CONFERENCE BOOK ORGANISING SECRETARIAT Lavinia Galli Fondazione Umberto Veronesi Piazza Velasca, 5 - 20122 Milano - Italy Telephone: +39 02 76018187 - Fax: +39 02 76406966 THIRD WORLD CONFERENCE
[email protected] - THIRD WORLD CONFERENCE 1 We are pleased to welcome you to the Third World Conference on the Future of Science. Fondazione Giorgio Cini, This year’s theme - The Energy Challenge - pertains directly with an important declaration of the Venice Charter (strategic document for the Future of Science Island of San Giorgio Maggiore. programme) that “applied research must be concerned with goals that are essential for the future of humanity, including improvement of energy efficiency and reduction of fossil fuel use”. The Conference starting point is a proposition on which almost everyone now agrees: fossil fuels can no longer be the mainstay of humanity’s energy supply. However the search for alternative energy sources cannot be left to science and industry alone, but must involve the whole of society because the choices are momentous and the political and ethical implications far-reaching. It will be necessary to strike balances between impacts on productivity and the environment and to manage the economic and social costs. To successfully move away from fossil fuel dependence we need to free ourselves from outmoded ideological baggage, and the vested and local interests that suffocate innovation in energy policy. It will also be necessary to make the universal, objective and future-orientated voice of science heard as never before; this may be achieved, as the Venice Charter affirms, by actively reasserting the humanism of science, its intrinsic spirit of tolerance, and its incompatibility with absolutism of all forms.