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Our 22Nd Annual Ranking Our 22nd Annual Ranking THE BUSINESS VALUE OF TECHNOLOGY SEPT. 13, 2010 informationweek.com Business technology innovation is back—and these companies are leading the charge A UBM TechWeb Publication® CAN $5.95, US $4.95 Copyright 2010 United Business Media LLC. Important Note: This PDF is provided solely as a reader service. It is not intended for reproduction or public distribution. For article reprints, e-prints and permissions please contact: Wright’s Reprints, 1-877-652-5295 / ubmreprints@wrightsreprints.com THE BUSINESS VALUE OFC TECHNOLOGYONTENTS Sept.13, 2010 Issue 1,278 41 Top 250 Ranked list of business technology leaders 59 All 500 Complete alphabetized list of this year’s InformationWeek 500 winners 25 The Growth Imperative The pressure is on to drive revenue, increase collaboration, and sharpen use of analytics 71 20 Great Ideas To Steal Learn from InformationWeek 500 companies taking new approaches to data visualization, << Vanguard’s Heller looks social media, and more for wow factor TOP FIVE COMPANIES 38 Colgate Is Data Driven 50 Apps For Your Health 30 Vanguard’s Innovation Plan Initiative shifts more than $100 Merck banks on smartphones million toward growth areas to empower patients r Employees volunteer to work e t t E n on cutting-edge projects a y R 56 y UPMC Looks Outward b n o i t 56 Medical center commercializes a 33 r Search,Mobility,BI Are Key t s u l l i technology it has developed r InterContinental Hotels Group e v o to solve its own problems C focuses on customer loyalty informationweek.com Sept.13, 2010 5 [CONTENTS] 78 8 Links Research And Connect Reports from InformationWeek Analytics, events, and more 12 Global CIO By Bob Evans A fly on the wall listens in on Larry Ellison and Mark Hurd 14 Secret CIO By John McGreavy All IT projects must have a financial assessment—so why isn’t 16 the financial department complying? QuickTakes 16 Salesforce’s Chatter Goes Mobile 78 Government Innovators App will bring CRM-centric Federal, state, and local agencies collaboration to smartphones apply IT in powerful ways Hewlett-Packard Sues Oracle 83 From Academia To Action HP’s suit over ex-CEO Mark Hurd What IW 500 data reveals about threatens partnerships with Oracle outsourcing, risk, and more 18 Watchdogs Blast Fed IT Execution The criticism aims at the federal government’s execution of the Open Government Directive 20 Firewall For Virtual Machines Find more at Cisco’s Virtual Security Gateway aims to extend security more informationweek.com/500 deeply into virtual infrastructures : Learn about all 21 of the InformationWeek 500 Lessons Learned From Cloud Implementation industries Labor Department CFO James Taylor talks about the hard knocks of moving its financial systems to an online service : View interviews with CIOs of the top companies : Download our 2010 InformationWeek 500 22 Oracle Throws More Muscle At Big Data Analytics Report Integration of its GoldenGate acquisition will improve data capture and real-time integration : Apply for next year’s InformationWeek 500 88 Down To Business By Rob Preston Even first-class corporate cultures must adapt and evolve 10 Editorial Contacts 10 Advertising Index INFORMATIONWEEK (ISSN 8750-6874) is published 24 times a year (once in January,July,August,and December;twice in February,March,April,and November;and three times in May,June,September,and October) by United Business Media LLC,600 Com- munity Drive,Manhasset,NY 11030.INFORMATIONWEEK is free to qualified management and professional personnel involved in the management of information systems.One-year subscription rate for U.S.is $199.00;for Canada is $219.00.Registered for GST as United Business Media LLC. 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Subscribe to our more than 700 reports at informationweek.com/500 analytics.informationweek.com []InformationWeek Analytics Data Deduplication’s Expanding Profile Take a deep dive with these reports There are many technologies that vendors say will help us get a handle on our storage. In this report, we’ll examine New Plan For Unix whether deduplication makes sense for your company. IBM and others aim to give midrange Unix systems a big- informationweek.com/analytics/dedupe ger role in the data center by rolling out new platforms. informationweek.com/analytics/unix_plan [More InformationWeek] Security Wake-Up Call Interop New York We’ve weathered years of stagnant budgets. 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