398 t)S .7"CttE. [July 896. occur in the Pyraustidae, Pyralididae, EXPLANATION OF PLATE 9. Phycitidaeand . The Ptero- phoridae do not have them. They are Fig. I. Dorsal view of denuded body of Catocala cocumbe,s found in the , Grapholi- Walk., showing the spiny area on the wing at s, and the corres- thidae, , , G.elechii- ponding area on the thorax at S. dae, , Lithocolletidae, Fig. 2. Portion enlarged from edge of , and Microp- the spiny area on wing of C. concumbens. terygidae. Fig. 3. Side view of the spines as seen While it is possible that these spiny from the edge of a fold through the spiny area on fore wing of C. concumbens. areas will not of great value in prove Fig. 4. Lateral view of denuded body of classification, it is somewhat suggestive C. concumbens showing the spiny area at S t. when a species as gpatelodes torrefacta Fig. 5. Modified scale from the under S. & A. lacks them; while they are side of the humeral angle of the fore wing of present in genera placed on each side. Anosa lex@pus (Linn.) Fig. 6. Normal scale from near the mid- In such cases they may perhaps aid the dle of the under surface of the fore wing of systematist. A. #lex@jus. The following lists contain an enu- Fig. 7" Modified scale from the under lneration of the which I have side of the humeral angle of the fore wing of examined for the spiny area, referred Ileodes kyoklaeas" (Bdv.) to their families. Numerals indicate Fig. 8. Normal scale from near the mid- dle of the urider side of the fore of H. examined. wing the number of species kyioklaeas. Fig. 9. Basal portion of the fore wing of Sjbecies it whic] the @iny areas are found. iVeuronia sen/fasciata Say, showing the 2 Thyatiridae 3 spiny area at s. Agaristidae 5 N octuidae 329 Fig, IO. Spines from fore wing of _iV. Syntomidae Pyraustidae I sem(fasciata en!arged. Pyromorphidae 2 5 Fig. II. Basal portion of fore wing of Ctenuchidae 3 Phycitidae 5 Tremex columba (Linn.), showing spiny area Nycteolidae Crambidae at s. Lithosiidae to Tortricidae 7 Fig. i2. Spines from fore wing of T. Arctiidae 22 Grapholithidae 7 columba enlarged. Liparidae 3 Tineidae 7 Plutellidae NOTES ON .--I have seen V. 23 antioja lay eggs on white birch and canoe Ceratocampidae Coleophoridae 2 "- birch this year, and as far as I know this is a Lithocolletidae 4 food plant for the species. Micropterygidae new turnus is unusually abundant in 2 Pa2ilio Brookline, Mass., this year, as well as at 8jecles in w]ic]t rite @iny areas are absent. Jaffrey, N. H., especially around ash-trees, where have seen many eggs laid in the past 2I 5 few days, and almost without exception on Lithosiidae Ceratocampidae 2 the higher branches of young trees. Notodontidae Bephidae Platypterygidae 4 Geometridae 79 Caroline G. Soule. International Journal of Peptides

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