles B. Burdick Jr., son of Ukht drizzle or wet eM Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burdick of 11,908 About Town today aad toalght. Lew ■ T7 Greenwood I>r., arul Marshall Menher ef the AuMt Sunday cloudy. oeeaaiiNial E. Lamenzo, son of Mr. and Mrs. A aon, Kanald Walter, w u born BweM et OreuleUee' low, nomewhnt colder. I John B. Lamenzo of 19 Jean Rd., upper SOe. TMterday atteraoon at the Man- have arrlv^ at F t Dlx, N. J., to M a n ch e ste r— dl City.of yUlage Charm cbMter Maaiorial Hocpital to Mr- begin eight weeks of basic' train and Mra. Waiter R Ferguaon ot ing. Burdick attended Manchester Ghristmas Comes But .Once A Year !• Henry St, Mr. TtnytMon u*co\ High School and was employed as' (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1955 (Chwailled AdverttolBf ea Paga IS) pubUabet: of The Herald. They have a well driller in Coventry before PRICE FITE CENTS another child; a daughter. entering the Army. Prior to enter Kathleen Rebecca, age three. The ing the service Lamenzo graduated But To Make It The Happiest Time Of All For Everyone maternal grandparente are Mr. from St. 'Thomas Seminary in 10 o f 16 Canadians and' Mn. George Slmpaon of 71 Bloomfield and from Holy Cross W K n ow lan d , Branford St, and the paternal College in ij^orcestcr, Mass. G O P Senate Hopes grandmother le Mrs. Bernice Fer- Killed in Air* Crash guaon. The baby le the grandson of the late Ronald Hail Ferguson and Maj. Joseplr A. KoweU, of 107 M arlin See the great grandson of the laxe Helaine Rd. was iiwtalled as com Shop At HALES For Your Gifts Montmady, Francs. Dec.' S Thomas Ferguson, formerly pub mander of the Hartford Chapter. or ^56 (Xh — A Chadian ' military lishers of The Herald. Military OrdCr of the World Wars, transport plane crashed in at a meeting of the Officers Club Eisenhower Montmedy • forest today and at the State Armory, Hartford, first raporjs aald 10 of tha Guy U. Wilson, son of Mr. and Washington, Dec. 3 {IP)— «Democrgte conzider they have a Mrs. Robert W. Wilson of 49 Arch last night He ferved in the Aleu Gettysburg, Pa., Dec. 3 (A*) 16 persona aboard were killed. S t. has been named to the honor tians and in Europe during World Senin. Goldwater (R-Ariz) a m i d ' to ouat OOP Senatora. All wehe Canadians. W a rn . The Prettiest •—House R^ublican leadi » Tlfrea persons were report roll of M t Hermon School, K. Martin voiced bcUef after a Nortbfleld, Mass., for the first winning controfof the JSenate I Midtveat farm belt, where Demt^ ed to have “'been slightly In marking period. He was also in the Robert Calnen of Olcott Or. and talk with President Eiaen' jured; WiUlam E. FitzGerald of 86 E. m 1956 are “ looking up” crate have been blaming the Nothing waa known con oast oi the senior play, “You hower tbday that the Presi ,Klaenhower administration's fiexl- Can't Take It with You. ’ * Middle 'Tpke. addressed the senior Gifts Around despite Midwest unrest over cerning the other three re^ students at Baisworlh, High School dent will go after a second the administratiodt^ fa'rm **** *upport program for de ported aboard. clining agricultural prices. The Men's Club of S t Ms,ry's yesterday on the types of enlist term “for the world’s sake” pri^aam . ’ The plane v.aa believed to ment under the new reserve law. ’IT I But ha predicted moat Republi have been flying from Meta, episcopal Church Mill hold a The House if his doctora approve. Mar Goldwater, who , heads the can candidates would stand be -father and daughter night Monday Both are members of the 1st Bn. tin alao told reporters he Republican Senatorial Campaign to Marvlllc Air Base, home 417th Inf., which meets at the Wrap up the gifts she’ll greet hind Secretary of Agriculture field of a Canadian Air Base at the church, starting with a h(R>ee Congress can put Committee, aald In an Interview he Benson’s program. supper at 6:80. FolloMdng the sup yrvv. with rapture.,. glamorous robes regards the decision -of Sen. Bible In England. Win in Sen^te^l5-9; through a tax cut next, year Secretary Benson’a approach to The plane fell two milea per, slides of Italy and Madiera, for a lady to wear at her leimire (D-Nev.) not to seek reelection aa the farm problem Is sound,” Cold- talun on her trip to Europe, will that will benefit “ the so- indicating a likely GOP gain e'f south of here after taking off X” . gay dusters and brunch coats one seat water sal<L “ It is neceasary for qll from the big Ckntdian field at be shown by Miss Anne Malson. Society Planning called little fellow.” He said, of Us to realise that farmers were to brighten the early morning Senate membkrahip now in Qros Tenquin, near Metz. It Bill in GOP House however, this can be done going to have to go through a per had been expected to land at Pfc. 'Richard E. Scranton, son of hours . loungewear for lazy cludes ^6 Democrats and 47 Re Oiristmag Party only if the budget is publicans. iod of low income because of the Marville to pick up more pas Mr. and Mrs. James Scranton. 438 evenings or at-home hospitality. balanced. huge surpluses piled up under the sengers. The plane was de HlUstewn Rd.. received a watch Select from our special group. Goldwater said the GOP cam Democrats. SUte Capitol, Hartford, Dec. 3 </P>—State Democrats to paign committee will concentrate stroyed. after placing first in the Seventh Tht Dorcas Society-nf Emanuel ; "But the ultimate answer to the day held an uneasy lead in their fight to extend rent control Army 5-ton, tractor-trailer driving tsitheran Church will hold Its an Gettysburg, Pa., Dec. 8 (/P) tte greatest 1656 elforta against problem is supply and demand and a full year beyond Its sUtutory expiration date of March 81, contset in Germany. He la a mem nual potluck supper and Christ — President Eisenhower con democratic Sen. Lehman of New 1956. \ ; / York, Morse of Oregon and we all know It. It’s a question of ber of the 62nd Transportation Co. mas patty, Wednesday, Dee. 7, at $ *o ferred thid m om iM with hdw to get (there by the least pain stationed in Karlsruhe. 3.98 Magnuson of Washington — aa GM Head Says Following the stormiest session of thecilrrent special session, 6:15 sharp, in Luther Hall. Hos- >x House Republican leaner Mar well as In Nevada: ful method." teases will be assisted, by the exec May Disown Benson Policies the Democratic-controlled Senate passed the measure 16 to 9 S t Mary's Guild annual u le and tin pf Massachusetts in the GOP Faces Handicap i and sent it along to the Republican-controlled House where it vupper last evening, under the utive committee in Christmas dec- $ - The Republicans will go Into .the'’ Sen. Carlson (R-Kan). who Is He• Can* Refute oraUng the tables, and a spaclal 16.98 first of two meetings with again next year, Indi faces almost cerUin death. The Senate vote followed partT chairmanship of Mrs. Allan C. the top-GOP leaders in Con 1656 fight for Senate control at a Hotchkiss, president of the Guild, Christmas program will be pre- numerical disadvantage. Of the 32 cated he Isn’t going to be Identified lines in the senior chamber with five Senators absent and Mx •ented. 11 gress. seats up for contest, 17 now are too closely with the Benton, pro Dealer Critics o f them voting paired. was moat successful. : The New gram. England boiled dinner made a hit Members are requested to pro Martin went into the President’e held by Republicans and 15 by Debate on the issue was stormy and volatile with the Re with many of the men' and wom vide a casserole dish, a salad or office ehdrtly before 6:30 a.m. An Democrats. He already has endorsed a two- Washington. Dec. 8 (8b—Harlow Knit Slip! hour and a half later Beuate GOP publicans charging the Democrats with going beyond the en who bad been eating turkey dessert fdr the supper, also a 50- Furthermore.'nine of the 15 price plan under which wheat sold H. Curtice, president of General cant gift for exchangt. Tha com leader Knowland of California waa Democratic, seats are In Southern for food in this country would be scope o f the special session which was called to act oh legis BUiCh of the time since Thanks Motors Corp., has told Inquiring giving. In^ addition to the tasty mittee of hosteaaes includes the 90% cotton, 10% wooh-pink due in for a meeting that might or’Border states where the Repub supported at a high price level, lation to pay tor repairs to property damanfed in the August corned b ed and' cabbage, which following: Mrs. Dorothy Ander The slip that grandina has been Juat poasibly touch on Etaen- licans in past years have had litdc while wheat grown in excess of senators his Dm will offer ‘‘doc and October floods. 'f— ^-------—-------------------— ^--------- go so well together, the commit son, chairman; Miss Eunice Hel- hower*a aecond-term plana.