Faculty and Student Council Elections

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Faculty and Student Council Elections ted parity but it Is Rex con­ :he dean of graduate studies. sIdered the students' right). Principal Archer claimed On Nov. 16 about 200 stu­ throughout that the University Regina occupation ends dents occupied the dean's or­ Act blocked any blanket gua­ flce and Nov. 20 the occupa­ rantee of parity, but he also tion spread [0 the orrtce of opposed the concept itself. REGINA (CUP) - Students chewan happens to IJe the for­ one-third students. one-third at the University of Saskat­ mer vice-principal of the Re­ faculty, and one-third mem­ chewan Regina campus have gina campus. bers of the outside communi­ suspended their occup'ltion of ty. 1 he communit)' members OFS endorses tWO administration oruces for The students responded by must be acceptable to the 'itu­ at least ')ne week ""hUe a ne­ passing a rIve-polm motion dent and facuhy representa­ gotiating comminec takes up establishing the conditions un­ tives. an offer to work for parhy der which the occupation would fee strike "within the system". end. Student s plan to march on the Saskatchewan I~glslature The plenary session of the Tuesday to support an OF';I The decision was made at The polms are: Ontario Federation ofStudent8 FCO fee strike. a gener.,l meeting last week and present their demands for - to accept the report of the changes In the University Act that was held Saturday, No­ Eric Mlglin, president of a[[ended by more than 800 student negmlatlng commlncc vember 25 saw a realignment U of T SAC. Ross MacGresor sWdents. to premier Allan Blakeney. on dlscUBsions with the ad­ The demands are almost i­ of forces within the organiza­ (UWO), Yvon Lachappelle Regina campus principal mlnlstra[ion and (acuity about dentical to a resolution pas­ tion. On earlier occasions, (Laurentian) and Susan Gea­ John Archer addressed the parity. sed by this year's Saskat­ particularly at the Waterloo $on (APUS) resigned from the meeting and asked studems - to suspend the occupation chewan New DemOC[ltic Par­ meetlng, the executive of the executive and were r pla.... ed to call off the occupation. In of tWO admlnlstT8[1on orrlces ty convention held last Federation had expressed a by Marilyn Burnett (Glendon), Shane Roberts (Waterloo), reWTn he would suppon a re­ chat began Nov. 16 weekend. wtllingnes8 to compromise view of the naWTe and level - to make clear to.Archerthlt earlier demand while the ple­ John Theobald (York) and Jack of student participation on the students are not prepared to nary sessions maintained that Kusnier (L akehead). unJvershy's decision-making negoclate the right to parIty The resolutton calls for au­ there was a need for a more met Sunday morning and map­ bodies "with a view to ensur­ but only the Implementation tonomy for each campus at U forceful position. The conser­ ped out a timetable for the or Sand anew governlngstruc­ Ing that studems have opponu­ of It. vative elements on the execu­ ~~ri~~e~::r 2~e:~ Gr:~~ nhy to make their full con­ - that falure to recognIze ture with one-third represen­ tive resigned Saturday rather ";11:1 trlbutlon". he said. thai demand will result In utlon on all university gover­ than attempt to lead a fight don to c!scuss the progress further drastic actions. ning bodies for students, fa­ they believed was hopeless to of the strike. A poster ls be­ ", would welcome and urge - that the negotiating com­ culty and community mem­ win. In designed for distribution a review of the University Act mittee report to a general ber8. People like ROS8 MacGr~­ as Is I newspaper to explain and I am prepared to discuss meeting of students wlthm one gar and Eric Miglin believed the OFS position. proposed changes wUh facu1[y week. The Regina campus OCCUpa­ thlt the 'fee strike· should Although there was the re­ lind students, and to take steps tion began one week after the be symbolic because there alignment of the executive. to arrange a meeting with the The negOtiating committee dean of the faculty at arts and was no possible way such an it Is still not clear whether minister 0( educaUon and hl8 Is composed of six students science vetoed a motion pas­ actton was going to move the such divergent member as­ ~~~~,t)' A";~~~:e:a~~. pursue this - three from social science, sed by the divisIon of social governmcm from their pre­ sociations as Queens and twO from education, and one sciences, which would have sent poshlon. Windsor. Western and Water­ But Archer would not give trom administration. guaranteed staff-student pa­ Representatives 01 member loo or U of T and Glendon can even vert'll1 support to the rity In all eight socilisclence associations at the meeting join together Into a Viable students' demands and did not Another committee will be departments. The dean claim­ last weekend disagreed and righting organization. The established to eXlmlne chan­ ed only a department chair­ voted for a full ft'e strike proposed FebrulTY meeting ~::::~:i~~.~e meantby"fuU ging the University Act to pro­ man could chpnge the com­ before It was recalled for of OFS/FEO to discuss the vide more student,' faculty and position of a department go­ re-cOllRideration - Glendon progrefls of the fee strike The depUty minister of con­ community control. The com­ verning body. (51. 01 the de­ sl.pported the motion as the wtll provide ample evlt.l\.nc(' tinuing educatJon In Saskat- mtnce will be composed of partments already have gran- executive council VOted Ibst to that effect. 2 PRO TEM November 29: 1972 Library thefts cause inconvenience the Frost Library stock, bl:t by GREG COCKBURN as most students will frus­ tratingly admit, it seems ap­ The Glendon College library parent the number Is alarm­ much in the same vein as the Ingly high. bookstore, Is currently faced The library sraff. as libra­ with the problem of dealln2 rian Toni 01shen admitted, with a high theft rate of books are well aware of the number records and Cassette tapes of students who are not able from Its racks. Not that thefl to locate the research ma­ is a new phenomenon confron­ terial they need. Yet there ting the library staff. How­ is little whIch can actually be ever, it has bt:come quIte ap· done to resoh'e this problem, parent that during the essay especially in light oftheenor­ season at Clendon a good num­ mous budgtH cuts which a"e ber of students are becoming being applied throughout the increasingly annoyed at not whole campus. being able to find adequate One practical suggestion research material for pro­ would be the hiring of a full jects and essays. time security guard to check For the most part the mis­ the handbags, purses and sing research material and knapsacks of all people lea­ books are registered on the ving the libra ry. It is quite Ubrary call cards, which In­ difficult for the staff behind dicates that the book is on the the counter to do so ;Ince standard borrowing rack:;, In they are usually occupied with the reserve orspecial reSE::ve many of the other aspects of section or are currently lent library operations. However. OUt to someone. If the book the hiring of such a guard or article has been lent OUt would add at least another this can be verified by check­ two hundred dollars a weE'k room's fine musical selec: a student requires for the pri­ as was recently Incorporated ing the dany records of bor­ to the al~dyseverelystrain­ tions on their own stereos vilege of borrowing a bock by the bookstore, browsing rowed and returned books. If ed library budget, making such r<lther than allowing for ev­ Is a York Identification card. will be eliminated. the reqUired book Is nor thus a move virtually impossible. eryone to enjoy them onthe St.-rowing time Is anywhere registered, then the odds are At diffe:-enl tl:nes over the equipment already pro"~de<1 from two hours for reserve that the book has been mis­ last few year:. the library has for by the library. material to three weeks for Fortunately the library staff placed by a sraff member or attempted to use the locked However, the matn question stack books. possesses a trust for the stu­ has been removed from the turnsttle near the main desk which arIses from this is why An Interesting aspect to dent body, as such a plan or library HlegalI)'. as a preventive method for are some students actually this is that there are very defense Is not about to be en­ security. yet tr.1 s has proven stealing from the library? few incidents of reserve ar­ aCted. However, It is hoped Since the regular library to be inconvenient and only In the c.Jse of the records ticles or books missing. This that more stringent securit)' staff are all trained librarians creates line-ups and Inade­ and cassettes It Is somewhat Is due to the fact that these methods will be enacted to and the part time staff possess quacies near the main desk. e2sler to understand. since are closely watched by the safeguard the books and re­ basic administrative training The shortage of staff has thus most people do enjoy collect­ library staff, whereas there cords which all students have in library functions, i: is high­ left the library an easy vic­ ing music and some will re­ is free access to the stacks a right to make use of. Also. ly unlikely that any noticeable tim for those precocIous pre,· sort to any methods of addIng which has resulted in the high steps should be taken to en­ amount of books are m splaced dators of the library's dwin­ to their personal collections.
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