REFERENCE; 2 April 1998

Dear Mr. Picco, On behalf of the Secretary-General, who is currently out of the country, I am writing in reply to your letter to him of 13 March. The Secretary-General is very honoured to have been chosen as this year's recipient of the Medal of the President of the Italian Republic. He will certainly be among distinguished company and is greatly encouraged by this recognition of his efforts and those of the United Nations as a whole. Given the demands of his schedule in October 1998, the Secretary-General would like to know whether it might be possible for a representative to accept the medal on his behalf. I would be grateful for a reply at your convenience.

Yours sincerely,

/'•/^^"i> S. f IqbaLRiza—--/f I T\ • irffiJi " "" Chef de Cabinet £/

Mr. Giandomenico Picco Vice President Pio Manzu International Research Centre General Secretariat 47040 Verucchio Via Budrio, 35 57 51 Pjo Manzu International Research Centre

E .6 B n f E HE Kofi Annan Secretary General MAR 1 3 1998 United Nations Organizatioi EXECUT VE OFFICE ,., , i ~< Consultative organ of the New York, NY 10017 OFTHESECRETARY-CENERAL Mai'Cil iJ, United Nations and UNIDO General Secretariat 47040 Verucchio Italy Via Budrio, 35

My dear Secretary General, Telephone: 0541-678.139-670.220 I am writing to you in my capacity as Vice Fax: 0541-670.172 Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Pio Manzu Center in Rimini Italy to inform you that our committee has unanimously agreed to award you the Medal of the President of the Italian Republic on the occasion of our annual event in October 1998. Our Center was established 24 years ago and has since recognized Scientific Committee many personalities including your predecessors, HE Javier Perez De Cuellar, Honorary President Henry A. Kissinger when he was in office, former President George Bush, and former President President Mikhail Gorbachev for their achievements. The late Foreign Minister Hoist of Mikhail Gorbachev Vice President Norway was also awarded the Medal of the President of the Italian Republic Giandomenico Picco as were others. They all came to the Pio Manzu Center to receive their award. Members Every year, we focus on a theme for three days ofjdiscjj.s^onsjmongst Giuliano Amato experts"and personalities fronTall ovefthe vvofrdTThis year, under the title Enrico Boselli Giampiero Cantoni "TheTfonzon. of^^Hemies"'^ve'liit'eTi"d'To'fackle the theme of ecological and Claude Cheysson Luigi Coccioli health-care emergencies in the context of fundamental human values. We Furio Colombo Theo Crosby intend to draw attention to the relationship between ethical systems, on one Giuseppe De Rita Alain De Vulpian hand, and ecological disequilibrium as well as bio-technological and Federico Fellim Enrico Garaci information advances on the other. A reflection on human values, a search for Gary Hart Robert Hormats a new humanistic revolution, a look at the horizons of science as tools to Joseph LaPalombara Wassily Leontiel manage the ecological and health care emergencies predicted for the next Edward N. Luttwak Igor Man century. Gianlranco Miglio John Naisbitt The opening ceremony of our three-day conference will take place in Herbert Ohl Carlo Rubbia Rimmi1_on_Sunday October 18, 1998. It will be broadcast live on Italian Eugenio Silin Giampaolo Sodano television. WeTTaveinviLed other personalities to be present with you that day, Mario Guido Talamona Kenzo Tange including Hillary Rodham Clinton, Gro Harlem Brunt land, the Italian Minister Jan Tinbergen Alvin Toffler of Health, Steven Spielberg and Stephen Gould from Harvard. I understand Heidi Toffler Victor Uckmar that the Deputy Prime Minister of Italy Walter Veltroni will also be attending Ahmed Zaki Yamam your award ceremony. Sergio Zavoli

I hope that you and Mrs. Annan will consider accepting our invitation President, Executive Board and Legal Representative which of course will be at no cost to the United Nations Organization. A draft Silvio Ceccato

program is enclosed for your convenience. Secretary General Please accept, my dear Secretary General, the assurances of my highest Gerardo Filiberto Dasi consideration. Research and activities promoting the development .

XXIV International Conference promoted by the Pio Manzu Research Centre, Farmindustria, the Villa Maria Foundation and Tosinvest Healthcare

The Horizon of Hermes Ecological and health-care emergencies in the context of fundamental human values

Rimini - Novell! Theatre and Grand Hotel 17-20 October 1998

(provisional draft for internal use only) updated as on 11 March 1998

47826 Verucchio, Italy - Via Budrio, 35 - Telephone (0541) 678.139 - 670.220

Copyright 1993/Centro Plo Manzti - Vsrucchio (FIN) MR.884 P.6 ll.MflR.1998 18=48 CENTRO PIO MflNZU


The birth of the new millennium human being and his ability to brings with it a whole series of far- interact on a moral footing with the reaching issues regarding the future world around him. of man, the ecological balance of the The launch-pad for this second earth, relations between peoples, humanistic revolution - capable of and, last but not least, our very integrating patchy or antagonistic concept of humanity. Our human value systems, of accommodating history in these years, revolutionised, them so as to release man's creative as it has been, by the rapid potential, and of rediscovering a development of biotechnology and fruitful convergence of different computer science, is undergoing a cultures, periods and interests - must breathtaking acceleration, as necessarily be a new educational evinced, on the one hand, by the project aimed at restoring proper swift decline in established practices dialogue between the individual and and habits and, on the other, by the society, between the northern and dramatic evolution taking place in the southern hemispheres and between biosphere, with its ecological, man and the rest of the universe. climatic and demographic changes. Restoring trust in knowledge - the Mankind is thus faced with an light of Hermes of Renaissance uncertain and subtly shifting horizon tradition - means being able to view as a result of a state of upheaval this horizon with renewed hope. characterised by political and social Believing in man means making situations of major instability where every effort to enhance his ethical sudden changes in conceptual awareness, giving free rein to his frameworks give rise to situations talent and staking everything on his which prove by no means easy to authenticity so that well-being can understand and govern. Now that become a contagious form of energy our millenarian fears have been and generosity can have an allayed, we find ourselves facing irresistible magnetic appeal, capable these uncertainties with an of achieving the right blend of awareness of the risks and the commitment and satisfaction, of opportunities inherent in any phase individual development and public of non-equilibrium. At the same time, virtue. however, we are becoming We need a system of Knowledge increasingly aware of the impelling which embraces potentiality and need for reflection, encompassing moderation, capable of creating for man in his totality so as to itself a fabric which is more elastic strengthen his inner resources and and selectively permeable to the renew the very fabric of his well- flows of change implicit in a being, taking as our starting point computerised, globalised world, those qualities of empathy, creativity, Space and time are shrinking, mutual respect and intellectual undermining the significance of the honesty which alone enable us to concept of hie etnunc which has safeguard the realisation of the dominated the scene of western

Copyright lS3S/C«nira Pie Manzto - V&rucchh (RN) P.7 ll.MflR.1998 18=49 CENTRO PIO MflNZU NR.884

Saturday 17 October

culture for two thousand years. Our from 10.00-24.00 success in meeting the challenge of tomorrow's world hinges, in fact, on Grand Hotel, Rimini (Marina Centra) our ability to break the bonds of the here and now. The emergencies of the new millennium can be Registration of officially invited successfully tackled only if human guests kind is able to rebuild the foundations of its existence by Conference Secretariat creating a constructive synergy Loretta Valloni between fundamental human values and avant-garde research. 16.00-20.00 Sala Leonardo Grand Hotel Congress Centre Talk show Human and post-human: changing identities on the verge of the new millennium Human chimeras, produced by the fusion of two embryos, eugenics projects related to the development of practices of genetic manipulation of germ cells, the cloning of animals and projects for a human clone, xenotransplants with the formation of human mosaics harbouring cell populations of different species, prosthetic and cybernetic grafts, head transplants, transgenic practices, embryo splitting - these are but a few of the highly controversial developments which the dizzying advances in biotechnology are rapidly transforming into feasible propositions. These issues, which are largely unfamiliar to the lay public, except in their more general, sensationajfstic aspects, are not only bringing about a crisis among those whose job it is to debate their implications in terms of ethics and Copyright 1998/Gentrv Pio ManzCi - Veruochlo (RN) ll.HnR.1998 18:50 CENTRO PIO MANZU NR.884 P.8

Saturday 17 October

values, but are seriously science fiction models of the Cyborg undermining our very concept of to the practical use of endocranial humanity. sensors for the blind, particularly if To this we should add that, over the we think that a substantial proportion last decade, there has been a of biological studies today are based substantial philosophical and artistic specifically on the supersenses of revolution regarding the idea of post- animals. humanity, as referring most notably From the myth of Jessica Rabbit to to the topics of hybridisation, change the film "The Mask", new models and of identity and the use of the body as new desires are entering the world of a place for narrative expression and man's fmagination and creative visual imagery. These topics warrant fantasy. Animated cartoons display the fullest and clearest coverage possibilities and functions which are possible so as to trace a map in what beyond the reach of organic matter: appears to be an authentic labyrinth. for example, flexibility, plasticity, Post-human aesthetics presents indestructibility, the possibility of almost contradictory aspects: on the exploding and coming together one hand it is a quest to see how far again, of bouncing. All this has been one can go, in terms of individual encouraged by the products of the self-assertiveness, in opposition to a film industry, which has created standardising, conformist world, but moments of close interaction at the same time it denotes an between the world of the cartoon impelling need to belong. and that of man, Today, the comic is The abuse of prostheses is one of a mine of models to be imitated and the features of our time which links even proposed In the real world. the ancient Promethean tissue- The final dream, amidst the mists of regeneration myth - now made science fiction and ufology, possible by scientific dev©|op-ment - resembles a kind of departure of to the desire, peculiar to our day man from the biological reality of th© and age, to incorporate parts and earth. Once again, what man mechanical optionals in the body to appears to refuse is being unable to replace what nature originally decide his ultimate destiny: death. endowed us with. The outcomes of this custom are far from being a Giancarlo Mazzuca foregone conclusion, especially in Journalist view of the growth of the possibilities will interview: available. The use of prostheses is becoming a Towards hybrid space new way of matching up to the Eleanors Fiararu models proposed and of increasing Epistemologist, Geymonat Institute, the opportunities for winning approval and acceptance; at the same time, however, it is influencing The genetic mess our way of being. It is, in actual fact, Darto Fo not such a very far cry from the Nobel Laureate for Literature (1997) Copyright fSSS/Cerrtro Plo Manzu - V&rucctjb (RN) ll.MflR.1998 18:52 CENTRO PIO MflNZU NR.884 P.9

Saturday 17 October

Changing identities 21.00 Teresa Maori European Congress Centre - Bellaria Art critic and essayist, Catanzaro A meeting with Peter Gabriel The sex appeal of inorganic matter Mario Perniola Making peace with the planet, Professor of Aestehetics, Faculty of rediscovering man Arts and Philosophy, Tor Vergata The past centuries have been University1, characterised by the painful, gaping wounds opened up between peoples GiandomenSco Picco and ethnic groups, accompanied by Vice President, International fractures involving the opposition of Scientific Committee, Pio ManzD cultural traditions and schools of Centre thought, thereby creating the basis for disastrous conflicts which more Body and image than anything else have debased our Vittorlo Sgarbi very concept of humanity. Art Historian, Rome Today, more than ever before, man must be given back his innate The body as a place for artistic dignity, his creative eros, capable of expression trascending the sphere of the private Stelarc and the particular, of petty individual Performance artist, Sydney interests, and of transforming this into public virtue. Pessimism has undermined our hopes of meeting the challenges of 21.3O the future with creative imagination Grand Hotel - Rimini and inventiveness, leaving us in a state of frustration and anguish, or Welcome Buffet (by invitation only} even of submissiveness. It is, however, only in the spirit of a renewed trust in life that the younger generation today can be offered an authentically new style of education, advocated on the basis of coherent commitment and global concern for the interests of the planet, a project which rediscovers the emphatic value of entertainment, the pleasure of sharing and respect for diversity, in the principles of tolerance and full responsability for future generations.

Copyright 199a/Centro Ph ManzCl - Vsruoohio (RN) ll.MnR.1998 16:53 CENTRO PIO MflNZU NR.884 P. 10 '

Sunday 18 October

1 o.oo Uulgi Berlinguer Noveili Theatre Italian Minister for University, Scientific and Technologic Research, Official Inauguration Rome The ceremony will be broadcast live on Channel 2 of the RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana from 10.00 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. Medals The following speakers have been invited: During the inaugural ceremony, representatives of the Italian Opening Addresses Government and of th© Pio Manzu Centre will present the medals of the Giuseppe Chicchi Presidency of the Italian Republic, Mayor of Rimini Senate, Chamber of Deputies and Government, which have been Giandomenico PEcco awarded by the Centre's Scientific Vice President, International Committee to international Scientific Committee, Pio Manzu personalities who have made an Centre active contribution to social progress and development and are worthy of Sergio De Benedetti recognition. Director General, Tosinvest Finanziaria, Rome 11.00 Federico Nazzarl Keynote speeches President, Farmindustria (National Association of Pharmaceutical The following speakers have been invited: Companies), Rome Hillary Rodham Clinton Ettore SansavinS First Lady, USA Chief Executive, Villa Maria Healthcare Group, Lugo di Romagna Gro Harlem Brundtland Director General, WHO - World Mario Monti Health Organisation, Geneva Commissioner for Internal Market, European Union, Brussels KofS A. Annan UN Secretary General Luciano Violante President, Italian Chamber of Rosy BindS Deputies, Rome Italian Minister for Health

Copyright T03S/C©rt Pio Manzd - Veruochh (RN) 11.MRR.1998 18:54 CENTRO PIO MfiNZLJ NR.884 P.11

Sunday 18 October

15.30-18.30 Peter Brook Theatre and film director, Paris Workshop n. 1 Towards a pluralistic system: Fritjof Qapra quality assurance and Physicist, California certification The concept of health, via a process Stephen J. Gould of metamorphosis which has led it Professor of Geology and Zoology, over the past 50 years from the mere Harvard University absence of disease to the mental and physical efficiency of the Steven Spielberg individual, has now taken on very Film director, California considerable civil and economic importance, constituting the pivotal aspect of a lively debate between 13.00 the various protagonists of the health system, who are now called upon to Novell) Theatre -Press Conference promote new health-care profiles. We find ourselves faced with a broad, complex range of needs -_ 13.30 often contradictory but all equally legitimate - from the demand for a Grand Hotel, Rirnini more solidly based equitable system Luncheon in honour of the medal to a more liberal concept of recipients therapeutic choice, and from a (by invitation only). greater measure of plurality of service to the transparent, immediately intelligible certification of quality. As tne acid test of any political, cultural or economic project aiming at winning its bet with the future, reform of the health-care system can only succeed on the basis of a concerted effort on all sides, sharply focused attention on the cutting edge of biotechnological innovation, and analysis of the needs emerging in the near future and of the resources which will have to be drawn upon. The increased public awareness of concepts such as well-being, quality of life, fitness, quality-adjusted life years, manifests itself in the form of

Copyright 1998/Centro Pfo ManzCi - Verucchio (RN) ll.MflR.1998 18=55 CENTRO PIO MflNZU NR.8S4 P. 12

Sunday 18 October

a growth in demand for health-care value; that is to say, it must be services geared to, and capable not only of welding together commensurate with, individual the separate elements, but also of performance standards, as well as in enabling new qualities to emerge. the form of a greater concern for Taking action in crisis areas, levels of excellence in the provision moreover, means exploiting their of services and, more generally, for greater instability and non- the inalienable rights of the patient equilibrium so as to be able to as a citizen. project them as focal points in Moreover, this situation of enhanced technological, scientific and concern for the services provided in economic development. the health-care field obtains within a An absolutely cardinal factor in the setting which is already on the verge construction of a sound pluralistic of collapse owing essentially to the system is a quality certification vicious circle whereby new health- project which takes due account of care needs are increasingly the users' rights and at the same emerging as a result of the progress time provides a reliable basis for in diagnostic and therapeutic verifying efficiency and efficacy. services. By increasing life In this connection, in any global expectancy and transforming life- concept of health-care economics, it threatening and acute diseases into i3 essential to potentiate every stage chronic conditions and by perfecting in the service provision process, the means of screening and reinforcing the role of the new assessing the patient's state of health-care providers, insurance health, the great successes of agencies and non-profit medicine have, in actual fact, organisations and implementing total increased the need for higher health- quality schemes. care standards. Today, the knotty problems of the The following speakers have been invited: allocation of resources and the definition of priorities need to be Chairman solved if we are to achieve The evolution of the health system constructive integration of the public Rosy Bindi and private systems, which is the Italian Minister for Health corner-stone of any efficient, pluralistic system of health-caro Tutor provision. It is essential to apply The liberal construction of health synergic logic, which, though making Raffaele Prodomo due allowance for existing Lecturer in Bioethics, University of differences, even of a territorial Catanzaro nature, must oe capable of sustaining a workable system in organisational terms, and therefore one capable of generating added Copyright l99B/Ceniro Plo M&ntb - Verucchio (RN) 11.MPR.1998 18=56 CEMTRO PIO MflNZU MR.884 P. 13

Sunday 18 October

Panel Role of the citizen in health systems Amartya K. Sen The doctor-patient relationship Author Claudlo Crlcelli Vice president, SIMG - Italian Society of General Practitioners

Integration and divergence: how to reconcile diversity H.Tristram Engelhardt

Health strategies in the countries of the European Union Josep Figueras

Science versus conscience: the ethical perspective Eolo Parodi President ENPAM - National Authority for Social Welfare and Medical Care, Rome

Carlo Pappone Department of Haemodynamics, Villa Maria Healthcare Group, Lugo di Romagna

Certifying the quality of services Marzio Resti President of the European Federation of Salaried Physicians

Well-being as autonomous capability Salvatore Rubfno Co-ordinator, Tosinvest Healthcare Group, Rome

Health-care provision in a pluralistic system Ettore Sansavini Chief Executive, Villa Maria Healthcare Group, Lugo di Romagna

Copyright 1999/centro Ph Mamd - Veruwhlo (FIN) -ll.MflR.1998 18=57 CENTRO PIO MfllSZU NR.884 P. 14

Sunday iSottobre

15.30-18.00 authenticity of the individual, but also Sala Leonardo teaches us to resolve our differences Grand Hotel Congress Centre with mutual respect for the identity of the others. Workshop n. 2 Thinking globally, acting locally The following speakers have been invited: In a globalised world, regaining the Chairman regional dimension of things means The environment as opportunities for understanding the importance of safeguarding local frameworks and employment settings, that is to say the fabric of Edo Ranch! relationships perfected in the course Italian Minister for the Environment, of time and interacting to create a Rome network, as manifested today in the form of local landscapes, traditions Tutor and economies. Ecological thinking Regional setting and cultural identity and the dynamics of complex Antonio La Forgia systems have taught us that, in President of the Emilia Romagna many situations, it is not even Regionan Council necessary for a particular disruptive cause to come into play to bring about a catastrophic outcome. Panel There are, in fact, critical thresholds Environmental resources and tourist beyond which we must not step if we promotion wish to preserve homeostasis, i.e. Vasco Errani the ability of the system to guarantee Councillor for Turism, Emilia a certain measure of stability in Romagna Region terms of the continuity of processes. In th© light of these considerations, Global economy and local problems_ the focus is upon the regional Giandomercieo Picco situation, and in this sense the Vice President, International safeguarding of autochthonous Scientific Committee, Pio Manzu ecological and cultural Centre characteristics emerges as the best way of creating buffers capable of Small-scale economics absorbing global instability and Ernest Fritz Schumacher promoting new forms of organisation. Service provision in the non-profit Relaunching the special features of sector the bioregional dimension also Stefano ZamagnE enable us to achieve that type of Professor of Political Economy, diversity-based dialectic which not Faculty of Economics, University of only stands surety for the Bologna

Copyright 1993/CentrQ Ph Manzti - Vorucchlo (FlN) J.l.MfiR.1998 18:58 CENTRO PIO MflNZU NR.884 P. 15

Monday 19 October

9.30-12.30 the migrations of enormous wildlife populations, all leading to a wholly Workshop n. 3 unprecedented epidemiological The speeding up of history: promiscuity. imminent and future ecological There are researchers who claim and health-care emergencies that the earth is becoming an Numerous factors combine to make immense laboratory for microbial the future scenario of our planet a mutation, with ever increasing cross- matter of deep concern: the infection between different animal exponential growth of the population, species and breakdown of the with a billion more people inhabiting evolutionary equilibrium between the earth over the last fifteen years, micro-organisms and their hosts. the devastation of the great forests, This situation of major biological th© climatic trend as a result of the instability is tracing a new increase in the greenhouse effect, epidemiological map in which we are the impoverishment of biodiversity, witnessing the emergence of are all a prelude to ecological unfamiliar diseases, such as prion catastrophes which will be by no diseases, retrovirus and ftlovirus means easy to deal with. infections, the transmission of The very fftness of the environment influenza epidemics from animals to for human habitation is in jeopardy man, or the recrudescence of as result of what are already diseases such as tuberculosis and unsustainable tendencies: the salmonellosis, imported epidemics mushrooming of urban populations, related to the increase in population with more than half the world's shifts and to climatic changes, inhabitants now crammed into the The lack of attention man is devoting big cities; the growth of sprawling to these developments is paving the conurbations housing millions of way for a dangerous lowering of th© people in precarious hygienic guard in terms of preventive conditions; the increase in food and medicine and in many cases is energy consumption, paralleling the encouraging the wrong erosion of fertile soils and arable epidemiological approach, as shown land. by the mishandling of mad-cow It should be stressed that the disease in the U.K. destruction of numerous ecosystems Assessment of environmental risks and the simultaneous build-up of should not be dictated by the erratic unnatural human and animal flights of emotional irrationality, but concentrations are creating vast must be based on careful crisis areas characterised by consideration of the complexity of dangerous microbiological interactions and thus on feedback imbalance. To this we must add the and network processes capable of present-day ease of transit from one being implemented by strong continent to another, the mass intervention to conserve th© exodus of entire ethnic groups, and equilibria of ecosystems.

10 Copyright iSSB/Centro Ph Manzti - Verucchlo (RN) ll.MflR.1998 18:59 CENTRO PIO MflNZU MR.884 P. 16

Monday 19 October

Faced with the global nature of this The destructive evolution situation, we need to devise a Bruno Fed! common strategy among States, a Head of Department of Pathology, consensus protocol making due Terni Hospital provision for the biological variable in the options postulated so as to be The new epidemlologica( able, amongst other things, to set up emergencies effective epidemiological monitoring Luc Monfagnier networks and probability surveys. Director, 'AIDS and Retrovirus1 We should never forget, however, Department, Pasteur Institute, Paris that ecological and health-care issues are first and foremost a Rethinking our relations with the problem of justice between peoples, planet in view of the fact that the northern Arne Naess hemisphere today, which embraces Philosopher and deep ecologist, only 20% of the earth's inhabitants, Norway consumes as much as 80% of the resources of the planet. Prion diseases Stanley Prusmer, M,D. The following speakers have been invited: Nobel Laureate for Medicine (1997)

Chairman Mortal dangers for the Third The defence of biodiversity Millennium Ervsn LaszSo Jeremy Rifkin Director, The Vienna Academy, Economist, USA Vienna The exploitation of the southern Tutor hemisphere, Development and eco*compatibility Vandana Shiva Ermete Realised Director, the Research Foundation President, Legambiente, Rome for Science, Technology and Natural Resource Policy, New Delhi

Panel Piloting resources Chicco Testa Microbiological promiscuity Chairman, - Italian Electricity Giovanni Ballarini Board, Rome Professor of Veterinary Medicine, University ot Parma

The speeding up of history Lester R. Brown President, Worldwatch Institute, Washington

Copyright 1998/Cantro Pio Manzu - Verucchio (S-lN) J.1.MPR.1998 19:00 CENTRO PIO MfiNZU NR.B84 P. 17

Monday 19 October

15.00-18.00 rediscovering man in his entirety and syncretic wholeness. Workshop n. 4 Thus, a new form of education Fundamental human values: comes into being, based on educating people for well-being interrelationships and and creativity interconnectedness, where the For thousands of years man has young are taught to think in terms of integration, participation and been aware of the need to safeguard the legacy of values handed down by empathy, in such a way as to escape past generations, recognising in the innumerable sceptical misgivings them a second heritage, paralleling of our divisive, individualistic and his genetic inheritance, but essential self-assertive inheritance, incapable, for fulfilling the human potential in all as it is, of revealing the complexity of relationships, the historical its complexity. The great cultural revolutions which authenticity of pro-cesses and the interconnected networks of life. have thrown the traditional paradigms and conceptual structures The body, no longer to be regarded as merely a res extensa, but as an into disarray over the past few centuries must therefore be viewed integral part of the person, is as moments of crisis, i.e. as precious experiencing a spiritual rebirth as it opportunities for making knowledge becomes the fulcrum of a new style more fluid and flexible and adapting of ontological thinking. No longer it to the new insights in order to be perceived as a battlefield dug-out, able to build a sound, fruitful future. closed in upon itself in an Any attempt to dismiss the wealth of entrenched defensive position, the values from the past merely as a body is now able to release all its sterile legacy or a motley rag-bag of creative, sensitive potential, or in prejudices prevents us from adopting other words all its talent, in a process the right problematic approach to the which is outgoing, capable of relating new trends and from considering the to the outside world and capable of acquisition of knowledge in the using its own confines not as a context of an organic, ongoing frontier to defend but as a threshold process. The idea of the present as to cross.. a bridge in time between the past Every sphere of human knowledge is and the future is reclaiming its role involved in this revolution, which as a pivotal concept in defines hitherto unknown objectives epistemological and ethical thinking. and needs, perceived today as Science, now that it has managed to inalienable rights and tokens of abandon reductionism, linearity and personal dignity. The transition from determinism in the evaluation of medicine as a take-it-or-leave-it biological processes, is discovering service to the medicine of open- the importance of overcoming the ended choice, where the old classic dichotomies of body versus standard treatments and medical spirit, culture versus nature, and is paternalism are superseded by the possibility of choosing or the right to 12 Copyright 1998/Centro Plo Manzii - Vsmechio (FtN) -ll.MfiR.1998 19:02 CENTRO PIO MfiNZU NR.884 P. 18

Monday 19 October

choose between various options, is Tutor part and parcel of the new overall The sthJc$ of organ donation expectations of the patient as a Luisella Battaglia citizen, in the sense that it Lecturer in Moral Philosophy, safeguards individual choice and prevents disease from constituting a limitation of legal entitlement, or, Panel even worse, a period of forced alienation from the normal course of The network of life life. Fritjof Capra The same considerations may well Physicist, California apply to the problems of the elderly and the disabled, who must be The person as history allowed access to services aimed at Eugenic Lecaldano re-integrating them into society, Professor of Moral Philosophy, "La thereby assuring to all effects and Sapienza" University, Rome purposes the autonomy of action which is the true prerequisite for full The reasons of the weaker sectors citizenship. of society This gives rise to an increasingly Giovanni Lombard! Vallaurl perceived need to view well-being in Department of the Theory and a more all-embracing context, History of Law, University of encompassing self-realisation, Florence tnterconnectedness and inter- penetration of the outside world, and New paradigms for man the development of creativity, which Edgar Morin is the best terrain for the successful Centre of Interdisciplinary Studies - expression of individual talent. Sociology, Anthropology, History, The need for spiritual integration, in Paris the construction of individual well- being, does not therefore entail an Values as the century draws to a illegitimate invasion of territory, but close rather an awareness of, and Ernst Nolle consideration for, the deeper needs Historian of man. The duties of the human being The following speakers have been invited: Tom Regan McAndless Professor, North Carolina Chairman State University Carla Rocchi Undersecretary of State for Christianity and human values Education, Rome Dionigi Tettamanzi Archbishop, Genoa

13 Ccpyright 7 sag/Centre Ph Mtsnzto • Ventcchh (RN) ai.MflR.1998 19=03 CENTRO PIO MflNZU NR.884 P. 19

Tuesday 20 October

9.30-12.30 transformed the figure of the researcher in the imagination of the Workshop n, 5 man in the street into some kind of The new frontiers of research: sorcerer's apprentice, or Prometheus a common language for human unbound, consumed not only Dy his well-being thirst for knowledge but also by a The century which is now drawing to desir© to construct life. a close may be regarded as unique We need to rid ourselves of both in terms of the breathtaking sensationalism and scientific development of the innovations illiteracy and to accord due made possible by research, consideration to biosthical thinking particularly in the fields of computer as the moral linch-pin of research,, science, pharmacogenetfcs and which, in turn, is aimed at improving biotechnology. Our life as human the well-being of man. At the same beings has undergone a time it is also essential to engage in thoroughgoing upheaval, which can serious discussion as to the aims of rightly be regarded as radical if we research. The enhanced intervention simply look at the instruments which capabilities, by virtue of their ordinarily accompany us in our day- specificity in the manipulation of vital to-day existence. processes, on the one hand are Experience has shown, however, opening up new frontiers of how important it is, alongside the knowledge and technological development of technological innovation, but, on the other, are capability, to strengthen our basis of raising pressing ethical issues moral reflection, to search for involving the community as a whole shared values and to be able to build in all its various aspects and sectors, a cosmopolitan society based on the Major challenges now face the world enlightened exploitation of diversity of research, including, most notably, and on Voltairian tolerance. the need to improve relations with Scientific research, the driving force the media and with the world of behind cognitive development and education, at the same time fostering the legacy of all mankind, founded the integration of research settings, as it is on openness and on the the circulation of information, a presence of a peer-review greater presence of researchers in community, must today step up the the political debate and, above all, a dialogue with the prescriptive sector serious attempt to increase so as to give rise to a fruitful osmosis awareness of the issues across the of joint research, the aim of which is entire spectrum of society. to promote the common good. It is therefore necessary to lay the All too often a lack of appropriate foundations for a more concerted knowledge of the aims of research, if methodological approach, promoting not, indeed, an actual tendency to both public and private research and justify everything which is technically the creation of a common language. feasible as ethically compatible, has We should not forget the important

14 Copyright 1998/Centro fio Manzti - VeriKehto (RN) -ll.MfiR.1998 19:04 CENTRO PIO MflNZU NR.884 P. 20

Tuesday 20 October

economic and social role which The revolution of biology globalisation processes are Stephen J. Gould assigning to professional Professor of Geology and Zoology, specialisation, to the ability to Harvard University produce innovation and to flexibility in embracing technological change. The Frankenstein syndrome In this sense, the development of John Harris research should be viewed as a powerful force for achieving global The evolution of research growth by providing incentives for Evelyn Fox Keller professional advancement. Author These challenges call for high-profile professional training which must be Genetic research provided right from the outset by Richard Lewontine schools and institutes of further Genetist and Science Philosopher, education whose task it will b© to Harvard University, USA train young people for occupations requiring increasingly high levels of professional skill.

The following speakers have been invited:

Chairman Research as value Federico Nazzart President, Farmindustria, Rome

Tutor The science of complexity Mauro Cerate Department of Linguistics and Comparative Literature, University of Florence

Panel Programme translated from Italian by Prof. Scientific information Anthony Steele (M.A Oxford) Linguistics Enrico Bellone Consultants, Verona Editor-in-Chief, Le Scienz© Copyright 1998/Fic> ManzCl Centre All rights reserved The last of the alchemists This document has bean elaborated by the Pio ManZb Giorgio Celli Centre. It cannot be copied, distributed or used, either wholly or in part, without the express authorization of the Director, "Guido Grandi" Institute of Centre, under the laws which govern intellectual and Entomology, University of Bologna scientific property.. Unauthorised users will be prosecuted. 15 Cc-pyrtght 1998/C9nfro Pio ManzCi - V&ruvchh (RN)