Prosecutions Hong Kong 2018

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Prosecutions Hong Kong 2018 PROSECUTIONS HONG KONG 2018 香港刑事檢控 PROSECUTIONS HONG KONG 2018 律政司司長 鄭若驊資深大律師 鄭司長: 謹呈上刑事檢控科 2018 年的工作回顧。 本科在 2018 年事務紛繁,科內檢控人員整年在“秉行公義者”的崗位上 盡忠職守,持正獨立進行檢控。儘管社會曾有聲音質疑若干檢控決定,我們 的檢控人員一如既往根據法律、可接納的證據所證明的事實及適用的政策或 指引,獨立理智地行事。在庭上,我們竭力協助法庭,以公正客觀的態度依 法秉公行義。 我們致力促進本科工作的透明度和問責性,讓公眾可全面恰當了解刑事 司法工作,但也緊記不能為求在人前彰顯公義,致使公義無法施行。我們會 繼續孜孜不怠促進市民認識本科工作。 縱使考驗頻仍,本科的檢控和支援人員一直全力以赴,成果驕人。謹向 科內全體同事致以謝忱。 刑事檢控專員 梁卓然資深大律師 2019 年 10 月 23 日 The Hon Teresa CHENG Yeuk-wah, GBS, SC, JP Secretary for Justice 23 October 2019 Dear Secretary for Justice, I am pleased to submit to you the Yearly Review of the Prosecutions Division for 2018. 2018 is an eventful year for the Division. Throughout the year, prosecutors in the Division upheld their role as “ministers of justice” in pursuance of fair and independent prosecution. Although there have been voices in the community questioning certain prosecutorial decisions, our prosecutors have, as always, acted independently and dispassionately on the basis of the law, the facts provable by admissible evidence and any applicable policy or guidelines. In court, we strived to assist the court to the fullest and to do justice according to the law in a fair and objective manner. We endeavour to promote transparency and accountability in our work so that the public may be fully and properly informed about the administration of criminal justice. We however bear in mind that the benefit of justice being seen to be done must not be allowed to result in justice not being done. We shall continue to work hard to promote public understanding of our work. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all my colleagues, both prosecutors and support staff, in the Division for their remarkable efforts and achievements in often challenging circumstances. Yours sincerely, (David Leung SC) Director of Public Prosecutions 目錄 6 刑事檢控專員的序言 Contents Director’s Overview 10 架構及職責 Structure and Duties 組織圖表 Organization Chart 服務承諾 Performance Pledge 12 分科一 法律指引 58 分科四 商業罪案 Sub-division I Sub-division IV Advisory Commercial Crime 分科一第 1 組﹣原訟法庭法律指引 分科四第 1 組﹣嚴重詐騙 Section I (1) - Court of First Instance Advisory Section IV (1) - Major Fraud 分科一第 2 組﹣區域法院法律指引 分科四第 2 組﹣證券、稅務及詐騙 Section I (2) - District Court Advisory Section IV (2) - Securities, Revenue and Fraud 分科一第 3 組﹣裁判法院法律指引 分科四第 3 組﹣廉政公署(公營機構) Section I (3) - Magistrates’ Courts Advisory Section IV (3) - ICAC (Public Sector) 分科一第 4 組﹣公眾秩序活動及電腦網絡罪行 分科四第 4 組﹣廉政公署(私營機構) Section I (4) - Public Order Events & Cybercrime Section IV (4) - ICAC (Private Sector) 法庭檢控主任 分科四第 5 組﹣海關 Court Prosecutors Section IV (5) - Customs & Excise 30 分科二 政策及政務 72 行政及支援 Sub-division II Administration Policy and Administration and Support 刑事檢控專員辦公室 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 犯罪得益 78 特稿 Proceeds of Crime Feature Article 部門檢控 律政司:倫敦來客有感 Departmental Prosecutions The Department of Justice: Some Views from London 分科三 訟辯及上訴 44 82 外展及培訓 Sub-division III Outreach and Training Advocacy & Appeals 分科三 – 訟辯 Sub-division III – Advocacy 分科三(上訴)第 1 組 – 裁判法院上訴 92 凝聚一心 Section III (Appeals) (1) – Magistracy Appeals Bonding 分科三(上訴)第 2 組 – 上級法院上訴 Section III (Appeals) (2) – Higher Court Appeals 分科三(上訴)第 組 人權 3 – 統計數字 Section III (Appeals) (3) – Human Rights 96 Statistics 梁卓然資深大律師 David Leung SC 刑事檢控專員 Director of Public Prosecutions 6 PROSECUTIONS HONG KONG 2018 香港刑事檢控 刑事檢控專員的序言 Director’s Overview 2018 年是我擔任刑事檢控專員的首年,剛好本司 2018 was the first year since I became DPP. Incidentally, the 也由新任律政司司長領導。 Department was also headed by the new Secretary for Justice. 新章肇啟,總帶來新的機遇和挑戰。前任刑事檢 A new chapter always comes with new opportunities and challenges. I was fortunate to benefit from one of the numerous 控專員楊家雄法官建樹良多,我慶幸能受惠其 good work of my predecessor Mr Justice Keith Yeung - the new 中。他任內開設的新職位在 2018 年設立,刑事 posts he created during his tenure came into existence in 2018. 檢控科的檢控官人數在年底達 145 名,為歷年之 The number of counsel in the Prosecutions Division reached the 冠。隨着人手增加,加上我以提升檢控官的訟辯 historical height of 145 by the end of 2018. With the additional 技巧為目標,更多年資較淺的檢控官獲指派與較 manpower and my goal to enhance the advocacy skills of Public 資深的檢控官一同就審訊和上訴出庭檢控,令檢 Prosecutors, more junior prosecutors have been assigned to 控官處理的案件數目較 2017 年增加 11%。 prosecute trials and appeals together with more experienced prosecutors. This resulted in an increase by 11% of the number 此外,我們很榮幸邀得布思義資深大律師就不同 of cases conducted by Public Prosecutors when compared with 7 審訊階段—開案陳詞、盤問證人和結案陳詞—主 2017. 講一系列講座、Collingwood Thompson 御用大律 In addition, we were hounored to have Mr Andrew Bruce SC 師就新興議題“法團賄賂與加密數碼貨幣”主講 giving us a series of lectures on the different stages of trials - 講座,以及其中一名前任刑事檢控專員上訴法庭 opening speech, examination of witness and closing speeches. 法官薛偉成就“高等法院內的訟辯”分享睿智明 Mr Collingwood Thompson QC gave us a talk on the thriving 識,使我們獲益良多。這些講座讓本科檢控人員 topic of “Corporate Bribery and Crypto-currency”. We also had the 適時重溫訟辯技巧的基本原則,並提供最新的法 benefit of the wisdom of one of the former DPPs, Mr Justice of PROSECUTIONS HONG KONG 律專題知識。 Appeal Zervos who shared his insight with us on “Advocacy in the 2018 High Court”. All these talks provided our prosecutors with timely 此外,我們也繼續每年參加海外訟辯課程,維持 reminder of the basic principles of advocacy skills and update knowledge of topical issues. 與國際社會的聯繫。年資較淺的檢控官參加為期 兩星期的倫敦中殿大律師學院訟辯培訓課程,接 Meanwhile, we maintain our international link by continuing to 香港刑事檢控 受全面的小組培訓,內容涵蓋不同訟辯範疇,包 participate annually in overseas advocacy courses. Junior Public 括向陪審團陳詞和處理證人。較資深的檢控人員 Prosecutors attended a two-week Middle Temple Advocacy Course 則會到英國牛津大學基布爾學院參加一星期密集 in which they received comprehensive small group trainings 式的高級國際訟辯課程。上述兩項課程均由英國 on different aspects of advocacy, including delivering speeches 頂尖大律師主持,後者更由世界各地的頂尖大律 to jury and witness handling. More experienced prosecutors would attend an intensive one-week Advanced International 師主持。檢控官不僅把所得的寶貴經驗和技巧應 Advocacy Course at Keble College, Oxford, the United Kingdom. 用在日常工作上,也會秉承優良傳統,把他們所 得經驗在香港大律師公會舉辦的訟辯培訓課程 Both courses are conducted by leading counsel from the United 中傳承下去。 Kingdom, with the latter also by leading counsel worldwide. Not only will Public Prosecutors apply the invaluable experience and skills 雖然 2018 年的公眾秩序活動減少,但年內法庭 gained in their daily work, they will also follow the good tradition and 仍須分別審訊佔領中環行動和旺角暴亂事件中 pass on their experience earned in the advocacy training courses organized by the Hong Kong Bar Association. 的被告及審理若干相關的上訴案件。 Although the number of public order events that took place in 2018 我注意到有市民把我們檢控某些涉及政治事實 had dropped, the trials of the defendants in the Occupy Central 背景的案件說成是“政治檢控”,對此我感到 Movement and the Mongkok Riots, and some of the related appeals, 遺憾。正如我在檢控週 2018 開幕儀式致辭時公 saw their respective days in court in 2018. 開表示,這種指控令我感到難受。 I regret to note that some members of the public accused the 檢控官負責秉行公義,不會按照執法機關的指 prosecution of certain cases having a political factual background as 示行事。執法機關並非我們的委託人或委託部 “political prosecution”. As I said openly at the Opening Ceremony of 門,他們履行調查職責,然後把所得的證據交 the Prosecution Week 2018, I am saddened by such accusation. 給律政司。檢控官會考慮所獲得的證據,決定 Public Prosecutors are ministers of justice. We do not take 應否提出刑事檢控,如提出檢控,再決定控以 instructions from law enforcement agencies. They are not our clients 何罪以確切反映所涉刑責。我們不會不惜一切 or client departments. They carry out their investigative duties and 代價令被告入罪,我們的職責是確保所有被告 submit all the available evidence to the Department of Justice. 都得到公平審訊。 Public Prosecutors consider the available evidence and decide whether criminal charges should be laid and if so, what charge(s) 8 容我不厭其煩地重申檢控人員如何作出檢控決 best reflect(s) the criminality involved. We do not seek to secure a 定。首先,我們會評估所獲得的證據能否支持 conviction at all costs. Our role is to ensure that every defendant 合理機會達致定罪,如能支持,則考慮檢控是 receives a fair trial. 否符合公眾利益。政治或涉案人士的政治背景 I make no apologies for repeating how a prosecutor makes a 都不是決定檢控與否的考慮因素。在決定過程 prosecutorial decision. Firstly, whether the available evidence 中,檢控人員的職責並非探究犯罪主因或背景 supports a reasonable prospect of conviction and if so, whether it is 的是非曲直。終審法院在律政司司長 訴 黃之鋒 in the public interest to prosecute. Politics or political background of PROSECUTIONS HONG KONG 及另二人 (2018) 21 HKCFAR 35 一案判案書第 75 the person involved plays no part in prosecutorial decision-making. 段所述最能闡釋這點:“⋯⋯法院不會衡量犯 In the process, it is not the function of a prosecutor to dwell into 2018 罪者所主張的信念是否可取⋯⋯然而,法院的 the merits of the underlying cause or background leading to the commission of the offence. I can do no better than repeating what 工作不是就政治問題表態,也不是裁斷某一套 the Court of Final Appeal said in Secretary for Justice v Wong Chi Fung 社會或其他範疇的價值觀較另一套可取”。 & 2 others (2018) 21 HKCFAR 35 at para 75: “…the court will not enter 香港刑事檢控 into an evaluation of the worthiness of the cause espoused…It is not, 同樣,在處理刑事上訴案件時,除非我們信納 however, the task of the courts to take sides on issues that are political or 被告是妥為定罪,否則我們不會尋求維持所有 to prefer one set of social or other values over another.” 定罪。有時 ( 雖非經常 ),我們更會提出一些上 訴人在其上訴理由內未有提及,但或會令他們 Likewise, in criminal appeals, we do not seek to uphold all convictions 的定罪或判刑上訴得直的論點,這也是為了對 unless we are satisfied that the conviction was entered into properly. 上訴人公平起見而為之。 Occasionally, though not often, in fairness to the appellant(s), we raise points not covered in the appellant’s grounds of appeal which 9 我們為了香港的福祉,代表公眾作出檢控。即 may potentially lead to the allowing of the appeal against conviction 使工作日益不討好,即使面對種種批評和重重 or sentence. 責難,我們定必戮力同心緊守崗位,迎難而上, We prosecute in the name of the public for the good of Hong Kong. 並莊敬自強,以秉持公義為己任,致力維持優 We shall do so even though it is an increasingly thankless task. We 質的檢控服務。我們今年的表現較去年進步, shall do so
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