A meeting of the Board of Directors of USA Track & Field, Inc. was held on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 7:00 pm (EST) via conference call.

Board Officers and Directors: Present: Michael Conley (Interim President and Vice Chair), Fred Finke, Lauren Fleshman, Kristie Killough-Ali, Erik Kynard, Len Krsak, Steve Miller, Tricia Myers, Chris Pasko, Sandra Farmer Patrick, Dr. , , Kenneth Taylor (Treasurer), Ryan Wilson, Eve Wright, Michelle Carter, and Max Siegel (CEO).

Absent: Stephanie Hightower, Jeff Mlynski, and Dr. Evie Dennis.

Quorum Present? Yes.

Others Present - Staff: Renee Washington, Norm Wain, Susan Hazzard, and Sarah Austin.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm (EST) by Interim President and Vice Chair, Mike Conley. Following roll call, Mr. Conley opened the floor for nominations for the position of secretary. After much discussion, upon a motion duly made by Chris Pasko, seconded and unanimously carried, it was

MOVED to select Tim Weaver as its secretary.

Next, Mr. Conley addressed one of the independent board positions. It was noted that Jill Pilgrim had not yet met the minimum requirements for serving on the board. The board held a lengthy discussion, and agreed to engage the Nominating and Governance Panel to select a new independent board member to fill that position. Further discussion was held regarding the role of the Nominating and Governance Panel members in this endeavor. Specifically, the issue was raised whether David Greifinger, who is representing a party adverse to the USATF Board, should serve on the Nominating and Governance Panel that is responsible for selecting USATF Board members. Given that Mr. Greifinger’s appointment to the Nominating and Governance Panel came from the Youth Athletics Division, the Youth Athletics Division agreed to revisit their appointment of Mr. Greifinger.

Mr. Conley adjourned the meeting at 7:40 pm (EST).

Minutes respectfully submitted by Sarah Austin, Associate Director of Legal Affairs.

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