of* to the prolate* ofi • thru Ills efforts n huge fund wns col- Pope Benedict. XV. the 269th succes- A notable promotion onto to him on Hi* voice wa* raised in approval ' personally appealed to among lected and distributed to tn 0 supreme head of the 16. Pope the alms of tho Washington confer- the church promote amity eh lido sor of St. Peter ns December 1907 when Plus X. unrest of . Hungary began pon- on the limitation nr armament tho nations and deplored tho I>> Austria. Poland. 1 toman church, his appointed della Chiesa ne ence war. Ho 6, 1914, soon after and in a letter to President Harding, Kuropo which had fouowed the and Czooho-Slovnkia. also m.o tificate on September of the important th© to for Europe entered upon its four years ot See of to suc- the pope commended his In Ho issued numerous appeals for large contributions funds initiatlvo and for relief of and Chinese ;o war. Bpon many occasions during the ceed the late Cardinal Svampn. Ills ad- calling it. His efforts on behalf of poor children of central Europe Russians and Russia nnd the international Hod Cross. war he endeavored to bring the belll- ministration of this office for seven war prisoners were unremitting and he the sufferers of gerent to a peace agreement nations years was characterised, by and tints to maintain the title which it Is said prudence and diplomacy. His conse- had been affectionately bestowed up- of his com- cration as an Archbishop was perform- on him by a high dignitary by Plus ' messenger God sent to ed himself in tho Sistine munion as a Chapel, nn honor bring peace.•' so unusual that It Italy and Austria, attracted world-wide attention. Arch- The war between bishop della Chiesa In both of which peoples of the Gatho- was made ft Cardi- nal in May 1914. leas than months -11" religion predominate, was part’.’i:- six larly a great sorrow to the Pi pe. Those before mounting the throne of St. near to lion said he deprecated the Ger- Peter’s. man violation of Belgium. When the He took his ecclesiastical title from Pope Benedict Lusitania war > tilth he telegraphed to XIV. one of the ablest the then Emperor William his abhor- pontiffs of the churen. who was horn Bologna rence of a deed which had shocked the in on March 31. 167)7 and did world. on May ?>. 177.8. The successor of Piux X was said Bonedist XV* personal appearance tj have combined the statesmanship ha* been described as follow*: "A man of Pope Geo XIII with the grace of Ills physically ill-favored but gifted with immediate predecessor, lie endeavor- great Intelligence: short of stature, ed. it is raid, to carry out t tic ideals ascetlcally thin, with the right shoulder and policies of tho»" two - raised above the left, and giving one men. Rut th** world war, which broke the impression of extreme nervousness the heart of Flux X, saddened the first and weakness. But when he raised his four years of his pontificate and pre- head th" visitors instinctively felt the vented the fulfillment of some of his they were In the presence of a man aspiration*'. equipped with exceptional intellectual One of the incidents of his* pontifical powers and energy. TTe reminded one career was the visit which President o, the noted poet. Leopardi. With an Wilson paid • January 4, 1919 unpie brow, surrounded by coal black when the president went to Rom-’ 'air, black eyes, lively and ponetrat- to the. (opening of the Peace Confer- ng. a large mouth with thin lips full ence at Paris. Social and treaty ques- f expression, tho pope convoyed the were It is during Impression tions discussed. «iid. of a man of few friendships —— the private audience at the conclusion but these most sincere, devoted and a " of which Pope Benedict presented to lAKtlng." hlg guc.-t a handsome reproduc- Pope heavy peace .. Benedict’s efforts toward |» Cold weather with its sleet and snow means ing Guido i: m'.s famous picture of wei> thus summed up by Cardinal , r.’tcr, valued at $40,900. Bogus: *\ and slow going. That is when a powerful quick ex- one of th" smallest men physically "During the late war every effort A// \IW up to St. / ploding fuel like Blue Ribbon Gasoline will measure ever elected to the chair of Peter, wn* made to induce the pope f,. s!d" \ I the former Cardinal della Chiesa never with one belligerent or another, but \ your highest expectations. It is the ideal winter time expected to I--- thus honored by the ho went straight as nn arrow. Ho because it is a straight run, high test, unblend- Sacred < ’ollege and is said to have mnde Justice and right triumph over J motor fuel, wept w hen apprised of his. election. oppression. There / gasoline. gives power and more miles per said, was not .-no of cd It more 11• would have preferred, he to President that a at Wilson’s remain simple priest or. most. was not Included tho pontiffs peace /■ I gallon. Archbishop Bologna. in Cardinal and of conditions." J “A tankful will tell. On the day of his* election ho spoke The pope was deeply grieved bv the *’ o'' the burden of responsibility thrust 1• conflict which resulted from efforts to upon “one frail brain" and expressed obtain Ireland's Ho of the freedom. was np- hi« horror world conflict then be- ’’CiHed to Intervene In behalf of the ing waged and hi* hope that It would Irifch republican CO. VV movement, but ArMi- /# GOLDEN RULE REFINING coro- qtiiekly end. One week after his hishop Hayes on returning from the j nation. when the Fisherman's 1-ting Vatican in 1921 said that j WICHITA. KANSAS. was placed upon finger, issued he was follow- his he ing the policy ' of neutrality and lm- I ZZZJ Oasolln* i* sold at our filing i. vi nn to the episcopacy of the partiality. He Plu* Ribbon \\V 'a. condemned crime in A and Ssnta In b or any ' XT's, world in which rulers were exhorted Ireland by corner Bth Main 7th A K" Pu- to either sld* and repeatedly ! put aside dissensions and to "enter expressed place vou fe tho Bbio Ribbon Sign. \ the hope that then* N V I V Into a council of peace with all speed.*' would end. violenco I Grocolone oil. n fit team . \ The appeal fell on stony ground, how- Blue Ribbon In a letter to Logue t,h* for ever. later, 1914, cardinal C H V and on December 12. pope appealed fn both i|.*h inollne Bluo Ribbon ffNyj the authorities announced that Ens and Irish powof. m Vatican POPE BENEDICT XV to abandon violence and proposed innko* M the Pope's plan for a that the question be settled by body was failing "because of the opposition on behalf of the oppressed nationali- Ordained to the prlisthood In 1978 he Irish a selected by tho Irish nation o a -•••rtnin power." Reports were that soon attracted the attention of Cardi- whole rninto ties and latter committed tho church M hen the Anglo-Irish Russia and Turkey had refused to nal Rampolla, who under Pop* Leo agreement final- ly was reached, he expressed groat acquiesce. Along a thousand mile* of of which ho was the head to "do all was sat- XIII the Papal . isfaction and sent a message battlcfront. th-- following Christmas In ita power to support the decision* ;He accompanied Rampolla to t«> the day. at Dali Elreann rejoicing over the pen--* thousands of cannon thundered an of the delegates Versailles." In I in 1882, when his patron was , agreement answer to Benedict's appeal to “lay all of his messages and addresses he which made Ireland a free | remaining there until 1887 when he re- state. down voter arms." expresed the hope that peace would turned t<» Romo upon the elevation of Pope upon In comment on the*« new relations, it Again on January 18,1915. Bene- be based Christian principles. Rampolla to tho Cnrdlnalntp. pointed was out in many quarter* dict took up the task of bringing peace Giacomo della chiesa. the spiritual In 1901. after having served four th't during the years when Benedict XV to a war-torn world, decreeing that on head of 300,000,000 t’atholics, whs born years as Secretary of the In February Nunciature hnd directed the policy of church ; 7. priest* and laity of the of noble line at PegU. Italy, on Novem- Spain, he was appointed Secretary of there the throughout world 187.4. Cypher. had heen an Increasing Influence the ber 21 Hi* father was the Mar- the This position gave Its by the should unit-- in services and prayers ches della Chiesa. (pronounced Vatican on the public opinion of incumbent considerable authority and the world. I Wlj for the restoration or amity Keoaza.) at year Mgr. GASOLINE universal He received his the same della Chiesa was •nd good will. The education next occasion tho Capronican College and later at- named a* Consultor of the Holy Of- Benedict exercised hi* humane prero- tended the Academy of Ecclesiastic*., fice. gative was on July I*B. 1917., the first SBBBSSS ■■■■■■■ - anniversary of the war. when lie is- ■ ——■ sued an appeal to all rulers, declaring that "Mossed he he who first extends the olive branch and tenders.his hand to the enemy in offering hi* reason- able condition.* of peace.” ELABORATE PROGRAM FOR In March. 1916, the Pope again re- iterated his prayer for the dawn of a new and better day. "Each belligerent should clearly state hi* desire*." he said, “but should he ready to make the Confidentially necessary ASS’N MEETING Speaking: sacrifice* of pride and par- TEACHERS ticular Interests." Previously Bene- dict had written to the late EYnperor An elaborate program has Just been Dr. Bell will then give a demonstra- Francis Joseph of Austria asking prepared for the Pueblo County Teach- te«» talk on arithmetic. Just now, we realize that “sales” are quite prevalent: that the him will he served by the average merchant to "shorten tho war,*' and likewise ers* association meeting at the Boone Dinner mem- Emperor ber* "f tho Boone Parent-Teachers’ sounded the then of Germany high building next Saturday. wishes to dispose of a certain portion of his undesirable stock; that he prefers as to the terms upon which ho would school association. to the January 28. be a at lay dow I gage of battle. Dr. John R. Bell, head of the exten- There will community sing 1 accept a loss rather than carry these goodsover next SEASON. May, o'clock, and by to In 1916. Mon»ignor Bonzano. sion work of the state teachers’ college this will bo followed papal nn address by Dr. Bell, his subject be. delegate Washington, deliver- *t Greeley, will take the leading part*, i message ! Ing. "Healthful Hints to Rural ed to President Wilson a from in the day * program: ho is aiming! the Pop© in which he that i Teachers.” intimated f->r the especial purpose of assisting Mr. Bannister will render a vocal America might volunteer to con- 'tfie rural schools of this county, which *olo. accompanied by ills* Blake of tho ciliate the European belligerent*. is most highly appreciated by Mrs. BUT Pinion high school. Dorothy OUR On Mir* POSITION IS August 8. still DIFFERENT J917, hopeful of Baker the county superintendent, and a saving the world from a veritable her assistants. Bulekle will render vocal solo, and a < ata/dyem. Pope Benedict open mathematical demonstration by Dr. We have given our word that the purchaser of this business shall possession issued in his The morning session will with Bell will close program. have handwriting his famous appeal to music by the Bonne high school. Fol- the th" nations, exhorting the belligerent lowing an address of welcome there by the ruler.- to . nd the war for tho sake of will be a musical selection by the In remote part* of England are still humanity. glee club. to be seen cottage* with sloping walla. The Pope's gratification over the “Dignity of Child Life” will be the They were built slightly out of the capture of Jerusalem by the Allies subject of an nddres* by Br John Tt true, because of a curious superstition under the British General Alienin' Bell, and this will ho followed by :i thnt if a house waa built exactly square cauaed bitter comment in the German vocal solo. it waa bound to collapse. prove According to tho Mes- eagero on December FIRST IS. ]917. a few DAY OF FEBRUARY days nfter tin- fall of the Holy " ■ ■■■ ■ City, 11 ■■■ ■!■ ■■ < ho warned Christian state* against f 11 ■ ——■ 1 which means: aiding the Turk-, in recapturing it. Popi B« d toward th" A STORE Fence ■ n»|9 CLEARED OF ALL MERCHANDISE—NOT THE UNDESIRABLES—- Conference <.f was said to A hn\e been of fatherly solicitude. Early BUT THE HIGHER CLASS GARMENTS THAT WE HAVE HELD OFF UNTIL THE the previous December, in a letter t<- President Wilson, ho pleaded for aid LAST MOMENT.

OUR GREAT Our New Safe Seal and silk PLUSH COATS, beautifully lined with figured silk and satin brocade, luxurious FUR COLLARS and CUFFS—CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE, at $25.00 Deposit Vault Is LADIES: What is the garment that gives }'ou the most lasting SATISFACTION, the REAL SERVICE, that is the HALF PRICE appropriate SALE Finished most costume for EVERY OCCASION? of WOMEN’S and MISSES’ A Handsome Tailored Wool Dress, of Customers are requested to call with their Course papers and keys to boxes in old vault. Those We have them in TRICOTINE, WHIPCORD and FRENCH SERGE embroidered, braided, ribbon and bead trimmed, LATEST STYLES, at a price that everyone surely afford, Winter Suits having safe keeping packages with us will can $9.85 Begins tomorrow also call and make arrangements for their Regular *52.60 Suit, at 828.25 boxes. Regular $50.00 Stilts at 825.00 Skirts—Skirts—Skirts—Skirts—Skirts Regular 547.50 at Suits 8211.75 fancy for DRESS All Wool, box pleated, plain Regular 835.00 Suits at 81 7.50 Satin and materials, and for general WEAR and SPORTS: 54.98 Regular *30.00 Suits at 815.00 The FOR $13.50, you may choose a charming afternoon dress in satin, messaline, canton crepe, and velvet. Regular $25.00 Suits at 812.50 LASTLY: Do not fail to inspect the contents of our 98 CENT and 49 CENT boxes. SAM MOOH Pueblo Savings and Trust Co. RATNER’S UPPER STORE snN. Mai„

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