Sharing the Vision June 2020 News from the Wessex Synod

Note: Items headed in grey have appeared in the newsletter previously

Pastoral News Congratulations to Helen Higgin-Botham, who has been appointed by Southern Synod to serve at Christ Church Chichester and Pagham. Helen will start her new ministry at the beginning of July. Congratulations to Adam Payne (currently a member at Street URC), who has been appointed to serve at . Adam starts on 1st September, with his induction date to be arranged. Covid-19 The latest advice about the reopening of church buildings for private prayer can be found on the URC website, This includes an updated advice note from the General Secretary and Synod Moderators, a new Covid-19 Risk Assessment document which has been created by the Moderators, an example of a completed Risk Assessment form, and a new disclaimer poster which can be displayed once the Risk Assessment has been completed and it is safe for the building to reopen. The URC Bookshop now has some practical items in stock for when our buildings reopen,, with more to follow. Church House have advised caution when purchasing supplies online as some sites are charging a huge mark-up on items. Please check out the URC Shop before purchasing elsewhere for a price comparison. Free, downloadable and customisable resources will be added to the URC website shortly, and links will be available to these on the coronavirus advice page. Covid-19 Employment update no.6 Government advice and guidance has changed and continues to be updated concerning the Job Retention Scheme. Please ensure you keep up with these changes. The following links may help: • retention-scheme/changes-to-the-coronavirus-job-retention-scheme • • to-working-safely Please have a read through these pages for general information, advice and guidance. If you can’t find a solution to your particular situation do contact me by phone or email. I will do my best to help.

1 An important non-virus-related change to employment law as of 6th April 2020 concerns the requirement for an employer to provide a written statement of particulars (usually via a contract of employment) on or before the first day of employment. This replaces the previous time frame of the first two months of employment. Penny Thatcher, Wessex Synod Employment Adviser [email protected] 07910 601751 URC HR Focus newsletter The latest edition of the URC’s HR Focus newsletter is available here: _HR_Focus.pdf New reality, same mission The URC are pleased and excited to announce the launch of a new URC resource booklet ‘New reality, same mission: A stimulus to renewed community engagement as we emerge from the pandemic’: to-renew-community-engagement-as-we-emerge-from-the-pandemic The resource is complementary to the Ready for the new ‘normal’ booklet produced last month by the URC Synod Moderators, and uses questions in that paper as its starting-point. It was put together by a small team from the Mission and Discipleship departments, along with three CRCWs and Niall Cooper, Director of Church Action on Poverty. The booklet offers a process for exploring questions of community presence and engagement and social justice in the “new normal” and developing new priorities for mission and ministry. Reflection is also invited about the kind of society and economy that we want to rebuild after the pandemic. It features examples of how churches around the UK are already an active presence in their communities in many different ways, and points to resources and organisations that can provide advice and support. The booklet can be downloaded via this link: Please would you kindly have a look at the booklet and where appropriate, publicise and circulate it around your colleagues and networks? The resource will be accompanied by some conversation-starter videos and, in a few weeks, a webinar to enable to discussion to continue. Further details will be available at: We hope it proves a useful resource for local congregations and their members, and an encouragement as we seek to discern how to use our time, resources and energies to offer prophetic hope in uncertain and challenging times.

2 How can we respond to the current crises, in how our money is used? The current Coronavirus pandemic has awakened us to the frailty of our accepted social and economic norms. Also, the accelerating global warming crisis should have alerted us to the danger of continuing in the ways we have been used to in ‘developed’ countries, especially over the last 40 years. The churches, and we as individual Christians, are being asked to respond to these challenges by taking actions to reflect our professed values, following the example of our Lord, whose concern over exploitation of the poor even led to his only ever recorded violent actions, when he confronted the moneychangers in the Temple forecourt. We may be able to take the opportunity of current social isolation, and possibly slightly more free time, to review how our money is being used in various ways in relation to these issues, and act accordingly. If so, the Church and Society Group of our Synod encourage you to look at the article on the Synod website at the following link: How we can change the way our money is used article which outlines some of the points to consider, and has reference links with further useful information. Prayers of Thanksgiving – photo collection Helen Everard, Chaplain to the incoming Assembly Moderators, is involved in organising the induction service on 11th July for Peter and Clare as Assembly Moderators, and of John Bradbury, as the new General Secretary. John has suggested that during the "Prayers of Thanksgiving” we use a montage of images of churches responding to the challenges of Covid-19. If you have a photograph which you could share, along with a short caption of what is happening, and where, please send them, with a subject line of “Thanksgiving Photo" direct to Andy Jackson, the Head of Communications at [email protected] by 3rd July. Two Prayers for Churches To help our congregations lift up global concerns during this pandemic season Provided by the World Church Group Prayers for Zambia by Nigel Appleton During this season of pandemic — a prayer for Wessex Synod by Ana Gobledale Available at the link below: Life after the Storm The Lincolnshire Methodist District has produced a resource called “Life after the storm” which provides some interesting biblical reflection material, along with practical matters around how we are church in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic. You may find parts of it helpful to use alongside the URC’s “New Normal” publication. You can find it at Storm.pdf

3 Black Lives Matter reflection Why should they experience brutality in the hands of the police? Why should they experience injustice from the justice system? Why experience inequality and racism in the classroom and in all work settings? Why are they affected the most in the face of Covid-19 pandemic? Is it by choice to be born black? Yes, there were slaves Yes, they continue to be oppressed Yes, it has been happening for centuries Alas they are growing in numbers and intellectually Brutalities, injustices, inequalities and racism will not contain them Black lives are part of the universe, they are not going anywhere Black lives cannot remain in their station, who has a right to define their station? Their empowerment cannot be stopped Change is inevitable; it is happening and will continue happening The kind support from their brown and white friends cannot go unnoticed. Sympathy is not enough, help them bring about change with actions, talents and imaginations. Black, brown or white we are all made in the image of God, Genesis 1:26-27. Let us live together peacefully and respectfully. May God teach us to love one another. To the black, brown and white lives, your mental well being matters too. A break from news and social media can bring some reprieve. Wonderful reflections from Rev Zaidi Orr and Rev David Jonathan can also help our mental wellbeing at this time of Black Lives Matter demonstrations and Covid-19 pandemic. These are found on the URC website: By Enala Bhebhe, Wessex Synod Church and Society Group We Will Meet When the Danger is Over – a hymn John Bell has written a hymn relating to the current situation. Words, score and a video are all available to use freely so long as they are properly credited. Details here: We will meet when the danger is over hymn Mission Committee At the recent Mission Committee meeting, a resolution was passed asking local churches and individuals to consider writing to their MP about the proposed annexation of large parts of the West Bank by the Israeli Government. Further details available on the URC website: urges-christians-to-oppose-west-bank-annexation.html.

4 GEAR Pray4URC GEAR (the Group for Evangelism and Renewal within the are planning a weekly gathering for prayer on Thursday evenings at 8.15pm. A group will be meeting via Zoom, and will then stream the meeting live, so that anyone can join in. You are invited to join in via this link: Good News Story from Guildford URC Guildford URC is unusual in having a resident Caretaker, Andrew Lee. Although COVID-19 forced cancellation of the many regular activities by the church and local community groups Andrew has kept the building active including recording components of Sunday services for our website and supervising our collection for Guildford’s Salvation Army Food Bank. When the organisers of the London Marathon challenged fundraisers to find other ideas Andrew came up with a special event for Christian Aid Week: the Lockdown Marathon – 26 miles indoors in Guildford URC! On Tuesday 12 May he completed 439 (and a half) circuits of the building, the longest walk he’d ever done, completed in just under 10 hours. He was almost too tired to comment at the end but said I hadn’t foreseen quite how difficult this would be but the result was well worth the pain and I really appreciated all the moral support from well-wishers during the day. The church occupies a prominent site on a main road so this event helped raise the profile of Christian Aid and the church itself. Church members, Andrew’s friends and family, and other local well-wishers responded magnificently and, including the Synod’s doubling of donations designated for Commitment for Life, raised the staggering total of nearly £6200. Congratulations, Andrew! YouTube video: Good News Story This picture of The Revd Dr Jill Thornton with a pair of comfort pebbles is in the June issue of the free Vantagepoint magazine which is circulated throughout the and North Hampshire areas The article at practical-support-in-challenging-times-with-phyllis-tuckwell/ looks at the ways in which the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice is adapting to the current situation and describes the work of the Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy Team which Jill leads. Members of the team are able to sit and talk with patients, and read out messages which their loved ones have sent them when they are unable to visit due to coronavirus restrictions. Patients can talk to friends and relatives on phone or video calls any time they want to, and those with a TV in their room can bring in photographs which can be uploaded and shown on their TV screens on a loop. Families are offered comfort pebbles, one of which can be kept by

5 the patient and the other taken by their loved ones, or can take home a vigil candle from the chapel, as a way of keeping a link with the Hospice and their loved one. Reproduced with permission from Vantage Publishing Ltd , 9 Chestnut Suite, Guardian House, Godalming GU7 2AE Vacancy: Moderator Thames North Synod Full-time, seven-year termed appointment, Minister’s stipend. General Assembly wishes to appoint a United Reformed Church minister to serve as Thames North Synod Moderator following the retirement of the Revd Dr Andrew Prasad. Anyone may nominate a potential candidate. Full details available here: Deadline 22/06/2020 - Wessex Synod Clerk (New Post) 18 hours per week Salary: £13,800 (equivalent to 50% of ministerial stipend) Applications from elders, members, retired ministers and non-stipendiary ministers are all welcome. The role of Synod Clerk in the Wessex Synod has six principal elements: 1. To support the life and work of the Synod. 2. To work with the Synod Moderator, providing support and assistance as appropriate. 3. To support the work of the Synod Executive. 4. To facilitate the access of individuals, churches and committees to the information and connections they need to work effectively. 5. To be a means of connecting the Synod with the wider life of the United Reformed Church. 6. To direct the provision of administrative support to the work of the Synod. Wessex Synod covers a large part of central Southern (map of ). The post holder will be expected to live within the Synod area, to work from home, spend time in the Synod Office and also be willing at times to travel throughout the area. The Job description and person specification are available from the Synod Office, and anyone wishing to talk informally about what is involved should contact the current clerk. For an application form, please contact the Synod Office: [email protected] Telephone: 023 8067 8570 Closing date for applications: Noon on 22nd June 2020 Interview date: 8th July 2020

6 Small groups in your church Are you running small groups in your church and would like some inspiration for running them online? I was pointed in the direction of this resource by Revd Sally Dakin, Spiritual Advisor in the Diocese of Winchester. It may be worth looking at and seeing what might be useful for you. Here is the link Mary Thomas, DSO - South Free Church Chaplaincy at Bournemouth University Free Church Chaplaincy Management Committee for Higher Education In Bournemouth And Poole wish to appoint a Free Church Chaplain to work part time at Bournemouth University and Arts University Applications are invited from members of Free Churches For further details please contact Mark Priestley on 01202 895739 Closing date for applications Friday 10th July 2020 More information also available here: church-chaplaincy-at-bournemouth-university/ Joint Public Issues Team The May newsletter is available here: 6VG7I-DE97YVNL81/cr.aspx The June newsletter is available here: 6X0HE-DE97YVNL81/cr.aspx News Update News Update is seeking anything of interest for the denomination as a whole from across the country – and the nations. Any news/photos/event information for the next edition should be sent to: [email protected] You can subscribe to News Update via the link on the URC website. View the May News Update here Information and Resources for during Covid-19 The coronavirus advice page on the URC website is being updated with resources and advice on a semi basis: coronavirus-advice-to-its-churches The Synod’s worship/prayer resource page is: Synod Worship and Prayer Resource Page The Synod’s practice information and resource page is also updated often: Practical information during Covid-19

7 Reform The digital version of Reform Magazine is available for free for as long as lockdown continues and is available here: reform-for-free/ Save the dates: September Area Gatherings Area Date Venue South West Monday 14th Salisbury North West Wednesday 16th Thatcham South East Monday 21st Petersfield North East Wednesday 23rd tbc A reminder to: Save the Date – Synod Big Day Out 2021 URC Wessex Synod - Big Day Out Date: 24th April 2021 Time: 11am till 5pm Venue: Hollycombe Steam Fair and Museum near Liss (Wessex Synod will have sole use of the whole site) Theme: Heroes and Villains More details to follow. Upcoming Synod events Bookings for all events and training courses to Ruth Heine at the Synod Office Email: [email protected] Tel: 023 8067 4513 Development and Support A Taste of Stepwise – short film Here is the link to a short 5 minute film introducing Stepwise, ‘A Taste of Stepwise’. Further information about Stepwise on the Synod website, Stepwise page. Stepwise goes online! This is an update to let you know that an online group for the Stepwise Faith Filled Life Stream will be starting soon. Not limited by geography this group will follow the same content of the stream, so participants will have the same opportunity for deepening their discipleship, just using a different medium for group interaction.

The stream facilitators will be Ruth White and Kevin Dudman.

If you are interested in joining a group for the first of the Stepwise streams, Faith Filled Life, please complete the participant form. Places will be limited.

8 For more details and to ask any questions please contact Ruth [email protected] Kevin [email protected] or contact your Development and Support Officer, Mary Thomas [email protected] or Ray Stanyon [email protected]

Children’s and Youth Events and Training Mental Health First Aid training – update People who are furloughed by their employer are allowed to take part in training.

Mental Health First Aid Awareness training. This four-hour course is now available online. There are places available on Wednesday 15 July, 9am – 1pm. The closing date for bookings is Friday 3rd July.

An online replacement for the 2-day certificated course is now available across four afternoon sessions with some self-study in between. If you are interested in qualifying as a Mental Health First Aider, please let me know: your name will be added to a waiting list and you will be informed of the next set of dates. Wessex Synod covers the cost, so the training is free to participants from member churches. Safeguarding Training – update We are starting to roll out the safeguarding training online across three sessions. The first course is full but there will be new dates coming soon: these will be publicised in the usual ways. If you are interested in attending, please contact me so that your name can be added to a waiting list. Looking further ahead, it is not yet clear when in-person training can resume. Possibly at Woking URC on two Thursday evenings (17 September and 1st October 2020). 7pm – 9.30pm. We will confirm nearer the time whether this training can take place. Participants must attend both sessions to complete the training. At Fleet URC on Saturday 6 February 2021. 10am – 4pm. Children’s & Youth resources – on the synod website Take a look at the Children’s & Youth resources page on the Synod website! Families on Faith Adventures @ Home! Updates from Children’s & Youth desk at Church House Trialogue – new weekly online YouTube broadcast for 16 to 25 year olds Every Thursday at 7pm. URC Youth are very excited to launch a new weekly online live YouTube broadcast called ‘Trialogue’. Aimed at 16 to 25 year olds, each session will explore a theme alongside a Bible passage, providing a spring board for further discussion and reflection. 3 Panellists, 3 Questions, 3 Values. Further information and the link to join the discussions

9 Wessex Summer Camps – postponed to July 2021 We are sorry that Wessex Summer Camps had to be postponed this year, but we are excited about running them again next year at Oakwood Activity Centre, Wokingham. The Big Speak Out – online 24 – 26 July 2020. The residential event for 11 to 18 year olds has had to be postponed until next year. However, this does not mean that there will be no Big Speak Out. Instead it will be a new venture—a Big Speak Out Online. Over the weekend of 24 – 26 July, young people will be able to join in with a range of sessions—some social, some Bible/theme-based discussion, some workshops and prep for an online worship which will be screened live on the Sunday. Naturally there will also be plenty of breaks. The weekend will be free, though we will be asking participants to register and commit to joining in the whole event. Sign up here Children’s Day – update Saturday 12 September 2020. Please continue to save the date! We are looking to offer this day in some format (possibly online) and will keep in touch regarding the details once we know more about restrictions in September. Synod Youth Weekend – change of date to November Unfortunately, the date in May had to be cancelled but we are pleased to announce that the weekend has been re-scheduled for 14-15 November 2020. At Park Place Pastoral Centre, Wickham, near Fareham, PO17 5HA. For ages 14 - 25 years. A chance to have your say, have fun, learn basic sign language and explore spirituality and prayer. Does your church have a good news story? If your church has something it would like to share with people via the Synod Website page “Stories from our Churches”, please send the article to the Synod Office and we will publish it on that page. NB If using photographs please ensure you have signed permission from those people featured for it to be published on the Synod Website (not just for your own personal church’s use) and supply this at the same time as submitting the article. New Stories are added as when they are received, so do keep an eye on the page regularly.

10 Prayer Calendar The Synod Prayer Calendar is available on the Synod Website and also each month in this enewsletter. Please note that it is updated from time to time, for example when a church closes it will be removed from the list. Please refer to the website/enewsletter before printing weekly prayer sheets to ensure the most up to date information. Thank you. July • The URC Meeting of General Assembly 5 • The Moderator and Synod Staff • Poole, Longfleet • Reading: Lower Earley 12 • Windsor • Havant • Thatcham 19 • Poole: Skinner Street • Gosport St Columba • Reading: St Andrew’s 26 • Guildford: Normandy • Wimborne August • Oxford: Summertown 2 • Verwood • Weybridge • Reading: Park 9 • Isle of Wight: Ryde • Parkstone 16 • Guildford: Westborough Church • Portsmouth: Buckland • Tadley 23 • Weymouth: Radipole • Marlow 30 • Christchurch: Burton Green • Southampton: Bitterne Items for the next edition to [email protected] by 12noon on 13th July 2020 Please submit news items in the form of: a heading; date and venue details; a brief descriptive sentence and a website link.