2008 刑事檢控科工作回顧


由 刑事檢控專員 提交 律政司司長 A Review by The Director of Public Prosecutions for The Secretary for Justice

律政司刑事檢控科 出版 Published by the Prosecutions Division, Department of Justice 香港特別行政區 中國香港金鐘道66號金鐘道政府合署高座5-7樓 5th to 7th floors, High Block, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, , China 律政司 傳真號碼 Fax No : 852 2877 0171 Department of Justice 電子郵件 E-mail : [email protected] 互聯網網址 Internet Home Page Address : http://www.doj.gov.hk/eng/about/pd.htm Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

目錄 Contents

給律政司司長的信 Letter to the Secretary for Justice...... 4

刑事檢控專員 Director of Public Prosecutions 刑事檢控專員的序言 Director's Overview...... 7

現代的檢控機關 A Modern Prosecution Service 2008年檢控政策 Prosecution Policy in 2008...... 11 刑事司法措施 Criminal Justice Initiatives...... 14 2007至2012年度策略性發展計劃 Strategic Development Programme 2007-2012...... 16 檢控人員守則 Code for Prosecutors...... 18 刑事檢控專員諮詢小組 Director's Advisory Group...... 20 披露材料常設委員會 Standing Committee on Disclosure...... 22 國際檢察官聯合會 International Association of Prosecutors...... 24

近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 動物福利 Animal Welfare...... 27 追討犯罪資產 Asset Recovery...... 29 《基本法》及《人權法案》 Basic Law and Bill of Rights...... 31 商業罪案 Commercial Crime...... 33 版權罪行 Copyright Crime...... 36 死因研訊 Coronial Inquiries...... 38 貪污案件 Corruption...... 40 專責重案的檢控人員 Court Specialists...... 42 刑事上訴 Criminal Appeals...... 44 海關案件 Customs and Excise...... 46 家庭暴力 Domestic Violence...... 48 環境保護 Environmental Protection...... 50 食物及環境衞生 Food and Environmental Hygiene...... 52 賭博 Gambling...... 53 入境事務 Immigration...... 54 稅務 Inland Revenue...... 56 司法覆核 Judicial Review...... 58 勞工及職業安全 Labour and Occupational Safety...... 59 毒品 Narcotics...... 60 淫褻及兒童色情物品 Obscene Articles and Child Pornography...... 62 社會福利 Social Welfare...... 64 科技罪行 Technology Crime...... 65 恐怖主義 Terrorism...... 67 三合會及有組織罪案 Triad and Organized Crime...... 69 案件籌備 Trial Preparation...... 71 罪行受害者和易受傷害證人 Victims of Crime and Vulnerable Witnesses...... 73

案情實錄 At the Courts 值得關注的重要案件 Major and Interesting Cases...... 77

組織及架構 Organization and Structure 運作模式 Operation of the Division...... 89 刑事檢控科人員 People in Prosecutions...... 91 法庭檢控主任 Court Prosecutors...... 93 法律輔助人員和支援人員 Para-legal and Administrative Support Staff...... 96 行政組 The Administration Unit...... 99

刑事檢控工作 Prosecutorial Work 服務承諾 Performance Pledges...... 101 定罪率 Conviction Rates...... 102 法律指引、審訊及上訴: Advices, Trials and Appeals : 工作量、實況及統計 Caseload, Facts and Figures...... 103 雙語制度 Bilingualism...... 105 外判案件 Briefing Out Cases...... 106

交流與聯繫 Contacts with Others 與社會各界的聯繫 Contacts with the Community...... 109 與內地和澳門的聯繫 Contacts with the Mainland and Macao...... 111 其他的聯繫 Contacts with Visitors...... 113 國際活動 International Events...... 114

專業發展 Career Development 邀請嘉賓作專題演講 Guest Speaker Programme...... 117 培訓及持續法律進修 Training and Continuing Legal Education...... 118

人物剪影 Prosecutors in Profile 2008年度刑事檢控科人員事業紀要 Achievements in 2008...... 123 工餘花絮 Out of Court...... 124

結語:與時並進 展望未來 Conclusion : Moving Forward...... 127

附錄 Appendices...... 129 給律政司司長的信

律政司司長 黃仁龍資深大律師



2008年是姿彩紛呈的一年。我們加強了檢控能力,公正而有效地檢控各種罪 行。我們向受害者及證人提供高水平的司法服務,並全力保障被告人的權益。我們與本 地執法人員合作無間,也與其他地方的檢控人員密切聯繫,並取得良好的成效。刑事司 法改革是我們優先處理的項目,我們亦制定了新的檢控政策指引。我們開誠布公,並與 社會各界人士保持緊密溝通。


刑事檢控專員江樂士 資深大律師



23 April 2009

The Hon Wong Yan Lung, SC, JP Secretary for Justice

Dear Secretary,

I am pleased to submit to you the Yearly Review of the Prosecutions Division for 2008.

It was an eventful year. We strengthened our capacity to prosecute all types of crime, and prosecutions were fairly and effectively conducted. The quality of justice available to victims and witnesses was enhanced, and the interests of those accused of crime were safeguarded. Close collaboration with local law enforcers was pursued, and liaison with prosecutors elsewhere yielded positive results. Criminal justice reform was accorded a high priority, and new prosecution policy guidelines were formulated. Transparency was embraced, and we engaged with the community in all areas.

The achievements of the Division reflect well on the diligence and professionalism of our staff, who acquitted themselves with distinction.

Yours sincerely,

I. , SC, JP Director of Public Prosecutions

5 刑事檢控專員 Director of Public Prosecutions


刑事檢控專員 Director of Public Prosecutions

6 刑事檢控專員 Director of Public Prosecutions 刑事檢控專員的序言 Director's Overview

刑事檢控科在2008年向前邁進,信心堅定,使命清 In 2008, the Prosecutions Division moved forward 晰。檢控人員克盡己職,以專業精神和創意思維履行職 with confidence and a sense of mission. Prosecutors were diligent and professional in discharging their 務。現代檢控機關必須恪守原則,提出有效的檢控,並 duties, and innovative in their thinking. A modern 在有需要時堅決維護檢控工作的信念。本科的檢控人員 prosecution service must be principled and effective, 行事向來獨立自主,無畏無懼,對認為正確的決定予以 and prosecutorial values were asserted whenever 堅持。在發展新技巧遏止罪行時,我們也緊記既定的專 necessary. Prosecutors acted independently at all 業操守。我們堅定不移,公正無私地檢控罪犯;對於刑 times, and were fearless in upholding the decisions they believed to be right. In the development of new 事案件中各有關方面的人士,不論身分為何,我們都會 techniques to counter crime, sight was not lost of 保障他們的合法權益。 established ethics. Offenders were prosecuted in a way that was firm but fair, and the interests of those 過去一年,刑事檢控科致力改革,在維持最高水平而又 caught up in criminal cases in whatever capacity were protected. 切合社會期望的檢控服務方面,取得實質的進展。我們 在關鍵時刻推行了一系列刑事司法措施,確保檢控程序 The past year was one of reform for the Division. 與時並進。擬備新的檢控政策指引,是我們優先處理的 Solid progress was made in achieving a prosecution 工作。我們也製備披露材料手冊、刑事訟辯手冊和用以 service of the highest quality, and a service attuned to the aspirations of the community. A host of criminal 加強擬定控罪一致性的罪行詳情範本手冊,以作補充。 justice initiatives was pursued, and our processes 我們採取措施盡速處理家庭暴力案件,並就檢控人員所 were modernised at a crucial time. A priority was the 使用的對待受害者及證人指引,展開檢討工作。本科竭 preparation of new prosecution policy guidelines, and 盡所能,致力提升服務水平,使法律制度更趨完善。 these were supplemented by manuals on disclosure and advocacy, as well on specimen charges to promote consistency in offence formulation. Measures to fast- 刑事檢控科秉持《2007至2012年度策略性發展計劃》 track domestic violence cases were adopted, and a (“ 《策略性發展計劃》 ”)所訂下的理念,在各個主要 review began of the guidelines used by prosecutors in 範疇穩步發展。我們致力加強檢控人員的專業能力,確 the treatment of victims and witnesses. The Division 保檢控工作更具成效,能為執法機關提供最高水平的服 was committed to raising the levels of service it was able to provide in the interests of a better legal 務,並努力汲取其他司法管轄區的經驗。新入職人員接 system. 受各項刑事檢控職責的深入訓練,尤其是訟辯及專業操

守水平。本科參與檢控官交流計劃,藉以與世界各地的 Guided by the vision of its Strategic Development Programme 2007-2012 (SDP), the Division moved forward with a sure step in all key areas. Expertise was honed to ensure more effective prosecutions and the highest levels of service to law enforcement agencies, and every effort was made to learn from the experiences of other jurisdictions. New recruits received intensive training in all aspects of prosecutorial responsibility, with a particular emphasis on standards of advocacy and ethics. A prosecutor exchange programme was adopted to facilitate closer ties with international prosecutors, and to promote the exchange of information between their agencies. The SDP placed an important focus upon strengthening the Division

7 刑事檢控專員 刑事檢控專員的序言 Director of Public Prosecutions Director's Overview

檢控官建立更緊密的聯繫,並加強與這些檢控官所屬的 in terms of manpower, resources and re-structuring, 檢控機關交流資訊。《策略性發展計劃》的重點在於從 and its measured implementation throughout the year lent cohesion to our efforts to prosecute crime more 人力、資源和架構重整各方面提升本科的能力。年內, effectively. The Director's Advisory Group met on a 檢控人員審慎推行《策略性發展計劃》,使本科得以加 quarterly basis during the year to encourage greater 強凝聚力,更有效地檢控罪案。刑事檢控專員諮詢小組 levels of internal communication amongst prosecutors 於年內舉行季度會議,鼓勵各級檢控人員加強內部溝 at all levels. 通。 Throughout 2008, the Division pursued a policy of close engagement with the community. Prosecutors 在2008年,本科奉行與社會各界保持緊密聯繫的政 were frank about the way they did things, and ready 策。檢控人員開誠布公,樂意闡釋檢控過程。本科舉行 to explain their processes. Media briefings were 了多次新聞簡報會,檢控人員在報章專訪中暢談工作情 arranged, and prosecutors discussed their work in media interviews. Career interviews were given at 況。在為各所大學舉辦的職業發展面談中,檢控人員與 the universities, and prosecutors discussed areas of 師生談論他們感興趣和關注的課題。易受傷害證人組積 interest and concern with teachers and pupils. The 極與公眾接觸,並與關注團體及市民保持緊密聯繫。我 Vulnerable Witness Team was proactive in its dealings 們為那些對檢控決定感到受屈的人士檢討了投訴機制, with the public, and close liaison was maintained with concerned groups and citizens. The complaints system 並樂意與涉案人士討論其案件。本科向立法會簡介影響 was reviewed for the benefit of persons aggrieved 刑事法的事宜,並向公眾發表工作檢討和與傳媒討論, by prosecution decisions, and our door was always 藉以加強問責性。 open to those who wished to discuss their cases. The Legislative Council was briefed on issues affecting the 由於罪行趨向全球化,世界各地的檢控人員必須通力合 criminal law, and a work review was released to the public and discussed with the media in the interests of 作,制定有效的策略,以打擊罪行和提出檢控。本科在 greater accountability. 國際檢察官聯合會內致力增強對抗罪行的能力,並支援

提升刑事司法服務水平的措施。本科的檢控人員對其他 As crime is globalised, the prosecutors of the world 檢控機關的培訓計劃提供協助,並積極參與國際行動, must co-operate to develop effective strategies for its combat and prosecution. The Division worked 打擊貪污、欺詐、清洗黑錢、兒童色情物品和跨境罪 within the International Association of Prosecutors to 行。我們向訪港的檢控人員簡介本科的刑事檢控工作和 enhance responses to crime, and supported measures 最新發展,並與中國內地其他地方的檢控人員保持密切 to promote higher standards of criminal justice. Our 聯繫。年內,本科檢控人員獲邀請在國際活動中擔任講 prosecutors contributed to the training agendas of other 者、主持人和導師,與同業分享經驗。 prosecution services, and were active in international efforts to counter corruption, fraud, money laundering, child pornography and transnational crime. Visiting 公眾對檢控人員期望甚大,檢控人員必須秉行公義。透 prosecutors were briefed on public prosecutions and 過履行服務承諾,檢控人員維持服務的水平。年內, latest developments, and close liaison with prosecutors 有9名新檢控人員加入刑事檢控科,即時紓緩了本科繁 from other parts of China was maintained. Our prosecutors were in demand throughout the year as 重的工作壓力,而本科展開法庭檢控主任的招聘工作, speakers, facilitators and trainers at the international 對循簡易程序執行司法工作提供了有利的條件。本科一 level, and we shared our experiences with our 貫致力執行妥善的案件管理工作,以客觀的準則作出決 counterparts. 定,並向辯方提供必需的協助。我們明白,公眾對本科 運作的信心至關重要;在取得公眾信心後,我們更要維 Much is expected of those who prosecute, and they

8 刑事檢控專員 Director of Public Prosecutions 刑事檢控專員的序言 Director's Overview

持公眾的信心。本科時刻力求主動確立行事綱領,而不 must strive to achieve justice. By fulfilling performance 單只是對事件作出回應。 pledges, prosecutors maintained the standards of service. The arrival of nine new prosecutors in 2008 relieved the immediate pressures on the Division, and 年內,我們極重視檢控人員的培訓。打擊罪案的策略如 the launch of a court prosecutor recruitment exercise 要奏效,檢控人員必須掌握最新的技巧和思維方法,無 augured well for the delivery of justice at the summary 論是在提供法律指引或出庭時,都能夠運用所需的專門 level. The Division was committed throughout to 知識。本科為檢控人員安排全面的培訓,並審視各方面 the proper management of cases, the application of objective criteria in the taking of decisions and the 的事宜,包括上訴訟辯、人權、專家證據、司法覆核、 provision of necessary assistance to the defence. We 司法互助、有效陳述案情和商業罪案的處理。培訓旨在 recognised that public confidence in our operations 加強檢控人員處理案件的能力,使他們能夠處理複雜和 was essential, and that once this had been secured it 犯案手法精密的案件,以及確保他們有能力應付在處理 had to be retained. The Division sought at all times to set its own agenda, and not simply to respond to 刑事案件期間出現的任何問題。 events.

這是本科第11冊周年工作回顧,記錄我們自回歸以來取 Training for prosecutors was a priority throughout 得的成就。本科致力提升刑事司法服務水平,增進公眾 the year. Strategies to counter crime can only succeed if prosecutors are aware of latest techniques and 對檢控工作的了解。我們在國際社會表達意見,也推動 thinking, and able to apply the necessary levels 策略打擊各種罪案。現在,我們必須再接再厲,精益求 of expertise at the advisory stage and at court. A 精,在1997年至今建立的基礎上,鞏固我們一流檢控 comprehensive training agenda was arranged, which 機關的地位。 examined issues as divers as appellate advocacy, human rights, expert evidence, judicial review, mutual legal assistance, effective case presentation and the processing of commercial crime cases. The objective was to hone the capacity of prosecutors to handle cases irrespective of complexity and sophistication, and to ensure that they were able to deal with any issues arising in the conduct of criminal cases.

This is the eleventh Yearly Review of the Division, and it reflects our achievements since reunification. We contributed to improved levels of criminal justice, and promoted greater awareness of our work. Our voice was heard at the international level, and we advanced strategies to combat all forms of crime. We must now build upon the foundations we have laid since 1997, and seek to consolidate our status as a prosecution service of the first rank.

9 現代的檢控機關 A Modern Prosecution Service


現代的檢控機關 A Modern Prosecution Service

10 現代的檢控機關 A Modern Prosecution Service 2008年檢控政策 Prosecution Policy in 2008

《基本法》第六十三條訂明,律政司主管刑事檢察工 Article 63 of the Basic Law provides that the 作,不受任何干涉。檢控人員的職責是本着無畏無懼、 Department of Justice shall control criminal prosecutions, free from any interference. The duty of 不偏不倚的精神,作出他們認為公正的決定。要審慎行 the prosecutor is to take the decisions believed to be 使檢控酌情決定權,檢控人員必須能獨立自主地履行職 just, without fear or favour. The independence of the 務。年內,檢控人員在必要時致力維護檢控的獨立性, prosecutor is fundamental to the measured application 並客觀地評估每宗案件的是非曲直。在10月,高級檢控 of the prosecutorial discretion. Throughout 2008, prosecutors asserted their independence whenever 官李俊文對《星島日報》說:“ 公正無私的檢控官有責 necessary, and objectively assessed the merits of cases. 任決定是否對涉嫌犯罪的人提出檢控 ”。 In October, Mr Edmond Lee, SPP, told Sing Tao Daily that‘an impartial prosecutor has the duty to decide whether or not to prosecute the suspect’.

At court, the prosecutor represents the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and not the government or any of the law enforcement agencies. The distinction is crucial, and the function of the prosecutor is to achieve a just disposal of cases. The responsibility of the prosecutor is to apply high standards in the handling of cases, and to present cases in a manner which is fair but firm. The decisions of the prosecutor may profoundly affect the lives of others, and the margin of error is minimal. In December, the Division published 高級檢控官李俊文:公正無私的檢控官必須決定是否提出檢控。 its new prosecution policy guidelines, and these require Mr Edmond Lee, SPP : an impartial prosecutor must decide prosecutors to apply the prosecutorial discretion‘in a whether or not to prosecute. manner that is consistent, fair and objective’.

檢控人員在法庭上行事,所代表的是香港特別行政區, The prosecutor plays a pivotal role in the legal system. 不是代表政府或任何執法機關。這區別是非常重要的, It is the prosecutor who decides whether to prosecute, 檢控人員的職能,是確保案件得到公正的審判。檢控人 the gravity of the offence to be brought and what pleas will be accepted. The prosecutor also ensures the 員的職責,是妥善辦理案件,並以公正但堅定的方式在 fairness of the trial, by proceeding in a balanced way 法庭陳述案情。檢控人員所作的決定,可能會對他人有 and making appropriate disclosure of relevant material 深遠的影響,實在不容有失。在12月,本科發表新的刑 to the defence. The prerogatives of the prosecutor are 事檢控政策指引,要求檢控人員就檢控事宜作出酌情決 wide, and expectations are high. When in December the DPP addressed the Joint Conference on Effective 定時,應該“ 一致、公正和客觀 ”。 Judicial Review, he said that‘the integrity of the prosecutor is vital, and is the key to public confidence 檢控人員在法律制度中所擔當的角色舉足輕重。應否提 in criminal justice’. 出檢控、起訴受疑人的罪名輕重、哪些答辯應予接納 In 2008, prosecution policy was pursued on the basis 等,都是由檢控人員負責決定的。檢控人員須以持平的 of recognised criteria applied throughout the common 態度進行檢控,並向辯方妥為披露有關的材料,以確保 law world. Before a prosecution was instituted, there 審訊公正。檢控人員享有的特權廣泛,因此公眾對他們 had at least to be a reasonable prospect of conviction, 也抱有很高的期望。在12月,刑事檢控專員在“ 有效 and the laying of a charge had also to be in the public interest. Cases were not allowed to proceed on the 的司法覆核 ”會議致辭時表示,“ 檢控人員必須正直不 basis of a mere suspicion or even a prima facie case. 阿,公眾才會對刑事司法制度有信心 ”。

11 現代的檢控機關 2008年檢控政策 A Modern Prosecution Service Prosecution Policy in 2008

年內,本科繼續依據獲普通法地區認可的準則實行檢控 Where possible, prosecution was used as a sanction 政策。檢控的先決條件,是案件必須至少有達至定罪 of last resort, and alternatives to prosecution were explored, particularly where young persons were 的合理機會,以及提出檢控是符合公眾利益的。檢控人 involved. Once started, prosecutions were subject to 員不得單憑案件有嫌疑或表面證據成立便進行訴訟。在 ongoing review. In February, Mr Hayson Tse, SPP, told 可行的情況下,特別是在處理涉及年輕犯案人士的個案 the Magistrates Court that‘if it becomes apparent 時,檢控人員都會尋求檢控以外的其他處理方法,而提 that it is no longer in the interests of justice to proceed with the case, it should be dropped’ (TMCC 467 of 出刑事檢控只是最後的處理方法。檢控程序一經開始, 2008). 我們會時加檢討。在2月,高級檢控官謝家樹告訴裁判 法院,“ 倘若繼續檢控明顯不再符合公眾利益,便該終 In determining where the public interest lay in particular cases, prosecutors examined all the circumstances. In 止檢控 ”(屯門裁判法院刑事案件2008年第467號)。 general, the more serious the offence, the more likely was it that the public interest required a prosecution. 在決定個別案件的公眾利益所在時,檢控人員必須考慮 The prosecutor did not operate as a rubber stamp, and 所有因素。一般而言,所干犯的罪行愈嚴重,為符合公 cases were pursued after the justice of the situation had been carefully assessed. The objective throughout was 眾利益而須提出檢控的機會便愈大。檢控人員不是橡皮 a decision-making process that was just and transparent, 圖章,在處理案件前,必須以公正原則審慎評估有關情 as well as understandable. When in February Mr John 況,而總目標則是作出決定的過程必須公正、具透明度 Reading, SC, DDPP, met the media in open session, 和易於理解。在2月,副刑事檢控專員李定國資深大律 he said that‘all prosecution decisions are treated with the seriousness they deserve, and they are made 師在公開會見傳媒時表示,“ 我們對所有檢控事宜均嚴 fairly, judicially and in accordance with established 肅和認真看待,並依循既定的檢控政策指引,作出公正 prosecution policy guidelines’. 持平、明智審慎的檢控決定 ”。 The prosecutor takes decisions on the basis of judgment, experience, and a sense of what the justice of the case 檢控人員憑藉判斷力、經驗及對案件的公義所在的觸覺 requires. Throughout the year, prosecutors were fearless 作出檢控決定。年內,檢控人員作出他們認為適當的檢 in reaching the decisions they deemed appropriate, 控決定,無畏無懼,不受評論所左右。檢控人員決定不 regardless of criticism. When decisions were taken not to prosecute, the situation of the suspect was respected. 提出檢控時,會尊重受疑人的境況。法官保障出庭受審 Whereas the protects the interests of the accused who stands trial, the prosecutor safeguards the position of the suspect who does not. In February, the DPP told the Information Technology and Broadcasting Panel of the Legislative Council that the prosecutor sometimes concluded that justice would be achieved by giving the suspect a suitable warning as an alternative to prosecution, and that it had‘never been the position in the common law world that those suspected of criminal offences must automatically face prosecution’.

The Prosecutions Division handles thousands of cases each year. Whilst most pass without comment, some

副刑事檢控專員李定國資深大律師:檢控決定是依據既定的檢控政 attract concern. Decisions of whether or not to 策作出的。 prosecute persons suspected of crime are inherently Mr John Reading, SC, DDPP : taking decisions in accordance with controversial, and criticism sometimes results. Although established prosecution policy. the prosecutor seeks to avoid comment which generates

12 現代的檢控機關 A Modern Prosecution Service 2008年檢控政策 Prosecution Policy in 2008

的被告人的利益,而檢控人員則保障無須受審的受疑人 debate in the media and elsewhere as to the guilt 的境況。在2月,刑事檢控專員告訴立法會資訊科技及 or innocence of a suspect who is not to be charged, misconceptions have sometimes to be corrected. 廣播事務委員會,檢控人員有時會認為,向受疑人發出 After a commentator suggested in January that the 適當警告,作為檢控以外的一個處理方法,已足以秉行 government might have influenced a decision to 公義,而“ 在實施普通法的地方,從來沒有規定涉嫌犯 prosecute, the DPP told the South China Morning Post 罪的人必自動遭到檢控 ”。 that the decision‘was taken by prosecutors exercising their independent discretion under the Basic Law, and acting within the parameters of established prosecution 刑事檢控科每年處理數以千計的案件,雖然大部分案 policy’. 件順利完成,沒有受到質疑,但部分案件卻受到關 Equality before the law does not mean that every case 注。應否對涉嫌犯案的人提出檢控,這本身就容易引 must be handled in precisely the same way. No two 起爭議,有時更會受到批評。雖然檢控人員試圖避免 cases are identical, and the prosecutor has regard to 就不檢控受疑人的決定作出言論,以免引起傳媒或其 the personal situation of the suspect, the circumstances 他人士對受疑人是否有罪的爭論,但有時亦必須糾正 of the case, the attitude of the victim, the strength of the evidence and the gravity of the allegation. 一些謬誤。在1月,一名評論員指政府可能影響了一項 Properly understood, equality before the law requires 檢控決定,刑事檢控專員就此向《南華早報》表示, prosecutors to process cases in a way which is consistent, “ 檢控人員作出這項檢控決定,是根據《基本法》行使 fair and objective. In 2008, that was achieved by 獨立酌情權,並按照既定的檢控政策行事 ”。 prosecutors adhering at all times to the prosecutorial code contained in The Statement of Prosecution Policy and Practice. 在法律面前一律平等並不意味要以同一手法處理每宗案 件。沒有兩宗案件是完全相同的,檢控人員必須考慮受 Throughout 2008, the Division pursued a policy of 疑人的個別情況、案件的情況、受害人的看法、證據的 transparency. To the extent that this was compatible with the interests of suspects and victims, the basis of 效力,以及有關指控的嚴重性等。正確的理解是,要做 particular decisions was explained. Arrangements for 到在法律面前一律平等,檢控人員必須以一致、公正和 the handling of complaints from persons aggrieved 客觀的手法處理案件。年內,檢控人員藉時刻恪守《檢 by prosecution decisions were overhauled, and mechanisms were introduced to facilitate face-to-face 控政策及常規》所載的檢控守則,達致上述要求。 meetings with prosecutors in exceptional circumstances to allay concerns and defuse tensions. The prosecution 在2008年,本科推行具透明度的政策。在符合受疑人 policy guidelines were modernised, and placed in 和受害人權益的情況下,本科闡釋作出某些檢控決定的 the public domain for the benefit of the community. Media briefings were conducted, and an annual work 基礎。我們全面修訂了處理不服檢控決定的投訴的安 review was published to explain our contribution. 排,並設立機制,以便在特殊情況下安排有關人士與檢 Through its strategy of openness and accountability, 控人員面對面會談,以消除疑慮和紓緩緊張的形勢。我 the Division promoted community understanding of its 們修訂了刑事檢控政策指引,使能與時並進,並把指引 role, and public confidence in its operations. 公開讓市民閱覽。我們為傳媒安排新聞發布會,並發表 了每年的工作回顧,闡述本科的工作成效。通過推行開 誠布公和問責的策略,我們促進市民對本科職責的了 解,以及加強市民對本科運作的信心。

13 現代的檢控機關 刑事司法措施 A Modern Prosecution Service Criminal Justice Initiatives

2008年,刑事檢控科致力推行刑事司法改革。本科的 The reform of criminal justice engaged the Prosecutions 檢控人員配合需要提倡改革,並積極參與各方面的工 Division throughout 2008. Its prosecutors advocated change whenever necessary, and were active on 作。本年6月,刑事檢控專員出席立法會司法及法律事 various fronts. When in June the DPP attended the 務委員會的會議時指出,如有一項新建議“ 對刑事司法 Administration of Justice and Legal Services Panel of the 有利,我們沒有理由故步自封,不願意在思考問題時跳 Legislative Council, he said that if a new proposal‘has 出既有的框框,以改善我們的制度 ”。 positive advantages for criminal justice, there can be no good reason why we should not be prepared to think outside the box in order to improve our system’. 在《2007至2012年度策略性發展計劃》中,本科把現 代化訂為工作綱領中的首要項目。年內,本科以不同方 In its Strategic Development Programme 2007-2012, the Division placed modernisation at the heart of its 式,落實現代化的工作。本科各個工作小組完成了一系 agenda. This achieved practical expression in 2008 列措施,包括︰ in different ways. The Division's working groups completed a series of initiatives, including : • 擬備披露材料手冊,為檢控人員提供指引 • a manual on disclosure for the guidance of • 擬備控罪範本手冊,以確保檢控人員擬訂公訴書和 prosecutors 控罪書的一致性 • a manual of specimen charges to ensure consistency • 編製訟辯手冊,以提高處理刑事案件的檢控人員在 in the settling of indictments and charge sheets 籌備案件和表達案情方面的技巧 • a manual on advocacy, to enhance the preparation and presentational skills of prosecutors engaged in • 編訂新的檢控政策指引,供檢控人員和社會大眾參 the conduct of criminal cases 考 • new prosecution policy guidelines for the reference • 盡速處理家庭暴力案件的方法。 both of prosecutors and the community as a whole • the means of fast-tracking cases of domestic violence. 作為2008至2009年度刑事司法改革的一部分,本科的

工作小組展開了以下項目的檢討工作: As part of its ongoing criminal justice reforms for 2008- 2009, the Division's working groups began reviews of :

• 檢控人員在對待受害者和證人方面的指引 • the guidelines on the treatment of victims and 檢控人員在處理涉及家庭暴力案件方面的指引 • witnesses by prosecutors • 向檢控人員發出的常設指示。 • the guidelines on the handling by prosecutors of cases involving domestic violence • the standing instructions for prosecutors. 負責研究檢控人員在審前會見證人事宜的工作小組,由

高級助理刑事檢控專員彭寶琴擔任主席。現時,主要 Ms Anthea Pang, SADPP, chaired a working group to 的普通法司法管轄區均視審前會見證人為基本的良好做 examine the pre-trial interviewing of witnesses by 法,使檢控人員可就有疑點的案件評估證人和及早剔除 prosecutors. Major common law jurisdictions now view it as basic good practice in a doubtful case for 證據薄弱的案件。工作小組在4月展開了一項為期9個月 the prosecutor to evaluate witnesses and to weed out 的監察計劃,就案件的結果評估檢控人員進行審前會見 weak cases at an early stage. In April, the working 的需要。 group launched a 9-month monitoring scheme of case results to assess the need for pre-trial interviews by prosecutors. 年內,本科支援法律改革委員會(法改會)的工作。本科

14 現代的檢控機關 A Modern Prosecution Service 刑事司法措施 Criminal Justice Initiatives

的檢控人員參與法改會轄下多個小組委員會的工作,研 Throughout 2008, the Division supported the work 究下列事項: of the Law Reform Commission (LRC). Its prosecutors were involved in LRC sub-committees examining :

• 防止一罪兩審的規則 • the rule against double jeopardy • 管制性罪行及相關罪行的法例 • the law regulating sexual and related offences • 父母或照顧者導致或任由兒童或易受傷害成年人死 • the criminal liability of parents or carers for causing or allowing the death of a child or vulnerable adult 亡所須負上的刑事責任 • the criteria for service as jurors • 擔任陪審員的準則 • the rule against hearsay in criminal proceedings. • 刑事法律程序中反對傳聞證據的 In 2008, the Division conducted seminars 規則。 to ensure that those responsible for law enforcement were familiar with 年內,本科舉辦了多個研討會,以確 latest practice and the requirements 保執法人員熟悉最新的常規及法庭的 of the courts. Prosecutors explained the preparation and presentation of 要求。檢控人員講解如何準備案件證 evidence, and the need for adequate 據和出庭舉證,以及充分披露未經採 disclosure of unused material. Whereas 用案件材料的需要。副刑事檢控專員 Mr John Reading, SC, DDPP, reviewed the 李定國資深大律師檢討以跨部門方式 processing of domestic violence cases on an inter-departmental basis, Mr Gavin 處理家庭暴力案件的方法,而高級助 Shiu, SADPP, lectured law enforcers on the 理刑事檢控專員邵家勳則向執法人員 高級助理刑事檢控專員邵家勳:為 restraint and confiscation of assets, as well 講解限制動用和沒收資產的事宜,以 調查人員舉辦研討會,講解最新的 as on the conduct of money laundering 常規。 及就清洗黑錢而採取檢控行動的處理 Mr Gavin Shiu, SADPP : conducting prosecutions. seminars for investigators to explain 方法。 latest practice. In exchanges between prosecutors and investigators, consideration was given to: 檢控人員與調查人員互相交流時,探討了以下事項︰ • sentencing levels in child pornography cases • views of victims of crime on the prosecution of 兒童色情案件的判刑 • offenders • 罪行受害者對檢控罪犯的意見 • trial venues for young and old offenders • 年輕及年老罪犯的審訊場所 • proposals for a sex offender register • means to assess the credibility of complainants • 設立性犯罪者名冊的建議 • utility of holding charges. • 評估投訴人可信程度的方法 • 暫提控罪的效用。 During 2008, the Division updated its Prosecution Manual. The Standing Committee on Disclosure periodically reviewed disclosure arrangements. Fresh 2008年,本科修訂《檢控手冊》。披露材料常設委員 guidance was provided in areas as divers as binding over 會定期檢討披露材料的安排。本科就各個不同的領域提 procedures, legal professional privilege and charging 供新的指引,包括簽保程序、法律專業特權,以及與攻 procedures for offences involving offensive weapons. 擊性武器有關的罪行的起訴程序。《刑事上訴案判例簡 The Criminal Appeals Bulletin kept prosecutors abreast of latest case law. The shared aspiration of 訊》,讓檢控人員得悉最新的案例。檢控人員的共同目 prosecutors was a modern and efficient system of public 標,是建立一個現代化和有效率的刑事檢控制度。 prosecutions.

15 現代的檢控機關 2007至2012年度策略性發展計劃 A Modern Prosecution Service Strategic Development Programme 2007-2012

2006年12月,刑事檢控專員向律政司司長提交了刑事 In December 2006, the DPP presented to the Secretary 檢控科《2007至2012年度策略性發展計劃》(“ 《策 for Justice the Strategic Development Programme 2007-2012 (SDP) of the Prosecutions Division. The 略性發展計劃》 ”)。這個《策略性發展計劃》由科內 SDP was formulated by a committee of prosecutors, 各職級人員組成的檢控人員委員會制定,其推行周期為 drawn from all ranks in the Division, and the cycle for 2007年1月3日至2012年12月31日。該計劃是本科自 its implementation is 3 January 2007 to 31 December 1997年香港回歸以來進行的第三個策略性檢討,目的 2012. The SDP is the third strategic review to have been undertaken since reunification in 1997, and is 是制定該5年期內刑事檢控服務的發展路向,並為檢控 designed to chart the future of the prosecution service 人員提供一個清晰的目標。這個全面的工作計劃,涵蓋 and provide prosecutors with the required focus for 檢控職責的各個範疇。 the five-year term. It represents a comprehensive plan of action in all areas of prosecutorial responsibility.

本科第一個策略性檢討名為《未來路向》(“《路 The first strategic review of the Division, entitled‘The 向》 ”),於1998年公布,並以5年為一周期。該檢討 Way Forward’(TWF), was issued in 1998, and covered 全面審視了本科職責範圍內的各項工作,並對各個主要 a five-year cycle. It comprehensively reviewed the 範疇的運作進行革新。本科在《路向》中承諾推行現代 portfolio of the Division and overhauled its operations in all key areas. TWF committed the Division to a 化計劃,並徹底改革科內的運作。《路向》為本科20世 programme of modernisation, and to a fundamental 紀末和21世紀初數年間的工作提供指南。 reform of its operations. TWF guided the Division through the closing years of the 20th century and the 本科第二個策略性檢討名為《 2002至2007年度策略性 opening years of the 21st century. 發展計劃 》,於2002年公布。該計劃以《路向》為基 The second strategic review of the Division, 礎,確立工作綱領,讓本科在新千禧年的開始有清晰的 entitled‘The Strategic Plan 2002-2007’ (TSP), was 發展方向。該計劃藉辨識目標和訂定工作計劃,承諾本 issued in 2002. By building upon the foundations laid 科會精益求精,提高透明度,並與刑事司法體系的伙伴 by TWF, it provided the Division with a defined agenda and a clear sense of direction at the start of the new 和社會大眾加強聯繫。 millennium. Through the identification of objectives and the settling of action plans, TSP committed the 《策略性發展計劃》旨在提升本科的工作效率,加強科 Division to higher standards, more transparency and 內人員的凝聚力,並載列本科到2012年應達到的詳盡 enhanced liaison with others in the criminal justice system and with the community as a whole. 目標。《策略性發展計劃》的建議分為以下三大類別:

第一類可於科別層面推行,並已於2007至2008年度由 The SDP concentrates upon enhancing the effectiveness 科別主管全力實施;第二類是那些須由部門推行的建 of the Division and promoting its cohesion, and provides detailed objectives to be achieved by 2012. 議,這些建議在2008年取得若干進展;第三類是那些 Its proposals fall into three discrete categories. First, 須取得外間支援才能實行的建議。 those which can be taken forward at the divisional level, and throughout 2007-2008 these were vigorously 每個策略性檢討的共同課題,是致力提高專業水平和現 pursued by divisional managers. Second, those which require to be taken forward by the department, and 代化,以及提升本科在本地、區內和國際層面的地位。 in 2008 there was some progress. Third, those which 《策略性發展計劃》的重點在於從人力、資源和架構重 require external support for implementation. 整各方面提升本科的能力,並讓檢控人員盡量發揮所 長,以及加強他們的職能。該計劃特別強調以下各項: Common to each of the strategic reviews was professionalism and modernisation, and the promotion

16 現代的檢控機關 A Modern Prosecution Service 2007至2012年度策略性發展計劃 Strategic Development Programme 2007-2012

• 透明度和問責性 of the Division's position at local, regional and international levels. The SDP places its focus upon • 溝通的層面 strengthening the Division in terms of manpower, • 與各方的關係 resources and re-structuring, and upon developing to the full the capacity of prosecutors, and enhancing their • 程序的改革 functions. Particular emphasis is accorded to : • 提供法律意見和進行訟辯的職責

• 推動檢控服務的專門化 • transparency and accountability • levels of communication • 為市民提供的服務。 • relations with others • reform of procedures 在2008年,根據《策略性發展計劃》推行的新措施包 • advisory and advocacy roles 括: • development of specialisations • service to the community. • 招聘法庭檢控主任,以確保該職系在簡易程序的層 面繼續提供一流的檢控服務 In 2008, initiatives to have been taken forward under the SDP included : • 將“ 政府律師 ”重新命名為“ 檢控官 ”,以凸顯檢 控職責的獨立性 • a recruitment exercise for court prosecutors to enable the grade to continue providing a first-class 刑事檢控專員諮詢小組每季舉行會議,以促進科內 • prosecution service at the summary level 各級檢控人員諮詢及交流意見 • the re-titling of‘government counsel’ as‘public • 開設專責職位 prosecutor’ to underline the independence of the prosecutorial function • 接受傳媒訪問,以提高公眾人士對本科的認識 • quarterly meetings of the director's advisory group, • 推行刑事檢控專員嘉許信計劃,以表揚優秀的檢控 to promote greater divisional consultation amongst 人員 prosecutors at all levels • the creation of specialist posts • 公布新的檢控政策指引。 • media interviews to heighten public awareness

• the director's appreciation letter scheme to 本科每一個策略性檢討均認同,各地的檢控人員必須保 acknowledge prosecutorial excellence

持聯繫,以達到共同的目標。為使檢控工作更見成效, • promulgation of new prosecution policy guidelines. 我們把提升本科在本地、區內和國際間的地位列為優先 工作。《策略性發展計劃》總結指出,這裏“ 有一個現 Each of the Division's strategic reviews has recognised 代化、具透明度和公正無私的刑事檢控機關,是香港之 the need for prosecutors in different places to liaise in pursuit of shared objectives. The strengthening of 福”。《策略性發展計劃》的建議落實後,本科將會具 the Division at local, regional and international levels 備所需的能力,全面迎接未來的挑戰。 has been prioritised in the interests of more effective prosecutions. The SDP concludes that Hong Kong ‘ is fortunate to have a prosecution service which is modern, transparent and just’, and once its proposals are implemented the Division will possess the capacity it needs to meet its future challenges in full.

17 現代的檢控機關 檢控人員守則 A Modern Prosecution Service Code for Prosecutors

本科在1993年發表首份刑事檢控政策指引,其後分別 The first prosecution policy guidelines were issued in 在1998年和2002年對指引作出修訂。2008年,本科成 1993. These were updated in 1998 and again in 2002. In 2008, a working group of seven prosecutors, chaired 立一個工作小組,成員包括7名檢控人員,由刑事檢控 by the DPP, with Ms Winnie Ho, SPP, as secretary, 專員擔任主席,高級檢控官何偉萬擔任秘書,負責對現 conducted a comprehensive review of the existing 行指引進行全面檢討。結果,工作小組編訂了新的《檢 guidelines. In consequence, a new code, entitled The 控政策及常規》(《檢控政策》),供檢控人員參考。 Statement of Prosecution Policy and Practice (‘The Statement’ ), was formulated for the reference of prosecutors. 編製《檢控政策》,是刑事檢控科在2008至2009年度

的一項刑事司法工作。本科在《檢控政策》中對之前發 The preparation of The Statement was a criminal justice 表的刑事檢控政策指引作出大幅修訂,並新增了其他檢 initiative of the Division for 2008-2009. The Statement 控職責範疇。本科亦藉此更新先前的指引,從而加強透 has substantially revised the earlier prosecution policy guidelines, and new areas of prosecutorial responsibility 明度和問責性。 are incorporated. The opportunity was also taken to modernise the document in the interests of greater 在編訂《檢控政策》時,我們參考了檢控人員近年所得 transparency and accountability. 的經驗,以及市民所關注的問題。我們也曾審視其他主 In formulating The Statement, regard was had to the 要普通法司法管轄區的發展情況,而工作小組亦有汲取 experiences of prosecutors in recent years, as well as 國際檢察官聯合會同業的最新觀點。《檢控政策》是一 to the interests of the community. Developments in 份與時俱進的守則,但同時亦強調香港法律制度的普通 other major common law jurisdictions were examined, 法根源和傳統。 and the working group tapped into the latest thinking of our counterparts in the International Association of Prosecutors. The Statement is a modern code which 《檢控政策》的作用是為檢控人員提供指引,以便他們 emphasises our common law roots and traditions. 妥善履行職務。除此之外,《檢控政策》也提供一個途

徑,讓市民大眾更能明瞭我們作出刑事檢控決定的過 The Statement, quite apart from its function of 程。《檢控政策》闡釋檢控官須遵循的準則、政策及常 providing a code for prosecutors in the proper discharge of their duties, is a means by which the decision making process in respect of public prosecutions can be made more understandable to the public at large. It explains the standards, policies and practices of the public prosecutor. Through the measured and consistent application of prosecution policy and practice, prosecutors seek to advance the rule of law.

Apart from modernising the guidance provided to prosecutors concerning their role and ethics, the conduct of private prosecutions, the mode of trial, the duty of disclosure, the functions of sentencing, the victim of crime and the use of the nolle prosequi, new items to have been placed in The Statement include : 工作小組秘書高級檢控官何偉萬:對刑事檢控政策指引進行全面 檢討。 Ms Winnie Ho, SPP, Secretary to the Working Group : • the prosecutor and the unrepresented accused a comprehensive review of prosecution policy guidelines. • the conduct of domestic violence cases

18 現代的檢控機關 A Modern Prosecution Service 檢控人員守則 Code for Prosecutors

規。檢控人員藉着審慎一致地應用檢控政策及常規,致 • the prosecutor and the recovery of costs 力促進法治。 • the proceeds of crime • the prosecutor and the media 除了為檢控人員提供有關職責及專業操守、私人檢控的 • the judicial review of a prosecution decision. 處理、審訊方式、披露材料的責任、判刑的職責、罪行 The Statement was published at year's end, and 受害者和終止檢控的新修訂指引外,《檢控政策》所增 became operational on 2 January 2009. It will guide 補的新事項包括: prosecutors at all levels in the conduct of cases and in the exercise of the prosecutorial discretion. By a • 檢控人員與沒有代表律師的被告人 principled adherence to the code prosecutors will continue to achieve the highest standards and to • 處理涉及家庭暴力的案件 satisfy the expectations of the community. • 檢控人員與追討訟費 At a media briefing on 23 December to coincide with • 犯罪得益 the formal release of The Statement to the public, the • 檢控人員與傳媒 DPP reviewed the ambit of the code and explained the • 就檢控決定提出的司法覆核。 nature of the updating. He described The Statement as‘ a thoroughly modern document which will make a valuable contribution to our criminal justice system in 《檢控政策》在2008年年底發表,並在2009年1月2日開 the years to come’. 始實施。《檢控政策》為各級檢控人員在處理案件和行 使檢控酌情權方面提供指引。檢控人員切實執行這份守 則,將可繼續提供最優質的服務,以達到巿民的期望。

刑事檢控專員在12月23日,即《檢控政策》正式向公 眾人士發表當日會見傳媒,會上他檢視守則涵蓋的範 圍,並解釋有關修訂的性質。他形容《檢控政策》是 “ 一份推陳出新、與時並進的文件,在未來的日子定可 以為本港的刑事司法制度帶來寶貴貢獻 ”。

檢控人員守則:一份與時並進的文件。 The Code for Prosecutors : a thoroughly modern document.

19 現代的檢控機關 刑事檢控專員諮詢小組 A Modern Prosecution Service Director's Advisory Group

在《2007至2012年度策略性發展計劃》中,檢控人員 In the Strategic Development Programme 2007- 委員會建議,在完成制定刑事檢控科未來5年的策略性 2012, the Committee of Prosecutors recommended that once its task of settling the strategic review of 檢討後,將委員會重組為諮詢小組,讓刑事檢控專員可 the Prosecutions Division for the next five years was 以向其作出諮詢,而小組亦可以向刑事檢控專員提出意 complete, it should be re-constituted as an advisory 見。這個諮詢小組必須具代表性,並且能夠加強各級檢 group which the DPP could consult and which could 控人員的聯繫。諮詢小組定名為刑事檢控專員諮詢小組 put ideas to the DPP. This consultative body had to be (諮詢小組),於2007年1月3日正式成立。 representative and would promote liaison amongst prosecutors at all levels. It would be known as the Director's Advisory Group (DAG). The DAG was formally 諮詢小組成立之後,每季最少召開一次會議,並就高級 constituted on 3 January 2007. 和初級檢控人員以及整個刑事檢控科關注的問題,提供 一個坦誠討論的平台。諮詢小組向刑事檢控專員提出意 Since its inception, the DAG has met at least once a quarter, and has provided a forum for the frank 見,並就當前的事宜和未來的計劃向他提供建議。根據 discussion of issues of concern to senior and junior 諮詢小組的職權範圍,每當刑事檢控專員需要小組的意 prosecutors, and to the Division as a whole. It has 見時,便會向其諮詢,有關問題的審議會“ 有建設性地 put ideas to the DPP, and advised him on matters of 審議,避免不必要的程序 ”。 moment and on future planning. Under its terms of reference, the DAG is consulted by the DPP whenever he needs its views, and questions are‘reviewed 諮詢小組共有9名成員,分別來自各級檢控人員。諮詢 in a constructive way, with an avoidance of undue 小組的常任成員為刑事檢控專員和人事主管,非常任成 formality’. 員則包括兩名高級助理刑事檢控專員、兩名高級檢控 官及兩名檢控官。如須討論影響法庭檢控主任職系利益 The DAG comprises nine members, drawn from prosecutors at all ranks. The permanent members 的事宜,總法庭檢控主任(行政)也會以臨時成員的身分 are the DPP and the Chief of Staff, while the non- 出席會議。諮詢小組的秘書由刑事檢控科總行政主任擔 permanent members comprise two Senior Assistant 任。 Directors of Public Prosecutions, two Senior Public

刑事檢控專員及刑事檢控專員諮詢小組:有建設性地審議問題並就未來的計劃提供建議。 The DPP with the Director's Advisory Group : reviewing issues in a constructive way and advising on future planning.

20 現代的檢控機關 A Modern Prosecution Service 刑事檢控專員諮詢小組 Director's Advisory Group

獲委任的諮詢小組成員任期為兩年,其任期可予延 Prosecutors and two Public Prosecutors. The Chief 長。如有成員不再擔任原屬職級的職位,便會退出小 Court Prosecutor (Administration) is an occasional member, attending whenever issues affecting the 組。在2008年,高級檢控官曾藹琪及金玉晉升後已停 interests of the Court Prosecutor grade arise. The 止擔任諮詢小組成員,並由檢控官莊君如及劉理蘭接 Chief Executive Officer (PD) serves as secretary. 替。高級助理刑事檢控專員李紹強資深大律師及高級 檢控官譚思樂的任期已於年底屆滿。 Those appointed to the DAG serve for a term of two years, which may be extended. In the event of a member ceasing to hold the existing rank, he 2008年,諮詢小組審議多項不同的事宜,包括: or she will stand down. In 2008, in consequence of promotion, Ms Olivia Tsang, SPP, and Ms Teresa Kam, • 刑事司法措施 SPP, left the DAG, and were succeeded by Miss Sezen Chong, PP, and Ms Margaret Lau, PP. Terms of office • 接待新檢控官的安排 were completed at year's end by Mr Robert S K Lee, • 撰寫員工評核報告的一致性 SC, SADPP, and Mr Isaac Tam, SPP.

• 案件的分配 In 2008, the DAG considered a variety of issues. These 檢控官的稱謂 • included : • 檢控人員的培訓計劃 • criminal justice initiatives • 處理循簡易程序審訊的案件 • arrangements for the reception of new prosecutors • 處理檢控決定所引起的反應 • consistency in staff appraisal reports 性罪犯名冊中期建議 • • allocation of cases • 修訂刑事檢控政策指引 • nomenclature for public prosecutors

• 檢控官交流計劃。 • training agenda for prosecutors • conduct of cases at the summary level

刑事檢控專員及諮詢小組成員每年均會檢討諮詢小組的 • processing responses to prosecution decisions 運作。 • interim proposals for a sex offender register • revised prosecution policy guidelines • prosecutor exchange programmes.

The operation of the DAG is subject to annual review by the DPP and its members.

21 現代的檢控機關 披露材料常設委員會 A Modern Prosecution Service Standing Committee on Disclosure

《基本法》第八十七條訂明被告人享有公正審判的權 Article 87 of the Basic Law enshrines the right of 利。要有公平的審訊,必須有不偏不倚的檢控人員。控 an accused to a fair trial. A fair trial requires a fair prosecutor. A trial can only be fair if the prosecution 方履行披露案件材料的責任,被告人才會得到公平審 observes its disclosure obligations. The general duty on 訊。控方的一般職責是披露控方打算在審訊中依賴的證 the prosecution is to disclose the evidence upon which 據。可披露的材料亦包括可能對控方不利或對辯方有利 it proposes to rely at trial. Also disclosable is relevant 的相關材料。如控方未有適時披露材料,案件便可能出 material which might undermine the prosecution case 現司法不公的情況。 or assist the defence case. If appropriate disclosure is not made at the right time cases may miscarry.

2004年,刑事檢控專員成立披露材料常設委員會。自 In 2004, the DPP established the Standing Committee 此,常設委員會定期檢討刑事檢控科有關披露材料的安 on Disclosure. Since then, it has kept the disclosure 排。常設委員會由高級助理刑事檢控專員張維新擔任主 arrangements of the Prosecutions Division under regular review. Chaired by Mr Patrick Cheung, 席,高級檢控官林穎茜擔任秘書,高級檢控官林德穎擔 SADPP, with Ms Vinci Lam, SPP, as secretary, and 任研究助理,每年兩次向刑事檢控專員提交報告。常設 Ms Winnie Lam, SPP, as research assistant, the Standing 委員會的職責範圍廣泛,除了負責進行特別的工作計劃 Committee reports biannually to the DPP. Its mandate 外,還會在出現披露材料爭議時提供意見。 is wide, and apart from special projects it provides opinions when disclosure issues arise.

The Standing Committee's terms of reference require it to examine the effect of local developments on the law of disclosure, and to place its reports in a comparative context. The impact of judgments in other common law jurisdictions is assessed, together with legislative changes. Wherever necessary, recommendations are made for the review of internal disclosure guidelines, and for the updating of the guidelines deployed by the law enforcement agencies.

The law of disclosure is constantly evolving, and the 披露材料常設委員會主席高級助理刑事檢控專員張維新:製備《披 露材料手冊》供檢控人員和調查人員參考。 Standing Committee ensures that prosecutors and Mr Patrick Cheung, SADPP, Chairman of the Standing Committee investigators are supplied with regular guidance on on Disclosure : producing a Manual on Disclosure for the reference of prosecutors and investigators. the scope of the disclosure obligations as well as on the criteria to be applied. Guidelines promulgated in recent times have assisted prosecutors to make 按照常設委員會的職責,它須研究本港的法律發展對披 proper disclosure of relevant material prior to trial, 露材料帶來的影響,並以比較的形式提交報告。其他普 and have minimised difficulties in the course of court 通法司法管轄區的判例及法律修訂所帶來的影響,亦須 proceedings. Tailor-made guidelines have also been 予以評估。如有需要,常設委員會會提出建議,檢討內 formulated for the law enforcement agencies in relation to material which requires to be revealed to 部的披露材料指引和更新供執法機關依循的指引。 the defence to ensure the proper conduct of criminal cases. 鑑於與披露材料有關的法律不斷演變,常設委員會會定 期為檢控人員和調查人員提供指引,確保他們了解有 In 2008, the Standing Committee advised on topics 關披露材料的職責範圍及應用準則。我們近年為檢控人 which included :

22 現代的檢控機關 A Modern Prosecution Service 披露材料常設委員會 Standing Committee on Disclosure

員編製的指引,有助他們在審訊前妥為披露有關材料, • the disclosure of the existence of participating 令他們在法律程序中遇到的困難減至最少。此外,我們 informants 亦為執法機關就須向辯方披露的材料,制定了特定的指 • the circumstances in which derogation from the 引,以確保刑事案件得到妥善處理。 rule of full disclosure may be legitimate

• the timing of disclosure to the defence. 年內,常設委員會就下列事項提供意見:

In 2007, the DPP invited the Standing Committee to • 就有份參與案件的線人而作出的披露 produce a Manual on Disclosure (‘Manual’ ), for • 全面披露材料規則可予以合法減免的情況 the reference of prosecutors and investigators. The preparation of the Manual was a criminal justice • 向辯方披露材料的時間。 initiative of the Division in 2008, and it consolidated and refined the guidance previously provided to 在2007年,刑事檢控專員要求常設委員會製備《披露 those who advise on cases and conduct them at court. The Manual was finalised in December, and topics 材料手冊》(“ 該手冊 ”),供檢控人員和調查人員參 addressed included : 考。製備該手冊是本科2008年的一項刑事司法措施。

該手冊將先前為就案件提供法律意見與及為案件進行訟 • obligation to disclose 辯的人員所提供的指引,加以整理和修訂。該手冊在 • law and practice 12月定稿,涵蓋的主題包括: • ambit of disclosure

• 披露案件材料的責任 • timing of disclosure

• 法律及常規 • disclosure in trial courts

• 披露材料的範圍 • public interest immunity

• 披露材料的時間 • informants and disclosure

• 在審訊法院披露材料 • legal professional privilege

• 公眾利益豁免 • defence disclosure.

• 線人及披露材料 When in May the DPP addressed the fourth induction • 法律專業保密權 seminar for new fiat counsel, he said the issue of what • 辯方披露材料。 needed to be disclosed was often problematic and required acute care. He added that‘the duty to make full and frank disclosure is a positive one placed upon 本年5月,刑事檢控專員在為新外判律師舉辦的第四屆 the prosecutor, and it continues throughout the course 啟導研討會上說,哪些材料需要披露,往往是檢控人員 of the trial’. 面對的難題,必須特別謹慎處理。他並補充說:“ 全面 和如實披露材料是檢控人員明確的責任,並且這項責任 在整個審訊過程中一直存在 ”。

23 現代的檢控機關 國際檢察官聯合會 A Modern Prosecution Service International Association of Prosecutors

國際檢察官聯合會(“ 聯會 ”)是首個也是唯一由檢察官 The International Association of Prosecutors (IAP) is 組成的世界性組織。聯會於1995年在維也納聯合國辦 the first and only world organization of prosecutors. Established in 1995 at the United Nations Offices 事處組成,並於1996年正式成立。聯會致力促進世界 in Vienna and formally inaugurated in 1996, it is 各地檢察人員之間的緊密合作,以及提高刑事檢控的水 committed to developing close co-operation amongst 平。聯會是聯合國經濟及社會理事會的特別諮詢機構, the prosecutors of the world and to promoting high 並且與歐洲議會和亞洲預防犯罪基金會聯繫。聯會的 standards of criminal justice. The IAP has special 120個機構會員來自世界各地,代表超過200,000名檢 consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, and is associated with 控人員。 the Council of Europe and the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation. Its 120 organizational members are 刑事檢控科自2001年加入聯會成為該會第75個機構會 drawn from every region of the world, and represent 員以來,一直積極全面支持聯會在區域及國際層面的活 more than 200,000 prosecutors. 動。2008年,聯會的《檢控人員專業責任守則和主要 The Prosecutions Division became the 75th 職責及權利的聲明》在第十七屆聯合國預防犯罪和刑事 organizational member of the IAP in 2001. Since 司法大會上通過成為決議,並納入本科的檢控政策指引 joining, the Division has played a full part in its 之內。本科支持聯會的各項打擊貪污、虐待兒童和科技 activities at both the regional and international levels. The IAP's Standards of Professional Responsibility 罪行等新計劃。2008年,聯會的檢控官交流計劃也得 and Statement of the Essential Duties and Rights of 到本科支持,這個計劃旨在加強檢控人員和檢察機關的 Prosecutors were adopted in 2008 as a Resolution 緊密聯繫。 by the 17th United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Justice, and these are incorporated 2004年,本科主辦第二屆國際檢察官聯合會亞太區會 into the Division's prosecution policy guidelines. IAP initiatives to have been supported by the Division 議,論壇的主題是“ 處理販毒問題 ”。2007年,本科主 include those to counter corruption, child abuse and 辦第十二屆國際檢察官聯合會年會暨會員大會。會議以 technology crime. In 2008, the Division endorsed “ 與各方的聯繫:責任承擔、具透明度和獨立自主 ”為 the IAP's Prosecutor Exchange Programme, which is 題。2007年,刑事檢控專員成為香港首位當選為聯會 designed to facilitate closer ties between prosecutors and their agencies. 執行委員會成員的檢控人員。在2008年,他積極參與 該會的審議工作,並就制定有效的反罪行策略,聯繫聯 In 2004, the Division hosted the 2nd Asia and Pacific 會內其他主要檢控人員。 Regional Conference of the IAP, the theme of which was‘Dealing with Drug Offences’. In 2007, 6月,刑事檢控科參加在首爾舉行的第五屆國際檢察官 the Division hosted the 12th Annual Conference and General Meeting of the IAP, the theme of 聯合會亞太區會議。該會議以“ 經濟增長與涉及公司的 which was‘Relations with Others : Accountability, 罪案:經驗分享 ”為主題。刑事檢控專員在開幕禮上發 Transparency and Independence’. In 2007, the DPP 表專題演講,而高級助理刑事檢控專員唐立品則以“金 became the first prosecutor from Hong Kong to be 融犯罪和涉及銀行的詐騙 - 香港的經驗 ”為題,在會 elected to the Executive Committee of the IAP, and throughout 2008 he contributed to its deliberations. 議上致辭。刑事檢控專員向與會代表表示,香港致力建 He also liaised with other chief prosecutors within 立良好的公司管治,而“ 與鄰近地區進行有效的司法合 the IAP over the formulation of effective anti-crime 作,是我們要優先處理的工作。在全球打擊涉及公司的 strategies. 罪案的工作中,我們決意繼續站在最前的戰線 ”。

24 現代的檢控機關 A Modern Prosecution Service 國際檢察官聯合會 International Association of Prosecutors

8月,在新加坡舉行的第十三屆國際檢察官聯合會年會 In June, the Division participated in the 5th Asia 暨會員大會上,刑事檢控專員主持檢察機關首長會議。 and Pacific Regional Conference of the IAP, in Seoul. The conference theme was‘Economic Growth and 淫褻及兒童色情物品檢控政策協調員彭寶琴在該會議 Corporate Crime : Sharing Experiences’. While the 的“ 檢控網上兒童色情物品 ”工作坊中擔任會議報告 DPP delivered a keynote address at the opening 員。8月28日,在2008年聯會的頒授儀式上,刑事檢控 session, Mr Richard Turnbull, SADPP, addressed the 專員代表本科接受聯會副主席 Mr James Hamilton 頒發 conference on‘Financial crime and frauds against ’ 榮譽獎狀,以表揚本科為達成聯會目標所作出的貢獻。 banks – the Hong Kong experience . The DPP told delegates that Hong Kong was committed to sound 刑事檢控專員表示,獎狀“ 顯示香港的檢控服務在國際 corporate governance, and that‘effective judicial 間得到承認,並穩佔一席位 ”。 co-operation with our neighbours is something we prioritise, and we are determined to remain at the forefront of global efforts to counter corporate crime’.

At the 13th Annual Conference and General Meeting of the IAP, in Singapore, in August, the DPP chaired the Meeting of the Heads of Prosecution Agencies. Ms Anthea Pang, Policy Co-ordinator on Obscene Articles and Child Pornography, was the rapporteur for the conference workshop on‘Prosecuting child pornography on the net’. On 28 August, at the IAP 2008 Awards Presentation, the DPP, on behalf of the Division, and in recognition of contributions to the objectives of the Association, received the Certificate 刑事檢控專員(右)於2008年8月28日在新加坡接受國際檢察官聯合 of Merit of the Association from Mr James Hamilton, 會副主席 Mr James Hamilton 頒發聯會榮譽獎狀:為達成聯會目標 而作出貢獻。 Vice-President of the IAP. The DPP called the award‘a The DPP (right) receives the Certificate of Merit of the welcome recognition of the status now enjoyed at the International Association of Prosecutors from IAP Vice- international level by the prosecution service of Hong President Mr James Hamilton, in Singapore, on 28 August 2008: contributing to the objectives of the Association. Kong’.

25 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime


近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime

26 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 動物福利 Animal Welfare

刑事檢控科與關注團體合作,致力促進動物福利。警 The Prosecutions Division is committed to working 務處、漁農自然護理署、食物環境衞生署和愛護動物 with concerned groups to promote the welfare of animals. While the Police, the Agriculture, Fisheries and 協會就有關罪行合力檢討調查和跟進工作的程序,本 Conservation Department, the Food and Environmental 科也就虐待動物案件與關注組織聯絡。2月,高級檢控 Hygiene Department and the Society for the Prevention 官李翺如主持培訓研討會,向愛護動物協會的督察講解 of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) have jointly reviewed 檢控技巧。3月,愛護動物協會執行總監麥履善先生、 procedures for the investigation of offences and follow- 副總監費安娜醫生和檢核部總監何子棠先生為檢控人員 up action, the Division liaised with interested bodies over cases of animal cruelty. In February, Miss Patty 講述“ 香港動物福利和愛護動物協會面對的挑戰 ”。 Lee, SPP, conducted a training seminar on prosecution techniques for SPCA inspectors. In March, Mr Sandy Macalister, Executive Director, Dr Fiona Woodhouse, Deputy Director, and Mr Tony Ho, Chief Superintendent, SPCA, lectured prosecutors on‘Animal welfare in Hong Kong and the challenges of the SPCA’.

The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance (PCAO) is the principal instrument for combating animal abuse, and its enforcement is subject to periodic review. In 2006, the maximum penalty for the offence of cruelty to an animal was increased from a fine of $5,000 and 6 months' imprisonment to a fine of ' 愛護動物協會執行總監麥履善先生在2008年3月17日與檢控人員 $200,000 and 3 years imprisonment. In January, the 討論動物福利的事宜。 Police adopted new guidelines for the handling of such Mr Sandy Macalister, Executive Director, Society for the cases, and prosecutors provided appropriate levels of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, discusses animal welfare with prosecutors on 17 March 2008. support. Throughout 2008, the prosecutors of Sections 3 and 9 advised investigators upon animal cruelty cases, and conducted prosecutions when required. The 《防止殘酷對待動物條例》是對付虐待動物罪行的主要 Criminal Appeals Unit was alerted when sentences were 法例,該條例的執行情況會定期被檢討。2006年,當 considered to be of concern. In an editorial in May, the 局把殘酷對待動物罪行的最高刑罰,由罰款5,000元和 South China Morning Post noted the need‘to send a clear message that the law will not tolerate gratuitous 監禁6個月提高至罰款200,000元和監禁3年。1月,警 violence to animals’. 方採用了新的指引來處理虐待動物個案,而檢控人員在

這方面提供了適切的支援。年內,第3及第9組的檢控人 During 2008, prosecutors monitored the sentences of 員就虐待動物案件為調查人員提供法律指引,並在需要 the courts in the interests of deterrence, and sought the 時進行檢控。如判刑值得關注,便會知會刑事上訴組。 review of sentences deemed to be unduly lenient. In October, the Court of Appeal considered the levels of 5月,《南華早報》在一篇社論中強調,有需要“ 發出 sentence for the offence of animal cruelty for the first 明確訊息,表明法律絕不容忍無理暴力對待動物 ”。 time. The DPP submitted that a sentence of 6 months' imprisonment imposed upon an electrician who cruelly 年內,檢控人員密切注視法庭的有關判刑,務使判刑能 beat a pregnant barking deer to death with a spade and caused it unnecessary suffering on a Lantau beach was 起阻嚇作用。如認為判刑過輕,便會尋求覆核判刑。 manifestly inadequate. Although the Court found the 10月,上訴法庭首次考慮殘酷對待動物罪行的量刑。 actions of the accused to be‘very shocking indeed’, it 刑事檢控專員指出,一名電器技工在大嶼山沙灘上用 concluded that the offence was not in the most serious

27 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 動物福利 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Animal Welfare

鐵鏟活活打死一隻懷孕黃麂,並使其蒙受不必要的痛 category, as would have been the case where‘cruelty 苦,行為殘酷卻只被判處監禁6個月,判刑明顯過輕。 had been inflicted out of a misguided and sadistic sense of fun at seeing an animal suffer over a prolonged time 法庭雖然同意被告人行為“ 確實令人十分震驚 ”,但認 through torture’. Each case would depend on its own 為與“ 以變態手法虐待動物為樂,使其長時間蒙受痛 facts and the reason an act of cruelty to an animal was 苦”的情況相比,被告人所犯罪行不屬於最嚴重的類 committed would often determine whether a custodial 別。法庭就此指出,每宗案件應按本身的事實來作出決 sentence was appropriate and its length ([2008] 5 HKC 定,法庭會基於被告人殘酷對待動物的原因而決定判處 306). 監禁是否恰當,並據此定出刑期的長短 ([2008] 5 HKC In May, two accused were prosecuted by Ms Katherine 306)。 Yeoh, SCP II, for cruelty to an animal and incitement to mistreat an animal. They were seen beating a 5月,高級二等法庭檢控主任楊家寶檢控兩名被告人殘 black cat with wooden poles in Siu Sai Wan in the middle of the night, and to throw its remains into 酷對待動物和煽動他人虐待動物。案中有市民目擊被告 a sewer when they realised they had killed it. The 人深夜在小西灣用木棍毆打一隻黑貓及在發現黑貓死 autopsy report showed that the cat died from a fatal 去時將其遺骸棄於溝渠內。根據解剖報告,該黑貓因頭 blow to its head. After the magistrate said the attack 部受重擊致死。裁判官表示,被告人襲擊黑貓的行為令 was disturbing and that it was necessary to‘send a message to uncivilised human beings’, the accused 人不安,有必要“ 向野蠻的人發出訊息 ”,故分別判處 were sentenced to imprisonment for, respectively, 兩名被告人監禁4個月和3個月(東區裁判法院刑事案件 4 months and 3 months (ESCC 1217 of 2008). In 2008年第1217號)。8月,原訟法庭審理一宗上訴,案 August, when the Court of First Instance disposed 中被告人把7隻貓和狗關在3個狹小的籠中並任由牠們被 of an appeal by an accused sentenced to community 風吹雨打,被法庭判處社會服務令。法官強調,所有人 service for leaving seven cats and dogs in three tiny cages out in the rain, the judge emphasised that no 應該清楚知道“ 對於殘酷對待動物的行為,法庭定必嚴 one should think that‘these courts will be anything 加懲處 ”(高院裁判法院上訴2008年第431號)。 other than rigorous when it comes to treating cruelty to animals’ (HCMA 431 of 2008). 年內,檢控殘酷對待動物的案件有29宗,當中有26宗 In 2008, there were 29 prosecutions for animal cruelty, 被定罪,其中4宗的被告人被判處監禁,6宗被判處社 of which 26 resulted in convictions. The accused in 4 會服務令及16宗被罰判款。至於2007年,檢控案件有 of these cases were imprisoned, while 6 cases resulted 42宗,當中有40宗被定罪,其中有26宗的被告人被判 in community service orders and 16 in fines. In 2007, 罰款,7宗被判處監禁。 there were 42 cases prosecuted, with 40 convictions, and of these 26 resulted in fines with 7 attracting imprisonment.

28 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 追討犯罪資產 Asset Recovery

刑事檢控科第11組由5名檢控人員組成,主管為追討 Headed by Mr Gavin Shiu, SADPP, Policy Co-ordinator 資產檢控政策協調員高級助理刑事檢控專員邵家勳。 on Asset Recovery, Section 11 and its five prosecutors handled cases in 2008 which involved the seizure 2008年,該組處理多宗涉及沒收犯罪得益的案件。在 of proceeds of crime. They sought restraint and 可行的情況下,該組就案件申請資產限制令及沒收令, confiscation orders whenever possible, and liaised with 並與會計師聯繫,以管理可變現財產。檢控政策協調員 accountants to manage realisable property. When the 於4月接受《星島日報》訪問時提到,金融機構更緊密 Policy Co-ordinator was interviewed in April by Sing 聯繫,有助識別可疑的交易,並追尋犯罪得益。他形容 Tao Daily, he made the case for closer liaison between monetary authorities to identify suspicious transactions 追查罪犯的資產“ 是一場鬥智鬥力的角力,因罪犯不會 and locate the proceeds of crime. He called the tracing 乖乖將財產放在銀行 ”。 of assets‘a wrestle with criminals in terms of intellect and strength, because they would not simply put their 香港擁有追討犯罪資產及打擊恐怖份子籌資活動的完整 money in banks’. 法例。檢控人員根據《有組織及嚴重罪行條例》及《販 Hong Kong has in place comprehensive laws for the 毒(追討得益)條例》,就清洗黑錢的罪行提出檢控。《聯 recovery of criminal assets, and for the countering 合國(反恐怖主義措施)條例》使聯合國安全理事會第 of terrorist finance. Money laundering offences are 1373號決議以及財務行動特別組織的特別建議得以實 prosecuted under the Organized and Serious Crimes 施。年內,檢控人員及調查人員緊密合作,追查各種來 Ordinance and the Drug Trafficking (Recovery of 源的犯罪資產。刑事檢控專員於11月在馬尼拉舉行的第 Proceeds) Ordinance. The United Nations (Anti- Terrorism Measures) Ordinance gave effect to UNSCR 五屆中國與東盟成員國總檢察長會議上表示:“ 要打擊 1373, and the special recommendations of the Financial 跨國罪行,必須先令罪犯無利可圖,這是執法中至為關 Action Task Force (FATF). Prosecutors and investigators 鍵的一環 ”。 worked in tandem throughout the year in pursuit of criminal assets, whatever the source. When the 在2008年,檢控政策協調員及第11組的檢控人員參與財 DPP spoke in November at the 5th China-ASEAN Prosecutors General Conference, in Manila, he said 務行動特別組織及亞洲/太平洋反清洗黑錢組織(“ 亞太 that as‘transnational crime can only be countered if 組織 ”)進行有關香港的相互評估。4月,邵先生和檢控 deprived of its profits we regard this as a vital area of 政策副協調員馮淑賢在巴黎與財務行動特別組織及亞太 law enforcement’.

In 2008, the Policy Co-ordinator and Section 11 prosecutors were involved in the mutual evaluation of Hong Kong conducted by the FATF and the Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG). In April, Mr Shiu and Miss Catherine Fung, Deputy Policy Co-ordinator, reviewed the draft report with FATF/APG assessors in Paris. In June, the Policy Co-ordinator attended the FATF Plenary Meeting in London, and explained the operation of the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance. When the FATF/APG released its report in July, it concluded that‘Hong Kong has a good legal structure to combat money laundering and terrorist financing’.

高級檢控官何詠光:在香港警察學院向調查人員講授追討犯罪資產。 Throughout 2008, prosecutors shared their expertise Mr Paul Ho, SPP : explaining the recovery of criminal assets to with others, and advocated better seizure techniques. investigators at the Police College. In February, Mr Shiu and Miss Fung conducted an asset

29 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 追討犯罪資產 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Asset Recovery

組織的評估人員審議報告的擬稿。6月,檢控政策協調 recovery workshop for the ICAC. In April, Mr Kevin 員出席在倫敦舉行的財務行動特別組織全體會議,並 Zervos, SC, DDPP, lectured regional prosecutors on the recovery of criminal proceeds and the prosecution of 解釋《有組織及嚴重罪行條例》的運作。財務行動特 money launderers at a seminar organized by the Pacific 別組織及亞太組織於7月發表報告,並總結指出“ 香港 Islands Forum Secretariat in New Zealand. In May, the 具備良好的法律架構,以打擊清洗黑錢和恐怖份子籌 Deputy Policy Co-ordinator explained the methods of 資活動 ”。 confiscating the proceeds of organized crime at the Fighting Financial Crime Conference. In July, the Policy Co-ordinator discussed legal issues related to money 在2008年,檢控人員與其他工作伙伴分享其專業知識, laundering prosecutions and confiscation at a financial 並提倡更有效的沒收犯罪得益技巧。2月,邵先生和馮女 investigation workshop for regional crime managers. 士為廉政公署舉辦追討犯罪資產工作坊。4月,副刑事檢 In November, Mr Shiu participated in a joint mutual 控專員薛偉成資深大律師在新西蘭為太平洋島國論壇秘 evaluation of Korea by FATF/APG. In December, Section 書處舉辦的研討會講課,向區內檢控人員講解追討犯罪 11's Mr Paul Ho, SPP, lectured at the Police College on investigation techniques in money laundering cases 得益及檢控清洗黑錢罪犯的事宜。5月,檢控政策副協調 and the recovery of criminal assets. 員在打擊金融罪行會議上,講解沒收有組織罪行犯罪得

益的方法。7月,檢控政策協調員在一個為區內罪行管理 In April, an accused who was involved in laundering 人員舉辦的財富調查工作坊上,就清洗黑錢的檢控和沒 $29.4 million which derived from narcotics was 收資產事宜,與參加者討論有關的法律問題。11月,邵 sentenced to 5 years' imprisonment (DCCC 1144 of 2006). In May, a mainland woman who laundered 先生參與財務行動特別組織及亞太組織有關韓國的聯合 $7.6 million embezzled from the Agricultural Bank of 相互評估。12月,第11組的高級檢控官何詠光在香港警 China in Shenzhen was sentenced to 3 years 3 months' 察學院講授調查清洗黑錢案的技巧及追討犯罪資產。 imprisonment after the judge said the offence could undermine Hong Kong's status as a financial hub 4月,一名涉及清洗2,940萬元毒品收益的被告人,被 (DCCC 298 of 2006). In June, the owner of a massage establishment was sentenced to 6 years 3 months' 判處監禁5年(區院刑事案件2006年第1144號)。5月, imprisonment for laundering over $75 million associated 一名內地女子清洗盜用自深圳中國農業銀行的760萬元 with vice activity (DCCC 870 of 2005). In July, a cash 款項。法官指這項罪行可損害香港金融中心的地位, remittance agent who laundered $72 million of illicit 遂判處她監禁3年3個月(區院刑事案件2006年第298 funds through three bank accounts was imprisoned for 號)。6月,一名按摩場所東主因清洗與賣淫活動有關的 3 years 6 months (DCCC 625 of 2007). In November, a stockbroker was sentenced to 3 years 4 months' 款項逾7,500萬元,被判處監禁6年3個月(區院刑事案件 imprisonment for laundering $680 million which he 2005年第870號)。7月,一名匯款代理人透過3個銀行帳 fraudulently obtained from investors in Great Britain 戶清洗非法得來的7,200萬元款項,被判處監禁3年6個月 (DCCC 3 of 2008). (區院刑事案件2007年第625號)。11月,一名股票經紀 因清洗藉欺詐英國投資者得來的6億8千萬元黑錢,被判 In 2008, 364 persons were prosecuted for offences of money laundering. A total of 16 restraint orders was 處監禁3年4個月 (區院刑事案件2008年第3號)。 obtained, in respect of assets valued at about $409.98 million. There were 8 confiscation orders obtained, 年內,有364人被控以清洗黑錢罪。我們共取得16個限 and the sums ordered to be confiscated, under the 制令,當中涉及價值約4億998萬元的資產。我們根據 Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance and the Drug 《有組織及嚴重罪行條例》及《販毒(追討得益)條例》向 Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance were, respectively, $11.01 million and $1.38 million. The value 法庭取得8個沒收令,頒令沒收的款項分別為1,101萬元 of assets realised in satisfaction of confiscation orders 及138萬元。因履行沒收令而變現並交還庫務署的資產 and returned to the Treasury was $21.51 million. 總值為2,151萬元。

30 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 《基本法》及《人權法案》 Basic Law and Bill of Rights

《基本法》為香港刑事司法制度提供憲制框架,並訂明 The Basic Law provides the constitutional framework

居民的權利和義務,保證普通法制度得以延續,以及確 for the criminal justice system of Hong Kong. The rights and duties of residents are defined. The 認檢控人員的獨立自主。獨立的司法審判權得到保障, continuity of the common law is recognised, as is 陪審員制度也得以確立。被拘捕人士享有盡早接受公平 the independence of the prosecutor. The exercise of independent judicial power is protected, and the 審判的權利,以及無罪推定的權利。9月,高級助理刑 system of trial by jury is enshrined. Those arrested 事檢控專員李運騰在劍橋舉行的第二十六屆國際經濟罪 are entitled to a fair trial without delay, and to be 行研討會上致辭時表示,根據《基本法》,香港仍是 presumed innocent. When in September Mr Alex Lee, SADPP, addressed the 26th International Symposium “ 一個自主的普通法司法管轄區,在一國兩制模式的前 on Economic Crime, in Cambridge, he said that under 提下實施香港獨特的一套法律安排 ”。 its Basic Law, Hong Kong remained‘an autonomous common law jurisdiction, applying its own distinctive legal arrangements within the context of the one 《基本法》保障了檢控人員的地位。《基本法》第 country, two systems formula’. 六十三條訂明,律政司主管刑事檢察工作,不受任何

干涉。年內,檢控人員在堅持他們認為公正的決定 The Basic Law safeguards the position of the prosecutor. Article 63 provides that the Department 時,表明了他們的獨立自主。他們在穩固的基礎上履 of Justice shall control criminal prosecutions, free 行職務,並審慎地應用刑事檢控政策,以作出檢控決 from any interference. Throughout 2008, prosecutors asserted their independence in support of the 定。2月,刑事檢控專員向立法會資訊科技及廣播事務 decisions they considered to be just. Operating from a 委員會表示,“ 檢控人員必須時刻獨立行事,這點非常 secure base, decisions were taken after the measured application of prosecution policy. In February, the DPP 重要 ”。 told the Information Technology and Broadcasting Panel of the Legislative Council that it was‘vital for the prosecutor to act independently at all times’. 2008年,《基本法》及《人權法案》檢控政策協調員

彭寶琴,連同第10組的4名檢控人員,致力推廣在執行 In 2008, Ms Anthea Pang, Policy Co-ordinator on Basic Law and Bill of Rights, together with the four 刑事司法工作時對《基本法》和人權的認知。第10組的 prosecutors of Section 10, promoted awareness of 檢控人員分析案件中出現的人權和憲法問題,並就有關 the Basic Law and human rights in the application of criminal justice. Human rights and constitutional 的法律論點在法庭上陳詞。他們亦向執法機關解釋涉及 issues which arose in cases were analysed by Section 人權問題的法院判決所帶來的影響,並就最新發展對刑 10 prosecutors, and submissions were made in court on related points of law. The effect of judgments 事法的影響,向其他政府部門提供意見。第10組的檢控 involving human rights issues was explained to the law 人員確保有關人權的保障在刑事法律程序中得到遵循。 enforcement agencies, and others in government were advised upon the impact of latest developments on the criminal law. Section 10 prosecutors ensured that human rights guarantees were honoured throughout the course of criminal proceedings. 《基本法》第六十三條:“香港特別行 政區律政司主管刑事檢察工作,不受 任何干涉”。 ‘The Department of Justice of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall control criminal prosecutions, free from any interference’ : Basic Law, Article 63.

31 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 《基本法》及《人權法案》 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Basic Law and Bill of Rights

年內,第10組致力提升其處理案件的能力,作為維護 During 2008, Section 10 honed its capacity to process 法治承諾的一部分。3月,檢控政策協調員舉辦了一個 cases as part of the commitment to upholding the rule of law. In March, the Policy Co-ordinator organized 人權工作坊,並由香港大學比較法及公法研究中心總監 a Human Rights Workshop at which Professor Simon 楊艾文教授向檢控人員講授人權原則及其對檢控人員的 Young, Director of the Centre of Comparative and Public Law, University of Hong Kong, lectured 適切性。6月,彭女士檢討向檢控人員發出有關處理出 prosecutors on human rights principles and their 現憲法問題的案件的指引。8月,檢控政策協調員向新 relevance to prosecutors. In June, Ms Pang reviewed 招聘的檢控人員解釋《基本法》和人權問題。10月, the guidance provided to prosecutors conducting cases in which constitutional matters arose. In August, 第10組的高級檢控官鄭凱聰參加香港法律專業學會為 the Policy Co-ordinator explained Basic Law and 慶祝《世界人權宣言》公布60周年而舉辦的“ 人權及 human rights issues to newly recruited prosecutors. 法治 ”研討會。 In October, Section 10's Mr Raymond Cheng, SPP, participated in the Hong Kong Academy of Law's seminar on‘Human Rights and Rule of Law’, to 3月,終審法院審議有關授權廉政專員藉送達通知書要 celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Universal 求某人提交與調查或法律程序有關的涉及資產及負債的 Declaration of Human Rights. 資料的條文,是否違憲。獲送達通知書的人如無合理 In March, the Court of Final Appeal considered the 辯解而不遵照通知書辦理,即屬干犯刑事罪行,而被告 constitutionality of the provision which authorised the 人須承擔證明有合法授權或合理辯解的抗辯責任。法院 Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption to serve a notice requiring a person to 裁定,有關條文明顯地將具說服力的舉證責任加予被告 furnish information relating to assets and liabilities 人身上,令被告人即使在有合理疑點的情況下仍有被定 relevant to an investigation or proceedings. Failure to comply with the notice without reasonable excuse 罪的危險。這個倒置的法律責任不能證明為具有充分理 was criminalised, and the burden of proving a defence 據,卻對《基本法》和《人權法案》所載的無罪推定有 of lawful authority or reasonable excuse lay upon the 所減損。補救方法是將條文作狹義理解,即是將“ 證供 accused. The Court held that a persuasive burden was expressly imposed, and this exposed an accused to the 責任而非具說服力的舉證責任 ”施加予被告人 ([2008] risk of conviction even though there was a reasonable 3 HKC 1)。 doubt as to guilt. This reverse legal burden derogated from the presumption of innocence contained in the Basic Law and the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance, 8月,6名激進分子被裁定非法集會罪名成立。控方案情 and could not be shown to be justifiable. The remedy 指出,被告人等在房屋及規劃地政局局長的寓所外抗議 was to read down the provision, so as to impose‘an 公屋加租,期間他們呼喊要求局長出來接收請願信。他 evidential burden instead of a persuasive burden’ ([2008] 3 HKC 1). 們高舉橫額,並企圖越過警方在大廈天階所設的警戒線 以遞交抗議信。裁判官表示,雖然市民有權選擇抗議的 In August, six activists were convicted of unlawful 方式,但如果抗議屬於非法,則法院必須介入,而“保 assembly. The prosecution case was that while protesting over increases in public housing rents outside 護私人住所凌駕於言論和抗議的自由 ”(東區裁判法院 the home of the Secretary for Housing, Planning and 刑事案件2007年第3707號)。 Lands, the accused shouted to the Secretary to come out and accept a petition. Holding banners above their heads, they then tried to push past a police cordon inside the courtyard of the building to deliver their message. The magistrate said that although citizens had a right to choose their ways to protest, the court must intervene when a protest was illegal, and the‘protection of a private residence overrides freedom of speech and protest’ (ESCC 3707 of 2007).

32 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 商業罪案 Commercial Crime

2008年,中國城市競爭力研究會將香港評為提供最佳 In 2008, the China Institute of City Competitiveness 營商環境的中國城市。香港作為主要金融中心的地位 rated Hong Kong as offering the best business environment in China. Hong Kong's status as a 得以鞏固,有賴於對欺詐和貪污案件提出有效檢控, major financial centre is maintained through the 並在國際層面上與執法人員保持密切聯繫,使香港作 effective prosecution of fraud and corruption, and by 為主要金融中心的地位得以鞏固。本港在調查及檢控 close liaison with law enforcers at the international 欺詐案件時,皆採用最新的反欺詐策略,而專責的檢 level. Latest anti-fraud strategies are applied at the 控人員亦會對案件給予法律意見。9月,高級助理刑事 investigation and prosecution stages, and dedicated 檢控專員李運騰在劍橋舉行的第二十六屆國際經濟罪 prosecutors advise on cases. In September, Mr Alex Lee, SADPP, told the 26th International 行研討會中表示,在打擊金融犯罪方面,“ 以促進誠信 Symposium on Economic Crime, in Cambridge, that 領導和良好管治作為打擊欺詐和貪污的措施,是極其 in the combat of financial crime,‘the promotion of 重要的 ”。 ethical leadership and good governance as measures against fraud and corruption cannot be emphasised 在刑事檢控科的4個分科當中,以商業罪案組規模最 enough’. 大。商業罪案組於1984年設立,由副刑事檢控專員 The Commercial Crime Unit (CCU) is the largest of the 麥偉德資深大律師掌管,轄下有5個專責小組共29名 four Sub-divisions in the Prosecutions Division. Headed 律師。商業罪案組負責處理複雜的欺詐案和涉及貪污 by Mr Ian McWalters, SC, DDPP, the CCU was created 的案件,以及受害者損失至少500萬元的欺詐案。該 in 1984, and comprises five specialist sections with 組會在重大案件中聘用會計師分析會計記錄和出庭作 29 counsel. The CCU handles complex fraud cases and those involving corruption, and cases where the 證。2月,刑事檢控專員發出新的指引,使檢控人員能 fraud has caused losses to victims of at least $5 million. 就商業罪案及其他複雜的刑事案件作出 Accountants are retained in substantial 有效的舉證。 cases to analyse records and to testify at court. In February, the DPP issued 向該組尋求法律指引的部門最初只限於 new guidelines to facilitate the efficient 香港警務處的商業罪案調查科和廉政公 presentation of evidence in commercial crime and other complex criminal cases. 署。近年來,該組也處理由證券及期貨 事務監察委員會(“ 證監會 ”)、稅務 Initially, the client base of the CCU 局、香港金融管理局和香港海關呈交的 was confined to the Commercial Crime 案件。該組亦就法例修訂事宜,包括重 Bureau (CCB) of the Hong Kong Police 寫《公司條例》的工作,向政府其他人 Force and the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). More 員提供法律意見。提升能力以檢控使用 recently, the CCU has processed cases 傳統或嶄新犯罪手法的各類欺詐和貪污 submitted by the Securities and Futures 高級助理刑事檢控專員李運騰:以 案件,一直是該組的優先工作。6月, 促進誠信領導和良好管治作為打擊 Commission (SFC), the Inland Revenue 高級助理刑事檢控專員唐立品在首爾舉 金融犯罪的措施。 Department, the Hong Kong Monetary Mr Alex Lee, SADPP : the 行的第五屆國際檢察官聯合會亞太區會 promotion of ethical leadership Authority and the Customs and Excise and good governance to combat Department. The CCU also advises 議中表示,“ 對於全球有組織刑事犯罪 financial crime. others in government on legislative 分子來說,涉及公司的詐騙是其首選的 amendments, including the Companies 犯罪活動 ”。 Ordinance rewrite exercise. A continuing priority of the CCU is the enhancing of its capacity to prosecute all

33 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 商業罪案 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Commercial Crime

年內,商業罪案組處理的典型商業案件包括:涉及證 types of fraud and corruption, be they traditional 券、失實申報、逃稅、空頭支票、層壓式投資及不當使 or new. In June, Mr Richard Turnbull, SADPP, told the 5th Asia and Pacific Regional Conference of the 用信用卡的各類型詐騙案。檢控人員經常提出的控罪包 International Association of Prosecutors, in Seoul, 括偷竊、串謀詐騙、以欺騙手段取得財產,以及以欺騙 that‘corporate fraud is the crime of choice amongst 手段辦理有價產權書的簽立等。如有關罪行以詐騙導致 organized criminal gangs worldwide’. 財政或所有權的增益或損失,或使受害者蒙受損失的風 險,則會以欺詐罪提出檢控。至於信用卡詐騙案,則會 In 2008, typical cases of commercial crime involved 以製造、使用或管有虛假文書的罪名予以檢控。2月, securities fraud, false reporting, tax evasion, cheque kiting, ponzi schemes, and credit card misuse. Typical 上訴法庭指出,法院就信用卡案件作出懲處時,必須 charges included theft, conspiracy to defraud, “ 嚴厲對待該等罪行,判處具阻嚇力的刑罰,因為他們 obtaining property by deception and procuring the 是個長期的禍害 ”(刑事上訴案件2007年第317號)。 execution of a valuable security by deception. If fraud committed by deceit produced financial or 4月,謝瑞麟珠寶連鎖店創辦人及其子被裁定賄賂、偽 proprietary gain or loss or a risk of such loss, statutory fraud offences were deployed. Credit card fraud was 造帳目及串謀詐騙罪名成立。他們透過一項名為“ 占士 vigorously prosecuted, and where viable charges of 邦計劃 ”的欺詐詭計,串謀他人向本地及外地旅行社 making, using or possessing false instruments were 提供合共1億7千萬元的非法回佣,作為他們在1996年 laid. In February, the Court of Appeal said that in 至2005年期間帶領旅行團到謝瑞麟店舖購物的回報。 the punishment of credit card cases the courts were 他們在海外設立空殼公司,將款項移往外地,然後再將 enjoined‘to treat such offences seriously and to impose deterrent sentences, for they are a running 款項匯至本地旅行社,藉以逃避稅項。法官指出,“展 scourge’(CACC 317 of 2007). 開該計劃後,謊言已成該公司的政策 ”,兩名被告人分

別被判囚3年3個月及5年 (區院刑事案件2006年第350 In April, the founder of the Tse Sui Luen (TSL) 號)。 jewellery chain and his son were convicted of bribery, false accounting and conspiracy to defraud. Using a ‘ ’ 《證券及期貨條例》於2003年制定後,市場失當行為已 scheme codenamed The James Bond Project , they conspired with others to offer $170 million in illegal 列為刑事罪行。年內,第13組主管高級助理刑事檢控 rebates to local and foreign travel agencies to bring 專員黎雅雯就市場失當行為的案件向證監會提供法律 tour groups to shop at TSL showrooms between 1996 指引。視乎有關證據而定,市場失當行為的案件可在法 and 2005. Offshore shell companies were created 庭以刑事檢控程序處理,或交由市場失當行為審裁處審 for the purpose of channelling the money out of 理。市場失當行為包括內幕交易、虛假交易、操控價 Hong Kong before remitting it to local travel agents in order to avoid tax. The judge said that‘lies had 格、披露關於受禁交易的資料、披露虛假或具誤導性的 become the corporate policy after the scheme was 資料以誘使進行交易,以及操縱證券市場等行為。在完 introduced’, and the accused were imprisoned for, 成試驗計劃後,第13組採納一個方案,藉着給予法律指 respectively, 3 years 3 months and 5 years (DCCC 350 引及協助檢控,以提升對證監會的服務。該組亦與其他 of 2006). 人分享處理市場失當行為案件的經驗。 After the Securities and Futures Ordinance was enacted in 2003, market misconduct was criminalised. 6月,麥偉德資深大律師、黎雅雯和第13組副主管高級 Headed by Miss Louisa Lai, SADPP, Section 13 advised 檢控官黃錦卿向最高人民法院高級法官孟凡平及中國證 the SFC on market misconduct cases throughout the 券監督管理委員會人員簡介如何處理市場失當行為案 year. Depending on the evidence, cases of market

34 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 商業罪案 Commercial Crime

misconduct may be prosecuted at court or dealt with by a market misconduct tribunal. Market misconduct includes insider dealing, false trading, price rigging, disclosure of information about prohibited transactions, disclosure of false or misleading information inducing transactions and stock market manipulation. Following a pilot, Section 13 adopted a scheme to enhance the service provided by the CCU to the SFC in terms of advising on cases and facilitating prosecutions. Experiences in the handling of market misconduct cases were also shared with others.

In June, Mr McWalters, Miss Lai and Ms Fanny Wong, SPP, Deputy Section Head (Section 13), briefed Mr Meng Fanpin, Senior Judge, Supreme People's Court, and officials from the China Securities Regulatory Commission, upon the processing of market misconduct cases. In July, Ms Wong addressed the Shanghai Financial Law Research Institute on market misconduct and fraud, and Hong Kong's experience in supervising the securities market. In July, Miss Lai lectured SFC personnel on case preparation in the District Court. In October, Ms Wong spoke in 件。7月,黃女士以市場失當行為和詐騙以及香港監管 Shenzhen on the admissibility of evidence in criminal 證券市場的經驗為題,向上海金融法制研究會發表演 proceedings at a workshop co-organized by the SFC, the 說。7月,黎女士就區域法院案件的籌備工作向證監會 China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Economic 人員講課。10月,黃女士在深圳舉行由證監會、中國證 Crime Investigation Department. 券監督管理委員會及經濟犯罪偵查局合辦的工作坊上, In 2008, the CCU instituted prosecutions of 38 persons 就刑事訴訟中證據的可接納性發表演說。 for serious fraud offences. There were 92 serious fraud complaints, resulting from losses of $4.77 billion. 2008年內,商業罪案組因嚴重欺詐罪行共對38人名提 The CCU provided 243 advices to the CCB in relation to 出檢控,收到92宗嚴重欺詐案件的投訴,涉及損失金額 serious fraud offences. 合共47億7千萬元。該組就嚴重欺詐案件向警方的商業 罪案調查科提供243次法律指引。

35 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 版權罪行 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Copyright Crime

香港有強而有力的知識產權法例,獲得國際認同。《版 Hong Kong possesses strong intellectual property 權條例》提供全面的法律架構,條文訂定的罰則足以嚴 laws which have achieved international recognition. The Copyright Ordinance contains a comprehensive 懲違法者。美國東亞暨太平洋事務局向美國國會提交有 legislative framework, and this is supported by rigorous 關香港回歸後的發展的最新報告,指出香港政府“ 繼續 penalties for those who breach the laws. In its most 維持健全的保護知識產權制度,並繼續推廣公眾教育, recent report to the US Congress on developments in 鼓勵社會各界重視知識產權 ”。 Hong Kong since reunification, the US Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs stated that the Hong Kong government‘continues to maintain a robust regime 知識產權檢控政策協調員高級助理刑事檢控專員 to protect intellectual property rights, and it continues 唐立品是版權罪行小組的主管。該小組的專責檢控人 to promote public education to encourage respect for intellectual property’. 員在2008年就香港海關針對侵犯版權和虛假商品說明 的案件,提供法律指 Headed by Mr Richard Turnbull, 引,並就涉及盜版或 SADPP, Policy Co-ordinator 偽造軟件的製作、分 on Intellectual Property, the Copyright Crime Team (CCT) 發、銷售、入口和出 and its specialist prosecutors 口活動,進行檢控。 advised the Customs and Excise 小組一貫的目標,是 Department in 2008 on cases 竭力維持有效的刑事 of copyright infringement and false trade description. The 檢控和適當的判刑標 CCT prosecuted cases related to 準。小組亦與其他司 the manufacture, distribution, 法管轄區的檢控人員 sale, import and export 知識產權檢控政策協調員高級助理刑事檢控專員唐立品:追求有效 保持聯繫,共同致力 of pirated or counterfeit 的刑事檢控和適當的判刑。 software. Its objective 維護版權持有人的知 Mr Richard Turnbull, SADPP, Policy Co-ordinator on Intellectual Property : pursuing effective prosecutions and appropriate levels throughout was the pursuit 識產權。 of sentence. of effective prosecutions and appropriate levels of sentence. Liaison was also maintained with counterparts in 年內,版權罪行小組積極執行《版權條例》。版權獲確 other jurisdictions to uphold the rights of owners to 認為產權的一種,小組負責打擊各種形式的盜版活動。 intellectual property. 任何人非法製作或經營版權作品的侵犯版權複製品,可 被判處罰款500,000元及監禁8年。《商品說明條例》 The CCT vigorously applied the Copyright Ordinance throughout 2008. Copyright is recognised as a 將營商過程中為所提供的貨品作虛假商品說明、虛假標 property right, and the CCT countered all forms of 記和錯誤陳述等行為定為刑事罪行,違者可被判處罰款 copyright piracy. Those who unlawfully made and 500,000元及監禁5年。在《版權(修訂)條例》實施的一 dealt with infringing copies of copyright works faced 整年內,小組根據該條例,打擊售賣和入口平行進口電 fines of $500,000 and imprisonment for 8 years. The Trade Descriptions Ordinance criminalises false trade 影、電視劇、音樂聲音紀錄或音樂視像紀錄。誓章證據 descriptions, false marks and misstatements in respect 在審訊中得到較廣泛的應用,有助控方在版權持有人缺 of goods provided in the course of trade. Offenders 席的情況下提出檢控。 faced fines of $500,000 and imprisonment for 5 years. In its first full year of operation, the Copyright Crime (Amendment) Ordinance was used by the CCT to 有關法例如要奏效,對犯罪者的判刑必須切合實際。 combat the sale and import of parallel imported copies 2008年,檢控人員尋求對被裁定侵犯版權的人士判處 of movies, television dramas, musical sound recordings

36 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 版權罪行 Copyright Crime

較具阻嚇性的刑罰,並向法庭提供材料,以顯示問題的 or musical video recordings. The wider use of affidavit 嚴重程度和性質。知識產權檢控政策協調員在2月代表 evidence facilitated the prosecution of cases in the absence of copyright owners. 控方出席高等法院原訟法庭的聆訊,法庭認為《商品說

明條例》的目的應予以公平靈活的解釋。此舉是要“保 Effective enforcement requires the realistic sentencing 障身為消費者和購物者的市民,以及保持香港作為國際 of offenders. In 2008, prosecutors sought deterrent 貿易及購物中心的國際聲譽 ”(高院裁判法院上訴案件 sentences for those convicted of copyright crime, and provided the courts with material to demonstrate the 2007年第939號)。 extent and nature of the problem. In February, the Policy Co-ordinator appeared before the Court of First 高等法院原訟法庭在7月檢討適用於小規模售賣冒牌貨 Instance when it held that the objectives of the Trade Descriptions Ordinance had to be given a fair and 品的販商的量刑原則。在某些情況下,即使是初犯者, liberal interpretation. This was necessary in order to 也有理由判處監禁的刑罰。批發商與小販的區別,以 provide‘a safeguard to members of the public who 及販賣的規模均與量刑有關。對小型販商來說,罰則應 are consumers and purchasers of goods, and to Hong 具懲罰性但不致造成嚴重損害。法庭警告售賣冒牌貨品 Kong's international reputation as an international trading and shopping centre’(HCMA 939 of 2007). 的小販與小型販商,“ 法庭無須將罰款與貨品本身的價

值掛鈎,因此日後他們將要承受被判處巨額罰款的風 In July, the Court of First Instance reviewed the 險”(高院裁判法院上訴案件2008年第312號)。 principles of sentencing applicable to street traders who sold counterfeit goods on a small scale. In some circumstances a sentence of imprisonment was 2006年,因違反《版權條例》而被檢控的案件有776宗, justified, even for a first offender. A distinction lay 有597人被判處監禁。2007年,檢控案件共有947宗, between a wholesaler and a hawker, and the extent 有773人被判處監禁。2008年,檢控案件共有845宗, of the sale was also relevant to sentence. For a 有672人被判處監禁。在2008年內搜獲的物品總數量 minor trader a fine should be punitive without being crippling. Hawkers and small traders of counterfeit 達257萬5千件,共值7,832萬元。 goods were warned‘that in future they risked heavy fines which the court need not link to the value of the 2006年,因違反《商品說明條例》而被檢控的案件有 goods themselves’(HCMA 312 of 2008). 625宗,有581人被裁定罪名成立,被判處監禁或罰 In 2006, 776 cases were prosecuted for offences 款。2007年,檢控案件共有587宗,有546人被裁定 contrary to the Copyright Ordinance, and 597 persons 罪名成立,被判處監禁或罰款。2008年,檢控案件共 were imprisoned. In 2007, 947 cases were prosecuted 有561宗,有 525人被裁定罪名成立,被判處監禁或罰 and 773 persons were imprisoned. In 2008, 845 cases were prosecuted and 672 persons were imprisoned. 款。 The total quantity of items seized in 2008 amounted to 2.575 million, with a value of $78.32 million.

In 2006, 625 cases were prosecuted for offences contrary to the Trade Descriptions Ordinance, and 581 persons were convicted and imprisoned or fined. In 2007, 587 cases were prosecuted, and 546 persons were convicted and imprisoned or fined. In 2008, 561 cases were prosecuted, and 525 person were convicted and imprisoned or fined.

37 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 死因研訊 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Coronial Inquiries

2008年內,刑事檢控科協助死因裁判法庭的工作。科 Throughout 2008, the Prosecutions Division facilitated 內的檢控人員應要求在一連串的死因研訊中擔任死因裁 the work of the Coroner's Court. Upon request, its prosecutors served as Coroner's Officers at a series 判人員,以裁定與個別死亡有關的情況。若個案受公 of death inquests to determine the circumstances 眾關注,或者案情複雜,又或者有關裁定若為非法殺 surrounding particular deaths. This most commonly 人,即有人可能被控以刑事罪名,那麼死因裁判官便通 arose in cases of public concern, if complicated issues 常會要求委任死因裁判人員。年內,本科按需要就死因 were engaged, or if a verdict of unlawful killing might 研訊事宜與死因裁判法庭、其登記處及警方保持聯繫。 have resulted in a criminal charge. The Division liaised as required with the Coroner's Court and its registry 2008年,高級檢控官紀麗平擔任死因研訊檢控政策協 throughout the year, as well as with the police over 調員,而高級檢控官吳美華則擔任檢控政策副協調員。 coronial issues. In 2008, Ms Diane Crebbin, SPP, was the Policy Co-ordinator on Coronial Inquiries, with Ms Memi Ng, SPP, as the Deputy Policy Co-ordinator.

A Coroner might himself determine a case, or else sit with a jury. A jury is mandatory if a death occurs in official custody. The function of the Coroner is to investigate reportable deaths. The police investigate every case reported to the coroner. An investigation report is then submitted to the Coroner, together with a post mortem report. If necessary, the police are required to investigate further, and the coroner will then decide whether an inquest is required. If held, the inquest will seek to ascertain :

死因研訊檢控政策副協調員吳美華:按需要就死因研訊事宜與死 因裁判法庭及警方保持聯繫。 • the identity of the deceased Ms Memi Ng, SPP, Deputy Policy Co-ordinator on Coronial Inquiries : liaising as required with the Coroner's Court and the • how, when and where the deceased died police over coronial issues. • the particulars required to be registered concerning the death 死因裁判官可獨自裁定案件,或委任陪審團一起聆訊。 • the conclusion as to the death. 如有人在接受執法單位看管下死亡,其死因研訊必須有 陪審團參與。死因裁判官的職能是調查須予報告的死亡 In April, Ms Kathie Cheung, SPP, was the Coroner's 個案。警方會調查每一宗向死因裁判官報告的個案,並 Officer at the inquest into the death of a 55-year- 向死因裁判官提交調查報告及驗屍報告。如有需要,死 old former general manager of Swire Beverages who 因裁判官會要求警方進一步調查,並決定是否需要進行 underwent keyhole surgery at Adventist Hospital to 死因研訊。如進行死因研訊,便會尋求確定: remove non-cancerous lumps from the adrenal gland. A major vein was accidentally cut and the deceased lost 10 litres of blood and died two days later from • 死者的身分 heart failure brought on by massive bleeding. A nurse testified that it took nearly an hour to find • 死者是如何、在何時和在何處死亡 the source of the bleeding, and the inquest was told • 須就該宗死亡個案登記的資料 that it took 45 minutes for an additional surgeon and an anaesthetist to arrive at the hospital to assist • 對該宗死亡個案的結論。 the operating surgeon. The jury returned a verdict

38 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 死因研訊 Coronial Inquiries

4月,高級檢控官張潔宜在一名55歲的太古飲料有限公 of death by accident, and recommended improved 司前任總經理的死因研訊中,擔任死因裁判人員。死者 procedures for private hospitals to adopt in emergency situations (CCDI 948 of 2005). 在港安醫院接受微創手術,切除腎上腺的非癌化腫塊。 死者的一條主靜脈意外被割斷,流失10公升血液,兩日 In May, Mr Frederick Chung, SPP, was the Coroner's 後因大量出血引致心臟衰竭而死亡。一名護士作供,指 Officer at the inquest of two American businessmen 當時用了近一小時尋找出血的源頭,而研訊庭更得悉, whose bodies were found in a bedroom at the Grand 事發後45分鐘才有另一名外科醫生和一名麻醉師到場協 Hyatt Hotel. The inquest heard that the deceased had been dead for about 6 hours when a room service 助進行手術的醫生。陪審團裁定死者死於意外,並就私 waiter found them lying unresponsive. A nightclub 家醫院在緊急情況下所採取的程序提出改善建議 (死亡 dancer told the jury that she had accompanied the 個案的調查/研訊2005年第948號)。 men back to their room where they had sniffed white powder. Subsequent testing indicated that large quantities of heroin and cocaine had been imbibed 5月,高級檢控官鍾洪偉在兩名美國商人的死因研訊 for at least half an hour prior to the deaths, and an 中,擔任死因裁判人員。兩名死者被發現倒臥在君悅酒 autopsy report concluded the deaths were caused by a 店的房間內。研訊庭得悉,兩名死者死後約6小時才被 mix of hard drugs and alcohol. By a majority of 3 to 2, 房間服務員發現臥在房內毫無反應。一名夜總會跳舞女 the jury held the deaths to have been accidental (CCDIs 719 & 720 of 2007). 郎告知陪審團,她陪同該兩名男子返回房間,他們便在 房內吸用白粉。其後的化驗顯示,死者最少在在死前半 In July, Mr Stewart Hau, SPP, was the Coroner's Officer 小時吸食大量海洛英和可卡因,而驗屍報告總結指死者 at the inquest into the death of a woman who was 因混合服用烈性毒品及酒精而死亡。陪審團以3比2過半 killed by a train. Having told her daughter she was 數裁定兩名死者死於意外 (死亡個案的調查/研訊2007年 going for a walk, she was later seen by a passenger wandering on the MTR's Island Line track. Although 第719及720號)。 drivers of trains from Chai Wan to Heng Fa Chuen were alerted to limit their speed and to watch out 7月,高級檢控官侯偉泉在一名被列車撞死的女子的死 for someone on the track, the forensic expert found 因研訊中,擔任死因裁判人員。死者告訴女兒外出散 that the deceased died from multiple wounds caused by a‘hard, heavy and blunt’ object that matched 步,後來有乘客發現她在港鐵港島線的路軌上徘徊。 injuries caused by a train. After the coroner instructed 雖然行駛柴灣至杏花邨列車的司機們已獲提醒要減慢車 the jury to return a verdict of death by accident or an 速,並留意路軌上是否有人,法證專家斷定,死者因受 open verdict, the five jurors found the death to be “ 硬、重而鈍 ”的物品撞擊引致多處受傷而死亡,與受 accidental. The jury also recommended an increase in 列車撞擊所引致的損傷吻合。死因裁判官指示陪審團作 the number of CCTV cameras at both ends of all open platforms and the holding of regular drills in dealing 出死於意外或死因未詳的裁決。最後,5名陪審員裁定 with passengers on tracks (CCDI 166 of 2007). 死者死於意外。陪審團亦建議在所有開放式月台的兩端 增設更多閉路電視,並定期進行有關處理闖入路軌乘客 In 2008, the Division assigned prosecutors to act as the 的演習 (死亡個案的調查/研訊2007年第166號)。 Coroner's Officer in a total of 27 death inquests.

2008年,本科派出檢控人員在合共27個死因研訊中, 擔任死因裁判人員。

39 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 貪污案件 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Corruption

香港擁有健全的反貪污法例,由廉政公署負責執行。貪 Hong Kong possesses a comprehensive anti-corruption 污活動的調查工作,與防止貪污及嚴厲檢控罪犯的工 regime, enforced by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). The investigation of corrupt 作緊密配合,相輔相成。根據國際機構透明國際發表的 activity proceeds in tandem with corruption prevention 2008年清廉指數,香港是世界上最廉潔的地方之一。 and the rigorous prosecution of offenders. In its 9月,高級助理刑事檢控專員李運騰在劍橋舉行的第 Corruption Perceptions Index for 2008, Transparency 二十六屆國際經濟罪行研討會上致辭時強調,“ 以促進 International rated Hong Kong as one of the least 誠信領導和良好管治作為打擊欺詐和貪污的措施,是極 corrupt places in the world. When in September Mr Alex Lee, SADPP, addressed the 26th International 其重要的 ”。 Symposium on Economic Crime, in Cambridge, he emphasised that‘the promotion of ethical leadership 年內,刑事檢控科對各層面的打擊貪污措施全力支持。 and good governance as measures against fraud and 貪污罪行檢控政策協調員副刑事檢控專員麥偉德資深大 corruption cannot be emphasised enough’. 律師,就實施法例把反貪污法的適用範圍擴展至行政長 Throughout 2008, the Prosecutions Division 官一事,向立法會議員及政府其他人員提供法律意見。 supported initiatives to counter corruption at all 高級助理刑事檢控專員沈仲平博士在湖南大學廉政研 levels. Mr Ian McWalters, SC, DDPP, Policy Co- 究中心向內地執法人員闡釋香港的反貪污法例。追討資 ordinator on Corruption, advised legislators and others in government on the implementation of 產檢控政策協調員高級助理刑事檢控專員邵家勳先生向 legislation to extend the bribery law to the Chief 廉政公署的調查員講授如何根據《有組織及嚴重罪行條 Executive. Dr Alain Sham, SADPP, explained Hong 例》追討犯罪得益。麥偉德參加在基輔舉行的國際反貪 Kong's anti-corruption laws to mainland enforcement 局聯合會第三次年會暨會員代表大會。 personnel at the Anti-Corruption Research Institute of Hunan University. Mr Gavin Shiu, SADPP, Policy Co-ordinator on Asset Recovery, lectured ICAC investigators on the recovery of criminal proceeds under the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance. Mr McWalters participated in the 3rd Annual Conference and General Meeting of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA), in Kiev.

In 2008, the Division's specialist prosecutors advised the ICAC upon its investigations into public and private sector corruption. The possession of unexplained wealth by those in government is an offence, and it is unlawful for 貪污罪行檢控政策協調員副刑事檢控專員麥偉德資深大律師:採取 public servants to solicit or accept advantages. The bribery 各層面的打擊貪污措施。 Mr Ian McWalters, SC, DDPP, Policy Co-ordinator on Corruption : of public servants in relation to contracts or otherwise initiatives to counter corruption at all levels. is criminalised, and corrupt transactions with agents are prohibited. The courts are intolerant of corruption, and in 年內,本科的專責檢控人員就廉政公署對公營及私營機 March the Court of Appeal upheld an overall sentence of 9 years' imprisonment imposed upon a company manager 構貪污的調查工作,向該署提供法律指引。政府人員如 involved in the acceptance of advantages in relation to the 管有不明來歷的財富,即屬犯罪。公職人員索取或接受 award of contracts as‘such officers and such contractors 任何利益,亦屬違法。任何人就合約或其他事宜賄賂公 must be made aware that they can expect no quarter 職人員,屬刑事罪行;法例亦禁止與代理人進行貪污交 from the courts if they are caught’(CACC 45 of 2005).

40 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 貪污案件 Corruption

易。法院絕不容忍貪污行為。一名公司經理在批出合約 Dr Alain Sham, SADPP, and the six prosecutors of 時收受利益,3月,上訴法庭維持原判的總體刑期監禁 Section 14 advised the ICAC upon its investigations into public sector corruption. These cases involved the 9年不變,理由是“ 必須讓這些人和這些承辦商知道, civil service, scheduled public bodies, and misconduct 他們一旦被捕,法院是絕不會從輕發落的 ”(刑事上訴 by those who sought elected office. Mr Alex Lee, 案件2005年第45號)。 SADPP, and the six prosecutors of Section 15 advised the ICAC upon its investigations into private sector

高級助理刑事檢控專員沈仲平博士和第14組的6名檢控人 corruption. The portfolio of Section 15 was broad, and its prosecutors concentrated upon the combat 員,就公營機構貪污的調查工作向廉政公署提供法律指 of corrupt activity associated with commercial crime. 引。這些案件涉及政府、法例附表所列的公共機構,以 Whereas Section 14 prosecuted 66 persons and gave 及選舉參選者的不當行為。高級助理刑事檢控專員李運 460 advices to the ICAC in 2008, Section 15 prosecuted 騰和第15組的6名檢控人員就私營機構貪污向廉政公署 267 persons and gave 389 advices to the ICAC. 提供法律指引。第15組的工作多元化,檢控人員主力打 In 2008, corruption took various forms. In January, 擊涉及商業罪案的貪污活動。2008年,第14組檢控了 a music teacher was imprisoned for 3 months 66人,並向廉政公署提供了法律指引共460次。第15組 for accepting a bribe in relation to the supply of 檢控了267人,並向廉政公署提供法律指引共389次。 instruments to a primary school (KTCC 6792 of 2007). In March, a retired engineer who tried to obtain his dead girlfriend's medical records by bribing a hospital's 年內的貪污案件,手法層出不窮。1月,一名音樂教 patient-relations officer was imprisoned for 3 months 師在為一家小學供應樂器的事上收受賄賂,被判處監 (KCCC 7686 of 2007). In June, the former general 禁3個月(觀塘裁判法院刑事案件2007年第6792號)。 manager of a property agency was imprisoned for 3月,一名退休工程師向一名醫院病人聯絡主任行賄, 3 years 4 months for offering bribes of $1.6 million to secure property deals worth $300 million (DCCC 1008- 意圖取得已故女友的醫療記錄,被判處監禁3個月(九 09 of 2007). In August, a radio producer was ordered 龍城裁判法院刑事案件2007年第7686號)。6月,一 to perform 160 hours of community service for 家物業代理的前總經理為取得價值3億元的物業交易, submitting bogus forms for reimbursement to Radio 以160萬元行賄,被判處監禁3年4個月(區院刑事案件 Television Hong Kong (DCCC 973 of 2007). 2007年第1008-09號)。8月,一名電台節目製作人員 In April, the former deputy privacy commissioner was 呈交虛假表格,向香港電台申領發還款項,被判處160 convicted of misconduct in public office and using 小時社會服務令 (區院刑事案件2007年第973號)。 false documents to deceive the government. The prosecution alleged that between 2001 and 2003 在4月,前副個人資料私隱專員被裁定身為公職人員行 he made three official trips to and claimed $31,628 as overseas subsistence allowance, whereas 為不當及使用虛假文件欺騙政府罪名成立。控方案情指 he was only entitled to apply for 60 per cent of the 出,在2001至2003年期間,他3次到澳洲公幹,申領 expenses as he stayed at his Melbourne home. In 2005, 海外膳宿津貼31,628元,但由於他是住在自己墨爾本的 the accused made three private trips to Australia, but 居所的,因此只可申領百分之60的開支。2005年,被 claimed approximately $90,000 as official expenses even though he had stayed at his own home. After the judge 告人3次以私人身分前往澳洲,儘管住在自己的居所, condemned‘a deliberate act of greed’, the accused 卻申領約90,000元公務開支。法官譴責這是“ 明知故 was imprisoned for 9 months (DCCC 1056 of 2006). 犯的貪婪行為 ”,判處被告人監禁9個月 (區院刑事案件 2006年第1056號)。

41 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 專責重案的檢控人員 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Court Specialists

2008年,在副刑事檢控專員(審訊事務主管)陸貽信資深 Led by Mr Arthur Luk, SC, DDPP, Head of Trials, the 大律師領導下,刑事檢控科分科二內專責重案的檢控人 Court Specialists of Sub-division II concentrated in 2008 upon the conduct of the major trials in the higher 員,在高級法院就重大的審訊案件進行訴訟,並致力維 courts, and upon the maintenance of the standards 持檢控服務的水平。他們亦與其他人員分享他們的專業 of prosecution. They also shared their expertise with 知識,也經常得到副手的協助。專責重案的檢控人員負 others, and were regularly assisted by juniors. The 責檢控一般重大案件,包括殺人、強姦、搶劫、毒品及 Court Specialists prosecuted the most serious cases 綁架案,並就上訴案件進行訴訟。 of general crime, including homicide, rape, robbery, narcotics and kidnapping. Appeal cases were also conducted.

In 2008, there were 15 Court Specialists, divided into three advocacy sections. Sections 5, 6 and 7 were led, respectively, by Mr Peter Chapman, SADPP, Mr Francis Lo, SADPP, and Miss Mary Sin, SADPP. A limited advisory function was also discharged, most notably in respect of triad and organized crime and customs and excise. When in September Mr David Chan, SPP, Deputy Section Head (Section 6), was interviewed by Sing Tao Daily, he explained that his prosecutorial work gave him an insight into the dark side of society, and enabled him to contribute in a way which

審訊事務主管副刑事檢控專員陸貽信資深大律師:負責檢控一般罪 was‘very meaningful’. 案中極嚴重的案件。 Mr Arthur Luk, SC, DDPP, Head of Trials : prosecuting the most A criminal justice initiative of the Court Specialists serious cases of general crime. in 2008 was the compilation of a Criminal Advocacy Manual (‘CAM’), which reviewed all aspects of trial 在2008年,該分科分為3個組別,合共15名專責重案 preparation, practice and procedure for the ready 的檢控人員。第5、6及7組分別由高級助理刑事檢控專 reference of prosecutors, and identified the standards to be expected of those who prosecute in the general 員卓博文、高級助理刑事檢控專員盧慶祥和高級助理刑 trial courts. Chaired by Mr Luk, a working group of 事檢控專員冼佩霞率領。該分科亦負責提供有限度的法 five Court Specialists prepared the CAM throughout 律指引服務,尤其是案件關乎三合會及有組織罪行,以 the year with a view to its finalisation by December. 及海關案件。9月,第6組副主管高級檢控官陳大偉接受 Specific topics addressed in theCAM include : 《星島日報》訪問時表示,從事檢控工作讓他體會到社 • pre-trial applications 會黑暗的一面,亦讓他可以回饋社會,“ 十分有意義 ”。 • opening and closing addresses

編製《刑事訟辯手冊》,是專責重案的檢控人員在 • examining and re-examining prosecution witnesses 2008年的一項刑事司法措施。該手冊檢視與案件籌備 • handling expert witnesses

工作、常規及程序有關的各項事宜,方便檢控人員參 • cross-examination techniques

考,並訂定在一般審訊法院工作的檢控人員應有的專業 • dealing with submissions of no case to answer 水平。該分科成立了一個工作小組,由陸先生擔任主 • assisting the court in directions to juries and 席,成員包括5名專責重案的檢控人員。年內,工作小 sentencing.

42 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 專責重案的檢控人員 Court Specialists

組忙於擬備手冊,以期在12月或之前為手冊定稿。該手 During 2008, the Court Specialists conducted a series 冊的專題包括: of major cases. In January, a 15-year-old youth prosecuted by Mr Francis Lo, SADPP, for raping a 17-year-old girl after she had become drunk during 審訊前的申請 • a boat party, was sentenced to detention in a • 開案陳詞和結案陳詞 training centre (HCCC 69 of 2007). In April, a mother • 訊問及覆問控方證人 prosecuted by Ms Diane Crebbin, SPP, for starting a fire at her home which killed her 22-year-old daughter, • 處理專家證人 was ordered to be detained indefinitely in a psychiatric • 盤問的技巧 centre after a jury found that she caused the fire but • 處理無須答辯陳詞 was not fit to plead or stand trial (HCCC 257 of 2007). • 協助法庭對陪審團作出指引及量刑。 In June, a cleaner who sexually abused a 15-year-old boy he came to know through the Internet was prosecuted by Mr Isaac Tam, SPP, for buggery and sentenced to 年內,專責重案的檢控人員主理了多宗重大案件。 2 years' imprisonment (HCCC 80 of 2008). In July, an 在1月,高級助理刑事檢控專員盧慶祥檢控一名15歲 electrical appliance designer prosecuted by Mr Peter 少年,該少年在船河派對上強姦一名醉酒的17歲少 Chapman, SADPP, for attacking his estranged wife 女,結果被判處入教導所服刑(高院刑事案件2007年 about the head and body with a kitchen knife, was sentenced to 9 years' imprisonment (HCCC 13 of 2008). 第69號)。在4月,高級檢控官紀麗平檢控一名在家中

放火引致22歲女兒死亡的母親。陪審團裁定被告人有 In September, the Head of Trials, assisted by Mr Ira Lui, 放火,但她的狀況卻不適宜答辯或出庭受審,結果法 PP, prosecuted an accused for conspiracy to commit 庭頒令將她無限期囚禁在精神病治療中心(高院刑事案 forcible detention. The prosecution alleged that 件2007年第257號)。在6月,高級檢控官譚思樂以肛 he was the mastermind of a failed plan to abduct a former president of the Urban Council for the 交罪名,檢控一名清潔工人性侵犯在互聯網上認識 purposes of ransom. When the attackers tried to force 的15歲男童,該清潔工人結果被判處監禁2年(高院刑 the intended victim into a wooden box at his office 事案件2008年第80號)。在7月,高級助理刑事檢控專 in Causeway Bay, he successfully fought back and 員卓博文檢控一名持菜刀襲擊其分居妻子頭部和身體 bit off one of the fingertips of one of the assailants. After the jury convicted the accused (and acquitted 的電器設計師,該男子被判處監禁9年(高院刑事案件 an alleged accomplice), the judge said kidnappers 2008年第13號)。 could‘expect no mercy’, and sentenced him to 14 years' imprisonment (HCCC 101 of 2008). 在9月,審訊事務主管在檢控官雷芷茗的協助下,以串 謀強行禁錮罪名檢控一名被告人。控方指稱,該被告人 是一宗擄拐案的主謀。他計劃擄拐前市政局主席,以謀 取贖金,但卻事敗。施襲者在受害人位於銅鑼灣的辦事 處試圖把他強行推進一個木箱,受害人反抗並把其中一 名綁匪的指頭咬斷。陪審團最後裁定被告人罪名成立(另 裁定一名涉嫌從犯罪名不成立)。法官指出,綁匪應該知 道他們“ 絕不會獲得從輕發落 ”,最後判處被告人監禁 14年(高院刑事案件2008年第101號)。

43 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 刑事上訴 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Criminal Appeals

《香港人權法案條例》規定,被定罪者可依法向上級法 The Hong Kong Bill of Rights stipulates that those 院提出不服定罪和判刑的上訴。2008年內,不時有被 convicted of crime may appeal against conviction and sentence to a higher tribunal according to law. 定罪者行使這項權利,就其定罪或判刑提出上訴。上訴 Throughout 2008, those convicted of criminal offences 可以由終審法院、上訴法庭和原訟法庭審理。控方亦可 exercised the right to challenge their conviction or 以運用其上訴的權利,在合適的案件中基於法律觀點對 sentence, or both. Appeals were determined in the 無罪的裁決提出上訴,以及就過輕的刑罰尋求判刑覆 Court of Final Appeal, the Court of Appeal and the Court of First Instance. The prosecution invoked its 核。以上各類上訴案件均由專責的檢控人員處理。 own right to challenge acquittals on points of law in appropriate cases, and to seek the review of sentences 2008年內,檢控人員在終審法院及終審法院上訴委員 deemed to be unduly lenient. All such cases were processed by specialist prosecutors. 會席前出席聆訊。所涉案件,一是因為下級法院的決定 涉及具有重大而廣泛的重要性的法律論點,一是因為有 Throughout 2008, prosecutors appeared before the 合理的爭辯顯示法律程序中曾有實質及嚴重的不公平情 Court of Final Appeal and its Appeal Committee. This 況,而獲得上訴許可或正尋求上訴許可的。年內,檢控 occurred in cases in which leave to appeal had been granted by the Court, or else leave to appeal was 人員就9宗上訴案件出席終審法院的聆訊,並就72宗上 sought, on the basis either that a point of law of great 訴許可申請出席上訴委員會的聆訊。 and general importance was involved in the judgment of the lower court, or that it was reasonably arguable that there had been substantial and grave injustice in the earlier proceedings. In 2008, prosecutors appeared in 9 appeals in the Court of Final Appeal, and in 72 applications for leave to appeal before the Appeal Committee.

Headed by Mr Robert S K Lee, SC, SADPP, the Criminal Appeals Unit (CAU) comprised five counsel. The CAU conducted appeals and reviews in its own right, advised fellow prosecutors on appellate practice and procedure, and liaised with others in the criminal justice system. The DPP was advised on cases where

刑事上訴組主管高級助理刑事檢控專員李紹強資深大律師:就上訴 appeals were required, or where reviews of sentence 常規和程序向檢控人員提供指引。 were recommended. When Mr Lee was appointed Mr Robert S K Lee, SC, SADPP, Head of the Criminal Appeals Unit : to silk in May, he told the South China Morning Post advising prosecutors on appellate practice and procedure. that the judicial process was akin to the search for scientific truth, and involved‘a critical process where 由高級助理刑事檢控專員李紹強資深大律師主管的刑 arguments are continuously tested without end’. 事上訴組共有5名律師。該組本身就案件進行上訴和覆 核,同時也就上訴常規和程序向其他檢控人員提供指 The CAU conducted the bulk of its cases in the , where convicted persons contended that their 引,並與刑事司法制度內的其他人員保持聯繫。控方如 convictions were unsafe or unsatisfactory, or that 需要就案件提出上訴或建議進行判刑覆核,該組會向刑 there had been a wrong decision at trial on a question 事檢控專員提供意見。李先生在5月獲委任為資深大律 of law or else a material irregularity. The CAU also 師,他接受《南華早報》訪問時指出,司法程序好比對 handled cases in which complaint was made that the sentences of the trial courts were manifestly excessive. 科學真理的追求,這涉及“ 一個批判的過程,當中論據 Advice was provided to the law enforcement agencies 不斷受到驗證,永無休止 ”。

44 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 刑事上訴 Criminal Appeals

刑事上訴組的案件大部分在高等法院審理,被定罪者辯 throughout the year upon the viability of reviews in 稱其判罪並不穩妥或並不令人滿意,或法庭在審訊時曾 relation to decisions of magistrates. New and ongoing initiatives applied by the CAU in 2008 included : 就法律問題作出錯誤的決定或有其他重大不當之處。該

組也處理聲稱原審法庭的判刑明顯過重的案件。年內, • a monthly bulletin of appeal judgments to keep 刑事上訴組就覆核裁判法官的決定的可行性向執法機關 prosecutors updated on latest case law

提供指引。2008年,該組採取的新措施和持續推行的 • a revision of the monitoring system for pending 措施包括: appeals • a seminar on appellate advocacy

• 每月發行上訴判決簡訊,使檢控人員能得悉最新的 • a case alert system to notify prosecutors of 案例 significant judgments

• 修改有關待決上訴的案件的監察系統 • a review of the contents of the Criminal Appeals Manual. • 舉辦上訴訟辯研討會

• 設立案件提示系統,把重要的判決通知檢控人員 The CAU monitored the sentences of the courts • 檢討《刑事上訴手冊》的內容。 throughout the year, and conducted review applications. In April, after Mr David Leung, SPP, Deputy Head of the CAU, sought a review of a 年內,刑事上訴組注視法庭的判刑,並處理覆核申請。 community service order of 240 hours imposed upon 4月,刑事上訴組副主管高級檢控官梁卓然就一宗案件 an accused who stole $5 million with which she had 尋求判刑覆核。在該案件中,被告人盜取了託付她保管 been entrusted, the Court of Appeal substituted a ' 的500萬元,被判社會服務令240小時。上訴法庭改判 sentence of 2 years imprisonment (CAAR 4 of 2007). In July, after Mr Leung invited the court to hold that a 該被告人監禁2年(覆核申請2007年第4號)。在另一宗 fine of $500 imposed upon a 66-year-old woman who 案件中,一名66歲老婦襲擊代表與她對訟的一方的政府 assaulted a government lawyer acting for the party 律師,被判罰款500元。7月,梁先生請法庭裁定有關 opposed to the assailant in litigation was manifestly inadequate, the magistrate's sentence was upheld as 判刑明顯過輕。法庭維持裁判官的判決,指出判刑沒有 it did not fall‘outside the range of sentences which 超出“ 他考慮了所有相關因素後能合理地認為是恰當 he, applying his mind to all the relevant factors, could 的判刑範圍 ”(覆核申請2007第11號)。9月,梁先生就 reasonably consider appropriate’(CAAR 11 of 2007). 另一宗判處10個月監禁的案件尋求判刑覆核。在該案件 In September, after Mr Leung sought a review of a sentence of 10 months' imprisonment imposed upon 中,一名童軍領袖慫恿兩名年齡分別為15歲和13歲的 a scout leader who encouraged two boy scouts aged 童軍駕駛一輛汽車,導致一名正在踏單車的7歲小童被 15 and 13 to drive a car which then killed a 7-year-old 撞死。上訴法庭改判該童軍領袖監禁22個月(覆核申請 cyclist, the court substituted a sentence of 22 months' 2008年第2號)。 imprisonment (CAAR 2 of 2008).

In 2008, the CAU processed and conducted 1,538 2008年,刑事上訴組處理和進行了1,538宗判罪及判刑 appeals against conviction and sentence. It also 上訴,並代表控方提出14宗上訴,以及向上訴法庭提出 instituted 14 appeals by the prosecution. Reviews 9宗覆核判刑申請。至於循簡易程序審訊方面,該組在 of sentence to the Court of Appeal were pursued in 9 cases. At the summary level, the CAU initiated 45宗案件中提出覆核裁判官的判決。 reviews of the decisions of magistrates in 45 cases.

45 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 海關案件 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Customs and Excise

香港是世界海關組織和亞太經濟合作組織的活躍成員。 Hong Kong is active in the World Customs 自由市場的運作,需要一個鼓勵公平競爭的規管架構來 Organization, as well as in Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation. A free market is sustained by a 維持。2008年,美國傳統基金聯同《華爾街日報》編 regulatory framework which promotes a level playing 製的全球經濟自由度指數報告,連續第14年評定香港為 field. In 2008, the Index of Economic Freedom, 全球最自由的經濟體系。美國傳統基金的國際貿易和經 compiled by the Heritage Foundation (HF) with The 濟中心認為,香港“ 差不多在經濟自由度的所有範疇都 Wall Street Journal, rated Hong Kong as the world's 表現超卓 ”。香港是進入中國內地的門廊,本港的法律 freest economy for the 14th consecutive year. The HF's Centre for International Trade and Economics said 有助促進合法的貿易活動。年內,本科檢控人員與調查 Hong Kong scored‘exceptionally well in almost all 人員携手合作,履行香港的國際責任。 areas of economic freedom’. A gateway is provided to the Chinese Mainland, and local laws facilitate 海關檢控政策協調員盧慶祥擔任第6組的主管。組內 legitimate trading activity. Throughout the year, prosecutors and investigators worked in tandem to 的6名檢控人員就香港海關調查的案件提供法律指 uphold Hong Kong's international obligations. 引,並在法庭上提出檢控。由第6組檢控的案件大多

與走私、逃避應課稅品的稅項、違反許可證條款、產 Headed by Mr Francis Lo, Policy Co-ordinator on 地來源詐騙、兒童產品安全和違反消費者權益有關。 Customs and Excise, Section 6 and its six prosecutors advised the Customs and Excise Department (Customs) 年內,檢控政策協調員所關注的,是妥善地引用與管 upon its investigations and conducted its prosecutions 制物品流通和控制課稅徵收,以及促進香港的合法進 at court. Typical cases prosecuted by Section 6 related 出口貿易有關的法例。在2008年第6組向香港海關提 to smuggling, excise duty evasion, licensing breaches, 供法律指引共639次,2007年為621次,而2006年 origin fraud, child product safety and consumer 則為842次。 protection. The concern of the Policy Co-ordinator throughout the year was the due application of the laws which regulate the movement of articles and 在2008年內,第6組對海關的反走私行動給予支援。海 control the collection of revenue, and the facilitation 關在進出口管制站檢查過境人士,搜查飛機、船隻及車 of legitimate trade both to and from Hong Kong. In 輛,以及檢驗貨物,藉以對禁制物品施加管制。除海上 2008, Section 6 provided 639 advices to Customs, as compared to 621 advices in 2007 and 842 advices in 走私活動外,打擊香港與內地之間非法偷運貨物亦是該 2006. 組的首要任務。走私往內地的貨品有電腦和電器,而非

法進口香港的則有香煙、貴重金屬、家禽和冒牌貨品。 During 2008, Section 6 supported Customs in its 12月,一名被告人企圖走私大批電器產品和33塊價值 anti-smuggling operations. The Customs controlled 440萬元的銀磚進入香港,被判處監禁26個月(區院刑 prohibited articles by checking persons at entry and exit points, searching aircraft, vessels and vehicles, 事案件2008年第604號)。 and inspecting cargoes. Smuggling by sea apart, the illegal movement of goods between Hong Kong and 任何人被裁定走私罪名成立,最高可判處罰款200萬元及 the Mainland was a priority. Whereas computers and 監禁7年。如案件涉及有組織罪行,檢控人員會要求加重 electrical appliances were smuggled to the Mainland, cigarettes, precious metals, poultry and counterfeit 判刑。年內,共有1,712宗走私案件被檢控,1,050人及 goods came unlawfully into Hong Kong. In December, 449家公司被定罪。2007年被檢控的1,548宗案件中, an accused who attempted to smuggle a large 共有1,173人及317家公司被定罪;而於2006年被檢控 quantity of electrical products and 33 silver blocks 的1,554宗案件中,共有1,193人及207家公司被定罪。 worth $4.4 million into Hong Kong was sentenced to 26 months' imprisonment (DCCC 604 of 2008).

46 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 海關案件 Customs and Excise

在2008年內,第6組的檢控人員與其他人員分享他們 Those convicted of smuggling were liable to 的專業知識。檢控政策副協調員高級檢控官劉少儀重寫 fines of up to $2 million and to imprisonment for up to 7 years. If organized crime was involved, 《檢控手冊》中有關《海關》的一章,供檢控人員和調 prosecutors sought enhanced sentences. In 2008, 查人員參閱。檢控政策協調員為海關人員舉辦研討會, 1,712 smuggling cases were prosecuted, with 講授如何引用《進出口條例》和《應課稅品條例》,以 1,050 persons and 449 companies convicted. That 及較佳的案件籌備和陳述方法。檢控政策副協調員在 compared with 1,548 cases prosecuted in 2007, with 4月接受《星島日報》訪問時,形容自己擔當着像守門 1,173 persons and 317 companies convicted, and the 1,554 cases prosecuted in 2006, with 1,193 persons 人般的角色,“ 是‘守尾門’,將匪徒繩之以法的最後把 and 207 companies convicted. 關人 ”。 Throughout 2008, Section 6 prosecutors 年內,因海關的案件被 shared their expertise with others. Ms Virginia Lau, SPP, Deputy Policy Co- 檢控者的罰款總額達 ordinator, rewrote the Customs and Excise 3,290萬元。在1,772宗 chapter of the Prosecution Manual for the 個案中,違法者被判處監 benefit of prosecutors and investigators. 禁。在適當情況下,檢控 The Policy Co-ordinator organized seminars for Customs personnel on the application of 人員會向法庭申請沒收 the Import and Export Ordinance and the 令。2008年,法庭共沒 Dutiable Commodities Ordinance, as well as 收了價值3億5,890萬元 on enhanced methods of case preparation 的貨物。這對比於2007 and presentation. When the Deputy Policy 年的總值3億9,580萬元 Co-ordinator was interviewed by Sing Tao Daily in April, she described her role as 和2006年的2億4,890萬 being akin to that of a gatekeeper,‘trusted 元。海關也檢獲涉及走私 海關檢控政策副協調員高級檢控官劉少儀:更 新《檢控手冊》供檢控人員和調查人員參閱。 with the ultimate task of guarding the gate 罪行價值8億2,240萬元的 Ms Virginia Lau, SPP, Deputy Policy and responsible for bringing the culprits to Co-ordinator on Customs and Excise : justice’. 貨物。這些貨品包括價值 updating the Prosecution Manual for the 1億660萬元的違禁藥 benefit of prosecutors and investigators. In 2008, Customs prosecutions resulted in 物;價值460萬元的侵 total fines upon offenders of $32.9 million, 犯版權複製品;價值9,850萬元的冒牌貨品;價值5億 and the imposition of 1,772 custodial sentences. 8,700萬元的走私商品;以及價值2,570萬元的應課稅物 Forfeiture was sought whenever appropriate, and 品。 goods worth $358.9 million were forfeited by the courts, as compared to the 2007 figure of $395.8 million and the 2006 figure of $248.9 million. Customs also seized goods worth $822.4 million in connection with smuggling offences. These included illicit drugs worth $106.6 million; infringing copies worth $4.6 million; counterfeit goods worth $98.5 million; smuggled merchandise worth $587 million; and dutiable commodities worth $25.7 million.

47 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 家庭暴力 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Domestic Violence

刑事檢控科致力改善處理涉及家庭暴力案件的方法。檢 The Prosecutions Division is committed to improving the ways in which domestic violence cases are 控人員尋求建立對待受害者的最佳方法,就案件作出 processed. Prosecutors seek to develop best practice in 正確的決定,以及提出有效的檢控。在可行情況下提出 the handling of victims, to make the right decisions on 檢控,可使家庭暴力的施虐者為自己的所作所為負上刑 cases and to prosecute effectively. Through the pursuit of viable prosecutions those responsible for domestic 責。檢控人員明白,使受害者對法律制度有信心是必須 violence are brought to account. Prosecutors recognise 的。 that victims must have confidence in the legal system.

In 2008, an appropriate focus was provided to the 年內,本科藉着審慎地應用已實施兩年的《檢控涉及家 efforts of the Division to counter domestic violence by

庭暴力案件的政策》(“ 該政策 ”),為打擊家庭暴力 the measured application of The Policy for Prosecuting Cases of Domestic Violence (‘The Policy’ ), which 的工作定下恰當的目標。該政策為檢控人員制定基本守 was in its second full year of operation. The Policy 則,並指示檢控人員如何顧及家庭暴力受害者應得到的 sets benchmarks for prosecutors, and indicates how prosecutors consider that victims of domestic violence 對待,以及如何保障他們的利益。該政策顯示,檢控人 should be treated, and how their interests are to be 員決意在整個過程中恰當地處理這些案件,並與多方的 protected. The Policy reflects the determination of prosecutors to process such cases appropriately from start 機構通力合作。 to finish, and to work within a multi-agency context.

該政策除了指引檢控人員如何與他人往來外,也讓檢控 Apart from guiding prosecutors in their dealings with others, The Policy is the means by which prosecutors 人員確保家庭暴力受害者知道,他們在刑事法律程序 can ensure that victims of domestic violence appreciate 中可期望得到的服務水平。該政策是一份實務指引,闡 the standards of service they may expect in the course of criminal proceedings. The Policy is a practical guide 述檢控常規、尋求避免案件延誤、評估受害者的需要、 which explains charging practice, seeks to avoid delays, 審視簽保守行為頒令的作用,以及為受害者提供優先支 assesses the needs of the victim, considers the role of bind-over orders, and prioritises victim support. The 援。該政策確認,在作出檢控決定時,“ 必須考慮到受 Policy recognises that decisions on prosecutions‘must 危害者的安全 ”。 be taken within a framework that promotes the security of those at risk’.

《檢控涉及家庭暴力案件的政策》: “在可行情況下提出檢控,可使家庭 ‘Through the pursuit of viable prosecutions 暴力的施虐者為自己的所作所為負上 those responsible for domestic violence should be brought to account’ : The Policy for 刑責”。 Prosecuting Cases of Domestic Violence.

藉着該政策,檢控人員致力尋求法庭對那些被裁定施行 Through The Policy, prosecutors are committed to 家庭暴力的罪犯判處適當的刑罰。檢控人員須“ 確保法 seeking appropriate levels of sentence for those convicted of domestic violence. The prosecutor is 庭能夠判處適當的刑罰 ”。換句話說,檢控人員應: required to‘ensure that the court is in a position to sentence appropriately’. This means that the prosecutor should :

48 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 家庭暴力 Domestic Violence

• 把受害者的意見和處境告知法庭 • advise the court of the victim's views and circumstances • 使法庭得悉相關的判刑指引 • alert the court to relevant guidelines cases • 在適當情況下要求加重刑罰 • seek enhanced sentences where appropriate • 確保判刑是以真確的事實為基礎 • ensure that sentencing proceeds on a correct • 請法庭留意其有權作出的附屬命令。 factual basis

• advise the court of its power to make ancillary 一名男子因承認蓄意傷害妻子而被判處監禁3年,在 orders. 6月,他就判刑向上訴法庭提出上訴。被告人與妻子在 In June, a husband who pleaded guilty to wounding 家中因金錢問題發生爭執,在廚房磨利菜刀後,斬向受 his wife with intent appealed to the Court of Appeal against a sentence of 3 years' imprisonment. After 害者的頭部、頸項和左臉。她身體多處受傷,致令手 a dispute over money in the matrimonial home, the 部活動受阻,背部疼痛。法庭在駁回上訴時指出,要 accused sharpened a chopper in the kitchen and then attacked the victim on her head, neck and left 非常嚴厲地對待這類罪行,因為“ 家庭暴力必須被制 face. She sustained extensive injuries, which left her 止”(刑事上訴案件2008年第37號)。 with restricted hand movement and back pain. In dismissing the appeal, the Court said a very serious view had to be taken of such offences, as‘domestic violence must be stopped’ (CACC 37 of 2008). 《檢控涉及家庭暴力案件的政策》: “檢控人員的職能,是協助建立對待受 ‘The function of the prosecutor is to help 害者的最佳方法,就案件作出正確的 develop best practice in the handling of 決定,以及提出有效的檢控”。 victims, to make the right decisions on cases and to prosecute effectively’ : The Policy for Prosecuting Cases of Domestic Violence.


保持聯繫。3月,易受傷害證人組主管高級助理刑事檢 Throughout 2008, the Division liaised with 控專員張維新與城市大學應用社會科學系梁麗清博士討 governmental and community bodies on areas of mutual concern. In March, Mr Patrick Cheung, SADPP, 論對付家庭暴力的法律措施。9月,高級檢控官陳詠嫻 Head of the Vulnerable Witness Team, discussed legal 向一班福利主任講授家庭暴力和保護兒童的課題。受 measures to tackle domestic violence with Dr Leung 害者權益檢控政策協調員副刑事檢控專員李定國資深大 Lai-ching, Department of Applied Social Studies, 律師擔任一個跨部門工作小組的主席,負責審視在提供 City University. In September, Miss Agnes Chan, SPP, lectured social welfare officers on domestic violence 法律指引的階段和在法庭上盡速處理家庭暴力案件的情 and child protection. After Mr John Reading, SC, 況,本科遂於10月以試驗性質採取一連串措施,以加快 DDPP, Policy Co-ordinator on Victims Rights, chaired 處理這類案件。 an inter-departmental working group to examine the fast-tracking of domestic violence cases at the advisory stage and at court, a series of measures to expedite such cases was adopted by the Division in October, on a trial basis.

49 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 環境保護 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Environmental Protection

香港高度重視環境保護,致力確保市民享有優質的生 Hong Kong places a premium upon the protection 活。政府制定了全面的法例,保障市民的健康和福祉。 of the environment and ensuring the quality of life. Comprehensive legislation exists to safeguard health 任何人違反環保法例,可被檢控。刑事檢控科與環境保 and welfare, and those who contravene environmental 護署(環保署)中央檢控組合力執行法例,把違例者繩之 laws are liable to prosecution. The Prosecutions 於法。2008年,本科為環保署人員提供專門訓練,而 Division works with the Central Prosecution Unit (CPU) 中央檢控組則應用本科第9組檢控人員特別為該署制定 of the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) to 的檢控政策指引,該等指引確認“ 環保罪行的檢控決定 enforce the law and to bring offenders to account. In 2008, the Division provided specialist training to EPD 甚為重要 ”。 personnel, and the CPU applied the tailor- made prosecution policy guidelines which 2008年,第9組檢控官徐和中 Section 9 prosecutors devised for its use. 主要負責就環保署處理的案件 The guidelines recognise that‘the decision to prosecute for an environmental offence is 提供法律指引,並就有關的立 an important one’. 法建議提供法律意見。因違反

《空氣污染管制條例》、《海 In 2008, Section 9's Mr Jones Tsui, PP, had 上傾倒物料條例》、《環境影 primary responsibility for advising the EPD upon its cases, and for commenting upon 響評估條例》、《噪音管制條 its legislative proposals. In total, 513 cases 例》、《保護臭氧層條例》、 were prosecuted for violations of the Air 《廢物處置條例》及《水污 Pollution Control Ordinance, the Dumping

染管制條例》而被檢控的案 檢控官徐和中:就環保署處理的案件提 at Sea Ordinance, the Environmental Impact 件,在2008年共有513宗。 供法律指引,並就有關的立法建議提供 Assessment Ordinance, the Noise Control 法律意見。 Ordinance, the Ozone Layer Protection 這對比於2007年的479宗和 Mr Jones Tsui, PP : advising the EPD upon its cases and commenting on Ordinance, the Waste Disposal Ordinance 2006年的341宗。至於法庭 legislative proposals. and the Water Pollution Ordinance. That 判處的罰款總額,在2008年 compared with 479 such cases in 2007, and 為3,410,400元,在2007年為4,585,400元,而在 341 such cases in 2006. The fines imposed by the courts in 2008 totalled $3,410,400, as compared with 2006年則為3,281,000元。 $4,585,400 in 2007, and $3,281,000 in 2006.

環保署使用《空氣污染管制條例》對付大氣污染的問 The EPD uses the Air Pollution Control Ordinance to 題。大氣污染可以由發電廠、車輛及跨境排放物所造 counter atmospheric pollution. This may arise from 成。任何處所如排出有害排放物,處所擁有人一經定 the emissions of power plants, motorised vehicles and cross boundary sources. Upon conviction, owners 罪,最高可判處罰款200,000元及監禁6個月。根據該 of premises which discharge noxious emissions face 條例而提出的檢控,在2008年有168宗,而在2007 fines of up to $200,000 and imprisonment for 6 年則有214宗。法庭對被裁定觸犯該條例的人判處的 months. In 2008, there were 168 prosecutions under 罰款總額,在2008年為774,400元,在2007年為 this legislation, as compared to 214 prosecutions in 2007. The fines imposed on those who violated the 991,200元,而在2006年則為954,800元。 Ordinance in 2008 totalled $774,400, as compared to $991,200 in 2007 and $954,800 in 2006. 為履行香港根據《控制危險廢物越境轉移及其處置巴塞 爾公約》而承擔的國際責任,《廢物處置條例》對廢 To fulfil Hong Kong's international obligations under 物的處置予以管制,以保障公眾安全。廢物的進出口受 the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary

50 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 環境保護 Environmental Protection

到嚴格規管。任何人如擅自進出口廢物,首次定罪, Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, 最高可判處罰款200,000元及監禁6個月。對違例者判 the Waste Disposal Ordinance controls the disposal of waste in the interests of public safety. The import 處的罰款總額,2008年為1,764,000 元,2007年為 and export of waste is strictly regulated. Upon a first 1,976,400元,而2006年則為630,000元。 conviction for the unauthorised import and export of waste, a person is liable to a fine of up to $200,000 環境保護措施如要奏效,對損害環境的人判處的刑罰必 and imprisonment for 6 months. In 2008, fines which 須切合實際需要。1月,兩名內地居民因串謀盜竊10棵 totalled $1,764,000 were imposed on offenders, as compared with $1,976,400 in 2007 and $630,000 in 羅漢松而被判處監禁2年4個月,另因無許可證在郊野公 2006. 園砍伐樹木而被判處監禁6個星期,法官譴責說:“ 砍伐 樹木的數目大幅增加,情況令人震驚 ”(區院刑事案件 Effective environmental protection is dependent 2006年第27號)。4月,上訴法庭指非法採伐瀕危樹木 upon realistic sentencing of those who damage the environment. In January, two mainlanders who “ 對環境造成無可彌補的損害,屬非常嚴重的罪行 ”,因 conspired to steal ten Buddhist pine trees were 此同意對處理26棵新近被盜的羅漢松的犯人,判處2年 sentenced to 2 years 4 months' imprisonment, 8個月的加重刑罰(刑事上訴案件2007年第385號)。 and to 6 weeks' imprisonment for cutting trees in a country park without a permit, after the judge condemned the‘dreadful increase in the number 《蒙特利爾議定書》規定,耗蝕臭氧層的物質必須妥為 of trees being cut’(DCCC 27 of 2006). In April, after 管制。該議定書適用於香港,並通過《保護臭氧層條 the Court of Appeal described the illegal exploitation 例》實施。該條例訂立了一套有關立法的制度,藉以保 of endangered trees as‘a very serious offence as it 護臭氧層。任何人生產受管制物質而損害臭氧層,最高 causes irreparable damage to the environment’, an 可判處罰款1,000,000元及監禁2年。有關罪行並不常 enhanced sentence of 2 years 8 months' imprisonment was approved for the handler of 26 recently stolen 見。2008年,因違反《保護臭氧層條例》而被定罪的 Buddhist pine trees (CACC 385 of 2007). 案件有兩宗,案中被告人被判處罰款,但沒有人被判處

監禁的刑罰。 The Montreal Protocol requires the proper control of substances which deplete the ozone layer, and applies to Hong Kong. This is achieved through the Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance (OLPO), which contains a legislative regime to safeguard the ozone layer. Persons who manufacture scheduled substances to the detriment of the ozone layer are liable to fines of up to $1,000,000 and imprisonment for 2 years. This offence is rare, and in 2008 there were two convictions for violations of the OLPO, resulting in fines but no sentence of imprisonment.

51 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 食物及環境衞生 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Food and Environmental Hygiene

食物環境衞生署(食環署)確保食物安全及保持環境清 The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department 潔。2008年內,刑事檢控科與食環署的食物安全中心 (FEHD) ensures that food is fit for consumption and maintains a clean environment. The Prosecutions 合作執行食物法例,以保障消費者的權益。售賣人如 Division worked with the FEHD's Centre for Food 售賣食物,而其性質、物質或品質與購買人所要求的 Safety throughout 2008 to enforce the food laws 不符,以致對購買人不利,一經定罪,可被判處罰款 in the interest of consumers. A vendor convicted 10,000元及監禁3個月。食物業處所如不合標準,食環 of selling to the prejudice of a purchaser food 署可對其執行封閉令。 which is not of the nature, substance or quality demanded by the purchaser is liable to a fine of $10,000 and 3 months' 2008年,第9組的高級檢控官 imprisonment. The FEHD may execute 林德穎就食環署的調查及檢控 closure orders against substandard food 工作,向該署提供法律指引。 premises. 與食物安全有關的典型案件有 In 2008, Section 9's Ms Winnie Lam, SPP, 不合標準的食物、非法供應 advised the FEHD upon its investigations and 來自未獲批准的來源的肉類、 prosecutions. Typical cases of food safety 非法將冷凍肉類當作新鮮肉 concerned substandard food, illegal supply of meat from unapproved sources, unlawful 類出售,以及經營無牌私房菜 高級檢控官林德穎:就食環署的調查及 sale of chilled meat as fresh meat and the 館。環境衞生的罪行包括亂拋 檢控工作,向該署提供法律指引。 unlicensed operation of ‘private kitchens’. Ms Winnie Lam, SPP : advising upon 垃圾、導致蚊子滋生和無牌販 FEHD investigations and prosecutions. Environmental hygiene offences included 賣。林女士於5月接受《星島日 littering, mosquito breeding and unlicensed 報》訪問時說,她的工作是“ 向社會傳遞正面訊息,提 hawking. When interviewed in May by Sing Tao Daily, Ms Lam said her work‘conveyed a positive message to 高貨品水準 ”。 the community by raising the quality of the goods’.

在6月,一名小食店東主被裁定經營無牌食品製造工場 In June, a stall operator was convicted of carrying 罪名成立。控方案情指出,食環署督察巡查被告人在荃 on an unlicensed food factory. The prosecution case was that when FEHD inspectors visited his premises 灣的店舖時,發現被告人雖然曾因非法經營食品店而 in Tsuen Wan, they found him selling fishballs, 被罰款,但仍向顧客出售魚蛋、點心及烘餅。裁判官指 dim sum and waffles to customers, despite having 出,被告人漠視《食物業規例》,不但對守法的售賣人 previously been fined for illegally operating a food 不公平,而且“ 可能對公眾安全造成重大傷害,後果可 stall. After the magistrate said that disregard of 能比搶劫更為嚴重 ”,因此判處被告人監禁2個月,暫緩 the Food Business Regulation was unfair to law- abiding vendors and the accused‘could have done 執行 (荃灣裁判法院刑事案件2008年第1651號)。 more harm to public safety and brought more serious consequences than committing robbery’, a 2008年,該組向食環署提供法律指引396次,共有 suspended sentence of 2 months' imprisonment was 11,695人/家公司被控違反食物和環境衞生法例,當中 imposed (TWCC 1651 of 2008). 9,459人/家公司被裁定罪名成立。 In 2008, there were 396 advices provided to the FEHD. In total, 11,695 persons/companies were prosecuted for offences involving violations of the food and environmental hygiene laws, and of these 9,459 were convicted.

52 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 賭博 Gambling

基於種種社會原因,賭博在香港受到嚴格規管。獲准許 Gambling in Hong Kong is strictly regulated for social 的商業賭博,包括賽馬、足球博彩和六合彩,都是受持 reasons. The permitted types of commercial gambling are controlled by a licensed operator, and include horse 牌營辦機構管理的。若是符合法律所規限,社交場合中 racing, soccer betting and the mark six lottery. Within 的賭博和麻將賭博是合法的。香港賽馬會是一個非牟利 specific limits social gambling and mahjong betting 團體,負責規範合法賭博事宜,為本港的慈善事業作出 are lawful. The Hong Kong Jockey Club is a non-profit 貢獻,並資助各項社區活動。 body which controls legalised gambling, contributes to charity and supports community projects.

高級檢控官覃民輝是賭博檢控政策協調員。年內,他和 Mr Simon Tam, SPP, Policy Co-ordinator on Gambling, 第10組的檢控人員,就反賭博的調查及提出檢控的可行 and Section 10 prosecutors advised the police on anti- 性,向警方提供法律指引。該組與警方有關單位保持緊 gambling investigations in 2008, and on the feasibility 密聯繫,打擊地區性的賭博罪行,當發現大規模集團式 of prosecutions. Liaison was maintained with police formations to counter localised gambling crime, and 收受賭注活動時,亦會與警務處有組織罪案及三合會調 with the Organized Crime and Triad Bureau when 查科聯繫。該組又就案件 large-scale syndicated bookmaking activity 籌備和調查技巧為執法人 was identified. Lectures were provided to law 員舉辦講座。在可行情況 enforcers on case preparation and investigative techniques. Where possible, prosecutions 下,第10組也針對與非法 were mounted for money laundering offences 賭博活動得益有關的清洗 involving the proceeds of unlawful gambling 黑錢罪行提出檢控。 activity.

在7月,一名警員被裁定非 In July, a police constable was convicted of illegal bookmaking and money laundering 法收受賭注及清洗180萬元 involving $1.8 million in crime proceeds. The 犯罪得益,罪名成立。證 evidence showed that he operated a soccer- 據顯示,2004至2006年 賭博檢控政策協調員高級檢控官 bookmaking operation from his disciplined 覃民輝:反賭博行動的可行性。 間,他在牛池灣紀律部隊 Mr Simon Tam, SPP, Policy Co-ordinator services quarter in Ngau Chi Wan between on Gambling : the feasibility of anti- 2004 and 2006, and also took bets on the 2006 宿舍內進行收受足球博彩 gambling operations. Soccer World Cup. After the judge described 賭注活動,並收受2006年 the operation as ‘blatant’ and ‘serious’, a 世界盃足球賽的賭注。法官指有關活動“ 明目張膽 ” sentence of 37 months' imprisonment was imposed, 及“ 嚴重 ”,判處被告人監禁37個月,罰款56,500元 with a fine of $56,500 (DCCC 937 of 2007). (區院刑事案件2007年第937號)。 In 2008, Section 10 provided 98 advices in relation to unlawful gambling activity. There were 646 cases 年內,第10組的檢控人員就非法賭博活動提供法律 of unlawful gambling prosecuted during the year. 指引共98次,被檢控的非法賭博案件共646宗,共有 In total, 2,992 persons were convicted of gambling 2,992人因干犯賭博罪行而被定罪。 offences.

53 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 入境事務 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Immigration

香港特別行政區是獨立的旅遊地區,擁有制定入境政策 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 的自主權。《入境條例》訂明管制居民出入香港的制 is a separate travel area with autonomy over its immigration policy. The Immigration Ordinance 度,並規管旅客的活動。違例者最高可被判處監禁14年 contains a scheme of control for the movement of 及罰款500萬元。香港居民享有旅行的自由,並獲發身 persons into and out of Hong Kong, and regulates the 分證以確立其居民身分。 activities of visitors. Offenders are liable to sentences of imprisonment of up to 14 years, and to a fine of

2008年,入境事務檢控政策協調員高級檢控官陳詠嫻 up to $5 million. Hong Kong residents enjoy freedom of travel, and they are supplied with identity cards to 就入境事務處進行的調查提供法律指引,並協助進行檢 establish their status. 控工作。陳女士 處理的案件一般 In 2008, Miss Agnes Chan, SPP, Policy 包括使用或管有 Co-ordinator on Immigration, advised the Immigration Department upon its 偽造旅行證件、 investigations, and assisted its prosecutions. 串謀詐騙入境事 Typical cases handled by Miss Chan involved 務當局、非法入 the use or possession of forged travel 境及非法僱用他 documents, conspiracy to defraud the immigration authorities, unlawful entry and 人的罪行。一名 illegal employment. In July, the Court of 被告人挪用屬於 First Instance confirmed that a sentence of 別人的身分證, 22 months' imprisonment imposed after trial 入境事務檢控政策協調員高級檢控官陳詠嫻:參與制定 經審訊後被判處 檢控政策。 upon an accused who used an identity card Miss Agnes Chan, SPP, Policy Co-ordinator on 監禁22個月。 related to another was appropriate under the Immigration : the development of prosecution policy. sentencing guidelines (HCMA 202 of 2008). 7月,原訟法庭

確認該刑期,指出根據判刑指引,該刑期是恰當的(高院 The Policy Co-ordinator was involved in the development 裁判法院上訴案件2008年第202號)。 of prosecution policy towards refugees, asylum seekers and torture claimants. Asylum seekers and torture claimants are not liable to prosecution for an immigration 檢控政策協調員參與制定有關難民、尋求庇護者和酷刑 offence related to the claim pending its resolution by the 聲請人的檢控政策。尋求庇護者和酷刑聲請人在其聲請 relevant authority. If a charge is laid, it will be adjourned. 尚待有關當局解決期間,不會被控與其聲請有關的違反 In March, an asylum seeker challenged the prosecution 入境法例罪行;假如已被落案起訴,案件會押後處理。 policy by way of judicial review on the basis that all 3月,一名尋求庇護者申請司法覆核,以挑戰檢控政 refugee claimants apprehended with false documents should not be subject to prosecution until their claims 策,所持理由是所有因虛假文件而被拘捕的難民聲請人 had been determined. In refusing the application, the 在其聲請獲得裁決前,不應遭到檢控。原訟法庭否決該 Court of First Instance held that the prosecution had 項申請,裁定控方是在憲法賦予的權力範圍內行事。什 acted within its constitutional powers. It was for the trial 麼情況才構成濫用法院的法律程序,應由主審的法庭考 court to consider what might constitute an abuse of the process of the court ([2008] 2 HKC 209). 慮([2008] 2 HKC 209)。

Throughout 2008, immigration offences were treated 年內,法庭對違反入境法例的罪行嚴加處理。4月, seriously by the courts. In April, a Hong Kong resident 一名菲律賓裔的本港居民,被裁定10項串謀詐騙入境事 of Filipino origin was convicted of ten offences of 務處的罪名成立。證據顯示,該人在2004及2005年於 conspiracy to defraud the Immigration Department.

54 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 入境事務 Immigration

菲律賓舉行的招聘面試中,答應聘用11名人士在一間香 The evidence showed that during recruitment 港公司擔任流程工程師,月薪10,000元。後來,他游 interviews in the Philippines in 2004 and 2005, he had agreed to hire 11 people as process engineers at a 說該11名人士簽署僱傭合約,並在合約中虛報他們的月 Hong Kong company with a monthly salary of $10,000. 薪由18,000至21,000元不等,以促使部門批出他們的 He later persuaded the 11 people to sign employment 工作簽證。他被判處監禁6個月 (沙田裁判法院刑事案件 contracts which falsely stated that their monthly 2007年第7239號)。 salaries ranged from $18,000 to $21,000, to facilitate approval of their employment visas by the department. He was imprisoned for 6 months (STCC 7239 of 2007). 6月,5名男子就一宗因涉嫌偷運人蛇有關的護照騙案被

裁定罪名成立。兩名內地人在機場向入境事務當局訛稱 In June, five men were convicted of a passport 乘搭航班前往曼谷,但其實羅馬才是他們的目的地。他 scam related to suspected people smuggling. Two 們利用從中間人處購得的香港護照,以便在無須簽證的 mainlanders lied to the immigration authorities at the airport, claiming they were taking a flight to Bangkok 情況下潛入羅馬。該兩名內地人及一名“ 蛇頭 ”各自以 when they were going to Rome to be smuggled in 他們的中國護照辦理前往曼谷的登機手續,並告知有關 without visas and using Hong Kong passports bought 人員他們的目的地。進入禁區後,“ 蛇頭 ”向兩名內地 through a middleman. The two men and a snakehead 人派發飛往羅馬的航班的登機證,“ 蛇頭 ”的同黨以香 checked in for the Bangkok-bound flight with their own Chinese passports, and told officers about their 港護照辦理登機手續時取得的。但兩名內地人在登機閘 destination. Having entered the boarding area, the 口被截停,因為有關人員發現登機證上的姓名與他們的 snakehead gave them boarding passes for the flight to 中國護照所示的不同。“ 蛇頭 ”收取了15,000元,作為 Rome, which had been obtained by the snakehead's 護送該兩名內地人前往羅馬的費用。被捕後,“ 蛇頭 ” associates when checking in with Hong Kong 被發現持有兩本香港護照,是兩名居民賣給中間人,而 passports. The two were stopped at the boarding gate, and the names on the boarding passes were “ 蛇頭 ”打算在抵達羅馬後將它們交給兩名內地人的。 found to differ from those on their Chinese passports. 案中兩名內地人因向入境事務助理員作出虛假申述, The snakehead, who had been given $15,000 to escort 分別被判處監禁2年半及2年;“ 蛇頭 ”因協助他們而被 the mainlanders to Rome, was arrested and found to 判處監禁3年,而兩名出售護照的居民則各被判處監禁 have the two Hong Kong passports which would be given to the mainlanders in Rome. The two passports 16個月 (區院刑事案件2008年第28號)。 had been sold by two residents to a middleman. While the two mainlanders were sentenced to imprisonment 2008年,被控違反入境法例罪行的總人數有10,601人, for, respectively, 2½ years and 2 years for making a 而2007年則有11,037人。本科共向入境事務處提供了 false representation to an immigration assistant, the ' 548次法律指引。 snakehead received 3 years imprisonment for assisting them, and the two residents who sold their passports were each imprisoned for 16 months (DCCC 28 of 2008).

In 2008, 10,601 persons were prosecuted for immigration offences, as compared to 11,037 persons in 2007. There were 548 advices provided to the Immigration Department.

55 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 稅務 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Inland Revenue

香港奉行簡單稅制,稅率甚低,稅基狹窄。利得稅,薪 Hong Kong operates a simple tax system. Tax rates 俸稅和賣地收益是政府的主要收入來源。其他重要收入 are low, and the tax base is limited. The primary sources of revenue are profits tax, salaries tax and land 包括來自印花稅、物業和投資的收入、公用設施和政府 premiums. Other significant sources include revenue 服務的收費、差餉、博彩及彩票稅以及應課稅品稅。 from stamp duties, properties and investments, utilities, fees and charges for services provided by the 任何在香港產生或得自香港的薪酬,均須繳納薪俸稅。 Government, general rates, bets and sweeps tax and 若在香港經營任何行業、專業或業務,而從中獲得於香 duties on dutiable commodities. 港產生或得自香港的純利,則須繳納利得稅。遏止逃稅 Salaries tax is charged on emoluments arising in or 和盡量減少避稅的機會,是調查人員和檢控人員優先處 derived from Hong Kong. Profits tax is charged on 理的工作。稅務局徵收大部分的稅項,並負責調查逃稅 net profits arising in or derived from Hong Kong, from 案件及納稅人的相關不當行為。年內,每當有這類罪行 a trade, profession or business carried on in Hong Kong. A high priority is placed by investigators and 出現,稅務局的調查人員均與本科保持緊密聯繫。 prosecutors upon curbing tax evasion and minimising the opportunities for tax avoidance. The Inland 第13組的主管是高級助理刑事檢控專員黎雅雯。年內, Revenue Department (IRD) collects the bulk of total 該組檢控人員的主要職責,是就有損稅收的罪行的調查 revenues, and is responsible for the investigation of cases of tax evasion and related wrongdoing by 工作,向稅務局提供法律指引,並在需要時為稅務局的 taxpayers. The IRD's investigators liaised closely with 檢控工作提供多方面的協助。這些案件包括蓄意逃稅、 the Prosecutions Division throughout the year when 騙取政府收入、未有填交報稅表,以及向稅務局提供虛 offences arose. 假資料。違例者一經定罪,最高可被判處監禁3年及罰 款,另加相等於少徵收稅款3倍的附加罰款。 Headed by Miss Louisa Lai, SADPP, Section 13 and its prosecutors had primary responsibility in 2008 for advising the IRD upon its investigations into offences 稅務詐騙影響整體 against the revenue, and when required they facilitated 社會,因此,第13 its prosecutions across a broad spectrum. Such cases 組的檢控人員在年 included wilful tax evasion, cheating the public revenue, failure to make returns, and supplying the IRD with false 內提出連串檢控。 information. Offenders faced 3 years' imprisonment 逃稅詭計往往是精 and a fine upon conviction, plus an additional penalty 密和長時間進行 of three times the amount of tax undercharged. 的,稅務局因此動 用大量資源進行調 The impact of tax fraud is felt by the community as a whole, and Section 13 prosecutors conducted a series 查。法院力求阻嚇 of prosecutions in 2008. Tax evasion schemes were 這類犯罪行為,原 sometimes sophisticated and lengthy, and the IRD applied 訟法庭確認“ 既定 full resources to its investigation. The courts seek to 高級助理刑事檢控專員黎雅雯:逃稅詭 計往往是精密和長時間進行的。 的判刑原則,即對 deter such criminality, and the Court of First Instance has Miss Louisa Lai, SADPP : tax evasion acknowledged the‘established sentencing principle that schemes were sometimes sophisticated 逃稅者通常判處即 an immediate sentence of imprisonment will normally and lengthy. 時監禁 ”(高院裁 be passed on a tax evader’ (HCMA 392 of 2006). Whilst 判法院上訴2006 less serious offences attracted fines, Section 13 closely 年第392號)。較輕微的罪行會被判處罰款,但為使刑罰 monitored the sentences of the courts in the interests 能收阻嚇作用,第13組一直密切注視法院判刑的輕重。 of deterrence.

56 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 稅務 Inland Revenue

在1月,黎女士檢控一名家庭主婦10項逃稅罪名。該被 In January, Miss Lai prosecuted a housewife who 告人擁有3項物業,並將其中一項物業出租5年。控方指 owned three properties, one of which was let out during a 5-year period, for ten offences of tax evasion. 稱,被告人在報稅表中就已出租的物業蓄意作出虛假的 The prosecution alleged that the accused wilfully made 陳述。由於她沒有披露租金收入,稅務局向她少徵收稅 false statements in her tax returns in relation to the 款共208,916元。裁判官表示需要判處阻嚇性刑罰,因 property which was rented out, and by failing to make 此判處被告人監禁2個月及罰款23,000元 (東區裁判法 disclosure of rental income she was undercharged a 院刑事案件2007年第3906號)。 total of $208,916. The magistrate said a deterrent sentence was required, and imprisoned the accused for 2 months and fined her $23,000 (ESCC 3906 of 2007). 在5月,第13組的高級檢控官陳月兒根據《稅務條 例》,檢控一名測量師8項罪名。該被告人就申請供養 In May, Section 13's Miss Grace Chan, SPP, prosecuted 父母免稅額和供養父母額外免稅額,蓄意作出虛假的陳 a surveyor for eight offences of wilfully making false statements in connection with claims for dependent 述。有關罪行涉及8個年度的評稅,被告人向稅務局虛 parent allowance and additional dependent parent 假申報其父/母親或雙親與他同住,以及給予父母金錢 allowance under the Inland Revenue Ordinance. The 作為生活費。他的父親死於1987年,母親則在1985年 offences related to eight years of assessment, and 去世。他虛報資料以申請供養父母免稅額,令稅務局向 he falsely declared to the IRD that either or both of his parents were living with him and that he had 他少徵收稅款共79,800元,結果被判處監禁2個月 (屯 contributed money towards their maintenance. His 門裁判法院傳票2007年第3904號)。 father had died in 1987 and his mother in 1985, and by falsely claiming allowances for them the total amount 2008年,第13組處理的逃稅案件有五宗,檢控案件有 of tax for which he was undercharged was $79,800. 兩宗,當中涉及逃繳薪俸稅的案件有一宗,而涉及物業 He was sentenced to 2 months' imprisonment (TMS 3904 of 2007). 稅的則有一宗。在提出檢控的逃稅案件中,逃稅總額為

288,716元,判處罰款合共23,000元,兩名被告人被判 In 2008, five cases of tax evasion were handled by 處監禁。 Section 13, and two cases were prosecuted. Of these, one involved evasion of salaries tax, while one concerned property tax. The total tax evaded in cases prosecuted was $288,716, while the fines imposed totalled $23,000. Sentences of imprisonment were imposed on two offenders.

57 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 司法覆核 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Judicial Review

2008年,刑事檢控科進行多宗司法覆核法律程序。高 In 2008, the Prosecutions Division conducted a series of 級助理刑事檢控專員彭寶琴及第10組的檢控人員就這些 judicial review proceedings. Ms Anthea Pang, SADPP, and the prosecutors of Section 10 advised on these 案件提供法律指引,並在有需要時出庭。近年,刑事案 cases, and attended court where necessary. The scope 件的司法覆核範疇擴大,本科也提升了應付有關工作的 of judicial review in criminal cases has widened in 能力。在《刑事上訴手冊》中,司法覆核是一個獨立的 recent times, and the capacity of the Division to cope 課題。12月,本科修訂刑事檢控政策指引,首次把就檢 has been enhanced. Judicial review is a separate topic 控決定進行司法覆核的事宜包括在 in the Criminal Appeals Manual, and when the prosecution policy guidelines were 內。10月,副刑事檢控專員薛偉成 reviewed in December the judicial review 資深大律師向檢控人員講授“ 刑事 of a prosecution decision was covered for 法律程序的司法覆核 ”。 the first time. In October, Mr , SC, DDPP, lectured prosecutors on‘Judicial review of criminal proceedings’. 刑事案件的司法覆核程序往往繁複 和需時甚長,負責的檢控人員需要 Judicial review proceedings in criminal 十分熟悉人權法。第10組處理的典 cases were often complex and protracted, 型案件包括有關對檢控決定、檢控 and required a familiarity with human rights law. Typical cases handled by 政策、法院拒絕擱置法律程序及法 高級助理刑事檢控專員彭寶琴:進 Section 10 involved challenges to decisions 官就審訊案件所作裁決等提出的質 行司法覆核程序需要熟悉人權法。 to prosecute, prosecution policy, refusals 疑。12月,刑事檢控專員於“有效 Ms Anthea Pang, SADPP : a familiarity with human rights law of courts to stay proceedings, and rulings 的司法覆核”聯席會議上致辭時表 in judicial review proceedings. made by in cases being tried. 示:“ 對審理中的刑事案件提出的從 When in December the DPP addressed the Joint Conference on Effective Judicial Review, 旁質疑有所增加,而且持續增加;但應予以減少 ”。 he said‘Collateral challenges in ongoing criminal cases have increased, are increasing and ought to be 由第10組處理的司法覆核案件所涉及的事宜包括:覆核 diminished’. 裁判官所發出的搜查令(高院憲法及行政訴訟2007年第 Judicial review cases involving Section 10 included : the 70號);覆核檢控決定(高院憲法及行政訴訟2008年第 review of a magistrate's issue of a search warrant (HCAL 2號);覆核裁判官有關在未有上訴結果前暫緩執行裁決 70 of 2007); the review of a decision to prosecute (HCAL 的命令(高院憲法及行政訴訟2008年第17號);覆核法官 2 of 2008); the review of an order of a magistrate to 拒絕擱置法律程序的決定(高院憲法及行政訴訟2008年 suspend a ruling pending the outcome of an appeal ' 第20號);覆核把案件送交區域法院由單一名法官審理 (HCAL 17 of 2008); the review of a judge s refusal to stay proceedings (HCAL 20 of 2008); the review of a 而不是在高等法院由陪審團審訊的決定(高院憲法及行政 decision to send a case for trial by single judge in the 訴訟2008年第42號);覆核主審法官拒絕迴避聽審的決 District Court rather than by jury in the High Court 定(高院憲法及行政訴訟2008年第47號);覆核少年法庭 (HCAL 42 of 2008); the review of a trial judge's refusal 是否具有審判權,可就一名被控謀殺的青少年進行交付 to recuse himself (HCAL 47 of 2008); and the review of the jurisdiction of the juvenile court to conduct 審判程序(高院憲法及行政訴訟2008年第60號)。 committal proceedings in respect of a youth charged with murder (HCAL 60 of 2008). 2008年,第10組處理13宗涉及刑事事宜的司法覆核案 件。 In 2008, Section 10 was involved in 13 cases concerning judicial review in criminal matters.

58 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 勞工及職業安全 Labour and Occupational Safety

香港的勞工法例旨在保障僱員的權益,並確保工作間員 Labour legislation in Hong Kong is designed to protect 工的職業安全及健康。2008年,刑事檢控科勞工小組 the interests of employees, and to ensure safety and health at the workplace. In 2008, the Labour Team 就勞工處調查的違反勞工法例案件,向該處提供指引。 of the Prosecutions Division advised the Labour 常見的案件包括僱主未有支付工資及短付工資、沒有給 Department upon its investigations into violations of 予假日、不當終止僱用、建築地盤安全措施不足,以及 the labour laws. Typical cases included non-payment 工作系統不安全。 of wages by employers and underpayment, non-grant of holidays, improper termination of employment, inadequate construction site safety and unsafe systems 由高級檢控官黃景賢率領的勞工小組每星期派員到勞工 of work. 處,為該處的調查人員提供內駐諮詢服務。勞工處的檢 控人員接受本科提供的專門訓練,並參與部門檢控人員 Headed by Mr Joseph Wong, SPP, the Labour Team 培訓課程。年內多宗違反勞工法例的案件遭受檢控,法 provided a weekly in-house advisory service at the Labour Department for its investigators. Labour 庭對違法者是絕不姑息的。 Department prosecutors received specialist training from the Division, and participated in the Departmental 僱主未有依法向員工支付工資,經定罪後最高可被判罰款 Prosecutors Training Course. A series of prosecutions 350,000元及監禁3年。2008年,一名建築地盤次承判 was instituted for breaches of labour laws, and the courts were intolerant of offenders. 商未有向4名僱員支付工資, 被判處監禁3個月,暫緩執行 Employers who fail to pay their workers as (粉嶺裁判法院傳票2008年第 required face fines of up to $350,000 upon 5122-28號)。一名食肆東主 conviction and imprisonment for 3 years. 由於未有準時向4名廚師支付 In 2008, a construction site subcontractor received a suspended sentence of 3 months' 工資,被判處監禁4個月,暫 imprisonment for failure to pay the wages 緩執行(九龍城裁判法院傳票 of four employees (FLS 5122-28 of 2008). A 2008年第13553-56號)。一 restaurant owner who failed to pay four 家報館因未有向3名僱員支付 cooks on time was sentenced to a suspended sentence of imprisonment of 4 months 81,000元工資而被判處罰款 (KCS 13553-56 of 2008). After prosecutors 4,200元,檢控人員力指刑罰 argued that a fine of $4,200 imposed upon a 明顯過輕,其後上訴法庭把罰 勞工小組主管高級檢控官黃景賢: newspaper company for failing to pay $81,000 款提高至39,000元,因為罰 年內有多宗違反勞工法例的案件遭受 in wages to three employees was manifestly 檢控。 inadequate, the Court of Appeal increased 款“ 必須具阻嚇力,而僱員應 Mr Joseph Wong, SPP, Head of the Labour Team : a series of prosecutions the penalty to $39,000 as fines‘must carry 該知道管理混亂並不構成判處 for breaches of labour laws. deterrent effect and employees should know 低罰款的特殊原因 ”([2008] that chaos in management is not a special 5 HKC 154)。 reason for a low fine’([2008] 5 HKC 154).

In 2008, the Labour Team provided 318 advices to 年內,勞工小組向勞工處提供法律指引共318次,因違 the Labour Department. There were 5,030 cases 反勞工法例被檢控的案件共有5,030宗,其中4,372宗的 prosecuted for breaches of labour legislation, 犯案者被裁定罪名成立,被判處罰款共18,138,250元, resulting in 4,372 convictions. In 4 cases sentences 而在4宗案件中,犯案者更被判處監禁。 of imprisonment were imposed, and fines totalled $18,138,250.

59 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 毒品 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Narcotics

在2008年,毒品檢控政策協調員副刑事檢控專員薛偉 In 2008, Mr Kevin Zervos, SC, DDPP, Policy Co-ordinator 成資深大律師統籌刑事檢控科的打擊毒品策略。刑事檢 on Narcotics, oversaw the anti-narcotics strategies of the Prosecutions Division. Intolerance was shown to 控科對各類毒品的罪行都絕不姑息,並向法庭尋求較重 all types of drugs crime, and higher sentencing levels 的判刑,以阻嚇意圖犯事的人。本科引用《危險藥物條 were sought from the courts as a deterrent to would- 例》,對製造、分銷或管有危險藥物的人提出檢控。任 be offenders. The Dangerous Drugs Ordinance was 何人如分銷、進口或製造危險藥物,一經定罪,最高可 deployed to prosecute those who manufactured, 被判處終身監禁及罰款500萬元;至於純粹管有毒品, distributed or possessed dangerous drugs. Those convicted of distributing, importing or manufacturing 一經定罪,則最高可被判處監禁7年及罰款100萬元。 dangerous drugs were liable to a maximum sentence of life imprisonment and a fine of $5 million, while those convicted of simple possession faced a maximum sentence of seven years' imprisonment and a fine of up to $1 million.

When the Policy Co-ordinator invited the Court of Appeal to review the levels of sentence for those convicted of trafficking in ketamine and ecstasy, he said specific guidelines were required for sentencing in cases involving ketamine, and that existing guidelines for ecstasy required revision to keep them in line with modern medical knowledge. Mr Zervos demonstrated that ketamine and ecstasy were the most widely abused drugs among young persons, and that both were 毒品檢控政策協調員副刑事檢控專員薛偉成資深大律師:負責統籌 addictive and gave rise to psychological dependence. 刑事檢控科的打擊毒品策略。 Mr Kevin Zervos, SC, DDPP, Policy Co-ordinator on Narcotics : When the court promulgated new guidelines for overseeing the anti-narcotics strategies of the Prosecutions Division. trial courts in June, seven sentencing bands were set, the most serious of which indicated that persons convicted after trial of trafficking in over 1,000 grammes of ketamine and ecstasy would face 14 years' 檢控政策協調員就那些被判販運氯氨酮和“ 忘我 ”毒 imprisonment upwards ([2008] 3 HKC 333). 品罪名成立的人,請求上訴法庭覆核判刑,他表示涉及

氯氨酮的案件的量刑,需要有特定的指引,而現時關 Throughout 2008, the Division liaised with the Hong 於“ 忘我 ”的指引須因應現代醫學知識而予以修訂。 Kong Police Force, the Customs and Excise Department 薛偉成指出氯氨酮和“ 忘我 ”是最多青少年濫用的毒 and the Narcotics Division of the Security Bureau in the interests of more effective enforcement 品,兩類毒品均使人上癮和在心理上產生依賴。法庭在 strategies. At the biannual meetings between the DPP 6月向主審法庭頒布新指引,訂定7個判刑級別,而最嚴 and the Director of Crime and Security in February 重的級別顯示,凡被控販運超過1,000克氯氨酮和“ 忘 and September, the narcotics situation was closely 我”而經審訊後被裁定罪名成立者,可被判處監禁14 monitored. Efforts to counter the cross-border and transnational flow of illicit drugs were supported, and 年以上([2008] 3 HKC 333)。 prosecutors emphasised to the community that even young persons must expect to be prosecuted when 年內,本科與保安局轄下的香港警務處、香港海關和禁 found in possession of dangerous drugs. The Division 毒處取得聯繫,以加強執法工作的成效。刑事檢控專員 supported the initiatives of the task force created to 與警方的刑事及保安處處長於2月和9月舉行每年兩次 counter psychotropic drug abuse among young people,

60 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 毒品 Narcotics

的會議上,密切注視毒品的情況。本科大力支持打擊跨 including the enhancement of the capacity of the 境和跨國違禁藥物偷運的活動。檢控人員向公眾人士強 probation service to cater for the needs of young drug offenders. 調,任何人如被發現管有危險藥物,即使是青少年,也 會被檢控。本科支持為打擊青少年濫用精神藥物而設立 A priority of the Division throughout the year was to 的專責小組的措施,包括加強感化服務,以應付青少年 prevent those involved in narcotics from profiting by 毒犯的需要。 their crimes. The Court of Appeal acknowledged that an offender could be convicted of the money laundering of the proceeds of his own drug trafficking (CACC 94 of 年內,本科的一項首要工作,是防止毒品涉案者藉干犯 2008). Restraint and confiscation orders were sought 罪行而得益。上訴法庭認同毒販可因處理自己販毒所得 whenever possible under the Drug Trafficking (Recovery 的款項而被判清洗黑錢罪(刑事上訴案件2008年第94 of Proceeds) Ordinance. When in June the DPP addressed 號)。在可行的情況下,本科會根據《販毒(追討得益)條 the 5th Asia and Pacific Regional Conference of the International Association of Prosecutors, in Seoul, he 例》請法庭頒發限制令和沒收令。6月,刑事檢控專員 called for concerted action amongst regional prosecutors 在首爾舉行的第五屆國際檢察官聯合會亞太區會議上, against illicit monies, and told delegates that Hong Kong 呼籲區內的檢控人員同心協力,堵截非法得來的金錢利 had‘wide experience of co-ordinating efforts to take 益,並告知各地的代表,香港具備“ 廣泛的協調工作經 the incentives out of crime’. 驗,務求罪行無利可圖 ”。 The courts were supplied by prosecutors with materials concerning the prevalence of offences and the impact 檢控人員向法庭提供關於毒品罪行的普遍程度和毒品影 of narcotics, and those who trafficked in dangerous 響的資料,而販賣危險藥物的人亦受到適當的嚴厲刑 drugs received condign punishment. In February, a 罰。2月,一個印尼幫成員企圖從深圳經香港偷運2.97 member of an Indonesian gang which attempted to smuggle 2.97 kg of ice from Shenzhen to Jakarta via 公斤“冰”往雅加達,他把毒品綁於身上,在機場登 Hong Kong was sentenced to 14 years' imprisonment 機時被截查,他因販毒被判處監禁14年(高院刑事案件 for trafficking after he was intercepted as he boarded 2007年第243號)。4月,一名男子被控在大埔一個單位 a plane at the airport with drugs strapped to his 販運193.84公斤市值1,182萬元的大麻,罪名成立,被 body (HCCC 243 of 2007). In April, a man who was convicted of trafficking in 193.84 kg of cannabis with 判處監禁8年(高院刑事案件2007年第295號)。5月, a street value of $11.82 million at a flat in Tai Po 3名男子試圖從香港偷運差不多2公斤“冰”往澳洲, was sentenced to 8 years' imprisonment (HCCC 295 被裁定販毒罪名成立,被判處監禁13至15年不等(高院 of 2007). In May, three men who tried to smuggle 刑事案件2008年第5號)。9月,一名男子從深圳偷運3 almost 2 kg of ice from Hong Kong to Australia were 公斤氯氨酮和可卡因進入香港,販毒罪名成立,被判處 convicted of trafficking and sentenced to terms of imprisonment ranging from 15 years to 13 years (HCCC 監禁16年8個月(高院刑事案件2008年第11號)。 5 of 2008). In September, a man who smuggled 3 kg of ketamine and cocaine into Hong Kong from Shenzhen 2008年,在原訟法庭和區域法院,共有576人被控較 was convicted of trafficking and sentenced to 16 years 嚴重的毒品罪名,而2007年則有442人。此外,有 8 months' imprisonment (HCCC 11 of 2008). 5,212人被控非法管有危險藥物,而 2007年則有 In 2008, 576 persons were prosecuted in the Court of 5,060人。 First Instance and the District Court for the more serious narcotics offences, as compared to 442 in 2007. A further 5,212 persons were prosecuted for unlawful possession of dangerous drugs, as compared to 5,060 in 2007.

61 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 淫褻及兒童色情物品 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Obscene Articles and Child Pornography

《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》旨在打擊淫褻或不雅材 The Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles 料,規管內容屬於或含有淫褻或不雅資料(包括暴力、腐 Ordinance (COIAO) is designed to combat obscene or indecent material. It regulates articles which consist 化或可厭性的資料)的物品。淫褻物品審裁處根據該條例 of or contain material that is obscene or indecent, 而成立,負責將物品的類別評定為第I類(既非淫褻亦非 including material that is violent, depraved or 不雅)、第II類(不雅,不得售予18歲以下人士)或第III類 repulsive. The COIAO establishes the Obscene Articles 物品(淫褻,不得予以發布)。任何人發布淫褻或不雅物 Tribunal (OAT) which classifies items as Class I (neither obscene nor indecent); Class II (indecent and cannot be 品,可判處監禁3年及罰款1,000,000元。 sold to persons under 18); Class III (obscene and cannot be published). Those who publish obscene or indecent 《防止兒童色情物品條例》於2003年制定,履行《聯 articles are liable to imprisonment for 3 years and a 合國兒童權利公約》的規定。任何人如製作、生產、 fine of $1,000,000. 發布或宣傳兒童色情物品,可被判監禁8年及罰款 The Prevention of Child Pornography Ordinance (PCPO) 2,000,000元。至於因管有兒童色情物品而被定罪的, was enacted in 2003, and gave effect to the United 則可被判監禁5年及 Nations Convention on the 罰款1,000,000元。 Rights of the Child. A person 2008年,共有24人 who makes, produces, publishes or advertises child pornography 因違反《防止兒童色 faces 8 years' imprisonment 情物品條例》而被檢 and a fine of $2,000,000. A 控。截至年底,有 person convicted of possession 21人被裁定罪名成 of child pornography is liable to imprisonment for 5 years' and 立,其餘一人的審訊 a fine of $1,000,000. In 2008, 仍在待決階段。 淫褻及兒童色情物品檢控政策協調員高級助理刑事檢控專員 24 persons were prosecuted 彭寶琴(中)於2008年8月30日在新加坡舉行的國際檢察官聯 合會年會上致辭:互聯網上兒童色情案件的檢控工作。 for offences under the PCPO, 2007年,高級助理 Ms Anthea Pang, SADPP, Policy Co-ordinator on Obscene Articles and at year's end, 21 had been and Child Pornography, (centre) addresses the Annual Conference convicted, whilst the trial of 刑事檢控專員彭寶琴 of the International Association of Prosecutors, in Singapore, on 30 August 2008 : prosecuting child pornography on the net. one was pending. 獲委為檢控政策協

調員。在2008年, Ms Anthea Pang, SADPP, was 她負責屬於《防止兒童色情物品條例》和《淫褻及不雅 appointed as Policy Co-ordinator in 2007. Throughout 物品管制條例》案件的檢控工作,並就有關《淫褻及不 2008, she prosecuted cases arising under the PCPO as well as under the COIAO, and advised the Television 雅物品管制條例》的案件,向影視及娛樂事務管理處提 and Entertainment Licensing Authority (TELA) upon 供法律指引。若淫褻物品審裁處的裁定受到挑戰,檢控 cases arising under the COIAO. The Policy Co-ordinator 政策協調員便會按需要出席審裁處的聆訊。年內,影視 appeared as required before the OAT when its rulings 及娛樂事務管理處把124件物品轉呈淫褻物品審裁處評 were challenged. During 2008, TELA referred 124 articles to the OAT for classification. Of these, 59 定,當中經評定為淫褻的物品有59件,經評定為不雅的 articles were classified as obscene, and 55 as indecent. 物品有55件。因有關物品被評定為淫褻或不雅,致使 These positive classifications resulted in 8 prosecutions 當局根據《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》提出檢控的 for offences under the COIAO. 有8宗。 In February, the Policy Co-ordinator discussed law enforcement relating to obscene and indecent articles 2月,檢控政策協調員在立法會保安事務委員會會議上 and Internet security issues at the Security Panel of the 講解與淫褻及不雅物品有關的執法和互聯網保安事宜。 Legislative Council. In April, Ms Pang appeared before

62 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 淫褻及兒童色情物品 Obscene Articles and Child Pornography

4月,淫褻物品審裁處裁定84張顯示一名男藝人與數 the OAT when it ruled that 84 photographs depicting 名女演員之間性活動的照片屬於淫褻物品,並評定另 sexual activity between an entertainer and several actresses were obscene, while a further 9 were classified 外9張照片為不雅,彭寶琴就此事出席審裁處的聆訊(觀 as indecent (KTCC 969 of 2008). In August, at the 13th 塘裁判法院刑事案件2008年第969號)。8月,檢控政策 Annual Conference of the International Association 協調員於新加坡舉行的第十三屆國際檢察官聯合會年會 of Prosecutors, in Singapore, the Policy Co-ordinator 上,擔任“ 互聯網上兒童色情案件的檢控工作 ”會議 was the rapporteur for the conference workshop on‘Prosecuting child pornography on the net’. 工作坊的會議報告人。

In March, the DPP invited the Court of Appeal to 3月,刑事檢控專員請上訴法庭就管有兒童色情物品而 issue guidelines for the sentencing of offenders 被定罪者的判刑發出指引。他指出有需要訂立該指引, convicted of possession of child pornography. He 以確保判刑能反映罪行的嚴重性,並避免出現判刑迥異 said guidelines were necessary to ensure sentences reflected the gravity of the crime, and to avoid 的情況。法庭在7月頒布有關指引,訂定4個判刑級別, disparate sentencing. When the court promulgated its 當中以管有顯示兒童與成人之間性插入行為、虐待狂或 guidelines in July, four sentencing levels were set, the 獸交的材料,經審訊後被定罪者,為最嚴重的級別,視 most serious of which indicated that persons convicted 乎有關材料的多寡,可被判處監禁1至3年不等。法庭裁 after trial of possession of material which depicted penetrative sexual activity between children and 定干犯有關罪行者“ 除非情況特殊,一般應判處即時監 adults and sadism or bestiality would face a range of 禁”( [2008] 4 HKC 565)。 sentence of between 1 year and 3 years, depending on the quantity. The court ruled that the offence‘should 7月,一名文員承認3項發布淫褻物品的罪名。他從互聯 generally attract an immediate custodial sentence unless special circumstances exist’ ([2008] 4 HKC 565). 網上下載顯示數名女明星與一名本地藝人之間性行為的 照片,並把這些照片儲存到一個檔案儲存伺服器,然後 In July, a clerk pleaded guilty to three offences of 在一個以香港為基地的成人討論區提供25條超連結,讓 publishing an obscene article. Having downloaded 用戶下載這些圖像。裁判官譴責被告人對該些名人造成 photographs from the Internet of female stars 傷害,判處他監禁2個月,暫緩執行 (觀塘裁判法院刑事 engaging in sexual acts with a local entertainer, he saved them to a file storage server. The accused then 案件2008年第969號)。 posted 25 hyperlinks on a Hong Kong-based adult discussion forum to allow users to download the 9月,一名僧人承認管有413分鐘兒童色情短片及85張 images. The magistrate condemned the harm caused 兒童色情硬照。該等短片及硬照,載於他居住的荃灣竹 to the celebrities, and imposed a suspended sentence of imprisonment of 2 months (KTCC 969 of 2008). 林禪院裏檢獲的兩張視像光碟和一個硬磁碟之內。在國

際刑警帶領調查一個生產和出售兒童色情光碟的英國網 In September, a monk pleaded guilty to possession 站後,該僧人被拘捕。法官指兒童性剝削是一個全球性 of 413 minutes of video and 85 still pictures of child 的問題,必須杜絕,遂判處被告人監禁8個月 (區院刑事 pornography. The material was found on two VCDs and a hard drive at Chuk Lam Sim Monastery in 案件2008年第579號)。 Tsuen Wan where he lived. He was arrested after an Interpol-led investigation into a British-based website that produced and sold child pornography on discs. The judge said the sexual exploitation of children was a global problem which had to be eradicated, and imposed a sentence of 8 months' imprisonment (DCCC 579 of 2008).

63 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 社會福利 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Social Welfare

在香港,社會保障的目的是為有需要的人士提供經濟或 In Hong Kong, the objective of social security is to 物質援助。社會福利署(社署)負責管理一個無須供款的 provide for those in need of financial or material assistance. The Social Welfare Department (SWD) 社會保障制度。綜合社會保障援助(綜援)計劃為經濟有 operates a non-contributory social security system. 困難的人士提供現金援助;公共福利金計劃則協助有特 Cash assistance is provided through the Comprehensive 別需要的人士。刑事檢控科為社署提供支援,以打擊 Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme to those 濫用社會保障制度的行為。年內,第9組的高級檢控 suffering financial hardship. Those with special 官陳詠嫻向社署的審核欺詐個案內部委員會提供法律指 needs are assisted by the Social Security Allowance (SSA) Scheme. In its efforts to combat abuse of the 引,並向社署人員講授如何進行法律程序。 social security system, the SWD is supported by the Prosecutions Division. In 2008, Section 9's Miss Agnes 在2月,高級檢控官張天雁對一宗上訴案作出抗辯。該 Chan, SPP, advised the SWD's Internal Committee 案被告人被裁定在2004年4月至2007年12月間,以欺 on Fraud Cases, and lectured SWD personnel on the conduct of legal proceedings. 詐手段取得每月3,200元的綜援金,被判處監禁6個月。 該綜援金據稱是被告人及其兒子的唯一收入,但其前妻 In February, Ms June Cheung, SPP, opposed the appeal 告知社署,被告人在內地持有一個單位,直至2005年 of an accused sentenced to 6 months' imprisonment 才出售。法官駁回上訴,接納被告人理應向社署申報 following his conviction for fraudulently obtaining CSSA of $3,200 a month between April 2004 and 其全部資產,而判刑是恰當的 (高院裁判法院上訴案件 December 2007. The money was supposedly the only 2008年第10號)。 income for him and his son, but his ex-wife informed the SWD that her husband had owned a flat in the 在3月,檢控官蕭啓業檢控一名74歲的婦人詐騙社署。 mainland until he sold it in 2005. In dismissing the 被告人自1997年開始領取福利金,由於她沒有披露其 appeal, the judge accepted that the accused should have declared his assets to the SWD in full, and that 名下4個銀行帳戶,總存款達44,936元,致令社署由 the sentence was appropriate (HCMA 10 of 2008). 2003年至2005向她多付了93,350元。被告人在申請

福利金時,多次聲稱自己只有一個銀行帳戶。裁判官判 In March, Mr William Siu, PP, prosecuted a 74-year- 處她監禁4個月(東區裁判法院刑事案件2007年第4947 old woman who defrauded the SWD. Having started receiving welfare in 1997, she was overpaid $93,350 號)。 from 2003 to 2005 after she failed to disclose four bank accounts with deposits totalling $44,936. In making 2008年,刑事檢控科向社署提供法律指引共536次,代 welfare applications, the accused repeatedly claimed 表社署進行檢控共304次。這類案件最普遍涉及以欺詐 to have only one bank account. The magistrate 手段申請社會福利保障,以及不當運用福利金。 imposed a sentence of 4 months' imprisonment (ESCC 4947 of 2007).

In 2008, the Prosecutions Division provided 536 advices to the SWD. In total, the Division conducted 304 prosecutions on behalf of the SWD. Such cases most commonly involved fraudulent applications for social security, and the improper use of welfare payments.

64 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 科技罪行 Technology Crime

刑事檢控科電腦罪行組於1999年成立。自成立以來, The Computer Crime Team (CCT) of the Prosecutions 該組負責檢控各類科技罪行,並向警方、廉政公署和香 Division was created in 1999. Since its inception, the CCT has prosecuted all types of technology crime, and 港海關的專責小組就互聯網及其他電腦罪案的調查提供 advised the specialist teams of the Police, the ICAC 指引。年內,該組為本科制定打擊科技罪行的策略,並 and the Customs and Excise Department upon their 協助更有效地運用科技。該組與政府其他人員分享其專 Internet and other investigations. Throughout 2008, 業知識,並提倡使用最新的技術檢控犯案者。 the CCT formulated the strategies of the Division to counter technology crime, and contributed to more effective standards of technology use. The CCT shared 電腦罪行組由電腦罪行檢控政策協調員高級助理刑事 its expertise with others in government, and promoted 檢控專員唐立品主管。年內,該組在4個不同層面上運 latest techniques to the prosecution of offenders. 作。在國際層面上,該組與其他司法管轄區負責打擊科 Headed by Mr Richard Turnbull, SADPP, Policy Co- 技罪行的人員保持密切聯繫。在政府內部方面,電腦罪 ordinator on Computer Crime, the CCT operated 行組就本地法律的應用和現行安排的成效提供指引。該 at four distinct levels in 2008. At the international 組並就調查的範圍和證據的可接納性,向執法機關提供 level, close liaison was pursued with those in other jurisdictions responsible for the combat of cyber 法律指引。在法庭上,該組確保能以清楚易明的方式陳 crime. Others in government were advised upon 述複雜的案件,並妥善地提交技術證據。 the application of local laws, and advice was given upon the efficacy of existing arrangements. The law 電腦罪行組檢控的典型案件,包括非法進入和毀壞他人 enforcement agencies were advised upon the ambit of investigations and the admissibility of evidence. 電腦等針對電腦的罪行,以仿冒網站套取資料和網上欺 At court, the CCT ensured that complex cases were 詐等利用電腦犯案的罪行,以及非法網上賭博和取用或 comprehensible and that technical evidence was 發布淫褻物品和兒童色情物品等較常見罪行。法院曾經 properly presented. 指出,對於非法進入他人電腦和毀壞電腦軟件致使經濟 Typical cases prosecuted by the CCT included crimes 損失的案件,一般適宜判處監禁式的刑罰。該組的優先 against computers, such as hacking and damage, crimes 工作,是致力保障香港在提供安全進行合法商業活動環 involving the use of computers, such as phishing and 境方面的地位。因此,該組一直密切注視判刑的輕重。 online fraud, and more conventional crimes, such as unlawful Internet gambling and accessing/publishing obscene articles and child pornography. The courts have indicated that custodial sentences are ordinarily appropriate where there is computer hacking and economic harm is caused to computer software, and the CCT treated as a priority the safeguarding of Hong Kong's status as a safe environment for legitimate business activity. Sentencing levels were closely monitored.

Throughout 2008, prosecutors contributed to greater community awareness of technology use, and honed their own capacity to prosecute cases. The Policy Co- ordinator briefed the Security Panel of the Legislative Council on Internet security, cyber crime and the 高級檢控官梁卓然:推廣嚴謹的電腦鑑證科學。 placing in cyber space of obscene articles. As a Council Mr David Leung, SPP : promoting the integrity of computer member of the Information Security and Forensics forensics. Society, Mr David Leung, SPP, promoted the integrity

65 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 科技罪行 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Technology Crime

年內,該組的檢控人員協助提高市民對使用科技的認 of computer forensics and lectured the Law Society 知,並提高該組處理檢控案件的能力。檢控政策協調員 on‘Cyber Crime in Hong Kong’. Mr Hayson Tse, SPP, Deputy Policy Co-ordinator, began his doctorate 向立法會保安事務委員會簡介互聯網保安、電腦罪行以 degree in‘Computer forensics and digital evidence’. 及把淫褻物品上載電腦網絡的情況。作為資訊保安及鑑 證公會理事會成員,高級檢控官梁卓然推廣嚴謹的電腦 In April, the operator of an online prostitutes 鑑證科學,並以“ 香港電腦罪行 ”為題,向香港律師 directory and his staff were convicted of conspiring to live on the prostitution of others. The company 會人員講課。檢控政策副協調員高級檢控官謝家樹已開 sent photographers to brothels to take pictures of 始攻讀“ 電腦鑑證及數碼證據 ”博士學位。 prostitutes, which were then uploaded to the website together with details of the women and of the services offered. The company made between $90,000 and 在4月,一名網上嫖妓指南的經營者及其僱員被控串謀 $100,000 each month by charging each prostitute 依靠他人的賣淫收入為生,罪名成立。該公司派攝影師 $600, and the operator's account showed deposits of 到色情場所為妓女拍照,然後將照片連同該些女子及 $6.5 million for the three years in which the site was 所提供服務的詳情上載網頁。該公司向每名妓女收取 operated. After the judge said a deterrent sentence was required as such websites might allow syndicates 600元,每月收入達90,000至100,000元。在該網站運 to conceal other criminal activity, the operator was 作的3年內,共有650萬元存入經營者的帳戶。法官表 imprisoned for 18 months while his staff were fined 示,由於這些網站可讓犯罪集團掩飾其他犯罪活動,故 and ordered to perform 180 hours of community 須判處阻嚇性刑罰。網站經營者被判處監禁18個月,網 service (DCCC 678 of 2007). 站僱員則被判處罰款和180小時社會服務令(區院刑事案 In July, the CCT's Mr Edmond Lee, SPP, prosecuted 件2007年第678號)。 a technician for dishonestly obtaining access to a computer. The accused was employed by one of 在7月,電腦罪行組的高級檢控官李俊文檢控一名技術 the four consortiums which competed to build a new government headquarters, and he fraudulently 員不誠實地進入電腦系統。該被告人受僱於某集團,而 boosted the rating of his group's proposal during a 該集團是4個有份競投興建新政府總部的財團之一。被 public consultation exercise. He submitted 67,113 告人在公眾諮詢期間以欺詐手段令其集團的建議得到較 comments via the Internet all of which rated as‘excellent’ the proposal of the joint venture for 高的評級。他透過互聯網遞交67,113份意見,全部都將 which he worked. The accused was identified after 其所屬聯營公司的建議評為“優”。被告人的上司接獲 his superior received queries over the submission of 查詢,指一日內收到27,000份支持該財團競投的意見, 27,000 comments in a single day in support of the 導致被告人的所為被識破。裁判官指被告人損害公眾諮 consortium's bid. The magistrate said the accused had damaged the credibility of the public consultation 詢程序的可信性,判處他監禁8個月 (東區裁判法院刑事 process, and sentenced him to 8 months' imprisonment 案件2007年第4377號)。 (ESCC 4377 of 2007).

2008年,舉報科技罪案的數目達791宗,而2007年及 In 2008, there were 791 reported cases of technology crime, as compared to 634 cases in 2007 and 741 in 2006年的案件數目分別為634及741宗。電腦罪行組共 2006. The CCT prosecuted 25 cases of computer crime 檢控了25宗電腦罪行,共19人被裁定罪名成立。該組 and 19 persons were convicted. The CCT provided 63 就科技罪行提供法律指引共63次。 advices related to technology crime.

66 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 恐怖主義 Terrorism

自“ 九一一 ”事件發生後,香港一直致力在各個層面 Hong Kong since 9/11 has contributed at all levels to 參與打擊恐怖主義的工作。在法院監察下,執法機關可 the combat of terrorism. Subject to court oversight, the law enforcement agencies may freeze terrorist 凍結恐怖分子的資金。金融及商業機構須向當局舉報可 funds. Financial and business institutions are required 能與恐怖分子有關的交易。香港的財富情報組是打擊清 to report transactions that might be terrorist-linked. 洗黑錢和反恐融資活動的主要機關,並設有有效的機制 Hong Kong's financial intelligence unit is the focal 促進國際合作。2002年,香港實施聯合國安全理事會 point for anti-money laundering (AML) and the combat of terrorist financing (CTF), and effective 決議的強制條款,以及財務行動特別組織關於打擊恐怖 mechanisms exist for co-operation at the international 分子財源的特別建議。 level. The mandatory elements of the United Nations Security Council Resolution were implemented in 《聯合國(反恐怖主義措施)條例》 2002, together with the most urgent 於2002年制定,而其修訂條例 of the special recommendations of 則制定於2004年。自2006年 the Financial Action Task Force to 起,《制止向恐怖分子提供資助 counter terrorist finance. 的國際公約》適用於香港。雖然 The United Nations (Anti-Terrorism 在香港未有偵查到恐怖份子的資 Measures) Ordinance was enacted 金,也沒有就恐怖份子籌資活動 in 2002, and its amendment law in 2004. Since 2006, the Terrorist 提出過檢控,但香港採用一套五 反恐檢控政策協調員高級檢控官陳鳳珊:就 Financing Convention has applied 管齊下的策略打擊清洗黑錢和反 打擊恐怖分子融資活動向決策者提供意見。 Ms Denise Chan, SPP, Policy Co-ordinator on to Hong Kong. Although terrorist 恐融資活動,由政府、規管當局 Anti-Terrorism : advising policy makers on funds have not been detected in the combat of terrorist financing. 和私營機構在以下範疇攜手合 Hong Kong and there have been no 作: prosecutions for terrorist financing, Hong Kong's five-pronged strategy for combating money laundering and terrorist financing involves the • 構建有效的法律架構 concerted efforts of the government, the regulators and the private sector in : • 設立有效的打擊清洗黑錢/反恐融資活動的監管制 度 • building an effective legal framework • establishing an effective AML/CTF supervisory • 有效執行打擊清洗黑錢/反恐融資活動的工作 regime • effectively enforcing the AML/CTF • 實施國際間打擊清洗黑錢/反恐融資活動的措施 • implementing international initiatives to combat ML and TF • 向公眾推廣信息,鼓勵並讓他們有能力參與。 • public outreach, engagement and capacity building.

第11組(追討資產)的高級檢控官陳鳳珊,擔任反恐檢控 Working within Section 11 (Asset Recovery), Ms Denise 政策協調員,她在有需要時就反恐融資活動及相關事宜 Chan, SPP, Policy Co-ordinator on Anti-Terrorism, advised as required on CTF and related issues. In 2008, 提供法律指引。2008年,財務行動特別組織及亞洲/ the international assessors of the Financial Action 太平洋反清洗黑錢組織的國際評估人員對香港反恐融資 Task Force/Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering 活動的制度進行評估,反恐檢控政策協調員和追討資產 (FATF/APG) evaluated the CTF regime of Hong Kong, 檢控政策協調員高級助理刑事檢控專員邵家勳參與評估 and the Policy Co-ordinator, together with Mr Gavin Shiu, SADPP, Policy Co-ordinator on Asset Recovery, 會議。財務行動特別組織及亞洲/太平洋反清洗黑錢組 participated in the evaluation meetings. When the

67 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 恐怖主義 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Terrorism

織在其報告中指出,香港在反恐融資活動方面有妥善的 FATF/APG reported, it found the legal structure for 法律架構。政府承諾會盡快完成尚待通過的附屬法例。 CTF to be good. The government undertook to expeditiously complete the outstanding subsidiary legislation. 年內,檢控政策協調員就反恐措施向決策者提供意見, 就策略事宜與政府其他人員保持聯繫,並協助執法人員 Throughout 2008, the Policy Co-ordinator advised 的調查工作。她亦審閱有關沒收恐怖分子財產的法院規 policy makers on anti-terrorism initiatives, liaised with others in government on strategy and assisted law 則草稿,並進行定稿。11月,陳女士在警察學院本港和 enforcers with investigations. Draft rules of court 海外執法人員修讀的財富調查課程上,以“ 經貿易進行 for the forfeiture of terrorist property were vetted 的清洗黑錢活動 ”為題授課。12月,檢控政策協調員 and finalised. In November, Ms Chan addressed the Financial Investigation Course at the Police College, 向菲律賓司法部副部長和馬尼拉的反恐怖主義委員會發 attended by local and overseas law enforcement 言人 Mr Ricardo R Blancaflor 解釋香港所採取的反恐措 personnel, on‘Trade based money laundering’. In 施。 December, the Policy Co-ordinator explained the anti- terrorism initiatives to have been adopted by Hong Kong to Mr Ricardo R Blancaflor, Undersecretary, 美國東亞暨太平洋事務局在其向美國國會提交的最新一 Department of Justice, Philippines, and Spokesman for 期《美國-香港政策法案》報告中指出,香港鼎力支持 the Anti-Terrorism Council in Manila. 全球打擊恐怖活動的工作。該局稱許香港參與《貨櫃安 全倡議》,美國海關人員根據該倡議檢查準備運往美國 In its most recent Hong Kong Policy Act Report, the US Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs advised the US 的船上貨櫃。該倡議是一項聯合措施,藉以辨別可能給 Congress that Hong Kong strongly supports the global 恐怖分子利用作恐怖活動用途的貨櫃。該局認為,香港 campaign against terrorism. The Bureau commended 的《貨櫃安全倡議》計劃是“ 世界上最有效和最具效率 Hong Kong's participation in the Container Security 的計劃之一,並成為其他地區效法的榜樣 ”。 Initiative (CSI), under which American Customs personnel screen ship-borne containers destined for the USA. The CSI is a joint effort to identify containers 在12月,一名被裁定5項清洗黑錢罪名成立的被告人, at risk of exploitation for terrorist purposes. The 就其3年11個月的監禁刑期提出上訴。被告人在英屬維 Bureau concluded that Hong Kong's CSI programme is‘among the most effective and efficient in the 爾京群島成立3家公司,並以這些公司的名義在香港、 world and has became a model for other ports to 韓國和台灣開立銀行戶口,之後利用這些戶口清洗大量 emulate’. 黑錢。雖然當局無法查明這些資金背後涉及什麼罪行, 但被告人承認一開始他便知道戶口有可能會用作非法勾 In December, an accused convicted of five offences of money laundering appealed against his sentence 當,並懷疑涉及恐怖分子。上訴法庭駁回其上訴,並指 of 3 years and 11 months' imprisonment. Having 這是“ 同類案件中極差的一宗 ”(刑事上訴案件2007年 established three companies in the British Virgin Islands, 第476號)。 he opened bank accounts in their names in Hong Kong, Korea and Taiwan, which were then used for the purpose of laundering large sums of money. Although the underlying offence which generated the funds could not be ascertained, the accused admitted that he knew at the outset that the accounts would probably be used for illegal business and suspected that terrorists were involved. In dismissing his appeal, the Court of Appeal called this‘a very bad case of its type’(CACC 476 of 2007).

68 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 三合會及有組織罪案 Triad and Organized Crime

2008年,高級助理刑事檢控專員卓博文擔任三合會及 In 2008, Mr Peter Chapman, SADPP, Policy Co-ordinator 有組織罪行檢控政策協調員,率領第5組的5名檢控人員 on Triad and Organized Crime, headed Section 5, the team of five prosecutors which advised the Organized 就警方有組織罪案及三合會調查科的調查工作及行動, Crime and Triad Bureau (OCTB) upon its investigations 向該科提供法律指引。第5組引用《有組織及嚴重罪行 and operations. Section 5 deployed the Organized 條例》打擊集團式罪行、要求加重判刑及追討刑事案件 and Serious Crimes Ordinance (OSCO) in the combat of 的資產。第5組也援引《社團條例》,對三合會及其成 syndicated crime, the pursuit of enhanced sentences 員提出檢控,如屬三合會社團的幹事,一經定罪,可被 and the recovery of criminal assets. The Societies Ordinance was utilised to prosecute triad societies 判處罰款1,000,000元及監禁15年;至於三合會社團的 and their members, and whereas an office-bearer of 成員,則可被判處罰款100,000元及監禁3年。 a triad society was liable to a fine of $1,000,000 and imprisonment for 15 years upon conviction, a member of a triad society faced a fine of $100,000 and 3 years' imprisonment.

Through its strategic reviews, the Prosecutions Division is committed to working with others in pursuit of effective anti-crime strategies. At the local level, Section 5 worked with the OCTB to prosecute offenders, disrupt criminal activities and reduce profit opportunities for criminals. Prosecutors also advised others in government on the application of the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime. At the international level, close liaison was 三合會及有組織罪行檢控政策協調員高級助理刑事檢控專員 卓博文:打擊集團式罪行。 maintained with prosecutors elsewhere in pursuit of Mr Peter Chapman, SADPP, Policy Co-ordinator on Triad and shared objectives. When the DPP spoke in November at Organized Crime : the combat of syndicated crime. the 5th China-ASEAN Prosecutors General Conference, in Manila, he said that successful law enforcement required‘the pooling of training programmes, the 刑事檢控科在策略檢討中,承諾致力與其他機構攜手合 exchange of knowledge and expertise and the sharing 作,以實施有效的反罪行策略。在本地層面,第5組與 of anti-crime modules by jurisdictions which have them 有組織罪案及三合會調查科通力合作,檢控罪犯、遏 with those that do not’. 止不法勾當和減少罪犯圖利的機會。檢控人員亦為政府 In its Strategic Development Programme 2007-2012, 其他人員提供有關應用《聯合國打擊跨國有組織犯罪公 the Division prioritises expert training for prosecutors 約》的法律指引。在國際層面,該組與其他地區的檢控 and the development of latest techniques in the 人員保持密切聯絡,以實現共同的目標。在11月,刑事 combat of crime. Organized criminal groups have 檢控專員在馬尼拉舉行的第五屆中國與東盟成員國總檢 diversified their activities and throughout the year prosecutors shared experiences with counterparts 察長會議上發言。他表示,執法工作要取得成效,我們 at international fora. In September, the Division 必須“ 把不同的培訓計劃統一處理、互相交流知識和專 endorsed the Prosecutor Exchange Programme (PEP), 長,以及讓已設有打擊罪行培訓單元的司法管轄區,與 which the International Association of Prosecutors 尚未設有這類培訓單元的司法管轄區分享培訓課程 ”。 adopted in August. The PEP is designed to promote best practice amongst prosecution agencies, to advance the professional development of both prosecutors and 在《2007至2012年度策略性發展計劃》中,本科把為 the agencies they serve, and to encourage excellence 檢控人員提供專門訓練和發展打擊罪案的最新技術列為 in prosecution offices through learning exchanges and 優先工作。有組織犯罪集團的犯案手法層出不窮,年 visits.

69 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 三合會及有組織罪案 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Triad and Organized Crime

內,檢控人員在國際會議的場合上與同業互相交流經 Syndicated criminal activity takes various forms. 驗。在9月,本科簽署加入國際檢察官聯合會在8月採 Typically it involves extortion, loan sharking, vice, illegal gambling and money laundering. Violence is 納的檢控官交流計劃。該計劃旨在於檢控機關之間推廣 often deployed to secure objectives, and much of the 最佳的工作方法,推動檢控人員及其所屬機關的專業發 crime is triad-related. In September, the Court of First 展,以及透過學習交流和探訪鼓勵檢控人員精益求精。 Instance upheld the conviction of an accused convicted of acting as a member of a triad society, and rejected 集團式犯罪活動五花八門,最常見的包括敲詐、高利 a narrow interpretation of the offence provision. The law was‘cast wide deliberately, to enable triad-type 貸、色情、非法賭博及清洗黑錢。不法分子為求達到目 activities to be stamped out’(HCMA 313 of 2008). 的,往往會使用暴力,而他們所干犯的罪行大多與三合

會有關。9月,原訟法庭對一名以三合會社團成員身分 As trial specialists, Section 5 prosecutors conducted a 行事,罪名成立的被告人,維持裁決,並駁回對有關罪 series of significant prosecutions throughout the year. 行條文的狹義詮釋。原訟法庭指出法例是“ 故意以涵蓋 In February, two men were imprisoned for 14 months and 12 months, respectively, for recruiting teenage 廣泛的方式撰寫,使三合會之類的活動得以剷除 ”(高 girls who ran away from a foster home and putting 院裁判法院上訴2008年第313號)。 them to work as prostitutes in a Mong Kok brothel (DCCC 292 of 2007). In May, seven men who carried 作為專責審訊的檢控人員,第5組在年內主理了一連串 out robberies at three jewellery stores in which a clerk 重大案件的檢控工作。在2月,兩名男子因招攬從寄 was killed after a blow to the head were convicted of manslaughter, robbery and wounding and sentenced 養家庭出走的少女到旺角的妓院賣淫,分別被判處監 to imprisonment for terms ranging from 18 to 8 years' 禁14個月和12個月(區院刑事案件2007年第292號)。 imprisonment (HCCC 163 of 2007). In June, a man who 在5月,7名男子因行劫3家珠寶公司,襲擊一名文員的 kidnapped a businessman for ransom was convicted of 頭部引致其死亡,結果被裁定誤殺、搶劫及傷人罪名成 kidnapping and sentenced to 16½ years' imprisonment 立,被判處監禁8至18年不等(高院刑事案件2007年第 (HCCC 30 of 2008). In December, a 16-year-old kennel volunteer who stabbed an Indonesian maid to death 163號)。在6月,一名男子因綁架一名商人勒索贖金, at a dog kennel in Sheung Shui because of a grudge 被裁定綁架罪名成立,判處監禁16年半。(高院刑事案 was sentenced to life imprisonment, with a specified 件2008年第30號)。在12月,一名16歲狗場義工因心 minimum term of 22 years (HCCC 155 of 2008). 懷怨恨,在上水狗場用刀殺死一名印尼女傭,被判處 終身監禁,法官指明最低監禁為22年 (高院刑事案件 The overall triad and organized crime situation was stable in 2008. There were 2,376 triad-related cases, 2008年第155號)。 which accounted for about 3% of the 78,469 crimes reported to the police. In 2007, the corresponding 2008年,本港三合會及有組織罪案的整體情況改變不 figures were 2,259 triad-related crimes, which accounted 大。與三合會有關的案件共有2,376宗,約佔向警方舉 for about 2.79% of the 80,796 crimes reported to the 報的78,469宗罪案的百分之3。2007年,與三合會有 police. In 2008, 660 persons were prosecuted for triad society offences, as compared to 853 in 2007. In 21 關的案件則有2,259宗,約佔向警方舉報的80,796宗罪 cases in 2008, enhanced sentences were sought under 案的百分之2.79。2008年,因三合會活動罪行而被檢 the OSCO, as compared to 37 in 2007 and 34 in 2006. 控的共有660人,而2007年則有853人。2008年,根 據《有組織及嚴重罪行條例》的條文而要求對犯案者加 重刑罰的個案共有21宗,而2007年及2006年則分別有 37宗及34宗。

70 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 案件籌備 Trial Preparation

刑事檢控科承諾以最高的水平進行案件的籌備工作。本 The Prosecutions Division is committed to the highest 科檢控人員只在證據齊備並且評估了所有相關情況後, standards of case preparation. A suspect should only be placed on trial if the evidence is sufficient, and 才會把受疑人提訊。假如不符合公眾利益,就不應進行 once all the circumstances have been assessed. A 檢控。如果案件籌備失當,審訊可能要終止。要有效處 prosecution should also not proceed if this is not in 理刑事案件,檢控人員必須準確評估案件所爭議的各 the public interest. A trial may collapse if the case has 項事情。2008年,本科第1、2和3組共有35名檢控人 not been properly prepared, and the effective conduct 員。他們負責籌備案件提交法院審訊,並確保有充分證 of criminal cases is dependent upon an accurate assessment of the issues. In 2008, the 35 prosecutors 據才提出檢控。 of Sections 1, 2 and 3 prepared cases for trial, and ensured that the prosecutions which proceeded had a 年內,負責案件籌備的律師與執法機關保持聯繫,就證 sound base. 據搜集事宜提供法律指引,考慮案件審訊的法庭級別, Throughout 2008, trial preparation counsel liaised 並履行披露案件材料的責任。罪行受害者、受害者家屬 with the law enforcement agencies, advised upon the 和證人的權益會獲得優先考慮。每個負責提供指引的組 obtaining of evidence, considered the venues for trial 別都有易受傷害證人組的成員,專責提供法律指引的律 and discharged disclosure obligations. The interests 師率先採取措施,以消除受害人對檢控決定的疑慮。各 of victims of crime, of their families, and of witnesses were accorded a high priority. Vulnerable Witness 組主管加強負責籌備案件和負責把案件提控的人員之間 Team members were positioned in each of the advisory 的聯繫,並採取措施加快提供法律指引。在可行的情況 sections, and advisory counsel were at the forefront 下,也會讓專責提供法律指引的律師從前線訟訴工作中 of initiatives to allay the concerns of victims over 取得所需經驗。 prosecutorial decisions. Section Heads promoted closer liaison between those who prepared cases and those who prosecuted them, and measures were adopted to 第1組由高級助理刑 expedite the provision of legal advice. Where possible, 事檢控專員單偉琛帶 advisory counsel acquired experience of frontline 領,共有8名檢控人 advocacy. 員,為提交原訟法庭 Headed by Mr Eddie Sean, SADPP, the eight prosecutors 而有陪審團進行審訊 of Section 1 advised upon the cases to be tried by 的案件,提供法律指 juries in the Court of First Instance. Once a decision to 引。一經決定提出檢 prosecute was reached, Section 1 prosecutors prepared 控,該組的檢控人員 case papers, undertook committal proceedings, filed 會擬備案件文件、進 indictments, attended pre-trial hearings, disclosed unused material and considered defence proposals for 行交付審判程序、彙 the disposal of cases. Case analyses were prepared 存公訴書、出席審訊 for the benefit of trial prosecutors. In 2008, Section 1 前聆訊、披露未經採 provided 621 advices and filed 182 indictments. 高級助理刑事檢控專員單偉琛: 用的案件材料,以及 為有陪審團進行審訊的案件提供 法律指引。 Headed by Mr William Tam, SADPP, Section 2 and 考慮辯方所建議的案 Mr Eddie Sean, SADPP : advising its fourteen prosecutors prepared cases for trial 件解決方法。該組也 upon cases to be tried by juries. in the District Court. Apart from advising the 分析整理案件,以協 law enforcement agencies, Section 2 prosecutors 助出庭提控的檢控人員。2008年,第1組提供法律指引 drafted charge sheets, prepared transfer papers 共621次,彙存公訴書共182份。 and ensured the service of case materials. Plea and

71 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 案件籌備 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Trial Preparation

第2組由高級助理刑事檢控專員譚耀豪帶領,共有14名 sentence hearings were also attended, and short trials 檢控人員,為提交區域法院審訊的案件負責案件籌備工 conducted. In 2008, Section 2 provided 1,895 advices and settled 1,254 charge sheets. 作。該組檢控人員除了向執法機關提供法律指引外,也 負責擬備控罪書和移交法庭審訊的文件,並確保案件材 Headed by Mr Thomas Law, SADPP, the twelve 料送達有關人士。該組檢控人員出席有關答辯和判刑的 prosecutors of Section 3 considered the more sensitive 聆訊,並在簡短的審訊中出庭檢控。2008年,第2組提 and complex cases to be tried in the Magistrates 供法律指引共1,895次,處理控罪書共1,254份。 Court, and advised upon the prosecution of vice activity. Section 3 prosecutors weighed the evidence and drafted charges, and monitored the progress 第3組由高級助理刑事檢控專員羅君偉帶領,共有12名 of summary trials. Pleas were negotiated, defence 檢控人員,負責研究提交裁判法院審訊的較敏感和複雜 requests to bind cases over as an alternative to 的案件,並就檢控色情活動提供法律指引。第3組的檢 prosecution were assessed, and victims were informed of case progress. In 2008, Section 3 provided 5,591 控人員衡量證據、擬定控罪,並監察簡易程序審訊的進 advices to the law enforcement agencies. 度。該組也就答辯進行商討、審議辯方提出簽保守行為

代替刑事檢控的要求,以及把案件的進度知會受害者。 Throughout 2008, Sections 1, 2 and 3 kept their 2008年,第3組向執法機關提供法律指引共5,591次。 processes under regular review, and enhanced the quality of case preparation. Supervisory arrangements were overhauled, and the progress of files was 年內,第1、2和3組定期檢討工作進度,務使案件籌備 monitored. The express advisory system facilitated 工作更臻完善。本科全面革新督導安排,並監察案件的 urgent advices in summary cases, and measures to 進度。快捷法律指引的制度,為循簡易程序處理的案件 fast-track domestic violence cases were pursued. New 提供急需的快速法律指引。本科又制定措施迅速處理涉 arrangements for the trial of child pornography and dangerous driving causing death cases were adopted, 及家庭暴力的案件,並就兒童色情物品及危險駕駛引致 and prosecutors were available around-the-clock to 他人死亡的聆訊實施新安排,而檢控人員也全日隨時為 advise in urgent cases. 緊急案件提供法律指引。 The Division's standards of case preparation contributed in 2008 to an overall conviction rate of 75.3%. That 本科高水平的案件籌備工作,促使在2008年的整體定 compared to an overall conviction rate of 78.3% in 罪率達致百分之75.3,而整體定罪率在2007和2006年 2007, and of 78.7% in 2006. Sentence enhancement 分別為百分之78.3和78.7。本科基於罪行普遍或案件 was sought in 21 cases on the basis of prevalence of 涉及有組織罪行的因素而向法庭申請加刑的案件有 offence or the involvement of organized crime. In 2008, 21宗。2008年,第1、2和3組向執法機關提供法律指 Sections 1, 2 and 3 provided a total of 8,107 advices to the law enforcement agencies. 引共8,107次。

72 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 罪行受害者和易受傷害證人 Victims of Crime and Vulnerable Witnesses

《聯合國關於檢察官角色的指引》重申,檢控人員在推 The United Nations Guidelines on the Role of

動執行司法工作和考慮罪行受害者的意願和所關注的問 Prosecutors affirm the important responsibilities of prosecutors to promote the administration of justice 題等方面,肩負重任。刑事檢控科承諾,在刑事檢控程 and to consider the views and concerns of victims 序的每個階段,為受害者和證人提供更高水平的司法服 of crime. The Prosecutions Division is committed 務。年內,檢控人員在處理案件時致力促進罪行受害者 to achieving a better standard of justice for victims 和證人的權益,並密切檢視其福利事宜的安排。檢控人 and witnesses at each stage of criminal proceedings. Throughout 2008, prosecutors promoted the interests 員致力使案件能夠盡快進行聆訊,並借助最新的技術以 of victims and witnesses in their conduct of cases, 減低對受害者造成的創傷。如案件涉及兒童、弱智人士 and kept arrangements for their welfare under close 和在恐懼中的證人,本科會採用錄影方式記錄證據和使 review. Every effort was made to expedite trials, and 用電視直播聯繫。這類案件包括受害者遭到性侵犯、身 latest techniques were applied to minimise trauma

體受虐待及在其他方面遭虐待的案件。 for victims. In cases involving children, the mentally handicapped and witnesses in fear, video recorded evidence and live TV links were deployed. This arose 在2008年,由高級助理刑事檢控專員張維新領導的易 in cases of sexual and physical abuse and cruelty. 受傷害證人組的檢控人員增加至24名,負責處理涉及

最容易受傷害證人的案件。易受傷害證人組的職能是在 Headed by Mr Patrick Cheung, SADPP, the Vulnerable Witness Team (VWT) was strengthened in 2008 to 提供法律指引的階段和在法庭上,在涉及多個機構的環 24 prosecutors, and they processed cases involving 境中,保障受害者和證人的權益。該組並就檢控案件 the most vulnerable. The mandate of the VWT was 及應用刑事法等事宜向執法人員、社會工作者和非政 to safeguard the interests of victims and witnesses 府機構提供法律指引。該組實踐在2004年獲本科採納 at the advisory stage and at court, and to work

的《對待受害者及證人的陳述書》,確保檢控人員以最 within a multi-agency context. Law enforcers, social workers and non-governmental organizations were advised on the prosecution of cases and the application of the criminal law. The VWT applied The Statement on the Treatment of Victims and Witnesses, which the Division adopted in 2004, and ensured best practice in the handling of cases. Also applied was The Victims of Crime Charter (2007), with its emphasis on the rights of victims to information, to proper treatment, to privacy, to protection, to be heard, and to be consulted on the disposal of cases.

副刑事檢控專員李定國資深大律師(中)和高級檢控官陳詠嫻在2008年5月21日向 新加坡區域法院的杜漢立法官簡介處理罪行受害者及易受傷害證人的程序。 In 2008, the Division engaged with concerned Mr John Reading, SC, DDPP, (centre) and Miss Agnes Chan, SPP, brief Judge Toh Han Li, District Judge, Singapore, on 21 May 2008 : procedures for handling groups and overseas counterparts and victims of crime and vulnerable witnesses. explained prosecution policy and practice.

73 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 罪行受害者和易受傷害證人 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime Victims of Crime and Vulnerable Witnesses

佳方法處理案件。此外,該組亦履行《罪行受害者約章 In March, the VWT reviewed child punishment with

(2007年)》,強調受害者的權利,包括取得案件資料、 multi-disciplinary professionals at an international forum organized by Against Child Abuse. In May, 獲得適當對待、保障私隱、尋求保護、表達意見,以及 the VWT briefed Judge Toh Han Li, District Court, 就案件的處理方式徵詢其意見等。 Singapore, upon procedures for handling victims of crime and vulnerable witness cases. In August, 年內,本科接觸關注團體及海外的檢控人員,解釋檢控 frontline social workers were instructed by the VWT on‘Law and legal proceedings on domestic violence, 政策及常規。在3月,易受傷害證人組在防止虐待兒童會 child protection and child neglect’. In September, 舉辦的一個國際論壇上與多個界別的專業人士檢討懲罰 the DPP chaired the session on‘Legal Processes’ at 兒童的問題。在5月,該組向新加坡區域法院的杜漢立 the 17th International Congress on Child Abuse and 法官簡介處理罪行受害者及易受傷害證人的程序。在 Neglect, organized by the International Society for

8月,該組向前線社會工作者講解“ 有關家庭暴力、 Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. In November, the VWT lectured social workers, clinical psychologists 保護兒童及疏忽照顧兒童案件的法例及法律程序 ”。在 and doctors on‘Legal issues related to elderly abuse’. 9月,刑事檢控專員在國際防止虐待及疏忽照顧兒童協

會舉辦的第十七屆國際防止虐待及疏忽照顧兒童會議中 Throughout 2008, prosecutors placed a focus on the 主持有關“ 法律程序 ”的環節。在11月,該組向社會 problem of human trafficking and the plight of its victims. In May, the DPP discussed human trafficking 工作者、臨床心理學家及醫生講授“ 與虐待長者有關 with Mrs Ingela Klinteberg, District Chief Prosecutor, 的法律問題 ”。 and Mrs Cecilia Reimers, Swedish Institute, Sweden. In October, Miss Agnes Chan, SPP, Joint Policy Co- 在2008年,檢控人員格外關注販運人口問題及這類罪 ordinator on Child Abuse, Domestic Violence and

行受害者的處境。在5月,刑事檢控專員與瑞典地區 Vulnerable Witnesses, briefed visiting professionals from the Macao Special Administrative Region 檢察長 Mrs Ingela Klinteberg 及瑞典協會的 Mrs Cecilia on‘Criminal process regarding victims in cases of Reimers 討論有關販運人口的問題。在10月,虐待兒 human trafficking and the victims of crime charter’. In 童、家庭暴力及易受傷害證人聯合檢控政策協調員高級 November, in his keynote address at the Trafficking in 檢控官陳詠嫻向到訪香港的澳門特別行政區專業人士簡 Persons Research and Data Forum, the DPP said that in dealing with human trafficking there was a need‘to 介“ 有關販運人口案件受害者的刑事法律程序和罪行 strengthen the responses of criminal justice systems 受害者約章 ”。在11月,刑事檢控專員在“ 販運人口研 everywhere through effective laws, realistic penalties,

《檢控政策及常規》:“如何對待罪行 ‘The manner in which the prosecuting 受害者,不單反映檢控當局的辦事效 authority treats the victims of crime is a measure not only of its efficacy, but also of its 能,也彰顯檢控當局的仁愛之心”。 humanity’ : The Statement of Prosecution Policy and Practice.

74 近期發展和檢控罪行的工作 Recent Developments and the Prosecution of Crime 罪行受害者和易受傷害證人 Victims of Crime and Vulnerable Witnesses

究及資料論壇 ”發表主題演講時表示,在處理販運人 increased vigilance and enhanced co-operation at

口的問題時,有需要“ 通過有效的法例、切合實際的 national and international levels’.

罰則、更敏銳的警覺性及鞏固國內和國際間的合作,以 During 2008, the Division reviewed its standards of 加強各地刑事司法制度對這問題的回應 ”。 service to victims and witnesses. Measures to fast-track domestic violence cases were adopted. Guidelines 年內,本科檢討為受害者及證人提供的服務水平,並採 were issued on the avoidance of delay in ongoing

取快速處理涉及家庭暴力案件的措施。本科已發出指 cases involving vulnerable witnesses. A centralised

引,要求檢控人員在辦理涉及易受傷害證人的案件時避 complaints registry was created to enhance the way complaints from the public over prosecution decisions 免延誤。本科設立了一個投訴個案中央資料系統,以期 are handled, and procedures were announced for 更妥善地處理市民對檢控決定作出的投訴。我們亦公布 face-to-face meetings between prosecutors and 了有關在特殊情況下檢控人員與投訴人面談的程序,讓 complainants in exceptional cases to explain the basis 檢控人員解釋某項檢控決定的依據。 of particular decisions.

《對待受害者及證人的陳述書》:“檢 ‘Prosecutors are committed to providing 控人員致力向受害者及證人提供最佳 the highest levels of service and support to 的服務,並給予最大的支持”。 victims and witnesses’ : The Statement on the Treatment of Victims and Witnesses.

本科新修訂的檢控政策指引強調檢控人員必須維護易受 The Division's new prosecution policy guidelines 傷害證人的立場及優先處理他們的案件,以及確保法庭 stressed the importance for prosecutors of 獲提供充足的資料,以便公正處理受害者提出的賠償或 safeguarding the position of vulnerable witnesses and

復還財產申索。有關指引確認受害者的權利,包括: prioritising their cases, and of ensuring that courts received sufficient information to do justice to the claims of victims for compensation or restitution. The • 受到禮貌對待和尊重 guidelines recognise the right of victims to: • 知悉案件的進展情況 • be treated with courtesy and respect • 得到檢控人員考慮他們的意見 • be kept informed of the progress of cases • 獲提供適當的法院設施 • have their views considered by prosecutors • 讓法院知悉他們的情況 • be provided with proper facilities at court 享有私隱權和保密權。 • • have their circumstances brought to the court's attention

• respect for privacy and confidentiality.

75 案情實錄 At the Courts


案情實錄 At the Courts

76 案情實錄 At the Courts 值得關注的重要案件 Major and Interesting Cases


終審法院 The Court of Final Appeal

在 何開盛 訴 香港特別行政區 ([2008] 5 HKC 57)一案 In Ho Hoi-shing v HKSAR ([2008] 5 HKC 57), the accused was convicted of murder and imprisoned 中,被告人被裁定謀殺罪名成立,判處終身監禁。控方 for life. The prosecution case was that after he was 案情指出,被告人原任職酒樓,被解僱後返回酒樓,惟 sacked from his job in a restaurant, he returned to the 東主的胞姊拒絕幫他復職,被告人遂把她扼死,並把她 premises and after the owner’s sister refused to help him get his job back, he strangled her and dumped her 半裸的屍體棄置在一堆枱布之下。被告人以他被激怒為 semi-naked body under a heap of tablecloths. After 理由,提出願意承認誤殺罪,卻不為控方所接納。被告 his offer to plead guilty to manslaughter on the basis of provocation was rejected by the prosecution, the 人作供時指出,受害人推撞他,並警告說他不會在同一 accused testified that he became incensed when the 集團所經營的酒樓獲得聘用,令被告人感到十分憤怒。 victim pushed him and warned him that he would not be able to get a job at any restaurant run by 他不能控制自己,腦海一片空白,把受害人推倒在地, the same management. He lost control of himself 抓住她的頸項,並開始扼住她的咽喉,直至她全無反應 and his mind went blank, and he pushed her to the ground and seized her neck and started to strangle 為止。被告人代表大律師請求法官引導陪審團,考慮作 her until there was no response from her. The judge 出違法及危險作為引致誤殺的裁決,惟法官認為按照該 declined counsel’s request to direct the jury on the possible verdict of manslaughter by unlawful and 案所得證據,誤殺的裁決並不符合公正原則,因而拒絕 dangerous act as he considered this was not in the 其請求。終審法院判上訴得直,命令案件發還重審,並 interests of justice on the evidence as it stood. In allowing the appeal and ordering a retrial, the Court 表示如有證據令合理的陪審團可裁定交替控罪罪名成 of Final Appeal indicated that an alternative verdict 立,則應由陪審團決定是否以交替控罪作出裁決。法官 was to be left to the jury if there was evidence upon which a reasonable jury might convict. The failure to 未有引導陪審團考慮作出違法行為引致誤殺的裁決,是 direct on unlawful act manslaughter was‘a material “ 重大的錯誤指引,嚴重損害司法公正 ”。 misdirection and constituted a serious miscarriage of justice’.

在 莫健球 訴 香港特別行政區 ([2008] 1 HKC 163) In Mok Kin-kau v HKSAR ([2008] 1 HKC 163), the 一案中,被告人在第二次審訊中被判普通毆打罪名成 accused was convicted at a second trial of common assault and sentenced to serve 200 hours of community 立,判處200小時社會服務令。儘管被告人已服刑完 service. Although that conviction was quashed on 畢,他的定罪也在上訴中獲得撤銷,但高等法院基於本 appeal after he had completed the sentence, the High Court ordered a third trial as this was not an ordinary 案涉及僱主被指襲擊家庭傭工,並非尋常的毆打案,因 case of assault, but involved an employer allegedly 此命令第三次審訊該案。終審法院裁定,雖然重審在刑 attacking a domestic helper. The Court of Final Appeal concluded that whilst retrials had their place in the criminal justice system, the order for retrial in this 在 香港特別行政區 訴 林耀金 (區院刑事案件2007 In HKSAR v Lam Yiu-kam (DCCC 1210 of 2007), a 年第1210號)一案中,一名的士司機被控意圖傷人罪 taxi driver was convicted of wounding with intent. 名成立。該名司機與一名22歲男子就交通指示發生 After a dispute with a 22-year-old man over traffic instructions, he smashed the glasses of the victim, 爭拗之後,猛力擊碎受害人的眼鏡,致令其左眼失 causing a permanent loss of vision of 30 per cent in 去30%的視力。該名司機被判處監禁2年。 the left eye. He was imprisoned for 2 years.

77 案情實錄 值得關注的重要案件 At the Courts Major and Interesting Cases

事司法制度中有其重要性,但法院必須推翻重審本案的 case must be set aside. To place a person on trial for a third time after two concluded trials and appeals and 命令。前兩次的審訊及上訴已經完結,而且被告人亦已 after he had already served the whole of his sentence 服刑完畢,在缺乏特殊及令人信服的理由下,要被告人 amounted, in the absence of a special and compelling 第三次受審,等同偏離公認的常規,對被告人非常不 reason for doing so, to a departure from accepted norms to the disadvantage of the accused so serious 利,甚至構成實質及嚴重的不公平情況。就重審而言, as to constitute a substantial and grave injustice. 家庭傭工不管作為聲稱受害者或犯罪者,均不是特殊的 Whether as alleged victims or alleged perpetrators, domestic helpers did not form a special category for 情況,而法官在酌情權的運用上亦有錯誤。控方“ 認同 the purpose of retrials, and the discretion of the judge 在這些情況下進行第三次審訊,並不符合公眾利益,這 had miscarried. The prosecution was‘correct in its concession that a third trial in these circumstances 個見解是正確的 ”。 would not be in the public interest’.

In HKSAR v Ip Kwok-weng (FLCC 547 of 2008), a 在 香港特別行政區 訴 葉國榮 (粉嶺裁判法院刑事案 baker pleaded guilty to removing human remains 件2008年第547號)一案中,一名麵包師傅承認未經 without permission. Having entered a graveyard he 准許下移走人類遺骸的罪名。被告人進入墳場後打 opened three urns and took the skulls of a young woman, an elderly woman and an elderly man, 開3個金塔,取走一年輕女子、一年長女子及一年長 intending to sell them for $10,000 each in Malaysia. 男子的頭骨,以圖在馬來西亞以每個頭骨10,000元 The judge called the offence‘very serious’, and imprisoned Ip for 6 months. 出售。法官認為罪行“ 十分嚴重 ”,並判處被告人監


在 香港特別行政區 訴 田氏印嘜膠貼商標廠有限公司 In HKSAR v Tin’s Label Factory Limited ([2009] 1 HKC ([2009] 1 HKC 254)一案中,控方就高等法院原訟法庭 254), the prosecution appealed over the way in which a judge of the Court of First Instance had disposed 法官處理一宗裁判法院上訴案的方式,提出上訴。一間 of a magistracy appeal. After the judge had allowed 公司被裁定一項有關工業的罪行罪名成立,法官判決該 the appeal of a company convicted of an industrial offence, he said he would hand down his reasons in 公司上訴得直後,表示稍後宣告判決理由。不過,他在 due course, but when he did so 7½ months later the 7個半月後宣告判決理由時,卻駁回有關上訴。該法官 appeal was disallowed. Having been reminded of his earlier decision, the judge reconvened the court 被提醒其早前所作的決定後,在同日重新開庭,再次宣 on the same day and again allowed the appeal, 布上訴得直,並發出另一份判決書。終審法院認為該法 giving another judgment. The Court of Final Appeal observed that the judge must have forgotten about 官必定是忘記了早前的口述決定,而他延遲了一段長時 his earlier oral decision and that a delay of this length 間才宣告判詞,也於理不合。終審法院裁定,根據裁決 in the delivery of judgment was unjustified. It held the effect of the perfection rule to be that once a 完備原則,判決一經最終記錄,法官即喪失更改權。不 judgment was finally recorded, the power to vary 過,法官的決定必須已登錄於裁判法院的電腦,才算為 it was lost. However, the judge’s decision was only 完備。由於記錄只有在最終判決宣告後才會作出,因此 perfected once it had been recorded by entry in the computerised record in the Magistrates Court, and 法官仍有權更改其口述決定。然而,必須在例外的情況 as this only occurred after the final judgment was 下,同時亦要謹慎行事,才可更改有關決定,而相關各 delivered the judge still had the power to change his oral decision. But before any such decision was 方也必須獲得陳詞的機會。終審法院認為本案沒有對控 altered, exceptional circumstances must exist, great

78 案情實錄 At the Courts 值得關注的重要案件 Major and Interesting Cases

在 香港特別行政區 訴 王貴良 (高院刑事案件2008年

第21號)一案中,一名打金師傅承認搶劫的罪名。被 In HKSAR v Wong Kwai-leung (HCCC 21 of 2008), 告人僱用兩名男童及一名女童(3人均為14歲)打劫土 a goldsmith pleaded guilty to robbery. The 瓜灣一間金舖。他們用刀威嚇店員,掠去價值超過 accused hired two boys and a girl, aged 14 years, to rob a goldsmith shop in To Kwa Wan, and they 110萬元的金飾。法官指被告人的行為“ 離譜 ”,並 threatened staff with knives and grabbed gold items 判處被告人監禁7年半。 worth over $1.1 million. Having said his actions were‘outrageous’, the judge imprisoned Wong for 7½ years.

方造成實質及嚴重的不公平情況,因此駁回上訴。終審 caution should be exercised and all parties must have an opportunity to be heard. In dismissing the appeal 法院總結時指出,雖然該法官的錯誤“ 對法院來說屬前 and holding that on the facts substantial and grave 所未有,但我們有責任述明:無論在任何級別的法院, injustice had not been caused to the prosecution, the 絕不容許再有這類的錯誤發生 ”。 Court concluded that although the judge’s mistake was‘an unprecedented occurrence in our experience, it is our duty to state that a mistake of this kind must 在 香港特別行政區 訴 林志光 (終院刑事上訴案件2008 not be allowed to recur at any level of court’.

年第2號)一案中,被告人被裁定謀殺罪名成立,他不服 In HKSAR v Lam Chi-kwong (FACC 2 of 2008), the 判罪,提出上訴。被告人在審訊中承認刺死其前女友, accused appealed against his conviction for murder. He admitted at trial that he had stabbed his former 但他提出是受到了挑釁。在指引陪審團如何作出決定 girlfriend to death, but raised the issue of provocation. 時,法官稱陪審團應設法達到一致的裁決,但如果不可 In directing the jury on the decision making process, the judge said they should try to reach a unanimous 能的話,6比1或5比2的多數裁決也可以接受。他補充 verdict, although if this was not possible a majority 說,陪審團的運作與“ 公司董事開會 ”相似,當中“有 verdict of 6 to 1 or 5 to 2 would be acceptable. He added that the workings of a jury were similar to 很多互相妥協的地方 ”。終審法院裁定,陪審團在應如 the‘directors of a company having a meeting’, and 何商議一事上被錯誤指引,因為把陪審團的商議比作董 that there was‘a lot of give and take’. The Court of Final Appeal held that the jury had been misdirected 事局的運作,與陪審團的職責並不相符,而對“ 互相妥 on how they should deliberate, as the analogy to 協”的提述也是不恰當的。不過,基於一個合理的陪 how a board of directors operated was inconsistent with the duties of a juror, and references to‘give 審團在法官恰當的指引下,必然會斷定控方已證明被告

In HKSAR v Tse Lai-ping (KTCC 6539 of 2007), the 在 香港特別行政區 訴 謝麗萍 (觀塘裁判法院刑事案 accused pleaded guilty to persistently making 件2007年第6539號)一案中,被告人承認持續打出 nuisance telephone calls. After her 7-year relationship with her boyfriend ended, she made 滋擾電話的罪名。被告人與拍拖7年的男朋友分手, 437 nuisance calls to him after he refused to resume 在對方拒絕復合之後,向他打出437次滋擾電話,表 their relationship, ostensibly because she feared that intimate photographs of her might be distributed. 面上是因為害怕對方發布兩人的親密照片。裁判官 The magistrate told Tse not to waste time on the 勸被告人不要花時間在男事主身上,並判處被告人 man, and fined her $1,000. 罰款1,000元。

79 案情實錄 值得關注的重要案件 At the Courts Major and Interesting Cases

人有意圖殺人或至少造成相當嚴重的傷害,並會否定挑 and take’ were not appropriate. The appeal was nonetheless dismissed on the application of the 釁,終審法院使用但書,駁回該宗上訴。 proviso on the basis that a reasonable and properly directed jury would inevitably have concluded that the prosecution had proved intent to kill or at least cause really serious injury and negative provocation. 在 香港特別行政區 訴 Suwartin (區院刑事案件2008

年第132號)一案中,一名印尼籍女傭承認5項與未滿 In HKSAR v Suwartin (DCCC 132 of 2008), an Indonesian maid pleaded guilty to five offences of 法定年齡兒童作出猥褻行為的罪名。該名45歲被告 committing an indecent act toward an under-age 人應其僱主14歲兒子的邀請,在其家中一同觀看色 child. The 45-year-old accused was invited by her 情影片。男童其後主動提議與她性交。法官指案中 employer’s 14-year-old son to watch pornographic videos with him at his home, and the boy then took 沒有證據證明女傭違反信託或令男童道德敗壞,因 the initiative to have sex with her. After the judge 此判處被告人監禁5個月。 said there was no evidence of breach of trust or of the boy’s morality having been corrupted, Suwartin was imprisoned for 5 months.

上訴法庭 The Court of Appeal

在 香港特別行政區 訴 許文泰 (刑事上訴案件2007年第 In HKSAR v Hui Man-tai (CACC 334 of 2007), the accused appealed against a sentence of 2 years and 6 334號)一案中,被告人被裁定串謀行騙罪名成立,判處 months’ imprisonment and a driving disqualification 監禁2年6個月和取銷駕駛資格18個月,他不服判刑提 order of 18 months imposed after he was convicted of 出上訴。證據顯示,被告人身為休班警務人員與其同謀 conspiracy to defraud. The evidence showed that on 19 occasions the accused, an off-duty police officer, and 19次蓄意在公用道路上引致交通意外,以圖取得金錢利 his confederate deliberately caused traffic accidents on 益。在8個半月內,他們其中一人充當乘客,另一人駕 public roads for financial gain. While one of them was the passenger, the other would drive a Saab motor 駛紳寶汽車與其他車輛碰撞,藉此向受害的駕駛者要求 car so as to cause collisions with other vehicles over an 賠償,而大部分受害者都以現金支付賠償。法庭在駁回 8½-month period. This was done so that they could then demand compensation from the victim-motorists, 上訴時表示,警務人員知法犯法,因此在判刑上必須起 most of whom paid in cash. In dismissing the appeal, 警戒作用,“ 判處阻嚇性刑罰以儆效尤,並藉以保持公 the Court said that police officers who broke the law had to be made examples of‘in terms of deterrent 眾的信心 ”。 sentencing so that others will not be tempted to follow along similar lines and so that public confidence will be maintained’.

在 香港特別行政區 訴 陳文俊 (東區裁判法院刑事案 In HKSAR v Chan Man-chun (ESCC 366 of 2008), 件2008年第366號)一案中,一名運輸工人承認兩項 a delivery man pleaded guilty to two offences of 襲擊罪。被告人因失業及經濟拮据,收受2,000元款 assault. As he was unemployed and needed money, he accepted $2,000 to slap a TV actress in the face 項作報酬,趁一名電視女藝員在灣仔購物時掌摑她, while she was shopping in Wan Chai, and then 其後與她的助手糾纏時又把助手抓傷。裁判官指被告 scratched her assistant in the struggle which ensued. The magistrate told Chan his act was foolish and 人行為愚蠢、侮辱受害者,令兩人承受痛楚,遂判處 insulting and painful to the victims, and ordered 他160小時社會服務令。 him to serve 160 hours of community service.

80 案情實錄 At the Courts 值得關注的重要案件 Major and Interesting Cases

在 香港特別行政區 訴 李敬文 (刑事上訴案件2005年 In HKSAR v Lee King-man (CACC 96 of 2005), the accused appealed against his conviction for wounding 第96號)一案中,被告人就意圖傷人的判罪提出上訴。 with intent. At trial, the prosecution relied upon 在審訊期間,控方依據卧底警務人員的證供提出檢控。 the evidence of an undercover police officer who 該名卧底警員假扮囚犯,處於被告人及其同謀被捕後所 posed as a prisoner in the detention cell where the accused and his confederate were taken after arrest, 羈押的羈留室。該名警員作供時說,他當時假裝入睡, and testified that while he pretended to be asleep 聽到兩人之間可導致入罪的談話。被告人提出,法官應 he heard an incriminatory conversation between the two. The accused submitted that the judge should 行使酌情權摒除該名警員的證供,因為該些證據是在不 have exercised his discretion to exclude the evidence 公正的情況下取得的。法院在駁回上訴時裁定,由於被 of the officer, as it was unfairly obtained. In dismissing the appeal, the Court held that as the accused had 告人當時尚未被檢控或問話,兩名疑犯之間的對話屬可 neither been charged nor questioned, evidence of the 接納的證據,特別是因為該警員沒有策劃、引發或參與 conversation between the two suspects was admissible, not least because the officer neither engineered, 該談話。被告人是主要受疑人,“ 他在羈留室內與人談 triggered nor participated in the conversation. The 話,並非該警員引致或促使的,在這情況下很明顯會有 accused was a prime suspect and‘he took part in the conversation in his cell without any invitation or 被第三者聽到談話內容的風險:當時羈留室內有第三 prompting by the police officer in circumstances in 者,是顯而易見的 ”。 which it must have been obvious that he was at risk of being overheard by a third party: there was a third party in the cell for all the world to see’. 在 香港特別行政區 訴 曾可威及其他人 ([2008] 4 HKC 1) In HKSAR v Tsang Ho-wai and Others ([2008] 4 HKC 1), 一案中,其中一名被告人承認意圖傷人和普通襲擊的罪 an accused appealed against a sentence of 12 years’ 名,被判處監禁12年。被告人不服判刑,提出上訴。 imprisonment imposed after she pleaded guilty to 她聘請刀手斬傷其7歲繼子,因為丈夫偏愛受害男童多 offences of wounding with intent and common assault. She hired an armed gang to chop her 7-year-old 於她的初生兒子,因而對繼子懷恨在心。她計劃斬斷受 stepson as she considered her husband favoured the 害男童的右手,令其永久傷殘。雖然男童的右手沒有完 victim over her newly born son, and she hated the boy. The plan was to cut off the victim’s right hand in order 全被斬斷,但活動能力受到限制和留有永久疤痕。上訴 to inflict permanent disability. Although the hand was 法庭駁回上訴,指出“ 一名繼母竟然心存這樣惡毒的 not completely severed the boy was left with restricted use of his hand and permanent scarring. In dismissing 念頭,並用錢收買人把惡念付諸實行,實在令人十分震 the appeal, the Court commented that the‘sheer 驚;同樣駭人的是其他人為了金錢報酬,一口答應進行 horror that ordinary people would naturally feel on learning that a stepmother could harbour such vitriolic 該計劃 ”。 thoughts and then finance such a scheme is matched only by the instant willingness of others to carry it out in return for a financial reward’. 在 香港特別行政區 訴 蔡志賢 (區院刑事案件2008

年第197號)一案中,一名新加坡律師承認爆竊罪。 In HKSAR v Choy Chee-yean (DCCC 197 of 2008), a Singaporean lawyer pleaded guilty to burglary. 被告人年薪400萬元,但竟潛入諾富特東薈城酒店另 Despite earning $4 million a year, he entered 一住客的房間內,偷去價值9,500元的財物。法官指 the room of another guest at Novotel Citygate Hotel and stole items worth $9,500. After the 被告人受抑鬱症影響,應接受精神科治療,遂判處 judge said that the accused had been affected by 被告人監禁12個月,暫緩執行。 depression and should receive psychiatric treatment, a suspended prison sentence of 12 months was imposed.

81 案情實錄 值得關注的重要案件 At the Courts Major and Interesting Cases

在 香港特別行政區 訴 陳佩敏([2008] 4 HKC 335) In HKSAR v Chan Pui-mun ([2008] 4 HKC 335), the 一案中,被告人被裁定14項傷人或襲擊罪名成立。該 accused was convicted of fourteen offences of wounding or assault. These were sample charges as 14項罪名屬代表性的控罪,因為控方指稱,從受害者 the prosecution alleged that the victim, who was the (即被告人的僱員)遍體鱗傷的狀況,可見他曾多次受到 accused’s employee, was attacked on numerous other occasions, as demonstrated by his extensive injuries. 襲擊。被告人在上訴時辯稱受害者指稱的其他襲擊的 The accused argued on appeal that the evidence of 證據僅屬習性證據,並且帶有偏見,因此不應獲法庭 the other alleged assaults on the victim was mere 接納。上訴法庭在駁回上訴,指其他襲擊的證據是類 propensity evidence and prejudicial in nature, and should not have been admitted. In dismissing the 同事實證據,足以獲接納為有關控罪的證據。如獲得 appeal, the Court held that the evidence of other 接納,有關證據會成為具高度證案價值的證據,“ 不但 assaults was similar fact evidence capable of being 提供了案件的背景,還證實受害者於受僱於申請人的 admitted as evidence on the charges laid. If accepted, it was highly probative evidence which‘not only 期間,經常受到她的嚴重襲擊和侵擾 ”。 provided the background of the case, but also showed a practice of subjecting the victim to serious assault 在 香港特別行政區 訴 周傑光 (刑事上訴案件2007年第 and harassment during the course of his employment by the applicant’. 370號)一案中,被告人被裁定兩項協助、教唆、慫使及

促致一名人士在宣誓下作假證供,以及一項串謀妨礙司 In HKSAR v Chow Kit-kwong (CACC 370 of 2007), the accused appealed against his convictions of two 法公正罪名成立。被告人不服判罪,提出上訴。被告人 offences of aiding, abetting, counselling and procuring 指稱他未有獲得公正的審判,因為他的律師沒有以強而 a person to commit perjury, and one offence of conspiracy to pervert the course of public justice. It 有力的言詞告知他,控方所提出的證據確鑿,除非他能 was submitted that the accused had been denied a 提證削弱控方的證據,或使法庭就有關證據產生合理疑 fair trial because his counsel had failed to advise him in the strongest terms that the prosecution case was 點,否則他必然會被定罪。法庭駁回上訴,裁定除非證 overwhelming and a conviction was inevitable unless 明被告人是因律師失職而未能獲得公平的審判,上訴法 he gave evidence to undermine or raise a reasonable doubt in respect of that evidence. In dismissing 庭才會介入。律師在進行抗辯時,常常要作出多項策略 the appeal, the Court held that an appellate court 性的決定,而其中一項最難下的決定,往往是應否建議 would only intervene if it was demonstrated that incompetence on the part of counsel had resulted in 被告人作供。眾所周知,在某些案件中,以強而有力的 a defendant being denied a fair trial. The conduct 言詞勸服被告人不要作供,是令被告人獲判無罪釋放的 of a defence invariably demanded a range of tactical decisions and one of the most difficult was often whether or not to advise a defendant to testify. It 在 香港特別行政區 訴 林文光 (粉嶺裁判法院刑事案

件2007年第1852號)一案中,被告人被裁定誣告兩 In HKSAR v Lam Man-kwong (FLCC 1852 of 名警務人員罪名成立。他向廉政公署表示,他因普 2007), the accused was convicted of making false 通襲擊罪被捕後,一名高級督察及一名警長向他索 complaints against two police officers. He told the 取50,000元,作為不對他提出起訴的報答。調查發 Independent Commission Against Corruption that a senior inspector and a sergeant sought $50,000 現兩名警務人員並無任何過失,法官遂判處被告人 from him in return for not pressing charges after his 監禁12個月。 arrest for common assault. An investigation cleared the officers of any wrongdoing, and Lam was imprisoned for 12 months.

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最佳辦法。若事後認為辯方律師應作出不同的策略性決 was notorious that in some cases the best hope of an acquittal lay in advising a defendant in the strongest 定,這一點幾乎必然不能成為上訴理由,而其他形式的 terms not to testify. Almost inevitably, a tactical 純粹判斷錯誤也不能成為上訴理由。上訴人必須證明律 decision of defence counsel which, in hindsight, ought 師明顯失職,而本案中被告人應否作供的問題曾經過詳 to have been made differently would not provide a ground for appeal, and neither would other forms of 細討論,其中涉及律師憂慮到被告人經常更改指示,顯 mere error of judgment. What must be demonstrated 示他在接受盤問時表現可能欠佳。 was flagrant incompetence by counsel, and in this case the question of whether the accused should testify had been the subject of detailed discussion, which included 在 香港特別行政區 訴 Nancy Kissel (刑事上訴案件2005 the concern of counsel that the accused’s constant changes of instruction indicated that he might not fare 年第414號)一案中,被告人被裁定謀殺罪名成立,她 well under cross-examination. 不服判罪,提出上訴。控方案情指出,被告人於美國佛 In HKSAR v Nancy Kissel (CACC 414 of 2005), the 蒙特州度假期間與一名電視維修員展開婚外情。被告人 accused appealed against her conviction for murder. 的丈夫生疑,並聘請私家偵探跟蹤她。兩人婚姻關係日 The prosecution case was that after she began an affair with a television repairman while on holiday in 趨惡劣。事發當晚,被告人在丈夫的奶昔內攙雜了鎮靜 Vermont, her husband became suspicious and hired 劑,令他失去行為能力,繼而用小塑像向他頭部重擊 private detectives to track her movements. After the marriage deteriorated, Kissel incapacitated him one 5下令他死亡,然後把屍體藏於地毯。工人不察覺事有 night by spiking his milkshake with sedatives. She 蹺蹊,把地毯搬到貯物室內。被告人辯稱死者曾因她拒 then used a statuette to deliver five fatal blows to her husband’s head, and hid the body in a carpet which 絕與他性交而用棒球拍襲擊她,但陪審團不接納她的抗 was placed in a storeroom by unsuspecting workmen. 辯。她以13個理由對其定罪提出質疑,當中大部分與法 The jury rejected her defence that the deceased 官的總結有關。法庭駁回她的上訴,並裁定審訊中並無 attacked her with a baseball bat when she refused him sex, and the conviction was challenged on 13 關鍵性的錯誤引導或不符合規定之處,而控方對被告人 grounds, most related to the judge’s summing up. In 作出的盤問是合法的;盤問的設計是用以說明辯方代表 dismissing the appeal, the Court concluded that there were no material misdirections or irregularities at trial, 在保釋法律程序中述說她的精神狀況及病歷,與她在其 and that cross-examination of the accused designed to illustrate a material contrast between her mental condition and history as put forward on her behalf at 在 香港特別行政區 訴 周子榮 (東區裁判法院刑事 bail proceedings and the picture she sought to convey


罪。他從港鐵車站盜取多個價值2,500元的不銹鋼垃 In HKSAR v Chow Tsz-wing (ESCC 991 of 2008), the 圾桶,再以200元售予金屬回收商。裁判官判處被告 accused pleaded guilty to six offences of theft. He stole stainless steel litter bins worth $2,500 from 人監禁6個月。 MTR stations, and sold them for $200 to metal recyclers. Chow was sentenced to 6 months’ imprisonment.

證供中向精神科醫生及法庭所作的描述,兩者有重大差 to a psychiatrist and to the court in her evidence 異,藉以證明她提出減責神智失常的抗辯和企圖自殺的 was legitimate, and gave the lie to the defence of 指稱是不真實的。被告人申訴法官總結辯方案情的速度 diminished responsibility and to the allegations of attempted suicide. There was also nothing about the 遠遠快於總結控方案情的速度,而且沒有作出適當的停 timing or manner of the summing up to support the 頓。關於這一點,法庭裁定總結的時間或方式並無什麼 complaint that the judge had summed up the defence

83 案情實錄 值得關注的重要案件 At the Courts Major and Interesting Cases

地方足以支持這項申訴。這是一宗“ 證據絕對強而有力 case at a speed significantly faster than that adopted for the prosecution case, or without appropriate 的謀殺案件 ”。 breaks. This was‘as cogent a case of murder as might be imagined’. 在 律政司司長 訴 海昇科技有限公司及其他人 (高院裁 In Secretary for Justice v Ocean Technology Limited and 判法院上訴案件2008年第173號)一案中,被告人等被 Others (HCMA 173 of 2008), the accused were charged 控以在沒有得到行政長官會同行政會議批給牌照的情 with various offences of establishing or maintaining a means of telecommunications save under a licence 況下,設置或維持電訊設施等多項罪名,違反《電訊條 granted by the Chief Executive in Council, contrary 例》。裁判官裁定該條例訂明的發牌制度並非依法規 to the Telecommunications Ordinance. After the magistrate held that the licensing regime prescribed 定,因此不合憲法,被告人的控罪因而亦是違憲的,遂 by the Ordinance was not prescribed by law and 裁定各被告人無罪釋放。上訴庭判控方上訴得直,並命 therefore unconstitutional, he acquitted the accused as it followed that the charges they faced were 令繼續審訊。該庭裁定,條例訂明的法定發牌制度是否 unconstitutional. In allowing a prosecution appeal 符合憲法規定,並非有關罪行的必要元素,裁判官在裁 and directing the continuation of the trial, the Court held that the constitutionality of the statutory 定訂立相關罪行的條文違憲一事上犯錯。儘管被告人可 licensing regime prescribed by the Ordinance was 藉質疑訂立相關罪行的條文是否符合憲法來提出抗辯, not an essential element of the offence, and the magistrate had erred in holding the offence-creating 但不可能“ 以提出發牌決定或發牌制度的合法性作為抗 provisions to be unconstitutional. Whilst it was always 辯”。 open to an accused to challenge the constitutionality of the offence-creating provision as a defence, it was not possible‘to raise by way of defence the legality 審訊 of a licensing decision or of the licensing scheme’.

TRIALS 在香港特別行政區 訴 郭子樂(高院刑事案件2007年第

289號)一案中,被告人被裁定綁架罪名成立。控方案 In HKSAR v Kwok Tsz-lok (HCCC 289 of 2007), the accused was convicted of kidnapping. The 情指出,郭子樂的同黨假扮記者,受害人被誘騙前往長 prosecution case was that after Kwok’s accomplice 洲一間度假屋,以為會獲安排參演一部由一位著名女演 pretended to be a journalist, the victim was lured to a holiday bungalow in Cheung Chau with the 員主演的電影。受害人被綑綁及蒙眼,並遭被告人及其 prospect of a role in a film starring a famous actress. 同謀以利刀威脅和禁錮於一間小屋內。綁匪向受害人 The victim was tied up, blindfolded and threatened with knives, and detained in a hut by the accused and 家人勒索贖金350萬元,受害人的父親先付了60,000 his confederates. A ransom demand of $3.5 million 元。兩日後,受害人自行鬆綁逃脫。被告人在潛逃內地 was made to his family, and the father provided an initial deposit of $60,000. After two days the victim 11年後最終被捕。法官表示,綁架案受害人喪命的情 loosened his hands and escaped, and the accused 況並非罕見,因此必須判以具阻嚇性的刑罰,最後判處 was finally caught after going to the mainland for 11 years. The judge said deterrence was important as 郭監禁12年。 it was not uncommon for kidnap victims to die, and imprisoned Kwok for 12 years. 在 香港特別行政區 訴 馮亦奇 (區院刑事案件2007年第 In HKSAR v Fung Yick-ki (DCCC 298 of 2007), a former 298號)一案中,一名前補習社導師被裁定串謀詐騙罪名 tutor was convicted of conspiracy to defraud. The 成立。控方案情指出,被告人向23名由24至35歲不等 prosecution case was that he defrauded 23 men, aged 24 to 35, into paying $3,690 each to spend time on 的男子每人騙取3,690元,作為與一位名叫“ 白雪雪妹 a boat trip with a beautiful girl called‘Little Snow

84 案情實錄 At the Courts 值得關注的重要案件 Major and Interesting Cases

妹”或“ Kinki想死 ”的美女一起遊船河的費用。受害 White’ or‘Kinki Wants to Die’. The victims believed they had been invited by a girl in a chat room to join 人均以為是一名女孩於聊天室邀請他們參加西貢的遊船 the cruise from Sai Kung, and they each paid the money 河活動,並在獲展示該名女孩的12張網上照片後,把費 into the accused’s account after being shown the same 用存入被告人的帳戶。事實上所有信息都是由一名男子 twelve pictures of a girl on the Internet. The messages were all sent by a man and the boat trip was fictitious, 發出,而遊船河活動亦是虛構出來的。受害人付錢後, and having paid the money the victims were unable to 便再聯絡不上該名女孩。法官表示,互聯網騙案盛行, contact the girl. After the judge said Internet scams were prevalent and had to be deterred, he imprisoned 必須加以遏止,最後判處馮監禁21個月。 Fung for 21 months.

在 香港特別行政區 訴 吳柏榮 (區院刑事案件2008 In HKSAR v Ng Pak-wing (DCCC 254 of 2008), the 年第254號)一案中,被告人承認危險駕駛引致他人 accused pleaded guilty to dangerous driving causing 死亡的罪名。被告人超速駕駛Subaru WRX車輛,在 death. After his speeding Subaru WRX crossed 彎位失控越過雙白線,以時速106公里撞向對面線的 double white lines at a bend after he lost control 混凝土分隔欄,汽車翻側着火,導致3名年齡分別為 and hit a concrete divider in the opposite lane at 23、24及29歲的乘客死亡。法官表示須判以阻嚇性 106 kmh, the car flipped over and burst into flame, killing three passengers, aged 23, 24 and 29. The 刑罰,遂判處被告人監禁1年8個月。 judge said a deterrent sentence was required, and imprisoned Ng for 1 year and 8 months.

在 香港特別行政區 訴 朱景國 (東區裁判法院刑事案件 In HKSAR v Chu King-kwok (ESCC 3331 of 2007), 2007年第3331號)一案中,一名年資達39年的高級稅 a senior taxation officer of 39 years’ standing was charged with misconduct in public office. The 務主任被控身為公職人員行為不當。控方指,被告人任 prosecution alleged that while working in the Inland 職稅務局期間,抄下納稅人的個人資料供日後使用。朱 Revenue Department he copied the personal data of taxpayers for future use. When arrested he was said 被捕後,控方指在他辦公桌裏發現255張載有個人資料 to have had 255 pieces of paper containing personal 的紙張,又在他青衣的寓所再發現77張同類紙張。被告 data in his office desk, and a further 77 pieces of paper 人作供時稱他是個收集成癖的人,而他抄寫納稅人的記 at his home in Tsing Yi. After Chu testified that he was a compulsive collector of things and copied taxpayer 錄,是為了給人忙碌的印象。裁判官指被告人是公然抄 records to give the impression of being busy, the 寫資料的,也未能確定日後他會如何使用這些資料。鑑 magistrate said the copying was done openly and how 於沒有可構成罪行的不當行為,被告人獲裁定無罪。 he would use the data in future was uncertain. In the absence of culpable misconduct he was acquitted.

在 香港特別行政區 訴 許榮 (區院刑事案件2007年第 In HKSAR v Hui Wing (DCCC 624 of 2007), a karaoke hostess was convicted of two offences of blackmail. 624號)一案中,一名卡拉OK女招待被裁定兩項勒索罪 The evidence showed that after a senior government 名成立。證據顯示,一名高級政府官員為挽救婚姻,向 official sought to end his four-month affair with her in an effort to save his marriage, she made unwarranted 被告人提出結束與她4個月的關係。被告人向他提出不 demands of $500,000 and $90,000 from him. She 當的要求,分別索取款項500,000元及90,000元。她恐 threatened that if he did not pay she would commit suicide, harm the official’s wife and expose their affair 嚇受害人如不付款她便會自殺、傷害其妻,並把兩人的 to the media and the government. After receiving 私情向傳媒及政府公開。被告人收到290,000元後再向 $290,000 from the victim, she demanded more and he

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受害人索取金錢,受害人於是通知警方。法官指“ 勒索 notified the police. The judge said‘blackmail is one of the ugliest crimes’, and imprisoned Hui for 3 years. 是最醜惡的罪行之一 ”,並判處被告人監禁3年。

在 香港特別行政區 訴 鍾志強 (觀塘裁判法院刑事案 In HKSAR v Chung Chi-keung (KTCC 5322 of 2007), 件2007年第5322號)一案中,被告人承認一項刑事 the accused pleaded guilty to one offence of 恐嚇和5項企圖刑事恐嚇罪。被告人為了吸引心儀的 criminal intimidation and five offences of attempted criminal intimidation. To attract the attention of 新聞報道員的注意,郵寄了6封載有刀叉的恐嚇信到 a newscaster to whom he was attracted, he mailed 女事主任職的電視台,並附上他的姓名和地址。裁判 six threatening letters containing knives and forks to her television station, together with his name 官告誡被告人日後必須以合法方式行事,並判處他監 and address. The magistrate said Chung must act 禁80天,以收阻嚇之效。 lawfully in future, and imposed a sentence of 80 days’ imprisonment as a deterrent.

在 香港特別行政區 訴 陳美鳳(區院刑事案件2007年第 In HKSAR v Chan Mei-fung (DCCC 1057 of 2007), 1057號)一案中,被告人被裁定3項意圖損害而施用毒藥 the accused was convicted of three offences of administering poison with intent to injure. The 罪名成立。控方案情指出,被告人把一盒混有精神科藥物 prosecution case was that she delivered a box of pastries 的西餅送到觀塘一間教會,交予一名清潔工人,聲稱代一 laced with an anti-psychotic drug to a cleaner at a Kwun Tong Church, saying she was carrying out an errand for 名教友送贈蛋糕。當日稍後時間,多名教友在聚會後吃了 a church-going friend. Later that day the pastries were 該些西餅,令致3名青少年不適入院,被驗出服用過量利 shared by the congregation after a church meeting, and 螺環酮。法官指“ 法庭有責任保障社會大眾安全 ”,遂判 three teenagers fell ill and had to be hospitalised for having overdosed on Risperidone. After the judge said 她入小欖精神病治療中心,刑期不多於7年。 it was‘the duty of the court to ensure public safety’, he ordered that Chan be detained in Siu Lam Psychiatric 在 香港特別行政區 訴 陳偉文及其他人(區院刑事案件 Centre for a term not exceeding 7 years. 2007年第1070號)一案中,5名被告人被裁定串謀詐騙 In HKSAR v Chen Wei-wen and Others (DCCC 1070 of 罪名成立。被告人都是來自內地,他們在街上接觸一名 2007), the five accused were convicted of conspiracy 66歲婦人,聲稱她的兒子會被邪靈帶走,要化解就要付 to defraud. They came from the mainland and after approaching a 66-year-old woman in the street they said 款進行祈福。他們又游說受害人,交出財物越多效果越 her son would be taken away by evil spirits unless ritual 好,並保證在祈福後把財物歸還,受害人遂同意把現金 blessing was performed, for which she would have to pay. 和貴重財物交給他們。法官指街頭騙案十分普遍,有必 The victim agreed to hand over money and valuables after she was told that the more she gave the better the results 要加重刑罰,因此判處各被告人監禁2年半至3年不等。 would be, and after she was assured that they would be returned after the blessing. The judge said street 在 香港特別行政區 訴 許文裕 (沙田裁判法院刑事案 deceptions were common and enhanced sentences were

件2008年第3336號)一案中,一名的士司機承認對 In HKSAR v Hui Man-yu (STCC 3336 of 2008), a taxi 他人身體加以嚴重傷害的罪名。一名醉酒乘客在被 driver pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily 告人的的士車廂內嘔吐,繼而與被告人發生爭執, harm. After a drunken passenger vomited in his cab, a struggle ensued which resulted in the accused 結果被告人咬斷受害者的手指頭。警方其後在嘔吐 biting off the victim’s fingertip, which was later 物中檢回斷指,而受害者經縫針後駁回手指。法官 sewn back on after the police recovered it from his 判處被告人160小時社會服務令。 vomit. Hui was ordered to perform 160 hours of community service.

86 案情實錄 At the Courts 值得關注的重要案件 Major and Interesting Cases

在 香港特別行政區 訴 幸凌宇及盧笑娟 (荃灣裁判法院 necessary, and imprisoned the accused for terms which 傳票2007年第1952-7號)一案中,一名醫生及其助護 ranged from 3 years to 2 years and 6 months.

被裁定為出售而管有未經註冊的藥劑製品和售賣不宜 In HKSAR v Hin Lin-yee and Lo Siu-kuen (TWS 1952- 供人食用的藥物罪名成立。控方案情指出,幸凌宇為 7 of 2007), a doctor and his nurse were convicted of possession for sale of an unregistered pharmaceutical 一名6歲男童處方包括一種名為“ 百利通 ”的藥物,男 product and selling a drug unfit for human 童服食後向母親表示喉嚨不適,其母嗅到有酒精味道, consumption. The prosecution case was that after 於是把男童送院診治。經醫生診斷後,懷疑男童酒精中 Hin prescribed medicines to a 6-year-old boy including one called‘Piriton’, the child complained of throat 毒,藥劑師並發現“ 百利通 ”被混入一種不宜供人食 irritation and his mother took him to hospital after 用的有毒酒精“ 異丙醇 ”稀釋。裁判官不接納被告人 she smelt alcohol. He was treated for suspected 以盡了應盡的努力為辯護理由,裁定“ 異丙醇 ”是故意 alcoholic intoxication, and the‘Piriton’ was found by the pharmacist to have been diluted with‘Isopropyl 地被混入診所的藥物中配發給病人的,因此分別判處幸及 alcohol’, a toxic alcohol unfit for human consumption. 盧罰款80,000元及3,000元。 The magistrate rejected a defence of due diligence and found that‘Isopropyl alcohol’had been deliberately added to medicine in the clinic and then dispensed to patients. He fined Hin $80,000 and Lo $3,000.

在 香港特別行政區 訴 蒙漢明 (東區裁判法院傳票 In HKSAR v Mong Hon-ming (ESS 2941 of 2003), a 2003年第2941號)一案中,一名總編輯承認發布淫 chief editor pleaded guilty to publishing an obscene 褻照片的罪名。他參與決定在一本周刊封面上刊登一 photograph. He was involved in the decision to publish on the front page of a weekly magazine 名被強行擄走的女藝人的半裸照片。裁判官指出,被 the semi-nude photo of an actress who had 告人在監督雜誌的報道方面,責無旁貸,因此判處他 been forcibly abducted. Having said the accused should have adequately supervised the process of 監禁6個月,暫緩執行。 publication, the magistrate imposed a suspended sentence of 6 months’ imprisonment.

在 香港特別行政區 訴 詹昌盛 (九龍城裁判法院刑事案 In HKSAR v Jim Chong-shing (KCCC 3914 of 2008), a 件2008年第3914號)一案中,一名綽號“ 車神 ”的司 driver nicknamed the‘god of racing’ was charged with driving while disqualified. Following a tip-off, 機被控在被取消駕駛資格期間駕駛。警方在接到線報 he was arrested by the police in a restaurant, three 後,於一間餐廳內拘捕了這位在3個月前因類似罪行才 months after leaving prison for a similar offence. The prosecution alleged that the accused was seen to drive a 刑滿出獄的被告人。控方指稱,被告人被目睹在被取消 vehicle to the restaurant while he was disqualified from 駕駛資格期間駕車至上述餐廳。控方所依據的是一名警 driving, and relied upon a police officer who claimed 員的證供,該名警員稱因被告人之前的案件曾在報章上 to have recognised him as the driver from a distance of 20 to 25 metres on the basis of newspaper photographs 看過他的照片,故此當天從20至25米的距離認出被告 he had previously seen in connection with earlier cases. 人是司機。警方在車內找不到被告人的指紋,而被告人 The police could not find any of his fingerprints in the 則聲稱是遭人陷害。裁判官認為,該名警員是誠實的, car, and the accused claimed to have been victimised. After the magistrate found the police officer to be 但認人的證據薄弱,基於把被告人定罪並不穩當,裁定 honest but the identification to be weak, she decided it 被告人罪名不成立。 would be unsafe to convict and acquitted him.

87 組織及架構 Organization and Structure


組織及架構 Organization and Structure

88 組織及架構 Organization and Structure 運作模式 Operation of the Division

刑事檢控科是律政司轄下最大的科別,由刑事檢控專員 The Prosecutions Division is the largest division in 領導,並由4位副刑事檢控專員輔助,分別督導科內4個 the Department of Justice. It is led by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). He is assisted by four 分科的運作。4個分科共有15個專責組別,每個專責組 Deputy Directors of Public Prosecutions (DDPP). The 別由一位高級助理刑事檢控專員負責。 DDPPs oversee the operation of the four sub-divisions which, in turn, comprise fifteen specialist sections, 從各分科的職責,可見本科的工作範疇涵蓋很多不同的 each headed by a Senior Assistant Director of Public 領域,包括案件籌備、重要審訊、上訴訟辯和商業罪 Prosecutions (SADPP). 案。由於工作涉及不同的領域,15個專責組別在專門知 The portfolios of each sub-division reflect the 識和人手上都有一套合理的分工安排,以助每個分科達 diversity of our work. They are concerned with case 致目標,確保各項工作都符合專業水平。 preparation, major trials, appellate advocacy and commercial crime. Such varied areas of responsibility require that a sensible division of expertise and of 分科一 labour is maintained throughout the fifteen sections. That facilitates the attainment of the objectives of • 籌備高等法院原訟法庭、區域法院和裁判法院審理 the four sub-divisions. It also ensures the appropriate 的案件,並就該等案件提供法律指引 levels of professionalism. • 籌辦培訓課程予本科的檢控官、法庭檢控主任、部 門檢控人員和執法人員 Sub-division I

• 擬備法庭文件和翻譯判詞 • advises on and prepares cases to be tried in the • 專責處理涉及賣淫的案件 Court of First Instance of the High Court, the District Court and the Magistrates Court • 處理警務人員被指涉及違法行為的案件 • organizes training courses for Public Prosecutors, 負責科內行政事宜、監督法庭檢控主任的工作,並 • Court Prosecutors, departmental prosecutors and 督導法律輔助人員和支援人員。 law enforcers

• prepares court documents and translates judgments 分科二 • specialises in dealing with vice cases • 就有組織罪行及三合會事宜提供法律指引 • handles cases involving allegations of criminal • 向香港海關提供法律指引 misconduct on the part of police

• 檢控重大及複雜的案件。 • undertakes the administrative duties of the Division, oversees the work of the Court Prosecutors and supervises the para-legal and support staff. 分科三 Sub-division II • 就涉及收受賭注和賭博的案件提供法律指引

就一些專責部門所提出的檢控事宜提供法律指引 • • advises on organized crime and triads

• 就禁毒政策提供法律指引 • advises the Customs and Excise Department

• 處理《基本法》和《香港人權法案條例》中,涉及 • prosecutes serious and complicated trials. 刑法的施行的事宜

89 組織及架構 運作模式 Organization and Structure Operation of the Division

• 就司法覆核的案件出庭 Sub-division III

• 專責處理涉及淫褻物品的案件 • advises on bookmaking and gambling cases • 處理有關入境和勞工事務的案件 • advises on departmental prosecutions • 負責所有上訴和覆核判刑的案件 • advises on narcotics policy

• 檢討刑法、常規及程序,並提出改革建議。 • conducts matters related to the Basic Law and the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance as they affect the administration of the criminal law 分科四 • appears in cases of judicial review • 處理商業罪案和涉及電腦和版權罪行的案件 • specializes in dealing with obscenity cases

• 就廉政公署調查的案件,向該署提供法律指引,以 • handles immigration and labour cases 及出庭檢控 • responsible for all appeal and review of sentence • 向稅務局提供法律指引 cases • reviews and recommends changes in criminal law, • 處理限制和沒收與本地罪案有關的犯罪得益 practice and procedure. • 為重寫《公司條例》提供協助 Sub-division IV • 就反恐活動提供法律指引

• 處理市場失當行為的案件。 • handles commercial crime, computer crime and copyright crime cases

• advises on and prosecutes cases investigated by the ICAC

• advises the Inland Revenue Department

• deals with restraint and confiscation of proceeds of crime in domestic cases

• assists in the rewrite of the Companies Ordinance

• advises on anti-terrorism

• handles market misconduct cases.

截至2008年12月31日,本科共有: As at 31 December 2008, our strength was :

115名檢控官 115 Public Prosecutors 91名法庭主任 91 Court Prosecutors 21名律政書記 21 Law Clerks 6名法律翻譯主任 6 Law Translation Officers 193名支援人員 193 Support Staff

90 組織及架構 Organization and Structure 刑事檢控科人員 People in Prosecutions

2008年,刑事檢控科的編制有222名檢控人員,其中包 In 2008, the Prosecutions Division had an establishment 括大律師、律師和檢控主任。部分檢控人員專責在法庭 of 222 prosecutors. These included , 陳述案件,另一些專責案件籌備及提供法律指引。本科 and lay prosecutors. Some concentrated on presenting 有盡忠職守的法律輔助人員、行政人員及支援人員為檢 cases at court, whilst others specialised in case preparation and advisory duties. Prosecutors were 控人員提供各種支援。以下是部分科內人員的簡介︰ supported by dedicated para-legals, administrators and support staff. People in prosecutions in 2008 included: 李定國資深大律師(銅紫荊星章) 副刑事檢控專員,刑事檢控科人事主管 John Reading, BBS, SC

2000年起出任現職,向刑事檢控專員負責。職責包括 Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions and Chief of Staff of the Prosecutions Division 本科的管理、員工關係、本科各項新措施的推行、案件 的籌備和與執法機關及政府其他人員聯絡。他是英國法 Appointed in 2000, he was responsible to the DPP for the management of the Division, staff relations, the 學研究會院士和英國特許仲裁會會員,並在2008年的 implementation of new initiatives, the preparation 特區成立紀念日授勳名單中獲頒授銅紫荊星章。 of cases and liaison with law enforcement agencies and others in government. Fellow of the Society of Advanced Legal Studies, and of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Awarded Bronze Bauhinia Star (BBS) in 2008 Establishment Day Honours List.

Anthea Pang Senior Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions and Head of Section 10

Appointed in 2007, she was responsible to the Head of Appeals for the conduct of cases involving 刑事檢控科人事主管副刑事檢控專員李定國資深大律師在2008年 10月25日獲行政長官頒授銅紫荊星章。 Basic Law and Bill of Rights issues. Co-ordinates Mr John Reading, SC, DDPP, Chief of Staff of the Prosecutions prosecution policy in relation to obscene articles and Division, receives the Bronze Bauhinia Star from the Chief child pornography. Expertise in judicial review. Chairs Executive on 25 October 2008. the Working Group on the Pre-trial Interviewing of Witnesses by Prosecutors, and Member of the Working 彭寶琴 Group to Review The Statement of Prosecution Policy 高級助理刑事檢控專員,第10組主管 and Practice.

2007年起出任現職,向上訴案件主管負責,職責包括 處理涉及《基本法》和《人權法案》事宜的案件。她負 Rosaline Leung 責統籌有關淫褻及兒童色情物品的檢控政策,擅長處理 Senior Public Prosecutor

司法覆核。她也擔任檢控人員審前會見證人工作小組的 Appointed in 1994, she was responsible to the Head 主席,及檢討《檢控政策及常規》工作小組的成員。 of Section 1 for the preparation of cases for trial by jury in the Court of First Instance. Previous experience 梁燊頤 of departmental prosecutions and management. Sometime Head of the Bilingual Court Documents 高級檢控官 Unit. Deputy Editor of the Editorial 1994年起出任現職,向第1組主管負責,職責包括籌 Board of Prosecutions Division 2008. 備原訟法庭有陪審團進行審訊的案件。她具有部門檢控

91 組織及架構 刑事檢控科人員 Organization and Structure People in Prosecutions

和管理工作的經驗,曾經擔任雙語法庭文件組的主管, Sezen Chong 亦是《2008年刑事檢控科工作回顧》編輯組的副中文 Public Prosecutor 編輯。 Appointed in 2006, she was responsible to the Head of Section 2 for the preparation and conduct of District 莊君如 Court trials. Member of the Vulnerable Witness Team, 檢控官 of the Director’s Advisory Group and of the Editorial Board of Prosecutions Division 2008. Executive 2006年獲委任,向第2組主管負責。職責包括籌備和處 Committee member of the Local Government Counsel 理區域法院審訊的案件。她是易受傷害證人組成員、刑 Association and of the Department of Justice Staff Club. 事檢控專員諮詢小組成員和《2008年刑事檢控科工作 Attended Middle Temple Advocacy Course, London. 回顧》編輯組組員。她也是本地政府律師協會和律政司 職員聯誼會的執行委員會委員,曾往倫敦修讀中殿大律 Wayne Hariman 師學院訟辯課程。 Legal Trainee ()

Appointed in 2008 to a training attachment to Section 9 李允中 (Policy, Research and Departmental Prosecutions), he was responsible to the Head of Section 9 for 見習律政人員(大律師) the conduct of summary cases and for advising on 2008年獲暫派於第9組(政策、研究及部門檢控組)實 departmental prosecutions. Graduated as Bachelor of 習,向第9組主管負責。職責包括處理簡易程序案件, Arts at the London School of Economics, and obtained 以及就部門檢控提供法律指引。他是倫敦政治經濟學院 the Graduate Diploma in Law at BPP Law School, London. PCLL at the University of Hong Kong. 文學士,也在倫敦BPP法律學院取得法律文憑,並在香 港大學取得法學專業證書。 Brian Chan Senior Court Prosecutor I 陳富傑 Appointed in 2000, he was responsible to the Head of 高級一等法庭檢控主任 Section 3 for the supervision of the prosecution team 2000年起出任現職,向第3組主管負責。職責包括督導 at Kwun Tong Magistrates Court, and for the conduct of its cases. Wide experience of prosecuting at the 觀塘裁判法院檢控組,並負責該組案件的檢控工作。在 summary level, and lectures police on court practice 檢控簡易程序案件方面,具豐富經驗,曾向警務人員講 and procedure. Barrister-at-law, and holder of Master 授法院常規及程序。他是大律師,也是城市大學中國法 of Laws degree in Chinese and Comparative Law, City 與比較法法學碩士。 University.

李蕙嫻 Agnes Lee 一級行政主任 Executive Officer I

2008年起出任現職,向刑事檢控科總行政主任負責。 Appointed in 2008, she was responsible to the Chief Executive Officer (PD) for finance, accounting, 職責包括處理財務、會計、出版刊物、訓練和職務訪 publications, training and duty visits, and for 問,以及監察本科履行服務承諾的水平。曾在民政事務 monitoring levels of compliance with performance 總署任職。她是胡佛漢頓大學教育學士,也是Macquarie pledges. Previous work experience in Home Affairs 大學管理碩士。 Department. Bachelor of Education, Wolverhampton University, and Master of Management, Macquarie University.

92 組織及架構 Organization and Structure 法庭檢控主任 Court Prosecutors

在總法庭檢控主任(行政)古超明和總法庭檢控主任(執行) Headed by Mr Christopher Koo, CCP(Administration), 張恩明領導下,法庭檢控主任在2008年負責香港大部 and Mr Ernest Cheung, CCP(Operations), the Court Prosecutors in 2008 conducted the bulk of the 分的檢控工作。除了檢控工作,該職系亦協助推動7個 prosecutions in Hong Kong. Prosecuting apart, the 裁判法院的司法工作。作為法律輔助人員,他們與司法 grade also promoted the administration of justice 人員、罪行受害者、外判律師、執法人員和辯方律師保 in the seven magistrates courts. As dedicated para- 持聯繫。刑事檢控科在《2007至2012年度策略性發展 legals, they liaised with judicial staff, victims of crime, 計劃》中確認法庭檢控主任“ 在廿一世紀定能為簡易程 fiat counsel, law enforcement personnel and defence 序案件提供最高水 lawyers. In its Strategic Development Programme 平的服務"。 2007-2012, the Prosecutions Division recognises that the 法庭檢控主任職系 Court Prosecutors are‘best 自1977年設立以 placed to provide the 來,職責已趨多元 highest possible service at 化。在2008年, the summary level in the 21st century’. 法庭檢控主任為警 方、廉政公署、香 Since its inception in 1977, 港海關、強制性公 高級助理刑事檢控專員羅君偉(中)和高級檢控官鄭詠榆(左二) the grade has diversified its 積金計劃管理局及 聯同高級一等法庭檢控主任邱小平、總法庭檢控主任古超明 work portfolio. In 2008, the (右二)和高級一等法庭檢控主任李文傑於2008年5月28日參與 20個政府其他部 由佛山市人民檢察院為法庭檢控主任安排的法律考察訪問。 Court Prosecutors conducted Mr Thomas Law, SADPP, (centre) and Ms Bianca Cheng, SPP, (second left) prosecutions on behalf of the 門和法定機構進行 together with Miss Lily You, SCP I, Mr Chris Koo, CCP, (second right) and Police, the ICAC, the Customs 檢控。除了就本身 Mr Aaron Lee, SCP I, on a legal study visit for Court Prosecutors hosted by the Foshan People’s Prosecution Service, on 28 May 2008. and Excise Department, the 的案件執行檢控之 Mandatory Provident Fund 外,該職系亦履行監察初級法院的檢控水平的重要職 Schemes Authority and twenty other government 責。年內,法庭檢控主任在裁判法院共檢控了195,510 departments and statutory bodies. Apart from 宗案件;在2007年,檢控案件的數目則為179,161宗。 prosecuting its own cases, the grade performed a vital function in monitoring the standards of prosecution in the base courts. In 2008, the Court Prosecutors 2008年內,職系高層與刑事司法伙伴合作,確保案件 conducted 195,510 cases in the magistrates courts, as 迅速審理。法庭檢控主任與警方保持聯繫,提供更佳的 compared to 179,161 cases in 2007. 安排,讓沒有律師代表的被告人能取得控方披露的資 料。此外,法庭檢控主任也採取措施,當有不同的調查 Throughout 2008, grade leaders worked with criminal 人員就相關事項進行調查時,避免出現繁多和重疊的法 justice partners to ensure the efficient processing of cases. Liaison with the Police produced enhanced 律程序。法庭檢控主任與當席律師計劃的人員進行交流 arrangements for the disclosure of materials to 時,檢討了通過簽保處理的案件的賠償安排。刑事檢控 unrepresented defendants. Safeguards were 專員在4月與傳媒公開會面時,特別表揚法庭檢控主任 promoted to avoid a multiplicity of proceedings where “ 出色的工作表現 ”,以及他們“ 竭力為簡易程序案件 investigations into related issues were conducted by 提供高水平檢控工作的承擔 ”。 different investigators. In exchanges with the Duty

93 組織及架構 法庭檢控主任 Organization and Structure Court Prosecutors

年內,法庭檢控主任接受各種培訓。本科舉辦內部專題 Lawyer Service, compensation arrangements for cases 講座,內容包括刑事案件訟費、覆檢法庭判決及多媒體 disposed of by way of binding over were reviewed. When the DPP met the media in open session in April, 基本知識。該職系的人員也參加有關刑事案件所涉及的 he paid tribute to the Court Prosecutors for‘their 精神科事宜、交通燈時序報告的證據,以及偽造貨幣調 excellent work and their commitment to a high quality 查在法證方面的挑戰等講座。佛山市人民檢察院為法庭 prosecution service at the summary level’. 檢控主任安排法律考察訪問,法庭檢控主任亦參加了中 級管理人員國家事務研習課程和中國法律課程。 The Court Prosecutors received varied training throughout the year. In-house seminars were arranged on costs in criminal cases, reviews of court decisions 法庭檢控主任在2008年內 and multimedia basics, and the grade was lectured 與其他人員分享他們的專 on psychiatric issues in criminal cases, on traffic light 業知識。在2月及9月,他 sequence report evidence and on forensic challenges 們為海關關員講授有關籌 in the investigation of counterfeited currency. A legal 備案件、法庭的規定以及 study visit to the Mainland was hosted by the Foshan 舉證的課題。年中,高級 People’s Prosecution Service, and Court Prosecutors also attended the National Studies Course for Middle 法庭檢控主任為偵緝訓練 Managers, and the China Law Course. 科及警察學院制定的培訓

計劃作出貢獻。在5月, Throughout 2008, the Court Prosecutors shared their 高級一等法庭檢控主任李文傑 法庭檢控主任向新加入的 為調查人員講授法庭程序:法 expertise with others. In February and September, 外判律師簡介裁判法院案 庭檢控主任與其他人員分享他 they lectured Customs officers upon case preparation, 們的專業知識。 the requirements of the courts and the presentation 件的檢控程序,並就見習 Mr Aaron Lee, SCP I, lectures investigators on court of evidence. In mid-year, Senior Court Prosecutors 律師的發展提供督導。在 procedures : Court Prosecutors sharing their expertise with contributed to the training agendas of the Detective 10月,本科進行招聘法庭 others. Training Bureau and the Police College. New fiat 檢控主任的工作,藉以提 counsel were briefed on prosecuting in the magistrates 升該職系的能力,使之在履行各項職責時達到應有的水 courts in May, and the development of legal trainees 平。 was supervised. In October, a recruitment exercise was launched to strengthen the capacity of the grade to discharge its portfolio to the required standard. 年內,法庭檢控主任負責多類案件的檢控工作。在

1月,法庭檢控主任何寶英檢控一名銀行高級職員。該 In 2008, the Court Prosecutors prosecuted all types 職員在女的士司機計算車資時,因感到不耐煩而向她襲 of cases. In January, a banker prosecuted by Ms Lily 擊,結果被判處監禁2個月,暫緩執行,並罰款5,000元 Ho, CP, for assaulting a female taxi driver after he (東區裁判法院刑事案件2007年第4229號)。在4月,高 became impatient while the fare was being calculated, was given a suspended sentence of imprisonment of 級二等法庭檢控主任陳玉熒檢控一名商人,他被控管有 2 months and fined $5,000 (ESCC 4229 of 2007). In 兒童色情硬照及錄像片段,被判處監禁8個月(九龍城裁 April, a businessman prosecuted by Ms Annie Chan, 判法院刑事案件2008年第3292號)。在6月,法庭檢控 SCP II, for possession of still pictures and video clips 主任邱錦玲檢控一名司機,他的汽車阻礙救護車行駛, of child pornography, was sentenced to 8 months’ 結果被控阻延消防人員而被判處罰款3,000元(九龍城 imprisonment (KCCC 3292 of 2008). In June, a driver

94 組織及架構 Organization and Structure 法庭檢控主任 Court Prosecutors

裁判法院傳票2008年第3316號)。在7月,法庭檢控主 prosecuted by Ms Katherine Yau, CP, for blocking the 任吳水清在一宗案件中,以未能適當備存危險藥物紀錄 path of an ambulance with his car, was fined $3,000 for delaying a member of the fire services (KCS 3316 的罪名,檢控一名受僱於美容集團的醫生,結果該醫 of 2008). In July, a doctor employed by a beauty chain 生被判處罰款20,000元(東區裁判法院傳票2008年第 was prosecuted by Mr Stephen Ng, CP, for failing to 6725-34號)。 keep adequate records of dangerous drugs, and fined $20,000 (ESS 6725-34 of 2008). 在7月,高級二等法庭檢控主任周若梨檢控一名機艙服 務員,她利用偽造病假證明書取得20天有薪病假,被判 In July, a flight attendant prosecuted by Ms Enid Chow, SCP II, for using forged medical certificates 社會服務令240小時。在8月,法庭檢控主任張艷以盜 to obtain 20 days of paid sick leave, was ordered to 取6名銀行客戶333,000元的罪名,檢控一名出納員, perform 240 hours of community service. In August, a 結果該出納員被判處監禁12個月(屯門裁判法院刑事案 teller prosecuted by Ms Diane Cheung, CP, for stealing 件2008年第3044號)。在10月,高級二等法庭檢控主 $333,000 from six bank clients, was sentenced to 任呂愛卿檢控一名警員,他在一個月內向前女友撥打逾 12 months’ imprisonment (TMCC 3044 of 2008). In 300個滋擾電話,被判處罰款2,500元(九龍城裁判法院 October, a police constable prosecuted by Ms Kane Lui, SCP II, for bombarding his ex-girlfriend with over 300 刑事案件2008年第5575號)。在11月,法庭檢控主任 nuisance calls in a month, was fined $2,500 (KCCC 5575 賴玉雲檢控一名機師,他酒醉後在麥當勞餐廳偷去一部 of 2008). In November, a pilot prosecuted by Ms Olisa 八達通收費機,被判處罰款3,000元(東區裁判法院刑事 Lai, CP, for stealing an Octopus card machine from a 案件2008年第4259號)。 McDonald’s restaurant while drunk, was fined $3,000 (ESCC 4259 of 2008).

就整個職系而言,法庭檢控主任致力達到高度專業水 As a grade, the Court Prosecutors are committed 平。年內在職的92名法庭檢控主任之中,有6名取得大 to high professional standards. Of the 92 Court 律師資格,7名取得法學專業證書,另有31名持有大學 Prosecutors in practice in 2008, 6 were admitted 法律學位,而持有不同學科學位的則有33名。2008年 as barristers, 7 possessed Postgraduate Certificates 年底,有一名法庭檢控主任正修讀法學專業證書課程, in Laws (PCLL), and a further 31 had law degrees. 一名擔任見習律師,另有兩名正修讀法律學位課程。 Degrees in other disciplines were held by 33 other grade members. At year’s end, one Court Prosecutor was studying for the PCLL, another was a trainee , and two were studying for a law degree.

95 組織及架構 法律輔助人員和支援人員 Organization and Structure Para-legal and Administrative Support Staff

2008年,本科的支援組成員包括6名法律翻譯主任、 In 2008, the Division’s support team comprised 6 Law 21名律政書記、5名繕校員和58名文書人員。他們隸屬 Translation Officers, 21 Law Clerks, 5 Calligraphists and 58 clerical staff. They operated within the 於刑事檢控總務室和案件外判及法庭職務組,負責為本 Prosecutions Registry and the Briefing Out and Court 科檢控人員在法律、行政及文書方面提供不可或缺的支 Duties Section. The team supplied prosecutors with 援服務,協助檢控人員履行其專業職務。 the legal, administrative and clerical services essential to the professional discharge of their duties. 律政書記提供全面的法律支援服務。他們負責草擬法律 Law Clerks provided legal support across the board. 文件、評定訟費申索、編訂案件文件冊、處理外判律師 They drafted legal documents, assessed costs claims, 的委聘、審閱法律文件、安排聆訊日期和處理定額罰款 compiled case bundles, briefed fiat counsel, vetted 案件。他們需要和法庭、律師和調查人員保持聯絡,以 legal documents, arranged hearing dates and 確保案件能有效地被處理。律政書記的辛勤工作和卓越 conducted fixed penalty proceedings. Liaison with 的判斷力,使本科的各項行政安排得以有效運作。 courts, lawyers and investigators was conducted to ensure the efficient processing of cases. Law Clerks promoted the effective operation of the Division’s 年內,本科為律政書記和支援人員開辦了兩個專為他 administrative arrangements through hard work and 們而設的法律課程,以增廣他們的經驗。在本科第4組 sound judgment. 為法庭檢控主任和部門檢控人員安排的培訓課程中, 律政書記也有參加一些與他們職務有關的複修課堂。 To widen experience, two customised legal courses were held in the year for Law Clerks and support staff. 2008年,共有13名律政書記具有法律方面的學歷,並 Law Clerks also attended updating sessions which were 且有兩名人員獲認許為大律師。 relevant to their duties on the training courses arranged by Section 4 for Court Prosecutors and Departmental 刑事檢控總務室 Prosecutors. In 2008, 13 Law Clerks possessed legal qualifications, and two had been admitted to the Bar of 總務室由高級一等律政書記鄧綺雲主管,負責為檢控人 Hong Kong. 員在審訊和上訴方面提供支援。總務室分設7個組別︰ Prosecutions Registry (1) 上訴事務小組 This Registry was headed by Ms Teresa Tang, Senior Law Clerk I. It provided support to prosecutors in trials 該小組負責統籌本科的上訴案件,為第8組(刑事上訴組) and appeals. The Registry comprised seven Units : 提供各方面的支援。小組的職責包括處理檔案、上訴案 件的排期工作、草擬文件、擬備法庭謄本、處理往來信 (1) The Appeals Unit

件、編纂統計資料、安排傳閱判詞,以及聯絡刑事法律 This Unit organized the Division’s appellate capability. It 制度內的有關人士。 provided Section 8 (Criminal Appeals Unit) with support in all areas. Duties included the processing of files, the listing (2) 法庭雙語文件小組 of appeals, the drafting of documents, the preparation of transcripts, the handling of correspondence, the 該小組負責擬備提交法庭的雙語文件。小組的成員負責 compilation of statistics, the circulation of judgments and 為檢控人員和法庭翻譯和核對材料,並按需要進行聯 liaison with others in the criminal justice system. 絡。小組確保雙語文件質素良好,符合法庭標準。 (2) Bilingual Court Documents Unit

(3) 原訟法庭小組 This Unit prepared bilingual documents for court purposes. Members translated and vetted materials 該小組負責籌備交付陪審團審訊的原訟法庭案件,為第 for prosecutors and courts, and liaised as required.

96 組織及架構 Organization and Structure 法律輔助人員和支援人員 Para-legal and Administrative Support Staff

1組的檢控人員提供支援服務。小組的成員負責草擬法 The Unit ensured that bilingual documents were of the 律文件、準備文件冊,以及提交法庭文件。小組與各方 right quality and met the standards of the courts. 面保持聯絡,確保案件得到有效處理,並盡快獲得排期 (3) Court of First Instance Unit 審訊。 This Unit supported prosecutors of Section 1 in the (4) 商業罪案及貪污案件小組 preparation of cases for committal to the Court of First Instance for trial by jury. Members drafted legal 該小組協助第4分科的檢控人員籌備和處理商業罪案調 documents, prepared bundles and lodged papers at 查科、廉政公署和香港海關提交的案件。小組還處理追 court. Liaison with others ensured that cases were efficiently processed and listed as expeditiously as 討本地資產案件。小組的主要職責包括擬備法律文件、 possible. 編纂統計資料、處理案件審訊前事務,以及與法庭人員

和律師保持聯絡。 (4) Commercial Crime and Corruption Unit

This Unit assisted prosecutors in Sub-division IV to (5) 區域法院事務小組 prepare and conduct cases submitted by the Commercial 該小組就區域法院所審理的案件的籌備工作,為第2組 Crime Bureau, the ICAC and the Customs and Excise Department. It also processed domestic asset recovery 的檢控人員提供法律和行政支援服務。小組的成員負責 cases. Key duties included settling legal documents, 草擬控罪書和法律文件、擬備檢控同意書及移交案件 preparing statistics, handling pre-trial issues and 的文件,編訂證人陳述書和證物的文件冊,如有需要的 conducting liaison with court staff and counsel. 話,和有關人士作出聯絡。小組又負責在案件審訊後記 錄審訊結果,以及在有需要時作出跟進行動。 (5) District Court Unit

This Unit provided prosecutors of Section 2 with para- (6) 管理支援及裁判法院事務小組 legal and administrative support in the preparation of cases for trial in the District Court. Members drafted 該小組協助第4組(管理及培訓)的檢控人員進行本科的管 charge sheets and legal documents, prepared consents 理工作,並協助編配案件。小組為負責裁判法院的案件 to prosecution and transfer papers, compiled bundles 審訊、死因研訊及淫褻物品審裁處案件的律師,提供支 of witness statements and exhibits, and liaised as 援服務。小組的主要職責包括更新檢控人員工作活動告 required. After trial, results were recorded and follow- up action instituted where necessary. 示板的資料、與法庭人員保持聯絡、擬備文件,以及記

(6) Management Support and Magistracy Unit

This Unit assisted prosecutors of Section 4 (Management and Training) in the management of the Division and the allocation of cases. Support was provided to counsel conducting magistracy trials, coronial inquiries and cases before the Obscene Articles Tribunal. Core duties included updating the prosecutors’ Activity Board, liaison with court staff, preparing paperwork and recording results. Following the introduction in 2004 of the‘Express Advisory

高級一等律政書記鄧綺雲(坐)與刑事檢控總務室的同事:負責為檢 System’ (EAS) to enable police to obtain urgent legal 控人員在審訊和上訴方面提供支援。 advice in straightforward cases from Section 3, the Ms Teresa Tang, SLC I, (seated) with members of the Prosecutions Unit arranged appointments for police officers and Registry : providing support to prosecutors in trials and appeals. provided a follow-up service to counsel.

97 組織及架構 法律輔助人員和支援人員 Organization and Structure Para-legal and Administrative Support Staff

錄存檔審訊結果。在2004年,本科為較簡單的案件引 (7) Receipt and Despatch Unit 入“ 快速法律指引制度 ”,讓警方在時間緊迫的情況下 This Unit ensured that files were efficiently and 向第3組的律師取得法律指引。小組負責為警務人員安 securely processed. Members vetted and classified 排約見該組律師,並向有關的律師提供跟進服務。 incoming cases, and ensured the return of completed advices. The Unit attended to queries from (7) 收發小組 investigators, and provided the public with an in-house support service in relation to The Victims of Crime 該小組確保檔案得到有效和穩妥的處理。小組的成員負 Charter. 責把收到的檔案核對和分類,並確保送回已完成法律指 引的檔案。小組負責答覆調查人員的查詢,以及就《罪 Briefing Out and Court Duties Section 行受害者約章》向市民提供內部支援服務。 This Section was headed by Mr Leung Chi-wai, Senior Law Clerk I. Throughout 2008, the Section implemented the Division’s briefing out arrangements, 案件外判及法庭職務組 attended to costs cases at court and conducted summary fixed penalty hearings. The Section 該組由高級一等律政書記梁志偉主管。年內,該組執行 comprised three Units : 本科的外判安排、出席涉及訟費的聆訊,以及處理循簡 易程序檢控的定額罰款聆訊。該組設有下列3個小組︰ (1) Briefing Out and Work Management Systems Unit (1) 案件外判及工作管理系統小組 This Unit handled the daily operation of our 該小組負責處理本科的案件外判機制的日常運作事宜, briefing out system. This involved liaison with lawyers, maintaining lists of fiat counsel, processing 包括聯絡律師、編製和更新外判律師名單、處理私人律 applications by lawyers for inclusion in lists, preparing 師列入外判律師名單的申請、擬備外判律師的委聘書和 briefs for counsel and checking fee notes. The Unit 核對收費單。小組亦負責本科的工作管理系統,以監察 also administered the Division’s Work Management 案件的進度和處理情況。 System, which monitored the movement of cases.

(2) 訟費小組 (2) Costs Unit This Unit assisted prosecutors to process claims for 該小組協助檢控人員處理各類刑事案件的訟費申索。小 costs in all types of criminal cases. Members assessed 組的成員負責評估訟費單、出席訟費評定的聆訊、擬備 bills, attended taxation hearings, prepared notices of 有關的反對通知書,以及聯絡事務律師。他們亦負責處 objection and liaised with solicitors. The Unit also took 理那些法庭判訟費給予控方的個案。 responsibility for costs awarded to the prosecution.

(3) 定額罰款小組 (3) Fixed Penalty Unit This Unit conducted summary cases which involved 該小組負責處理《定額罰款(交通違例事項)條例》中涉 parking contraventions under the Fixed Penalty (Traffic 及違例泊車的簡易程序案件。定額罰款制度能有效運 Contraventions) Ordinance. The successful operation 作,有賴充分的準備、專業的呈示技巧,以及與警務處 of the fixed penalty system was promoted by thorough 中央交通違例檢控組的緊密聯絡。在有需要時,小組會 preparation, expert presentation and close liaison with 尋求財物扣押令,並負責處理有關定額罰款案件的查詢 the Central Traffic Prosecutions Division of the Hong Kong Police Force. The Unit sought distress warrants 和投訴。 where necessary, and handled queries or complaints arising from fixed penalty cases.

98 組織及架構 Organization and Structure 行政組 The Administration Unit

行政組由總行政主任(刑事檢控科)梁敏儀主管,成員包 Headed by Ms Phyllis Leung, Chief Executive Officer 括兩名一級行政主任、7名文書及輔助人員。該組負責 (Prosecutions Division), the Administration Unit comprises two Executive Officers I and seven clerical 向刑事檢控科提供所需的行政和後勤支援,統籌本科的 and support staff. The Unit provides the Prosecutions 財政預算,以及負責多項特殊計劃。 Division with the necessary levels of administrative and logistical support, and organizes its budget. It also 在2008年,該組妥善實施本科各項措施和管理本科的 undertakes special projects. 資源,以求達致最佳效益,並定期檢討本科的財政及人 Throughout 2008, the Unit implemented divisional 力需要和評估開支模式。該組負責監察職員的表現是否 initiatives and managed resources to best advantage. 與服務承諾相符,並處理公眾的投訴及查詢。 The financial and staff needs of the Division were regularly reviewed, and expenditure patterns were 行政組負責處理本地和海外嘉賓到訪本科的事宜,並安 assessed. The Unit monitored the compliance of staff with performance pledges, and handled complaints 排檢控人員參加會議及國際論壇。該組通過製備和分發 and enquiries from the public. 本科的刊物和政策指引,推行本科在運作上增加透明度

的政策,亦通過作出內部安排和與外間聯絡,推動本科 The Unit processed visits to the Division by local and 的培訓計劃。 overseas guests, and arranged for prosecutors to participate in conferences and international fora. The policy of transparency was advanced through 行政組為科內多個委員會會議提供支援服務,包括管理 the preparation and distribution of the Division’s 委員會、遴選委員會、首長級人員聯合會議和刑事檢控 publications and policy guidelines. The training 專員諮詢小組。行政組協助本科制定《2007至2012年 agenda of the Division was facilitated through internal 度策略性發展計劃》後,更執行實務支援工作,協助落 arrangements and outside liaison. 實發展計劃內的優先項目和目標。 The Unit serviced the committees of the Division. These included the Management Committee, the 在2008年,行政組促進本科的運作暢順。該組為新入 Selection Board, the Combined Directorate Meeting 職人員編配辦公地方,並監察轄下檔案室及督導屬下的 and the Director’s Advisory Group. Having assisted the Division to formulate its Strategic Development 支援人員。行政組在各個範疇貢獻良多,使本科能夠提 Programme 2007-2012, the Unit provided practical 供與時並進和高效率的檢控服務。 support to make a reality of its priorities and targets.

In 2008, the Unit facilitated the smooth operation of the Division. Its new recruits were accommodated, its registries were monitored, and its support staff were supervised. In all areas the Unit contributed to a modern and efficient prosecution service.

99 刑事檢控工作 Prosecutorial Work


刑事檢控工作 Prosecutorial Work

100 刑事檢控工作 Prosecutorial Work 服務承諾 Performance Pledges

為提升服務水平,刑事檢控科制訂了一系列服務承諾。 The Division has in place a series of performance 科內人員通過有關的承諾,與執法機關和工作伙伴共 pledges. These are designed to enhance the levels of service we provide to the community. Through the 同協力,妥善有效地執行刑事司法制度,務求向巿民提 pledges we contribute with our partners to the due 供更加高效率的服務,以加強法治。無論檢控人員或支 and efficient administration of criminal justice. That, 援人員,都秉持專業精神,竭盡所能,履行承諾。在 in turn, enhances the rule of law. Prosecutors and 2008年,我們取得以下成果: supporting staff apply the pledges in their work with professionalism and diligence. In 2008, we achieved the following: • 2008年內在13,374宗尋求法律指引的個案中, 96%是在律政司司長承諾的時間內完成。 • a total of 13,374 requests for advice was received in 2008, 96% of which were completed within the • 100%的公訴書是於裁判法院頒令把案件轉介高院的 period pledged by the Secretary for Justice. 7天內送交原訟法庭。 • 100% of indictments were filed in the Court of First • 100%的控罪書是於裁判法院頒令把案件移交區域法 Instance within 7 days of committal of the accused 院審訊後的14天內交付區域法院司法常務官。 from the Magistracies. 2008年內共收到851宗送達文件的請求,100%根據 • • 100% of charge sheets were delivered to the 與香港大律師公會和香港律師會達成的協議處理。 Registrar of District Court within 14 days of the order of transfer from the Magistracies to the District Court.

• a total of 851 requests for service of documents was received in 2008, 100% of which were handled in accordance with the agreements reached with the Hong Kong Bar Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong.

2008年服務承諾的統計數字 Statistics on Performance Pledges (2008)


100% 100% 100% 100 96% 95 90 85

80 一般法律指引 公訴書 控罪書 送達文件的請求 General Advices Indictments Charge Sheets Requests for Service of Documents

101 刑事檢控工作 定罪率 Prosecutorial Work Conviction Rates

本年5月為新外判律師舉辦的第四屆啓導研討會上﹐刑 When in May the DPP addressed the fourth induction 事檢控專員致辭說,檢控人員的角色近似秉行公義者。 seminar for new fiat counsel, he said that the role of a prosecutor was akin to that of a minister of justice. He 他解釋檢控人員並不特別關心案件的結果;他們時刻關 explained that the prosecutor has no particular interest 注的“ 是確保公義得以彰顯,不論被告人被裁定有罪還 in the outcome of the case, and that the concern at all 是無罪 ”。 times‘is to ensure that justice is done, whether that be in terms of conviction or acquittal’.

檢控政策規定,必須有合理的定罪機會,而提出檢控又 Prosecution policy dictates that a suspect should only 符合公正原則,才應該向受疑人提出檢控。檢控人員在 be prosecuted if there is a reasonable prospect of 作出決定的過程中,對證據作出獨立判斷,並評估涉及 conviction, and if that course is in the interests of 公眾利益的因素。罪行受害者的意見會獲得充分重視。 justice. As part of the decision making process, the prosecutor applies an independent judgment to the evidence and assesses public interest factors. Full 一旦提出檢控,檢控人員的職責是公正有力地向法庭呈 weight is accorded to the views of the victims of crime. 示案情,並時刻緊記要令審訊結果公正持平,不偏不

倚。檢控人員應確保不會因未有妥善整理證據或技術理 Once a prosecution is instituted, the duty of the 由而令犯罪者獲判無罪,並致力使被告人得到公平審 prosecutor is to present the case in a way which is firm but fair, always remembering that a just outcome is 訊。在審訊開始前及展現案情時,一切有關材料須披露 the objective. The prosecutor should ensure that those 無遺,法庭和辯方應獲得適當的協助。 who are guilty of crime are not acquitted because the evidence has not been properly marshalled or for 不是所有被檢控的人都會被裁定有罪的。有些案件即使 technical reasons, and should act to secure a fair trial 在表面上看似理據充足,但仍可基於其他各種原因而 of the accused. Full disclosure must be made of the relevant material both prior to trial and as the case 未能在法庭取得勝訴。法庭可能裁定有關證據不得被接 unfolds, and appropriate levels of assistance should be 納、證人可能變成為敵對證人或拒絕出庭,而證人的可 provided to the court and the defence. 信程度經盤問後也可能消減。我們監察定罪率,並非因 為它是衡量表現的指標,而是因為它能反映案件籌備工 Not all prosecutions result in convictions. Cases which appear strong on paper may be lost at court for 作或庭上陳述技巧的質素。 various reasons. Evidence may be ruled inadmissible, witnesses may turn hostile or refuse to appear, and the credibility of those who testify may wither under cross- examination. Although not indicators of performance, conviction rates are monitored as they may provide guidance on standards of case preparation or trial presentation.

2007年與2008年的定罪率對照表: The conviction rates for 2008, compared with 2007, were as follows :

法庭級別 Levels of Court 2007 2008 裁判法院 Magistrates Court 76.6% 73.2% 區域法院 District Court 90.5% 92.6% 原訟法庭 Court of First Instance 93.4% 94.8%

102 刑事檢控工作 Prosecutorial Work 法律指引、審訊及上訴:工作量、實況及統計 Advices, Trials and Appeals : Caseload, Facts and Figures

法律指引 Advices

在2008年,刑事檢控科檢控官向執法機關提供書面和口 In 2008, a total of 15,356 written and verbal advices 頭的法律指引總共15,356次,2007年則有14,404次。 was provided on cases by Public Prosecutors to law enforcement agencies. The corresponding figure for 審訊 2007 was 14,404.

在2008年,本科檢控官在原訟法庭一共出席了729天 Trials 的聆訊,較2007年的1,118天為少。至於區域法院聆 訊,檢控官在2008年及2007年出席聆訊的日數分別為 Public Prosecutors attended 729 court days in the Court of First Instance in 2008. That was less than the figure 773天和755天。 of 1,118 in 2007. For the District Court, the figures for 2008 and 2007 were, respectively, 773 and 755. 法庭檢控主任處理大部分裁判法院的刑事和傳票案件。 在2008年,法庭檢控主任共進行了195,510項檢控工 Court Prosecutors conducted most of the criminal cases and summonses in the magistrates courts. In 2008, 作,較2007年的179,161項為多。檢控官在2008年 a total of 195,510 matters was prosecuted by Court 出席了538天裁判法院案件的聆訊,而在2007年則為 Prosecutors. That was more than the 2007 figure of 484天。 179,161. In 2008, Public Prosecutors spent 538 days in conducting magistracy cases. In comparison, the 2007 上訴 figure was 484 days.

《香港人權法案》第十一條為上訴的權利提供了保障, Appeals 年內,此項權利經常在各級法庭廣被使用。 The right of appeal is guaranteed by Article 11 of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance, and it was 終審法院 regularly exercised in 2008 at all levels.

在2008年,終審法院經審訊或審前法律程序處理的案 Court of Final Appeal 件有121宗(其中113宗由辯方提出,8宗由控方提出), 而在2007年則有111宗(其中105宗由辯方提出,6宗由 In 2008, 121 cases (including 113 defendant appeals 控方提出)。截至2008年底,由被定罪者提出的上訴案 and 8 prosecution appeals) were concluded in the 件有32宗仍在待決階段。上訴案件的實質聆訊都是以英 Court of Final Appeal or in proceedings preliminary to 文進行。 a hearing in that Court. The corresponding figure in 2007 was 111 cases (including 105 defendant appeals and 6 prosecution appeals). There were 32 appeals 上訴法庭 by convicted persons pending at the end of 2008. Substantive appeals were heard in English. 上訴法庭在2008年審理的刑事案件有481宗,2007年 則有486宗。以中文審理的上訴案件的百分比由2007年 Court of Appeal 的百分之27.4增加至2008年的百分之31.6。 The number of criminal cases heard by the Court of Appeal was 481 in 2008, as compared to 486 in 2007.

103 刑事檢控工作 法律指引、審訊及上訴:工作量、實況及統計 Prosecutorial Work Advices, Trials and Appeals : Caseload, Facts and Figures

原訟法庭 The proportion of such appeals heard in Chinese increased from 27.4% in 2007 to 31.6% in 2008. 在2008年,原訟法庭審理的裁判法院上訴案件有 985宗,2007年則有1,009宗。這類上訴案件以中文審 Court of First Instance 理的百分比則由2007年的百分之71.4增加至2008年的 百分之75.9。 The number of magistracy appeals heard by the Court of First Instance in 2008 was 985, as compared to 1,009 in 2007. The proportion of such appeals heard 申請覆核刑罰及以案件呈述方式上訴 in Chinese increased from 71.4% in 2007 to 75.9% in 2008. 如果控方認為法庭在判刑的原則上出錯或所判的刑罰 明顯不足,律政司可以要求覆核刑罰。不過,控方提 Applications for Review of Sentence 出覆核的權力並不經常使用。2008年尋求覆核的案 and Appeals by Way of Case Stated 件有9宗,2007年則有12宗。本司只在案件理據極為明 顯和有必要維護司法公正的情況下,才引用覆核權力。 The prosecution sparingly used its power to seek to review sentences which it considered to be wrong 另一方面,控方亦只會在案件涉及重要法律論點時, in principle or manifestly inadequate. Reviews were 才以案件呈述方式提出上訴。在2008年,這類上訴 sought in 9 cases in 2008, as compared to 12 in 2007. Such reviews were instituted only in the most obvious 有6宗,2007年則有5宗。 of cases and where the interests of justice so required.

雜項聆訊 Appeals by the prosecution by way of case stated were initiated only where significant points of law 在2008年,本科檢控官在原訟法庭處理被告人保釋申 were engaged. In 2008, there were 6 such appeals, as 請共838次,並就死因研訊擔任死因裁判人員共27次。 compared to 5 in 2007. 另外,檢控人員就定罪、判刑及訟費,向裁判官申請覆 Miscellaneous Hearings 核共45次。

In 2008, Public Prosecutors conducted 838 bail applications in the Court of First Instance. They appeared as Coroner’s Officers in 27 death inquests. Prosecutors conducted 45 applications to magistrates to review decisions in relation to conviction, sentence or costs.

104 刑事檢控工作 Prosecutorial Work 雙語制度 Bilingualism

《基本法》訂明,司法程序可使用英文或中文進行。回 The Basic Law provides for judicial proceedings to be 歸後,刑事檢控科致力提升通曉雙語檢控人員的語文水 conducted in English or Chinese. Since reunification, the Prosecutions Division has enhanced the linguistic 平和以中文在法庭陳詞的能力。本科安排模擬審訊和模 skills of its bilingual prosecutors and developed their 擬上訴,使檢控人員熟習以中文檢控,並開辦以中文草 capacity to make submissions at court in the Chinese 擬法庭文件的專題課程,令檢控人員草擬文件的水平和 language. The Division has arranged mock trials and 技巧得以提升。 mock appeals to facilitate the prosecution of cases in Chinese, and special courses on the preparation of court documents in Chinese have contributed to higher 雙語法庭文件組為本科使用雙語處理案件的工作提供支 standards of drafting and improved techniques. 援。2008年,該組把4,800頁英文文件譯成中文和把 454頁中文文件譯成英文,其中包括公訴書、控罪書、 The Bilingual Court Documents Unit (BCDU) supports 同意檢控書、免予起訴書、案情撮要、法律陳詞和判決 the Division’s bilingual capacity. In 2008, the BCDU translated 4,800 pages of English documents into 書。該組亦翻譯載於本科每月出版的《刑事上訴案判例 Chinese, and 454 pages of Chinese documents into 簡訊》的批註。 English. These included indictments, charge sheets, consents to prosecution, immunities from prosecution, 為方便檢控人員使用雙語,高級助理刑事檢控專員陳月 summaries of fact, legal submissions and judgments. The BCDU also translated headnotes for the Division’s 好主持《刑事訴訟詞彙集》編輯委員會的定期會議,檢 monthly Criminal Appeals Bulletin. 討刑事案件中運用法律詞彙用語的情況。經委員會通過

的新詞彙載於《刑事訴訟詞彙集》,至今收錄的詞彙共 To facilitate bilingualism, Ms Evena Chan, SADPP, 有1,805項。這些詞彙和其他雙語參考資料,包括法庭 chaired the regular meetings of the Committee on 文件的中文範本、判決書及判決書摘錄等,均備有電子 the Glossary of Legal Terms for Legal Proceedings, which reviewed the use of legal terms and phrases in 版本並定期更新,以供檢控人員參考。 criminal cases. Once endorsed by the Committee, new items were included in the Glossary of Legal Terms for Legal Proceedings, which now contains 1,805 entries. These terms, together with other bilingual references, including templates of court documents in Chinese, judgments and judgment extracts, are electronically maintained and periodically updated for the reference of prosecutors.

以中文審理的刑事案件數目表列如下: The figures of criminal cases heard in Chinese were as follows :

法庭級別 Levels of Court 2007 2008 上訴法庭 Court of Appeal 27.4% 31.6% 原訟法庭(裁判法院上訴案) 71.4% 75.9% Court of First Instance (Magistracy Appeals) 原訟法庭(審訊)Court of First Instance (Trials) 24.7% 23.8% 區域法院 District Court 31.9% 47.8% 裁判法院 Magistrates Court 83.6% 83.1%

105 刑事檢控工作 外判案件 Prosecutorial Work Briefing Out Cases

年內,刑事檢控科將部分案件外判予私人執業的大律師 Throughout 2008, the Prosecutions Division briefed 及律師處理。雖然大多數刑事案件皆由檢控官和法庭檢 out a proportion of its cases to barristers and solicitors in private practice. Whereas Public Prosecutors and 控主任負責,但私人執業律師在審訊法院刑事檢控制度 Court Prosecutors conduct the majority of criminal 中也發揮十分重要的作用。2008年4月24日,刑事檢控 cases, private lawyers make a vital contribution to 專員在一個公開場合會晤傳媒時表示,案件外判制度不 the system of public prosecutions in the trial courts. 僅有利於本科的工作,更可“ 為整個法律專業提供寶貴 When the DPP met the media in open session on 24 April 2008, he said the system of briefing out not only 的檢控工作經驗 ”。 facilitated the work of the Division, but provided‘the legal profession as a whole with valuable experience 本科在特定情況下將案件外判。本科的資源和人手有 of public prosecutions’. 限,而檢控官在提供法律指引方面的職務十分繁重。當 The briefing out of cases occurred in specific situations. 本科檢控官無法兼顧某些案件的檢控工作時,案件會外 The resources and manpower of the Division were 判給私人執業律師處理。有時如案件需要冗長的處理時 limited, and the advisory duties of public prosecutors 間、性質複雜或敏感,亦需安排私人執業律師參與處 were invariably considerable. When public prosecutors were not available to prosecute cases, fiat lawyers 理。在某些情況下,我們也需要把案件外判給具備某方 were instructed. Sometimes the length, complexity 面特殊專業知識的律師。 or sensitivity of cases required the involvement of the private sector. Occasions arose when the particular 本科備有3份承辦標準外判案件的律師名單: expertise of a specialist practitioner was required.

The Division maintains three briefing out lists for its • 在取得專業資格後最少有10年執業經驗的律師,可 standard cases : 在原訟法庭進行檢控 • practitioners of at least ten years’ standing are • 具有最少5年執業經驗的律師,可在區域法院進行檢 eligible to prosecute in the Court of First Instance 控 • practitioners with at least five years’ experience are eligible to prosecute in the District Court • 具有最少1年執業資格的律師,可在裁判法院進行檢 • practitioners who have been qualified for at least a 控。 year are eligible to prosecute in the Magistrates Court.

The bulk of fiat cases are briefed out at standard 大部分外判案件的費用是以民政事務局局長定時檢討的 rates. These rates are reviewed periodically by the 標準定額支付的。如果基於公眾利益,有需要以非標準 Secretary for Home Affairs. When the public interest 付費額支付費用,本科會進行投標,並由刑事檢控科遴 requires that a case be briefed out at a non-standard rate, the Division conducts a tendering exercise. The 選委員會就律師人選和聘用條款的事宜,向刑事檢控專 Prosecutions Division Selection Board (PDSB) then 員提供意見。 advises the DPP who should prosecute the case and what the terms of engagement should be. 遴選委員會的主席是刑事檢控專員,成員包括4位副刑 The PDSB is chaired by the DPP. It comprises the 事檢控專員、律政司政務專員和一位廉政公署的代表。 four Deputy DPPs, the Director of Administration 廉政公署防止貪污處處長在2006年對案件外判安排進 and Development, and a representative from the 行檢討後,認為整體上公平公正,但也提出了一些改善 Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). 程序的建議。有關建議已妥為落實。 After the Director of Corruption Prevention of the ICAC reviewed the Division’s briefing out arrangements

106 刑事檢控工作 Prosecutorial Work 外判案件 Briefing Out Cases

除討論財務問題外,遴選委員會亦審議列入外判律師名 in 2006, he concluded these were generally equitable. 單的申請,並每年監察這些律師的表現,以確保外判律 Some refinement of procedures was nevertheless recommended, and this has been duly achieved. 師的檢控水平符合要求的水準。表現卓越的外判律師可

獲列入較高層級別的名單之中,負責處理較為重要或敏 Apart from financial matters, the PDSB monitors 感的案件,而表現欠佳的外判律師則會被除名或警告。 applications for inclusion in the fiat lists. Each year the 年內,本科向外判律師發出最新的檢控指引和指示。 PDSB reviews the performance of fiat counsel in order to ensure that the standards of prosecution are maintained to the required level. Whereas practitioners who excel 2008年5月26日,本科為新列入名單的外判律師舉行 are eligible for upgrading to a senior list involving 第四屆啟導研討會。會上,主任裁判官林鉅溥向大約 cases of greater importance or sensitivity, those who underperform may be removed from the lists or warned. 50名執業律師闡述法庭對檢控人員的要求;高級檢控 Throughout the year, the Division supplied fiat counsel 官陳淑文講解在法庭上呈示案件的基本規則;高級一 with its latest prosecution guidelines and directives. 等法庭檢控主任邱小平討論就簡易程序案件向外判律師 提供的支援服務。刑事檢控專員在研討會開幕致辭時表 On 26 May 2008, the Division conducted its fourth induction seminar for new fiat counsel. About fifty 示,“ 外判律師對本港的刑事司法服務貢獻良多 ”。 practitioners heard Mr William Lam, PM, describe what the bench expects of the prosecutor, Ms Alice Chan, 2008年,在本科3份承辦案件審訊的外判律師名單中, SPP, explain the fundamentals of case presentation, 大律師佔488人,而列入區域法院和裁判法院外判名單 and Miss Lily You, SCP I, discuss the support services available for fiat counsel at the summary level. When 的律師則有36人。此外,有6名資深大律師及英國的御 he opened the seminar, the DPP said that‘those who 用大律師為本科進行檢控。年內,本司共接獲111宗列 prosecute on fiat perform a vital service in terms of 入外判律師名單的申請。 criminal justice in Hong Kong’.

In 2008, there were 488 barristers on the three fiat lists for trials. There were 36 solicitors on the District Court and Magistrates Court fiat lists. In addition, 6 and Queen’s Counsel prosecuted cases for the Division. During the year, 111 applications were received for inclusion in the fiat lists.

2008年各級審訊法院外判案件的統計數字: Statistics for briefing out at different levels of trial court in 2008 :

外判案件 Briefed Out 內部辦理案件 In-house 審訊法院級別 案件數目 出庭日數 案件數目 出庭日數 Levels of Trial Court No. of Cases No. of Court Days No. of Cases No. of Court Days 原訟法庭 53 486 326 729 Court of First Instance 區域法院 487 3,316 869 773 District Court 裁判法院 430 995 233 538 Magistrates Court 總數 970 4,797 1,428 2,040 Total

107 交流與聯繫 Contacts with Others


交流與聯繫 Contacts with Others

108 交流與聯繫 Contacts with Others 與社會各界的聯繫 Contacts with the Community

在2008年,刑事檢控科在各層面促進與社會各界的聯 Throughout 2008, the Prosecutions Division promoted 繫。本科致力提高透明度,所出版的刊物也廣泛流傳。 its contacts with the community at all levels. Transparency was prioritised, and our publications 本科就檢控政策的各方面作出簡介,而檢控人員也對罪 enjoyed a wide circulation. Briefings were given 行受害者及關注團體解釋他們的決定。本科在《2007 on aspects of prosecution policy, and prosecutors 至2012年度策略性計劃》中確認“ 檢控人員在與他人 explained their decisions to victims and to concerned 接觸時,應盡量保持透明度,並時刻緊記必需保護罪行 groups. In its Strategic Development Programme 2007- ‘ 受害者和受疑人 ”。 2012, the Division recognises that public prosecutors should be as transparent as possible in their dealings with others, always remembering the need to protect 年內,本科以各種方式與社會各界分享經驗。在4月, the victims of crime and crime suspects’. 高級檢控人員在發布《2007年刑事檢控科工作回顧》 時,向傳媒簡介他們的工作。在《星島日報》的一系 In 2008, the Division shared its experiences with the community in various ways. In April, senior prosecutors 列人物專訪中,8位檢控人員暢談檢控官生涯。本科人 briefed the media on their work with the release of 員在各大學主持職業資料講座,並支援訟辯培訓局的工 the Yearly Review of the Prosecutions Division 2007. In 作。檢控人員也就一些專題向立法會議員作出簡介,如 a series of profiles inSing Tao Daily, eight prosecutors 某項檢控決定引起關注,則會解釋該決定的依據。 discussed the life of the public prosecutor. Career talks were provided at the universities, and the work of the Advocacy Training Council was supported. Legislators 2008年的施政綱領承諾,就政府人員處理申訴作出 were briefed by prosecutors on topical issues, and 改善,本科已對有關程序作出檢討,並成立了申訴處 the basis of particular decisions was explained when 理總務室,藉以提高對受檢控決定影響人士的服務質 concerns arose. 素,又在有限情況下安排檢控人員與申訴人會面,以 The Policy Agenda 2008 contained a commitment 解釋某項決定。本科明白面晤可消除憂慮和紓緩緊張 to the improved handling of complaints by those in 的形勢,並已告知檢控人員“ 公眾提出的申訴必須第 government, and the Division reviewed its procedures. 一時間處理 ”。 A complaints registry was established to enhance the quality of service provided to those affected by prosecution decisions, and arrangements were made 年內,本科高度重視妥為處理案件的事宜。本科讓罪行 for prosecutors to meet complainants in limited 受害者知悉案件的最新情況,如有需要更會在作出某項 circumstances to explain particular decisions. The Division recognised that face-to-face meetings could allay concerns and defuse tensions, and prosecutors were advised that‘complaints from the public require to be accorded the highest priority’.

During 2008, the Division placed a premium upon the proper processing of cases. Victims of crime were informed of the progress of cases, and consulted when necessary before particular decisions were reached. The representatives of victim groups met with prosecutors, and concerns were aired and shared. 刑事檢控專員在2008年4月24日發表一年一度的《刑事檢控科工作 Initiatives to expedite the handling of domestic 回顧》:全面促進與社會各界的聯繫。 The DPP releases the Prosecutions Division Yearly Review on violence cases were undertaken, and cases involving 24 April 2008 : promoting contacts with the community at all levels. vulnerable witnesses were accorded priority. An

109 交流與聯繫 與社會各界的聯繫 Contacts with Others Contacts with the Community

決定前徵詢他們的意見。罪行受害者關注團體的代表與 in-house support service related to The Victims of 檢控人員會面,表達並分享所關注的事宜。本科也採取 Crime Charter was maintained, and in 2008 a total of 353 letters was sent to victims advising them of the 措施,加快處理涉及家庭暴力的案件,而涉及易受傷害 outcome of cases. Responses were received from 119 證人的案件也獲優先處理。本科就《罪行受害者約章》 victims, and these elicited 129 replies. 提供相關的內部支援服務。2008年,本科共向受害者 發出353封信函,告知他們案件的結果。本科共收到 The Division pursued close contacts with the legal 119名受害者的回應,並作出了129次答覆。 community throughout the year. The fourth induction course for new fiat counsel was arranged, and barristers and solicitors were invited to attend the 年內,本科繼續與法律界保持緊密聯繫。本科為新加入 Division’s in-house training seminars. Prosecutors 的外判律師開辦第四屆啟導課程,並邀請大律師和律師 were active on the sub-committees of the Law Reform 參加本科的內部培訓研討會。檢控人員積極參與法律改 Commission, and provided legal support to outside bodies concerned with criminal law reform. The 革委員會小組委員會的工作,並對關注刑法改革工作的 Division also contributed to the work of the Criminal 外間機構提供法律支援。本科人員亦參與刑事法庭使用 Court Users Committee, the Criminal Procedure Rules 者委員會、刑事訴訟程序規則委員 Committee and the Judicial Studies Board. 會及司法人員培訓委員會的工作。 Through the provision of guest speakers, the Division shared its expertise with others 年內,本科的檢控人員擔任客席講 throughout the year. Miss Catherine 者,與他人分享其專業知識。高級 Fung, SPP, lectured on asset recovery for 檢控官馮淑賢為 LexisNexis 以追 LexisNexis. Mr Ian McWalters, SC, DDPP, 討資產為題授課。副刑事檢控專員 spoke on prosecuting corruption for LexOmnibus. Ms Alice Chan, SPP, explained 麥偉德資深大律師為 LexOmnibus 以 the fundamentals of case preparation to 檢控貪污罪行為題發表演說。高級 fiat counsel. Miss Patty Lee, SPP, spoke on 檢控官陳淑文向外判律師闡釋籌備案 prosecuting cases to officials of the Mandatory 件的基本原則。高級檢控官李翺如向 Provident Fund Schemes Authority. Mr Isaac 高級檢控官譚思樂在2008年12月 Tam, SPP, provided career talks to university 強制性公積金計劃管理局人員講解 1日與《星島日報》談論檢控操守 students. Ms Cora Lo, SCP II, explained court 檢控案件。高級檢控官譚思樂為大 的事宜:具透明度的政策。 Mr Isaac Tam, SPP, discusses procedures to probationary inspectors at the 學生主持職業資料講座。高級二等 prosecutorial ethics with Sing Police College. Tao Daily on 1 December 2008 : a 法庭檢控主任羅嘉麗在警察學院向 policy of transparency. 見習督察解釋法庭程序。 The Division maintained constructive liaison with the law enforcement agencies at both the policy and case levels. The effective combat of 本科在政策和案件的層面均與執法機關保持有建設性的 crime was reviewed by the DPP in his periodic meetings 聯繫。刑事檢控專員與香港警務處刑事及保安處處長 with the Director of Crime and Security of the Hong 和廉政公署執行處處長定期舉行會議,檢討如何更有效 Kong Police Force, and with the Head of Operations of the ICAC. The effective conduct of cases at the 打擊罪案。刑事檢控專員與其他政府部門的檢控組主管 summary level was examined at biannual meetings 在每年兩次的會議上,研究如何更有效處理簡易程序案 between the DPP and the Heads of Departmental 件。本科繼續與其他調查機關保持定期聯絡,以提高調 Prosecution Services. Regular liaison was pursued 查和檢控的水平。 with the other investigative agencies to enhance the standards of investigation and prosecution.

110 交流與聯繫 Contacts with Others 與內地和澳門的聯繫 Contacts with the Mainland and Macao

年內,本科與內地其他地方的律政人員建立聯繫。本科 Throughout 2008, the Prosecutions Division developed 的檢控人員到內地和澳門特別行政區訪問,交換意見 its contacts with legal officials from other parts of China. Our prosecutors visited the Mainland and the 和考察最新的發展,並讓當地人員了解香港法律制度的 Macao Special Administrative Region to exchange 運作情況。我們向訪港代表團簡介刑事司法制度和最新 views and to study developments, and also to promote 的檢控罪行技巧。本科出版的刊物也在中國很多其他地 greater understanding of the legal arrangements in Hong Kong. Delegations visiting Hong Kong were 方流通。本科的檢控人員到大學及其他地方發表專題演 briefed upon the criminal justice system and on the 說。通過交流互訪,其他地方的人員更能熟悉香港檢控 latest techniques in the prosecution of crime. Our 人員的辦事方式,並加深他們對香港法律制度的認識。 publications were circulated throughout China, and prosecutors provided specialist lectures at universities and elsewhere. Such exchanges familiarised our 律政司與內地多個司法廳和司法局簽署《法律服務合作 counterparts with the way in which our prosecutors 協議》後,在2008年接待了來自浙江省司法廳、深圳 operate, and increased their understanding of the legal system in Hong Kong. 市司法局、南京市司法局、青島市司法局、重慶市司

法局和上海市司法局的人員。在互訪的安排下,高級檢 In 2008, pursuant to the Legal Services Co-operation 控官黃錦卿在7月暫調到上海市司法局,而高級檢控官 Agreements, signed with Justice Departments and Bureaux in the Mainland, the Division welcomed 李鏡鏞則在8月暫調到南京市司法局。6月及8月,司法 officials from the Zhejiang Justice Department, the 部、國務院法制辦公室和浙江省司法廳3名律政人員, Shenzhen Justice Bureau, the Nanjing Justice Bureau, 參加內地法律工作人員普通法訓練計劃,暫調到本科研 the Qingdao Justice Bureau, the Chongqing Justice Bureau and the Shanghai Justice Bureau. In turn, 習普通法制度下的現代檢控機關的運作情況。6月,高 Ms Fanny Wong, SPP, was attached in July to the 級助理刑事檢控專員羅君偉率領一個法庭檢控主任代表 Shanghai Justice Bureau, and Mr Robert K Y Lee, 團前往廣東省佛山進行法律考察訪問,與檢控人員、法 SPP, was attached in August to the Nanjing Justice Bureau. In June and August, three legal officials, 官和執法人員交流經驗。 from the Ministry of Justice, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council and the Zhejiang Justice 年內,香港和內地及澳門的檢控機關在多個國際會議的 Department, were attached to the Division under the Training Scheme in Common Law for Mainland 場合上,互相合作。這些場合包括於馬尼拉舉行的中國 Legal Officials, and they studied the operation of a modern prosecution service based on common law principles. In June, Mr Thomas Law, SADPP, led a delegation of Court Prosecutors on a legal study visit to Foshan, Guangdong Province, and experiences were shared with prosecutors, judges and law enforcement personnel.

Throughout the year, the prosecution services of the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao co-operated with each other at international fora. These included the China-ASEAN Prosecutors General Conference, in Manila, the Annual Conference of the International

刑事檢控專員與中華人民共和國最高人民檢察院檢察長曹建明 Association of Prosecutors, in Singapore, and the 先生(中)和澳門特區檢察長何超明博士,出席於2008年11月 Annual Conference of the International Association 11日在馬尼拉舉行的中國與東盟成員國總檢察長會議。 of Anti-Corruption Authorities, in Kiev. Such co- The DPP with Mr Cao Jianming, Prosecutor General, Supreme operation reflected the levels of understanding which People’s Prosecution Service, PRC, (centre) and Dr Ho Chio Meng, Prosecutor General, Macao SAR, at the China-ASEAN Prosecutors have been developed in recent times amongst the General Conference, in Manila, on 11 November 2008. prosecutors of China.

111 交流與聯繫 與內地和澳門的聯繫 Contacts with Others Contacts with the Mainland and Macao

與東盟成員國總檢察長會議、於新加坡舉行的國際檢察 In 2008, we : 官聯合會年會,以及於基輔舉行的國際反貪局聯合會年 • briefed a delegation of judges on the system of 會。這類型的合作,在在反映中國的檢控人員近年所增 precedent in criminal cases (April) 進的相互了解。 • discussed criminal justice with Mr Wang Yongjun, Director General, Foreign Affairs Bureau, Ministry 2008年,我們有以下的活動: of Supervision (April)

• briefed legal officials participating in the exchange • 4月,向一個法官代表團簡介刑事案件的判例制度 programme under the Legal Services Co-operation • 4月,與監察部外事局局長王擁軍先生討論刑事司法 Agreements (May) 工作 • explained public prosecutions to legal officials from • 5月,向參加《法律服務合作協議》交流計劃的律政 Guangzhou (May) 人員作簡介 • 5月,向來自廣州的律政人員講解刑事檢控工作 • discussed the legal system with lawyers on the Lord • 5月,與參與英國首席大法官華裔年青律師培訓計劃 Chancellor’s Training Scheme for Young Chinese 的律師討論法律制度 Lawyers (May) • 6月,向參加普通法訓練計劃的律政人員作簡介 • briefed legal officials participating in the training • 6月,向最高人民法院高級法官孟凡平和中國證券監 scheme in common law (June) 督管理委員會人員講解如何處理市場失當行為案件 • explained the processing of market misconduct • 7月,在上海金融法制研究會討論詐騙和市場失當 cases to Mr Meng Fanpin, Senior Judge, Supreme 行為 People’s Court, and officials from the China • 9月,向北京大學和武漢大學的本科生講課 Securities Regulatory Commission (June) • 9月,在湖南大學就反貪污法例向縣級長官講課 • discussed fraud and market misconduct at the • 10月,與來自澳門特別行政區的律政人員討論販運 Financial Law Research Institute in Shanghai (July) 人口問題和支援計劃 • lectured undergraduates from Peking and Wuhan • 10月,在福州大學就反貪污法例講課 Universities (September) • 11月,與江蘇省人事廳代表團討論打擊侵犯版權的 工作。 • lectured county commissioners on anti-corruption law at Hunan University (September)

• discussed human trafficking and in their support with legal officials from the Macao SAR (October)

• lectured on anti-corruption law at Fuzhou University (October)

• discussed the combat of copyright infringement with a delegation from the Jiangsu Provincial Personnel Department (November). 高級檢控官王詩麗和高級檢控官許紹鼎於2008年11月7日向江蘇 省人事廳的官員作出簡介。 Throughout China, prosecutors face similar problems Ms Lily Wong, SPP, and Mr Martin Hui, SPP, brief officials of the of law enforcement. This is as true in the area of Jiangsu Provincial Personnel Department on 7 November 2008. traditional crime as it is in respect of the new types 中國各地的檢控人員面對類似的執法問題,不論是傳統 of offending. Our prosecutors must learn from one another and pool their expertise. During 2008, the 罪案或新類型的犯案手法,情況也是一樣。我們的檢控 Division used its liaison with its counterparts to identify 人員必須互相學習,借鑑彼此的專業知識。年內,本科 means of facilitating the more effective operation of 藉着與其他地方檢控人員的聯繫,找出在各個司法管轄 criminal justice in the various jurisdictions. 區更有效地執行刑事司法工作的方法。

112 交流與聯繫 Contacts with Others 其他的聯繫 Contacts with Visitors

In 2008, the Prosecutions Division briefed visitors from various jurisdictions. The way in which an independent prosecution service with common law values had developed since reunification was of interest to all. The role of the Division in promoting the rule of law at the local level, and in advancing higher levels of criminal justice at the regional and international levels, was canvassed in the exchanges. The Basic Law had contributed to continuity in the

副刑事檢控專員麥偉德資深大律師和高級助理刑事檢控專員唐立品(右中及右)於 operation of the legal system, and greater 2008年2月21日向尼泊爾法官訪問團作出簡介。 transparency and accountability had been Mr Ian McWalters, SC, DDPP, and Mr Richard Turnbull, SADPP, (far right and achieved in the area of public prosecutions. right) brief a delegation of judges from Nepal on 21 February 2008. Those briefed included :

年內,本科向來自多個司法管轄區的訪客簡介本科的工 • Ms Katherine Shepherd, Senior Lawyer, HM 作。訪客對於香港回歸之後,如何發展具有普通法價值 Revenue and Customs, United Kingdom 觀的獨立檢控機關甚感興趣。在這些交流中,本科詳細 講述在本地推廣法治,以及在地區和國際上提升刑事司 • Judge Anup Raj Sharma, Supreme Court, Nepal

法水平方面,本科擔當什麼角色。《基本法》令法律制 • Judge Toh Han Li, District Court, Singapore 度的運作得以延續,而刑事檢控工作的透明度和問責程 • Mrs Ingela Klinteberg, District Chief Prosecutor, 度也得到提升。這些訪客包括: Sweden

• Mr Phillipe-Henry Honegger, Paris University, • 英國稅務海關總署高級律師 Ms Katherine Shepherd Pantheon-Assus, France • 尼泊爾最高法院 Anup Raj Sharma 法官 • Ms Inge Skur Anderson, Team Leader, Group Study • 新加坡區域法院杜漢立法官 Exchange, Rotary District 1460, and delegation, Denmark and Lithuania • 瑞典地區檢察長 Mrs Ingela Klinteberg • Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, Attorney General, • 法國巴黎先賢祠-阿薩大學 Mr Phillipe-Henry Malaysia Honegger • Mr James Felte, Civil Rights Division, Department of • 丹麥及立陶宛扶輪社1460地區團體研習交流團團長 Justice, United States of America Ms Inge Skur Anderson 及代表團 • Mr Michael Forbes Smith, Director General, • 馬來西亞檢察總長 Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, United Kingdom • 美國司法部民事權利科 Mr James Felte • Mr Victor S O Song, Deputy Chief, Criminal • 英國特許仲裁會總幹事 Mr Michael Forbes Smith Investigation, Inland Revenue Service, United States of America • 美國稅務局刑事調查局副局長 Mr Victor S O Song • M r R i c a r d o R Blancaflor, Undersecretary, • 菲律賓共和國司法部副部長 Mr Ricardo R Blancaflor。 Department of Justice, Republic of the Philippines.

113 交流與聯繫 國際活動 Contacts with Others International Events

2008年,刑事檢控科在國際層面積極研究滅罪策略, In 2008, the Prosecutions Division was active in the 並致力提高刑事司法制度的水平。不同地區的檢控人員 pursuit of anti-crime strategies at the international level, and contributed to higher standards of criminal 十分需要互相交流意見和分享經驗,本科透過與其他司 justice. The need for prosecutors in different places to 法管轄區的檢控機關建立緊密聯繫, exchange ideas and experiences is acute, 致力提升能力,打擊各類傳統或嶄新 and through constructive liaison with 類型的罪行。年內,本科參與多個針 our counterparts in other jurisdictions 對打擊不同罪行的論壇,如清洗黑 the Division sought to hone its capacity to combat all types of crime, whether 錢、欺詐、貪污、電腦罪行和販賣人 traditional or new. Throughout 2008, 口。 the Division participated in various fora designed to combat offences as divers 本科藉着國際檢察官聯合會及其執行 as money laundering, fraud, corruption, cyber crime and human trafficking. 委員會成員的身分,與國際伙伴建 立緊密合作,打擊罪案,並協助制定 The Division used its membership of the 多項措施,確保刑事檢控服務與時並 International Association of Prosecutors, 進。本科的檢控人員積極參與有關工 and of its Executive Committee, to forge closer co-operation in the combat of 作,擔任講者、專題小組成員和評估 高級檢控官馮淑賢參加2008年9月2日 crime, and assisted in the formulation 人員,以及應邀分享其專業知識。我 在劍橋舉行的第二十六屆國際經濟罪 of initiatives to modernise public 們亦向其他地區的檢控人員講述香港 行研討會。 Miss Catherine Fung, SPP, participates prosecution services. Our prosecutors 成功落實一國兩制模式的情況。 in the 26th International Symposium were active as speakers, panellists and on Economic Crime, in Cambridge, on evaluators, and their expertise was in 2 September 2008. demand. Our counterparts were also 本科積極參與的國際活動包括: briefed upon the successful operation of the one country, two systems model. • 在新加坡舉行的第十三屆國際檢察官聯合會年會暨 會員大會 International events to which the Division contributed included : • 在法國巴黎舉行的財務行動特別組織全體會議 • The 13th Annual Conference and General Meeting • 在韓國首爾舉行的第五屆國際檢察官聯合會亞太區 會議 of the International Association of Prosecutors, Singapore • 在印尼巴厘島舉行的第十一屆亞洲/太平洋反清洗 黑錢組織周年會議 • The Plenary Meeting of the Financial Action Task Force, Paris, France • 由新西蘭太平洋島國論壇秘書處舉辦的檢控人員打 擊犯罪得益、清洗黑錢和恐怖分子籌資活動的區域 • The 5th Asia and Pacific Regional Conference of 培訓研習班 the International Association of Prosecutors, Seoul, Korea • 在愛爾蘭都柏林舉行的國際刑事法律改革協會第 二十二屆國際會議 • The 11th Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering Annual Meeting, Bali, Indonesia • 在英國倫敦舉行的財務行動特別組織全體會議

114 交流與聯繫 Contacts with Others 國際活動 International Events

• 在英國劍橋舉行的第二十六屆國際經濟罪行研討會 • The Regional Training Workshop for Prosecutors on Proceeds of Crime, Money Laundering and Terrorist • 在烏克蘭基輔舉行的國際反貪局聯合會第三次年會 Financing, organized by the Pacific Islands Forum 暨會員代表大會 Secretariat, New Zealand • 在菲律賓馬尼拉舉行的第五屆中國與東盟成員國總 • The 22nd International Conference of the 檢察長會議 International Society for the Reform of the Criminal • 在中國香港舉行的第十七屆國際防止虐待及疏忽照 Law, Dublin, Ireland 顧兒童會議 • The Plenary Meeting of the Financial Action Task • 在韓國首爾,財務行動特別組織及亞洲/太平洋反 Force, London, England 清洗黑錢組織進行一項有關韓國的相互評估 • The 26th International Symposium on Economic • 在中國香港舉行的打擊販運人口研究與數據論壇 Crime, Cambridge, England

• 在中國香港舉行的“有效的司法覆核:良好管治的 • The 3rd Annual Conference and General Meeting 基石”聯席會議。 of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities, Kiev, Ukraine

• The 5th China-ASEAN Prosecutors General Conference, Manila, Philippines

• The 17th ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, Hong Kong, China

• The Mutual Evaluation of Korea by the Financial Action Task Force and the Asia-Pacific Group on Money Laundering, Seoul, Korea

高級助理刑事檢控專員譚耀豪(左二)與澳門特區終審法院法官利馬(中) • The Trafficking in Persons Research and Data 於2008年7月12日出席在愛爾蘭舉行的國際刑事法律改革協會第 Forum, Hong Kong, China 二十二屆國際會議。 Mr William Tam, SADPP, (second left) with Judge Viriato Manuel Pinheiro de Lima, Court of Final Appeal, Macao SAR, (centre) at the • Joint Conference on Effective Judicial Review: A 22nd International Conference of the International Society for the Cornerstone of Good Governance, Hong Kong, Reform of the Criminal Law, Ireland, on 12 July 2008. China.

115 專業發展 Career Development


專業發展 Career Development

116 專業發展 Career Development 邀請嘉賓作專題演講 Guest Speaker Programme

刑事檢控科自1997年開始,為高層檢控人員推行嘉賓 Since the Prosecutions Division introduced its Guest 專題演講計劃,有不少社會各界人士蒞臨本科,講解他 Speaker Programme (GSP) for senior prosecutors in 1997, speakers from all walks of life have visited the 們對現今社會問題的看法。該計劃讓檢控人員與嘉賓 Division to share their thoughts on contemporary 交換意見和資訊,有助擴闊視野。在2008年內,本科 issues. The GSP has facilitated the exchange of ideas 共舉辦了4次資料豐富、啟發思維的專題講座,詳情如 and information, and broadened horizons. Four talks 下: were arranged during the year, which were both informative and stimulating. In 2008 :

• 3月,在一個聯席演講會議上,愛護動物協會執行總 • In a joint presentation, Mr Sandy Macalister, 監麥履善先生、副總監費安娜醫生和檢核部總監何 Executive Director, Dr Fiona Woodhouse, Deputy 子棠先生以“ 香港動物福利和愛護動物協會面對的 Director, and Mr Tony Ho, Chief Superintendent, 挑戰 ”為題,向檢控人員發表演說 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, addressed prosecutors on‘Animal welfare in Hong • 5月,前香港交易及結算所有限公司非執行董事 Kong and the challenges of the SPCA’ (March) Mr David Webb 以“ 香港企業管治的情況 ”為題, 與檢控人員分享他的看法 • Mr David Webb, former Non-executive Director, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, shared • 10月,香港過渡期研究計劃主任戴高禮教授以“過 his thoughts with prosecutors on‘The state of 渡中的香港:現況和未來發展 ”為題,向檢控人員 corporate governance in Hong Kong’ (May) 講述他的觀點

• 12月,平等機會委員會主席鄧爾邦先生以“ 平機 會面對的挑戰:期望和現實 ”為題,向檢控人員作 簡介。

前香港交易及結算所有限公司非執行董事 Mr David Webb (左) 於2008年 5月19日與檢控人員分享他的觀點。 Mr David Webb, former Non-executive Director, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, (left) makes a point to prosecutors on 19 May 2008.

• Professor Michael DeGolyer, Director, Hong Kong Transition Project, provided prosecutors with his ‘ 平等機會委員會主席鄧爾邦先生於2008年 perspective on Hong Kong in transition : Present 12月8日與檢控人員討論平等的課題。 and future developments’ (October) Mr Raymond Tang, Chairperson, Equal Opportunities Commission, discusses • Mr Raymond Tang, Chairperson, Equal Opportunities equality issues with prosecutors on Commission, briefed prosecutors on‘Challenges 8 December 2008. faced by the EOC: Expectations and realities’ (December).

117 專業發展 培訓及持續法律進修 Career Development Training and Continuing Legal Education

刑事檢控科致力確保檢控人員訓練有素,能夠提供現代 The Prosecutions Division is committed to a highly

化的服務。現職檢控人員需要與時並進,掌握打擊罪案 trained and modern prosecution service. Established prosecutors need to be updated on latest developments 的最新發展;新入職的檢控人員亦需對檢控職務範圍內 in the combat of crime, while new recruits require 的各項工作有全面了解。本科在《2007至2012年度策 comprehensive exposure to all aspects of the 略性發展計劃》(“《策略性發展計劃》”)中指出,“新 prosecutorial portfolio. In its Strategic Development Programme 2007-2012 (SDP), the Division recognises 入職的檢控人員應取得訟辯經驗,因為這方面的經驗對 that‘new recruits should receive advocacy experience, 提供法律指引和其他工作非常有用 ”。《策略性發展計 not least because this would also assist them in their 劃》建議: advisory work’. The SDP recommends :

• new recruits to undergo intensive advocacy • 安排新入職人員在裁判法院和區域法院工作,積極 experience in the Magistrates Court and the District 汲取訟辯經驗 Court • 盡早安排新入職人員到海外接受訟辯培訓 • new recruits to receive overseas advocacy training • 讓新入職人員參與檢控人員會議,以擴大聯繫網絡 at an early stage

• 密切留意新入職人員的表現,以協助其專業發展。 • new recruits to be involved in prosecutors’ conferences to establish contacts

• new recruits to be closely monitored in the interests 由高級助理刑事檢控專員陳月好主管的管理及培訓組(第 of career development. 4組)為各級檢控人員安排全面的培訓課程,私人執業律

師也獲邀參加其中一些課程。該組也舉辦一系列內部研 Headed by Ms Evena Chan, SADPP, the Management 討會,由檢控人員、法官和外間專家主講。2008年, and Training Section (Section 4), arranged a comprehensive training agenda for prosecutors at all 本科舉辦了以下的培訓活動︰ levels, and this was shared with private practitioners. In-house seminars were addressed by prosecutors, (1) 內部培訓單元 judges and outside experts. In 2008, we arranged :

• 14個內部講座/研討會,加強檢控人員的法律知識 (1) In-house training modules

和技巧,課題包括: • 14 in-house lectures/seminars were organized - 上訴訟辯 to promote the legal knowledge and skills of prosecutors. Topics included : - 人權 - Appellate advocacy - 專家證據 - Human rights - 以中文進行訟辯 - Expert evidence - 在原訟法庭有效陳述案情的方法 - Chinese language advocacy

118 專業發展 Career Development 培訓及持續法律進修 Training and Continuing Legal Education

- 刑事法律程序中與證人有關的敏感問題 - Effective case presentation in the Court of First Instance - 刑事案件訟費 - Sensitive issues relating to witnesses in criminal - 香港動物福利和愛護動物協會面對的挑戰 proceedings - 香港企業管治的情況 - Costs in criminal cases

- 過渡中的香港:現況和未來發展 - Animal welfare in Hong Kong and the challenges - 刑事法律程序的司法覆核 of the SPCA

- 藉請求書和司法互助向外地取證的實際情況 - The state of corporate governance in Hong Kong - Hong Kong in transition : Present and future - 為商業罪案提供法律指引和草擬起訴書 developments - 平等機會委員會面對的挑戰︰期望和現實 - Judicial review of criminal proceedings • 2項為期12個星期為見習律政人員及新入職檢控人員 - Practical aspects of obtaining evidence abroad by 而設的刑事訟辯課程。課程包括講課、模擬審訊及 letters of request and mutual legal assistance 在督導下於裁判法院進行檢控 - Advising upon and drafting charges in commercial • 6項參觀活動,包括參觀政府化驗所、機場出入境管 crime cases 制站、設於深圳灣和落馬洲支線的海關管制站、北 面界線、青山醫院及香港警務處鑑證科 - Challenges faced by the Equal Opportunities Commission : Expectations and realities • 安排資歷較淺的律師在審訊和上訴案中擔任資深檢 控人員的副手。 • 2 twelve-week Criminal Advocacy Courses were held for Legal Trainees and new prosecutors. These consisted of lectures, mock trials, and prosecuting under supervision at the magistrates courts

• 6 visits were made to the Government Laboratory, the Immigration Control Point at the Airport, Customs Control Points at Shenzhen Bay Control Point and Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point, the Northern Boundary, the Castle Peak Hospital and the Identification Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force

• Junior counsel were assigned as working juniors to 馬永新暫委法官於2008年3月7日以專家證據為題為檢控人員 講課。 senior prosecutors in the prosecution of trials and Deputy Judge Lugar-Mawson lectures prosecutors on expert appeals. evidence on 7 March 2008.

119 專業發展 培訓及持續法律進修 Career Development Training and Continuing Legal Education

(2) 本地培訓課程 (2) Local training courses

本科檢控人員也修讀由本港其他機構舉辦的培訓課程, Prosecutors participated in the training courses

計有︰ organized by various institutions in Hong Kong. These included :

• 3個由香港大律師公會舉辦的進階法律專業課程 • 3 Advanced Legal Education Courses organized by the Bar Association • 3個由律師會及其他機構舉辦的專業進修計劃課程 • 3 C o n t i n u i n g Professional Development • 2個由公務員培訓處舉辦的課程 Courses arranged by the Law Society and other organizations • 18個由本地團體舉辦的課程、會議和研習班。 • 2 Courses organized by the Civil Service Training and Development Institute

(3) 海外課程 • 18 courses, conferences and workshops organized by local bodies. 本科檢控人員也獲益於其他司法管轄區舉辦的訓練課

程,計有︰ (3) Courses outside Hong Kong

• 倫敦中殿大律師學院訟辯課程 Prosecutors benefited from training programmes conducted in other jurisdictions. These included : • 北京清華大學國家事務研習課程

• The Middle Temple Advocacy Course, London • 北京大學國家事務研習課程

• The National Studies Course at Tsinghua University, • 北京國家行政學院進階中國事務研習課程 Beijing • 安排檢控人員暫調上海市及南京市司法局研習。 • The National Studies Course at Peking University, Beijing

• The Advanced National Studies Programme at the National School of Administration, Beijing

• Attachment to the Justice Bureaux in Shanghai and Nanjing.

(4) Training by prosecutors

Prosecutors contributed to training programmes 倫明高法官於2008年5月2日為檢控人員講授在法庭有效陳述案情 的方法。 organized by and for others. These included : The Hon Mr Justice Lunn lectures prosecutors on effective case presentation on 2 May 2008.

120 專業發展 Career Development 培訓及持續法律進修 Training and Continuing Legal Education

(4) 由本科檢控人員主持的培訓課程 • Training Scheme in Common Law for Mainland Legal Officials 本科檢控人員亦協助其他機構舉辦培訓計劃,並為其他 • Induction Seminar for New Fiat Counsel 機構的人員舉辦培訓課程。這些課程及機構包括︰ • Lord Chancellor’s Training Scheme for Young Chinese Lawyers • 內地法律工作人員普通法訓練計劃 • Training of departmental prosecutors and law • 為新加入的外判律師舉辦啟導研討會 enforcement personnel. In 2008, prosecutors organized 33 training courses (61 days) for these • 英國首席大法官華裔年青律師培訓計劃 organizations : • 為其他政府部門負責執行檢控的人員和執法機關人 - Buildings Department 員提供培訓。年內,本科的檢控人員為下列部門共 開辦了33個(共61天)培訓班︰ - Customs and Excise Department

- 屋宇署 - Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

- 香港海關 - Housing Department

- 食物環境衞生署 - Hong Kong Police Force

- 房屋署 - Independent Commission Against Corruption

- 香港警務處 - Department of Health

- 廉政公署 - Labour Department

- 衞生署 - Social Welfare Department

- 勞工處 - Government Laboratory

- 社會福利署 • Tutoring of 31 Departmental Prosecutors, from 15 departments, attached to the 5-week - 政府化驗所 Departmental Prosecutors Training Course • 為其他部門負責執行檢控的31名人員(來自15個部 • Training of 31 Departmental Prosecutors, from 門)而設為期5星期的檢控人員培訓課程 9 departments, in 2 Advanced Departmental • 為其他部門負責執行檢控的31名人員(來自9個部門) Prosecutors Training Courses. 而設的2個部門檢控人員進階培訓課程。

121 人物剪影 Prosecutors in Profile


人物剪影 Prosecutors in Profile

122 人物剪影 Prosecutors in Profile 2008年度刑事檢控科人員事業紀要 Achievements in 2008

• 副刑事檢控專員李定國資深大律師獲頒授銅紫荊 • John Reading, SC, DDPP, was awarded the Bronze 星章。 Bauhinia Star.

• 高級助理刑事檢控專員李紹強獲委為資深大律師。 • Robert S K Lee, SADPP, was appointed Senior Counsel.

副刑事檢控專員陸貽信資深 • • Arthur Luk, SC, DDPP, was awarded the 30 大律師獲頒三十年優良服務 Years’ Meritorious Service Certificate. 獎狀。 • Grenville Cross, SC, DPP, was a contributing • 刑事檢控專員江樂士資深大 author of‘Understanding Criminal Justice 律師為 Willan Publishing 出版 in Hong Kong’, published by Willan 的刊物《Understanding Criminal Publishing. Justice in Hong Kong》撰稿。 • Alain Sham, SADPP, was appointed Deputy Director, Regional Criminal Law • 高級助理刑事檢控專員沈仲平 Preparation Commission, Criminal Law 獲委任為中國法學會刑法學 Research Society, China Law Society. 研究會區際刑法專業委員會副 高級助理刑事檢控專員李紹強於2008年 4月26日獲委為資深大律師。 主任。 Mr Robert S K Lee, SADPP, becomes • Irene Lam, CP, obtained her Master of Laws a Senior Counsel on 26 April 2008. degree from the University of London. • 法庭檢控主任林素芳取得倫敦 • Olivia Tsang, SPP, was appointed Assistant Editor of 大學法學碩士學位。 the Criminal Appeals Bulletin.

• 高級檢控官曾藹琪獲委任為《刑事上訴案判例簡 • Raymond Cheng, SPP, was the impresario of‘Music 訊》助理編輯。 for Everyone 2008’, at St John’s Cathedral.

• 高級檢控官鄭凱聰應邀為聖約翰座堂‘Music for • Karen Yuen, SCP II, William Wong, SCP II, and Karen Everyone 2008’音樂會的演出嘉賓。 Leung, CP, passed their Postgraduate Certificate in Laws Conversion Examinations. • 高級二等法庭檢控主任阮兆妍和黃華芬,以及法庭 檢控主任梁嘉琪,通過法學專業證書課程入學資格 • Alain Sham, SADPP, was appointed President 考試。 Adviser (Adviser to the Chancellor), University of Fuzhou.

• 高級助理刑事檢控專員沈仲平獲福州大學委聘為校 • Edmond Cheng, SCP II, completed a pupillage at 長顧問。 the Bar.

• 高級二等法庭檢控主任鄭德英完成大律師實習期。 • Grenville Cross, SC, DPP, was Sentencing Editor of Archbold Hong Kong 2009, while Arthur Luk, • 刑事檢控專員江樂士資深大律師擔任《Archbold Hong SC, DDPP, Kevin Zervos, SC, DDPP, Patrick Cheung, Kong 2009》的判刑研究編輯,而副刑事檢控專員陸 SADPP, and Robert S K Lee, SC, SADPP, were 貽信資深大律師、副刑事檢控專員薛偉成資深大律 Contributing Editors. 師、高級助理刑事檢控專員張維新和高級助理刑事檢 控專員李紹強資深大律師則擔任撰稿編輯。

123 人物剪影 工餘花絮 Prosecutors in Profile Out of Court

香港的檢控人員多才多藝,興趣廣泛,在法庭和辦公室 The prosecutors of Hong Kong are multi-faceted, with 以外,他們盡顯各方面的才華。有些檢控人員喜歡鍛 wide interests. Away from the court and the office, they display a variety of talents. Some prosecutors 鍊腦筋,有些則喜歡體育活動。刑事檢控科內,既有編 embrace cerebral pursuits, whilst others prefer physical 輯、作家和詩人,也有足球健將、音樂家和合唱團成 exertion. Editors, authors and poets are to be found 員。在2008年奧林匹克運動會和殘疾人奧運會的馬術 in the Prosecutions Division, as also are footballers, musicians and choristers. During the 2008 Olympic and 項目舉行期間,檢控人員積極投入,擔任接待人員和 Paralympic Equestrian Events, prosecutors were active 義工。 as visits officers and volunteers.

In a series of interviews with the media in 2008, 年內,檢控人員在一系列的傳媒專訪中,暢談他們的工 prosecutors discussed their work and leisure pursuits. 作和工餘嗜好。高級助理刑事檢控專員李紹強資深大律 Mr Robert S K Lee, SC, SADPP, explained the influence 師闡述卡爾波柏對他的影響,並談到他對崑劇的興趣。 on him of Karl Popper, and his interest in Kunqu opera. Ms Virginia Lau, SPP, discussed her earlier 高級檢控官劉少儀講述昔日她當空中小姐的工作,以及 career as an air hostess, and the role of mahjong in 打麻將對訓練思考的作用。高級檢控官李俊文闡釋阿 mental training. Mr Edmond Lee, SPP, explained that 仙奴球隊的踢法如何引領他履行職務,以及領隊雲格如 the tactics of Arsenal FC guided him in his work, and 何啟發他。高級檢控官陳大偉談及擔任澳洲留學生聯會 how the example of Arsene Wenger inspired him. Mr David Chan, SPP, discussed his chairmanship of 主席,以及在中國內地推廣澳洲高等教育課程的事宜。 the Federation of the Australian Alumni Associations, 高級檢控官譚思樂指出經常練習太極和氣功可助他強身 and the promotion of Australian higher education 健體。 programmes in the Chinese Mainland. Mr Isaac Tam, SPP, revealed how regular Tai Chi and Qi Gong enhanced his health.

Miss Melinda Tong, CP, completed the 21 kilometers of the Mizuno HK Half Marathon in a personal best of 1 hour and 54 minutes. As regards chess masters, Mr Franco Kuan, PP, came second out of 39 competitors in the Hong Kong Summer Swiss 2008, while Mr Jones Tsui, PP, came eleventh, and they each competed in the Hong Kong Chess Championship 2008. During the Dragon Boat Festival, Miss Louisa Lai, SADPP, and other prosecutors took to the water in caps and shirts designed by Mr Nicholas Wong, PP. Mr Francis Lo, SADPP, 金力生資深大律師、阮雲道法官、高級檢控官曾藹琪和黃錦燊先生 was on the ball throughout the year on the soccer field, 於2008年5月23日出席刑事檢控科舉辦的第20次法律專業人員 and participated in matches against law enforcers and 之夜。 Mr Alexander King, SC, Mr Justice Nguyen, Ms Olivia Tsang, private practitioners. While Miss Abby Chung, CP, won SPP, and Mr Melvin Wong enjoy the 20th Mess Night of the a Putonghua prize from the Official Languages Division, Prosecutions Division for the Legal Profession on 23 May Ms Bianca Cheng, SPP, honed her Erhu skills. 2008.

As its president, Mr Raymond Cheng, SPP, led the Hong 法庭檢控主任唐德沛以1小時54分的個人最佳成績, Kong Youth Choir (HKYC) in a series of concerts. The HKYC performed‘Music for Everyone 2008’, at St 完成美津濃香港半馬拉松的21公里賽程。國際象棋方 John’s Cathedral,‘Missa Solemnis’, at Tsuen Wan 面,檢控官關百安在 Hong Kong Summer Swiss 2008 Town Hall,‘Little Jazz Mass’, at Hong Kong Cultural 中與39名參賽者對賽,勇奪亞軍,而檢控官徐和中則 Centre, and a‘Midsummer Night Prayer Concert’, at St Dominic’s Church, Macao. The HKYC organized 位居第11名;兩人均在2008年香港國際象棋大賽中作

124 人物剪影 Prosecutors in Profile 工餘花絮 Out of Court

賽。在端午節,高級助理刑事檢控專員黎雅雯與其他檢 two fundraising concerts for Sowers Action in aid of its 控人員一同穿上檢控官黃俊賢設計的便帽和汗衫,參與 programme to rebuild schools damaged in the Sichuan earthquake. Mr Cheng also performed with the Opera 龍舟競渡。年內,高級助理刑事檢控專員盧慶祥於足球 Society of Hong Kong. 場內馳騁,並與執法人員和私人執業律師對賽。法庭檢 控主任鍾健儀獲法定語文事務部頒發普通話獎項,而高 In 2008, prosecutors were active as authors and academics. Mr Hayson Tse, SPP, lectured on digital 級檢控官鄭詠榆則勤練二胡技巧。 forensics and forensic science, and Miss Catherine Fung, SPP, prepared her doctoral thesis. While the DPP 高級檢控官鄭凱聰以香港新青年合唱團主席的身分,帶 was a contributing author for Understanding Criminal Justice in Hong Kong, Mr John Reading, SC, DDPP, 領合唱團在多個音樂會中獻技。香港新青年合唱團曾在 annotated the Gambling Ordinance. Five prosecutors 聖約翰座堂演出‘Music for Everyone 2008’、在荃灣大 were editors of Archbold Hong Kong 2009, and others 會堂演出《莊嚴彌撒曲》、在香港文化中心演出《小爵 contributed to Hong Kong Law Reports and Digest and Hong Kong Cases. Ms Olivia Tsang, SPP, 士彌撒曲》,以及在澳門玫瑰堂演出《仲夏夜之崇拜》 became an assistant editor of the Criminal Appeals 音樂會。該合唱團為苗圃行動舉行兩個籌款音樂會,以 Bulletin, and Ms Irene Fan, PP, joined the editorial 資助他們為四川地震災民重建校園的計劃。鄭先生亦為 board of the Prosecutions Division Quarterly. 香港歌劇社演出。 Whereas Mr Martin Hui, SPP, tutored students in criminal advocacy, Mr Alvin Chui, PP, lectured on business law, and Mr Edmond Lee, SPP, taught the law 年內,檢控人員積極投入寫作和學術活動。高級檢控 concerning mass communication. 官謝家樹以數碼鑑證和法證科學為題授課,而高級檢 In May and November, the Division hosted its 20th and 控官馮淑賢則準備她的博士論文。刑事檢控專員為 21st Mess Nights for the Legal Profession, which drew 《Understanding Criminal Justice in Hong Kong》撰稿,而 prosecutors, judges and practitioners together for 副刑事檢控專員李定國資深大律師則就《賭博條例》 social exchanges in convivial surroundings. Prosecutors chaired both the (Department of Justice) Mess and the 作法律釋義。5名檢控人員擔任《Archbold Hong Kong (Department of Justice) Staff Club. Mr Kevin Zervos, 2009》的編輯,另有檢控人員為《香港法律匯報與摘 SC, DDPP, chaired the organizing committee for the 錄》及《香港案例》撰稿。高級檢控官曾藹琪擔任《刑 Division’s traditional Christmas Party, held at Butterfield’s Club, where prosecutors and guests enjoyed the live 事上訴案判例簡訊》的助理編輯,而檢控官范凱琳則加 band performance of Mr Rickard Malmsten and his trio. 入了《刑事檢控科季刊》的編輯組。高級檢控官許紹鼎 教授學生刑事訟辯的課題;檢控官崔浩然講授商業法 律;而高級檢控官李俊文則講授有關大眾傳播的法律。

在5月及11月,本科舉行了第20次和第21次法律專業 人員之夜。不少檢控人員、法官和法律專業人員應邀出 席,在輕鬆愉快的社交環境下聚首聯歡。律政司高級職 員俱樂部和律政司職員聯誼會均由檢控人員擔任主席。 副刑事檢控專員薛偉成資深大律師擔任本科傳統聖誕聯 檢控官曾霆鏗、檢控官談立豐、高級檢控官金玉和檢控官莊君如 歡會的籌委會主席。聯歡會於 Butterfield's Club 舉行, 出席2008年12月5日於 Butterfield's Club 舉行的刑事檢控科聖誕聯 歡會暨晚宴,歡度佳節。 檢控人員與嘉賓濟濟一堂,在 Mr Rickard Malmsten 三重 Mr Michael Tsang, PP, Mr Felix Tam, PP, Ms Teresa Kam, SPP, and Miss Sezen Chong, PP, in festive mood at the Prosecutions 奏的現場演奏樂韻下歡度佳節。 Division Christmas Party and Dinner at Butterfield’s Club on 5 December 2008.

125 結語:與時並進 展望未來 Conclusion : Moving Forward


結語:與時並進 展望未來 Conclusion : Moving Forward

126 結語:與時並進 展望未來 Conclusion : Moving Forward 結語:與時並進 展望未來 Conclusion : Moving Forward

刑事檢控科致力在各層面提供高水平的刑事司法服務, The Prosecutions Division is committed to the highest 經常檢討內部運作,並優先處理改革的事宜。市民大 standards of criminal justice at all levels. Internal operations require regular review, and reform is a 眾對本科期望甚高,但有組織罪行手法層出不窮,且漸 priority. Public expectations are great, and organized 趨國際化。現代的檢控人員必須全力以赴,秉持專業水 crime is sophisticated and international. The modern 平,並能夠運用適當的專門知識。雖然本科已取得豐碩 prosecutor must be both dedicated and professional, 的成果,但仍會再接再厲,在本科的各個職責範疇革故 and able to apply appropriate expertise. Although 鼎新。 much has been achieved, the commitment to modernising all aspects of our portfolio is ongoing.

社會大眾的支持,是極其重要的。檢控人員在工作上必 Community engagement is vital. The prosecutor 須保持透明度,向市民問責;在解釋其決定時,須能 must be transparent and accountable, and willing to 消除公眾疑慮,又能維護受疑人的權益。如果受害者和 explain decisions in a way which reassures the public and safeguards the interests of the suspect. If victims 證人獲得全力支持,便能將罪犯繩之以法。審慎地應用 and witnesses receive the fullest support, offenders 新的刑事檢控政策指引,能夠增進社會大眾對我們工作 can be brought to account. The measured application 的了解,並提高檢控人員的地位。在各項工作中,與刑 of the new prosecution policy guidelines will promote 事司法夥伴保持緊密聯繫,對我們的策劃工作起關鍵作 understanding of our work, and advance the position of the prosecutor. In all we do, close liaison with our 用。 criminal justice partners is crucial to our planning.

要令打擊罪行的全球策略奏效,各地的檢控人員應互相 If global strategies to counter crime are to succeed, 交流意見,共同籌劃策略。我們必須支持國際檢察官 prosecutors in different places should exchange ideas 聯合會推動國際合作的行動,並努力擴大司法互助的範 and develop strategies in tandem. Initiatives of the International Association of Prosecutors to promote co- 圍。香港作為先進的亞洲城市,本港的檢控人員在檢控 operation must be supported, and every effort made 案件時應運用最新的技術。這需要全面的培訓,因為檢 to expand the parameters of legal assistance. Hong 控人員必須既通曉法律原則,又具備熟練的技巧。 Kong is an advanced Asian city, and its prosecutors should apply latest techniques in the prosecution of cases. This involves comprehensive training, as 在2009年,《2007至2012年度策略性發展計劃》的年 those who prosecute must be as skilled as they are 期剛好過了一半,當中不少綱領已取得成果。這項計劃 principled. 得以成功落實,促進本科的目標,即是為香港提供一個 完全現代化、開放、有成效、具透明度和國際視野的檢 The Strategic Development Programme 2007-2012 will 控服務,使香港的法治向前更進一步。 achieve its half-way point in 2009. Much of the agenda has been achieved, and its faithful implementation will further our objective of a thoroughly modern prosecution service for Hong Kong, as well as a service which is open, effective and internationalist. This, in turn, will advance the rule of law.

127 附錄 Appendices


附錄 Appendices

128 附錄 Appendices 附錄 I Appendix I

15 Lee 專員 Alex SADPP 李運騰 Sector) ICAC(B) (Private 案件 (B) 廉政公署 高級助理 刑事檢控 第十五組

Section (私營機構)

14 專員 Alain Sham SADPP 沈仲平 (Public Sector) ICAC(A) 案件 (A) 第十四組 廉政公署 高級助理 刑事檢控

Section (公營機構)

13 + Lai 商業 市場 專員 DDPP 分科四 麥偉德 及稅務 Louisa SADPP 黎雅雯 CCU(C) Market & Inland Revenue 失當行為 第十三組 高級助理 刑事檢控 罪案 (C)、 Section Misconduct Sub-division IV 副刑事檢控專員 Ian McWalters, SC Ian McWalters,

12 + 專員 商業 SADPP 唐立品 及版權 CCU(B) Richard Crime & Turnbull 第十二組 高級助理 刑事檢控 電腦罪行 罪案 (B)、 Copyright Computer Section

11 + Shiu 商業 專員 Anti- Gavin SADPP 得益及 邵家勳 CCU(A) Crime & 本地犯罪 反恐活動 第十一組 高級助理 刑事檢控 Domestic Terrorism 罪案 (A)、 Section Proceeds of

10 專員 賭博 Pang 人權、 Judicial SADPP 第十組 彭寶琴 Review, Review, Obscene Anthea 基本法、 Gambling 高級助理 刑事檢控 色情物品、 Basic Law &

Section 司法覆核、 淫褻及兒童 Bill of Rights, Pornography, Pornography, Articles & Child

9 及 專員 DDPP 薛偉成 Policy, Policy, 分科三 SADPP 第九組 張維新 Patrick Cheung 高級助理 刑事檢控 Section 部門檢控 Prosecutions Research & 政策、研究 Departmental Sub-division III 副刑事檢控專員 Kevin Zervos, SC

8 江樂士 協調 專員 Policy SADPP 第八組 上訴及 李紹強 Robert Lee, SC 禁毒政策 高級助理 刑事檢控 Section Narcotics Appeals & 刑事檢控專員 Co-ordination I Grenville Cross, SC, JP

7 Director of Public Prosecutions + Sin 專員 Mary Court Duties SADPP 第七組 冼佩霞 Special 重案檢控 Section 高級助理 刑事檢控 Specialists 及特別職務

6 + Lo DDPP 專員 分科二 陸貽信 Court Excise SADPP 第六組 及海關 盧慶祥 Francis 重案檢控 Section 高級助理 刑事檢控 Specialists Customs & Sub-division II Arthur Luk, SC 副刑事檢控專員

5 Mag. Ct. = Magistrates Courts CCU = Commercial Crime Unit + 專員 罪案 Peter Court Crime SADPP 三合會 卓博文 第五組 Triad & Triad 高級助理 刑事檢控 及有組織

Section Chapman 重案檢控、 Specialists Organized

4 + & 專員 Chan 培訓、 Police Evena SADPP 管理及 陳月好 第四組 against Training Section 投訴警察 高級助理 刑事檢控 Complaints Management

3 Law 專員 Court Police & Vice SADPP 羅君偉 法院及 第三組 Advice Thomas 高級助理 刑事檢控 法庭檢控 色情案件

Section (Mag.Ct.) 主任、裁判 Prosecutors, DDPP 李定國 分科一

2 Sub-division I 副刑事檢控專員 Tam Trial Trial Unit 專員 Court) SADPP 譚耀豪 第二組 John Reading, BBS, SC William (District 區域法院 案件籌備 Section 高級助理 刑事檢控 Preparation

1 Legend : First Trial Trial Unit 專員 Sean Eddie SADPP 第一組 單偉琛 原訟法庭 案件籌備 高級助理 刑事檢控 Instance) Section (Court of Preparation 刑事檢控科組織圖表 Organization Chart of the Prosecutions Division, 2008 圖例 DDPP = Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions SADPP = Senior Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions

129 附錄 附錄 II Appendices Appendix II

刑事檢控科的服務承諾 The performance pledges for the Prosecutions Division

• 在刑事訴訟程序方面執行律政司司長的檢 • to apply the Secretary for Justice's Prosecution 控政策 Policy in relation to criminal proceedings

• 就提出和進行刑事訴訟的決定,周詳考慮 • to give thorough consideration to all matters 所有有關事宜 relevant to the making of decisions in relation to the institution and conduct of criminal proceedings

• 在接獲執法機關諮詢該否提出起訴時,於 • upon the receipt of a request from a law 14個工作天內作覆;如問題較為複雜,則 enforcement agency for advice on whether 於14個工作天內給予初步回覆,說明估計 charges should be laid, to provide such advice 可於何時提供指引;如投訴警察課要求提 within 14 working days, and in more complex 供指引,於法律程序完成並取得所有資料 cases to provide an interim reply within 後的14天內作覆 14 working days with an estimated time within which the advice will be provided; for requests from CAPO, to provide information about court proceedings within 14 days after all materials are available upon completion of those proceedings

• 在法院所定的期限內就案件有關事宜提供 • to provide legal advice in matters connected 法律指引 with court cases within the time limit set by the courts

• 在裁判法院命令將被控人交付審判後7天 • to prepare and file indictments in the Court 內,擬備公訴書並送交原訟法庭 of First Instance within 7 days of committal of the accused in the Magistracy

• 在裁判法院命令將案件移交區域法院的日 • to prepare and deliver charge sheets to the 期後14天內,擬備控罪書並交付區域法院 Registrar of the District Court within 14 days 司法常務官 after the date of the order of transfer of the case from the Magistracy to the District Court

• 在刑事訴訟中,恪守充分而適當地向辯方 • to rigorously comply with our obligation to 披露資料的責任,尤其遵行與香港大律師 make full and proper disclosure of material 公會和香港律師會就送達文件所達成的協 to the defence in criminal proceedings and 議 in particular to abide by agreements reached with the Hong Kong Bar Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong in respect of the service of documents

• 按照《罪行受害者約章》規定,將不提出 • to inform victims of crime of the decision not 檢控的決定通知罪行受害者並處理他們的 to prosecute, and to attend to their enquiries, 查詢。 in accordance with The Victims of Crime Charter.

130 附錄 Appendices 附錄 III Appendix III

法律指引的數目 Number of Advices

15,356 16,000 14,404 14,000 2007 12,000 2008 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000


在原訟法庭和區域法院提出的檢控 Prosecutions brought in the Court of First Instance and the District Court

1,400 1,242 1,254 1,200 2007 1,000 2008 800 600 400

200 190 182


原訟法庭的公訴書數目 區域法院檢控書數目 No. of Indictments in the No. of Charge Sheets in the Court of First Instance District Court

131 附錄 附錄 III Appendices Appendix III

檢控官出席法庭聆訊日數 Number of court days attended by Public Prosecutors

1,200 1,118 1,000 2007 800 729 755 773

538 2008 600 484 400 200


日數 原訟法庭 區域法院 裁判法院 Days Court of First Instance District Court Magistracies

案件總數 ― 法庭檢控主任 Caseload -- Court Prosecutors

195,510 200,000 179,161 2007

2008 150,000



0 案件數目 Number of Cases

132 附錄 Appendices 附錄 III Appendix III

其他聆訊 Miscellaneous Hearings

檢控官出席的死因研訊數目 Number of death inquests attended by Public Prosecutors

40 32 30 27 2007 20 2008 10


在高等法院提出的保釋申請數目 Number of bail applications in the High Court

900 838 775 800 2007 700 2008 600

500 400 300 200 100 0

133 附錄 附錄 III Appendices Appendix III

上訴 Appeals

被告人向終審法院提出的上訴 Appeals by Defendants to the Court of Final Appeal

2008年,終審法院已經審結或正處於終審法院審理前 In 2008, a total 113 cases was concluded in the Court of 法律程序階段的案件共有113宗,有待處理的案件共有 Final Appeal or in proceedings preliminary to a hearing in that court. There were 32 such cases pending. The 32宗。2007年內則分別有105宗和25宗。 figures for 2007 were 105 and 25 respectively.

待決 Pending

90 撤銷 Withdrawn

駁回 Dismissed 80 18 (20.9%) 得直 Allowed

18 (24%) 70 3 (3.5%)

60 1 (1.3%)


7 (15.6%) 56 (65.1%) 48 (64%) 3 (7.5%) 40

1 (2.2%)

30 36 (90%) 36 (80%)

20 4 (26.7%) 7 (50%)

6 (40%) 10 1 (7.2%) 8 (10.7%) 9 (10.5%) 5 (33.3%) 3 (21.4%) 1 (2.5%) 1 (2.2%) 3 (21.4%) 0 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 申請終審法院上訴證明書 向終審法院提出的上訴許可申請 向終審法院提出的上訴 Certificate to appeal to the Application for leave to appeal to Application to the Court of Final Appeal the Court of Final Appeal Court of Final Appeal

134 附錄 Appendices 附錄 III Appendix III

被告人向上訴法庭提出的上訴 Appeals by Defendants to the Court of Appeal

在2008年,提交上訴法庭的上訴共有432宗,而2007 In 2008, a total of 432 appeals was filed in the Court of 年內則有499宗。 Appeal. The figure in 2007 was 499.

300 282 (56.5%) 261 (60.4%)

200 2007

110 (22%) 107 (21.5%) 98 (22.7%) 2008 100 73 (16.9%)

0 針對判罪及判刑的上訴 只針對判罪的上訴 只針對判刑的上訴 Conviction & Sentence Conviction Only Sentence Only

被告人向上訴法庭提出上訴的結果 Results of Appeals by Defendants to the Court of Appeal

在2007年和2008年,分別共有552宗和541宗上訴有 During 2007 and 2008, a total of 552 and 541 appeals, 裁決結果。 respectively, was determined.


500 撤銷 223 (40.4%) 192 (35.5%) Withdrawn

400 駁回 Dismissed

得直 300 Allowed 216 (39.1%) 232 (42.9%)


100 113 (20.5%) 117 (21.6%)

0 2007 2008

135 附錄 附錄 III Appendices Appendix III

被告人向原訟法庭提出的上訴 Appeals by Defendants to the Court of First Instance

在2008年,向原訟法庭提出上訴的裁判法院案件共有 In 2008, a total of 1,097 Magistracy Appeals was filed 1,097宗,而2007年則有1,234宗。 in the Court of First Instance. The figure in 2007 was 1,234.

2007 600 575 (46.6%) 543 (49.5%) 2008 500 441 (35.7%) 419 (38.2%) 400


218 (17.7%) 200 135 (12.3%) 100

0 針對判罪及判刑的上訴 只針對判罪的上訴 只針對判刑的上訴 Conviction & Sentence Conviction Only Sentence Only

被告人向原訟法庭提出上訴的結果 Results of Appeals by Defendants to the Court of First Instance

在2007年和2008年,審結的裁判法院上訴案件分別共 During 2007 and 2008, a total of 1,192 and 1,117 有1,192宗和1,117宗。 Magistracy Appeals, respectively, was concluded.


426 (35.7%) 322 (28.9%) 1,000 撤銷 Withdrawn

800 駁回 Dismissed 550 (49.2%) 600 得直 512 (43%) Allowed


200 254 (21.3%) 245 (21.9%)

0 2007 2008

136 附錄 Appendices 附錄 III Appendix III

檢控部門向終審法院提出的上訴 Appeals by the Prosecution to the Court of Final Appeal

2008年,在終審法院進行聆訊或進行聆訊前初步法 In 2008, 8 cases were heard in the Court of Final 律程序的案件共有8宗,有待處理的案件共有1宗。而 Appeal or in proceedings preliminary to a hearing in that court. There was 1 such case pending. The 2007年內則分別有6宗和1宗。 figures for 2007 were 6 and 1 respectively.

待決 Pending

駁回 Dismissed

得直 Allowed


2 (50%)


1 (33.3%) 1 (33.3%)


1 (50%) 1 (50%)

2 (66.7%) 2 (100%) 2 (66.7%)

1 2 (50%) 1 (50%) 1 (50%)

0 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008

申請終審法院上訴證明書 向終審法院提出的上訴許可申請 向終審法院提出的上訴 Certificate to appeal to the Application for leave to appeal to Application to the Court of Court of Final Appeal the Court of Final Appeal Final Appeal

137 附錄 附錄 III Appendices Appendix III

檢控部門向上訴法庭提出的覆核判刑申請 Applications by the Prosecution to review sentences to the Court of Appeal

在2007年和2008年,律政司司長分別考慮了18宗和 Total numbers of applications considered by SJ for 13宗案件,以決定是否要提出覆核判刑申請。 review of sentence in 2007 and 2008 were 18 and 13 respectively.

在這兩年內,提出覆核判刑申請的總數分別是12宗和 Total numbers of applications initiated in 2007 and 9宗。 2008 were 12 and 9 respectively.

12 待決 Pending

駁回 10 Dismissed 11 (91.7%) 得直 8 Allowed 6 (66.7%) 6

4 2 (22.2%)

2 1 (8.3%) 1 (11.1%)

0 2007 2008

檢控部門以案件呈述方式提出的上訴 Appeals by the Prosecution by way of case stated

在2007年和2008年,考慮以案件呈述方式提出上訴 Total numbers of applications considered in 2007 and 申請的總數分別為7宗和9宗。 2008 were 7 and 9 respectively.

Total numbers of applications initiated in 2007 and 在這兩年內,提出有關上訴申請的總數分別為5宗和 2008 were 5 and 6 respectively. 6宗。

待決 Pending

6 得直 Allowed 5 (83.3%)

4 5 (100%)


1 (16.7%)

0 2007 2008

138 附錄 Appendices 附錄 III Appendix III

根據《裁判官條例》第104條提出的覆核 Reviews under Section 104, Magistrates Ordinance

在2007年和2008年,進行覆核聆訊的案件分別有70宗 Total numbers of reviews heard in 2007 and 2008 were 和45宗。 70 and 45 respectively.

80 針對訟費命令 Costs orders 3 (4.3%) 70 針對判罪 Conviction

要求覆核判刑 Reviews of sentence 60

26 (37.1%)

50 1 (2.2%)

40 15 (33.3%)


20 41 (58.6%) 29 (64.5%)


0 2007 2008

139 Editorial Board 編輯組

Chairman 主席 Mr John Reading, BBS, SC 李定國資深大律師, BBS

Deputy Chairman 副主席 Ms Evena Chan 陳月好

Chinese Editor 中文編輯 Mr Alex Lee 李運騰

Members 組員 Ms Rosaline Leung 梁燊頤

Mr Edmond Lee 李俊文

Ms Olivia Tsang 曾藹琪

Miss Sezen Chong 莊君如

Secretary 秘書 Ms Phyllis Leung 梁敏儀

Assistant Secretary 助理秘書 Miss Agnes Lee 李蕙嫻

第11, 15, 44, 47, 53, 69, 110 頁的相片由星島日報提供

Photos on pp 11, 15, 44, 47, 53, 69, 110 : courtesy of Sing Tao Daily


Printed by the Government Logistics Department 維護法治 UPHOLDING THE RULE OF LAW

2008 刑事檢控科工作回顧


由 刑事檢控專員 提交 律政司司長 A Review by The Director of Public Prosecutions for The Secretary for Justice

律政司刑事檢控科 出版 Published by the Prosecutions Division, Department of Justice 香港特別行政區 中國香港金鐘道66號金鐘道政府合署高座5-7樓 5th to 7th floors, High Block, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong, China 律政司 傳真號碼 Fax No : 852 2877 0171 Department of Justice 電子郵件 E-mail : [email protected] 互聯網網址 Internet Home Page Address : http://www.doj.gov.hk/eng/about/pd.htm Hong Kong Special Administrative Region