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The Ingham County News MUCH COLDER Springport Bindery Much co/clor tonight, Thursday; ~prlng~ort~ Mic~. Low tonlf}ht 12 ta 16, high Thursday, 18 to 22. Volume 105, No. 51 2 Sections, 24 Pages December 16 1 1964 10~ per copy Voters Apf!.rove 4 to 1 College Wins OK Voting Tables on Page A-ll Ingham county has Its own community county community college citizens study com­ Bloodmobile college, mittee, a member of the Lansing YMCA board of directors, a member of the board Participation Voters Tuesday approved 2 proposals re­ of managers of the American Baptist For­ garding the establishment of the college and eign Mission societies of Valley Forge, the assessment of a one mill tax for Its Pennsylvania, treasurer of the American Ft~lls Flat operation and expansion and elected 6 trus­ Baptist Student Foundation of Michigan State Eightycfour donors offered tees as the governing body of the Institu­ university and former finance committee chairman of the M 1 c h 1 g an Council of blood at the blo•Jdmoblle stop In tion, Churches, Trumble Is 50 years old. He Mason Friday. The effort net­ ted 80 pints of blood for the Proposal No. 1, to establish a community received 3,217 votes, Ingham county Red Cross b Joo1 college district In the county, carried by a Proposals I and 2 carried In every dis­ bank - a sum far short of the vote of 11,824 yes and 2, 775 no, trict but 2. Leslle voted down both pro­ area's quota of 125. Ray Collar, the BOth donor of Proposal No. 2, to levy a one mill tax posals and Wheatfield district (White Dog) cast tie votes on both proposals. the day was awarded the $25 prize annually for the operation and expansion presented by the Mason K! wanls of the county community college, carried by a vote of 11,248 yes and 3 363 no, Voting was e)(tremely light. Less than club In an effort to boost s<Jpport 1 15,000 voters In the county took the trouble of the bloodmobile program. Thn.s"' who offered blood were: From a list of 38 candidates for mem­ to go to the polls. This Is less than 15 Edward Campbell, Margaret bers of the board, the voters selected these percent of the estimated registered elec­ tors in the county, Bement, Charles Deland, Robert 6: Hayhoe, Peggy Lewis, Bernard Plakke, Paul Snyder, Margie DAVID DIEHL, Dansville farmer who with Now that approval has been given to the his father and brother operates Dlehlflelds Ingham county community college Issue what Clark, Bettie Hart, Ralph Hart, happens next? Nanette Comstock, Jam.:s F'rew, at Dansville, He Is a former member and Jack Lewis, Frank Guerriero, former president ol the Dansville board of The Ingham County News asked that ques­ Robert Ware, Erma Ware, Gen­ education, a member of the Ingham Inter­ mediate board of eclucatlon, and served on tion of 2 prominent educators, Dr, Ferris evieve Burch, Uoyd M•)rrls1 Donna Hayhoe, Mary Jane the community college citizens study com­ Crawford of the state department of public Boughner, Lorraine Bebee, mittee which planned the proposed com­ Instruction, and Alton J. Stroud, superin­ munity college district, Diehl Is 4G years tendent of the Ingham Intermediate school Barbara F razler, Harold Frank­ districts. CHRISTMAS MUSIC- Miss Yolanda Dillon next. This mirror-reflected picture of Miss Dillon lin, Lois Silsby, Leo Allaire, old and married. He polled a total of 4,583 Louis Beratta, Richard Brown, votes in Tuesday's election, is providing Christmas shoppers with organ music was taken by Archy Ammerman. Miss Dillon's Jami!S Kramer, WlllarciJ, Every, Said Dr. era wford: Lena E. Ely, L, J. Cantrlll, Rob­ CECIL E. MCDONALD, superintendent in the lobby of Mason State bank this week and performances are presented daily from 10 to 11 "Transfer of the Lansing Community col­ ert Inghram, William E. Par­ of East Lansing public schools for the past lege to the newly formed Ingham county and from 1 unti I 3. sons, Ivan Kerr Dorothy Hall, 15 years, a member of the community 1 district, w111 be by mutual agreement of Lola Palmer, David Woods, Bar­ college citizens study committee, a mem­ the Lansing board of education ancl the ry Wentland, Gretchen Schnepp, ber of the East Lansing Community coun­ newly elected board of trustees of the Ing. Betty Wireman, Lawrence T. cil, the Capitol Area Economic Opportunity ham district community college, Library Gregory, Judy E. Mohlman, Ed­ comm!.ttee and a past president of the Mich­ ward L, Ware, Charles Klpke, igan Association of School Administrators. "The law provides that a local district Frank Allen, Robert Drexler, McDonald Is 59 years old. He received 4,255 votes. operating a community college (such as Lan­ t-4\oson Registers Ring Adjusts Madelene H1lls, Robert Sitler, sing) may lease, sell or give Its property Leonard Carter, Alb·~rt Humph­ to a new district (such as the Ingham county rey, Helen Ware, Paul M'Jdgett ALBERT J. BOYD of Lansing, execu­ district). Jr., \f!P\vln Battlge, Jay Day, tive vice-president of the Greater Lan­ Wage Scale Alo<:I~~ewman, Go!'don Kars­ slnr; Chamber of Commerce, served with In the event the property is sold, the Christmas business Is better Shoppers this year are buying among other Items. lake, Clara Burgess, Lawrence the community college citlzens study com­ The Ingham county library terms of sale must be agreed upon by both than It was last year In Mason. more fruits ancl baking supplies, "Business Is better than we Burgess, Robert N. Clark, Lyle mittee. He has been president of the Na­ board, in session here last Wed­ the Lansing board and the Ingham cllstrlct That Is the opinion of several Scribner said, In meat line tur- exp:cled", an official at the Newman, Larry Nelson, Mar­ tional Institute for Organization Management, nesday, adjusted upward wage c. board and also by the state superintendent merchants lntervlewecl during the keys top the list In Christmas Chesley Drug store said. "We gie Snook, Mrs. Freada Nesbitt, Eaton County representallve on the Tri­ rates of 22 part tim.~· library of publlc Instruction. past week, purchases. are selling a lot of wrist wat- John H. Coy, Hollan:! Dart, Rich­ County Regional Planning commission, He Eel Ware of Ware's drug and Scribner ascribes the big de- Is 56 years old, Boyd polled 4,045 votes. ches and 'English Leather', employes In the county library ard Woodland, Mrs. Lynda Tide­ camera shop, said Christmas mand for baking supplies to the "No definite tlme Is set for the trans­ men's toiletries, Is In big de­ system and approved an Increase man, Vaughn Snook, trade Is exceeding the 1963 hol- fact that many families this year DAVID FROH of East Lansing Is sta­ fer''· mand, As a whole we are doing in the hours of operation of Mary Rich, M.:s, Jennie Clark, !clay season, and shoppers are are making candy, cakes ancl tion manager of WILS, Lansing Bcoadcas­ better than last year. The big some branches of the system, Kenneth Sheffer, Edward Duke, buying better quality goods this other pastries for the Christmas ting company, Inc. He is a former direc­ Said Stroud: rush wlll be between now and The board also accepted 2 Stan Bryson, Hollis Bartlett, season. season. Verle Lamphere, Everett Mid­ tor of the Lansing Chamber of Commerce, Christmas", gifts for the Hall Mem·:>rlal li­ "It Is now the duty of Donald Crakes Transistor television sets, As usual oranges, tangerines daugh, Floyd Baker, Mathilda and a member of the advisory council on brary in Mason. One was a new of Leslle, president of the Ingham Inter­ transistor radios, cameras all and nuts, both In bulk an:! pack- Christmas business is good as Browers, Doyle M. Newman, naval affairs and the citizens task force on American flag, presented by Mrs. mediate board of education to call together are moving well as are the ex- aged, are In big demand. It has been all the year, B.J. M.A. Bergin of Mason, the other James N. Brown, Raymond Col­ municipal efficiency, Frob Is 42 years old. the members of the newly elected board of elusive cosmetics, such as Ar- Scribner says lines of watches, Cady of Mason Appliance com­ a staff for the flag from the lar, D.R, Scofield, Miss Freda He received 3,988 votes. trustees who have been chosen by the voters page, Chane!, Faberge and D'- and transistor radios which the pany said. He believes that spend­ Harris, Elizabeth Linden ancl Mason Women's club. to direct the destinies of the Ingham County orsay. store stocks, also are attract- ing this Christmas season Is to Rolph Silsby, JOHN H. DART, Mason insurance agent Community college. At this meeting the Jeff Scribner, store manager lng many buyers. the bigger and higher priced The flag and staff w111 be Gallon donors were: Charles and lifelong resident of Ingham county, a board will elect Its officers. at Densmore's super mar:ket, Densmore's store Is gaylyde~- Items. placed In the Elgie Crossman Deland, 1 gallon pin; Harold graduate of Mason high school, Michigan says the Christmas rush Is now orated In Christmas attire and a room of the library. F ranklln, 2 gallon pln; Dick State university and Harvard law school, on In earnest and he expects It large Christmas tree has been "We are selling lots of colored Announcement was made that Brown, 1 gallo.1 pin; Louis Ber­ a former high school teacher, prominent "When this Is completed the Ingham In­ to ln:rease In volume as t11e hall- set up In front o~ the store.
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