How to Manage High-Bandwidth Memory Automatically

Rathish Das Kunal Agrawal Michael A. Bender Stony Brook University Washington University in St. Louis Stony Brook University [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Jonathan Berry Benjamin Moseley Cynthia A. Phillips Sandia National Laboratories Carnegie Mellon University Sandia National Laboratories [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT paging algorithms; Parallel algorithms; Shared memory al- This paper develops an algorithmic foundation for automated man- gorithms; • Computer systems organization → Parallel ar- agement of the multilevel-memory systems common to new super- chitectures; Multicore architectures. computers. In particular, the High-Bandwidth Memory (HBM) of these systems has a similar latency to that of DRAM and a smaller KEYWORDS capacity, but it has much larger bandwidth. Systems equipped with Paging, High-bandwidth memory, Scheduling, Multicore paging, HBM do not fit in classic memory-hierarchy models due to HBM’s Online algorithms, Approximation algorithms. atypical characteristics. ACM Reference Format: Unlike caches, which are generally managed automatically by Rathish Das, Kunal Agrawal, Michael A. Bender, Jonathan Berry, Benjamin the hardware, programmers of some current HBM-equipped super- Moseley, and Cynthia A. Phillips. 2020. How to Manage High-Bandwidth computers can choose to explicitly manage HBM themselves. This Memory Automatically. In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Symposium on process is problem specific and resource intensive. Vendors offer Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA ’20), July 15–17, 2020, this option because there is no consensus on how to automatically Virtual Event, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 13 pages. manage HBM to guarantee good performance, or whether this is 1145/3350755.3400233 even possible. In this paper, we give theoretical support for automatic HBM 1 INTRODUCTION management by developing simple algorithms that can automat- Enabled by the recent innovations in 3D die-stacking technology, ically control HBM and deliver good performance on multicore vendors have begun implementing a new approach for improving systems. HBM management is starkly different from traditional memory performance by increasing the bandwidth between on- caching both in terms of optimization objectives and algorithm chip and off-package DRAM [34, 39]. The approach is to bond development. Since DRAM and HBM have similar latencies, mini- memory directly to the processor package where there can be more mizing HBM misses (provably) turns out not to be the right memory- parallel connections between the memory and caches, enabling a management objective. Instead, we directly focus on minimizing higher bandwidth than can be achieved using older technologies. makespan. In addition, while cache-management algorithms must Throughout the rest of this paper, we refer to the on-package 3D focus on what pages to keep in cache; HBM management requires memory technologies as high-bandwidth memory or HBM.1 answering two questions: (1) which pages to keep in HBM and (2) The HBM cannot replace DRAM (“main memory”) since it is how to use the limited bandwidth from HBM to DRAM. It turns out generally about 5 times smaller than DRAM due to constraints that the natural approach of using LRU for the first question and such as heat dissipation, as well as economic factors. For example, FCFS (First-Come-First-Serve) for the second question is provably current HBM sizes range from 16 gigabytes per compute node (the bad. Instead, we provide a priority based approach that is simple, ef- Department of Energy’s “Trinity” [26]) to 96 gigabytes per compute ( ) ficiently implementable and 푂 1 -competitive for makespan when node (the Department of Energy’s “” [47]), several times all multicore threads are independent. smaller than the per-node sizes of DRAM on those systems (96 GB and 512 GB, respectively). HBM therefore augments the existing CCS CONCEPTS by providing memory that can be accessed with • Theory of computation → Scheduling algorithms; Pack- up to 5x higher bandwidth than DDR4, today’s DRAM technology, ing and covering problems; Online algorithms; Caching and when feeding a CPU [1], and up to 20x higher bandwidth when feeding a GPU [47], but with latency similar to DDR4. As the number of cores on a chip has grown in the past two decades, the relative memory capacity, defined as memory capacity Publication rights licensed to ACM. ACM acknowledges that this contribution was authored or co-authored by an employee, contractor or affiliate of the United States divided by available gigaflops, has decreased by more than 10x[35]. government. As such, the Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to Thus, processors are becoming more starved for . HBM, with publish or reproduce this article, or to allow others to do so, for Government purposes its improved ability to feed processors, provides an opportunity to only. SPAA ’20, July 15–17, 2020, Virtual Event, USA overcome this bottleneck, if application software can use it. © 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6935-0/20/07...$15.00 1Hardware vendors use various brand names such as High-Bandwidth Memory (HBM), (HMC), and MCDRAM for this technology. HBM has a critical limitation besides its constrained size: since it In sequential caching, we generally use minimizing cache misses as uses the same technology as DRAM, it offers little or no advantage in a performance objective since it is a good proxy for makespan. We latency. Therefore, the HBM is not designed to accelerate memory- might be tempted to use HBM misses as the performance objective latency-bound applications, only memory-bandwidth-bound ones.2 here. Surprisingly, it turns out that minimizing HBM misses cor- relates poorly with makespan for HBM for two reasons (formally How HBM is managed. Intel’s Knights Landing processors [46] proved in Section 7). First, unlike caches, HBM has the same access on Trinity can boot into multiple modes. In “cache mode,” the HBM latency as DRAM. Second, multiple processors are accessing the is system-controlled and is integrated into the memory hierarchy HBM and potentially contending for the channel between HBM and as the “last level of cache.” In “flat mode,” the programmer con- DRAM and the amount of contention can have an impact on the trols HBM by explicitly copying data in and out of HBM, trying to makespan, not just the sheer number of HBM misses. Therefore, we squeeze as much performance from the system as possible. Hybrid focus directly on minimizing makespan. We establish the following: mode splits the HBM into one “flat” piece and one “cache” piece. This proliferation of HBM modes exists because there is no • Minimizing page faults does not correlate well with minimizing consensus on how to automatically manage HBM efficiently, or makespan. An algorithm that optimizes the total number whether this is even possible. of HBM misses may have bad makespan (the time the last On the other hand, on most systems, on-chip cache is automati- thread completes)— up to a Θ(푝)-factor worse than optimal. cally managed by the hardware and works well enough that applica- This is not true for the standard cache-replacement problem tion programmers can treat the cache hierarchy a a black box. They where the total number of cache misses is the surrogate can also assume sufficient support from libraries of cache-aware objective for makespan [19, 28, 44]. and cache-oblivious algorithms. Ideally, we would like a system • Minimizing makespan is strongly NP-hard. controlled HBM to also work well-enough to free the programmer • Sharing the HBM-to-DRAM channel fairly does not work. We from the need to manage it. consider how to design -replacement policies for the However, managing the HBM is not identical to managing caches HBM coupled with the First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS) algo- and introduces complications that do not exist in more traditional rithm for determining the order of accesses from HBM to memory hierarchies. In particular, cores compete not only for HBM DRAM. We show that even though LRU is a very good block- capacity, but also for the more limited channel capacity between replacement policy, if we use FCFS in the HBM-to-DRAM HBM and DRAM. HBM does not fit into a standard memory hier- channel, LRU performs poorly. In particular, with any con- archy model [12, 30], because in traditional hierarchies, both the stant amount of resource augmentation the makespan of latency and bandwidth improve as the levels get smaller. This is using FCFS with LRU is Ω(푝) away from the optimal policy not true of HBM. in the worst case. This negative result establishes that more The question looms: Are there provably good algorithms for sophisticated management of the channel between HBM and automatically controlling HBM? DRAM is central to the designing a good algorithm for the problem. The seemingly fair FCFS policy is bad. 1.1 Results Multicore HBM model. We propose a multicore model for HBM Our main positive results are simple online and offline algo- that captures the high bandwidth from the cores to HBM and the rithms for automatically managing HBM. What is interesting about much lower bandwidth to DRAM. There are 푝 parallel channels HBM management is how starkly it differs from traditional caching connecting 푝 cores to the HBM but only a single channel connect- policies, which are well understood in a serial setting but are chal- ing HBM to DRAM; see Figure 1. This configuration captures the lenging in multicore settings [31, 38]. high (on-package) bandwidth between the 푝 cores and HBM and • Priority-based mechanism for managing the HBM-to-DRAM the much lower (off-package) bandwidth between HBM and DRAM. channel. We give a priority-based policy for managing the Data is transferred in blocks — there are up to 푝 parallel block channel between HBM and DRAM. We impose a pecking transfers from the HBM to the cores, but only one block transfer order on the cores, so that a high-priority core never has a at a time between DRAM and HBM. The roughly comparable la- request to DRAM blocked by a request from a lower-priority tencies are captured by setting all block-transfer costs (times) to 1. core. Our algorithms for HBM management are built around See Section 8 for a more nuanced discussion of this. this priority-based mechanism. HBM management. We focus on instances where the multicore’s • 푂 (1)-competitive algorithm for HBM management. As a first threads access disjoint sets of blocks. This emphasizes the cores’ step towards our online algorithm, we give an offline approxi- competition for HBM and the limited bandwidth between HBM mation algorithm for the makespan objective. We build upon and DRAM. the offline algorithm to obtain a simple online algorithm What should the performance objective be? The high-level objec- (with a more complicated analysis) that is 푂 (1)-competitive, tive is to improve the performance by finishing all threads as quickly even without resource augmentation. The online algorithm as possible — in other words, we want to minimize the makespan. is non-intuitive —it often preferentially allocates the HBM-to- DRAM channel to a single core while depriving other cores 2HBM does not increase off-package DRAM bandwidth. It does not accelerate a scan of — but guarantees nearly optimal makespan. (The algorithm a large chunk of data in DRAM that does not fit into the HBM, because the operation is limited by the DRAM bandwidth. Therefore, HBM improves some memory-bandwidth- can treat cores fairly over time by periodically changing the bound computations but does not automatically improve all. pecking order among the cores.) 1.2 Related Work was based on Sleator and Tarjan’s [44]’s classic paging results; HBM-tuning and cache mode. Intel’s Knights Landing (KNL) cache-adaptive analysis [16, 17, 37]; and parallel caching models processor [34] features an implementation of HBM. Several recent based on work stealing [23]. We can view this paper as proposing papers have documented runtime improvements of 3-4x using this an alternative setting for HBM, where the programmer can assume HBM in “cache mode” compared to using DRAM alone, when prob- optimal paging for HBM, and then let the system make all decisions. lem instances fit entirely in the HBM. For example, Li et al. studied Finally, we note that there are many sequential and parallel eight kernels from scientific computing [36] on KNL and found 3-4x models of the memory hierarchy [2–4, 6, 7, 15, 18, 22, 24, 32]. These speedups on some instances of sparse matrix-vector multiplication, include models where there are private caches associated with each Cholesky decomposition, and dense matrix-matrix multiplication. core [8]. In contrast, our HBM model explicitly does not need to They observed more modest 1-2x speedups for sparse matrix trans- consider a private cache. Whatever happens in the private caches pose and sparse triangular solve. Byun, et al. corroborate the KNL of each individual core is independent of the optimization problem speedup for dense matrix-matrix multiplication [21]. Slota and Ra- in this paper. As mentioned in [12], the performance characteristics jamanickam [45] observed 2-5x speedups in graph algorithms on of HBM set it apart from most other memory-hierarchy models, so instances far larger than HBM. Butcher et al. [20] also studied prob- that in some ways, HBM and DRAM are like siblings on the same lems that are too large to fit into HBM. They optimized sorting on level of the hierarchy, and in other ways they are stacked. This helps KNL and concluded that GNU parallel sort run in cache mode is not explain why the present optimization problem is so surprisingly nearly as fast as a custom sorting algorithm (based upon concurrent different from prior work, and also why prior work provides little calls to GNU serial sort), also run in cache mode [20]. insight into how to deal with HBM. This result is in keeping with the predictions made by Bender et al. [11, 13, 14]. Before KNL existed, they gave HBM-optimized 2 HBM MODEL sorting algorithms and obtained simulation results that predicted Our model of HBM comprises a multi-core machine with 푝 parallel good speedups for these algorithms. However, this does not settle channels connecting 푝 cores to the HBM. The HBM has size 푀, and the question of automatic management of HBM. KNL’s arbitration the DRAM (main memory) has no space limitation. of HBM misses is handled by the DRAM controller. Although the actual protocol is proprietary, it is likely a solution based on [41]. Such arbitration is commonly called “first-ready first-come-first- served (FR-FCFS).” As the name implies, this is a variant of FCFS. We show in Section 5 that FCFS is not a good arbitration policy for HBM misses, and we conjecture that a future cache mode informed by this paper may perform significantly better.

Multi-thread/multi-core paging. There exists a rich literature on multi-threaded and multi-core paging models. Feuerstein and Strejilevich de Loma [27] consider a paging model where there are multiple threads but only a single core. They optimize the number of cache misses. Loma [25] and Seiden [42] give randomized algorithms for the same setting. Hassidim [31] considers a paging model where there are multiple threads and multiple cores. He minimizes the makespan. López- Ortiz and Salinger [38] consider a similar model but minimize cache Figure 1: The HBM model with 풑 cores and two levels of misses. They give lower bounds and an offline algorithm with a run- memory. time exponential in the size of cache. Katti and Ramachandran [33] give a competitive algorithm for multi-core paging assuming that The increased bandwidth of HBM comes from multiple channels the interleaving of the request sequences of the cores are fixed. between it and the cores. There is only one channel between HBM These classic paging results differ from our HBM model because and DRAM. Data is transferred along any of these channels in in these prior results access times of near and far levels are dif- blocks of size 퐵; see Figure 1. HBM can hold 푘 = 푀/퐵 blocks. There ferent but there are still 푝 channels between the cores and shared can be up to 푝 parallel block transfers from the HBM to the cores, cache and between cache and DRAM. Therefore, these prior parallel but only one block at a time is transferred between DRAM and caching results do not carry over to our setting, and vice versa. HBM. The roughly comparable access costs are captured by setting When multiple threads access the same shared cache, the frac- all block-transfer cost to 1. That is, it takes one time step to transfer tion of cache dedicated to any given thread can vary [5, 9, 10, 17]. a block from HBM to a core or from DRAM to HBM. Peserico [40] and Bender et al. [16, 17] formulated models for page Unlike the Ideal Cache model [29, 30], our HBM model has two replacement in a fluctuating cache, with the latter model serving as resources to manage: the HBM itself and the far channel between an algorithmic foundation for cache-adaptive analysis [16, 17, 37]. HBM and DRAM. The HBM is managed by a block-replacement There are several analysis frameworks based upon assuming an policy, and the DRAM channel is managed by a far-channel arbi- underlying optimal paging algorithm. These include the seminal tration policy. For example, we might consider LRU block replace- ideal cache-model of Frigo et al. [29, 30] and Prokop [30], which ment and FCFS far-channel arbitration. Parallel program execution in HBM model. Each core runs its We know that in single-core and multi-core paging models, min- own stream of instructions, which for the purposes of the model, is a imizing the number of cache misses leads to a good approximation 푖 푖 푖 푖 sequence of block requests. Thus, we denote 푅 = 푟0, 푟1, 푟2,... as the of the running time of a program [19, 28, 44]. The interesting differ- sequence of the blocks requested by core 푝푖 on its dedicated channel ence in our HBM model is that the number of HBM misses no longer to the HBM. We omit the core number when it is understood. We gives a good approximation to the running time. In particular, in analyze the disjoint case in which the cores access disjoint sets Section 7, we show that there exist request sequences from 푝 cores 푖 푗 of blocks, that is, for 푖 ≠ 푗 and ∀푞, 푠 푟푞 ≠ 푟푠 , as in prior work on such that any policy that minimizes the number of HBM misses parallel caching [31, 38]. This case emphasizes the computational has a running time that is a factor of Θ(푝) larger than the optimal issues that arise when the 푝 programs compete for their own share running time. Moreover, unlike in traditional caching, resource of the HBM. Furthermore, the most common case when executing augmentation in the form of larger HBM sizes is not necessary. multithreaded programs is that the threads are disjoint or nearly Hence, we turn directly to the makespan metric. We show that disjoint [12, 20]. the problem of minimizing the makespan in HBM model is strongly 푖 NP-hard. The limited bandwidth between HBM and DRAM plays a We say that a request 푟 푗 is served at time step 풕, if the previous request to be served was 푟푖 and the requested block 푟푖 is trans- pivotal role in the hardness proof. 푗−1 푗 So how should we deal with contending requests for the HBM- ferred to core 푝 at time step 푡. Request 푟푖 is served as follows. If 푟푖 푖 푗 푗 DRAM channel? is in HBM, then core 푝푖 receives that block exactly one tick after the request. Otherwise, the block must be retrieved from DRAM Natural far-channel arbitration policies do not work in the via the far channel which takes at least one additional tick and may HBM model. One intuitive (but doomed) far-channel arbitration take many more depending on the request streams of other cores policy is to queue DRAM requests in First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS) and the far-channel arbitration policy. Note that HBM hits have order. Fairness would seem to dictate some sort of FCFS queue, nonzero cost in our HBM model (since HBM latency is no better and a canonical variant of this from [41] has been influential with then DRAM latency) and are thus infinitely more expensive than vendors of DRAM controllers. However, we prove that FCFS is the zero-cost cache hits of traditional caching models. not a good far-channel arbitration policy for HBM. Even if we have a good eviction policy, such as LRU, a far-channel arbitration Objective: minimizing makespan. Given an HBM of size 푀 and policy of FCFS queueing is provably non-optimal. In particular we 푝 disjoint request sequences of 푝 cores, the objective is to find a show that even with 푑 memory augmentation and 푠 far-channel contention-resolution policy for the HBM-DRAM channel and a bandwidth augmentation, there exist 푝 request sequences in which block-replacement policy for the HBM so that the makespan is the makespan of FCFS with LRU is a Θ( 푝 )-factor away from that minimized. 푑푠 of the optimal policy. 3 TECHNICAL OVERVIEW A better strategy is to assign priorities to the cores. That is, there is a pecking order among the cores so that a high-priority core In the rest of the paper, we propose methods to automatically man- always beats a lower-priority core when one of its requests needs age HBM and we analyze them with our new HBM model. Our access to the HBM-DRAM channel. In Section 4 we analyze an contributions, per section, are as follows: online HBM-management strategy where the eviction policy is • In this section, we explain how to navigate the algorithmic is- LRU but the far-channel arbitration policy is based on the pecking sues that distinguish HBM management from traditional cache order. We prove that this simple scheme, which we call priority, management and we informally justify the makespan metric for is constant competitive with the optimal policy for minimizing HBM. We add a formal justification in Section 7. makespan (without needing resource augmentation of either the • We give online algorithms for managing HBM asymptotically HBM size or the far-channel bandwidth). optimally with respect to the makespan objective (Section 4). The theoretical wedge that this paper drives between FCFS and • We analyze the natural strategies for managing the two resources priority-based HBM-DRAM channel arbitration is an important of the HBM model (variants of which are canonical results of com- contribution of this paper. Given that it is natural to have FCFS puter architecture cited more than 1000 times [41]) and prove that buffers queue up requests for the HBM-DRAM channel (and that they are not asymptotically good at managing HBM (Section 5). FCFS variants are widely implemented in today’s hardware), we • We prove the strong NP-hardness of the makespan minimization believe that this negative queuing result could be quite useful to problem for HBM (Section 6) hardware designers. A priority-based scheme is straightforward to implement in real hardware and leads to provably good algorithms Metrics for HBM management. HBM management must com- for HBM management under our assumption of disjoint reference prise policies for (1) dividing HBM’s storage capacity among cores streams. Furthermore, we note that priority-based schemes are or DRAM regions, (2) evicting blocks from HBM, and (3) deciding not inherently unfair. Our analysis still works if we change the which DRAM block requests to satisfy first, which we call “far- priorities periodically over time. channel arbitration.” In this paper, we do not constrain (1). However, we note that KNL’s cache mode employs direct-mapped caching Analysis of online competitive algorithm for the makespan. (each block in DRAM has a fixed and unique destination in HBM), While the priority-based mechanism seems algorithmically sim- constraining both (1) and (2). Crucially, we will show that effective ple, its analysis is more complicated. Thus, we explain the online far-channel arbitration is the key to reducing the running time of a analysis through an intermediary, an offline algorithm with a more program in the HBM model. complicated mechanism but a somewhat simpler analysis. We show 푖 that this algorithm, which we call 푘-packing, is an 푂 (1) approxi- We divide the request sequence 푅 = 푟1, 푟2, 푟3,... for each thread 푖 mation algorithm to makespan. into chunks, where each chunk 퐶푖 푗 (except possibly the last) con- The offline algorithm 푘-packing divides the execution into tains exactly 푘/4 requests3. Specifically, phases of Θ(푘) steps, where 푘 is the size of the HBM. In each phase, 퐶푖1 퐶푖2 each core makes an all-or-nothing decision about whether to ex- z }| { z }| { 푖 = ··· ··· ··· ecute its thread: either the thread makes Θ(푘) progress or it does 푅 푟1, 푟2, , 푟푘/4, 푟1 +푘/4, 푟2 +푘/4, , 푟2푘/4 not run. If a thread runs, it grabs all of the resources from HBM Executing a chunk 퐶푖 푗 means servicing each request in 퐶푖 푗 . A chunk that it needs by allocating space in the HBM and a channel band- 퐶푖 푗 is ready to run as soon as 퐶푖,푗−1 is executed. We associate a width equal to the number of blocks that it accesses in that phase. request with the block of memory needed to service the request. Thus, in a phase, some threads make essentially full progress and Algorithm 푘-packing. The 푘-packing algorithm proceeds in others make none. 푘-packing performs a maximal packing of the phases. In each Phase 휙, 푘-packing executes at most one chunk threads into the phase. 푘-packing is a “very” offline policy because from each thread. No chunks are partially executed. Let C be a set it requires Θ(푘) look-ahead for each core, and 푘 is very large. of chunks. Define the working set of C, denoted B(C), to be the The online algorithm priority does not have any lookahead, set of blocks requested in set C. It is the union of the set of blocks in contrast to 푘-packing. Hence, some cores may progress Θ(푘) over all the chunks in C. steps in a Θ(푘)-length phase, while others do not. If a core does In Phase 휙, 푘-packing executes a set C of ready-to-run chunks not progress a full Θ(푘) steps, we say that it wastes HBM capacity 휙 such that and bandwidth. We prove that the priority scheme guarantees at (1) |B(C )| ≤ 푘, most a constant factor of these resources are wasted. This delivers 휙 (2) Each thread executes either zero or one chunk in Phase 휙, the same performance guarantees as 푘-packing. and (3) C휙 is maximal. That is, no additional chunk can be added while satisfying Constraints 1 and 2. 4 푂 (1)-COMPETITIVE ONLINE ALGORITHM Although chunks can be chosen greedily within a phase, 푘-packing FOR HBM BLOCK MANAGEMENT itself is not greedy. That is, it may be possible for a thread to make forward progress in a phase without hindering any other thread— In this section we present an 푂 (1)-competitive online algorithm but 푘-packing does not execute any thread unless it can complete for the makespan-minimization problem. We first give an offline an entire chunk for that thread in the phase. 푂 (1)-approximation algorithm. Then we show how to transform Because a phase 휙 is defined by the chunks C휙 that it runs, we the offline strategy into an online strategy while retaining constant will overload notation, letting B(휙) denote the set of blocks served competitiveness. in Phase 휙. For generic input I, let 푘-packing(I) denote running One of the exciting aspects of our makespan-minimization prob- 푘-packing on instance I. lem is that proving constant competitiveness does not require re- source augmentation. This result stands in stark contrast to most Definition 1. Each Phase 휙 in 푘-packing(I) has one of the follow- online caching problems, where resource augmentation is necessary ing types. to achieve good competitive ratios. Nonetheless, the optimization Contested: 3푘/4 ≤ |B(휙)| ≤ 푘 problem is delicate. In Section 5 we show that some seemingly Uncontested: |B(휙)| < 3푘/4. natural HBM caching policies achieve a competitive ratio as large Lemma 2. If |B(휙)| < 3푘/4, then all unfinished threads execute a as Θ(푝). chunk in Phase 휙. In the rest of this section we prove the following theorem: Proof. We prove this by contradiction. Let 휙 be a phase such that |B(휙)| < 3푘/4. Assume that there is an unfinished thread 푝푖 Theorem 1. There exists an 푂 (1)-competitive online algorithm that does not execute a chunk in 휙. However, a chunk of 푝푖 has at for the makespan-minimization problem (without resource augmen- most 푘/4 blocks. So we can add the ready-to-run chunk of 푝푖 to tation). Phase 휙 without violating Constraints 1 or 2 for phases. Therefore phase 휙 is not maximal, a violation of the third constraint. □

Lemma 3. Suppose that 푘-packing(I) has 푋1 contested phases and 4.1 Constant-approximation offline algorithm 푋2 uncontested phases. Then the makespan of 푘-packing(I) is at most 5푘 푋 + 푘푋 . This section gives an offline 푂 (1)-approximation algorithm for the 4 1 2 makespan-minimization problem, which we call the 푘-packing Proof. In every contested phase, at most 푘 blocks are transferred algorithm. We show the following: from DRAM to HBM, requiring at most 푘 time steps. Once the blocks are in HBM, they are served to the cores in at most 푘/4 time steps. So a contested phase finishes in 5푘/4 time units. Similarly, in every Lemma 1. There exists an offline constant-approximation algorithm uncontested phase, at most 3푘/4 blocks are fetched from DRAM to for the makespan-minimization problem (without resource augmen- 3Our proofs assume that 푘 is a multiple of 4, fairly common for memory size, but we tation). can adjust the proofs for general 푘. ′ HBM using at most 3푘/4 time steps. Once all the blocks are in the phase 휙푔 is the last phase for thread 푝.). Thus reference 푟 푗 , is either HBM, they are served to the cores in at most 푘/4 more time steps. in phase 휙푓 or phase 휙푔. Thus all references to block 퐵 in phase 휙 So a uncontested phase finishes in 푘 time units. □ of opt are in at most two phases (of any type) in 푘-packing. They contribute at most 2 to 휂 푘-packing (Φ1). Summing over all phases in For a set of phases Φ for an algorithm 퐴 we define 휂퐴 (Φ) ≡ Í Φ푂푃푇 proves the lemma. □ 휙 ∈Φ |B(휙)|. When the set of distinct blocks in any phase fits in HBM (i.e. total at most 푘), 휂퐴 (Φ) gives an upper bound on the total Lemma 6. Suppose that opt has 푌 phases. Then 휂(Φ푂푃푇 ) ≤ time to bring blocks in from DRAM over all phases in Φ. This is the (5푘/4)푌. cost of running the algorithm normally, but artificially emptying HBM at phase boundaries. The system may need to bring in a block Proof. Because a Phase 휙 of opt has length 푘/4 (except a trun- once for each phase it participates in. It can be served to its core cated last phase), at most 푘/4 blocks can be transferred from DRAM from HBM multiple times within a single phase. For any instance to HBM. In addition, there are at most 푘 distinct blocks already present in HBM at the start of Phase 휙. These can be accessed in 푘-packing(I), let Φ1 be the set of contested phases. parallel by the threads. Thus, altogether, in the phase, at most 5푘/4 Observation 1. Suppose 푘-packing(I) has 푋1 contested phases. distinct blocks can be accessed. Summing over all 푌 phases proves Then 휂 푘-packing (Φ1) ≥ (3푘/4)푋1. the lemma. □

Analysis of opt. Let opt denote the optimal algorithm for the Lemma 7. Suppose that 푘-packing has 푋1 contested phases and makespan-minimization problem. As with 푘-packing, we divide opt has 푌 phases. Then 푋1 ≤ (10/3)푌. the execution opt(I) on instance I into phases. Each phase has ( ) ≤ ( ) a fixed length of exactly 푘/4 time steps (except possibly the last Proof. From Lemma 5, we know 휂 푘-packing Φ1 2휂 Φ푂푃푇 . ( / ) ≤ ( ) phase). Thus, Phase 1 contains the requests serviced in the first 푘/4 From Observation 1, 3푘 4 푋1 휂 푘-packing Φ1 and from Lemma 6, ( ) ≤ ( / ) ≤ ( / ) time steps, Phase 2 contains the requests serviced in the next 푘/4 휂 Φ푂푃푇 5푘 4 푌. Combining these, we get 푋1 10 3 푌. □ time steps, and so on. Proof of Lemma 1: Suppose that 푘-packing has 푋1 contested and Observation 2. Suppose opt(I) runs in 푌 phases. Then its 푋2 uncontested phases. Let 푇 (A) denote the makespan of an algo- makespan is at most (푘/4)푌 and at least (푘/4)(푌 − 1) + 1. rithm A. Then from Lemma 3, We now compare the number of phases in opt(I) versus 푘- 5푘 푇 (푘-packing) ≤ 푋 + 푘푋 . packing(I). 4 1 2 Suppose opt has 푌 phases. Then from Lemma 7, 푋1 ≤ (10/3)푌 Lemma 4. Suppose 푘-packing(I) has 푋2 uncontested phases and and from Lemma 4, 푋2 ≤ 푌 . Combining these, we get the following. opt(I) has 푌 phases. Then 푌 ≥ 푋2. 5푘 10 Proof. From Lemma 2, in a uncontested phase, all the unfinished 푇 (푘-packing) ≤ 푌 + 푘푌 . threads execute a chunk, which contains 푘/4 block requests. Let 4 3 However, from Observation 2, 푇 (opt) ≥ (푘/4)(푌 − 1). Thus, 푝푖 be a thread that executes during the last uncontested phase. This implies that in all 푋2 phases, 푝푖 executes a chunk. As opt can execute at most 푘/4 requests of 푝 in each phase (length of 5푘 10 50푘 푘 푖 푇 (푘-packing) ≤ (푌 − 1) + + 4 (푋2 − 1) + 푘 each phase in opt is 푘/4), opt needs at least 푋2 phases to serve 4 3 12 4 50 62푘 thread 푝푖 . □ ≤ 푇 (opt) + 4푇 (opt) + . 3 12 Let Φ푂푃푇 be the set of phases for the optimal algorithm for Hence, the lemma follows as 푇 (푘-packing) = 푂 (푇 (opt)). I some instance . opt has only one kind of phase. Since the algo- □ rithm is clear from context, use the shorthand 휂(Φ푂푃푇 ) instead of 휂푂푃푇 (Φ푂푃푇 ). 4.2 Online algorithm

Lemma 5. 휂 푘-packing (Φ1) ≤ 2휂(Φ푂푃푇 ). In this section we introduce an online algorithm priority, which automatically guarantees that its execution on an instance Proof. Consider an arbitrary phase 휙 of opt. Let 퐵 be a block I, priority(I), has some of the structural properties that 푘- that is requested by thread 푝 at least once during phase 휙. Let packing(I) does. Unlike 푘-packing, priority does not need to the first and last requests of block 퐵 in phase 휙 be the 푓 th and know the HBM size 푘 or any future requests from the request 푗th reference to 퐵 respectively in thread 푝’s request sequence. All sequences. 푗 − 푓 + 1 references to Block 퐵 in phase 휙 together contribute Specifically, the 푘-packing algorithm guarantees that in a phase exactly 1 to 휂(Φ ). Let 푟 ′ and 푟 ′ be the references in thread 푝’s 푂푃푇 푓 푗 (1) there are Θ(푘) steps, (2) either the working set size is Θ(푘) or request stream corresponding to the 푓 th and 푗th reference to block every unfinished thread makes Θ(푘) progress, (3) any thread that / 퐵 respectively. Because each phase of opt has 푘 4 time steps, there makes progress (without finishing) completes Θ(푘) requests. are at most 푘/4 requests between 푟 ′ and 푟 ′ in thread 푝. Let 휙 be 푓 푗 푓 What makes the HBM model algorithmically interesting is the ′ the phase in 푘-packing that contains reference 푟푓 and let 휙푔 be the bandwidth bottleneck between HBM and DRAM. Given this bot- next phase of 푘-packing that contains a reference to Block 퐵. Both tleneck, the algorithmic concern/challenge is how to break ties phase 휙푓 and phase 휙푔 execute 푘/4 requests for thread 푝 (unless when multiple block requests compete for the limited bandwidth. In the offline setting, we managed the tie-breaking issue byusing Proof. Since there are fewer than 푘/2 distinct blocks accessed size-Θ(푘) chunks, but priority does not know 푘. in Phase 휙, then there are at most 푘/2 steps when any block is FCFS (First-Come-First-Serve) is a naturally fair policy for man- brought in from DRAM. Thus, since a phase has 푘 time steps, there aging DRAM accesses. As we show in the next section, FCFS works are at least 푘/2 steps when no thread needs a block that is not in poorly, at least when paired with an LRU page-replacement policy HBM. During each of these steps, any active thread serves a page —see Section 5. request from its sequence or finishes. □ A better idea, at least when using LRU page replacement, is to assign priorities to threads, so that a high priority thread can The next two lemmas show that for every Phase 휙, priority(I) never be blocked by a low-priority thread. This leads to constant satisfies the following two conditions: competitiveness. Specifically, we prioritize block requests based on • Each phase in priority(I) has at least one productive which thread made the request, with the highest-priority thread thread. granted access to the DRAM. The specific priority order does not • In every contested phase, the productive threads alone serve matter. With this far-channel arbitration policy, priority naturally at least 푘/2 distinct blocks. does what we explicitly designed 푘-packing to do. Moreover, unlike most caching problems, resource augmentation is not necessary Lemma 9. Every phase of priority(I) has at least one productive for constant competitiveness. thread. 푖 푖 푖 푖 Let 푅 = 푟 , 푟 , 푟 ,... be thread 푝푖 ’s request sequence. Suppose 1 2 3 Proof. Let thread 푝 have the highest priority among the threads that at time step 푡 of some algorithm execution, thread 푝푖 has 푖 푖 ( ) 푖 that run in Phase 휙. If 푝푖 finishes its execution in Phase 휙, then by served all requests through 푟 푗−1. Let 푢푖 푡 = 푟 푗 denote thread 푝푖 ’s first unserviced request at time 푡. We partition the threads into two definition, it is a productive thread. Otherwise, in each time step,a 푖 block of 푝푖 is transferred from DRAM to HBM or from HBM to 푝푖 ’s sets, 푃 (푡) and 푃 (푡) as follows. If 푟 푗 is in the HBM at the start of time core. Being the highest priority thread, 푝푖 never stalls. Since the ∈ ( ) ∈ ( ) step 푡, then 푝푖 푃 푡 , and otherwise 푝푖 푃 푡 . At time 0, the HBM phase has length 푘, thread 푝푖 services at least 푘/2 block requests or is empty, and hence for all 푖, 푝푖 ∈ 푃 (0). finishes, making it a productive thread. □ Algorithm priority. We assign a fixed priority for each thread. Lemma 10. For every contested phase 휙, the productive threads Without loss of generality, say that thread 푝푖 has priority 푖, where ( ) |B( )| ≥ ( ) ≥ / priority 1 is the highest. access 푔 휙 distinct blocks, where 휙 푔 휙 푘 2. In each time step 푡 and for each thread 푝푖 : Proof. For ease of presentation, rename the threads that have (1) If 푝푖 ∈ 푃 (푡), then block 푢푖 (푡) is transferred to 푝푖 ’s core. not completed executing, so that 푝1 is the highest priority thread, (2) Otherwise, 푝 ∈ 푃 (푡). 푖 푝2 is the next highest priority thread, and so on. (a) If 푝 is the highest priority thread among the threads in 푖 We say that a thread 푝푖 is active in step 풕 if it is not stalled during ( ) ( ) 푃 푡 , then 푢푖 푡 is transferred from DRAM to HBM. If the the step. Thus, a block for 푝푖 is transferred either from DRAM to HBM is full, then the least-recently-used block among all HBM or from HBM to 푝푖 ’s core. Say that thread 푝푖 accesses ℎ푖 the cores (breaking ties arbitrarily) in HBM is replaced. distinct blocks in Phase 휙. (b) Otherwise, 푝푖 stalls (i.e., waits, since only one block can Thread 푝1 is never stalled. Thus, it is active for 푘 steps unless it be fetched from DRAM to HBM in each step). finishes executing before the phase ends. It takes one time step to transfer a block from HBM to a core Thread 푝2 can be stalled for at most ℎ1 time steps. This is because or from DRAM to HBM. Thus, if 푝푖 ∈ 푃 (푡) (conditional in Step 1 푝1 grabs the DRAM-to-HBM channel at most ℎ1 times during the ( + ) 푖 holds), then after Step 1 in priority, 푢푖 푡 1 = 푟 푗+1. Otherwise, phase. (Thread 푝1 might grab the channel fewer than ℎ1 times, since 푖 the requested blocks might already be in HBM from a previous after priority executes Step 2, 푢푖 (푡 + 1) = 푟 푗 . phase.) Thus, 푝2 is active for at least 푘 − ℎ1 steps unless it finishes Analysis of priority. For the analysis (only), we divide prior- executing before the phase ends. ity’s execution on instance I, denoted priority(I), into phases Similarly, 푝3 can be stalled for at most ℎ1 + ℎ2 time steps. This is of length 푘. Phase 휙 (for 휙 ≥ 1) begins at the start of time step because 푝3 is only stalled when either 푝1 or 푝2 grabs the DRAM- (휙 − 1)푘 + 1 and finishes at the end of step 휙푘. We say thread 푝푖 Í푖−1 to-HBM channel. In general, 푝푖 can be stalled for at most 푗=1 ℎ푗 is productive in Phase 흓 if and only if 푝푖 serves at least 푘/4 re- Í푖−1 steps, and thus is active for 푘 − = ℎ푗 steps unless it finishes quests in Phase 휙 or finishes the thread’s execution. Otherwise, 푝푖 푗 1 before the phase ends. is unproductive in Phase 흓. Íℓ Let ℓ be the lowest priority thread in Phase 휙 such that 푗=1 ℎ푗 ≥ Definition 2. Let B(휙) denote the set of distinct blocks that 푘/2. priority(I) serves in Phase 휙. There are two types of phases: We show that for all 푖 = 1 . . . ℓ, thread 푝푖 is productive. For 푖 = Íℓ−1 Contested: 푘/2 ≤ |B(휙)| ≤ 푘 or 1 . . . ℓ, thread 푝푖 is active for at least 푘 − 푗=1 ℎ푗 ≥ 푘/2 steps unless Uncontested: |B(휙)| < 푘/2. it finishes earlier. If a thread finishes earlier, then by definition, it is productive. Otherwise, if a thread is active for 푘/2 steps, then it The following lemma shows uncontested phases are productive. must serve at least 푘/4 block requests in its sequence, since it takes Lemma 8. For any uncontested phase in priority(I), all unfinished two steps to bring a block from DRAM to a thread’s core. Hence, threads serve at least 푘/4 requests. all ℓ threads are productive threads. Íℓ Thus, together all the productive threads access 푗=1 ℎ푗 ≥ 푘/2 Proof of Theorem 1: Suppose that priority has 푍1 contested and distinct blocks, establishing the lemma. □ 푍2 uncontested phases. Then priority’s makespan 푇 (priority) satisfies the following: For a phase 휙, let B∗ (휙) denote the set of distinct blocks re- ( ) ≤ ( + ) quested by all the productive threads in phase 휙. Let Φ1 denote 푇 priority 푘 푍1 푍2 . the set of contested phases. Similar to our previous notation, let Suppose opt has 푌 phases. Using the results from Lemma 12 and ∗ ( ) ≡ Í |B∗ ( )| 휂priority Φ1 휙 ∈Φ1 휙 . Lemma 13, we get the following: Corollary 1. Let priority have 푍1 contested phases. Then 푇 (priority) ≤ 6푘푌 . 휂∗ (Φ ) ≥ (푘/2)푍 . priority 1 1 However, from Observation 2,푇 (opt) ≥ (푘/4)(푌 −1). The theorem Analysis of opt. We divide opt’s execution on instance I into follows, since phases. Each phase has a fixed length of exactly 푘/4 time steps 푇 (priority) ≤ 24푇 (opt) + 6푘 = 푂 (푇 (opt)). (except possibly the last phase). □ We now compare the number of phases in opt versus priority. Our proof of the following lemma is similar to that of Lemma 5. Why do we use LRU for block replacement? Many arguments However, since priority can not pack and execute chunks the way in proofs above assume that all references to a block within the same the offline algorithm 푘-packing does in a phase, we base the proof phase cost at most one access to DRAM. This assumes that once a on the productive threads in a fixed-length phase. Later we show block is brought in during a phase, it will stay in HBM for the rest that considering only productive threads is enough to establish the of the phase. Thus future accesses to that block in the same phase constant-competitiveness of priority. are HBM hits. LRU is one way to ensure that new blocks coming in do not knock out very-recently-fetched blocks. Our phases have at Lemma 11. 휂∗ (Φ ) ≤ 2휂(Φ ). priority 1 푂푃푇 most 푘 distinct blocks. Thus the blocks brought in during the phase Proof. Consider an arbitrary phase 휙 of opt. Let 퐵 be a block can all fit into HBM without evicting each other when using LRU. that is requested by thread 푝 at least once during phase 휙. Let the first and last requests of block 퐵 in phase 휙 be the 푓 th and 5 FCFS WITH LRU IS NOT A GOOD POLICY IN 푗th reference to 퐵 respectively in thread 푝’s request sequence. All THE HBM MODEL 푗 − 푓 + 1 references to Block 퐵 in phase 휙 together contribute In this section we consider a very natural contention-resolution ( ) ′ ′ exactly 1 to 휂 Φ푂푃푇 . Let 푟푓 and 푟 푗 be the references in thread policy FCFS for the DRAM-HBM channel with a widely used nat- 푝’s request stream corresponding to the 푓 th and 푗th reference to ural block replacement policy LRU. We show that the contention- block 퐵 respectively. Because each phase of opt has 푘/4 time steps, resolution policy FCFS with the block replacement policy LRU (let / ′ ′ there are at most 푘 4 requests between 푟푓 and 푟 푗 in thread 푝. Let us call it FCFS+LRU) works very poorly in the HBM model. We ′ ∗ prove the following theorem. 휙푓 be the phase in priority that serves reference 푟푓 . Let 휙푓 be ∗ phase 휙푓 if thread 푝 is productive in 휙푓 . Otherwise, let 휙푓 be the Theorem 2. There exists request sequences such that even with 푑 first phase after 휙푓 in priority where thread 푝 is productive and memory augmentation and 푠 bandwidth augmentation, the makespan it serves a reference to block 퐵 in [푟 ′ ,..., 푟 ′]. Let 휙 be the next ( 푝 ) 푓 푗 푔 of FCFS+LRU is Θ 푑푠 -factor away from that of the optimal policy. phase of priority after phase 휙∗ that serves a reference to block 퐵 푓 We give FCFS+LRU 푑-memory augmentation, that is, FCFS+LRU ∗ where thread 푝 is productive. Both phase 휙푓 and phase 휙푔 execute has an HBM of size 푘, whereas OPT has an HBM of size 푘/푑. We 푘/4 requests for thread 푝 (unless phase 휙푔 is the last phase for assume that 푑 divides 푘. Given the memory augmentation 푑, we set thread 푝.). Thus all the 푓 th through 푗th request to block 퐵 are 푘 = 2푝푑 where 푝 is the number of cores. We could have chosen any ∗ served by priority in phase 휙푓 or in phase 휙푔, or in phases where larger value of 푘. Larger values of 푘 capture reasonable HBM sizes ∗ and we would obtain the same lower bound. The request sequences thread 푝 is not productive. Only phases 휙푓 and 휙푔 might contribute ∗ would need to be updated accordingly. counts to 휂priority(Φ1), and together they contribute at most 2 ∗ to 휂priority(Φ1). Summing over all phases in Φ푂푃푇 proves the Proof. lemma. □ ℓ+푖 ℓ+푖 ℓ+푖 푖 z }| { z }| { z }| { !휆 푅 = 푥푖 , 푥푖 , . . . , 푥푖 ,..., 푥푖 , 푥푖 , . . . , 푥푖 , 푥푖 , 푥푖 , . . . , 푥푖 , 푥푖 , 푥푖 , . . . , 푥푖 ,... . Lemma 12. Suppose priority has 푍1 contested phases and opt has 1 1 1 푝−1 푝−1 푝−1 1 2 푘/푝+1 1 2 푘/푝+1 ≤ | {z } | {z } 푌 phases. Then 푍1 5푌. 2푑−1 light phases 1 heavy phase ∗ Proof. From Lemma 11, 휂priority(Φ1) ≤ 2휂(Φ푂푃푇 ). Also, The request sequence of core 푝푖 is divided into phases of length ∗ from Corollary 1, 휂priority(Φ1) ≥ (푘/2)푍1 and from Lemma 6, ℓ + 푖. There are two types of phases: light phases and heavy phases. 휂(Φ푂푃푇 ) ≤ (5푘/4)푌. Combining these, we get 푍1 ≤ 5푌. □ In a light phase a single block is requested for ℓ +푖 times. In a heavy phase 푘/푝 + 1 blocks are requested in round-robin fashion until Lemma 13. Suppose priority has 푍 uncontested phases and opt 2 length ℓ and then the last requested block is repeated for 푖 times. has 푌 phases. Then 푍 ≤ 푌. 2 The additive term 푖 in the length of a phase ensures synchronization Proof. The proof is essentially the same as that for Lemma 4. among the cores in the execution of FCFS+LRU. If all 푝 cores start □ executing their corresponding light phases at the same time, then Figure 2: The execution of FCFS+LRU. Boxes with grey color represent light phases and boxes with black color represents heavy phases.

Figure 3: The execution of OPT. The sequences are shifted to align such that at most one set of cores run their heavy phases simultaneously.

all finish at the same time. Similarly, ifall 푝 threads start executing 2-nd phase. Similarly, OPT starts executing cores in set P3 when their corresponding heavy phases, then all finish at the same time. cores in set P2 start their 2-nd phase. Note that cores in set P1 start There are 2푑 − 1 light phases followed by a heavy phase. Together their 3-rd phase at the same time. In general, cores in set P푖+1 start 푖 these 2푑 phases are called a superphase. Request sequence 푅 is the when cores in set P푖 start their 2-nd phase for 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 2푑 − 1. After concatenation of such a super phase for 휆 times. this initial alignment, only 푝/2푑 cores from one set run their heavy 푝 We divide the cores into 2푑 sets each containing 2푑 cores. We phase and all other cores run their corresponding light phases. As P = { | ≤ ≤ 푝 } the HBM of OPT has enough space to hold all the blocks of a heavy assume that 2푑 divides 푝. Let 1 푝 푗 1 푗 2푑 denote the 푝 푝 푝 phases from 푝/2푑 cores each and a light phase from each of the first set of cores, and P푖 = {푃푗 |푖 ≤ 푗 ≤ (푖 + 1) } denote the 2푑 2푑 2푑 rest of the cores, all the cores can progress simultaneously in every 푖-th set of 푝 cores. 2푑 phase. See Figure 3. OPT has enough space in its HBM to hold a block of a light phase OPT runs heavy phases from at most one set of 푝/2푑 cores and from each core in (2푑 − 1) sets and 푘/푝 + 1 blocks of a heavy phase rest of the cores runs light phases. Together, 푘/푑 blocks are fetched from each core in one set. Recall that each set has 푝/2푑 cores. in 푘/푑 time steps and once all the blocks are in HBM, all 푝 cores can ! run their phases in parallel, taking 푙 + 푝 time at most. Hence, OPT 푘 푝 푝 푘 + 1 + (2푑 − 1) = + 푝. finishes a phase in (푘/푑 +ℓ +푝) = ℓ +3푝 time steps as 푘 = 2푝푑. Recall 푝 2푑 2푑 2푑 that a superphase has 2푑 phases and there are 휆 such superphases in = 푘/푑 putting 푘 = 2푝푑. each request sequence. As OPT shifts the starting time of the request sequences, OPT effectively runs 휆 + 1 superphases. OPT finishes a The execution of FCFS+LRU. As FCFS+LRU cannot see the fu- superphase in (ℓ + 3푝)2푑 time steps. Choosing an appropriate value ture, it starts executing all the cores simultaneously. All 푝 cores of ℓ with respect to 푝, we get (ℓ + 3푝)2푑 ≤ 3ℓ푑. The whole program start and finish their corresponding light phases at the same time. finishes in 푇 (OPT) = 3ℓ푑(휆 + 1) ≤ 4ℓ푑휆 time steps. Similarly, all the 푝 cores start and finish their corresponding heavy Competitive ratio of FCFS+LRU. Applying the makespan of phases at the same time. See Figure 2. As the total number of blocks FCFS+LRU and OPT, we get the following competitive ratio of of 푝 heavy phases is larger than than size of HBM, every request in FCFS+LRU. the heavy phase incurs an HBM miss. Hence, all the heavy phases run serially, thus taking at least 푝ℓ time steps. As there are 휆 su- 푇 (FCFS+LRU) 푝ℓ휆 푝 ≥ = perphases and each superphase has one heavy phase, FCFS+LRU 푇 (OPT) 4ℓ푑휆 4푑 takes at least 푇 (FCFS+LRU) = 푝ℓ휆 time steps to execute the whole program. If FCFS+LRU gets 푠 bandwidth augmentation, then its running time The execution of OPT. The optimal policy OPT aligns the request is reduced by at most a factor of 푠 as between HBM and DRAM 푠 sequences such that no two cores run their heavy phases simul- blocks can be transferred in one time step. Hence, the competitive 푝  taneously. OPT does so by shifting the starting time of cores. It ratio of FCFS+LRU becomes Θ 푠푑 and the theorem is proved. starts executing cores in set P2 when cores in set P1 start their □ 6 NP-HARDNESS OF THE Proof. There are a total of (6푛퐵 + 2푛) distinct blocks. Hence, MAKESPAN-MINIMIZATION PROBLEM there must be at least (6푛퐵 + 2푛) HBM misses by any cache- replacement policy. If the target makespan is (6푛퐵 + 2푛 + 1), the In this section we show that the offline makespan-minimization channel between the HBM and DRAM must always be busy except problem is strongly NP-hard. Our proof is based on a polynomial- for the last time step (used for transferring the last block from HBM time reduction from the strongly NP-hard problem 3-partition. to a core). □ 3-partition. Given a set 퐴 = {푎 , 푎 , ··· , 푎 } of 3푛 integers such 1 2 3푛 Observation 3. Suppose that there is a schedule S of the derived that Í3푛 푎 = 푛퐵 and 퐵/4 < 푎 < 퐵/2 for each 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 3푛, can 푖=1 푖 푖 makespan-minimization problem instance with makespan (6푛퐵 + 퐼 = {1, 2, ··· , 3푛} be partitioned into disjoint sets 퐼 , 퐼 , ··· , 퐼 , such 1 2 푛 2푛 + 1). Then S cannot evict a block from HBM unless the block is that Í 푎 = 퐵 for each 1 ≤ 푗 ≤ 푛? 푖 ∈퐼푗 푖 not requested in the future.

Reduction. Given an instance of the 3-partition problem with Lemma 15. The schedules of the auxiliary cores 푇1 and 푇2 are fixed 3푛 integers {푎1, 푎2, ··· , 푎3푛 } and target sum 퐵 for each subset, in every solution of the derived makespan-minimization problem we create an instance of the makespan-minimization problem instance that has a makespan of (6푛퐵 + 2푛 + 1). as follows. For each integer 푎푖 , we create a request sequence   ⌊4퐵/푎푖 ⌋ Proof. The target makespan is (6푛퐵 + 2푛 + 1) and the last time 푅푖 = 푟푖 , 푟푖 , . . . , 푟푖 푅푖 1 2 푎푖 , that is is formed by repeating step is used to serve a block from HBM. Hence, the first (6푛퐵 + 2푛)  푖 푖 푖  푖 time steps can be used to fetch blocks from DRAM to HBM. Since 푟 , 푟 , . . . , 푟푎 for ⌊4퐵/푎푖 ⌋ times. Recall that 푟 denotes the 푗-th 1 2 푖 푗 푇 requests (3푛퐵 + 푛) distinct blocks, at every alternative time slot, request in core 푝 ’s request sequence. Therefore, all the 3푛 request 1 푖 푇 must use the HBM-DRAM channel. In particular, 푇 must fetch sequences together have 푛퐵 distinct blocks. We also create two 1 1 a block in the first time step. Otherwise, it can not finish within auxiliary request sequences 푇 and 푇 as follows. 1 2 the target makespan while fetching (3푛퐵 + 푛) distinct blocks and Sequence 푇 has length (3푛퐵 + 푛 + 1) where the first 3푛퐵 + 푛 1 serving the last distinct block twice. Hence, the schedule of 푇 is requests are all distinct, but then the last request is a repeat of the 1 fixed: it fetches every odd timestep. penultimate request. Similarly, the schedule of 푇2 is fixed. In the first time step, thread 푇1 brings in a block from DRAM. We show that in each of the 푇1 = 푏1,푏2,푏3, . . . ,푏3푛퐵+푛−1,푏3푛퐵+푛,푏3푛퐵+푛. remaining (6푛퐵 + 2푛) time steps, thread 푇2 either brings in a block from DRAM or serves a block from HBM to its core. Recall that 푇2 Sequence 푇2 is a concatenation of 푛 rounds. Each round consists has 푛 rounds. The first phase of each round takes (2퐵 + 2) steps of two consecutive phases. In the first phase of a round, 푇2 requests the same block for (2퐵 + 1) times. In second phase, it requests 2퐵 because in the first step it brings a block from DRAM and serves ( + ) distinct blocks. Thus, each round is of length (4퐵 + 1) and requests the same block for 2퐵 1 steps. In the second phase, 푇2 fetches 2퐵 distinct blocks in every alternating step of 4퐵 time steps. Hence, (2퐵 + 1) distinct blocks. Let 푥푖 = (2퐵 + 1)푖 where 0 ≤ 푖 < 푛. Then, each round takes 6퐵 + 2 steps. All 푛 rounds are finished in 6푛퐵 + 2푛 steps. Since 푇2 starts executing at the second time step, it finishes 2퐵+1 2퐵 execution in time 6푛퐵 + 2푛 + 1 (Figure 4). □ z }| { z }| { 푇2 =푑1,푑1, . . . ,푑1,푑2,푑3, . . . 푑2퐵+1,..., Let S be a schedule that has makespan (6푛퐵 + 2푛 + 1). The | {z } schedule of 푇1 and 푇2 are fixed. Except for the first time step, core Round 1 2퐵+1 2퐵 푇2 is either fetching a block from DRAM or serving a block from z }| { z }| { HBM to the core. We say that when 푇2 finishes round 푖, schedule 푑 + ,푑 + , . . . ,푑 + ,푑 + ,푑 + , . . . ,푑 ,... 푥푖 1 푥푖 1 푥푖 1 푥푖 2 푥푖 3 푥푖 +2퐵+1 S finishes round 푖. When 푇2 finishes the first phase of round 푖, | {z } schedule S finishes the first phase of round 푖 and similarly for Round 푖 phase 2 of round 푖. There are (3푛 + 2) cores and the HBM size is (퐵 + 2). Sequence Observation 4. The auxiliary cores 푇1 and 푇2 always occupy one 푇1 and 푇2 have (3푛퐵 + 푛) and (2푛퐵 + 푛) distinct block requests respectively. Sequence 푅1, 푅2, . . . , 푅3푛 together have 푛퐵 distinct block each in HBM. block requests. The total number of distinct blocks is (6푛퐵 + 2푛). Observation 5. Let S be a schedule that has makespan (6푛퐵+2푛+1). Then the first phase of each round of S has 퐵 time steps when the Theorem 3. An instance of 3-partition has a solution if and only DRAM-HBM channel is used by neither 푇1 nor 푇2. if the derived makespan-minimization problem has a makespan of (6푛퐵 + 2푛 + 1). Lemma 16. Let S be a schedule that has makespan (6푛퐵 + 2푛 + 1). Then no core besides 푇1 and 푇2 runs in two rounds of S. Before proving Theorem 3, we first show some properties of any schedule of the derived makespan-minimization problem instance Proof. We prove this by contradiction. Let core 푝 run in rounds that has a makespan of 6푛퐵 + 2푛 + 1. 푖 and 푗. Core 푝 can fetch blocks only during the first phase of round 푖. Since it continues to round 푗, it could not fetch all its blocks in the Lemma 14. Suppose that there is a schedule S with makespan 6푛퐵 + first phase. Otherwise, it could have finished its round-robin phase 2푛 + 1. Then S fetches a block from DRAM to HBM in every time step in the second phase of round 푖. That means some of the blocks that except the last one. are fetched in round 푖, will be used in round 푗 in the round-robin Figure 4: Each box represents a time step. Boxes with labels 푻1 and 푻2 denote that cores 푻1 and 푻2 fetch a block from DRAM respectively. A box without any label denotes that one of the 3풏 cores fetches a block from DRAM. The first phase has 푩 boxes without labels. Each box in the second phase is labelled by either 푻1 or 푻2. phase. From Observation 3, we know that once a block is fetched, 7 PERFORMANCE METRIC IN HBM MODEL it can not be kicked out unless it is not requested later. This implies In this section we show that minimizing a traditional scheduling that some blocks in HBM must be held for core 푝 in round 푗. performance metric like makespan is better for the HBM model There are 퐵 free time slots in round 푗 and the HBM has 퐵 blocks than minimizing the number of HBM misses. In particular we show left for cores other than 푇1 and 푇2. If some block is already occupied there exist request sequences where any policy that minimizes the by some core at round 푗, then at least one time slot cannot bring in a number of HBM misses can have arbitrarily bad running time. We block during the first phase of round 푗. This contradicts Lemma 14. prove the following theorem. □ Theorem 4. There exist 푝 request sequences such that any pol- Lemma 17. Let S be a schedule that has makespan (6푛퐵 + 2푛 + 1). icy that minimizes the number of HBM misses when serving the se- Then exactly three cores besides 푇1 and 푇2 can run in a round of S. quences has a makespan that is a Θ(푝) factor larger than the optimal makespan. Proof. No core besides 푇1 and 푇2 runs in two rounds. The core associated with integer 푎푖 accesses 푎푖 distinct blocks, so during the Proof. There are 푝 cores and the HBM has size 푘. The request 푖 round where that core runs, it must read in 푎푖 blocks during the 퐵 sequence 푅 for core 푝푖 has length 푛 + 2푘 and uses 푘 distinct blocks. time slots when neither thread 푇1 nor thread 푇2 are accessing the The first 푛 requests are 푛푝/푘 round-robin repetitions of 푘/푝 blocks. DRAM. Since 퐵/4 < 푎푖 < 퐵/2 for all 푎푖 , at most three cores can Then there are two round-robin repetitions of all 푘 blocks. We call share a round. Since there are 3푛 cores associated with integers the last two length-푘 subsequences large passes. 푎푖 and only 푛 blocks, then at least three blocks must run in any round. □ 푛 2푘 z }| { z }| { 푅푖 = 푥푖 , 푥푖 , . . . 푥푖 , . . . 푥푖 , 푥푖 , . . . 푥푖 , 푥푖 , 푥푖 , . . . 푥푖 , 푥푖 , 푥푖 , . . . 푥푖 . Proof of Theorem 3. Suppose that there is a solution to the 3- 1 2 푘/푝 1 2 푘/푝 1 2 푘 1 2 푘 partition instance. The solution is a partition of 3푛 integers into 푛 | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } 푘 / 푝 푘 / 푝 푘 푘 disjoint sets such that the sum of the integers in each set is 퐵. We create a schedule of the derived makespan-minimization problem Because each core requests exactly 푘 blocks in total, which ex- instance using the solution of the 3-partition instance. We schedule actly fills the size-k HBM, the fewest possible HBM missesis 푘푝. 푇1 and 푇2 as shown in Figure 4. There are 푛 rounds in the schedule. This is achievable, for example, by running the request sequence for The first phase in each round has 퐵 time-steps when neither 푇1 nor each core serially. Thus any policy that minimizes the HBM misses 푇2 use the HBM-DRAM channel. If the first set in the solution of cannot evict a block once it is fetched from DRAM to HBM until 3-partition has integers 푎푖, 푎푗 and 푎푘 , we schedule core 푝푖, 푝 푗 and its last reference is executed. Otherwise, there are at least 푘푝 + 1 푝푘 in the first round. Recall that 푝푖 has 푎푖 distinct blocks. These HBM misses, which is not optimal. three cores fetch a total of 퐵 blocks in the first phase of the first The makespan of a single thread (i.e. when 푝 = 1) is 푛 + 3푘. round and they execute the remaining round-robin accesses to Serving the first 푘/푝 requests requires two time steps per element: these blocks by the end of the second phase of the round. The one to bring the block in from DRAM and another to serve it from second phase has length 4퐵 and the length of the request sequence HBM to the core. The next 푛 requests are HBM hits, so require one of each core representing 푎푖 is at most 4퐵. Hence, 푝푖 , 푝 푗 and 푝푘 step each. These are the last 푛 − 푘/푝 requests in the first part of the finish their execution in the second phase. Similarly, for each setin sequence and the first 푘/푝 requests in the first large pass. Serving the 3-partition solution, we schedule the cores accordingly. As the the remaining 푘 − 푘/푝 blocks in the first large pass requires two 푛 rounds finish in time 6푛퐵 + 2푛 + 1, we have the target makespan. ticks each, and the final large pass requires 푘 time steps. In all that Now suppose that there is a makespan of (6푛퐵 + 2푛 + 1). Then is 2푘/푝 + 푛 + 2(푘 − 푘/푝) + 푘 = 푛 + 3푘. from lemma 17, exactly three cores can run in a round. This gives The last time each block is accessed by its core is during the last a mapping from 3푛 cores to 푛 rounds. As three cores are running large pass. For a minimum-miss execution, if the threads execute in in a round and total free slots (also total number of distinct blocks order, cores 푝푖 and 푝푖+1 can overlap for at most 푘 time steps. Core 푖 in these three cores) are 퐵, this gives a 3-partition solution. Hence, 푝푖+1 can bring in its first block when 푥1 is accessed for the last time minimize-makespan is strongly NP-hard. □ at the start of the last large pass for 푅푖 . In general the execution of 푅푖 can overlap at most 푘 with both 푅푖−1 and 푅푖+1. So each sequence Our model of HBM necessarily makes some simplifying assump- overlaps for 2푘 timeslots, except the first and last, which overlap tions — in particular, we assume that the HBM channel ratio — the for only 푘 time slots. Let MinimumMisses represent any policy that ratio of the number of near channels to the number of far channels minimizes the number of HBM misses. Then we have. — is 푝, the number of cores. This gives a clean first model for an- alyzing the effect of uneven bandwidth. The actual HBM channel 푇 (MinimizeMisses) ≥ 푝(푛 + 푘) + 2푘. ratio, on today’s architectures [26, 46, 47], is smaller (e.g. roughly There is a feasible policy that runs faster for sufficiently large 푛. 5 in the Intel Knights Landing). We argue that our model is still It brings the first 푘/푝 blocks for each thread into the HBM. Because asymptotically realistic since the true cache hierarchy bundled with threads can interleave, this requires time at most 푘. Then it can HBM increases the effective channel ratio. In real computations execute all 푝 threads in parallel for their first 푛 block requests with such as the sorting algorithms of [20], the ratio of the number of no HBM misses. The last two rounds for each core are almost serial- accesses to bundled HBM (true cache plus HBM), is indeed roughly ized. Each core requires 2푘 time to bring in its 푘 blocks, interleaved 푝 times the number of DRAM accesses. Furthermore, HBM channel with reading the blocks the first time. There is one more time step ratio is likely to increase in the near future [43]. to reread the first block before the next core can start bringing in There are a number of relevant theoretical and practical ques- its blocks. Thus each core controls the DRAM channel for 2푘 + 1 tions we leave for future work. For instance, we would like to time steps, and there are 푘 steps at the end for the last sequence to understand the practical impact of this work. Motivated by the finish. This is a loose analysis, since threads can start executing the discussion of the work by Butcher et al. [20] in Section 1.2, suppose first round robins as soon as their blocks are in and the first core that an HBM manufacturer like Intel had known about prioritized can start bringing in the rest of its first large pass as other threads far-channel arbitration when they were creating the relevant sys- are finishing their first round robins. Still we have an upper bound tem software. Might a differently-designed cache mode have given on the time to execute this strategy: (for example) GNU::parallel a speedup of 1.5X over what it gets now? From the algorithm design perspective, we can ask the fol- 푇 (OPT) ≤ 2푘 + 푛 + 푝(2푘 + 1). lowing questions: (1) Is there a solution to the makespan problem when the request sequences are not disjoint. (2) Relatedly, we cur- Setting 푛 = 푝(2푘 + 1) suffices to show rently consider the 푝 cores to be running their own independent 푝 푇 (MinimizeMisses) ≥ 푇 (OPT). sequential jobs; what if the cores were running one (or more) par- 2 allel job(s)? (3) What kind of far-channel arbitration policy works ( ) Hence, the makespan of MinimizeMisses is a Θ 푝 -factor larger with other block replacement policies, for instance, direct-mapped than the optimal makespan. cache? (4) What if we made our model more general where the □ far channel bandwidth was asymptotically larger than 1, but still 푝 Acknowledgments asymptotically smaller than ? This research was supported in part by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development program at Sandia National Laborato- ries, a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. De- partment of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. This research was also supported by NSF grants CCF-1725543, CSR-1763680, CCF-1716252, CCF-1617618, CNS-1938709, CCF- 1439084, CCF-1733873, CCF-1527692,CCF-1824303, CCF-1845146, and CMMI-1938909, as well as by a Google Research Award, an Infor Research Award, and a Carnegie Bosch Junior Faculty Chair. We thank Si Hammond and Gwen Voskuilen from Sandia Na- tional Laboratories for sharing their computer architecture exper- tise. 8 DISCUSSION/FUTURE WORK In this paper, we present the first theoretical discussion of automatic algorithms to manage high-bandwidth memory by (1) presenting a simple theoretical model for such memories; (2) arguing that the obvious cost metric of minimizing HBM misses is misleading; (3) showing that the far-channel arbitration policy is the key piece of using HBM efficiently and that the obvious FCFS policy does not work; and (4) designing simple but counterintuitive constant- competitive algorithms for HBM management. REFERENCES on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, pages 351–362, 2017. [1] High-performance on-package memory, January 2015. [24] R. Das, S.-Y. Tsai, S. Duppala, J. Lynch, E. M. Arkin, R. Chowdhury, J. S. Mitchell, products/hybrid-memory-cube/high-performance-on-package-memory. and S. Skiena. 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