an initiative of the European Union MEDIA II Programme with the sup- port of the Italian Government Via Soperga, 2 • 20127 Milano • Italy tel. +39.02.66984405 fax +39.02.6691574 e-mail:
[email protected] International Edition no. 4 - November 1999 is that consisting of films co-produced with The core mission of MEDIA Salles is to pro- The circulation other European countries, or more often file European films, at all levels and with- of European films entirely produced, by the United Kingdom. in various areas. In order to succeed in this In this second group, we find practical- huge challenge it is vital to cooperate ly all the other European titles that have with a wide range of professionals with- Every year in the European Cinema Year- been circulating successfully in Europe; in all relevant segments of the film industry, book, MEDIA Salles publishes information i.e. exhibition and distribution. on the most successful films in each of amongst these: Bean; Full Monty, Spice- The ultimate target of all projects is of course the European countries analysed. world, Borrowers, Shooting Fish. the audience. Without an audience, film It is, in fact, possible (through the admis- With the exclusion of the UK, there are production is absurd. Thus any initiative sions) to discover for each country in the few films that can be considered “Euro- from the MEDIA Programme is a political year under consideration, the 10 most suc- pean successes”. Amongst them are the action, exercised in a practical, promotional cessful films in absolute terms and the 10 entirely Italian-produced La Vita è Bella, and informative way.